def dot(a, b, out=None): out = asarray(, b, out=out)) if a._valid is not None or b._valid is not None: valid = np.logical_not(, np.logical_not(b._effective_valid()))) out._add_valid(valid) return out
def observe(self,cur_line): # Get the right RSS out self.rss_obj.observe(cur_line) cur_obs = self.rss_obj.get_rss() # if we are in calibration time, add the current observation to off # buffer if np.logical_not(self.__is_ltb_full()): self.__add_obs_to_off_buff(cur_obs) # if we are done with calibration, and the pmfs have not been set, then # set them elif np.logical_not(self.is_updated): self.__set_static_gaus_pmfs() self.is_updated = 1 # if we are done with calibration, and the pmfs are set, then go! if self.is_updated: # Get likelihoods of current vector observation self.__update_b_vec(cur_obs) # make a function call to update alpha self.__update_alpha() # update pmfs if necessary self.__update_pmfs(cur_obs)
def circleNum(imageMatrix): """ number of circles of a digit image :param dataMatrix: digit image :return: number of circles """ M, N = imageMatrix.shape visited = np.zeros((M, N), dtype = int) stack = [(0, 0)] visited[0][0] = 1 circle = 0 while True: while len(stack) != 0:# do DFS to find connected component current = stack[-1] available = reachable(current, imageMatrix, visited) if len(available) == 0: stack.pop() else: chosen = available[0] visited[chosen[0]][chosen[1]] = 1 stack.append(chosen) temp = np.logical_xor(visited, imageMatrix) if np.logical_not(temp.all()):# if there are components unvisited circle += 1 i, j = argmax(np.logical_not(temp))# do DFS in one of the unvisited components stack.append((i, j)) visited[i][j] = 1 else:# all components visited return circle
def _run_interface(self, runtime): nii1 = nb.load(self.inputs.volume1) nii2 = nb.load(self.inputs.volume2) origdata1 = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(nii1.get_data() == 0, np.isnan(nii1.get_data()))) origdata2 = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(nii2.get_data() == 0, np.isnan(nii2.get_data()))) if isdefined(self.inputs.mask_volume): maskdata = nb.load(self.inputs.mask_volume).get_data() maskdata = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(maskdata == 0, np.isnan(maskdata))) origdata1 = np.logical_and(maskdata, origdata1) origdata2 = np.logical_and(maskdata, origdata2) for method in ("dice", "jaccard"): setattr(self, "_" + method, self._bool_vec_dissimilarity(origdata1, origdata2, method=method)) self._volume = int(origdata1.sum() - origdata2.sum()) both_data = np.zeros(origdata1.shape) both_data[origdata1] = 1 both_data[origdata2] += 2, nii1.get_affine(), nii1.get_header()), self.inputs.out_file) return runtime
def __dectree_train(self, X, Y, L, R, F, T, next, depth, minParent, maxDepth, minScore, nFeatures): """ This is a recursive helper method that recusively trains the decision tree. Used in: train TODO: compare for numerical tolerance """ n,d = mat(X).shape # check leaf conditions... if n < minParent or depth >= maxDepth or np.var(Y) < minScore: assert n != 0, ('TreeRegress.__dectree_train: tried to create size zero node') return self.__output_leaf(Y, n, L, R, F, T, next) best_val = np.inf best_feat = -1 try_feat = np.random.permutation(d) # ...otherwise, search over (allowed) features for i_feat in try_feat[0:nFeatures]: dsorted = arr(np.sort(X[:,i_feat].T)).ravel() # sort data... pi = np.argsort(X[:,i_feat].T) # ...get sorted indices... tsorted = Y[pi].ravel() # ...and sort targets by feature ID can_split = np.append(arr(dsorted[:-1] != dsorted[1:]), 0) # which indices are valid split points? if not np.any(can_split): # no way to split on this feature? continue # find min weighted variance among split points val,idx = self.__min_weighted_var(tsorted, can_split, n) # save best feature and split point found so far if val < best_val: best_val = val best_feat = i_feat best_thresh = (dsorted[idx] + dsorted[idx + 1]) / 2 # if no split possible, output leaf (prediction) node if best_feat == -1: return self.__output_leaf(Y, n, L, R, F, T, next) # split data on feature i_feat, value (tsorted[idx] + tsorted[idx + 1]) / 2 F[next] = best_feat T[next] = best_thresh go_left = X[:,F[next]] < T[next] my_idx = next next += 1 # recur left L[my_idx] = next L,R,F,T,next = self.__dectree_train(X[go_left,:], Y[go_left], L, R, F, T, next, depth + 1, minParent, maxDepth, minScore, nFeatures) # recur right R[my_idx] = next L,R,F,T,next = self.__dectree_train(X[np.logical_not(go_left),:], Y[np.logical_not(go_left)], L, R, F, T, next, depth + 1, minParent, maxDepth, minScore, nFeatures) return (L,R,F,T,next)
def test_multilabel_hamming_loss(): # Dense label indicator matrix format y1 = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) y2 = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, y2), 1 / 6) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, y1), 0) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y2, y2), 0) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y2, np.logical_not(y2)), 1) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, np.logical_not(y1)), 1) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, np.zeros(y1.shape)), 4 / 6) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y2, np.zeros(y1.shape)), 0.5) with ignore_warnings(): # sequence of sequences is deprecated # List of tuple of label y1 = [(1, 2,), (0, 2,)] y2 = [(2,), (0, 2,)] assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, y2), 1 / 6) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, y1), 0) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y2, y2), 0) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y2, [(), ()]), 0.75) assert_equal(hamming_loss(y1, [tuple(), (10, )]), 0.625) assert_almost_equal(hamming_loss(y2, [tuple(), (10, )], classes=np.arange(11)), 0.1818, 2)
def evolution_of_votes_singleMP(dates, votes, wa_all, wa_party, name, asciiname): if not do_plots: return f = plt.figure(figsize=figsize_long) f.suptitle(u'Гласове и отсъствия на %s през годините.'%name) absences = f.add_subplot(3,1,3) with_all = f.add_subplot(3,1,1, sharex=absences) with_party = f.add_subplot(3,1,2, sharex=absences) all_votes_no_abs = np.sum(votes[:,:3], 1) all_votes = np.sum(votes, 1) mask_no_abs = np.logical_not(all_votes_no_abs) mask = np.logical_not(all_votes) with_all_array =*wa_all[:,0], mask=mask_no_abs)/all_votes_no_abs with_party_array =*wa_party[:,0], mask=mask_no_abs)/all_votes_no_abs absences_array =*votes[:,3], mask=mask)/all_votes with_all.plot(dates, with_all_array, '.-', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.1) with_all.legend([u'% съгласие с мнозинството (без отсъствия)']) with_party.plot(dates, with_party_array, '.-', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.1) with_party.legend([u'% съгласие с партията (без отсъствия)']) absences.plot(dates, absences_array, '.-', alpha=0.3, linewidth=0.1) absences.legend([u'% отсъствия']) with_all.set_yticks([25, 50, 75]) with_party.set_yticks([25, 50, 75]) absences.set_yticks([25, 50, 75]) with_all.set_ylim(0, 100) with_party.set_ylim(0, 100) absences.set_ylim(0, 100) absences.set_xlim(dates[0], dates[-1]) f.autofmt_xdate() f.savefig('generated_html/vote_evol_%s.png'%asciiname) plt.close()
def splitFullSparse(X, Y): indexSparse = Y[:, 10] == -1 xFull = X[np.logical_not(indexSparse), :] yFull = Y[np.logical_not(indexSparse), :] xSparse = X[indexSparse, :] ySparse = Y[indexSparse, :] return xFull, yFull, xSparse, ySparse
def test_multilabel_accuracy_score_subset_accuracy(): # Dense label indicator matrix format y1 = np.array([[0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) y2 = np.array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 0, 1]]) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, y2), 0.5) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, y1), 1) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, y2), 1) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, np.logical_not(y2)), 0) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, np.logical_not(y1)), 0) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, np.zeros(y1.shape)), 0) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, np.zeros(y1.shape)), 0) with ignore_warnings(): # sequence of sequences is deprecated # List of tuple of label y1 = [(1, 2,), (0, 2,)] y2 = [(2,), (0, 2,)] assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, y2), 0.5) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, y1), 1) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, y2), 1) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, [(), ()]), 0) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, y2, normalize=False), 1) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y1, y1, normalize=False), 2) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, y2, normalize=False), 2) assert_equal(accuracy_score(y2, [(), ()], normalize=False), 0)
def test_insert_nan(self): """Test fetching of null values""" b = self.rel.fetch('value', order_by='id') assert_true((np.isnan(self.a) == np.isnan(b)).all(), 'incorrect handling of Nans') assert_true(np.allclose(self.a[np.logical_not(np.isnan(self.a))], b[np.logical_not(np.isnan(b))]), 'incorrect storage of floats')
def _extrapolate_out_mask(data, mask, iterations=1): """ Extrapolate values outside of the mask. """ if iterations > 1: data, mask = _extrapolate_out_mask(data, mask, iterations=iterations - 1) new_mask = ndimage.binary_dilation(mask) larger_mask = np.zeros(np.array(mask.shape) + 2, dtype=np.bool) larger_mask[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = mask # Use nans as missing value: ugly masked_data = np.zeros(larger_mask.shape + data.shape[3:]) masked_data[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = data.copy() masked_data[np.logical_not(larger_mask)] = np.nan outer_shell = larger_mask.copy() outer_shell[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1] = np.logical_xor(new_mask, mask) outer_shell_x, outer_shell_y, outer_shell_z = np.where(outer_shell) extrapolation = list() for i, j, k in [(1, 0, 0), (-1, 0, 0), (0, 1, 0), (0, -1, 0), (0, 0, 1), (0, 0, -1)]: this_x = outer_shell_x + i this_y = outer_shell_y + j this_z = outer_shell_z + k extrapolation.append(masked_data[this_x, this_y, this_z]) extrapolation = np.array(extrapolation) extrapolation = (np.nansum(extrapolation, axis=0) / np.sum(np.isfinite(extrapolation), axis=0)) extrapolation[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(extrapolation))] = 0 new_data = np.zeros_like(masked_data) new_data[outer_shell] = extrapolation new_data[larger_mask] = masked_data[larger_mask] return new_data[1:-1, 1:-1, 1:-1], new_mask
def is_leap_year(year, gregorian=True): """Return True if this is a leap year in the Julian or Gregorian calendars Arguments: - `year` : (int) year Keywords: - `gregorian` : (bool, default=True) If True, use Gregorian calendar, else use Julian calendar Returns: - (bool) True is this is a leap year, else False. """ year = np.atleast_1d(year).astype(np.int64) x = np.fmod(year, 4) if gregorian: x = np.fmod(year, 4) y = np.fmod(year, 100) z = np.fmod(year, 400) return _scalar_if_one( np.logical_and(np.logical_not(x), np.logical_or(y, np.logical_not(z)))) else: return _scalar_if_one(x == 0)
def binary_hit_or_miss(input, structure1 = None, structure2 = None, output = None, origin1 = 0, origin2 = None): """Multi-dimensional binary hit-or-miss transform. An output array can optionally be provided. The origin parameters controls the placement of the structuring elements. If the first structuring element is not given one is generated with a squared connectivity equal to one. If the second structuring element is not provided, it set equal to the inverse of the first structuring element. If the origin for the second structure is equal to None it is set equal to the origin of the first. """ input = numpy.asarray(input) if structure1 is None: structure1 = generate_binary_structure(input.ndim, 1) if structure2 is None: structure2 = numpy.logical_not(structure1) origin1 = _ni_support._normalize_sequence(origin1, input.ndim) if origin2 is None: origin2 = origin1 else: origin2 = _ni_support._normalize_sequence(origin2, input.ndim) tmp1 = _binary_erosion(input, structure1, 1, None, None, 0, origin1, 0, False) inplace = isinstance(output, numpy.ndarray) result = _binary_erosion(input, structure2, 1, None, output, 0, origin2, 1, False) if inplace: numpy.logical_not(output, output) numpy.logical_and(tmp1, output, output) else: numpy.logical_not(result, result) return numpy.logical_and(tmp1, result)
def rms_diff(vec1, vec2, tol): mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(np.isnan(vec1)), np.logical_not(np.isnan(vec2))) vec1 = vec1[mask] vec2 = vec2[mask] err = np.sqrt(np.mean(((vec1 - vec2) / vec2) ** 2)) print "RMS Error: ", err, "(> ", tol, ")" return err < tol
def max_diff(vec1, vec2, tol): mask = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(np.isnan(vec1)), np.logical_not(np.isnan(vec2))) vec1 = vec1[mask] vec2 = vec2[mask] err = np.max(np.abs((vec1 - vec2))) print "Max Diff: ", err, "(> ", tol, ")" return err < tol
def applyMorphologicalCleaning(self, image): """ Applies a variety of morphological operations to improve the detection of worms in the image. Takes 0.030 s on MUSSORGSKY for a typical frame region Takes 0.030 s in MATLAB too """ # start with worm == 1 image = image.copy() segmentation.clear_border(image) # remove objects at edge (worm == 1) # fix defects in the thresholding by closing with a worm-width disk # worm == 1 wormSE = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_ELLIPSE, (self.wormDiskRadius+1, self.wormDiskRadius+1)) imcl = cv2.morphologyEx(np.uint8(image), cv2.MORPH_CLOSE, wormSE) imcl = np.equal(imcl, 1) # fix defects by filling holes imholes = ndimage.binary_fill_holes(imcl) imcl = np.logical_or(imholes, imcl) # fix barely touching regions # majority with worm pixels == 1 (median filter same?) imcl = nf.median_filter(imcl, footprint=[[1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1]]) # diag with worm pixels == 0 imcl = np.logical_not(bwdiagfill(np.logical_not(imcl))) # open with worm pixels == 1 openSE = cv2.getStructuringElement(cv2.MORPH_RECT, (1, 1)) imcl = cv2.morphologyEx(np.uint8(imcl), cv2.MORPH_OPEN, openSE) return np.equal(imcl, 1)
def fix_nonfinite(data): bad_indexes = np.logical_not(np.isfinite(data)) good_indexes = np.logical_not(bad_indexes) good_data = data[good_indexes] interpolated = np.interp(bad_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_data) data[bad_indexes] = interpolated return data
def load_data(): # Read file content training_file_content = pd.read_csv(TRAINING_FILE_PATH) testing_file_content = pd.read_csv(TESTING_FILE_PATH) combined_file_content = pd.concat([training_file_content, testing_file_content]) # Manipulate file content X = combined_file_content.drop([ID_COLUMN_NAME, LABEL_COLUMN_NAME], axis=1).as_matrix() categorical_features_mask_list = [] for column_vector in X.T: valid_elements_mask = np.logical_not(pd.isnull(column_vector)) if np.can_cast(type(column_vector[valid_elements_mask][0]), np.float): categorical_features_mask_list.append(False) min_value = np.min(column_vector[valid_elements_mask]) column_vector[np.logical_not(valid_elements_mask)] = min_value - 1 else: categorical_features_mask_list.append(True) column_vector[np.logical_not(valid_elements_mask)] = "Missing" column_vector[:] = perform_categorization(column_vector) encoder = OneHotEncoder(categorical_features=categorical_features_mask_list) X = encoder.fit_transform(X).toarray() # Separate the data set Y = combined_file_content[LABEL_COLUMN_NAME].as_matrix() ID = combined_file_content[ID_COLUMN_NAME].as_matrix() test_data_mask = pd.isnull(Y) X_train = X[np.logical_not(test_data_mask)] Y_train = Y[np.logical_not(test_data_mask)] X_test = X[test_data_mask] ID_test = ID[test_data_mask] return X_train, Y_train, X_test, ID_test
def compare(self, result, t , noiseType = 'Z', sum = True, full=True): """Compares the discretization of this case with the one of an algorithm whose results are given in otherdisc. timeparam variable contains the variables for the discretization. Returns a dictionnary with the number of True positives, True negatives, False positives and False negatives""" #restrict comparation between Tb and Te otherdisc=result try:[noiseType].discretize(t) intdisc=[int(b) for b in fulldisc] assert( len(otherdisc) == len(fulldisc) ) #assert(not any([i==None for i in disc])) except AssertionError: print('something wrong in function of ', self) if full: disc=fulldisc else: mask = np.logical_and(t >=['Tb'], t <=['Te']) otherdisc = result[mask] disc = fulldisc[mask] t=t[mask] retTF={} retTF['TP'] = np.logical_and(otherdisc,disc) retTF['TN'] = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(otherdisc), np.logical_not(disc)) retTF['FP'] = np.logical_and(otherdisc, np.logical_not(disc)) retTF['FN'] = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(otherdisc), disc) if sum: for k, v in retTF.items(): retTF[k]= int(v.sum()) else: retTF['t'] = t retTF['disc'] = disc return retTF, intdisc
def fitAndPredict(X, y, train_mask): # partition into train/test set Xtrain = X[train_mask] ytrain = y[train_mask] Xtest = X[np.logical_not(train_mask)] ytest = y[np.logical_not(train_mask)] # Fit model linreg = lm.LinearRegression(fit_intercept = False), ytrain) # Extract parameters coef = linreg.coef_ names = X.columns.tolist() print([name + ':' + str(round(w,3)) for name, w in zip(names, coef)]) # Measure train error yhat = linreg.predict(Xtrain) (mse, stderr) = L2loss(yhat, ytrain) print 'Train mse {0:0.3f}, stderr {1:0.3f}'.format(mse, stderr) # Measure test error yhat = linreg.predict(Xtest) (mse, stderr) = L2loss(yhat, ytest) print 'Test mse {0:0.3f}, stderr {1:0.3f}'.format(mse, stderr)
def _compute_health_pill(self, x): x_clean = x[np.where( np.logical_and( np.logical_not(np.isnan(x)), np.logical_not(np.isinf(x))))] if np.size(x_clean): x_min = np.min(x_clean) x_max = np.max(x_clean) x_mean = np.mean(x_clean) x_var = np.var(x_clean) else: x_min = np.inf x_max = -np.inf x_mean = np.nan x_var = np.nan return np.array([ 1.0, # Assume is initialized. np.size(x), np.sum(np.isnan(x)), np.sum(x == -np.inf), np.sum(np.logical_and(x < 0.0, x != -np.inf)), np.sum(x == 0.0), np.sum(np.logical_and(x > 0.0, x != np.inf)), np.sum(x == np.inf), x_min, x_max, x_mean, x_var, float(tf.as_dtype(x.dtype).as_datatype_enum), float(len(x.shape)), ] + list(x.shape))
def run(self, outputs_requested, **kwargs): # TODO find some interface that doesn't involve string parsing # modeled after pandas.Dataframe.query: # # which implements its own computation engine: # # supports numpy arithmetic comparison operators: # in_table = kwargs['input'].to_np() col_names = in_table.dtype.names query = self.__get_ast(col_names) mask = eval(compile(query, '<string>', 'eval')) ret = {} if 'output' in outputs_requested: uo_out = UObject(UObjectPhase.Write) uo_out.from_np(in_table[mask]) ret['output'] = uo_out if 'complement' in outputs_requested: uo_comp = UObject(UObjectPhase.Write) uo_comp.from_np(in_table[np.logical_not(mask)]) ret['complement'] = uo_comp if 'output_inds' in outputs_requested: uo_out_inds = UObject(UObjectPhase.Write) uo_out_inds.from_np(np.where(mask)[0]) ret['output_inds'] = uo_out_inds if 'complement_inds' in outputs_requested: uo_comp_inds = UObject(UObjectPhase.Write) uo_comp_inds.from_np(np.where(np.logical_not(mask))[0]) ret['complement_inds'] = uo_comp_inds return ret
def compare_fixlens(samp_fixlen, fixlendist, eps=.000000001): nonan_samp_fixlen = samp_fixlen[np.logical_not(np.isnan(samp_fixlen))] nonan_fixlendist = fixlendist[np.logical_not(np.isnan(fixlendist))] print nonan_samp_fixlen, nonan_fixlendist ks, p = sts.ks_2samp(nonan_samp_fixlen, nonan_fixlendist) print ks, p return np.log(p + eps)
def updateSingle(self,event=None): """Update the 2D data for the region of interest and intensity""" (vMin,vMax) = self.opPanel.getIntensityRange() (xMin,xMax,yMin,yMax) = self.opPanel.getRoi() data = self.flatdata[:,:] #Mask to zero during the summing parts data[np.logical_not(self.mask)] = 0 = data self.posPanel.setRange(xMin,yMin,xMax,yMax) x=np.arange(128,0,-1) y=np.sum(data[:,xMin:xMax],axis=1) self.yPanel.SetPlot(x,y) #handle the x-plot x=np.arange(0,16,1) y=np.sum(data[yMin:yMax,:],axis=0) self.xPanel.SetPlot(x,y) if vMin is None: vMin = np.min(data) if vMax is None: vMax = np.max(data) self.colorbar.setRange(vMin,vMax) self.colorbar.update() #mask to vmin for the plotting data[np.logical_not(self.mask)] = vMin self.imPanel.update(self.flatdata,vMin,vMax)
def build_tree_vector(points_r,points_c,levels_left,local_out_array): tile_rs = tile[points_r,points_c].reshape( -1,fs); local_out_array[0,:] = ma.mean(tile_rs,axis=0) #plt.plot(points_r,points_c,'o') if levels_left > 1: remaining_out_array = local_out_array[1:,:] mean_r = np.mean(points_r); mean_c = np.mean(points_c) offset_size = remaining_out_array.shape[0]/4 top = points_r < mean_r bottom = np.logical_not(top) left = points_c < mean_c right = np.logical_not(left) quadrents = [ (top,right),(top,left),(bottom,left),(bottom,right) ] #Fill the solution for all 4 quadrents for idx,quadrent in enumerate(quadrents): q = np.logical_and(quadrent[0],quadrent[1]) q_out = remaining_out_array[ idx*offset_size : (idx+1)*offset_size, : ] build_tree_vector(points_r[q],points_c[q],levels_left - 1,q_out) #renormilize remaining_out_array *= .25
def resample(self): """ :return: Return the data with majority samples that form a Tomek link removed. """ from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors # Find the nearest neighbour of every point nn = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors=2) nns = nn.kneighbors(self.x, return_distance=False)[:, 1] # Send the information to is_tomek function to get boolean vector back if self.verbose: print("Looking for majority Tomek links...") links = self.is_tomek(self.y, nns, self.minc, self.verbose) if self.verbose: print("Under-sampling " "performed: " + str(Counter(self.y[logical_not(links)]))) # Return data set without majority Tomek links. return self.x[logical_not(links)], self.y[logical_not(links)]
def data(self, t=None, extrapolate=np.nan, return_indices=False): if t is None: d = self.D ix = np.arange(len(d)) else: t = np.array(t) t0 = self.starttime() t1 = self.endtime() ix = np.array(np.round((t-t0)/self.dT)).astype(int) in_range = np.logical_and(t>=t0, t<= t1) if extrapolate is None: ix = ix[in_range] elif extrapolate is False: ix[t<t0] = 0 ix[t>t1] = self.nD else: if any(np.logical_not(in_range)): ix[np.logical_not(in_range)] = extrapolate d = selectalonglastdimension(self.D,ix) if return_indices: return (d,ix) else: return d
def _eucl_max(self, nii1, nii2): origdata1 = nii1.get_data() origdata1 = np.logical_not( np.logical_or(origdata1 == 0, np.isnan(origdata1))) origdata2 = nii2.get_data() origdata2 = np.logical_not( np.logical_or(origdata2 == 0, np.isnan(origdata2))) if isdefined(self.inputs.mask_volume): maskdata = nb.load(self.inputs.mask_volume).get_data() maskdata = np.logical_not( np.logical_or(maskdata == 0, np.isnan(maskdata))) origdata1 = np.logical_and(maskdata, origdata1) origdata2 = np.logical_and(maskdata, origdata2) if origdata1.max() == 0 or origdata2.max() == 0: return np.NaN border1 = self._find_border(origdata1) border2 = self._find_border(origdata2) set1_coordinates = self._get_coordinates(border1, nii1.affine) set2_coordinates = self._get_coordinates(border2, nii2.affine) distances = cdist(set1_coordinates.T, set2_coordinates.T) mins = np.concatenate( (np.amin(distances, axis=0), np.amin(distances, axis=1))) return np.max(mins)
def variable_recomb_example(): infile = "../hapmap/genetic_map_GRCh37_chr22.txt" # Read in the recombination map using the read_hapmap method, recomb_map = msprime.RecombinationMap.read_hapmap(infile) # Now we get the positions and rates from the recombination # map and plot these using 500 bins. positions = np.array(recomb_map.get_positions()[1:]) rates = np.array(recomb_map.get_rates()[1:]) num_bins = 500 v, bin_edges, _ = scipy.stats.binned_statistic( positions, rates, bins=num_bins) x = bin_edges[:-1][np.logical_not(np.isnan(v))] y = v[np.logical_not(np.isnan(v))] fig, ax1 = pyplot.subplots(figsize=(16, 6)) ax1.plot(x, y, color="blue") ax1.set_ylabel("Recombination rate") ax1.set_xlabel("Chromosome position") # Now we run the simulation for this map. We assume Ne=10^4 # and have a sample of 100 individuals tree_sequence = msprime.simulate( sample_size=100, Ne=10**4, recombination_map=recomb_map) # Now plot the density of breakpoints along the chromosome breakpoints = np.array(list(tree_sequence.breakpoints())) ax2 = ax1.twinx() v, bin_edges = np.histogram(breakpoints, num_bins, density=True) ax2.plot(bin_edges[:-1], v, color="green") ax2.set_ylabel("Breakpoint density") ax2.set_xlim(1.5e7, 5.3e7) fig.savefig("_static/hapmap_chr22.svg")
def find_large_empty_regions(grayscale_vol, min_background_voxel_count=100): """ Returns mask that excludes large background (0-valued) regions, if any exist. """ if not (grayscale_vol == 0).any(): # No background pixels. # We could return all ones, but we are also allowed # by convention to return 'None', which is faster. return None # Produce a mask that excludes 'background' pixels # (typically zeros around the volume edges) background_mask = numpy.zeros(grayscale_vol.shape, dtype=numpy.uint8) background_mask[grayscale_vol == 0] = 1 # Compute connected components (cc) and toss out the small components cc = scipy.ndimage.label(background_mask)[0] cc_sizes = numpy.bincount(cc.ravel()) small_cc_selections = cc_sizes < min_background_voxel_count small_cc_locations = small_cc_selections[cc] background_mask[small_cc_locations] = 0 if not background_mask.any(): # No background pixels. # We could return all ones, but we are also allowed # by convention to return 'None', which is faster. return None # Now background_mask == 1 for background and 0 elsewhere, so invert. numpy.logical_not(background_mask, out=background_mask) return background_mask.view(numpy.bool_)
def get_predictions(self, itype, image_id, return_imgs = False, avoid_read_weights=False, return_score = False, use_cache=None, force_save=False, verbose=True): start_time_L1 = time.time() use_cache = self.Data.exec_settings['cache'] == "True" if use_cache is None else use_cache pred = None score = None score_txt = 'R2_score' if use_cache & (not force_save): try: file_to_load = os.path.join(self.path_predictions, itype, '{}_{}_pred.npy.gz'.format(itype, image_id)) with, 'rb') as f: pred = np.load(f) if not return_imgs: if verbose: print("Read prediction {}_{} in {:.2f} s".format(itype, image_id, (time.time() - start_time_L1)/1)) return pred except: if verbose: print("File not in cache") imgs, labels, info = self.read_image(itype, image_id, frame = 'all', split_wrap_imgs = True, read_labels=(itype=='train'), verbose=verbose) if pred is None: #get weights if (self.weights_file is None) or not avoid_read_weights: self.dsetID = ld.read_dsetID() if self.dsetID is None else self.dsetID fold_id = self.dsetID.loc[(self.dsetID.video_id == image_id) & (self.dsetID.itype == itype), self.fold_column] fold_id = fold_id.values[0] if self.prev_foldID != fold_id: weight_file = self.weights_format.format(fold_id=fold_id) self.load_weights(weight_file, verbose=verbose) self.prev_foldID = fold_id # predict pred = self.predict_BATCH(imgs) # Save cache if use_cache|force_save: if not os.path.exists(os.path.join(self.path_predictions, itype)): os.makedirs(os.path.join(self.path_predictions, itype)) file_to_save = os.path.join(self.path_predictions, itype, '{}_{}_pred.npy'.format(itype, image_id)), pred) with open(file_to_save, 'rb') as f_in, + '.gz', 'wb') as f_out: shutil.copyfileobj(f_in, f_out) os.remove(file_to_save) # evaluate if labels is not None: from sklearn.metrics import r2_score np_labels = np.vstack(labels)[:,0] np_preds = pred[:,0] y_true = (np_labels[np.logical_not(np.isnan(np_labels))]).astype(np.float32) y_pred = (np_preds[np.logical_not(np.isnan(np_labels))]).astype(np.float32) score = r2_score(y_true, y_pred) if verbose: if score is not None: print("Read prediction {}_{} ({}: {:.5f}) in {:.2f} s".format(itype, image_id, score_txt, score, (time.time() - start_time_L1)/1)) else: print("Read prediction {}_{} in {:.2f} s".format(itype, image_id, (time.time() - start_time_L1)/1)) if return_imgs: if return_score: return pred, imgs, labels, score else: return pred, imgs, labels if return_score: return pred, score else: return pred
else: print( " + Computing static S0 and t2s maps from the data.") # Do a non-linear optimization to fit the original curve (no log-linear transformation) # using an optimization algorithm that takes boundaries. S0, t2s, SSE, mask_bad_staticFit = meb.make_static_maps_opt( SME_mean, tes, Ncpu, So_init=So_init, T2s_init=T2s_init, So_min=So_min, So_max=So_max, T2s_min=T2s_min, T2s_max=T2s_max) mask_bad_staticFit = np.logical_not(mask_bad_staticFit) meb.niiwrite_nv(S0, mask, stFit_S0_path, mepi_aff, mepi_head) meb.niiwrite_nv(t2s, mask, stFit_t2s_path, mepi_aff, mepi_head) meb.niiwrite_nv(SSE, mask, stFit_SSE_path, mepi_aff, mepi_head) meb.niiwrite_nv( mask_bad_staticFit, mask, stFit_bVx_path, mepi_aff, mepi_head ) # In mask_bad_staticFit, voxels that should be discarded are = 1 both in Python and in the associated AFNI brik # There is a simpler, yet less accurate way to do this. # Do a log-linear fit. The lack of boundaries and the log-linear transformation leads to # some voxels having completely wrong values for TE and S0. The benefit of this is that # this method is really fast. # S0,t2s,_,_ = meb.make_static_maps(S,tes) # Compute Linear Fit to Remove non-S0/T2* signals # ----------------------------------------------- print("++ INFO [Main]: Remove non-S0/T2* signals....")
def generate_fva_warmup(self): """Generate the warmup points for the sampler. Generates warmup points by setting each flux as the sole objective and minimizing/maximizing it. Also caches the projection of the warmup points into the nullspace for non-homogeneous problems (only if necessary). """ self.n_warmup = 0 reactions = self.model.reactions self.warmup = np.zeros((2 * len(reactions), len(self.model.variables))) self.model.objective = Zero for sense in ("min", "max"): self.model.objective_direction = sense for i, r in enumerate(reactions): variables = (self.model.variables[self.fwd_idx[i]], self.model.variables[self.rev_idx[i]]) # Omit fixed reactions if they are non-homogeneous if r.upper_bound - r.lower_bound < bounds_tol:"skipping fixed reaction %s" % continue self.model.objective.set_linear_coefficients({ variables[0]: 1, variables[1]: -1 }) self.model.slim_optimize() if not self.model.solver.status == OPTIMAL:"can not maximize reaction %s, skipping it" % continue primals = self.model.solver.primal_values sol = [primals[] for v in self.model.variables] self.warmup[self.n_warmup, ] = sol self.n_warmup += 1 # Reset objective self.model.objective.set_linear_coefficients({ variables[0]: 0, variables[1]: 0 }) # Shrink to measure self.warmup = self.warmup[0:self.n_warmup, :] # Remove redundant search directions keep = np.logical_not(self._is_redundant(self.warmup)) self.warmup = self.warmup[keep, :] self.n_warmup = self.warmup.shape[0] # Catch some special cases if len(self.warmup.shape) == 1 or self.warmup.shape[0] == 1: raise ValueError("Your flux cone consists only of a single point!") elif self.n_warmup == 2: if not self.problem.homogeneous: raise ValueError("Can not sample from an inhomogenous problem" " with only 2 search directions :(")"All search directions on a line, adding another one.") newdir =[0.25, 0.25]) self.warmup = np.vstack([self.warmup, newdir]) self.n_warmup += 1 # Shrink warmup points to measure self.warmup = shared_np_array( (self.n_warmup, len(self.model.variables)), self.warmup)
def evaluate(self) -> Tuple[TrackingMetrics, TrackingMetricDataList]: """ Performs the actual evaluation. :return: A tuple of high-level and the raw metric data. """ start_time = time.time() metrics = TrackingMetrics(self.cfg) # ----------------------------------- # Step 1: Accumulate metric data for all classes and distance thresholds. # ----------------------------------- if self.verbose: print('Accumulating metric data...') metric_data_list = TrackingMetricDataList() def accumulate_class(curr_class_name): curr_ev = TrackingEvaluation(self.tracks_gt, self.tracks_pred, curr_class_name, self.cfg.dist_fcn_callable, self.cfg.dist_th_tp, self.cfg.min_recall, num_thresholds=TrackingMetricData.nelem, metric_worst=self.cfg.metric_worst, verbose=self.verbose, output_dir=self.output_dir, render_classes=self.render_classes) curr_md = curr_ev.accumulate() metric_data_list.set(curr_class_name, curr_md) for class_name in self.cfg.class_names: accumulate_class(class_name) # ----------------------------------- # Step 2: Aggregate metrics from the metric data. # ----------------------------------- if self.verbose: print('Calculating metrics...') for class_name in self.cfg.class_names: # Find best MOTA to determine threshold to pick for traditional metrics. # If multiple thresholds have the same value, pick the one with the highest recall. md = metric_data_list[class_name] if np.all(np.isnan(md.mota)): best_thresh_idx = None else: best_thresh_idx = np.nanargmax(md.mota) # Pick best value for traditional metrics. if best_thresh_idx is not None: for metric_name in MOT_METRIC_MAP.values(): if metric_name == '': continue value = md.get_metric(metric_name)[best_thresh_idx] metrics.add_label_metric(metric_name, class_name, value) # Compute AMOTA / AMOTP. for metric_name in AVG_METRIC_MAP.keys(): values = np.array(md.get_metric(AVG_METRIC_MAP[metric_name])) assert len(values) == TrackingMetricData.nelem if np.all(np.isnan(values)): # If no GT exists, set to nan. value = np.nan else: # Overwrite any nan value with the worst possible value. np.all(values[np.logical_not(np.isnan(values))] >= 0) values[np.isnan(values)] = self.cfg.metric_worst[metric_name] value = float(np.nanmean(values)) metrics.add_label_metric(metric_name, class_name, value) # Compute evaluation time. metrics.add_runtime(time.time() - start_time) return metrics, metric_data_list
def coupling_layer(x, layer_name, layer_index, is_training, n_layers, layer_width, parameters=None, inverse=False, use_first_layer_feats=False, net_type='mlp', use_coord_offset=False, dim=3): with tf.variable_scope(layer_name, reuse=inverse): n_channels = x.shape[1] split = n_channels // 2 if use_coord_offset: n_channels = dim split = n_channels // 2 mask1 = (np.arange(n_channels) + layer_index) % n_channels < split mask = np.arange(n_channels)[mask1] not_mask = np.arange(n_channels)[np.logical_not(mask1)] x_unstacked = tf.unstack(x, axis=1) xA = tf.stack([x_unstacked[t] for t in mask], axis=1) xB = tf.stack([x_unstacked[t] for t in not_mask], axis=1) else: odd = layer_index % 2 == 0 if odd: xA = x[:, :split] xB = x[:, split:] else: xA = x[:, split:] xB = x[:, :split] # 1. Pass through the first part yA = xA # 2. Remap second part if net_type == 'mlp': net_fun = models.nn.multilayer_fcn elif net_type == 'resnet': net_fun = models.nn.multilayer_resnet elif net_type == 'legacyresnet': net_fun = models.nn.multilayer_resnet_legacy if use_first_layer_feats: net_result = net_fun(tf.concat([xA, parameters], axis=1), is_training, None, n_layers, layer_width, use_batch_norm=False, reuse=inverse, name='m_net') else: net_result = net_fun(xA, is_training, parameters, n_layers, layer_width, use_batch_norm=False, reuse=inverse, name='m_net') n_params = int(xB.shape[1]) # TODO: These could maybe also be depending on parameters? s = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(net_result, n_params, scope='s_fun', reuse=inverse, activation_fn=None) t = tf.contrib.layers.fully_connected(net_result, n_params, scope='t_fun', reuse=inverse, activation_fn=None) # Rescale s before applying the exponential to prevent overflow issues scale = tf.get_variable("rescaling_scale", [], initializer=tf.constant_initializer(0.), trainable=True) s = scale * tf.tanh(s) if inverse: yB = (xB - t) * tf.exp(-s) else: yB = xB * tf.exp(s) + t # Recombine data into one vector if use_coord_offset: yA_unstacked = tf.unstack(yA, axis=1) yB_unstacked = tf.unstack(yB, axis=1) out = [0] * dim for i, m in enumerate(mask): out[m] = yA_unstacked[i] for i, m in enumerate(not_mask): out[m] = yB_unstacked[i] out = tf.stack(out, axis=1) else: if odd: out = tf.concat([yA, yB], axis=1) else: out = tf.concat([yB, yA], axis=1) if inverse: # Also return the exponential term which is part of the Jacobian of the sampling strategy return out, tf.reduce_sum(s, axis=1) else: return out
def numeric_summary(tensor): """Get a text summary of a numeric tensor. This summary is only available for numeric (int*, float*, complex*) and Boolean tensors. Args: tensor: (`numpy.ndarray`) the tensor value object to be summarized. Returns: The summary text as a `RichTextLines` object. If the type of `tensor` is not numeric or Boolean, a single-line `RichTextLines` object containing a warning message will reflect that. """ def _counts_summary(counts, skip_zeros=True, total_count=None): """Format values as a two-row table.""" if skip_zeros: counts = [(count_key, count_val) for count_key, count_val in counts if count_val] max_common_len = 0 for count_key, count_val in counts: count_val_str = str(count_val) common_len = max(len(count_key) + 1, len(count_val_str) + 1) max_common_len = max(common_len, max_common_len) key_line = debugger_cli_common.RichLine("|") val_line = debugger_cli_common.RichLine("|") for count_key, count_val in counts: count_val_str = str(count_val) key_line += _pad_string_to_length(count_key, max_common_len) val_line += _pad_string_to_length(count_val_str, max_common_len) key_line += " |" val_line += " |" if total_count is not None: total_key_str = "total" total_val_str = str(total_count) max_common_len = max(len(total_key_str) + 1, len(total_val_str)) total_key_str = _pad_string_to_length(total_key_str, max_common_len) total_val_str = _pad_string_to_length(total_val_str, max_common_len) key_line += total_key_str + " |" val_line += total_val_str + " |" return debugger_cli_common.rich_text_lines_from_rich_line_list( [key_line, val_line]) if not isinstance(tensor, np.ndarray) or not np.size(tensor): return debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines( ["No numeric summary available due to empty tensor."]) elif (np.issubdtype(tensor.dtype, np.floating) or np.issubdtype(tensor.dtype, np.complex) or np.issubdtype(tensor.dtype, np.integer)): counts = [("nan", np.sum(np.isnan(tensor))), ("-inf", np.sum(np.isneginf(tensor))), ("-", np.sum( np.logical_and(tensor < 0.0, np.logical_not(np.isneginf(tensor))))), ("0", np.sum(tensor == 0.0)), ("+", np.sum( np.logical_and(tensor > 0.0, np.logical_not(np.isposinf(tensor))))), ("+inf", np.sum(np.isposinf(tensor)))] output = _counts_summary(counts, total_count=np.size(tensor)) valid_array = tensor[np.logical_not( np.logical_or(np.isinf(tensor), np.isnan(tensor)))] if np.size(valid_array): stats = [("min", np.min(valid_array)), ("max", np.max(valid_array)), ("mean", np.mean(valid_array)), ("std", np.std(valid_array))] output.extend(_counts_summary(stats, skip_zeros=False)) return output elif tensor.dtype == np.bool: counts = [ ("False", np.sum(tensor == 0)), ("True", np.sum(tensor > 0)), ] return _counts_summary(counts, total_count=np.size(tensor)) else: return debugger_cli_common.RichTextLines([ "No numeric summary available due to tensor dtype: %s." % tensor.dtype ])
def _set_selective_dynamics(self): if "selective_dynamics" in self.structure._tag_list.keys(): if self.structure.selective_dynamics._default is None: self.structure.selective_dynamics._default = [True, True, True] sel_dyn = np.logical_not(self.structure.selective_dynamics.list()) # Enter loop only if constraints present if len(np.argwhere(np.any(sel_dyn, axis=1)).flatten()) != 0: all_indices = np.arange(len(self.structure), dtype=int) constraint_xyz = np.argwhere(np.all(sel_dyn, axis=1)).flatten() not_constrained_xyz = np.setdiff1d(all_indices, constraint_xyz) # LAMMPS starts counting from 1 constraint_xyz += 1 ind_x = np.argwhere(sel_dyn[not_constrained_xyz, 0]).flatten() ind_y = np.argwhere(sel_dyn[not_constrained_xyz, 1]).flatten() ind_z = np.argwhere(sel_dyn[not_constrained_xyz, 2]).flatten() constraint_xy = not_constrained_xyz[np.intersect1d( ind_x, ind_y)] + 1 constraint_yz = not_constrained_xyz[np.intersect1d( ind_y, ind_z)] + 1 constraint_zx = not_constrained_xyz[np.intersect1d( ind_z, ind_x)] + 1 constraint_x = (not_constrained_xyz[np.setdiff1d( np.setdiff1d(ind_x, ind_y), ind_z)] + 1) constraint_y = (not_constrained_xyz[np.setdiff1d( np.setdiff1d(ind_y, ind_z), ind_x)] + 1) constraint_z = (not_constrained_xyz[np.setdiff1d( np.setdiff1d(ind_z, ind_x), ind_y)] + 1) if len(constraint_xyz) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constraintxyz"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_xyz]) self.input.control[ "fix___constraintxyz"] = "constraintxyz setforce 0.0 0.0 0.0" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constraintxyz"] = "set 0.0 0.0 0.0" if len(constraint_xy) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constraintxy"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_xy]) self.input.control[ "fix___constraintxy"] = "constraintxy setforce 0.0 0.0 NULL" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constraintxy"] = "set 0.0 0.0 NULL" if len(constraint_yz) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constraintyz"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_yz]) self.input.control[ "fix___constraintyz"] = "constraintyz setforce NULL 0.0 0.0" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constraintyz"] = "set NULL 0.0 0.0" if len(constraint_zx) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constraintxz"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_zx]) self.input.control[ "fix___constraintxz"] = "constraintxz setforce 0.0 NULL 0.0" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constraintxz"] = "set 0.0 NULL 0.0" if len(constraint_x) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constraintx"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_x]) self.input.control[ "fix___constraintx"] = "constraintx setforce 0.0 NULL NULL" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constraintx"] = "set 0.0 NULL NULL" if len(constraint_y) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constrainty"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_y]) self.input.control[ "fix___constrainty"] = "constrainty setforce NULL 0.0 NULL" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constrainty"] = "set NULL 0.0 NULL" if len(constraint_z) > 0: self.input.control[ "group___constraintz"] = "id " + " ".join( [str(ind) for ind in constraint_z]) self.input.control[ "fix___constraintz"] = "constraintz setforce NULL NULL 0.0" if self._generic_input["calc_mode"] == "md": self.input.control[ "velocity___constraintz"] = "set NULL NULL 0.0"
BAfull.add_pixel_points( [[cam_ids[id0 + idx], lmk_id, pxl_pt]]) # pose_id, point_id, measurement if args.record_log: log_str = '\t\tedge {} {} {}\n'.format( cam_ids[id0 + idx], lmk_id, nparray2string(pxl_pt, with_bracket=False, suppress_small=True)) flog.write(log_str) print_str += '[Debug]{:2d} long term points, {:3d} for BA_data '.format( np.sum(mask_hist_curr), len(BA_data)) # print('[Debug]{:2d} long term points, {:3d} for BA_data'.format(np.sum(mask_hist_curr), len(BA_data))) else: mask_hist_curr = np.zeros(points1_curr.shape[0], dtype=bool) points1_curr_rest = points1_curr[np.logical_not(mask_hist_curr)] points2_curr_rest = points2_curr[np.logical_not(mask_hist_curr)] if points1_prev is not None: mask_prev, mask_curr = get_match_masks(points1_prev, points1_curr_rest, dim) if args.show_img: for pt in points1_curr_rest[mask_curr]: img_disp[pt[1], pt[0]] = np.array([1, 1, 1]) # print('[Debug]{} new points'.format(np.sum(mask_curr))) new_points = match_points(points0_prev[mask_prev], points1_prev[mask_prev], points1_curr_rest[mask_curr], points2_curr_rest[mask_curr], dim) point_tracks.extend(new_points) hist_match = np.vstack( (points2_curr[mask_hist_curr], points2_curr_rest[mask_curr]))
def plot(ax, x, y, **kwargs): mask = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(np.isnan(x), np.isnan(y))) x = x[mask] y = y[mask] ax.plot(x, y, **kwargs)
def predict(self, xvalv, predict_CI=[], save_posteriors=False, drawplots=False, output_scores=False): if not (len(self.preselected_features) == 0): xvalv = xvalv[self.preselected_features] xvalv = pd.DataFrame(self.poly.fit_transform(xvalv)) xvalv = xvalv.get_values() yval = [] yval_CI = [] yval_posteriors = [] for xvali in range(xvalv.shape[0]): xval = xvalv[xvali, :] xval_r = ( np.nanmean(self.x_train.get_values() < xval, axis=0) + 0.5 * np.nanmean(self.x_train.get_values() == xval, axis=0) ) # rank feature vector relative to training data #print('clipping from below:',self.x_train.columns[xval_r==0]) xval_r[xval_r == 0] = 1 / ( self.x_train.shape[0] + 1 ) # clip rankings to avoid out of bound infinities #print('clipping from above:',self.x_train.columns[xval_r==1]) xval_r[xval_r == 1] = 1 - 1 / (self.x_train.shape[0] + 1) xval_z = norm.ppf(xval_r) # compute equivalent Z value xval_z = xval_z.reshape(1, -1) label = self.logreg.predict_proba(xval_z) predict0 = self.model0.predict(xval_z) predict1 = self.model1.predict(xval_z) yval_z = predict0 * label[:, 0] + predict1 * label[:, 1] eps = np.sqrt( label[:, 0] * self.eps_std0**2 + label[:, 1] * self.eps_std1**2 ) # pretend both predictions are independent and just average variances ypercentile = norm.cdf(yval_z) yval_arg = np.argmin(np.abs(self.y_train_z.get_values() - yval_z)) yval.append(self.y_train.get_values()[yval_arg]) if not (predict_CI == []): y_axis_values = np.linspace( -2, 16, 500) # reasonable limmits for book log revenues dy = y_axis_values[1] - y_axis_values[0] KDE = stats.gaussian_kde(self.y_train.get_values().ravel(), bw_method=2 / np.sqrt(len(self.y_train))) y_pdf = KDE.pdf(y_axis_values) y_cdf = np.cumsum(y_pdf) * dy yz = norm.ppf(y_cdf) # function that goes from Y to Z space posterior_yz = np.exp(-.5 * ( (yz - yval_z) / eps)**2) / np.sqrt(2 * np.pi * eps**2) posterior_y = posterior_yz * self.diff2( yz ) / dy # Change of variables between Z space and Y space trhough the function yz (d(yz)/dy is always positive) posterior_y[np.logical_not(np.isfinite(posterior_y))] = 0 posterior_y = posterior_y / ( np.sum(posterior_y) * dy ) # correct numerical errors and make sure pdf sums to one posterior_y_cdf = np.cumsum(posterior_y) * dy expected_revenue = - 1) ci_list = [] for ci in predict_CI: ci_list.append( (max(y_axis_values[posterior_y_cdf < .5 - ci / 2]), min(y_axis_values[posterior_y_cdf > (.5 + ci / 2)]))) yval_CI.append(ci_list) yval_posteriors.append((y_axis_values, posterior_y)) if drawplots: #Drawing plots also implies computing full posterior distributions #compute change of variables from posterior Zs to posterior Log Revenues plt.hist(self.y_train.get_values(), bins=int(4 * np.ceil(np.sqrt(self.y_train.shape[0]))), normed=True, alpha=.2) plt.plot(y_axis_values, y_pdf, color=[.2, .2, .7], linewidth=3) plt.hlines([-.05], ci_list[1][0], ci_list[1][1], 'r', linewidth=3, alpha=.5) # plot CIs of prediction plt.hlines([-.05], ci_list[0][0], ci_list[0][1], 'r', linewidth=5, alpha=.8) plt.vlines(yval[-1], -.05, -.025, 'r', linewidth=3) plt.plot(y_axis_values, posterior_y, color=[1, 0, 0]) plt.hlines([0], y_axis_values[1], y_axis_values[-1], 'k', linewidth=1, alpha=1) plt.xticks([ 0, np.log(10), np.log(100), np.log(1000), np.log(10000), np.log(100000) ], ['1', '10', '100', '1k', '10k', '100k']) if not (predict_CI == []): if save_posteriors: if output_scores: scores = label[:, 0] * self.model0.coef_ * xval_z + label[:, 1] * self.model0.coef_ * xval_z scores = pd.DataFrame(scores.ravel()[1:], index=self.preselected_features) return np.array(yval).ravel(), np.array( yval_CI), yval_posteriors, scores else: return np.array(yval).ravel(), np.array( yval_CI), yval_posteriors else: return np.array(yval).ravel(), np.array(yval_CI) else: return np.array(yval).ravel()
def eval_map(det_results, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_ignore=None, scale_ranges=None, iou_thr=0.5, dataset=None, print_summary=True): """Evaluate mAP of a dataset. Args: det_results (list): a list of list, [[cls1_det, cls2_det, ...], ...] gt_bboxes (list): ground truth bboxes of each image, a list of K*4 array. gt_labels (list): ground truth labels of each image, a list of K array gt_ignore (list): gt ignore indicators of each image, a list of K array scale_ranges (list, optional): [(min1, max1), (min2, max2), ...] iou_thr (float): IoU threshold dataset (None or str or list): dataset name or dataset classes, there are minor differences in metrics for different datsets, e.g. "voc07", "imagenet_det", etc. print_summary (bool): whether to print the mAP summary Returns: tuple: (mAP, [dict, dict, ...]) """ assert len(det_results) == len(gt_bboxes) == len(gt_labels) if gt_ignore is not None: assert len(gt_ignore) == len(gt_labels) for i in range(len(gt_ignore)): assert len(gt_labels[i]) == len(gt_ignore[i]) area_ranges = ([(rg[0]**2, rg[1]**2) for rg in scale_ranges] if scale_ranges is not None else None) num_scales = len(scale_ranges) if scale_ranges is not None else 1 eval_results = [] num_classes = len(det_results[0]) # positive class num gt_labels = [ label if label.ndim == 1 else label[:, 0] for label in gt_labels ] for i in range(num_classes): # get gt and det bboxes of this class cls_dets, cls_gts, cls_gt_ignore = get_cls_results( det_results, gt_bboxes, gt_labels, gt_ignore, i) # calculate tp and fp for each image tpfp_func = (tpfp_imagenet if dataset in ['det', 'vid'] else tpfp_default) tpfp = [ tpfp_func(cls_dets[j], cls_gts[j], cls_gt_ignore[j], iou_thr, area_ranges) for j in range(len(cls_dets)) ] tp, fp = tuple(zip(*tpfp)) # calculate gt number of each scale, gts ignored or beyond scale # are not counted num_gts = np.zeros(num_scales, dtype=int) for j, bbox in enumerate(cls_gts): if area_ranges is None: num_gts[0] += np.sum(np.logical_not(cls_gt_ignore[j])) else: gt_areas = (bbox[:, 2] - bbox[:, 0] + 1) * (bbox[:, 3] - bbox[:, 1] + 1) for k, (min_area, max_area) in enumerate(area_ranges): num_gts[k] += np.sum( np.logical_not(cls_gt_ignore[j]) & (gt_areas >= min_area) & (gt_areas < max_area)) # sort all det bboxes by score, also sort tp and fp cls_dets = np.vstack(cls_dets) num_dets = cls_dets.shape[0] sort_inds = np.argsort(-cls_dets[:, -1]) tp = np.hstack(tp)[:, sort_inds] fp = np.hstack(fp)[:, sort_inds] # calculate recall and precision with tp and fp tp = np.cumsum(tp, axis=1) fp = np.cumsum(fp, axis=1) eps = np.finfo(np.float32).eps recalls = tp / np.maximum(num_gts[:, np.newaxis], eps) precisions = tp / np.maximum((tp + fp), eps) # calculate AP if scale_ranges is None: recalls = recalls[0, :] precisions = precisions[0, :] num_gts = num_gts.item() mode = 'area' if dataset != 'voc07' else '11points' ap = average_precision(recalls, precisions, mode) eval_results.append({ 'num_gts': num_gts, 'num_dets': num_dets, 'recall': recalls, 'precision': precisions, 'ap': ap }) if scale_ranges is not None: # shape (num_classes, num_scales) all_ap = np.vstack([cls_result['ap'] for cls_result in eval_results]) all_num_gts = np.vstack( [cls_result['num_gts'] for cls_result in eval_results]) mean_ap = [] for i in range(num_scales): if np.any(all_num_gts[:, i] > 0): mean_ap.append(all_ap[all_num_gts[:, i] > 0, i].mean()) else: mean_ap.append(0.0) else: aps = [] for cls_result in eval_results: if cls_result['num_gts'] > 0: aps.append(cls_result['ap']) mean_ap = np.array(aps).mean().item() if aps else 0.0 if print_summary: print_map_summary(mean_ap, eval_results, dataset) return mean_ap, eval_results
def combine_cubes(cubes, masks, regions=True, final=False, halfset=False, halfsetfinal=False): """ Combine a bunch of cubes using masks with CubeCombine cubes -> a list of cubes to use in the combine masks -> a list of goodpix masks from the pipeline regions -> if True, code searches for ds9 region files inside path with same name as pipeline mask (.reg), to mask additional area that one wants to clip final -> is True, append final tag to name and prepare median cubes halfset -> if set to tag name, append/uses suffix for coadding indepenent halfs halfsetfinal -> if set to tag name in final loop, append/uses suffix for coadding indepenent halfs """ import subprocess import os import numpy as np from import fits from mypython.fits import pyregmask as msk #define some names for the cubes if (final): cname = "COMBINED_CUBE_FINAL.fits" iname = "COMBINED_IMAGE_FINAL.fits" cmed = "COMBINED_CUBE_MED_FINAL.fits" imed = "COMBINED_IMAGE_MED_FINAL.fits" expmap = "COMBINED_EXPMAP_FINAL.fits" scriptname = '' elif (halfset): cname = "COMBINED_CUBE_{}.fits".format(halfset) iname = "COMBINED_IMAGE_{}.fits".format(halfset) cmed = "COMBINED_CUBE_MED_{}.fits".format(halfset) imed = "COMBINED_IMAGE_MED_{}.fits".format(halfset) expmap = "COMBINED_EXPMAP_{}.fits".format(halfset) scriptname = 'runcombine_{}.sh'.format(halfset) elif (halfsetfinal): cname = "COMBINED_CUBE_FINAL_{}.fits".format(halfsetfinal) iname = "COMBINED_IMAGE_FINAL_{}.fits".format(halfsetfinal) cmed = "COMBINED_CUBE_MED_FINAL_{}.fits".format(halfsetfinal) imed = "COMBINED_IMAGE_MED_FINAL_{}.fits".format(halfsetfinal) expmap = "COMBINED_EXPMAP_FINAL_{}.fits".format(halfset) scriptname = 'runcombine_final_{}.sh'.format(halfsetfinal) else: cname = "COMBINED_CUBE.fits" iname = "COMBINED_IMAGE.fits" cmed = "COMBINED_CUBE_MED.fits" imed = "COMBINED_IMAGE_MED.fits" expmap = "COMBINED_EXPMAP.fits" scriptname = '' if (os.path.isfile(cname)): print('Cube {} already exists... skip!'.format(cname)) else: print('Creating combined cube {}'.format(cname)) if (regions): print("Updating the masks") #loads list listmask = np.loadtxt(masks, dtype=np.dtype('a')) #redefine new mask mask_new = "new_" + masks llms = open(mask_new, "w") #if scalar, make it 1 element list if (listmask.shape == ()): listmask = [listmask] #loop over and update with regions for i, cmask in enumerate(listmask): #Decode bytes-like object cmask = cmask.decode('utf-8') #create region name regname = (cmask.split(".fits")[0]) + ".reg" #search if file exist if (os.path.isfile(regname)): #update the mask print("Updating mask for {}".format(regname)) #open fits cfits = #init reg mask Mask = msk.PyMask(cfits[0].header["NAXIS1"], cfits[0].header["NAXIS2"], regname) for ii in range(Mask.nreg): Mask.fillmask(ii) if (ii == 0): totmask = Mask.mask else: totmask += Mask.mask #update the mask cfits[0].data = cfits[0].data * 1 * np.logical_not(totmask) savename = cmask.split(".fits")[0] + '_wreg.fits' cfits.writeto(savename, clobber=True) llms.write(savename + '\n') else: #keep current mask llms.write(cmask + '\n') #done with new masks llms.close() else: print('Using original masks') mask_new = masks #now run combine print('Combine the cube...') #make mean cube - write this as script that can be ran indepedently scr = open(scriptname, 'w') scr.write("export OMP_NUM_THREADS=1\n") scr.write("CubeCombine -list " + cubes + " -out " + cname + " -masklist " + mask_new + " -outexp " + expmap + "\n") scr.write("Cube2Im -cube " + cname + " -out " + iname + "\n") scr.write("CubeCombine -list " + cubes + " -out " + cmed + " -masklist " + mask_new + " -comb median \n") scr.write("Cube2Im -cube " + cmed + " -out " + imed) scr.close()["sh", scriptname])
def _find_useful_components(st_components, threshold, x_smoothing=4): """ finds ICA components with axons and brings them to the foreground Parameters ---------- st_components : array stICA components Shape: (num_rows, num_columns, n_components) threshold : float threshold on gradient measures to cut off x_smoothing : int number of times to apply gaussiian blur smoothing process to each component. Default: 4 Returns ------- accepted : list stICA components which contain axons have been processed Shape: n_components accepted_components : list stICA components which are found to contain axons but without image processing applied rejected : list stICA components that are determined to have no axon information in them """ accepted = [] accepted_components = [] rejected = [] for i in xrange(st_components.shape[2]): # copy the component, remove pixels with low weights frame = st_components[:, :, i].copy() frame[frame < 2 * np.std(frame)] = 0 # smooth the component via static removal and gaussian blur for n in xrange(x_smoothing): check = frame[1:-1, :-2] + frame[1:-1, 2:] + frame[:-2, 1:-1] + \ frame[2, 1:-1] z = np.zeros(frame.shape) z[1:-1, 1:-1] = check frame[np.logical_not(z)] = 0 blurred = ndimage.gaussian_filter(frame, sigma=1) frame = blurred + frame frame = frame / np.max(frame) frame[frame < 2 * np.std(frame)] = 0 # calculate the remaining static in the component static = np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[:-2, 1:-1])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[2:, 1:-1])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[1:-1, :-2])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[1:-1, 2:])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[2:, 2:])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[:-2, 2:])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[2:, :-2])) + \ np.sum(np.abs(frame[1:-1, 1:-1] - frame[:-2, :-2])) static = static * 2.0 / (frame.shape[0] * frame.shape[1]) # decide if the component should be accepted or rejected if np.sum(static) < threshold: accepted.append(frame) accepted_components.append(st_components[:, :, i]) else: rejected.append(frame) return accepted, accepted_components, rejected
def legendrep(x, n): ''' Inputs: x - np.array - The center(?) of the Legendre Polynomial n - int or np.array - The order to which this function calculates the Legendre Polynomial's first derivative If n is an int, every x will be calculated to the nth order If n is an array, it must be the same length as x and each x will be calculated to an order equal to the corresponding element in the n array Outputs: int - The sum of the terms in the Legendre Polynomial's first derivative ''' x = x.copy() output = np.zeros(len(x)) if isinstance(n, np.ndarray): n = n.copy() case1 = (n == 0) case2 = (n == 1) output[case2] = 1 case3 = np.logical_and((x == 0), (n % 2 == 0)) i = 0 while True: needsaddition = ((np.floor(n[:]) / 2).astype(int) > i) alldone = np.logical_not(needsaddition).all() if (alldone): break add1 = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(case1), np.logical_not(case2)) add2 = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(case3), needsaddition) add = np.logical_and(add1, add2) output = np.where( add, output[:] + (-1)**(i) * factorial(2 * n - 2 * i) / np.math.factorial(i) / factorial(n - i) / factorial(n - 2 * i) / 2**n[:] * x[:]**(n - 2 * i), output[:]) i += 1 output[np.abs(x) > 1.0] = 0 return output elif (isinstance(n, (int, float))): if (n == 0): return output elif (n == 1): return output + 1 for i in range(int((np.floor(n) / 2))): output += (-1)**(i) * np.math.factorial( 2 * n - 2 * i) / np.math.factorial(i) / np.math.factorial( n - i) / np.math.factorial(n - 2 * i) / 2**n * x[:]**( n - 2 * i) case1 = np.logical_and((x == 0), (n % 2 == 0)) output[case1] = 0 output[np.abs(x) > 1.0] = 0 return output else: raise TypeError("Input must be a numpy array, integer, or float")
def load_casa_image(filename, skipdata=False, skipvalid=False, skipcs=False, **kwargs): """ Load a cube (into memory?) from a CASA image. By default it will transpose the cube into a 'python' order and drop degenerate axes. These options can be suppressed. The object holds the coordsys object from the image in memory. """ try: from taskinit import ia except ImportError: raise ImportError( "Could not import CASA (casac) and therefore cannot read CASA .image files" ) # use the ia tool to get the file contents # read in the data if not skipdata: data = ia.getchunk() # CASA stores validity of data as a mask if not skipvalid: valid = ia.getchunk(getmask=True) # transpose is dealt with within the cube object # read in coordinate system object casa_cs = ia.coordsys() wcs = wcs_casa2astropy(casa_cs) unit = ia.brightnessunit() # don't need this yet # stokes = get_casa_axis(temp_cs, wanttype="Stokes", skipdeg=False,) # if stokes == None: # order = np.arange( # else: # order = [] # for ax in np.arange( # if ax == stokes: # continue # order.append(ax) # self.casa_cs = ia.coordsys(order) # This should work, but coordsys.reorder() has a bug # on the error checking. JIRA filed. Until then the # axes will be reversed from the original. # if transpose == True: # new_order = np.arange( # new_order = new_order[-1*np.arange(] # print new_order # self.casa_cs.reorder(new_order) # close the ia tool ia.close() meta = {'filename': filename, 'BUNIT': unit} if wcs.naxis == 3: mask = BooleanArrayMask(np.logical_not(valid), wcs) cube = SpectralCube(data, wcs, mask, meta=meta) elif wcs.naxis == 4: data, wcs = cube_utils._split_stokes(data.T, wcs) mask = {} for component in data: data[component], wcs_slice = cube_utils._orient( data[component], wcs) mask[component] = LazyMask(np.isfinite, data=data[component], wcs=wcs_slice) cube = StokesSpectralCube(data, wcs_slice, mask, meta=meta) return cube
def accumulate(self, p = None): ''' Accumulate per image evaluation results and store the result in self.eval :param p: input params for evaluation :return: None ''' print('Accumulating evaluation results...') tic = time.time() if not self.evalImgs: print('Please run evaluate() first') # allows input customized parameters if p is None: p = self.params p.catIds = p.catIds if p.useCats == 1 else [-1] T = len(p.iouThrs) R = len(p.recThrs) K = len(p.catIds) if p.useCats else 1 A = len(p.areaRng) M = len(p.maxDets) precision = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M)) # -1 for the precision of absent categories recall = -np.ones((T,K,A,M)) scores = -np.ones((T,R,K,A,M)) # create dictionary for future indexing _pe = self._paramsEval catIds = _pe.catIds if _pe.useCats else [-1] setK = set(catIds) setA = set(map(tuple, _pe.areaRng)) setM = set(_pe.maxDets) setI = set(_pe.imgIds) # get inds to evaluate k_list = [n for n, k in enumerate(p.catIds) if k in setK] m_list = [m for n, m in enumerate(p.maxDets) if m in setM] a_list = [n for n, a in enumerate(map(lambda x: tuple(x), p.areaRng)) if a in setA] i_list = [n for n, i in enumerate(p.imgIds) if i in setI] I0 = len(_pe.imgIds) A0 = len(_pe.areaRng) # retrieve E at each category, area range, and max number of detections for k, k0 in enumerate(k_list): Nk = k0*A0*I0 for a, a0 in enumerate(a_list): Na = a0*I0 for m, maxDet in enumerate(m_list): E = [self.evalImgs[Nk + Na + i] for i in i_list] E = [e for e in E if not e is None] if len(E) == 0: continue dtScores = np.concatenate([e['dtScores'][0:maxDet] for e in E]) # different sorting method generates slightly different results. # mergesort is used to be consistent as Matlab implementation. inds = np.argsort(-dtScores, kind='mergesort') dtScoresSorted = dtScores[inds] dtm = np.concatenate([e['dtMatches'][:,0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:,inds] dtIg = np.concatenate([e['dtIgnore'][:,0:maxDet] for e in E], axis=1)[:,inds] gtIg = np.concatenate([e['gtIgnore'] for e in E]) npig = np.count_nonzero(gtIg==0 ) if npig == 0: continue tps = np.logical_and( dtm, np.logical_not(dtIg) ) fps = np.logical_and(np.logical_not(dtm), np.logical_not(dtIg) ) tp_sum = np.cumsum(tps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float) fp_sum = np.cumsum(fps, axis=1).astype(dtype=np.float) for t, (tp, fp) in enumerate(zip(tp_sum, fp_sum)): tp = np.array(tp) fp = np.array(fp) nd = len(tp) rc = tp / npig pr = tp / (fp+tp+np.spacing(1)) q = np.zeros((R,)) ss = np.zeros((R,)) if nd: recall[t,k,a,m] = rc[-1] else: recall[t,k,a,m] = 0 # numpy is slow without cython optimization for accessing elements # use python array gets significant speed improvement pr = pr.tolist(); q = q.tolist() for i in range(nd-1, 0, -1): if pr[i] > pr[i-1]: pr[i-1] = pr[i] inds = np.searchsorted(rc, p.recThrs, side='left') try: for ri, pi in enumerate(inds): q[ri] = pr[pi] ss[ri] = dtScoresSorted[pi] except: pass precision[t,:,k,a,m] = np.array(q) scores[t,:,k,a,m] = np.array(ss) self.eval = { 'params': p, 'counts': [T, R, K, A, M], 'date':'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S'), 'precision': precision, 'recall': recall, 'scores': scores, } # accumulate and calculate final multi-label aesthetic f-score if p.multi_label: assert len(self.full_g_aes) == len(self.full_d_aes), 'Mismatch GT and Pred aesthetic samples.' if len(self.full_g_aes) > 0: m_precision, m_recall, f_beta, support = precision_recall_fscore_support(y_true=self.full_g_aes, y_pred=self.full_d_aes, average='samples', beta=p.beta, zero_division=0) print('Evaluated multi-label f-{} score on {} samples'.format(p.beta, len(self.full_g_aes))) else: m_precision, m_recall, f_beta = 0, 0, 0 self.eval['m_precision'] = m_precision self.eval['m_recall'] = m_recall self.eval['f_beta'] = f_beta toc = time.time() print('DONE (t={:0.2f}s).'.format(toc-tic))
def construct_cnot_chain(self, diag_pauli_op1: PauliOp, diag_pauli_op2: PauliOp) -> PrimitiveOp: r""" Construct a ``CircuitOp`` (or ``PauliOp`` if equal to the identity) which takes the eigenvectors of ``diag_pauli_op1`` to the eigenvectors of ``diag_pauli_op2``, assuming both are diagonal (or performing this operation on their diagonalized Paulis implicitly if not). This works by the insight that the eigenvalue of a diagonal Pauli's eigenvector is equal to or -1 if the parity is 1 and 1 if the parity is 0, or 1 - (2 * parity). Therefore, using CNOTs, we can write the parity of diag_pauli_op1's significant bits onto some qubit, and then write out that parity onto diag_pauli_op2's significant bits. Args: diag_pauli_op1: The origin ``PauliOp``. diag_pauli_op2: The destination ``PauliOp``. Return: The ``PrimitiveOp`` performs the mapping. """ # TODO be smarter about connectivity and actual distance between pauli and destination # TODO be smarter in general pauli_1 = ( diag_pauli_op1.primitive if isinstance(diag_pauli_op1, PauliOp) else diag_pauli_op1 ) pauli_2 = ( diag_pauli_op2.primitive if isinstance(diag_pauli_op2, PauliOp) else diag_pauli_op2 ) origin_sig_bits = np.logical_or(pauli_1.z, pauli_1.x) destination_sig_bits = np.logical_or(pauli_2.z, pauli_2.x) num_qubits = max(len(pauli_1.z), len(pauli_2.z)) sig_equal_sig_bits = np.logical_and(origin_sig_bits, destination_sig_bits) non_equal_sig_bits = np.logical_not(origin_sig_bits == destination_sig_bits) # Equivalent to np.logical_xor(origin_sig_bits, destination_sig_bits) if not any(non_equal_sig_bits): return I ^ num_qubits # I am deeply sorry for this code, but I don't know another way to do it. sig_in_origin_only_indices = np.extract( np.logical_and(non_equal_sig_bits, origin_sig_bits), np.arange(num_qubits) ) sig_in_dest_only_indices = np.extract( np.logical_and(non_equal_sig_bits, destination_sig_bits), np.arange(num_qubits) ) if len(sig_in_origin_only_indices) > 0 and len(sig_in_dest_only_indices) > 0: origin_anchor_bit = min(sig_in_origin_only_indices) dest_anchor_bit = min(sig_in_dest_only_indices) else: # Set to lowest equal bit origin_anchor_bit = min(np.extract(sig_equal_sig_bits, np.arange(num_qubits))) dest_anchor_bit = origin_anchor_bit cnots = QuantumCircuit(num_qubits) # Step 3) Take the indices of bits which are sig_bits in # pauli but but not in dest, and cnot them to the pauli anchor. for i in sig_in_origin_only_indices: if not i == origin_anchor_bit:, origin_anchor_bit) # Step 4) if not origin_anchor_bit == dest_anchor_bit: cnots.swap(origin_anchor_bit, dest_anchor_bit) # Need to do this or a Terra bug sometimes flips cnots. No time to investigate. cnots.i(0) # Step 6) for i in sig_in_dest_only_indices: if not i == dest_anchor_bit:, dest_anchor_bit) return PrimitiveOp(cnots)
def ubercal_skysub(tims, targetwcs, survey, brickname, bands, mp, subsky_radii=None, plots=False, plots2=False, ps=None, verbose=False): """With the ubercal option, we (1) read the full-field mosaics ('bandtims') for a given bandpass and put them all on the same 'system' using the overlapping pixels; (2) apply the derived corrections to the in-field 'tims'; (3) build the coadds (per bandpass) from the 'tims'; and (4) subtract the median sky from the mosaic (after aggressively masking objects and reference sources). """ from import ConstantSky from legacypipe.reference import get_reference_sources, get_reference_map from legacypipe.coadds import make_coadds from legacypipe.survey import get_rgb, imsave_jpeg from astropy.stats import sigma_clipped_stats if plots or plots2: import os import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if plots: import matplotlib.patches as patches refs, _ = get_reference_sources(survey, targetwcs, targetwcs.pixel_scale(), ['r'], tycho_stars=False, gaia_stars=False, large_galaxies=True, star_clusters=False) pixscale = targetwcs.pixel_scale() width = targetwcs.get_width() * pixscale / 3600 # [degrees] bb, bbcc = targetwcs.radec_bounds(), targetwcs.radec_center( ) # [degrees] pad = 0.5 * width # [degrees] delta = np.max((np.diff(bb[0:2]), np.diff(bb[2:4]))) / 2 + pad / 2 xlim = bbcc[0] - delta, bbcc[0] + delta ylim = bbcc[1] - delta, bbcc[1] + delta plt.clf() _, allax = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 5), sharey=True, sharex=True) for ax, band in zip(allax, ('g', 'r', 'z')): ax.set_xlabel('RA (deg)') ax.text(0.9, 0.05, band, ha='center', va='bottom', transform=ax.transAxes, fontsize=18) if band == 'g': ax.set_ylabel('Dec (deg)') ax.get_xaxis().get_major_formatter().set_useOffset(False) # individual CCDs these = np.where([ == band for tim in tims])[0] col =, 1, len(tims))) for ii, indx in enumerate(these): tim = tims[indx] #wcs = tim.subwcs wcs = tim.imobj.get_wcs() cc = wcs.radec_bounds() ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle((cc[0], cc[2]), cc[1] - cc[0], cc[3] - cc[2], fill=False, lw=2, edgecolor=col[these[ii]], label='ccd{:02d}'.format(these[ii]))) ax.legend(ncol=2, frameon=False, loc='upper left', fontsize=10) # output mosaic footprint cc = targetwcs.radec_bounds() ax.add_patch( patches.Rectangle((cc[0], cc[2]), cc[1] - cc[0], cc[3] - cc[2], fill=False, lw=2, edgecolor='k')) if subsky_radii: racen, deccen = targetwcs.crval for rad in subsky_radii: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle((racen, deccen), rad / 3600, fill=False, edgecolor='black', lw=2)) else: for gal in refs: ax.add_patch( patches.Circle((gal.ra, gal.dec), gal.radius, fill=False, edgecolor='black', lw=2)) ax.set_ylim(ylim) ax.set_xlim(xlim) ax.invert_xaxis() ax.set_aspect('equal') plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.12, wspace=0.05, left=0.12, right=0.97, top=0.95) plt.savefig( os.path.join(survey.output_dir, 'metrics', 'cus', '{}-ccdpos.jpg'.format(ps.basefn))) if plots: plt.figure(figsize=(8, 6)) mods = [] for tim in tims: imcopy = tim.getImage().copy(), -1) mods.append(imcopy) C = make_coadds(tims, bands, targetwcs, mods=mods, callback=None, mp=mp) imsave_jpeg(os.path.join(survey.output_dir, 'metrics', 'cus', '{}-pipelinesky.jpg'.format(ps.basefn)), get_rgb(C.comods, bands), origin='lower') refs, _ = get_reference_sources(survey, targetwcs, targetwcs.pixel_scale(), ['r'], tycho_stars=True, gaia_stars=True, large_galaxies=True, star_clusters=True) refmask = get_reference_map(targetwcs, refs) == 0 # True=skypix skydict = {'radii': subsky_radii} allbands = np.array([ for tim in tims]) for band in sorted(set(allbands)): print('Working on band {}'.format(band)) I = np.where(allbands == band)[0] bandtims = [ tims[ii].imobj.get_tractor_image(gaussPsf=True, pixPsf=False, subsky=False, dq=True, apodize=False) for ii in I ] # Derive the ubercal correction and then apply it. x = coadds_ubercal(bandtims, coaddtims=[tims[ii] for ii in I], plots=plots, plots2=plots2, ps=ps, verbose=True) skydict[band] = {'ccds': [tims[ii].name for ii in I], 'delta': x} # Apply the correction and return the tims for jj, (correction, ii) in enumerate(zip(x, I)): tims[ii].data += correction tims[ii].sky = ConstantSky(0.0) # Also correct the full-field mosaics bandtims[jj].data += correction bandtims[jj].sky = ConstantSky(0.0) ## Check-- #for jj, correction in enumerate(x): # fulltims[jj].data += correction #newcorrection = coadds_ubercal(fulltims) #print(newcorrection) H, W, pixscale = targetwcs.get_height(), targetwcs.get_width( ), targetwcs.pixel_scale() C = make_coadds(tims, bands, targetwcs, callback=None, sbscale=False, mp=mp) for coimg, coiv, band in zip(C.coimgs, C.cowimgs, bands): if subsky_radii: # Estimate the sky background from an annulus surrounding the object # (assumed to be at the center of the mosaic, targetwcs.crval). _, x0, y0 = targetwcs.radec2pixelxy(targetwcs.crval[0], targetwcs.crval[1]) xcen, ycen = np.round(x0 - 1).astype('int'), np.round(y0 - 1).astype('int') ymask, xmask = np.ogrid[-ycen:H - ycen, -xcen:W - xcen] #cenmask = (xmask**2 + ymask**2) <= (subsky_radii[0] / pixscale)**2 # True=object pixels inmask = (xmask**2 + ymask**2) <= (subsky_radii[1] / pixscale)**2 outmask = (xmask**2 + ymask**2) <= (subsky_radii[2] / pixscale)**2 skymask = (outmask * 1 - inmask * 1) == 1 # True=skypix # Find and mask objects, then get the sky. skypix = _build_objmask(coimg, coiv, refmask * (coiv > 0)) skypix = np.logical_and(skypix, skymask) #plt.imshow(skypix, origin='lower') ; plt.savefig('junk.png') else: skypix = refmask * (coiv > 0) skypix = _build_objmask(coimg, coiv, skypix) skymean, skymedian, skysig = sigma_clipped_stats( coimg, mask=np.logical_not(skypix), sigma=3.0) skydict[band].update({ 'mean': skymean, 'median': skymedian, 'sigma': skysig, 'npix': np.sum(skypix) }) I = np.where(allbands == band)[0] #print('Band', band, 'Coadd sky:', skymedian) if plots2: plt.clf() plt.hist(coimg.ravel(), bins=50, range=(-3, 3), density=True) plt.axvline(skymedian, color='k') for ii in I: #print('Tim', tims[ii], 'median', np.median(tims[ii].data)) plt.hist((tims[ii].data - skymedian).ravel(), bins=50, range=(-3, 3), histtype='step', density=True) plt.title('Band %s: tim pix & skymedian' % band) ps.savefig() # Produce skymedian-subtracted, masked image for later RGB plot coimg -= skymedian coimg[~skypix] = 0. #coimg[np.logical_not(skymask * (coiv > 0))] = 0. for ii in I: tims[ii].data -= skymedian #print('Tim', tims[ii], 'after subtracting skymedian: median', np.median(tims[ii].data)) if plots2: plt.clf() plt.imshow(get_rgb(C.coimgs, bands), origin='lower', interpolation='nearest') ps.savefig() for band in bands: for tim in tims: if != band: continue plt.clf() C = make_coadds([tim], bands, targetwcs, callback=None, sbscale=False, mp=mp) plt.imshow(get_rgb(C.coimgs, bands).sum(axis=2), cmap='gray', interpolation='nearest', origin='lower') plt.title('Band %s: tim %s' % (band, ps.savefig() if plots: C = make_coadds(tims, bands, targetwcs, callback=None, mp=mp) imsave_jpeg(os.path.join(survey.output_dir, 'metrics', 'cus', '{}-customsky.jpg'.format(ps.basefn)), get_rgb(C.coimgs, bands), origin='lower') if plots2: plt.clf() for coimg, band in zip(C.coimgs, bands): plt.hist(coimg.ravel(), bins=50, range=(-0.5, 0.5), histtype='step', label=band) plt.legend() plt.title('After adjustment: coadds (sb scaled)') ps.savefig() return tims, skydict
def sample_all(self, root_path, gt_boxes, gt_names, num_point_features, random_crop=False, gt_group_ids=None, calib=None): sampled_num_dict = {} sample_num_per_class = [] for class_name, max_sample_num in zip(self._sample_classes, self._sample_max_nums): sampled_num = int(max_sample_num - np.sum([n == class_name for n in gt_names])) sampled_num = np.round(self._rate * sampled_num).astype(np.int64) sampled_num_dict[class_name] = sampled_num sample_num_per_class.append(sampled_num) sampled_groups = self._sample_classes if self._use_group_sampling: assert gt_group_ids is not None sampled_groups = [] sample_num_per_class = [] for group_name, class_names in self._group_name_to_names: sampled_nums_group = [sampled_num_dict[n] for n in class_names] sampled_num = np.max(sampled_nums_group) sample_num_per_class.append(sampled_num) sampled_groups.append(group_name) total_group_ids = gt_group_ids sampled = [] sampled_gt_boxes = [] avoid_coll_boxes = gt_boxes for class_name, sampled_num in zip(sampled_groups, sample_num_per_class): if sampled_num > 0: if self._use_group_sampling: sampled_cls = self.sample_group(class_name, sampled_num, avoid_coll_boxes, total_group_ids) else: sampled_cls = self.sample_class_v2(class_name, sampled_num, avoid_coll_boxes) sampled += sampled_cls if len(sampled_cls) > 0: if len(sampled_cls) == 1: sampled_gt_box = sampled_cls[0]["box3d_lidar"][ np.newaxis, ...] else: sampled_gt_box = np.stack( [s["box3d_lidar"] for s in sampled_cls], axis=0) sampled_gt_boxes += [sampled_gt_box] avoid_coll_boxes = np.concatenate( [avoid_coll_boxes, sampled_gt_box], axis=0) if self._use_group_sampling: if len(sampled_cls) == 1: sampled_group_ids = np.array( sampled_cls[0]["group_id"])[np.newaxis, ...] else: sampled_group_ids = np.stack( [s["group_id"] for s in sampled_cls], axis=0) total_group_ids = np.concatenate( [total_group_ids, sampled_group_ids], axis=0) if len(sampled) > 0: sampled_gt_boxes = np.concatenate(sampled_gt_boxes, axis=0) num_sampled = len(sampled) s_points_list = [] for info in sampled: s_points = np.fromfile(str( pathlib.Path(root_path) / info["path"]), dtype=np.float32) s_points = s_points.reshape([-1, num_point_features]) # if not add_rgb_to_points: # s_points = s_points[:, :4] if "rot_transform" in info: rot = info["rot_transform"] s_points[:, :3] = box_np_ops.rotation_points_single_angle( s_points[:, :3], rot, axis=2) s_points[:, :3] += info["box3d_lidar"][:3] s_points_list.append(s_points) # print(pathlib.Path(info["path"]).stem) # gt_bboxes = np.stack([s["bbox"] for s in sampled], axis=0) # if np.random.choice([False, True], replace=False, p=[0.3, 0.7]): # do random crop. if random_crop: s_points_list_new = [] assert calib is not None rect = calib["rect"] Trv2c = calib["Trv2c"] P2 = calib["P2"] gt_bboxes = box_np_ops.box3d_to_bbox(sampled_gt_boxes, rect, Trv2c, P2) crop_frustums = prep.random_crop_frustum( gt_bboxes, rect, Trv2c, P2) for i in range(crop_frustums.shape[0]): s_points = s_points_list[i] mask = prep.mask_points_in_corners( s_points, crop_frustums[i:i + 1]).reshape(-1) num_remove = np.sum(mask) if num_remove > 0 and (s_points.shape[0] - num_remove) > 15: s_points = s_points[np.logical_not(mask)] s_points_list_new.append(s_points) s_points_list = s_points_list_new ret = { "gt_names": np.array([s["name"] for s in sampled]), "difficulty": np.array([s["difficulty"] for s in sampled]), "gt_boxes": sampled_gt_boxes, "points": np.concatenate(s_points_list, axis=0), "gt_masks": np.ones((num_sampled, ), dtype=np.bool_) } if self._use_group_sampling: ret["group_ids"] = np.array([s["group_id"] for s in sampled]) else: ret["group_ids"] = np.arange(gt_boxes.shape[0], gt_boxes.shape[0] + len(sampled)) else: ret = None return ret
def processAlgorithm(self, parameters, context, feedback): raster_layer = self.parameterAsRasterLayer(parameters, self.INPUT_DEM, context) target_crs = rasterPath = raster_layer.source() source = self.parameterAsSource(parameters, self.BOUNDARY_LAYER, context) if source is None: raise QgsProcessingException(self.invalidSourceError(parameters, self.BOUNDARY_LAYER)) step = self.parameterAsDouble(parameters, self.STEP, context) percentage = self.parameterAsBool(parameters, self.USE_PERCENTAGE, context) outputPath = self.parameterAsString(parameters, self.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY, context) rasterDS = gdal.Open(rasterPath, gdal.GA_ReadOnly) geoTransform = rasterDS.GetGeoTransform() rasterBand = rasterDS.GetRasterBand(1) noData = rasterBand.GetNoDataValue() cellXSize = abs(geoTransform[1]) cellYSize = abs(geoTransform[5]) rasterXSize = rasterDS.RasterXSize rasterYSize = rasterDS.RasterYSize rasterBBox = QgsRectangle(geoTransform[0], geoTransform[3] - cellYSize * rasterYSize, geoTransform[0] + cellXSize * rasterXSize, geoTransform[3]) rasterGeom = QgsGeometry.fromRect(rasterBBox) crs = osr.SpatialReference() crs.ImportFromProj4(str(target_crs.toProj4())) memVectorDriver = ogr.GetDriverByName('Memory') memRasterDriver = gdal.GetDriverByName('MEM') features = source.getFeatures(QgsFeatureRequest().setDestinationCrs(target_crs, context.transformContext())) total = 100.0 / source.featureCount() if source.featureCount() else 0 for current, f in enumerate(features): if not f.hasGeometry(): continue if feedback.isCanceled(): break geom = f.geometry() intersectedGeom = rasterGeom.intersection(geom) if intersectedGeom.isEmpty(): feedback.pushInfo('Feature {0} does not intersect raster or ' 'entirely located in NODATA area').format( continue fName = os.path.join( outputPath, 'hystogram_%s_%s.csv' % (source.sourceName(), ogrGeom = ogr.CreateGeometryFromWkt(intersectedGeom.asWkt()) bbox = intersectedGeom.boundingBox() xMin = bbox.xMinimum() xMax = bbox.xMaximum() yMin = bbox.yMinimum() yMax = bbox.yMaximum() (startColumn, startRow) = raster.mapToPixel(xMin, yMax, geoTransform) (endColumn, endRow) = raster.mapToPixel(xMax, yMin, geoTransform) width = endColumn - startColumn height = endRow - startRow srcOffset = (startColumn, startRow, width, height) srcArray = rasterBand.ReadAsArray(*srcOffset) if srcOffset[2] == 0 or srcOffset[3] == 0: feedback.pushInfo('Feature {0} is smaller than raster ' 'cell size').format( continue newGeoTransform = ( geoTransform[0] + srcOffset[0] * geoTransform[1], geoTransform[1], 0.0, geoTransform[3] + srcOffset[1] * geoTransform[5], 0.0, geoTransform[5] ) memVDS = memVectorDriver.CreateDataSource('out') memLayer = memVDS.CreateLayer('poly', crs, ogr.wkbPolygon) ft = ogr.Feature(memLayer.GetLayerDefn()) ft.SetGeometry(ogrGeom) memLayer.CreateFeature(ft) ft.Destroy() rasterizedDS = memRasterDriver.Create('', srcOffset[2], srcOffset[3], 1, gdal.GDT_Byte) rasterizedDS.SetGeoTransform(newGeoTransform) gdal.RasterizeLayer(rasterizedDS, [1], memLayer, burn_values=[1]) rasterizedArray = rasterizedDS.ReadAsArray() srcArray = numpy.nan_to_num(srcArray) masked =, mask=numpy.logical_or(srcArray == noData, numpy.logical_not(rasterizedArray))) self.calculateHypsometry(, fName, feedback, masked, cellXSize, cellYSize, percentage, step) memVDS = None rasterizedDS = None feedback.setProgress(int(current * total)) rasterDS = None return {self.OUTPUT_DIRECTORY: outputPath}
def get_train_pairs(config, data): """Prepare training data. Args: batch_size: mini batch size images: list of img_count images. Each image is [width, height, depth, channel], [x,y,z,channel] trans_gt: 3D centre point of the ground truth plane wrt the volume centre as origin. [2, img_count, 3]. first dimension is the tv(0) or tc(1) plane rots_gt: Quaternions that rotate xy-plane to the GT plane. [2, img_count, 4]. first dimension is the tv(0) or tc(1) plane trans_frac: Percentage of middle volume to sample translation vector from. (0-1) max_euler: Maximum range of Euler angles to sample from. (+/- max_euler). [3] box_size: size of 2D plane. [x,y]. input_plane: number of input planes (1 or 3) plane: TV(0) or TC(1) Returns: slices: 2D plane images. [batch_size, box_size[0], box_size[1], input_plane] actions_tran: [batch_size, 6] the GT classification probability for translation. Hard label, one-hot vector. Gives the axis about which to translate, ie. axis with biggest distance to GT trans_diff: [batch_size, 3]. 3D centre point of the ground truth plane wrt the centre of the randomly sampled plane as origin. actions_rot:[batch_size, 6] the GT classification probability for rotation. Hard label, one-hot vector. Gives the axis about which to rotate, ie. rotation axis with biggest rotation angle. rots_diff: [batch_size, 4]. Rotation that maps the randomly sampled plane to the GT plane. """ images = data.images trans_gt = data.trans_vecs rots_gt = data.quats batch_size = config.batch_size box_size = config.box_size input_plane = config.input_plane trans_frac = config.trans_frac max_euler = config.max_euler img_count = len(images) slices = np.zeros((batch_size, box_size[0], box_size[1], input_plane), np.float32) trans_diff = np.zeros((batch_size, 3)) trans = np.zeros((batch_size, 3)) rots_diff = np.zeros((batch_size, 4)) rots = np.zeros((batch_size, 4)) euler = np.zeros( (batch_size, 6, 3) ) # 6 Euler angle conventions. 'sxyz', 'sxzy', 'syxz', 'syzx', 'szxy', 'szyx' actions_tran = np.zeros((batch_size, 6), np.float32) actions_rot = np.zeros((batch_size, 6), np.float32) # get image indices randomly for a mini-batch ind = np.random.randint(img_count, size=batch_size) # Random uniform sampling of Euler angles with restricted range euler_angles = geometry.sample_euler_angles_fix_range( batch_size, max_euler[0], max_euler[1], max_euler[2]) for i in xrange(batch_size): image = np.squeeze(images[ind[i]]) img_siz = np.array(image.shape) # GT translation and quaternions tran_gt = trans_gt[ind[i], :] rot_gt = rots_gt[ind[i], :] # Randomly sample translation (plane centre) and quaternions tran = (np.random.rand(3) * (img_siz * trans_frac) + img_siz * (1 - trans_frac) / 2.0) - ((img_siz - 1) / 2.0) trans[i, :] = tran rot = geometry.quaternion_from_euler(euler_angles[i, 0], euler_angles[i, 1], euler_angles[i, 2], 'rxyz') rots[i, :] = rot ##### Extract plane image ##### # Initialise identity plane and get orthogonal planes if input_plane == 1: xyz_coords = plane.init_mesh_by_plane(box_size, 'z') elif input_plane == 3: xyz_coords = plane.init_mesh_ortho(box_size) # Rotate and translate plane mat = geometry.quaternion_matrix(rot) mat[:3, 3] = tran xyz_coords = np.matmul(mat, xyz_coords) # Extract image plane if input_plane == 1: slices[i, :, :, 0], _ = plane.extract_plane_from_mesh( image, xyz_coords, box_size, 1) elif input_plane == 3: slice_single, _ = plane.extract_plane_from_mesh_batch( image, xyz_coords, box_size, 1) slices[i] = np.transpose(slice_single, (1, 2, 0)) ##### Compute GT labels ##### # Translation and rotation regression outputs. Compute difference in tran and quat between sampled plane and GT plane (convert to rotation matrices first) mat_inv = geometry.inv_mat(mat) mat_gt = geometry.quaternion_matrix(rot_gt) mat_gt[:3, 3] = tran_gt mat_diff = np.matmul(mat_inv, mat_gt) trans_diff[i, :] = mat_diff[:3, 3] rots_diff[i, :] = geometry.quaternion_from_matrix(mat_diff, isprecise=True) # Rotation classification output. Compute Euler angles for the six different conventions euler[i, 0, :] = np.array( geometry.euler_from_matrix(mat_diff, axes='sxyz')) euler[i, 1, :] = np.array( geometry.euler_from_matrix(mat_diff, axes='sxzy')) euler[i, 2, :] = np.array( geometry.euler_from_matrix(mat_diff, axes='syxz')) euler[i, 3, :] = np.array( geometry.euler_from_matrix(mat_diff, axes='syzx')) euler[i, 4, :] = np.array( geometry.euler_from_matrix(mat_diff, axes='szxy')) euler[i, 5, :] = np.array( geometry.euler_from_matrix(mat_diff, axes='szyx')) # Rotation classification output. max_ind_rot = np.argmax(np.abs(euler[:, :, 0]), axis=1) rot_x_max = np.logical_or(max_ind_rot == 0, max_ind_rot == 1) rot_y_max = np.logical_or(max_ind_rot == 2, max_ind_rot == 3) rot_z_max = np.logical_or(max_ind_rot == 4, max_ind_rot == 5) actions_ind_rot = np.zeros((batch_size), dtype=np.uint16) actions_ind_rot[rot_x_max] = 0 actions_ind_rot[rot_y_max] = 1 actions_ind_rot[rot_z_max] = 2 max_euler = euler[np.arange(batch_size), max_ind_rot, np.zeros(batch_size, dtype=np.uint16)] # [batch_size] is_positive = (max_euler > 0) actions_ind_rot[is_positive] = actions_ind_rot[is_positive] * 2 actions_ind_rot[np.logical_not( is_positive)] = actions_ind_rot[np.logical_not(is_positive)] * 2 + 1 actions_rot[np.arange(batch_size), actions_ind_rot] = 1 # Translation classification output max_ind_tran = np.argmax(np.abs(trans_diff), axis=1) # [batch_size] max_trans_diff = trans_diff[np.arange(batch_size), max_ind_tran] # [batch_size] is_positive = (max_trans_diff > 0) actions_ind_tran = np.zeros((batch_size), dtype=np.uint16) actions_ind_tran[is_positive] = max_ind_tran[is_positive] * 2 actions_ind_tran[np.logical_not( is_positive)] = max_ind_tran[np.logical_not(is_positive)] * 2 + 1 actions_tran[np.arange(batch_size), actions_ind_tran] = 1 return slices, actions_tran, trans_diff, actions_rot, rots_diff
def augment(self, sample, **kwargs): imgs = kwargs['imgs'] # Find union of bounding boxes. self.bbox = dict() bbox = None for key in imgs: dim = self.spec[key][-3:] b = centered_box((0, 0, 0), dim) bbox = b if bbox is None else bbox.merge(b) self.bbox[key] = b # Create a mask. self.offset = bbox.min() self.dim = bbox.size() for key in imgs: # TODO(kisuk): Augmentation mask. # # Extract augmentation mask. # if key+'_augmask' in sample: # msk = sample[key+'_mask'].astype('float32') # else: # msk = np.zeros(sample[key].shape, 'float32') # Random box augmentation. count = 0 density = self.max_density * np.random.rand() goal = bbox.volume() * density # DEBUG(kisuk): # print 'density: %.2f' % density while True: # Random location. m = self.min_dim # Margin. z = np.random.randint(0, self.dim[0]) y = np.random.randint(0, self.dim[1]) x = np.random.randint(0, self.dim[2]) loc = Vec3d(z, y, x) + self.offset # Random box size. dim = np.random.randint(self.min_dim, self.max_dim + 1, 3) # Anisotropy. dim[0] /= int(self.aspect_ratio) # Box. box = bbox.intersect(centered_box(loc, dim)) # Local coordiate. box.translate(-self.offset) vmin = box.min() vmax = box.max() sz = box.size() # Random choice. enabled = self.mode > 0 rule = np.random.rand(5) rule[np.logical_not(enabled)] = 0 rule = rule >= rule.max() # Slices. # s0 = vmin[0]:vmax[0] # s1 = vmin[1]:vmax[1] # s2 = vmin[2]:vmax[2] s0 = slice(vmin[0], vmax[0]) s1 = slice(vmin[1], vmax[1]) s2 = slice(vmin[2], vmax[2]) # (1) Random fill-out. if rule[0]: assert enabled[0] val = self.mode[0] # Fill-out value. if val > 1: val = np.random.rand() sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] = val # (2) Alpha. if rule[1]: assert enabled[1] alpha = np.random.rand() * self.mode[1] sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] *= alpha # (3) Gaussian white noise (additive or multiplicative). if rule[2]: assert enabled[2] scale = self.mode[2] if np.random.rand() < 0.5: val = np.random.normal(loc=0.0, scale=scale, size=sz) sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] += val[...] else: val = np.random.normal(loc=1.0, scale=scale, size=sz) sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] *= val[...] # (4) Uniform white noise. if rule[3]: assert enabled[3] val = np.random.rand(sz[0], sz[1], sz[2]) # Random Gaussian blur. sigma = [0, 0, 0] sigma[0] = np.random.rand() * self.sigma_max sigma[1] = np.random.rand() * self.sigma_max sigma[2] = np.random.rand() * self.sigma_max # Anisotropy. sigma[0] /= self.aspect_ratio val = gaussian_filter(val, sigma=sigma) sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] = val[...] # (5) 3D blur. if rule[4]: assert enabled[4] img = sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] # Random Gaussian blur. sigma = [0] * img.ndim sigma[-3] = np.random.rand() * self.sigma_max sigma[-2] = np.random.rand() * self.sigma_max sigma[-1] = np.random.rand() * self.sigma_max # Anisotropy. sigma[-3] /= self.aspect_ratio img = gaussian_filter(img, sigma=sigma) sample[key][..., s0, s1, s2] = img # # Update augmentation mask. # msk[...,s0,s1,s2] = 1 # Stop condition. count += box.volume() if count > goal: break # Clip. sample[key] = np.clip(sample[key], 0, 1) # # Augmentation mask. # sample[key+'_augmask'] = msk return sample
# add_mistake_limit = 30.0 # remove_mistake_limit = 30.0 #perform region growing while True: #determine the current points and the neighboring points currentPoints = points[currentMask, :].copy() newMinDims = minDims.copy() newMaxDims = maxDims.copy() newMinDims -= 1 newMaxDims += 1 mask = np.logical_and( np.all(point_voxels >= newMinDims, axis=1), np.all(point_voxels <= newMaxDims, axis=1)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.logical_not(currentMask)) mask = np.logical_and(mask, np.logical_not(visited)) #determine which points to accept expandPoints = points[mask, :].copy() expandClass = obj_id[mask] == target_id mask_idx = np.nonzero(mask)[0] if stuck: expandID = mask_idx[expandClass] else: # mistake_sample = np.random.random(len(mask_idx)) < add_mistake_prob mistake_sample = np.random.random(len(mask_idx)) < min( add_mistake_prob, add_mistake_limit / (len(mask_idx) + 1)) expand_with_mistake = np.logical_xor( expandClass, mistake_sample)
datafile_path = '/home/tsbertalan/Dropbox/data/gudrun/tp_apartment_labels.npz' data_npz = np.load(datafile_path, allow_pickle=True) if 'X' in data_npz: X = data_npz['X'] Y = data_npz['Y'] else: assert 'images' in data_npz, list(data_npz.keys()) X = data_npz['images'] Y = data_npz['label_images'] X = np.array([x for (x,y) in zip(X, Y) if len(y) > 0]) from functools import reduce Y = np.array([reduce(np.logical_and, [a.astype('bool') for a in y]) for y in Y if len(y) > 0]) if len(Y.shape) == 3: Y = np.stack([ Y, np.logical_not(Y) ], axis=-1) X = X.astype('float32') Y = Y.astype('bool') describe('X', X) describe('Y', Y) ## Define a couple plotting functions. # Some default colors. _colors = np.array([ [0.88798955, 0.17623193, 0.42475507], [0.37974051, 0.69121509, 0.61483237], [0.02141717, 0.48236297, 0.0180039 ],
def prepare_data(uko,upar,minimal,cline_s,minimaly,rho): arc = coasti.arc_length(cline_s) # New coordiantes along = np.zeros((minimal.shape[0],1000)) across = np.zeros((minimal.shape[0],1000)) # Variables that carry the new coordiantes raw = Args() full = Args() raw.upar = np.zeros((minimal.shape[0],1000)) raw.rho = np.zeros((minimal.shape[0],1000)) full.upar = np.zeros((minimal.shape[0],1000)) full.rho = np.zeros((minimal.shape[0],1000)) for y in range(len(arc)): along[y,:] = arc[y] for x in range(1000): across[:,x] = -1+x*0.01 mini = np.around(minimal,2) for y in range(len(arc)): for x in range(minimal.shape[1]): if uko.mask[y,x] == False and mini[y,x] < 10 and mini[y,x] > -2 and mini[y,x] != 0: a = across[y,:]-mini[y,x] tmp = np.where(abs(a)<0.005) tmp = tmp[0] if len(tmp) != 0: tmp = tmp[0] #print tmp tmp2 = np.int16(minimaly[y,x]) raw.upar[tmp2,tmp] = upar[y,x] raw.rho[tmp2,tmp] = rho[y,x] #else: #print("no hit") data_raw_upar = raw.upar.copy() data_raw_rho = raw.rho.copy() for y in range(len(arc)): c1 = np.zeros((raw.upar.shape[1])) c1[:] = raw.upar[y,:] c2 = np.zeros((raw.rho.shape[1])) c2[:] = raw.rho[y,:] np.reshape(c1, len(c1)) bad_indexes = (c1==0) c1[bad_indexes] = np.nan c2[bad_indexes] = np.nan good_indexes = np.logical_not(bad_indexes) good_data1 = c1[good_indexes].copy() good_data2 = c2[good_indexes].copy() if good_data1.size: interpolated1 = np.interp(bad_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_data1) c1[bad_indexes] = interpolated1 interpolated2 = np.interp(bad_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_indexes.nonzero()[0], good_data2) c2[bad_indexes] = interpolated2 full.upar[y,:] = c1.copy() full.rho[y,:] = c2.copy() tmp = np.nonzero(data_raw_upar[y,:]) tmp = tmp[0] if tmp.size: tmp1 = min(tmp) full.upar[y,0:tmp1-1] = 0. tmp2 = max(tmp) full.upar[y,tmp2+1:full.upar.shape[1]] = 0. tmp = np.nonzero(data_raw_rho[y,:]) tmp = tmp[0] if tmp.size: tmp1 = min(tmp) full.rho[y,0:tmp1-1] = np.nan tmp2 = max(tmp) full.rho[y,tmp2+1:full.rho.shape[1]] = np.nan tmp = data_raw_upar[10,:] index, value = min(enumerate(tmp), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) ref = across[10,index] acr = across.copy() for y in range(across.shape[0]): tmp = data_raw_upar[y,:] index, value = min(enumerate(tmp), key=operator.itemgetter(1)) diff = across[y,index] - ref acr[y,:] = across[y,:] -diff #acr=data_raw.rho - full.rho #acr=0 return [along,across,acr,raw,full]
def get_user_aligned_reachable_top_n_items(H, ns, immutable_items=[], ratings=[], mutable_items=[], reg=0, bias=None, constraints=None, changet=False): ''' quick evaluation of reachability by checking whether i = argmax_j q_j^T v with v = argmin |q_i - v| FORMERLY: v = argmax q_i^T v / |v| this is a sufficient but not necessary condition for reachability. H: matrix factorization item model n: top-n immutable_items: indices for which user ratings cannot be changed ratings: corresponding ratings mutable_item: indices for which users can change ratings method: item-base (no user to consider) or not reg: l2 regularization in model bias: (item-bias, user-bias, b0): additional item/user/overall bias in model ''' n_latent_features, n_items = H.shape # TODO: should assert disjoint sets full_support = np.concatenate([immutable_items,mutable_items]).astype(int) Q = H.T B = Q[full_support][full_support])+reg*np.eye(n_latent_features) Binv = scipy.linalg.inv(B) # TODO: faster? A =[mutable_items].T) r_vec = np.zeros(n_latent_features) if len(immutable_items) > 0: r_vec += Q[immutable_items] if bias is not None: item_bias, user_bias, b0 = bias r_vec -= Q[full_support][full_support]+user_bias+b0) v0 = if constraints is None: AAt = M = + -,-1) if bias is not None: item_bias, _, _ = bias M += item_bias.reshape(1,-1) elif constraints is not None: lb, ub = constraints if changet: test_vs = [] for i in range(n_items): # doesn't seem to make a difference once we add the lower bound of 1 Als = np.hstack([A, -Q[i][:,np.newaxis]]) bls = -v0 bounds=([lb]*len(mutable_items)+[1], [ub]*len(mutable_items)+[np.inf]) res = scipy.optimize.lsq_linear(Als, bls, bounds=bounds) vi =['x'][:len(mutable_items)])-v0 test_vs.append(vi) V = np.array(test_vs).T else: # TODO: would vectorizing over items be faster in this case? # or implement matrix constrained least squares test_vs = [] for i in range(n_items): Als = A bls = Q[i]-v0 bounds=(lb,ub) res = scipy.optimize.lsq_linear(Als, bls, bounds=bounds) vi =['x'])-v0 test_vs.append(vi) V = np.array(test_vs).T M = if bias is not None: item_bias, _, _ = bias M += item_bias.reshape(1,-1) else: M = np.zeros([n_items,n_items]); Q = H.T B = Q[full_support][full_support])+reg*np.eye(n_latent_features) Binv = scipy.linalg.inv(B) # TODO: faster? A =[mutable_items].T) # QProjA = (Q A) (A.T A)^-1 A.T # (A.T A)^-1 A.T = A^dagger = Q^dagger B Qdecomp, Rdecomp = np.linalg.qr(A) ProjA = QProjA = QProjAnorm = np.linalg.norm(QProjA, axis=1) r_vec = np.zeros(n_latent_features) if len(immutable_items) > 0: r_vec += Q[immutable_items] if bias is not None: item_bias, user_bias, b0 = bias r_vec -= Q[full_support][full_support]+user_bias+b0) else: item_bias = np.zeros(n_items) v0 = v0perp = v0perp_norm = np.linalg.norm(v0perp) Qv0perp = C = Qv0perp + item_bias condition1 = C > 0 condition2 = np.all(v0 == 0) * (item_bias <= 0) condition3 = np.logical_not(np.logical_or(condition1, condition2)) # print(sum(condition1), sum(condition2), sum(condition3)) if sum(condition1) > 0: M[condition1] = C.reshape(1,-1) if sum(condition2) > 0: M[condition2] = QProjA[condition2].dot(Q.T) if sum(condition3) > 0: M[condition3] = v0perp_norm * QProjA[condition3].dot(Q.T) + np.abs(C[condition3,np.newaxis]).dot(C[:,np.newaxis].T) / v0perp_norm M[condition3] /= np.sqrt(np.power(QProjAnorm[condition3],2)*v0perp_norm**2 + np.power(C[condition3],2) )[:,np.newaxis] M[:,full_support] = -np.inf argsort = M.argsort(axis=1) ret = [] for n in ns: reachable_items = np.unique(argsort[:,-n:]) reachable_items = [i for i in reachable_items if i not in full_support] ret.append(reachable_items) return ret
def _sparse_fit(self, X, strategy, missing_values, axis): """Fit the transformer on sparse data.""" # Imputation is done "by column", so if we want to do it # by row we only need to convert the matrix to csr format. if axis == 1: X = X.tocsr() else: X = X.tocsc() # Count the zeros if missing_values == 0: n_zeros_axis = np.zeros(X.shape[not axis], dtype=int) else: n_zeros_axis = X.shape[axis] - np.diff(X.indptr) # Mean if strategy == "mean": if missing_values != 0: n_non_missing = n_zeros_axis # Mask the missing elements mask_missing_values = _get_mask(, missing_values) mask_valids = np.logical_not(mask_missing_values) # Sum only the valid elements new_data = new_data[mask_missing_values] = 0 X = sparse.csc_matrix((new_data, X.indices, X.indptr), copy=False) sums = X.sum(axis=0) # Count the elements != 0 mask_non_zeros = sparse.csc_matrix( (mask_valids.astype(np.float64), X.indices, X.indptr), copy=False) s = mask_non_zeros.sum(axis=0) n_non_missing = np.add(n_non_missing, s) else: sums = X.sum(axis=axis) n_non_missing = np.diff(X.indptr) # Ignore the error, columns with a np.nan statistics_ # are not an error at this point. These columns will # be removed in transform with np.errstate(all="ignore"): return np.ravel(sums) / np.ravel(n_non_missing) # Median + Most frequent else: # Remove the missing values, for each column columns_all = np.hsplit(, X.indptr[1:-1]) mask_missing_values = _get_mask(, missing_values) mask_valids = np.hsplit(np.logical_not(mask_missing_values), X.indptr[1:-1]) # astype necessary for bug in numpy.hsplit before v1.9 columns = [col[astype(mask, bool, copy=False)] for col, mask in zip(columns_all, mask_valids)] # Median if strategy == "median": median = np.empty(len(columns)) for i, column in enumerate(columns): median[i] = _get_median(column, n_zeros_axis[i]) return median # Most frequent elif strategy == "most_frequent": most_frequent = np.empty(len(columns)) for i, column in enumerate(columns): most_frequent[i] = _most_frequent(column, 0, n_zeros_axis[i]) return most_frequent
def make_5tt(parc_file, lh_white, rh_white, lh_pial, rh_pial, subdiv=4): parc = nb.load(parc_file) voxsize = np.asarray(parc.header.get_zooms()[:3]) parc_data = parc.get_data() lh_wm = read_surf(lh_white, parc) rh_wm = read_surf(rh_white, parc) lh_gm = read_surf(lh_pial, parc) rh_gm = read_surf(rh_pial, parc) def fill_hemis(lh_surf, rh_surf): vertices = np.vstack([lh_surf[0], rh_surf[0]]) tris = np.vstack([lh_surf[1], rh_surf[1] + lh_surf[0].shape[0]]) pve_voxsize = voxsize / float(subdiv) mat =[1 / float(subdiv)] * 3 + [1])) shape = np.asarray(parc.shape) * subdiv fill = surf_fill_vtk(vertices, tris, mat, shape) pve = reduce( lambda x, y: x + fill[y[0]::subdiv, y[1]::subdiv, y[2]::subdiv], np.mgrid[:subdiv, :subdiv, :subdiv].reshape(3, -1).T, 0).astype(np.float32) pve /= float(subdiv**3) return pve wm_pve = fill_hemis(lh_wm, rh_wm) gm_pve = fill_hemis(lh_gm, rh_gm) def group_rois(rois_ids): m = np.zeros(parc.shape, dtype=np.bool) for i in rois_ids: np.logical_or(parc_data == i, m, m) return m gm_rois = group_rois([8, 47, 17, 18, 53, 54]).astype(np.float32) gm_smooth = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(gm_rois, sigma=voxsize) subcort_rois = group_rois([10, 11, 12, 13, 26, 49, 50, 51, 52, 58]).astype(np.float32) subcort_smooth = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(subcort_rois, sigma=voxsize) wm_rois = group_rois( [7, 16, 28, 46, 60, 85, 192, 88, 250, 251, 252, 253, 254, 255]).astype(np.float32) wm_smooth = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(wm_rois, sigma=voxsize) # remove csf at the end of brainstem for streamlines to medulla # suppose hcp orientation storage bs_mask = parc_data == 16 bs_vdc_dil = scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(group_rois( [16, 60, 28]), iterations=2) # mask of boundary between brainstem and cerebellar gray matter bs_vdc_excl = np.logical_and( bs_vdc_dil, np.logical_not(group_rois([16, 7, 46, 60, 28, 10, 49, 2, 41, 0]))) lbs = np.where((bs_mask).any(-1).any(0))[0][-1] - 3 parc_data_mask = parc_data > 0 outer_csf = np.logical_and( np.logical_not(parc_data_mask), scipy.ndimage.morphology.binary_dilation(parc_data_mask)) ## create a fake GM rois at the end of brainstem for cerebro-spinal tracking, parc.affine), 'outer_csf.nii') csf_rois = group_rois([4, 5, 14, 15, 24, 30, 31, 43, 44, 62, 63, 72]), parc.affine), 'csf_rois.nii') csf_smooth = scipy.ndimage.gaussian_filter(np.logical_or( csf_rois, outer_csf).astype(np.float32), sigma=voxsize), parc.affine), 'csf_smooth.nii') bs_roi = csf_smooth.copy() bs_roi[..., :lbs, :] = 0 csf_smooth[..., lbs:, :] = 0 wm_smooth[..., lbs:, :] = 0 # add csf around brainstem and ventral DC to remove direct connection to gray matter csf_smooth[bs_vdc_excl] += gm_smooth[bs_vdc_excl] gm_smooth[bs_vdc_excl] = 0 mask88 = parc_data == 88 print csf_smooth[mask88].sum(), subcort_smooth[mask88].sum() # csf_smooth -= wm_smooth # csf_smooth[csf_smooth<0]=0, parc.affine), 'wm_pve.nii'), parc.affine), 'wm_smooth.nii'), parc.affine), 'subcort_smooth.nii') wm = wm_pve + wm_smooth - csf_smooth - subcort_smooth wm[wm > 1] = 1 wm[wm < 0] = 0 print 267, np.count_nonzero(wm[mask88]) gm = gm_pve - wm_pve - wm - subcort_smooth + gm_smooth + bs_roi gm[gm < 0] = 0 tt5 = np.concatenate([ gm[..., np.newaxis], subcort_smooth[..., np.newaxis], wm[..., np.newaxis], csf_smooth[..., np.newaxis], np.zeros(parc.shape + (1, ), dtype=np.float32) ], 3) tt5 /= tt5.sum(-1)[..., np.newaxis] tt5[np.isnan(tt5)] = 0 return nb.Nifti1Image(tt5.astype(np.float32), parc.affine)
def raster_to_struct_grid(datain, imeas='covar', rtol=1e-10): """Create an auto-variogram or auto-covariance map from 1D or 2D rasters. This computes auto-variogram or auto-covariance maps from 1D or 2D rasters. This function computes variograms/covariances in the frequency domain via the Fast Fourier Transform (``np.fftn``). Note: For viewing the results, please use the ``plot_struct_grid`` method from the ``plots`` module. Note: Missing values, flagged as ``np.nan``, are allowed. Args: datain (np.ndarray): input arrray with raster in GeoEas format imeas (str): key indicating which structural measure to compute: ``'var'`` for semi-variogram or ``'covar'`` for covariogram. gridspecs (list(GridSpec)): array with grid specifications using ``GridSpec`` objects rtol (float): the tolerance. Default is 1e-10 Return: tuple(np.ndarray, np.ndarray): output array with variogram or covariogram map, depending on variogram choice, with size: in 1D: ( 2*nxOutHalf+1 ) or in 2D: ( 2*nxOutHalf+1 x 2*nxOutHalf+1 ). output array with number of pairs available in each lag, of same size as outStruct References: Originally implemented in MATLAB by: Phaedon Kyriakidis, Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara, May 2005 Reimplemented into Python by: Jonah Bartrand, Department of Geophysics, Colorado School of Mines, October 2018 Algorith based on: Marcotte, D. (1996): Fast Variogram Computation with FFT, Computers & Geosciences, 22(10), 1175-1186. """ # Check imeas itypes = ['covar', 'var'] if isinstance(imeas, int) and imeas < 2 and imeas > -1: imeas = itypes[imeas] if imeas not in itypes: raise RuntimeError( "imeas argument must be one of 'covar' for covariogram or 'var' for semi-variance. Not {}" .format(imeas)) data_dims = datain.shape nDim = len(data_dims) ## Get appropriate dimensions # find the closest multiple of 8 to obtain a good compromise between # speed (a power of 2) and memory required out_dims = [2 * d - 1 for d in data_dims ] #[int(np.ceil((2*d-1)/8)*8) for d in data_dims] ## Form an indicator matrix: # 0's for all data values, 1's for missing values missing_data_ind = np.isnan(datain) data_loc_ind = np.logical_not(missing_data_ind) # In data matrix, replace missing values by 0; datain[missing_data_ind] = 0 # missing replaced by 0 ## FFT of datain fD = np.fft.fftn(datain, s=out_dims) ## FFT of datain*datain fDD = np.fft.fftn(datain * datain, s=out_dims) ## FFT of the indicator matrix fI = np.fft.fftn(data_loc_ind, s=out_dims) ## FFT of datain*indicator fID = np.fft.fftn(datain * data_loc_ind, s=out_dims) ## Compute number of pairs at all lags outNpairs = np.real(np.fft.ifftn(np.abs(fI)**2)).astype(int) #Edit remove single formating for matlab v6 #outNpairs = single(outNpairs); cov = np.real( np.fft.ifftn(np.abs(fD)**2) / np.fft.ifftn(np.abs(fI)**2) - np.fft.ifftn(np.conj(fD) * fI) * np.fft.ifftn(np.conj(fI) * fD) / (np.fft.ifftn(np.abs(fI)**2))**2) if imeas == 'var': outStruct = np.max(cov) - cov else: outStruct = cov ## Reduce matrix to required size and shift, # so that the 0 lag appears at the center of each matrix unpad_ind = [[int(d / 2), int(3 * d / 2)] for d in data_dims] unpad_list = [np.arange(*l) for l in unpad_ind] unpad_coord = np.meshgrid(*unpad_list, indexing='ij') outStruct = np.fft.fftshift(outStruct)[tuple(unpad_coord)] outNpairs = np.fft.fftshift(outNpairs)[tuple(unpad_coord)] indzeros = outNpairs < (np.max(outNpairs) * rtol) outStruct[indzeros] = np.nan return outStruct, outNpairs
def transform(self, X): """Impute all missing values in X. Parameters ---------- X : {array-like, sparse matrix}, shape = [n_samples, n_features] The input data to complete. """ if self.axis == 0: check_is_fitted(self, 'statistics_') # Since two different arrays can be provided in fit(X) and # transform(X), the imputation data need to be recomputed # when the imputation is done per sample if self.axis == 1: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csr', dtype=FLOAT_DTYPES, force_all_finite=False, copy=self.copy) if sparse.issparse(X): statistics = self._sparse_fit(X, self.strategy, self.missing_values, self.axis) else: statistics = self._dense_fit(X, self.strategy, self.missing_values, self.axis) else: X = check_array(X, accept_sparse='csc', dtype=FLOAT_DTYPES, force_all_finite=False, copy=self.copy) statistics = self.statistics_ # Delete the invalid rows/columns invalid_mask = np.isnan(statistics) valid_mask = np.logical_not(invalid_mask) valid_statistics = statistics[valid_mask] valid_statistics_indexes = np.where(valid_mask)[0] missing = np.arange(X.shape[not self.axis])[invalid_mask] if self.axis == 0 and invalid_mask.any(): if self.verbose: warnings.warn("Deleting features without " "observed values: %s" % missing) X = X[:, valid_statistics_indexes] elif self.axis == 1 and invalid_mask.any(): raise ValueError("Some rows only contain " "missing values: %s" % missing) # Do actual imputation if sparse.issparse(X) and self.missing_values != 0: mask = _get_mask(, self.missing_values) indexes = np.repeat(np.arange(len(X.indptr) - 1,, np.diff(X.indptr))[mask][mask] = astype(valid_statistics[indexes], X.dtype, copy=False) else: if sparse.issparse(X): X = X.toarray() mask = _get_mask(X, self.missing_values) n_missing = np.sum(mask, axis=self.axis) values = np.repeat(valid_statistics, n_missing) if self.axis == 0: coordinates = np.where(mask.transpose())[::-1] else: coordinates = mask X[coordinates] = values return X