예제 #1
파일: test_ir.py 프로젝트: zsoltc89/numba
            def foo(a, b, c=12, d=1j, e=None):
                f = a + b
                a += _FREEVAR
                g = np.zeros(c, dtype=np.complex64)
                h = f + g
                i = 1j / d
                if np.abs(i) > 0:
                    k = h / i
                    l = np.arange(1, c + 1)
                    with objmode():
                        print(e, k)
                    m = np.sqrt(l - g)
                    if np.abs(m[0]) < 1:
                        n = 0
                        for o in range(a):
                            n += 0
                            if np.abs(n) < 3:
                        n += m[2]
                    p = g / l
                    q = []
                    for r in range(len(p)):
                        if r > 4 + 1:
                            with objmode(s='intp', t='complex128'):
                                s = 123
                                t = 5
                            if s > 122:
                                t += s
                        t += q[0] + _GLOBAL

                return f + o + r + t + r + a + n
예제 #2
 def do_scale(X, maxv, nthr):
     with numba.objmode(t0='f8'):
         t0 = time.time()
     #nthr = numba.get_num_threads()
     s = np.zeros((nthr, X.shape[1]))
     ss = np.zeros((nthr, X.shape[1]))
     mean = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
     std = np.zeros(X.shape[1])
     n = X.shape[0]
     for i in numba.prange(nthr):
         for r in range(i, n, nthr):
             for c in range(X.shape[1]):
                 v = X[r, c]
                 s[i, c] += v
                 ss[i, c] += v * v
     for c in numba.prange(X.shape[1]):
         s0 = s[:, c].sum()
         mean[c] = s0 / n
         std[c] = np.sqrt((ss[:, c].sum() - s0 * s0 / n) / (n - 1))
     with numba.objmode():
         print("finshed getting means, stddev", time.time() - t0)
     for (r, c) in numba.pndindex(X.shape):
         v = (X[r, c] - mean[c]) / std[c]
         X[r, c] = maxv if v > maxv else v
     with numba.objmode():
         print("finshed scaling values", time.time() - t0)
예제 #3
def issue_7356():
    with numba.objmode(before="intp"):
        DynClass.a = 100
        before = DynClass.a
    with numba.objmode(after="intp"):
        after = DynClass.a
    return before, after
예제 #4
def sqeqp_calculate(set_of_molecules, params, num_ats_types):
    multiplied_widths = np.empty((num_ats_types * 4, num_ats_types * 4),
    for x in range(num_ats_types):
        for y in range(num_ats_types):
            multiplied_widths[x * 4][y *
                                     4] = np.sqrt(2 * params[x * 4 + 2]**2 +
                                                  2 * params[y * 4 + 2]**2)
    results = np.empty(set_of_molecules.num_of_ats, dtype=np.float64)
    index = 0
    for molecule in set_of_molecules.mols:
        with objmode(time1='f8'):
            time1 = time.perf_counter()
        num_of_at = molecule.num_of_ats
        new_index = index + num_of_at
        T = np.zeros((len(molecule.bonds), num_of_at))
        bonds = molecule.bonds
        for i in range(len(bonds)):
            at1, at2, _ = bonds[i]
            T[i, at1] += 1
            T[i, at2] -= 1
        matrix = np.zeros((num_of_at, num_of_at))
        vector = np.zeros(num_of_at)
        list_of_q0 = np.empty(num_of_at, dtype=np.float64)
        list_of_hardness = np.empty(num_of_at, dtype=np.float64)
        for i, par_index_i in enumerate(molecule.ats_ids):
            matrix[i, i] = params[par_index_i + 1]
            list_of_hardness[i] = params[par_index_i + 1]
            vector[i] = -params[par_index_i]
            list_of_q0[i] = params[par_index_i + 3]
            for j, (par_index_j, distance) in enumerate(
                    zip(molecule.ats_ids[i + 1:],
                        molecule.distance_matrix[i, i + 1:]), i + 1):
                d0 = multiplied_widths[par_index_i, par_index_j]

                matrix[i, j] = matrix[j, i] = erf(distance / d0) / distance

        list_of_q0 -= (np.sum(list_of_q0) -
                       molecule.total_chg) / len(list_of_q0)
        vector -= np.dot(matrix, list_of_q0)
        vector += list_of_hardness * list_of_q0
        A_sqe = np.dot(T, np.dot(matrix, T.T))
        B_sqe = np.dot(T, vector)
        for i, bond_params_index in enumerate(molecule.bonds_ids):
            A_sqe[i, i] += params[bond_params_index]
        results[index:new_index] = np.dot(np.linalg.solve(A_sqe, B_sqe),
                                          T) + list_of_q0
        index = new_index
        with objmode():
            print('name:{}  noa:{} time:{}'.format(
                molecule.name, molecule.num_of_ats,
                time.perf_counter() - time1))
    return results
예제 #5
def _fast_copy3(data, dataA, indices, indicesA, starts, ends, k, m):
    for i in numba.prange(k):
        for _ in range(m):
            with numba.objmode():
            length = ends[i] - starts[i]
            data[starts[i]:ends[i]] = dataA[i * 1024 * 1024:i * 1024 * 1024 +
            indices[starts[i]:ends[i]] = indicesA[i * 1024 *
                                                  1024:i * 1024 * 1024 +
            with numba.objmode():
예제 #6
파일: SeqModel.py 프로젝트: bkrosenz/ipcoal
def jevolve_branch_probs(brlenQ):
    jitted wrapper to allow scipy call within numba loop
    with objmode(probs='float64[:,:]'):
        probs = expm(brlenQ)
    return probs
예제 #7
def unique_arrays(X):
    inds = np.zeros((X.shape[0], ), dtype=np.int64)
    with objmode(inds='i8[:]'):
        inds += argsort_arrays(X)
    u = _unique_arrays(X[inds])
    return u
예제 #8
 def objmode_func():
     Wrapper to call py_func from objmode. This tests
     large kws with objmode. If the definition for the
     call is not properly updated this test will fail.
     with objmode(
         (a, b, c, d, e, f, g, h, i, j, k, l, m, n, o, p) = py_func()
     return (a + b + c + d + e + f + g + h + i + j + k + l + m + n + o +
예제 #9
 def moderror():
     with objmode(v1=types.intp, v2=types.THIS_DOES_NOT_EXIST,
         v1 = 12.3
         v2 = 12.3
         v3 = 12.3
     return val
예제 #10
파일: nndescent.py 프로젝트: quinnhj/umap
def nn_descent_internal_high_memory(
    n_vertices = data.shape[0]

    for n in range(n_iters):
        with numba.objmode():
            # Call into object mode to temporarily sleep (and thus release GIL)
            logging.info("(obj mode) high mem nn descent iter.")

        if verbose:
            print("\t", n, " / ", n_iters)

        (new_candidate_neighbors, old_candidate_neighbors) = new_build_candidates(
            current_graph, n_vertices, n_neighbors, max_candidates, rng_state, rho

        c = 0
        for i in range(n_vertices):
            for j in range(max_candidates):
                p = int(new_candidate_neighbors[0, i, j])
                if p < 0:
                for k in range(j, max_candidates):
                    q = int(new_candidate_neighbors[0, i, k])
                    if q < 0 or (p, q) in tried:

                    d = dist(data[p], data[q])
                    c += unchecked_heap_push(current_graph, p, d, q, 1)
                    tried.add((p, q))
                    if p != q:
                        c += unchecked_heap_push(current_graph, q, d, p, 1)
                        tried.add((q, p))

                for k in range(max_candidates):
                    q = int(old_candidate_neighbors[0, i, k])
                    if q < 0 or (p, q) in tried:

                    d = dist(data[p], data[q])
                    c += unchecked_heap_push(current_graph, p, d, q, 1)
                    tried.add((p, q))
                    if p != q:
                        c += unchecked_heap_push(current_graph, q, d, p, 1)
                        tried.add((q, p))

        if c <= delta * n_neighbors * data.shape[0]:
예제 #11
 def evolution_rate(state_data: np.ndarray,
                    t: float = 0) -> np.ndarray:
     out = np.empty(data_shape)
     with nb.objmode():
         data_tpl = get_data_tuple(state_data)
         wrap(data_tpl, t, out)
     return out
예제 #12
def find_nu(bleps, leptons, met, nu_array):
    for idx in range(bleps.shape[0]):
            # blep doesn't exist for this event
        if (bleps[idx, 3] == -999): continue
            ## run NS to get nschi2 to be used solver
        with objmode():
            pynusolver.run_nu_solver(leptons[idx], bleps[idx], met[idx], nu_array[idx]) # input order for nusolver is (lepton, jet, met, nu)

    return nu_array
예제 #13
 def foo():
     # t1 is a string
     # t2 is a global type
     # t3 is a non-local/freevar
     with objmode(t1="float64", t2=gv_type, t3=array_ty):
         t1 = 793856.5
         t2 = t1  # to observe truncation
         t3 = np.arange(5).astype(np.int32)
     return t1, t2, t3
예제 #14
파일: eks.py 프로젝트: RaymondSuTMY/kal-cal
def numpy_algorithm(m: np.ndarray, P: np.ndarray, Q: np.ndarray):

    # State dimensions
    n_time = m.shape[0]

    # Original State Shape
    gains_shape = m.shape[1:]

    # Smooth State Vectors
    ms = np.zeros_like(m)

    # Smooth Covariance matrices
    Ps = np.zeros_like(P)
    G_values = np.zeros_like(P)

    # Set Initial Smooth Values
    ms[-1] = m[-1]
    Ps[-1] = P[-1]

    # Run Extended Kalman Smoother with
    # Numpy matrices
    head = "==> Extended Kalman Smoother (NUMPY|JIT): "
    for k in range(-2, -(n_time + 1), -1):

        # Progress Bar in object-mode
        with objmode():
            bar_len = 100
            total = n_time - 1
            filled_len = int(round(bar_len * (-k - 1) / float(n_time - 1)))
            bar = u"\u2588" * filled_len + ' '\
                    * (bar_len - filled_len)
            print("\r%s%d%%|%s| %d/%d" %
                  (head, (-k - 1) / total * 100, bar, -k - 1, total),

        # Predict Step
        mp = gains_vector(m[k])
        Pt = P[k].astype(np.complex128)
        Pp = Pt + Q

        # Smooth Step
        Pinv = np.linalg.inv(Pp).astype(np.complex128)
        G = Pt @ Pinv

        # Record Posterior Smooth Values
        e = gains_vector(ms[k + 1]) - mp
        E = (Ps[k + 1] - Pp).astype(np.complex128)
        ms[k] = gains_reshape(mp + G @ e, gains_shape)
        Ps[k] = np.diag(np.diag(Pt + G @ E @ G.T).real)

        G_values[k] = G.real

    # Newline

    # Return Posterior smooth states and covariances
    return ms, Ps, G_values
예제 #15
def warn(msg, file, context=None, return_value=None):
    with numba.objmode():
        print(msg, file=sys.stderr)
        print("\tfile:", file, file=sys.stderr)
        if context is not None:
            print("\tcontext:", file=sys.stderr)
            for var in context:
                print("\t\t", var, file=sys.stderr)
    return return_value
예제 #16
 def solve(a, b):
     with numba.objmode(ret=ret_sig):
         ret = scipy.linalg.solve_triangular(
             # check_finite=check_finite
     return ret
예제 #17
def _chunk_to_polar_njit(
    polar_chunk = np.empty(
        (images.shape[0], images.shape[1], pimage_shape[0], pimage_shape[1]),
    # somewhat ugly solution because numba does not accept array of None
    if direct_beam_positions is not None:
        for idx in prange(images.shape[0]):
            for idy in prange(images.shape[1]):
                image = images[idx, idy]
                with objmode(polar_image="float64[:,:]"):
                    dbp = direct_beam_positions[idx, idy]
                    polar_image = image_to_polar(
                polar_chunk[idx, idy] = polar_image
        for idx in prange(images.shape[0]):
            for idy in prange(images.shape[1]):
                image = images[idx, idy]
                with objmode(polar_image="float64[:,:]"):
                    polar_image = image_to_polar(
                polar_chunk[idx, idy] = polar_image
    return polar_chunk
예제 #18
def numba_loop(fx, fy, fx_coord, fy_coord, xs, ys, pixelsize, force_shift,
               out_put_shape, h, E, sigma, u_out, v_out):

    for i, (f_x, f_y, x, y) in enumerate(zip(fx, fy, fx_coord, fy_coord)):
        dist_x = xs - x
        dist_y = ys - y

        # greens tensor, As are central elements of the tensor
        # makeing sure coordinates are shifted and distance is never exactly zero ... (maybe just exlude zero????)
        for i in range(dist_x.shape[0]):
            for j in range(dist_x.shape[1]):
                if dist_x[i, j] == 0:
                    dist_x[i, j] += force_shift

        for i in range(dist_y.shape[0]):
            for j in range(dist_y.shape[1]):
                if dist_y[i, j] == 0:
                    dist_y[i, j] += force_shift

        dist_x = dist_x * pixelsize
        dist_y = dist_y * pixelsize

        r = np.sqrt(dist_x**2 + dist_y**2)

        ### elements of the greens tensor
        # Usefull parts // this is just an approximation
        # /also only for sigma=0.49
        s = r / h
        mu = E / (2 * (1 + sigma))
        A1 = ((2 - sigma) /
              (4 * np.pi * mu * h * s)) * (0.12 * np.exp(-0.43 * s) +
                                           0.88 * np.exp(-0.83 * s))
        A2 = -(sigma /
               (4 * np.pi * mu * h * s)) * (1 + 1.22 * s + 1.31 *
                                            (s**2.23)) * np.exp(-1.25 * s)
        # A3_b = ((1-2*sigma)/(4*np.pi*mu*h*s))
        # A3 = -0.063 * ((np.exp(-0.44 * s) - np.exp(-2.79 * s)) ** 2)#*A3_b
        # A4 = ((2 * (1 - sigma)) / (4 * np.pi * mu * h * s)) * (1 + 0.46 * s - 2.50 * (s ** 2.13)) * np.exp(-2.18 * s)

        # components of the greens tensor
        K1 = A1 - ((dist_x**2 - dist_y**2) / (r**2)) * A2
        K2 = -(2 * dist_x * dist_y / (r**2)) * A2
        # K3 = -(dist_x / r) * A3
        K4 = -(2 * dist_x * dist_y / (r**2)) * A2  # is K2
        K5 = A1 + ((dist_x**2 - dist_y**2) / (r**2)) * A2

        def_u = f_x * K1 + f_y * K2
        def_v = f_x * K4 + f_y * K5
        u_out += def_u
        v_out += def_v
        # show_quiver(def_u,def_v)
        with objmode():
            if i % 100 == 0:
                print("###", i)

    return u_out, v_out
예제 #19
 def perform(*inputs):
     with numba.objmode(ret=ret_sig):
         outputs = [[None] for i in range(n_outputs)]
         op.perform(node, inputs, outputs)
         outputs = tuple([o[0] for o in outputs])
         if n_outputs == 1:
             ret = outputs[0]
             ret = outputs
     return ret
예제 #20
 def test_objmode():
     x = np.arange(5)
     y = np.zeros_like(x)
         with objmode(y='intp[:]'):  # annotate return type
             # this region is executed by object-mode.
             y += bar(x)
     except Exception:
     return y
def render(image, camera, details, start_time, thread_id=0):
    mempool = jit_core.MemoryPool(NUM_SAMPLES)
    row_step = CPU_COUNT
    row_start = thread_id

    for j in range(row_start, camera.height, row_step):
        for i in range(camera.width):
            jj = camera.height - 1 - j
            ii = camera.width - 1 - i

            for sx in range(SUPERSAMPLING):
                for sy in range(SUPERSAMPLING):

                    # compute shade
                    c = np.zeros(3)
                    for _ in range(NUM_SAMPLES):
                        mempool.result[0:3] = 0.0
                        camera.get_ray(i, j, sx, sy, mempool)
                        start_trace(details, mempool)
                        mempool.result /= NUM_SAMPLES
                        c += mempool.result
                    c /= (SUPERSAMPLING * SUPERSAMPLING)
                    image[jj, ii] += c

            gamma_correction(image[jj, ii])

        with numba.objmode():
            p = (j + 1) / camera.height
            print('. completed : %.2f' % (p * 100.0), ' %')
            if time.time() != start_time:
                t = time.time() - start_time
                estimated_time_left = (1.0 - p) / p * t
                print('    estimated time left: %.2f sec (threadId %d)' %
                      (estimated_time_left, thread_id))

    with numba.objmode():
        print('Total intersections : %d (threadId %d)' %
              (mempool.total_intersection, thread_id))

    return mempool.total_intersection
예제 #22
 def monopole_data(r, n, domain_index, result):
     with numba.objmode():
         result[0] = 0
         for i in range(len(self.q)):
             pos = np.linalg.norm(r - self.r0[i])
             val = self.q[i] * np.exp(
                 1j * k * pos) / (4 * np.pi * pos)
             result[0] += -(
                 1j * self.mu[domain_index][fi] * k * val - val /
                 (pos * pos) *
                 (1j * k * pos - 1) * np.dot(r - self.r0[i], n))
예제 #23
def beam_search(beam: Beam, conflicts: np.ndarray):
  """ Grows the search tree using beam """
  for level in range(1, beam.n):
    if level == 2:
      # Starting counting time after first iteration is done
      # to remove numba compilation time from measurements.
      # The loss in precision is negligble, the first iteration
      # contains only two possible child, so the computing of all children
      # is very cheap.
      # print("Starting time")
      with objmode(time_start='f8'):
        time_start = time.time()
    index_max = compute_all_children(beam, conflicts, level)
    commit_children(beam, index_max)
  with objmode(time_search='f8'):
    time_search = time.time() - time_start
  return time_search
예제 #24
def homomorphic_filter(image, cutoff_freq=10, a=0.75, b=1.0):
    Performs homomorphic filter on image using gaussian high-frequency filter
    Implementation is adapted from https://github.com/glasgio/homomorphic-filter to be optimized with Numba
    :param image: uint8 ndarray to perform homomorphic filter on
    :param cutoff_freq: Cutoff frequency for Gaussian filter
    :param a, b: Floats to use on emphasis filter: H = a + b*H. Eg: a=0.5, b=1.5
    :return: Filtered image

    # Replace values of 0 with the smallest >0 value, since log cannot be applied to 0.
    image.ravel()[image.ravel() == 0] = 1e-5
    # Take the image to log domain
    I_log = np.log1p(image)

    # Take image to frequency domain. Run in Object mode because numba does not support c-compiled np.fft functions.
    with nb.objmode(I_fft='complex128[:,:]'):
        I_fft = np.fft.fft2(I_log)

    # Apply Gaussian Mask
    P = I_fft.shape[0] / 2
    Q = I_fft.shape[1] / 2
    with nb.objmode(U='int32[:,:]', V='int32[:,:]'):
        U, V = np.meshgrid(range(I_fft.shape[0]),
    Duv = (U - P)**2 + (V - Q)**2
    H = np.exp((-Duv / (2 * cutoff_freq**2)))

    # Obtain high-pass filter by taking 1 and subtracting the low pass filter.
    H = 1 - H

    # Apply filter on frequency domain then take the image back to spatial domain
    with nb.objmode(H='float64[:,:]'):
        H = np.fft.fftshift(H)
    I_fft_filt = (a + b * H) * I_fft
    with nb.objmode(I_filt='complex128[:,:]'):
        I_filt = np.fft.ifft2(I_fft_filt)
    I = np.exp(np.real(I_filt)) - 1
    return I
예제 #25
def generate_hash(tour: np.ndarray,
                  module=909090909090909091) -> int:
    """ Вычисления  хеша по туру
    tour: список вершин
    number: чьи степени будем искать
    module: по какому модулю
    return: хеш
    with nb.objmode(h='int64'):
        h = generate_hash_from(rotate_zero(tour), number, module)
    return h
def _get_data(x, dt, a_s, s1, s2, r, normals, observations, true_states):
    for i, a in enumerate(a_s):
        with nb.objmode(x='float32[::1]'):
            F = np.array(
                [[0, 0, 1, 0], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 0, 0, a], [0, 0, -a, 0]],
            x = linalg.expm(F * dt) @ x
        y1 = np.arctan2(x[1] - s1[1], x[0] - s1[0]) + r * normals[i, 0]
        y2 = np.arctan2(x[1] - s2[1], x[0] - s2[0]) + r * normals[i, 1]

        observations[i] = [y1, y2]
        observations[i] = [y1, y2]
        true_states[i] = np.concatenate((x, np.array([a])))
예제 #27
def _compute_bispectrum(k1bins, k2bins, kn, costheta, kcoords, nsamples,
                        sample_thresh, ndim, dim, shape, progress,
                        exclude, error, compute_point, *ffts):
    knyq = max(shape) // 2
    ntheta = costheta.size
    bispec = np.full((ntheta, dim, dim), np.nan+1.j*np.nan, dtype=np.complex128)
    binorm = np.full((ntheta, dim, dim), np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
    counts = np.full((ntheta, dim, dim), np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
    omega = np.zeros((dim, dim), dtype=np.int64)
    stderr = np.full((ntheta, dim, dim), np.nan, dtype=np.float64)
    for i in range(dim):
        k1 = kn[i]
        k1ind = k1bins[i]
        nk1 = k1ind.size
        for j in range(i+1):
            k2 = kn[j]
            if ntheta == 1 and (exclude and k1 + k2 > knyq):
            k2ind = k2bins[j]
            nk2 = k2ind.size
            nsamp = nsamples[i, j]
            nsamp = int(nsamp) if type(nsamp) is np.int64 \
                else max(int(nsamp*nk1*nk2), 1)
            if nsamp < nk1*nk2 or nsamp > sample_thresh:
                samp = np.random.randint(0, nk1*nk2, size=nsamp)
                count = nsamp
                samp = np.arange(nk1*nk2)
                count = nk1*nk2
            bispecbuf = np.zeros(count, dtype=np.complex128)
            binormbuf = np.zeros(count, dtype=np.float64)
            cthetabuf = np.zeros(count, dtype=np.float64) if ntheta > 1 \
                else np.array([0.], dtype=np.float64)
            countbuf = np.zeros(count, dtype=np.float64)
            compute_point(k1ind, k2ind, kcoords, ntheta,
                          nk1, nk2, shape, samp, count,
                          bispecbuf, binormbuf, cthetabuf, countbuf,
            if ntheta == 1:
                _fill_sum(i, j, bispec, binorm, counts, stderr,
                          bispecbuf, binormbuf, countbuf, error)
                binned = np.searchsorted(costheta, cthetabuf)
                _fill_binned_sum(i, j, ntheta, binned, bispec, binorm,
                                 counts, stderr, bispecbuf, binormbuf,
                                 countbuf, error)
            omega[i, j], omega[j, i] = nk1*nk2, nk1*nk2
        if progress:
            with nb.objmode():
                _printProgressBar(i, dim-1)
    return bispec, binorm, omega, counts, stderr
예제 #28
def numba_algorithm(m: np.ndarray, P: np.ndarray, Q: np.ndarray):

    # State dimensions
    n_time = m.shape[0]

    # Original State Shape
    gains_shape = m.shape[1:]

    # Smooth State Vectors
    ms = np.zeros_like(m)

    # Smooth Covariance matrices
    Ps = np.zeros_like(P)
    G_values = np.zeros_like(P)

    # Set Initial Smooth Values
    ms[-1] = m[-1]
    Ps[-1] = P[-1]

    # Run Extended Kalman Smoother with
    # Numpy matrices
    head = "==> Extended Kalman Smoother (NUMPY|JIT): "
    for k in range(-2, -(n_time + 1), -1):

        # Progress Bar in object-mode
        with objmode():
            progress_bar(head, n_time, -k - 1)

        # Predict Step
        mp = gains_vector(m[k])
        Pt = P[k].astype(np.complex128)
        Pp = Pt + Q

        # Smooth Step
        Pinv = np.diag(1.0 / np.diag(Pp))
        G = Pt @ Pinv

        # Record Posterior Smooth Values
        e = gains_vector(ms[k + 1]) - mp
        E = (Ps[k + 1] - Pp).astype(np.complex128)
        ms[k] = gains_reshape(mp + G @ e, gains_shape)
        Ps[k] = np.diag(np.diag(Pt + G @ E @ G.T).real)

        G_values[k] = G.real

    # Newline

    # Return Posterior smooth states and covariances
    return ms, Ps, G_values
예제 #29
    def get_normal_array(self, n):
            Get a normal distribuited 1D array with length 'n'

        x = self.get_array(n) * 2.0
        y = np.zeros_like(x)

        # The JIT has to be disabled because erfcinv is not recognized
        # by Numba
        with objmode(y='double[:]'):
            y = erfcinv(x)

        return y
예제 #30
def casa_fit(img_to_fit,npix_window,sampling,cutoff,delta):
    #ellipse_parms = np.zeros(img_to_fit.shape[2:5] + (3,))
    ellipse_parms = np.zeros(img_to_fit.shape[2:5] + (3,),dtype=numba.double)

    img_size = np.array(img_to_fit.shape[0:2])
    img_center = img_size//2
    start_window = img_center - npix_window//2
    end_window = img_center + npix_window//2 + 1
    img_to_fit = img_to_fit[start_window[0]:end_window[0],start_window[1]:end_window[1],:,:]

    d0 = np.arange(0, npix_window[0])*np.abs(delta[0])
    d1 = np.arange(0, npix_window[1])*np.abs(delta[1])
    interp_d0 = np.linspace(0, npix_window[0]-1, sampling[0])*np.abs(delta[0])
    interp_d1 = np.linspace(0, npix_window[1]-1, sampling[1])*np.abs(delta[1])
    #xp1, yp1 = np.meshgrid(interp_d0, interp_d1,indexing='ij')

    d0_shape = interp_d0.shape[0]
    d1_shape = interp_d1.shape[0]
    xp = np.repeat(interp_d0,d1_shape).reshape((d0_shape,d1_shape))
    yp = np.repeat(interp_d1,d0_shape).reshape((d1_shape,d0_shape)).T

    points = np.vstack((np.ravel(xp), np.ravel(yp))).T

    #img_to_fit = np.reshape(interpn((d0,d1),img_to_fit[:,:,0,0],points,method="splinef2d"),[sampling[1],sampling[0]]).T

    for time in range(img_to_fit.shape[2]):
        for chan in range(img_to_fit.shape[3]):
            for pol in range(img_to_fit.shape[4]):

                with objmode(res_x='f8[:]'):  # annotate return type
                    #if True:
                    # this region is executed by object-mode.
                    interp_img_to_fit = np.reshape(interpn((d0,d1),img_to_fit[:,:,time,chan,pol],points,method="splinef2d"),[sampling[1],sampling[0]]).T
                    interp_img_to_fit[interp_img_to_fit<cutoff] = np.nan
                    # Fit a gaussian to the thresholded points
                    p0 = [2.5, 2.5, 0.]
                    res = optimize.minimize(beam_chi2, p0, args=(interp_img_to_fit, sampling//2))
                    res_x = res.x

                # convert to useful units
                phi = res_x[2] - 90.
                if phi < -90.:
                    phi += 180.

                ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,0] = np.max(np.abs(res_x[0:2]))*np.abs(delta[0])*2.355/(sampling[0]/npix_window[0])
                ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,1] = np.min(np.abs(res_x[0:2]))*np.abs(delta[1])*2.355/(sampling[1]/npix_window[1])
                ellipse_parms[time,chan,pol,2] = -phi

    return ellipse_parms
예제 #31
 def foo_nonglobal(x):
     with numba.objmode(y="float64"):
         y = inverse(x)
     return x, y
예제 #32
파일: test_pipeline.py 프로젝트: esc/numba
 def foo(x):
     with objmode(x="intp"):
         x += int(0x1)
     return x
예제 #33
 def foo():
     x = np.arange(5)
     with objmode(y='intp[:]'):  # annotate return type
         # this region is executed by object-mode.
         y = x + bar(x)
     return y