예제 #1
    def test_chebder_axis(self):
        # check that axis keyword works
        c2d = np.random.random((3, 4))

        tgt = np.vstack([cheb.chebder(c) for c in c2d.T]).T
        res = cheb.chebder(c2d, axis=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)

        tgt = np.vstack([cheb.chebder(c) for c in c2d])
        res = cheb.chebder(c2d, axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
예제 #2
    def test_chebder_axis(self):
        # check that axis keyword works
        c2d = np.random.random((3, 4))

        tgt = np.vstack([cheb.chebder(c) for c in c2d.T]).T
        res = cheb.chebder(c2d, axis=0)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)

        tgt = np.vstack([cheb.chebder(c) for c in c2d])
        res = cheb.chebder(c2d, axis=1)
        assert_almost_equal(res, tgt)
예제 #3
def solid_angle_average_tor(nr, a, b, x1, operation='simple', l=None):
    # precondition: assume that the weight of the spectra is already in DCT format

    # make copies
    x_1 = np.array(x1)

    # pad the data
    x1 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x1[:len(x_1)] = x_1

    # create the spectral function that describes  T_1=x
    r1 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    r1[1] = .5

    # r matches radius
    r = idct(r1, type=2) * a + b

    if operation == 'simple':

        # bring the functions to physical space
        y1 = idct(x1, type=2)

        # multiply in physical
        y3 = y1**2
        # done this way to approximate QuICC at most

    elif operation == 'curl':

        # prepare vectors for the derivative
        x1a = np.array(x1)
        x1a[1:] *= 2

        dx1 = np.append(chebder(x1), 0.)
        d2x1 = np.append(chebder(dx1), 0.)

        # prepare derivatives for the DCT
        dx1[1:] *= .5
        d2x1[1:] *= .5

        # transform everything
        y1 = idct(x1, type=2)
        dy1 = idct(dx1, type=2)
        d2y1 = idct(d2x1, type=2)

        # compute the 2 pieces of the bilinear operator
        Diss1 = d2y1 + 2 * dy1 / r - l * (l + 1) * y1 / r**2
        y3 = Diss1**2

    return y3 * r**2
예제 #4
    def grad(self, point):
        Evaluates the gradient of the polynomial at the given point.

        point : array-like
            the point at which to evaluate the polynomial

        out : ndarray
            Gradient of the polynomial at the given point.
        super(MultiCheb, self).__call__(point)

        out = np.empty(self.dim, dtype="complex_")
        if self.jac is None:
            jac = list()
            for i in range(self.dim):
                jac.append(cheb.chebder(self.coeff, axis=i))
            self.jac = jac
        spot = 0
        for i in self.jac:
            out[spot] = chebvalnd(point, i)
            spot += 1

        return out
예제 #5
 def evaluate_basis_derivative_all(self, x=None, k=0):
     if x is None:
         x = self.mesh(False, False)
     V = self.vandermonde(x)
     if k > 0:
         D = np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
         D[:-k, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(self.N), k)
         V = np.dot(V, D)
     return self._composite_basis(V)
예제 #6
def proj_lapl(nr, a, b, x=None):

    # evaluate the second derivative of radial basis in radial direction function of degree <nr
    # this projection operator corresponds to 1/r**2 d/dr r**2d/dr projecting from spectral to physical
    # used for the theta and phi contribution of the poloidal field (S-part of a qst decomposition)
    if x is None:
        xx, ww = cheb.chebgauss(nr)
        xx = np.array(x)

    # use chebyshev polynomials normalized for FCT
    coeffs = np.eye(nr) * 2
    #coeffs = np.eye(nr)
    coeffs[0, 0] = 1.

    c1 = cheb.chebder(coeffs,1)
    c2 = cheb.chebder(coeffs,2)
    return np.mat((2*cheb.chebval(xx, c1) /a /(a * xx + b) + cheb.chebval(xx, c2) /a**2).transpose())
예제 #7
def cheby_newton_root(z, f, z0=None, degree=512):
    import numpy.polynomial.chebyshev as npcheb
    import scipy.optimize as scpop

    Lz = np.max(z) - np.min(z)
    if z0 is None:
        z0 = Lz / 2

    def to_x(z, Lz):
        # convert back to [-1,1]
        return (2 / Lz) * z - 1

    def to_z(x, Lz):
        # convert back from [-1,1]
        return (x + 1) * Lz / 2

    logger.info("searching for roots starting from z={}".format(z0))
    x = to_x(z, Lz)
    x0 = to_x(z0, Lz)
    cheb_coeffs = npcheb.chebfit(x, f, degree)
    cheb_interp = npcheb.Chebyshev(cheb_coeffs)
    cheb_der = npcheb.chebder(cheb_coeffs)

    def newton_func(x_newton):
        return npcheb.chebval(x_newton, cheb_coeffs)

    def newton_derivative_func(x_newton):
        return npcheb.chebval(x_newton, cheb_der)

        x_root = scpop.newton(newton_func,
        z_root = to_z(x_root, Lz)
        logger.info("error in root find")
        x_root = np.nan
        z_root = np.nan

    logger.info("newton: found root z={} (x0:{} -> {})".format(
        z_root, x0, x_root))

    for x0 in x:
        print(x0, newton_func(x0))
    a = Lz / 4
    b = Lz * 3 / 4
    logger.info("bisecting between z=[{},{}] (x=[{},{}])".format(
        a, b, to_x(a, Lz), to_x(b, Lz)))
    logger.info("f(a) = {}  and f(b) = {}".format(newton_func(to_x(a, Lz)),
                                                  newton_func(to_x(b, Lz))))
    x_root_2 = scpop.bisect(newton_func, to_x(a, Lz), to_x(b, Lz))
    z_root_2 = to_z(x_root_2, Lz)
    logger.info("bisect: found root z={} (x={})".format(z_root_2, x_root_2))

    return z_root_2
예제 #8
 def evaluate_basis_derivative(self, x=None, i=0, k=0, output_array=None):
     if x is None:
         x = self.mesh(False, False)
     x = np.atleast_1d(x)
     v = self.evaluate_basis(x, i, output_array)
     if k > 0:
         D = np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
         D[:-k, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(self.N), k)
         v = np.dot(v, D)
     return v
예제 #9
def chebReconstructHessian(freqs, locations, spectrum, numPts):

    :param freqs:
    :param locations:
    :param spectrum:
    :param numPts:
    deriv = cheb.chebder(spectrum, m=2, axis=0)
    return genericChebVal(locations, deriv)
예제 #10
def chebReconstructDerivative(freqs, locations, spectrum, numPts):

    :param freqs:
    :param locations:
    :param spectrum:
    :param numPts:
    :return: derivative of iFFT of the spectrum as an array with shape (Npts, Ncomponent) or (Ncomponent,) if 1-d
    deriv = cheb.chebder(spectrum, axis=0)
    return genericChebVal(locations, deriv)
예제 #11
 def test_chebder(self):
     # check exceptions
     assert_raises(ValueError, ch.chebder, [0], -1)
     # check that zeroth deriviative does nothing
     for i in range(5):
         tgt = [1] + [0] * i
         res = ch.chebder(tgt, m=0)
         assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
     # check that derivation is the inverse of integration
     for i in range(5):
         for j in range(2, 5):
             tgt = [1] + [0] * i
             res = ch.chebder(ch.chebint(tgt, m=j), m=j)
             assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
     # check derivation with scaling
     for i in range(5):
         for j in range(2, 5):
             tgt = [1] + [0] * i
             res = ch.chebder(ch.chebint(tgt, m=j, scl=2), m=j, scl=.5)
             assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
예제 #12
 def test_chebder(self) :
     # check exceptions
     assert_raises(ValueError, ch.chebder, [0], -1)
     # check that zeroth deriviative does nothing
     for i in range(5) :
         tgt = [1] + [0]*i
         res = ch.chebder(tgt, m=0)
         assert_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
     # check that derivation is the inverse of integration
     for i in range(5) :
         for j in range(2,5) :
             tgt = [1] + [0]*i
             res = ch.chebder(ch.chebint(tgt, m=j), m=j)
             assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
     # check derivation with scaling
     for i in range(5) :
         for j in range(2,5) :
             tgt = [1] + [0]*i
             res = ch.chebder(ch.chebint(tgt, m=j, scl=2), m=j, scl=.5)
             assert_almost_equal(trim(res), trim(tgt))
예제 #13
    def get_vandermonde_basis_derivative(self, V, k=0):
        """Return k'th derivative of basis as a Vandermonde matrix

            V : array of ndim = 2
                Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
            k : int
                k'th derivative
        assert self.N == V.shape[1]
        if k > 0:
            D = np.zeros((self.N, self.N))
            D[:-k, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(self.N), k)
            V = np.dot(V, D)
        return self.get_vandermonde_basis(V)
예제 #14
def proj_dradial_dr(nr, a, b, x = None):

     # evaluate the first derivative of radial basis function of degree <nr
     # this projection operator corresponds to 1/r d/dr r projecting from spectral to physical
     # used for the theta and phi contribution of the poloidal field (S-part of a qst decomposition)
     if x is None:
         xx, ww = cheb.chebgauss(nr)
         xx = np.array(x)

     # use chebyshev polynomials normalized for FCT
     coeffs = np.eye(nr) * 2
     #coeffs = np.eye(nr)
     coeffs[0, 0] = 1.
     c = cheb.chebder(coeffs)
     temp = (cheb.chebval(xx,c)/a + cheb.chebval(xx,coeffs)/(a*xx+b)).transpose()
     #return spsp.coo_matrix(temp)
     return np.mat(temp)
예제 #15
def solid_angle_average_pol_s(nr, a, b, x1):
    # precondition: assume that the weight of the spectra is already in DCT format

    # take derivative
    # first bring back to correct form
    x_1a = np.array(x1)
    x_1a[1:] *= 2
    dx_1 = chebder(x_1a)

    # make copies
    x_1b = np.array(x1)

    # pad the data
    x1a = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x1b = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))

    x1a[:len(dx_1)] = dx_1
    x1b[:len(x_1b)] = x_1b

    # create the spectral function that describes  T_1=x
    r1 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    r1[1] = .5

    # prepare the chebs for DCT
    x1a[1:] *= .5

    # bring the functions to physical space
    y1a = idct(x1a, type=2)
    y1b = idct(x1b, type=2)
    x = idct(r1, type=2)
    r = x * a + b

    # multiply in physical
    y3 = (y1a / a + y1b / r)**2

    return y3 * r**2
예제 #16
    def evaluate_mode(self, l, m, *args, **kwargs):
        evaluate (l,m) mode and return FieldOut
        spectral coefficients: dataT, dataP, 
        physical grid: r, theta, phi0
        kron: 'meridional' or 'equatorial'
        outpu: FieldOut
        evaluate_mode(l, m, FieldOut, dataT[i, :], dataP[i, :], r, theta, kron='meridional', phi0=p)
        #print(l, m)
        # raise exception if wrong geometry
        if not (self.geometry == 'shell' or self.geometry == 'sphere'):
            raise NotImplementedError('makeMeridionalSlice is not implemented for the geometry: '+self.geometry)

        # prepare the input data
        #Evaluated fields 
        Field_r = args[0][0]
        Field_theta = args[0][1]
        Field_phi = args[0][2]
        #spectral coefficients
        modeT = args[1]
        modeP = args[2]
        #grid points 
        r = args[3]
        theta = args[4]
        phi = args[5]
        phi0 = kwargs['phi0']

        # define factor
        factor = 1. if m==0 else 2.

        if kwargs['kron'] == 'isogrid' or kwargs['kron'] == 'points':
            x = kwargs['x']
            if self.geometry == 'shell':
                # assume that the mode is weighted like Philippe sets it
                modeP[1:] *= 2.
                modeT[1:] *= 2.
                # prepare the q_part
                modeP_r = cheb.chebval(x, modeP)/r
                q_part = modeP_r * l*(l+1)
                # prepare the s_part
                dP = np.zeros_like(modeP)
                d_temp = cheb.chebder(modeP)
                dP[:len(d_temp)] = d_temp
                s_part = modeP_r + cheb.chebval(x, dP)/self.a
                # prepare the t_part
                t_part = cheb.chebval(x, modeT)
            elif self.geometry == 'sphere':
                #TODO: Leo
                q_part = None
                s_part = None
                t_part = None
        else: # hence either meridional or equatorial
            if self.geometry == 'shell':
                # prepare the q_part
                # q = l*(l+1) * Poloidal / r            
                # idct: inverse discrete cosine transform
                # type = 2: type of transform 
                # q = Field_radial 
                # prepare the q_part
                # idct = \sum c_n * T_n(xj)

                modeP_r = idct(modeP, type = 2)/r
                q_part = modeP_r * l*(l+1)
                # prepare the s_part
                # s_part = orthogonal to Field_radial and Field_Toroidal
                # s_part = (Poloidal)/r + d(Poloidal)/dr = 1/r d(Poloidal)/dr
                dP = np.zeros_like(modeP)
                d_temp = cheb.chebder(modeP)
                dP[:len(d_temp)] = d_temp
                s_part = modeP_r + idct(dP, type = 2)/self.a
                # prepare the t_part
                # t_part = Field_Toroidal                
                t_part = idct(modeT, type = 2)
            elif self.geometry == 'sphere':
                #TODO: Leo, Where do you get this???
                #print('modeP:', modeP.shape, modeP) #32
                #print('modeT:', modeT.shape, modeT) #32
                #print('r:',r.shape, r) # 64
                modeP_r = np.zeros_like(r)
                dP = np.zeros_like(r)
                t_part = np.zeros_like(r)

            for n in range(self.specRes.N):
                modeP_r=modeP_r+modeP[n]*wor.W(n, l, r)/r
                dP = dP+modeP[n]*wor.diffW(n, l, r)
                t_part = t_part + modeT[n]*wor.W(n,l,r)

            q_part =  modeP_r*l*(l+1)#same stuff
            s_part = modeP_r + dP 
        # depending on the kron type it changes how 2d data are formed
        # Mapping from qst to r,theta, phi 
        # phi0: azimuthal angle of meridional plane. It's also the phase shift of the flow with respect to the mantle frame, 
        if kwargs['kron'] == 'meridional':
            eimp = np.exp(1j *  m * phi0)
            idx_ = self.idx[l, m]
            Field_r += np.real(tools.kron(q_part, self.Plm[idx_, :]) *
                               eimp) * factor
            Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(s_part, self.dPlm[idx_, :]) * eimp) * 2
            Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(t_part, self.Plm_sin[idx_, :]) * eimp * 1j * m) * 2#factor
            Field_phi += np.real(tools.kron(s_part, self.Plm_sin[idx_, :]) * eimp * 1j * m) * 2#factor 
            Field_phi -= np.real(tools.kron(t_part, self.dPlm[idx_, :]) * eimp) * 2

        elif kwargs['kron'] == 'points':
            eimp = np.exp(1j *  m * phi)
            idx_ = self.idx[l, m]
            Field_r += np.real(q_part * self.Plm[idx_, :] * eimp) * factor
            Field_theta += np.real(s_part * self.dPlm[idx_, :] * eimp) * 2
            Field_theta += np.real(t_part * self.Plm_sin[idx_, :] * eimp * 1j * m) * 2#factor
            Field_phi += np.real(s_part * self.Plm_sin[idx_, :] * eimp * 1j * m) * 2#factor 
            Field_phi -= np.real(t_part * self.dPlm[idx_, :] * eimp) * 2

        elif kwargs['kron'] == 'equatorial':
            eimp = np.exp(1j *  m * (phi0 + phi))
            idx_ = self.idx[l, m]
            Field_r += np.real(tools.kron(q_part, eimp) *
                               self.Plm[idx_, :][0]) * factor
            Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(s_part, eimp)) * self.dPlm[idx_, :][0] * 2
            Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(t_part, eimp) * 1j * m) * self.Plm_sin[idx_, :][0] * 2#factor
            Field_phi += np.real(tools.kron(s_part, eimp) * 1j * m) * self.Plm_sin[idx_, :][0] * 2#factor
            Field_phi -= np.real(tools.kron(t_part, eimp)) * self.dPlm[idx_, :][0] * 2
            idx_ = self.idx[l, m]
            #Field_r += np.real(tools.kron(self.Plm[idx_, :], eimp) * q_part) * factor
            Field_r[:, m] += self.Plm[idx_, :] * q_part

            #Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(self.dPlm[idx_, :], eimp) * s_part) * 2
            Field_theta[:, m] += self.dPlm[idx_, :] * s_part
            #Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(self.Plm_sin[idx_, :], eimp * 1j * m) * t_part) * 2#factor
            Field_theta[:, m] += self.Plm_sin[idx_, :] * 1j * m * t_part
            #Field_phi += np.real(tools.kron(self.Plm_sin[idx_, :], eimp * 1j * m) * s_part) * 2#factor
            Field_phi[:, m] += self.Plm_sin[idx_, :]* 1j * m * s_part
            #Field_phi -= np.real(tools.kron(self.dPlm[idx_, :], eimp) * t_part) * 2
            Field_phi[:, m] -= self.dPlm[idx_, :] * t_part
        elif kwargs['kron'] == 'isogrid':
            #eimp = np.exp(1j *  m * (phi0 + phi))
            idx_ = self.idx[l, m]
            #Field_r += np.real(tools.kron(self.Plm[idx_, :], eimp) * q_part) * factor
            Field_r[:, m] += self.Plm[idx_, :] * q_part

            #Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(self.dPlm[idx_, :], eimp) * s_part) * 2
            Field_theta[:, m] += self.dPlm[idx_, :] * s_part
            #Field_theta += np.real(tools.kron(self.Plm_sin[idx_, :], eimp * 1j * m) * t_part) * 2#factor
            Field_theta[:, m] += self.Plm_sin[idx_, :] * 1j * m * t_part
            #Field_phi += np.real(tools.kron(self.Plm_sin[idx_, :], eimp * 1j * m) * s_part) * 2#factor
            Field_phi[:, m] += self.Plm_sin[idx_, :]* 1j * m * s_part
            #Field_phi -= np.real(tools.kron(self.dPlm[idx_, :], eimp) * t_part) * 2
            Field_phi[:, m] -= self.dPlm[idx_, :] * t_part
            raise ValueError('Kron type not understood: '+kwargs['kron'])

예제 #17
파일: ldtoa.py 프로젝트: lujig/dfpsr
 sub_nperiod[-1] = int(info['sub_nperiod_last'])
 middle = sub_nperiod.cumsum() - sub_nperiod / 2
 time0 = np.linspace(0, np.float64(info['length']), nperiod)
 psr = pm.psr_timing(
             np.float64(info['stt_date']) *
             np.ones(nperiod, dtype=np.float64),
             np.float64(info['stt_sec']) + time0)), freq_s)
 phase1 = psr.phase
 phase_start = phase1.date[0]
 chebc = nc.chebfit(time0, phase1.date - phase1.date[0] + phase1.second,
                    int(nperiod / 2) + 1)
 chebd = nc.chebder(chebc)
 middle_time = np.interp(middle, phase1.date - phase0 + phase1.second,
 psr1 = pm.psr_timing(
             np.float64(info['stt_date']) *
             np.ones(nsub_new[k], dtype=np.float64),
             np.float64(info['stt_sec']) + middle_time)), freq_s)
 middle_phase = psr1.phase
 data1 = d.period_scrunch(sub_s, sub_e)[chanstart:chanend, :, 0]
 if not args.dm_corr:
     freq_real = np.linspace(freq_start, freq_end,
                             nchan + 1)[:-1] * psr.vchange.mean()
     if 'best_dm' in info.keys():
예제 #18
def computeZintegralOnTheFly(state, zInt):
    returns the z-integral of vorticity and the flow up to 
    a max spherical harmonic order Mmax and Worland Polynomial (Nmax)
    vort_int=computeZintegral(state, vortz_tor, vortz_pol, ur_pol, uphi_tor, uphi_pol, (Nmax, Lmax, Mmax, N_s), w, grid_s)
    f = h5py.File(state, 'r')
    LL = f['/truncation/spectral/dim2D'].value + 1
    MM = f['/truncation/spectral/dim3D'].value + 1
    NN = f['/truncation/spectral/dim1D'].value + 1
    E = f['/physical/ekman'].value
    dataP = f['velocity/velocity_pol'].value
    dataT = f['velocity/velocity_tor'].value
    eta = f['/physical/rratio'].value

    # compute the diffeomorfism parameters between Tchebyshev and radius space
    a = .5
    b = .5 * (1 + eta) / (1 - eta)

    # compute boundary layer
    #d = 10.*E**.5
    #riBoundary = eta/(1-eta)+d
    #roBoundary = 1/(1-eta)-d

    # TODO: decide if the one needs to import the resolution from an argument
    # compute the outside  tangent cylinder part
    #NsPoints = 20 # NsPoints is the number of points int the radius of the gap

    NsPoints, Nmax, Lmax, Mmax = zInt.res
    # there are points also on top of the tangent cylinder

    # build the cylindrical radial grid
    #s = np.linspace(0, roBoundary, 2 * NsPoints + 1)[1::2]
    #s1 = s[s>=riBoundary]
    #s2 = s[s<riBoundary]
    # compute the outside  tangent cylinder part
    #ss1, no = np.meshgrid(s1, np.ones(2 * NsPoints))
    #fs1 = (roBoundary ** 2 - s1 ** 2) ** .5
    #x, w = leggauss(NsPoints * 2)
    #no, zz1 = np.meshgrid(fs1, x)
    #no, ww1 = np.meshgrid(fs1, w)
    #zz1 *= fs1

    # compute the inside of the tangent cylinder
    #ss2, no = np.meshgrid(s2, np.ones(2 * NsPoints))
    #fs2 = ((roBoundary ** 2 - s2 ** 2) ** .5 - (riBoundary ** 2 - s2 ** 2) ** .5) / 2
    #x, w = leggauss(NsPoints)
    #w *= .5
    #no, zz2 = np.meshgrid(fs2, x)
    #no, ww2 = np.meshgrid(fs2, w)
    #zz2 *= fs2
    #means = ((roBoundary ** 2 - s2 ** 2) ** .5 + (riBoundary ** 2 - s2 ** 2) ** .5) / 2
    #zz2 += means
    #zz2 = np.vstack((zz2, -zz2))
    #ww2 = np.vstack((ww2, ww2))

    # combine the 2 grids together
    #ss = np.hstack((ss2, ss1))
    #zz = np.hstack((zz2, zz1))
    #ww = np.hstack((ww2, ww1))

    # prepare the grid for tchebyshev polynomials
    #ttheta = np.arctan2(ss, zz)
    #rr = (ss**2+zz**2)**.5
    #xx = (rr - b)/a
    #xx_th = np.cos(ttheta)
    #ccos_theta = xx_th
    #ssin_theta = np.sin(ttheta)

    # prepare the division weight
    #fs = np.hstack([fs2*2, fs1]) * 2

    ss = zInt.ss
    s = ss[0, :]
    zz = zInt.zz
    ttheta = zInt.ttheta
    ww = zInt.ww
    rr = zInt.rr
    xx = zInt.xx
    xx_th = zInt.ccos_theta
    ssin_theta = zInt.ssin_theta
    fs = zInt.fs
    # prepare resolution for the integrator
    Ns = ss.shape[1]
    # edit: now Ns == NsPoints

    # generate the dictionary that maps the l,m to idx
    idx = idxlm(LL, MM)
    #idxM = idxlm(Lmax,Mmax)

    #Transform into complex data
    dataT = dataT[:, :, 0] + dataT[:, :, 1] * 1j
    dataP = dataP[:, :, 0] + dataP[:, :, 1] * 1j

    #main idea compute for each m the integral
    #Int(f(s,z)dz) = sum(weight*vort_z(s,z)) = f(s)
    #vort_z function that returns the component of the z-vorticity

    #for id_s in range(Ns):

    #x = xx[:, id_s]
    #w = ww[:, id_s]
    #r = rr[:, id_s]
    #theta = ttheta[:, id_s]
    x = np.reshape(xx, (-1))
    w = np.reshape(ww, (-1))
    r = np.reshape(rr, (-1))
    theta = np.reshape(ttheta, (-1))
    sin_theta = np.sin(theta)
    cos_theta = np.cos(theta)
    #xtheta = xx_th[:, id_s]
    xtheta = np.reshape(xx_th, (-1))

    #Allocating memory for output
    vort_int = np.zeros((len(x), Mmax), dtype=complex)
    Ur_int = np.zeros_like(vort_int)
    Uth_int = np.zeros_like(vort_int)
    Uphi_int = np.zeros_like(vort_int)
    Us_int = np.zeros_like(vort_int)
    Uz_int = np.zeros_like(vort_int)
    H_int = np.zeros_like(vort_int)

    # compute the radial matrices
    #Tn  = shell.proj_radial(Nmax, a, b, x) # evaluate the Tn
    #dTndr = shell.proj_dradial_dr(Nmax, a, b, x)  # evaluate 1/r d/dr(r Tn)
    #Tn_r = shell.proj_radial_r(Nmax, a, b, x)  # evaluate 1/r Tn

    # produce the mapping for the tri-curl part
    #Tn_r2 = shell.proj_radial_r2(Nmax, a, b, x) # evaluate 1/r**2 Tn
    #d2Tndr2 = shell.proj_lapl(Nmax, a, b, x) # evaluate 1/r**2 dr r**2 dr

    for l in range(0, min(LL, Lmax)):
        for m in range(0, min(l + 1, MM, Mmax)):

            # the computation is carried out over a vertical grid
            # assume that u_r, u_theta and u_phi are vectors
            # compute the theta evaluations
            plm = spherical.lplm(Lmax, l, m, xtheta)
            dplm = spherical.dplm(Lmax, l, m, xtheta)
            plm_sin = spherical.lplm_sin(Lmax, l, m, xtheta)

            # store mode nicely
            modeP = dataP[idx[l, m], :Nmax]
            modeT = dataT[idx[l, m], :Nmax]
            # use the DCT weighting
            modeP[1:] *= 2.
            modeT[1:] *= 2.

            # compute the transformed radial part
            #ur_part = l*(l+1)*dot(Tn_r, dataP[idx[l, m], :Nmax])
            P_r = cheb.chebval(x, modeP) / r
            ur_part = l * (l + 1) * P_r
            #upol_part = dot(dTndr, dataP[idx[l, m], :Nmax])
            dmodeP = cheb.chebder(modeP)
            tempP = cheb.chebval(x, dmodeP) / a
            upol_part = P_r + tempP
            #utor_part = dot(Tn, dataT[idx[l, m], :Nmax])
            utor_part = cheb.chebval(x, modeT)

            T_r = cheb.chebval(x, modeT) / r
            #omegar_part = l*(l+1)*dot(Tn_r, dataT[idx[l, m], :Nmax])
            omegar_part = l * (l + 1) * T_r
            #omegator_part = dot(dTndr, dataT[idx[l, m], :Nmax])
            dmodeT = cheb.chebder(modeT)
            omegator_part = T_r + cheb.chebval(x, dmodeT) / a
            #omegapol_part = -( dot(d2Tndr2, dataP[idx[l, m], :Nmax]) - l*(l+1)*dot(Tn_r2, dataP[idx[l, m], :Nmax]) )
            ddmodeP = cheb.chebder(dmodeP)
            omegapol_part = -(cheb.chebval(x, ddmodeP) / a**2 + 2 * tempP / r -
                              l * (l + 1) / r * P_r)

            # compute the r-coordinate components
            u_r = ur_part * plm
            u_theta = dplm * upol_part + 1j * m * plm_sin * utor_part
            u_phi = 1j * m * plm_sin * upol_part - dplm * utor_part
            omega_r = omegar_part * plm
            omega_theta = dplm * omegator_part + 1j * m * plm_sin * omegapol_part
            omega_phi = 1j * m * plm_sin * omegator_part - dplm * omegapol_part

            # convert in cylindrical coordinate components
            u_z = u_r * cos_theta - u_theta * sin_theta
            u_s = u_r * sin_theta + u_theta * cos_theta
            omega_z = omega_r * cos_theta - omega_theta * sin_theta
            #omega_s = omega_r * sin_theta + omega_theta * cos_theta

            # For real data:
            #vort_z = zInt.vortz_tor[id_s, n, idxM[l, m], :] * dataP[idx[l, m], :] \
            #         + zInt.vortz_pol[id_s, n, idxM[l, m], :] * dataT[idx[l, m], :]
            # u_r = zInt.ur_pol[id_s, n, idxM[l,m], :] * dataP[idx[l,m], n]
            #u_th = zInt.uth_tor[id_s, n, idxM[l,m], :] * dataT[idx[l,m], n] \
            #        + zInt.uth_pol[id_s, n, idxM[l,m], :] * dataP[idx[l,m], n]
            #u_phi = zInt.uphi_tor[id_s, n, idxM[l, m], :] * dataT[idx[l, m], n] \
            #        + zInt.uphi_pol[id_s, n, idxM[l, m], :] * dataP[idx[l, m], n]
            #u_s = zInt.us_tor[id_s, n, idxM[l, m], :] * dataT[idx[l, m], n] \
            #      + zInt.us_pol[id_s, n, idxM[l, m], :] * dataP[idx[l, m], n]
            #u_z = zInt.uz_tor[id_s, n, idxM[l,m], :] * dataT[idx[l,m], n] \
            #      + zInt.uz_pol[id_s, n, idxM[l,m], :] * dataP[idx[l,m], n]

            # don't forget to include the factor sqrt(1-s^2) to compute the integral
            # For real data:
            # Integrate
            vort_int[:, m] += w * omega_z  #/ fs[id_s]
            # Nicolo: modified the weight to fs
            #Ur_int[:, m] += w * u_r #/ fs[id_s]
            #Uth_int[:, m] += w * u_th #/ fs[id_s]
            Uphi_int[:, m] += w * u_phi  #/ fs[id_s]
            Us_int[:, m] += w * u_s  #/ fs[id_s]
            Uz_int[:, m] += w * u_z  #/ fs[id_s]
            #H_int[:, m] += w * u_z * vort_z #/ fs[id_s]

    vort_temp = np.reshape(vort_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax))
    vort_int = np.sum(vort_temp, axis=0).T
    #Ur_temp =  np.reshape(Ur_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax) )
    #Ur_int = np.sum(Ur_temp, axis=0)
    #Uth_temp =  np.reshape(Uth_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax) )
    #Uth_int = np.sum(Uth_temp, axis=0)
    Uphi_temp = np.reshape(Uphi_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax))
    Uphi_int = np.sum(Uphi_temp, axis=0).T
    Us_temp = np.reshape(Us_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax))
    Us_int = np.sum(Us_temp, axis=0).T
    Uz_temp = np.reshape(Uz_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax))
    Uz_int = np.sum(Uz_temp, axis=0).T
    #H_temp =  np.reshape(H_int, (xx.shape[0], xx.shape[1], Mmax) )
    #H_int = np.sum(H_temp, axis=0)

    result = {
        's': s,
        'm': np.arange(Mmax),
        'Omega_z': vort_int,
        'U_phi': Uphi_int,
        'U_s': Us_int,
        'U_z': Uz_int
    return result
예제 #19
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: 1950/sawbuck
def chebder(cs, m=1, scl=1) :
    from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebder
    return chebder(cs, m, scl)
예제 #20
def ortho_pol_s(nr, a, b, x1, x2, xmin=-1, xmax=1, I1=None):
    # precondition: assume that the weight of the spectra is already in DCT format

    # take derivative
    # first bring back to correct form
    x_1a = np.array(x1)
    x_1a[1:] *= 2
    x_2a = np.array(x2)
    x_2a[1:] *= 2
    dx_1 = chebder(x_1a)
    dx_2 = chebder(x_2a)

    # make copies
    x_1b = np.array(x1)
    x_2b = np.array(x2)

    # pad the data
    x1a = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x1b = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x2a = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x2b = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))

    x1a[:len(dx_1)] = dx_1
    x1b[:len(x_1b)] = x_1b
    x2a[:len(dx_2)] = dx_2
    x2b[:len(x_2b)] = x_2b

    # create the spectral function that describes  T_1=x
    r1 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    r1[1] = 1.

    # prepare the chebs for DCT
    x1a[1:] *= .5
    #x1b[1:] *= .5
    x2a[1:] *= .5
    #x2b[1:] *= .5
    r1[1:] *= .5

    # bring the functions to physical space
    y1a = idct(x1a, type=2)
    y1b = idct(x1b, type=2)
    y2a = idct(x2a, type=2)
    y2b = idct(x2b, type=2)
    x = idct(r1, type=2)

    # multiply in physical
    y3 = (y1a * (x + b / a) + y1b) * (y2a * (x + b / a) + y2b)

    # bring back to spectral space
    c = dct(y3, type=2) / (2 * len(y3))
    c = c[:nr]

    # represent the cheb indices in the mathematically correct way
    c[1:] *= 2.
    # integrate, prepare index
    idx = np.arange(len(c))

    # and compute integration weight for -1 to +1
    w = (1+(-1)**idx)/(1-idx**2)

    #return np.sum(w*c)/4
    x,w = chebgauss(len(y3))
    return np.sum(w*y3) * a

    Ic = I1 * c
    temp = chebval([xmax, xmin], Ic)

    return temp[0] - temp[1]
예제 #21
def ortho_tor(nr,
    # precondition: assume that the weight of the spectra is already in DCT format

    # make copies
    x_1 = np.array(x1)
    x_2 = np.array(x2)

    # pad the data
    x1 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x2 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    x1[:len(x_1)] = x_1
    x2[:len(x_2)] = x_2

    # create the spectral function that describes  T_1=x
    r1 = np.zeros(int(3 / 2 * nr))
    r1[1] = 1.
    r1[1:] *= .5

    if operation == 'simple':

        # bring the functions to physical space
        y1 = idct(x1, type=2)
        y2 = idct(x2, type=2)
        r = idct(r1, type=2)

        # multiply in physical
        y3 = y1 * y2 * (a * r + b)**2
        # done this way to approximate QuICC at most
    elif operation == 'curl':

        # prepare vectors for the derivative
        x1a = np.array(x1)
        x2a = np.array(x2)
        x1a[1:] *= 2
        x2a[1:] *= 2

        # derivative in chebzshev space
        dx1 = np.append(chebder(x1a), 0.)
        d2x1 = np.append(chebder(dx1), 0.)
        dx2 = np.append(chebder(x2a), 0.)
        d2x2 = np.append(chebder(dx2), 0.)

        # prepare derivatives for the DCT
        dx1[1:] *= .5
        d2x1[1:] *= .5
        dx2[1:] *= .5
        d2x2[1:] *= .5

        # transform everything
        r = idct(r1, type=2)
        r = (a * r + b)
        y1 = idct(x1, type=2)
        y2 = idct(x2, type=2)
        dy1 = idct(dx1, type=2)
        dy2 = idct(dx2, type=2)
        d2y1 = idct(d2x1, type=2)
        d2y2 = idct(d2x2, type=2)
        # compute the 2 pieces of the bilinear operator
        Diss1 = r * d2y1 + 2 * dy1 - l * (l + 1) / r * y1
        Diss2 = r * d2y2 + 2 * dy2 - l * (l + 1) / r * y2
        y3 = Diss1 * Diss2

    # bring back to spectral space
    c = dct(y3, type=2) / (2 * len(y3))
    c = c[:nr]

    # represent the cheb indices in the mathematically correct way
    c[1:] *= 2.

    # integrate, prepare index
    idx = np.arange(len(c))
    # and compute integration weight for integration from -1 to +1
    w = (1+(-1)**idx)/(1-idx**2)

    #return np.sum(w*c)/4
    x,w = chebgauss(len(y3))
    return np.sum(w*y3)*a

    Ic = I1 * c
    temp = chebval([xmax, xmin], Ic)

    return temp[0] - temp[1]
예제 #22
    def __init__(self,


        self.qs = np.asarray(qs)  # array of expansion coefficients
        self.Nq = self.qs.size

        if basis in ['A', 'B', 'C', 'Chebyshev', 'cubic_spline']:
            self.basis = str(basis)
            self.basis = 'A'

        if self.basis == 'A':  #1/(1+z)^n
            self.cn_n = np.zeros(self.Nq)
            self.cn_n[1:] = np.array(
                [self.qs[n] / n for n in range(1, self.Nq)])
            self.expsumc = np.exp(-np.sum(self.cn_n))

            # construct coefficients (gamma) for rho cdm
            N = self.Nq - 1  # index of last q parameter
            alpha = np.zeros(2 * N + 1)
            alpha[:self.Nq] = [
                self.qs[k] / (self.qs[0] + k + 3) for k in range(self.Nq)

            beta = np.zeros_like(alpha)
            for k in range(1, self.Nq):
                s = np.sum([
                    self.qs[n] * self.qs[k - n] / (k - n)
                    for n in range(0, k - 1 + 1)
                beta[k] = s / (self.qs[0] + k + 3)
            for k in range(self.Nq, 2 * self.Nq - 1):
                s = np.sum([
                    self.qs[n] * self.qs[k - n] / (k - n)
                    for n in range(k - N, N + 1)
                beta[k] = s / (self.qs[0] + k + 3)
            self.gamma = self.expsumc * (alpha + beta)
            self.sum_gamma = np.sum(self.gamma)

        # different parametrisation of interaction
        elif self.basis == 'Chebyshev':
            self.zmin = zmin
            self.zmax = zmax
            self.Delta_z = (zmax - zmin) / 2.0
            self.zbar = (zmax + zmin) / 2.0
            self.zbarp1 = self.zbar + 1.0

            # chebyshev coefficients of dDelta/dx and d^2Delta/dx^2
            self.dcheb_coeff = chebyshev.chebder(self.qs, m=1)  # 1st deriv
            self.ddcheb_coeff = chebyshev.chebder(self.qs, m=2)  # 2nd deriv
            self.dxdz = 1.0 / self.Delta_z

            # q0 - q1 + q2 - q3 + ... (-1)^N qN
            alt_ones = np.ones((self.Nq, ))
            alt_ones[1::2] = -1.0
            self.Delta0 = np.sum(alt_ones * self.qs)
            self.Delta0p1 = self.Delta0 + 1.0

        elif self.basis == 'B':  # (1+z)^n
            self.qs_zder1 = polynomial.polyder(
                self.qs, m=1)  # coefficients of dDelta/dz
            self.qs_zder2 = polynomial.polyder(
                self.qs, m=2)  # coefficients of d2Delta/dz2
            self.cn_np3 = np.zeros(self.Nq + 3)
            self.cn_np3[3:] = np.array(
                [self.qs[n] / (n + 3.0) for n in range(self.Nq)])
            self.sum_cn_np3 = np.sum(self.cn_np3)
            self.Delta0 = np.sum(self.qs)
            self.Delta0p1 = self.Delta0 + 1.0

        elif self.basis == 'C':  # 1/(1+z)^n = a^n
            self.qs_ader1 = polynomial.polyder(
                self.qs, m=1)  # coefficients of dDelta/da
            self.qs_ader2 = polynomial.polyder(
                self.qs, m=2)  # coefficients of d2Delta/da2
            self.cn_nm3 = np.zeros(self.Nq - 3)
            self.cn_nm3[1:] = np.array(
                [self.qs[n] / (n - 3.0) for n in range(4, self.Nq)])
            self.sum_cn_nm3 = np.sum(self.cn_nm3)
            self.Delta0 = np.sum(self.qs)
            self.Delta0p1 = self.Delta0 + 1.0

        elif self.basis == 'cubic_spline':
            assert free_knots[0] < free_knots[-1]
            assert free_knots.size == self.Nq
            assert free_knots[-1] < 1.0

            # The _free_ knots are uniformly spaced in units of scale factor.
            # The first and last knots are fixed and we insert them here:
            a_first = 0.97 * free_knots[0]
            a_last = 1.0
            self.a_knots = np.concatenate(
                ([a_first], free_knots, [a_last]))  # x
            self.q_knots = np.concatenate(([0.0], self.qs, [0.0]))  # y

            # Construct splines (zero, first and second derivatives):
            # 'clamped': first derivative is zero at endpoint
            # 'natural': second derivative is zero at endpoint
            self.Delta_spl = CubicSpline(x=self.a_knots,
                                         bc_type=('clamped', 'natural'))
            self.dDelta_spl = self.Delta_spl.derivative(nu=1)
            self.d2Delta_spl = self.Delta_spl.derivative(nu=2)
            self._points = list(1.0 / self.a_knots[::-1] - 1.0)

        self.Omega_cdm_spl = None
        self.Omega_vac_spl = None  # only for cubic spline
예제 #23
def chebyshev_derivative(number, x):
    """Evaluate the derivative of `number`-th Chebyshev polynomial at `x`."""
    coefficients = np.zeros(number + 1)
    coefficients[number] = 1
    return cheb.chebval(x, cheb.chebder(coefficients))
예제 #24
# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
from spectralDNS.shen.shentransform import ChebyshevTransform
CT = ChebyshevTransform(quad="GL")
points, w = CT.points_and_weights(n+1, CT.quad)

#points, w = n_cheb.chebgauss(n+1)
#points = -points

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, n)

# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
D1[:-1,:] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n+1), 1, scl=scl)

# Second derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D2 = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))
D2[:-2,:] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n+1), 2, scl=scl)

Vx  = np.dot(V, D1)
Vxx = np.dot(V, D2)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n+1,n+1))

P[:,0] = (V[:,0] - V[:,1])/2
P[:,1:-1] = V[:,:-2] - V[:,2:]
P[:,-1] = (V[:,0] + V[:,1])/2
def lagrange(N, x0=x0, x1=x1, C_a=1.3, C_f=1.0, grid='cheb0'):

    #x = np.linspace(x0, x1, N+1)
    if grid == 'cheb0':
        dummy = np.zeros(N)
        dummy[-1] = 1
        x = np.sort(np.array(cheb.chebroots(dummy).tolist() + [-1, 1]))
        x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0)

    if grid == 'cheb1':
        dummy = np.zeros(N + 1)
        dummy[-1] = 1
        x = np.sort(
            np.array(cheb.chebroots(cheb.chebder(dummy)).tolist() + [-1, 1]))
        x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0)

    if grid == 'legendre0':
        dummy = np.zeros(N)
        dummy[-1] = 1
        x = np.sort(np.array(leg.legroots(dummy).tolist() + [-1, 1]))
        x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0)

    if grid == 'legendre1':
        dummy = np.zeros(N + 1)
        dummy[-1] = 1
        x = np.sort(
            np.array(leg.legroots(leg.legder(dummy)).tolist() + [-1, 1]))
        x = 0.5 * (x1 - x0) * x + 0.5 * (x1 + x0)

    #x = 0.5*(x1-x0)*np.cos( np.pi / N * np.arange(N,-1,-1) )+ 0.5*(x1+x0)

    #x = 0.5*(x1-x0)*np.cos( np.pi / (N+1) * ( np.arange(N+1,0,-1) -0.5) )+ 0.5*(x1+x0)

    xx, yy = np.meshgrid(x, x)

    AA = yy - xx
    AA[AA == 0] = 1

    a = np.prod(AA, axis=1)

    #mth lagrangian polynomial
    def phi(y, m):
        """Evaluates m-th Lagrangian polynomial at point y"""

        return np.prod((y - x)[np.arange(len(x)) != m]) / a[m]

    D = 1 / AA

    D = D - np.diag(np.diag(D))

    D_diag = np.diag(np.sum(D, axis=1))

    D = np.multiply(np.multiply(D.T, a).T, 1 / a) + D_diag

    #Initialization of nonlinear part
    Uxy = np.zeros([N + 1, N + 1, N + 1])

    #Integration matrix for integrals of between x_k and x_N
    #W1 = np.zeros( [N+1, N+1] )

    #Integration matrix for integrals of between x_0 and x_k

    for kk in xrange(N + 1):

        for ii in xrange(N + 1):
            #if kk<=ii:
            #W1[kk, ii] = quad(phi, x[kk] , x[-1] , args=(ii,) )[0]

            if kk >= ii:
                #W2[kk, ii] = quad(phi, x[0] , x[kk] , args=(ii,) )[0]

                dummy = x[kk] - x[ii] - xx
                dummy[np.diag_indices(N + 1)] = 1
                Uxy[kk, ii, :] = np.prod(dummy, axis=1) / a

    #Aggregation in

    a_ker = np.vectorize(partial(agg_kernel, C_a=C_a))

    Ain = 0.5 * a_ker(yy - xx, xx)

    Ain[0] = 0

    #Aggregation out

    Aout = a_ker(yy, xx - yy)
    Aout[-1] = 0

    #Initialization of fragmentation in
    frag = np.vectorize(partial(fragmentation, C_f=C_f))

    Fin = gam(yy, xx)
    Fin[-1] = 0

    Fin = np.multiply(Fin, frag(x))

    return x, D, Fin, Ain, Aout, Uxy
예제 #26
    C = ChebyshevCL(n)
    s = C.get_device_name()

    print('Accessing device: ' + s)

    # Chebyshev spectral differentiation

    x = C.coeff_to_nodal(e1)

    f = np.exp(np.cos(np.pi*x))

    fhat = C.nodal_to_coeff(f)

    Dfhat = np.zeros(n)
    Dfhat[:-1] = chebder(fhat)
    Df = C.coeff_to_nodal(Dfhat)

    fx = C.nodal_diff(f)

    fig = plt.figure(1,(12,6))
    ax1 = fig.add_subplot(121)
    ax1.set_title('Modal differentiation')

    ax2 = fig.add_subplot(122)
    ax2.set_title('Nodal differentiation')

예제 #27
# Chebyshev-Gauss nodes and weights
from spectralDNS.shen.shentransform import ChebyshevTransform
CT = ChebyshevTransform(quad="GL")
points, w = CT.points_and_weights(n + 1, CT.quad)

#points, w = n_cheb.chebgauss(n+1)
#points = -points

# Chebyshev Vandermonde matrix
V = n_cheb.chebvander(points, n)

scl = 1.0
# First derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D1 = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
D1[:-1, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n + 1), 1, scl=scl)

# Second derivative matrix zero padded to (n+1)x(n+1)
D2 = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))
D2[:-2, :] = n_cheb.chebder(np.eye(n + 1), 2, scl=scl)

Vx = np.dot(V, D1)
Vxx = np.dot(V, D2)

# Matrix of trial functions
P = np.zeros((n + 1, n + 1))

P[:, 0] = (V[:, 0] - V[:, 1]) / 2
P[:, 1:-1] = V[:, :-2] - V[:, 2:]
P[:, -1] = (V[:, 0] + V[:, 1]) / 2
예제 #28
파일: __init__.py 프로젝트: Bankq/CS6998
def chebder(cs, m=1, scl=1):
    from numpy.polynomial.chebyshev import chebder
    return chebder(cs, m, scl)
예제 #29
def chebDiff(A, m=1):
    return np_cheb.chebder(A, m=m)