예제 #1
    def matrix_is_symplectic(self, m, tolerance=1.0e-12):

        Confirm that a given matrix $M$ is symplectic to within
        numerical tolerance.

        This is done by taking the 4 submatrices:

         1. $A = M[0::2, 0::2]$, i.e., configuration coordinates only,

         2. $B = M[0::2, 1::2]$, i.e., configuration rows, momenta cols,

         3. $C = M[1::2, 0::2]$, i.e., momenta rows, configuration cols,

         4. $D = M[1::2, 1::2]$, i.e., momenta only,

        and verifying the following symplectic identities:-
         1. $MJM^{T} = J$, the $2n\\times 2n$ sympletic matrix,
         2. $AD^{T}-BC^{T} = I$, the $n\\times n$ identity,
         3. $AB^{T}-BA^{T} = Z$, the $n\\times n$ zero,
         4. $CD^{T}-DC^{T} = Z$.

        Finally, we confirm that $\\det{M} = 1$.

        det = determinant(m)
        j = self.skew_symmetric_matrix()
        approx_j = matrixmultiply(m, matrixmultiply(j, transpose(m)))
        a = m[0::2, 0::2] #even, even
        b = m[0::2, 1::2] #even, odd
        c = m[1::2, 0::2] #odd, even
        d = m[1::2, 1::2] #odd, odd
        i = self.identity_matrix(self.dof())
        approx_i = matrixmultiply(a, transpose(d)) - matrixmultiply(b, transpose(c))
        approx_z0 = matrixmultiply(a, transpose(b)) - matrixmultiply(b, transpose(a))
        approx_z1 = matrixmultiply(c, transpose(d)) - matrixmultiply(d, transpose(c))
        norm = self.matrix_norm
        logger.info('Matrix from diagonal to equilibrium coordinates:')
        logger.info('[output supressed]') #logger.info(m)
        logger.info('error in determinant:            %s', abs(det-1.0))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #1: %s', norm(approx_j - j))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #2: %s', norm(approx_i - i))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #3: %s', norm(approx_z0))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #4: %s', norm(approx_z1))
        okay = True
        if not (abs(det-1.0) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_j - j) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_i - i) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_z0) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_z1) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        return okay
예제 #2
파일: VQT.py 프로젝트: elfion/nanoengineer
 def vunrot(self, v):
     # for use with row vectors
     # [bruce comment 050518: the above old comment by Josh seems to contradict
     #  the comment about 'matrix' in __getattr__ (also old and by Josh)
     #  that it's the transpose of the normal form so it can be used for row vectors.
     #  See the other comment for more info.]
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(v, Numeric.transpose(self.matrix))
예제 #3
    def check_eigen_value_vector_pairs(self, mat, pairs):

        Check the accuracy of eigenvalue/eigenvector pairs for a given

        @param mat: a square matrix.

        @param pairs: an iterable of EigenValueVectorPair.

        for pair in pairs:
            logger.info('Eigenvalue %s', pair.val)
            #logger.info('Eigenvector %s', pair.vec)
            m_v = matrixmultiply(mat, pair.vec)
            e_v = pair.val * pair.vec
            err = self.vector_l2_norm(m_v - e_v)
            logger.info('Error in eigenvalue/eigenvector pair %s', err)
            assert err < 1.0e-12
            if isinstance(pair.val, complex):
                err = min(abs(pair.val.real), abs(pair.val.imag))
                err = 0.0
            logger.info('Error from pure real/imag %s', err)
            assert err < 1.0e-12
            pair.val = self.purify_eigenvalue(pair.val)
예제 #4
    def check_eigen_value_vector_pairs(self, mat, pairs):

        Check the accuracy of eigenvalue/eigenvector pairs for a given

        @param mat: a square matrix.

        @param pairs: an iterable of EigenValueVectorPair.

        for pair in pairs:
            logger.info('Eigenvalue %s', pair.val)
            #logger.info('Eigenvector %s', pair.vec)
            m_v = matrixmultiply(mat, pair.vec)
            e_v = pair.val * pair.vec
            err = self.vector_l2_norm(m_v - e_v)
            logger.info('Error in eigenvalue/eigenvector pair %s', err)
            assert err < 1.0e-12
            if isinstance(pair.val, complex):
                err = min(abs(pair.val.real), abs(pair.val.imag))
                err = 0.0
            logger.info('Error from pure real/imag %s', err)
            assert err < 1.0e-12
            pair.val = self.purify_eigenvalue(pair.val)
예제 #5
 def setNormalization(self, normalization):
     if normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_NONE:
         self.T = self._T0
     elif normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_NORM:
         self.T = self._T1
     elif normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_NORM_T0_1:
         self.T = self._T2
     elif normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_END1:
         self.T = self._T3
         raise "Error: unknown normalization: " + str(normalization)
     self.TT = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.T, Numeric.transpose(self.T))
     self.TTinv = LinearAlgebra.inverse(self.TT)
     self.TTinvT = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.TTinv, self.T)
     self.basisCoef = self._getBasisCoef(self.x, self.T)
     self._normalization = normalization
     self._checkOrth(self.T, self.TT, output = self._force)
예제 #6
 def setNormalization(self, normalization):
     if normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_NONE:
         self.T = self._T0
     elif normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_NORM:
         self.T = self._T1
     elif normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_NORM_T0_1:
         self.T = self._T2
     elif normalization == OrthPolyBasis.NORM_END1:
         self.T = self._T3
         raise "Error: unknown normalization: " + str(normalization)
     self.TT = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.T, Numeric.transpose(self.T))
     self.TTinv = LinearAlgebra.inverse(self.TT)
     self.TTinvT = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.TTinv, self.T)
     self.basisCoef = self._getBasisCoef(self.x, self.T)
     self._normalization = normalization
     self._checkOrth(self.T, self.TT, output=self._force)
예제 #7
    def __init__(self, numPoints, k):
        """numPoints: number of approximation points; k: number of basis functions [2,...,numPoints]"""
        self.numPoints = numPoints
        self.k = k
##        assert k > 1, "Error TrigonomerticBasis: k <= 1"
        assert k <= numPoints, "Error TrigonomerticBasis: k > numPoints"
        # evaluate trigonometric basis functions on the given number of points from [-pi,pi]
        self.x = Numeric.arange(-1*math.pi, math.pi+0.0000001, 2*math.pi/(numPoints-1))
        self.y = Numeric.ones((k, numPoints), Numeric.Float)
        for kk in range(1, k, 2):
##            print "kk, cos %ix" % ((kk+1)/2.)
            self.y[kk] = MLab.cos(self.x*(kk+1)/2) 
        for kk in range(2, k, 2):
##            print "kk, sin %ix" % (kk/2.)
            self.y[kk] = MLab.sin(self.x*kk/2)
        # approx. matrix
        self.Ainv = LinearAlgebra.inverse(Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.y, Numeric.transpose(self.y)))
        self.yyTinvy = Numeric.matrixmultiply(LinearAlgebra.inverse(Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.y, Numeric.transpose(self.y))), self.y)
예제 #8
    def linear_matrix(self, h):

        Returns the $d\\times d$ matrix that defines the linear part
        of Hamilton's equations for the given polynomial Hamiltonian.

        J = self.skew_symmetric_matrix()
        hess_h_2 = self.hessian_matrix_of_quadratic_part(h)
        return matrixmultiply(J, hess_h_2)
예제 #9
    def linear_matrix(self, h):

        Returns the $d\\times d$ matrix that defines the linear part
        of Hamilton's equations for the given polynomial Hamiltonian.

        J = self.skew_symmetric_matrix()
        hess_h_2 = self.hessian_matrix_of_quadratic_part(h)
        return matrixmultiply(J, hess_h_2)
예제 #10
    def getApproxCoeff(self, curves):
        """curves: 1d or 2d array where each curve in separate line, e.g. curves[curveIdx,timePoints]"""
##        print "curves"
##        print curves
##        print
##        print "Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT)"
##        print Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT)
##        print
##        print "Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT))"
##        print Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT))
        return Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT))
예제 #11
 def evalApproxPoly(self, appxCoef, points=None):
     """returns (#curve, #points) an approx. polynomials calculated at points given approx. coeff in rows:
         - appxCoef: curves for approximation in rows, appxCoef in columns [B0, B1, ...]
         - points relative to self.points
     TODO: evaluate on a matrix of appxCoef
     if points == None:
         return Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, self.T)
     appxCoef = Numeric.asarray(appxCoef, Numeric.Float)
     one_curve = len(appxCoef.shape) == 1
     if one_curve:
         appxCoef = appxCoef[Numeric.NewAxis,:]  # [curveIdx, coefIdx]
     mappedPoints = self._map(points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # eval basis polynomials on mapped points
     basisEval = self._evalPolyHorner(self.basisCoef, mappedPoints) #[basisIdx == coefIdx, pointIdx]
     result = Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, basisEval)
     if one_curve:
         return result[0,:]
         return result
예제 #12
 def getApproxCoeff(self, curves):
     """curves: 1d or 2d array where each curve in separate line, e.g. curves[curveIdx,timePoints]"""
     ##        print "curves"
     ##        print curves
     ##        print
     ##        print "Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT)"
     ##        print Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT)
     ##        print
     ##        print "Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT))"
     ##        print Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT))
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.TTinvT))
예제 #13
    def test_example_skew(self):
        """Multiply the skew-symmetric matrix by a specific vector."""

        dof = 3
        lie = LieAlgebra(dof)
        diag = Diagonalizer(lie)
        J = diag.skew_symmetric_matrix()
        x = (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6)
        y = matrixmultiply(J, x)
        # self.assertEquals(y, (2,-1,4,-3,6,-5))
        z = y == (2, -1, 4, -3, 6, -5)
예제 #14
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax, self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points) # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k,self.n),Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k,1),Numeric.Float)
     t[0,:] = Numeric.ones(self.n,Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1,:] = self.x - sum(self.x)/self.n
     for i in range(1,k-1):
         a[i+1] = Numeric.innerproduct(self.x, t[i,:] * t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:],t[i,:])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i,:], t[i,:]) / Numeric.innerproduct(t[i-1,:],t[i-1,:])
         t[i+1,:] = (self.x - a[i+1]) * t[i,:] - b[i] * t[i-1,:]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1))) # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0),(self.k,1)) / self.n) # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1,), 1) # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization
예제 #15
    def test_example_skew(self):

        """Multiply the skew-symmetric matrix by a specific vector."""
        dof = 3
        lie = LieAlgebra(dof)
        diag = Diagonalizer(lie)
        J = diag.skew_symmetric_matrix()
        x = (1,2,3,4,5,6)
        y = matrixmultiply(J, x)
        # self.assertEquals(y, (2,-1,4,-3,6,-5))
        z = y == (2,-1,4,-3,6,-5)
예제 #16
 def evalApproxPoly(self, appxCoef, points=None):
     """returns (#curve, #points) an approx. polynomials calculated at points given approx. coeff in rows:
         - appxCoef: curves for approximation in rows, appxCoef in columns [B0, B1, ...]
         - points relative to self.points
     TODO: evaluate on a matrix of appxCoef
     if points == None:
         return Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, self.T)
     appxCoef = Numeric.asarray(appxCoef, Numeric.Float)
     one_curve = len(appxCoef.shape) == 1
     if one_curve:
         appxCoef = appxCoef[Numeric.NewAxis, :]  # [curveIdx, coefIdx]
     mappedPoints = self._map(points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax,
                              self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # eval basis polynomials on mapped points
     basisEval = self._evalPolyHorner(
         self.basisCoef, mappedPoints)  #[basisIdx == coefIdx, pointIdx]
     result = Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, basisEval)
     if one_curve:
         return result[0, :]
         return result
예제 #17
def test():
    a = SparseArray(5, 1)
    a[0] = 10
    a[3] = 2
    print str(a), ` a `
    a *= 2
    print str(a), ` a `
    a += 2
    print str(a), ` a `
    a /= range(1, 6)
    print str(a), ` a `
    b = SparseArray(5, 3, {2: 15})
    a -= b
    print str(a), ` a `
    print a.dot(b), b.dot(a)
    print a.as_dense_array()
    M = Numeric.array(range(25)).resize((5, 5))
    print a.matrix_multiply(M)
    print Numeric.matrixmultiply(a.as_dense_array(), M)
    print a.matrix_multiply_transpose(M)
    print Numeric.matrixmultiply(M, a.as_dense_array())
    c = SparseArray([1, 2, 3, 4, 5])
    print c, ` c `
예제 #18
 def __init__(self, numPoints, k):
     """numPoints: number of approximation points; k: number of basis functions [2,...,numPoints]"""
     self.numPoints = numPoints
     self.k = k
     ##        assert k > 1, "Error TrigonomerticBasis: k <= 1"
     assert k <= numPoints, "Error TrigonomerticBasis: k > numPoints"
     # evaluate trigonometric basis functions on the given number of points from [-pi,pi]
     self.x = Numeric.arange(-1 * math.pi, math.pi + 0.0000001,
                             2 * math.pi / (numPoints - 1))
     self.y = Numeric.ones((k, numPoints), Numeric.Float)
     for kk in range(1, k, 2):
         ##            print "kk, cos %ix" % ((kk+1)/2.)
         self.y[kk] = MLab.cos(self.x * (kk + 1) / 2)
     for kk in range(2, k, 2):
         ##            print "kk, sin %ix" % (kk/2.)
         self.y[kk] = MLab.sin(self.x * kk / 2)
     # approx. matrix
     self.Ainv = LinearAlgebra.inverse(
         Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.y, Numeric.transpose(self.y)))
     self.yyTinvy = Numeric.matrixmultiply(
             Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.y, Numeric.transpose(self.y))),
예제 #19
    def test_eigensystem(self):

        """Multiply eigenvectors and the original matrix by the
        eigenvalues in order to check the integrity of the
        dof = 3
        terms = {Powers((2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)): -0.3,
                 Powers((1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)): 0.33,
                 Powers((0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)): 7.2,
                 Powers((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2)): 7.2,
                 Powers((0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)): 7.12 }
        g = Polynomial(2*dof, terms=terms)
        alg = LieAlgebra(dof)
        diag = Diagonalizer(alg)
        lin = diag.linear_matrix(g)
        val_vec_pairs = diag.eigenvalue_eigenvector_pairs(g)
        for p in val_vec_pairs:
            prod_s = p.vec*p.val
            prod_v = matrixmultiply(lin, p.vec)
            for x in prod_s-prod_v:
예제 #20
    def test_eigensystem(self):
        """Multiply eigenvectors and the original matrix by the
        eigenvalues in order to check the integrity of the

        dof = 3
        terms = {
            Powers((2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)): -0.3,
            Powers((1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)): 0.33,
            Powers((0, 0, 1, 0, 1, 0)): 7.2,
            Powers((0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2)): 7.2,
            Powers((0, 0, 0, 1, 1, 0)): 7.12
        g = Polynomial(2 * dof, terms=terms)
        alg = LieAlgebra(dof)
        diag = Diagonalizer(alg)
        lin = diag.linear_matrix(g)
        val_vec_pairs = diag.eigenvalue_eigenvector_pairs(g)
        for p in val_vec_pairs:
            prod_s = p.vec * p.val
            prod_v = matrixmultiply(lin, p.vec)
            for x in prod_s - prod_v:
                self.assert_(abs(x) < 1.0e-15)
예제 #21
파일: weight.py 프로젝트: weikang9009/stars
 def sartran(self, rho, x, force=0, precis=DELTA):
     n = len(x)
     listflag = 0
     if type(x) == list:
         x = Numeric.array(x, Numeric.Float)
         listflag = 1
     sarx = Numeric.zeros(n, Numeric.Float)
     if n > WT_SMALL or force:
         sarx = x
         wx = self.splag(x) * rho
         sarx += wx
         while max(wx) > precis:
             wx = self.splag(wx) * rho
             sarx += wx
     else:  # small weights full matrix inverse
         w = self.wt2mat()
         w *= -rho
         w += Numeric.identity(n)
         wx = LinearAlgebra.inverse(w)
         sarx = Numeric.matrixmultiply(wx, x)
     if listflag:
         return sarx.tolist()
         return sarx
예제 #22
파일: weight.py 프로젝트: DiFang/stars
 def sartran(self,rho,x,force=0,precis=DELTA):
     n = len(x)
     listflag = 0
     if type(x) == list:
         x = Numeric.array(x,Numeric.Float)
         listflag = 1
     sarx = Numeric.zeros(n,Numeric.Float)
     if n > WT_SMALL or force:
         sarx = x
         wx = self.splag(x) * rho
         sarx += wx
         while max(wx) > precis:
             wx = self.splag(wx) * rho
             sarx += wx
     else:   # small weights full matrix inverse
         w = self.wt2mat()
         w *= - rho
         w += Numeric.identity(n)
         wx = LinearAlgebra.inverse(w)
         sarx = Numeric.matrixmultiply(wx,x)
     if listflag:
         return sarx.tolist()
         return sarx
예제 #23
    def matrix_is_symplectic(self, m, tolerance=1.0e-12):

        Confirm that a given matrix $M$ is symplectic to within
        numerical tolerance.

        This is done by taking the 4 submatrices:

         1. $A = M[0::2, 0::2]$, i.e., configuration coordinates only,

         2. $B = M[0::2, 1::2]$, i.e., configuration rows, momenta cols,

         3. $C = M[1::2, 0::2]$, i.e., momenta rows, configuration cols,

         4. $D = M[1::2, 1::2]$, i.e., momenta only,

        and verifying the following symplectic identities:-
         1. $MJM^{T} = J$, the $2n\\times 2n$ sympletic matrix,
         2. $AD^{T}-BC^{T} = I$, the $n\\times n$ identity,
         3. $AB^{T}-BA^{T} = Z$, the $n\\times n$ zero,
         4. $CD^{T}-DC^{T} = Z$.

        Finally, we confirm that $\\det{M} = 1$.

        det = determinant(m)
        j = self.skew_symmetric_matrix()
        approx_j = matrixmultiply(m, matrixmultiply(j, transpose(m)))
        a = m[0::2, 0::2]  #even, even
        b = m[0::2, 1::2]  #even, odd
        c = m[1::2, 0::2]  #odd, even
        d = m[1::2, 1::2]  #odd, odd
        i = self.identity_matrix(self.dof())
        approx_i = matrixmultiply(a, transpose(d)) - matrixmultiply(
            b, transpose(c))
        approx_z0 = matrixmultiply(a, transpose(b)) - matrixmultiply(
            b, transpose(a))
        approx_z1 = matrixmultiply(c, transpose(d)) - matrixmultiply(
            d, transpose(c))
        norm = self.matrix_norm
        logger.info('Matrix from diagonal to equilibrium coordinates:')
        logger.info('[output supressed]')  #logger.info(m)
        logger.info('error in determinant:            %s', abs(det - 1.0))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #1: %s', norm(approx_j - j))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #2: %s', norm(approx_i - i))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #3: %s', norm(approx_z0))
        logger.info('error in symplectic identity #4: %s', norm(approx_z1))
        okay = True
        if not (abs(det - 1.0) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_j - j) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_i - i) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_z0) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        if not (norm(approx_z1) < tolerance):
            okay = False
        return okay
예제 #24
 def getAppxCurve(self, appxCoef):
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, self.y)
예제 #25
def compare_normal_form(dir_name1, dir_name2, grade=4):
    def compare_matrix(dia, mat1, mat2, comment):
        print dia.matrix_norm(array(mat1, Float)-array(mat2, Float)), comment

    print "Comparing data in Normal form files upto grade %d" %(grade)
    print "Reading python data"

    first = NormalFormData(dir_name1, is_xxpp_format=True, degree=grade)

    ring = PolynomialRing(first.equi_to_tham.n_vars())
    print "Comparing python data with cpp files upto grade %d" %(grade)
    print "l_infinity_norm \t l1_norm \t\t polynomials"
    ringIO = PolynomialRingIO(ring)
    file_istr = open("hill_l1_18--norm_to_diag.vpol", 'r')
    pv_norm_to_diag = ringIO.read_sexp_vector_of_polynomials(file_istr)
                     pv_norm_to_diag, "norm_to_diag", grade=grade-1)
    file_istr = open("hill_l1_18--diag_to_norm.vpol", 'r')
    pv_diag_to_norm = ringIO.read_sexp_vector_of_polynomials(file_istr)
                     pv_diag_to_norm, "diag_to_norm", grade=grade-1)
    print "Reading mathematica data"
    n_ints = len(first.ints_to_freq)
    # get the frequencies to find the order of the planes
    order_f=[poly((0.0,)*n_ints) for poly in first.ints_to_freq]
    second = NormalFormData(dir_name2, order_f=order_f,
                            is_xxpp_format=True, degree=grade)
    from Diagonal import Diagonalizer
    lie = LieAlgebra(n_ints)
    dia = Diagonalizer(lie)
    grade_ints = grade / 2
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(first.diag_to_equi, Float))
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(second.diag_to_equi, Float))
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(first.equi_to_diag, Float))
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(second.equi_to_diag, Float))

    # For the case develloped, Hill, there is a 45deg rotation between the
    # diagonalised coordinates in each of the centre planes. Thus:
    # These matrices are different
    #compare_matrix(dia, first.diag_to_equi, second.diag_to_equi, "diag_to_equi")
    #compare_matrix(dia, first.equi_to_diag, second.equi_to_diag, "equi_to_diag")
    # We neeed to convert between the diagonal planes and back to
    # compare the nonlinear normalisation plolynomials
    # second.diag_to_first.diag = first.diag_in_terms_of_second.diag =
    fd_in_sd = dia.matrix_as_vector_of_row_polynomials(matrixmultiply(
        array(first.equi_to_diag, Float),array(second.diag_to_equi, Float)))
    sd_in_fd = dia.matrix_as_vector_of_row_polynomials(matrixmultiply(
        array(second.equi_to_diag, Float),array(first.diag_to_equi, Float)))

    print "Comparing mathematica data with cpp files upto grade %d" %(grade-1)
                     poly_vec_substitute(fd_in_sd, poly_vec_substitute(
        poly_vec_isograde(second.norm_to_diag, grade-1), sd_in_fd)),
                     "norm_to_diag", grade=grade-1)
    print "Comparing mathematica data with cpp files upto grade %d" %(grade-1)
                     poly_vec_substitute(fd_in_sd, poly_vec_substitute(
        poly_vec_isograde(second.diag_to_norm, grade-1), sd_in_fd)),
                     "diag_to_norm", grade=grade-1)

    print "Comparing mathematica data with python upto grade %d" %(grade)

    compare_poly(first.equi_to_tham, second.equi_to_tham,
                 "equi_to_tham", grade=grade)
    compare_poly_vec(first.ints_to_freq , second.ints_to_freq , "ints_to_freq",
    ring_ints = PolynomialRing(second.ints_to_tham.n_vars())
    poly_2 = ring_ints.isograde(second.ints_to_tham, 0, up_to=grade_ints+1)
    compare_poly(first.ints_to_tham , poly_2 , "ints_to_tham")
    compare_poly_vec(first.norm_to_ints , second.norm_to_ints ,
                     "norm_to_ints", grade=grade)

    second.diag_to_norm = poly_vec_isograde(second.diag_to_norm, grade)
    second.norm_to_diag = poly_vec_isograde(second.norm_to_diag, grade)
                     poly_vec_substitute(fd_in_sd, poly_vec_substitute(
        second.norm_to_diag, sd_in_fd)), "norm_to_diag", grade=grade-1)
                     poly_vec_substitute(fd_in_sd, poly_vec_substitute(
        second.diag_to_norm, sd_in_fd)), "diag_to_norm", grade=grade-1)
                     second.diag_to_norm,"diag_to_norm", grade=grade-1)
                     poly_vec_substitute(fd_in_sd, poly_vec_substitute(
        second.diag_to_norm, sd_in_fd)), "diag_to_norm", grade=grade)
                     second.equi_to_tvec,"equi_to_tvec", grade=grade-1)
예제 #26
 def getAppxCoef(self, curves):
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.yyTinvy))
예제 #27
 def getAppxCoef(self, curves):
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(curves, Numeric.transpose(self.yyTinvy))
예제 #28
 def getAppxCurve(self, appxCoef):
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(appxCoef, self.y)
예제 #29
파일: Balance.py 프로젝트: chemscobra/sim42
    def DoVolBalance(self, calcStatus=CALCULATED_V):
        """performs a volume or stdliqvolume balance 
        balanced = 0
        if len(self._matIn): aPort = self._matIn[0]
        elif len(self._matOut): aPort = self._matOut[0]
            balanced = 1
            return balanced

        #Keep track of std vol and vol and see which one can be solved for
        missingStdVol = None
        missingxStdVol = None
        sumStdVol = 0.0
        canDoStdVol = True
        missingVol = None
        missingxVol = None
        sumVol = 0.0
        canDoVol = True
        #Put all the mole flows in vectors
        moleFlows = []
        compositions = []
        signs = []
        enthalpies = []
        mode = None

        # do inlets
        for port in self._matIn:
            x = port.GetCompositionValues()
            if canDoStdVol:
                stdVolFlow = port.GetLocalValue(STDVOLFLOW_VAR)
                if stdVolFlow == None:
                    if missingStdVol != None:
                        # don't know enough to do anything
                        canDoStdVol = False
                        #Must know composition in unknown stdvol
                        if x == None or None in x:
                            canDoStdVol = False
                    missingStdVol = port
                    missingInletStdVol = 1
                    sumStdVol += stdVolFlow
                    #Keep track of which port is missing composition
                    if x == None or None in x:
                        if missingxStdVol:
                            #Can not be missing composition in more than one port
                            canDoStdVol = False
                            missingxStdVol = port
            if canDoVol:
                volFlow = port.GetLocalValue(VOLFLOW_VAR)
                if volFlow == None:
                    if missingVol != None:
                        # don't know enough to do anything
                        canDoVol = False
                        #Must know composition in unknown stdvol
                        if x == None or None in x:
                            canDoVol = False
                    missingVol = port
                    missingInletVol = 1
                    sumVol += volFlow
                    #Keep track of which port is missing composition
                    if x == None or None in x:
                        if missingxVol:
                            #Can not be missing composition in more than one port
                            canDoVol = False
                            missingxVol = port
            if not canDoStdVol and not canDoVol:
                return balanced #Nothing can be done
        # now the outlets
        for port in self._matOut:
            x = port.GetCompositionValues()
            if canDoStdVol:
                stdVolFlow = port.GetLocalValue(STDVOLFLOW_VAR)
                if stdVolFlow == None:
                    if missingStdVol != None:
                        # don't know enough to do anything
                        canDoStdVol = False
                        #Must know composition in unknown stdvol
                        if x == None or None in x:
                            canDoStdVol = False
                    missingStdVol = port
                    missingInletStdVol = 0
                    sumStdVol -= stdVolFlow
                    #Keep track of which port is missing composition
                    if x == None or None in x:
                        if missingxStdVol:
                            #Can not be missing composition in more than one port
                            canDoStdVol = False
                            missingxStdVol = port
            if canDoVol:
                volFlow = port.GetLocalValue(VOLFLOW_VAR)
                if volFlow == None:
                    if missingVol != None:
                        # don't know enough to do anything
                        canDoVol = False
                        #Must know composition in unknown stdvol
                        if x == None or None in x:
                            canDoVol = False
                    missingVol = port
                    missingInletVol = 0
                    sumVol -= volFlow
                    #Keep track of which port is missing composition
                    if x == None or None in x:
                        if missingxVol:
                            #Can not be missing composition in more than one port
                            canDoVol = False
                            missingxVol = port
            if not canDoStdVol and not canDoVol:
                return balanced #Nothing can be done
        #Decide which balance can be done
        ##Starting here, the prefix vol will be used for vol and stdvol depending on the selected mode
        ##Use v to refer to the port that is missing the volume flow
        ##Use x to refer to the port that is missing the composition
        vPort = None
        xPort = None
        if canDoStdVol:
            mode = STDVOLFLOW_VAR
            vPort = missingStdVol
            vInlet = missingInletStdVol
            xPort = missingxStdVol
            sum = sumStdVol
            vMolVol = vPort.GetPropValue(STDLIQVOL_VAR)
            xVolFlow = xPort.GetPropValue(STDVOLFLOW_VAR)
        elif canDoVol:
            mode = VOLFLOW_VAR
            vPort = missingVol
            vInlet = missingInletVol
            xPort = missingxVol
            sum = sumVol
            vMolVol = vPort.GetPropValue(MOLARV_VAR)
            xVolFlow = xPort.GetPropValue(VOLFLOW_VAR)
            return balanced
        #Don't solve if already fully specified. Let the other balances
        #check for consistency errors
        if vPort == None or xPort == None:
            balanced = 1
            return balanced
        #Find the indexes of the ports with the missing info
        vIdx = None
        xIdx = None
        cnt = 0
        for port in self._matIn + self._matOut:
            if port is vPort:
                vIdx = cnt
            if port is xPort:
                xIdx = cnt
            cnt += 1
        if vIdx == None or xIdx == None:
            return balanced
        #Get some thermo info
        parentOp = xPort._parentOp
        if parentOp == None: return balanced
        thCaseObj = parentOp.GetThermo()
        if thCaseObj == None: return balanced
        thAdmin, prov, case = thCaseObj.thermoAdmin, thCaseObj.provider, thCaseObj.case
        refT = parentOp.GetStdVolRefT()
        #Rearange the information in vectors
        if vMolVol == None:
            if mode == STDVOLFLOW_VAR:
                vMolVol = thAdmin.GetArrayProperty(prov, case, (P_VAR, 101.325), (T_VAR, refT), 
                                                   LIQUID_PHASE, array(compositions[vIdx], Float), 
                if vMolVol == None: return balanced
                vMolVol = Numeric.sum(array(compositions[vIdx], Float)*vMolVol)
            if vMolVol == None: 
                return balanced
        #Remove info from port with missing composition
        xH = enthalpies[xIdx]
        vH = enthalpies[vIdx]
        xT = None
        xSign = signs[xIdx]
        del moleFlows[xIdx]
        del compositions[xIdx]
        del signs[xIdx]
        del enthalpies[xIdx]
        if vIdx > xIdx:
            vIdx -= 1
        #Estimate a mole flow and convert arrays to Numeric array
        if vInlet:
            sum = -sum
        vVolFlow = sum
        vMoleFlow = vVolFlow / vMolVol
        moleFlows[vIdx] = vMoleFlow
            moleFlows = array(moleFlows, Float)
            return balanced
        compositions = array(compositions, Float)
        signs = array(signs, Float)
        if mode == VOLFLOW_VAR:
            xP = xPort.GetPropValue(P_VAR)
            if xP == None: return balanced
            nuSolids = parentOp.NumberSolidPhases()
            propsDict = MaterialPropertyDict()
            xList = CompoundList(None)
            for val in compositions[0]:
            if vH == None:
                #If enthalpy here is not known, then we should either know T or H in the port
                #that is missing the composition
                if xH == None:
                    xT = xPort.GetPropValue(T_VAR)
                    if xT == None:
                        return balanced
                enthalpies = array(enthalpies, Float)
        #Preapre to iterate
        maxIter = 20
        iter = 0
        converged = False
        scaleFactor = PropTypes[MOLEFLOW_VAR].scaleFactor
        tolerance = 1.0E-6
        errorOld = None
        while not converged and iter < maxIter:
            iter += 1
            moleFlows[vIdx] = vMoleFlow
            xMoleFlows = matrixmultiply(moleFlows*signs, compositions)
            if xSign > 0.0:
                xMoleFlows *= -1.0
            xMoleFlow = Numeric.sum(xMoleFlows)
            x = xMoleFlows/xMoleFlow
            if mode == STDVOLFLOW_VAR:
                xMolVol = thAdmin.GetArrayProperty(prov, case, (P_VAR, 101.325), (T_VAR, refT), LIQUID_PHASE, x, STDLIQMOLVOLPERCMP_VAR)
                if xMolVol == None: return balanced
                xMolVol = Numeric.sum(x*xMolVol)
                propsDict[P_VAR].SetValue(xP, FIXED_V)
                if xT != None:
                    #Use the T if known
                    propsDict[T_VAR].SetValue(xT, FIXED_V)
                    #Do energy balance and backcalculate xH
                    xH = Numeric.sum(moleFlows * signs * enthalpies) / xMoleFlow
                    if xSign > 0.0:
                        xH *= -1.0
                    propsDict[H_VAR].SetValue(xH, FIXED_V)
                for i in range(len(x)):
                    xList[i].SetValue(x[i], FIXED_V)
                results = thAdmin.Flash(prov, case, xList, propsDict, 2, (MOLARV_VAR,), nuSolids=nuSolids)
                xMolVol = results.bulkProps[0] 
            xMoleFlowTest = xVolFlow / xMolVol
            error = abs(xMoleFlow - xMoleFlowTest) / scaleFactor
            if error < tolerance:
                converged = True
            #Do a regula falsi
            if errorOld == None:
                #Make up a reasonable step
                vMoleFlowNew = vMoleFlow + (xMoleFlow - xMoleFlowTest)*0.5
                dy_dx = (error - errorOld) / (vMoleFlow - vMoleFlowOld)
                vMoleFlowNew = vMoleFlow - error/dy_dx
            #Keep track of old values
            vMoleFlowOld = vMoleFlow
            vMoleFlow = vMoleFlowNew
            errorOld = error
        if converged:
            vPort.SetPropValue(MOLEFLOW_VAR, vMoleFlow, calcStatus)
            xPort.SetPropValue(MOLEFLOW_VAR, xMoleFlow, calcStatus)
            xPort.SetCompositionValues(x, calcStatus)
            if xT == None:
                xPort.SetPropValue(H_VAR, xH, calcStatus)
        return converged
예제 #30
def compare_normal_form(dir_name1, dir_name2, grade=4):
    def compare_matrix(dia, mat1, mat2, comment):
        print dia.matrix_norm(array(mat1, Float) - array(mat2, Float)), comment

    print "Comparing data in Normal form files upto grade %d" % (grade)
    print "Reading python data"

    first = NormalFormData(dir_name1, is_xxpp_format=True, degree=grade)

    ring = PolynomialRing(first.equi_to_tham.n_vars())

    print "Comparing python data with cpp files upto grade %d" % (grade)
    print "l_infinity_norm \t l1_norm \t\t polynomials"
    ringIO = PolynomialRingIO(ring)
    file_istr = open("hill_l1_18--norm_to_diag.vpol", 'r')
    pv_norm_to_diag = ringIO.read_sexp_vector_of_polynomials(file_istr)
                     grade=grade - 1)
    file_istr = open("hill_l1_18--diag_to_norm.vpol", 'r')
    pv_diag_to_norm = ringIO.read_sexp_vector_of_polynomials(file_istr)
                     grade=grade - 1)
    print "Reading mathematica data"
    n_ints = len(first.ints_to_freq)
    # get the frequencies to find the order of the planes
    order_f = [poly((0.0, ) * n_ints) for poly in first.ints_to_freq]
    second = NormalFormData(dir_name2,

    from Diagonal import Diagonalizer
    lie = LieAlgebra(n_ints)
    dia = Diagonalizer(lie)
    grade_ints = grade / 2
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(first.diag_to_equi, Float))
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(second.diag_to_equi, Float))
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(first.equi_to_diag, Float))
    dia.matrix_is_symplectic(array(second.equi_to_diag, Float))

    # For the case develloped, Hill, there is a 45deg rotation between the
    # diagonalised coordinates in each of the centre planes. Thus:
    # These matrices are different
    #compare_matrix(dia, first.diag_to_equi, second.diag_to_equi, "diag_to_equi")
    #compare_matrix(dia, first.equi_to_diag, second.equi_to_diag, "equi_to_diag")
    # We neeed to convert between the diagonal planes and back to
    # compare the nonlinear normalisation plolynomials
    # second.diag_to_first.diag = first.diag_in_terms_of_second.diag =
    fd_in_sd = dia.matrix_as_vector_of_row_polynomials(
        matrixmultiply(array(first.equi_to_diag, Float),
                       array(second.diag_to_equi, Float)))
    sd_in_fd = dia.matrix_as_vector_of_row_polynomials(
        matrixmultiply(array(second.equi_to_diag, Float),
                       array(first.diag_to_equi, Float)))

    print "Comparing mathematica data with cpp files upto grade %d" % (grade -
                             poly_vec_isograde(second.norm_to_diag, grade - 1),
                     grade=grade - 1)
    print "Comparing mathematica data with cpp files upto grade %d" % (grade -
                             poly_vec_isograde(second.diag_to_norm, grade - 1),
                     grade=grade - 1)

    print "Comparing mathematica data with python upto grade %d" % (grade)

                     grade=grade_ints - 1)
    ring_ints = PolynomialRing(second.ints_to_tham.n_vars())
    poly_2 = ring_ints.isograde(second.ints_to_tham, 0, up_to=grade_ints + 1)
    compare_poly(first.ints_to_tham, poly_2, "ints_to_tham")

    second.diag_to_norm = poly_vec_isograde(second.diag_to_norm, grade)
    second.norm_to_diag = poly_vec_isograde(second.norm_to_diag, grade)
                         poly_vec_substitute(second.norm_to_diag, sd_in_fd)),
                     grade=grade - 1)
                         poly_vec_substitute(second.diag_to_norm, sd_in_fd)),
                     grade=grade - 1)
                     grade=grade - 1)
                         poly_vec_substitute(second.diag_to_norm, sd_in_fd)),
                     grade=grade - 1)
예제 #31
파일: VQT.py 프로젝트: elfion/nanoengineer
 def unrot(self, v):
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(self.matrix, v)
예제 #32
파일: VQT.py 프로젝트: elfion/nanoengineer
 def rot(self, v):
     return Numeric.matrixmultiply(v, self.matrix)
예제 #33
def Matrix3fMulMatrix3f (matrix_a, matrix_b):
    return Numeric.matrixmultiply (matrix_a, matrix_b)
예제 #34
 def __init__(self, points, k, normalization=NORM_NORM_T0_1, force=False):
     calculate k polynomials of degree 0 to k-1 orthogonal on a set of distinct points
     map points to interval [-1,1]
     INPUT:  points: array of dictinct points where polynomials are orthogonal
             k: number of polynomials of degree 0 to k-1
             force=True creates basis even if orthogonality is not satisfied due to numerical error
     USES:   x: array of points mapped to [-1,1]
             T_: matrix of values of polynomials calculated at x, shape (k,len(x))
             TT_ = T_ * Numeric.transpose(T_)
             TTinv_ = inverse(TT_)
             sc_: scaling factors
             a, b: coefficients for calculating T (2k-4 different from 0, i.e. 6 for k=5)
             n: number of points = len(points)
             normalization = {0|1|2}
     self.k = k  # number of basis polynomials of order 0 to k-1
     self._force = force
     self.points = Numeric.asarray(points, Numeric.Float)
     self.pointsMin = min(points)
     self.pointsMax = max(points)
     # scaling x to [-1,1] results in smaller a and b, T is not affected; overflow is NOT a problem!
     self.xMin = -1
     self.xMax = 1
     self.x = self._map(self.points, self.pointsMin, self.pointsMax,
                        self.xMin, self.xMax)
     # calculate basis polynomials
     self.n = len(points)  # the number of approximation points
     t = Numeric.zeros((k, self.n), Numeric.Float)
     a = Numeric.zeros((k, 1), Numeric.Float)
     b = Numeric.zeros((k, 1), Numeric.Float)
     t[0, :] = Numeric.ones(self.n, Numeric.Float)
     if k > 1: t[1, :] = self.x - sum(self.x) / self.n
     for i in range(1, k - 1):
         a[i + 1] = Numeric.innerproduct(
             self.x, t[i, :] * t[i, :]) / Numeric.innerproduct(
                 t[i, :], t[i, :])
         b[i] = Numeric.innerproduct(t[i, :],
                                     t[i, :]) / Numeric.innerproduct(
                                         t[i - 1, :], t[i - 1, :])
         t[i + 1, :] = (self.x - a[i + 1]) * t[i, :] - b[i] * t[i - 1, :]
     self.a = a
     self.b = b
     # prepare for approximation
     self._T0 = t
     # orthonormal
     _TT0 = Numeric.matrixmultiply(self._T0, Numeric.transpose(self._T0))
     self.sc1 = Numeric.sqrt(
             (self.k, 1)))  # scaling factors = sqrt sum squared self._T0
     self._T1 = self._T0 / self.sc1
     # orthonormal and T[0] == 1
     self.sc2 = Numeric.sqrt(
         Numeric.reshape(Numeric.diagonal(_TT0), (self.k, 1)) /
         self.n)  # scaling factors = sqrt 1/n * sum squared self._T0
     self._T2 = self._T0 / self.sc2
     # T[:,-1] == 1
     self.sc3 = Numeric.take(self._T0, (-1, ),
                             1)  # scaling factors = self._T0[:,-1]
     self._T3 = self._T0 / self.sc3
     # set the variables according to the chosen normalization