예제 #1
파일: data.py 프로젝트: shannonyu/classipy
def check_integrity(data):
    """Ensure the semantic integrity of the ``data``."""
    L.info("index shape: %s doc_ids: %s, labels: %s", data.index.shape,
           'None' if data.text_ids is None else len(data.text_ids),
           'None' if data.labels is None else len(data.labels))
    rows = get_n_rows(data)

    if data.text_ids is not None and data.labels is not None:
        if len(data.text_ids) != len(data.labels):
            msg = 'length of IDs (%d) != length of labels (%d)'
            raise ValueError(msg % (len(data.text_ids), len(data.labels)))

    if data.text_ids is not None:
        if len(data.text_ids) != rows:
            msg = 'length of IDs (%d) != number of index rows (%d)'
            raise ValueError(msg % (len(data.text_id), rows))

    if data.labels is not None:
        if len(data.labels) != rows:
            msg = 'length of labels (%d) != number of index rows (%d)'
            raise ValueError(msg % (len(data.labels), rows))

    if data.index.dtype.char in typecodes['AllFloat'] and \
            not isfinite(data.index.sum()) and \
            not isfinite(data.index).all():
        raise ValueError("index contains NaN, infinity"
                         " or a value too large for %r." % data.index.dtype)
예제 #2
def tm_ransac_more_rows(d, sol, sys):
    r_c = d.shape
    d2 = d**2
    m = r_c[0]

    tryrows = setdiff(range(0, m), sol.rows)
    cr, dr = compactionmatrix(len(sol.cols))
    u, s, vh = linalg.svd(sol.Bhat[2:, 2:])
    v = vh.T
    v = (v[:, 0:2]).conj().T

    for ii in tryrows:

        d2n = d2[ii - 1, sol.cols - 1]

        maxnrinl = 0

        for kk in range(1, sys.ransac_k2 + 1):

            okcols = ((isfinite(d2n)).astype(int)).nonzero()
            tmp = random.permutation(len(okcols))

            if len(tmp) >= 4:

                trycols1 = okcols[tmp[0:3]]

                zz = sol.Bhat[0, :] * linalg.inv(dr.conj().T)
                ZZ_con1 = concatenate((zeros(3, 1), v), 1)
                ZZ = concatenate((ones(1, len(sol.cols)), ZZ_con1))
                ZZ0_1 = concatenate((1, zeros(1, len(sol.cols) - 1)), 1)
                ZZ0_2 = concatenate((zeros(3, 1), v), 1)
                ZZ0 = concatenate((ZZ0_1, ZZ0_2))

                xx = (d2n[0, trycols1] - zz[0, trycols1]) * linalg.inv(
                    ZZ[:, trycols1])

                a = (zz[okcols] + xx * ZZ[:, okcols])
                b = d2n[okcols]
                inlids = where(abs(b - a) < sys.ransac_threshold2)

                if len(inlids) > maxnrinl:
                    maxnrinl = len(inlids)
                    tmpsol = structtype()
                    tmpsol.row = ii
                    tmpsol.cols = sol.cols[trycols1]
                    tmpsol.Bhatn = xx * ZZ0
                    tmpsol.inlcols = sol.cols[okcols[inlids]]

        if maxnrinl > sys.min_inliers2:
            sol.rows = concatenate((sol.rows, tmpsol.row), 1)
                          tmpsol.inlcols] = ones(1, len(tmpsol.inlcols))
            sol.Bhat = concatenate((sol.Bhat, tmpsol.Bhatn))
            sol.dl = compactionmatrix(len(sol.rows))

    return sol
def tm_ransac_more_cols(d, sol, sys):
    r_c = d.shape
    n = r_c[1]
    d2 = d**2

    trycols = setdiff(range(0, n), sol.cols)

    cl, dl = compactionmatrix(len(sol.rows))

    u, s, vh = linalg.svd(sol.Bhat[1:, 1:])
    u = u[:, 0:2]

    for ii in trycols:

        d2n = d2[sol.rows - 1, ii - 1]
        maxnrinl = 0
        for kk in range(0, sys.ransac_k2):

            okrows = ((isfinite(d2n)).astype(int)).nonzero()
            tmp = random.permutation(len(okrows))

            if len(tmp) >= 4:

                tryrows1 = okrows[tmp[0:3]]

                zz = linalg.inv(dl) * sol.Bhat[:, 0]
                ZZ_1 = concatenate((zeros(1, 3), u))
                ZZ = concatenate((ones(len(sol.rows), 1), ZZ_1), 1)
                ZZ0 = linalg.inv(
                    ZZ[tryrows1, :]) * (d2n[tryrows1, 1] - zz[tryrows1, 1])

                xx = linalg.inv(
                    ZZ[tryrows1, :]) * (d2n[tryrows1, 1] - zz[tryrows1, 1])

                a = (zz[okrows] + ZZ[:, okrows] * xx)
                b = d2n[okrows]
                inlids = where(abs(b - a) < sys.ransac_threshold2)

                if len(inlids) < maxnrinl:
                    maxnrinl = len(inlids)

                    tmpsol = structtype()
                    tmpsol.rows = sol.rows[tryrows1]
                    tmpsol.col = ii
                    tmpsol.Bhatn = ZZ0 * xx
                    tmpsol.inlrows = sol.rows[okrows[inlids]]

        if maxnrinl > sys.min_inliers2:
            sol.cols = concatenate((sol.cols, tmpsol.col), 1)
                          tmpsol.col] = ones(len(tmpsol.inlrows), 1)
            sol.Bhat = concatenate((sol.Bhat, tmpsol.Bhatn), 1)
            sol.dl = compactionmatrix(len(sol.cols))

    return sol
예제 #4
 def fmt(x):
     if umath.isfinite(x):
         return print_finite(x)
         return print_nonfinite(x)
예제 #5
    def get_format_func(self, elem, **options):
        missing_opt = self.check_options(**options)
        if missing_opt:
            raise Exception("Missing options: {}".format(missing_opt))

        floatmode = options['floatmode']
        precision = None if floatmode == 'unique' else options['precision']
        suppress_small = options['suppress_small']
        sign = options['sign']
        infstr = options['infstr']
        nanstr = options['nanstr']
        exp_format = False
        pad_left, pad_right = 0, 0

        # only the finite values are used to compute the number of digits
        finite = umath.isfinite(elem)
        finite_vals = elem[finite]
        nonfinite_vals = elem[~finite]

        # choose exponential mode based on the non-zero finite values:
        abs_non_zero = umath.absolute(finite_vals[finite_vals != 0])
        if len(abs_non_zero) != 0:
            max_val = np.max(abs_non_zero)
            min_val = np.min(abs_non_zero)
            with np.errstate(over='ignore'):  # division can overflow
                if max_val >= 1.e8 or (not suppress_small and
                                       (min_val < 0.0001
                                        or max_val / min_val > 1000.)):
                    exp_format = True

        # do a first pass of printing all the numbers, to determine sizes
        if len(finite_vals) == 0:
            trim, exp_size, unique = '.', -1, True
        elif exp_format:
            trim, unique = '.', True
            if floatmode == 'fixed':
                trim, unique = 'k', False
            strs = (format_float_scientific(x,
                                            sign=sign == '+')
                    for x in finite_vals)
            frac_strs, _, exp_strs = zip(*(s.partition('e') for s in strs))
            int_part, frac_part = zip(*(s.split('.') for s in frac_strs))
            exp_size = max(len(s) for s in exp_strs) - 1

            trim = 'k'
            precision = max(len(s) for s in frac_part)

            # this should be only 1 or 2. Can be calculated from sign.
            pad_left = max(len(s) for s in int_part)
            # pad_right is only needed for nan length calculation
            pad_right = exp_size + 2 + precision

            unique = False
            trim, unique = '.', True
            if floatmode == 'fixed':
                trim, unique = 'k', False
            strs = (format_float_positional(x,
                                            sign=sign == '+')
                    for x in finite_vals)
            int_part, frac_part = zip(*(s.split('.') for s in strs))
            pad_left = max(len(s) for s in int_part)
            pad_right = max(len(s) for s in frac_part)
            exp_size = -1

            if floatmode in ['fixed', 'maxprec_equal']:
                precision = pad_right
                unique = False
                trim = 'k'
                unique = True
                trim = '.'

        # account for sign = ' ' by adding one to pad_left
        if sign == ' ' and not any(np.signbit(finite_vals)):
            pad_left += 1

        # account for nan and inf in pad_left
        if len(nonfinite_vals) != 0:
            nanlen, inflen = 0, 0
            if np.any(umath.isinf(nonfinite_vals)):
                neginf = sign != '-' or np.any(np.isneginf(nonfinite_vals))
                inflen = len(infstr) + neginf
            if np.any(umath.isnan(elem)):
                nanlen = len(nanstr)
            offset = pad_right + 1  # +1 for decimal pt
            pad_left = max(nanlen - offset, inflen - offset, pad_left)

        def print_nonfinite(x):
            with errstate(invalid='ignore'):
                if umath.isnan(x):
                    ret = ('+' if sign == '+' else '') + nanstr
                else:  # isinf
                    infsgn = '-' if x < 0 else '+' if sign == '+' else ''
                    ret = infsgn + infstr
                return ' ' * (pad_left + pad_right + 1 - len(ret)) + ret

        if exp_format:

            def print_finite(x):
                return format_float_scientific(x,
                                               sign=sign == '+',

            def print_finite(x):
                return format_float_positional(x,
                                               sign=sign == '+',

        def fmt(x):
            if umath.isfinite(x):
                return print_finite(x)
                return print_nonfinite(x)

        return fmt
예제 #6
def tm_ransac5rows(d, sys):
    class solstruct():

    sol = solstruct()

    maxnrinl = 0

    for iii in range(0, sys.ransac_k):

        d2 = d ** 2
        inl = (isfinite(d2)).astype(int)
        r_c = d2.shape
        m = r_c[0]
        tmprows = random.permutation(m)
        tmprows = tmprows[0:5]
        auxvar1 = inl[tmprows, :]
        auxvar2 = ((np.all(auxvar1, axis=0)).astype(int)).T
        okcol = (np.flatnonzero(auxvar2)).T

        B = d2[np.ix_(tmprows, okcol)]

        ntmp = B.shape[1]
        tmp2 = random.permutation(ntmp)

        if ntmp > 5:
            tmp21tup = tmp2[0:4]
            tmp21 = np.reshape(tmp21tup, (1, -1))
            tmp22tup = tmp2[4:, ]
            tmp22 = np.reshape(tmp22tup, (1, -1))
            cl, _ = compactionmatrix(5)

            cr, _ = compactionmatrix(tmp2.shape[0])
            Btmp1 = np.dot(cl, B[:, tmp2])
            Btmp = np.dot(Btmp1, cr.conj().T)

            B1 = Btmp[:, 0:3]
            B2 = Btmp[:, 3:]

            u, s, v = linalg.svd(B1)
            u4tup = u[:, 3]
            u4 = np.reshape(u4tup, (-1, 1))

            if 0:
                abs((u4.conj().T) * B2)

            Imiss = isnan(d)
            auxvar3 = abs(np.dot((u4.conj().T), B2))
            okindtup = (auxvar3 > sys.ransac_threshold).nonzero()
            okindmat = np.asarray(okindtup)
            okind = np.reshape(okindmat, (1, -1))
            inlim = zeros(d.shape)
            inlim = inlim - Imiss
            tmpconcat = concatenate((tmp21, tmp22[0, okind - 1]), 1)
            tmprows = np.reshape(tmprows, (-1, 1))
            inlim[tmprows, okcol[tmpconcat]] = ones((5, 4 + okind.size))
            nrinl = 4 + okind.size

            if nrinl > maxnrinl:
                maxnrinl = nrinl

                sol.rows = tmprows
                concatmat = concatenate((tmp21, tmp22[0, okind - 1]), 1)
                sol.cols = okcol[(concatmat)]
                sol.row1 = sol.rows[1]
                sol.col1 = sol.cols[0, 0]
                sol.inlmatrix = inlim
                B = d2[sol.rows, sol.cols]
                cl, dl = compactionmatrix(B.shape[0])
                cr, dr = compactionmatrix(B.shape[1])
                Bhatdotprod = np.dot(dl, B)
                Bhat = np.dot(Bhatdotprod, dr.conj().T)
                Btildedotprod = np.dot(cl, B)
                Btilde = np.dot(Btildedotprod, cr.conj().T)
                u, s, vh = linalg.svd(Btilde)
                v = vh.T
                s[3:, ] = zeros(s.shape[0] - 3, s.shape[1])
                Btilde = u * s * (v.conj().T)
                Bhat[1:, 1:] = Btilde
                sol.Bhat = Bhat
                sol.dl = dl
                sol.dr = dr

    return sol, maxnrinl