예제 #1
 def SetCorrectIOPTarget(self):
     """Evaluate for MD progression. Reset IOP target accordingly"""
     #IOP target is reset stepwise if CumulativeMDR is > 2dB
     exam = Examination (self.PatientAttribute, self.medicalRecords)
     if self.medicalRecords['Diagnosed'] == True :
         if self.params['FirstProgression'] == 1 and self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] > 2: 
             self.params['SecondProgression'] =1 
             #Need to reset CumulativeMDR to reflect van Gestel's definition
             self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] = 0
         elif self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] > 2:
             self.params['FirstProgression'] = 1
             self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] = 0
         #if no conversion: IOP target = 24
         #conversion occurs: IOP target is set according to progression param
         if self.params['Conversion'] == True:
             if self.PatientAttribute['MD'] > UpperMild :
                 self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = int(random.triangular(16,18,21))
             elif self.PatientAttribute['MD'] < LowerSever:
                 self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = int(random.triangular(10,12,14)) 
                 self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] =  int(random.triangular(14,16,18))
             self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] =  int(random.triangular(18,22,24))
     #Reset VF countdown. Wait till new VF measurement
     self.params['VFCountdown'] = 0
예제 #2
def TriangTrunc(TC1, spread1, N, linf=float('-inf'), lsup=float('inf')):
    if TC1 == 0:
        return np.asarray([0]*N)
    if TC1 == 1 and lsup == 1:
        return np.asarray([1]*N)
    # define variables for trapezoidal distribution
    A = TC1*(1-spread1)
    B = TC1*(1+spread1)
    dist = nr.triangular(A, TC1, B, N)
     # remove all that's not in the proper range - we end with a distribution with a length < N
    truncdist = [i for i in dist if i >= linf]
    truncdist = [i for i in truncdist if i <= lsup]
    # Create the "same" triangular distribution with the missing number of samples, and remove all that's not in the range.
    # "while" -> do that until you have N samples. 
    while len(truncdist) < N:
         adddist = nr.triangular(A, TC1, B, N-len(truncdist))
         truncadddist = [i for i in adddist if i >= linf]
         truncadddist = [i for i in truncadddist if i <= lsup]
          # concatenate both triangular distributions
         truncdist = truncdist + truncadddist
    return np.asarray(truncdist)
예제 #3
    def SetCorrectIOPTarget(self):
        exam = Examination (self.PatientAttribute, self.medicalRecords)
        if self.medicalRecords['Diagnosed'] == True :
            if self.params['Conversion'] == True:
                if self.PatientAttribute['MD'] > UpperMild :
                    self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = int(random.triangular(16,18,21))
                elif self.PatientAttribute['MD'] < LowerSever:
                    self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = int(random.triangular(10,12,14)) 
                    self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] =  int(random.triangular(14,16,18))
                self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] =  int(random.triangular(18,22,24))
            if self.params['FirstProgression'] == 1 and self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] > 2: 
                self.params['SecondProgression'] =1 
                self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] = 0
            elif self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] > 2:
                self.params['FirstProgression'] = 1
                self.PatientAttribute['CumulativeMDR'] = 0

#        if self.params['FirstProgression'] == 1 and self.params['SecondProgression']  == 1:
#            self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = ThirdProgressionTarget
#        elif self.params['FirstProgression'] == 1:
#            self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = SecondProgressionTarget
#        else:
#            self.PatientAttribute['IOPTarget'] = FirstProgressionTarget
        self.params['VFCountdown'] = 0
예제 #4
def testDrawVarying ():
    #data = np.array ([8,5,4,2])
    data0 = rnd.exponential (10, 30)
    data1 = rnd.triangular (4, 5, 5, 20)
    data2 = rnd.triangular (10,11,11, 10)
    data3 = rnd.triangular (14,14,15, 5)
    data4 = rnd.triangular (0,1,1, 10)
    data = np.concatenate ((data0,data1,data2,data3,data4), axis=0)
    #data = data0

    data = rnd.beta (5,2,1000)
    data = [10 * x for x in data]

    #data0 = rnd.triangular (5, 5, 10, 100)
    #data1 = rnd.triangular (10, 20, 20, 100)
    #data2 = rnd.triangular (20, 21, 21, 0)
    #data = np.concatenate ((data0, data1, data2), axis=0)

    #data = rnd.triangular (0, 10, 15, 200)
    data = np.sort (data)
    #data = np.ceil (data, None)
    blocks = bucket (data, limit=0.1, depth=3, individualSigma = 2.0, maxExtremas=0, minHeight=0.0)
    draw (data, blocks=blocks)
예제 #5
    def matrices(UP_list, CF, variables_techno, variables_interv):

        MA = lil_matrix((len(UP_list), len(UP_list)))
        MB = lil_matrix((CF.shape[1], len(UP_list)))

        if len(variables_techno["lognormal"]) > 0:
            MA[array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:, 1], int)] = sign(
                   variables_techno["lognormal"][:, 2]) * random.lognormal(
                       array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:, 3], float32),
                       array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:, 4], float32))
        if len(variables_techno["normal"]) > 0:
            MA[array(variables_techno["normal"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_techno["normal"][:, 1], int)] = random.normal(
                   array(variables_techno["normal"][:, 2], float32),
                   array(variables_techno["normal"][:, 3], float32))
        if len(variables_techno["triangle"]) > 0:
            MA[array(variables_techno["triangle"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_techno["triangle"][:, 1], int)] = sign(
                   variables_techno["triangle"][:, 2]) * random.triangular(
                       array(variables_techno["triangle"][:, 3], float32),
                       abs(array(variables_techno["triangle"][:, 2], float32)),
                       array(variables_techno["triangle"][:, 4], float32))
        if len(variables_techno["deterministe"]) > 0:
            MA[array(variables_techno["deterministe"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_techno["deterministe"][:, 1], int
                     )] = variables_techno["deterministe"][:, 2]

        if len(variables_interv["lognormal"]) > 0:
            MB[array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:, 1], int)] = sign(
                   variables_interv["lognormal"][:, 2]) * random.lognormal(
                       array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:, 3], float32),
                       array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:, 4], float32))
        if len(variables_interv["normal"]) > 0:
            MB[array(variables_interv["normal"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_interv["normal"][:, 1], int)] = random.normal(
                   array(variables_interv["normal"][:, 2], float32),
                   array(variables_interv["normal"][:, 3], float32))
        if len(variables_interv["triangle"]) > 0:
            MB[array(variables_interv["triangle"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_interv["triangle"][:, 1], int)] = sign(
                   variables_interv["triangle"][:, 2]) * random.triangular(
                       array(variables_interv["triangle"][:, 3], float32),
                       abs(array(variables_interv["triangle"][:, 2], float32)),
                       array(variables_interv["triangle"][:, 4], float32))
        if len(variables_interv["agregated"]) > 0:
            MB[array(variables_interv["agregated"][:, 0], int),
                   variables_interv["agregated"][:, 1], int
               )] = variables_interv["agregated"][:, 2] * random.lognormal(
                   array(variables_interv["agregated"][:, 3], float32),
                   array(variables_interv["agregated"][:, 4], float32))
        if len(variables_interv["deterministe"]) > 0:
            MB[array(variables_interv["deterministe"][:, 0], int),
               array(variables_interv["deterministe"][:, 1], int
                     )] = variables_interv["deterministe"][:, 2]

        return MA, MB
예제 #6
    def _draw_fire_development(self):  # {{{
        Generate fire. Alpha t square on the left, then constant in the
        middle, then fading on the right. At the end read hrrs at given times.

        hrrpua_d = self.conf['hrrpua']
        hrr_alpha = self.conf['hrr_alpha']
        Fire area is draw from pareto distrubution regarding the BS PD-7974-7. 
        There is lack of vent condition - underventilated fires
        p = pareto(b=0.668, scale=0.775)
        fire_area = p.rvs(size=1)[0]
        fire_origin = self.fire_origin
        orig_area = self.s.query(
            "SELECT (width * depth)/10000 as area FROM aamks_geom WHERE name='{}'"

        if fire_area > orig_area:
            fire_area = orig_area

        self.hrrpua = int(
            triangular(hrrpua_d['min'], hrrpua_d['mode'], hrrpua_d['max']))
        hrr_peak = int(self.hrrpua * 1000 * fire_area)
        self.alpha = int(
            triangular(hrr_alpha['min'], hrr_alpha['mode'], hrr_alpha['max']) *

        self._psql_log_variable('hrrpeak', hrr_peak / 1000)
        self._psql_log_variable('alpha', self.alpha / 1000.0)

        # left
        t_up_to_hrr_peak = int((hrr_peak / self.alpha)**0.5)
        interval = int(round(t_up_to_hrr_peak / 10))
        times0 = list(range(0, t_up_to_hrr_peak,
                            interval)) + [t_up_to_hrr_peak]
        hrrs0 = [int((self.alpha * t**2)) for t in times0]

        # middle
        t_up_to_starts_dropping = 15 * 60
        times1 = [t_up_to_starts_dropping]
        hrrs1 = [hrr_peak]

        # right
        t_up_to_drops_to_zero = t_up_to_starts_dropping + t_up_to_hrr_peak
        interval = int(
            round((t_up_to_drops_to_zero - t_up_to_starts_dropping) / 10))
        times2 = list(
            range(t_up_to_starts_dropping, t_up_to_drops_to_zero,
                  interval)) + [t_up_to_drops_to_zero]
        hrrs2 = [
            int((self.alpha * (t - t_up_to_drops_to_zero)**2)) for t in times2

        times = list(times0 + times1 + times2)
        hrrs = list(hrrs0 + hrrs1 + hrrs2)

        return times, hrrs
예제 #7
 def sample(self):
   ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)) = self.surface.box
   x, y, _ = self.point
   if self.index == 0: point = np.array([triangular(x1, x, x2), y1+EDGE_DISTANCE, 0])
   elif self.index == 1: point = np.array([x1+EDGE_DISTANCE, triangular(y1, y, y2), 0])
   elif self.index == 2: point = np.array([triangular(x1, x, x2), y2-EDGE_DISTANCE, 0])
   else: point = np.array([x2+EDGE_DISTANCE, triangular(y1, y, y2), 0])
   return point + self.surface.z*unit_z()
예제 #8
 def StableSetting (self):
     if self.Attribute['MD'] > UpperMild :
         self.params['time_next_visit'] = int(random.triangular(6,7,12))
     elif self.Attribute['MD'] < LowerSever:
         self.params['time_next_visit'] = int(random.triangular(1,1,4)) 
         self.params['time_next_visit'] =  int(random.triangular(4,4.5,6))
예제 #9
 def sample(self):
     ((x1, x2), (y1, y2)) = self.surface.box
     x, y, _ = self.point
     if self.index == 0:
         point = np.array([triangular(x1, x, x2), y1 + EDGE_DISTANCE, 0])
     elif self.index == 1:
         point = np.array([x1 + EDGE_DISTANCE, triangular(y1, y, y2), 0])
     elif self.index == 2:
         point = np.array([triangular(x1, x, x2), y2 - EDGE_DISTANCE, 0])
         point = np.array([x2 + EDGE_DISTANCE, triangular(y1, y, y2), 0])
     return point + self.surface.z * unit_z()
예제 #10
 def triangular_process_noise(self, x, dt=1):
     return {
         key: x[key] + dt * random.triangular(
             -self.parameters['process_noise'][key], 0,
         for key in self.states
예제 #11
    def get_next_generation(self, couples):
        sorted_couples = sorted(couples, reverse=True)

        self.best_couples = sorted_couples[:5]

        new_pop = []
        parents_to_keep = 0

        for i in range(parents_to_keep):

        for j in range(len(couples) - parents_to_keep):
            idx = int(random.triangular(0, 0, len(couples)))
            parent_1 = sorted_couples[idx][1][0]
            parent_2 = sorted_couples[idx][1][1]

            child_1, child_2 = self.mate(parent_1, parent_2)



        self.pop = new_pop
예제 #12
 def generate_events(self, start_time, sim_len):
     t = start_time
     count = 0
     impulse = np.inf
     delta_t = 0
     prev_max_time = 0
     events = []
     while t < sim_len:
         #draw new delays until we are satisfied
         while prev_max_time > delta_t:
             delta_t = random.normal(self.mus[0], self.sigmas[0])
         #draw new impulses until we are satisfied
         while impulse > self.max_impulse:
             fs = random.normal(self.mus[2], self.sigmas[2], 3)
             durs = random.normal(self.mus[1], self.sigmas[1], 3)
             durs = np.clip(durs, a_min=0, a_max=None)
             js = random.triangular(self.jerk[0], self.jerk[1],
                                    self.jerk[2], 3)
             prev_max_time = np.max(durs + 2 * np.divide(fs, js))
             impulse = fs.dot(durs)
         t += delta_t
         events.append([t, np.array(fs), np.array(js), np.array(durs)])
         impulse = np.inf
     #for i in range(len(events)):
     #    print(i, events[i][0])
     return events
예제 #13
def pre():
    L = []
    N = 100
    for i in range(N):
        L.append(rnd.random() * 10)
    y_uni = rnd.uniform(0, 10, N)
    y_norm = rnd.normal(0, 10, N)
    y_trian = rnd.triangular(0, 4, 9, N)
    y_exp = rnd.exponential(4, N)
    compare(N, y_uni)
    compare(N, y_norm)
    compare(N, y_trian)
    compare(N, y_exp)
    x = list(range(N))
    plt.plot(x, y_uni, x, y_norm, x, y_trian, x, y_exp)
    wavfile.write('uni.wav', 1000, y_uni)
    wavfile.write('norm.wav', 1000, y_norm)
    wavfile.write('trian.wav', 1000, y_trian)
    wavfile.write('exp.wav', 1000, y_exp)
    wavfile.write('uni_stereo.wav', 1000, y_uni / np.max(y_uni))
    wavfile.write('norm_stereo.wav', 1000, y_norm / np.max(y_norm))
    wavfile.write('trian_stereo.wav', 1000, y_trian / np.max(y_trian))
    wavfile.write('exp_stereo.wav', 1000, y_exp / np.max(y_exp))
예제 #14
 def InitiateCataract(self):
     key = int((self.Attribute['Age'] -50)/5)
     cataractRisk = random.triangular(1.5,2.7,4.9)
     if self.medicalRecords['NumberTrabeculectomy'] == 0:  
         if self.Attribute['Gender'] == 1:
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[key]/1000)
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[7]/1000)
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[key]/1000)
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[7]/1000)
         if self.Attribute['Gender'] == 1:
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[key]/1000)*cataractRisk
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation[7]/1000)*cataractRisk
             if key < 7: 
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[key]/1000)*cataractRisk
                 RateCataract = (cataract_formation_female[7]/1000)*cataractRisk
     if random.uniform(0,1) <RateCataract:
         self.medicalRecords['Cataract'] = True
     if random.uniform(0,1) < random.beta(123,109) and self.medicalRecords['Cataract'] == True:
         self.medicalRecords['SurgeryCataract'] += 1
         self.medicalRecords['Cataract'] = False
예제 #15
def departure():
   This generator function simulates the 'departure' of a car, i.e., a car that
   previously entered the intersection clears the intersection.  Once a car has
   departed, we remove it from the queue, and we no longer track it in the
   global env, queue

   while True:

      # The car that entered the intersection clears the intersection:
      car_number, t_arrival= queue.popleft()
      # print("Car #%d departed at time %.3f, leaving %d cars in the queue."
        # % (car_number, env.now, len(queue)))

      # Record waiting time statistics:
      W_stats.count+= 1
      W_stats.waiting_time+= env.now - t_arrival
      # If the light is red or the queue is empty, do not schedule the next
      # departure.  `departure` is a generator, so the `return` statement
      # terminates the iterator that the generator produces.
      if light == 'red' or len(queue) == 0:

      # Generate departure delay as a random draw from triangular distribution:
      delay= random.triangular(left=t_depart_left, mode=t_depart_mode,
      # Schedule next departure:
      yield env.timeout(delay)
예제 #16
def get_dist_num(args):
    dist = args[0]

    for i in range(len(args[1:])):
        args[i + 1] = float(args[1:][i])

    if dist == 'EXP':
        return exponential(args[1])
    elif dist == 'NOR':
        return normal(loc=args[1],
                      scale=args[2])  # loc = média , scale = desvio
    elif dist == 'TRI':
        return triangular(args[1], args[2], args[3])
    elif dist == 'UNI':
        return uniform(low=args[1], high=args[2])
    elif dist == 'BET':
        return beta(args[1], args[2])
    elif dist == 'WEI':
        return weibull(args[1])
    elif dist == 'CAU':  # CAU: Cauchy
        return 0
    elif dist == 'CHI':
        return chisquare(args[1])
    elif dist == 'ERL':  # ERL: Erlang
        return 0
    elif dist == 'GAM':
        return gamma(args[1], scale=args[2])
    elif dist == 'LOG':
        return lognormal(mean=args[1], sigma=args[2])
    elif dist == 'PAR':
        return pareto(args[1])
    elif dist == 'STU':
        return standard_t(args[1])
예제 #17
def light():
   This generator function simulates state changes of the traffic light.  For
   simplicity, the light is either green or red--there is no yellow state.
    global env, light

    while True:

        # Section 4.2.1: Change the light to green.

        light = 'green'
        print("\nThe light turned green at time %.3f." % env.now)

        # If there are cars in the queue, schedule a departure event:
        if len(queue):

            # Generate departure delay as a random draw from triangular
            # distribution:
            delay = random.triangular(left=t_depart_left,

            start_delayed(env, departure(), delay=delay)

        # Schedule event that will turn the light red:
        yield env.timeout(t_green)

        # Section 4.2.2: Change the light to red.
        light = 'red'
        print("\nThe light turned red at time %.3f." % env.now)

        # Schedule event that will turn the light green:
        yield env.timeout(t_red)
예제 #18
    def get_next_generation(self, couples):
        sorted_couples = sorted(couples, reverse=True)

        self.best_couples = sorted_couples[:5]

        new_pop = []
        parents_to_keep = 0

        for i in range(parents_to_keep):

        for j in range(len(couples)-parents_to_keep):
            idx = int(random.triangular(0,0,len(couples)))
            parent_1 = sorted_couples[idx][1][0]
            parent_2 = sorted_couples[idx][1][1]

            child_1, child_2 = self.mate(parent_1,parent_2)



        self.pop = new_pop
예제 #19
def triangular_distributed(minval, maxval, mode):
    """Computes triangular-distributed values with a vector
    mode parameter.
    # note that the signature of random.triangular and numpy.random.triangular
    # differs in the position of the mode parameter
    return asarray([random.triangular(minval, m, maxval) for m in mode])
예제 #20
def recusrive_process(dict_head):

    if 'BRANCHES' in dict_head:
        # get branches
        branches = dict_head['BRANCHES']

        # get probs
        prob_branches = [get_new_dict(x)['PROB'] for x in branches]

        # assert probs add up to 1 and we only have 2 items
        assert len(branches) == 2
        assert sum(prob_branches) == 1

        # determine which to use
        if random.uniform(0, 1) >= prob_branches[0]:
            selection = get_new_dict(branches[0])
            selection = get_new_dict(branches[1])

        return recusrive_process(selection)

        # return final cost if we can, otherwise return recusrive_process
    elif 'COST' in dict_head:
        return triangular(dict_head['COST']['LOW'], dict_head['COST']['MODE'],
        raise AssertionError(str(dict_head) + 'had a problem')
예제 #21
 def triangular(self, left, top, right):
     left: float. \n
     top: float, must be >= left.\n
     right: float, must be >= top.
     return r.triangular(left, top, right, self.size)
예제 #22
 def triangular_noise(self, x):
     return {
         key: x[key] + random.triangular(
         for key in self.outputs
예제 #23
 def __init__(self, nombre, seccion, prob40, prob50, prob55, prob60, confianzai, confianzaf, probprofe):
     :param nombre: Nombre del alumno
     :type nombre: str
     :param seccion: Seccion del alumno
     :type seccion: str
     :param prob40: probabilidad de tener 40 creditos
     :type prob40: float
     :param prob50: probabilidad de tener 50 creditos
     :type prob50: float
     :param prob55: probabilidad de tener 55 creditos
     :type prob55: float
     :param prob60: probabilidad de tener 60 creditos
     :type prob60: float
     :param confianzai: confianza base inicial
     :type prob40: float
     :param confianzaf: confianza tope inicial
     :type prob40: float
     :param probprofe: probabilidad de ir a hablar con el profe teniendo promedio sobre 5
     :type prob40: float
     self.nombre = nombre
     self.seccion = int(seccion)
     creditos = random()
     if creditos <= prob40:
         self.cantidad_de_creditos = 40
     elif creditos > prob40 and creditos <= (prob40 + prob50):
         self.cantidad_de_creditos = 50
     elif creditos > (prob40 + prob50) and creditos <= (prob40 + prob50 + prob55):
         self.cantidad_de_creditos = 55
         self.cantidad_de_creditos = 60
     # 0 == Eficiente, 1 == Artisitico, 2 == Teorico
     self.prob_profe = probprofe
     self.personalidad = randint(0, 2)
     self.manejo_de_contenidos = 0
     self.nota_esperada_t = []
     self.nota_esperada_a = []
     self.nota_esperada_c = []
     self.confianza = uniform(confianzai, confianzaf)
     self.nivel_programacion = uniform(2, 10)
     self.progreso = 0
     self.horas_dedicadas = 0
     self.horas_semana_anterior = 0
     self.horas_semana_anteanterior = 0
     self.reunion = False
     self.dias = 0
     self.nota_examen = 0
     self.promedio = 1
     self.v = 0
     self.w = 0
     self.notas_act = []
     self.notas_tar = []
     self.notas_cont = []
     self.preguntas = int(triangular(1, 3, 10))
     self.examen = 0
     self.manejos = []
예제 #24
def build_dist(type, n):
    if type=='l':
        # ARP: I like the list comprehensions
        d = [np.mean(r.standard_cauchy(n)) for x in range(x_len)]
    elif type=='t':
        d = [np.mean(r.triangular(-15, 0, 15, size=n)) for x in range(x_len)]
    elif type=='u':
        d = [np.mean(r.uniform(-15, 15, n)) for x in range(x_len)]
    return d
예제 #25
def granularize_signal(wav, minGrainSz, modeGrainSz, maxGrainSz):
	sampleMarker = 0
	grainMarkers = []
	numSamples = len(wav)
	while sampleMarker < numSamples:
		grainSz = floor(rnd.triangular(minGrainSz, modeGrainSz, maxGrainSz))
		grainMarkers.append([int(sampleMarker), int(sampleMarker+grainSz)])
		sampleMarker = sampleMarker + grainSz
	return grainMarkers
예제 #26
파일: main.py 프로젝트: santhosh-kasa/MiSim
def MiTriangular(left, mode, right):
    """Triangular Distribution Function
        left: Lower Limit
        mode: Mode
        right: Upper Limit"""
    global manflag
    if not manflag:
    return np.triangular(left,mode,right,1)
예제 #27
    def _draw_fire_development(self):  # {{{
        Generate the fire. Alpha t square on the left, then constant in the
        middle, then fading on the right. At the end read hrrs at given times.

        hrrpua = self.conf['hrrpua']
        hrr_alpha = self.conf['hrr_alpha']
        #'TODO:' HRR_PEAK is calculated as if each room was 10 m2, by HRRPUA times 10. It should be better addressed, by choosing room area and vent characteristics

        hrr_peak = int(
            triangular(hrrpua['min'], hrrpua['mode'], hrrpua['max']) * 10000)
        alpha = int(
            triangular(hrr_alpha['min'], hrr_alpha['mode'], hrr_alpha['max']) *

        self._psql_log_variable('hrrpeak', hrr_peak / 1000)
        self._psql_log_variable('alpha', alpha / 1000.0)

        # left
        t_up_to_hrr_peak = int((hrr_peak / alpha)**0.5)
        interval = int(round(t_up_to_hrr_peak / 10))
        times0 = list(range(0, t_up_to_hrr_peak,
                            interval)) + [t_up_to_hrr_peak]
        hrrs0 = [int((alpha * t**2)) for t in times0]

        # middle
        t_up_to_starts_dropping = 15 * 60
        times1 = [t_up_to_starts_dropping]
        hrrs1 = [hrr_peak]

        # right
        t_up_to_drops_to_zero = t_up_to_starts_dropping + t_up_to_hrr_peak
        interval = int(
            round((t_up_to_drops_to_zero - t_up_to_starts_dropping) / 10))
        times2 = list(
            range(t_up_to_starts_dropping, t_up_to_drops_to_zero,
                  interval)) + [t_up_to_drops_to_zero]
        hrrs2 = [int((alpha * (t - t_up_to_drops_to_zero)**2)) for t in times2]

        times = list(times0 + times1 + times2)
        hrrs = list(hrrs0 + hrrs1 + hrrs2)

        return (times, hrrs)
예제 #28
def action(actionName, minTime, modeTime, maxTime):

    min_time = minTime
    mode_time = modeTime
    max_time = maxTime
    #1 heat water to 110 degrees
    time = triangular(left=min_time, mode=mode_time, right=max_time)
    print('%s: %s seconds' % (actionName, str(time)))

    return time
def dump_calibrated_data(fname):
    data = numpy.load(fname)

    # Figure out the times covered by the file from the filename
    # I should start using HDF5 so I can store metadata
    temp = fname.split('.')[0]
    temp = temp.split('-')
    ifo = temp[0]
    st, dur = int(temp[-2]), int(temp[-1])
    et = st + dur

    maxidx = len(data)
    width = 45

    weights = 1. - ((numpy.arange(-width, width) / float(width))**2)

    # The VCO frequencies are integers so we could dither them
    # to avoid quantization error if we wanted to be fancy
    # but it seems to make no differece
    if False:
        from numpy.random import triangular
        data[:, 1] += triangular(-1., 0., 1., size=len(data))

    # Just fit the whole thing at once, to get a single coefficient
    a, b = numpy.polyfit(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], 1)
    print "%.1f %u" % (a, b)

    # Slide through the data fitting PSL to IMC for data around each sample
    coeffs = []
    for idx in xrange(maxidx):
        idx1 = max(0, idx - width)
        idx2 = min(idx + width, maxidx)
        coeffs.append(numpy.polyfit(data[idx1:idx2, 0], data[idx1:idx2, 1], 1,
                                    w=weights[idx1 - idx + width:idx2 - idx + width]))
    coeffs = numpy.array(coeffs)
    times = numpy.arange(len(coeffs)) + 0.5
    connection = datafind.GWDataFindHTTPConnection()
    cache = connection.find_frame_urls(
        ifo[0], '%s_R' % ifo, st, et, urltype='file')

    imc = TimeSeries.read(cache, "%s:IMC-F_OUT_DQ" % ifo, st, et)
    imc = imc[::16384 / 256]
    print imc
    samp_times = numpy.arange(len(imc)) / 256.

    coeffs0 = numpy.interp(samp_times, times, coeffs[:, 0])
    coeffs1 = numpy.interp(samp_times, times, coeffs[:, 1]) - 7.6e7

    vco_interp = coeffs0 * imc.data + coeffs1

    chan = "%s:IMC-VCO_PREDICTION" % (ifo,)
    vco_data = TimeSeries(vco_interp, epoch=st,
                          name=chan, channel=chan)
    vco_data.write("%s-vcoprediction-%u-%u.hdf" % (ifo, st, dur), format='hdf')
예제 #30
 def time_to_mutation_rate(tree):
     if not hasattr(GC,"NUMPY_SEEDED"):
         from numpy.random import seed as numpy_seed
         GC.random_number_seed += 1
         GC.NUMPY_SEEDED = True
     t = read_tree_newick(tree)
     for node in t.traverse_preorder():
         if node.edge_length is not None:
             node.edge_length *= triangular(left=GC.tree_rate_left,mode=GC.tree_rate_mode,right=GC.tree_rate_right)
     return str(t)
예제 #31
    def resample(self):
		Resamples the distribution
        # Do not store in self.value because that involves a pointer dereference
        newval = random.triangular(self.value - self.temp, self.value,
                                   self.value + self.temp)
        #while (newval > self.b) or (newval < self.a):
        #	newval = random.triangular(self.value-self.temp, self.value, self.value+self.temp)

        self.value = newval
        return newval
예제 #32
def TriangTrunc(TC1, spread1, N, linf, lsup):

    if lsup < linf:
        raise Exception('lsup should be larger than linf')
    if spread1 < 0:
        raise Exception('spread1 should not be below 0')

    if TC1 == 0:
        if N == 1:
            return 0
            return np.asarray([0] * N)

    # define variables for triangular distribution
    A = TC1 * (1 - spread1)
    B = TC1 * (1 + spread1)

    if B < linf or A > lsup:
        raise Exception('TC1, TC2, linf and lsup are not compatible')

    dist = nr.triangular(A, TC1, B, N)

    # remove all that's not in the proper range - we end with a distribution with a length < N
    truncdist = [i for i in dist if i >= linf]
    truncdist = [i for i in truncdist if i <= lsup]

    # Create the "same" triangular distribution with the missing number of samples, and remove all that's not in the range.
    # "while" -> do that until you have N samples.
    while len(truncdist) < N:
        adddist = nr.triangular(A, TC1, B, N - len(truncdist))
        truncadddist = [i for i in adddist if i >= linf]
        truncadddist = [i for i in truncadddist if i <= lsup]

        # concatenate both triangular distributions
        truncdist = truncdist + truncadddist

    if N == 1:
        return truncdist[0]
        return np.asarray(truncdist)
예제 #33
def TriangTruncDet(min, TC1, max, N, linf, lsup):
    import numpy.random as nr
    import numpy as np

    dist = nr.triangular(min, TC1, max, N)

    truncdist = [i for i in dist if i >= linf]
    truncdist = [i for i in truncdist if i <= lsup]

    while len(truncdist) < N:
        adddist = nr.triangular(min, TC1, max, N - len(truncdist))
        truncadddist = [i for i in adddist if i >= linf]
        truncadddist = [i for i in truncadddist if i <= lsup]

        truncdist = truncdist + truncadddist

    return np.asarray(truncdist)

# for testing
#import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
#plt.hist(TrapezTrunc(TC1=0.2, TC2=0.5, spread1=1.5, spread2=0.4, N=100, linf=0, lsup=1), bins=50)
예제 #34
파일: main.py 프로젝트: sebekxp/studies
    def identify(self, coin):
        coin.identified = True
        random_year = random.triangular(1900, 2017, 2019)
        if random_year <= 1939:
            coin.numismatic_value = 1000
        elif random_year <= 1914:
            coin.numismatic_value = 2000
            coin.numismatic_value = 0

        hasattr(coin, "Coins")
예제 #35
파일: Random.py 프로젝트: aesteras/sim-port
 def getNumTrucks(self, operationType):
     param = Parameters()
     if param.WITH_SHIFTS:
         if operationType == Constants.ENTREGA:
             return ceil(
         elif operationType == Constants.RECOGIDA:
             return ceil(
         else:  # DUAL
             return ceil(
         return ceil(
예제 #36
    def mutate(self):
        mutate = ran.random(len(self.INDEX_DATA))
        mutate[mutate > self.M_RATE] = 0.
        mutation_index = mutate.nonzero()[0]
        self.flat[self.INDEX_DATA[mutation_index]] = ran.triangular(
            0., self.flat[self.INDEX_DATA[mutation_index]], 1.)

        size_2d = L * (L - 1) // 2 - 1
        # transfer-mutation from higher rounds_remaining to lower
        for rounds_remaining in reversed(range(self.R - 1)):
            mutate_shift = ran.random(size_2d)
            mutate_shift[mutate_shift > self.M_SHIFT_RATE] = 0.
            mutation_index = mutate_shift.nonzero()[0]
            self.flat[self.INDEX_DATA[mutation_index] + rounds_remaining * self.STRIDES[0]] = \
                self.flat[self.INDEX_DATA[mutation_index] + (rounds_remaining + 1) * self.STRIDES[0]]
예제 #37
async def newStock():
    global users
    global stockList
    # A. Names the stock (newStock)
    adj1 = str(r.choice(AdjAlpha))
    adj2 = str(r.choice(AdjAlpha))
    # ensures no repeats in adjectives
    while adj1 == adj2:
        adj2 = str(r.choice(AdjAlpha))
    newStock = adj1 + ' ' + adj2 + ' ' + str(r.choice(NAlpha))

    # B. Creates the Ticker symbol (newTicker)
    pullTicker = [char for char in newStock if char.isupper()]
    newTicker = ''

    for char in pullTicker:
        newTicker += str(char)

    initialPrice = round(random.triangular(1, 25, 625), 2)

    # i. Creates the initial mean and stdev for the growth rate
    randomX = round(random.triangular(-5, 1, 5), 2)
    randomY = round(random.triangular(0.1, 1, 10), 2)

    # opens json file and adds the ticker and the price under the stock name
    if not newTicker in stockList:
        stockList[newTicker] = {}
        stockList[newTicker]['stockName'] = newStock
        stockList[newTicker]['initialPrice'] = initialPrice
        stockList[newTicker]['price'] = initialPrice
        stockList[newTicker]['randomX'] = randomX
        stockList[newTicker]['randomY'] = randomY
        stockList[newTicker]['buyers'] = {}
        stockList[newTicker]['pastPrices'] = []
        for i in range(50):
예제 #38
파일: equal.py 프로젝트: dragon-fury/MUMA
def start():
   global env

   while True:

      # If there are cars in the queue, schedule a departure event:
      if len(q1) or len(q2) or len(q3) or len(q4):

         # Generate departure delay as a random draw from triangular
         # distribution:
         delay= random.triangular(left=t_depart_left, mode=t_depart_mode,

         start_delayed(env, departure(), delay=delay)
      yield env.timeout(t_green)
      yield env.timeout(t_red)
def departure():
   Simulates the departure of a car
   global env, queue
   while True:
      car_number, t_arrival= queue.popleft()
      print("Car #%d departed at time %.3f, leaving %d cars in the queue."
        % (car_number, env.now, len(queue)))
      W_stats.count+= 1
      W_stats.waiting_time+= env.now - t_arrival
      if light == 'red' or len(queue) == 0:
         return # The `return` statement terminates the iterator that the generator produces.
      delay= random.triangular(left=t_depart_left, mode=t_depart_mode,
      yield env.timeout(delay) # Schedule next departure:
def light():
   Simulates state changes of the traffic light.
   global env, light
   while True:
      light= 'green'
      print("\nThe light turned green at time %.3f." % env.now)
      if len(queue):
         delay= random.triangular(left=t_depart_left, mode=t_depart_mode,
         start_delayed(env, departure(), delay=delay)
      yield env.timeout(t_green)
      light= 'red'
      print("\nThe light turned red at time %.3f."   % env.now)
      yield env.timeout(t_red)
예제 #41
def primera_vez(): 
		return triangular(12, 20, 25)
예제 #42
def segunda_vez():
		return triangular(12, 16, 20)
예제 #43
def Lab():
		return triangular(25, 60, 60)
		return next(generador_Lab)
def primera_vez(): 
	return triangular(12, 15, 20)
예제 #45
def tiempo_triage():
		return triangular(3,5,3)
		return next(generador_tiempo_triage)
def Lab():
	return triangular(25, 45, 60)
예제 #47
def tiempo_espera_enfermera():
		return triangular(4, 5, 5)
		return next(generador_tiempo_espera_enfermera)
예제 #48
def project(hours_min, hours_max, hours_mode, price_min, price_max, price_mode, delivery_min):
    hours = int(random.triangular(hours_min, hours_mode, hours_mode))
    price = int(random.triangular(price_min, price_mode, price_max))
    ideal_devs = workforce_sample(delivery_min)

    return (hours, price, ideal_devs)
def segunda_vez():
	return triangular(12, 16, 20)
def tiempo_medico_FT():
	return triangular(15,20,21)
temp = temp.split('-')
ifo = temp[0]
st, dur = int(temp[-2]), int(temp[-1])
et = st + dur

maxidx = len(data)
width = 45

weights = 1. - ((arange(-width, width) / float(width))**2)

# The VCO frequencies are integers so we could dither them
# to avoid quantization error if we wanted to be fancy
# but it seems to make no differece
if False:
    from numpy.random import triangular
    data[:, 1] += triangular(-1., 0., 1., size=len(data))

# Just fit the whole thing at once, to get a single coefficient
a, b = polyfit(data[:, 0], data[:, 1], 1)
print "%.1f %u" % (a, b)

# Slide through the data fitting PSL to IMC for data around each sample
coeffs = []
for idx in xrange(maxidx):
    idx1 = max(0, idx - width)
    idx2 = min(idx + width, maxidx)
    coeffs.append(polyfit(data[idx1:idx2, 0], data[idx1:idx2, 1], 1,
                          w=weights[idx1 - idx + width:idx2 - idx + width]))
coeffs = array(coeffs)
times = arange(len(coeffs)) + 0.5
connection = datafind.GWDataFindHTTPConnection()
예제 #52
	def matrices(UP_list,CF, variables_techno, variables_interv):
		if len(variables_techno["lognormal"])>0:
			MA[array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:,0],int),array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:,1],int)] =sign(variables_techno["lognormal"][:,2])*random.lognormal(array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:,3],float32),array(variables_techno["lognormal"][:,4],float32))
		if len(variables_techno["normal"])>0:
			MA[array(variables_techno["normal"][:,0],int),array(variables_techno["normal"][:,1],int)] = random.normal(array(variables_techno["normal"][:,2],float32),array(variables_techno["normal"][:,3],float32))
		if len(variables_techno["triangle"])>0:
			MA[array(variables_techno["triangle"][:,0],int),array(variables_techno["triangle"][:,1],int)] = sign(variables_techno["triangle"][:,2])*random.triangular(array(variables_techno["triangle"][:,3],float32),abs(array(variables_techno["triangle"][:,2],float32)),array(variables_techno["triangle"][:,4],float32))
		if len(variables_techno["deterministe"])>0:
			MA[array(variables_techno["deterministe"][:,0],int),array(variables_techno["deterministe"][:,1],int)] = variables_techno["deterministe"][:,2]
		if len(variables_interv["lognormal"])>0:
			MB[array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:,0],int),array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:,1],int)] =sign(variables_interv["lognormal"][:,2])*random.lognormal(array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:,3],float32),array(variables_interv["lognormal"][:,4],float32))
		if len(variables_interv["normal"])>0:
			MB[array(variables_interv["normal"][:,0],int),array(variables_interv["normal"][:,1],int)] = random.normal(array(variables_interv["normal"][:,2],float32),array(variables_interv["normal"][:,3],float32))
		if len(variables_interv["triangle"])>0:
			MB[array(variables_interv["triangle"][:,0],int),array(variables_interv["triangle"][:,1],int)] = sign(variables_interv["triangle"][:,2])*random.triangular(array(variables_interv["triangle"][:,3],float32),abs(array(variables_interv["triangle"][:,2],float32)),array(variables_interv["triangle"][:,4],float32))
		if len(variables_interv["agregated"])>0:
			MB[array(variables_interv["agregated"][:,0],int),array(variables_interv["agregated"][:,1],int)] = variables_interv["agregated"][:,2]*random.lognormal(array(variables_interv["agregated"][:,3],float32),array(variables_interv["agregated"][:,4],float32))
		if len(variables_interv["deterministe"])>0:
			MB[array(variables_interv["deterministe"][:,0],int),array(variables_interv["deterministe"][:,1],int)] = variables_interv["deterministe"][:,2]
		return MA, MB
예제 #53
파일: equal.py 프로젝트: dragon-fury/MUMA
def departure():
   This generator function simulates the 'departure' of a car, i.e., a car that
   previously entered the intersection clears the intersection.  Once a car has
   departed, we remove it from the queue, and we no longer track it in the
   global env, departure_count, q1, q2, q3, q4

   lane_map = {"q1":q1, "q2":q2, "q3":q3, "q4":q4}
   car_map = {}

   while True:

      # The car that entered the intersection clears the intersection:

      cars = []
      if len(q1) > 0:
         car1 = q1.popleft()
         car_map["q1"] = car1
      if len(q2) > 0:
         car2 = q2.popleft()
         car_map["q2"] = car2
      if len(q3) > 0:
         car3 = q3.popleft()
         car_map["q3"] = car3
      if len(q4) > 0:
         car4 = q4.popleft()
         car_map["q4"] = car4

      winners = run_auction(cars, lane_map)

      losers = filter(lambda x: x not in winners, car_map.keys())
      # print len(q1)
      # print len(q2)
      # print len(q3)
      # print len(q4)
      # print winners
      # print losers
      # print car_map
      # print "*"*100
      for loser in losers:

      for winner in winners:
         car_number, lane, left_in, combo, budget, t_arrival= car_map[winner]
         print("Car #%d departed lane %s at time %.3f, leaving %d cars in the queue."
           % (car_number, lane, env.now, len(lane_map[lane])))

         departure_count += 1
         # Record waiting time statistics:
         W_stats.count+= 1
         W_stats.waiting_time+= env.now - t_arrival

      # If the light is red or the queue is empty, do not schedule the next
      # departure.  `departure` is a generator, so the `return` statement
      # terminates the iterator that the generator produces.
      if len(q4) == 0 or len(q3) == 0 or len(q2) == 0 or len(q1) == 0:

      # Generate departure delay as a random draw from triangular distribution:
      delay= random.triangular(left=t_depart_left, mode=t_depart_mode,

      # Schedule next departure:
      yield env.timeout(delay)
예제 #54
def tiempo_medico_FT():
		return triangular(15,20,21)
		return next(generador_tiempo_medico_FT)
def tiempo_espera_enfermera():
	return triangular(4, 5, 5)
예제 #56
def testDrawVarying ():
    #data = np.array ([8,5,4,2])
    data0 = rnd.exponential (10, 50)
    data1 = rnd.triangular (4, 5, 5, 20)
    data2 = rnd.triangular (10,11,11, 100)
    data3 = rnd.triangular (14,14,15, 5)
    data4 = rnd.triangular (0,1,1, 10)
    data = np.concatenate ((data0,data1,data2,data3,data4), axis=0)

    uni0 = rnd.uniform (4,12,80)
    uni1 = rnd.uniform (8,12,30)
    #data = data0

#    data = rnd.beta (6,4,20)
#    data = [10 * x -3 for x in data]

#    dataZero = rnd.triangular (0,0,1,1)
#    data0 = rnd.triangular (5, 5, 10, 100)
#    data1 = rnd.triangular (10, 20, 20, 100)
#    data2 = rnd.triangular (20, 21, 21, 0)
#    data = np.concatenate ((data0, data1, data2), axis=0)

#    data = rnd.triangular (0, 10, 15, 200)

#    data = np.concatenate ((dataZero,data), axis=0)

#    data = [1,1,2,3,4,4,4,4,4,5,5,5,7,7,7]
#    data = [2,2,2,4,4,6,8,10]
#    data = [2,2,2,4,5,6,7,7,7,8]
#    data = [1,1,1,2,2,2,2,4,4,4,4]
#    data = [-2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -2.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, -0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 2.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 3.0, 4.0,4.0,4.0, 4.0, 5.0, 5.0, 5.0, 6.0, 6.0]

    #data = [sin(x/10.0) for x in xrange (0,200)]
    #print data
    #return data

    data = np.sort (data)
    #data = np.ceil (data, None)

    addData = [4,4,6,6,8,8,10,10]

#    data = [2,4,6]

    data = np.concatenate ((rnd.triangular (-50,100,150, 1500), rnd.triangular (150,200,280, 1500)), axis = 0)
    data = range (0, 20, 1) # constant increase
#    data = [10]*20 # uniform

    #    data = rnd.exponential (200, 3000)

#    data = [d+random.gauss(0,0.1) for d in data]

    addData = []
#    addData = uni0
#    addData = [8,10]
    #data = data4
    data.sort ()

#    addData = data0
    addData.sort ()
    #blocks = bucket (data, limit=0.05, depth=3)
    countEstimation = AdaptiveBinning (list(data), sort=True)
    countEstimation.histogramify ()
    print str (countEstimation)

    data = np.concatenate ((data, addData), axis=0)
    data.sort ()

    countEstimation += addData
    countEstimation.histogramify ()
    print str (countEstimation)
    np.sort (data)

    blocks = countEstimation._blocks

    fig, axs = plt.subplots (2,2, sharex=False, sharey = False)
#    fig = plt.figure(figsize=(12, 6))
#    fig = plt.figure(1) #, figsize=(12, 6))
#    plt.subplot (211)
#    vax = fig.add_subplot(211)
    draw_true_vs_est (axs[0,0], data, blocks=blocks, countEstimation = countEstimation)
    #draw2 (data, blocks=blocks, countEstimation = countEstimation)
#    fig = plt.figure(2)
#    vax = fig.add_subplot(212)
#    plt.subplot (212)
    draw_differences (axs[0,1], data, blocks=blocks, countEstimation = countEstimation)
    draw_histo_pdf (axs[1,1], data, blocks=blocks, countEstimation = countEstimation)

    plt.show ()
예제 #57
def triangular_distribution(minimum, maximum, median):
    x = random.triangular(minimum, median, maximum)
    return x 
def tiempo_triage():
	return triangular(3,5,3)