예제 #1
    def _calc_angle(self, dX, dY):
        Calculate the angle between two deltas
            th = 0.0
            radius = self._calc_radius(dX, dY)

            if (dY < 0.0):
                if (dX == 0.0):
                    th = pi / 2.0
                    th = arccos(-dX / radius)
            elif (dY > 0.0):
                if (dX == 0.0):
                    th = 3.0 / 2.0 * pi
                    th = 2.0 * pi - arccos(-dX / radius)
            elif (dY == 0.0):
                if (dX > 0.0):
                    th = 0.0
                    th = pi
            traceError('failed to calculate angle')

        return th
예제 #2
def getAngle(coord0, coord1, coord2, is_angular=True):
    getAngle calculates the angle from the coordinate of three atoms

    coord0 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 0
    coord1 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 1
    coord2 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 2
    is_angular : bool, optional
        flag to wether return a angular result, by default True

    coord0 = convertToNdArray(coord0)
    coord1 = convertToNdArray(coord1)
    coord2 = convertToNdArray(coord2)

    v0 = coord0 - coord1
    v1 = coord2 - coord1

    cos_phi = np.dot(v0, v1) / (np.linalg.norm(v0) * np.linalg.norm(v1))

    if is_angular:
        return arccos(cos_phi)
        return arccos(cos_phi) / np.pi * 180
예제 #3
def getTorsion(coord0, coord1, coord2, coord3, is_angular=True):
    getTorsion calculates the torsion from the coordinate of four atoms

    Method details: 
        - https://zh.wikipedia.org/wiki/%E4%BA%8C%E9%9D%A2%E8%A7%92, 
        - https://stackoverflow.com/questions/46978451/how-to-know-if-a-dihedral-angle-is-or

    coord0 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 0
    coord1 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 1
    coord2 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 2
    coord3 : list or np.ndarray
        coordinate of atom 3
    is_angular : bool, optional
        flag to wether return a angular result, by default True

        torsion angle
    coord0 = convertToNdArray(coord0)
    coord1 = convertToNdArray(coord1)
    coord2 = convertToNdArray(coord2)
    coord3 = convertToNdArray(coord3)

    v0 = coord0 - coord1
    v1 = coord2 - coord1
    v2 = coord3 - coord2

    # Calculate the vertical vector of each plane
    # Note the order of cross product
    na = np.cross(v1, v0)
    nb = np.cross(v1, v2)

    # Note that we delete the absolute value
    cos_phi = np.dot(na, nb) / (np.linalg.norm(na) * np.linalg.norm(nb))

    # Sign of angle
    omega = np.dot(v0, np.cross(v1, v2))
    sign = omega / np.abs(omega)

    if is_angular:
        return sign * arccos(cos_phi)
        return sign * arccos(cos_phi) / np.pi * 180
def crystal_embed(e,eta):
    Evaluates crystal embedding potential by solving the one-dimensional
    Schroedinger equation through one unit cell in both directions.
    if ka.imag<0: ka=np.conj(ka)
    if emb_cryst.imag>0.0:
    return emb_cryst
예제 #5
파일: model.py 프로젝트: somanayr/LSP
    def fromLoop(cls, loop):
        """Returns a Model representing the loop"""
        #get necessary vectors
        offset_v = [loop.r_anchor[0].__dict__[c] - loop.l_anchor[0].__dict__[c] for c in 'xyz']
        sse0_v = Model.__get_sse_vector(loop.l_anchor, loop.atoms[0])
        sse1_v = Model.__get_sse_vector(loop.r_anchor, loop.atoms[-1]) 

        sFrame = TransformFrame.createFromVectors(loop.l_anchor[0], transform.Vec.from_array(offset_v), transform.Vec.from_array(sse0_v))
        #Theta and phi are the angles between the SSE and anchor-anchor vector
        theta = arccos(dot(sse0_v, negative(offset_v)) / (norm(sse0_v) * norm(offset_v)))
        phi = arccos(dot(sse1_v, offset_v) / (norm(sse1_v) * norm(offset_v)))
        #Length of the vectorn
        anchor_dist = norm(offset_v)
        return Model([loop], [Vec.from_array(sFrame.transformInto(atom)) for atom in loop.atoms], theta, phi, anchor_dist, [loop.l_type, loop.r_type], Model.__gen_seq([loop.seq]) , 1)
def initial_guess(f='../../data/m_hist.csv'):
    # Need more than theta_0 and theta_dot ?
    guessed_len, guessed_pivot, m_pos_hist = find_pivot(f)
    rel_pos_hist = m_pos_hist - guessed_pivot
    guessed_theta = arccos(rel_pos_hist[:, 0], rel_pos_hist[:, 1])
    guessed_theta_dot = guessed_theta[1] - guessed_theta[:-2]
    guessed_restitution = 1
    guessed_radius = 50
    # guessed_radius = 20 ball_tracking.radius TODO: implement this - but no one cares
    guessed_m = 50  # TODO : smarter guess than this
    return SimplePendulum(guessed_m, guessed_len, guessed_radius,
                          guessed_pivot, guessed_theta[0],
                          guessed_theta_dot[0], guessed_restitution)
예제 #7
def initial_guess(f='../../data/m_hist.csv'):
    # Take in only one period of data
    # f must contain predictions from object recognition model
    guessed_len, guessed_pivot, m_pos_hist = find_pivot(f)
    rel_pos_hist = m_pos_hist - guessed_pivot
    guessed_theta = arccos(rel_pos_hist[:, 0], rel_pos_hist[:, 1])
    guessed_theta_dot = guessed_theta[1] - guessed_theta[:-2]
    guessed_restitution = 1
    guessed_radius = 50
    # guessed_radius = 20 ball_tracking.radius TODO: implement this - but no one cares
    guessed_m = 50 # TODO : smarter guess than this
    return np.array(guessed_m, guessed_len, guessed_radius, guessed_pivot, guessed_theta[0], guessed_theta_dot[0],
예제 #8
파일: astronomy.py 프로젝트: ekitru/astro
    def recalculateEquatorialPosition(self):
        Lat = self._observer.lat
        Alt = self._fixedBody.alt
        Az = self._fixedBody.az
#        Ra = self._fixedBody.ra
#        print("ALT-AZ", self._fixedBody.alt, self._fixedBody.az, "LST",self._observer.getLST())
        Dec = arcsin(sin(Alt) * sin(Lat) + cos(Alt) * cos(Lat) * cos(Az))
        HA = arccos((sin(Alt) - sin(Dec)*sin(Lat)) / (cos(Dec)*cos(Lat)))
#        HA2 = arcsin(-sin(Az)*cos(Alt)/cos(Dec))
        Ra = self._observer.getLST() -HA
#        print('Calculated','HA',getHours(HA),'RA-DEC',getCoordinates(Ra,Dec))
#        print('Original', 'HA', self.getCurrentHA(), 'RA-DEC',self._fixedBody.ra, self._fixedBody.dec)
#        getHours(self._observer.long)
        return getCoordinates(Ra,Dec)
예제 #9
def match_oneway(features_1, features_2):
    """One way descriptor matching image f1 to f2, adapted from Solem"""
    f1 = features_1
    f2 = features_2

    ratio = 0.6
    size = f1.shape[0]

    scores = np.zeros((size, 1), 'int')

    for i in range(size):
        product = 0.9999 * np.dot(f1[i, :], f2)
        cosines = npmath.arccos(product)
        index = np.argsort(cosines)

        if cosines[index[0]] < ratio * cosines[index[1]]:
            scores[i] = int(index[0])

    return scores
예제 #10
def qubit_vs_toffoli(lam,
        lam (float) - the lambda-value for the Hamiltonian
        dE (float) - allowable error in phase estimation. usually 0.001
        eps (float) - allowable error for synthesis (dE/(10 * lam)) usually
        n (int) - number of spin orbitals.
        chi (int) - number of bits of precision for state prep
        beta (int) - number of bits of precision for rotations
        M (int) - THC rank or r_{Thc}
        algorithm (str) - 'half', where half of the phasing angles are loaded
                                  at a time
                          'full', where angles loaded from QROM to perform
                                  phasing operations are loaded at the same time
                          Note: In arXiv:2011.03494,
                              'half' corresponds to Fig 11, while
                              'full' corresponds to Fig 12.
        verbose (bool) - do additional printing of intermediates?

    # only valid algorithms accepted
    assert algorithm in ['half', 'full']

    # The number of iterations for the phase estimation.
    iters = np.ceil(pi * lam / (dE * 2))
    # The number of bits used for each register.
    nM = np.ceil(np.log2(M + 1))
    #This is number of distinct items of data we need to output, see Eq. (28).
    d = M * (M + 1) / 2 + n / 2
    # The number of bits used for the contiguous register.
    nc = np.ceil(np.log2(d))
    # The output size is 2*Log[M] for the alt values, χ for the keep value,
    # and 2 for the two sign bits.
    m = 2 * nM + 2 + chi

    # The next block of code finds the optimal number of bits to use for the
    # rotation angle for the amplitude amplification taking into account the
    # probability of failure and the cost of the rotations.
    oh = np.zeros(20, dtype=float)
    for p in range(1, 20 + 1):
        cos_term = arccos(np.power(2, nM) / np.sqrt(d) / 2)
        # print(cos_term)
        v = np.round(np.power(2, p) / (2 * pi) * cos_term)
        asin_term = arcsin(
            np.cos(v * 2 * pi / np.power(2, p)) * np.sqrt(d) / np.power(2, nM))
        sin_term = np.sin(3 * asin_term)**2
        oh[p - 1] = (20_000 * (1 / sin_term - 1) + 4 * p).real
    # br is the number of bits used in the rotation.
    br = np.argmin(oh) + 1
    # Next are the costs for the state preparation.
    cp1 = 2 * (10 * nM + 2 * br - 9)
    # There is cost 10*Log[M] for preparing the equal superposition over the
    # input registers. This is the costing from above Eq. (29).
    # This is the cost of computing the contiguous register and inverting it.
    # This is with a sophisticated scheme adding together triplets of bits.
    # This is the cost of step 2 in the list on page 14.
    cp2 = 2 * (nM**2 + nM - 1)
    # This is the cost of the QROM for the state preparation and its inverse.
    cp3 = QR(d, m)[1] + QI(d)[1]
    # The cost for the inequality test.
    cp4 = 2 * chi
    # The cost 2*nM for the controlled swaps.
    cp5 = 4 * nM
    # Then there is a cost of nM+1 for swapping the μ and ν registers, where
    # the +3 is because we need to control on two registers, and
    # control swap of the spin registers.
    cp6 = 2 * nM + 3
    #  The total cost in Eq. (33).
    CPCP = cp1 + cp2 + cp3 + cp4 + cp5 + cp6

    # Next are the costs for the select operation.
    # This is the cost of swapping based on the spin register. These costs are
    # from the list on page 15, and this is steps 1 and 7.
    cs1 = 2 * n
    k1 = 2**QI(M + n / 2)[0]
    cs2a = M + n / 2 - 2 + np.ceil(M / k1) + np.ceil(n / 2 / k1) + k1

    # The QROM for the rotation angles the first time.  Here M+n/2-2 is the cost
    # for generating them, and the second part is the cost for inverting them
    # with advanced QROM. The QROM for the rotation angles the second time.
    # Here the cost M-2 is for generating the angles the second time, and QI[M]
    # is for inverting the QROM. Steps 2 and 6.
    cs2b = M - 2 + QI(M)[1]
    # The cost of the rotations steps 3 and 5.
    cs3 = 4 * n * (beta - 2)
    # Cost for extra part in making the Z doubly controlled step 4.
    cs4 = 1
    # The total select cost in Eq. (43).
    CS = cs1 + cs2a + cs2b + cs3 + cs4
    # The cost given slightly above Eq. (44) is 2*nM+5. That is a typo and it
    # should have the aleph (equivalent to χ here) like at the top of the
    # column. Here we have +3 in this line, +1 in the next line and +1 for cs4,
    #  to give the same total.
    costref = 2 * nM + chi + 3
    cost = CPCP + CS + costref + 1

    # Next are qubit costs.
    ac1 = 2 * np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1)) - 1
    ac2 = n
    ac3 = 2 * nM
    ac47 = 5
    ac8 = beta
    ac9 = nc

    kt = 2**QR(d, m)[0]
    ac10 = m * kt + np.ceil(np.log2(d / kt))
    # This is for the equal superposition state to perform the inequality test
    # with the keep register.
    ac11 = chi
    # The qubit to control the swap of the μ and ν registers.
    ac12 = 1
    aca = ac1 + ac2 + ac3 + ac47 + ac8 + ac9 + ac11 + ac12
    # This is the data needed for the rotations.
    ac13 = beta * n / 2
    # These are the ancillas needed for adding into the phase gradient state.
    ac14 = beta - 2
    # These are the temporary ancillas in between erasing the first QROM
    # ancillas and inverting that QROM. The +m is for output of first QROM.
    acc = ac13 + ac14 + m

    if verbose:
        print("Total Toffoli cost ", cost * iters)
        print("Ancilla for first QROM ", aca + ac10)
        print("Actual ancilla ... ", np.max([aca + ac10, aca + acc]))
        print("Spacetime volume ", np.max([aca + ac10, aca + acc]) * cost)

    # First are the numbers of qubits that must be kept throughout the
    # computation. See page 18.
    if algorithm == 'half':
        # The qubits used as the control registers for the phase estimation,
        # that must be kept the whole way through. If we used independent
        # controls each time that would increase the Toffoli cost by
        # np.ceil(np.log2iters+1]]-3, while saving
        # np.ceil(np.log2iters+1]]-1 qubits
        ac1 = np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1))
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # The qubits used as the control registers for the phase estimation,
        # that must be kept the whole way through. If we used independent
        # controls each time that would increase the Toffoli cost by
        # np.ceil(np.log2iters+1]]-3, while saving
        # np.ceil(np.log2iters+1]]-1 qubits.
        ac1 = 2 * np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1)) - 1
    # The system qubits that must always be included.
    ac2 = n
    # The μ and ν registers, that must be kept because they are control
    # registers that aren't fully erased and must be reflected on.
    ac3 = 2 * nM
    # These are the qubits for the spin in the control state as well as the
    # qubit that is rotated for the preparation of the equal superposition
    # state, AND the qubit that is used to control.
    # None of these are fully inversely prepared.
    ac4512 = 4
    # The qubits for the phase gradient state.
    ac8 = beta
    # This is for the equal superposition state to perform the inequality test
    # with the keep register. It must be kept around and reflected upon.
    ac11 = chi
    # The total number of permanent qubits.
    perm = ac1 + ac2 + ac3 + ac4512 + ac8 + ac11
    # In preparing the equal superposition state there are 6 temporary qubits
    # used in the rotation of the ancilla.  There are another three that are
    # needed for the temporary results of inequality tests. By far the largest
    # number, however, come from keeping the temporary ancillas from the
    # inequality tests.  That should be 3*nM+nN-4.  There are an other two
    # qubits in output at the end that will be kept until this step is undone.
    # Note: not used?
    #nN = np.ceil(np.log2(n / 2))

    # This is the maximum number of qubits used while preparing the equal
    # superposition state.
    qu1 = perm + 4 * nM - 1
    # To explain the number of temporary ancillas, we have nM+1 to perform the
    # inequality test on mu and nu with out-of-place addition.  We have another
    # nM-2 for the equality test.  Then we can do the inequality tests on
    # mu and nu with constants (temporarily) overwriting these variables, and
    # keeping nM-1 qubits on each.  Then there are another 2 temporary qubits
    # used for the reflection.  That gives 4*nM-1 total.
    # This is the number of Toffolis during this step.
    tof1 = 10 * nM + 2 * br - 9

    # This is increasing the running number of permanent ancillas by 2 for the
    #  ν=M+1 flag qubit and the success flag qubit.
    perm = perm + 2
    # The number of temporary qubits used in this computation is the the same
    # as the number of Toffolis plus one.
    qu2 = perm + nM**2 + nM
    # The Toffoli cost of computing the contiguous register.
    tof2 = nM**2 + nM - 1
    # The running number of qubits is increased by the number needed for the
    # contiguous register.
    perm = perm + nc

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # Here I'm setting the k-value for the QROM by hand instead of choosing
        # the optimal one for Toffolis.
        kt = 16
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # Here I'm setting the k-value for the QROM by hand instead of choosing
        #  the optimal one for Toffolis.
        kt = 32
    # This is the number of qubits needed during the QROM.
    qu3 = perm + m * kt + np.ceil(np.log2(d / kt))
    # The number of Toffolis for the QROM.
    tof3 = np.ceil(d / kt) + m * (kt - 1)
    # The number of ancillas used increases by the actual output size of  QROM.
    perm = perm + m
    # The number of ancilla qubits used for the subtraction for the ineql test.
    qu4 = perm + chi
    # We can use one of the qubits from the registers that are subtracted as
    # the flag qubit so we don't need an extra flag qubit.
    # The number of Toffolis needed for the inequality test. The number of
    # permanent ancillas is unchanged.*)
    tof4 = chi
    # We don't need any extra ancillas for the controlled swaps.
    qu5 = perm
    # We are swapping pairs of registers of size nM
    tof5 = 2 * nM
    # One extra ancilla for the controlled swap of mu and nu because it is
    # controlled on two qubits.
    qu6 = perm
    # One more Toffoli for the double controls.
    tof6 = nM + 1
    # Swapping based on the spin register.
    qu7 = perm
    tof7 = n / 2

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # We use these temporary ancillas for the first QROM for the rot angles.
        qu8 = perm + nM + beta * n / 4
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # We use these temporary ancillas for the first QROM for the rot angles.
        qu8 = perm + nM + beta * n / 2
    # The cost of outputting the rotation angles including those for the
    # one-electron part.
    tof8 = M + n / 2 - 2

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # We are now need the output rotation angles, though we don't need the
        # temporary qubits from the unary iteration.
        perm = perm + beta * n / 4
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # We are now need the output rotation angles, though we don't need the
        # temporary qubits from the unary iteration.
        perm = perm + beta * n / 2
    # We need a few temp registers for adding into the phase grad register.
    qu9 = perm + (beta - 2)

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # The cost of the rotations.
        tof9 = n * (beta - 2) / 2
        # Make a list where we keep subtr the data qubits that can be erased.
        # Table[-j*beta,{j,0,n/4-1}]+perm+(beta-2)
        qu10 = np.array([-j * beta for j in range(int(n / 4))]) \
               + perm + beta - 2
        # The cost of the rotations.
        # Table[2*(beta-2),{j,0,n/4-1}]
        tof10 = np.array([2 * (beta - 2) for j in range(int(n / 4))])
        # We've erased the data
        perm = perm - beta * n / 4
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # The cost of the rotations.
        tof9 = n * (beta - 2)
        # Make a list where we keep subtr the data qubits that can be erased.
        # Table[-j*beta,{j,0,n/2-1}]+perm+(beta-2)
        qu10 = np.array([-j * beta for j in range(int(n / 2))]) \
               + perm + beta - 2
        # The cost of the rotations.
        # Table[2*(beta-2),{j,0,n/2-1}]
        tof10 = np.array([2 * (beta - 2) for j in range(int(n / 2))])
        # We've erased the data
        perm = perm - beta * n / 2

    # Find the k for the phase fixup for the erasure of the rotations.
    k1 = 2**QI(M + n / 2)[0]

    # Temp qubits used. Data qubits were already erased, so don't change perm.
    qu11 = perm + k1 + np.ceil(np.log2(M / k1))
    tof11 = np.ceil(M / k1) + np.ceil(n / 2 / k1) + k1

    # Swapping based on the spin register.
    qu12 = perm
    tof12 = n / 2

    # Swapping the spin registers.
    qu12a = perm
    tof12a = 1

    # Swapping based on the spin register.
    qu13 = perm
    tof13 = n / 2

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # We use these temp ancillas for the second QROM for the rot angles.
        qu14 = perm + nM - 1 + beta * n / 4
        perm = perm + beta * n / 4
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # We use these temp ancillas for the second QROM for the rot angles.
        qu14 = perm + nM - 1 + beta * n / 2
        perm = perm + beta * n / 2
    tof14 = M - 2

    # We need a few temporary registers for adding into the phase grad register
    qu15 = perm + (beta - 2)

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # The cost of the rotations.
        tof15 = n * (beta - 2) / 2
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # The cost of the rotations.
        tof15 = n * (beta - 2)

    # Just one Toffoli to do the controlled Z1.
    qu16 = perm
    tof16 = 1

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # Make a list where we keep subtr the data qubits that can be erased.
        # Table[-j*beta,{j,0,n/4-1}]+perm+(beta-2)
        qu17 = np.array([-j * beta
                         for j in range(int(n / 4))]) + perm + beta - 2
        # The cost of the rotations.
        # Table[2*(beta-2),{j,0,n/4-1}]
        tof17 = np.array([2 * (beta - 2) for j in range(int(n / 4))])
        # We've erased the data.
        perm = perm - beta * n / 4
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # Make a list where we keep subtr the data qubits that can be erased.
        # Table[-j*beta,{j,0,n/2-1}]+perm+(beta-2)
        qu17 = np.array([-j * beta for j in range(int(n / 2))]) \
               + perm + beta - 2
        # The cost of the rotations.
        # Table[2*(beta-2),{j,0,n/2-1}]
        tof17 = np.array([2 * (beta - 2) for j in range(int(n / 2))])
        # We've erased the data
        perm = perm - beta * n / 2

    # Find the k for the phase fixup for the erasure of the rotations.
    k1 = 2**QI(M)[0]

    # The temp qubits used. The data qubits were already erased,
    # so don't change perm.
    qu18 = perm + k1 + np.ceil(np.log2(M / k1))
    tof18 = np.ceil(M / k1) + k1

    # Swapping based on the spin register.
    qu19 = perm
    tof19 = n / 2

    # One extra ancilla for the controlled swap of mu and nu because it is
    # controlled on two qubits.
    qu20 = perm + 1
    # One extra Toffoli, because we are controlling on two qubits.
    tof20 = nM + 1

    # We don't need any extra ancillas for the controlled swaps.
    qu21 = perm
    # We are swapping pairs of registers of size nM
    tof21 = 2 * nM

    # The number of ancilla qubits used for the subtraction for the inequal test
    qu22 = perm + chi
    # We can use one of the qubits from the registers that are subtracted as
    # the flag qubit so we don't need an extra flag qubit.
    # The number of Toffolis needed for inverting the inequality test.
    # The number of permanent ancillas is unchanged.
    tof22 = chi
    # We can erase the data for the QROM for inverting the state preparation,
    # then do the phase fixup.
    perm = perm - m

    kt = 2**QI(d)[0]
    # This is the number of qubits needed during the QROM.
    qu23 = perm + kt + np.ceil(np.log2(d / kt))
    # The number of Toffolis for the QROM.
    tof23 = np.ceil(d / kt) + kt
    # The number of temporary qubits used in this computation is the same as
    # the number of Toffolis plus one. We are erasing the contiguous register
    # as we go so can subtract nc.
    qu24 = perm - nc + nM**2 + nM
    # The Toffoli cost of computing the contiguous register.
    tof24 = nM**2 + nM - 1
    # The contiguous register has now been deleted.
    perm = perm - nc
    # This is the maximum number of qubits used while preparing the equal
    # superposition state.
    qu25 = perm + 4 * nM - 1
    # This is the number of Toffolis during this step.
    tof25 = 10 * nM + 2 * br - 9
    # This is increasing the running number of permanent ancillas by 2 for
    # the ν=M+1 flag qubit and the success flag qubit.
    perm = perm - 2

    if algorithm == 'half':
        # We need some ancillas to perform a reflection on multiple qubits.
        # We are including one more Toffoli to make it controlled.
        qu26 = perm + costref + np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1))
        tof26 = costref + np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1))
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        # We need some ancillas to perform a reflection on multiple qubits.
        # We are including one more Toffoli to make it controlled.
        qu26 = perm + costref
        tof26 = costref

    qu27 = perm  # Iterate the control register.
    tof27 = 1

    # Labels
    sm = 'small element'
    pq = 'preparation QROM'
    rq = 'rotation QROM'
    ri = r'R$^{\dag}$'
    ro = 'R'
    iq = 'inverse QROM'

    color_dict = {
        sm: '#435CE8',
        pq: '#E83935',
        rq: '#F59236',
        ri: '#E3D246',
        ro: '#36B83E',
        iq: '#E83935'

    if algorithm == 'half':
        tgates = np.hstack((np.array([
            tof1, tof2, tof3, tof4, tof5, tof6, tof7, tof8, tof9, tof8, tof9,
            tof9, tof8
        ]), tof10,
                                tof11, tof12, tof12a, tof13, tof14, tof15,
                                tof14, tof15, tof16, tof15, tof14
                            ]), tof17,
                                tof18, tof19, tof20, tof21, tof22, tof23,
                                tof24, tof25, tof26, tof27
        qubits = np.hstack((np.array(
            [qu1, qu2, qu3, qu4, qu5, qu6, qu7, qu8, qu9, qu8, qu9, qu9,
             qu8]), qu10,
                                qu11, qu12, qu12a, qu13, qu14, qu15, qu14,
                                qu15, qu16, qu15, qu14
                            ]), qu17,
                                qu18, qu19, qu20, qu21, qu22, qu23, qu24, qu25,
                                qu26, qu27
        labels = [sm, sm, pq, sm, sm, sm, sm, rq, ri, rq, ri, ro, rq] + \
                 [ro] * len(qu10) + \
                 [rq, sm, sm, sm, rq, ri, rq, ri, sm, ro, rq] + \
                 [ro] * len(qu17) + \
                 [rq, sm, sm, sm, sm, iq, sm, sm, sm, sm]

        colors = [color_dict[i] for i in labels]
    elif algorithm == 'full':
        tgates = np.hstack(
            (np.array([tof1, tof2, tof3, tof4, tof5, tof6, tof7, tof8,
                       tof9]), tof10,
             np.array([tof11, tof12, tof12a, tof13, tof14, tof15,
                       tof16]), tof17,
                 tof18, tof19, tof20, tof21, tof22, tof23, tof24, tof25, tof26,
        qubits = np.hstack(
            (np.array([qu1, qu2, qu3, qu4, qu5, qu6, qu7, qu8, qu9]), qu10,
             np.array([qu11, qu12, qu12a, qu13, qu14, qu15, qu16]), qu17,
                 [qu18, qu19, qu20, qu21, qu22, qu23, qu24, qu25, qu26,
        labels = [sm, sm, pq, sm, sm, sm, sm, rq, ri] + \
                 [ro] * len(qu10) + \
                 [rq, sm, sm, sm, rq, ri, sm] + \
                 [ro] * len(qu17) + \
                 [rq, sm, sm, sm, sm, iq, sm, sm, sm, sm]

        colors = [color_dict[i] for i in labels]

    # check lists are at least consistent
    assert all(
        len(element) == len(tgates) for element in [qubits, labels, colors])

    return tgates, qubits, labels, colors
예제 #11
def compute_cost(n: int,
                 lam: float,
                 dE: float,
                 L: int,
                 Lxi: int,
                 chi: int,
                 beta: int,
                 stps: int,
                 verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """ Determine fault-tolerant costs using DF decomposition in quantum chem

        n (int) - the number of spin-orbitals
        lam (float) - the lambda-value for the Hamiltonian
        dE (float) - allowable error in phase estimation
        L (int) - the rank of the first decomposition
        Lxi (int) - the total number of eigenvectors
        chi (int) - equivalent to aleph_1 and aleph_2 in the document, the
            number of bits for the representation of the coefficients
        beta (int) - equivalent to beth in the document, the number of bits
            for the rotations
        stps (int) - an approximate number of steps to choose the precision of
            single qubit rotations in preparation of the equal superpositn state
        verbose (bool) - do additional printing of intermediates?

        step_cost (int) - Toffolis per step
        total_cost (int) - Total number of Toffolis
        ancilla_cost (int) - Total ancilla cost

    # The number of bits used for the second register.
    nxi = np.ceil(np.log2(n // 2))

    # The number of bits for the contiguous register.
    nLxi = np.ceil(np.log2(Lxi + n // 2))

    # The number of bits used for the first register.
    nL = np.ceil(np.log2(L + 1))

    # The power of 2 that is a factor of L + 1
    eta = power_two(L + 1)

    oh = [0] * 20
    for p in range(20):
        # JJG note: arccos arg may be > 1
        v = np.round(np.power(2,p+1) / (2 * np.pi) * arccos(np.power(2,nL) /\
            np.sqrt((L + 1)/2**eta)/2))
        oh[p] = np.real(stps * (1 / (np.sin(3 * arcsin(np.cos(v * 2 * np.pi / \
            np.power(2,p+1)) * \
            np.sqrt((L + 1)/2**eta) / np.power(2,nL)))**2) - 1) + 4 * (p + 1))

    # Bits of precision for rotation
    br = int(np.argmin(oh) + 1)

    # The following costs are from the list starting on page 50.

    # The cost for preparing an equal superposition for preparing the first
    # register in step 1 (a). We double this cost to account for the inverse.
    cost1a = 2 * (3 * nL + 2 * br - 3 * eta - 9)

    # The output size for the QROM for the first state preparation in Eq. (C27)
    bp1 = nL + chi

    # The cost of the QROM for the first state preparation in step 1 (b) and
    # its inverse.
    cost1b = QR(L + 1, bp1)[1] + QI(L + 1)[1]

    # The cost for the inequality test, controlled swap and their inverse in
    # steps 1 (c) and (d)
    cost1cd = 2 * (chi + nL)

    # The total cost for preparing the first register in step 1.
    cost1 = cost1a + cost1b + cost1cd

    # The output size for the QROM for the data to prepare the equal
    # superposition on the second register, as given in Eq. (C29).
    bo = nxi + nLxi + br + 1

    # This is step 2. This is the cost of outputting the data to prepare the
    # equal superposition on the second register. We will assume it is not
    # uncomputed, because we want to keep the offset for applying the QROM for
    # outputting the rotations.
    cost2 = QR(L + 1, bo)[1] + QI(L + 1)[1]

    # The number of bits for rotating the ancilla for the second preparation.
    # We are just entering this manually because it is a typical value.
    br = 7

    # The cost of preparing an equal superposition over the second register in
    # a controlled way. We pay this cost 4 times.
    cost3a = 4 * (7 * nxi + 2 * br - 6)

    # The cost of the offset to apply the QROM for state preparation on the
    # second register.
    cost3b = 4 * (nLxi - 1)

    bp2 = nxi + chi + 2

    # The cost of the QROMs and inverse QROMs for the state preparation, where
    # in the first one we need + n/2 to account for the one-electron terms.
    cost3c = QR(Lxi + n // 2, bp2)[1] + QI(Lxi + n // 2)[1] + QR(
        Lxi, bp2)[1] + QI(Lxi)[1]

    # The inequality test and state preparations.
    cost3d = 4 * (nxi + chi)

    # The total costs for state preparations on register 2.
    cost3 = cost3a + cost3b + cost3c + cost3d

    # The cost of adding offsets in steps 4 (a) and (h).
    cost4ah = 4 * (nLxi - 1)

    # The costs of the QROMs and their inverses in steps 4 (b) and (g).
    cost4bg = QR(Lxi + n // 2, n * beta // 2)[1] + QI(Lxi + n // 2)[1] + QR(
        Lxi, n * beta // 2)[1] + QI(Lxi)[1]

    # The cost of the controlled swaps based on the spin qubit in steps 4c and f
    cost4cf = 2 * n

    # The controlled rotations in steps 4 (d) and (f).
    cost4df = 4 * n * (beta - 2)

    # The controlled Z operations in the middle for step 4 (e).
    cost4e = 3

    # This is the cost of the controlled rotations for step 4.
    cost4 = cost4ah + cost4bg + cost4cf + cost4df + cost4e

    # This is the cost of the reflection on the second register from step 6.
    cost6 = nxi + chi + 2

    # The cost of the final reflection req'd to construct the step of the
    # quantum walk from step 9.
    cost9 = nL + nxi + chi + 1

    # The extra two qubits for unary iteration and making the rflxn controlled.
    cost10 = 2

    # The Toffoli cost for a single step
    cost = cost1 + cost2 + cost3 + cost4 + cost6 + cost9 + cost10

    # The number of steps needed
    iters = np.ceil(np.pi * lam / (2 * dE))

    # Now the number of qubits from the list on page 54.

    k1 = np.power(2, QR(Lxi + n // 2, n * beta // 2)[0])

    # The control register for phase estimation and iteration on it.
    ac1 = np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1)) * 2 - 1

    # The system qubits
    ac2 = n

    # The first register prepared, a rotated qubit and a flag qubit.
    ac3 = nL + 2

    # The output of the QROM, the equal superposition state and a flag qubit.
    ac4 = nL + chi * 2 + 1

    # The data used for preparing the equal superposition state on the 2nd reg
    ac5 = bo

    # The second register, a rotated qubit and a flag qubit.
    ac6 = nxi + 2

    # The second preparation QROM output.
    ac8 = bp2

    # The equal superposition state and the result of the inequality test.
    ac9 = chi + 1

    # The angles for rotations.
    ac10 = k1 * n * beta // 2

    # The phase gradient state.
    ac11 = beta

    # A control qubit for the spin.
    ac12 = 1

    # A T state.
    ac13 = 1

    if verbose:
        print("[*] Top of routine")
        print("  [+] nxi = ", nxi)
        print("  [+] nLxi = ", nLxi)
        print("  [+] nL = ", nL)
        print("  [+] eta = ", eta)
        print("  [+] cost3 = ", cost3)
        print("  [+] cost4 = ", cost4)
        print("  [+] cost = ", cost)
        print("  [+] iters = ", iters)

    ancilla_cost = ac1 + ac2 + ac3 + ac4 + ac5 + ac6 + ac8 + ac9 + ac10 + ac11\
                 + ac12 + ac13

    # Sanity checks before returning as int
    assert cost.is_integer()
    assert iters.is_integer()
    assert ancilla_cost.is_integer()

    step_cost = int(cost)
    total_cost = int(cost * iters)
    ancilla_cost = int(ancilla_cost)

    return step_cost, total_cost, ancilla_cost
예제 #12
def compute_cost(n: int,
                 lam: float,
                 dE: float,
                 L: int,
                 chi: int,
                 stps: int,
                 verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """ Determine fault-tolerant costs using SF decomposition in quantum chem

        n (int) - the number of spin-orbitals
        lam (float) - the lambda-value for the Hamiltonian
        dE (float) - allowable error in phase estimation
        L (int) - the rank of the first decomposition
        chi (int) - equivalent to aleph_1 and aleph_2 in the document, the
            number of bits for the representation of the coefficients
        stps (int) - an approximate number of steps to choose the precision of
            single qubit rotations in preparation of the equal superposn state
        verbose (bool) - do additional printing of intermediates?

        step_cost (int) - Toffolis per step
        total_cost (int) - Total number of Toffolis
        total_qubit_count (int) - Total qubit count

    # Number of trailing zeros
    eta = power_two(L + 1)

    # Number of qubits for the first register
    nL = np.ceil(np.log2(L + 1))

    # Number of qubits for p and q registers
    nN = np.ceil(np.log2(n // 2))

    oh = [0] * 20
    for p in range(20):
        # JJG note: arccos arg may be > 1
        v = np.round(np.power(2,p+1) / (2 * np.pi) * arccos(np.power(2,nL) /\
            np.sqrt((L + 1)/2**eta)/2))
        oh[p] = np.real(stps * (1 / (np.sin(3 * arcsin(np.cos(v * 2 * np.pi / \
            np.power(2,p+1)) * \
            np.sqrt((L + 1)/2**eta) / np.power(2,nL)))**2) - 1) + 4 * (p + 1))

    # Bits of precision for rotation
    br = int(np.argmin(oh) + 1)

    # The following costs are given in the list of steps on pages 43 and 44.

    # Cost of preparing the equal superposition state on the 1st register in 1a
    cost1a = 2 * (3 * nL - 3 * eta + 2 * br - 9)

    # We have added two qubits
    bL = nL + chi + 2

    # QROM costs for first register preparation in step 1(b)
    cost1b = QR(L + 1, bL)[-1] + QI(L + 1)[-1]

    # The inequality test of cost chi in step 1(c) and the controlled swap with
    # cost nL + 1 in step 1(d) (and their inversions).
    cost1cd = 2 * (chi + nL + 1)

    oh = [0] * 20
    nprime = int(n**2 // 8 + n // 4)
    for p in range(20):
        v = np.round(
            np.power(2, p + 1) / (2 * np.pi) *
            arccos(np.power(2, 2 * nN) / np.sqrt(nprime) / 2))
        oh[p] = np.real(20000 * (1 / (np.sin(3 * arcsin(np.cos(v * 2 * np.pi / \
            np.power(2, p+1)) * \
            np.sqrt(nprime) / np.power(2,2*nN)))**2) - 1) + 4 * (p + 1))

    # Bits of precision for rotation for preparing the next equal
    # superposition states
    br = int(np.argmin(oh) + 1)

    # Cost of preparing equal superposition of p and q registers in step 2(a).
    cost2a = 4 * (6 * nN + 2 * br - 7)

    # Cost of computing contiguous register in step 2 (b).
    cost2b = 4 * (nN**2 + nN - 1)

    # Number of coefficients for first state preparation on p & q.
    n1 = (L + 1) * nprime

    # Number of coefficients for second state preparation on p & q.
    n2 = L * nprime

    # The output size for the QROM for the second state preparation.
    bp = int(2 * nN + chi + 2)

    # Cost of QROMs for state preparation on p and q in step 2 (c).
    cost2c = QR2(L + 1, nprime, bp)[-1] + QI(n1)[-1] + QR2(L, nprime,
                                                           bp)[-1] + QI(n2)[-1]

    # The cost of the inequality test and controlled swap for the quantum alias
    # sampling in steps 2 (d) and (e).
    cost2de = 4 * (chi + 2 * nN)

    # Swapping the p & q registers for symmetry in step 3.  This needs to be
    # done and inverted twice, hence the factor of 4.
    cost3 = 4 * nN

    # The SELECT operation in step 4, which needs to be done twice.
    cost4 = 4 * n - 8

    # The reflection used on the 2nd register in the middle, with cost in step 6
    cost6 = 2 * nN + chi + 3

    # Step 7 involves performing steps 2 to 5 again, which are accounted for
    # above, but there is one extra Toffoli for checking that l <> 0.
    cost7 = 1

    # The total reflection for the quantum walk in step 9.
    cost9 = nL + 2 * nN + 2 * chi + 2

    # The two Toffolis for the control for phase estimation and iteration,
    # given in step 10.
    cost10 = 2

    # The number of steps.
    iters = np.ceil(np.pi * lam / (dE * 2))

    # The total Toffoli costs for a step.
    cost = cost1a + cost1b + cost1cd + cost2a + cost2b + cost2c + cost2de + \
           cost3 + cost4 + cost6 + cost7 + cost9 + cost10

    # Control for phase estimation and its iteration
    ac1 = 2 * np.ceil(np.log2(iters)) - 1

    # System qubits
    ac2 = n

    # First ell register that rotated and the flag for success
    ac3 = nL + 2

    # State preparation on the first register
    ac4 = nL + 2 * chi + 3

    # For p and q registers, the rotated qubit and the success flag
    ac5 = 2 * nN + 2

    # The size of the contiguous register
    ac6 = np.ceil(np.log2(nprime))

    kp = QR2(L + 1, nprime, bp)[:2]

    # The equal superposition state for the second state preparation
    ac7 = chi

    # The phase gradient state
    ac8 = br

    # The QROM on the p & q registers
    ac9 = kp[0] * kp[1] * bp + np.ceil(np.log2(
        (L + 1) / kp[0])) + np.ceil(np.log2(nprime / kp[1]))

    if verbose:
        print("[*] Top of routine")
        print("  [+] eta = ", eta)
        print("  [+] nL = ", nL)
        print("  [+] nN = ", nN)

    total_qubit_count = ac1 + ac2 + ac3 + ac4 + ac5 + ac6 + ac7 + ac8 + ac9

    # Sanity checks before returning as int
    assert cost.is_integer()
    assert iters.is_integer()
    assert total_qubit_count.is_integer()

    step_cost = int(cost)
    total_cost = int(cost * iters)
    total_qubit_count = int(total_qubit_count)

    return step_cost, total_cost, total_qubit_count
예제 #13
x = a[:, ::2].flatten()
y = a[:, 1::2].flatten()
d1 = np.array([[70, 40]])
xy = np.c_[x, y]
xy = np.r_[d1, xy, d1]
N = xy.shape[0]
# 将xy列表中的经纬度转换为弧度,存于列表t中
t = np.radians(xy)
d = np.array([[6370 * arccos(np.cos(t[i, 0] - t[j, 0]) * np.cos(t[i, 1]) * np.cos(t[j, 1]) + \
                                np.sin(t[i, 1]) * np.sin(t[j, 1])) for i in range(N)] for j in range(N)]).real
path = np.arange(N)
L = np.inf
for j in range(10000):
    path0 = np.arange(1, N - 1)
    path0 = np.r_[0, path0, N - 1]
    L0 = d[0, path0[1]]

    for i in range(1, N - 1):
        L0 += d[path0[i], path0[i + 1]]
    if L0 < L:
        path = path0
예제 #14
def compute_cost(n: int,
                 lam: float,
                 dE: float,
                 chi: int,
                 beta: int,
                 M: int,
                 stps: int,
                 verbose: bool = False) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """ Determine fault-tolerant costs using THC decomposition in quantum chem

        n (int) - the number of spin-orbitals
        lam (float) - the lambda-value for the Hamiltonian
        dE (float) - allowable error in phase estimation
        chi (int) - equivalent to aleph in the document, the number of bits for
            the representation of the coefficients
        beta (int) - equivalent to beth in the document, the number of bits for
            the rotations
        M (int) - the dimension for the THC decomposition
        stps (int) - an approximate number of steps to choose the precision of
            single qubit rotations in preparation of the equal superpositn state

        step_cost (int) - Toffolis per step
        total_cost (int) - Total number of Toffolis
        ancilla_cost (int) - Total ancilla cost
    # The number of bits used for each register.
    nM = np.ceil(np.log2(M + 1))

    # This is the number of distinct items of data we need to output.
    d = M * (M + 1) // 2 + n // 2

    # The number of bits used for the contiguous register.
    nc = np.ceil(np.log2(d))

    # The output size is 2*log[M] for the alt values, chi for the keep value,
    # and 2 for the two sign bits, as in Eq. (29).
    m = 2 * nM + 2 + chi
    oh = [0] * 20
    for p in range(20):
        # arccos arg may be > 1
        v = np.round(
            np.power(2, p + 1) / (2 * np.pi) *
            arccos(np.power(2, nM) / np.sqrt(d) / 2))
        oh[p] = stps * (1 / (np.sin(3 * arcsin(np.cos(v * 2 * np.pi / \
            np.power(2,p+1)) * \
            np.sqrt(d) / np.power(2,nM)))**2) - 1) + 4 * (p + 1)

    # Set it to be the number of bits that minimises the cost, usually 7.
    # Python is 0-index, so need to add the one back in vs mathematica nb
    br = np.argmin(oh) + 1

    # This is the costing for preparing the equal superposition over the
    # input registers from below Eq. (27).
    cp1 = 2 * (10 * nM + 2 * br - 9)

    # This is the cost of computing the contiguous register and inverting it.
    # This is with a sophisticated scheme adding together triplets of bits.
    # This is the cost of step 2 in the list on pages 15 and 16, with a factor
    # of 2 to account for its inverse.
    cp2 = 2 * (nM**2 + nM - 1)

    # This is the cost of the QROM for the state preparation in step 3 and its
    # inverse. Note: arg_min is first value, min is second value
    cp3 = QR(d, m)[1] + QI(d)[1]

    # The cost for the inequality test in step 4 and its inverse.
    cp4 = 2 * chi

    # The cost 2*nM for the controlled swap in step 5 and its inverse.
    cp5 = 4 * nM

    # Then there is a cost of nM + 1 for swapping the mu and nu registers in
    # step 6, where the + 1 is because we need to control on two registers.
    # There is the same cost for the inverse.
    cp6 = 2 * nM + 2

    # This is the total cost in Eq. (32).
    CPCP = cp1 + cp2 + cp3 + cp4 + cp5 + cp6

    # This is the cost of swapping based on the spin register. It is steps 1
    # and 7 from the list of steps on pages 16 and 17.
    cs1 = 2 * n

    # The QROM for the rotation angles the first time in step 2. and the second
    # part is the cost for inverting them with advanced QROM (step 6).
    cs2a = M + n / 2 - 2

    # The QROM for the rotation angles the second time. Here the cost M - 2 is
    # for generating the angles the second time (again step 2), and QI[M] is
    # for inverting the QROM (step 6).
    cs2b = M - 2

    # The cost of the rotations in steps 3 and 5, which must be done 4 times.
    cs3 = 4 * n * (beta - 2)

    # Cost for making the Z doubly controlled in step 4, and a controlled swap
    #  of the spin qubits. Note: is this really just "2"? Does this need a var?
    cs4 = 2

    # want the argument, so that is first element
    k1 = np.power(2, QI(M + n // 2)[0])

    # The cost for inverting the rotation angles the first time in step 6.
    cs6a = np.ceil(M / k1) + np.ceil(n / 2 / k1) + k1

    # The cost for inverting the rotation angles the second time in step 6.
    # value is in second output argument of QI
    cs6b = QI(M)[1]

    # The total select cost in Eq. (42).
    CS = cs1 + cs2a + cs2b + cs3 + cs4 + cs6a + cs6b

    # The cost of the reflections used in Eq. (43).
    costref = 2 * nM + chi + 4

    # The total cost in Eq. (43).
    cost = CPCP + CS + costref

    # The cost of the control register and temporary registers given for part 1.
    ac1 = lambda iters: 2 * np.ceil(np.log2(iters + 1)) - 1

    # Qubits for the system register in part 2.
    ac2 = n

    # The cost for the \[Mu] and \[Nu] registers in part 3.
    ac3 = 2 * nM

    # This is for the equal superposition state to perform the inequal
    # test with the keep register.
    ac4 = chi

    # Some minor qubit counts in parts 5 to 9.
    ac59 = 7

    # The phase gradient state in part 10.
    ac10 = beta

    # The contiguous register in part 11
    ac11 = nc

    # we want arg_min so first argument
    kt = np.power(2, QR(d, m))[0]

    # The qubits used for the QROM in part 12, of which only m are persistent.
    ac12 = m * kt + np.ceil(np.log2(d / kt))

    # This is the data needed for the rotations in part 13.
    ac13 = beta * n / 2

    # These are the ancillas needed for adding into the phase gradient state
    # in part 14.
    ac14 = beta - 2

    # These are the temporary ancillas in between erasing the first QROM
    # ancillas and inverting that QROM. The + m is for output of the first QROM.
    acc = ac13 + ac14 + m

    # Total number of iterations
    iters = np.ceil(np.pi * lam / (dE * 2))
    aca = ac1(iters) + ac2 + ac3 + ac4 + ac59 + ac10 + ac11

    if verbose:
        print("[*] Top of routine")
        print("  [+] nM = ", nM)
        print("  [+] d = ", d)
        print("  [+] nc = ", nc)
        print("  [+] m = ", m)
        print("  [+] oh = ", oh)
        print("  [+] br = ", br)
        print("  [+] cp1 = ", cp1)
        print("  [+] cp2 = ", cp2)
        print("    [*] QR[d,m] = ", QR(d, m))
        print("    [*] QI[d] = ", QI(d))
        print("  [+] cp3 = ", cp3)
        print("  [+] cp4 = ", cp4)
        print("  [+] cp5 = ", cp5)
        print("  [+] cp6 = ", cp6)
        print("  [+] CPCP = ", CPCP)
        print("  [+] cs1 = ", cs1)
        print("  [+] cs2a = ", cs2a)
        print("  [+] cs2b = ", cs2b)
        print("  [+] cs3 = ", cs3)
        print("  [+] k1 = ", k1)
        print("  [+] cs6a = ", cs6a)
        print("  [+] cs6b = ", cs6b)
        print("  [+] CS = ", CS)
        print("  [+] costref = ", costref)
        print("  [+] cost = ", cost)
        print("  [+] ac1 = ", ac1)
        print("  [+] ac2 = ", ac2)
        print("  [+] ac3 = ", ac3)
        print("  [+] ac4 = ", ac4)
        print("  [+] ac10 = ", ac10)
        print("  [+] ac11 = ", ac11)
        print("  [+] kt = ", kt)
        print("  [+] ac12 = ", ac12)
        print("  [+] ac13 = ", ac13)
        print("  [+] ac14 = ", ac14)
        print("  [+] acc = ", acc)
        print("  [+] iters = ", iters)
        print("  [+] aca = ", aca)

    # Sanity checks before returning as int
    # assert cost.is_integer()
    # assert iters.is_integer()
    # assert aca.is_integer()
    # assert ac12.is_integer()
    # assert acc.is_integer()

    step_cost = int(cost)
    total_cost = int(cost * iters)
    ancilla_cost = int(np.max([aca + ac12, aca + acc]))

    # step-cost, Toffoli count, logical qubits
    return step_cost, total_cost, ancilla_cost
예제 #15
from numpy import loadtxt, radians, sin, cos, inf, exp
from numpy import array, r_, c_, arange, savetxt
from numpy.lib.scimath import arccos
from numpy.random import shuffle, randint, rand
from matplotlib.pyplot import plot, show, rc
a = loadtxt("Pdata17_1.txt")
x = a[:, ::2].flatten()
y = a[:, 1::2].flatten()
d1 = array([[70, 40]])
xy = c_[x, y]
xy = r_[d1, xy, d1]
N = xy.shape[0]
t = radians(xy)  #转化为弧度
d = array([[
    6370 * arccos(
        cos(t[i, 0] - t[j, 0]) * cos(t[i, 1]) * cos(t[j, 1]) +
        sin(t[i, 1]) * sin(t[j, 1])) for i in range(N)
] for j in range(N)]).real
savetxt('Pdata17_2.txt', c_[xy, d])  #把数据保存到文本文件,供下面使用
path = arange(N)
L = inf
for j in range(1000):
    path0 = arange(1, N - 1)
    path0 = r_[0, path0, N - 1]
    L0 = d[0, path0[1]]  #初始化
    for i in range(1, N - 1):
        L0 += d[path0[i], path0[i + 1]]
    if L0 < L:
        path = path0
        L = L0
예제 #16
파일: convlim.py 프로젝트: coek34/PyACDCPF
def convlim(Ss, Vs, Vc, Ztf, Bf, Zc, Icmax, Vcmax, Vcmin, convi, epslim, printopt):
    Check for converter operation within ac voltage and current limits.

    Converter operation checked with the converter's PQ capability diagram
    that are calculated based on the converter limits and grid operation

    @author:Jef Beerten (KU Leuven)
    @author:Roni Irnawan (Aalborg University)    

    ## voltage limits order check
    if Vcmax<Vcmin:
        stderr.write('Vcmin is larger than Vcmax for converter %d\n'%convi)
    elif Vcmax==Vcmin:
        stderr.write('Vcmin is equal to Vcmax for converter %d\n'%convi)

    Ssold = Ss.copy()

    ## define voltage magnitudes, angles, powers
    Vsm = abs(Vs)
    Vsa = angle(Vs)
    Vcm = abs(Vc)
    Vca = angle(Vc)
    Ps = real(Ss)
    Qs = imag(Ss)

    ##--- initialization ---
    ## load existing parameters
    Zf = 1/(j*(Bf + eps))
    Ytf = 1/(Ztf + eps) ## avoid division by zero. If Ztf=0, Ytf=inf is not used
    Yf  = j*(Bf + eps)
    Yc  = 1/(Zc + eps)

    ## pi-equivalent parameters of the converter station (voltage limits)
    # Implementation based on:
    # J. Beerten, S. Cole and R. Belmans: "Generalized Steady-State VSC MTDC
    # Model for Sequential AC/DC Power Flow Algorithms", IEEE Trans. Pow.
    # Syst., vol. 27, no. 2, 2012, pp. 821 - 829.
    #           ======
    #  --------|  Z2  |---------
    #    ||     ======     ||
    #   ====              ====
    #  |    |            |    |
    #  | Z1 |            | Z3 |
    #  |    |            |    |
    #   ====              ====
    #    ||                ||
    # Expressions for Z3 and Y3 are not included, since not used in program

    if Ztf!=0 and Bf!=0:
        Z1 = (Ztf*Zc+Zc*Zf+Zf*Ztf)/Zc
        Z2 = (Ztf*Zc+Zc*Zf+Zf*Ztf)/Zf
    elif Ztf==0 and Bf!=0:
        Z1 = Zf
        Z2 = Zc
    elif Ztf!= 0 and Bf==0:
        Z1 = inf
        Z2 = Ztf+Zc
    else: ## Ztf == 0 && Bf ==0
        Z1 = inf
        Z2 = Zc

    Y1 = 1/Z1
    Y2 = 1/Z2
    G2 = real(Y2)
    B2 = imag(Y2)
    Y12 = Y1 + Y2
    G12 = real(Y12)
    B12 = imag(Y12)

    ##--- voltage and current limit parameters ----
    ## maximum current limit circle parameters
    MPL1 = -Vsm**2*(1/(conj(Zf) + conj(Ztf)))*(Bf!=0)\
            + (0+j*0)*(Bf==0)  ## center of the current limit
    rL1 = Vsm*Icmax*(\
                (Ztf!=0)*(abs(conj(Ytf)/(conj(Yf) + conj(Ytf))))\
                + (Ztf==0)*1) ## radius of current limit circle

    ## maximum and minimal active power on current limit
    PmaxL1 = real(MPL1) + rL1
    PminL1 = real(MPL1) - rL1
    QPmaxL1 = imag(MPL1)
    QPminL1 = imag(MPL1)

    ## minimum and maximum voltage limit circle parameters
    MPL2 = -Vsm**2*conj(Y1+Y2) ## center of the voltage limits
    rL2 =  Vsm*r_[Vcmin,Vcmax]*abs(Y2) ## radius of voltage limits

    ##--- voltage limit compliance of min/max active power point ---
    ## find intersection points of Vcmin/Vcmax and current limit circles
    dL12 = sqrt((real(MPL2)-real(MPL1))**2+(imag(MPL2)-imag(MPL1))**2)
    alpha = arctan((imag(MPL2)-imag(MPL1))/(real(MPL2)-real(MPL1)))
    beta = arccos(((dL12**2+rL1**2)*ones((1,2))-rL2**2)/(2*dL12*rL1))
    delta = arccos(((dL12**2-rL1**2)*ones((1,2))+rL2**2)/(2*dL12*rL2))
    gamma = c_[alpha-beta,pi-alpha-beta]
    eta = c_[alpha+delta,alpha-delta]

    ## possible intersection points (current limit) => intersection vector
    x1 = zeros((2,gamma.shape[1]),dtype=complex)
    y1 = zeros((2,gamma.shape[1]),dtype=complex)
    x1[0,:] = real(MPL1) + rL1*cos(gamma)
    x1[1,:] = real(MPL1) - rL1*cos(gamma)
    y1[0,:] = imag(MPL1) + rL1*sin(gamma)
    y1[1,:] = imag(MPL1) - rL1*sin(gamma)

    ## possible intersection points (voltage limits) => intersection vector
    x2 = zeros((2,gamma.shape[1]),dtype=complex)
    y2 = zeros((2,gamma.shape[1]),dtype=complex)
    x2[0,:] = real(MPL2) + r_[rL2,rL2]*cos(eta);
    x2[1,:] = real(MPL2) - r_[rL2,rL2]*cos(eta);
    y2[0,:] = imag(MPL2) + r_[rL2,rL2]*sin(eta);
    y2[1,:] = imag(MPL2) - r_[rL2,rL2]*sin(eta);

    ## vectorize intersection point matrices
    x1v = x1.reshape((x1.size,1),order='F')
    x2v = x2.reshape((x2.size,1),order='F')
    y1v = y1.reshape((y1.size,1),order='F')
    y2v = y2.reshape((y2.size,1),order='F')

    ## decrease accuracy to detect the intersection points
    eps2 = 1e-8;
    x1r = round(x1v/eps2)*eps2;
    x2r = round(x2v/eps2)*eps2;
    y1r = round(y1v/eps2)*eps2;
    y2r = round(y2v/eps2)*eps2;

    ## corresponding elements in intersections vectors
    x12r = intersect1d(x1r,x2r)
    x1i = array([idx for y in x12r for idx,x in enumerate(x1r) if x==y])
    x2i = array([idx for y in x12r for idx,x in enumerate(x2r) if x==y])
    y12r = intersect1d(y1r,y2r)
    y1i = array([idx for y in y12r for idx,x in enumerate(y1r) if x==y])
    y2i = array([idx for y in y12r for idx,x in enumerate(y2r) if x==y])

    x12r1 = c_[x1i,x12r]
    x12r1 = x12r1[x12r1[:,0].argsort()]
    x12r2 = c_[x2i,x12r]
    x12r2 = x12r2[x12r2[:,0].argsort()]
    y12r1 = c_[y1i,y12r]
    y12r1 = y12r1[y12r1[:,0].argsort()]
    y12r2 = c_[y2i,y12r]
    y12r2 = y12r2[y12r2[:,0].argsort()]

    ## define intersection points (full accuracy)
    VcminPQ1 = x1v[int(real(x12r1[0,0]))] + j*y1v[int(real(y12r1[0,0]))]
    VcminPQ2 = x1v[int(real(x12r1[2,0]))] + j*y1v[int(real(y12r1[2,0]))]
    VcmaxPQ1 = x1v[int(real(x12r1[1,0]))] + j*y1v[int(real(y12r1[1,0]))]
    VcmaxPQ2 = x1v[int(real(x12r1[3,0]))] + j*y1v[int(real(y12r1[3,0]))]
    ## Remove imaginary intersection points (no intersections, due to low/high voltage limits)
    if isreal(x12r2[0,1])==0 or isreal(y12r2[0,1])==0 or isreal(x12r2[2,1])==0 \
        or isreal(y12r2[2,1])==0 :
        VcminPQ1 = array([])     ## Imaginary intersection points are found in pairs
        VcminPQ2 = array([])
        if printopt == 1 :
            stdout.write('\n  Lower voltage limit at converter %d : No intersections with current limit were found.\n'%convi)

    if isreal(x12r2[1,1])==0 or isreal(y12r2[1,1])==0 or isreal(x12r2[3,1])==0 \
        or isreal(y12r2[3,1])==0 :
        VcmaxPQ1 = array([])
        VcmaxPQ2 = array([])
        if printopt == 1 :
            stdout.write('\n  Upper voltage limit at converter %d : No intersections with current limit were found.\n'%convi )

    ## Define maximum and minimum power points
    # Initialisation
    Pmin = PminL1
    QPmin = QPminL1
    Pmax = PmaxL1
    QPmax = QPmaxL1

    # Redefine max and min power points if min/max voltage limits are high/low
    if not VcminPQ1.size == 0 or not VcminPQ2.size == 0 :
        if printopt == 1 and (imag(VcminPQ1) > QPminL1 or imag(VcminPQ2) > QPmaxL1) :
            stdout.write('\n  High lower voltage limit detected at converter %d. \n'% convi)
        if imag(VcminPQ1) > QPminL1 :
            Pmin = real(VcminPQ1)
            QPmin = imag(VcminPQ1)
        if imag(VcminPQ2) > QPmaxL1:
            Pmax = real(VcminPQ2)
            QPmax = imag(VcminPQ2)
    if not VcmaxPQ1.size == 0 or not VcmaxPQ2.size == 0 :
        if printopt == 1 and (imag(VcmaxPQ1) < QPminL1 or imag(VcmaxPQ2) < QPmaxL1):
            stdout.write('\n  Low upper voltage limit detected at converter %d. \n '% convi)
        if imag(VcmaxPQ1) < QPminL1:
            Pmin = real(VcmaxPQ1)
            QPmin = imag(VcmaxPQ1)
        if imag(VcmaxPQ2) < QPmaxL1:
            Pmax = real(VcmaxPQ2)
            QPmax = imag(VcmaxPQ2)

    ##--- Limit check ---
    if Pmin < Ps and Ps < Pmax:
        ## maximum current limit (L1)
        if imag(MPL1)<Qs :
            Qs1 = imag(MPL1) + sqrt(rL1**2-(Ps-real(MPL1))**2)
        else: ## if Qs<imag(MPL1)
            Qs1 = imag(MPL1) - sqrt(rL1**2-(Ps-real(MPL1))**2)

        ## minimum and maximum voltage limits (L2)
        Qs2 = imag(MPL2)+sqrt(rL2**2-(Ps-real(MPL2))**2)
        a = 1+(B2/G2)**2*ones((1,2))
        b = -2*B2/G2*(Ps+Vsm**2*G12)/(Vsm*r_[Vcmin,Vcmax]*G2)
        c = ((Ps+Vsm**2*G12)/(Vsm*r_[Vcmin,Vcmax]*G2))**2-1

        ## only positive solution retained (neg. solution refers to lower part)
        sinDd = (-b + sqrt(b**2-4*a*c))/(2*a)
        Dd = arcsin(sinDd)
        cosDd = cos(Dd)
        Qs2 = Vsm**2*B12+Vsm*r_[Vcmin,Vcmax]*(G2*sinDd-B2*cosDd);

        ## adopt working point to limits
        if Qs > imag(MPL1) :
            if Qs > r_[Qs1,Qs2[:,1]].min() :
                convlimviol = 1
                Qs = r_[Qs1,Qs2[:,1]].min()
            elif Qs < Qs2[:,0] :
                convlimviol = 1
                Qs = Qs2[:,0]
            else: ## Qs < min([Qs1 Qs2[1]])
                convlimviol = 0
        else: ## Qs < imag(MPL1)
            if Qs < r_[Qs1,Qs2[:,0]].max():
                    convlimviol = 1
                    Qs = r_[Qs1,Qs2[:,0]].max()
            elif Qs > Qs2[:,1] :
                    convlimviol = 1
                    Qs = Qs2[:,1]
            else: ## Qs < min([Qs1 Qs2[1]])
                    convlimviol = 0

    ## active power outside of current limit active power range
    elif Ps <= Pmin: ## grid injected active power lower than minimum value
        ## set active power to minimum
        convlimviol = 2
        Ps = Pmin
        Qs = QPmin

    else:  ## if PmaxL1 <= Ps %% grid injected active power higher than maximum value
        ## set active power to maximum
        convlimviol = 2
        Ps = Pmax
        Qs = QPmax

    ## define output argument Ss
    Ss = Ps + j*Qs

    ## remove violation when difference is small
    if abs(Ssold-Ss)<epslim:
        convlimviol = 0

    ## define plot arguments
    if convlimviol == 1:
        SsIcmax = Ps+j*Qs1
        SsVcmin = Ps+j*Qs2.min()
        SsVcmax = Ps+j*Qs2.max()
        plotarg = r_[convlimviol, Ztf, Zf, Zc, Y1, Y2, Yf, Ytf, Vs, Icmax,\
                Vcmax, Vcmin, Ssold, Ss, SsIcmax, SsVcmax, SsVcmin]
        plotarg = r_[convlimviol, Ztf, Zf, Zc, Y1, Y2, Yf, Ytf, Vs, Icmax,\
                Vcmax, Vcmin, Ssold, Ss, 0, 0, 0];

    return convlimviol, Ss, plotarg
예제 #17
def cost_sparse(n: int, lam: float, d: int, dE: float, chi: int,
                stps: int) -> Tuple[int, int, int]:
    """ Determine fault-tolerant costs using sparse decomposition in quantum

        n (int) - the number of spin-orbitals
        lam (float) - the lambda-value for the Hamiltonian
        dE (float) - allowable error in phase estimation
        L (int) - the rank of the first decomposition
        Lxi (int) - the total number of eigenvectors
        chi (int) - equivalent to aleph_1 and aleph_2 in the document, the
            number of bits for the representation of the coefficients
        beta (int) - equivalent to beth in the document, the number of bits
            for the rotations
        stps (int) - an approximate number of steps to choose the precision
            of single qubit rotations in preparation of the equal superposition

        step_cost (int) - Toffolis per step
        total_cost (int) - Total number of Toffolis
        ancilla_cost (int) - Total ancilla cost

    # I think there is a bug in the mathematica notebook. It does not check if
    # 2 is a factor first, which it should, cf. the similar function in
    # costingdf.nb Below is correct using the power_two() function, to give
    # power of 2 that is a factor of d.
    eta = power_two(d)

    nN = np.ceil(np.log2(n // 2))

    m = chi + 8 * nN + 4  # Eq (A13)

    oh = [0] * 20

    nM = (np.ceil(np.log2(d)) - eta) / 2

    for p in range(2, 22):
        # JJG note: arccos arg may be > 1
        v = np.round(np.power(2,p+1) / (2 * np.pi) * arccos(np.power(2,nM) /\
        oh[p-2] = np.real(stps * (1 / (np.sin(3 * arcsin(np.cos(v * 2 * np.pi /\
            np.power(2,p+1)) * \
            np.sqrt(d/2**eta) / np.power(2,nM)))**2) - 1) + 4 * (p + 1))

    # Bits of precision for rotation
    br = int(np.argmin(oh) + 1) + 2

    # Hand selecting the k expansion factor
    k1 = 32

    # Equation (A17)
    cost = np.ceil(d/k1) + m * (k1 -1) + QI(d)[1] + 4 * n + 8 * nN + 2 * chi + \
        7 * np.ceil(np.log2(d)) - 6 * eta + 4 * br - 19

    # Number of iterations needed for the phase estimation.
    iters = np.ceil(np.pi * lam / (dE * 2))

    # The following are the number of qubits from the listing on page 39.

    # Control registers for phase estimation and iteration on them.
    ac1 = 2 * np.ceil(np.log2(iters)) - 1

    # System qubits
    ac2 = n

    # The register used for the QROM
    ac3 = np.ceil(np.log2(d))

    # The qubit used for flagging the success of the equal superposition state
    # preparation and the ancilla qubit for rotation
    ac45 = 2

    # The phase gradient state
    ac6 = br

    # The equal superposition state for coherent alias sampling
    ac7 = chi

    # The ancillas used for QROM
    ac8 = np.ceil(np.log2(d / k1)) + m * k1

    ancilla_cost = ac1 + ac2 + ac3 + ac45 + ac6 + ac7 + ac8

    # Sanity checks before returning as int
    assert cost.is_integer()
    assert iters.is_integer()
    assert ancilla_cost.is_integer()

    step_cost = int(cost)
    total_cost = int(cost * iters)
    ancilla_cost = int(ancilla_cost)

    return step_cost, total_cost, ancilla_cost
예제 #18
def angl(v1, v2):
    a = v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1] + v1[2] * v2[2]
    b = sqrt(pow(v1[0], 2) + pow(v1[1], 2) + pow(v1[2], 2))
    c = sqrt(pow(v2[0], 2) + pow(v2[1], 2) + pow(v2[2], 2))
    cos = a / (b * c)
    return arccos(cos)