예제 #1
def compute_legendre_dot_product_derivatives(basis_dimension):
    Compute dot products of Legendre polynomials and their derivatives.

        - basis_dimension: dict
            Give the number of basis functions for each state
        - dot_product_12: ndarray
            Array containing the dot products of Legendre polynomials
            with their derivatives
        - dot_product_22: ndarray
            Array containing the dot products of Legendre polynomials
    # Compute the dimension of the problem
    dimension = np.sum([basis_dimension[elt] for elt in basis_dimension])
    dot_product_12 = np.zeros([dimension, dimension])
    dot_product_22 = np.zeros([dimension, dimension])
    i, j = 0, 0
    # Loop over states
    for state1 in basis_dimension:
        for state2 in basis_dimension:
            for k in range(basis_dimension[state1]):
                c_k = np.zeros(basis_dimension[state1])
                c_k[k] += 1
                # Create Legendre class for k-th polynomial
                c_k = Legendre(c_k, domain=[0, 1])
                # Compute derivative
                c_k_deriv = c_k.deriv()
                for l in range(basis_dimension[state2]):
                    c_l = np.zeros(basis_dimension[state2])
                    c_l[l] += 1
                    # Create Legendre class for k-th polynomial
                    c_l = Legendre(c_l, domain=[0, 1])
                    # Compute derivative
                    c_l_deriv = c_l.deriv()
                    # Multiply polynomials
                    product_12 = legmul(list(c_k), list(c_l_deriv))
                    product_22 = legmul(list(c_k_deriv), list(c_l_deriv))
                    # Create classes
                    product_12 = Legendre(product_12, domain=[0, 1])
                    product_22 = Legendre(product_22, domain=[0, 1])
                    # Integrate
                    int_product_12 = product_12.integ()
                    int_product_22 = product_22.integ()
                    # Evaluate at the endpoints
                    _, traj_deriv_12 = int_product_12.linspace(n=2)
                    _, traj_deriv_22 = int_product_22.linspace(n=2)
                    # Deduce dot products
                    dot_product_12[i + k, j + l] += traj_deriv_12[1]
                    dot_product_12[i + k, j + l] -= traj_deriv_12[0]
                    dot_product_22[i + k, j + l] += traj_deriv_22[1]
                    dot_product_22[i + k, j + l] -= traj_deriv_22[0]
            j += basis_dimension[state2]
        j = 0
        i += basis_dimension[state1]

    return dot_product_12, dot_product_22
예제 #2
    def _reval_legendre(y, p):
        """Re-evaluate Legendre polynomials."""
        P = np.zeros((p + 1, len(y)))
        dP = np.zeros((p + 1, 1, len(y)))

        P[0] = 1. - y
        P[1] = y
        dP[0][0] = -1. + 0. * y
        dP[1][0] = 1. + 0. * y

        x = 2. * y - 1.
        for n in range(2, p + 1):
            c = np.zeros(n)
            c[n - 1] = 1.
            s = Legendre(c).integ(lbnd=-1)
            scale = np.sqrt((2. * n - 1.) / 2.)
            P[n] = s(x) * scale
            dP[n][0] = 2 * s.deriv()(x) * scale

        return P, dP