예제 #1
    def calculate_FROG(self):
        self.FROGxmin   = self.t[0]
        self.FROGxmax   = self.t[-1]
        self.FROGdeltax = (self.t[-1]-self.t[0])/self.NT
        self.FROGymin   = self.frequencies[0]
        self.FROGymax   = self.frequencies[-1]
        self.FROGdeltay = (self.frequencies[-1]-self.frequencies[0])/self.NT
#negative delay
        for i in xrange(self.NT/2):
            self.field     =  zeros((self.NT))
            self.field[i:] = (self.ElectricField[:self.NT-i]*self.ElectricField[i:])**2
            self.field_fft = fft(self.field)       
            self.field_fft[:self.NT/2] = zeros((self.NT/2))   #no negative freq
            self.FROG[:,self.NT/2-i] = abs(self.field_fft[self.NT/2:])**2#fftshift(abs(self.field_fft[self.NT/2:])**2)
#positive delay
        for i in xrange(self.NT/2):
            self.field     = zeros((self.NT))
            self.field[i:] = (self.ElectricField[i:]*self.ElectricField[:self.NT-i])**2
            self.field_fft = fft(self.field)  
            self.field_fft[:self.NT/2] = zeros((self.NT/2))      #no negative freq
            self.FROG[:,self.NT/2+i] = abs(self.field_fft[self.NT/2:])**2#fftshift(abs(self.field_fft[self.NT/2:])**2)
        self.FROG /= ma.max(abs(self.FROG))
예제 #2
def length_shift(signalin, tscale):
  L = len(signalin)
  # signal blocks for processing and output
  phi  = zeros(N)
  out = zeros(N, dtype=complex)
  sigout = zeros(L/tscale+N)

  # max input amp, window
  amp = max(signalin)
  win = hanning(N)
  p = 0
  pp = 0
  while p < L-(N+H):
    print p, ',', (L-N-H)

    # take the spectra of two consecutive windows
    p1 = int(p)
    spec1 =  fft(win*signalin[p1:p1+N])
    spec2 =  fft(win*signalin[p1+H:p1+N+H])
    # take their phase difference and integrate
    phi += (angle(spec2) - angle(spec1))
    # bring the phase back to between pi and -pi
    for i in phi:
      while i < -pi: i += 2*pi
      while i >= pi: i -= 2*pi
    out.real, out.imag = cos(phi), sin(phi)
    # inverse FFT and overlap-add
    sigout[pp:pp+N] += (win*ifft(abs(spec2)*out)).real
    pp += H
    p += H*tscale
  return array(amp * sigout / max(sigout))
예제 #3
    def calculate_FROG(self):
        self.FROGxmin   = self.t[0]
        self.FROGxmax   = self.t[-1]
        self.FROGymin   = self.get_frequencies()[0]
        self.FROGymax   = self.get_frequencies()[-1]
        ElectricField = real(self.ElectricField)
        # complex field
#negative delay
        for i in xrange(self.NT/2):
            self.field     =  zeros((self.NT))
            self.field[i:] = (ElectricField[:self.NT-i]*ElectricField[i:])**2
            self.field_fft = fft(self.field)       
            self.FROG[:,self.NT/2-i] = fftshift(abs(self.field_fft)**2)
#positive delay
        for i in xrange(self.NT/2):
            self.field     = zeros((self.NT))
            self.field[i:] = (ElectricField[i:]*ElectricField[:self.NT-i])**2
            self.field_fft = fft(self.field)  
            self.FROG[:,self.NT/2+i] = fftshift(abs(self.field_fft)**2)
        self.FROG /= ma.max(abs(self.FROG))
예제 #4
	def process2ch(self,inputbuffers,timestamp):
		if not self.update() : return None

		fftsize = self.m_blockSize
		audioSamples0 = inputbuffers[0]
		audioSamples1 = inputbuffers[1]

		complexSpectrum0 = fft(self.window*audioSamples0,fftsize)
		complexSpectrum1 = fft(self.window*audioSamples1,fftsize)
		magnitudeSpectrum0 = abs(complexSpectrum0)[0:fftsize/2] / (fftsize/2)
		magnitudeSpectrum1 = abs(complexSpectrum1)[0:fftsize/2] / (fftsize/2)
		# do the computation
		melSpectrum0 = self.warpSpectrum(magnitudeSpectrum0)
		melCepstrum0 = self.getMFCCs(melSpectrum0,cn=True)
		melSpectrum1 = self.warpSpectrum(magnitudeSpectrum1)
		melCepstrum1 = self.getMFCCs(melSpectrum1,cn=True)
		outputs = FeatureSet()
		outputs[0] = Feature(hstack((melCepstrum1[self.cnull:],melCepstrum0[self.cnull:])))
		outputs[1] = Feature(hstack((melSpectrum1,melSpectrum0)))
		return outputs
예제 #5
def phi(entry):
    # Likelihood fonction
    A = MesFonctions.matrice_A(entry[0:size].reshape((NbLigne, NbColonne)), methode="3")
    x_ = (
        floue.reshape(size) - MesFonctions.conv_matrices(A, entry[size:2 * size].reshape((NbLigne, NbColonne)),
    likelihood = np.dot(np.dot(x_, C_noise_inv), x_.transpose())
    # Regularization term
    image_ = entry[0:size]  # /sum(sum(im))
    PSF_ = entry[size:2 * size]  # /sum(sum(PSF))
    if regularization == "spectral":
        fy_ = np.fft(image_)
        y_ = 0
        for i in range(0, size):
            y_ = y_ + i * i * abs(fy_[i]) * abs(fy_[i])
        regularization_im = y_
        fz_ = np.fft(PSF_)
        z_ = 0
        for i in range(0, size):
            z_ = z_ + i * i * abs(fz_[i]) * abs(fz_[i])
        regularization_PSF = z_
    elif regularization == "Tikhonov":
        y_ = sum(image_ * image_)
        regularization_im = math.sqrt(y_)
        z_ = sum(PSF_ * PSF_)
        regularization_PSF = math.sqrt(z_)

    t_ = likelihood + regularization_im + regularization_PSF
    return t_
예제 #6
def fft_covariance(sample):
        returns the covariance matrix and index of each item for a dimension-list of sample-lists
        [d0, d1, ...,dd] where d0 is the first dimension containing n samples.
        n.b. numpy 1.7rc1 has numpy.pad to pad array.  currently running 1.6.2 (released version)
        so imported rc1 version.
    A = numpy.array(sample)
    d, n = A.shape
    Q = numpy.ones(1) if(d==2) else numpy.ones((d, d))
    idx = [[1]] if(d==2) else [list([1.] * d) for i in range(d)]
    nm1 = float(n - 1)
    #prep for fft
    A =  (A.transpose() - numpy.mean(A, axis=1)).transpose()
    A = npp.pad(A,(0,len(pad(n))), 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))[:d, : ]
    if (d == 2):
        corr = ifft(fft(A[0, :]) * np.conjugate(fft(A[1, :])))
        maxcorr = getmax(corr)
        Q[0] =  maxcorr[0] / nm1
        idx[0] = maxcorr[1]
        for i in range(d):
            for j in range(i, d):
                corr = ifft(fft(A[i, :]) * np.conjugate(fft(A[j, : ])))
                maxcorr = getmax(corr)
                Q[i][j] = maxcorr[0] / nm1 
                idx[i][j] = maxcorr[1]
                if i != j:
                    Q[j][i] = Q[i][j]
    return Q, idx
예제 #7
파일: Dynamics.py 프로젝트: nborggren/Aleph
    def myFFT(self,x):
        tt,xx,uu = self.Traj(x,U=1,fast=0)
        grsU = [TGraph(n,tt,uu[i]) for i in range(5)]         
        ffts = [fft(uu[i]).real for i in range(5)]
        ffts2= [fft(uu[i]).imag for i in range(5)]
        fftUt = [array('d') for i in range(5)]
        fftUt2 = [array('d') for i in range(5)]
        for i in range(5):
            for j in range(n):
        fftUr = [TGraph(n,tt,fftUt[i]) for i in range(5)]         
        fftUi = [TGraph(n,tt,fftUt2[i]) for i in range(5)]         
        c1 = TCanvas()
        for i in range(5):
        fftsx1 = [fft(xx[i]).real for i in range(3)]
        fftsx2= [fft(xx[i]).imag for i in range(3)]
        fftsxA = [array('d') for i in range(3)]
        for i in range(3):
            for j in range(n):
        fftxr = [TGraph(n,tt,fftsxA[i]) for i in range(3)]         
        c2 = TCanvas()
        for i in range(3):
        zwom = input("numbers continue")
예제 #8
def fft_sheet(f, t):
    # Transform along y
    fk = fft(f, axis=0)
    # Phase shift (to make periodic in x)
    fk *= exp(1j * S * t * ky * x)
    # Transform along x
    return fft(fk, axis=1)
예제 #9
def FFT_Correlation(x,y):
    FFT-based correlation, much faster than numpy autocorr.
    x and y are row-based vectors of arbitrary lengths.
    This is a vectorized implementation of O(N*log(N)) flops.

    lengthx = x.shape[0]
    lengthy = y.shape[0]

    x = np.reshape(x,(1,lengthx))
    y = np.reshape(y,(1,lengthy))

    length = np.array([lengthx, lengthy]).min()
    x = x[:length]
    y = y[:length]
    fftx = fft(x, 2 * length - 1, axis=1) #pad with zeros
    ffty = fft(y, 2 * length - 1, axis=1)

    corr_xy = fft.ifft(fftx * np.conjugate(ffty), axis=1)
    corr_xy = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_xy, axes=1)) #should be no imaginary part

    corr_yx = fft.ifft(ffty * np.conjugate(fftx), axis=1)
    corr_yx = np.real(fft.fftshift(corr_yx, axes=1))

    corr = 0.5 * (corr_xy[:,length:] + corr_yx[:,length:]) / range(1,length)[::-1]
    return np.reshape(corr,corr.shape[1])
예제 #10
 def diff_spectrum(self, ref_mic):
     ref_signal = self.microphones[ref_mic[0]][ref_mic[1]].signal
     min_sig_len = min(ref_signal.shape[0], self.signal.shape[0])
     wnd = 0.54 - 0.46*numpy.cos(2*pi*numpy.arange(min_sig_len)/min_sig_len)
     fft_sum  = fftshift(fft(self.signal[0:min_sig_len]*wnd))/min_sig_len
     fft_ref = fftshift(fft(ref_signal[0:min_sig_len]*wnd))/min_sig_len
     fft_rel  = (fft_sum / fft_ref).real
     fft_freq = numpy.linspace(-self.samplerate/2, self.samplerate/2, min_sig_len);
     return {"x":fft_freq, "y":fft_rel}
예제 #11
def fftconv(x, y):
    """ Convolution of x and y using the FFT convolution theorem. """
    N = len(x)
    n = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(N))) + 1
    X, Y, x_y = fft(x, n), fft(y, n), []
    for i in range(n):
        x_y.append(X[i] * Y[i])

    # Returns the inverse Fourier transform with padding correction
    return fft.ifft(x_y)[4:N+4]
def conv(x,y):
    x1[0:x.size]=x  #added zeros

    y1[0:y.size]=y #added zeros
    return vect1[0:x.size]
예제 #13
def my_fft(sample, inverse=False):
    n = len(sample)
    if n == 1:
        return sample
        Feven = fft([sample[i] for i in xrange(0, n, 2)])
        Fodd = fft([sample[i] for i in xrange(1, n, 2)])

        combined = [0] * n
        for m in xrange(n/2):
            combined[m] = Feven[m] + omega(n, -m, inverse) * Fodd[m]
            combined[m + n/2] = Feven[m] - omega(n, -m, inverse) * Fodd[m]

        return combined
예제 #14
파일: gravity.py 프로젝트: darien0/fish
 def solve(self, x, rho):
     Nx, = rho.shape
     k = fftfreq(Nx) * 2*np.pi*Nx
     k[0] = 1.0
     rhohat = fft(rho)
     rhobar = rhohat[0] / rho.size
     phihat = rhohat / -k**2 + fft(0.5 * rhobar * x**2)
     gphhat = 1.j * k * phihat
     phi = ifft(phihat).real
     gph = ifft(1.j * k * phihat).real
     soln = np.zeros(rho.shape + (4,))
     soln[:,0] = phi
     soln[:,1] = gph
     return soln
예제 #15
def getHNR(y, Fs, F0, Nfreqs):
    print 'holla'
    NBins = len(y)
    N0 = round(Fs/F0)
    N0_delta = round(N0 * 0.1)
    y = [x*z for x,z in zip(np.hamming(len(y)),y)]
    fftY = np.fft(y, NBins)
    aY = np.log10(abs(fftY))
    ay = np.ifft(aY)
    peakinx = np.zeros(np.floor(len(y))/2/N0)
    for k in range(1, len(peakinx)):
        ayseg = ay[k*N0 - N0_delta : k*N0 + N0_delta]
        val, inx = max(abs(ayseg)) #MAX does not behave the same - doesn't return inx??
        peakinx[k] = inx + (k * N0) - N0_delta - 1
        s_ayseg = np.sign(np.diff(ayseg))
        l_inx = inx - np.find((np.sign(s_ayseg[inx-1:-1:1]) != np.sign(inx)))[0] + 1
        r_inx = inx + np.find(np.sign(s_ayseg[inx+1:]) == np.sign(inx))[0]
        l_inx = l_inx + k*N0 - N0_delta - 1
        r_inx = r_inx + k*N0 - N0_delta - 1
        for num in range(l_inx, r_inx):
            ay[num] = 0
    midL = round(len(y)/2)+1
    ay[midL:] = ay[midL-1: -1 : midL-1-(len(ay)-midL)]
    Nap = np.real(np.fft(ay))
    N = Nap #???? why?
    Ha = aY - Nap #change these names ffs
    Hdelta = F0/Fs * len(y)
    for f in [num+0.0001 for num in range(Hdelta, round(len(y)/2), Hdelta)]:
        fstart = np.ceil(f - Hdelta)
        Bdf = abs(min(Ha[fstart:round(f)]))
        N[fstart:round(f)] = N[fstart:round(f)] - Bdf
    H = aY - N
    n = np.zeros(len(Nfreqs))
    for k in range(1, len(Nfreqs)):
        Ef = round(Nfreqs[k] / Fs * len(y))
        n[k] = (20 * np.mean(H[1:Ef])) - (20 * np.mean(N[1:Ef]))
    return n
예제 #16
def spectrum(signal):
    """ Returns Fourier-Series coefficients, assuming that 'signal'
        represents one period of an infinitely extended periodic
        signal. """

    # A_{n, FourierSeries} = 1/L*A_{n, FFT}
    return fft(signal)/len(signal)
예제 #17
파일: phasing.py 프로젝트: tjlane/phasing
 def fourier_projection(self, density):
     ft_density = np.fft(density)
     # -m wraps around array, but that should be OK....
     # --> self._A_ell_expt[l] is shape (2l+1) x n_q  = (m x q)
     #     ft_coefficients[:,l,:] is shape n_q x (2l+1) = (q x m) (tranposed later)
     ft_coefficients = self._sph_harm_projector(ft_density)
     # zero out the array, use it to store the next iter
     ft_density[:,:,:] = 0.0 + 1j * 0.0
     for l in range(self.order_cutoff):
         A_ell_model = ft_coefficients[:,l,:].T # (2l+1) x n_q  = (m x q)
         # find U that rotates the experimental vectors into as close
         # agreement as possible as the model vectors
         U = math2.kabsch(self._A_ell_expt[l], A_ell_model)
         # update: k --> k+1
         A_ell_prime = np.dot(self._A_ell_expt[l], U)
         ft_density_prime += self._sph_harm_projector.expand_sph_harm_order(A_ell_prime, l)
     updated_density = np.ifft(ft_density)
     return updated_density
	def processN(self,membuffer,frameSampleStart):
		# recalculate the filter and DCT matrices if needed
		if not self.update() : return []

		fftsize = self.m_blockSize
		audioSamples = frombuffer(membuffer[0],float32)

		complexSpectrum = fft(self.window*audioSamples,fftsize)
		#complexSpectrum =  frombuffer(membuffer[0],complex64,-1,8)

		magnitudeSpectrum = abs(complexSpectrum)[0:fftsize/2] / (fftsize/2)
		melSpectrum = self.warpSpectrum(magnitudeSpectrum)
		melCepstrum = self.getMFCCs(melSpectrum,cn=True)
		output_melCepstrum = [{

		output_melSpectrum = [{

		return [output_melCepstrum,output_melSpectrum,[]]
예제 #19
파일: accelSim.py 프로젝트: jmrv/deflection
def showResponse(x, f, a, w0, Q):
	fmax = 200.0
	# smooth it out with averaging:
	df = 1.0
	fatf = arange(0,fmax,df)
	n = len(fatf)
	fatX = zeros(n)

	print '\nfft\'ing to find the frequency response...'
	X = fft(x)
	for i in range(n):
		fslice = where(abs(f-fatf[i])<df/2)[0]
		fatX[i] = mean(abs(X[fslice]))

	norm = mean(fatX[0:10])
	fatX = fatX/norm

	# plot the response with the theoretical curve overlaid:
	plot(fatf, fatX, 'k.', label = 'simulated data')
	title('response of damping system')
	xlabel('frequency (Hz)')
	ylabel('abs(fft(x)) normalized to low f')

	Omega = 2*pi*fatf/w0
	zeta = 1.0/2.0/Q
	theory = 1/sqrt( (1-Omega**2)**2 + (2*zeta*Omega)**2 )
	semilogy(fatf, theory, label = 'theory')
예제 #20
def process_wav(file, truncate=None, window_size = 2**12):
    spectrum : |windows| by window_size
    |frequencies| = window_size
    |windows| / 2 * |frequencies| ~ |seconds| * sample_rate
    print 'processing %s...' % file
    audio, sample_rate = audio_wav(file, truncate=truncate)

    hanning_window = hanning(window_size)

    nWindows = int32(audio.size/window_size *2) # double <- overlap windows

    spectrum = zeros((nWindows,window_size))

    for i in xrange(0,nWindows-1):
        t = int32(i* window_size/2)
        window = audio[t : t+window_size] * hanning_window # elemwise mult
        spectrum[i,:] = fft(window)
    """ not invertible, sounds like noise
    iaudio = zeros((int(nWindows/2)-1, window_size))
    for i in xrange(0,int(nWindows/2)-1):
        iaudio[i,:] = 1/hanning_window * abs(ifft(spectrum[2*i,:]))
    wavfile.write('inverse.wav', sample_rate, iaudio)

    return spectrum, sample_rate
예제 #21
 def make_unitary(self):
     fft_val = np.fft(self.v)
     fft_imag = fft_val.imag
     fft_real = fft_val.real
     fft_norms = [sqrt(fft_imag[n]**2 + fft_real[n]**2) for n in range(len(self.v))]
     fft_unit = fft_val / fft_norms
     self.v = (np.ifft(fft_unit)).real
예제 #22
def dst(x,axis=-1):
    """Discrete Sine Transform (DST-I)

    Implemented using 2(N+1)-point FFT
    xsym = r_[0,x,0,-x[::-1]]
    DST = (-imag(fft(xsym))/2)[1:(N+1)]

    adjusted to work over an arbitrary axis for entire n-dim array
    n = len(x.shape)
    N = x.shape[axis]
    slices = [None]*3
    for k in range(3):
        slices[k] = []
        for j in range(n):
    newshape = list(x.shape)
    newshape[axis] = 2*(N+1)
    xtilde = np.zeros(newshape,np.float64)
    slices[0][axis] = slice(1,N+1)
    slices[1][axis] = slice(N+2,None)
    slices[2][axis] = slice(None,None,-1)
    for k in range(3):
        slices[k] = tuple(slices[k])
    xtilde[slices[0]] = x
    xtilde[slices[1]] = -x[slices[2]]
    Xt = np.fft(xtilde,axis=axis)
    return (-np.imag(Xt)/2)[slices[0]]
예제 #23
파일: fft_mouth.py 프로젝트: Akirato/speak
    def processBuffer(self, bounds):
        self.param1 = bounds.height/65536.0
        self.param2 = bounds.height/2.0


            Fs = 48000
            nfft= 65536
            self.fftx = fft(self.newest_buffer, 256,-1)


            NumUniquePts = ceil((nfft+1)/2)
            self.scaleX = "hz"
            self.scaleY = ""

            return False

        # Scaling the values
        val = []
        for i in self.buffers:
            temp_val_float = float(self.param1*i*self.y_mag) + self.y_mag_bias_multiplier * self.param2

            if(temp_val_float >= bounds.height):
                temp_val_float = bounds.height-25
            if(temp_val_float <= 0):
                temp_val_float = 25
            val.append( temp_val_float )

        self.peaks = val
예제 #24
def find_frequency(x,y):		# Returns the fundamental frequency using FFT
	tx,ty = fft(y, x[1]-x[0])
	index = find_peak(ty)
	if index == 0:
		return None
		return tx[index]
예제 #25
	def process(self,inputbuffers,timestamp):
		if self.m_channels == 2 and self.two_ch :
			return self.process2ch(inputbuffers,timestamp)
		# calculate the filter and DCT matrices, check 
		# if they are computable given a set of parameters
		# (we only do this once, when the process is called first)
		if not self.update() : return None

		fftsize = self.m_blockSize
		if self.m_channels > 1 :
			audioSamples = (inputbuffers[0]+inputbuffers[1])/2
		else :
			audioSamples = inputbuffers[0]

		#complexSpectrum =  frombuffer(membuffer[0],complex64,-1,8)
		complexSpectrum = fft(self.window*audioSamples,fftsize)
		magnitudeSpectrum = abs(complexSpectrum)[0:fftsize/2] / (fftsize/2)
		# do the computation
		melSpectrum = self.warpSpectrum(magnitudeSpectrum)
		melCepstrum = self.getMFCCs(melSpectrum,cn=True)
		# output feature set (the builtin dict type can also be used)
		outputs = FeatureSet()
		outputs[0] = Feature(melCepstrum[self.cnull:])
		outputs[1] = Feature(melSpectrum)
		return outputs
예제 #26
def newcomplexsmoothing(x, samplerate, width = 1./3, b = .54, onset_safeguard = 0):
    slightly different version where the linear delay is removed from the phase.
    onset_safeguard kwdargs is IGNORED
    still going back to the time domain doesn't work
    N = x.shape[0]
    # first step: remove linear part of the phase
    # estimation of the impulse response lag
    onset = onset_detection(x)

    x_ft = fft(x.flatten())
    x_phases = np.angle(x_ft)
    linearpart = fftfreq(len(x_ft))*onset
    x_newphases = exp(1j*(x_phases-linearpart))

    # second step: we compute the smoothed amplitudes
    amps = nonuniform_spectralsmoothing(np.abs(x_ft), samplerate, width = width, b = b)
    # third step: we compute the phases
    # new phases computations
    phases = nonuniform_spectralsmoothing(x_newphases, samplerate, width = width, b = b)
    # and set all the amplitudes to
    phasepart = np.exp(1j*phases)
    # fourth step: the result
    res_ft = amps*phasepart

    res_ft = complete_toneg(res_ft)
    res = ifft(res_ft).real
    return res, onset
예제 #27
def fft_squid(path):
    squid_model = model.NoisySquid(path)
    squid_model.getContext().setClock(3, 20e-3, 0)
    squid_model.currentInjection.min = 0.0e-6
    squid_model.currentInjection.max = 0.1e-6
    signal = array(squid_model.vmTable)
#    savetxt('vm.plot', signal)
    transform = fft(signal)
    xx = array(range(len(transform)))
    ax1 = subplot(121)
    #plot(xx / 10.0 , signal * 1e3, 'r')
    savetxt("t_series.plot", xx/10.0)
#     ax1 = axis([0, 0, 0.5, 0.8])
#     xlabel("time (ms)")
#     ylabel("membrane potential (mV)")
#     ax2 = twinx()
#     plot(xx / 10.0 , array(squid_model.iInjectTable) * 1e9, 'b--')
#     ylabel("injection current (nA)")
#     ax2.yaxis.tick_right()
#     title("(A)", fontname="Times New Roman", fontsize=10, fontweight="bold")
#     show()
#     savefig("Vm.jpg", dpi=600)
    savetxt('fftreal.plot', transform.real, fmt="%13.12G")
    savetxt('fftimag.plot', transform.imag, fmt="%13.12G")
예제 #28
    def run(self):
        schema = schemas.Sensor(many=True)
        ref = self.database.db.accelerometres.find({'ref': ObjectId(self.params.uuid)})
        self.data, errors = schema.dump(ref)

        x = np.array(self.data)
        y = np.fft(x)
        return y
예제 #29
    def Run(self):
        i = 0
        while self.keepGoing:
            i += 1
            data =self.stream.read(chunk)
            if (i>2):
#            if (i>self.skip):
                i = 0
            #print unpack('B',data[0])
                buff = array(unpack_from('1024h',data))
                #e = buff.std()
                #print "Energy: %f" % e
             ## use stdev to calculate energy in this buffer (root sum of squared mag)      
                fourier = fft(buff)
            ## calculate log mag of fft
                logmag = hypot(fourier.real[0:chunk/2],fourier.imag[0:chunk/2])
                if False:
                    logmag.tofile(self.lmfile, sep=" ", format="%s")
                bdata = []
                i = 0
                for b in self.bands:
                    # sum energy in this band
                    i += 1

                    # normalize so max energy is 1.0
                localmax = []
                self.bmax = max(localmax)
                for i in range(len(bdata)):
                    bdata[i] = (bdata[i])*self.gain/self.bmax

                evt = self.UpdateAudioEvent(bands=bdata, value = int(localmax[0]*self.gain/50000))
                #print localmax[0]
                if True:
                wx.PostEvent(self.win, evt)
                if True:

                #bands = logmag[0:chunk/4]
                #nbands = 16
                #bwidth = chunk/(4*nbands)
                #bsum = mean(bands.reshape(nbands,bwidth),axis=1)
            ## convert to 2d array and append to running show. 
            #logmag2 = array(logmag.tolist(),ndmin=2)
        self.running = False
예제 #30
파일: DNA_FT.py 프로젝트: dsurujon/DNA_FT
def fourier_genome(seq):
    xA=[0 for i in range(0,len(seq))]
    xT=[0 for i in range(0,len(seq))]
    xG=[0 for i in range(0,len(seq))]
    xC=[0 for i in range(0,len(seq))]

    for i in range(0,len(seq)):
        if seq[i]=="A":xA[i]=1
        if seq[i]=="T":xT[i]=1
        if seq[i]=="G":xG[i]=1
        if seq[i]=="C":xC[i]=1

    xhat=[(xhatA[i]**2+xhatT[i]**2+xhatC[i]**2+xhatG[i]**2)*2/len(seq) for i in range(len(xhatA)/2,len(xhatA))]
    return xhat,[float(i)/len(xhat) for i in range(0,len(xhat))]
예제 #31
def EstimateReference(x, N, alpha=1., eps=1e-6):

    # X = fft(concatenate((zeros(len(x)),x)))

    X = fft(x)
    R = X * conj(X)

    R = R + max(abs(R)) * eps

    # R = fft(correlate(x,x))

    # plot(ifft(R))
    # show()

    # R[abs(R)<1e-6]

    U = log(R)

    # U = concatenate((array([0.+0j]),log(R[1::])))

    UU = ifft(U)

    # plot(real(UU))
    # show()

    i0 = int(floor(len(UU) / 2)) + 1
    UU[1:i0] = 2 * UU[1:i0]

    UU[i0::] = 0. + 0j

    # W = exp(real(fft(UU))/2)

    W = exp(fft(UU) / 2)

    w = fftshift(real(ifft(W)))

    a = argmax(abs(w)) - int(N / 2)

    w = w[a:a + N] * tukey(N, alpha)

    return w
예제 #32
def real_imaginary_freq_domain(samples):
    Apply fft on the samples and return the real and imaginary
    parts in separate 
    freq_domain = fft(samples)
    freq_domain_real = [abs(x.real) for x in freq_domain]
    freq_domain_imag = [abs(x.imag) for x in freq_domain]

    return freq_domain_real, freq_domain_imag
예제 #33
    def psd(self):
        el = dle.DataLoaderEmotiv()  #DataLoaderEmotiv()
        dic = {}
        dic = el.edf_loader()

        for k in dic:
            if k == "F3":
                x = np.fft(dic[k])
예제 #34
def real_imaginary_freq_domain(samples):
  Apply fft on the samples and return the real and imaginary
  parts in separate 
  freq_domain = fft(samples)
  freq_domain_real = np_array([abs(x.real) for x in freq_domain])
  freq_domain_imag = np_array([abs(x.imag) for x in freq_domain])

  return freq_domain_real, freq_domain_imag
예제 #35
def _signal_psd_from_arma(ar=None,

    if ar is None and ma is None:
        raise ValueError("Either AR or MA model must be provided")

    psd = np.zeros(nfft, dtype=complex)

    if ar is not None:
        ip = len(ar)
        den = np.zeros(nfft, dtype=complex)
        den[0] = 1.0 + 0j
        for k in range(0, ip):
            den[k + 1] = ar[k]
        denf = np.fft.fft(den, nfft)

    if ma is not None:
        iq = len(ma)
        num = np.zeros(nfft, dtype=complex)
        num[0] = 1.0 + 0j
        for k in range(0, iq):
            num[k + 1] = ma[k]
        numf = np.fft(num, nfft)

    if ar is not None and ma is not None:
        psd = rho / sampling_rate * abs(numf)**2.0 / abs(denf)**2.0
    elif ar is not None:
        psd = rho / sampling_rate / abs(denf)**2.0
    elif ma is not None:
        psd = rho / sampling_rate * abs(numf)**2.0

    psd = np.real(psd)  # The PSD is a twosided PSD.

    # convert to one-sided
    if side == "one-sided":
        assert len(psd) % 2 == 0
        one_side_psd = np.array(psd[0:len(psd) // 2 + 1]) * 2.0
        one_side_psd[0] /= 2.0
        #        one_side_psd[-1] = psd[-1]
        psd = one_side_psd

    # convert to centerdc
    elif side == "centerdc":
        first_half = psd[0:len(psd) // 2]
        second_half = psd[len(psd) // 2:]
        rotate_second_half = second_half[-1:] + second_half[:-1]
        center_psd = np.concatenate((rotate_second_half, first_half))
        center_psd[0] = psd[-1]
        psd = center_psd

    return psd
예제 #36
 def feature_dft(self, img, pos):
     xlim = (max(pos[0] - self.window_size,
                 0), min(pos[0] + self.window_size, img.shape[1]))
     ylim = (max(pos[1] - self.window_size,
                 0), min(pos[1] + self.window_size, img.shape[0]))
     patch = img[ylim[0]:ylim[1], xlim[0]:xlim[1]]
     l = (2 * self.window_size + 1)**2
     #return all zeros for now if we're at the edge
     if patch.shape[0] * patch.shape[1] != l:
         return np.zeros(l)
     return np.abs(np.fft(patch.flatten()))
예제 #37
def cross_correlation_using_fft(x, y):
    Performs Fourier Phase Shift between signals x and y

    x: numpy.ndarray
        Reference Signal
    y: numpy.ndarray
        Comparison Signal

    fourier_phase_shift: int
        Shift Index
    f1 = fft(x)
    f2 = fft(np.flipud(y))
    cc = np.real(ifft(f1 * f2))
    return fftshift(cc)
예제 #38
def MFCC(signal):
    numCoefficients = 13  # choose the sive of mfcc array
    minHz = 0
    maxHz = 22.000

    complexSpectrum = numpy.fft(signal)
    powerSpectrum = abs(complexSpectrum)**2
    filteredSpectrum = numpy.dot(powerSpectrum, melFilterBank())
    logSpectrum = numpy.log(filteredSpectrum)
    dctSpectrum = dct(logSpectrum, type=2)  # MFCC :)
    return dctSpectrum
예제 #39
def bin_power(X,Band,Fs):
    	C = fft(X)
	C = abs(C)
	# Check this code
	Power =zeros(len(Band)-1);
	for Freq_Index in xrange(0,len(Band)-1):
		Freq = float(Band[Freq_Index])									    
		Next_Freq = float(Band[Freq_Index+1])
		Power[Freq_Index] = sum(C[floor(Freq/Fs*len(X)):floor(Next_Freq/Fs*len(X))])
	Power_Ratio = Power/sum(Power)
	return Power, Power_Ratio	
예제 #40
    def test_size_accuracy(self):
        # Sanity check for the accuracy for prime and non-prime sized inputs
        if self.rdt == np.float32:
            rtol = 1e-5
        elif self.rdt == np.float64:
            rtol = 1e-10

            x = np.random.rand(size).astype(self.rdt)
            y = ifft(fft(x))
            _assert_close_in_norm(x, y, rtol, size, self.rdt)
            y = fft(ifft(x))
            _assert_close_in_norm(x, y, rtol, size, self.rdt)

            x = (x + 1j * np.random.rand(size)).astype(self.cdt)
            y = ifft(fft(x))
            _assert_close_in_norm(x, y, rtol, size, self.rdt)
            y = fft(ifft(x))
            _assert_close_in_norm(x, y, rtol, size, self.rdt)
예제 #41
def smoothGaussian1dMirror(array,sigma):
    array_reversed = list(array.copy())
    array_reversed = numpy.array(array_reversed)
    array_mirrored = numpy.zeros(2*len(array))
    array_mirrored[:len(array)] = array[:]
    array_mirrored[len(array):] = array_reversed[:]
    array_smoothed = numpy.ifft(numpy.fft(array_mirrored)*1/numpy.sqrt(2*numpy.pi)/sigma*numpy.exp(numpy.arange(0,len(array_mirrored),1.0)**2/2.0/sigma**2) )
    array_smoothed = array_smoothed[:len(array)]
    print array_smoothed
    return array_smoothed
예제 #42
def mwave_fft(t, signal, fs, fa, K, t0, t1):
    FFT-based wavelet transform
    t = np.linspace(t0, t1, int((t1 - t0) * fs))
    L = len(t)
    N = int(2**nextpow2(L))
    fut = (fs / 2) * np.linspace(0, 1, int(N / 2))
    data_f = fft(signal, N)

    return np.abs(ifft(data_f * kwave(K, fa, fs, t)))
예제 #43
def tiempo_feecuencia():##funcion que expone los pulsos en el dominio de su tiempo y frecuencia

	##pulsos en el tiempo
	plt.title('Funcion sinc en el tiempo')
	plt.plot(t1,sinc, 'r')

	plt.title('Funcion coseno alzado en el tiempo en el tiempo')
	plt.plot(t1,coseno_alzado, 'b')

	##pulsos en la frecuencia
	transformada_sinc = abs(fft(sinc))/len(sinc)
	transformada_coseno_alzado = abs(fft(coseno_alzado))/len(coseno_alzado)

	k = np.fft.fftfreq(len(sinc),1)
	k2 = np.fft.fftfreq(len(coseno_alzado),1)

	plt.title('Funcion sinc en su frecuencia')
	plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
	plt.plot(k,transformada_sinc/max(transformada_sinc), 'r')

	plt.title('Funcion coseno alzado en su frecuencia')
	plt.xlabel('Freq (Hz)')
예제 #44
def plot_pspec(history):
    #need to modify
    fieldFFT = np.fftshift(np.fft(field.T))                  # unconjugate complex transpose by .'
    plt.ylabel('{output spectral power} (a.u.)')
예제 #45
def generateIntensityTrace(df: float, noise: float):
    dx = (xMax - xMin) / N
    x = np.linspace(xMin, xMax, N)
    noise = random.exponential() * 0.05
    y = 1 + np.cos(2 * np.pi / 0.6328 * x) + noise

    spectrum = fft(y)
    dx = x[1] - x[0]  # on obtient dx, on suppose equidistant
    N = len(x)  # on obtient N directement des données
    frequencies = fftfreq(N, dx)  # Cette fonction est fournie par numpy
    wavelengths = 1 / frequencies  # Les fréquences en µm^-1 sont moins utiles que lambda en µm
    return (wavelengths, frequencies, spectrum)
예제 #46
    def testSinewaveFFT(self):
        N = 1024
        xs = np.linspace(0, 6.28, N)  # sine of frequency 1
        array = np.sin(xs)
        spectrum = fft(array)

        self.assertTrue(np.argmax(abs(spectrum)) == 1)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(abs(spectrum[1]), abs(spectrum[-1]), places=6)
        self.assertAlmostEqual(np.angle(spectrum[1]), -np.pi / 2, places=2)
예제 #47
def some_visualisation():
    spectrum_loc1 = spectrum[2]
    spectrum_trace = spectrum_loc1[10]
    l = np.shape(spectrum[2])
    # Частотная характеристика ядра свертки по оси частот в отсчетах
    fft_h = abs(fft(kernel, l[1])**2)
    shape_kernel = np.shape(kernel)
    n_control = int(shape_kernel[0] // 2)
    axes = plt.subplots()

    signal1 = np.abs(fft(spectrum_trace, l[1])**2)
    signal2 = np.abs(fft(spectrum_trace_control, l[1])**2)

    axes = plt.subplots()
예제 #48
def adjust_w_vs_phi_plot(wpr, colorpower='log', logrange=6, hival=60,
                         dirstr="1/", prefix="", savefigs=False,theme='hls'):
    fig1=imshowplot_hsv(phiarray, warray, ftdiparray, colorpower, logrange,
                        theme=theme, ymultfactor=Hrt)
    fig1a=imshowplot_fun(phiarray, warray, ftdiparray, colorpower, logrange,
                        theme=theme, ymultfactor=Hrt,arrayfunction=logz)
예제 #49
def fourier_genome(seq):
    xA = [0 for i in range(0, len(seq))]
    xT = [0 for i in range(0, len(seq))]
    xG = [0 for i in range(0, len(seq))]
    xC = [0 for i in range(0, len(seq))]

    for i in range(0, len(seq)):
        if seq[i] == "A": xA[i] = 1
        if seq[i] == "T": xT[i] = 1
        if seq[i] == "G": xG[i] = 1
        if seq[i] == "C": xC[i] = 1

    xhatA = abs(fft(xA))
    xhatG = abs(fft(xG))
    xhatT = abs(fft(xT))
    xhatC = abs(fft(xC))
    xhat = [
        (xhatA[i]**2 + xhatT[i]**2 + xhatC[i]**2 + xhatG[i]**2) * 2 / len(seq)
        for i in range(len(xhatA) / 2, len(xhatA))
    return xhat, [float(i) / len(xhat) for i in range(0, len(xhat))]
예제 #50
    def testHeneLongEquipe2Interferogram(self):
        N = 10500
        dx = 0.2
        xs = np.linspace(-N * dx / 2, N * dx / 2, N, endpoint=False)

        array = 10 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * 3.14 / 0.6328 * xs)
        array = np.multiply(array,
                            np.random.uniform(low=0.99, high=1.01, size=N))
        self.saveInterferogram(xs, array, "hene-equipe2.txt")
        plt.plot(array, '-')
        spectrum = fft(array)
        frequencies = fftfreq(N, dx)
예제 #51
    def testHeneLongInterferogram(self):
        N = 1024
        xs = np.linspace(-100, 100, N)  # sine of frequency 1
        dx = xs[1] - xs[0]

        array = 10 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * 3.14 / 0.6328 * xs)
        array = np.multiply(array,
                            np.random.uniform(low=0.99, high=1.01, size=N))
        self.saveInterferogram(xs, array, "hene-long.txt")
        # plt.plot(array, '-')
        # plt.show()
        spectrum = fft(array)
        frequencies = fftfreq(N, dx)
예제 #52
def nsigtf_real(*args):

    nargin = len(args)

    if nargin < 4:
        raiseValueError('Not enough input arguments')
    # iscell
    if iscell(c) == 0:
        if np.ndims(c) == 2:
            N, chan_len = c.shape
            CH = 1
            c = mat2cell(c.',chan_len,ones(1,N)).')
            N, chan_len, CH = c.shape
            ctemp = mat2cell(np.permute(c,[2,1,3]),chan_len,np.ones((1,N)),np.ones((1,CH)))
            c = np.permute(ctemp,[2,3,1])
        CH, N = c.shape

    posit = np.cumsum(shift)
    NN = posit[-1]
    posit = posit - shift[1]

    fr = np.zeros((NN,CH))

    for ii in range(N):
        Lg = len(g[ii])
        win_range = (posit[ii]+(-np.floor(Lg/2):math.ceil(Lg/2)-1)) % NN + 1
        temp = np.fft(c[ii], [], 1) * len(c[ii])

        if phasemode == 'global':
            fsNewBins = c[ii].shape[0]
            fkBins = posit[ii]
            displace = fkBins - np.floor(fkBins/fsNewBins) * fsNewBins
            temp = np.roll(temp, -displace)
        temp = temp[]

        fr[win_range,:] = fr[win_Range,:] + temp * g[ii][Lg-np.floor(Lg/2)+1:Lg, 1:np.ceil(Lg/2)]
        nyqBin = np.floor(Ls/2) + 1

        fr[nyqBin+1:end] = conj( fr(nyqBin  - (~logical(mod(Ls,2))) : -1 : 2) )

        fr = np.real(np.fft.ifft(fr))

    return fr
예제 #53
    def testMercuryLampEquipe2Interferogram(self):
        N = 5000
        dx = 0.2
        xs = np.linspace(-N * dx / 2, N * dx / 2, N, endpoint=False)

        array = 10 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * 3.14 / 0.579 * xs) + 0.8 * np.cos(
            2 * 3.14 / 0.546 * xs) + 1.0 * np.cos(2 * 3.14 / 0.436 * xs)
        array = np.multiply(array,
                            np.random.uniform(low=0.99, high=1.01, size=N))
        self.saveInterferogram(xs, array, "mercure-equipe2.txt")
        plt.plot(array, '-')
        spectrum = fft(array)
        frequencies = fftfreq(N, dx)
예제 #54
    def testSodiumLampInterferogram(self):
        N = 30000
        dx = 0.05
        xs = np.linspace(0, N * dx, N)  # sine of frequency 1

        array = 2 + 0.5 * np.cos(3.14 / 0.589 * xs) + 0.5 * np.cos(
            3.14 / 0.5896 * xs)
        array = np.multiply(array,
                            np.random.uniform(low=0.99, high=1.01, size=N))
        self.saveInterferogram(xs, array, "sodium-short.txt")
        # plt.plot(array, '-')
        # plt.show()
        spectrum = fft(array)
        frequencies = fftfreq(N, dx)
예제 #55
def getFourier(vec, freq):
    vec = vec - mean(vec)
    nframes = len(vec)
    ft = fft(vec)
    ft = ft[0:int(fix(nframes / 2))]
    ampFT = 2 * abs(ft) / nframes
    amp = ampFT[freq]
    co = zeros(size(amp))
    sumAmp = sqrt(sum(ampFT**2))
    co = amp / sumAmp
    ph = -(pi / 2) - angle(ft[freq])
    if ph < 0:
        ph = ph + pi * 2
    return array([co, ph])
def fourier_derivative_2nd(f, dx):
    # Length of vector f
    nx = f.size
    # Initialize k vector up to Nyquist wavenumber
    kmax = np.pi / dx
    dk = kmax / (nx / 2)
    k = np.arange(float(nx))
    k[:nx / 2] = k[:nx / 2] * dk
    k[nx / 2:] = k[:nx / 2] - kmax

    # Fourier derivative
    ff = (1j * k)**2 * fft(f)
    df_num = ifft(ff).real
    return df_num
예제 #57
def stimulus_fft(type, wl, ratio):
    # STIMULUS_FFT uses fast fourier transform to plot the amplitude spectrum of a potential stimulus pattern
    # Inputs:
    #   type   - type of stimulus, e.g. 'bar'/'dog'/'square'/'log' (see below for full list)
    #   wl     - wavelength of stimulus in degrees (definition depends on stimulus stype)
    #   ratio  - ratio between black and white areas; usually ratio of amplitudes, but definition depends on stimulus type
    # example usage: stimulus_fft('dog', 10, 1)
    # Written by Jochen Smolka and John D. Kirwan, Lund University, 2017
    # This file is published as supplementary to the following article:
    #   John D. Kirwan, Michael J. Bok, Jochen Smolka, James J. Foster, José Carlos Hernández, Dan-Eric Nilsson (2017)
    #   The sea urchin Diadema africanum uses low resolution vision to find shelter and deter enemies. Journal of Experimental Biology.
    import numpy as np
    import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
     ## set defaults
    if ratio == None:
    if wl == None:
        wl = 10;
    if type == None:
        type = 'bar';

    va  = np.arange(-180,179.99,0.1).tolist();
    Fs  = len(va);         # Simulation resolution (points per 360 degrees)
    azi = np.linspace(0,Fs-1)/Fs * 360 - 180;      # azimuth vector
    # check indexing 0 or 1 above
    S   = stimulus_create(type, wl, va, ratio); # *so far, empty array*
    plt.title( print('%s, wl=%d', type, wl))
    plt.xlabel('azimuth (\circ)')
    plt.axis([-180, 180, -1.1, 1.1])
    Y           = np.fft(S);
    P2          = abs(Y/Fs);
    P1          = P2(np.linspace(1,Fs/2+1,1)); #P2(1:Fs/2+1);   
    P1[1:-1] = 2*P1(np.linspace(2,-1,1));  #Pythonic indexing
    f           = Fs*(np.linspace(0,Fs/2,1))/Fs/360; 
    plt.plot(f, P1)
    plt.title( print(wl=%d', type, wl, format(5))) 
    plt.xlabel('f (cycles / deg)')
    plt.xlim([0, 1])

## Matlab is 1 indexed, while Python is zero indexed! Need to change all
예제 #58
    def testMercuryLampInterferogram(self):
        N = 1024
        xs = np.linspace(-100, 100, N)  # sine of frequency 1
        dx = xs[1] - xs[0]

        array = 10 + 0.5 * np.cos(2 * 3.14 / 0.579 * xs) + 0.8 * np.cos(
            2 * 3.14 / 0.546 * xs) + 1.0 * np.cos(2 * 3.14 / 0.436 * xs)
        array = np.multiply(array, np.random.uniform(low=0.9, high=1.1,
        self.saveInterferogram(xs, array, "mercure.txt")
        # plt.plot(array, '-')
        # plt.show()
        spectrum = fft(array)
        frequencies = fftfreq(N, dx)
예제 #59
    def find_peak_phi(self, cross_corr=False, img=None):
        RMClean.find_peak_phi(cross_corr=False, img=None)

        Finds the index of the phi value at the peak of the residual image (or
        the image passed to the function). The peak can be found by a simple
        search algorithm, or by first cross correlating the image with the

            cross_corr- Perform a cross correlation between RMSF and res. map
                        prior to seeking for the peak ala Heald 09
            img-        Image to search through.  If none is given, the current
                        residual image will be used.
            1-          The pixel index of the phi value at the map peak
        phi_ndx = -1

        peak_res = 0.

        if img is None:
            img = self.residual_map

        if not cross_corr:
            for i in range(len(img)):
                if (abs(img[i]) > peak_res):
                    phi_ndx = i
                    peak_res = abs(img[i])
            temp_map_fft = numpy.fft(img)
            temp_map = numpy.ifft(temp_map_fft.conjugate() *
            phi_ndx = self.find_peak_phi(img=temp_map)

        return phi_ndx
예제 #60
파일: tools.py 프로젝트: ewan-carree/ENIB
def specdet1(signal, N):
    y = fft(signal, N)
    Py = abs(y)
    n_vect = arange(0, 4 * N)
    dsp = zeros(len(n_vect))

    #périodisation du spectre sur [-2,2]
    for n in range(4):
        dsp[n * N:(n + 1) * N] = Py

    # affichage
    N_dsp = len(dsp)
    f = 4 * np.arange(-N_dsp / 2, N_dsp / 2) / N_dsp
    plot(f, dsp)
    xlabel('frequences normalisees f=F/Fe')
    ylabel('spectre d' 'amplitude')
    ylim([0, int(max(dsp)) + 1])