예제 #1
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points) # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k,self.n),Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     t[0,:] = Numeric.ones(self.n,Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1,:] = self.x - sum(self.x)/self.n
     for i in range(1,k-1):
         a[i+1] = Numeric.innerproduct(self.x, t[i,:] * t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:],t[i,:])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:], t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i-1,:],t[i-1,:])
         t[i+1,:] = (self.x - a[i+1]) * t[i,:] - b[i] * t[i-1,:]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1))) # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1)) / self.n) # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1,), 1) # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization
예제 #2
    def dot(self, other):
        "Returns the contraction with |other|."
	if isTensor(other):
	    a = self.array
	    b =  Numeric.transpose(other.array, range(1, other.rank)+[0])
	    return Tensor(Numeric.innerproduct(a, b), 1)
	    return Tensor(self.array*other, 1)
예제 #3
    def __mul__(self, other):
	if isTensor(other):
	    a = self.array[self.rank*(slice(None),)+(Numeric.NewAxis,)]
	    b = other.array[other.rank*(slice(None),)+(Numeric.NewAxis,)]
	    return Tensor(Numeric.innerproduct(a, b), 1)
	elif VectorModule.isVector(other):
	    return other.__rmul__(self)
	    return Tensor(self.array*other, 1)
예제 #4
    def vector_sum(self, d):
        Return the vector sum of the distribution as a tuple (magnitude, avgbinnum).

        Each bin contributes a vector of length equal to its value, at
        a direction corresponding to the bin number.  Specifically,
        the total bin number range is mapped into a direction range

        For a cyclic distribution, the avgbinnum will be a continuous
        measure analogous to the max_value_bin() of the distribution.
        But this quantity has more precision than max_value_bin()
        because it is computed from the entire distribution instead of
        just the peak bin.  However, it is likely to be useful only
        for uniform or very dense sampling; with sparse, non-uniform
        sampling the estimates will be biased significantly by the
        particular samples chosen.

        The avgbinnum is not meaningful when the magnitude is 0,
        because a zero-length vector has no direction.  To find out
        whether such cases occurred, you can compare the value of
        undefined_vals before and after a series of calls to this

        # vectors are represented in polar form as complex numbers
        h = d._data
        r = h.values()
        theta = d._bins_to_radians(array(h.keys()))
        v_sum = innerproduct(r, exp(theta * 1j))

        magnitude = abs(v_sum)
        direction = arg(v_sum)

        if v_sum == 0:
            d.undefined_vals += 1

        direction_radians = d._radians_to_bins(direction)

        # wrap the direction because arctan2 returns principal values
        wrapped_direction = wrap(d.axis_bounds[0], d.axis_bounds[1],

        return (magnitude, wrapped_direction)
예제 #5
    def vector_sum(self, d ):
        Return the vector sum of the distribution as a tuple (magnitude, avgbinnum).

        Each bin contributes a vector of length equal to its value, at
        a direction corresponding to the bin number.  Specifically,
        the total bin number range is mapped into a direction range
        For a cyclic distribution, the avgbinnum will be a continuous
        measure analogous to the max_value_bin() of the distribution.
        But this quantity has more precision than max_value_bin()
        because it is computed from the entire distribution instead of
        just the peak bin.  However, it is likely to be useful only
        for uniform or very dense sampling; with sparse, non-uniform
        sampling the estimates will be biased significantly by the
        particular samples chosen.

        The avgbinnum is not meaningful when the magnitude is 0,
        because a zero-length vector has no direction.  To find out
        whether such cases occurred, you can compare the value of
        undefined_vals before and after a series of calls to this

        # vectors are represented in polar form as complex numbers
        h   = d._data
        r   = h.values()                                  
        theta = d._bins_to_radians(array( h.keys() ))
        v_sum = innerproduct(r, exp(theta*1j))                  

        magnitude = abs(v_sum)
        direction = arg(v_sum)

        if v_sum == 0:
            d.undefined_vals += 1

        direction_radians = d._radians_to_bins(direction)

        # wrap the direction because arctan2 returns principal values
        wrapped_direction = wrap(d.axis_bounds[0], d.axis_bounds[1], direction_radians)
        return (magnitude, wrapped_direction) 
예제 #6
 def weighted_sum(self):
     """Return the sum of each value times its bin."""
     return innerproduct(self._data.keys(), self._data.values()) 
예제 #7
def Add_Nucleic_Bases(g, properties=None):
    Adds Nucleic Bases to g.
    g is a geometry created in Pmv.secondaryStructureCommands
    properties is class that holds information about Nucleic Acids colors and size
    path3D = g.SS.exElt.path3D
    residues = g.SS.residues
    total_res = len(residues)
    vertex_count = 0
    vertices = []
    res_faces = []
    materials = []
    height_purine = height_pyrimidine = 0.4

    if properties:
        color_A = properties.color_A
        color_G = properties.color_G
        color_T = properties.color_T
        color_C = properties.color_C
        color_U = properties.color_U
        scale_purine = properties.scale_purine
        scale_pyrimidine = properties.scale_pyrimidine
        height_purine = properties.height_purine
        height_pyrimidine = properties.height_pyrimidine

        color_A = [1, 0, 0]
        color_G = [0, 0, 1]
        color_T = [0, 1, 0]
        color_C = [1, 1, 0]
        color_U = [1, 0.5, 0]
        scale_purine = scale_pyrimidine = 1.3
        height_purine = height_pyrimidine = 0.4
    for i in range(total_res):
        faces = []
        NA_type = residues[i].type.strip()
        l_c = g.SS.exElt.getExtrudeProperties(
        #if missing atoms do not do the base
        if NA_type in ['A', 'G', 'DA', 'DG']:
            if checkMissingAtoms(residues[i], [
                    'N1.*', 'C2.*', 'N9.*', 'N7.*', 'C8.*', 'C4.*', 'C5.*',
                    'C6.*', 'N3.*'
                print("missing atoms in", residues[i])
                residues[i]._base_faces = []
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_A]
            base_vertices, base_faces = make_purine(residues[i], height_purine,
            pscale = scale_purine
            if NA_type in ['A', 'DA']:
                #28 = number of vertices for the base 20 + 8
                materials.extend(28 * [color_A])
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_A]
            elif NA_type in ['G', 'DG']:
                materials.extend(28 * [color_G])
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_G]
            names = [name.split("@")[0] for name in residues[i].atoms.name]
            idx = names.index('N9')
            connetct_to_base = Numeric.array(residues[i].atoms[idx].coords)
            if checkMissingAtoms(
                ['N1.*', 'C2.*', 'N3.*', 'C4.*', 'C5.*', 'C6.*']):
                print("missing atoms in", residues[i])
                residues[i]._base_faces = []
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_A]
            base_vertices, base_faces = make_pyrimidine(
                residues[i], height_pyrimidine, scale_pyrimidine)
            pscale = 0.9 * scale_pyrimidine
            if NA_type == 'T':
                #22 = number of vertices for the base 14 + 8
                materials.extend(22 * [color_T])
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_T]
            elif NA_type in ['C', 'DC']:
                materials.extend(22 * [color_C])
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_C]
            elif NA_type == 'U':
                materials.extend(22 * [color_U])
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_U]
                materials.extend(22 * [color_U])
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c) * [color_U]
            names = [name.split("@")[0] for name in residues[i].atoms.name]
            idx = names.index('N1')
            connetct_to_base = Numeric.array(residues[i].atoms[idx].coords)


        #           v5 *-----------*v1
        #             /|          /|
        #            / |         / |
        #           /  |        /  |
        #        v6*-----------*v2 |
        # path-----|-- |       | --|--->connetct_to_base
        #          |   *-------|---*v0
        #          |  /v4      |  /
        #          | /         | /
        #          |/          |/
        #          *-----------*
        #         v7          v3

        O4 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'O4').coords)
        C4 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C4').coords)

        C1 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C1').coords)
        C3 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C3').coords)
        C2 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C2').coords)

        #cent is a vector towards which bases are extruded
        cent = C4  #this was a center of the sugar ring

        #copy is needed were, otherwise base_vertices will get changed too
        v_4 = copy(base_vertices[-4])
        v_5 = copy(base_vertices[-3])
        v_6 = copy(base_vertices[-2])
        v_7 = copy(base_vertices[-1])

        dist = (v_5 + v_4 + v_6 + v_7) / 4.0 - cent
        if i == total_res - 1:
            pathPoint = path3D[4 * i]
            pathPoint = path3D[4 * i + 1]

        #here we measure distance between backbone and last 4 vertices of bases
        d_v = v_4 - pathPoint
        distToV_4 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v, d_v)
        d_v = v_5 - pathPoint
        distToV_5 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v, d_v)
        d_v = v_6 - pathPoint
        distToV_6 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v, d_v)
        d_v = v_7 - pathPoint
        distToV_7 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v, d_v)

        distList1 = [distToV_4, distToV_5, distToV_6, distToV_7]
        distList2 = [distToV_4, distToV_5, distToV_6, distToV_7]

        if pscale > 1:
            pscale *= pscale

        for enum in enumerate(distList2):
            if enum[1] == distList1[0]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.1 * pscale
            elif enum[1] == distList1[1]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.1 * pscale
            elif enum[1] == distList1[2]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.5 * pscale
            elif enum[1] == distList1[3]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.5 * pscale

        #max_d = max([distToV_4,distToV_5,distToV_6,distToV_7])
        #dist needs to be scaled so that connection to the backbone wont be thin

        v_4 = v_4 - distList2[0] * dist

        v_5 = v_5 - distList2[1] * dist

        v_6 = v_6 - distList2[2] * dist

        v_7 = v_7 - distList2[3] * dist

        p_1 = copy(v_4)
        p_2 = copy(v_5)
        p_3 = copy(v_6)
        p_4 = copy(v_7)
        dToBase = (p_1 + p_2 + p_3 + p_4) / 4. - pathPoint

        p_1 = p_1 - dToBase
        p_2 = p_2 - dToBase
        p_3 = p_3 - dToBase
        p_4 = p_4 - dToBase

        #base_face are number from 0, we need to add vertex_count here

        base_faces += vertex_count

        #now do the faces
        len_base_vertices = len(base_vertices)
        stem_start = vertex_count + len_base_vertices - 4

            stem_start + 1, stem_start + 5, stem_start + 4, stem_start,
            stem_start, stem_start, stem_start
            stem_start + 1, stem_start + 2, stem_start + 6, stem_start + 5,
            stem_start + 5, stem_start + 5, stem_start + 5
            stem_start, stem_start + 4, stem_start + 7, stem_start + 3,
            stem_start + 3, stem_start + 3, stem_start + 3
            stem_start + 2, stem_start + 3, stem_start + 7, stem_start + 6,
            stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6
            stem_start + 7, stem_start + 4, stem_start + 5, stem_start + 6,
            stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6


        stem_start += 4

            stem_start + 1, stem_start + 5, stem_start + 4, stem_start,
            stem_start, stem_start, stem_start
            stem_start + 1, stem_start + 2, stem_start + 6, stem_start + 5,
            stem_start + 5, stem_start + 5, stem_start + 5
            stem_start, stem_start + 4, stem_start + 7, stem_start + 3,
            stem_start + 3, stem_start + 3, stem_start + 3
            stem_start + 2, stem_start + 3, stem_start + 7, stem_start + 6,
            stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6
            stem_start + 7, stem_start + 4, stem_start + 5, stem_start + 6,
            stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6, stem_start + 6

        #        #1-2-6-5
        #        faces.append([stem_start + 7, stem_start + 8,stem_start + 12,stem_start+11,
        #                      stem_start+11,stem_start+11,stem_start+11])
        #        #1-4-8-5
        #        faces.append([stem_start+7, stem_start+10,stem_start + 14,stem_start + 11,
        #                      stem_start + 11,stem_start + 11,stem_start + 11])
        #        #3-4-8-7
        #        faces.append([stem_start+9, stem_start+10, stem_start + 14, stem_start + 13,
        #                      stem_start + 13,stem_start + 13,stem_start + 13])
        #        #2-3-7-6
        #        faces.append([stem_start+8, stem_start+9,stem_start + 13,stem_start + 12,
        #                      stem_start + 12,stem_start + 12,stem_start + 12])

        vertex_count = vertex_count + len_base_vertices + 8
        residues[i]._base_faces = faces

    faces = []
    for residue in residues:

    geom_bases = IndexedPolygons(

    return geom_bases
예제 #8
def Add_Nucleic_Bases(g, properties = None):
    Adds Nucleic Bases to g.
    g is a geometry created in Pmv.secondaryStructureCommands
    properties is class that holds information about Nucleic Acids colors and size
    path3D = g.SS.exElt.path3D
    residues = g.SS.residues
    total_res = len(residues)
    vertex_count = 0
    vertices = []
    res_faces = []
    materials = []
    height_purine = height_pyrimidine = 0.4

    if properties:
        color_A = properties.color_A
        color_G = properties.color_G
        color_T = properties.color_T
        color_C = properties.color_C
        color_U = properties.color_U
        scale_purine = properties.scale_purine
        scale_pyrimidine = properties.scale_pyrimidine
        height_purine = properties.height_purine
        height_pyrimidine = properties.height_pyrimidine
        color_A = [1,0,0]
        color_G = [0,0,1]
        color_T = [0,1,0]
        color_C = [1,1,0]
        color_U = [1,0.5,0]
        scale_purine = scale_pyrimidine = 1.3    
        height_purine = height_pyrimidine = 0.4
    for i in range(total_res):
        faces = []        
        NA_type = residues[i].type.strip()
        l_c = g.SS.exElt.getExtrudeProperties([residues[i]], 'colors', )
        #if missing atoms do not do the base
        if NA_type in ['A', 'G', 'DA', 'DG']:
            if checkMissingAtoms(residues[i],['N1.*','C2.*','N9.*','N7.*','C8.*',
						'C4.*','C5.*','C6.*','N3.*' ]) :
                print ("missing atoms in",residues[i])
                residues[i]._base_faces = []
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_A]
            base_vertices, base_faces = make_purine(residues[i],
                                                     height_purine, scale_purine)
            pscale = scale_purine
            if NA_type in ['A', 'DA']:
                #28 = number of vertices for the base 20 + 8
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_A]
            elif NA_type in ['G', 'DG']:
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_G]
            names = [name.split("@")[0] for name in residues[i].atoms.name]
            connetct_to_base =  Numeric.array(residues[i].atoms[idx].coords)
            if checkMissingAtoms(residues[i],['N1.*','C2.*','N3.*','C4.*',
						'C5.*','C6.*']) :
                print ("missing atoms in",residues[i])
                residues[i]._base_faces = []
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_A]
            base_vertices, base_faces = make_pyrimidine(residues[i],
                                              height_pyrimidine, scale_pyrimidine)
            pscale = 0.9*scale_pyrimidine
            if NA_type == 'T':
                #22 = number of vertices for the base 14 + 8
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_T]                
            elif NA_type in ['C', 'DC']:
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_C]                
            elif NA_type == 'U':
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_U]   
                residues[i]._coil_colors = len(l_c)*[color_U]     
            names = [name.split("@")[0] for name in residues[i].atoms.name]
            connetct_to_base =  Numeric.array(residues[i].atoms[idx].coords)

        #           v5 *-----------*v1
        #             /|          /|
        #            / |         / |
        #           /  |        /  |       
        #        v6*-----------*v2 |       
        # path-----|-- |       | --|--->connetct_to_base
        #          |   *-------|---*v0
        #          |  /v4      |  / 
        #          | /         | /  
        #          |/          |/  
        #          *-----------*       
        #         v7          v3        
        O4 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'O4').coords)
        C4 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C4').coords)
        C1 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C1').coords)
        C3 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C3').coords)
        C2 = Numeric.array(returnStarOrQuote(residues[i].atoms, 'C2').coords)
        #cent is a vector towards which bases are extruded
        cent = C4 #this was a center of the sugar ring
        #copy is needed were, otherwise base_vertices will get changed too
        v_4 = copy(base_vertices[-4]); v_5 = copy(base_vertices[-3])
        v_6 = copy(base_vertices[-2]); v_7 = copy(base_vertices[-1])

        dist = (v_5+v_4+v_6+v_7)/4.0 - cent
        if i == total_res - 1:
            pathPoint = path3D[4*i]
            pathPoint = path3D[4*i+1]
        #here we measure distance between backbone and last 4 vertices of bases
        d_v = v_4 - pathPoint
        distToV_4 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v,d_v)
        d_v = v_5 - pathPoint
        distToV_5 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v,d_v)
        d_v = v_6 - pathPoint
        distToV_6 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v,d_v)
        d_v = v_7 - pathPoint
        distToV_7 = Numeric.innerproduct(d_v,d_v)
        distList1 = [distToV_4,distToV_5,distToV_6,distToV_7]
        distList2 = [distToV_4,distToV_5,distToV_6,distToV_7]
        if pscale > 1:
            pscale *= pscale
        for enum in enumerate(distList2):
            if enum[1] == distList1[0]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.1*pscale
            elif enum[1] == distList1[1]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.1*pscale
            elif enum[1] == distList1[2]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.5*pscale
            elif enum[1] == distList1[3]:
                distList2[enum[0]] = 0.5*pscale

        #max_d = max([distToV_4,distToV_5,distToV_6,distToV_7])
        #dist needs to be scaled so that connection to the backbone wont be thin

        v_4 = v_4 - distList2[0]*dist

        v_5 = v_5 - distList2[1]*dist

        v_6 = v_6 - distList2[2]*dist

        v_7 = v_7 - distList2[3]*dist

        p_1 = copy(v_4)
        p_2 = copy(v_5)
        p_3 = copy(v_6)
        p_4 = copy(v_7)
        dToBase = (p_1+p_2+p_3+p_4)/4. - pathPoint
        p_1 = p_1 - dToBase
        p_2 = p_2 - dToBase
        p_3 = p_3 - dToBase
        p_4 = p_4 - dToBase
        #base_face are number from 0, we need to add vertex_count here
        base_faces += vertex_count
        #now do the faces
        len_base_vertices = len(base_vertices)
        stem_start = vertex_count + len_base_vertices - 4
        faces.append([stem_start + 1, stem_start + 5,stem_start + 4,stem_start,
        faces.append([stem_start+1, stem_start+2,stem_start + 6,stem_start + 5,
                      stem_start + 5,stem_start + 5,stem_start + 5])
        faces.append([stem_start, stem_start+4, stem_start + 7, stem_start + 3,
                      stem_start + 3,stem_start + 3,stem_start + 3])
        faces.append([stem_start+2, stem_start+3,stem_start + 7,stem_start + 6,
                      stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6])
        faces.append([stem_start+7, stem_start+4,stem_start + 5,stem_start + 6,
                      stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6])


        stem_start += 4
        faces.append([stem_start + 1, stem_start + 5,stem_start + 4,stem_start,
        faces.append([stem_start+1, stem_start+2,stem_start + 6,stem_start + 5,
                      stem_start + 5,stem_start + 5,stem_start + 5])
        faces.append([stem_start, stem_start+4, stem_start + 7, stem_start + 3,
                      stem_start + 3,stem_start + 3,stem_start + 3])
        faces.append([stem_start+2, stem_start+3,stem_start + 7,stem_start + 6,
                      stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6])
        faces.append([stem_start+7, stem_start+4,stem_start + 5,stem_start + 6,
                      stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6,stem_start + 6])
#        #1-2-6-5
#        faces.append([stem_start + 7, stem_start + 8,stem_start + 12,stem_start+11,
#                      stem_start+11,stem_start+11,stem_start+11])
#        #1-4-8-5
#        faces.append([stem_start+7, stem_start+10,stem_start + 14,stem_start + 11,
#                      stem_start + 11,stem_start + 11,stem_start + 11])
#        #3-4-8-7
#        faces.append([stem_start+9, stem_start+10, stem_start + 14, stem_start + 13,
#                      stem_start + 13,stem_start + 13,stem_start + 13])
#        #2-3-7-6
#        faces.append([stem_start+8, stem_start+9,stem_start + 13,stem_start + 12,
#                      stem_start + 12,stem_start + 12,stem_start + 12])

        vertex_count = vertex_count + len_base_vertices + 8
        residues[i]._base_faces = faces
    faces = []
    for residue in residues:
    geom_bases = IndexedPolygons('Bases', vertices=vertices, faces=faces, 
                                 inheritShading = False,shading = GL.GL_FLAT,
                                 materials = materials, inheritMaterial = False,)

    return geom_bases
예제 #9
 def weighted_sum(self):
     """Return the sum of each value times its bin."""
     return innerproduct(self._data.keys(), self._data.values())
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax,
                        self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points)  # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k, self.n), Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k, 1), Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k, 1), Numeric.Float)
     t[0, :] = Numeric.ones(self.n, Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1, :] = self.x - sum(self.x) / self.n
     for i in range(1, k - 1):
         a[i + 1] = Numeric.innerproduct(
             self.x, t[i, :] * t[i, :]) / Numeric.innerproduct(
                 t[i, :], t[i, :])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i, :],
                                     t[i, :]) / Numeric.innerproduct(
                                         t[i - 1, :], t[i - 1, :])
         t[i + 1, :] = (self.x - a[i + 1]) * t[i, :] - b[i] * t[i - 1, :]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(
             (self.k, 1)))  # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(
         Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0), (self.k, 1)) /
         self.n)  # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1, ),
                             1)  # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization