def _compute_distribution(self, nearby_res):
        atoms = []
        for r in nearby_res:
        coordinates = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3))
        counter = 0
        for a in atoms:
            coordinates[counter] = a.get_coord()
            counter += 1
        n = len(atoms)
        if self.number_of_samples != -1:
            first = coordinates[np.ix_(choice(n, self.number_of_samples))]
            second = coordinates[np.ix_(choice(n, self.number_of_samples))]
            dist = norm(first - second, axis=1)
            first = coordinates
            second = coordinates
            dist_pair = cdist(first, second)
            dist = dist_pair.reshape((dist_pair.size,))

        dist = dist/np.max(dist)
        bins = np.linspace(0, 1, self.number_of_bins)
        indices = np.digitize(dist, bins)
        distribution = np.bincount(indices)
        distribution = self._normalize(distribution)
        return distribution[1:]
def sample_sentences(section, n=1000):
    pair_list = array(list(alignment_pairs(section=section)))

    pair_len = len(pair_list)

    plagiarized_sample = []
    non_plagiarized_sample = []

    # draw plagiarized sentences
    for pair in pair_list[randint(0, high=pair_len, size=n)]:
        gold = pair.gold_alignments()

        if len(gold) > 0:
            susp_draw, src_draw = gold[randint(0, high=len(gold))]

            plagiarized_sample.append((pair.susp_fn, pair.src_fn, susp_draw, src_draw))
            logging.warn("Empty gold alignment for %s - %s" % (pair.susp_fn, pair.src_fn))

    # draw random non-plagiarized sentence pairs
    for pair in pair_list[randint(0, high=pair_len, size=n)]:
        gold = pair.gold_alignments()
        gold_susp_indexes = [x[0] for x in gold]
        gold_src_indexes = [x[1] for x in gold]

        susp_draw = choice([x for x in xrange(len(pair.susp_doc)) if x not in gold_susp_indexes])
        src_draw = choice([x for x in xrange(len(pair.src_doc)) if x not in gold_src_indexes])

        non_plagiarized_sample.append((pair.susp_fn, pair.src_fn, susp_draw, src_draw))

    return plagiarized_sample, non_plagiarized_sample
def stratified_sample(df, size=None, target_col=None):
    if not size or not target_col:
        raise ValueError

    target_counts = df[target_col].value_counts()
    total = sum(target_counts.values)
    stratified_counts = zip(target_counts.index.values, np.round(target_counts.values * size / total).astype(
    sampled_dfs = [df[df[target_col] == target].iloc[choice(target_counts[target], c, replace=False)]
                   for target, c in stratified_counts]

    return concat(sampled_dfs)
 def _compute_distribution_(self, coordinates, center):
     n = (coordinates.shape[0])
     if self.number_of_samples != -1:
         first = coordinates[np.ix_(choice(n, self.number_of_samples))]
         second = np.ones((self.number_of_samples, 3)) * center
         first = coordinates
         second = np.ones(coordinates.shape) * center
     dist = norm(first - second, axis=1)
     dist = dist / np.max(dist)
     bins = np.linspace(0, 1, self.number_of_bins)
     indices = np.digitize(dist, bins)
     distribution = np.bincount(indices)
     return self._normalize(distribution)[1:]
예제 #5
    def generate_solution(self):
        # self.solution = [randint(0,1) for i in range(self.instance.num_variables)]    #generates only zeros (wrong)
        self.solution = [0 for i in range(self.instance.num_variables)]                 #same as above
        # self.solution = random.random_integers(0,1,self.instance.num_variables)       #generate [0,1] (right but slower)
        # self.solution = zeros(self.instance.num_variables, dtype="int")                 #generate zeros

        a = where(self.instance.hard_clauses) #indexes of hard clauses
        for i in nditer(a[0]):
            satisfied, possiblevars = self.check_satisfied_unsat_clause(self.instance.instance_matrix[i])

            if not satisfied:
                self.solution[choice(possiblevars)] = 1

 def mutate(self, pos, prob):
     if pos <= 0:
         assert False
     if pos > self.size:
         assert False
     if self.left and pos <= self.left.size:
         self.left.mutate(pos, prob)
         leftSize = 0
         if self.left:
             leftSize = self.left.size
         if leftSize + 1 == pos:
             if random() < prob:
                 if self.val in T:
                     self.val = choice(T)
                     if self.val == 'sin':
                         self.val = 'cos'
                     elif self.val == 'cos':
                         self.val = 'sin'
                         self.val = choice(F[:3])
             self.right.mutate(pos - leftSize - 1, prob)
예제 #7
def decorate_room(game_map, rect):
    elements = [RoomDecoration.WATER_SHALLOW_CENTER, RoomDecoration.WATER_DEEP_CENTER]
    weights = [0.5, 0.5]
    decoration = choice(elements, p=weights)
    if decoration == RoomDecoration.WATER_SHALLOW_CENTER \
            or decoration == RoomDecoration.WATER_DEEP_CENTER:
        tile_type = TileType.WATER_SHALLOW
        if decoration == RoomDecoration.WATER_DEEP_CENTER:
            tile_type = TileType.WATER_DEEP
        x1 = randint(rect.x1 + 2, rect.x2 - 1)
        x2 = randint(x1, rect.x2 - 1)
        y1 = randint(rect.y1 + 2, rect.y2 - 1)
        y2 = randint(y1, rect.y2 - 1)
        for x in range(x1, x2):
            for y in range(y1, y2):
                game_map.field[x][y].__init__(x, y, tile_type)
예제 #8
def get_random_possible_trait(monster, trait_list=None):
    if trait_list is None:
        trait_list = all_traits
    trait_list = list(
            lambda trait:
            and trait not in monster.traits

    if not trait_list:
        return None
    return choice(trait_list)
def stratified_sample(df, size=None, target_col=None):
    if not size or not target_col:
        raise ValueError

    target_counts = df[target_col].value_counts()
    total = sum(target_counts.values)
    stratified_counts = zip(
        np.round(target_counts.values * size / total).astype(
    sampled_dfs = [
        df[df[target_col] == target].iloc[choice(target_counts[target],
        for target, c in stratified_counts

    return concat(sampled_dfs)
예제 #10
    def move_ant(self):
        available_edges = [ce for ce in self.current_vertex.connected_edges if ce is not None]
        if self.prev_edge:
        [available_edges.remove(e) for e in available_edges if e in self.edges_travelled]

        if len(available_edges) == 0 or len(self.edges_travelled) > 10000:
            self.is_stuck = True
        weights = normalize(np.array([e.pheromone_strength for e in available_edges]))
        edge = choice(available_edges, p=weights)
        self.current_vertex = edge.a if self.current_vertex != edge.a else edge.b

        self.prev_edge = edge
        if self.current_vertex == self.start_vertex:
            self.at_target = True
예제 #11
    def gibbs_sampling(self, n_topics, alpha, n_iterations):

        # randomly assign topics to words
        self.word_topic_map = {w: randint(0, n_topics-1) for w in self.vocab}
        n_dt = [{t: 0 for t in range(n_topics)} for _ in range(len(self.corpus))]
        n_tw = [{w: 0 for w in self.vocab} for _ in range(n_topics)]

        for d_index in range(len(self.corpus)):
            d = self.corpus[d_index]
            for w in d:
                t = self.word_topic_map[w]
                n_dt[d_index][t] += 1
                n_tw[t][w] += 1

        for i in range(n_iterations):
            print("Iteration %d/%d (%f%%)..." % (i, n_iterations, 100 * i / float(n_iterations)))
            for d_index in range(len(self.corpus)):
                print("Document %d/%d (%f%%)..." % (d_index, len(self.corpus), 100 * d_index / float(len(self.corpus))))
                d = self.corpus[d_index]
                for w in d:
                    # i. remove current word from counts
                    old_topic = self.word_topic_map[w]
                    # TODO
                    if n_dt[d_index][old_topic] == 0:
                        print("oops dt", d_index, old_topic)
                        n_dt[d_index][old_topic] -= 1
                    n_tw[old_topic][w] -= 1

                    # ii. estimate probabilities using 5.6, 5.7
                    word_topic_probs = []
                    for t in range(n_topics):
                        p_t_d = float(n_dt[d_index][t] + alpha) / (sum(n_dt[d_index].values()) + n_topics * alpha)
                        p_w_t = float(n_tw[t][w] + alpha) / (sum(n_tw[t].values()) + len(self.vocab) * alpha)
                        word_topic_probs.append(p_w_t * p_t_d)

                    # iii. assign w to a topic randomly
                    word_topic_probs = [float(p) / sum(word_topic_probs) for p in word_topic_probs]
                    self.word_topic_map[w] = choice(range(n_topics), p=word_topic_probs)

                    # iv. increment counts accordingly
                    topic = self.word_topic_map[w]
                    n_tw[topic][w] += 1
                    n_dt[d_index][topic] += 1
예제 #12
def random_Butter(n=(5, 10),
                  Wc=(0.1, 0.8),
                  W1=(0.1, 0.5),
                  W2=(0.5, 0.8),
	Generate a n-th order Butterworh filters
		- n: (int) The order of the filter
		- Wc: used if btype is 'lowpass' or 'highpass'
			Wc is a tuple (min,max) for the cut frequency
		- W1 and W2: used if btype is ‘bandpass’, ‘bandstop’
			W1 and W2 are tuple (min,max) for the two start/stop frequencies
		- form: (string) {None, ‘lowpass’, ‘highpass’, ‘bandpass’, ‘bandstop’}. Gives the type of filter. If None, the type is randomized
		- onlyEven: if True, only even order filter are generated
		- seed: if not None, indicates the seed toi use for the random part (in order to be reproductible, the seed is stored in the name of the filter)
    # change the seed if asked
    if seed:
    # choose a form if asked
    if form is None:
        form = choice(("lowpass", "highpass", "bandpass", "bandstop"))
    # choose Wn
    if form in ("bandpass", "bandstop"):
        # choose 2 frequencies
        if W2[1] <= W1[0]:
            raise ValueError("iter_random_Butter: W1 should be lower than W2")
        Wn1 = (W1[1] - W1[0]) * random_sample() + W1[0]
        Wn2 = (W2[1] - W2[0]) * random_sample() + W2[0]
        while Wn2 <= Wn1:
            Wn2 = (W2[1] - W2[0]) * random_sample() + W2[0]
        W = [Wn1, Wn2]
        # choose 1 frequency
        W = (Wc[1] - Wc[0]) * random_sample() + Wc[0]
    # choose order
    order = randint(*n)
    if onlyEven and order % 2 == 0:
        order += 1

    return Butter(order, W, form, name='Butterworth-random-%d' % seed)
예제 #13
 def apply_random_stats(self, monster):
     stats = ['strength', 'dexterity', 'constitution', 'constitution']
     weights = [
         self.weight_strength, self.weight_dexterity,
         self.weight_constitution, self.weight_intelligence
     sum_weights = sum(weights)
     weights = list(map(lambda weight: weight / sum_weights, weights))
     for _ in range(self.stat_per_level):
         chosen_stat = choice(stats, p=weights)
         if chosen_stat == 'strength':
             monster.strength += 1
         elif chosen_stat == 'dexterity':
             monster.dexterity += 1
         elif chosen_stat == 'constitution':
             monster.constitution += 1
         elif chosen_stat == 'intelligence':
             monster.intelligence += 1
예제 #14
 def weighted_choice(self, islands, visited, probs=None):
     :type islands: numpy.ndarray
     :type probs: numpy.ndarray
     :type visited: set[int]
     :rtype: int
     full = {x for x in islands if
             x in self.islands and self.islands[x].r.capacity == self.islands[x].r.count} | visited
     if == START_ISLAND:
         full |= self.ignore_start_islands
     mask = in1d(islands, list(full), invert=True)
     m = islands[mask]
     p = probs[mask] / probs[mask].sum() if probs is not None else None
     if len(m) > 0:
         c = choice(m, size=1, p=p)
         if len(c) > 0:
             return c[0]
예제 #15
파일: 프로젝트: fixif/WCPG
def random_TF(n=(5, 10), Wc=(0.1, 0.8), W1=(0.1, 0.5), W2=(0.5, 0.8)):
    """Generate one n-th order stable butterworth filter ((num, den) of the transfer function)"""
    # choose a form
    form = choice(['lowpass', 'highpass', 'bandpass', 'bandstop'])
    # choose Wn
    if form in ("bandpass", "bandstop"):
        # choose 2 frequencies such that Wn2<=Wn1
        Wn1 = (W1[1] - W1[0]) * random_sample() + W1[0]
        Wn2 = (W2[1] - W2[0]) * random_sample() + W2[0]
        while Wn2 <= Wn1:
            Wn2 = (W2[1] - W2[0]) * random_sample() + W2[0]
        W = [Wn1, Wn2]
        # choose 1 frequency
        W = (Wc[1] - Wc[0]) * random_sample() + Wc[0]
    # choose order
    order = randint(*n)
    num, den = butter(order, W, form)
    return num, den
예제 #16
    def take_turn(self):
        abilities = list(
            filter(lambda ability: ability.meet_prerequisites(,
        ability_choices = []
        ability_weights = []
        for ability in abilities:
        sum_weight = sum(ability_weights)
        if not ability_choices or sum_weight == 0:
        ability_weights = list(
            map(lambda weight: weight / sum_weight, ability_weights))

        chosen_ability = choice(ability_choices, p=ability_weights)

예제 #17
    def test_equivalence(self, test_sul: SUL) -> Tuple[bool, Iterable]:
        A = list(test_sul.get_alphabet())

        # Generate random walk paths over alphabet A
        paths = choice(A, size=(self.num_samples, self.max_depth))
        counterexample = None

        for path in paths:

            self_output = self.sul.process_input(path)
            test_output = test_sul.process_input(path)

            if self_output != test_output:
                counterexample = tuple(path)

        equivalent = counterexample is None
        return equivalent, counterexample
예제 #18
 def mutate(self, pos, d):
     if pos <= 0:
         return self
     if pos > self.size:
         return self
     if self.left and pos <= self.left.size:
         self.left.mutate(pos, d - 1)
         leftSize = 0
         if self.left:
             leftSize = self.left.size
         if leftSize + 1 == pos:
             if self.val in T:
                 #if we are in a terminal node we have a value here so we change it
                 #with another value/constant
                 self.val = choice(T)
                 #if it is not a terminal node we change the node creating a new one
                 new_node = Node()
                 new_node.init(d - 1)
                 self.left = new_node
             self.right.mutate(pos - leftSize - 1, d - 1)
    def _compute_distribution(self, nearby_res, center):
        atoms = []
        for r in nearby_res:
        coordinates = np.zeros((len(atoms), 3))
        counter = 0
        for a in atoms:
            coordinates[counter] = a.get_coord()
            counter += 1
        n = len(atoms)
        if self.number_of_samples != -1:
            first = coordinates[np.ix_(choice(n, self.number_of_samples))]
            second = np.ones((self.number_of_samples, 3)) * center
            first = coordinates
            second = np.ones(coordinates.shape) * center
        dist = norm(first - second, axis=1)
        dist = dist/np.max(dist)
        bins = np.linspace(0, 1, self.number_of_bins)
        indices = np.digitize(dist, bins)

        distribution = np.bincount(indices)
        distribution = self._normalize(distribution)
        return distribution
예제 #20
    def test_equivalence(self, test_sul: SUL) -> Tuple[bool, Iterable]:
        A = list(test_sul.get_alphabet())

        # Generate random walk paths over alphabet A
        paths = choice(A, size=(self.num_samples, self.max_depth))
        counterexample = None

        for path in paths:
            for i in range(1, len(path)):

                self_output = self.sul.process_input(path[0:i])
                test_output = test_sul.process_input(path[0:i])

                if not self.eq(self_output, test_output):
                    counterexample = tuple(path[0:i])

            if counterexample is not None:

        equivalent = counterexample is None
        return equivalent, (self_output, counterexample)
예제 #21
    def __iter__(self):
        idx = choice(self.n, size=self.n, replace=False)
        slices = ((self.size*i, min(self.size + self.size*i, self.n)) for i in xrange(self.n_batch))

        return ((self.X[idx[apply(range, s)]], self.y[idx[apply(range, s)]]) for s in slices)
예제 #22
    def gibbs_sampling(self, alpha, n_iterations):
        n_topics = self.n_topics

        # initialize all counts to 0
        n_d_t = [[0 for _ in range(n_topics)] for _ in range(len(self.corpus))]
        n_t_w = {w: [0 for _ in range(n_topics)] for w in self.vocab}

        # store intermediate values for estimating parameters
        doc_sums = [float(len(d) + n_topics * alpha) for d in self.corpus]
        topic_sums = [len(self.vocab) * alpha for _ in range(n_topics)]

        word_topic_map = [[None for _ in d] for d in self.corpus]

        # randomly assign topics to words, and set up initial counts
        for di in range(len(self.corpus)):
            d = self.corpus[di]
            for wi in range(len(d)):
                w = d[wi]
                t = randint(0, n_topics)
                word_topic_map[di][wi] = t
                n_t_w[w][t] += 1
                n_d_t[di][t] += 1
                topic_sums[t] += 1

        for i in range(n_iterations):
            for di in range(len(self.corpus)):
                pct_done = 100 * (i * len(self.corpus) + di) / float(len(self.corpus) * n_iterations)
                print("Iteration %d/%d, Document %d/%d.... (%2.2f%%)" % \
                      (i, n_iterations, di, len(self.corpus), pct_done))

                d = self.corpus[di]

                for wi in range(len(d)):
                    w = d[wi]
                    # i. remove current word from counts
                    old_topic = word_topic_map[di][wi]
                    n_d_t[di][old_topic] -= 1
                    n_t_w[w][old_topic] -= 1
                    topic_sums[old_topic] -= 1

                    # ii. estimate probabilities using 5.6, 5.7
                    word_topic_probs = []
                    for t1 in range(n_topics):
                        p_t_d = (n_d_t[di][t1] + alpha) / doc_sums[di]
                        p_w_t = (n_t_w[w][t1] + alpha) / topic_sums[t1]
                        word_topic_probs.append(p_t_d * p_w_t)
                    s = float(sum(word_topic_probs))
                    word_topic_probs = [p/s for p in word_topic_probs]
                    # iii. assign w to a topic randomly
                    new_topic = choice(list(range(n_topics)), p=word_topic_probs)
                    word_topic_map[di][wi] = new_topic

                    # iv. increment counts accordingly
                    n_d_t[di][new_topic] += 1
                    n_t_w[w][new_topic] += 1
                    topic_sums[new_topic] += 1

        # finalize parameters
        for di in range(len(self.corpus)):
            self.p_t_d.append([(n_d_t[di][t1] + alpha) / doc_sums[di] for t1 in range(n_topics)])
        for w in self.vocab:
            self.p_w_t[w] = [(n_t_w[w][t1] + alpha) / topic_sums[t1] for t1 in range(n_topics)]

        # also store counts
        self.n_t_w = n_t_w
예제 #23
 def predict(self, examples: np.ndarray) -> List[int]:
     return choice(range(self.n_classes),
예제 #24
import pickle
import pickle

problem = "Problem12"
cache = 'cache'
path = f'../rers/TrainingSeqReachRers2019/{problem}/{problem}'
n = 100000
w = 100

trie_cached_sul = TrieCache(RERSSOConnector(f'{path}.so'), storagepath=cache)
dict_cached_sul = DictCache(RERSSOConnector(f'{path}.so'), storagepath=cache)

# Generate a bunch of random keys
alphabet = trie_cached_sul.get_alphabet()
quers = choice(alphabet, (n, w))
queries = []
for i in range(n):
print("done generating")
queries = iter(queries)

trie_mem = []
dict_mem = []

count = 0
ns = [10, 100, 1000, 10000]
ns = range(0, 100000, 10000)
for run in ns:
    while count < run:
        query = next(queries)
예제 #25
def make_map(game_map, player=None):
    rooms = []
    num_rooms = 0
    player_placed = False

    for r in range(max_rooms):
        w = randint(room_min_size, room_max_size)
        h = randint(room_min_size, room_max_size)
        x = randint(0, game_map.width - w - 1)
        y = randint(0, game_map.height - h - 1)
        new_room = Rect(x, y, w, h)

        for other_room in rooms:
            if new_room.intersect(other_room):
            create_room(game_map, new_room)
            number_monsters_to_generate = int(
                (randint(0, int((w - 1) * (h - 1) * monsters_per_room_max_ratio))
                 + randint(0, int((w - 1) * (h - 1) * monsters_per_room_max_ratio)))
                / 2)
            number_items_to_generate = int(
                (randint(0, int((w - 1) * (h - 1) * items_per_room_max_ratio))
                 + randint(0, int((w - 1) * (h - 1) * items_per_room_max_ratio)))
                / 2)

            for _ in range(number_monsters_to_generate):
                monster_x = randint(new_room.x1 + 1, new_room.x2 - 1)
                monster_y = randint(new_room.y1 + 1, new_room.y2 - 1)
                if game_map.can_walk_at(monster_x, monster_y):
                    if player_placed is False and player is not None:
                        game_map.add_monster(monster_x, monster_y, player.entity)
                        player_placed = True
                        game_map.add_monster(monster_x, monster_y)

            for _ in range(number_items_to_generate):
                item_x = randint(new_room.x1 + 1, new_room.x2 - 1)
                item_y = randint(new_room.y1 + 1, new_room.y2 - 1)
                if game_map.can_walk_at(item_x, item_y, False):
                    game_map.add_random_item(item_x, item_y)

            if num_rooms != 0:
                prev = rooms[num_rooms - 1]
                possible_walls_begin = []
                possible_walls_end = []
                if prev.x2 <= new_room.x1 + 1:
                elif prev.x1 + 1 >= new_room.x2:
                if prev.y2 <= new_room.y1 + 1:
                elif prev.y1 + 1 >= new_room.y2:
                begin_wall = choice(possible_walls_begin)
                end_wall = choice(possible_walls_end)
                if begin_wall == 'left':
                    begin_x = new_room.x1
                    begin_y = randint(new_room.y1 + 1, new_room.y2 - 1)
                elif begin_wall == 'right':
                    begin_x = new_room.x2
                    begin_y = randint(new_room.y1 + 1, new_room.y2 - 1)
                elif begin_wall == 'top':
                    begin_y = new_room.y1
                    begin_x = randint(new_room.x1 + 1, new_room.x2 - 1)
                    begin_y = new_room.y2
                    begin_x = randint(new_room.x1 + 1, new_room.x2 - 1)
                if end_wall == 'left':
                    end_x = prev.x1
                    end_y = randint(prev.y1 + 1, prev.y2 - 1)
                elif end_wall == 'right':
                    end_x = prev.x2
                    end_y = randint(prev.y1 + 1, prev.y2 - 1)
                elif end_wall == 'top':
                    end_y = prev.y1
                    end_x = randint(prev.x1 + 1, prev.x2 - 1)
                    end_y = prev.y2
                    end_x = randint(prev.x1 + 1, prev.x2 - 1)

                if randint(0, 1) == 1:
                    continue_carving = create_h_tunnel(game_map, begin_x, end_x, begin_y)
                    if continue_carving:
                        create_v_tunnel(game_map, begin_y, end_y, end_x)
                    continue_carving = create_v_tunnel(game_map, begin_y, end_y, begin_x)
                    if continue_carving:
                        create_h_tunnel(game_map, begin_x, end_x, end_y)

            num_rooms += 1
예제 #26
def get_random_class_for_monster(monster):
    possible_classes = []
    for monster_class in all_classes:

    return choice(possible_classes)
예제 #27
def get_random_item_type(level):
    types = [ItemType.POTION, ItemType.WEAPON, ItemType.SHIELD, ItemType.BODY]
    weights = [0.55, 0.20, 0.10, 0.15]
    return choice(types, p=weights)
예제 #28
 def notify_of_added_delegating_node(self, potential_delegations):