예제 #1
    def tripples( self, lst, n ):
        Group items of lst into n tripples with minimal overlap.
        all = []
        l = len( lst )

        ## get all possible tripples
        for i in range( l ):
            for j in range( i+1, l ):
                for k in range( j+1, l ):
                    all += [ ( lst[i], lst[j], lst[k] ) ]

        ## calculate pairwise "distance" between tripples
        pw = N.zeros( (len(all), len(all)), N.Float32 )
        for i in range( len( all ) ):
            for j in range( i, len(all) ):
                pw[i,j] = pw[j,i] = len( MU.intersection(all[i],all[j]) )**2

        pos = 0
        r = []

        while len( r ) < n:

            r += [ pos ]
            ## overlap of selected tripples with all others
            overlap = N.sum( N.array( [ pw[ i ] for i in r ] ) )
            ## select one with lowest overlap to all tripples selected before
            pos = N.argmin( overlap )

        return N.take( all, r )
예제 #2
    def get_min_distance_sse(self, ptnode):
        Get the SSE with minimum distance from supplied SSE,
        from the data members already computed by calc_sse_dist_matrix()

        Optionally, set the element that was found to infinity so that
        this routine can be used iteratively to find only elements that
        have not already been found.

           ptnode - PTNode representing an SSE (helix,strand)

        Uses data members (readonly):

        Return value:
           PTNode representing SSE that has min distance from supplied SSE
        # NB: use of argmin depends on having set diagonal (self distance)
        # elements to inf instead of 0 in calc_sse_dist_matrix().
        row = self.sse_index_map[ptnode]
        mindist_index = Numeric.argmin(self.sse_dist_matrix[row])
        mindist_ptnode = self.reverse_sse_index_map[mindist_index]
        return mindist_ptnode
예제 #3
    def tripples(self, lst, n):
        Group items of lst into n tripples with minimal overlap.
        all = []
        l = len(lst)

        ## get all possible tripples
        for i in range(l):
            for j in range(i + 1, l):
                for k in range(j + 1, l):
                    all += [(lst[i], lst[j], lst[k])]

        ## calculate pairwise "distance" between tripples
        pw = N.zeros((len(all), len(all)), N.Float32)
        for i in range(len(all)):
            for j in range(i, len(all)):
                pw[i, j] = pw[j, i] = len(MU.intersection(all[i], all[j]))**2

        pos = 0
        r = []

        while len(r) < n:

            r += [pos]
            ## overlap of selected tripples with all others
            overlap = N.sum(N.array([pw[i] for i in r]))
            ## select one with lowest overlap to all tripples selected before
            pos = N.argmin(overlap)

        return N.take(all, r)
예제 #4
    def get_min_distance_sse(self, ptnode):
        Get the SSE with minimum distance from supplied SSE,
        from the data members already computed by calc_sse_dist_matrix()

        Optionally, set the element that was found to infinity so that
        this routine can be used iteratively to find only elements that
        have not already been found.

           ptnode - PTNode representing an SSE (helix,strand)

        Uses data members (readonly):

        Return value:
           PTNode representing SSE that has min distance from supplied SSE
        # NB: use of argmin depends on having set diagonal (self distance)
        # elements to inf instead of 0 in calc_sse_dist_matrix().
        row = self.sse_index_map[ptnode]
        mindist_index = Numeric.argmin(self.sse_dist_matrix[row])
        mindist_ptnode = self.reverse_sse_index_map[mindist_index]
        return mindist_ptnode
예제 #5
def usr_descriptors(points):
    """return 12-tuple of geoemtric descriptors for points

Reference for method:
Ballester, PJ & Richards, WG (2007) Proc.R.Soc.A
    # centroid
    ctr = centroid(points)
    ctr_da = dist_array(ctr, points)
    ctr_m, ctr_v, ctr_s = mean_var_skew(ctr_da)

    # closest to centroid
    cst = points[N.argmin(ctr_da)]
    cst_da = dist_array(cst, points)
    cst_m, cst_v, cst_s = mean_var_skew(cst_da)

    # farthest from centroid
    fct = points[N.argmax(ctr_da)]
    fct_da = dist_array(fct, points)
    fct_m, fct_v, fct_s = mean_var_skew(fct_da)

    # farthest from fct
    ftf = points[N.argmax(fct_da)]
    ftf_da = dist_array(ftf, points)
    ftf_m, ftf_v, ftf_s = mean_var_skew(ftf_da)

    return (ctr_m, ctr_v, ctr_s, cst_m, cst_v, cst_s, fct_m, fct_v, fct_s, ftf_m, ftf_v, ftf_s)
예제 #6
    def _curve_values(self, i_value, j_value, curve):
        Return the x, y, and x ticks values for the specified curve from the curve_dict.

        With the current implementation, there may be cases (i.e.,
        when the lowest contrast curve gives a lot of zero y_values)
        in which the maximum is not in the center.  This may
        eventually be changed so that the preferred orientation is in
        the center.
        if self.first_curve==True:
            x_values= sorted(curve.keys())
            y_values=[curve[key].view()[0][i_value,j_value] for key in x_values]

            y_values=self._rotate(y_values, n=min_arg)
            self.ticks=self._rotate(x_values, n=min_arg)

            y_values=[curve[key].view()[0][i_value,j_value] for key in self.ticks]

        return self.x_values,y_values,self.ticks
예제 #7
    def median(self):
        Median of distribution.
        cum = N.add.accumulate(self.p) * self.delta_x
        index = N.argmin(abs(cum - 0.5))

        return self.x[index]
예제 #8
파일: Density.py 프로젝트: ostrokach/biskit
    def median(self):
        Median of distribution.
        cum = N.add.accumulate(self.p) * self.delta_x
        index = N.argmin(abs(cum - 0.5))

        return self.x[index]
예제 #9
def findQuaternionMatrix(collection, point_ref, conf1, conf2 = None, matrix = True ):
        universe = collection.universe()
        if conf1.universe != universe:
                raise ValueError, "conformation is for a different universe"
        if conf2 is None:
                conf1, conf2 = conf2, conf1
                if conf2.universe != universe:
                        raise ValueError, "conformation is for a different universe"
        ref = conf1
        conf = conf2
        weights = universe.masses()
        weights = weights/collection.mass()
        ref_cms = point_ref.position().array
        pos = N.zeros((3,), N.Float)
        pos = point_ref.position(conf).array
        possq = 0.
        cross = N.zeros((3, 3), N.Float)
        for a in collection.atomList():
                r = a.position(conf).array - pos
                r_ref = a.position(ref).array-ref_cms
                w = weights[a]
                possq = possq + w*N.add.reduce(r*r) \
                                                + w*N.add.reduce(r_ref*r_ref)
                cross = cross + w*r[:, N.NewAxis]*r_ref[N.NewAxis, :]
        k = N.zeros((4, 4), N.Float)
        k[0, 0] = -cross[0, 0]-cross[1, 1]-cross[2, 2]
        k[0, 1] = cross[1, 2]-cross[2, 1]
        k[0, 2] = cross[2, 0]-cross[0, 2]
        k[0, 3] = cross[0, 1]-cross[1, 0]
        k[1, 1] = -cross[0, 0]+cross[1, 1]+cross[2, 2]
        k[1, 2] = -cross[0, 1]-cross[1, 0]
        k[1, 3] = -cross[0, 2]-cross[2, 0]
        k[2, 2] = cross[0, 0]-cross[1, 1]+cross[2, 2]
        k[2, 3] = -cross[1, 2]-cross[2, 1]
        k[3, 3] = cross[0, 0]+cross[1, 1]-cross[2, 2]
        for i in range(1, 4):
                for j in range(i):
                        k[i, j] = k[j, i]
        k = 2.*k
        for i in range(4):
                k[i, i] = k[i, i] + possq - N.add.reduce(pos*pos)
        import numpy.oldnumeric.linear_algebra as LinearAlgebra
        e, v = LinearAlgebra.eigenvectors(k)
        i = N.argmin(e)
        v = v[i]
        if v[0] < 0: v = -v
        if e[i] <= 0.:
                rms = 0.
                rms = N.sqrt(e[i])
	if matrix:
		emax = N.argmax(e)
		QuatMatrix = v
		return Quaternion.Quaternion(QuatMatrix),v, e, e[i],e[emax], rms
		return Quaternion.Quaternion(v), Vector(ref_cms), Vector(pos), rms
예제 #10
    def computeEndPointsFromChunk(self, chunk, update = True):
        Derives and returns the endpoints and radius of a Peptide chunk.
        @param chunk: a Peptide chunk
        @type  chunk: Chunk
        @return: endPoint1, endPoint2 and radius
        @rtype: Point, Point and float
        @note: computing the endpoints works fine when n=m or m=0. Otherwise,
               the endpoints can be slightly off the central axis, especially
               if the Peptide is short.
        @attention: endPoint1 and endPoint2 may not be the original endpoints,
                    and they may be flipped (opposites of) the original 
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs 
        # (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]), it's best to just use
        # the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None
        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(axis) # needed
        center = chunk._get_center()
        points = chunk.atpos - center # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot( points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:,2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]
        # Adjust the endpoints such that the ladder rungs (rings) will fall
        # on the ring segments. 
        # TO DO: Fix drawPeptideLadder() to offset the first ring, then I can
        # remove this adjustment. --Mark 2008-04-12
        z_adjust = self.getEndPointZOffset()
        min_z += z_adjust
        max_z -= z_adjust
        endpoint1 = center + min_z * axis
        endpoint2 = center + max_z * axis
        if update:
            #print "Original endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()
            self.setEndPoints(endpoint1, endpoint2)
            #print "New endpoints:", self.getEndPoints()
        return (endpoint1, endpoint2, radius)
예제 #11
파일: BisList.py 프로젝트: ostrokach/biskit
    def argmin(self, key):
        @param key: item attribute
        @type  key: any

        @return: index of item with lowest item[infokey] value
        @rtype: int
        vLst = self.valuesOf(key)
        return N.argmin(vLst)
예제 #12
    def compute_memo(self, chunk):
        If drawing chunk in this display mode can be optimized by precomputing some info from chunk's appearance,
        compute that info and return it.
           If this computation requires preference values, access them as env.prefs[key],
        and that will cause the memo to be removed (invalidated) when that preference value is changed by the user.
           This computation is assumed to also depend on, and only on, chunk's appearance in ordinary display modes
        (i.e. it's invalidated whenever havelist is). There is not yet any way to change that,
        so bugs will occur if any ordinarily invisible chunk info affects this rendering,
        and potential optimizations will not be done if any ordinarily visible info is not visible in this rendering.
        These can be fixed if necessary by having the real work done within class Chunk's _recompute_ rules,
        with this function or drawchunk just accessing the result of that (and sometimes causing its recomputation),
        and with whatever invalidation is needed being added to appropriate setter methods of class Chunk.
        If the real work can depend on more than chunk's ordinary appearance can, the access would need to be in drawchunk;
        otherwise it could be in drawchunk or in this method compute_memo.
        # for this example, we'll turn the chunk axes into a cylinder.
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]),
        # it's best to just use the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None
        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(
        )  # needed (unless we're sure it's already unit length, which is likely)
        center = chunk.center
        points = chunk.atpos - center  # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot(points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:, 0]**2 + v[:, 1]**2
        ## r_xy = sqrt(r_xy_2) # not needed

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:, 2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]
        bcenter = chunk.abs_to_base(center)
        # return, in chunk-relative coords, end1, end2, and radius of the cylinder, and color.
        color = chunk.color
        if color is None:
            color = V(0.5, 0.5, 0.5)
        # make sure it's longer than zero (in case of a single-atom chunk); in fact, add a small margin all around
        # (note: this is not sufficient to enclose all atoms entirely; that's intentional)
        margin = 0.2
        min_z -= margin
        max_z += margin
        radius += margin
        return (bcenter + min_z * axis, bcenter + max_z * axis, radius, color)
예제 #13
파일: ravq.py 프로젝트: is44c/pyrobot
def getDistance(V, X, mask):
    d(V, X) = (1/|X|) Sum[i = 1 to |X|]{ min[j = 1 to |V|] {|| x_i - v_j||} }
    where x_i is in X and v_j is in V.  
    min = []
    sum = 0
    for x in X:
        for v in V:
        sum += min[Numeric.argmin(min)]
    return sum / len(X)
예제 #14
    def argmin( self, infoKey ):
        Get index of complex c with lowest c.infos[infokey] value

        @param infoKey: key for info dict
        @type  infoKey: str

        @return: index of complex c with lowest c.infos[infokey] value
        @rtype: int
        vLst = self.valuesOf( infoKey )
        return N.argmin( vLst )
예제 #15
    def get_min_distance_objid(self, objid, not_objid_set, sheets_only=False):
        Get the sheet or helix with minimum distance from the supplied
        sheet or helix, specified by id (e.g. 'A' for a sheet or
        'HELIX_A_10' for a helix).

        Optionally, set the element that was found to infinity so that
        this routine can be used iteratively to find only elements that
        have not already been found.

           objid  - sheet id (e.g. 'A') or helix id (e.g. 'HELIX_A_10')
                    of the object to find the id of the closest object for.
           not_objid_set - set of objids that we do NOT want to find.
                    Used so we can find the nearest element to an
                    already positioned element that is not itself
                    an already positioned element.
           sheets_only - (Default False) only find sheets, not helices.

        Uses data members (readonly):

        Return value:
           tuple (id, dist) where
           id (as per the objid paramter) of the closest sheet or helix
            to the speicfied one and
            dist is that smallest distance, and it is not in the

        row = self.sheet_index_map[objid]
        mindist_index = Numeric.argmin(self.sheet_dist_matrix[row])

        # get 1d array of object ids sorted (ascending) by their distance
        # from the target objid in the sheet dist matrix
        # NB: use of argsort depends on having set diagonal (self distance)
        # elements to inf instead of 0 in calc_sse_dist_matrix().
        objids_sorted_by_dist = Numeric.argsort(self.sheet_dist_matrix[row])

        # find the first (i.e. smallest distance) id that is not in
        # the not_objid_set
        mindist_index = None
        for mindist_index in objids_sorted_by_dist:
            mindist_objid = self.reverse_sheet_index_map[mindist_index]
            if ((mindist_objid not in not_objid_set)
                    and (not sheets_only or len(mindist_objid) == 1)):
                dist = self.sheet_dist_matrix[row, mindist_index]
        return (mindist_objid, dist)
예제 #16
def getDistance(V, X, mask):
    d(V, X) = (1/|X|) Sum[i = 1 to |X|]{ min[j = 1 to |V|] {|| x_i - v_j||} }
    where x_i is in X and v_j is in V.  
    min = []
    sum = 0
    for x in X:
        for v in V:
            min.append(euclideanDistance(x, v, mask))
        sum += min[Numeric.argmin(min)]
    return sum / len(X)
예제 #17
    def get_min_distance_objid(self, objid, not_objid_set, sheets_only=False):
        Get the sheet or helix with minimum distance from the supplied
        sheet or helix, specified by id (e.g. 'A' for a sheet or
        'HELIX_A_10' for a helix).

        Optionally, set the element that was found to infinity so that
        this routine can be used iteratively to find only elements that
        have not already been found.

           objid  - sheet id (e.g. 'A') or helix id (e.g. 'HELIX_A_10')
                    of the object to find the id of the closest object for.
           not_objid_set - set of objids that we do NOT want to find.
                    Used so we can find the nearest element to an
                    already positioned element that is not itself
                    an already positioned element.
           sheets_only - (Default False) only find sheets, not helices.

        Uses data members (readonly):

        Return value:
           tuple (id, dist) where
           id (as per the objid paramter) of the closest sheet or helix
            to the speicfied one and
            dist is that smallest distance, and it is not in the

        row = self.sheet_index_map[objid]
        mindist_index = Numeric.argmin(self.sheet_dist_matrix[row])

        # get 1d array of object ids sorted (ascending) by their distance
        # from the target objid in the sheet dist matrix
        # NB: use of argsort depends on having set diagonal (self distance)
        # elements to inf instead of 0 in calc_sse_dist_matrix().
        objids_sorted_by_dist = Numeric.argsort(self.sheet_dist_matrix[row])

        # find the first (i.e. smallest distance) id that is not in
        # the not_objid_set
        mindist_index = None
        for mindist_index in objids_sorted_by_dist:
            mindist_objid = self.reverse_sheet_index_map[mindist_index]
            if ( (mindist_objid not in not_objid_set) and
                 (not sheets_only or len(mindist_objid) == 1) ): 
                dist = self.sheet_dist_matrix[row, mindist_index]
        return (mindist_objid, dist)
예제 #18
    def compute_memo(self, chunk):
        If drawing chunk in this display mode can be optimized by precomputing some info from chunk's appearance,
        compute that info and return it.
           If this computation requires preference values, access them as env.prefs[key],
        and that will cause the memo to be removed (invalidated) when that preference value is changed by the user.
           This computation is assumed to also depend on, and only on, chunk's appearance in ordinary display modes
        (i.e. it's invalidated whenever havelist is). There is not yet any way to change that,
        so bugs will occur if any ordinarily invisible chunk info affects this rendering,
        and potential optimizations will not be done if any ordinarily visible info is not visible in this rendering.
        These can be fixed if necessary by having the real work done within class Chunk's _recompute_ rules,
        with this function or drawchunk just accessing the result of that (and sometimes causing its recomputation),
        and with whatever invalidation is needed being added to appropriate setter methods of class Chunk.
        If the real work can depend on more than chunk's ordinary appearance can, the access would need to be in drawchunk;
        otherwise it could be in drawchunk or in this method compute_memo.
        # for this example, we'll turn the chunk axes into a cylinder.
        # Since chunk.axis is not always one of the vectors chunk.evecs (actually chunk.poly_evals_evecs_axis[2]),
        # it's best to just use the axis and center, then recompute a bounding cylinder.
        if not chunk.atoms:
            return None
        axis = chunk.axis
        axis = norm(axis) # needed (unless we're sure it's already unit length, which is likely)
        center = chunk.center
        points = chunk.atpos - center # not sure if basepos points are already centered
        # compare following Numeric Python code to findAtomUnderMouse and its caller
        matrix = matrix_putting_axis_at_z(axis)
        v = dot( points, matrix)
        # compute xy distances-squared between axis line and atom centers
        r_xy_2 = v[:,0]**2 + v[:,1]**2
        ## r_xy = sqrt(r_xy_2) # not needed

        # to get radius, take maximum -- not sure if max(r_xy_2) would use Numeric code, but this will for sure:
        i = argmax(r_xy_2)
        max_xy_2 = r_xy_2[i]
        radius = sqrt(max_xy_2)
        # to get limits along axis (since we won't assume center is centered between them), use min/max z:
        z = v[:,2]
        min_z = z[argmin(z)]
        max_z = z[argmax(z)]
        bcenter = chunk.abs_to_base(center)
        # return, in chunk-relative coords, end1, end2, and radius of the cylinder, and color.
        color = chunk.color
        if color is None:
            color = V(0.5,0.5,0.5)
        # make sure it's longer than zero (in case of a single-atom chunk); in fact, add a small margin all around
        # (note: this is not sufficient to enclose all atoms entirely; that's intentional)
        margin = 0.2
        min_z -= margin
        max_z += margin
        radius += margin
        return (bcenter + min_z * axis, bcenter + max_z * axis, radius, color)
예제 #19
    def selectFasta( self, ids_in_cluster ):
        select one member of cluster of sequences.

        @param ids_in_cluster: list of sequence ids defining the cluster
        @type  ids_in_cluster: [str]

        @return: Bio.Fasta.Record
        @rtype: Bio.Fasta.Record
        resolutions = []
        for id in ids_in_cluster:
            resolutions += [ getattr( self.record_dic[id],'resolution', 99. ) ]

        return ids_in_cluster[ Numeric.argmin( resolutions ) ]
예제 #20
def xyzOfNearestCovalentNeighbour(i, model):
    Closest atom in the same residue as atom with index i

    @param model: PDBModel 
    @type  model: PDBModel
    @param i: atom index 
    @type  i: int

    @return: coordinates of the nearest atom 
    @rtype: [float, float, float]
    resModel = model.filter(residue_number=model.atoms['residue_number'][i])
    dist = N.sqrt(N.sum((resModel.xyz - model.xyz[i])**2, 1))

    ## set distance to self to something high
    dist[N.argmin(dist)] = 100.

    pos_shortest = N.nonzero(dist == min(dist))[0]

    return resModel.xyz[pos_shortest]
예제 #21
파일: ravq.py 프로젝트: is44c/pyrobot
 def updateWinner(self):
     Calculate the current winner based on which model vector is
     closest to the moving average.
     min = []
     for m in self.models:
         min.append(euclideanDistance(m.vector, self.movingAverage, self.mask))
     if min == []:
         self.winner = 'No Winner'
         self.previousWinnerIndex= self.newWinnerIndex
         self.newWinnerIndex = Numeric.argmin(min)
         if self.previousWinnerIndex == self.newWinnerIndex:
             self.winnerCount += 1
             self.winnerCount = 0
         winner = self.models[self.newWinnerIndex]
         winner.counter += 1
         #if winner.maxSize != -1:
         self.winner = winner.vector
예제 #22
 def updateWinner(self):
     Calculate the current winner based on which model vector is
     closest to the moving average.
     min = []
     for m in self.models:
             euclideanDistance(m.vector, self.movingAverage, self.mask))
     if min == []:
         self.winner = 'No Winner'
         self.previousWinnerIndex = self.newWinnerIndex
         self.newWinnerIndex = Numeric.argmin(min)
         if self.previousWinnerIndex == self.newWinnerIndex:
             self.winnerCount += 1
             self.winnerCount = 0
         winner = self.models[self.newWinnerIndex]
         winner.counter += 1
         #if winner.maxSize != -1:
         self.winner = winner.vector
예제 #23
파일: Density.py 프로젝트: ostrokach/biskit
    def findConfidenceInterval(self, x):
        findConfidenceInterval(self, x)
        Find the smallest possible density interval that still includes x.

        @param x: value
        @type  x: float

        @return: convidence level, interval start and end
        @rtype: float, (float,float)
        closest = N.argmin(abs(self.x - x))

        ind = N.nonzero(N.greater_equal(self.p, self.p[closest])).tolist()

        intervals = self.__find_intervals(ind)

##        lens = N.array([len(i) for i in intervals])
        levels = [N.sum(N.take(self.p, i)) for i in intervals]
        level = N.sum(levels) * self.delta_x

        boundaries = [(self.x[i[0]], self.x[i[-1]]) for i in intervals]

        return level, tuple(boundaries)
예제 #24
    def findConfidenceInterval(self, x):
        findConfidenceInterval(self, x)
        Find the smallest possible density interval that still includes x.

        @param x: value
        @type  x: float

        @return: convidence level, interval start and end
        @rtype: float, (float,float)
        closest = N.argmin(abs(self.x - x))

        ind = N.nonzero(N.greater_equal(self.p, self.p[closest])).tolist()

        intervals = self.__find_intervals(ind)

        ##        lens = N.array([len(i) for i in intervals])
        levels = [N.sum(N.take(self.p, i)) for i in intervals]
        level = N.sum(levels) * self.delta_x

        boundaries = [(self.x[i[0]], self.x[i[-1]]) for i in intervals]

        return level, tuple(boundaries)
예제 #25
def closest(point, points):
    """works, but @@DEPRECATED!!
    return index into points of closest-to-point
    da = dist_array(point, points)
    return N.argmin(da)