예제 #1
def process_line(line, separator, collist, atype, missing):
    global _not_warned
    strlist = []
    line = _obj.sub(r"\1\3\5",line)  # remove spaces between real
                                     # and imaginary parts of complex numbers

    if _not_warned:
        warn = 0
        if (_obj.search(line) is not None):
            warn = 1
            for k in range(len(atype)):
                if atype[k] in numpy.typecodes['Complex']:
                    warn = 0
        if warn:
            numpy.disp("Warning: Complex data detected, but no requested typecode was complex.")
            _not_warned = 0
    for mysep in separator[:-1]:
        if mysep is None:
            newline, ind = move_past_spaces(line)
            line = newline
            ind = line.find(mysep)
            line = line[ind+len(mysep):]
    arlist = array(strlist,'O')
    N = len(atype)
    vals = [None]*N
    for k in range(len(atype)):
        vals[k] = extract_columns(arlist, collist[k], atype[k], missing)
    return vals
def residual(x):
    T = x[-1]
    x = x[:-1]
    omega0 = 2 * np.pi / T
    Omega = omega0 * n
    t = np.linspace(0, T, N + 1)
    t = t[0:-1]

    # # Check derivatives
    a = 0.1
    x_ = np.sin(a * t)
    dxdt_ = a * np.cos(a * t)

    X_ = np.fft.fft(x_)
    DxDt_ = np.fft.ifft(1j * np.multiply(Omega, X_))

    X = np.fft.fft(x)
    dx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(1j * Omega, X))
    ddx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(-Omega**2, X))
    f = np.zeros(N)
    for ix in range(0, len(x)):
        if np.imag(x[ix]) > 1e-3 or np.imag(dx[ix]) > 1e-3:
            np.disp('You have a problem with imaginary numbers!')
            np.disp([np.imag(x[ix]), np.imag(dx[ix])])
        gs.wedge(theta=np.real(x[ix]), thetaDot=np.real(dx[ix]))
        [Fx, Fy, Mz] = aero.calcLoad()
        f[ix] = Mz
    Residual = ddx + 100 * x - Mz
    Residual = Residual

    Residual = np.sum(np.abs((Residual**2)))
    # Residual = np.sum(np.abs((Residual**1)))
    # return Residual + np.max(np.abs(np.real(DxDt_ - dxdt_)))
    return Residual
def residual(x):
    T = x[-1]
    x = x[:-1]
    omega0 = 2*np.pi / T
    Omega = omega0 * n
    t = np.linspace(0, T, N+1)
    t = t[0:-1]

    # # Check derivatives
    a = 0.1
    x_ = np.sin(a*t)
    dxdt_ = a*np.cos(a*t)

    X_ = np.fft.fft(x_)
    DxDt_ = np.fft.ifft(1j * np.multiply(Omega, X_))

    X = np.fft.fft(x)
    dx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(1j * Omega, X))
    ddx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(-Omega**2, X))
    f = np.zeros(N)
    for ix in range(0, len(x)):
        if np.imag(x[ix]) > 1e-3 or np.imag(dx[ix]) > 1e-3:
            np.disp('You have a problem with imaginary numbers!')
            np.disp([np.imag(x[ix]), np.imag(dx[ix])])
        gs.wedge(theta=np.real(x[ix]), thetaDot=np.real(dx[ix]))
        [Fx, Fy, Mz] = aero.calcLoad()
        f[ix] = Mz
    Residual = ddx + 100 * x - Mz
    Residual = Residual

    Residual = np.sum(np.abs((Residual**2)))
    # Residual = np.sum(np.abs((Residual**1)))
    # return Residual + np.max(np.abs(np.real(DxDt_ - dxdt_)))
    return Residual
예제 #4
    def reduction2D(self, max_norm_err=1e-4, pod=1):  #ne marche pas si dim>2
        if self.dim == 2:
            if pod == 0:
                if self.shape[0] < self.shape[1]:
                    CC = np.dot(self.data[1], self.data[0].T)
                    self.data[1] = CC
                    self.data[0] = np.identity(np.shape(CC)[1])
                    CC = np.dot(self.data[0], self.data[1].T)
                    self.data[0] = CC
                    self.data[1] = np.identity(np.shape(CC)[1])
                CC = np.dot(self.data[0], self.data[1].T)
                U, S, V = linalg.svd(CC, False)

                # nombre de valeurs propres retenues
                i = 1
                while S[i] / S[0] > max_norm_err:
                    i += 1
                    if i == len(S): break
                nbeig = i + 1
                self.data[0] = U[:, 0:nbeig] * S[0:nbeig]
                self.data[1] = V[0:nbeig, :].T
            np.disp('Warning: reduction_POD dont work if dim != 2')
        return self
예제 #5
def process_line(line, separator, collist, atype, missing):
    global _not_warned
    strlist = []
    line = _obj.sub(r"\1\3\5", line)  # remove spaces between real
    # and imaginary parts of complex numbers

    if _not_warned:
        warn = 0
        if _obj.search(line) is not None:
            warn = 1
            for k in range(len(atype)):
                if atype[k] in numpy.typecodes["Complex"]:
                    warn = 0
        if warn:
            numpy.disp("Warning: Complex data detected, but no requested typecode was complex.")
            _not_warned = 0
    for mysep in separator[:-1]:
        if mysep is None:
            newline, ind = move_past_spaces(line)
            line = newline
            ind = line.find(mysep)
            line = line[ind + len(mysep) :]
    arlist = array(strlist, "O")
    N = len(atype)
    vals = [None] * N
    for k in range(len(atype)):
        vals[k] = extract_columns(arlist, collist[k], atype[k], missing)
    return vals
예제 #6
def topo_subset(llcrnrlon=-42, urcrnrlon=-35, llcrnrlat=-23,
                urcrnrlat=-14, tfile='topo30.grd'):
    Get a subset from an etopo1, etopo2 or Smith and Sandwell topography file.

    OBS: Modified from oceans.datasets.etopo_subset() function by Filipe Fernandes ([email protected]).
    topo = Dataset(tfile, 'r')

    if 'smith_sandwell' in tfile.lower() or 'etopo1' in tfile.lower():
        lons = topo.variables["lon"][:]
        lats = topo.variables["lat"][:]
        lons = lon360to180(lons)
    elif 'etopo2' in tfile.lower():
        lons = topo.variables["x"][:]
        lats = topo.variables["y"][:]
        np.disp('Unknown topography file.')

    res = get_indices(llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat, llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon, lons, lats)
    lon, lat = np.meshgrid(lons[res[0]:res[1]], lats[res[2]:res[3]])
    bathy = topo.variables["z"][int(res[2]):int(res[3]),

    return lon, lat, bathy
예제 #7
 def readfield(self, fieldname, ind=0):
     np.disp('''Reading field {}, index {}'''.format(fieldname, ind))
     field = np.array(self.fid.variables[fieldname])[ind, :, :, :]
     field = np.ma.filled(field, np.nan)[:, :, self.lonsort]
     self.CurrentField = field
     self.CurrentFieldName = fieldname
     return field
예제 #8
파일: cohconf.py 프로젝트: Clynie/cmtm
def cohconf(n, level, unbias, c):

    # Local Variables: A, c, f, level, i1, k, cl, n, F, unbias, z, Fz, pl
    # Function calls: disp, cohconf, cohbias, fliplr, interp1, sum, sqrt, nargin, length, diff, pi, cumsum, find, gamma
    if nargin<1.:
        return []
    if nargin<2.:
        level = .95
    if nargin<3.:
        unbias = 0.
    if nargin<4.:
        c = 0.
    if n<2.:
        np.disp('Warning: degress of freedom must be greater or equal to two.')
        return []
    if np.logical_or(level<=0., level >= 1.):
        np.disp('Warning: confidence level should be between zero and one.')
        return []
    #%Calculated according to: Amos and Koopmans, "Tables of the distribution of the
    #%coefficient of coherence for stationary bivariate Gaussian processes", Sandia
    #%Corporation, 1963
    #%Also see Priestly, 1981
    z = np.arange(0., 1.0005, .0005)
    for i1 in np.arange(1., (length(z))+1):
        A[0] = 1.
        for k in np.arange(1., (n-1.)+1):
            A[int((k+1.))-1] = np.dot(matdiv(np.dot(np.dot(A[int(k)-1], n-k), 2.*k-1.), np.dot(2.*n-2.*k+1., k)), matdiv(1.-np.dot(c, z[int(i1)-1]), 1.+np.dot(c, z[int(i1)-1]))**2.)
        f[int(i1)-1] = np.dot(matdiv(np.dot(matdiv(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(2.*(n-1.), matixpower(1.-c**2., n)), z[int(i1)-1]), matixpower(1.-z[int(i1)-1]**2., n-2.)), np.dot(1.+np.dot(c, z[int(i1)-1]), matixpower(1.-np.dot(c, z[int(i1)-1]), 2.*n-1.))), plt.gamma((n-.5))), np.dot(np.sqrt(np.pi), plt.gamma(n))), np.sum(A))
    #%Use a quadratic Newton-Cotes methods to determine the cumulative sum
    for i1 in np.arange(2., (length(f)/2.)+1):
        F[int(i1)-1] = f[int((2.*(i0.)+1.))-1]+4.*f[int((2.*i1))-1]+f[int((2.*i1+1.))-1]
    F = matdiv(F, 6.*length(F))
    F = np.array(np.hstack((np.fliplr((1.-matdiv(np.cumsum(np.fliplr(F)), np.sum(F)))), 1.)))
    Fz = np.array(np.hstack((z[0:0-2.:2.], 1.)))
    pl = nonzero((np.diff(F) > 0.))
    pl = np.array(np.hstack((1., pl+1.)))
    cl = interp1(F[int(pl)-1], Fz[int(pl)-1], level)
    if unbias == 1.:
        cl = cohbias(n, cl)
    return [cl]
예제 #9
 def __delete(self, x):
     self.message("Delete " + x)
     i = np.argwhere(self._open_list[0, :] == x)
     if len(i) != 1:
         Error("D*:Delete: state " + x + " doesn't exist.")
     if len(i) > 1:
     self._open_list = np.delete(self._open_list, i - 1, 1)
     self._t = self._closed
예제 #10
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: espath/mimclib
    def coeflege(n):
        if n <= 1:
            np.disp(' n must be > 1 ')
            return None

        a = np.zeros(n)
        b = np.zeros(n)
        b[0] = 2.
        k = np.arange(2, n+1)
        b[k-1] = 1. / (4. - 1. / (k-1)**2.)
        return [a, b]
예제 #11
def main():
    import pylab
    g = TrHermite(skew=0.1, kurt=3.01)
    # g = TrOchi(skew=0.56)
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5)
    y = g(x)
    pylab.plot(np.abs(x - g.gauss2dat(y)))
    # pylab.plot(x,y,x,x,':',g.gauss2dat(y),y,'r')

예제 #12
def pad_diffPatterns(
    Nx, Ny
):  #Kan dessa tex heta Nx och Ny när det finns glabala parameterar som heter det?
    padded_diffPatterns = np.zeros((nbr_scans, Ny, Nx))
    x = (Nx - diffSet.shape[2]) / 2
    y = (Ny - diffSet.shape[1]) / 2
    for i in range(0, nbr_scans):
        padded_diffPatterns[i, y:y + diffSet.shape[1],
                            x:x + diffSet.shape[2]] = diffSet[i]

    return padded_diffPatterns
 def start(self):
     # Start the MATLAB server
     print "Starting MATLAB on http://%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port))
     print " visit http://%s:%s/exit.m to shut down same" % (self.host, str(self.port))
     self.server_process = Process(target=_run_matlab_server, args=(self.matlab, self.port, self.log, self.id, self.startup_options))
     self.server_process.daemon = True
     while not self.is_connected():
         np.disp(".", linefeed=False)
     print "MATLAB started and connected!"
     return True
예제 #14
파일: models.py 프로젝트: mikemt/pywafo
def main():
    import pylab
    g = TrHermite(skew=0.1, kurt=3.01)
    #g = TrOchi(skew=0.56)
    x = np.linspace(-5, 5)
    y = g(x)
    pylab.plot(np.abs(x - g.gauss2dat(y)))

예제 #15
def get_colors(num_colors):
    colors = []

    if num_colors == 0:
        num_colors = 1
        np.disp('num_colors equal to 0, consider resetting parameters')

    for i in np.arange(0., 360., 360. / num_colors):
        hue = i / 360.
        lightness = (50 + np.random.rand() * 10) / 100.
        saturation = (90 + np.random.rand() * 10) / 100.
        colors.append(colorsys.hls_to_rgb(hue, lightness, saturation))
    return colors
def mfreq_simulate2(frequency):

    # Local Variables: nfreq, remainder2, i, frequencies, j, stri, sampling, nsampl, cam_fps, frequency, prime1, freq, remainder, sampling_option
    # Function calls: disp, rand, floor, fprintf, min, fclose, sort, s, num2str, mfreq_simulate2, input, mod
    nfreq = 4.
    nsampl = 33.
    sampling_option = 0.
    cam_fps = 15.
    freq = np.random.rand(1., nfreq)
    #%  frequencies=100+ceil(freq*900);
    frequencies = np.array(np.hstack((70., 100., 170., 230.)))
    if sampling_option == 1.:
        for i in np.arange(1., (nsampl)+1):
            stri = np.array(np.hstack(('give ', num2str(i), 'th frequency of strobe')))
            sampling[int(i)-1] = input(\')
        sampling[0:nsampl] = prime1[0:nsampl]
    for j in np.arange(1., (nsampl)+1):
        for i in np.arange(1., (nfreq)+1):
            if np.mod(np.floor(matdiv(matcompat.max(np.mod(frequencies[int(i)-1], sampling[int(j)-1]), (sampling[int(j)-1]-np.mod(frequencies[int(i)-1], sampling[int(j)-1]))), cam_fps)), 2.) == 0.:
                remainder[int(i)-1,int(j)-1] = np.mod(matcompat.max(np.mod(frequencies[int(i)-1], sampling[int(j)-1]), (sampling[int(j)-1]-np.mod(frequencies[int(i)-1], sampling[int(j)-1]))), cam_fps)
                remainder[int(i)-1,int(j)-1] = 15.-np.mod(matcompat.max(np.mod(frequencies[int(i)-1], sampling[int(j)-1]), (sampling[int(j)-1]-np.mod(frequencies[int(i)-1], sampling[int(j)-1]))), cam_fps)
        remainder2[:,int(j)-1] = np.sort(remainder[:,int(j)-1])
    fprintf(s, '%f\n', nfreq)
    fprintf(s, '%f\n', nsampl)
    for j in np.arange(1., (nsampl)+1):
        fprintf(s, '%f ', sampling[int(j)-1])
    fprintf(s, '\n')
    for i in np.arange(1., (nfreq)+1):
        for j in np.arange(1., (nsampl)+1):
            fprintf(s, '%8.2f ', remainder2[int(i)-1,int(j)-1])
        fprintf(s, '\n')
    return [frequencies, sampling]
예제 #17
파일: models.py 프로젝트: mikemt/pywafo
    def check_forward(self, x):
        if not (self._x_limit is None):
            x00 = self._x_limit
            txt2 = 'for the given interval x = [%g, %g]' % (x[0], x[-1])

            if any(np.logical_and(x[0] <= x00, x00 <= x[-1])):
                cdef = 1
                cdef = sum(np.logical_xor(x00 <= x[0] , x00 <= x[-1]))

            if np.mod(cdef, 2):
                errtxt = 'Unable to invert the polynomial \n %s' % txt2
                raise ValueError(errtxt)
            np.disp('However, successfully inverted the polynomial\n %s' % txt2)
예제 #18
def interp2(A1,A2,A3,B1,B2):
    "2D Interpolation"
    # Get input size
#    height, width = A3.shape
    height, width = np.float64(A3.shape)
    # Get output size
#    heighto, widtho = B1.shape
    heighto, widtho = np.float64(B1.shape)
    # Flatten input arrays, just in case...
    A1 = A1.flatten('F')
    A2 = A2.flatten('F')
    A3 = A3.flatten('F')
    B1 = B1.flatten('F')
    B2 = B2.flatten('F')
    # Compute interpolation parameters    
    s = ((B1-A1[0])/(A1[-1]-A1[0]))*(width-1)
    t = ((B2-A2[0])/(A2[-1]-A2[0]))*(height-1)
#    s = 1+(B1-A1[0])/(A1[-1]-A1[0])*(width-1)
#    t = 1+(B2-A2[0])/(A2[-1]-A2[0])*(height-1)
    # Compute interpolation parameters pruebas
#    s = (B1-A1[0])/(A1[-1]-A1[0])*(width-1)
#    t = (B2-A2[0])/(A2[-1]-A2[0])*(height-1)

    print np.min(s),np.max(s),np.min(t),np.max(t)
    # Check for out of range values of s and t and set to 1
#    sout = np.nonzero(np.logical_or((s<1),(s>width)))
#    s[sout] = 1
#    tout = np.nonzero(np.logical_or((t<1),(t>width)))
#    t[tout] = 1
    # Check for out of range values of s and t and set to 0
#    sout = np.nonzero(np.logical_or((s<0),(s>width)))
#    s[sout] = 0
    s[s<0]=0; s[s>width]=0
    t[t<0]=0; t[t>width]=0
    # Matrix element indexing
    ndx = np.floor(t)+np.floor(s-1)*height
    ndx = np.intp(ndx)
    print ndx.shape, height, width, np.max(ndx)
    # Compute interpolation parameters
    s[:] = s-np.floor(s)
    t[:] = t-np.floor(t)
    onemt = 1-t
    B3 = (A3[ndx-1]*onemt+A3[ndx]*t)*(1-s)+(A3[ndx+int(height)-1]*onemt+A3[ndx+int(height)])*s    
#    B3 = (A3[ndx]*onemt+A3[ndx+1]*t)*(1-s)+(A3[ndx+height]*onemt+A3[ndx+height+1])*s
    B3 = B3.reshape((heighto, widtho),order='F')   
    return B3
def process_event_emg(task, event, runIndex, totalTaskTime, sessionNumber):

    # Local Variables: runIndex, task, val, totalTaskTime, sessionNumber, record_length, ix0, event
    # Function calls: disp, set, process_event_emg, min, char, str2double, strfind, strcmp
    #% handle events for this paradigm
    _switch_val = task.cue_type[int(event) - 1]
    if False:  # switch
    elif _switch_val == 'start_trial':
        set((task.bar), 'Visible', 'off')
        #%         set(task.text,'String',task.cue{event});
        set((task.text), 'String', 'Prepare')
        if strcmp(np.char((task.cue_type[1])), 'text:bar'):
            record_length = 10.
            record_length = totalTaskTime

        #%[status,cmdout] = system('record_length');
        #%         [status,cmdout] = system(char(trial_data));
        #%         current_time = num2str(clock);
        #%         for ii = length(current_time)
        #%             ending = strcat(ending,'-',current_time(ii))
        #%         end
        #%         dataFileName = ['emg_trial_' num2str(trialIndex) '_' ending '.dat'];
        #%         [status,cmdout] = system(dataFileName);
    elif _switch_val == 'ISI':
        set((task.bar), 'Visible', 'off')
        set((task.text), 'String', 'ISI')
    elif _switch_val == 'text':
        set((task.text), 'String', (task.cue.cell[int(event) - 1]))
        set((task.bar), 'Visible', 'off')
    elif _switch_val == 'text:bar':
        ix0 = strfind((task.cue.cell[int(event) - 1]), ':')
        val = str2double(
            (task.cue.cell[int(event) - 1, int(ix0 + 1.) - 1:]())) / 100.
        val = matcompat.max(val, 0.9)
        set((task.text), 'String', (task.cue.cell[int(event) - 1]))
        if strfind((task.cue.cell[int(event) - 1]), 'Left'):
            set((task.bar), 'Position',
                np.array(np.hstack((-val - .1, -.1, val, .2))), 'FaceColor',
                'g', 'Visible', 'on')

        if strfind((task.cue.cell[int(event) - 1]), 'Right'):
            set((task.bar), 'Position', np.array(np.hstack(
                (.1, -.1, val, .2))), 'FaceColor', 'r', 'Visible', 'on')

    elif _switch_val == 'audio':
        np.disp('play audio here')

예제 #20
def residual(x):
    X = np.fft.fft(x)
    dx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(1j * Omega, X))
    ddx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(-Omega**2, X))
    f = np.zeros(N)
    for ix in range(0, len(x)):
        if np.imag(x[ix]) > 1e-3 or np.imag(dx[ix]) > 1e-3:
            np.disp('You have a problem with imaginary numbers!')
            np.disp([np.imag(x[ix]), np.imag(dx[ix])])
        gs.wedge(theta=np.real(x[ix]), thetaDot=np.real(dx[ix]))
        [Fx, Fy, Mz] = aero.calcLoad()
        f[ix] = Mz
    Residual = ddx + 100 * x - Mz
    Residual = np.sum(np.abs((Residual**2)))
    return Residual
예제 #21
 def start(self):
     # Start the MATLAB server
     print "Starting MATLAB on http://%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port))
     print " visit http://%s:%s/exit.m to shut down same" % (self.host,
     self.server_process = Process(target=_run_matlab_server,
                                   args=(self.matlab, self.port, self.log,
                                         self.id, self.startup_options))
     self.server_process.daemon = True
     while not self.is_connected():
         np.disp(".", linefeed=False)
     print "MATLAB started and connected!"
     return True
예제 #22
def SenalDiscreta(amp):
    n = np.arange(
    )  # arrange :retorna espacios iguales de a acuerdo a un intervalo 0- 50

    dt = 0.07 / 50

    x = np.sin(2 * np.pi * amp * n * dt)

    plt.title(r'senal discreta  $x[n] = 12 \sin(2\pi 50 n \Delta t)$')

    plt.stem(n, x)
예제 #23
    def check_forward(self, x):
        if not (self._x_limit is None):
            x00 = self._x_limit
            txt2 = 'for the given interval x = [%g, %g]' % (x[0], x[-1])

            if any(np.logical_and(x[0] <= x00, x00 <= x[-1])):
                cdef = 1
                cdef = sum(np.logical_xor(x00 <= x[0], x00 <= x[-1]))

            if np.mod(cdef, 2):
                errtxt = 'Unable to invert the polynomial \n %s' % txt2
                raise ValueError(errtxt)
            np.disp('However, successfully inverted the polynomial\n %s' %
def residual(x):
    X = np.fft.fft(x)
    dx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(1j * Omega, X))
    ddx = np.fft.ifft(np.multiply(-Omega**2, X))
    f = np.zeros(N)
    for ix in range(0, len(x)):
        if np.imag(x[ix]) > 1e-3 or np.imag(dx[ix]) > 1e-3:
            np.disp('You have a problem with imaginary numbers!')
            np.disp([np.imag(x[ix]), np.imag(dx[ix])])
        gs.wedge(theta=np.real(x[ix]), thetaDot=np.real(dx[ix]))
        [Fx, Fy, Mz] = aero.calcLoad()
        f[ix] = Mz
    Residual = ddx + 100 * x - Mz
    Residual = np.sum(np.abs((Residual**2)))
    return Residual
예제 #25
def dl_goes(time=datetime(2013, 9, 13), dt=24, dest_dir='./'):

    Downloads full GOES SST images from the PODAAC FTP (12 MB each). Uses wget.


    * `time` is a datetime object or a list of datetime objects containing the desired times.

    * `dt` is an integer representing the time resolution desired. Choose from `24` (default),
    `3` or `1`. If `dt` is either 1 or 3, all images for each day in `time` will be downloaded.

    * `dest_dir` is the directory in which the downloaded data will be saved.

    Find an openDAP link for this dataset (WITH the bayesian cloud filter).
    if type(time) != list:
        time = [time]

    original_dir = os.getcwd()  # Store original working directory.
    if os.path.isdir(dest_dir):  # If dest_dir already exists.
    else:  # Create it if it does not exist.

    for date in time:  # Getting files for each day in the list.
        yyyy = str(date.year)
        dd = date.timetuple().tm_yday  # Get the julian day.
        dd = str(dd).zfill(3)
        head = 'ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/OceanTemperature/goes/L3/goes_6km_nrt/americas/%s/%s/' % (
            yyyy, dd)
        filename = 'sst%s?_%s_%s' % (
            str(dt), yyyy, dd
        )  # dt can be 1, 3 or 24 (hourly, 3-hourly or daily).
        url = head + filename  # The 'b' character is only for 2008-present data.
        cmd = "wget --tries=inf %s" % url
        os.system(cmd)  # Download file.

    os.chdir(original_dir)  # Return to the original working directory.
    np.disp("Done downloading all files.")

    return None
예제 #26
파일: sat.py 프로젝트: regeirk/ap_tools
def dl_goes(time=datetime(2013,9,13), dt=24, dest_dir='./'):

    Downloads full GOES SST images from the PODAAC FTP (12 MB each). Uses wget.


    * `time` is a datetime object or a list of datetime objects containing the desired times.

    * `dt` is an integer representing the time resolution desired. Choose from `24` (default),
    `3` or `1`. If `dt` is either 1 or 3, all images for each day in `time` will be downloaded.

    * `dest_dir` is the directory in which the downloaded data will be saved.

    Find an openDAP link for this dataset (WITH the bayesian cloud filter).

    if type(time)!=list:
        time = [time]

    original_dir = os.getcwd()  # Store original working directory.
    if os.path.isdir(dest_dir): # If dest_dir already exists.
    else:                       # Create it if it does not exist.

    for date in time: # Getting files for each day in the list.
        yyyy = str(date.year)
        dd = int(datetime2doy(date)) # Get the julian day.
        dd = str(dd).zfill(3)
        head = 'ftp://podaac-ftp.jpl.nasa.gov/OceanTemperature/goes/L3/goes_6km_nrt/americas/%s/%s/' %(yyyy,dd)
        filename = 'sst%s?_%s_%s' % (str(dt),yyyy,dd) # dt can be 1, 3 or 24 (hourly, 3-hourly or daily).
        url = head + filename                         # The 'b' character is only for 2008-present data.
        cmd = "wget --tries=inf %s" %url
        os.system(cmd) # Download file.

    os.chdir(original_dir) # Return to the original working directory.
    np.disp("Done downloading all files.")

    return None
예제 #27
def doplot():
    f = open("data", "rb")
    data = cPickle.load(f)
    inttypes = [
        Huayno.inttypes.HOLD_DKD, Huayno.inttypes.CC_KEPLER,
        Huayno.inttypes.CC, Huayno.inttypes.EXTRAPOLATE
    for inttype in inttypes:
        fdims = [1.6, 2.0, 2.3, 2.6, 2.8, 3.0]
        time = []
        time_disp = []
        eerr = []
        eerr_disp = []
        for fd in fdims:
            t = numpy.array(map(lambda x: x[0], data[inttype][fd]))
            de = numpy.array(map(lambda x: abs(x[1]), data[inttype][fd]))
        data[inttype]["fdims"] = fdims
        data[inttype]["time"] = time
        data[inttype]["timedisp"] = time_disp
        data[inttype]["eerr"] = eerr
        data[inttype]["eerrdisp"] = eerr_disp

    linestyles = ["-.", "-", ":", "--"]

    f = pyplot.figure(figsize=(8, 10))
    ax = f.add_subplot(211)
    for i, inttype in enumerate(inttypes):
        fdims = data[inttype]['fdims']
        eerr = data[inttype]['eerr']
        ax.semilogy(fdims, eerr, 'r' + linestyles[i])
    ax = f.add_subplot(212)
    for i, inttype in enumerate(inttypes):
        fdims = data[inttype]['fdims']
        eerr = data[inttype]['time']
        ax.semilogy(fdims, eerr, 'r' + linestyles[i])
        ax.set_xlabel("fractal dimension")
        ax.set_ylabel("wallclock time (s)")

예제 #28
def vert_interp_3dvar(pvar3d, z_parent, z_child):
    global zp, fp1, zc
    print("Vertically interpolating 3D variable...")
    cvar3d = np.zeros((z_child.shape[0], ) + pvar3d.shape[1:])

    zz_parent = np.unique(z_parent)

    etamax, ximax = pvar3d.shape[1:]
    for ieta in range(etamax):
        # print ("")
        np.disp("Row %s of %s" % (str(ieta + 1), str(etamax)))
        # print ("")
        for ixi in range(ximax):
            # if ixi%20==0:
            # 	np.disp("Col %s of %s"%(str(ixi+1),str(ximax)))
            # np.disp("Col %s of %s"%(str(ixi+1),str(ximax)))

            zp = z_parent[:, ieta, ixi]
            zc = z_child[:, ieta, ixi]
            fp = pvar3d[:, ieta, ixi]

            if noextra:
                fi = np.interp(zc, zp, fp)
                # If no parent variable deeper than the first child s-level,
                # Search horizontally on the parent grid for the nearest value.

                I = interp1d(zp,
                I = extrap1d(I)

                if ixi == 6 and ieta == 6:
                    print('ZP', fp)

                fi = I(zc)

            cvar3d[:, ieta, ixi] = fi

    return cvar3d
def COM_variation(j, nbr_iter):

    for i in range(j, nbr_iter):
        xindex = np.argmax(np.sum(one_position[i], axis=0))
        yindex = np.argmax(np.sum(one_position[i], axis=1))
        reddot = np.zeros((512, 512))

        # Make a centred line in x and y intersection at COM
        reddot[:, xindex] = 500000
        reddot[yindex, :] = 500000
        noes = ['spring', 'autumn']
        #plt.imshow(np.log10(one_position[1]), cmap = 'hot', interpolation = 'none')
        #plt.colorbar() funkar ej med flera imshows
        plt.title('Scan_nbr_%d' % (first_scan_nbr + i))
예제 #30
    def is_connected(self):
        if not self.started:
            return False

        req = json.dumps(dict(cmd="connect"), cls=ComplexEncoder)

        start_time = time.time()
                resp = self.socket.recv_string(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK)
                if resp == "connected":
                    return True
                    return False
            except zmq.ZMQError:
                np.disp(".", linefeed=False)
                if (time.time() - start_time > self.maxtime) :
                    print "Matlab session timed out after %d seconds" % (self.maxtime)
                    return False
예제 #31
    def is_connected(self):
        if not self.started:
            return False

        req = json.dumps(dict(cmd="connect"))

        start_time = time.time()
                resp = self.socket.recv_string(flags=zmq.NOBLOCK)
                if resp == "connected":
                    return True
                    return False
            except zmq.Again:
                np.disp(".", linefeed=False)
                if (time.time() - start_time > self.maxtime) :
                    print "Matlab session timed out after %d seconds" % (self.maxtime)
                    return False
예제 #32
def DispRMSEStats(Err,Truth,Prior,E):  

    #Quick Error stats

    disp(['Relative Error in A0:' +str(Err.RelErrA0)])
    disp(['Relative Uncertainty in A0: ' +str(mean(E.stdA0Post.T/E.A0hat.T))])

    RMSQPost=sqrt(mean( (E.QhatPostf.T-Truth.Q.T)**2,0 ))
    RMSQPrior=sqrt(mean( (E.QhatPrior.T-Truth.Q.T)**2,0 ))
    # ratio=((RMSQPrior-RMSQPost)/RMSQPrior)*100


    print('RMS for Q prior: ')
    for i in range(0,nR):
        print('%.1f' %RMSQPrior[i])

    print('RMS for Q posterior: ')
    for i in range(0,nR):
        print('%.1f' %RMSQPost[i])

    print('Average RMS for Q posterior: %.3f' %mean(Err.QRelErrPost,0))

    print('Average relative Q uncertainty: %.3f' %mean(mean(E.QstdPost/E.QhatPost,0)) )

    print('For entire timeseries, rRMSE= %.2f' %Err.Stats.rRMSE, 'and relative bias= %.2f' %Err.Stats.meanRelRes)
    print('For entire timeseries, RMSE/Qbart=%.2f' %RMSEQbart, \
          'and bias/Qbart=%.2f' %biasQbart)   

    return Err
    def start(self):
        def _run_matlab_server():
            cmd_str = '%s -nodesktop -nosplash -nodisplay -r "'%self.matlab
            cmd_str += "addpath(genpath("
            cmd_str += "'%s'"%MATLAB_FOLDER
            cmd_str += ')), webserver(%s),exit"'%self.port
            if self.log:
                cmd_str += ' -logfile ./pymatbridge/logs/matlablog_%s.txt > ./pymatbridge/logs/bashlog_%s.txt' % (self.id, self.id)

            return True

        # Start the MATLAB server
        print "Starting MATLAB on http://%s:%s" % (self.host, str(self.port))
        self.server_process = Process(target=_run_matlab_server)
        self.server_process.daemon = True
        while not self.is_connected():
            np.disp(".", linefeed=False)
        print "MATLAB started and connected!"
        return True
예제 #34
    def plan(self, goal=None, animate=False, progress=True):
        if goal is not None:
            self.goal = goal

        assert (goal is not None and goal is not np.array([]))

        goal = self._goal

        self._g = sub2ind(np.shape(self._occ_grid_nav), goal[1], goal[0])
        self.__insert(self._g, 0, 'goalset')
        self._h[self._g] = 0

        self._niter = 0
        h_prog = None
        if progress:
            h_prog = self.progress_init('D* Planning')

        n_free = np.prod(np.shape(self._occ_grid_nav)) - np.sum(
            np.sum(self._occ_grid_nav > 0))
        n_update = np.round(n_free / 100)

        while True:
            self._niter = self._niter + 1
            if progress and np.mod(self._niter, n_update) == 0:
                self.progress(h_prog, self._niter / n_free)

                if animate:

            if self.process_state() < 0:

            if progress:
            self._valid_plan = True
            disp(self._niter + " iterations\n")
예제 #35
def wind2stress(u, v, formula='large_pond1981-modified'):
	taux,tauy = wind2stress(u, v, formula='mellor2004')

	Converts u,v wind vector components to taux,tauy
	wind stress vector components.
    rho_air = 1.226  # kg/m3
    mag = np.sqrt(u**2 + v**2)  # m/s
    Cd = np.zeros(mag.shape)  # Drag coefficient.

    if formula == 'large_pond1981-modified':
        # Large and Pond (1981) formula
        # modified for light winds, as
        # in Trenberth et al. (1990).
        f = mag <= 1.
        Cd[f] = 2.18e-3
        f = np.logical_and(mag > 1., mag < 3.)
        Cd[f] = (0.62 + 1.56 / mag[f]) * 1e-3
        f = np.logical_and(mag >= 3., mag < 10.)
        Cd[f] = 1.14e-3
        f = mag >= 10.
        Cd[f] = (0.49 + 0.065 * mag[f]) * 1e-3
    elif formula == 'mellor2004':
        Cd = 7.5e-4 + 6.7e-5 * mag
        np.disp('Unknown formula for Cd.')

    # Computing wind stress [N/m2]
    taux = rho_air * Cd * mag * u
    tauy = rho_air * Cd * mag * v

    return taux, tauy
예제 #36
def wind2stress(u, v, formula='large_pond1981-modified'):
	taux,tauy = wind2stress(u, v, formula='mellor2004')

	Converts u,v wind vector components to taux,tauy
	wind stress vector components.
	rho_air = 1.226            # kg/m3
	mag = np.sqrt(u**2+v**2)   # m/s
	Cd = np.zeros( mag.shape ) # Drag coefficient.

	if formula=='large_pond1981-modified':
		# Large and Pond (1981) formula
		# modified for light winds, as
		# in Trenberth et al. (1990).
		Cd[f] = 2.18e-3
		Cd[f] = (0.62+1.56/mag[f])*1e-3
		Cd[f] = 1.14e-3
		Cd[f] = (0.49 + 0.065*mag[f])*1e-3
	elif formula=='mellor2004':
		Cd = 7.5e-4 + 6.7e-5*mag
		np.disp('Unknown formula for Cd.')

	# Computing wind stress [N/m2]
	taux = rho_air*Cd*mag*u
	tauy = rho_air*Cd*mag*v

	return taux,tauy
        #% pattern input
        x = np.dot(C, np.tanh((np.dot(W, x)+np.dot(Win, u)+Wbias)))
        #%x = tanh(Wstar * x + Win * u + Wbias);
        if n > washoutLength:
            xCollector[:,int((n-washoutLength))-1] = x
            pCollector[0,int((n-washoutLength))-1] = u
    allTrainArgs[:,int(np.dot(p-1., learnLength)+1.)-1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = xCollector
    allTrainOuts[0,int(np.dot(p-1., learnLength)+1.)-1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = pCollector
Wout = np.dot(np.dot(linalg.inv((np.dot(allTrainArgs, allTrainArgs.conj().T)+np.dot(TychonovAlphaReadout, np.eye(Netsize)))), allTrainArgs), allTrainOuts.conj().T).conj().T
#% training error
NRMSE_readout = nrmse(np.dot(Wout, allTrainArgs), allTrainOuts)
np.disp(sprintf('NRMSE readout relearn: %g', NRMSE_readout))
#% % test with C
x_TestPL = np.zeros(5., testLength, Np)
p_TestPL = np.zeros(1., testLength, Np)
for p in np.arange(1., (Np)+1):
    C = PHI(nativeCs.cell[0,int(p)-1], aperture)
    #%x = startxs(:,p);
    x = plt.randn(Netsize, 1.)
    for n in np.arange(1., (testWashout+testLength)+1):
        x = np.dot(C, np.tanh((np.dot(W, x)+np.dot(D, x)+Wbias)))
        if n > testWashout:
            x_TestPL[:,int((n-testWashout))-1,int(p)-1] = x[0:5.,0]
            p_TestPL[:,int((n-testWashout))-1,int(p)-1] = np.dot(Wout, x)
예제 #38
파일: session.py 프로젝트: dydcfg/Two_Step
    def __init__(self, file_name, data_path, IDs):
        # Session information.
        self.file_name = file_name
        self.subject_ID = int(file_name.split("-", 1)[0][1:])
        self.date = file_name.split("-", 1)[1].split(".")[0]
        self.IDs = IDs

        # Import data.

        data_file = open(os.path.join(data_path, file_name), "r")

        self.pyControl_file = "Run started at:" in data_file.read()  # File is from pyControl system.

        data_lines = [
            for line in data_file
            if line[0].isdigit() and len(line.split(" ")) == (2 + self.pyControl_file)
        reward_prob_lines = [line.strip() for line in data_file if line[0:3] == "Rew"]
        block_start_lines = [
            for line in data_file
            if line[0].isdigit() and len(line.split(" ")) > 1 and line.split(" ")[1 + self.pyControl_file] == "-1"

        #  Convert lines to numpy arrays of timestamps (in seconds) and event IDs.

        time_stamps = np.array([int(line.split(" ")[0]) for line in data_lines])
        event_codes = np.array([int(line.split(" ")[-1]) for line in data_lines])

        if self.pyControl_file:  #
            self.time_stamps = time_stamps / 1000.0
            self.duration = time_stamps[-1]
            self.event_codes = event_codes
            start_time_stamp = 0

            self._raw_time_stamps = time_stamps

            if "start_stop" in IDs.keys():
                start_stop_inds = np.where(event_codes == IDs["start_stop"])[0]
                start_ind = start_stop_inds[0]
                stop_ind = start_stop_inds[1]
                start_ind = np.where(event_codes == IDs["session_start"])[0][0]
                stop_ind = np.where(event_codes == IDs["session_stop"])[0][0]

            start_time_stamp = time_stamps[start_ind]

            time_stamps = (time_stamps - start_time_stamp) / 1000.0

            self.duration = time_stamps[stop_ind]

            # Extract reward probs if available.

            if len(reward_prob_lines) > 0:
                self.reward_probs = np.array(
                    [(float(line.split()[2]), float(line.split()[4])) for line in reward_prob_lines]

            # Store data and summary info.

            self.time_stamps = time_stamps[start_ind:stop_ind]
            self.event_codes = event_codes[start_ind:stop_ind]

        self.rewards = sum((self.event_codes == IDs["left_reward"]) | (self.event_codes == IDs["right_reward"]))

        self.actions = sum(
            (self.event_codes == IDs["left_poke"])
            | (self.event_codes == IDs["right_poke"])
            | (self.event_codes == IDs["high_poke"])
            | (self.event_codes == IDs["low_poke"])

        self.make_CTSO_representation()  # Boolean arrays of choice, transition, outcome information.

        self.fraction_rewarded = float(self.rewards) / self.n_trials

        self.trial_start_times = self.time_stamps[self.event_codes == IDs["trial_start"]]

        # Extract block tranistion information if available:

        if len(block_start_lines) > 0:
            start_times, start_trials, reward_states, transition_states = ([], [], [], [])
            for line in block_start_lines:
                line = line.split(" ")
                start_times.append((int(line[0]) - start_time_stamp) / 1000.0)
                start_trials.append(np.argmax(self.trial_start_times >= start_times[-1]))
                ] = 0  # Timestamp for first block info follows first trial start, subsequent block info time stamps
                # preceed first trial of new block.
            reward_states = np.array(reward_states)
            transition_states = np.array(transition_states)
            trial_trans_state = np.zeros(
                self.n_trials, dtype=bool
            )  # Boolean array indicating state of tranistion matrix for each trial.
            trial_rew_state = np.zeros(
                self.n_trials, dtype=int
            )  # Integer array indicating state of rewared probabilities for each trial.
            end_trials = start_trials[1:] + [self.n_trials]
            for start_trial, end_trial, trans_state, reward_state in zip(
                start_trials, end_trials, transition_states, reward_states
                trial_trans_state[start_trial:end_trial] = trans_state
                trial_rew_state[start_trial:end_trial] = reward_state
            if self.pyControl_file:
                # Invert reward states for consistency with animal data. # Note this hack is here because in the original datasets
                # recorded on the arduino setups the reward states where in fact the opposite of that intended and so the analysis
                # currently is set up for inverted reward states.
                trial_rew_state = 2 - trial_rew_state
                reward_states = 2 - reward_states

            self.blocks = {
                "start_times": start_times,
                "start_trials": start_trials,  # index of first trial of blocks, first trial of session is trial 0.
                "end_trials": start_trials[1:] + [self.n_trials],
                "reward_states": reward_states,  # 0 for left good, 1 for neutral, 2 for right good.
                "transition_states": transition_states,  # 1 for A blocks, 0 for B blocks.
                "trial_trans_state": trial_trans_state,
                "trial_rew_state": trial_rew_state,
예제 #39
def ePIE( n, diffSet, probe, objectFuncNy, objectFuncNx, ypixel, xpixel, positiony, positionx, nbr_scans ): 

    # size of probe and diffraction patterns
    ysize = diffSet.shape[1]
    xsize = diffSet.shape[2]
    # object får den nog inte heta object. 
    # make sure it can hold complex numbers
    # intensitet ettor phase 0 är bra guess
    objectFunc = np.ones((objectFuncNy, objectFuncNx), dtype=np.complex64)
    objectIlluminated = np.ones(shape=(ysize, xsize),dtype=np.complex64)
    # allocating 
    g = np.zeros((ysize, xsize),dtype=np.complex64)
    gprime = np.zeros(( ysize, xsize),dtype=np.complex64)
    G = np.zeros((ysize, xsize),dtype=np.complex64)
    Gprime = np.zeros((ysize, xsize),dtype=np.complex64)   
    # define iteration counter for outer loop
    k = 0
    #figure for animation
#    fig = plt.figure()
#    plt.gca().invert_yaxis()
#    plt.ylabel(' [µm]')
#    plt.xlabel(' [µm]')
    # Initialize vector for animation data
#    ims = []
    # initialize vector for error calculation
    sse = np.zeros(shape=(n,1))
    gprimesum = 0
    # Start of ePIE iterations
    while k < n:
        # Start of inner loop: (where you iterate through all probe positions R)
        for u in range(0,nbr_scans):
            # define xposition in matrix from motorposition            
            yposition = int(np.round(positiony[u]/ypixel))    
            xposition = int(np.round(positionx[u]/xpixel))
            # Cut out the part of the image that is illuminated at R(=(ypos,xpos)
            objectIlluminated = objectFunc[yposition : yposition + ysize, xposition : xposition + xsize ]
            # get the guessed wave field out from the object at position R (only at position R)
            g = objectIlluminated * probe      
            # fft the wave field at position R to Fourier space
            G = (fft.fftshift(fft.fft2(g)))
#            np.disp('G shape:')
#            print(G.shape)

            # make |PSI| confirm with the diffraction pattern from R
            Gprime = diffSet[u]*np.exp(1j*np.angle(G))
            # inverse Fourier transform  
            gprime =  ( fft.ifft2(fft.ifftshift(Gprime)))
            # update the total object function with the illuminated part
            objectFunc[yposition : yposition + ysize, xposition : xposition + xsize ] = objectIlluminated + (gprime-g) * np.conj(probe) / (np.max(abs(probe))**2)# probe* annars blir det att man delar med massa nollor
            #update probe function
#            if k%4==0:
#               probe = probe + 1 *(gprime-g) * np.conj(objectIlluminated)/ (np.max(abs(objectIlluminated))**2)
            beta = 0.9
            probe = probe + beta *(gprime-g) * np.conj(objectIlluminated)/ (np.max(abs(objectIlluminated))**2)
            # Further constraints:
            # constrain object amplitude to 1
            temp_Oamp = abs(objectFunc)
            temp_Oamp[temp_Oamp>1] = 1
            temp = np.angle(objectFunc)
            objectFunc = temp_Oamp * np.exp(1j* temp)
            ##constraint object phase to negative or 0
            temp_Ophase = np.angle(objectFunc)
            temp_Ophase[temp_Ophase>0] = 0
            objectFunc = abs(objectFunc) * np.exp(1j* temp_Ophase)
            # This is for the PRTF (Absolut men du ska ju bara göra det efter att akka iteration är klara, alltså för k=n
            # Antingen gör detta eller jämför med stara G (men då skippar man ju en iteration)
#            if k==n:
#                gprimesum = gprimesum + fft.fft(fft.fft2(objectFunc*probe))

            # anim
#            im = plt.imshow(abs(objectFunc), animated=True, interpolation='none', extent=[0,6.837770297837617,0,6.825238081022181])
            ## Error estimate (sse)  Nu är alla diff mönster viktade på samma sätt. Inte så bra när de scans som är utanför provet är oviktiga/ger ingen information
            if u == int(nbr_scans/2):
                save_G_for_sse = abs(G)
#                sse[k] = sse[k] + sum(sum( )**2 
            # va är det här det är ju inte rätt:!:
            #sse[k] = sse[k] + sum(sum( (diffSet[k]**2 - abs(G)**2) / 65536  ))**2            

#        ims.append([im])
        # tittar bara på sista scanet?
        sse[k] = sum(sum( (diffSet[int(nbr_scans/2)]**2 - save_G_for_sse**2 ) / 65536 ))**2  #dela innanför
        k = k+1        
    # End of ePIE iterations
    # calculate PRTF:
    PRTF = (gprimesum/nbr_scans) / ( sum(diffSet) / nbr_scans)
    #te = np.fft.fftfreq(PRTF)
#    np.disp(PRTF)
    # define exit wave
    psi = np.zeros((nbr_scans,probe.shape[0],probe.shape[1]),dtype=np.complex64)    
    #transmis = np.zeros
    # iterate over all probe positions
#    for lu in range(0,nbr_scans):
#        # define xposition in matrix from motorposition            
#        yposition = int(np.round(positiony[lu]/ypixel))    
#        xposition = int(np.round(positionx[lu]/xpixel))
#        # kolla om detta är rätt
        #psi[lu] = probe * objectFunc[yposition : yposition + ysize, xposition : xposition + xsize ]
 #  ani = animation.ArtistAnimation(fig, ims, interval=150, blit=True,repeat_delay=200)
    ani = 1
    return (objectFunc, probe, ani, sse, psi, PRTF)
예제 #40
                 1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = pCollector
                  int(np.dot(p - 1., learnLength) + 1.) -
                  1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = np.dot(Win, pCollector)

#%%% compute readout
Wout = np.dot(
                           allTrainArgs.conj().T) +
                    np.dot(TychonovAlphaReadout, np.eye(Netsize)))),
#% training error
NRMSE_readout = nrmse(np.dot(Wout, allTrainArgs), allTrainOuts)
np.disp(sprintf('NRMSE readout: %g', NRMSE_readout))
#%%% compute W
Wtargets = atanh(allTrainArgs) - matcompat.repmat(Wbias, 1.,
                                                  np.dot(Np, learnLength))
W = np.dot(
                           allTrainOldArgs.conj().T) +
                    np.dot(TychonovAlpha, np.eye(Netsize)))), allTrainOldArgs),
#% training errors per neuron
NRMSE_W = nrmse(np.dot(W, allTrainOldArgs), Wtargets)
np.disp(sprintf('mean NRMSE W: %g', np.mean(NRMSE_W)))
#%%% run loaded reservoir to observe a messy output. Do this with starting
#%%% from four states originally obtained in the four driving conditions
def InterpolateCrossCorrelation(FirstSignal, SecondSignal, Delays, SamplingPeriod, MaxDelay):

    # Local Variables: SecondPolynomialCoefficients, FirstPolynomialCoefficients, MaxDelay, SecondSignal, MaxLag, PCCC, Delays, Curvature, SamplingPeriod, CrossCorrelation, FirstSignal, Derivative, dd
    # Function calls: disp, PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation, numel, PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients, ceil, nargin, zeros, InterpolateCrossCorrelation, error, size
    #%InterpolatieCrossCorrelation interpolates the cross-correlation function 
    #%of two discrete signals
    #% USAGE: [CrossCorrelation Derivative Curvature] = 
    #%   InterpolateCrossCorrelation(FirstSignal,SecondSignal,Delays,SamplingPeriod)
    #%   FirstSignal ~ values of the first signal
    #%   SecondSignal ~ values of the second signal
    #%   Delays ~ delays in which we want to evaluate the cross-correlation function
    #%   SamplingPeriod ~ sampling period of the signals
    #%   CrossCorrelation ~ values of the cross-correlation function at delays
    #%   Derivatives ~ values of its derivative at delays
    #%   Curvature ~ values of its second derivative at delays
    #%   This function interpolates the cross-correlation function at times Delays
    #%   of the signals FirstSignal and SecondSignal (sampled at SamplingPeriod). 
    #%   It does that assuming some polynomial interpolation at each time interval.
    #%   This function will then compute:
    #%   1) The sequence of coefficients of each polynomial interpolation.
    #%   2) The cross-correlation of these sequences of coefficients.
    #%   3) The interpolation of the cross-correlation function at each of the Delays.
    #%     X. Alameda-Pineda and R. Horaud. Geometrically-constrained time delay
    #%     estimation-based sound source localisation (gTDESSL). Research Report 
    #%     RR-7988, INRIA, June 2012.
    #%   see also PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients, PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation and performCCInterpolation
    #% Copyright 2012, Xavier Alameda-Pineda
    #% INRIA Grenoble Rhone-Alpes
    #% E-mail: [email protected]
    #% This is part of the gtde program.
    #% gtde is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
    #% it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
    #% the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
    #% (at your option) any later version.
    #% This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
    #% but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
    #% GNU General Public License for more details.
    #% You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
    #% along with this program.  If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
    #%%% Input check
    if nargin<4.:
        matcompat.error('Usage: [CrossCorrelation Derivative] = Interpolation(FirstSignal,SecondSignal,Delays,SamplingPeriod[,MaxDelay]')
    #%%% Compute the interpolation polynomial coefficients of the signals
    [FirstPolynomialCoefficients] = PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients(FirstSignal, SamplingPeriod)
    [SecondPolynomialCoefficients] = PolynomialInterpolationCoefficients(SecondSignal, SamplingPeriod)
    #%%% Compute the cross-correlation of the coefficients
    if nargin<5.:
        [PCCC] = PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation(FirstPolynomialCoefficients, SecondPolynomialCoefficients)
        MaxLag = np.ceil(matdiv(MaxDelay, SamplingPeriod))
        [PCCC] = PolynomialCoefficientsCrossCorrelation(FirstPolynomialCoefficients, SecondPolynomialCoefficients, MaxLag)
    #%%% Interpolate the cross-correlation at "Delays"
    CrossCorrelation = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays))
    Derivative = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays))
    Curvature = np.zeros(matcompat.size(Delays))
    for dd in np.arange(1., (numel(Delays))+1):
        if dd == 2651.:
    return [CrossCorrelation, Derivative, Curvature]
예제 #42
    predictions_hard = (predictions_false > cut).astype(int)
    elapsed2 = (time.time() - t2)

    # Making the Confusion Matrix
    from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix
    cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions_hard)
    # Calculating acc prec recall f1
    score_acc = np.append(score_acc, accuracy_score(y_test, predictions_hard))
    tn, fp, fn, tp = confusion_matrix(y_test, predictions_hard).ravel()

    specificity1 = np.append(specificity1, tn / (tn + fp))
    sensitivity1 = np.append(sensitivity1, tp / (tp + fn))
    roc_auc = np.append(
        skl.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true=y_test, y_score=predictions_false))

fpr_rf, tpr_rf, _ = skl.metrics.roc_curve(y_test_neg,
roc_auc = skl.metrics.roc_auc_score(y_true=y_test, y_score=predictions_false)
print("ROC AUC:", np.mean(roc_auc))

plt.figure(figsize=(15, 15))
plt.title('Receiver Operating Characteristic for LOOCV', fontsize=45)
plt.plot(fpr_rf, tpr_rf, linewidth=4, label='Random Forest')
plt.plot(fpr_knn, tpr_knn, linewidth=4, label='KNN')
예제 #43
def ekman(r=4., plot=True, savefig=False):
	Plots the solution of the Ekman problem
	in a vertically finite ocean of depth H.
	Wind is purely meridional, f-plane, linearized
	steady-state linearized solutions. The wind is
	imposed impulsively over the initially at rest
	water column.
	tau0y = 0.08                          # Wind stress, meridional-only [Pa]
	rho = 1025.                           # Seawater density             [kg m^{-3}]
	A = 5e-2                              # Eddy viscosity coefficient   [m^{2} s^{-1}]
	theta0 = -30.                         # (Reference) latitude.                            [ ]
	omega = 2*np.pi/86400.                # Planetary angular frequency.                     [s^{-1}]
	f = 2*omega*np.sin(theta0*np.pi/180.) # Coriolis parameter.                              [s^{-1}]
	d = np.sqrt(2*A/np.abs(f))            # Ekman layer depth.                               [m]
	H = r*d                               # Bottom depth.                                    [m]
	st = "H, d, H/d = %s, %s, %s"%(str(H),str(d),str(r))
	z = np.linspace(0, H, 1000.)

	# Solutions for u and v.
	C = tau0y/(rho*A)
	Denom = np.sinh(r)*np.sin(r) + np.cosh(r)*np.cos(r)
	u = C*np.sinh(z/d)*np.cos(z/d)/Denom
	v = C*np.cosh(z/d)*np.sin(z/d)/Denom

	# Veering angle at the surface.
	ang = np.arctan(v[-1]/u[-1])*180/np.pi
	st = "Veering angle at the surface: %s"%str(ang)

	if plot:
		# u and v profiles.
		fig,ax = plt.subplots()
		ax.plot(u,z,'k-',label=ur'Zonal velocity, u$_{Ek}$')
		ax.plot(v,z,'k--',label=ur'Meridional velocity, v$_{Ek}$')
		ax.set_xlabel(ur'Velocity [cm s$^{-1}$]')
		ax.set_ylabel(ur'Depth [m]')
		if savefig:

		# Hodograph plot.
		fig,ax = plt.subplots()
		# sx = ax.scatter(u,v,c=z,cmap=plt.cm.binary,linewidths=0.,marker='o')
		# cb = plt.colorbar(mappable=sx)
		# cb.set_label(ur'Depth [m]')
		ax.set_xlabel(ur'Zonal velocity [cm s$^{-1}$]')
		ax.set_ylabel(ur'Meridional velocity [cm s$^{-1}$]')
		if savefig:

	return z,u,v
예제 #44
    yearlocation       = fullfilename_i.find('year');
    year               = fullfilename_i[yearlocation+4:yearlocation+8]
    monthlocation      = fullfilename_i.find('month');
    month              = fullfilename_i[monthlocation+5:monthlocation+7]
    daylocation        = fullfilename_i.find('day');
    day                = fullfilename_i[daylocation+3:daylocation+5]
    filenameonly       = fullfilename_i[yearlocation-2:yearlocation+24];
    alldates[indfile]  = [year+month+day]
    matfile            = io.loadmat(dirdotmat+'s%i'%ihc+'/%s'%filenameonly);
    signals[indfile]   = matfile['signals_centered']
ss = array(signals[0])
for indfile in range(1,nbrandomconcat):
    ss = concatenate((ss,array(signals[indfile])),axis=0)
sortalldates = sort(alldates,0);
disp('Station %i:'%ihc);
disp('************* start process ********************')
#=============== processing function call ======================

Rsup, freqslin, STDmoduleR, STDphaseR, nboverTH = \
       estimSUT(ss, filtercharact, frequencylist_Hz, \
       Fs_Hz, MSCthreshold, trimpercent);

예제 #45
def dith_unsure(y, centres):
    #def dith(y, centres):  -> is it renamed?
    #print y.shape
    #print "============"

    # Local Variables: overall_mean, HOW_MANY_STANDARD_DEVIATIONS, d, dims, i, v, M, sample, DEBUG, ii, edges, m1, edges1, overall_sigma, centres, y, z, remainder, DITHINFO, implied
    # Function calls: disp, max, unique, isscalar, Inf, arreq, min, mean, nargout, sqrt, whichbin, length, zeros, sprintf, error, var, diff, edges_centres, prod, dith, size
    #% usage: z=dith(y,M);
    #% usage: z=dith(y,centers); %centres must be an array of scalars
    #% size(y)= (trials x length)
    #% size(y) = trials
    #% z will not contain any 0 (indices start with 1)
    DEBUG = 1.
    #%turn off the slow run-time tests
    #%usage: dith(y,M)   %M=arg centres
    #if len(centres) == 1:
    #    M = centres
    #    if not type(M) is int:
    #        #if np.prod(matcompat.size(M)) != 1.:
    #        rise Exception('usage: z=dith(y,M);')
    if type(centres) is int:
        M = centres
        #dims = np.arange(1., (length(matcompat.size(y)))+1)
        #dims = np.arange(1., (len(matcompat.size(y)))+1)
        #dims = np.arange(1, (len(matcompat.size(y)))+1)
        #not used anymore

        #%the default order is 2,1,3,4,5,6,7 ...
        #if length(dims) > 1.:
        #    dims[0:2.] = np.array(np.hstack((2., 1.)))
        #v = np.var(y, np.array([]), dims[0])
        #if length(dims) > 1.:
        #    for d in dims[1:]:
        #        v = np.mean(v, d)
        overall_sigma = np.sqrt(v)
        #%assert(overall_sigma ~= 0.0, 'var is 0.0');
        #m1 = np.mean(y, dims[0])
        #if length(dims) > 1.:
        #    for d in dims[1:]:
        #        m1 = np.mean(m1, d)
        m1 = np.mean(y.flatten())
        overall_mean = m1
        #%just a scale of edges & centres value
        np.disp('using %d standard deviations, M=%d levels'%(HOW_MANY_STANDARD_DEVIATIONS, M))
        #%edges =   "values used for discretisation"
        #%centres2 =  "implied" value by each discretized level (used in dithering)"
        (edges, centres) = edges_centres(M, HOW_MANY_STANDARD_DEVIATIONS, overall_sigma, overall_mean)
        #%usage: dith(y,centres)
        #edges1=centres(1:end-1) + diff(centres)/2;
        edges1 = centres[0:-1]+np.diff(centres) / 2.
        #edges1 = centres[0:0-1]+np.diff(centres)/2.
        #    edges=[-Inf,edges1,Inf];
        edges = np.array(np.hstack((-np.Inf, edges1, np.Inf)))
        M = len(centres)

    #%return extra information about discritization
    if True: #if nargout == 2.:
        DITHINFO = {} #np.array([])
        DITHINFO['edges'] = edges
        DITHINFO['centres'] = centres
        #%DITHINFO.z2= regular_discretize(y,M, ds, edges(2));
    #% if simple/regular agorithm
    #% z= regular_discretize(y,M, ds, edges(2));

    #%the actual slow calculations

    #print type(y)
    #%both edges & centres are needed.
    #z = np.zeros(y.shape, int)

    z = np.zeros((y.size,), int)

    remainder = 0.
    #%initial remainder = 0 (i.e., last error, or remainder error)
    for i0 in range(y1.size): #np.arange(1., (length(z.flatten(1)))+1):
        sample = y1[i0]
        #%ii=find(histc(sample + remainder,edges));      %, 'first'
        ii = whichbin((sample+remainder), edges)
        implied = centres[ii-1]
        remainder = remainder+sample-implied
        #%remainder = remainder * 0.999;
        #print 'ii,i',(ii,i),  '   z:',z.shape,'  y1.size',y1.shape
        z[i-1] = ii
        if DEBUG:
            #%if isempty(ii) warning('error in discretization'); end
            #%if ii==0  error('find(histc()) not found');   end
            #%assert(~isempty(ii), 'error in discretization' );
            #%%assert(ii>0, 'find(histc(value)) did not fit into any interval');
            #%assert(length(ii)==1, 'histc porblem');

    #%warning: uses the last remainder for the next trial
    if DEBUG:
        #%slow ones here

    #print z.shape
    #print sz
    #print "***********************"
    #print type(z[0,0])
    assert is_any_int_type(z[0,0])
    #%inner function
    return z, DITHINFO
    URCollectors.cell[0,int(p)-1] = Ux
    patternRs.cell[int(p)-1] = R
    startXs[:,int(p)-1] = x
    train_xPL.cell[0,int(p)-1] = xCollector[:,0:signalPlotLength]
    train_pPL.cell[0,int(p)-1] = pCollector[0,0:signalPlotLength]
    patternCollectors.cell[0,int(p)-1] = pCollector
    allTrainArgs[:,int(np.dot(p-1., learnLength)+1.)-1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = xCollector
    allTrainOldArgs[:,int(np.dot(p-1., learnLength)+1.)-1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = xOldCollector
    allTrainOuts[0,int(np.dot(p-1., learnLength)+1.)-1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = pCollector
    allTrainTargs[:,int(np.dot(p-1., learnLength)+1.)-1:np.dot(p, learnLength)] = np.dot(Win, pCollector)
#%%% compute readout
Wout = np.dot(np.dot(linalg.inv((np.dot(allTrainArgs, allTrainArgs.conj().T)+np.dot(TychonovAlphaReadout, np.eye(Netsize)))), allTrainArgs), allTrainOuts.conj().T).conj().T
#% training error
NRMSE_readout = nrmse(np.dot(Wout, allTrainArgs), allTrainOuts)
np.disp(sprintf('NRMSE readout: %g', NRMSE_readout))
#%%% compute W
Wtargets = atanh(allTrainArgs)-matcompat.repmat(Wbias, 1., np.dot(Np, learnLength))
W = np.dot(np.dot(linalg.inv((np.dot(allTrainOldArgs, allTrainOldArgs.conj().T)+np.dot(TychonovAlpha, np.eye(Netsize)))), allTrainOldArgs), Wtargets.conj().T).conj().T
#% training errors per neuron
NRMSE_W = nrmse(np.dot(W, allTrainOldArgs), Wtargets)
np.disp(sprintf('mean NRMSE W: %g', np.mean(NRMSE_W)))
#%%% run loaded reservoir to observe a messy output. Do this with starting
#%%% from four states originally obtained in the four driving conditions
#% initialize network state
for p in np.arange(1., 5.0):
    x = startXs[:,int(p)-1]
    messyOutPL = np.zeros(1., CtestLength)
예제 #47
파일: utils.py 프로젝트: regeirk/ap_tools
def helloworld():
  np.disp('Hello there, Mr. World.')
    allTrainOuts[0, int(np.dot(p - 1.0, learnLength) + 1.0) - 1 : np.dot(p, learnLength)] = pCollector

Wout = (
            linalg.inv((np.dot(allTrainArgs, allTrainArgs.conj().T) + np.dot(TychonovAlphaReadout, np.eye(Netsize)))),
#% training error
NRMSE_readout = nrmse(np.dot(Wout, allTrainArgs), allTrainOuts)
np.disp(sprintf("NRMSE readout relearn: %g", NRMSE_readout))
#% % test with C
x_TestPL = np.zeros(5.0, testLength, Np)
p_TestPL = np.zeros(1.0, testLength, Np)
for p in np.arange(1.0, (Np) + 1):
    C = PHI(nativeCs.cell[0, int(p) - 1], aperture)
    #%x = startxs(:,p);
    x = plt.randn(Netsize, 1.0)
    for n in np.arange(1.0, (testWashout + testLength) + 1):
        x = np.dot(C, np.tanh((np.dot(W, x) + np.dot(D, x) + Wbias)))
        if n > testWashout:
            x_TestPL[:, int((n - testWashout)) - 1, int(p) - 1] = x[0:5.0, 0]
            p_TestPL[:, int((n - testWashout)) - 1, int(p) - 1] = np.dot(Wout, x)

#%% plot
예제 #49
                    res[0][1] = video_process.replaceGrayArea(res[0][1],



            # ----------------------------------------------------------
            # Acumulo imagen si estoy en la etapa inicial
            elif vg.process_mode == 1:

                # Adquiero cuadros
                if len(vg.vidAcq) < vg.intAcqFrames:
                    np.disp('Guardado '+str(vg.k)+'/'+str(vg.intAcqFrames))


        # --------------------------------------------------------------
        # Multithreading

        # Si tengo nucleos sin hacer nada
        if (len(vg.mt.pending) < vg.mt.threadn and
                vg.process_mode > 0):

            # Descargo la imagen

            # Duermo en función del delay setteado
            time.sleep(1 - vg.pv.playSpeed)
예제 #50
def dynmodes(n=6, lat0=5., plot=False, model='Fratantoni_etal1995'):
	Computes the discrete eigenmodes (dynamical modes)
	for a quasi-geostrophic ocean with n isopycnal layers.
	Rigid lids are placed at the surface and the bottom.

	n:    Number of layers.
	lat0: Reference latitude.
	H:    List of rest depths of each layer.
    S:    List of potential density values for each layer.
	omega = 2*np.pi/86400.              # [rad s^{-1}]
	f0 = 2*omega*np.sin(lat0*np.pi/180) # [s^{-1}]
	f02 = f0**2                         # [s^{-2}]
	g = 9.81                            # [m s^{-1}]
	rho0 = 1027.                        # [kg m^{-3}]

	if model=='Fratantoni_etal1995':
		H = np.array([80.,170.,175.,250.,325.,3000.])
		S = np.array([24.97,26.30,26.83,27.12,27.32,27.77])
		tit = ur'Modelo de seis camadas para a CNB de Fratantoni \textit{et al.} (1995)'
		figname = 'vmodes_fratantoni_etal1995'
	elif model=='Bub_Brown1996':
		H = np.array([150.,440.,240.,445.,225.,2500.])
		S = np.array([24.13,26.97,27.28,27.48,27.74,27.87])
		tit = ur'Modelo de seis camadas para a CNB de Bub e Brown (1996)'
		figname = 'vmodes_bub_brown1996'

	# Normalized density jumps.
	E = (S[1:]-S[:-1])/rho0
	# Rigid lids at the surface and the bottom,
	# meaning infinite density jumps.
	E = np.hstack( (np.inf,E,np.inf) )

	# Building the tridiagonal matrix.
	A = np.zeros( (n,n) )
	for i in xrange(n):
		A[i,i] = -f02/(E[i+1]*g*H[i]) -f02/(E[i]*g*H[i]) # The main diagonal.
		if i>0:
			A[i,i-1] = f02/(E[i]*g*H[i])
		if i<(n-1):
			A[i,i+1] = f02/(E[i+1]*g*H[i])

	# get eigenvalues and convert them
	# to internal deformation radii
	lam,v = eig(A)
	lam = np.abs(lam)

	# Baroclinic def. radii in km:
	uno = np.ones( (lam.size,lam.size) )
	Rd = 1e-3*uno/np.sqrt(lam)
	Rd = np.unique(Rd)
	Rd = np.flipud(Rd)

	np.disp("Deformation radii [km]:")
	[np.disp(int(r)) for r in Rd]

	# orthonormalize eigenvectors, i.e.,
	# find the dynamical mode vertical structure functions.
	F = np.zeros( (n,n) )

	for i in xrange(n):
		mi = v[:,i] # The vertical structure of the i-th vertical mode.
		fac = np.sqrt(np.sum(H*mi*mi)/np.sum(H))
		F[:,i] = 1/fac*mi

	F[:,0] = np.abs(F[:,1])
	F = np.fliplr(F)

	Fi = np.vstack( (F[0,:],F) )
	Fi = np.flipud(Fi)
	for i in xrange(n-1):
		Fi[i,:] = F[i+1,:]
	Fi = np.flipud(Fi)

	# Plot the vertical modes.
	if plot:
		kw = dict(fontsize=15, fontweight='black')
		fig,ax = plt.subplots()
		Hc = np.sum(H)
		z = np.flipud(np.linspace(-Hc,0,1000))
		Hp = np.append(0,H)
		Hp = -np.cumsum(Hp)

		# build modes for plotting purposes
		Fp = np.zeros( (z.size,n) )
		fo = 0

		for i in xrange(n):
			f1 = near(z,Hp[i])[0][0]
			for j in xrange(fo,f1):
				Fp[j,:] = F[i,:]

		for i in xrange(n):
			l = 'Modo %s'%str(i)
			ax.plot(Fp[:,i], z, label=l)
		xl,xr = ax.set_xlim(-5,5)
		ax.set_title(tit, **kw)
		ax.set_xlabel(ur'Autofunção [adimensional]', **kw)
		ax.set_ylabel(ur'Profundidade [m]', **kw)
		ax.legend(loc='lower left', fontsize=20, fancybox=True, shadow=True)
		fig.savefig(figname+'.'+fmt, format=fmt, bbox='tight')
예제 #51
def solvemembrane(nodes, elements, properties, loads, fixities ):
    """Finds node displacements in a
     2-dimensional linear elastic membrane."""

    # element's stiffness matrix
    def Ke(k, A):
        """Returns a membrane element's stiffness matrix."""
        invA = np.linalg.inv(A)
        area = np.linalg.det(A)*0.5
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(3):
                K[i,j] = area*k*(invA[0,i]*invA[0,j]+invA[1,i]*invA[1,j])
        return K

    # degrees of freedom per node
    dof = 1
    # number of elements
    noe = len(elements)
    # nodes per element
    nne = len(elements[0])-1

    KGsize = np.size(nodes,0)*dof
    KG = np.zeros((KGsize,KGsize))

    # list containing all elements' stiffness in global coordinates
    kg = []
    for i in range(noe):
        k = properties[elements[i,3],0]
        coord = np.array([
            [ nodes[elements[i,0],0], nodes[elements[i,0],1], 1 ],
            [ nodes[elements[i,1],0], nodes[elements[i,1],1], 1 ],
            [ nodes[elements[i,2],0], nodes[elements[i,2],1], 1 ]
        kg.append( Ke(k,coord) )

    #for i in range(noe):

    # assemble global stiffness matrix
    # for every element
    for i in range(noe):
        # for every line
        for j in elements[i][0:-1]:
            # and every column
            for k in elements[i][0:-1]:
                kint += 1
            jint += 1

    # assemble loads vector
    F = np.zeros((KGsize,1))
    for i in range(len(loads)):
        for j in range(dof):
            F[loads[i,0]*dof + j ] = loads[i, 1+j]

    # applies fixity conditions to global stiffness matrix
    for i in range(len(fixities)):
        for j in range(dof):
            if not np.isnan(fixities[i,j+1]):
                for k in range(KGsize):
                    KG[ fixities[i,0]*dof+j, k] = 0
                KG[fixities[i,0]*dof+j, fixities[i,0]*dof+j ] = 1
                F[fixities[i,0]*dof+j ] = fixities[i,j+1]

    print("\n== GLOBAL STIFFNESS MATRIX ==\n")
    #print("\n== GLOBAL LOADS VECTOR ==\n")
    # solves system
    X = np.linalg.solve(KG,F)

    return X
예제 #52
파일: sat.py 프로젝트: regeirk/ap_tools
def wind_subset(times=(datetime(2009,12,28), datetime(2010,1,10)),
    dt='daily', llcrnrlon=-45, urcrnrlon=-35, llcrnrlat=-25, urcrnrlat=-18):
    u,v = wind_subset(...)

    Gets wind vectors from the NCDC/NOAA Blended Seawinds L4 product,
    given a given lon, lat, time bounding box.

    * times: A tuple with 2 datetime objects marking the
      start and end of the desired subset.
      If dt=='clim', this should be an integer indicating the
      desired month, from 1 (January) through 12 (December).
      This climatology is built from the 1995-2005 data.

    * dt: Time resolution wanted. Choose `six-hourly`,
      `daily` (default) or `monthly`.

    * llcrnrlon, urcrnrlon: Longitude band wanted.
    * llcrnrlat, urcrnrlat: Latitude band wanted.

    u,v: pandas Panels containing the data subsets.

    head = 'http://www.ncdc.noaa.gov/thredds/dodsC/oceanwinds'
    tail = {'six-hourly':'6hr','daily':'dly','monthly':'mon','clim':'clm-agg'}

    url = head + tail[dt]
    nc = Dataset(url)

    lon = nc.variables.pop('lon')[:]
    lon = lon360to180(lon) # Longitude is in the [0,360] range, BB is in the [-180,+180] range.
    lat = nc.variables.pop('lat')[:]
    time = nc.variables.pop('time')
    time = num2date(time[:],time.units,calendar='standard')

    # Subsetting the data.
    maskx = np.logical_and(lon >= llcrnrlon, lon <= urcrnrlon)
    masky = np.logical_and(lat >= llcrnrlat, lat <= urcrnrlat)

    # Ignoring more precise time units than
    # the resolution in the desired dataset.
    nt = time.size
    if dt=='six-hourly':
        for i in xrange(nt):
            time[i] = time[i].replace(minute=0,second=0)
    elif dt=='daily':
        for i in xrange(nt):
            time[i] = time[i].replace(hour=0,minute=0,second=0)
    elif dt=='monthly':
        for i in xrange(nt):
            time[i] = time[i].replace(day=1,hour=0,minute=0,second=0)
    elif dt=='clim':
        time[1] = time[1].replace(month=2) # Fixing February.
        aux = []; [aux.append(Time.month) for Time in time]
        time = np.copy(aux); del aux

    # If the time wanted is a single month/day/hour,
    # get the nearest time available in the dataset.
    if dt=='clim':
        if np.size(times)<2:
            idxt = np.abs(time-times).argmin()
            maskt = np.logical_and(time >= times[0], time <= times[1])

    np.disp('Downloading subset...')
    lon, lat, time = lon[maskx], lat[masky], time[maskt]
    u = nc.variables['u'][maskt,0,masky,maskx]
    v = nc.variables['v'][maskt,0,masky,maskx]

    lat,lon,time,u,v = map(np.atleast_1d, [lat,lon,time,u,v])

    # Sets the panels.
    U = Panel(data=u, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon)
    V = Panel(data=v, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon)
    # Sorting major axis (longitude) to fix the crossing of the 0º meridian.
    U = U.sort_index(axis=2)
    V = V.sort_index(axis=2)

    # Retrieves the u,v arrays to fix masked values.
    u,v,lon,lat = map(np.atleast_1d, (U.values,V.values,U.minor_axis.values,U.major_axis.values))
    fill_value = -9999.
    u = np.ma.masked_equal(u, fill_value)
    v = np.ma.masked_equal(v, fill_value)

    # Resets the Panels with the sorted and masked u,v arrays.
    U = Panel(data=u, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon)
    V = Panel(data=v, items=time, major_axis=lat, minor_axis=lon)

    return U,V
def invfreqs(g, w, varargin):

    # Local Variables: realFlag, cg, realStr, D31, gndir, t1, cw, nk, kom, nm, na, nb, Vcap, V1, rg, pf, rw, tol, maxiter, varargin, cwf, wf, ll, D, rwf, D32, Dva, Dvb, gaussFlag, verb, GC, e, th, a, OM, b, Vd, g, k, l, st, indg, R, inda, t, w, indb, D3
    # Function calls: disp, all, invfreqs, deal, ischar, int2str, warning, apolystab, home, message, size, getString, sqrt, clc, zeros, norm, real, nargchk, max, nargin, ones, isempty, lower, length, num2str, error, strcmp
    #%INVFREQS Analog filter least squares fit to frequency response data.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQS(H,W,nb,na) gives real numerator and denominator 
    #%   coefficients B and A of orders nb and na respectively, where
    #%   H is the desired complex frequency response of the system at frequency
    #%   points W, and W contains the frequency values in radians/s.
    #%   INVFREQS yields a filter with real coefficients.  This means that it is 
    #%   sufficient to specify positive frequencies only; the filter fits the data 
    #%   conj(H) at -W, ensuring the proper frequency domain symmetry for a real 
    #%   filter.
    #%   [B,A]=INVFREQS(H,W,nb,na,Wt) allows the fit-errors to the weighted
    #%   versus frequency.  LENGTH(Wt)=LENGTH(W)=LENGTH(H).
    #%   Determined by minimization of sum |B-H*A|^2*Wt over the freqs in W.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQS(H,W,nb,na,Wt,ITER) does another type of fit:
    #%   Sum |B/A-H|^2*Wt is minimized with respect to the coefficients in B and
    #%   A by numerical search in at most ITER iterations.  The A-polynomial is 
    #%   then constrained to be stable.  [B,A]=INVFREQS(H,W,nb,na,Wt,ITER,TOL)
    #%   stops the iterations when the norm of the gradient is less than TOL.
    #%   The default value of TOL is 0.01.  The default value of Wt is all ones.
    #%   This default value is also obtained by Wt=[].
    #%   [B,A]=INVFREQS(H,W,nb,na,Wt,ITER,TOL,'trace') provides a textual
    #%   progress report of the iteration.
    #%   [B,A] = INVFREQS(H,W,'complex',NB,NA,...) creates a complex filter.  In 
    #%   this case, no symmetry is enforced. 
    #%   % Example:
    #%   %   Convert a simple transfer function to frequency response data and
    #%   %   then back to the original filter coefficients. If the system is
    #%   %   unstable, use invfreqs's iterative algorithm to find a stable 
    #%   %   approximation to the system.
    #%   b = [1 2 3 2 3];                % Numerator coefficients
    #%   a = [1 2 3 2 1 4];              % Denominator coefficients
    #%   [h,w] = freqs(b,a,64);
    #%   [bb,aa] = invfreqs(h,w,4,5) %  aa has poles in the right half-plane.
    #%   fprintf('Stable Approximation to the system:')
    #%   [bbb,aaa] = invfreqs(h,w,4,5,[],30) % stable approximation to system
    #%   See also FREQZ, FREQS, INVFREQZ.
    #%   Author(s): J.O. Smith and J.N. Little, 4-23-86
    #%              J.N. Little, 4-27-88, revised
    #%              Lennart Ljung, 9-21-92, rewritten
    #%              T. Krauss, 10-22-92, trace mode made optional
    #%   Copyright 1988-2011 The MathWorks, Inc.
    #% calling sequence is
    #%function [b,a]=invfreqs(g,w,nb,na,wf,maxiter,tol,pf)
    #% OR
    #%function [b,a]=invfreqs(g,w,'complex',nb,na,wf,maxiter,tol,pf)
    matcompat.error(nargchk(4., 9., nargin, 'struct'))
    if ischar(varargin.cell[0]):
        realStr = lower(varargin.cell[0])
        varargin[0] = np.array([])
        realStr = 'real'
    gaussFlag = length(varargin) > 3.
    #% run Gauss-Newton algorithm or not?
    if length(varargin)<6.:
        varargin.cell[5] = np.array([])
        #% pad varargin with []'s
    [nb, na, wf, maxiter, tol, pf] = deal(varargin.cell[:])
    if False: # switch 
    elif _switch_val == 'real':
        realFlag = 1.
    elif _switch_val == 'complex':
        realFlag = 0.
        matcompat.warning(message('signal:invfreqs:InvalidParam', realStr))
        realFlag = 0.
    nk = 0.
    #% The code is prepared for constraining the numerator to 
    #% begin with nk zeros.
    nb = nb+nk+1.
    if isempty(pf):
        verb = 0.
    elif strcmp(pf, 'trace'):
        verb = 1.
        matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqs:NotSupported', pf))
    if isempty(wf):
        wf = np.ones(length(w), 1.)
    wf = np.sqrt(wf)
    if length(g) != length(w):
        matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqs:UnmatchedLengths', 'H', 'W'))
    if length(wf) != length(w):
        matcompat.error(message('signal:invfreqs:UnmatchedLengths', 'Wt', 'W'))
    #% if any( w(:)<0 ) && realFlag
    #%   warning(message('signal:invfreqs:InvalidWParam', 'W', 'INVFREQS', 'complex'))
    #% end
    [rw, cw] = matcompat.size(w)
    if rw > cw:
        w = w.conj().T
    [rg, cg] = matcompat.size(g)
    if cg > rg:
        g = g.T
    [rwf, cwf] = matcompat.size(wf)
    if cwf > rwf:
        wf = wf.conj().T
    nm = matcompat.max((na+1.), (nb+nk))
    indb = np.arange(nb, (1.)+(-1.), -1.)
    indg = np.arange(na+1., (1.)+(-1.), -1.)
    inda = np.arange(na, (1.)+(-1.), -1.)
    OM = np.ones(1., length(w))
    for kom in np.arange(1., (nm-1.)+1):
        OM = np.array(np.vstack((np.hstack((OM)), np.hstack(((1i.*w)**kom)))))
    #% Estimation in the least squares case:
    Dva = OM[int(inda)-1,:].T*np.dot(g, np.ones(1., na))
    Dvb = -OM[int(indb)-1,:].T
    D = np.array(np.hstack((Dva, Dvb)))*np.dot(wf, np.ones(1., (na+nb)))
    R = np.dot(D.conj().T, D)
    Vd = np.dot(D.conj().T, -g*OM[int((na+1.))-1,:].T*wf)
    if realFlag:
        R = np.real(R)
        Vd = np.real(Vd)
    th = linalg.solve(R, Vd)
    a = np.array(np.hstack((1., th[0:na].T)))
    b = np.array(np.hstack((np.zeros(1., nk), th[int(na+1.)-1:na+nb].T)))
    if not gaussFlag:
        return []
    #% Now for the iterative minimization
    if isempty(maxiter):
        maxiter = 30.
    if isempty(tol):
        tol = 0.01
    #% Stabilizing the denominator:
    a = apolystab(a, realFlag)
    #% The initial estimate:
    GC = (np.dot(b, OM[int(indb)-1,:])/np.dot(a, OM[int(indg)-1,:])).T
    e = (GC-g)*wf
    Vcap = np.dot(e.conj().T, e)
    t = np.array(np.hstack((a[1:na+1.], b[int(nk+1.)-1:nk+nb]))).T
    if verb:
        #% invfreqz using same messages
    np.disp(np.array(np.hstack(('  ', getString(message('signal:invfreqs:INITIALESTIMATE'))))))
    np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentFit')), num2str(Vcap)))))
    #% %
    #% ** the minimization loop **
    gndir = 2.*tol+1.
    l = 0.
    st = 0.
    while np.all(np.array(np.hstack((linalg.norm(gndir) > tol, l<maxiter, st != 1.)))):
        l = l+1.
        #%     * compute gradient *
        D31 = OM[int(inda)-1,:].T*np.dot(-GC/np.dot(a, OM[int(indg)-1,:]).T, np.ones(1., na))
        D32 = OM[int(indb)-1,:].T/np.dot(np.dot(a, OM[int(indg)-1,:]).T, np.ones(1., nb))
        D3 = np.array(np.hstack((D31, D32)))*np.dot(wf, np.ones(1., (na+nb)))
        #%     * compute Gauss-Newton search direction
        e = (GC-g)*wf
        R = np.dot(D3.conj().T, D3)
        Vd = np.dot(D3.conj().T, e)
        if realFlag:
            R = np.real(R)
            Vd = np.real(Vd)
        gndir = linalg.solve(R, Vd)
        #%     * search along the gndir-direction *
        ll = 0.
        k = 1.
        V1 = Vcap+1.
        t1 = t
        while np.all(np.array(np.hstack((V1, ll<20.)))):
            t1 = t-np.dot(k, gndir)
            if ll == 19.:
                t1 = t
            a = np.array(np.hstack((1., t1[0:na].T)))
            b = np.array(np.hstack((np.zeros(1., nk), t1[int(na+1.)-1:na+nb].T)))
            a = apolystab(a, realFlag)
            #% Stabilizing the denominator
            t1[0:na] = a[1:na+1.].T
            GC = (np.dot(b, OM[int(indb)-1,:])/np.dot(a, OM[int(indg)-1,:])).T
            V1 = np.dot(((GC-g)*wf).conj().T, (GC-g)*wf)
            if verb:
            k = k/2.
            ll = ll+1.
            if ll == 10.:
                gndir = np.dot(matdiv(Vd, linalg.norm(R)), length(R))
                k = 1.
            if ll == 20.:
                st = 1.
        if verb:
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack(('      ', getString(message('signal:invfreqs:ITERATION')), int2str(l)))))
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:CurrentFit')), num2str(V1), getString(message('signal:invfreqs:PreviousFit')), num2str(Vcap)))))
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((t1, t, gndir))))
            np.disp(np.array(np.hstack((getString(message('signal:invfreqs:NormOfGNvector')), num2str(linalg.norm(gndir))))))
            if st == 1.:
        t = t1
        Vcap = V1
    return [b, a]
def apolystab(a, realFlag):

    # Local Variables: a, realFlag, vind, v
    # Function calls: real, poly, length, apolystab, find, roots
    #%APOLYSTAB  Stabilize filter, analog
    #%   inputs: a - denominator polynomial
    #%           realFlag - 1 for real, 0 for complex
    #%   returns stabilized denoninator polynomial
    if length(a) > 0.:
        v = np.roots(a)
        vind = nonzero((np.real(v) > 0.))
        v[int(vind)-1] = -v[int(vind)-1]
        a = np.poly(v)
        if realFlag:
            a = np.real(a)
    return [a]
예제 #54
    def calcPsd(self):
        self.psd = np.zeros((self.numbPoints))
        self.Ls_K = np.zeros((self.numbPoints))
        self.Lval_K = np.zeros((self.numbPoints))  #psd and L* final vectors
        self.E_mu_spec = np.zeros(
            (self.numbPoints))  #energy radial coverage for the chosen MU
        for iit in range(self.numbPoints):
            #1ST STEP, getting alphaK and E_mu (energy respective to desired K and MU)
            K_temp = self.Kvalues[iit, :]
            K_temp[K_temp == -1.00000000e+31] = np.nan

            temp_nan0 = np.isnan(
                K_temp)  #removing nan values in K prior to the interpolation
            pos0 = np.where(temp_nan0 == False)[0]
            if len(pos0) < 2 or self.Kd < np.nanmin(
                    K_temp) or self.Kd > np.nanmax(K_temp):
                self.psd[iit] = np.nan
                self.Ls_K[iit] = np.nan
                self.Lval_K[iit] = np.nan
                self.E_mu_spec[iit] = np.nan
            #Kd not defined means that that population is in a region of B with opened field lines
            #For the same reason, Lstar is no longer defined
                pa_st0 = pos0[0]
                pa_end0 = pos0[-1] + 1
                K_temp2 = K_temp[pa_st0:pa_end0]
                pae2 = self.pae[pa_st0:pa_end0]

                fK = interp1d(K_temp2, pae2)  #linear fit
                self.aK = fK(self.Kd)  #Alpha for desired K at instant iit
                #disp(aK) ok, no nan values generated for aK during interpolation

                #LSTAR step, Linear interpolation over L*(t,alpha) to get L* at desired K, that is, at calculated alphaK
                #With the assumption that K provided was calculated for local alpha
                #that is, along the satellite's orbit
                # Ls_temp=self.Ls#[iit,:]
                Ls_temp = self.Ls[iit, :]
                Ls_temp[Ls_temp == -1.00000000e+31] = np.nan

                temp_nan2 = np.isnan(
                )  #removing nan values of Ls vector before interpolation
                pos2 = np.where(temp_nan2 == False)[0]
                if len(pos2) < 2:
                    self.Ls_K[iit] = np.nan
                    self.Lval_K[iit] = np.nan
                    Ls_temp2 = Ls_temp[pos2]
                    pae2 = self.pae[pos2]

                    fLs = interp1d(
                        Ls_temp2)  #linear fit on L*-->y in respect to PA-->x,
                    if self.aK < min(pae2) or self.aK > max(pae2):  #ok
                        self.Ls_K[iit] = np.nan
                        self.Ls_K[iit] = fLs(self.aK)

                m0 = 9.11e-31  # electron rest mass Kg
                c = 3e8  #speed of light in m/s
                #mc_sq=1e-6*(m0*c**2)/(1.6022e-19)=.511 MeV #electron energy rest in units of MeV

                p2 = 2 * (.511 / c**2) * (self.B2[iit] * 1e-5) * self.MUd / (
                        self.aK))**2)  #relativistic momentum squared
                #B is converted from nT to Gauss
                delta = (2 * .511)**2 + (4 * p2 * c**2)
                # print('delta', delta)
                # print(p2)
                #solving the second degree equation in respect to E to get the kinetic energy En_mu at desired MU and K
                E_mu = (-2 * .511 + np.sqrt(delta)) / 2  #
                self.E_mu_spec[iit] = E_mu
                if E_mu < np.nanmin(self.Enm) or E_mu > np.nanmax(self.Enm):
                    self.psd[iit] = np.nan

                    #2ND STEP, Linear fitting of the pitch angle distribution
                    #to get the flux at aK for different energy channels (all saved in jK)
                    jK = np.zeros((21))  #12
                    for en in range(21):  #12
                        temp_nan = np.isnan(self.fedu_m2[
                            iit, :,
                            en])  #finding nan values for flux in funtion of PA
                        pos = np.where(temp_nan == False)[0]
                        if len(pos) == 0:
                            jK[en] = np.nan
                            pa_st = pos[0]
                            pa_end = pos[-1] + 1
                            x = self.pAngle_mageis[pa_st:pa_end]
                            y = self.fedu_m2[iit, pa_st:pa_end, en]

                            if self.aK < x[0] or self.aK > x[-1]:
                                self.psd[iit] = np.nan
                                fPAD = interp1d(x, y)
                                jK[en] = fPAD(self.aK)

                    #3RD STEP, exponential fit between fluxes (jK) and the energy channels
                    #to get j(aK) at E_mu.
                    temp_nan1 = np.isnan(
                    )  #removing nan values of jK vector before interpolation
                    pos1 = np.where(temp_nan1 == False)[0]
                    if len(pos1) == 0:
                        self.psd[iit] = np.nan
                        jK2 = jK[pos1]
                        Enm2 = self.Enm[pos1]

                        fE = interp1d(
                            Enm2, np.log(jK2)
                        )  #linear fit on ln(jK)-->y in respect to E-->x, VALIDATED!!!
                        if E_mu < min(Enm2) or E_mu > max(Enm2):  #ok
                            self.psd[iit] = np.nan
                            lnj = fE(E_mu)  #log(jK) for E_mu
                            jd = np.e**lnj  #interpolated j at alphaK and E_mu

                            #4TH STEP, interpolated j is finally converted to psd
                            self.psd[iit] = 3.325 * (1e-8) * (jd) / (
                                E_mu * (E_mu + 2 * .511))
예제 #55
    "/Volumes/LaCie JDS/simulation data/Hopf/Hopf-divided/Hopfstochoutput-pt3-dwnspl1-thresh1.4146      1.4451      1.4912      1.5793-biftype1.mat",
    "/Volumes/LaCie JDS/simulation data/Hopf/Hopf-divided/Hopfstochoutput-pt4-dwnspl1-thresh1.4146      1.4451      1.4912      1.5793-biftype1.mat",
    "/Volumes/LaCie JDS/simulation data/Hopf/Hopf-divided/Hopfstochoutput-pt5-dwnspl1-thresh1.4146      1.4451      1.4912      1.5793-biftype1.mat",
np.disp("Hopf complete")
    "/Volumes/LaCie JDS/simulation data/hopfoffset/hopfstochoffsetoutput-pt1-dwnspl1-thresh0.7844      0.9044      0.9691      1.1123-biftype5.mat",
    "/Volumes/LaCie JDS/simulation data/hopfoffset/hopfstochoffsetoutput-pt2-dwnspl1-thresh0.7844      0.9044      0.9691      1.1123-biftype5.mat",
    "/Volumes/LaCie JDS/simulation data/hopfoffset/hopfstochoffsetoutput-pt3-dwnspl1-thresh0.7844      0.9044      0.9691      1.1123-biftype5.mat",