예제 #1
 def test_on_scalar_function():
     def f2(x):
         return x[0] * x[1] * x[2] + np.exp(x[0]) * x[1]
     for method in ['forward', 'reverse']:
         Jfun3 = nd.Jacobian(f2, method=method)
         x = Jfun3([3., 5., 7.])
         assert_array_almost_equal(x, [[135.42768462, 41.08553692, 15.]])
예제 #2
    def test_on_vector_valued_function(self):
        xdata = np.arange(0, 1, 0.1)
        ydata = 1 + 2 * np.exp(0.75 * xdata)

        def fun(c):
            return (c[0] + c[1] * np.exp(c[2] * xdata) - ydata) ** 2

        for method in ['reverse', ]:

            j_fun = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method)
            J = j_fun([1, 2, 0.75])  # should be numerically zero
            assert_allclose(J, np.zeros((ydata.size, 3)))

        # TODO: 'forward' not implemented
        j_fun = nd.Jacobian(fun, method='forward')
        with pytest.raises(NotImplementedError):
            j_fun([1, 2, 0.75])
예제 #3
    def test_on_scalar_function():
        def fun(x):
            return x[0] * x[1] * x[2] + np.exp(x[0]) * x[1]

        for method in ['forward', 'reverse']:
            j_fun = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method)
            x = j_fun([3., 5., 7.])
            assert_allclose(x, [[135.42768462, 41.08553692, 15.]])
예제 #4
    def test_scalar_to_vector(val):
        def fun(x):
            out = algopy.zeros((3, ), dtype=x)
            out[0] = x
            out[1] = x**2
            out[2] = x**3
            return out

        for method in ['reverse', 'forward']:
            j0 = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method)(val).T
            assert_allclose(j0, [[1., 2 * val, 3 * val**2]], atol=1e-14)
예제 #5
    def test_on_vector_valued_function():
        xdata = np.reshape(np.arange(0, 1, 0.1), (-1, 1))
        ydata = 1 + 2 * np.exp(0.75 * xdata)

        def fun(c):
            return (c[0] + c[1] * np.exp(c[2] * xdata) - ydata) ** 2

        for method in ['reverse']:  # TODO: 'forward' fails

            Jfun = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method)
            J = Jfun([1, 2, 0.75])  # should be numerically zero
            assert_array_almost_equal(J, np.zeros((ydata.size, 3)))
예제 #6
    def test_issue_25():
        def g_fun(x):
            out = algopy.zeros((2, 2), dtype=x)
            out[0, 0] = x[0]
            out[0, 1] = x[1]
            out[1, 0] = x[0]
            out[1, 1] = x[1]
            return out

        dg_dx = nd.Jacobian(g_fun)  # TODO:  method='reverse' fails
        x = [1, 2]
        dg = dg_dx(x)
        assert_allclose(dg, [[[1., 0.], [0., 1.]], [[1., 0.], [0., 1.]]])
예제 #7
def main(problem_sizes=(4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 96)):
    fixed_step = MinStepGenerator(num_steps=1, use_exact_steps=True, offset=0)
    epsilon = MaxStepGenerator(num_steps=14,
    adaptiv_txt = '_adaptive_{0:d}_{1!s}_{2:d}'.format(epsilon.num_steps,
    gradient_funs = OrderedDict()
    hessian_funs = OrderedDict()

    hessian_fun = 'Hessdiag'
    hessian_fun = 'Hessian'

    if nda is not None:
        nda_method = 'forward'
        nda_txt = 'algopy_' + nda_method
        gradient_funs[nda_txt] = nda.Jacobian(1, method=nda_method)

        hessian_funs[nda_txt] = getattr(nda, hessian_fun)(1, method=nda_method)
    ndc_hessian = getattr(nd, hessian_fun)

    order = 2
    for method in ['forward', 'central', 'complex']:
        method2 = method + adaptiv_txt
        options = dict(method=method, order=order)
        gradient_funs[method] = nd.Jacobian(1, step=fixed_step, **options)
        gradient_funs[method2] = nd.Jacobian(1, step=epsilon, **options)
        hessian_funs[method] = ndc_hessian(1, step=fixed_step, **options)
        hessian_funs[method2] = ndc_hessian(1, step=epsilon, **options)

    hessian_funs['forward_statsmodels'] = nds.Hessian(1, method='forward')
    hessian_funs['central_statsmodels'] = nds.Hessian(1, method='central')
    hessian_funs['complex_statsmodels'] = nds.Hessian(1, method='complex')

    gradient_funs['forward_statsmodels'] = nds.Jacobian(1, method='forward')
    gradient_funs['central_statsmodels'] = nds.Jacobian(1, method='central')
    gradient_funs['complex_statsmodels'] = nds.Jacobian(1, method='complex')
    gradient_funs['forward_scipy'] = nsc.Jacobian(1, method='forward')
    gradient_funs['central_scipy'] = nsc.Jacobian(1, method='central')
    gradient_funs['complex_scipy'] = nsc.Jacobian(1, method='complex')

    run_gradient_and_hessian_benchmarks(gradient_funs, hessian_funs,
예제 #8
    def test_on_matrix_valued_function():

        def fun(x):

            f0 = x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2
            f1 = x[0] ** 3 + x[1] ** 3

            s0 = f0.size
            s1 = f1.size
            out = algopy.zeros((2, (s0 + s1) // 2), dtype=x)
            out[0, :] = f0
            out[1, :] = f1
            return out

        x = np.array([(1, 2, 3, 4),
                      (5, 6, 7, 8)], dtype=float)

        y = fun(x)
        assert_allclose(y, [[26., 40., 58., 80.], [126., 224., 370., 576.]])

        for method in ['forward', ]:  # TODO: 'reverse' fails
            jaca = nd.Jacobian(fun, method=method)

            assert_allclose(jaca([1, 2]), [[[2., 4.]],
                                           [[3., 12.]]])
            assert_allclose(jaca([3, 4]), [[[6., 8.]],
                                           [[27., 48.]]])

            assert_allclose(jaca([[1, 2],
                                  [3, 4]]), [[[2., 0., 6., 0.],
                                              [0., 4., 0., 8.]],
                                             [[3., 0., 27., 0.],
                                              [0., 12., 0., 48.]]])

            val = jaca(x)
            assert_allclose(val, [[[2., 0., 0., 0., 10., 0., 0., 0.],
                                   [0., 4., 0., 0., 0., 12., 0., 0.],
                                   [0., 0., 6., 0., 0., 0., 14., 0.],
                                   [0., 0., 0., 8., 0., 0., 0., 16.]],
                                  [[3., 0., 0., 0., 75., 0., 0., 0.],
                                   [0., 12., 0., 0., 0., 108., 0., 0.],
                                   [0., 0., 27., 0., 0., 0., 147., 0.],
                                   [0., 0., 0., 48., 0., 0., 0., 192.]]])
예제 #9
    def test_on_matrix_valued_function():
        def f(x):

            f0 = x[0] ** 2 + x[1] ** 2
            f1 = x[0] ** 3 + x[1] ** 3

            s0 = f0.size
            s1 = f1.size
            out = algopy.zeros((2, (s0 + s1) / 2), dtype=x)
            out[0, :] = f0
            out[1, :] = f1
            return out

        x = np.array([(1, 2, 3, 4),
                      (5, 6, 7, 8)], dtype=float)

        y = f(x)
        assert_array_almost_equal(y, [[26., 40., 58., 80.],
                                      [126., 224., 370., 576.]])
        jaca = nd.Jacobian(f)

        assert_array_almost_equal(jaca([1, 2]), [[[2., 4.]],
                                                 [[3., 12.]]])
        assert_array_almost_equal(jaca([3, 4]), [[[6., 8.]],
                                                 [[27., 48.]]])

        assert_array_almost_equal(jaca([[1, 2],
                                        [3, 4]]),
                                  [[[2., 0., 6., 0.],
                                    [0., 4., 0., 8.]],
                                   [[3., 0., 27., 0.],
                                    [0., 12., 0., 48.]]])
        # v0 = df([1, 2])
        val = jaca(x)
                                  [[[2., 0., 0., 0., 10., 0., 0., 0.],
                                    [0., 4., 0., 0., 0., 12., 0., 0.],
                                    [0., 0., 6., 0., 0., 0., 14., 0.],
                                    [0., 0., 0., 8., 0., 0., 0., 16.]],
                                   [[3., 0., 0., 0., 75., 0., 0., 0.],
                                    [0., 12., 0., 0., 0., 108., 0., 0.],
                                    [0., 0., 27., 0., 0., 0., 147., 0.],
                                    [0., 0., 0., 48., 0., 0., 0., 192.]]])
예제 #10
import numpy as np
import numdifftools as nd
import numdifftools.nd_algopy as nda

num_dimensions = 2  ####################################
function = lambda c: c[0]**10 + c[1] - 5  ####################################
jacobian = nda.Jacobian(function, method='reverse')
inverse_jacobian = np.zeros((num_dimensions - 1, 1))

def generate_inverse_jac(jac):
    inverse_jac = np.zeros((num_dimensions, 1))
    for i in range(len(jac)):
        if not (jac[i] == 0):
            #print "Changing " + str(jac[i]) + " to " + str(1/jac[i])
            inverse_jac[i] = 1 / jac[i]
            inverse_jac[i] = 0
    return inverse_jac

def vector_scaler_mult(in_vector, scaler_value):
    out_vector = np.zeros((num_dimensions, 1))
    for i in range(len(in_vector)):
        out_vector[i] = in_vector[i] * scaler_value
    return out_vector

def vector_add(vector_one, vector_two):
    out_vector = np.zeros((num_dimensions, 1))
    for i in range(len(vector_one)):
예제 #11
def loglimits(data, border=0.05):
    low, high = np.min(data), np.max(data)
    scale = (high/low)**border
    return low/scale, high*scale

fixed_step = MinStepGenerator(num_steps=1, use_exact_steps=True, offset=0)
epsilon = MaxStepGenerator(num_steps=14, use_exact_steps=True,
                           step_ratio=1.6, offset=0)
adaptiv_txt = '_adaptive_{0:d}_{1!s}_{2:d}'.format(epsilon.num_steps,
gradient_funs = OrderedDict()
nda_method = 'forward'
nda_txt = 'algopy_' + nda_method
gradient_funs[nda_txt] = nda.Jacobian(1, method=nda_method)

hessian_fun = 'Hessdiag'
hessian_fun = 'Hessian'
ndc_hessian = getattr(nd, hessian_fun)
hessian_funs = OrderedDict()
hessian_funs[nda_txt] = getattr(nda, hessian_fun)(1, method=nda_method)

order = 2
for method in ['forward', 'central', 'complex']:
    method2 = method + adaptiv_txt
    options = dict(method=method, order=order)
    gradient_funs[method] = nd.Jacobian(1, step=fixed_step, **options)
    gradient_funs[method2] = nd.Jacobian(1, step=epsilon, **options)
    hessian_funs[method] = ndc_hessian(1, step=fixed_step, **options)
    hessian_funs[method2] = ndc_hessian(1, step=epsilon, **options)
예제 #12
h_C = 10.**(-s.pH) * 1e3 * mM
hco3_A = 42.9 * mM
hco3_C = 42.9 * mM
co2_A = 1.288 * mM
co2_C = 1.228 * mM

x_0 = [
    w_C, na_A, cl_A, k_A, h_A, hco3_A, co2_A, na_C, cl_C, k_C, h_C, hco3_C,

x_0 = s.fix_initial_conditions(x_0)
x_cur = x_0

# note forward mode ist faster than reverse mode in our case!
ode_jac = nda.Jacobian(s.ode, method='forward')

t0 = 0
t_bound = 10e4

ode = BDF(lambda t, x: s.ode(x),
          jac=lambda t, x: ode_jac(x))

T = np.array([t0])
Y = np.array(x_0)
Y = Y[:, np.newaxis]

F = np.array(s.ode(x_0))
예제 #13
grad_fct = grad(sphere)

print(grad_fct([beta_syntetic[0], beta_syntetic[0], beta_syntetic[0]]))
sphere(beta_syntetic + epsilon)

grad_fct = jacobian(mixedSchwefel)
np.gradient([sphere], beta_syntetic)
import numdifftools.nd_algopy as nda
import numdifftools as nd
fd = nda.Derivative(sphere)  # 1'st derivative

fd = nda.Jacobian(sphere)

np.allclose(fd(1), 2.7182818284590424)

#bnds = list(zip(np.repeat(-500,Nparam),np.repeat(500,Nparam)))
#((0, None), (0, None))
#target=TargetClass(dim=Nparam, minf=-500.0, maxf=500.0,target_function=target_function)
##print (x0[index])