예제 #1
def _create_J_with_numba(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, createJ, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq):
    Ibus = zeros(len(V), dtype=complex128)
    # create Jacobian from fast calc of dS_dV
    dVm_x, dVa_x = dSbus_dV_numba_sparse(Ybus.data, Ybus.indptr, Ybus.indices,
                                         V, V / abs(V), Ibus)

    # data in J, space preallocated is bigger than acutal Jx -> will be reduced later on
    Jx = empty(len(dVm_x) * 4, dtype=float64)
    # row pointer, dimension = pvpq.shape[0] + pq.shape[0] + 1
    Jp = zeros(pvpq.shape[0] + pq.shape[0] + 1, dtype=int32)
    # indices, same with the preallocated space (see Jx)
    Jj = empty(len(dVm_x) * 4, dtype=int32)

    # fill Jx, Jj and Jp
    createJ(dVm_x, dVa_x, Ybus.indptr, Ybus.indices, pvpq_lookup, pvpq, pq, Jx,
            Jj, Jp)

    # resize before generating the scipy sparse matrix
    Jx.resize(Jp[-1], refcheck=False)
    Jj.resize(Jp[-1], refcheck=False)

    # generate scipy sparse matrix
    dimJ = npv + npq + npq
    J = sparse((Jx, Jj, Jp), shape=(dimJ, dimJ))

    return J
예제 #2
def ones(shape, typecode='l', savespace=0, dtype=None):
    """ones(shape, dtype=int) returns an array of the given
    dimensions which is initialized to all ones.
    dtype = convtypecode(typecode, dtype)
    a = mu.empty(shape, dtype)
    return a
예제 #3
def AC_jacobian(Ybus, V, pvpq, pq, pvpq_lookup, npv, npq):
    Create the AC Jacobian function with no embedded controls
    :param Ybus: Ybus matrix in CSC format
    :param V: Voltages vector
    :param pvpq: array of pv|pq bus indices
    :param pq: array of pq indices
    :param pvpq_lookup: array of pv|pq lookup indices
    :param npv: number of pv buses
    :param npq: number of pq buses
    :return: Jacobian Matrix in CSR format
    Ibus = zeros(len(V), dtype=complex128)

    # create Jacobian from fast calc of dS_dV
    dS_dVm, dS_dVa = deriv.dSbus_dV_numba_sparse_csr(Ybus.data, Ybus.indptr,
                                                     Ybus.indices, V,
                                                     V / abs(V), Ibus)

    # data in J, space pre-allocated is bigger than actual Jx -> will be reduced later on
    Jx = empty(len(dS_dVm) * 4, dtype=float64)

    # row pointer, dimension = pvpq.shape[0] + pq.shape[0] + 1
    Jp = zeros(pvpq.shape[0] + pq.shape[0] + 1, dtype=int32)

    # indices, same with the pre-allocated space (see Jx)
    Jj = empty(len(dS_dVm) * 4, dtype=int32)

    # fill Jx, Jj and Jp in CSR order
    if len(pvpq) == len(pq):
        create_J_no_pv(dS_dVm, dS_dVa, Ybus.indptr, Ybus.indices, pvpq_lookup,
                       pvpq, Jx, Jj, Jp)
        create_J(dS_dVm, dS_dVa, Ybus.indptr, Ybus.indices, pvpq_lookup, pvpq,
                 pq, Jx, Jj, Jp)

    # resize before generating the scipy sparse matrix
    Jx.resize(Jp[-1], refcheck=False)
    Jj.resize(Jp[-1], refcheck=False)

    # generate scipy sparse matrix
    nj = npv + npq + npq
    return csr_matrix((Jx, Jj, Jp), shape=(nj, nj))
예제 #4
              _types.StringType, _types.UnicodeType, _types.BufferType]
ScalarType = tuple(ScalarType)
for key in _sctype2char_dict.keys():
    cast[key] = lambda x, k=key : array(x, copy=False).astype(k)

_unicodesize = array('u','U1').itemsize

# Create the typestring lookup dictionary
_typestr = _typedict()
for key in _sctype2char_dict.keys():
    if issubclass(key, allTypes['flexible']):
        _typestr[key] = _sctype2char_dict[key]
        _typestr[key] = empty((1,),key).dtype.str[1:]

# Make sure all typestrings are in sctypeDict
for key, val in _typestr.items():
    if val not in sctypeDict:
        sctypeDict[val] = key

# Add additional strings to the sctypeDict

_toadd = ['int', 'float', 'complex', 'bool', 'object', 'string', ('str', allTypes['string_']),
          'unicode', 'object', ('a', allTypes['string_'])]

for name in _toadd:
    if isinstance(name, tuple):
        sctypeDict[name[0]] = name[1]
예제 #5
except AttributeError:
    # Py3K
    ScalarType = [int, float, complex, int, bool, bytes, str, memoryview]

ScalarType = tuple(ScalarType)
for key in _sctype2char_dict.keys():
    cast[key] = lambda x, k=key : array(x, copy=False).astype(k)

# Create the typestring lookup dictionary
_typestr = _typedict()
for key in _sctype2char_dict.keys():
    if issubclass(key, allTypes['flexible']):
        _typestr[key] = _sctype2char_dict[key]
        _typestr[key] = empty((1,), key).dtype.str[1:]

# Make sure all typestrings are in sctypeDict
for key, val in _typestr.items():
    if val not in sctypeDict:
        sctypeDict[val] = key

# Add additional strings to the sctypeDict

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:
    _toadd = ['int', 'float', 'complex', 'bool', 'object',
              'str', 'bytes', 'object', ('a', allTypes['bytes_'])]
    _toadd = ['int', 'float', 'complex', 'bool', 'object', 'string',
              ('str', allTypes['string_']),
              'unicode', 'object', ('a', allTypes['string_'])]
예제 #6
def empty(shape, typecode='l', dtype=None):
    dtype = convtypecode(typecode, dtype)
    return mu.empty(shape, dtype)