예제 #1
    def fill_in_parameters(self, group_type, random=False, ones=False, universal=False):
        """Separate all possible types of twobodys, threebodys, manybody.
        One type per group. And fill in either universal ls and sigma from
        pre-defined parameters from set_parameters("sigma", ..) and set_parameters("ls", ..)
        or random parameters if random is True.

            group_type (str): "specie", "twobody", "threebody", "cut3b", "manybody"
            definition_list (list, dict): list of elements

        nspec = len(self.all_group_names["specie"])
        if nspec < 1:
            raise RuntimeError("the specie group has to be defined in advance")
        if random:
            for group_name in self.all_group_names[group_type]:
                self.set_parameters(group_name, parameters=nprandom(2))
        elif ones:
            for group_name in self.all_group_names[group_type]:
                self.set_parameters(group_name, parameters=np.ones(2))
        elif universal:
            for group_name in self.all_group_names[group_type]:
                    parameters=[self.universal["sigma"], self.universal["lengthscale"]],
예제 #2
 def prepare_samples(self, horizon):
     if horizon <= 0:
         raise Exception("the input horizon is invalid")
         self.horizon = horizon
         self.prepared_samples = self.lower + (nprandom(self.horizon) *
예제 #3
    def draw_sample(self, context, t=None):
        """ Draw one random sample."""
        if self.context != context:
            raise Exception(
                "the arm corresponding to a different context is called")

        if t is None:
            # The parameter t is ignored in this Arm. Do sampling right away.
            return self.lower + (nprandom() * self.amplitude)
            if t >= self.horizon:
                raise Exception("the time instance is beyond the horizon")
                return self.prepared_samples[t]
예제 #4
'''Test for generic utils

import numpy as np
from chemlab.utils.celllinkedlist import CellLinkedList
from chemlab.libs.ckdtree import cKDTree
from chemlab.utils import distance_matrix
import time
from nose_parameterized import parameterized

from numpy.random import random as nprandom

    (nprandom((5, 3)) * 2, nprandom((5, 3)) * 2, 0.5), 
    (nprandom((4,3)) - 0.5, nprandom((4,3)) - 0.5, 0.5) # negative nums
def test_distances(coords, coords_b, cutoff):
    # Consistency checks
    print "Simple"
    t = time.time()
    dist_simple = distance_matrix(coords, coords_b, cutoff, method="simple")
    print -t + time.time()
    print "Cell-lists"
    t = time.time()
    dist_clist = distance_matrix(coords, coords_b, cutoff, method="cell-lists")
    print -t + time.time()
    print dist_simple
    print dist_clist.todense()
    assert np.allclose(dist_simple, dist_clist.todense())
예제 #5
 def draw_nparray(self, shape=(1,)):
     """ Draw one random sample. The parameter t is ignored in this Arm."""
     return np.minimum((-1. / self.p) * np.log(nprandom(shape)), self.trunc)
예제 #6
from numpy import array, rec
from numpy.random import normal as nprandom
from rpy2.robjects import numpy2ri, r

foo = array(range(10))
bar = foo + nprandom(0,1,10)

d = rec.fromarrays([foo, bar], names=('foo','bar'))
print d
fit = r.lm('bar ~ foo', data=d)
print fit.rx2('coefficients')
예제 #7
 def draw_nparray(self, shape=(1, )):
     """ Draw a numpy array of random samples, of a certain shape."""
     return self.lower + (nprandom(shape) * self.amplitude)
예제 #8
'''Test for generic utils

import numpy as np
from chemlab.utils.celllinkedlist import CellLinkedList
from chemlab.libs.ckdtree import cKDTree
from chemlab.utils import distance_matrix
import time
from nose_parameterized import parameterized

from numpy.random import random as nprandom

    (nprandom((5, 3)) * 2, nprandom((5, 3)) * 2, 0.5),
    (nprandom((4, 3)) - 0.5, nprandom((4, 3)) - 0.5, 0.5)  # negative nums
def test_distances(coords, coords_b, cutoff):
    # Consistency checks
    print "Simple"
    t = time.time()
    dist_simple = distance_matrix(coords, coords_b, cutoff, method="simple")
    print -t + time.time()

    print "Cell-lists"
    t = time.time()
    dist_clist = distance_matrix(coords, coords_b, cutoff, method="cell-lists")
    print -t + time.time()

    print dist_simple
    print dist_clist.todense()