예제 #1
def kraus_to_choi(kraus_list):
    Takes a list of Kraus operators and returns the Choi matrix for the channel
    represented by the Kraus operators in `kraus_list`
    kraus_mat_list = list(map(lambda x: matrix(x.data.todense()), kraus_list))
    op_len = len(kraus_mat_list[0])
    op_rng = range(op_len)
    choi_blocks = array([[sum([op[:, c_ix] * array([op.H[r_ix, :]])
                               for op in kraus_mat_list])
                          for r_ix in op_rng]
                         for c_ix in op_rng])
    return Qobj(inpt=hstack(hstack(choi_blocks)),
                dims=[kraus_list[0].dims, kraus_list[0].dims])
예제 #2
def kraus_to_choi(kraus_list):
    Takes a list of Kraus operators and returns the Choi matrix for the channel
    represented by the Kraus operators in `kraus_list`
    kraus_mat_list = list(map(lambda x: matrix(x.data.todense()), kraus_list))
    op_len = len(kraus_mat_list[0])
    op_rng = range(op_len)
    choi_blocks = array([[sum([op[:, c_ix] * array([op.H[r_ix, :]])
                               for op in kraus_mat_list])
                          for r_ix in op_rng]
                         for c_ix in op_rng])
    return Qobj(inpt=hstack(hstack(choi_blocks)),
                dims=[kraus_list[0].dims, kraus_list[0].dims])
예제 #3
    def data_prep(self, open_col, high_col, low_col, clos_col, raw_seq):

        # Reshape the array to columns and rows
        open_col = open_col.reshape((len(open_col), 1))
        high_col = high_col.reshape((len(high_col), 1))
        low_col = low_col.reshape((len(low_col), 1))
        clos_col = clos_col.reshape((len(clos_col), 1))

        # Stacks arrays side by side in one array
        raw_seq = hstack((open_col, high_col, low_col, clos_col))

        # Splits the data into test and train (data, windows, size of test)
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = Models.split_data(
            raw_seq, self.timestep, 0.2)

        # Splits the data into test and val (data, windows, size of val)
        X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(
            X_train, y_train, test_size=0.2)
        # Rescales the data for better results

        scaler = MinMaxScaler()
        X_train = scaler.fit_transform(X_train.reshape(-1, X_train.shape[-1])).reshape(X_train.shape)
        X_test = scaler.transform(X_test.reshape(-1, X_test.shape[-1])).reshape(X_test.shape)

        X_val = scaler.fit_transform(X_val.reshape(-1, X_val.shape[-1])).reshape(X_val.shape)
        y_val = scaler.transform(y_val.reshape(-1, y_val.shape[-1])).reshape(y_val.shape)

        y_train = scaler.fit_transform(y_train.reshape(-1, y_train.shape[-1])).reshape(y_train.shape)
        y_test = scaler.transform(y_test.reshape(-1, y_test.shape[-1])).reshape(y_test.shape)

        Models.check_model(self, X_train, X_val, y_train,
                           y_val, X_test, y_test, raw_seq)
예제 #4
    def data_prep(self, open_col, high_col, low_col, clos_col, raw_seq):

        # Reshape the array to columns and rows
        open_col = open_col.reshape((len(open_col), 1))
        high_col = high_col.reshape((len(high_col), 1))
        low_col = low_col.reshape((len(low_col), 1))
        clos_col = clos_col.reshape((len(clos_col), 1))

        # Stacks arrays side by side in one array
        raw_seq = hstack((open_col, high_col, low_col, clos_col))

        # scaler = StandardScaler()
        # scaler.fit(raw_seq)#
        # scaler.transform(raw_seq)

        # Splits the data into test and train (data, windows, size of test)
        X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = Models.split_data(
            raw_seq, self.timestep, 0.2)

        # Splits the data into test and val (data, windows, size of val)
        X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val = train_test_split(X_train,

        Models.check_model(self, X_train, X_val, y_train, y_val, X_test,
                           y_test, raw_seq)
예제 #5
파일: ex3_1bkp.py 프로젝트: yk/patternhs12
 def readSamples(self, fileName, key,recalc=False,samples=None):
     fn = fileName + ".pre"
         if recalc: raise IOError()
         with open(fn): pass
         print "precalculated file present"
         self.mu, self.cov = hsplit(mat(fromfile(fn).reshape((3,-1))),[1])
     except IOError:
         if samples != None:
             self._samples = samples
             print "got samples: " , self._samples
             print "no file present, calculating..."
             smpls = loadmat(fileName)[key]
             print "loaded from mat file"
             self._samples = mat(smpls)
             print "reshaped into samples"
         self.mu = sum(self._samples, axis=1) / self._samples.shape[1]
         print "mu=", str(self.mu)
         sampdiffmu = self._samples - self.mu
         self.cov = sampdiffmu*sampdiffmu.T / self._samples.shape[1]
         print"cov=", str(self.cov)
     self._invCov = self.cov.I
     self._detCov = det(self.cov)
     self._multConst = 1 / sqrt((2 * pi) ** 3 * self._detCov)
예제 #6
    def sample(self, n=1):
        X = randn(n, 2)
        X[:, 0] = sqrt(self.V) * X[:, 0]
        X[:, 1] = X[:, 1] + self.bananicity * (X[:, 0]**2 - self.V)
        if self.dimension > 2:
            X = hstack((X, randn(n, self.dimension - 2)))

        return Sample(X)
예제 #7
def write_submission(filename, h):
    print 'Saving submission'
    timed_filename = filename + "-" + time_stamp()

    ids = numpy.array(range(h.shape[0]), ndmin = 2).T
    h = hstack((ids, h))
    numpy.savetxt(fname = timed_filename, X = h, fmt='%.15e', delimiter=",")
예제 #8
 def sample(self, n=1):
     X = randn(n, 2)
     X[:, 0] = sqrt(self.V) * X[:, 0]
     X[:, 1] = X[:, 1] + self.bananicity * (X[:, 0] ** 2 - self.V)
     if self.dimension > 2:
         X = hstack((X, randn(n, self.dimension - 2)))
     return Sample(X)
예제 #9
 def test_stacking_arrays(self):
     a = array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12]])
     b = array([[13,14,15,16],[17,18,19,20],[21,22,23,24]])
     c = vstack((a,b))
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(c, array([[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8],[9,10,11,12],[13,14,15,16],[17,18,19,20],[21,22,23,24]]))
     d = hstack((a,b))
     numpy.testing.assert_array_equal(d, array([[1,2,3,4,13,14,15,16],
예제 #10
파일: superop_reps.py 프로젝트: qutip/qutip
def kraus_to_choi(kraus_list):
    Takes a list of Kraus operators and returns the Choi matrix for the channel
    represented by the Kraus operators in `kraus_list`
    kraus_mat_list = list(map(lambda x: x.data.toarray(), kraus_list))
    op_rng = range(kraus_mat_list[0].shape[0])
    choi_blocks = array([[
            np.outer(op[:, c_ix],
                     np.transpose(np.conjugate(op))[r_ix, :])
            for op in kraus_mat_list
        ]) for r_ix in op_rng
    ] for c_ix in op_rng])
    return Qobj(inpt=hstack(hstack(choi_blocks)),
                dims=[kraus_list[0].dims[::-1], kraus_list[0].dims[::-1]],
예제 #11
 def next(self):
     if self._curFold < self._numFolds-1:
         if self._testData is not None:
             self._trainData.insert(self._curFold, self._testData)
             self._trainLabels.insert(self._curFold, self._testLabels)
             self._curFold += 1
         self._testData = self._trainData.pop(self._curFold)
         self._testLabels = self._trainLabels.pop(self._curFold)      
         ret = (vstack(self._trainData), hstack(self._trainLabels), self._testData, self._testLabels)
         #print self._curFold, self._numFolds, [x.shape for x in ret]
         return ret
         raise StopIteration()
예제 #12
def logisticRegression(trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels):
    #adjust the data, adding the 'free parameter' to the train data
    trainDataWithFreeParam = hstack((trainData.copy(), ones(trainData.shape[0])[:,newaxis]))
    testDataWithFreeParam = hstack((testData.copy(), ones(testData.shape[0])[:,newaxis]))
    alpha = 10
    oldW = zeros(trainDataWithFreeParam.shape[1])
    newW = ones(trainDataWithFreeParam.shape[1])
    iteration = 0
    trainDataWithFreeParamTranspose = transpose(trainDataWithFreeParam)
    alphaI = alpha * identity(oldW.shape[0])
    while not array_equal(oldW, newW):
        if iteration == 100:
        oldW = newW.copy()
        yVect = yVector(oldW, trainDataWithFreeParam)
        r = R(yVect)

        firstTerm = inv(alphaI + dot(dot(trainDataWithFreeParamTranspose, r), trainDataWithFreeParam))
        secondTerm = dot(trainDataWithFreeParamTranspose, (yVect-trainLabels)) + alpha * oldW
        newW = oldW - dot(firstTerm, secondTerm)
        iteration += 1
    #see how well we did
    numCorrect  = 0
    for x,t in izip(testDataWithFreeParam, testLabels):
        if yScalar(newW, x) >= 0.5:
            if t == 1:
                numCorrect += 1
            if t == 0:
                numCorrect += 1
    return float(numCorrect) / float(len(testLabels))
예제 #13
def crossValidation(numFolds, data, labels, algorithm, accuracyList, learningCurveList, numLearningCurveIterations, learningCurveIndexMod):
    dataFolds = array_split(data, numFolds)
    labelFolds = array_split(labels, numFolds)
    for testIndex in range(numFolds):
        print testIndex,
        testData = dataFolds.pop(testIndex)
        testLabels = labelFolds.pop(testIndex)
        trainData = vstack(dataFolds)
        trainLabels = hstack(labelFolds)
        accuracyList.append(algorithm(trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels))
        learningCurve(algorithm, learningCurveList, trainData, trainLabels, testData, testLabels, numLearningCurveIterations, learningCurveIndexMod)
        dataFolds.insert(testIndex, testData)
        labelFolds.insert(testIndex, testLabels)
    print ''
예제 #14
 def setUp(self):
   x = arange(0,1,0.1)
   y = arange(0,1,0.1)
   z = arange(0,1,0.1)
   self._line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   t = hstack((arange(-1,-0.1,0.005), arange(1, 2, 0.005)))
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), t)
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), t)
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.005), t)
   self._line_cluster = array(zip(x,y,z))
   t = arange(-1,1,0.001)
   x = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), t)
   y = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), t)
   z = map(lambda x: x + gauss(0,0.02)*(1-x*x), t)
   line = array(zip(x,y,z))
   self._line_cluster_2_ = vstack((line, line + 3))
예제 #15
def yVector(w, data):
    return hstack([yScalar(w,x) for x in data])
예제 #16
    def predictions(X):
        # Makes the prediciton based on the most recent data
        # Creates a plot comparing the predicted and actual prices

        # Loads saved model so retraining isn't needed
        # json_file = open('saved_models/MLP.json', 'r')
        # loaded_model_json = json_file.read()
        # json_file.close()
        # model = model_from_json(loaded_model_json)
        # model.load_weights('saved_models/MLP.h5')
        #X = currency[X]
        # Creates arrays to be used to specify each column
        open_col, high_col, low_col, clos_col, raw_seq = [], [], [], [], array(
        # Read input from CSV
        directo = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        path1 = os.path.join(directo, 'Finance_Data/Raw_Data/')
        with open(path1 + X, 'r') as csv_file:
            csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=',')
            # Assignes each column within CSV to appropriate Array
            for lines in csv_reader:
                if 'null' in lines:
                    # Index is +1 due to CSV indexing
                    if lines[1] != 'null':
                    if lines[2] != 'null':
                    if lines[3] != 'null':
                    if lines[4] != 'null':

        # Converts list to a Numpy array
        open_col = array(open_col)
        high_col = array(high_col)
        low_col = array(low_col)
        clos_col = array(clos_col)

        # Reshape the array to columns and rows
        open_col = open_col.reshape((len(open_col), 1))
        high_col = high_col.reshape((len(high_col), 1))
        low_col = low_col.reshape((len(low_col), 1))
        clos_col = clos_col.reshape((len(clos_col), 1))

        raw_seq = hstack((open_col, high_col, low_col, clos_col))

        directo = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        path1 = os.path.join(directo, '../saved_models/KNN_file')
        loaded_model = pickle.load(open(path1, 'rb'))

        res = []
        #res.append([0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
        for i in raw_seq:
            i = [i]
            result = loaded_model.predict(i)
            result = result.flatten()
            result = result.tolist()


        reslen = len(res)
        rawlen = len(raw_seq)


        no = [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]
        res.insert(0, no)
        result = pd.DataFrame(res)

        directo = os.path.dirname(__file__)
        path1 = os.path.join(directo, 'Finance_Data/Raw_Data/')
        file_loc = path1 + X
        data = pd.read_csv(file_loc, parse_dates=False, usecols=['Date'])
        data = data.values.tolist()

        data = np.array(data)
        data = data.flatten()

        raw_seq = pd.DataFrame(raw_seq)
        raw_seq['Date'] = data
        raw_seq.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(raw_seq['Date'])
        raw_seq.columns = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
        raw_seq['Volume'] = 0

        # data = np.delete(data, 0)
        data = np.append(data, '2021-05-10')
        result['Date'] = data
        result.index = pd.DatetimeIndex(result['Date'])
        result.columns = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume']
        result['Volume'] = 0


        s = mpf.make_mpf_style(base_mpl_style='seaborn',
                               rc={'axes.grid': False})
        fig = mpf.figure(style=s, figsize=(7.5, 5.75))
        ax1 = fig.subplot()
        ax2 = ax1.twinx()
        mpf.plot(result[reslen - 50:reslen], ax=ax1, type='candle')
        mpf.plot(raw_seq[rawlen - 50:rawlen],
예제 #17
 def __classify__(self, data):
     t=dot(hstack((data, ones((data.shape[0],1)))),self.w)
     return t>0
예제 #18
파일: lpc.py 프로젝트: epp-warwick/lpcm
 def _followx( self, x, way = 'one', last_eigenvector = None, weights = 1.):
   '''Generates a single lpc curve, from the start point, x. Proceeds in forward ('one'), backward ('back') or both ('two') 
   directions from this point.  
   x : 1-dim numpy.array of floats containing the start point for the lpc algorithm
   way : one of 'one'/'back'/'two', defines the orientation of the lpc propagation
   last_eigenvector: see _followXSingleDirection
   weights: see _followXSingleDirection
   curve : a dictionary comprising a single lpc curve in m-dim feature space, with keys, values as self._followxSingleDirection
   with the addition of
     start_point, 1-dim numpy.array of floats of length m;
     start_point_index, index of start_point in save_xd;
     For way == 'two', the forward and backward curves are stitched together. save_xd, eigen_vecd, cos_neu_neu, rho and c0 are formed
     by concatenating the reversed 'back' curve (with start_point removed) with the 'one' curve. high_rho_points are the union of 
     forward and backward high_rho_points. lamb is the cumulative segment distance along the stitched together save_xd with, as before,
     lamb[0] = 0.0. TODO, should farm this out to an 'lpcCurve'-type class that knows how to join its instances          
   if way == 'one':
     curve = self._followxSingleDirection(
                                 direction = Direction.FORWARD,
                                 last_eigenvector = last_eigenvector,
                                 weights = weights)
     curve['start_point'] = x
     curve['start_point_index'] = 0
     return curve
   elif way == 'back':
     curve = self._followxSingleDirection(
                                 direction = Direction.BACK,
                                 last_eigenvector = last_eigenvector,
                                 weights = weights)
     curve['start_point'] = x
     curve['start_point_index'] = 0
     return curve
   elif way == 'two':
     forward_curve =  self._followxSingleDirection(
                                 direction = Direction.FORWARD,
                                 last_eigenvector = last_eigenvector,
                                 weights = weights)
     back_curve =  self._followxSingleDirection(
                                 direction = Direction.BACK,
                                 forward_curve = forward_curve,
                                 last_eigenvector = last_eigenvector,
                                 weights = weights)
     #Stitching - append forward_curve to the end of the reversed back_curve with initial point of back curve removed
     #TODO - neaten this up, looks pretty clumsy
     combined_distance = hstack((-back_curve['lamb'][:0:-1], forward_curve['lamb'])) 
     curve = {'start_point': x,
              'start_point_index': len(back_curve['save_xd']) - 1,
              'save_xd': vstack((back_curve['save_xd'][:0:-1], forward_curve['save_xd'])),
              'eigen_vecd': vstack((back_curve['eigen_vecd'][:0:-1], forward_curve['eigen_vecd'])),
              'cos_neu_neu': hstack((back_curve['cos_neu_neu'][:0:-1], forward_curve['cos_neu_neu'])),
              'rho': hstack((back_curve['rho'][:0:-1], forward_curve['rho'])),
              'high_rho_points': vstack((back_curve['high_rho_points'], forward_curve['high_rho_points'])),
              'lamb': combined_distance - min(combined_distance),
              'c0': hstack((back_curve['c0'][:0:-1], forward_curve['c0'])),
     return curve
     raise ValueError, 'way must be one of one/back/two'
예제 #19
 def __train__(self, data, labels):
     h=hstack((data, o))
     self.w=dot(pseudoX, labels.reshape((-1,1)))