예제 #1
def compute_integrator_dynamics(K):
    ''' Compute the matrices associated to an n-th order continuous time integrator.
        The form of the dynamics is: 
            dx = A*x + B*u
        The control law is a linear state feedback:
            u = -K*x
        Input parameters:
            K : n-dimensional vector of feedback gains
        Returns a tuple containing the following elements:
            H: closed-loop dynamics matrix (A-B*K)
            A: state transition matrix
            B: control input matrix

    m = K.shape[0]  # size of pos vector
    n = K.shape[1] / m  # integrator order
    H = matlib.zeros((m * n, m * n))
    A = matlib.zeros((m * n, m * n))
    B = matlib.zeros((m * n, m))
    H[-m:, :] = -K
    I = matlib.eye(m)
    B[-m:, :] = I
    for i in range(n - 1):
        H[m * i:m * (i + 1), m * (i + 1):m * (i + 2)] = I
        A[m * i:m * (i + 1), m * (i + 1):m * (i + 2)] = I
    return (H, A, B)
예제 #2
def cost_func(B,model,profile,profiler):

    cost = ml.zeros([model.T,1])
    U = ml.zeros([model.uDim,model.T])
    T = model.T

    for t in range(T-1):
        U[:,t] = B[0:model.xDim,t+1]-B[0:model.xDim,t];

        B[:,t+1] = belief.belief_dynamics(B[:,t],U[:,t],None,model);
        if max(U[:,t])> 1:
            cost[t] = 1000

        elif abs(B[0,t]) > model.xMax[0]:
            cost[t] = 1000

        elif abs(B[1,t]) > model.xMax[1]:
            cost[t] = 1000
            null, s = belief.decompose_belief(B[:,t], model)
            cost[t] = model.alpha_belief*ml.trace(s*s)+model.alpha_control*ml.sum(U[:,t].T*U[:,t])

    x, s = belief.decompose_belief(B[:,T-1], model)
    cost[T-1] = model.alpha_final_belief*ml.trace(s*s)

    return cost, B, U
    def __init__(self):
        # model dimensions
        self.xDim = 2 # state space dimension
        self.uDim = 2 # control input dimension
        self.qDim = 2 # dynamics noise dimension
        self.zDim = 2 # observation dimension
        self.rDim = 2 # observtion noise dimension

        # belief space dimension
        # note that we only store the lower (or upper) triangular portion
        # of the covariance matrix to eliminate redundancy
        self.bDim = int(self.xDim + self.xDim*((self.xDim+1)/2.))

        self.dT = 1. # time step for dynamics function
        self.T = 15 # number of time steps in trajectory

        self.alpha_belief = 10. # weighting factor for penalizing uncertainty at intermediate time steps
        self.alpha_final_belief = 10. # weighting factor for penalizing uncertainty at final time step
        self.alpha_control = 1. # weighting factor for penalizing control cost
        self.xMin = ml.vstack([-5,-3]) # minimum limits on state (xMin <= x)
        self.xMax = ml.vstack([5,3]) # maximum limits on state (x <= xMax)
        self.uMin = ml.vstack([-1,-1]) # minimum limits on control (uMin <= u)
        self.uMax = ml.vstack([1,1]) # maximum limits on control (u <= uMax)

        self.Q = ml.eye(self.qDim) # dynamics noise variance
        self.R = ml.eye(self.rDim) # observation noise variance

        self.start = ml.zeros([self.xDim,1]) # start state, OVERRIDE
        self.goal = ml.zeros([self.xDim,1]) # end state, OVERRIDE

        self.sqpParams = LightDarkSqpParams()
예제 #4
    def rpca(self, data):
        def shrink(T, zeta):
            return np.matrix(
                           np.array(np.absolute(T)) - zeta) *

        def SVD_thresh(X, tau):
            U, s, V = svd(X, full_matrices=False)
            s_thresh = np.array(
                [max(abs(sig) - tau, 0.0) * np.sign(sig) for sig in s])
            return U * np.matrix(np.diag(s_thresh)) * V

        D = np.transpose(np.matrix(data))
        d, n = data.shape
        k = 0
        D_norm_fro = norm(D, 'fro')
        D_norm_2 = norm(D, 2)
        D_norm_inf = norm(D, np.inf)
        mu = self._mu if self._mu != -1 else 1.25 / D_norm_2
        rho = self._rho
        lamb = self._lamb if self._lamb != -1 else 1.0 / np.sqrt(d)
        Y = D / max(D_norm_2, D_norm_inf / lamb)
        E = ml.zeros(D.shape)
        A = ml.zeros(D.shape)
        while k < self._max_iter and norm(D - A - E,
                                          'fro') > self._epsilon * D_norm_fro:
            A = SVD_thresh(D - E + Y / mu, 1 / mu)
            E = shrink(D - A + Y / mu, lamb / mu)
            Y = Y + mu * (D - A - E)
            mu = rho * mu
            k += 1
        W = np.array(A.T)
        return W
예제 #5
def belief_dynamics(b_t, u_t, z_tp1, model, profiler=None, profile=False):
    dynamics_func = model.dynamics_func
    obs_func = model.obs_func
    qDim = model.qDim
    rDim = model.rDim

    x_t, SqrtSigma_t = decompose_belief(b_t, model)
    Sigma_t = SqrtSigma_t * SqrtSigma_t

    if z_tp1 is None:
        # Maximum likelihood observation assumption
        z_tp1 = obs_func(dynamics_func(x_t, u_t, ml.zeros([qDim, 1])),
                         ml.zeros([rDim, 1]))
    if profile: profiler.start('ekf')
    x_tp1, Sigma_tp1 = ekf(x_t, Sigma_t, u_t, z_tp1, model)
    if profile: profiler.stop('ekf')
    # Compute square root for storage
    # Several different choices available -- we use the principal square root
    if profile: profiler.start('eigh')
    D_diag, V = ml.linalg.eigh(Sigma_tp1)
    if profile: profiler.stop('eigh')
    SqrtSigma_tp1 = V * np.sqrt(ml.diag(D_diag)) * V.T

    b_tp1 = compose_belief(x_tp1, SqrtSigma_tp1, model)

    return b_tp1
예제 #6
 def trefftz_plane_velocities(self,
                              pnts: MatrixVector,
                              betx: float = 1.0,
                              bety: float = 1.0,
                              betz: float = 1.0):
     # Trailing Vortex A
     agcs = self.relative_mach(pnts,
     dirxa = -self.diro
     dirza = self.nrm
     dirya = dirza**dirxa
     alcs = MatrixVector(agcs * dirxa, agcs * dirya, agcs * dirza)
     alcs.x = zeros(alcs.shape, dtype=float)
     axx = MatrixVector(alcs.x, -alcs.z, alcs.y)
     am2 = square(alcs.y) + square(alcs.z)
     chkam2 = absolute(am2) < tol
     am2r = zeros(pnts.shape, dtype=float)
     reciprocal(am2, where=logical_not(chkam2), out=am2r)
     faca = -1.0
     veldl = elementwise_multiply(axx, am2r) * faca
     veldl.x[chkam2] = 0.0
     veldl.y[chkam2] = 0.0
     veldl.z[chkam2] = 0.0
     dirxi = Vector(dirxa.x, dirya.x, dirza.x)
     diryi = Vector(dirxa.y, dirya.y, dirza.y)
     dirzi = Vector(dirxa.z, dirya.z, dirza.z)
     velda = MatrixVector(veldl * dirxi, veldl * diryi,
                          veldl * dirzi) * faca
     # Trailing Vortex B
     bgcs = self.relative_mach(pnts,
     dirxb = self.diro
     dirzb = self.nrm
     diryb = dirzb**dirxb
     blcs = MatrixVector(bgcs * dirxb, bgcs * diryb, bgcs * dirzb)
     blcs.x = zeros(blcs.shape, dtype=float)
     bxx = MatrixVector(blcs.x, -blcs.z, blcs.y)
     bm2 = square(blcs.y) + square(blcs.z)
     chkbm2 = absolute(bm2) < tol
     bm2r = zeros(pnts.shape, dtype=float)
     reciprocal(bm2, where=logical_not(chkbm2), out=bm2r)
     facb = 1.0
     veldl = elementwise_multiply(bxx, bm2r) * facb
     veldl.x[chkbm2] = 0.0
     veldl.y[chkbm2] = 0.0
     veldl.z[chkbm2] = 0.0
     dirxi = Vector(dirxb.x, diryb.x, dirzb.x)
     diryi = Vector(dirxb.y, diryb.y, dirzb.y)
     dirzi = Vector(dirxb.z, diryb.z, dirzb.z)
     veldb = MatrixVector(veldl * dirxi, veldl * diryi,
                          veldl * dirzi) * facb
     # Add Together
     veld = velda + veldb
     return veld / twoPi
예제 #7
def createBarsDataSet(dim=10, numTrain=10000, numTest=5000, nonlinear=True):
    # CREATEBARSDATASET create a set of square images stored row-wise in a matrix
    #   [Xtrain Xtest] = createBarsDataSet(dim, numTrain, numTest, nonlinear)
    #   dim - image width = height = dim
    #   numTrain - number of training images
    #   numTest - number of test images
    #   nonlinear - if this flag is true/1, pixel intensities at crossing points of bars are not added up

    imgdim = dim * dim
    X = zeros((numTrain+numTest, imgdim))

    for k in range(numTrain+numTest):
        x = zeros((dim, dim))
        for z in range(2):
            i = np.random.permutation(range(dim))
            j = np.random.permutation(range(dim))
            if nonlinear is True:
                x[i[z], :] = 1.0
                x[:, j[z]] = 1.0
                x[i[z], :] += 1.0
                x[:, j[z]] += 1.0

        if nonlinear is False:
            x = x / 4

        X[k, :] = x.reshape(1, imgdim)

    Xtrain = X[:numTrain, :]
    Xtest = X[numTrain+1:, :]

    return Xtrain, Xtest
예제 #8
def fetch_pids_ttol(pnts: MatrixVector, psys: PanelSystem, ztol: float=0.01, ttol: float=0.1):
    shp = pnts.shape
    pnts = pnts.reshape((-1, 1))
    numpnt = pnts.shape[0]
    numpnl = len(psys.pnls)
    pidm = zeros((1, numpnl), dtype=int)
    wintm = zeros((numpnt, numpnl), dtype=bool)
    abszm = zeros((numpnt, numpnl), dtype=float)
    for pnl in psys.pnls.values():
        pidm[0, pnl.ind] = pnl.pid
        wintm[:, pnl.ind], abszm[:, pnl.ind] = pnl.within_and_absz_ttol(pnts[:, 0], ttol=ttol)
    abszm[wintm is False] = float('inf')
    minm = argmin(abszm, axis=1)
    minm = array(minm).flatten()
    pidm = array(pidm).flatten()
    pids = pidm[minm]
    pids = matrix([pids], dtype=int).transpose()
    indp = arange(numpnt)
    minz = array(abszm[indp, minm]).flatten()
    minz = matrix([minz], dtype=float).transpose()
    chkz = minz < ztol
    pids[logical_not(chkz)] = 0
    pids = pids.reshape(shp)
    chkz = chkz.reshape(shp)
    return pids, chkz
예제 #9
def kernel_matrix(X, kernel, n1, n2):
    (n, d) = X.shape
    assert n == n1 + n2

    K = mat.zeros((n, n))
    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(i + 1):
            K[i, j] = kernel(X[i, :], X[j, :])
            K[j, i] = K[i, j]

    U1 = mat.sum(K[0:n1, :], 0) / n1
    U2 = mat.sum(K[n1:n, :], 0) / n2
    U1m = mat.tile(U1, (n1, 1))
    U2m = mat.tile(U2, (n2, 1))
    U = mat.bmat('U1m; U2m')
    m1m1 = mat.sum(K[0:n1, 0:n1]) / (n1 * n1)
    m1m2 = mat.sum(K[0:n1, n1:n]) / (n1 * n2)
    m2m2 = mat.sum(K[n1:n, n1:n]) / (n2 * n2)
    mumu = mat.zeros((n, n))
    mumu[0:n1, 0:n1] = m1m1
    mumu[0:n1, n1:n] = m1m2
    mumu[n1:n, 0:n1] = m1m2
    mumu[n1:n, n1:n] = m2m2
    Kcu = K - U
    Kuc = Kcu.T
    N = mat.ones((n, n)) / n
    Kc = K - U - U.T + mumu
    return (K, Kuc, Kc)
예제 #10
def cost_func(B, model, profile, profiler):

    cost = ml.zeros([model.T, 1])
    U = ml.zeros([model.uDim, model.T])
    T = model.T

    for t in range(T - 1):
        U[:, t] = B[0:model.xDim, t + 1] - B[0:model.xDim, t]

        B[:, t + 1] = belief.belief_dynamics(B[:, t], U[:, t], None, model)

        if max(U[:, t]) > 1:
            cost[t] = 1000

        elif abs(B[0, t]) > model.xMax[0]:
            cost[t] = 1000

        elif abs(B[1, t]) > model.xMax[1]:
            cost[t] = 1000

            null, s = belief.decompose_belief(B[:, t], model)
            cost[t] = model.alpha_belief * ml.trace(
                s * s) + model.alpha_control * ml.sum(U[:, t].T * U[:, t])

    x, s = belief.decompose_belief(B[:, T - 1], model)
    cost[T - 1] = model.alpha_final_belief * ml.trace(s * s)

    return cost, B, U
예제 #11
 def play(self,
     self.addSphere('com', self.COM_SPHERE_RADIUS, zeros((3, 1)),
                    zeros((3, 1)), self.COM_SPHERE_COLOR, 'OFF')
     if (ENABLE_VIEWER):
         trajRate = 1.0 / dt
         rate = max(
             1, int(slow_down_factor * trajRate / self.PLAYER_FRAME_RATE))
         lastRefreshTime = time()
         timePeriod = 1.0 / self.PLAYER_FRAME_RATE
         for t in range(0, q.shape[1], rate):
             self.updateRobotConfig(q[:, t], robotName, refresh=False)
             com = self.robots[robotName].com(q[:, t])
                                     (com[0, 0], com[1, 0], 0, 0, 0, 0, 1))
             timeLeft = timePeriod - (time() - lastRefreshTime)
             if (timeLeft > 0.0):
             lastRefreshTime = time()
             if (print_time_every > 0.0
                     and t * dt % print_time_every == 0.0):
                 print "%.1f" % (t * dt)
예제 #12
def MakeWind(speedmean, speedstd, dirmean, dirstd, n):
    Uses auto-regressive process to compute a set
    of wind x/y velocities. Returns a 2-item list where each
    item is a list of all the x/y velocities respectively.
  N = 10
  phispeed = matlib.ones((1, N)) / N * 0.99
  phidir = matlib.ones((1, N)) / N * 0.99
  s0 = speedmean
  d0 = dirmean
  speeds = [s0]
  dirs = [d0]
  xs = []
  ys = []
  espeed = lambda: random.normal(speedmean, speedstd)
  edir = lambda: random.normal(dirmean, dirstd)
  for ii in range(1, n+1):
    Xspeed = matlib.zeros(phispeed.shape).T
    Xdir = matlib.zeros(phidir.shape).T
    for jj in range(N):
      idx = max(ii + jj - N, 0)
      Xspeed[jj, 0] = speeds[idx] - speedmean
      Xdir[jj, 0] = dirs[idx] - dirmean
    speeds.append(float(phispeed * Xspeed + espeed()))
    dirs.append(float(phidir * Xdir + edir()))
    xs.append(speeds[-1] * np.cos(dirs[-1]))
    ys.append(speeds[-1] * np.sin(dirs[-1]))

  return [xs, ys]
예제 #13
def test_random_matrix():
    n = 2
    k = 10
    A = -matlib.rand(n, n)
    x0 = 1e3 * matlib.rand(n).T
    a = matlib.zeros(n).T
    T = 1e-2

    for i in range(n):
        A[i, i] *= k
    print("A\n", A)

    x = compute_x_T(A, a, x0, T)
    print('x(0)=         ', x0.T)
    print('x=            ', x.T)

    # compute approximate x
    x_a = matlib.zeros(n).T
    for i in range(n):
        Ai = A[i:i + 1, i:i + 1]
        x_a[i, 0] = expm(T * Ai) * x0[i, 0]
    print('approximate x=', x_a.T)

    a = A * x0
    for i in range(n):
        Ai = A[i:i + 1, i:i + 1]
        ai = a[i, 0] - Ai * x0[i, 0]
        xi = compute_x_T(Ai, ai, x0[i, 0], T)
        x_a[i, 0] = xi[0, 0]
    print('approximate x=', x_a.T)
예제 #14
    def __init__(self):
        # model dimensions
        self.xDim = 2 # state space dimension
        self.uDim = 2 # control input dimension
        self.qDim = 2 # dynamics noise dimension
        self.zDim = 2 # observation dimension
        self.rDim = 2 # observtion noise dimension

        # belief space dimension
        # note that we only store the lower (or upper) triangular portion
        # of the covariance matrix to eliminate redundancy
        self.bDim = int(self.xDim + self.xDim*((self.xDim+1)/2.))

        self.dT = 1. # time step for dynamics function
        self.T = 15 # number of time steps in trajectory

        self.alpha_belief = 10. # weighting factor for penalizing uncertainty at intermediate time steps
        self.alpha_final_belief = 10. # weighting factor for penalizing uncertainty at final time step
        self.alpha_control = 1. # weighting factor for penalizing control cost
        self.xMin = ml.vstack([-5,-3]) # minimum limits on state (xMin <= x)
        self.xMax = ml.vstack([5,3]) # maximum limits on state (x <= xMax)
        self.uMin = ml.vstack([-1,-1]) # minimum limits on control (uMin <= u)
        self.uMax = ml.vstack([1,1]) # maximum limits on control (u <= uMax)

        self.Q = ml.eye(self.qDim) # dynamics noise variance
        self.R = ml.eye(self.rDim) # observation noise variance

        self.start = ml.zeros([self.xDim,1]) # start state, OVERRIDE
        self.goal = ml.zeros([self.xDim,1]) # end state, OVERRIDE

        self.sqpParams = LightDarkSqpParams()
예제 #15
def compute_x_T(A, a, x0, T, dt=None, invertible_A=True):
    if (dt is not None):
        N = int(T / dt)
        x = matlib.copy(x0)
        for i in range(N):
            dx = A.dot(x) + a
            x += dt * dx
        return x

    if (invertible_A):
        e_TA = expm(T * A)
        A_inv_a = solve(A, a)
        return e_TA * (x0 + A_inv_a) - A_inv_a

    n = A.shape[0]
    C = matlib.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
    C[0:n, 0:n] = A
    C[0:n, n] = a
    z0 = matlib.zeros((n + 1, 1))
    z0[:n, 0] = x0
    z0[-1, 0] = 1.0
    e_TC = expm(T * C)
    z = e_TC * z0
    x_T = z[:n, 0]
    return x_T
예제 #16
 def assemble_panels_full(self, time: bool=True, mach: float=0.0):
     if time:
         start = perf_counter()
     shp = (self.numpnl, self.numpnl)
     apd = zeros(shp, dtype=float)
     aps = zeros(shp, dtype=float)
     avd = zero_matrix_vector(shp, dtype=float)
     avs = zero_matrix_vector(shp, dtype=float)
     betm = betm_from_mach(mach)
     for pnl in self.pnls.values():
         ind = pnl.ind
         apd[:, ind], aps[:, ind], avd[:, ind], avs[:, ind] = pnl.influence_coefficients(self.pnts, betx=betm)
     if self._apd is None:
         self._apd = {}
     self._apd[mach] = apd
     if self._aps is None:
         self._aps = {}
     self._aps[mach] = aps
     if self._avd is None:
         self._avd = {}
     self._avd[mach] = avd
     if self._avs is None:
         self._avs = {}
     self._avs[mach] = avs
     if time:
         finish = perf_counter()
         elapsed = finish - start
         print(f'Full panel assembly time is {elapsed:.3f} seconds.')
예제 #17
    def __init__(self, inpDim, hidDim):
        self.inpDim = inpDim  #number of input neurons (and output neurons)
        self.hidDim = hidDim  #number of hidden neurons

        self.inp = zeros((self.inpDim, 1))  #vector holding current input
        self.out = zeros((self.hidDim, 1))  #output neurons
        self.g = zeros((self.hidDim, 1))  #neural activity before non-linearity
        self.h = zeros((self.hidDim, 1))  #hidden neuron activation
        self.a = ones((self.hidDim, 1))  #slopes of activation functions
        self.b = -3 * ones((self.hidDim, 1))  #biases of activation functions
        scale = 0.025

        self.W = scale * (
            2 * rand((self.inpDim, self.hidDim)) - 0.5 * ones(
                (self.inpDim, self.hidDim))
        ) + scale  #shared network weights, i.e. used to compute hidden layer activations and estimated outputs
        print self.W.shape

        self.lrateRO = 0.01
        #learning rate for synaptic plasticity of read-out layer (RO)
        self.regRO = 0.0002
        #numerical regularization constant
        self.decayP = 0
        #decay factor for positive weights [0..1]
        self.decayN = 1
        #decay factor for negative weights [0..1]

        self.lrateIP = 0.001
        #learning rate for intrinsic plasticity (IP)
        self.meanIP = 0.2
예제 #18
def SimilarityMatrixForVectors (vecA, vecB):
    Returns the similarity transformation matrix that converts 
    a given column vector to an other column vector. It works 
    even with zero entries.
    vecA : column vector, shape(M,1)
        The original column vector
    vecB : column vector, shape(M,1)
        The target column vector
    B : matrix, shape(M,M)
        The matrix by which `B\cdot vecA = vecB` holds

    # construct permutation matrix to move at least one non-zero element to the first position
    # to acchieve it, the code below sorts it in a reverse order
    m = vecA.shape[0]    
    ix = np.argsort(-np.array(vecA).flatten())
    for i in range(m):
        P[i,ix[i]] = 1.0
    cp = P*vecA

    # construct transformation matrix B for which B*rp=1 holds
    B = ml.zeros((m,m))
    for i in range(m):
        B[i,0:i+1] = vecB.flat[i] / np.sum(cp[0:i+1,0])
    # construct matrix Bp for which Bp*r=1 holds
    return B*P
예제 #19
 def inf(self, x, meanonly=False):
     x = np.asmatrix(x)
     if x.shape[1] != self.d:
         if x.shape[0] == self.d:
             x = x.T
             raise Exception('Invalid test-set dimension -- '
                             'expected d = ' + str(self.d) + '.')
     n = x.shape[0]
     # Handle empty test set
     if n == 0:
         return (np.zeros((0, 1)), np.zeros((0, 1)))
     ms = self.kernel.mean*np.ones((n, 1))
     Kbb = self.kernel(x, diag=True)
     # Handle empty training set
     if len(self) == 0:
         return (ms, np.asmatrix(Kbb))
     Kba = self.kernel(x, self.x)
     m = self.kernel.mean*np.ones((len(self), 1))
     fm = ms + Kba*scipy.linalg.cho_solve((self.L, True), self.y - m,
     if meanonly:
         return fm
         W = scipy.linalg.cho_solve((self.L, True), Kba.T)
         fv = np.asmatrix(Kbb - np.sum(np.multiply(Kba.T, W), axis=0).T)
         # W = np.asmatrix(scipy.linalg.solve(self.L, Kba.T, lower=True))
         # fv = np.asmatrix(Kbb - np.sum(np.power(W, 2), axis=0).T)
         return (fm, fv)
예제 #20
def LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP(H, K=0, L=1):
    Returns the lag-L joint moments of a marked rational 
    arrival process.
    H : list/cell of matrices of shape(M,M), length(N)
        The H0...HN matrices of the MRAP to check
    K : int, optional
        The dimension of the matrix of joint moments to 
        compute. If K=0, the MxM joint moments will be 
        computed. The default value is 0
    L : int, optional
        The lag at which the joint moments are computed.
        The default value is 1
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input is valid. 
        The default value is 1e-14
    Nm : list/cell of matrices of shape(K+1,K+1), length(N)
        The matrices containing the lag-L joint moments,
        starting from moment 0.

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMRAPRepresentation(H):
        raise Exception(
            "LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP: Input is not a valid MRAP representation!"

    if K == 0:
        K = H[0].shape[0] - 1
    M = len(H) - 1
    H0 = H[0]
    sumH = ml.zeros(H[0].shape)
    for i in range(M):
        sumH += H[i + 1]

    H0i = la.inv(-H0)
    P = H0i * sumH
    pi = DRPSolve(P)

    Pw = ml.eye(H0.shape[0])
    H0p = [ml.matrix(Pw)]
    for i in range(1, K + 1):
        Pw *= i * H0i

    Pl = la.matrix_power(P, L - 1)

    Nm = []
    for m in range(M):
        Nmm = ml.zeros((K + 1, K + 1))
        for i in range(K + 1):
            for j in range(K + 1):
                Nmm[i, j] = np.sum(pi * H0p[i] * H0i * H[m + 1] * Pl * H0p[j])
    return Nm
예제 #21
파일: Sensors.py 프로젝트: sebascuri/QUACS
	def __init__(self, **kwargs):
		super(Sensor, self).__init__( **kwargs )

		self.properties.update( measurementList = kwargs.get('measurementList', self.measurementList ),
			stateList = kwargs.get('stateList',self.stateList ) )

		for attribute in self.measurementList:
			setattr(self, attribute, kwargs.get(attribute, 0.) )

		for key in self.stateList:
			attribute = key.split('.')[1]
			setattr( self, attribute, kwargs.get(attribute, 0.) )

			Z = kwargs.get('Z', matlib.zeros( [len(self), 1] )),
			StateMap = kwargs.get('StateMap', matlib.zeros( [len(self) , 1] )),
			MeasurementJacobian = kwargs.get('MeasurementJacobian', matlib.eye( len(self) ) ),
			MeasurementCovariance = kwargs.get('MeasurementCovariance', 0.3 * matlib.eye( len(self) )),

		# self.Z = kwargs.get('Z', matlib.zeros( [len(self), 1] ))
		# self.StateMap = kwargs.get('StateMap', matlib.zeros( [len(self) , 1] ))
		# self.MeasurementJacobian = kwargs.get('MeasurementJacobian', matlib.eye( len(self) ) )
		# self.MeasurementCovariance = kwargs.get('MeasurementCovariance', 0.3 * matlib.eye( len(self) ))

예제 #22
def sde_coupled(x0, y0, t0, b, sigma, N, h, delta=None):
    if delta is None:
        delta = h
#    t = np.arange(T[0], T[1]+h/2, h)
    t = np.arange(t0, t0 + N * h, h)
    t.shape = (t.shape[0], 1)
    #    N = t.size
    d = x0.shape[0]
    dB = np.mat(np.random.normal(0, np.sqrt(h), (d, N)))
    dB[:, 0] = 0
    X = mat.zeros((d, N))
    X[:, 0] = x0
    Y = mat.zeros((d, N))
    Y[:, 0] = y0
    Id = mat.eye(d)
    dBhat = mat.zeros((d, N))
    for i in range(0, N - 1):
              i + 1] = (Id - 2 * proj(sigma, X[:, i] - Y[:, i])) * dB[:, i + 1]
        X[:, i + 1] = X[:, i] + h * b(t[i], X[:, i]) + sigma * dB[:, i + 1]
        Y[:, i + 1] = Y[:, i] + h * b(t[i], Y[:, i]) + sigma * dBhat[:, i + 1]
        if la.norm(X[:, i + 1] - Y[:, i + 1]) < delta:
            Y[:, i + 1] = X[:, i + 1]
        if d == 1 and (X[:, i] - Y[:, i]) * (X[:, i + 1] - Y[:, i + 1]) < 0:
            Y[:, i + 1] = X[:, i + 1]
    B = np.cumsum(dB, axis=1)
    Bhat = np.cumsum(dBhat, axis=1)
    return (X, Y, B, Bhat, t.T)
예제 #23
def SimilarityMatrixForVectors(vecA, vecB):
    Returns the similarity transformation matrix that converts 
    a given column vector to an other column vector. It works 
    even with zero entries.
    vecA : column vector, shape(M,1)
        The original column vector
    vecB : column vector, shape(M,1)
        The target column vector
    B : matrix, shape(M,M)
        The matrix by which `B\cdot vecA = vecB` holds

    # construct permutation matrix to move at least one non-zero element to the first position
    # to acchieve it, the code below sorts it in a reverse order
    m = vecA.shape[0]
    ix = np.argsort(-np.array(vecA).flatten())
    P = ml.zeros((m, m))
    for i in range(m):
        P[i, ix[i]] = 1.0
    cp = P * vecA

    # construct transformation matrix B for which B*rp=1 holds
    B = ml.zeros((m, m))
    for i in range(m):
        B[i, 0:i + 1] = vecB.flat[i] / np.sum(cp[0:i + 1, 0])
    # construct matrix Bp for which Bp*r=1 holds
    return B * P
예제 #24
    def lookahead(self, x0, Yd, Q, R, N):
        Abar = matlib.zeros((self.p * N, self.n))
        Bbar = matlib.zeros((self.p * N, self.m * N))
        Qbar = matlib.zeros((self.p * N, self.p * N))
        Rbar = matlib.zeros((self.m * N, self.m * N))

        # TODO right now we don't include a separate QN for terminal condition
        # Construct matrices
        for k in range(N):
            l = k * self.p
            u = (k + 1) * self.p

            Abar[k * self.p:(k + 1) * self.p, :] = self.C * self.A**(k + 1)
            Qbar[k * self.p:(k + 1) * self.p, k * self.p:(k + 1) * self.p] = Q
            Rbar[k * self.m:(k + 1) * self.m, k * self.m:(k + 1) * self.m] = R

            for j in range(k + 1):
                Bbar[k * self.p:(k + 1) * self.p, j * self.m:(j + 1) *
                     self.m] = self.C * self.A**(k - j - 1) * self.B

        # TODO note H is independt of x0 and Yd, and is thus constant at each
        # step
        H = Rbar + Bbar.T * Qbar * Bbar
        g = (Abar * x0 - Yd).T * Qbar * Bbar

        return np.array(H), np.array(g).flatten()
예제 #25
def compute_integral_x_T(A, a, x0, T, dt=None, invertible_A=True):
    if (dt is not None):
        N = int(T / dt)
        int_x = dt * x0
        for i in range(1, N):
            x = compute_x_T(A, a, x0, i * dt)
            int_x += dt * x
        return int_x

    if (invertible_A):
        e_TA = expm(T * A)
        Ainv_a = solve(A, a)
        Ainv_x0_plus_Ainv_a = solve(A, x0 + Ainv_a)
        I = matlib.eye(A.shape[0])
        return (e_TA - I) * Ainv_x0_plus_Ainv_a - T * Ainv_a

    n = A.shape[0]
    C = matlib.zeros((n + 2, n + 2))
    C[0:n, 0:n] = A
    C[0:n, n] = a
    C[0:n, n + 1] = x0
    C[n:n + 1, n + 1:] = 1.0
    z0 = matlib.zeros((n + 2, 1))
    z0[-1, 0] = 1.0
    e_TC = expm(T * C)
    z = e_TC * z0
    int_x = z[:n, 0]
    return int_x
예제 #26
def belief_dynamics(b_t, u_t, z_tp1, model,profiler=None,profile=False):
    dynamics_func = model.dynamics_func
    obs_func = model.obs_func
    qDim = model.qDim
    rDim = model.rDim

    x_t, SqrtSigma_t = decompose_belief(b_t, model)
    Sigma_t = SqrtSigma_t*SqrtSigma_t

    if z_tp1 is None:
        # Maximum likelihood observation assumption
        z_tp1 = obs_func(dynamics_func(x_t, u_t, ml.zeros([qDim,1])), ml.zeros([rDim,1]))
    if profile: profiler.start('ekf')
    x_tp1, Sigma_tp1 = ekf(x_t, Sigma_t, u_t, z_tp1, model)
    if profile: profiler.stop('ekf')
    # Compute square root for storage
    # Several different choices available -- we use the principal square root
    if profile: profiler.start('eigh')
    D_diag, V = ml.linalg.eigh(Sigma_tp1)
    if profile: profiler.stop('eigh')
    SqrtSigma_tp1 = V*np.sqrt(ml.diag(D_diag))*V.T

    b_tp1 = compose_belief(x_tp1, SqrtSigma_tp1, model)

    return b_tp1
예제 #27
def getData(fid=None,
    # Get data
    temp = np.genfromtxt(fid,
                             'names': ('counts', 'runNum'),
                             'formats': ('f8', 'i8')

    counts = temp[:]['counts']
    #runNum = temp[:]['nPart']
    bins = np.linspace(float(lbins), float(ubins), num=nbins)
    nParts = np.size(counts)
    val = zeros((nbins - 1, 1))
    eDep = zeros((nbins - 1, 1))
    for ii in range(0, nParts):
        if (counts[ii] > 0):
            eDeptemp = counts[ii]
            eDep[:][(bins[:-1] <= counts[ii])
                    & (bins[1:] > counts[ii])] += counts[ii] * VRval / nSP
            val[:][(bins[:-1] <= counts[ii])
                   & (bins[1:] > counts[ii])] += VRval / nSP
    return bins, val, eDep
예제 #28
def kernel_matrix(X, kernel, n1, n2):
    (n, d) = X.shape
    assert n == n1 + n2

    K = mat.zeros((n,n))
    for i in xrange(n):
        for j in xrange(i+1):
            K[i,j] = kernel(X[i,:], X[j,:])
            K[j,i] = K[i,j]

    U1 = mat.sum(K[0:n1,:],0) / n1
    U2 = mat.sum(K[n1:n,:],0) / n2
    U1m = mat.tile(U1, (n1,1))
    U2m = mat.tile(U2, (n2,1))
    U = mat.bmat('U1m; U2m')
    m1m1 = mat.sum(K[0:n1, 0:n1]) / (n1*n1)
    m1m2 = mat.sum(K[0:n1, n1:n]) / (n1*n2)
    m2m2 = mat.sum(K[n1:n, n1:n]) / (n2*n2) 
    mumu = mat.zeros((n,n))
    mumu[0:n1, 0:n1] = m1m1
    mumu[0:n1, n1:n] = m1m2
    mumu[n1:n, 0:n1] = m1m2
    mumu[n1:n, n1:n] = m2m2
    Kcu = K - U
    Kuc = Kcu.T
    N = mat.ones((n,n))/n
    Kc = K - U - U.T + mumu
    return (K, Kuc, Kc)
예제 #29
 def bcv(self):
     if self._bcv is None:
         num = self.opt.sys.nums
         if self.param == 'L':
             self._bcv = zeros((num, 1))
             for i in self.strplst:
                 self._bcv[i, 0] += self.rhov * self.opt.sys.blg[i, 0]
         elif self.param == 'Y':
             self._bcv = zeros((num, 1))
             for i in self.strplst:
                 self._bcv[i, 0] += self.rhov * self.opt.sys.bdg[i, 0]
         elif self.param == 'l':
             self._bcv = zeros((num, 1))
             for i in self.strplst:
                 strp = self.opt.sys.strps[i]
                 bli = self.opt.sys.blg[i, 0]
                 byi = self.opt.sys.byg[i, 0]
                 ryi = strp.pnti.y - self.point.y
                 rzi = strp.pnti.z - self.point.z
                 self._bcv[i, 0] += self.rhov * (ryi * bli - rzi * byi)
         elif self.param == 'm':
             self._bcv = zeros((num, 1))
             for i in self.strplst:
                 strp = self.opt.sys.strps[i]
                 bli = self.opt.sys.blg[i, 0]
                 rxi = strp.pnti.x - self.point.x
                 self._bcv[i, 0] -= self.rhov * rxi * bli
         elif self.param == 'n':
             self._bcv = zeros((num, 1))
             for i in self.strplst:
                 strp = self.opt.sys.strps[i]
                 byi = self.opt.sys.byg[i, 0]
                 rxi = strp.pnti.x - self.point.x
                 self._bcv[i, 0] += self.rhov * rxi * byi
     return self._bcv
예제 #30
def compute_x_T_and_two_integrals(A, a, x0, T):
    Define a new variable:
      z(t) = (1, x(t), w(t), y(t))
      w(t) = int_0^t x(s) ds
      y(t) = int_0^t w(s) ds
    and then the dynamic of z(t) is:
      d1 = 0
      dx = a*1 + A*x
      dw = x
      dy = w
    which we can re-write in matrix form as:
           (0 0 0 0)
           (a A 0 0)
      dz = (0 I 0 0) z
           (0 0 I 0)
      dz =     C     z
    So we can compute x(t), w(t), y(t) by computing
      z(t) = e^{tC} z(0)
    with z(0) = (1, x(0), 0, 0)
    n = A.shape[0]
    C = matlib.zeros((3 * n + 1, 3 * n + 1))
    C[1:1 + n, 0] = a
    C[1:1 + n, 1:1 + n] = A
    C[1 + n:1 + 2 * n, 1:1 + n] = matlib.eye(n)
    C[1 + 2 * n:, 1 + n:1 + 2 * n] = matlib.eye(n)
    z0 = np.vstack((1, x0, matlib.zeros((2 * n, 1))))
    e_TC = expm(T * C)
    z = e_TC * z0
    x = z[1:1 + n, 0]
    int_x = z[1 + n:2 * n + 1, 0]
    int2_x = z[1 + 2 * n:, 0]
    return x, int_x, int2_x
예제 #31
	def __init__(self, **kwargs):
		super(IMU_Kalman, self).__init__(**kwargs)
		# self.Ts = kwargs.get('Ts', 0.010)
		# self.quaternion = kwargs.get('quaternion', Quaternion())

		self.Z = np.mat([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).transpose()
		self.StateMap = np.mat([0.0, 0.0, 0.0]).transpose()


		self.ProcessCovariance  = np.mat( [
			[ 0.005, 0., 0., 0.],
			[ 0., 0.005, 0., 0.],
			[ 0., 0., 0.005, 0.],
			[ 0., 0., 0., 0.005],

		self.MeasurementCovariance = 10*np.mat( [
			[1., 0., 0.],
			[0., 1., 0.],
			[0., 0., 1.]

		self.ProcessJacobian = matlib.zeros( [len(self.stateList), len(self.stateList)] )
		self.MeasurementJacobian = matlib.zeros( [len(self.measurementList), len(self.stateList) ])
예제 #32
 def calc_d2r_closed(self):
     u"""This function calculates the curvature of a closed spline."""
     n = self.npnts
     inda = [i-1 for i in range(n)]
     indb = [i for i in range(n)]
     inda[0] = n-1
     pnl_dx = [pnl.vec.x/pnl.length for pnl in self.pnls]
     pnl_dy = [pnl.vec.y/pnl.length for pnl in self.pnls]
     del_dx = [0.]*n
     del_dy = [0.]*n
     for i in range(n):
         del_dx[i] = pnl_dx[indb[i]]-pnl_dx[inda[i]]
         del_dy[i] = pnl_dy[indb[i]]-pnl_dy[inda[i]]
     A = zeros((n, n))
     B = zeros((n, 2))
     for i in range(n):
         sA = self.pnls[inda[i]].length
         sB = self.pnls[indb[i]].length
         if i-1 < 0:
             A[i, n-1] = sA/6
             A[i, i-1] = sA/6
         A[i, i] = (sA+sB)/3
         if i+1 > n-1:
             A[i, 0] = sB/6
             A[i,i+1] = sB/6
         B[i, 0] = del_dx[i]
         B[i, 1] = del_dy[i]
     X = solve(A, B)
     d2x = [X[i, 0] for i in range(n)]
     d2y = [X[i, 1] for i in range(n)]
     d2r = [Vector2D(d2x[i], d2y[i]) for i in range(self.npnts)]
     return d2r
예제 #33
파일: em.py 프로젝트: imoonkey/embo
def em_step(num_states, num_obs, pi_vec, z_mat, t_mat, obs_all):
    # given initial parameters, run em from the obs
    # obs are 2d with each row being a trajectory
    # returns estimated observation and transition matrices

    num_steps = obs_all.shape[1]
    t_mat = npmat.matrix(t_mat)

    gamma_sum = np.zeros((num_states,))
    xi_sum = np.zeros((num_states, num_states))
    obs_sum = np.zeros((num_obs, num_states))

    for t in range(obs_all.shape[0]):
        obs = obs_all[t, :]
        # compute alpha
        alpha = npmat.zeros((num_states, num_steps))
        alpha[:, 0] = npmat.matrix((pi_vec * z_mat[obs[0], :])[:, np.newaxis])
        for i in range(1, len(obs)):
            alpha[:, i] = npmat.matrix(((t_mat * alpha[:, i - 1]).getA()[:, 0] * z_mat[obs[i], :])[:, np.newaxis])
            asum = alpha[:, i].sum()
            alpha[:, i] /= asum
        # print('alpha\n' + str(alpha))
        # compute beta
        beta = npmat.zeros((num_states, num_steps))
        beta[:, num_steps - 1] = npmat.ones((num_states, 1))
        for i in range(len(obs) - 2, -1, -1):
            beta[:, i] = t_mat.getT() * npmat.matrix(
                (z_mat[obs[i + 1], :] * beta[:, i + 1].getA()[:, 0])[:, np.newaxis])
            bsum = beta[:, i].sum()
            beta[:, i] /= bsum
        # print(beta)
        # compute gamma
        gamma = alpha.getA() * beta.getA()
        gamma = gamma / (gamma.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :])
        # print(gamma)
        # compute xi (transposed from the paper)
        xi = np.zeros((num_states, num_states, num_steps - 1))
        for i in range(num_steps - 1):
            xi[:, :, i] = np.transpose(alpha[:, i].getA()) * t_mat.getA() * (z_mat[obs[i + 1], :] *
                                                                             beta[:, i + 1].getA()[0])[:, np.newaxis]
            xsum = xi[:, :, i].sum()
            xi[:, :, i] /= xsum
        #            print('xi[:,:,i]' + str(xi[:,:,i]))
        #            print('np.transpose(alpha[:,i].getA()): ' + str(np.transpose(alpha[:,i].getA())))
        #            print('t_mat: ' + str(t_mat))
        #            print('result of *: ' + str(np.transpose(alpha[:,i].getA()) * t_mat.getA()))
        # add to the sums
        gamma_sum += gamma.sum(axis=1)
        xi_sum += xi.sum(axis=2)
        for z in range(num_obs):
            obs_sum[z, :] += gamma[:, obs == z].sum(axis=1)
        #        print('gamma_sum\n' + str(gamma_sum))
        #        print('xi_sum\n' + str(xi_sum))
        #        print('obs_sum\n' + str(obs_sum))
    # finally compute estimates
    est_z_mat = obs_sum / obs_sum.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]
    est_t_mat = xi_sum / xi_sum.sum(axis=0)[np.newaxis, :]

    return est_z_mat, est_t_mat;
예제 #34
def echo_encode(original_audio: Audio,
                mark: bytes,
                alpha: float = 0.7,
                m: tuple = (150, 200)) -> Audio:


    :param original_audio: 原音频,为一个Audio对象
    :param mark: 水印,必须为一个bytes对象
    :param alpha: 衰退率,理论上这个值越大水印鲁棒性越好,但生成的音频回音会更强
    :param m: 回音的延迟,分别为比特0和比特1的延迟
    :return: 隐写后的音频,为一个Audio对象
    if not isinstance(mark, bytes):
        raise MarkFormatError("Mark must be a bytes object.")
    if alpha > 1 or alpha < 0:
        raise MarkFormatError("Alpha must be in [0,1].")
    bits = np.mat(get_all_bits(mark))
    bits_len = bits.shape[1]
    original_samples_reg = np.matrix(original_audio.get_reshaped_samples())
    samples_len = original_samples_reg.shape[1]
    channels = original_audio.channels
    if 8192 * bits_len > samples_len:
        raise MarkTooLargeError("Mark too large for echo encoding.")
    fragment_len = samples_len // bits_len
    encoded_len = bits_len * fragment_len
    kernel0 = np.concatenate((mt.zeros(
        (channels, m[0])), alpha * original_samples_reg), 1)
    kernel1 = np.concatenate((mt.zeros(
        (channels, m[1])), alpha * original_samples_reg),
                             1)  # 这里是两个回声核,0代表隐藏信息的0,1代表隐藏信息的1
    direct_sig = np.reshape(
        np.matrix(mt.ones((fragment_len, 1))) * bits, (encoded_len, 1), 'F')
    smooth_length = int(
        np.floor(fragment_len / 4) - np.floor(fragment_len / 4) % 4)
    tp = np.matrix(
        fftconvolve(np.array(direct_sig)[:, 0],
                    np.hanning(smooth_length)))  # 这里用的是汉宁窗口,其他窗口的效果类似
    window = tp[0, smooth_length // 2:tp.shape[1] - smooth_length // 2 +
                1] / np.max(np.abs(tp))  # window 用于平滑
    mixer = mt.ones((channels, 1)) * window  # 这里的 channels 很关键,需要写入所有的音轨
    encoded_samples_reg = original_samples_reg[:, :encoded_len] + \
                          np.multiply(kernel1[:, :encoded_len], mixer) + \
                          np.multiply(kernel0[:, :encoded_len], abs(mixer - 1)) # 这里是回音合成
    new_samples_reg = np.concatenate(
        (encoded_samples_reg, original_samples_reg[:, encoded_len:]), 1)
    new_audio = original_audio.spawn(new_samples_reg)
    new_audio.key = {
        'type': 'SINGLE_ECHO',
        'key': {
            'm': m,
            'fragment_len': fragment_len,
            'bits_len': bits_len
    return new_audio
예제 #35
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = ''
     self.position = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.position_camera = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.old_position_measurement = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.position_delayed = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.camera_flag = 0
     self.vel = matlib.zeros((3, 1))
예제 #36
 def localadapting(Graph, node):
     I = mat.eye(Graph.N)
     X = mat.zeros((Graph.N, Graph.N))
     for i in range(Graph.N):
         e = mat.zeros(Graph.N)
         e[0, i] = 1
         node.X[:, i] = node.X[:, i] - Graph.stepsize * np.multiply(
             node.X[:, i], e) + Graph.stepsize * np.multiply(Graph.Y, e)
 def __init__(self, name):
     self.name = ""
     self.position = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.position_camera = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.old_position_measurement = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.position_delayed = matlib.zeros(shape=(3, 1))
     self.camera_flag = 0
     self.vel = matlib.zeros((3, 1))
예제 #38
def getOrthColumns(m):
    Constructs the orthogonally complementing columns of the input.

    Input of the form pxr is assumed to have r<=p,
    and have either full column rank r or rank 0 (scalar or matrix)
    Output is of the form px(p-r), except:
    a) if M square and full rank p, returns scalar 0
    b) if rank(M)=0 (zero matrix), returns I_p
    (Note you cannot pass scalar zero, because dimension info would be
    Return type is as input type.
    if type(m) == type(asarray(m)):
        m = mat(m)
        output = 'array'
    else: output = 'matrix'
    p, r = m.shape
    # first catch the stupid input case
    if p < r: raise ValueError, 'need at least as many rows as columns'
    # we use lstsq(M, ones) just to exploit its rank-finding algorithm,
    rk = lstsq(m, ones(p).T)[2]
    # first the square and full rank case:
    if rk == p: result = zeros((p,0))   # note the shape! hopefully octave-like
    # then the zero-matrix case (within machine precision):
    elif rk == 0: result = eye(p)
    # now the rank-deficient case:
    elif rk < r:
        raise ValueError, 'sorry, matrix does not have full column rank'
    # (what's left should be ok)
        # we have to watch out for zero rows in M,
        # if they are in the first p-r positions!
        # so the (probably inefficient) algorithm:
            # 1. check the rank of each row
            # 2. if zero, then also put a zero row in c
            # 3. if not, put the next unit vector in c-row
        idr = eye(r)
        idpr = eye(p-r)
        c = empty([0,r])    # starting point  
        co = empty([0, p-r]) # will hold orth-compl.
        idrcount = 0
        for row in range(p):
            # (must be ones() instead of 1 because of 2d-requirement
            if lstsq( m[row,:], ones(1) )[2] == 0 or idrcount >= r:
                c = r_[ c, zeros(r) ]
                co = r_[ co, idpr[row-idrcount, :] ]
            else:     # row is non-zero, and we haven't used all unit vecs 
                c = r_[ c, idr[idrcount, :] ] 
                co = r_[ co, zeros(p-r) ]
                idrcount += 1
        # earlier non-general (=bug) line: c = mat(r_[eye(r), zeros((p-r, r))])
        # and:  co = mat( r_[zeros((r, p-r)), eye(p-r)] )
        # old:
        # result = ( eye(p) - c * (M.T * c).I * M.T ) * co
        result = co - c * solve(m.T * c, m.T * co)
    if output == 'array': return result.A
    else: return result
예제 #39
def LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP (H, K=0, L=1):
    Returns the lag-L joint moments of a marked rational 
    arrival process.
    H : list/cell of matrices of shape(M,M), length(N)
        The H0...HN matrices of the MRAP to check
    K : int, optional
        The dimension of the matrix of joint moments to 
        compute. If K=0, the MxM joint moments will be 
        computed. The default value is 0
    L : int, optional
        The lag at which the joint moments are computed.
        The default value is 1
    prec : double, optional
        Numerical precision to check if the input is valid. 
        The default value is 1e-14
    Nm : list/cell of matrices of shape(K+1,K+1), length(N)
        The matrices containing the lag-L joint moments,
        starting from moment 0.

    if butools.checkInput and not CheckMRAPRepresentation (H):
        raise Exception("LagkJointMomentsFromMRAP: Input is not a valid MRAP representation!")    

    if K==0:
        K = H[0].shape[0]-1
    M = len(H)-1
    H0 = H[0]
    sumH = ml.zeros(H[0].shape)
    for i in range(M):
        sumH += H[i+1]

    H0i = la.inv(-H0)
    P = H0i*sumH
    pi = DRPSolve(P)
    Pw = ml.eye(H0.shape[0])
    H0p = [ml.matrix(Pw)]
    for i in range(1,K+1):
        Pw *= i*H0i

    Pl = la.matrix_power (P, L-1)

    Nm = []
    for m in range(M):
        Nmm = ml.zeros ((K+1,K+1))
        for i in range(K+1):
            for j in range(K+1):
                Nmm[i,j] = np.sum (pi * H0p[i] * H0i * H[m+1] * Pl * H0p[j])
    return Nm
예제 #40
def velocity_matrix(ra: MatrixVector,
                    rb: MatrixVector,
                    rc: MatrixVector,
                    betm: float = 1.0,
                    tol: float = 1e-12):

    if ra.shape != rb.shape:
        return ValueError()

    numi = rc.shape[0]
    numj = ra.shape[1]

    ra = ra.repeat(numi, axis=0)
    rb = rb.repeat(numi, axis=0)
    rc = rc.repeat(numj, axis=1)

    a = rc - ra
    b = rc - rb

    a.x = a.x / betm
    b.x = b.x / betm

    am = a.return_magnitude()
    bm = b.return_magnitude()

    # Velocity from Bound Vortex
    adb = elementwise_dot_product(a, b)
    abm = multiply(am, bm)
    dm = multiply(abm, abm + adb)
    axb = elementwise_cross_product(a, b)
    axbm = axb.return_magnitude()
    chki = (axbm == 0.0)
    chki = logical_and(axbm >= -tol, axbm <= tol)
    veli = elementwise_multiply(axb, divide(am + bm, dm))
    veli.x[chki] = 0.0
    veli.y[chki] = 0.0
    veli.z[chki] = 0.0

    # Velocity from Trailing Vortex A
    axx = MatrixVector(zeros(a.shape, dtype=float), a.z, -a.y)
    axxm = axx.return_magnitude()
    chka = (axxm == 0.0)
    vela = elementwise_divide(axx, multiply(am, am - a.x))
    vela.x[chka] = 0.0
    vela.y[chka] = 0.0
    vela.z[chka] = 0.0

    # Velocity from Trailing Vortex B
    bxx = MatrixVector(zeros(b.shape, dtype=float), b.z, -b.y)
    bxxm = bxx.return_magnitude()
    chkb = (bxxm == 0.0)
    velb = elementwise_divide(bxx, multiply(bm, bm - b.x))
    velb.x[chkb] = 0.0
    velb.y[chkb] = 0.0
    velb.z[chkb] = 0.0

    return veli, vela, velb
예제 #41
 def fit(self, *p_list):
     A = mat.zeros((6, 6))
     Y = mat.zeros((6, 1))
     for x, y, z in p_list:
         Q = np.asmatrix(self._order(x, y)).T
         A += Q * Q.T
         Y += z * Q
     self.coef = np.array(np.ravel(A.I * Y))
     return self
예제 #42
 def fit(self, * p_list):
     A = mat.zeros((6, 6))
     Y = mat.zeros((6, 1))
     for x, y, z in p_list:
         Q = np.asmatrix(self._order(x, y)).T
         A += Q * Q.T
         Y += z * Q
     self.coef = np.array(np.ravel(A.I * Y))
     return self
예제 #43
def DMRAPFromMoments (moms, Nm):
    Creates a discrete marked rational arrival process that
    has the same marginal and lag-1 joint moments as given 
    (see [1]_).
    moms : vector of doubles
        The list of marginal moments. To obtain a discrete 
        marked rational process of order M, 2*M-1 marginal 
        moments are required.
    Nm : list of matrices, shape (M,M)
        The list of lag-1 joint moment matrices. The 
        length of the list determines K, the number of arrival 
        types of the discrete rational process.
    H : list of matrices, shape (M,M)
        The H0, H1, ..., HK matrices of the discrete marked
        rational process
    .. [1] Andras Horvath, Gabor Horvath, Miklos Telek, "A 
           traffic based decomposition of two-class queueing
           networks with priority service," Computer Networks 
           53:(8) pp. 1235-1248. (2009)

    v, H0 = MGFromMoments (moms)
    H0i = la.inv(ml.eye(H0.shape[0])-H0)

    Ge = ml.zeros(H0.shape)
    G1 = ml.zeros(H0.shape)

    H0ip = ml.eye(H0.shape[0])
    for i in range(H0.shape[0]):
        Ge[i,:] = v * H0ip
        G1[:,i] = np.sum(H0ip, 1)
        H0ip *= (i+1) * H0i
        if i>0:
            H0ip *= H0

    Gei = la.inv(Ge)
    G1i = la.inv(G1)
    H = [H0]
    for i in range(1,len(Nm)+1):
        Nmi = Nm[i-1]
        row1 = np.array([FactorialMomsFromMoms(Nmi[0,1:].A.flatten())])
        col1 = np.array([FactorialMomsFromMoms(Nmi[1:,0].A.flatten())]).T
        mid = JFactorialMomsFromJMoms(Nmi[1:,1:])
        Nmi = np.bmat([[[[Nmi[0,0]]], row1 ], [col1, mid]])
    return H
예제 #44
파일: fccd.py 프로젝트: pkerpedjiev/ernwin
def fccd(moving, fixed, threshold=0.1, maxit=10000):
    if len(moving)<6:
        raise "Moving too short"
    if len(fixed)!=3:
        raise "Fixed should have length 3"
    # Coordinates along COLUMNS
    moving_coords=zeros((3, 3))
    fixed_coords=zeros((3, 3))
    while 1:
        if it==maxit:
            # Stop - max iterations reached
            return "MAXIT", rmsd, it
        for i in range(2, lng-2):
            # move to pivot origin
            for j in range(0, 3):
            for j in range(0, 3):
            # Do SVD
            #a=matrixmultiply(fixed_coords, transpose(moving_coords))
            a = dot(fixed_coords, moving_coords.transpose())
            u, d, vt=svd(a)
            # Check reflection
            if (det(u)*det(vt))<0:
                u=dot(u, S)
            # Calculate rotation
            rot_matrix=dot(u, vt)
            # Apply rotation
            for j in range(i+1, len(moving)):
                v = dot(rot_matrix, v.get_array())
                v = Vector(array(v)[0])
            # Calculate RMSD
            for j in range(1, 4):
            if rmsd<threshold:
                # stop - RMSD threshold reached
                return "SUCCESS", rmsd, it
예제 #45
def MRAPFromMoments (moms, Nm):
    Creates a marked rational arrival process that has the same 
    marginal and lag-1 joint moments as given (see [1]_).
    moms : vector of doubles
        The list of marginal moments. To obtain a marked 
        rational process of order M, 2*M-1 marginal moments
        are required.
    Nm : list of matrices, shape (M,M)
        The list of lag-1 joint moment matrices. The 
        length of the list determines K, the number of arrival 
        types of the rational process.
    H : list of matrices, shape (M,M)
        The H0, H1, ..., HK matrices of the marked rational 
    There is no guarantee that the returned matrices define
    a valid stochastic process. The joint densities may be
    .. [1] Andras Horvath, Gabor Horvath, Miklos Telek, "A 
           traffic based decomposition of two-class queueing
           networks with priority service," Computer Networks 
           53:(8) pp. 1235-1248. (2009)

    v, H0 = MEFromMoments (moms)
    H0i = la.inv(-H0)

    Ge = ml.zeros(H0.shape)
    G1 = ml.zeros(H0.shape)

    H0ip = ml.eye(H0.shape[0])
    for i in range(H0.shape[0]):
        Ge[i,:] = v * H0ip
        G1[:,i] = np.sum(H0ip, 1)
        H0ip *= (i+1) * H0i

    Gei = la.inv(Ge)
    G1i = la.inv(G1)
    return [-H0*Gei*Nm[i-1]*G1i if i>0 else H0 for i in range(len(Nm)+1)]    
예제 #46
def EMForMoG(datam, n, pl, muvl, covml, max_iters=1):
    assert len(pl)==len(muvl) and len(muvl)==len(covml) 
    #start EM posteriorm n*N
    posteriorm=matlib.zeros((n, N), dtype=np.float32)
    for it in xrange(max_iters):
        print 'Iter: '+str(it)
        #create Gaussian kernels
        NormalFl=[makeNormalF(muv, covm) for muv, covm in zip(muvl, covml)]
        px=matlib.zeros((1, N), dtype=np.float32)
        #caculate posteriorm
        for j in xrange(N):
            cur_data=datam[:, j]
            for i in xrange(n):
                #print i, j
                posteriorm[i, j]=pl[i]*NormalFl[i](cur_data)
                px[0, j]+=posteriorm[i, j]
#        print 'px:', px
        #update parameters
        #soft num n*1
        softnum=matlib.sum(posteriorm, 1)
        print softnum
        muvl=[mum[:, k] for k in range(n)]
        for k in range(n):
            covml[k]=softnum_inv[k, 0]*datam_temp*matlib.diag(np.array(posteriorm[k, :]).reshape(-1))\
    return pl, muvl, covml
예제 #47
        def computeCovariance(self):
            Computes the time-lagged covariance matrix :math:`C^{\\tau}` with
            :math:`c_{ij}^{\\tau} = \\frac{1}{N-\\tau-1}\\sum_{t=1}^{N-\\tau}x_{ti}x_{(t+\\tau)j}`


            dataChunk = np.asarray(self.m_prinComp.m_dataImporter.get_data(self.m_prinComp.param_chunkSize), dtype=np.float32)
            dimData = self.m_prinComp.m_dataImporter.get_shape_inFile()
            shapeDataChunk = dataChunk.shape
            m = shapeDataChunk[0]

            self.m_covMatTimeLag = matlib.zeros([shapeDataChunk[1], shapeDataChunk[1]], dtype = np.float64)
            normalizedPCs = matlib.zeros([shapeDataChunk[1], shapeDataChunk[1]], dtype = np.float64)

            if 1 < m:

                pcs = self.m_prinComp.computePCs(dataChunk, shapeDataChunk[1])
                del dataChunk
                normalizedPCs = self.m_prinComp.normalizePCs(pcs)
                del pcs
                self.m_covMatTimeLag += np.dot(normalizedPCs[0:(m - self.param_timeLag), :].T,
                                               normalizedPCs[self.param_timeLag:m, :])

            lastRowsChunkBefore = normalizedPCs[(m-self.param_timeLag):m, :]
            del normalizedPCs

            while self.m_prinComp.m_dataImporter.has_more_data():

                dataChunk = np.asarray(self.m_prinComp.m_dataImporter.get_data(self.m_prinComp.param_chunkSize), dtype=np.float32)
                shapeDataChunk = dataChunk.shape
                m = shapeDataChunk[0]

                pcs = self.m_prinComp.computePCs(dataChunk, shapeDataChunk[1])
                del dataChunk
                normalizedPCs = self.m_prinComp.normalizePCs(pcs)
                del pcs
                self.m_covMatTimeLag += np.dot(matlib.asmatrix(lastRowsChunkBefore).T,
                                               matlib.asmatrix(normalizedPCs[0:self.param_timeLag, :]))

                if 1 < m:

                    self.m_covMatTimeLag += np.dot(normalizedPCs[0:(m - self.param_timeLag), :].T,
                                                   normalizedPCs[self.param_timeLag:m, :])

                lastRowsChunkBefore = normalizedPCs[(m-self.param_timeLag):m, :]
                del normalizedPCs

            self.m_covMatTimeLag *= 1.0 / (dimData[0] - self.param_timeLag - 1.0)
예제 #48
 def __init__(self, intWindow, visibilityTimeout, tfl, sigma):
     self.sigma = sigma
     self.intWindow = intWindow
     self.vCc = ml.zeros((3,1))
     self.wGCc = ml.zeros((3,1))
     self.vTt = ml.zeros((3,1)) #DEBUG
     self.wGTt = ml.zeros((3,1)) #DEBUG
     self.watchdogTimer = rospy.Timer(rospy.Duration.from_sec(5),self.timeout,oneshot=True) # large initial duration for slow startup
     self.visibilityTimeout = visibilityTimeout
     self.estimatorOn = False
     self.tBuff = collections.deque()
     self.etaBuff = collections.deque()
     self.sigmaBuff = collections.deque()
     self.fBuff = collections.deque()
예제 #49
def SimilarityMatrix (A1, A2):
    Returns the matrix that transforms A1 to A2.
    A1 : matrix, shape (N,N)
        The smaller matrix
    A2 : matrix, shape (M,M)
        The larger matrix (M>=N)
    B : matrix, shape (N,M)
        The matrix satisfying `A_1\,B = B\,A_2`
    For the existence of a (unique) solution the larger 
    matrix has to inherit the eigenvalues of the smaller one.

    if A1.shape[0]!=A1.shape[1] or A2.shape[0]!=A2.shape[1]:
        raise Exception("SimilarityMatrix: The input matrices must be square!")

    N1 = A1.shape[0]
    N2 = A2.shape[1]

    if N1>N2:
        raise Exception("SimilarityMatrix: The first input matrix must be smaller than the second one!")

    Q1 = ml.matrix(Q1)
    Q2 = ml.matrix(Q2)
    c1 = ml.matrix(np.sum(Q2.H,1))
    c2 = np.sum(Q1.H,1)
    I = ml.eye(N2)
    X = ml.zeros((N1,N2), dtype=complex)
    for k in range(N1-1,-1,-1):
        M = R1[k,k]*I-R2
        if k==N1:
            m = ml.zeros((1,N2))
            m = -R1[k,k+1:]*X[k+1:,:]
        X[k,:] = Linsolve(np.hstack((M,c1)),np.hstack((m,c2[k])))
    return (Q1*X*ml.matrix(Q2).H ).real
예제 #50
    def getNode(self,p, V, E, last=False):

        This function calculates the velocity for the robot with RRT.
        The inputs are (given in order):
            p        = the current x-y position of the robot

            E        = edges of the tree  (2 x No. of nodes on the tree)
            V        = points of the tree (2 x No. of vertices)
            last = True, if the current region is the last region
                 = False, if the current region is NOT the last region


        pose     = mat(p).T

        #dis_cur = distance between current position and the next point
        dis_cur  = vstack((V[1,E[1,self.E_current_column]],V[2,E[1,self.E_current_column]]))- pose

        heading = E[1,self.E_current_column]        # index of the current heading point on the tree
        if norm(dis_cur) < 1.5*self.radius:         # go to next point
            if not heading == shape(V)[1]-1:
                self.E_current_column = self.E_current_column + 1
                dis_cur  = vstack((V[1,E[1,self.E_current_column]],V[2,E[1,self.E_current_column]]))- pose

        Node = zeros([2,1])
        Node[0,0] = V[1,E[1,self.E_current_column]]
        Node[1,0] = V[2,E[1,self.E_current_column]]
        #Vel[0:2,0] = dis_cur/norm(dis_cur)*0.5                    #TUNE THE SPEED LATER
        return Node
예제 #51
파일: test_pyitpp.py 프로젝트: nvmd/itpp
    def test_matrices(self):
        # test all supported matrices for type and value
        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['o']).__name__, 'matrix')
        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['o'][0,0]).__name__, 'uint8')
        self.assertTrue((self.out['o'] == mat('0, 1, 1; 0, 0, 1')).all())

        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['p']).__name__, 'matrix')
        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['p'][0,0]).__name__, 'int16')
        self.assertTrue((self.out['p'] == mat('1, 2, 3; 4, 5, 6')).all())

        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['q']).__name__, 'matrix')
        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['q'][0,0]).__name__, 'int32')
        self.assertTrue((self.out['q'] == mat('11, 12, 13; 14, 15, 16')).all())

        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['r']).__name__, 'matrix')
        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['r'][0,0]).__name__, 'float64')
        self.assertTrue((abs(self.out['r']-mat('1.5, 1.6, 1.7; 2.3, 2.4, 2.5')) < self.eps).all())

        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['s']).__name__, 'matrix')
        self.assertEqual(type(self.out['s'][0,0]).__name__, 'complex128')
        step = complex(0.5, -0.5)
        ref_cvec = zeros((3, 2), complex)
        ref_cvec[0,0] = complex(0.0, 0.0)
        for i in range(1,3):
            ref_cvec[i,0] = ref_cvec[i-1,0]+step
        ref_cvec[0,1] = complex(1.5, -1.5)
        for i in range(1,3):
            ref_cvec[i,1] = ref_cvec[i-1,1]+step
        self.assertTrue((abs(self.out['s']-ref_cvec) < self.eps).all())
예제 #52
    def get_cjoint_jac(self):
        from numpy.matlib import zeros
        from jacobians import serialKinematicJacobianPassive as jacobian

        n_endjoints = len(self.chains)
        from  serialmechanism import n_pjoints
        n_pjnts = n_pjoints(l_from_l_of_l(self.pjoints))
        J = zeros((6 * n_endjoints, n_pjnts))
		# J = [J0 -J1  0  ...
		#	   J0  0  -J2 ...
		#			...
		#	   J0  0  ...    -Jb]

        # Put J0 more times in the first columns.
		# J0 = jacobian for main branch
		# n_points0 = number of passive joints in main branch
        J0 = jacobian(self.chains[0])
        n_pjoints0 = J0.shape[1]
        for i in range(n_endjoints - 1):
            J[(6 * i):(6 * i + 6), :n_pjoints0] = J0

        # Put -J1, -J2, ... in the diagonal of the non-yet-filled rest part
        # of J.
        np = n_pjoints0
        for i in range(1, n_endjoints):
			npi = n_pjoints(self.chains[i])
            Ji = jacobian(self.chains[i])
            J[(6 * i):(6 * i + 6), np:(np + npi)] = -Ji
            np += npi
예제 #53
파일: test_pyitpp.py 프로젝트: nvmd/itpp
 def test_vectors(self):
     # test all supported vectors for type and value
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['i']).__name__, 'matrix')
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['i'][0,0]).__name__, 'uint8')
     self.assertTrue((self.out['i'] == mat('0; 1; 1; 0; 0; 1')).all())
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['j']).__name__, 'str')
     self.assertEqual(self.out['j'], 'abc')
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['k']).__name__, 'matrix')
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['k'][0,0]).__name__, 'int16')
     self.assertTrue((self.out['k'] == mat('10; 11; 12; 13; 14; 15; 16; 17; 18; 19')).all())
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['l']).__name__, 'matrix')
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['l'][0,0]).__name__, 'int32')
     self.assertTrue((self.out['l'] == mat('20; 21; 22; 23; 24; 25; 26; 27; 28; 29')).all())
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['m']).__name__, 'matrix')
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['m'][0,0]).__name__, 'float64')
     self.assertTrue((abs(self.out['m']-mat('30; 31; 32; 33; 34; 35; 36; 37; 38; 39')) < self.eps).all())
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['n']).__name__, 'matrix')
     self.assertEqual(type(self.out['n'][0,0]).__name__, 'complex128')
     step = complex(0.5, -0.5)
     ref_cvec = zeros((10, 1), complex)
     ref_cvec[0,0] = complex(0.0, 0.0)
     for i in range(1, 10):
         ref_cvec[i,0] = ref_cvec[i-1,0]+step
     self.assertTrue((abs(self.out['n']-ref_cvec) < self.eps).all())
예제 #54
def learn_triplets_cooccur_mat(triplets_file_path):
    files = glob.glob(triplets_file_path)
    np_voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary()
    vp_voc = vocabulary.Vocabulary()
    num_np = np_voc.size()
    num_vp = vp_voc.size()
    cooccur_mat = zeros([num_np, num_vp])
    for file_in in files:
        with open(file_in, 'r') as f:
            for line in f:
                if(line[0] != '<'):
                    line = (line[:-2]).lower()
                    triplets = line.split('|')
                    np1 = cleansing.clean(triplets[0].split())
                    vp = cleansing.clean(triplets[1].split())
                    np2 = cleansing.clean(triplets[2].split())
                    for w in np2:
                    np1_new = [w for w in np1 if np_voc.contain(w)]
                    vp_new = [w for w in vp if vp_voc.contain(w)]

                    pairs = [(np_voc.get_word_index(u), vp_voc.get_word_index(v)) for u in np1_new for v in vp_new]
                    for pair in pairs:
                        cooccur_mat[pair[0], pair[1]] += 1
    return cooccur_mat
예제 #55
def build_energy_surface_threaded_by_angle(system):
    step_number = 99
    theta2_begin = -1.0 * np.pi
    theta2_end = 2.0 * np.pi
    theta3_begin = -1.0 * np.pi
    theta3_end = 2.0 * np.pi

    theta_angles, phi_angles = system['theta_angle'], system['phi_angle']
    N, M, E0, U0, V = system['N'], system['M'], system['E0'], system['U0'], system['hopping_matrix']

    surface = matlib.zeros((step_number, step_number), dtype=float)

    for i, th2 in enumerate(np.linspace(theta2_begin, theta2_end, step_number)):
        theta_angles[0] = 0.0
        theta_angles[1] = th2

        logging.info('Step {} / {}'.format(i, step_number))

        with Pool(2) as pool:
            chunker = partial(build_surface_chunk, theta_angles=theta_angles, phi_angles=phi_angles, N=N, M=M, E0=E0,
                              U0=U0, V=V)
            result = pool.map(chunker, [th3 for th3 in np.linspace(theta3_begin, theta3_end, step_number)])
            for j, energy, _, _ in enumerate(result):
                surface[i, j] = energy
    # Normalize energies and return result
    return surface - surface.min()
def main():
    """Comportement si on exécute le programme directement:

        On lit le fichier matrices.txt pour obtenir l'information
        sur les matrices, on exécute ensuite la recherche du
        parenthésage optimal avec l'algorithme de programmation dynamique,
        et on écrit dans resultat.txt les matrices m, frontieres,
        et ensuite le résultat de la multiplication effectuée à l'aide
        du parenthésage optimal.

    n, dimensions, matrices = lireFichierMatrice("matrices.txt")

    with open("resultat.txt", "w") as resultat:
        frontieres = matlib.zeros((n, n), dtype=int)
        m = trouverParenthesageOptimalDynamique(n, dimensions, frontieres)
        c = multiplierChaineMatrice(frontieres, matrices, 1, n)
        for line in m.tolist():
            resultat.write(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y,
                                  map(lambda x: str(x)+" ", line)))
        for line in frontieres.tolist():
            resultat.write(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y,
                                  map(lambda x: str(x)+" ", line)))
        for line in c.tolist():
            resultat.write(reduce(lambda x, y: x+y,
                                  map(lambda x: str(x)+" ", line)))
예제 #57
 def _backprop_output(nnet, evaluated):
     ret = []
     for out_ind in xrange(nnet.n_out):
         to_add = m.zeros((nnet.n_hidden + 1, nnet.n_out))
         to_add[:, out_ind] = np.asmatrix(nnet.W2)[:, out_ind]
         ret.append(to_add * sigma_p(evaluated.xo)[out_ind, 0])
     return ret
예제 #58
    def matrix(self, shape=None):
        This function returns the object as a matrix of DFT or iDFT resp.
        if shape is not None:
        elif hasattr(self, 'shape'):
            raise ValueError('Missing shape of the DFT.')

        ZN_input=Grid.get_ZNl(N, fft_form=0)
        ZN_output=Grid.get_ZNl(N, fft_form='c')

        if self.inverse:
            DFTcoef=lambda k, l, N: np.exp(2*np.pi*1j*np.sum(k*l/N))
            DFTcoef=lambda k, l, N: np.exp(-2*np.pi*1j*np.sum(k*l/N))/np.prod(N)

        DTM=np.zeros([self.pN(), self.pN()], dtype=np.complex128)
        for ii, kk in enumerate(itertools.product(*tuple(ZN_output))):
            for jj, ll in enumerate(itertools.product(*tuple(ZN_input))):
                DTM[ii, jj]=DFTcoef(np.array(kk, dtype=np.float),
                                      np.array(ll), N)

        DTMd=npmatlib.zeros([proddN, proddN], dtype=np.complex128)
        for ii in range(dim):
            DTMd[prodN*ii:prodN*(ii+1), prodN*ii:prodN*(ii+1)]=DTM
        return DTMd
예제 #59
def TestOutput7(test_scores,test_vad_ts,test_features_ts,baseline1,baseline2,model):
   [window_matrix,labels_matrix,score_matrix] = PrepareData(test_scores,test_vad_ts,test_features_ts)
   labels_matrix_val, labels_matrix_aro, labels_matrix_dom = \
   labels_matrix[:,0], labels_matrix[:,1], labels_matrix[:,2]   

   bl_features = numpy.concatenate((window_matrix,score_matrix),axis=1)
   # Baseline outputs
   b1_output = baseline1.predict(bl_features)
   b2_output = baseline2.predict(window_matrix)

   # model output
   l1_reg = model[0]
   l2_reg = model[1]
   layer1_output = numpy.matrix(l1_reg.predict(bl_features))

   num_feats = layer1_output.shape[1]
   layer2_input = matlib.zeros((layer1_output.shape[0],layer1_output.shape[1])) # this will have
   layer2_input[:,0] = numpy.multiply(layer1_output[:,0],score_matrix) 
   layer2_input[:,1] = numpy.divide(layer1_output[:,1],(score_matrix+.01*numpy.ones(score_matrix.shape))) 
   model_output = l2_reg.predict(layer2_input)

   # printing results for supplied test split
   print 'Results for iteration'

   return labels_matrix_val,b1_output,b2_output,model_output