예제 #1
def spa_model(plaintext, key):
    hd_arr = np.zeros(16)
    hw_arr = np.zeros(16)
    zo_arr = np.zeros(16)
    byte_list = [0, 4, 8, 12, 1, 5, 9, 13, 2, 6, 10, 14, 3, 15, 11, 7]
    for byte in byte_list:
        print 'byte: ' + str(byte)
        plaintext_nth_byte = plaintext[byte]             
        # XOR the plaintext byte with key byte and put the result through the S-BOX
        xored_plaintxt_key_bytes = np.bitwise_xor(plaintext_nth_byte, key[byte]) 
        # Use the Hamming Weight model to calculate the hypothetical power consumption of
        #	the SBOX operation. 
        hw_arr[byte] = num_ones(sbox_hex[xored_plaintxt_key_bytes])
        # Use the Hamming Distance model
        hd_arr[byte] = num_ones(np.bitwise_xor(xored_plaintxt_key_bytes, sbox_hex[xored_plaintxt_key_bytes]))

        # Other power model! 0 -> 1 transition
        zo_arr[byte] = num_ones(~xored_plaintxt_key_bytes & sbox_hex[xored_plaintxt_key_bytes])

        print '%x, %x, %d, %d, %d' %(xored_plaintxt_key_bytes, sbox_hex[xored_plaintxt_key_bytes], hw_arr[byte], hd_arr[byte], zo_arr[byte])

    plt.plot(hd_arr, 'r')
    plt.plot(hw_arr, 'b')
    plt.plot(zo_arr, 'g')
예제 #2
 def detect_corruption(self, fname):
     single disk corruption detection
     :param fname: data name in RAID6 system
     :return: corrupted disk index; for p, self.N-2; for q, self.N-1
     # all disks, including P, Q
     byte_ndarray = self._read_n(fname, self.N)
     data_ndarray = byte_ndarray[:-2]
     P = byte_ndarray[-2:-1]
     Q = byte_ndarray[-1]
     P_prime = utils.gen_p(data_ndarray, ndim=2)
     Q_prime = utils.gen_q(data_ndarray, ndim=2)
     P_star = np.bitwise_xor(P, P_prime)
     Q_star = np.bitwise_xor(Q, Q_prime)
     P_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(P_star)
     Q_nonzero = np.count_nonzero(Q_star)
     if P_nonzero == 0 and Q_nonzero == 0:
         print("no corruption")
         return None
     elif P_nonzero == 0 and Q_nonzero != 0:
         print("Q corruption")
         return self.N - 1
     elif P_nonzero != 0 and Q_nonzero == 0:
         print("P corruption")
         return self.N - 2
         index = self._get_corrupted_data_disk(P_star, Q_star)
         print("data disk {} corruption".format(index))
         return index
예제 #3
    def _unmask(self, buf, mask):
        # Unmask a frame
        if numpy:
            plen = len(buf)
            pstart = 0
            pend = plen
            b = c = ''.encode('ascii')
            if plen >= 4:
                if sys.byteorder == 'big':
                    dtype = dtype.newbyteorder('>')
                mask = numpy.frombuffer(mask, dtype, count=1)
                data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype, count=int(plen / 4))
                #b = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).data
                b = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).tostring()

            if plen % 4:
                if sys.byteorder == 'big':
                    dtype = dtype.newbyteorder('>')
                mask = numpy.frombuffer(mask, dtype, count=(plen % 4))
                data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype,
                        offset=plen - (plen % 4), count=(plen % 4))
                c = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).tostring()
            return b + c
            # Slower fallback
            if sys.hexversion < 0x3000000:
                mask = [ ord(c) for c in mask ]
            data = array.array('B')
            for i in range(len(data)):
                data[i] ^= mask[i % 4]
            return data.tostring()
 def test_getTraining(self):
     test = np.array(Image.open(self.filename), 'uint8')
     train = np.array(Image.open(self.filename), 'uint8')
     image = np.ones(test.shape,test.dtype)
     le.getTraining(image,self.filename, self.filename)
     assert((test == image).all(), True)
예제 #5
파일: SHA3.py 프로젝트: evanpaul22/pySHA-3
def iota(ain, rnd):
    # Initialize empty arrays
    aout = np.zeros((5,5,64), dtype = int)
    bit = np.zeros(dtype = int, shape = (5,5,64))
    rc = np.zeros(dtype = int, shape = 168)

    # Linear Feedback Shift Register
    w = np.array([1,0,0,0,0,0,0,0], dtype = int)
    rc[0] = w[0]
    for i in range(1, 7*24):
        a = np.bitwise_xor(w[0], w[4])
        b = np.bitwise_xor(w[5], w[6])
        tail = np.bitwise_xor(a, b)
        w = [w[1],w[2],w[3],w[4],w[5],w[6],w[7], tail]
        rc[i] = w[0]
    # Calculate bits
    for l in range(7):
        q = pow(2, l) - 1
        t = l + 7*rnd
        bit[0][0][q] = rc[l + 7*rnd]
    # Calculate aout
    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(5):
            for k in range(64):
                aout[i][j][k] = np.bitwise_xor(ain[i][j][k], bit[i][j][k])
    return aout
예제 #6
파일: ml.py 프로젝트: Bludge0n/adagio
def count_sensitive_neighborhood_hash(g):
    """ Compute the count sensitive neighborhood hashed 
        version of a graph.

    gnh = g.copy()
    g = array_labels_to_str(g)

    #iterate over every node in the graph
    for node in iter(g.nodes()):
        neighbors_labels = [g.node[n]["label"] for n in g.neighbors_iter(node)]

        #if node has no neighboors, nh is its own label
        if len(neighbors_labels) > 0:

            #count number of unique labels
            c = Counter(neighbors_labels)
            count_weighted_neighbors_labels = []
            for label, c in c.iteritems():
                label = str_to_array(label)
                c_bin = np.array( list(np.binary_repr( c, len(label) ) ), dtype=np.int64 )
                label = np.bitwise_xor( label, c_bin)
                label = np.roll( label, c )
                count_weighted_neighbors_labels.append( label )
            x = count_weighted_neighbors_labels[0]
            for l in count_weighted_neighbors_labels[1:]:
                x = np.bitwise_xor( x, l)
            node_label = str_to_array(g.node[node]["label"])
            csnh = np.bitwise_xor( np.roll( node_label, 1 ), x )
            csnh = str_to_array(g.node[node]["label"])

        gnh.node[node]["label"] = csnh

    return gnh   
def main():
    ax = mp.subplot(211)
    #ax = mp.subplot(211)
    #x, y = testData()
    x, y, flag = jupiter1()
    cin = np.arange(len(x))
    #import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
    idx = noise.singlePointDifferenceSigmaClip(y, 4, initialClip=flag)
    mp.plot(cin[~flag],y[~flag], 'k.')
    mp.plot(cin[idx], y[idx], 'ro', ms=10)
    mp.plot(cin[flag], y[flag], 'gs')
    mp.axvline(499, color='b')
    mp.subplot(212, sharex=ax)
    mp.plot(cin, y - np.roll(y, -1), 'ko-')
    mp.axvline(499, color='b')
    outliers = np.where(np.bitwise_xor(idx, flag))[0]
    outliers = np.bitwise_xor(idx, flag).astype(int)
    mp.plot(np.convolve(outliers, outliers, mode='same'))
def reconciliate(matlabEng, arrDelta, arrData_bin_2, n, k, m, strCoder):
        Given the delta, try to deduce data1 via reconciliation
    arrMsg_bin_2 = None
    arrCodeword_bin_2 = None    
    if (strCoder == CODER_GOLAY):
        n = 23
        k = 12
        arrMsg_bin_2 = golay.decode(matlabEng, 
                                    np.bitwise_xor(arrData_bin_2, arrDelta),
        arrCodeword_bin_2 = golay.encode(matlabEng, arrMsg_bin_2, k)
    elif (strCoder == CODER_RS):
        arrMsg_bin_2 = rs.decode(matlabEng,
                                 np.bitwise_xor(arrData_bin_2, arrDelta),
                                 n, k, m)
        arrCodeword_bin_2 = rs.encode(matlabEng, arrMsg_bin_2, n, k, m)
    elif (strCoder == CODER_HAMMING):
        arrMsg_bin_2 = fec.decode(matlabEng,
                                  np.bitwise_xor(arrData_bin_2, arrDelta),
                                  n, k, strCoder)
        arrCodeword_bin_2 = fec.encode(matlabEng, arrMsg_bin_2, n, k)
        raise ValueError("Unkown coder")
    # deduce data 1 from data 2 + delta
    arrDeducedData_bin_1 = np.bitwise_xor(arrCodeword_bin_2, arrDelta)
    return arrDeducedData_bin_1
예제 #9
파일: hybi.py 프로젝트: puffin/djangosocket
    def unmask(buf, f):
        s2a = lambda s: [ord(c) for c in s]
        s2b = lambda s: s

        pstart = f['hlen'] + 4
        pend = pstart + f['length']

        if numpy:
            b = c = s2b('')
            if f['length'] >= 4:
                mask = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.dtype('<u4'),
                        offset=f['hlen'], count=1)
                data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.dtype('<u4'),
                        offset=pstart, count=int(f['length'] / 4))
                b = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).tostring()

            if f['length'] % 4:
                mask = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.dtype('B'),
                        offset=f['hlen'], count=(f['length'] % 4))
                data = numpy.frombuffer(buf, dtype=numpy.dtype('B'),
                        offset=pend - (f['length'] % 4),
                        count=(f['length'] % 4))
                c = numpy.bitwise_xor(data, mask).tostring()
            return b + c
            data = array.array('B')
            mask = s2a(f['mask'])

            for i in range(len(data)):
                data[i] ^= mask[i % 4]
            return data.tostring()
예제 #10
def sign_change(img):
    img = img.reshape(28, 28)
    top = numpy.bitwise_xor(img, shift_up(img))
    top = [top[:, i].sum() / 255 for i in xrange(img.shape[1])]
    side = numpy.bitwise_xor(img, shift_left(img))
    side = [side[i, :].sum() / 255 for i in xrange(img.shape[1])]
    return numpy.array(top), numpy.array(side)
예제 #11
파일: SHA3.py 프로젝트: evanpaul22/pySHA-3
def chi(ain):
    aout = np.zeros((5,5,64), dtype = int) # Initialize empty 5x5x64 array

    for i in range(5):
        for j in range(5):
            for k in range(64):
                xor = np.bitwise_xor(ain[(i+1)%5][j][k], 1)
                mul = xor * (ain[(i+2)%5][j][k])
                aout[i][j][k] = np.bitwise_xor(ain[i][j][k], mul)
    return aout
예제 #12
def train_and_test(X_train,Y_train,X_test,Y_test,dtype,alpha,beta_percentile,cv=True):
	k = X_train.shape[0]
	n = X_test.shape[0]

	A = np.zeros(shape=(k,k))
	lambd = 1
	part1 = np.column_stack((X_train['guarantee_type'], X_train['gender']))
	part2 = np.column_stack((X_train['age'], X_train['account_value'], X_train['withdrawal_rate'],X_train['maturity']))

	for i in range(k):
		tmp = np.array([X_train[i],]*k, dtype=dtype)	
		tmp1 = np.column_stack((tmp['guarantee_type'], tmp['gender']))	#copy this row k times
		tmp2 = np.column_stack((tmp['age'], tmp['account_value'], tmp['withdrawal_rate'],tmp['maturity']))
		result1 = lambd*np.sum(np.bitwise_xor(part1, tmp1), axis=1)
		result2 = np.sum((part2-tmp2)**2,axis=1)
		A[i] = np.sqrt(result1+result2)

	# tmp = np.triu(A)
	# tmp = tmp[tmp!=0]
	max_dist = A.max()
	B = np.zeros(shape=(k+1,k+1))
	B[k] = B[:,k] = 1
	B[k,k] = 0	

	part1 = np.column_stack((X_test['guarantee_type'], X_test['gender']))
	part2 = np.column_stack((X_test['age'], X_test['account_value'], X_test['withdrawal_rate'],X_test['maturity']))

	weight_mat = np.zeros((k+1,n))
	weight_mat[k] = 1
	beta = max_dist*beta_percentile

	for j in range(k):
		B[j][:k] = alpha+np.exp(-3*A[j]/beta)	
		tmp = np.array([X_train[j],]*n, dtype=dtype)	
		tmp1 = np.column_stack((tmp['guarantee_type'], tmp['gender']))	#copy this row k times
		tmp2 = np.column_stack((tmp['age'], tmp['account_value'], tmp['withdrawal_rate'],tmp['maturity']))
		result1 = lambd*np.sum(np.bitwise_xor(part1, tmp1), axis=1)
		result2 = np.sum((part2-tmp2)**2,axis=1)
		weight_mat[j] = alpha+np.exp(np.sqrt(result1+result2)*(-3/beta))

	Y_train = np.append(Y_train, 0)
	const = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(B),Y_train)
	Y_hat = np.dot(const, weight_mat)
	if cv == True:
		RMSE = np.sqrt(sum((Y_test-Y_hat)**2)/n)
		return RMSE
		RMSE = np.sqrt(sum((Y_test-Y_hat)**2)/(n+k))
		MAD = sum(abs(Y_test-Y_hat))/(n+k)
		total = sum(Y_hat)+sum(Y_train)
		benchmark = sum(Y_test)+sum(Y_train)
		APD = abs(total-benchmark)
		RPD = APD/benchmark	
예제 #13
    def xor_arrays(cls, source, target):
        Moved to its own function for profiling purposes.
        May want to consider moving out to inline.
        The source array will be xored into place into
        the target array

        source -- Numpy array source array
        target -- Numpy array target array
        numpy.bitwise_xor(source, target, target)
예제 #14
    def key_expansion(self, cipher_key):
        if self.is_verbose:
            print "Computing key schedule..."

        key_schedule = np.copy(cipher_key)
        n_k = len(cipher_key)
        n_r = n_k + 6

        if self.is_verbose:
            print "               After     After      Rcon      XOR"
            print " i  Previous  RotWord   SubWord    Value    w/ Rcon   w[i-Nk]    Final"
            print "=== ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========  ========"

        for i in range(n_k, N_B * (n_r + 1)):
            prev = key_schedule[i - 1]
            first = key_schedule[i - n_k]
            temp = prev
            after_rot_word = None
            after_sub_word = None
            rcon_val = None
            after_xor_rcon = None

            if i % n_k == 0:
                after_rot_word = rot_word(prev)
                after_sub_word = sub_word(after_rot_word)
                rcon_val = rcon(i / n_k)
                after_xor_rcon = np.bitwise_xor(after_sub_word, rcon_val)
                temp = after_xor_rcon
            elif n_k > 6 and i % n_k == 4:
                after_sub_word = sub_word(prev)
                temp = after_sub_word

            final = np.bitwise_xor(first, temp)

            key_schedule = np.append(key_schedule, final.reshape(1, 4), axis=0)

            if self.is_verbose:
                print "{:02}: {}  {}  {}  {}  {}  {}  {}".format(

        if self.is_verbose:

        return key_schedule, n_k, n_r
예제 #15
 def expand_key(self, key):
     self.round_keys = []
     for i in range(1, NUM_ROUNDS+1):
         # Always transpose, words are columns and not rows
         previous_key = self.round_keys[i-1].transpose()
         round_key = np.zeros(key.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
         round_key[0] = np.bitwise_xor(self.g(previous_key[3], i),
         round_key[1] = np.bitwise_xor(round_key[0], previous_key[1])
         round_key[2] = np.bitwise_xor(round_key[1], previous_key[2])
         round_key[3] = np.bitwise_xor(round_key[2], previous_key[3])
예제 #16
def add_noise(y, x, noise_y_rate, noise_x_rate):
    assert(noise_y_rate >= 0 and noise_y_rate <= 1)
    assert(noise_x_rate >= 0 and noise_x_rate <= 1)

    tmp_y = (y + np.ones_like(y)) / 2
    noise_y = np.random.random(y.shape) < noise_y_rate

    new_y = np.bitwise_xor(tmp_y, noise_y)
    new_y = (2 * new_y) - np.ones_like(new_y)

    noise_x = np.random.random(x.shape) < noise_x_rate
    new_x = np.bitwise_xor(x, noise_x)

    return (new_y, new_x)
예제 #17
파일: rds.py 프로젝트: dswiston/pyFmRadio
  def ErrorCorrection(self,syndrome,inBits):
  # LUT based error correction
  # errVector = find( errorSyndromes == syndrome );
  # if numel(errVector)>1
  #   disp('Help!');
  # end
  # if isempty(errVector)
  #   failure = true;
  # else
  #   inBits = bitxor(inBits,errorVectors(errVector(1),:));
  #   failure = false;
  # end

    corrected = 0;
      # Meggitt algorithm, only correct data bits (16), not the parity bits
      for ndx in range(16):
        # The first (most significant) bit is one
        if (np.bitwise_and(syndrome,512)):
          # If the first bit is a one and the last 5 (least significant bits)
          # are zero, this indicates an error at the current bit (ndx) position
          if (np.bitwise_and(syndrome,31) == 0):
            # The code can correct bursts up to 5 bits long.  Check to see if
            # the error is a burst or not.  If it isn't a burst, it isn't
            # correctable, return immediately with a failure.
            tmp = np.bitwise_and(syndrome,480);
            if ~(tmp == 480 | tmp == 448 | tmp == 384 | tmp == 256 | tmp == 0):
            # The error appears to be a burst error, attempt to correct
            inBits[ndx] = np.bitwise_xor(inBits(ndx),1);
            # Shift the syndrome
            syndrome = np.left_shift(syndrome,1);
            # Least significant bits do not indicate the current bit (ndx) is
            # an error in a burst.  Continue shifting the syndrome and then apply the
            # generator polynomial.
            syndrome = np.left_shift(syndrome,1);
            syndrome = np.bitwise_xor(syndrome,441);
          # Not a one at the first (most significant) syndrome bit, applying generator polynomial
          # is trivial in this case.
          syndrome = np.left_shift(syndrome,1);
      # If after this process the syndrome is not zero, there was a
      # uncorrectable error.
      if (np.bitwise_and(syndrome,1023)==0):
        corrected = 1;
    return (inBits, corrected);
예제 #18
파일: patternfn.py 프로젝트: ioam/imagen
def ring(x, y, height, thickness, gaussian_width):
    Circular ring (annulus) with Gaussian fall-off after the solid ring-shaped region.
    radius = height/2.0
    half_thickness = thickness/2.0

    distance_from_origin = np.sqrt(x**2+y**2)
    distance_outside_outer_disk = distance_from_origin - radius - half_thickness
    distance_inside_inner_disk = radius - half_thickness - distance_from_origin

    ring = 1.0-np.bitwise_xor(np.greater_equal(distance_inside_inner_disk,0.0),

    sigmasq = gaussian_width*gaussian_width

    if sigmasq==0.0:
        inner_falloff = x*0.0
        outer_falloff = x*0.0
        with float_error_ignore():
            inner_falloff = np.exp(np.divide(-distance_inside_inner_disk*distance_inside_inner_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))
            outer_falloff = np.exp(np.divide(-distance_outside_outer_disk*distance_outside_outer_disk, 2.0*sigmasq))

    return np.maximum(inner_falloff,np.maximum(outer_falloff,ring))
예제 #19
def decrypt_bytes(bytes_in, key):
    # get the function from the cuda_kernel
    func = sm.get_function("decipher")

    iv = np.array([1,2], dtype=np.uint32)
    ha = np.fromstring(hashlib.md5(key).digest(), np.uint32)

    output = np.empty_like(bytes_in)
    prev_decrypt = iv
    length = len(bytes_in)

    # assign a number < 1024 for the number of threads for each block
    num_threads = 256

    # number of blocks is the total length divided by 2, divided for the number of threads per block and + 1 in case of rest
    # /2 because in decipher each part of the message is processed in pair
    num_blocks = ((length / 2) / num_threads) + 1

    # call the function decipher and generate the output [v1,v2] nump array
    decipher_output = np.empty(length, dtype=np.uint32)

    func(np.int32(32), drv.In(bytes_in), drv.In(ha), drv.InOut(decipher_output), np.int32(length), block=(num_threads,1,1), grid=(num_blocks,1,1))

    # now in decipher_output there are all the v0 and v1 couple
    i = 0;
    while(i < length - 1):
        output[i:i+2] = np.bitwise_xor(decipher_output[i:i+2], prev_decrypt)
        prev_decrypt = bytes_in[i:i+2]
        i += 2
    return output
예제 #20
파일: knn.py 프로젝트: aadah/nlp_proj
 def test(self):
     N, D = self.XY_test.shape
     Y = self.XY_test[:,-2:]
     pred = self.classify()
     TP = FP = FN = TN = 0
     res = np.empty((N,))
     for i in xrange(N):
         l1 = pred[i]
         l2 = pred[N+i]
         #print 'pred',l1,l2
         #print 'Y',Y[i,0],Y[i,1]
         if l1 == l2 and Y[i,0] == Y[i,1]:
             TP += 1
         elif l1 == l2 and Y[i,0] != Y[i,1]:
             FP += 1
         elif l1 != l2 and Y[i,0] == Y[i,1]:
             FN += 1
         elif l1 != l2 and Y[i,0] != Y[i,1]:
             TN += 1
         res[i] = 1-np.bitwise_xor(int(np.sign(abs(l1-l2))),int(np.sign(abs(Y[i,0]-Y[i,1]))))
     print 'TP:',TP
     print 'FP:',FP
     print 'FN:',FN
     print 'TN:',TN
     print 'Accuracy:',float(np.sum(res))/N
예제 #21
 def execute(self, slot, subindex, roi, result):
     assert slot == self.Output, "Unknown output slot: {}".format( slot.name )
     if self.SelectedLabel.value == 0:
         result[:] = 0
         # Can't use writeInto() here because dtypes don't match.
         inputLabels = self.Input(roi.start, roi.stop).wait()
         # Use two in-place bitwise operations instead of numpy.where
         # This avoids the temporary variable created by (inputLabels == x)
         #result[:] = numpy.where( inputLabels == self.SelectedLabel.value, 1, 0 )
         numpy.bitwise_xor(inputLabels, self.SelectedLabel.value, out=inputLabels) # All 
         numpy.logical_not(inputLabels, out=inputLabels)
         result[:] = inputLabels # Copy from uint32 to uint8
     return result
예제 #22
파일: packet_utils.py 프로젝트: UpYou/relay
def unmake_packet(whitened_payload_with_crc, whitener_offset=0, dewhitening=True):
    Return (payload)

    @param whitened_payload_with_crc: string
    dewhitening = True

    if dewhitening:
        i = frombuffer(whitened_payload_with_crc,  dtype = byte)
        j = frombuffer(random_mask[0:len(whitened_payload_with_crc)],  dtype = byte)
            payload = (bitwise_xor(i, j)).tostring()
            print "Error: receiving arguments do not have equal length!"
        payload = (whitened_payload_with_crc)

    if 0:
        print "payload_with_crc =", string_to_hex_list(payload_with_crc)
        print "ok = %r, len(payload) = %d" % (ok, len(payload))
        print "payload =", string_to_hex_list(payload)

    return payload
예제 #23
def get_synthetic_clusters_dataset(n_clusters = 4, n_dims = 20, n_training = 1000, n_test = 200,
        sparsity = 0.5, flip_noise = 0.1, seed = 3425):
    A dataset consisting of clustered binary data with "bit-flip" noise, and the corresponding cluster labels.
    This should be trivially solvable by any classifier, and serves as a basic test of whether your classifier is
    completely broken or not.

    :param n_clusters:
    :param n_dims:
    :param n_samples_training:
    :param n_samples_test:
    :param sparsity:
    :param flip_noise:
    :param seed:

    rng = np.random.RandomState(seed)
    labels = rng.randint(n_clusters, size = n_training+n_test)  # (n_samples, )
    centers = rng.rand(n_clusters, n_dims) < sparsity  # (n_samples, n_dims)
    input_data = centers[labels]
    input_data = np.bitwise_xor(input_data, rng.rand(*input_data.shape) < flip_noise)

    return DataSet(
        training_set = DataCollection(input_data[:n_training], labels[:n_training]),
        test_set = DataCollection(input_data[n_training:], labels[n_training:]),
        name = 'Synthetic Clusters Dataset'
def k_cross_validation(k, N, X, y, classifier):
    indexSet = set([i for i in range(N)])

    partitionDict = dict()
    for i in range(k):
        partitionDict[i] = [np.matrix(np.empty((0, np.size(X, 1)), X[0, 0].dtype)),
                            np.matrix(np.empty((0, 1), y[0, 0].dtype))]
    for _ in range(N):
        partitionKey = _ % k
        i = random.sample(indexSet, 1)[0]
        partitionDict[partitionKey][0] = np.append(partitionDict[partitionKey][0], X[i], axis=0)
        partitionDict[partitionKey][1] = np.append(partitionDict[partitionKey][1], y[i], axis=0)

    for key in partitionDict:
        validationPartition = partitionDict[key]
        validation_X = validationPartition[0]
        validation_y = validationPartition[1]

        train_X = np.matrix(np.empty((0, np.size(X, 1)), X[0, 0].dtype))
        train_y = np.matrix(np.empty((0, 1), y[0, 0].dtype))

        for otherKey in partitionDict:
            if otherKey != key:
                trainingPartition = partitionDict[otherKey]
                train_X = np.append(train_X, trainingPartition[0], axis=0)
                train_y = np.append(train_y, trainingPartition[1], axis=0)

        classifier.train(train_X, train_y)
        y_hat = np.matrix(classifier.predict(validation_X), dtype=validation_y.dtype)
        print("validation error rate is: {0}".format(
            (np.sum(np.bitwise_xor(y_hat, validation_y)) / np.size(validation_y, 0))))
예제 #25
def process_frame(frame, filename=None):
    ##print frame

    # Keep a copy of the frame, we need it later.
    orig_frame = numpy.copy(frame)
    new_frame_for_show = numpy.copy(frame)

    # Remove the R and G layers
    new_frame = frame[:,:,2]
    #mpimg.imsave('filteredRGB'+filename, new_frame_for_show, format='png')
    new_new_frame = cv2.filter2D(new_frame, -1, smoothing_kernel2D(25))
    #mpimg.imsave('SmoothedFilteredRGB'+filename, new_frame, format='png')
    # Histogram plot, helps choose threshold
    #hist = cv2.calcHist([new_new_frame], [0], None, 256, [0,256])
    #plt.hist(new_new_frame.ravel(), 256, [0,256]);
    #print "NEW_FRAME", type(new_new_frame)
    #print "Max, new_new_frame", numpy.amax(new_new_frame)

    # Binarize the image
    thresholding_filter = numpy.vectorize(lambda x: 255 if x>30 else 0)
    filtered_frame = thresholding_filter(new_new_frame)
    #print "max, filtered", numpy.amax(filtered_frame)
    #print filtered_frame

    # Find and Mark center of frame
    cx, cy = FindCenter(filtered_frame)
    if cx and cy:
        filtered_frame[int(cy)-5:int(cy)+5, int(cx)-5:int(cx)+5] = 128

    mask = numpy.ndarray(filtered_frame.shape, dtype=int)
    mask[:,:] = 255
    #print "MASK:", mask
    inverted_filter = numpy.bitwise_xor(mask, filtered_frame)
    frame_ball_marked = numpy.bitwise_and(orig_frame, numpy.dstack([inverted_filter]*3))
    # Show grey scale
    if filename:
        plt.imshow(filtered_frame, cmap=cm.Greys_r)
        plt.savefig(filename+".png", format='png')
        #plt.savefig(filename+"Marked.png", format='png')

    return cx, cy
예제 #26
def label_state(comm):
    """ Label/personalize the random generator state for the local rank."""

    def get_mask(rank):
        """ Get a uint32 mask array to use to xor the random generator state.

        We do not simply return the rank, as this small change to the
        state of the Mersenne Twister only causes small changes in
        the generated sequence. (The generators will eventually
        diverge, but this takes a while.) So we scramble the mask up
        a lot more, still deterministically, using a cryptographic hash.
        See: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mersenne_twister#Disadvantages
        # Since we will be converting to/from bytes, endianness is important.
        uint32be = np.dtype('>u4')
        x = np.empty([624 // 8, 2], dtype=uint32be)
        # The hash of the rank catted with an increasing index
        # (stuffed into big-endian uint32s) are hashed with SHA-256 to make
        # the XOR mask for 8 consecutive uint32 words for a 624-word
        # Mersenne Twister state.
        x[:, 0] = rank
        x[:, 1] = np.arange(624 // 8)
        mask_buffer = b''.join(sha256(row).digest() for row in x)
        # And convert back to native-endian.
        mask = np.frombuffer(mask_buffer, dtype=uint32be).astype(np.uint32)
        return mask

    rank = comm.Get_rank()
    mask = get_mask(rank)
    # For the Mersenne Twister used by numpy, the state is a 5-tuple,
    # with the important part being an array of 624 uint32 values.
    # We xor the mask into that array, and leave the rest of the tuple alone.
    s0, orig_array, s2, s3, s4 = np.random.get_state()
    mod_array = np.bitwise_xor(orig_array, mask)
    np.random.set_state((s0, mod_array, s2, s3, s4))
예제 #27
    def compare(self, im):
        """Show differences between images

            - `im`: the comparison image

        @Returns: a difference image

        header_diff = HeaderDifference(self, im)
        hdus = (('science', self.data, im.data),
                ('mask', self.mask, im.mask),
                ('weight', self.weight, im.weight))

        diff_im = DESImage()
        for ext, im1, im2 in hdus:
            if ext=='science':
                diff_im.data = im1-im2
            elif ext=='mask':
                diff_im.mask = np.bitwise_xor(im1, im2)
            elif ext=='weight':
                diff_im.weight = im1-im2

        comparison = DESImageComparison(header_diff, diff_im)
        return comparison
def computeDelta(matlabEng, arrData_bin_1, n, k, m, strCoder):
        compute the delta for reconciliation
    # find corresponding codeword of data 1
    arrMsg_bin_1 = None
    arrCodeword_bin_1 = None

    if(strCoder == CODER_GOLAY):
        n = 23
        k = 12
        arrMsg_bin_1 = golay.decode(matlabEng, arrData_bin_1, n)
        arrCodeword_bin_1 = golay.encode(matlabEng, arrMsg_bin_1, k)
    elif (strCoder == CODER_RS):
        arrMsg_bin_1 = rs.decode(matlabEng, arrData_bin_1, n, k, m)
        arrCodeword_bin_1 = rs.encode(matlabEng, arrMsg_bin_1, n, k, m)
    elif(strCoder == CODER_HAMMING):
        arrMsg_bin_1 = fec.decode(matlabEng, arrData_bin_1, 
                                  n, k, strCoder)
        arrCodeword_bin_1 = fec.encode(matlabEng, arrMsg_bin_1,
                                       n, k, strCoder)
        raise ValueError("Unkown coder")
    # compute the difference
    arrDelta = np.bitwise_xor(arrData_bin_1, arrCodeword_bin_1)
    return arrDelta
예제 #29
    def arithmetic_phase(self, operation, node):
        Arithmetic phase

        for case in Switch(operation):
            if case('AND'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.bitwise_and(self.input1[:, node], self.input2[:, node])
            if case('OR'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.bitwise_or(self.input1[:, node], self.input2[:, node])
            if case('XOR'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.bitwise_xor(self.input1[:, node], self.input2[:, node])
            if case('NOR'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.bitwise_nor(self.input1[:, node])  # Single operand instruction
            if case('ADD'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.add(self.input1[:, node], self.input2[:, node])
            if case('SUB'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.subtract(self.input1[:, node], self.input2[:, node])
            if case('MULT'):
                self.output[:, node] = np.multiply(self.input1[:, node], self.input2[:, node])
            if case():  # Default
                print("Error! Undefined instruction ", operation)
예제 #30
    def query_with_distances(self, v, n):
        """Find indices of `n` most similar vectors from the index to query vector `v`."""
        if self._metric == 'hamming':
            v = numpy.packbits(v)

        if self._metric != 'jaccard':
            # use same precision for query as for index
            v = numpy.ascontiguousarray(v, dtype = self.index.dtype)

        # HACK we ignore query length as that's a constant not affecting the final ordering
        if self._metric == 'angular':
            # argmax_a cossim(a, b) = argmax_a dot(a, b) / |a||b| = argmin_a -dot(a, b)
            dists = -numpy.dot(self.index, v)
        elif self._metric == 'euclidean':
            # argmin_a (a - b)^2 = argmin_a a^2 - 2ab + b^2 = argmin_a a^2 - 2ab
            dists = self.lengths - 2 * numpy.dot(self.index, v)
        elif self._metric == 'hamming':
            diff = numpy.bitwise_xor(v, self.index)
            pc = BruteForceBLAS.popcount
            den = float(len(v) * 8)
            dists = [sum([pc[part] for part in point]) / den for point in diff]
        elif self._metric == 'jaccard':
            dists = [pd[self._metric]['distance'](v, e) for e in self.index]
            assert False, "invalid metric"  # shouldn't get past the constructor!
        nearest_indices = numpy.argpartition(dists, n)[:n]  # partition-sort by distance, get `n` closest
        indices = [idx for idx in nearest_indices if pd[self._metric]["distance_valid"](dists[idx])]
        def fix(index):
            ep = self.index[index]
            ev = v
            if self._metric == "hamming":
                ep = numpy.unpackbits(ep)
                ev = numpy.unpackbits(ev)
            return (index, pd[self._metric]['distance'](ep, ev))
        return map(fix, indices)
예제 #31
def get_groupacc(finetuned_model_pr, concept_arraynew2, f_train, f_val,
                 concept, n_concept, n_cluster, n0, verbose):
    """Gets the group accuracy for discovered concepts."""
    min_weight = finetuned_model_pr.layers[-5].get_weights()[0]
    sim_array = np.zeros((n_cluster, n_concept))
    for j in range(n_cluster):
        sim_array[j, :] = np.mean(np.matmul(concept_arraynew2[j, :100, :],

    posneg = np.zeros(5)
    sim_array_0mean = sim_array - np.mean(sim_array, axis=0)
    max_cluster = np.argmax(np.abs(sim_array_0mean), axis=0)
    for count in range(5):
        posneg[count] = sim_array_0mean[max_cluster[count], count] > 0
    loss_table = np.zeros((5, 5))
    for count in range(5):
        for count2 in range(5):
            # count2 = max_cluster[count]
            mean0 = np.mean(
                          min_weight[:, count])[concept[:n0,
                                                        count2] == 0]) * 100
            mean1 = np.mean(
                          min_weight[:, count])[concept[:n0,
                                                        count2] == 1]) * 100

            if mean0 < mean1:
                pos = 1
                pos = -1
            best_err = 1e10
            best_bias = 0
            a = int((mean1 - mean0) / 20)
            if a == 0:
                a = pos
            for bias in range(int(mean0), int(mean1), a):
                if pos == 1:
                    if np.sum(
                                concept[:n0, count2],
                                np.matmul(f_train, min_weight[:, count]) >
                                bias / 100.)) < best_err:
                        best_err = np.sum(
                                concept[:n0, count2],
                                np.matmul(f_train, min_weight[:, count]) >
                                bias / 100.))
                        best_bias = bias
                    if np.sum(
                                concept[:n0, count2],
                                np.matmul(f_train, min_weight[:, count]) <
                                bias / 100.)) < best_err:
                        best_err = np.sum(
                                concept[:n0, count2],
                                np.matmul(f_train, min_weight[:, count]) <
                                bias / 100.))
                        best_bias = bias
            if pos == 1:
                loss_table[count, count2] = np.sum(
                        concept[n0:, count2],
                        np.matmul(f_val, min_weight[:, count]) >
                        best_bias / 100.)) / 12000
                if verbose:
                                concept[n0:, count2],
                                np.matmul(f_val, min_weight[:, count]) >
                                best_bias / 100.)) / 12000)
                loss_table[count, count2] = np.sum(
                        concept[n0:, count2],
                        np.matmul(f_val, min_weight[:, count]) <
                        best_bias / 100.)) / 12000
                if verbose:
                                concept[n0:, count2],
                                np.matmul(f_val, min_weight[:, count]) <
                                best_bias / 100.)) / 12000)
    print(np.amin(loss_table, axis=0))
    acc = np.mean(np.amin(loss_table, axis=0))
    return min_weight, acc
예제 #32
 def numpy_bitwise_xor(x1, x2):
     x1 = dpnp.asnumpy(x1) if isinstance(x1, dparray) else x1
     x2 = dpnp.asnumpy(x2) if isinstance(x2, dparray) else x2
     return numpy.bitwise_xor(x1, x2)
예제 #33
def hammingB(x, y):
    # This function computes the normalised hamming distance between two binary vectors
    # h = 1.0 - float(np.sum(np.logical_xor(X, Y)))/len(X)
    # count is faster than sum
    return 1.0 - float(np.count_nonzero(np.bitwise_xor(x, y))) / len(x)
예제 #34
def bitwiseXOR(img1, img2):
    new = np.bitwise_xor(img1, img2)
    return new
예제 #35
def hamming(x, y):
    x = np.asarray(x, np.bool)
    y = np.asarray(y, np.bool)
    return np.bitwise_xor(x, y).sum()
예제 #36
파일: compare.py 프로젝트: werty9021/bnn
         size[0], size[1], suffix),
     out = np.fromfile('data/output/{}.bin'.format(suffix), dtype=out_dtype)
     # ref=ref.reshape((64,*size))
     # out=out.reshape((64,*size))
     # print(ref[8])
     # print(out[8])
     # for i in range(64):
     #     print((ref[i]-out[i]).sum())
     for i in range(5):
         print(bin(ref[i]), " ", end='')
     for i in range(5):
         print(bin(out[i]), " ", end='')
     mean = np.bitwise_xor(ref, out).mean()
 elif 'conv' in suffix and suffix not in ['conv0', 'conv16']:
     ref = np.fromfile('data/ref/{}x{}/{}.bin'.format(
         size[0], size[1], suffix),
                       dtype=ref_dtype).reshape((*size, 64))
     out = np.fromfile('data/output/{}.bin'.format(suffix),
                       dtype=out_dtype).reshape((*size, 64))
     # out2=out
     out2 = np.zeros_like(out, dtype=np.int32)
     for k in range(0, 64):
         for j in range(0, size[0]):
             for i in range(0, size[1]):
                 T = 9 * 64
                 if (i == 0 or i == size[1] - 1):
                     T -= 3 * 64
                 if (j == 0 or j == size[0] - 1):
예제 #37
def i4_sobol(dim_num, seed):

     I4_SOBOL generates a new quasirandom Sobol vector with each call.


        The routine adapts the ideas of Antonov and Saleev.


        This code is distributed under the MIT license.


        22 February 2011


        Original FORTRAN77 version by Bennett Fox.
        MATLAB version by John Burkardt.
        PYTHON version by Corrado Chisari


        Antonov, Saleev,
        USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,
        olume 19, 19, pages 252 - 256.

        Paul Bratley, Bennett Fox,
        Algorithm 659:
        Implementing Sobol's Quasirandom Sequence Generator,
        ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
        Volume 14, Number 1, pages 88-100, 1988.

        Bennett Fox,
        Algorithm 647:
        Implementation and Relative Efficiency of Quasirandom
        Sequence Generators,
        ACM Transactions on Mathematical Software,
        Volume 12, Number 4, pages 362-376, 1986.

        Ilya Sobol,
        USSR Computational Mathematics and Mathematical Physics,
        Volume 16, pages 236-242, 1977.

        Ilya Sobol, Levitan,
        The Production of Points Uniformly Distributed in a Multidimensional
        Cube (in Russian),
        Preprint IPM Akad. Nauk SSSR,
        Number 40, Moscow 1976.


        Input, integer DIM_NUM, the number of spatial dimensions.
        DIM_NUM must satisfy 1 <= DIM_NUM <= 40.

        Input/output, integer SEED, the "seed" for the sequence.
        This is essentially the index in the sequence of the quasirandom
        value to be generated.    On output, SEED has been set to the
        appropriate next value, usually simply SEED+1.
        If SEED is less than 0 on input, it is treated as though it were 0.
        An input value of 0 requests the first (0-th) element of the sequence.

        Output, real QUASI(DIM_NUM), the next quasirandom vector.


    global atmost
    global dim_max
    global dim_num_save
    global initialized
    global lastq
    global log_max
    global maxcol
    global poly
    global recipd
    global seed_save
    global v

    if not initialized or dim_num != dim_num_save:
        initialized = 1
        dim_max = 40
        dim_num_save = -1
        log_max = 30
        seed_save = -1
        #    Initialize (part of) V.
        v = np.zeros((dim_max, log_max))
        v[0:40, 0] = np.transpose([
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

        v[2:40, 1] = np.transpose([
            1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3,
            3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3

        v[3:40, 2] = np.transpose([
            7, 5, 1, 3, 3, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 5, 1, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 7,
            5, 1, 3, 3, 7, 5, 1, 1, 5, 7, 7, 5, 1, 3, 3

        v[5:40, 3] = np.transpose([
            1, 7, 9, 13, 11, 1, 3, 7, 9, 5, 13, 13, 11, 3, 15, 5, 3, 15, 7, 9,
            13, 9, 1, 11, 7, 5, 15, 1, 15, 11, 5, 3, 1, 7, 9

        v[7:40, 4] = np.transpose([
            9, 3, 27, 15, 29, 21, 23, 19, 11, 25, 7, 13, 17, 1, 25, 29, 3, 31,
            11, 5, 23, 27, 19, 21, 5, 1, 17, 13, 7, 15, 9, 31, 9

        v[13:40, 5] = np.transpose([
            37, 33, 7, 5, 11, 39, 63, 27, 17, 15, 23, 29, 3, 21, 13, 31, 25, 9,
            49, 33, 19, 29, 11, 19, 27, 15, 25

        v[19:40, 6] = np.transpose([
            13, 33, 115, 41, 79, 17, 29, 119, 75, 73, 105, 7, 59, 65, 21, 3,
            113, 61, 89, 45, 107

        v[37:40, 7] = np.transpose([7, 23, 39])
        #    Set POLY.
        poly = [
            1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 19, 25, 37, 59, 47, 61, 55, 41, 67, 97, 91, 109,
            103, 115, 131, 193, 137, 145, 143, 241, 157, 185, 167, 229, 171,
            213, 191, 253, 203, 211, 239, 247, 285, 369, 299

        atmost = 2**log_max - 1
        #    Find the number of bits in ATMOST.
        maxcol = i4_bit_hi1(atmost)
        #    Initialize row 1 of V.
        v[0, 0:maxcol] = 1

        # Things to do only if the dimension changed.

    if dim_num != dim_num_save:
        #    Check parameters.
        if (dim_num < 1 or dim_max < dim_num):
            print('I4_SOBOL - Fatal error!')
            print('    The spatial dimension DIM_NUM should satisfy:')
            print('        1 <= DIM_NUM <= %d' % dim_max)
            print('    But this input value is DIM_NUM = %d' % dim_num)
            return None

        dim_num_save = dim_num
        #    Initialize the remaining rows of V.
        for i in range(2, dim_num + 1):
            #    The bits of the integer POLY(I) gives the form of polynomial
            #    I.
            #    Find the degree of polynomial I from binary encoding.
            j = poly[i - 1]
            m = 0
            while True:
                j = math.floor(j / 2.)
                if (j <= 0):
                m = m + 1
            #    Expand this bit pattern to separate components of the logical
            #    array INCLUD.
            j = poly[i - 1]
            includ = np.zeros(m)
            for k in range(m, 0, -1):
                j2 = math.floor(j / 2.)
                includ[k - 1] = (j != 2 * j2)
                j = j2
            #    Calculate the remaining elements of row I as explained
            #    in Bratley and Fox, section 2.
            for j in range(m + 1, maxcol + 1):
                newv = v[i - 1, j - m - 1]
                l_var = 1
                for k in range(1, m + 1):
                    l_var = 2 * l_var
                    if (includ[k - 1]):
                        newv = np.bitwise_xor(int(newv),
                                              int(l_var * v[i - 1, j - k - 1]))
                v[i - 1, j - 1] = newv
#    Multiply columns of V by appropriate power of 2.
        l_var = 1
        for j in range(maxcol - 1, 0, -1):
            l_var = 2 * l_var
            v[0:dim_num, j - 1] = v[0:dim_num, j - 1] * l_var
#    RECIPD is 1/(common denominator of the elements in V).
        recipd = 1.0 / (2 * l_var)
        lastq = np.zeros(dim_num)

    seed = int(math.floor(seed))

    if (seed < 0):
        seed = 0

    if (seed == 0):
        l_var = 1
        lastq = np.zeros(dim_num)

    elif (seed == seed_save + 1):
        #    Find the position of the right-hand zero in SEED.
        l_var = i4_bit_lo0(seed)

    elif (seed <= seed_save):

        seed_save = 0
        lastq = np.zeros(dim_num)

        for seed_temp in range(int(seed_save), int(seed)):
            l_var = i4_bit_lo0(seed_temp)
            for i in range(1, dim_num + 1):
                lastq[i - 1] = np.bitwise_xor(int(lastq[i - 1]),
                                              int(v[i - 1, l_var - 1]))

        l_var = i4_bit_lo0(seed)

    elif (seed_save + 1 < seed):

        for seed_temp in range(int(seed_save + 1), int(seed)):
            l_var = i4_bit_lo0(seed_temp)
            for i in range(1, dim_num + 1):
                lastq[i - 1] = np.bitwise_xor(int(lastq[i - 1]),
                                              int(v[i - 1, l_var - 1]))

        l_var = i4_bit_lo0(seed)
#    Check that the user is not calling too many times!
    if maxcol < l_var:
        print('I4_SOBOL - Fatal error!')
        print('    Too many calls!')
        print('    MAXCOL = %d\n' % maxcol)
        print('    L =            %d\n' % l_var)
        return None

#    Calculate the new components of QUASI.
    quasi = np.zeros(dim_num)
    for i in range(1, dim_num + 1):
        quasi[i - 1] = lastq[i - 1] * recipd
        lastq[i - 1] = np.bitwise_xor(int(lastq[i - 1]),
                                      int(v[i - 1, l_var - 1]))

    seed_save = seed
    seed = seed + 1

    return [quasi, seed]
예제 #38
def create_dataset(skip, n_sample=60000):
    """Creates toy dataset and save to disk."""
    assert n_sample > 15  # or it will clearly bug
    concept = np.reshape(np.random.randint(
        2, size=15 * n_sample), (-1, 15)).astype(
            np.bool_)  # shape (n_sample, 15), type boolean, (60000, 15)
    concept[:15, :15] = np.eye(15)  # hardcode some entries to 1 # TODO WHY
    fig = Figure(figsize=(3, 3))
    canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
    axes = fig.gca()
    axes.set_xlim([0, 10])
    axes.set_ylim([0, 10])
    width, height = fig.get_size_inches() * fig.get_dpi()
    width = int(width)
    height = int(height)
    location = [(1.3, 1.3), (3.3, 1.3), (5.3, 1.3), (7.3, 1.3), (1.3, 3.3),
                (3.3, 3.3), (5.3, 3.3), (7.3, 3.3), (1.3, 5.3), (3.3, 5.3),
                (5.3, 5.3), (7.3, 5.3), (1.3, 7.3), (3.3, 7.3),
                (5.3, 7.3)]  # all possible locations for shape to appear
    x = np.zeros(
        (n_sample, width, height, 3),
        dtype='uint8')  # specify data type to save memory / avoid warning
    color_array = [
        'green', 'red', 'blue', 'black', 'orange', 'purple', 'yellow'
    if not skip:
        for i in range(n_sample):
            fig = Figure(figsize=(3, 3))
            canvas = FigureCanvas(fig)
            axes = fig.gca()
            axes.set_xlim([0, 10])
            axes.set_ylim([0, 10])
            # added by Tony, without reset all x will draw on same canvas, bug
            location_bool = np.zeros(
            )  # [Added by Tony, or it will inf loop, bug]: for each image, record whether the location has shape already, to avoid overlap
            if i % 1000 == 0:
                print('{} images are created'.format(i))
            if concept[
                    5] == 1:  # consider concept 5, of image i. 1 means that concept needs to appear in the image generated
                a = np.random.randint(
                )  # select a random int to index into variable "location"
                while location_bool[
                        a] == 1:  # if the place has already been taken by other shape
                    a = np.random.randint(
                    )  # sample it again # these three lines amount to finding a random place in image that is not taken
                location_bool[a] = 1  # mark that the place chosen is chosen
                    location[a][0],  # x pos
                    location[a][1],  # y pos
                    'x',  # shape
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) %
                                      7],  # a random color
                    markersize=8,  # size of shape
                )  # marker edge width
                # ms=8) # redundant argument. bug.
            if concept[i, 6] == 1:  # repeat the same thing for concept 6
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 7] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 8] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 9] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 10] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 11] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 12] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 13] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 14] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 0] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 1] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 2] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=5)
            if concept[i, 3] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            if concept[i, 4] == 1:
                a = np.random.randint(15)
                while location_bool[a] == 1:
                    a = np.random.randint(15)
                location_bool[a] = 1
                    color=color_array[np.random.randint(100) % 7],
                # ms=8)
            image = np.fromstring(canvas.tostring_rgb(),
                                  dtype='uint8').reshape(width, height, 3)
            x[i, :, :, :] = image
            )  # they also did not close the graph: their cluster probably has 500G memory so it does not matter :)

            # imgplot = plt.imshow(image)
            # plt.show()

        # create label by booling functions
        y = np.zeros((n_sample, 15))
        y[:, 0] = ((1 - concept[:, 0] * concept[:, 2]) + concept[:, 3]) > 0
        y[:, 1] = concept[:, 1] + (concept[:, 2] * concept[:, 3])
        y[:, 2] = (concept[:, 3] * concept[:, 4]) + (concept[:, 1] *
                                                     concept[:, 2])
        y[:, 3] = np.bitwise_xor(concept[:, 0], concept[:, 1])
        y[:, 4] = concept[:, 1] + concept[:, 4]
        y[:, 5] = (1 - (concept[:, 0] + concept[:, 3] + concept[:, 4])) > 0
        y[:, 6] = np.bitwise_xor(concept[:, 1] * concept[:, 2], concept[:, 4])
        y[:, 7] = concept[:, 0] * concept[:, 4] + concept[:, 1]
        y[:, 8] = concept[:, 2]
        y[:, 9] = np.bitwise_xor(concept[:, 0] + concept[:, 1], concept[:, 3])
        y[:, 10] = (1 - (concept[:, 2] + concept[:, 4])) > 0
        y[:, 11] = concept[:, 0] + concept[:, 3] + concept[:, 4]
        y[:, 12] = np.bitwise_xor(concept[:, 1], concept[:, 2])
        y[:, 13] = (1 - (concept[:, 0] * concept[:, 4] + concept[:, 3])) > 0
        y[:, 14] = np.bitwise_xor(concept[:, 4], concept[:, 3])

        np.save('x_data.npy', x)
        np.save('y_data.npy', y)
        np.save('concept_data.npy', concept)

    return width, height
예제 #39
def compute_W(patch, Y, A, C, CdotA, radius, dims):
    """compute background according to ring model
    solves the problem
        min_{W,b0} ||X-W*X|| with X = Y - A*C - b0*1'
    subject to
        W(i,j) = 0 for each pixel j that is not in ring around pixel i
    Problem parallelizes over pixels i
    Fluctuating background activity is W*X, constant baselines b0.
    Y: np.ndarray (2D or 3D)
        movie, raw data in 2D or 3D (pixels x time).
    A: np.ndarray or sparse matrix
        spatial footprint of each neuron.
    C: np.ndarray
        calcium activity of each neuron.
    dims: tuple
        x, y[, z] movie dimensions
    radius: int
        radius of ring
    data_fits_in_memory: [optional] bool
        If true, use faster but more memory consuming computation

    W: scipy.sparse.csr_matrix (pixels x pixels)
        estimate of weight matrix for fluctuating background
    b0: np.ndarray (pixels,)
        estimate of constant background baselines
    from time import time   
    start = time() 
    ring = disk(radius + 1, dtype=bool)
    ring[1:-1, 1:-1] = np.bitwise_xor(ring[1:-1, 1:-1], disk(radius, dtype=bool))        
    ringidx = np.vstack(np.where(ring)).T - radius - 1    
    if isinstance(A, np.ndarray) and isinstance(C, np.ndarray):
        tmp = C.mean(0).dot(A)
    elif isinstance(A, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset) and isinstance(C, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):

    tmp2 = np.zeros_like(tmp)
    chunk_size = Y.chunks[0]
    for i in range(0, Y.shape[0]+chunk_size,chunk_size): tmp2 += Y[i:i+chunk_size,:].sum(0)
    tmp2 = tmp2/float(Y.shape[0])

    # constante fluorescence is mean(Y) - A * mean(C)
    b0 = tmp2 - tmp
    if isinstance(CdotA, np.ndarray):
        X = (Y - CdotA - b0).T # (pixels, time)
    elif isinstance(CdotA, h5py._hl.dataset.Dataset):

    W = np.zeros((np.prod(dims),np.prod(dims)))

    pixels_pos  = np.array([x for x in itertools.product(range(dims[0]), range(dims[1]))])                 
    xpos_ring   = np.vstack(pixels_pos[:,0])+ringidx[:,0]                                                  
    ypos_ring   = np.vstack(pixels_pos[:,1])+ringidx[:,1]
    xypos_ring  = np.dstack((xpos_ring, ypos_ring))
    inside      = (xpos_ring>=0) * (ypos_ring>=0) * (xpos_ring<dims[0]) * (ypos_ring<dims[1])
    for i,(r,c) in enumerate(itertools.product(range(dims[0]), range(dims[1]))):
        # xy = np.array([r,c]) + ringidx                
        # inside = np.prod((xy >= 0) * (xy < dims), 1)        
        # index = xy[inside==1]                
        index = xypos_ring[i, inside[i]==1]
        flatten_index = np.ravel_multi_index(index.T, dims)                
        B = X[flatten_index]                
        tmp0 = B.dot(B.T)        
        tmp0 = tmp0 + 1.e-9*np.eye(index.shape[0])                
        tmp = np.linalg.inv(tmp0)        
        tmp2 = X[i].dot(B.T)
        tmp3 = tmp2.dot(tmp)
        W[i,flatten_index] = tmp3
        end = time()
    # print("Time to update weight ", time() - start)
    return W, b0
예제 #40
def generate_error_map(seg, truth):
    error_map = np.bitwise_xor(seg, truth)
    return error_map
예제 #41
파일: sobol.py 프로젝트: kiranhegde/optga
def i4_sobol(dim_num, seed):
      Input, integer DIM_NUM, the number of spatial dimensions.
      DIM_NUM must satisfy 1 <= DIM_NUM <= 40.
      Input/output, integer SEED, the "seed" for the sequence.
      This is essentially the index in the sequence of the quasirandom
      value to be generated.  On output, SEED has been set to the
      appropriate next value, usually simply SEED+1.
      If SEED is less than 0 on input, it is treated as though it were 0.
      An input value of 0 requests the first (0-th) element of the sequence.
      Output, real QUASI(DIM_NUM), the next quasirandom vector.
    global atmost
    global dim_max
    global dim_num_save
    global initialized
    global lastq
    global log_max
    global maxcol
    global poly
    global recipd
    global seed_save
    global v

    if 'initialized' not in list(globals().keys()):
        initialized = 0
        dim_num_save = -1

    if not initialized or dim_num != dim_num_save:
        initialized = 1
        dim_max = 40
        dim_num_save = -1
        log_max = 30
        seed_save = -1

        #  Initialize (part of) V.
        v = np.zeros((dim_max, log_max))
        v[0:40, 0] = np.transpose([
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1,
            1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1

        v[2:40, 1] = np.transpose([
            1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3,
            3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3, 1, 3

        v[3:40, 2] = np.transpose([
            7, 5, 1, 3, 3, 7, 5, 5, 7, 7, 1, 3, 3, 7, 5, 1, 1, 5, 3, 3, 1, 7,
            5, 1, 3, 3, 7, 5, 1, 1, 5, 7, 7, 5, 1, 3, 3

        v[5:40, 3] = np.transpose([
            1, 7, 9, 13, 11, 1, 3, 7, 9, 5, 13, 13, 11, 3, 15, 5, 3, 15, 7, 9,
            13, 9, 1, 11, 7, 5, 15, 1, 15, 11, 5, 3, 1, 7, 9

        v[7:40, 4] = np.transpose([
            9, 3, 27, 15, 29, 21, 23, 19, 11, 25, 7, 13, 17, 1, 25, 29, 3, 31,
            11, 5, 23, 27, 19, 21, 5, 1, 17, 13, 7, 15, 9, 31, 9

        v[13:40, 5] = np.transpose([
            37, 33, 7, 5, 11, 39, 63, 27, 17, 15, 23, 29, 3, 21, 13, 31, 25, 9,
            49, 33, 19, 29, 11, 19, 27, 15, 25

        v[19:40, 6] = np.transpose([
            13, 33, 115, 41, 79, 17, 29, 119, 75, 73, 105, 7, 59, 65, 21, 3,
            113, 61, 89, 45, 107

        v[37:40, 7] = np.transpose([7, 23, 39])

        #  Set POLY.
        poly = [
            1, 3, 7, 11, 13, 19, 25, 37, 59, 47, 61, 55, 41, 67, 97, 91, 109,
            103, 115, 131, 193, 137, 145, 143, 241, 157, 185, 167, 229, 171,
            213, 191, 253, 203, 211, 239, 247, 285, 369, 299

        atmost = 2**log_max - 1

        #  Find the number of bits in ATMOST.
        maxcol = i4_bit_hi1(atmost)

        #  Initialize row 1 of V.
        v[0, 0:maxcol] = 1

    #  Things to do only if the dimension changed.
    if dim_num != dim_num_save:

        #  Check parameters.
        if dim_num < 1 or dim_max < dim_num:
            print('I4_SOBOL - Fatal error!')
            print('  The spatial dimension DIM_NUM should satisfy:')
            print('    1 <= DIM_NUM <= %d' % dim_max)
            print('  But this input value is DIM_NUM = %d' % dim_num)

        dim_num_save = dim_num

        #  Initialize the remaining rows of V.
        for i in range(2, dim_num + 1):

            #  The bits of the integer POLY(I) gives the form of polynomial I.
            #  Find the degree of polynomial I from binary encoding.
            j = poly[i - 1]
            m = 0
            j //= 2
            while j > 0:
                j //= 2
                m += 1

            #  Expand this bit pattern to separate components of the logical array INCLUD.
            j = poly[i - 1]
            includ = np.zeros(m)
            for k in range(m, 0, -1):
                j2 = j // 2
                includ[k - 1] = (j != 2 * j2)
                j = j2

            #  Calculate the remaining elements of row I as explained
            #  in Bratley and Fox, section 2.
            for j in range(m + 1, maxcol + 1):
                newv = v[i - 1, j - m - 1]
                l = 1
                for k in range(1, m + 1):
                    l *= 2
                    if includ[k - 1]:
                        newv = np.bitwise_xor(int(newv),
                                              int(l * v[i - 1, j - k - 1]))
                v[i - 1, j - 1] = newv

        #  Multiply columns of V by appropriate power of 2.
        l = 1
        for j in range(maxcol - 1, 0, -1):
            l *= 2
            v[0:dim_num, j - 1] = v[0:dim_num, j - 1] * l

        #  RECIPD is 1/(common denominator of the elements in V).
        recipd = 1.0 / (2 * l)
        lastq = np.zeros(dim_num)

    seed = int(np.floor(seed))

    if seed < 0:
        seed = 0

    l = 1
    if seed == 0:
        lastq = np.zeros(dim_num)

    elif seed == seed_save + 1:

        #  Find the position of the right-hand zero in SEED.
        l = i4_bit_lo0(seed)

    elif seed <= seed_save:

        seed_save = 0
        lastq = np.zeros(dim_num)

        for seed_temp in range(int(seed_save), int(seed)):
            l = i4_bit_lo0(seed_temp)
            for i in range(1, dim_num + 1):
                lastq[i - 1] = np.bitwise_xor(int(lastq[i - 1]),
                                              int(v[i - 1, l - 1]))

        l = i4_bit_lo0(seed)

    elif seed_save + 1 < seed:

        for seed_temp in range(int(seed_save + 1), int(seed)):
            l = i4_bit_lo0(seed_temp)
            for i in range(1, dim_num + 1):
                lastq[i - 1] = np.bitwise_xor(int(lastq[i - 1]),
                                              int(v[i - 1, l - 1]))

        l = i4_bit_lo0(seed)

    #  Check that the user is not calling too many times!
    if maxcol < l:
        print('I4_SOBOL - Fatal error!')
        print('  Too many calls!')
        print('  MAXCOL = %d\n' % maxcol)
        print('  L =      %d\n' % l)

    #  Calculate the new components of QUASI.
    quasi = np.zeros(dim_num)
    for i in range(1, dim_num + 1):
        quasi[i - 1] = lastq[i - 1] * recipd
        lastq[i - 1] = np.bitwise_xor(int(lastq[i - 1]), int(v[i - 1, l - 1]))

    seed_save = seed
    seed += 1

    return [quasi, seed]
예제 #42
파일: scratch2.py 프로젝트: Okma/sprintz
def sign_extend(value, nbits):
    value = np.asarray(value)
    sign_bit = 1 << (nbits - 1)
    return np.bitwise_xor(value, sign_bit) - sign_bit