예제 #1
    def create_stock_overview(self):
        irr = -self.balance["Fees"]
        for s in self.stocks:
            self.stock_stats.loc[s.display_name] = [
                s.total_number, s.events["Sold again"].sum(),
                s.stats["Invested capital"][-1],
                s.stats["Value over time"][-1], s.stats["Return absolute"][-1],
                s.stats["IRR"][-1], np.nan, s.events["Dividend"].sum()

            irr = irr.add(s.stats["IRR-series, current price"], fill_value=0)

        bm = self.overview["Benchmark"].resample("Y").last().diff(periods=1)
        bm[0] = -self.overview["Benchmark"].resample("Y").first()[0]
        bm[-1] += self.overview["Benchmark"].resample("Y").last().iloc[-1]
        self.stock_stats.loc["Portfolio", "IRR-BM"] = np.irr(bm)

        self.stock_stats.loc["Portfolio", [
            "Currently held", "Prev. sold positions",
            "Currently invested capital", "Current value", "Dividends"
        ]] = self.stock_stats[[
            "Currently held", "Prev. sold positions",
            "Currently invested capital", "Current value", "Dividends"
            "Return absolute"] = self.overview["Return absolute"][-1]
                             "IRR"] = np.irr(irr.resample("Y").sum())

예제 #2
def irr(flow, time_index):
    """Returns the Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of a series of periodic payments (negative values) and inflows (positive values). The IRR is the discount rate at which the Net Present Value (NPV) of the flows equals zero. 
        The variable flow must be indexed by time_index.

    If the cash flow never changes sign, cp.irr() has no solution and returns NAN (Not A Number).
    import pandas as pd

    _cube_dimensions = index("flowdims", flow.dims)
    _rest_of_indexes_labels = subset(
        _cube_dimensions != time_index.name).values
    _rest_of_indexes = [flow.axis(xx) for xx in _rest_of_indexes_labels]

    _cube = None
    if len(_rest_of_indexes) == 0:
        _cube = np.irr(flow.values)
        _cube = cube(_rest_of_indexes)
        _multivalues = [idx.values for idx in _rest_of_indexes]

        _values = pd.MultiIndex.from_product(_multivalues).values

        for _item in _values:
            _filter = []

            for _nn in range(len(_item)):

            _irr = np.irr(flow.filter(_filter).squeeze().values)
            _cube.set_data(_filter, _irr)
    return _cube
def irr(cf):
 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  cf - cash flow stream (including any initial investment < 0)
    import numpy as np
def irr(cf):
 Internal Rate of Return (IRR)
  cf - cash flow stream (including any initial investment < 0)
 import numpy as np
예제 #5
def ESCO(priceReduction, Energy_anual, Fuel_price, Boiler_eff, n_years_sim,
         Investment, OM_cost_year, incremento, Co2_savings):
    #    Energy_anual=636632 #Energy produced annualy by the solar plant in kWh
    #    Fuel_price=0.04 #Price of fossil fuel in €/kWh
    #    Boiler_eff=0.95 #Boiler efficiency to take into account the excess of fuel consumed
    #    n_years_sim=20 #Number of years for the simulation
    #    Investment=130000 #Initial investment in €
    #    OM_cost_year=5000 #Cost of O&M/year in €

    #Variable initiation
    fuelPrizeArray = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    Energy_produced = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    Energy_savings = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    BenefitESCO = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    OM_cost = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    Net_anual_savings = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    Accumulated_savings = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    FCF = np.zeros(n_years_sim)
    Acum_FCF = np.zeros(n_years_sim)

    for i in range(0, n_years_sim):
        if i == 0:
            Energy_produced[i] = 0
            Energy_savings[i] = 0
            OM_cost[i] = 0
            Net_anual_savings[i] = 0
            Accumulated_savings[i] = 0
            Acum_FCF[i] = 0  #There is no investment
            FCF[i] = 0
            fuelPrizeArray[i] = Fuel_price
            Energy_produced[i] = Energy_anual
            BenefitESCO[i] = priceReduction * (
                Energy_anual * (Fuel_price * (1 + incremento)**(i - 1)) /
                Boiler_eff)  #€ benefit for the ESCO
            Energy_savings[i] = (1 - priceReduction) * (
                Energy_anual * (Fuel_price * (1 + incremento)**(i - 1)) /
                Boiler_eff) + Co2_savings  #€ benefit for the industry
            OM_cost[i] = OM_cost_year
            Net_anual_savings[i] = BenefitESCO[i] - OM_cost[i]
            Accumulated_savings[i] = Accumulated_savings[
                i - 1] + Net_anual_savings[i]
            Acum_FCF[i] = Acum_FCF[i - 1] + Net_anual_savings[i]
            FCF[i] = Net_anual_savings[i]
            fuelPrizeArray[i] = (Fuel_price * (1 + incremento)**(i - 1))

    IRR10 = 100 * np.irr(FCF[:10])
    IRR = 100 * np.irr(FCF)
    Amort_year = (Acum_FCF <= 0).sum()
    return [
        IRR, IRR10, Amort_year, Acum_FCF, FCF, BenefitESCO, OM_cost,
        fuelPrizeArray, Energy_savings, Net_anual_savings
예제 #6
def irr(list_cash, x, sale):
    cash_flow = list_cash[0:(int(x))]
    last_value = cash_flow[(int(x) - 1)]
    replacement = sale + last_value
    cash_flow[(int(x) - 1)] = replacement
    irr = np.irr(cash_flow)
    return irr * 1200.0
 def outputRow():
     #NOTE: The fields of the db row, such a loan_id, are no longer available when this is called.
     discountRate = principalDiscountRates[finalStatus]
     numeratorNARdiscount = prev_balance_end * discountRate
     cashflowLen = len(cashflow)
     while cashflow[cashflowLen-1]==0: cashflowLen -= 1
     cashflow.resize(max(cashflowLen, receivedMonthIndex+1))
     npv = np.npv(monthlyDiscountRate-1, cashflow)
     if printCashflow: print(cashflow)
     if finalStatus != 'Charged Off':
         cashflow[receivedMonthIndex] += prev_balance_end * (1-discountRate) / prev_investment
     if printCashflow: print(cashflow)
     npvForecast = np.npv(monthlyDiscountRate-1, cashflow)
     irrForecast = (1+np.irr(cashflow))**12 - 1
     finalStatusIsComplete = finalStatus in ["Charged Off", "Default", "Fully Paid"]
예제 #8
def getIRR(cashflow):
    """get Internal Rate of Return.

            cashflow: cashflow
    return round(np.irr(cashflow), 5) * 100
예제 #9
 def calcTrialStats(self):
     """post-processing:  calculate the returns, vol etc. of the sim paths"""
     volfactor = np.sqrt(self.frequency)
     T = len(self.price.iloc[:, 0])
     for trial in range(0, self.trials):
         self.trialStats.iloc[trial]['HPA Return'] = (
             self.price.iloc[-1, trial] /
             self.price.iloc[0, trial])**(1 / (T / self.frequency)) - 1
         irrSeries = self.dividend.iloc[:,
                                        trial] + self.residualCashFlow.iloc[:,
                                                                            trial] - self.ramp
         self.trialStats.iloc[trial]['Investment IRR'] = np.irr(
             irrSeries.iloc[:self.processLife]) * self.frequency
             'HPA Vol'] = self.price.iloc[:, trial].pct_change().std(
             ) * volfactor
             'Investment Vol'] = self.totalInvestorValue.iloc[:,
                                                              ) * volfactor
         self.trialStats.iloc[trial]['Average Life'] = np.dot(
             self.residualCashFlow.iloc[:, trial],
             self.residualCashFlow.iloc[:, trial].index
         ) / self.residualCashFlow.iloc[:, trial].sum() / self.frequency
     return self.trialStats
예제 #10
def main():
    rng = pd.date_range('2/28/2018', periods=300, freq='M')
    Escalator = 0.029
    Recurring_Payment = 95
    Committed_Capital = -1500
    CC_date = pd.to_datetime('01/31/2018')
    Start_Date = pd.to_datetime('02/28/2018')

    df2 = pd.DataFrame(index=rng, columns=['Cash Flow'])
    #df2['Start Date'] = pd.to_datetime('02/28/2018')
    df2['Date Diff'] = df2.index - Start_Date  #rng - pd.to_datetime('02/28/2018')
    #df2['Recurring Payment'] = 95
    #df2['Escalator'] = 0.029
    df2['Year Diff'] = (df2.index - Start_Date) / np.timedelta64(365, 'D')
    df2['Year Diff'] = df2['Year Diff'].astype(int)
    df2['Cash Flow'] = (Recurring_Payment * (1 + Escalator)**df2['Year Diff'])
        r'C:\Users\denny.lehman\Documents\18_01 Monthly Portfolio Report\test.csv'

    print('numpy npv model:')
    print(np.npv(0.06, df2['Cash Flow']))

    print('Denny npv model:')
    print(npv(0.06, df2['Cash Flow']))
    # df2['Curr Date'] = df2.index

    df2.loc[CC_date] = [Committed_Capital, 0, 0]
    df2 = df2.sort_index()
    #df2.append(pd.DataFrame([CC_date, Committed_Capital, 0, 0]))
    print('numpy irr:')
    print(np.irr(df2['Cash Flow']))
예제 #11
def ytm_calculation(price, maturity, coupon, face_value, freq):
    :param price: current price of the bond
    :param maturity: number of years to maturity
    :param coupon: coupon rate of the bond
    :param face_value: faceValue of the bond
    :param freq: frequency of the compounding
    :return: the irr (YTM) of the bond

    Notes: The yield to maturity (irr) calculation uses the numpy.irr library,
           which adopts a method that finds the root of a polynomial by solving
           the eigenvalue of the companion matrix. For a detailed explanation,
           please see http://web.mit.edu/18.06/www/Spring17/Eigenvalue-Polynomials.pdf

           There are other faster, and generic ways to solve for the root of polynomial.
           i.e. the Newton-Raphson method. For an example of YTM calculation using this
           method please see https://github.com/jamesmawm/

    cash_flow = [-1 * price]
    cash_flow.extend([face_value * coupon / freq] * (maturity * freq - 2))
    cash_flow.append(face_value * (1 + coupon / freq))

    ytm = np.irr(cash_flow)

    return ytm
예제 #12
 def computeIRR(dfForMonthlyVintage):
     initialCashOutlay = dfForMonthlyVintage[
     cashFlows = dfForMonthlyVintage[_g.VINTAGE_CASHFLOW_FOR_IRR].values
     cashFlows = np.insert(cashFlows, 0, [-1 * initialCashOutlay])
     irrDecimal = np.irr(cashFlows)
     return irrDecimal * 100  # Map from decimal to %
예제 #13
def cal_annual_rate_5(total_money, total_month, per_day_rate):
    # total_money      总计借款数量
    # total_month      总共分期期数
    load_infos = [-total_money]
    month_rates = (per_day_rate / 10000.0 * total_money) * 360.0 / 12.0
    for month_index in range(total_month - 1):
    load_infos.append(month_rates + total_money)
    per_month_rate = np.irr(load_infos)

    # 计算年化收益率(复利公式)
    year_rate = (per_month_rate + 1)**12 - 1

    t_total_rate_money = (per_day_rate / 10000.0 * total_money) * 360.0

    print("\n\n{:^70}\n\n\n贷款总额:{}, 总分 {} 期, 日息 万分之{},还款方式:先息后本:\n".format(
        "信用卡分期利息计算", total_money, total_month, per_day_rate))
    print("利息如下:实际月利息 = {}%, 名义年利率 = {}%,实际年利率 = {}%\n".format(
        r(per_month_rate * 100), r(12 * per_month_rate * 100),
        r(year_rate * 100)))
    print("还款细节:每 1 - {} 月月供为 {:.2f}, 第 {} 个月月供为 {}, 总利息 {:.2f}\n".format(
        total_month - 1, r(month_rates), total_month,
        r(total_money + month_rates),
        r(month_rates) * 12.0))
예제 #14
        def cashflow(purchase_price=PURCHASE_PRICE, rent=RENT, years=5):
            net_cash_flow = []
            df = pd.DataFrame(columns=[range(0, years)], index=INDEXES)
            net_purchase_price = purchase_price * (1 + ACQUISITION_COST)
            net_cash_flow.append(net_purchase_price * -1.0)
            series = []
            for year in xrange(0, years):
                    cal_current_operation_flow(purchase_price, rent, year))
            df = pd.concat(series, axis=1, keys=range(1, years + 1))
            df = pd.DataFrame.transpose(df)
            net_sale_price = purchase_price * math.pow(
                1 + HOME_PRICE_APPRECIATION, years) * (1 - DISPOSTITION_COST)
            net_cash_flow += df[UNLEVERAGED_CASH_FLOW_STR].tolist()
            net_cash_flow[-1] += net_sale_price

            # print net_cash_flow
            irr_value = round(irr(net_cash_flow), 4)
            cap_rate = round(abs(1.0 * net_cash_flow[1] / net_cash_flow[0]), 4)

            #print cap_rate * 100, irr_value * 100
            returns = [df[INDEXES[0]].tolist()]
            revenue = [df[INDEXES[i]].tolist() for i in range(1, 4)]
            expenses = [df[INDEXES[i]].tolist() for i in range(4, 13)]

            return {
                "flow": {
                    "returns": returns,
                    "revenue": revenue,
                    "expenses": expenses
                "cap_rate": cap_rate * 100,
                "irr": irr_value * 100
예제 #15
    def get_duration_dispersion_convexity(self, periods=1, current_period=0):
        Computes duration and convexity using loan cashflows.
        At the moment this is not accounting for prepayments
        discounted_cashflow = [
            self.payment / (1 + self.interest)**i
            for i in self.index[current_period:]
        discount_sum = sum(discounted_cashflow)
        weight = [cf / discount_sum for cf in discounted_cashflow]
        time_weight = [weight[i] * i for i in range(1, len(weight))]
        sum_time_weight = sum(time_weight)
        dispersion_array = [((i - sum_time_weight)**2) * weight[i]
                            for i in range(1, len(weight))]
        dispersion_statistic = sum(dispersion_array)
        cashflow_yield = np.irr([-self.table["balance"][current_period]] +
                                [self.payment] *
                                (self.maturity - current_period))
        convexity_array = [
            i * (i + 1) * weight[i] for i in range(1, len(weight))
        convexity_statistic = sum(convexity_array) / (1 + cashflow_yield)**2
        convexity = (sum_time_weight**2 + sum_time_weight +
                     dispersion_statistic) / (1 + cashflow_yield)**2

        return {"duration":sum_time_weight/periods,\
예제 #16
def irr(values, guess=None):
    Function to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) using payments and periodic dates. It resembles the
    excel function IRR().

    Excel reference: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/IRR-function-64925eaa-9988-495b-b290-3ad0c163c1bc

    :param values: the payments of which at least one has to be negative.
    :param guess: an initial guess which is required by Excel but isn't used by this function.
    :return: a float being the IRR.
    if isinstance(values, Range):
        values = values.values

    if is_not_number_input(values):
        return numeric_error(values, 'values')

    if guess is not None and guess != 0:
        raise ValueError('guess value for excellib.irr() is %s and not 0' %
            return np.irr(values)
        except Exception as e:
            return ExcelError('#NUM!', e)
예제 #17
def irr(cflo):
    """Computes the internal rate of return of a generic cashflow as a periodic
    interest rate.

        cflo (pandas.Series): Generic cashflow.

        Float or list of floats.


    >>> cflo = cashflow([-200] + [100]*4, start='2000Q1', freq='Q')
    >>> irr(cflo) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS

    >>> irr([cflo, cflo]) # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    0    34.90...
    1    34.90...
    dtype: float64


    if isinstance(cflo, pd.Series):
        cflo = [cflo]
    retval = pd.Series([0] * len(cflo), dtype=np.float64)
    for index, xcflo in enumerate(cflo):
        retval[index] = (100 * np.irr(xcflo))
    if len(retval) == 1:
        return retval[0]
    return retval
예제 #18
def getCohortIRR(df, cancelRsv, discountAmt):
    #select cohort installments
    cohort = df.copy()
    cashflows = [0] * 24

    #identify what transaction times are and label them as time 0,1,2,3,4...etc.
    #iterrate by rows/contracts
    for i, row in cohort.iterrows():
        term = row.Installments
        paylink_fee = 4.0
        instAmt = row.CurrentInstallmentAmount
        ppAmt = term * instAmt
        paymentsMade = row.PaymentsMade
        for i in range(term):
            if i == 0:
                #initial amount @ t0
                T0 = instAmt - (paylink_fee + ppAmt - discountAmt - cancelRsv)
                cashflows[i] += round(T0, 2)
            elif i < paymentsMade:
                #amt received each month from customer, if not cancelled
                T = instAmt - paylink_fee
                cashflows[i] += round(T, 2)
                #if contract is cancelled, last cashflow is returned premium
                cashflows[i] += row.ReturnedPremium
    cashflows = [round(x, 2) for x in cashflows]
    #print cashflows
    result = filter(lambda x: x != 0, cashflows)
    return np.irr(result)
예제 #19
def f_comp_IRR(trchDCF, n, trchSize):
    DCF = np.insert(trchDCF, 0, -trchSize[n])  # 插入第0期
    re = np.irr(DCF)
    return re
 def irr(self):
     cashFlow = [-self._notional]
     for i in range(1, self._period):
         totalPayment = self._principalPayments[i] + self._interestPayments[
     return np.irr(cashFlow) * 12
예제 #21
def on_strategy_end(context):
    month_rate = np.irr(g.cash_income)
    year_rate = (1 + month_rate)**12 - 1
    log.info('回测结束,策略按月内部收益率 = ' + str(month_rate) + ',实际年收益率 = ' +
    log.info('策略执行结束总资产 = ' + str(context.portfolio.total_value))
def economic_summary(df_cashFlow):
    NPV = np.npv(discount_rate, df_cashFlow['Net']) / 1000
    NPV_CO2_storage = np.npv(discount_rate, df_cashFlow['with_CO2']) / 1000
    NPV_CO2_storage_RC = np.npv(discount_rate,
                                df_cashFlow['with_CO2_RC']) / 1000
    IRR = np.irr(df_cashFlow['Net'])
    return [NPV, NPV_CO2_storage, NPV_CO2_storage_RC, IRR]
예제 #23
def pd_to_rate(pd_365, selic_360, margem_360):
    juros_tot_360 = (1 + selic_360)*(1 + margem_360)-1
    print('juros_tot_360 = ' + str('{0:.4%}'.format((juros_tot_360))))
    juros_tot_30 = (1 + juros_tot_360)**(1/12)-1
    print('juros_tot_30 = ' + str('{0:.4%}'.format((juros_tot_30))))
    xpmt = 1/(1/((1+juros_tot_30)**1)+1/((1+juros_tot_30)**2))
    adimp_1 = (1-pd_365)**(30/365)
    adimp_2 = (1-pd_365)**(60/365)

    print('xpmt = ' + str(xpmt))

    print('pd_365 = ' + str('{0:.4%}'.format(pd_365)))
    print('1-pd_365 = ' + str(1-pd_365))

    print('adimp_1 = ' + str(adimp_1))
    print('adimp_2 = ' + str(adimp_2))

    cf_1 = xpmt/adimp_1
    print('cf_1 = ' + str(cf_1))
    cf_2 = xpmt/adimp_2
    print('cf_2 = ' + str(cf_2))

    taxa_30 = np.irr([-1, cf_1, cf_2])
    taxa_30_1 = (1+juros_tot_30)/adimp_1-1
    taxa_30_2 = (1+juros_tot_30)/((1-pd_365)**(30/365))-1

    return taxa_30_2
예제 #24
def f_metricas_financieras(utilidad, param_inversion, param_tasa, n_sim):
    utilidad : DataFrame : utilidades de todas las simulaciones
    param_inversion : int : inversion inicial
    param_tasa : float : tasa de descuento
    n_sim : int : numero de simulaciones

    vpn : list : valor presente neto
    tir : list : tasa interna de retorno
    utilidad = pd.DataFrame([100, 200, 300], [100, 150, 350])
    param_inversion = 9000
    param_tasa = 0.10
    n_sim = 10

    inversion = pd.DataFrame(np.full(shape=n_sim, fill_value=-param_inversion))
    flujo = pd.concat([inversion.T, utilidad]).reset_index(drop=True)

    vpn = [np.npv(param_tasa, flujo.iloc[:, i]) for i in range(n_sim)]
    tir = [round(np.irr(flujo.iloc[:, i]) * 100, 2) for i in range(n_sim)]

    return vpn, tir
예제 #25
    def calcIrr(self,
        Five near year growth rate = 0.035
        Terminal growth rate = 0.02
        Cost of capital = 0.04

        self.operCost = self.calcOperatingCost()

        rental_cf = [self.rentalPrice - self.operCost] * 60
        rental_cf = [
            rental_cf[i] * (1 + initial_growth)**i
            for i in range(len(rental_cf))
        rental_cf.insert(0, -unitCost)
            terminal_val = rental_cf[-1] * (1 + terminal_growth) / (
                discount_rate - terminal_growth)
        except ZeroDivisionError:
            terminal_val = rental_cf[-1] * (1 + terminal_growth) / (0.04 -
                "Discount rate cannot be equal to the terminal growth rate, rendering division by 0 for terminal value.\nUse today's typical 30 year morgage rate and 2 percent terminal growth."
        self.rental_income_stream = np.array(rental_cf)
        mont_irr = np.irr(np.array(rental_cf))
        year_irr = (1 + mont_irr)**12.0 - 1
        self.year_irr = year_irr
        return year_irr
예제 #26
def stress_case_5_timed_expense(model):

    # Defining rows
    acct_bal_BOP = 0
    income = 1
    expenses = 2
    additional_expenses = 3
    loan_expense = 4
    loan_principal = 5
    acct_bal_EOP = 6
    CF = 7

    info_array = np.zeros((CF + 1, model.loan_tenor + 1))

    info_array[acct_bal_EOP, 0] = model.current_account_balance
    info_array[CF, 0] = -model.loan_amount

    for week in range(1, model.loan_tenor + 1):

        info_array[acct_bal_BOP, week] = info_array[acct_bal_EOP, week - 1]

                   week] = model.account_balance_base_case.info_array[1, week]

                   week] = model.account_balance_base_case.info_array[2, week]

        if week == model.timed_expense_shock_1_weeks or week == model.timed_expense_shock_2_weeks:
                       week] = model.avg_weekly_expense_3mth * (
                           1 - model.timed_expense_shock)
            info_array[additional_expenses, week] = 0

        if info_array[:loan_expense, week].sum() < 0:
            info_array[loan_expense, week] = 0
            info_array[loan_expense, week] = -min(
                info_array[:loan_expense, week].sum(),
                model.base_loan_cf.info_array[1:3, week].sum())

        if info_array[:loan_principal, week].sum() < 0:
            info_array[loan_principal, week] = 0
                       week] = -min(info_array[:loan_principal, week].sum(),
                                    model.base_loan_cf.info_array[3, week])

        info_array[acct_bal_EOP, week] = info_array[:acct_bal_EOP, week].sum()

        info_array[CF, week] = -info_array[loan_expense:acct_bal_EOP].sum()

    # MOI
    moi = info_array[CF, 1:].sum() / -info_array[CF, 0]

    # IRR in years, converted to weeks
    irr = (1 + np.irr(info_array[CF]))**52 - 1

    return info_array, moi, irr
예제 #27
 def model_irr(entry_price, exit_price, year):
     cash_flows = []
     for y in range(0, year + 1):
     cash_flows[0] = np.negative(entry_price)
     cash_flows[year] = exit_price
     irr_output = np.irr(cash_flows)
     return irr_output
    def internal_rate_of_return_aggregate_for_portfolio(self):
        """ Calculates the portfolio's aggregate internal rate of return.

        Returns: The portfolio's aggregate internal rate of return.

        agg_irr = np.irr(list(self.aggregate_flows_df['total_payments']))
        return float(agg_irr)
예제 #29
 def measure_judgment(self):
     self.cost_pv = round(self.costs['Discounted Cash Flow'].sum(), 2)
     self.benefit_pv = round(self.benefits['Discounted Cash Flow'].sum(), 2)
     self.npv = round(self.benefit_pv - self.cost_pv, 2)
     self.b_to_c = round(self.benefit_pv / self.cost_pv, 2)
     self.irr = round(np.irr(self.pure_cash_flow), 2)
     self.pbp = round(self.calculate_simplePBP(), 2)
     self.dpbp = round(self.calculate_discountedPBP(), 2)
예제 #30
    def internal_rate_of_return_aggregate_for_portfolio(self):
        """ Calculates the portfolio's aggregate internal rate of return.

        Returns: The portfolio's aggregate internal rate of return.

        agg_irr = np.irr(list(self.aggregate_flows_df['total_payments']))
        return float(agg_irr)
예제 #31
 def IRR(self, other=False):
     if other:
         if len(self.pos) != len(other.pos):
             raise SyntaxError("mismatched study periods, cannot calculate IRR")
         toCheck = [j-i for i,j in zip(self.get_mergedSeries(),other.get_mergedSeries())]
         toCheck = self.get_mergedSeries()
     return irr(toCheck)
예제 #32
 def test_npv_irr_congruence(self):
     # IRR is defined as the rate required for the present value of a
     # a series of cashflows to be zero i.e. NPV(IRR(x), x) = 0
     cashflows = np.array([-40000, 5000, 8000, 12000, 30000])
     assert_allclose(np.npv(np.irr(cashflows), cashflows),
예제 #33
 def irr_calc(fundings_array_IN, cf_array_IN, frequency_IN=12, px=100):
     if sum(cf_array_IN) < 0.5 * sum(
     ) * px * 1.0 / 100:  # less than half of investment is returned
         return -1
         return np.irr(-1 * fundings_array_IN * px * 1.0 / 100 +
                       cf_array_IN) * frequency_IN
예제 #34
def loanIRR(ID): 
	Time = years(ID)
	Z = np.zeros(Time + 1)
	Z[0] = -1
	A = initialArray(ID)
	C = payoffArray(ID) 
	for i in range(1, (Time + 1)):
		Z[i] = A.dot(matrixPower(i)).dot(C)
	return np.irr(Z) 
예제 #35
파일: excellib.py 프로젝트: vallettea/koala
def irr(values, guess = None): # Excel reference: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/IRR-function-64925eaa-9988-495b-b290-3ad0c163c1bc
                               # Numpy reference: http://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy-1.10.0/reference/generated/numpy.irr.html
    if (isinstance(values, Range)):
        values = values.values

    if guess is not None and guess != 0:
        raise ValueError('guess value for excellib.irr() is %s and not 0' % guess)
            return np.irr(values)
        except Exception as e:
            return ExcelError('#NUM!', e)
    def internal_rate_of_return_for_loan(self, loan):
        """ Calculates a loan's internal rate of return from its cash flows.

            loan: The loan which is being considered.

        Returns: The internal rate of return of the loan.

        cash_flows = self.cash_flows_df[self.cash_flows_df['loan_df_pk'] == loan.name]
        total_payments_list = list(cash_flows['total_payments'])
        internal_rate_of_return = np.irr(total_payments_list)
        return internal_rate_of_return
예제 #37
def metrics(price, percentDown, closingCosts,repairCosts,rate,term,fedTaxRate,stTaxRate,capitalGains,propTaxRate,insPremiumYr, HOA,hoaIncRate, repairsYr, vacancyPc, propMgmtMo, rent, rentIncRate,appreciationRate, inflation,bldgValPct,sellYear):
    years = linspace(0, term, term+1)
    cashflowND = [0]*len(years)
    for year in years:
        y = int(year)
        if y <= sellYear:
            payment, downPayment, cashToClose, cashToOperate = loanCalcs(price, percentDown, closingCosts, repairCosts, rate, term)
            equity, mortBal, appVal, interestYr = equityCalcs(y, price, downPayment, payment, rate, appreciationRate)
            capex                               = capexF(y, sellYear, repairsYr, cashToOperate, appVal, price)
            revenue, vacancy                    = revenueF(rent, rentIncRate, vacancyPc, y)
            opexTotal, opexLessDS, deductibles  = opexF(payment, propTaxRate, insPremiumYr, HOA, hoaIncRate, propMgmtMo, price, y, interestYr, vacancy)
            NOI                                 = NOIF(revenue, opexLessDS)
            if y is 1:
            deductions                          = deductionsF(deductibles, price, bldgValPct)
            taxes                               = taxesF(price, appVal, revenue, deductions, capex, fedTaxRate, stTaxRate, capitalGains, y, sellYear)
            cashflowND[y]                       = cashflowATF(revenue, opexTotal, taxes, capex, equity, y, sellYear)

    capRateYr1 = price/NOI1
    NFV = sum(cashflowND)
    PV10 = npv(.1,cashflowND)
    ROR  = irr(cashflowND)
    cashPayout = payoutCalc(cashflowND, cashToOperate)
    cashOnCashYr1 = cashToOperate/cashflowND[1]
    moCashflowYr1 = cashflowND[1]/12.
    metricsDict = {
                   "NFV"             : NFV,
                   "PV10"            : PV10,
                   "ROR"             : ROR, 
                   "capRateYr1"      : capRateYr1,
                   "cashPayout"      : cashPayout,
                   "cashOnCashYr1"   : cashOnCashYr1,
                   "moCashflowYr1"   : moCashflowYr1,
                   "cashToClose"     : cashToClose,
                   "cashToOperate"   : cashToOperate,
#     print "NFV    = $%s" %"{:,}".format(int(NFV))
#     print "PV10   = $%s" %"{:,}".format(int(PV10))
#     print "IRR    = %s" %round(ROR*100,2) + '%'
#     print "Cash payout occurs in year %s" %cashPayout
#     print "Cash on cash return in year 1 = %s" %int(cashOnCashYr1)+'%'
#     print "Monthly cashflow in year 1 = $%s" % int(moCashflowYr1)
    #return NFV, PV10, ROR, capRateYr1, cashPayout, cashOnCashYr1, moCashflowYr1, cashToClose, cashToOperate
    return metricsDict
예제 #38
 def test_irr(self):
     v = [-150000, 15000, 25000, 35000, 45000, 60000]
     assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.0524, 2)
     v = [-100, 0, 0, 74]
     assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), -0.0955, 2)
     v = [-100, 39, 59, 55, 20]
     assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.28095, 2)
     v = [-100, 100, 0, -7]
     assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), -0.0833, 2)
     v = [-100, 100, 0, 7]
     assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.06206, 2)
     v = [-5, 10.5, 1, -8, 1]
     assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.0886, 2)
예제 #39
    def test_irr(self):
        v = [-150000, 15000, 25000, 35000, 45000, 60000]
        assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.0524, 2)
        v = [-100, 0, 0, 74]
        assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), -0.0955, 2)
        v = [-100, 39, 59, 55, 20]
        assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.28095, 2)
        v = [-100, 100, 0, -7]
        assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), -0.0833, 2)
        v = [-100, 100, 0, 7]
        assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.06206, 2)
        v = [-5, 10.5, 1, -8, 1]
        assert_almost_equal(np.irr(v), 0.0886, 2)

        # Test that if there is no solution then np.irr returns nan
        # Fixes gh-6744
        v = [-1, -2, -3]
        assert_equal(np.irr(v), np.nan)
예제 #40
파일: excellib.py 프로젝트: anthill/koala
def irr(values, guess = None):
    Function to calculate the internal rate of return (IRR) using payments and periodic dates. It resembles the
    excel function IRR().

    Excel reference: https://support.office.com/en-us/article/IRR-function-64925eaa-9988-495b-b290-3ad0c163c1bc

    :param values: the payments of which at least one has to be negative.
    :param guess: an initial guess which is required by Excel but isn't used by this function.
    :return: a float being the IRR.
    if isinstance(values, Range):
        values = values.values

    if guess is not None and guess != 0:
        raise ValueError('guess value for excellib.irr() is %s and not 0' % guess)
            return np.irr(values)
        except Exception as e:
            return ExcelError('#NUM!', e)
예제 #41
    def mwrr(self, start, end, annualize=False):
        calculate money weighted rate of return
        portfolio value right before start is considered initial cost
        and portfolio is assumed to sell at the end to calculate final value
        drange = pd.bdate_range(start+1, end, offset='B')
        values = np.zeros(len(drange)+1)

        values[0] = -self.position(start).total_value()
        for i, d in enumerate(drange):
            values[i+1] = self.cash_flow(d)
        values[-1] += float(self.position(end).total_value())

        values = np.trim_zeros(values, 'f')
        # remove zeros from the front which represents days without any holding or transactions
        # this will not impact np.irr but changes the data length when calculate total mwrr
        irr = np.irr(values)
        if annualize:
            irr = np.power(irr+1, DAYS_IN_A_YEAR) - 1
            irr = np.power(irr+1, len(values)-1) - 1
        return Decimal(irr)
 def test_irr(self):
     v = [-150000, 15000, 25000, 35000, 45000, 60000]
                         0.0524, 2)
예제 #43
		discountRate = float(inputDict.get("discountRate", 7))/100
		outData["oneYearGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAc"])
		outData["lifeGenerationDollars"] = [retailCost*(1.0/1000)*outData["oneYearGenerationWh"]*(1.0-(x*degradation)) for x in lifeYears]
		outData["lifeOmCosts"] = [-1.0*float(inputDict["omCost"]) for x in lifeYears]
		outData["lifePurchaseCosts"] = [-1.0 * installCost] + [0 for x in lifeYears[1:]]
		srec = inputDict.get("srecCashFlow", "").split(",")
		outData["srecCashFlow"] = map(float,srec) + [0 for x in lifeYears[len(srec):]]
		outData["netCashFlow"] = [x+y+z+a for (x,y,z,a) in zip(outData["lifeGenerationDollars"], outData["lifeOmCosts"], outData["lifePurchaseCosts"], outData["srecCashFlow"])]
		outData["cumCashFlow"] = map(lambda x:x, _runningSum(outData["netCashFlow"]))
		outData["ROI"] = roundSig(sum(outData["netCashFlow"]), 3) / (-1*roundSig(sum(outData["lifeOmCosts"]), 3) + -1*roundSig(sum(outData["lifePurchaseCosts"], 3)))
		outData["NPV"] = roundSig(npv(discountRate, outData["netCashFlow"]), 3) 
		outData["lifeGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAc"])*lifeSpan	
		outData["lifeEnergySales"] = sum(outData["lifeGenerationDollars"])
			# The IRR function is very bad.
			outData["IRR"] = roundSig(irr(outData["netCashFlow"]), 3)
			outData["IRR"] = "Undefined"
		# Monthly aggregation outputs.
		months = {"Jan":0,"Feb":1,"Mar":2,"Apr":3,"May":4,"Jun":5,"Jul":6,"Aug":7,"Sep":8,"Oct":9,"Nov":10,"Dec":11}
		totMonNum = lambda x:sum([z for (y,z) in zip(outData["timeStamps"], outData["powerOutputAc"]) if y.startswith(simStartDate[0:4] + "-{0:02d}".format(x+1))])
		outData["monthlyGeneration"] = [[a, totMonNum(b)] for (a,b) in sorted(months.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
		# Heatmaped hour+month outputs.
		hours = range(24)
		from calendar import monthrange
		totHourMon = lambda h,m:sum([z for (y,z) in zip(outData["timeStamps"], outData["powerOutputAc"]) if y[5:7]=="{0:02d}".format(m+1) and y[11:13]=="{0:02d}".format(h+1)])
		outData["seasonalPerformance"] = [[x,y,totHourMon(x,y) / monthrange(int(simStartDate[:4]), y+1)[1]] for x in hours for y in months.values()]
		# Stdout/stderr.
		outData["stdout"] = "Success"
		outData["stderr"] = ""
		# Write the output.
예제 #44
from numpy import irr
for i in range(t):
    print("Case #%d: %.12f" % (i+1,round(irr(l),12)))
예제 #45
 def test_irr(self):
    I =  [-29, 20, 30]
    assert_almost_equal(np.irr(I), 0.418787000165341, 5)
예제 #46
def calculate():
        city = str(request.form['city'])
        customer_type = str(request.form['cust_type'])  # residentaial-> R, commercial-> C, industrial -> I
        connection_type = str(request.form['conn_type'])  # LT, HT
        rooftop_area = int(request.form['area'])  # sqft
        # rooftop_type = 0  # 450
        monthly_bill = int(request.form['bill'])  # Rs.
        sanction_load = int(request.form['load'])  # kVA
        flash('Wrong Information!')
        return redirect(url_for('calculator'))

    print(city, customer_type, connection_type, rooftop_area, monthly_bill, sanction_load)

    # customer_type = 'R'  # residentaial-> R, commercial-> C, industrial -> I
    # connection_type = 'LT'  # LT, HT
    # rooftop_area = 200  # sqft
    # rooftop_type = 0  # 450
    # monthly_bill = 1000  # Rs.
    # sanction_load = 3  # kVA
    if (customer_type == 'R') & (connection_type == 'LT'):  # Residential and LT
        total_units = lt2a(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-tie'

    elif (customer_type == 'C') & (connection_type == 'LT'):  # Commercial & LT
        total_units = lt3(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-tie'

    elif (customer_type == 'I') & (connection_type == 'LT'):  # Industrial & LT
        total_units = lt3(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-interactive'

    elif (customer_type == 'R') & (connection_type == 'HT'):  # Residential and HT
        total_units = ht4(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-tie'

    elif (customer_type == 'C') & (connection_type == 'HT'):  # Commercial & HT
        total_units = ht2b(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-interactive'

    elif (customer_type == 'I') & (connection_type == 'HT'):  # Industrial & HT
        total_units = ht2a(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-interactive'

    elif (customer_type == 'R') & (connection_type == 0):  # Residential and -
        total_units = lt2a(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-tie'

    elif (customer_type == 'C') & (connection_type == 0):  # Commercial & -
        total_units = lt3(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-tie'

    elif (customer_type == 'I') & (connection_type == 0):  # Industrial & -
        total_units = ht2a(monthly_bill)
        sys_type = 'Grid-interactive'

        flash('Wrong Information!')
        return redirect(url_for('index'))

    size_of_rooftop_sys = ((total_units / 5) / 30)

    if size_of_rooftop_sys <= (rooftop_area / 100):
        system_size = math.ceil(
            size_of_rooftop_sys * 10) / 10.0  # math.ceil(num * 100) / 100.0 returns roundup to a float
        # print(1, system_size)
        system_size = math.ceil((rooftop_area / 100) * 10) / 10.0
        # print(2)

    system_size = min(sanction_load, system_size)

    total_cost = system_size * 90000

    units_prod_year = system_size * 5 * 300  # produced from solar

    units_used_year = total_units * 12  # from grid

    net_units_consumed = units_used_year - units_prod_year

    if net_units_consumed > 0:
        net_yearly_bill = net_units_consumed * 5.25
        net_yearly_bill = net_units_consumed * 9.56

    fst_year_bill = 12 * monthly_bill
    yearly_bills = [0, fst_year_bill]
    savings = [-total_cost, round(fst_year_bill - net_yearly_bill)]  # round(fst_year_bill - net_yearly_bill)
    for i in range(2, 14):
        # print(i)
        yearly_bills.append(round(yearly_bills[i - 1] * 1.025))
        savings.append(round(yearly_bills[i] - net_yearly_bill))
    sum1 = 0
    for i in range(1, len(savings)):
        # print(i)
        if sum1 > total_cost:
            i -= 1
            sum1 += savings[i]

    sum2 = sum1
    sum1 = sum1 - savings[i]
    i = i - 1

    months = (total_cost - sum1) / savings[i + 1]
    roi = math.ceil((i + months) * 10) / 10.0
    print(sum1, sum2, i, roi)
    savings_irr = []
    for j in range(i + 2):

    average_savings = 0
    for i in range(1, 11):
        # print(i)
        average_savings += savings[i]

    average_savings = average_savings / 10

    irr = round((numpy.irr(savings_irr) * 100.0), 2)

    temp = {
        'total_units': total_units,
        'sys_type': sys_type,
        'size_of_rooftop_sys': size_of_rooftop_sys,
        'system_size': system_size,
        'total_cost': total_cost,
        'units_prod_year': units_prod_year,
        'units_used_year': units_used_year,
        'net_units_consumed': net_units_consumed,
        'irr': irr,
        'roi': roi,
        'average_savings': average_savings

    res = {
        'system_size': system_size,
        'sys_type': sys_type,
        'total_cost': total_cost,
        'irr': irr,
        'roi': roi,
        'average_savings': average_savings
    result = resultClass(system_size, sys_type, total_cost, irr, roi, average_savings)
    return render_template('results.html', result=result)
예제 #47
def run(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. '''
	# Check whether model exist or not
	if not os.path.isdir(modelDir):
		inputDict["created"] = str(dt.datetime.now())
	# MAYBEFIX: remove this data dump. Check showModel in web.py and renderTemplate()
	with open(pJoin(modelDir, "allInputData.json"),"w") as inputFile:
		json.dump(inputDict, inputFile, indent = 4)
	# Copy spcific climate data into model directory
	shutil.copy(pJoin(__metaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"), 
		pJoin(modelDir, "climate.tmy2"))
	# Ready to run
	startTime = dt.datetime.now()
	# Set up SAM data structures.
	ssc = nrelsam.SSCAPI()
	dat = ssc.ssc_data_create()
	# Required user inputs.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_string(dat, "file_name", modelDir + "/climate.tmy2")
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "system_size", float(inputDict.get("systemSize", 100)))
	derate = float(inputDict.get("pvModuleDerate", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("mismatch", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("diodes", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("dcWiring", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("acWiring", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("soiling", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("shading", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("sysAvail", 0.995)) \
		* float(inputDict.get("age", 0.995))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "derate", float(inputDict.get("derate", derate)))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "track_mode", float(inputDict.get("trackingMode", 0)))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "azimuth", float(inputDict.get("azimuth", 180)))
	# Advanced inputs with defaults.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "rotlim", float(inputDict.get("rotlim", 45)))
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "t_noct", float(inputDict.get("t_noct", 45)))
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "t_ref", float(inputDict.get("t_ref", 25)))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "gamma", float(inputDict.get("gamma", 0.5)))
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "inv_eff", float(inputDict.get("inv_eff", 0.92)))
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "fd", float(inputDict.get("fd", 1)))
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "i_ref", float(inputDict.get("i_ref", 1000)))
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "poa_cutin", float(inputDict.get("poa_cutin", 0)))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "w_stow", float(inputDict.get("w_stow", 0)))
	# Complicated optional inputs.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt_eq_lat", 1)
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_array(dat, 'shading_hourly', ...) 	# Hourly beam shading factors
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_matrix(dat, 'shading_mxh', ...) 		# Month x Hour beam shading factors
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_matrix(dat, ' shading_azal', ...) 	# Azimuth x altitude beam shading factors
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, 'shading_diff', ...) 	# Diffuse shading factor
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, 'enable_user_poa', ...)	# Enable user-defined POA irradiance input = 0 or 1
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_array(dat, 'user_poa', ...) 			# User-defined POA irradiance in W/m2
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, 'tilt', 999)
	# Run PV system simulation.
	mod = ssc.ssc_module_create("pvwattsv1")
	ssc.ssc_module_exec(mod, dat)
	# Setting options for start time.
	simLengthUnits = inputDict.get("simLengthUnits","hours")
	simStartDate = inputDict.get("simStartDate", "2014-01-01")
	# Set the timezone to be UTC, it won't affect calculation and display, relative offset handled in pvWatts.html 
	startDateTime = simStartDate + " 00:00:00 UTC"
	# Set aggregation function constants.
	agg = lambda x,y:_aggData(x,y,inputDict["simStartDate"],
		int(inputDict["simLength"]), inputDict.get("simLengthUnits","hours"), ssc, dat)
	avg = lambda x:sum(x)/len(x)
	# Timestamp output.
	outData = {}
	outData["timeStamps"] = [dt.datetime.strftime(
		dt.datetime.strptime(startDateTime[0:19],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + 
		dt.timedelta(**{simLengthUnits:x}),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC" for x in range(int(inputDict.get("simLength", 8760)))]
	# Geodata output.
	outData["city"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "city")
	outData["state"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "state")
	outData["lat"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lat")
	outData["lon"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lon")
	outData["elev"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "elev")
	# Weather output.
	outData["climate"] = {}
	outData["climate"]["Direct Irradiance (W/m^2)"] = agg("dn", avg)
	outData["climate"]["Difuse Irradiance (W/m^2)"] = agg("df", avg)
	outData["climate"]["Ambient Temperature (F)"] = agg("tamb", avg)
	outData["climate"]["Cell Temperature (F)"] = agg("tcell", avg)
	outData["climate"]["Wind Speed (m/s)"] = agg("wspd", avg)
	# Power generation.
	outData["powerOutputAc"] = [x for x in agg("ac", avg)]
	# Cashflow outputs.
	lifeSpan = int(inputDict.get("lifeSpan",30))
	lifeYears = range(1, 1 + lifeSpan)
	retailCost = float(inputDict.get("retailCost",0.0))
	degradation = float(inputDict.get("degradation",0.5))/100
	installCost = float(inputDict.get("installCost",0.0))
	discountRate = float(inputDict.get("discountRate", 7))/100
	outData["oneYearGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAc"])
	outData["lifeGenerationDollars"] = [roundSig(retailCost*(1.0/1000.0)*outData["oneYearGenerationWh"]*(1.0-(x*degradation)),2) for x in lifeYears]
	outData["lifeOmCosts"] = [-1.0*float(inputDict["omCost"]) for x in lifeYears]
	outData["lifePurchaseCosts"] = [-1.0 * installCost] + [0 for x in lifeYears[1:]]
	srec = inputDict.get("srecCashFlow", "").split(",")
	outData["srecCashFlow"] = map(float,srec) + [0 for x in lifeYears[len(srec):]]
	outData["netCashFlow"] = [roundSig(x+y+z+a,2) for (x,y,z,a) in zip(outData["lifeGenerationDollars"], outData["lifeOmCosts"], outData["lifePurchaseCosts"], outData["srecCashFlow"])]
	outData["cumCashFlow"] = map(lambda x:roundSig(x,2), _runningSum(outData["netCashFlow"]))
	outData["ROI"] = roundSig(sum(outData["netCashFlow"]), 2)
	outData["NPV"] = roundSig(npv(discountRate, outData["netCashFlow"]), 2)
	outData["IRR"] = roundSig(irr(outData["netCashFlow"]), 2)
	# Monthly aggregation outputs.
	months = {"Jan":0,"Feb":1,"Mar":2,"Apr":3,"May":4,"Jun":5,"Jul":6,"Aug":7,"Sep":8,"Oct":9,"Nov":10,"Dec":11}
	totMonNum = lambda x:sum([z for (y,z) in zip(outData["timeStamps"], outData["powerOutputAc"]) if y.startswith(simStartDate[0:4] + "-{0:02d}".format(x+1))])
	outData["monthlyGeneration"] = [[a, roundSig(totMonNum(b),2)] for (a,b) in sorted(months.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
	# Heatmaped hour+month outputs.
	hours = range(24)
	from calendar import monthrange
	totHourMon = lambda h,m:sum([z for (y,z) in zip(outData["timeStamps"], outData["powerOutputAc"]) if y[5:7]=="{0:02d}".format(m+1) and y[11:13]=="{0:02d}".format(h+1)])
	outData["seasonalPerformance"] = [[x,y,totHourMon(x,y) / monthrange(int(simStartDate[:4]), y+1)[1]] for x in hours for y in months.values()]
	# Stdout/stderr.
	outData["stdout"] = "Success"
	outData["stderr"] = ""
	# Write the output.
	with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allOutputData.json"),"w") as outFile:
		json.dump(outData, outFile, indent=4)
	# Update the runTime in the input file.
	endTime = dt.datetime.now()
	inputDict["runTime"] = str(dt.timedelta(seconds=int((endTime - startTime).total_seconds())))
	with open(pJoin(modelDir,"allInputData.json"),"w") as inFile:
		json.dump(inputDict, inFile, indent=4)
예제 #48
        def taxEquityFlip(PPARateSixYearsTE, discRate, totalCost, allYearGenerationMWh, distAdderDirect, loanYears, firstYearLandLeaseCosts, firstYearOPMainCosts, firstYearInsuranceCosts, numberPanels):
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [C]
            coopInvestmentTaxEquity = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
            financeCostCashTaxEquity = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
            cashToSPEOForPPATE = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
            derivedCostEnergyTE = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
            OMInsuranceETCTE = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
            cashFromSPEToBlockerTE = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
            cashFromBlockerTE = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [J]
            distAdderTaxEquity = distAdderDirect
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [K]
            netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [L]
            costToCustomerTaxEquity = []
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [L64]
            NPVLoanTaxEquity = 0
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [F72]
            Rate_Levelized_Equity = 0

            # Tax Equity Flip Formulas
            # Output Tax Equity Flip [D]
            # TEI Calcs [E]
            financeCostOfCashTE = 0
            coopFinanceRateTE = 2.7 / 100
            if (coopFinanceRateTE == 0):
                financeCostOfCashTE = 0
                payment = pmt(
                    coopFinanceRateTE, loanYears, -coopInvestmentTaxEquity)
            financeCostCashTaxEquity = payment

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [E]
            SPERevenueTE = []
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                    PPARateSixYearsTE * allYearGenerationMWh[i])
                if ((i >= 1) and (i <= 6)):
                    cashToSPEOForPPATE.append(-SPERevenueTE[i - 1])

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [F]
            derivedCostEnergyTE = cashToSPEOForPPATE[
                0] / allYearGenerationMWh[1]

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [G]
            # TEI Calcs [F]	[U] [V]
            landLeaseTE = []
            OMTE = []
            insuranceTE = []
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                    firstYearLandLeaseCosts * math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                OMTE.append(-firstYearOPMainCosts *
                            math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                insuranceTE.append(- firstYearInsuranceCosts *
                                   math.pow((1 + .025), (i - 1)))
                if (i < 7):
                    OMInsuranceETCTE.append(float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))
                        float(OMTE[i - 1]) + float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) + float(landLeaseTE[i - 1]))

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [H]
            # TEI Calcs [T]
            SPEMgmtFeeTE = []
            EBITDATE = []
            EBITDATEREDUCED = []
            managementFee = 10000
            for i in range(1, len(SPERevenueTE) + 1):
                SPEMgmtFeeTE.append(-managementFee *
                                    math.pow((1 + .01), (i - 1)))
                                i - 1]) + float(OMTE[i - 1]) + float(insuranceTE[i - 1]) + float(SPEMgmtFeeTE[i - 1]))
                if (i <= 6):
                    cashFromSPEToBlockerTE.append(float(EBITDATE[i - 1]) * .01)
                    EBITDATEREDUCED.append(EBITDATE[i - 1])

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [I]
            # TEI Calcs [Y21]
            cashRevenueTE = -totalCost * (1 - 0.53)
            buyoutAmountTE = 0
            for i in range(1, len(EBITDATEREDUCED) + 1):
                buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE + \
                    EBITDATEREDUCED[i - 1] / (math.pow(1 + 0.12, i))
            buyoutAmountTE = buyoutAmountTE * 0.05
            cashFromBlockerTE = - (buyoutAmountTE) + 0.0725 * cashRevenueTE

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [K] [L]
            for i in range(1, len(allYearGenerationMWh) + 1):
                if (i == 6):
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity + cashToSPEOForPPATE[
                                                    i - 1] + cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[i - 1] + OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1] + cashFromBlockerTE)
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity.append(financeCostCashTaxEquity + cashFromSPEToBlockerTE[
                                                    i - 1] + cashToSPEOForPPATE[i - 1] + OMInsuranceETCTE[i - 1])
                    netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity[i - 1] - distAdderTaxEquity[i - 1])

            # Output Tax Equity Flip [L37]
            NPVLoanTaxEquity = npv(
                float(inputDict.get("discRate", 0)) / 100, [0, 0] + costToCustomerTaxEquity)

            # Output - Tax Equity [F42]
            Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity = - \
                NPVLoanTaxEquity / NPVallYearGenerationMWh

            # TEI Calcs - Achieved Return [AW 21]
            MACRDepreciation = []
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.2 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.32 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.192 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.1152 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.1152 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            MACRDepreciation.append(-0.99 * 0.0576 *
                                    (totalCost - totalCost * 0.5 * 0.9822 * 0.3))
            #[AI] [AL]	[AN]
            cashRevenueTEI = []  # [AI]
            slDepreciation = []  # [AL]
            totalDistributions = []  # [AN]
            cashRevenueTEI.append(-totalCost * 0.53)
            for i in range(1, 7):
                cashRevenueTEI.append(EBITDATE[i - 1] * 0.99)
                slDepreciation.append(totalCost / 25)
            ITC = totalCost * 0.9822 * 0.3 * 0.99
            taxableIncLoss = [0]
            taxableIncLoss.append(cashRevenueTEI[1] + MACRDepreciation[0])
            capitalAcct = []
            capitalAcct.append(totalCost * 0.53)
            condition = capitalAcct[0] - 0.5 * ITC + \
                taxableIncLoss[1] + totalDistributions[0]
            if condition > 0:
            ratioTE = [0]
            reallocatedIncLoss = []
            #AO-1 + AN + AI + AK + AJ
            for i in range(0, 5):
                                          i + 1] + totalDistributions[i + 1] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1] + cashRevenueTEI[i + 2])
                    reallocatedIncLoss[i] / (cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1]))
                taxableIncLoss.append(cashRevenueTEI[i + 2] + MACRDepreciation[i + 1] - ratioTE[
                                      i + 1] * (MACRDepreciation[i + 1] - totalDistributions[i + 1]))
                condition = capitalAcct[
                    i + 1] + taxableIncLoss[i + 2] + totalDistributions[i + 1]
                if condition > 0:

            taxesBenefitLiab = [0]
            for i in range(1, 7):
                taxesBenefitLiab.append(-taxableIncLoss[i] * 0.35)
            #[AS] [AT]
            buyoutAmount = 0
            taxFromBuyout = 0
            for i in range(0, len(EBITDATEREDUCED)):
                buyoutAmount = buyoutAmount + .05 * \
                    EBITDATEREDUCED[i] / (math.pow(1.12, (i + 1)))
            taxFromBuyout = -buyoutAmount * 0.35
            #[AU] [AV]
            totalCashTax = []
            cumulativeCashTax = [0]
            for i in range(0, 7):
                if i == 1:
                        cashRevenueTEI[i] + ITC + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                        cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i])
                elif i == 6:
                        cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + buyoutAmount + taxFromBuyout)
                        cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i] + buyoutAmount + taxFromBuyout)
                        cashRevenueTEI[i] + 0 + taxesBenefitLiab[i] + 0 + 0)
                        cumulativeCashTax[i] + totalCashTax[i])
            if (cumulativeCashTax[7] > 0):
                cumulativeIRR = round(irr(totalCashTax), 4)
                cumulativeIRR = 0

            # Deleteme: Variable Dump for debugging
            # variableDump = {}
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"] = {}
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["coopInvestmentTaxEquity"] = coopInvestmentTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["financeCostCashTaxEquity"] = financeCostCashTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashToSPEOForPPATE"] = cashToSPEOForPPATE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["derivedCostEnergyTE"] = derivedCostEnergyTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["OMInsuranceETCTE"] = OMInsuranceETCTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromSPEToBlockerTE"] = cashFromSPEToBlockerTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["cashFromBlockerTE"] = cashFromBlockerTE
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["distAdderTaxEquity"] = distAdderTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity"] = netCoopPaymentsTaxEquity
            # variableDump["TaxEquity"]["NPVLoanTaxEquity"] = NPVLoanTaxEquity

            return cumulativeIRR, Rate_Levelized_TaxEquity, NPVLoanTaxEquity
예제 #49
파일: economics.py 프로젝트: WaltXon/curvey









npv=round(np.npv(annual_to_monthly_rate(config['discount_rate_annual']),econ['net_nondiscounted_cash_flow']), 2)
irr=round(np.irr(econ['net_discounted_cashflow']), 2)

    NPV: ${}
    IRR: {}
    '''.format(npv, irr))
예제 #50
import numpy as np
cashflows = [-45.45, 50]
irr = round(np.irr(cashflows), 2)
예제 #51
def work(modelDir, inputDict):
	''' Run the model in its directory. '''
	# Copy spcific climate data into model directory
	inputDict["climateName"] = zipCodeToClimateName(inputDict["zipCode"])
	shutil.copy(pJoin(__neoMetaModel__._omfDir, "data", "Climate", inputDict["climateName"] + ".tmy2"), 
		pJoin(modelDir, "climate.tmy2"))
	# Set up SAM data structures.
	ssc = nrelsam2013.SSCAPI()
	dat = ssc.ssc_data_create()
	# Required user inputs.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_string(dat, "file_name", modelDir + "/climate.tmy2")
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "system_size", float(inputDict.get("systemSize", 100)))
	derate = float(inputDict.get("pvModuleDerate", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("mismatch", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("diodes", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("dcWiring", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("acWiring", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("soiling", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("shading", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("sysAvail", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("age", 99.5))/100 \
		* float(inputDict.get("inverterEfficiency", 92))/100
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "derate", derate)
	# TODO: Should we move inverter efficiency to 'inv_eff' below (as done in PVWatts?) 
	# Doesn't seem to affect output very much
	# ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "inv_eff", float(inputDict.get("inverterEfficiency", 92))/100)			
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "track_mode", float(inputDict.get("trackingMode", 0)))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "azimuth", float(inputDict.get("azimuth", 180)))
	# Advanced inputs with defaults.
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "rotlim", float(inputDict.get("rotlim", 45)))
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "gamma", float(inputDict.get("gamma", 0.5))/100)
	# Complicated optional inputs.
	if (inputDict.get("tilt",0) == "-"):
		tilt_eq_lat = 1.0
		manualTilt = 0.0
		tilt_eq_lat = 0.0
		manualTilt = float(inputDict.get("tilt",0))		
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt", manualTilt)
	ssc.ssc_data_set_number(dat, "tilt_eq_lat", tilt_eq_lat)
	# Run PV system simulation.
	mod = ssc.ssc_module_create("pvwattsv1")
	ssc.ssc_module_exec(mod, dat)
	# Setting options for start time.
	simLengthUnits = inputDict.get("simLengthUnits","hours")
	simStartDate = inputDict.get("simStartDate", "2014-01-01")
	# Set the timezone to be UTC, it won't affect calculation and display, relative offset handled in pvWatts.html 
	startDateTime = simStartDate + " 00:00:00 UTC"
	# Timestamp output.
	outData = {}
	outData["timeStamps"] = [dt.datetime.strftime(
		dt.datetime.strptime(startDateTime[0:19],"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + 
		dt.timedelta(**{simLengthUnits:x}),"%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") + " UTC" for x in range(int(inputDict.get("simLength", 8760)))]
	# Geodata output.
	outData["city"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "city")
	outData["state"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_string(dat, "state")
	outData["lat"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lat")
	outData["lon"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "lon")
	outData["elev"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_number(dat, "elev")
	# Weather output.
	outData["climate"] = {}
	outData["climate"]["Global Horizontal Radiation (W/m^2)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "gh")
	outData["climate"]["Plane of Array Irradiance (W/m^2)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "poa")
	outData["climate"]["Ambient Temperature (F)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "tamb")
	outData["climate"]["Cell Temperature (F)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "tcell")
	outData["climate"]["Wind Speed (m/s)"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "wspd")
	# Power generation and clipping.
	outData["powerOutputAc"] = ssc.ssc_data_get_array(dat, "ac")
	invSizeWatts = float(inputDict.get("inverterSize", 0)) * 1000
	outData["InvClipped"] = [x if x < invSizeWatts else invSizeWatts for x in outData["powerOutputAc"]]
		outData["percentClipped"] = 100 * (1.0 - sum(outData["InvClipped"]) / sum(outData["powerOutputAc"]))
	except ZeroDivisionError:
		outData["percentClipped"] = 0.0
	# Cashflow outputs.
	lifeSpan = int(inputDict.get("lifeSpan",30))
	lifeYears = range(1, 1 + lifeSpan)
	retailCost = float(inputDict.get("retailCost",0.0))
	degradation = float(inputDict.get("degradation",0.5))/100
	installCost = float(inputDict.get("installCost",0.0))
	discountRate = float(inputDict.get("discountRate", 7))/100
	outData["oneYearGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAc"])
	outData["lifeGenerationDollars"] = [retailCost*(1.0/1000)*outData["oneYearGenerationWh"]*(1.0-(x*degradation)) for x in lifeYears]
	outData["lifeOmCosts"] = [-1.0*float(inputDict["omCost"]) for x in lifeYears]
	outData["lifePurchaseCosts"] = [-1.0 * installCost] + [0 for x in lifeYears[1:]]
	srec = inputDict.get("srecCashFlow", "").split(",")
	outData["srecCashFlow"] = map(float,srec) + [0 for x in lifeYears[len(srec):]]
	outData["netCashFlow"] = [x+y+z+a for (x,y,z,a) in zip(outData["lifeGenerationDollars"], outData["lifeOmCosts"], outData["lifePurchaseCosts"], outData["srecCashFlow"])]
	outData["cumCashFlow"] = map(lambda x:x, _runningSum(outData["netCashFlow"]))
	outData["ROI"] = roundSig(sum(outData["netCashFlow"]), 3) / (-1*roundSig(sum(outData["lifeOmCosts"]), 3) + -1*roundSig(sum(outData["lifePurchaseCosts"], 3)))
	outData["NPV"] = roundSig(npv(discountRate, outData["netCashFlow"]), 3) 
	outData["lifeGenerationWh"] = sum(outData["powerOutputAc"])*lifeSpan	
	outData["lifeEnergySales"] = sum(outData["lifeGenerationDollars"])
		# The IRR function is very bad.
		outData["IRR"] = roundSig(irr(outData["netCashFlow"]), 3)
		outData["IRR"] = "Undefined"
	# Monthly aggregation outputs.
	months = {"Jan":0,"Feb":1,"Mar":2,"Apr":3,"May":4,"Jun":5,"Jul":6,"Aug":7,"Sep":8,"Oct":9,"Nov":10,"Dec":11}
	totMonNum = lambda x:sum([z for (y,z) in zip(outData["timeStamps"], outData["powerOutputAc"]) if y.startswith(simStartDate[0:4] + "-{0:02d}".format(x+1))])
	outData["monthlyGeneration"] = [[a, totMonNum(b)] for (a,b) in sorted(months.items(), key=lambda x:x[1])]
	# Heatmaped hour+month outputs.
	hours = range(24)
	from calendar import monthrange
	totHourMon = lambda h,m:sum([z for (y,z) in zip(outData["timeStamps"], outData["powerOutputAc"]) if y[5:7]=="{0:02d}".format(m+1) and y[11:13]=="{0:02d}".format(h+1)])
	outData["seasonalPerformance"] = [[x,y,totHourMon(x,y) / monthrange(int(simStartDate[:4]), y+1)[1]] for x in hours for y in months.values()]
	# Stdout/stderr.
	outData["stdout"] = "Success"
	outData["stderr"] = ""
	return outData
예제 #52
파일: excellib.py 프로젝트: brunogola/pycel
def irr(values):
    return np.irr(values)
    #If net_cash_flow <0, we lost money. For taxes we made $0, cannot deduct losses. So add this to money spent on house
    if net_cash_flow < 0:

###### At the end of n years calculate net earning and ROI ######
print "Selling House Numbers"
print "Appreciated House Value after " + str(analysis_for_n_years) + " years: " + str(appreciated_house_value)
earning_from_selling_house = (1-selling_costs)*appreciated_house_value - loan_principal_balance
gain_from_selling_house_after_tax = 0.85*earning_from_selling_house - 0.25*total_depreciation_claimed
total_earnings_after_n_years= gain_from_selling_house_after_tax + net_earnings_over_analysis_years_from_rent_after_tax
roi = (total_earnings_after_n_years - total_money_spent_on_house)*100/(total_money_spent_on_house*analysis_for_n_years)

########## IRR #################################
final_irr = numpy.irr(net_cash_flow_arr)*100
print "After Tax IRR: " + str(final_irr)

print "Earnings after " + str(analysis_for_n_years) + " years -> " + "Total: " + str(total_earnings_after_n_years) + \
    ", From yearly rent - expenses: " + str(net_earnings_over_analysis_years_from_rent_after_tax) + ", Selling house: " + str(gain_from_selling_house_after_tax)
print "Total Money spent on house: " + str(total_money_spent_on_house)
print "Simple ROI per year (after tax): " + str(roi)

예제 #54
파일: proforma.py 프로젝트: psrc/urbansim
    def do_proforma(proposal, proposal_component):
        p = proposal
        c = proposal_component
        max_periods = max_periods_of_sale + asscalar(p['sales_start_period'])
        revenues = zeros(max_periods)
        costs = zeros(max_periods)
        #cash_flow = zeros(max_periods)

        construction_loan_balance = p['construction_cost'] * construction_loan_size
        perm_loan_size = 0
        perm_loan_interest_payment = 0
        perm_loan_repayment = 0
        perm_loan_proceeds = 0.0

        full_rent_periods = 0
        sold_for_rent = 0
        component_sales_revenue = c['sales_revenue'].copy()
        component_rent_revenue = c['rent_revenue_per_period'].copy()
        component_leases_revenue = c['leases_revenue_per_period'].copy()
        construction_periods = p['sales_start_period'] - p['construction_start_period']
        for period in arange(max_periods):
            if period == 1:
                land_equity = p['land_cost']
                costs[period] += land_equity            
            elif component_rent_revenue.sum() >= c['rent_revenue'].sum() and \
                component_leases_revenue.sum() >= c['leases_revenue'].sum():
                full_rent_periods += 1
            if period < p['sales_start_period']:
                public_contribution = 0 if p['public_contribution'] == 0 \
                                        else p['public_contribution'] / \
                sales_revenue = 0
                rent_revenue = 0 
                leases_revenue = 0
                revenues[period] += public_contribution

                operating_cost = 0
                vacancy = 0
                tax = p['property_tax'] * p['land_cost']
                construction_equity = p['construction_cost'] * (1 - construction_loan_size) \
                        / (p['sales_start_period'] - 1)
                construction_loan_interest_payment = construction_loan_balance * construction_loan_rate
                construction_loan_repayment = revenues[period] \
                        if construction_loan_balance > revenues[period] \
                        else construction_loan_balance
                costs[period] += tax + construction_equity + \
                     construction_loan_interest_payment + construction_loan_repayment
                construction_loan_balance -= construction_loan_repayment
                if any(component_sales_revenue):
                    # TODO this would not work when we do proforma on multiple proposals at once
                    sales_revenue = np.min(column_stack((c['sales_absorption'],
                    component_sales_revenue -= c['sales_absorption']
                            0, component_sales_revenue.max(),
                    sales_revenue = 0
                if sales_revenue < 0: sales_revenue = 0
                # before reaching full occupancy for rent property
                if not sold_for_rent and any(component_rent_revenue <= c['rent_revenue']):
                    rent_revenue = np.min(column_stack((c['rent_revenue'],
                    operating_cost = (rent_revenue * c['operating_cost']).sum()
                    vacancy = (rent_revenue * c['vacancy_rates']).sum()
                    rent_revenue = rent_revenue.sum()                    
                    component_rent_revenue += c['rent_revenue_per_period']
                            0, c['rent_revenue'],
                if not sold_for_rent and any(component_leases_revenue <= c['leases_revenue']):
                    leases_revenue = np.min(column_stack((c['leases_revenue'],
                    operating_cost += (leases_revenue * c['operating_cost']).sum()
                    vacancy += (leases_revenue * c['vacancy_rates']).sum()
                    leases_revenue = leases_revenue.sum()
                    component_leases_revenue += c['leases_revenue_per_period']
                            0, c['leases_revenue'],
                if not sold_for_rent:
                    revenues[period] += sales_revenue + rent_revenue + leases_revenue
                    revenues[period] = sales_revenue
                    if revenues[period] == 0:

                taxable_proportion = p['rent_sqft'] / p['total_sqft'].astype(float32)
                tax = p['property_tax'] * (p['land_cost'] + p['construction_cost']) * taxable_proportion
                insurance = p['rent_sqft'] * property_insurance
                construction_equity = 0
                construction_loan_interest_payment = construction_loan_balance * construction_loan_rate
                construction_loan_repayment = revenues[period] \
                        if construction_loan_balance > revenues[period] \
                        else construction_loan_balance
                #adjustment to revenues/costs
                for_rent_noi = rent_revenue + leases_revenue - tax - insurance - operating_cost - vacancy
                meets_perm_load_occupancy_threshold = rent_revenue + leases_revenue > \
                                                               ( p['rent_revenue'] + p['leases_revenue']) * \
                if perm_loan_size == 0 and \
                   for_rent_noi > 0 and \
                    perm_loan_size = min((for_rent_noi / cap_rate) * ltv_max,
                                                for_rent_noi / dcr_max)
                    perm_loan_proceeds = perm_loan_size
                    revenues[period] += perm_loan_proceeds

                if perm_loan_size > 0:
                    perm_loan_interest_payment = -np.pmt(perm_loan_rate, perm_loan_term, perm_loan_size)
                if not sold_for_rent:
                    costs[period] += tax + insurance + operating_cost + vacancy + \
                            construction_loan_interest_payment + construction_loan_repayment + \
                    costs[period] = 0
                construction_loan_balance -= construction_loan_repayment
                if DEBUG: print period, sales_revenue, full_rent_periods, for_rent_seasoning_threshold 
                if full_rent_periods > for_rent_seasoning_threshold+1 and \
                   sales_revenue <= 0 and \
                   not sold_for_rent:
                    #sell_for_rent = 1
                    perm_loan_repayment = perm_loan_size
                    for_rent_sale = for_rent_noi / cap_rate
                    revenues[period] += for_rent_sale
                    costs[period] += perm_loan_repayment
                    sold_for_rent = 1

        if DEBUG: print "REVENUES:", revenues
        costs = costs * (1.0-p['costdiscount'])
        if DEBUG: print "COSTS:", costs
        cash_flow = (revenues - costs)[1:period]
        npv = np.npv(discount_rate, cash_flow)
        if DEBUG: print "CASHFLOW:", cash_flow
        if DEBUG: print "NPV:", npv
        irr = np.irr(cash_flow)

        return asarray(npv)
예제 #55
from numpy import irr

round(irr([-100, 39, 59, 55, 20]), 5)
round(irr([-100, 0, 0, 74]), 5)
round(irr([-100, 100, 0, -7]), 5)
round(irr([-100, 100, 0, 7]), 5)
round(irr([-5, 10.5, 1, -8, 1]), 5)
예제 #56

import numpy

print "Internal rate of return", numpy.irr([-100, 38, 48, 90, 17, 36])
change_opex = labor_savings+forklift_savings+floor_salaries

## Gather income statements 
income_0 = income_statement(name='Year 0', sales=0, cogs=0, sga=0, da=0, interest=0, tax_rate=tax_rate).get_income_statement(
    depreciation_rate=0, delta_capex=equipment_buy, delta_workingcap=0)
income_1 = income_statement(name='Year 1', sales=0, cogs=0, sga=change_opex, da=depreciation_rate, interest=0, tax_rate=tax_rate).get_income_statement(
    depreciation_rate=depreciation_rate, delta_capex=0, delta_workingcap=0)
income_2 = income_statement(name='Year 2', sales=0, cogs=0, sga=change_opex, da=depreciation_rate, interest=0, 
                            tax_rate=tax_rate).get_income_statement(depreciation_rate=depreciation_rate, delta_capex=0, delta_workingcap=0)
income_3 = income_statement(name='Year 3', sales=0, cogs=0, sga=change_opex, da=depreciation_rate, interest=0, 
                            tax_rate=tax_rate).get_income_statement(depreciation_rate=depreciation_rate, delta_capex=equipment_sell, delta_workingcap=0)
income = pd.concat([income_0, income_1, income_2, income_3], axis=1)

NPV = np.npv(discount_rate, income.ix['FreeCashFlow'])
IRR = np.irr(income.ix['FreeCashFlow'])
payback_period = abs(income.ix['FreeCashFlow'][0]) / income.ix['FreeCashFlow'][1:].sum()

NPV ................................ %.2f
IRR ................................ %.2f
Payback Period ................................ %.2f
'''%(NPV, IRR, payback_period))

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