예제 #1
def biweight(x, cst):
    Computes the biweight average and midvariance for a given 1D array.
    Returns a tuple (biweight mean, biweight variance).

    x: {ndarray}
        Input Array
    cst : {float} 
        Parameter controlling how outliers are censored.

    The function is restricted to 1D data only.
    assert (x.ndim == 1, "1D array only !")
    xmed = ma.median(x, 0)
    manom = x - xmed
    mad = ma.median(ma.absolute(manom))
    u_i = (manom/float(cst*mad))
    u_i *= ma.less_equal(ma.absolute(u_i), 1.).astype(float)
    w_i = (1-u_i**2)
    if ma.count(w_i) > 0:
        biw_m = xmed + ma.sum(manom * w_i**2)/ma.sum(w_i**2)
        biw_m = xmed
    biw_sd = ma.sqrt(ma.count(x)*ma.sum(manom**2 * w_i**4))
    biw_sd *= 1./ma.absolute(ma.sum(w_i * (1-5*u_i**2)))
    return (biw_m, biw_sd.item())
예제 #2
파일: gsm_funcs.py 프로젝트: tcv/hibiscus
def ant_beam(gsm_array, gsm_var,gaindb,sim_var,label,freq,plotf):
    Combines the gsm and sim datasets for a given place/time.
    Note I've limited the frequency range that is loaded to avoid memory errors
    Re-wrote to limit to a single frequency 
    Expects sim_var,gsm_var to be in degrees. 
    gain_beam = sim_beam_interp(gsm_var,gaindb,sim_var)
    full_beam = gain_beam*gsm_array

    nandata = np.where(np.isnan(full_beam))
    for i in range(0,len(nandata[0])):

    summed_beam = ma.sum(ma.sum(full_beam,axis=0),axis=0)
    summed_sim = ma.sum(ma.sum(gain_beam,axis=0),axis=0)

#Allows you to make plots to check results at a single frequency only if you set plotf to be within the frequency range of the data.     
    if freq==plotf:
        plt.ylabel('DEC (degrees)')
        plt.title('Simulated HIbiscus Beam (linear power)')

        plt.ylabel('DEC (degrees)')
        plt.title('Interpolated HIbiscus Beam (linear power)')

        plt.ylabel('DEC (degrees)')
        plt.title('GSM Data (Kelvin)')

        plt.xlabel('RA (degrees)')  
        plt.ylabel('DEC (degrees)')
        plt.title('Expected Signal (Kelvin)')

    final_result = summed_beam/summed_sim

    return final_result
예제 #3
def computeAveragesUsingNumpy():
    global sizeX, sizeY, sizeZ
    flattenedArrays = []

    for fileName in fileNames:
        fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fileName)
        print('processing %s' % fpath)

        year = fileName.split('_')[-1][:-4]

        dataset = gdal.Open(fpath)

        sumArray = ma.zeros((dataset.RasterYSize, dataset.RasterXSize))
        total = 0
        count = 0
        numBands = dataset.RasterCount

        for bandId in range(numBands):
            band = ma.masked_outside(dataset.GetRasterBand(bandId + 1).ReadAsArray(), VALUE_RANGE[0], VALUE_RANGE[1])
            sumArray += band

        sumArray /= numBands
        total = ma.sum(ma.sum(sumArray))
        count = sumArray.count()
        minCell = ma.min(sumArray)
        maxCell = ma.max(sumArray)
        sizeX = dataset.RasterXSize
        sizeY = dataset.RasterYSize

        flattenedArrays.append(np.ndarray.flatten(sumArray[::-1,:], 0).astype(np.dtype(np.int32)))

    sizeZ = len(flattenedArrays)

    return np.ma.concatenate(flattenedArrays)
예제 #4
def entropy(array, dim=None):
    if dim is None:
        array = array.ravel()
        dim = 0
    n = ma.sum(array, dim)
    array = ma.log(array) * array
    sum = ma.sum(array, dim)
    return (ma.log(n) - sum / n) / ma.log(2.0)
예제 #5
 def add_chunk(self, chunk):
     if self.masked:
         ma.sum(chunk, axis=self.axis, out=self.temp)
         self.running_total += self.temp.filled(0)
         self.running_count += ma.count(chunk, axis=self.axis)
         np.sum(chunk, axis=self.axis, out=self.temp)
         self.running_total += self.temp
예제 #6
def entropy(array, dim=None):
    if dim is None:
        array = array.ravel()
        dim = 0
    n = ma.sum(array, dim)
    array = ma.log(array) * array
    sum = ma.sum(array, dim)
    return (ma.log(n) - sum / n) / ma.log(2.0)
예제 #7
def average_in_flux(mag, dmag, axis=None):
    flux = 10**(mag / -2.5)
    dflux = np.log(10) / 2.5 * flux * dmag
    avg_dflux = np.power(np.sum(np.power(dflux, -2), axis), -0.5)
    avg_flux = np.sum(flux * np.power(dflux, -2), axis) * avg_dflux**2
    avg_mag = -2.5 * np.log10(avg_flux)
    avg_dmag = 2.5 / np.log(10) * np.divide(avg_dflux, avg_flux)
    return avg_mag, avg_dmag
예제 #8
def average_in_flux(mag, dmag, axis=None):
    flux = 10**(mag / -2.5)
    dflux = np.log(10) / 2.5 * flux * dmag
    avg_dflux = np.power(np.sum(np.power(dflux, -2), axis), -0.5)
    avg_flux = np.sum(flux * np.power(dflux, -2), axis) * avg_dflux**2
    avg_mag = -2.5 * np.log10(avg_flux)
    avg_dmag = 2.5 / np.log(10) * np.divide(avg_dflux, avg_flux)
    return avg_mag, avg_dmag
예제 #9
def _compute_variable_stats(variable, axis, weights, calc_avg, calc_min,
                            calc_max, calc_stddev, calc_count):
    Calculate statistics for a single variable.

    # Get the data out. Note: scale_factor and add_offset are automatically
    # applied.
    data = variable[:]
    # Make sure data is a masked array
    data = ma.masked_array(data)

    # Broadcast the weights before we try to combine the masks for data and
    # weights
    weights = ma.masked_array(data=np.broadcast_to(weights.data, data.shape),

    # We want all our calculations to happen over areas that are unmasked in
    # both the weights and data
    combined_mask = np.logical_or(ma.getmaskarray(data),
    data = ma.masked_array(data.data, mask=combined_mask)
    weights = ma.masked_array(weights.data, mask=combined_mask)

    out = {}
    if calc_count:
        # Irritatingly, the ma.count function can only take one value at a time
        # for the axis. So, instead, construct an array of ones
        ones = np.ones(data.shape)
        # Set the masked areas to 0
        ones[combined_mask] = 0
        out["count"] = ma.sum(ones, axis=axis)
    if calc_min:
        out["min"] = ma.min(data, axis=axis)
    if calc_max:
        out["max"] = ma.max(data, axis=axis)

    # Note: standard deviation needs the weighted average and the weights sum
    if calc_avg or calc_stddev:
        sum_weights = _add_axes_back(ma.sum(weights, axis=axis), axis)

        weighted_avg_numerator = _add_axes_back(
            ma.sum(weights * data, axis=axis), axis)
        weighted_avg = weighted_avg_numerator / sum_weights

        if calc_avg:
            out["avg"] = ma.squeeze(weighted_avg, axis=axis)

    if calc_stddev:
        # calculate the anomaly
        anomaly = data - weighted_avg

        # calculate the standard deviation
        variance = ma.sum(weights * (anomaly**2) / sum_weights, axis=axis)
        out["stddev"] = np.sqrt(variance)

    return out
예제 #10
def printstuff(vals, vals_sum, file_count):
    # create running sum of values
    print file_count
    print '----------------'
    print 'sum', ma.sum(vals)
    print 'total sum', ma.sum(vals_sum)
    print '----------------'
    print 'max', ma.amax(vals)
    print 'min', ma.amin(vals)
    print '\n----------------'
예제 #11
def printstuff(vals,vals_sum,file_count):
    # create running sum of values
    print file_count
    print '----------------'
    print 'sum', ma.sum(vals)
    print 'total sum', ma.sum(vals_sum)
    print '----------------'
    print 'max', ma.amax(vals)
    print 'min', ma.amin(vals)
    print '\n----------------'
예제 #12
def printstuff(vals, vals_sum, file_count):
    # create running sum of values
    print file_count
    print "----------------"
    print "sum", ma.sum(vals)
    print "total sum", ma.sum(vals_sum)
    print "----------------"
    print "max", ma.amax(vals)
    print "min", ma.amin(vals)
    print "\n----------------"
예제 #13
def muti_bin2(css, Nc, bs, nc):
    ncs_1 = ma.array(
        np.apply_along_axis(lambda x: np.bincount(x, minlength=Nc), 1,
                            css[:, bs == 1]))
    ncs_0 = nc - ncs_1
    N = len(bs)
    nb1 = bs.sum()
    nb0 = N - nb1
    return (1./N * (ma.sum(ncs_1 * ma.log(1.*N*ncs_1/nc/nb1),1).filled(0) +\
                    ma.sum(ncs_0 * ma.log(1.*N*ncs_0/nc/nb0),1).filled(0)))
예제 #14
def _var(A, axis=0, keepdims=True, weights=None):
    if weights is None:
        return npm.var(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        mu = npm.average(A, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims, weights=weights)
        w = npm.sum(weights, axis=axis, keepdims=keepdims)
        var = npm.sum(weights * (A - mu)**2,
                      weights=weights) / w**2
        return var
예제 #15
def printstuff(vals, vals_sum, file_count):
    # create running sum of values
    print file_count
    print '----------------'
    print 'sum', ma.sum(vals)
    print 'total sum', ma.sum(vals_sum)
    print 'perc masked:', ma.count_masked(vals_sum) / vals_sum.size * 100., '%'
    print '----------------'
    print 'max', ma.amax(vals)
    print 'min', ma.amin(vals)
    print '\n----------------'
예제 #16
def simple_extraction(x, y, binNum, cube, verbose=False, type='sum'):

    """Extract a spectrum by simply summing all the pixels in a bin at each wavelength value

    Ignore nans by making a global 'nan' mask and using the bitwise and with that and the bin mask.

    Can either add spectra by summing or median combining (very simply! No continuum adition or anything)


    d1, d2, d3=cube.shape

    spectra=np.empty((number_of_bins, d1))

    #Mask all nans in the cube


    for i in range(number_of_bins):
        if verbose:
            print "Extracting spectrum {} of {}".format(i, number_of_bins)

        #Create a mask with True where the bin indices are, false everywhere else

        aperture_indices=[y_inds, x_inds]

        #True corresponds to masked
        mask=np.ones_like(cube[0, :, :]).astype(bool)
        mask[y_inds, x_inds]=False

        aperture_mask = np.repeat(mask[np.newaxis, :, :], d1, axis=0)


        masked_cube=ma.array(cube, mask=final_mask)

        if type=='sum':
            spectra[i :]=ma.sum(ma.sum(masked_cube, axis=2), axis=1)
        elif type=='median':
            spectra[i :]=ma.median(ma.median(masked_cube, axis=2), axis=1)
            return NameError('Type of combination not understood')

    return spectra, nan_mask
예제 #17
def printstuff(vals,vals_sum,file_count):
    # create running sum of values
    print file_count
    print '----------------'
    print 'sum', ma.sum(vals)
    print 'total sum', ma.sum(vals_sum)
    print 'perc masked:', ma.count_masked(vals_sum)/vals_sum.size*100.,'%'
    print '----------------'
    print 'max', ma.amax(vals)
    print 'min', ma.amin(vals)
    print '\n----------------'
예제 #18
 def __call__(self, target):
     array = equi_n_discretization(self.array.copy(), intervals=5, dim=0)
     ind1, ind2 = self.test_indices(target)
     a1, a2 = array[ind1, :], array[ind2, :]
     dist1, dist2  = [], []
     dist = ma.zeros((array.shape[1], 2, 5))
     for i in range(5):
         dist1.append(ma.sum(ma.ones(a1.shape) * (a1 == i), 0))
         dist2.append(ma.sum(ma.ones(a2.shape) * (a2 == i), 0))
         dist[:, 0, i] = dist1[-1]
         dist[:, 1, i] = dist2[-1] 
     return list(zip(self.keys, achisquare_indtest(np.array(dist), dim=1)))
예제 #19
 def __call__(self, target):
     array = equi_n_discretization(self.array.copy(), intervals=5, dim=0)
     ind1, ind2 = self.test_indices(target)
     a1, a2 = array[ind1, :], array[ind2, :]
     dist1, dist2 = [], []
     dist = ma.zeros((array.shape[1], 2, 5))
     for i in range(5):
         dist1.append(ma.sum(ma.ones(a1.shape) * (a1 == i), 0))
         dist2.append(ma.sum(ma.ones(a2.shape) * (a2 == i), 0))
         dist[:, 0, i] = dist1[-1]
         dist[:, 1, i] = dist2[-1]
     return list(zip(self.keys, achisquare_indtest(np.array(dist), dim=1)))
예제 #20
def getExtentAreaFromConc(iceConcMon):
    iceConcMon = ma.masked_where(iceConcMon <= 0.15, iceConcMon)
    iceConcMon = ma.masked_where(ice_flag >= 1.5, iceConcMon)

    concHole = ma.mean(iceConcMon[(lats > pmask - 0.5) & (lats < pmask)])

    iceConcMonP = ma.where((lats >= pmask), 1., iceConcMon)
    iceConcMonA = ma.where((lats >= pmask), concHole, iceConcMon)

    iceExtent = ma.sum(ma.where((iceConcMonP > 0.15), 1, 0) * areaF)
    iceArea = ma.sum(iceConcMonA * areaF)
    return iceExtent, iceArea
def computeAveragesAndBuildImgData():
    imgDims = [1440, 720, 10]

    imgData = vtk.vtkImageData()
    imgData.SetDimensions(imgDims[0] + 1, imgDims[1] + 1, imgDims[2] + 1)
    imgData.SetSpacing(1, 1, 1)
    imgData.SetOrigin(0, 0, 0)
    imgData.SetExtent(0, imgDims[0], 0, imgDims[1], 0, imgDims[2])
    imgData.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_FLOAT, 1)

    flattenedArrays = []

    for fileName in fileNames:
        fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fileName)
        print('processing %s' % fpath)

        year = fileName.split('_')[-1][:-4]

        dataset = gdal.Open(fpath)
        sumArray = ma.zeros((dataset.RasterYSize, dataset.RasterXSize))
        total = 0
        count = 0
        numBands = dataset.RasterCount
        for bandId in range(numBands):
            band = ma.masked_outside(dataset.GetRasterBand(bandId + 1).ReadAsArray(), VALUE_RANGE[0], VALUE_RANGE[1])
            sumArray += band
        sumArray /= numBands
        total = ma.sum(ma.sum(sumArray))
        count = sumArray.count()
        minCell = ma.min(sumArray)
        maxCell = ma.max(sumArray)
        imgDims = [dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize]

        # flattenedArrays.append(np.ndarray.flatten(sumArray[::-1,:], 0).astype(np.dtype(np.float32)))
        flattenedArrays.append(np.ndarray.flatten(sumArray[::-1,:], 0))

    allYearsAvgs = np.ma.concatenate(flattenedArrays)

    cellData = imgData.GetCellData()
    dataArray = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(np.ndarray.flatten(allYearsAvgs, 0), deep = 1)
    dataArray.SetName('Annual Avg Temp')

    imgWriter = vtkIOXML.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()

    print('\nFinished writing image data\n')
예제 #22
    def _find_lidar_only_clouds(detection: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
        """Finds top clouds that contain only lidar-detected pixels.

            detection: Array of integers where 1=lidar, 2=radar, 3=both.

            Boolean array containing top-clouds that are detected only by lidar.

        sum_of_cloud_pixels = ma.sum(detection > 0, axis=1)
        sum_of_detection_type = ma.sum(detection, axis=1)
        return sum_of_cloud_pixels / sum_of_detection_type == 1
예제 #23
    def calculateELBO(self):
        # Compute Lower Bound using the Gaussian likelihood with pseudodata
        Z = self.markov_blanket["Z"].getExpectation()
        SW = self.markov_blanket["SW"].getExpectation()
        tau = self.markov_blanket["Tau"].getExpectation()
        N = Z.shape[0]
        lb = 0.5*(N*ma.sum(s.log(tau)) - ma.sum(tau*(self.E-s.dot(Z,SW.T))**2 )) # (1) tau is of shape (D,) (2) missing a constant term

        # tau_expanded = s.repeat(tau[None,:],N,0)
        # tau_expanded = ma.masked_where(ma.getmask(self.obs), tau_expanded)
        # lb = 0.5*( ma.sum(s.log(tau_expanded)) - ma.sum(tau_expanded*(self.E-s.dot(Z,SW.T))**2 ) ) # (1) tau is of shape (D,) (2) missing a constant term
        return lb
def maskImageStats(mimage):
        if (n > 1):
        return n,avg,stdev
def maskImageStats(mimage):
    n = ma.count(mimage)
    mimagesq = mimage * mimage
    sum1 = ma.sum(mimage)
    sum2 = ma.sum(sum1)
    sumsq1 = ma.sum(mimagesq)
    sumsq2 = ma.sum(sumsq1)
    avg = sum2 / n
    if (n > 1):
        stdev = math.sqrt((sumsq2 - sum2 * sum2 / n) / (n - 1))
        stdev = 2e20
    return n, avg, stdev
예제 #26
def computeAveragesUsingNumpy():
    for fileName in fileNames:
        fpath = os.path.join(basepath, fileName)
        print('processing %s' % fpath)

        year = fileName.split('_')[-1][:-4]

        dataset = gdal.Open(fpath)

        sumArray = ma.zeros((dataset.RasterYSize, dataset.RasterXSize))
        total = 0
        count = 0
        numBands = dataset.RasterCount

        for bandId in range(numBands):
            band = ma.masked_outside(
                dataset.GetRasterBand(bandId + 1).ReadAsArray(),
                VALUE_RANGE[0], VALUE_RANGE[1])
            sumArray += band

        sumArray /= numBands
        total = ma.sum(ma.sum(sumArray))
        count = sumArray.count()
        minCell = ma.min(sumArray)
        maxCell = ma.max(sumArray)
        imgDims = [dataset.RasterXSize, dataset.RasterYSize]

        print('  finished computing averge for %s, writing image data' % year)

        imgData = vtk.vtkImageData()
        imgData.SetDimensions(imgDims[0], imgDims[1], 0)
        imgData.SetSpacing(1, 1, 1)
        imgData.SetOrigin(0, 0, 0)
        imgData.SetExtent(0, imgDims[0] - 1, 0, imgDims[1] - 1, 0, 0)
        imgData.AllocateScalars(vtk.VTK_FLOAT, 1)

        pointData = imgData.GetPointData()
        dataArray = numpy_support.numpy_to_vtk(np.ndarray.flatten(
            sumArray[::-1, :], 0).astype(np.dtype(np.int32)),
        dataArray.SetName('Annual Avg Temp')

        imgWriter = vtkIOXML.vtkXMLImageDataWriter()
        imgWriter.SetFileName('tasmax_%s.vti' % (year))

        print('  finished writing image data for %s' % year)
예제 #27
파일: gsm_funcs.py 프로젝트: tcv/hibiscus
def ant_beam_simple(gsm_array,gain_beam):
    Just doing the calculation of the single beam value for two arrays.
    Both arrays must have the same RA/DEC array. 
    full_beam = gain_beam*gsm_array
    nandata = np.where(np.isnan(full_beam))
    for i in range(0,len(nandata[0])):
    summed_beam = ma.sum(ma.sum(full_beam,axis=0),axis=0)
    summed_sim = ma.sum(ma.sum(gain_beam,axis=0),axis=0)
    final_result = summed_beam/summed_sim

    return final_result
예제 #28
def bad_data(data_col, threshold=5.0,max_iter=5, fubar_fraction=0.5, verbose=False):
    xx, xy, yx, yy, num_pol = split_data_col(data_col)
    flags = reduce(logical_or,
                   map(lambda x: single_correlation_flags(x,threshold=threshold,max_iter=max_iter, verbose=verbose),
                       [xx, xy, yx, yy]))
    bad_channels  = ma.sum(flags,axis=0) > data_col.shape[0]*fubar_fraction
    bad_timeslots = ma.sum(flags,axis=1) > data_col.shape[1]*fubar_fraction

    flags |= logical_or(bad_channels[newaxis, :], bad_timeslots[:, newaxis])

    full_flags = zeros(data_col.shape, dtype = bool)
    for i in range(4):
        full_flags[:,:,i] = flags
    return full_flags
예제 #29
def get_slices(target, forest_lim, norm_lim, z, loglam, ivar):

    offset = get_fiducial_pixel_index_offset(loglam.data[0])

    # determine fiducial wavelength offsets of observed forest pixels
    forest_lo_index, forest_hi_index = get_index_lim(forest_lim,

    # check to see if the observed wavelength range overlaps the forest
    if forest_lo_index >= forest_hi_index:
        raise ForestError('{}: no forest pixels [{}:{}], z = {}'.format(
            target['target'], forest_lim[0], forest_lim[1], z))

    # the uniform wavelength grid slice to use for this observation
    forest_slice = slice(forest_lo_index, forest_hi_index)

    spec_slice = slice(forest_lo_index - offset, forest_hi_index - offset)
    # check for unmasked pixels in forest window
    if ma.sum(ivar[spec_slice].mask) == len(ivar[spec_slice]):
        raise ForestError(
            '{}: no unmasked pixels in forest [{}:{}], z = {}'.format(
                target['target'], forest_lim[0], forest_lim[1], z))

    # find normalization window
    norm_lo_index, norm_hi_index = get_index_lim(norm_lim, z)
    norm_slice = slice(norm_lo_index - offset, norm_hi_index - offset)

    return forest_slice, spec_slice, norm_slice
예제 #30
파일: som.py 프로젝트: Zekom/orange
    def train_step_sequential(self, epoch, indices=None):
        """A single step of sequential training algorithm.
        indices = range(len(self.data)) if indices == None else indices
        for ind in indices:
            x = self.data[ind]
            Dx = self.vectors - self.data[ind]
            Dist = ma.sum(Dx**2, 1)
            min_dist = ma.min(Dist)
            bmu = ma.argmin(Dist)

            iter = epoch*len(self.data)+ind

            if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:
                h = numpy.exp(-self.unit_distances[:, bmu]**2/(2*self.radius_seq(iter)**2)) * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu]**2 <= self.radius_seq(iter)**2)
            elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
                h = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances[:bmu]/self.radius_seq(iter))**2
                h = h * (h >= 0.0)
                h = 1.0*(self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <= self.radius_seq(iter))
            h = h * self.alpha(iter)

            nonzero = ma.nonzero(h)
            h = h[nonzero]

            self.vectors[nonzero] = self.vectors[nonzero] - Dx[nonzero] * numpy.reshape(h, (len(h), 1))
예제 #31
    def _calc_correlation(self, values_1, values_2, conf_level=0.95):
        """ Calculates Pearson's correlation coeffcient.
            values_1 -- first data
            values_2 -- second data
            conf_level -- confidence level
            (corr_coeff, significance) -- correlation coefficient and significance arrays
        n_samples = values_1.shape[0]  # Sample length
        # Calculate Pearson's correlatiob coefficient
        values_cov = ma.sum((values_1 - ma.mean(values_1, axis=0)) *
                            (values_2 - ma.mean(values_2, axis=0)),
        corr_coef = values_cov / (ma.std(values_1, axis=0) *
                                  ma.std(values_2, axis=0)) / n_samples

        # Calculate significance using t-distribution with n-2 degrees of freedom.
        deg_fr = n_samples - 2  # Degrees of freedom.
        t_distr = ma.abs(
            corr_coef *
            ma.sqrt(deg_fr / (1. - corr_coef**2)))  # Student's t-distribution.
        prob = 0.5 + conf_level / 2  # Probability for two tails.
        cr_value = student_t.ppf(prob, deg_fr)  # Student's Critical value.
        significance = ma.greater(t_distr, cr_value)

        return corr_coef, significance
 def get_sum_of_squared_errors_with_multiprocessing(self, training_examples,
                                                    weight_index, pool):
     sum_of_squared_errors = pool.starmap(
         [(training_example, weight_index)
          for training_example in training_examples])
     return sum(sum_of_squared_errors)
예제 #33
 def calculateELBO(self):
     # Compute Lower Bound using the Bernoulli likelihood with observed data
     Z = self.markov_blanket["Z"].getExpectation()
     SW = self.markov_blanket["SW"].getExpectation()
     tmp = s.dot(Z, SW.T)
     lik = ma.sum(self.obs * tmp - s.log(1. + s.exp(tmp)))
     return lik
예제 #34
    def calculateCentroidMeasurements(self):
        self.X[self.badFrames, :] = ma.masked
        if not self.useSmoothingFilterDerivatives:
            self.v[1:-1] = (self.X[2:, :] - self.X[0:-2])/(2.0/self.frameRate)
            # use a cubic polynomial filter to estimate the velocity
            self.v = ma.zeros(self.X.shape)
            halfWindow = int(np.round(self.filterWindow/2.*self.frameRate))
            for i in xrange(halfWindow, self.v.shape[0]-halfWindow):
                start = i-halfWindow
                mid = i
                finish = i+halfWindow+1
                if not np.any(self.X.mask[start:finish,:]):
                    px = np.polyder(np.polyfit(self.t[start:finish]-self.t[mid],
                                               self.X[start:finish, 0], 3))
                    py = np.polyder(np.polyfit(self.t[start:finish]-self.t[mid],
                                               self.X[start:finish, 1], 3))
                    self.v[i,:] = [np.polyval(px, 0), np.polyval(py, 0)]
                    self.v[i,:] = ma.masked

        self.s = ma.sqrt(ma.sum(ma.power(self.v, 2), axis=1))
        self.phi = ma.arctan2(self.v[:, 1], self.v[:, 0])
        self.t[self.badFrames] = ma.masked
        self.X[self.badFrames, :] = ma.masked
        self.v[self.badFrames, :] = ma.masked
        self.s[self.badFrames] = ma.masked
        self.phi[self.badFrames] = ma.masked
예제 #35
파일: Spectrum.py 프로젝트: teuben/admit
    def moment(self,chanrange=None,p=1):
        """Compute the power-weighted moment of a spectrum
           If a mask exists, this function operates on the masked spectrum.

               f_mean = Sum(spec[i]**2*(f[i]-mom{p-1})^p])/Sum(spec[i]**2)

           where spec[i] is the intensity at channel i (spec[i]**2 is he power) 
           and f[i] is the frequency at channel i, p is the moment power,
           and mom{p-1} is the p-1-th moment [for p >1].

           chanrange: range of channels over which to compute moment
                      [startchan, endchan]
           p:         the moment to compute (the power of the frequency in the sum)
             The computed moment
        # get the masked array
        s = self.spec()
        chupper = len(s)-1
        chanrange = self._sanitizechanrange(chanrange,chupper)
        sum_s = ma.sum(s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1]*s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1])
        sum_sf = 0
        mean = 0
        if p > 1:
           mean = self.moment(chanrange,p-1)
        for i in range(chanrange[0],chanrange[1]+1):
           sum_sf += s[i]*s[i]*math.pow((self._freq[i]-mean),p)
        return sum_sf/sum_s
예제 #36
파일: test_old_ma.py 프로젝트: numpy/numpy
 def test_trace(self):
     (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX,) = self.d
     mXdiag = mX.diagonal()
     assert_equal(mX.trace(), mX.diagonal().compressed().sum())
                        X.trace() - sum(mXdiag.mask * X.diagonal(),
예제 #37
 def test_off_map(self) :
     self.ra_inds[3] = 10 
     self.dec_inds[6] = -1
     dirty_map.add_data_2_map(self.data, self.ra_inds, self.dec_inds, 
                       self.map, self.noise_inv)
예제 #38
def achisquare_indtest(observed, dim=None):
    if observed.ndim == 2:
        observed = ma.array([observed])
        if dim is not None:
            dim += 1
    if dim is None:
        dim = observed.ndim - 2
    rowtotal = ma.sum(observed, dim + 1)
    coltotal = ma.sum(observed, dim)
    total = ma.sum(rowtotal, dim)
    ones = ma.array(ma.ones(observed.shape))
    expected = ones * rowtotal.reshape(rowtotal.shape[:dim] + (-1, 1))
    a = ones * coltotal[..., np.zeros(observed.shape[dim], dtype=int), :]
    expected = expected * (a) / total.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
    chisq = ma.sum(ma.sum((observed - expected)**2 / expected, dim + 1), dim)
    return chisq
예제 #39
파일: Spectrum.py 프로젝트: teuben/admit
    def momenti(self,chanrange=None,p=1):
        """Intensity-weighted moment
           Note this moment does poorly for very narrow line segments where
           some channels may be negative."

           chanrange: range of channels over which to compute moment
                      [startchan, endchan]
           p:         the moment to compute (the power of the frequency in the sum)
             The computed moment
        # get the masked array
        s = self.spec()
        chupper = len(s)-1
        chanrange = self._sanitizechanrange(chanrange,chupper)
        sum_s = ma.sum(s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1])
        sum_sf = 0
        mean = 0
        if p > 1:
           mean = self.moment(chanrange,p-1)
        for i in range(chanrange[0],chanrange[1]+1):
           sum_sf += s[i]*math.pow((self._freq[i]-mean),p)
        return sum_sf/sum_s
예제 #40
def alias(t,fm,p):
    Evaluate the Bayes Ratio between signal with P and 0.5*P


    t  : Time series
    fm : Flux series
    p  : Parameter dictionary.
    pA = copy.deepcopy(p)
    pA['P'] = 0.5 * pA['P']
    resL = LDTwrap(t,fm,pA)
    res  = np.hstack(resL)

    # Masked array corresponding to P = 2 P
    tfold  = getT(res['tdt'],pA['P'],pA['epoch'],pA['tdur'])

    tT     = ma.masked_array(res['tdt'],copy=True,mask=tfold.mask)
    fT     = ma.masked_array(res['fdt'],copy=True,mask=tfold.mask)
    X2 = lambda par : ma.sum( (fT - keptoy.P05(pd2a(par),tT))**2 )
    return X2(p),X2(pA)
예제 #41
파일: Spectrum.py 프로젝트: teuben/admit
    def momenta(self,chanrange=None,p=1):
        """abs(intensity)-weighted moment
           Does somewhat better than signed intensity-weighted moment.

           chanrange: range of channels over which to compute moment
                      [startchan, endchan]
           p:         the moment to compute (the power of the frequency in the sum)
             The computed moment
        # get the masked array
        s = self.spec()
        chupper = len(s)-1
        chanrange = self._sanitizechanrange(chanrange,chupper)
        sum_s = ma.sum(ma.abs(s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1]))
        sum_sf = 0
        mean = 0
        if p > 1:
           mean = self.moment(chanrange,p-1)
        for i in range(chanrange[0],chanrange[1]+1):
           sum_sf += ma.abs(s[i])*math.pow((self._freq[i]-mean),p)
        return sum_sf/sum_s
예제 #42
파일: Spectrum.py 프로젝트: astroumd/admit
    def momenta(self,chanrange=None,p=1):
        """abs(intensity)-weighted moment
           Does somewhat better than signed intensity-weighted moment.

           chanrange: range of channels over which to compute moment
                      [startchan, endchan]
           p:         the moment to compute (the power of the frequency in the sum)
             The computed moment
        # get the masked array
        s = self.spec()
        chupper = len(s)-1
        chanrange = self._sanitizechanrange(chanrange,chupper)
        sum_s = ma.sum(ma.abs(s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1]))
        sum_sf = 0
        mean = 0
        if p > 1:
           mean = self.moment(chanrange,p-1)
        for i in range(chanrange[0],chanrange[1]+1):
           sum_sf += ma.abs(s[i])*math.pow((self._freq[i]-mean),p)
        return sum_sf/sum_s
예제 #43
파일: Spectrum.py 프로젝트: astroumd/admit
    def moment(self,chanrange=None,p=1):
        """Compute the power-weighted moment of a spectrum
           If a mask exists, this function operates on the masked spectrum.

               f_mean = Sum(spec[i]**2*(f[i]-mom{p-1})^p])/Sum(spec[i]**2)

           where spec[i] is the intensity at channel i (spec[i]**2 is he power) 
           and f[i] is the frequency at channel i, p is the moment power,
           and mom{p-1} is the p-1-th moment [for p >1].

           chanrange: range of channels over which to compute moment
                      [startchan, endchan]
           p:         the moment to compute (the power of the frequency in the sum)
             The computed moment
        # get the masked array
        s = self.spec()
        chupper = len(s)-1
        chanrange = self._sanitizechanrange(chanrange,chupper)
        sum_s = ma.sum(s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1]*s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1])
        sum_sf = 0
        mean = 0
        if p > 1:
           mean = self.moment(chanrange,p-1)
        for i in range(chanrange[0],chanrange[1]+1):
           sum_sf += s[i]*s[i]*math.pow((self._freq[i]-mean),p)
        return sum_sf/sum_s
예제 #44
파일: Spectrum.py 프로젝트: astroumd/admit
    def momenti(self,chanrange=None,p=1):
        """Intensity-weighted moment
           Note this moment does poorly for very narrow line segments where
           some channels may be negative."

           chanrange: range of channels over which to compute moment
                      [startchan, endchan]
           p:         the moment to compute (the power of the frequency in the sum)
             The computed moment
        # get the masked array
        s = self.spec()
        chupper = len(s)-1
        chanrange = self._sanitizechanrange(chanrange,chupper)
        sum_s = ma.sum(s[chanrange[0]:chanrange[1]+1])
        sum_sf = 0
        mean = 0
        if p > 1:
           mean = self.moment(chanrange,p-1)
        for i in range(chanrange[0],chanrange[1]+1):
           sum_sf += s[i]*math.pow((self._freq[i]-mean),p)
        return sum_sf/sum_s
예제 #45
def update_background(fn):
    with fits.open(fn, mode='update') as hdu:
        im = hdu[0].data.copy()
        mask = ~np.isfinite(im) + (im < DATA_FLOOR)
        if 'MASK' in hdu:
            mask += hdu['MASK'].data > 0
        im = ma.MaskedArray(im, mask=mask, copy=True)

        scim = sigma_clip(im)

        mean = ma.mean(scim)
        mean = mean if mean is not ma.masked else 0

        median = ma.median(scim)
        median = median if median is not ma.masked else 0

        stdev = ma.std(scim)
        stdev = stdev if stdev is not ma.masked else 0

        hdu['SCI'].header['bgmean'] = (mean, 'background sigma-clipped mean')
        hdu['SCI'].header['bgmedian'] = (median,
                                         'background sigma-clipped median')
        hdu['SCI'].header['bgstdev'] = (
            stdev, 'background sigma-clipped standard dev.')
        hdu['SCI'].header['nbg'] = (ma.sum(~scim.mask),
                                    'area considered in background stats.')
예제 #46
 def test_trace(self):
     (x, X, XX, m, mx, mX, mXX,) = self.d
     mXdiag = mX.diagonal()
     assert_equal(mX.trace(), mX.diagonal().compressed().sum())
                        X.trace() - sum(mXdiag.mask * X.diagonal(),
예제 #47
    def train_step_sequential(self, epoch, indices=None):
        indices = list(range(len(self.data))) if indices == None else indices
        for ind in indices:
            x = self.data[ind]
            Dx = self.vectors - self.data[ind]
            Dist = ma.sum(Dx**2, 1)
            min_dist = ma.min(Dist)
            bmu = ma.argmin(Dist)

            if self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodGaussian:
                h = numpy.exp(
                    -self.unit_distances[:, bmu] /
                    (2 * self.radius(epoch))) * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <=
            elif self.neighbourhood == Map.NeighbourhoodEpanechicov:
                h = 1.0 - (self.unit_distances[:bmu] / self.radius(epoch))**2
                h = h * (h >= 0.0)
                h = 1.0 * (self.unit_distances[:, bmu] <= self.radius(epoch))
            h = h * self.alpha(epoch)

            nonzero = ma.nonzero(h)
            h = h[nonzero]

            self.vectors[nonzero] = self.vectors[
                nonzero] - Dx[nonzero] * numpy.reshape(h, (len(h), 1))
예제 #48
def chivectors(x, y):
    nn = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(
        np.logical_or(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y)),
        np.logical_or((x <= 0.0), (y <= 0.0))))
    N = np.sum(nn)
    chisq = (1.0/N) * ma.sum((x[nn] - y[nn])**2 / (x[nn]**2 + y[nn]**2))
    return chisq
예제 #49
def __fillHex(array, som):
    xDim, yDim = som.map_shape
    ##    for n in som.nodes:
    ##        d[tuple(n.pos)]=n
    d = dict([((i, j), som[i, j]) for i in range(xDim) for j in range(yDim)])
    check = lambda x, y: x >= 0 and x < (xDim * 2 - 1) and y >= 0 and y < (
        yDim * 2 - 1)
    dx = [1, 0, -1]
    dy = [0, 1, 1]
    for i in range(0, xDim * 2, 2):
        for j in range(0, yDim * 2, 2):
            for ddx, ddy in zip(dx, dy):
                if check(i + ddx, j + ddy):
                    ##                    array[i+ddx][j+ddy]=d[(i/2, j/2)].getDistance(d[(i/2+ddx, j/2+ddy)].referenceExample)
                    array[i + ddx][j + ddy] = numpy.sqrt(
                        ma.sum((d[(i / 2, j / 2)].vector -
                                d[(i / 2 + ddx, j / 2 + ddy)].vector)**2))
    dx = [1, -1, 0, -1, 0, 1]
    dy = [0, 0, 1, 1, -1, -1]
    for i in range(0, xDim * 2, 2):
        for j in range(0, yDim * 2, 2):
            l = [
                array[i + ddx, j + ddy] for ddx, ddy in zip(dx, dy)
                if check(i + ddx, j + ddy)
            array[i][j] = sum(l) / len(l)
    return array
예제 #50
def achisquare_indtest(observed, dim=None):
    if observed.ndim == 2:
        observed = ma.array([observed])
        if dim is not None:
            dim += 1 
    if dim is None:
        dim = observed.ndim - 2
    rowtotal = ma.sum(observed, dim + 1)
    coltotal = ma.sum(observed, dim)
    total = ma.sum(rowtotal, dim)
    ones = ma.array(ma.ones(observed.shape))
    expected = ones * rowtotal.reshape(rowtotal.shape[:dim] + (-1, 1))
    a = ones * coltotal[..., np.zeros(observed.shape[dim], dtype=int),:]
    expected = expected * (a) / total.reshape((-1, 1, 1))
    chisq = ma.sum(ma.sum((observed - expected) ** 2 / expected, dim + 1), dim)
    return chisq
예제 #51
파일: som.py 프로젝트: Zekom/orange
 def get_best_matching_node(self, instance):
     """Return the best matching node for a given data instance
     instance, c, w = Orange.data.Table([instance]).toNumpyMA()
     vectors = self.map.vectors()
     Dist = vectors - instance
     bmu = ma.argmin(ma.sum(Dist**2, 1))
     return list(self.map)[bmu]
예제 #52
def _sum(array, **kwargs):
    # weighted or scaled sum
    axis_in = kwargs.get('axis', None)
    weights_in = kwargs.pop('weights', None)
    returned_in = kwargs.pop('returned', False)
    if weights_in is not None:
        wsum = ma.sum(weights_in * array, **kwargs)
        wsum = ma.sum(array, **kwargs)
    if returned_in:
        if weights_in is None:
            weights = np.ones_like(array)
            weights = weights_in
        rvalue = (wsum, ma.sum(weights, axis=axis_in))
        rvalue = wsum
    return rvalue
예제 #53
 def execute(self, nprocesses=1) :
     params = self.params
     model = params["model"]
     parse_ini.write_params(params, params['output_root'] + 'params.ini',
     # Loop over files to process.
     for file_middle in params['file_middles'] :
         input_fname = (params['input_root'] + file_middle +
         Reader = core.fitsGBT.Reader(input_fname, feedback=self.feedback)
         output_fname = params["output_root"] + file_middle + ".npy"
         if model == "scan_var" :
             n_scans = len(Reader.scan_set)
             n_IFs = len(Reader.IF_set)
             first_block = True
             for jj in range(n_IFs) :
                 # These all become arrays on the first iteration.
                 var = 0.0
                 mean = 0.0
                 counts = 0
                 for ii in range(n_scans) :
                     Data = Reader.read(ii, jj)
                     if first_block :
                         out_shape = (n_IFs,) + Data.dims[1:]
                         out_arr = sp.empty(out_shape, dtype=float)
                         first_block = False
                     var += ma.sum(Data.data**2, 0).filled(0)
                     mean += ma.sum(Data.data, 0).filled(0)
                     counts += ma.count(Data.data, 0)
                 # If we didn't get at least 5 good hits, throw aways the
                 # scan.
                 counts[counts < 5] = -1
                 var = var/counts - (mean/counts)**2
                 var[counts < 5] = 1.0e10
                 out_arr[jj, ...] = var
             sp.save(output_fname, out_arr)
             if self.feedback > 1 :
                 print ("Wrote noise parameters to file: " 
                        + utils.abbreviate_file_path(output_fname))
         else :
             raise ValueError("Invalid noise model: " + model)
예제 #54
def flatten(ech, method='average'):
    """Flatten 2-D echelle spectrum to 1-D flat spectrum
    wav = ech.wav[0]
    assert np.allclose(ech.wav - wav, 0), "ech.wav rows must be identical"

    ech.flux = ma.masked_invalid(ech.flux)
    ech.uflux = ma.masked_invalid(ech.uflux)
    if method=='average':
        ivar = ech.uflux**-2
        # Weighted mean and uncertanty on weighted mean
        flux = ma.sum( ech.flux * ivar, axis=0 ) / ma.sum(ivar, axis=0)
        uflux = ma.sqrt( 1 / ma.sum(ivar, axis=0) )

    flux.fill_value = np.nan 
    uflux.fill_value = np.nan 
    flux = flux.filled()
    uflux = uflux.filled()
    return flux, uflux
예제 #55
파일: fitt.py 프로젝트: cageo/castelao-2013
    def cost(self, p, x, y, u, v):
        # I'm not sure this is the best way to count the number of elements.
        n = len(u.compressed().flatten())

        s = self.s
        vr, vt = uv2nt(x, y, u, v, x_c=s[0]*p[0], y_c=s[1]*p[1])
        mag = (u**2+v**2)**0.5
        j = 1./(2*n)*ma.sum( (vr/mag)**2 )
        return j
예제 #56
파일: UncertMath.py 프로젝트: nrego/westpa
    def weighted_average(self,axis=0,expaxis=None):
        """ Calculate weighted average of data along axis
            after optionally inserting a new dimension into the
            shape array at position expaxis

        if expaxis is not None:
            vals = ma.expand_dims(self.vals,expaxis)
            dmin = ma.expand_dims(self.dmin,expaxis)
            dmax = ma.expand_dims(self.dmax,expaxis)
            wt = ma.expand_dims(self.wt,expaxis)
            vals = self.vals
            wt = self.wt
            dmin = self.dmin
            dmax = self.dmax
        # Get average value
        avg,norm = ma.average(vals,axis=axis,weights=wt,returned=True)
        avg_ex = ma.expand_dims(avg,0)

        # Calculate weighted uncertainty
        wtmax = ma.max(wt,axis=axis)
        neff = norm/wtmax       # Effective number of samples based on uncertainties

        # Seeking max deviation from the average; if above avg use max, if below use min
        term = np.empty_like(vals)
        indices = np.where(vals > avg_ex)
        i0 = indices[0]
        irest = indices[1:]
        ii = tuple(x for x in itertools.chain([i0],irest))
        jj = tuple(x for x in itertools.chain([np.zeros_like(i0)],irest))
        term[ii] = (dmax[ii] - avg_ex[jj])**2
        indices = np.where(vals <= avg_ex)
        i0 = indices[0]
        irest = indices[1:]
        ii = tuple(x for x in itertools.chain([i0],irest))
        jj = tuple(x for x in itertools.chain([np.zeros_like(i0)],irest))
        term[ii] = (avg_ex[jj] - dmin[ii])**2
        dsum = ma.sum(term*wt,axis=0)     # Sum for weighted average of deviations

        dev = 0.5*np.sqrt(dsum/(norm*neff))
        if isinstance(avg,(float,np.float)):
            avg = avg_ex

        tmp_min = avg - dev
        ii = np.where(tmp_min < 0)
        tmp_min[ii] = TOL*avg[ii]
        return UncertContainer(avg,tmp_min,avg+dev)
예제 #57
def calc_time_var_file(Blocks, pol_ind=0, cal_ind=0) :
    """Calculates this time variance over several data blocks.

    Given a tuple of DataBlock objects (all with compatible dimensions), the
    time varience is calculated at each frequency.  pol_ind and cal_ind specify
    the polarization and cal.

    # These all become arrays on first iteration.
    var = 0.0
    mean = 0.0
    counts = 0
    for Data in Blocks :
        var += ma.sum(Data.data[:,pol_ind,cal_ind,:]**2,0)
        mean += ma.sum(Data.data[:,pol_ind,cal_ind,:],0)
        counts += (Data.dims[0] 
                   - ma.count_masked(Data.data[:,pol_ind,cal_ind,:], 0))
    var = var/counts - (mean/counts)**2
    var[counts <= 1] = ma.masked
    var[var <= 0.0] = ma.masked

    return var
예제 #58
def calculate_moments(d,minchan=False,maxchan=False,vel=False,bestmask=False,mask=False):

    nglat = d.shape[1]
    nglon = d.shape[2]
    nspec = d.shape[0]

    maps = np.zeros((nglat,nglon),dtype={'names':['mean','sd','errmn',

    #These definitions for mask seem backward but are correct.
    noise_portion = ma.masked_where(mask == 1,d)
    good_d = d[minchan:maxchan,...]
    mask2 = mask[minchan:maxchan,...]
    signal_portion = ma.masked_where(mask2 == 0,good_d)
    maps['error']  = ma.std(noise_portion,axis=0)
    maps['intint'] = ma.sum(signal_portion,axis=0)

    for x in range(nglat):
        for y in range(nglon):
            fullspec = d[...,x,y]#Exract a single spectrum
            ind = np.arange(nspec)
            velmask = mask[minchan:maxchan,x,y]
            if np.sum(velmask) != 0:
                velmask = bestmask
                npix = max(np.sum(velmask),1)
            ind = ind[velmask > 0]
            sigma = maps['error'][x,y]
            if ind.size > 2 and (sigma > 0):
                mom = idl_stats.wt_moment(vel[ind],fullspec[ind],
                                errors = np.zeros(ind.size)+sigma)
                maps['mean'][x,y]  = mom['mean']
                maps['sd'][x,y]    = mom['stdev']
                maps['errmn'][x,y] = mom['errmn']
                maps['errsd'][x,y] = mom['errsd']
                maps['npix'][x,y]  = npix
                maps['mean'][x,y]  = np.nan
                maps['sd'][x,y]    = np.nan
                maps['errmn'][x,y] = np.nan
                maps['errsd'][x,y] = np.nan
                maps['npix'][x,y]  = np.nan