예제 #1
def ImSec(imdata, xcntr, ycntr, ex_rad):
    """Find the image section for asymmetry"""
    SizeY, SizeX = imdata.shape
    ExceedSize = 0
    #All are floor to make the size even number
    xmin = np.floor(xcntr - ex_rad)
    ymin = np.floor(ycntr - ex_rad)
    xmax = np.floor(xcntr + ex_rad)
    ymax = np.floor(ycntr + ex_rad)
    if xmin < 0:
        xmin = 0
        cut_xcntr = xcntr
        ExceedSize = 1
        cut_xcntr = ex_rad + np.modf(xcntr)[0]
    if ymin < 0:
        cut_ycntr = ycntr
        ymin = 0
        ExceedSize = 1
        cut_ycntr = ex_rad + np.modf(ycntr)[0]
    if xmax > SizeX - 1:
        xmax = SizeX
        ExceedSize = 1
    if ymax > SizeY - 1:
        ymax = SizeY
        ExceedSize = 1
    CutImDa = imdata[ymin:ymax, xmin:xmax].copy()
    SizeY, SizeX = CutImDa.shape
    return CutImDa, cut_xcntr, cut_ycntr, SizeY, SizeX, ymin, \
           ymax, xmin, xmax, ExceedSize
예제 #2
파일: coord.py 프로젝트: autocorr/besl
def dec2sexstr(deci, sfigs=1, hd='h', lead_psign=False):
    Convert decimal degree to a sexagesimal string of the form 'HH:MM:SS.S' by

    sfigs : number
        Number of significant figures after decimal in seconds
    hd : string, ('h', 'd')
        Hour or degree convention
    lead_sign : Boolean
        Whether to include the leading sign +/- in string
    lead_psymb = ''
    dform = {'h': 24 / 360., 'd': 1.}
    (h_frac, h) = _np.modf(deci * dform[hd])
    (m_frac, m) = _np.modf(h_frac * 60)
    s = m_frac * 60
    if (lead_psign is True) & (h >= 0):
        lead_psymb = '+'
    elif (lead_psign is True) & (h < 0):
        lead_psymb = '-'
        h = abs(h)
    coord_string = "{0}{1:0>2d}:{2:0>2d}:{3:0>2d}.{4:0>{sfigs}d}".format(
        lead_psymb, int(h), _np.abs(int(m)), _np.abs(int(s)),
        _np.abs(int(_np.mod(s,1) * 10**sfigs)), sfigs=sfigs)
    return coord_string
예제 #3
def decimal_to_sexagesimal(decimal):
    convert decimal hours or degrees to sexagesimal

    decimal | float: decimal number to be converted to sexagismal

        int: hours
        int: minutes
        float: seconds
        int: degrees
        int: arcminutes
        float: arcseconds

    >>> decimal_to_sexagesimal(10.1)
    (10, 5, 59.999999999998721)
    fractional, integral = np.modf(decimal)
    min_fractional, minutes = np.modf(fractional * 60)
    seconds = min_fractional * 60.

    return integral.astype(int), minutes.astype(int), seconds
예제 #4
def sexa(value):
    sign = np.sign(value, subok=False)
    absolute = np.absolute(value, subok=False)
    fraction, whole = np.modf(absolute)
    fraction, minutes = np.modf(fraction * 60.0)
    seconds = fraction * 60.0
    return sign, whole, minutes, seconds
예제 #5
파일: jdates.py 프로젝트: jcrod/l2pGUI
def jd2gcal(JD=2443716):
    '''From Jean Meeus' Astronomical Algorithms. It starts at 0000.
    F, Z = np.modf(JD + 0.5)
    if Z >= 2299161:
        alpha = (Z - 1867216.25) // 36524.25
        A = Z + 1 + alpha - alpha // 4
        A = Z

    B = A + 1524
    C = (B - 122.1) // 365.25
    D = np.modf(365.25 * C)[1]
    E = (B - D) // 30.6001
    D = B - D - np.modf(30.6001 * E)[1] + F
    fD, D = np.modf(D)    
    if E < 14:
        M = E - 1
        M = E - 13
    if M > 2:
        Y = C - 4716
        Y = C - 4715
    return int(Y), int(M), int(D), fD
예제 #6
파일: geo.py 프로젝트: LionelR/pyair_utils
def degreDeci2DegreMinut(degdeci=0.0):
    minutes, degres = np.modf(degdeci)
    minutes = abs(minutes) * 60
    secondes, minutes = np.modf(minutes)
    secondes = secondes * 60
    print ("%i° %i' %.2f'' " % (int(degres), int(minutes), secondes))
    return degres, minutes, secondes
 def test_one_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value):
     v = 100. * value * u.cm / u.m
     v_copy = v.copy()
     tmp = v.copy()
     check = v
     np.modf(v, tmp, v)  # cannot use out1,out2 keywords with numpy 1.7
     assert check is v
     assert check.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     v2 = v_copy.to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
     check2 = v2
     np.modf(v2, tmp, v2)
     assert check2 is v2
     assert check2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     # can also replace in last position if no scaling is needed
     v3 = v_copy.to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
     check3 = v3
     np.modf(v3, v3, tmp)
     assert check3 is v3
     assert check3.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     # in np<1.13, without __array_ufunc__, one cannot replace input with
     # first output when scaling
     v4 = v_copy.copy()
     if NUMPY_LT_1_13:
         with pytest.raises(TypeError):
             np.modf(v4, v4, tmp)
         check4 = v4
         np.modf(v4, v4, tmp)
         assert check4 is v4
         assert check4.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
예제 #8
def _make_inverse_warp(from_points, to_points, output_region, approximate_grid):
    x_min, y_min, x_max, y_max = output_region
    if approximate_grid is None: approximate_grid = 1
    x_steps = (x_max - x_min) / approximate_grid
    y_steps = (y_max - y_min) / approximate_grid
    x, y = numpy.mgrid[x_min:x_max:x_steps*1j, y_min:y_max:y_steps*1j]

    # make the reverse transform warping from the to_points to the from_points, because we
    # do image interpolation in this reverse fashion
    transform = _make_warp(to_points, from_points, x, y)

    if approximate_grid != 1:
        # linearly interpolate the zoomed transform grid
        new_x, new_y = numpy.mgrid[x_min:x_max+1, y_min:y_max+1]
        x_fracs, x_indices = numpy.modf((x_steps-1)*(new_x-x_min)/float(x_max-x_min))
        y_fracs, y_indices = numpy.modf((y_steps-1)*(new_y-y_min)/float(y_max-y_min))
        x_indices = x_indices.astype(int)
        y_indices = y_indices.astype(int)
        x1 = 1 - x_fracs
        y1 = 1 - y_fracs
        ix1 = (x_indices+1).clip(0, x_steps-1)
        iy1 = (y_indices+1).clip(0, y_steps-1)
        t00 = transform[0][(x_indices, y_indices)]
        t01 = transform[0][(x_indices, iy1)]
        t10 = transform[0][(ix1, y_indices)]
        t11 = transform[0][(ix1, iy1)]
        transform_x = t00*x1*y1 + t01*x1*y_fracs + t10*x_fracs*y1 + t11*x_fracs*y_fracs
        t00 = transform[1][(x_indices, y_indices)]
        t01 = transform[1][(x_indices, iy1)]
        t10 = transform[1][(ix1, y_indices)]
        t11 = transform[1][(ix1, iy1)]
        transform_y = t00*x1*y1 + t01*x1*y_fracs + t10*x_fracs*y1 + t11*x_fracs*y_fracs
        transform = [transform_x, transform_y]
    return transform
예제 #9
def fy2ymd(fyear):
    """Decimal year -> year, month."""
    fy, y  = np.modf(fyear)
    fmonth, y = fy*12, int(y)
    fm, m  = np.modf(fmonth)
    d, m = int(np.ceil(fm*30.4375)), int(np.ceil(fm))
    return [y, m, d]
예제 #10
파일: util.py 프로젝트: whitews/fcm
def bilinear_interpolate(x, y, bins=None):
    """Returns interpolated density values on points (x, y).
    Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bilinear_interpolation.
    if bins is None:
        bins = int(numpy.sqrt(len(x)))

    z, unused_xedge, unused_yedge = numpy.histogram2d(y, x, bins=[bins, bins],
                                        range=[(numpy.min(y), numpy.max(y)),
                                               (numpy.min(x), numpy.max(x))]
    xfrac, xint = numpy.modf((x - numpy.min(x)) /
                             (numpy.max(x) - numpy.min(x)) * (bins - 1))
    yfrac, yint = numpy.modf((y - numpy.min(y)) /
                             (numpy.max(y) - numpy.min(y)) * (bins - 1))

    xint = xint.astype('i')
    yint = yint.astype('i')

    z1 = numpy.zeros(numpy.array(z.shape) + 1)
    z1[:-1, :-1] = z

    # values at corners of square for interpolation
    q11 = z1[yint, xint]
    q12 = z1[yint, xint + 1]
    q21 = z1[yint + 1, xint]
    q22 = z1[yint + 1, xint + 1]

    return q11 * (1 - xfrac) * (1 - yfrac) + q21 * (1 - xfrac) * (yfrac) + \
        q12 * (xfrac) * (1 - yfrac) + q22 * (xfrac) * (yfrac)
예제 #11
파일: phase.py 프로젝트: scottransom/PINT
 def __new__(cls, arg1, arg2=None):
     # Assume inputs are numerical, could add an extra
     # case to parse strings as input.
     # if it is not a list, convert to a list
     if not hasattr(arg1, 'unit'):
         arg1 = arg1 * u.cycle
     if arg1.shape == ():
         arg1 = arg1.reshape((1,))
     with u.set_enabled_equivalencies(dimensionless_cycles):
         arg1 = arg1.to(u.Unit(""))
         # Since modf does not like dimensioned quantity
         if arg2 is None:
             ff,ii = numpy.modf(arg1)
             if not hasattr(arg2, 'unit'):
                 arg2 = arg2 * u.cycle
             if arg2.shape == ():
                 arg2 = arg2.reshape((1,))
             arg2 = arg2.to(u.Unit(""))
             arg1S = numpy.modf(arg1)
             arg2S = numpy.modf(arg2)
             ii = arg1S[1]+arg2S[1]
             ff = arg2S[0]
         index = numpy.where(ff < -0.5)
         ff[index] += 1.0
         ii[index] -= 1
         index = numpy.where(ff > 0.5 )
         ff[index] -= 1.0
         ii[index] += 1
         return super(Phase, cls).__new__(cls, ii.to(u.cycle), ff.to(u.cycle))
예제 #12
 def test_modf_array(self):
     v = np.arange(10.) * u.m / (500. * u.cm)
     q = np.modf(v)
     n = np.modf(v.to(1).value)
     assert q[0].unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert q[1].unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     assert all(q[0].value == n[0])
     assert all(q[1].value == n[1])
예제 #13
파일: diagnostics.py 프로젝트: tacaswell/mr
def subpx_hist(positions):
    """Historgram the decimal parts of x and y. They should be flat.
    If not, you probably do not have good sub-pixel accuracy."""
    x, y = np.array(positions)[:, 0:2].T
    fracx, fracy = np.modf(x)[0], np.modf(y)[0]
    plt.hist(fracx, bins=np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1), color="#667788", label="x mod 1.0")
    plt.hist(fracy, bins=np.arange(0, 1.1, 0.1), color="#994433", alpha=0.5, label="y mod 1.0")
예제 #14
def moment_xyzt(sig_xyzt, *args):  # rms=None, dc=None, ac=None):
    # ;
    # ; Calculate moments of a 4d signal of (x,y,z,t), i.e,
    # ; -RMS, i.e., a function of (x,y,t)
    # ; -DC (average in z), i.e., a function of (x,y,t)
    # ; -AC (DC subtracted out), i.e., a function of (x,y,z,t)
    # ;-------------------------------------------------------------------

    try:  # return to caller

        d = np.shape(sig_xyzt)
        if np.size(d) != 4:
            print("Error: Variable must be 4D (x,y,z,t)")

        siz = np.shape(sig_xyzt)
        rms = np.zeros((siz[0], siz[1], siz[2]))
        dc = np.zeros((siz[0], siz[1], siz[2]))
        if "AC" in args:
            ac = np.zeros((siz[0], siz[1], siz[2], siz[3]))

        data = sig_xyzt
        if np.modf(np.log2(siz[3]))[0] != 0.0:
            print("WARNING: Expecting a power of 2 in Z direction")

            if np.modf(np.log2(siz[3] - 1))[0] and (siz[3] > 1):
                print(" -> Truncating last point to get power of 2")
                data = data[:, :, 0 : (siz[3] - 2), :]
                siz[3] = siz[3] - 1

        for ix in range(siz[1]):
            for iy in range(siz[2]):
                for it in range(siz[0]):
                    val = RMSvalue(sig_xyzt[it, ix, iy, :])

                    rms[it, ix, iy] = val.valrms
                    dc[it, ix, iy] = val.valav
                    if "AC" in args:
                        ac[it, ix, iy, :] = [val.acvec, val.acvec[0]]

        res = Bunch()

        if "RMS" in args:
            res.rms = rms
        if "DC" in args:
            res.dc = dc
        if "AC" in args:
            res.ac = ac

        if "RMS" not in args and "DC" not in args and "AC" not in args:
            print("Wrong argument")
        return res
        print("moment_xyz failed")
예제 #15
def deg2dms(lat,lon, printIt=0):
    lat_frac, lat_deg = np.modf(lat)
    lon_frac, lon_deg = np.modf(lon)
    lat_min = lat_frac * 60
    lon_min = lon_frac * 60
    lon_sfrac, lon_min = np.modf(lon_min)
    lat_sfrac, lat_min = np.modf(lat_min)
    lat_sec = lat_sfrac * 60
    lon_sec = lon_sfrac * 60
    if printIt:
        print("lat: %s %s' %s\", lon: %s %s' %s\"" % (lat_deg, lat_min, lat_sec, lon_min, lon_sec))
예제 #16
def deg2iso(lat, lon, printIt=0):
    lat_frac, lat_deg = np.modf(lat)
    lon_frac, lon_deg = np.modf(lon)
    lat_min = lat_frac * 60.
    lon_min = lon_frac * 60.
    iso_lat_str = "%d%06.3f" % (lat_deg, abs(lat_min))
    iso_lon_str = "%d%06.3f" % (lon_deg, abs(lon_min))
    if printIt:
        print('lat: %s, lon: %s' % (iso_lat_str, iso_lon_str))
        return iso_lat_str, iso_lon_str
예제 #17
파일: base.py 프로젝트: HiSPARC/sapphire
def decimal_to_sexagesimal(decimal):
    """Convert decimal hours or degrees to sexagesimal.

    :param decimal: decimal number to be converted to sexagismal.
    :return: tuple of either (hours, minutes, seconds) or
             (degrees, arcminutes, arcseconds).

    fractional, integral = modf(decimal)
    min_fractional, minutes = modf(fractional * 60)
    seconds = min_fractional * 60.0
    return integral.astype(int), minutes.astype(int), seconds
예제 #18
def degrees_to_dms(d):
    Convert a floating-point degree value into a ``(degree, arcminute,
    arcsecond)`` tuple.
    sign = np.copysign(1.0, d)

    (df, d) = np.modf(np.abs(d))  # (degree fraction, degree)
    (mf, m) = np.modf(df * 60.)  # (minute fraction, minute)
    s = mf * 60.

    return np.floor(sign * d), sign * np.floor(m), sign * s
    def interp( self, nH, T ):

        nH = np.array( nH )
        T  = np.array( T )

        if nH.size != T.size:
            raise ValueError(' owls_ion_tables: array size mismatch !!! ')
        # field discovery will have nH.size == 1 and T.size == 1
        # in that case we simply return 1.0

        if nH.size == 1 and T.size == 1:
            ionfrac = 1.0
            return ionfrac

        # find inH and fnH
        x_nH = ( nH - self.nH[0] ) / self.DELTA_nH
        x_nH_clip = np.clip( x_nH, 0.0, self.nH.size-1.001 )
        fnH,inH = np.modf( x_nH_clip )
        inH = inH.astype( np.int32 )

        # find iT and fT
        x_T = ( T - self.T[0] ) / self.DELTA_T
        x_T_clip = np.clip( x_T, 0.0, self.T.size-1.001 )
        fT,iT = np.modf( x_T_clip )
        iT = iT.astype( np.int32 )

        # short names for previously calculated iz and fz
        iz = self.iz
        fz = self.fz

        # calculate interpolated value
        # use tri-linear interpolation on the log values

        ionfrac = self.ionbal[inH,   iT,   iz  ] * (1-fnH) * (1-fT) * (1-fz) + \
                  self.ionbal[inH+1, iT,   iz  ] * (fnH)   * (1-fT) * (1-fz) + \
                  self.ionbal[inH,   iT+1, iz  ] * (1-fnH) * (fT)   * (1-fz) + \
                  self.ionbal[inH,   iT,   iz+1] * (1-fnH) * (1-fT) * (fz)   + \
                  self.ionbal[inH+1, iT,   iz+1] * (fnH)   * (1-fT) * (fz)   + \
                  self.ionbal[inH,   iT+1, iz+1] * (1-fnH) * (fT)   * (fz)   + \
                  self.ionbal[inH+1, iT+1, iz]   * (fnH)   * (fT)   * (1-fz) + \
                  self.ionbal[inH+1, iT+1, iz+1] * (fnH)   * (fT)   * (fz)

        return 10**ionfrac
예제 #20
	def __call__(self, ycoords, xcoords):
		if numpy.isscalar(ycoords): ycoords = (ycoords,)
		if numpy.isscalar(xcoords): xcoords = (xcoords,)
		yrem, yind = numpy.modf(numexpr.evaluate("(ycoords-yoffset)/yscale", local_dict=dict(ycoords=numpy.require(ycoords), yoffset=self.yoffset, yscale=self.yscale)))
		xrem, xind = numpy.modf(numexpr.evaluate("(xcoords-xoffset)/xscale", local_dict=dict(xcoords=numpy.require(xcoords), xoffset=self.xoffset, xscale=self.xscale)))
		yind = yind.astype(numpy.int)
		xind = xind.astype(numpy.int)
		res = cy.interpolator2d(yind, xind, yrem, xrem, self.data, self.ylength, self.xlength)
		return res
예제 #21
def hours_to_hms(h):
    Convert an floating-point hour value into an ``(hour, minute,
    second)`` tuple.

    sign = np.copysign(1.0, h)

    (hf, h) = np.modf(np.abs(h))  # (degree fraction, degree)
    (mf, m) = np.modf(hf * 60.0)  # (minute fraction, minute)
    s = mf * 60.0

    return (np.floor(sign * h), sign * np.floor(m), sign * s)
 def test_one_argument_two_output_ufunc_inplace(self, value):
     v = 100. * value * u.cm / u.m
     v_copy = v.copy()
     tmp = v.copy()
     check = v
     np.modf(v, tmp, v)
     assert check is v
     assert check.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     v2 = v_copy.to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
     check2 = v2
     np.modf(v2, tmp, v2)
     assert check2 is v2
     assert check2.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     # can also replace in last position if no scaling is needed
     v3 = v_copy.to(u.dimensionless_unscaled)
     check3 = v3
     np.modf(v3, v3, tmp)
     assert check3 is v3
     assert check3.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
     # And now, with numpy >= 1.13, one can also replace input with
     # first output when scaling
     v4 = v_copy.copy()
     check4 = v4
     np.modf(v4, v4, tmp)
     assert check4 is v4
     assert check4.unit == u.dimensionless_unscaled
def playground9():
    Universal functions means element-wise operations.
    arr = np.arange(16).reshape(4, 4)
    print np.sqrt(arr)
    print np.exp(arr)

    x = np.random.randn(5)
    y = np.random.randn(5)
    print np.maximum(x, y)  # element-wise maximum

    print np.modf(x)  # vectorized version of built-in Python 'divmod()'
예제 #24
파일: util.py 프로젝트: whitews/fcm
def trilinear_interpolate(x, y, z, bins=None):
    """Returns interpolated density values on points (x, y, z).
    Ref: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Trilinear_interpolation.
    if bins is None:
        bins = int(len(x) ** (1 / 3.0))

    vals = numpy.zeros((len(x), 3), 'd')
    vals[:, 0] = x
    vals[:, 1] = y
    vals[:, 2] = z

    h, unused_edges = numpy.histogramdd(vals,
                                 bins=[bins, bins, bins]
    xfrac, xint = numpy.modf((x - numpy.min(x)) /
                             (numpy.max(x) - numpy.min(x)) * (bins - 1))
    yfrac, yint = numpy.modf((y - numpy.min(y)) /
                             (numpy.max(y) - numpy.min(y)) * (bins - 1))
    zfrac, zint = numpy.modf((z - numpy.min(z)) /
                             (numpy.max(z) - numpy.min(z)) * (bins - 1))

    xint = xint.astype('i')
    yint = yint.astype('i')
    zint = zint.astype('i')

    h1 = numpy.zeros(numpy.array(h.shape) + 1)
    h1[:-1, :-1, :-1] = h

    # values at corners of cube for interpolation
    q111 = h1[xint, yint, zint]
    q112 = h1[xint + 1, yint, zint]
    q122 = h1[xint + 1, yint + 1, zint]
    q121 = h1[xint, yint + 1, zint]
    q211 = h1[xint, yint, zint + 1]
    q212 = h1[xint + 1, yint, zint + 1]
    q222 = h1[xint + 1, yint + 1, zint + 1]
    q221 = h1[xint, yint + 1, zint + 1]

    i1 = q111 * (1 - zfrac) + q211 * (zfrac)
    i2 = q121 * (1 - zfrac) + q221 * (zfrac)
    j1 = q112 * (1 - zfrac) + q212 * (zfrac)
    j2 = q122 * (1 - zfrac) + q222 * (zfrac)

    w1 = i1 * (1 - yfrac) + i2 * (yfrac)
    w2 = j1 * (1 - yfrac) + j2 * (yfrac)

    return w1 * (1 - xfrac) + w2 * (xfrac)
예제 #25
def hours_to_hms(h):
    Convert an floating-point hour value into an ``(hour, minute,
    second)`` tuple.

    sign = np.copysign(1.0, h)

    (hf, h) = np.modf(np.abs(h))  # (degree fraction, degree)
    (mf, m) = np.modf(hf * 60.0)  # (minute fraction, minute)
    s = mf * 60.0

    check_hms_ranges(h, m, s)  # throws exception if out of range

    return (np.floor(sign * h), np.floor(m), s)
예제 #26
    def _sample(pts, shape, norm):
        (x, y, z), floor = np.modf(pts.T)
        floor = floor.astype(int)
        ceil = floor + 1
        x[x < 0] = 0
        y[y < 0] = 0
        z[z < 0] = 0

        i000 = np.ravel_multi_index((floor[2], floor[1], floor[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i100 = np.ravel_multi_index((floor[2], floor[1],  ceil[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i010 = np.ravel_multi_index((floor[2],  ceil[1], floor[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i001 = np.ravel_multi_index(( ceil[2], floor[1], floor[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i101 = np.ravel_multi_index(( ceil[2], floor[1],  ceil[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i011 = np.ravel_multi_index(( ceil[2],  ceil[1], floor[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i110 = np.ravel_multi_index((floor[2],  ceil[1],  ceil[0]), shape, mode='clip')
        i111 = np.ravel_multi_index(( ceil[2],  ceil[1],  ceil[0]), shape, mode='clip')

        v000 = (1-x)*(1-y)*(1-z)
        v100 = x*(1-y)*(1-z)
        v010 = (1-x)*y*(1-z)
        v110 = x*y*(1-z)
        v001 = (1-x)*(1-y)*z
        v101 = x*(1-y)*z
        v011 = (1-x)*y*z
        v111 = x*y*z

        allj = np.vstack([i000, i100, i010, i001, i101, i011, i110, i111]).T.ravel()
        data = np.vstack([v000, v100, v010, v001, v101, v011, v110, v111]).T.ravel()

        uniquej = np.unique(allj)
        uniquejdata = np.array([data[allj==j].sum() for j in uniquej])
        return uniquej, uniquejdata / float(norm)
예제 #27
def jd_to_cal(julian_day, gregorian=True):
    """Convert a Julian day number to a date in the Julian or Gregorian

      - `julian_day` : (int) Julian Day Number

      - `gregorian` : (bool, default=True) If True, use Gregorian calendar,
        else use Julian calendar

      - (year, month, day) : (tuple) day may be fractional

    julian_day = np.atleast_1d(julian_day)
    F, Z = np.modf(julian_day + 0.5)
    if gregorian:
        alpha = ((Z - 1867216.25) / 36524.25).astype(np.int64)
        A = Z + 1 + alpha - (alpha / 4).astype(np.int64)
        A = Z
    B = A + 1524
    C = ((B - 122.1) / 365.25).astype(np.int64)
    D = (365.25 * C).astype(np.int64)
    E = ((B - D) / 30.6001).astype(np.int64)
    day = B - D - (30.6001 * E).astype(np.int64) + F
    mon = E - 13
    mon[E < 14] = E[E < 14] - 1
    year = C - 4715
    year[mon > 2] = C[mon > 2] - 4716
    return _scalar_if_one(year), _scalar_if_one(mon), _scalar_if_one(day)
예제 #28
    def __init__(self, variableName, codeName, powerString, logFlag):
        self.power = float(powerString)
        self.logFlag = logFlag
        # data flags
        self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Zero = False
        self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Negative = False
        self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Positive = False
        if self.logFlag:
            self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Zero = True
            self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Negative = True
        if  numpy.modf(self.power)[0]: # fractional power
            self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Negative = True
        if self.power < 0.0:
            self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Zero = True
            self.cannotAcceptDataWith_Negative = True

            # code
        if self.logFlag:
            self.HTML = 'ln(' + variableName + ')<sup>' + powerString + '</sup>'
            self.JAVA = 'Math.pow(Math.log(' + codeName + '), ' + powerString + ')'
            self.CPP = 'pow(log(' + codeName + '), ' + powerString + ')'
            self.CSHARP = 'Math.Pow(Math.Log(' + codeName + '), ' + powerString + ')'
            self.PYTHON = 'math.pow(math.log(' + codeName + '), ' + powerString + ')'
            self.SCILAB = '(log(' + codeName + ') ^ ' + powerString + ')'
            self.HTML = variableName + '<sup>' + powerString + '</sup>'
            self.JAVA = 'Math.pow(' + codeName + ', ' + powerString + ')'
            self.CPP = 'pow(' + codeName + ', ' + powerString + ')'
            self.CSHARP = 'Math.Pow(' + codeName + ', ' + powerString + ')'
            self.PYTHON = 'math.pow(' + codeName + ', ' + powerString + ')'
            self.PYTHON = 'math.pow(' + codeName + ', ' + powerString + ')'
            self.SCILAB = '(' + codeName + ' ^ ' + powerString + ')'
예제 #29
파일: tile.py 프로젝트: ARF1/pandas
def _format_label(x, precision=3):
    fmt_str = '%%.%dg' % precision
    if np.isinf(x):
        return str(x)
    elif com.is_float(x):
        frac, whole = np.modf(x)
        sgn = '-' if x < 0 else ''
        whole = abs(whole)
        if frac != 0.0:
            val = fmt_str % frac

            # rounded up or down
            if '.' not in val:
                if x < 0:
                    return '%d' % (-whole - 1)
                    return '%d' % (whole + 1)

            if 'e' in val:
                return _trim_zeros(fmt_str % x)
                val = _trim_zeros(val)
                if '.' in val:
                    return sgn + '.'.join(('%d' % whole, val.split('.')[1]))
                else:  # pragma: no cover
                    return sgn + '.'.join(('%d' % whole, val))
            return sgn + '%0.f' % whole
        return str(x)
예제 #30
파일: mapping.py 프로젝트: inincs/pyNCS
    def __connect_shuffle_all2all__(self, groupsrc, groupdst, p=0.25):
        Connects in an all to all fashion by shuffling p*N/N 1's and 1-p*N/N 0's for every source, from the first of the source to the last of the source.
        Has the advantage that the number of connections is kept fixed, which can reduce inhomogeneity in the outputs.
        p can be an iterable, in which case the probability of each source to connect to the target i is equal to p[i].
        i.e. creates a matrix M such that P(M_{src,tgt}==1) = p[tgt] with src=1, ..., Nsrc and tgt=1, ... ,Ntgt

        if not hasattr(p, '__len__'):
            p = p * np.ones(len(groupdst))

        N = [p[i] * len(groupsrc) for i in range(len(groupdst))]
        connect_inst = np.zeros([len(groupsrc), len(groupdst)]).astype('bool')

        # It is important to know that p is intepreted as the probability to
        # connect to the target, not that the source connects to any target
        #i.e. M such that P(M_{src,tgt}==1) = p[tgt]

        #Create N[i] for each source i...
        for i in range(len(groupdst)):
            #Separate integer and factional parts
            frac, integ = np.modf(N[i])
            connect_inst[:integ, i] = True
            # Deal with fractional part by rolling a dice and checking not to
            # overrun
            if np.random.rand() < frac and integ + 1 < len(groupsrc):
                connect_inst[integ + 1, i] = True

        #... and shuffle them
        for i in range(connect_inst.shape[1]):
            np.random.shuffle(connect_inst[:, i])

        #TODO: go through binary matrix

        return self.__connect_by_boolean_matrix__(groupsrc, groupdst, connect_inst)
예제 #31
def rround(X, random_seed=3):
    X_frac, X_int = np.modf(X)
    X = X_int + (np.random.random_sample(X.shape) < X_frac)
    return X
예제 #32
def fill_matrix_speaker_samples_zero_padded(matrix2fill, row_id, data_supplied,
                                            indices, speaker_label,
    This function fills a matrix full of zeros with the same number of rows dedicated to 
    each speaker. 
    If the speaker has too many samples, not all will be included. 
    If the speaker has too few samples, only the samples that will complete a full window will
    be included; the rest will be replaced with zeros/zero padded.
    1) I need the len of matrix, to be fully divisible by len_samps_per_id 
    2) len_samps_per_id needs to be divisible by context_window_total (i.e. context_window_size * 2 + 1)
    2) label column assumed to be last column of matrix2fill
    #mini test scenario... need to put this into unittests
    empty_matrix = np.array([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
    #each id has 3 rows
    data_supplied = np.array([[2,2,3],[2,2,3],[2,2,3],[2,2,3],[2,2,3],[2,2,3],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[4,4,5],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7],[1,1,7]])
    indices_too_few = [0,1,2,3,4,5] #too few samples (6/10)  (total_window_size = 5) 
    label_too_few = 1
    indices_too_many = [6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19] #too many (14/10) (total_window_size = 5) 
    label_too_many = 0
    indices_just_right = [20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29] #10/10 (total_window_size = 5) 
    label_just_right = 1
    len_samps_per_id = 10
    label_for_zeropadded_rows = 2
    empty_matrices should be:
    row_id = 0 --> row_id = 10
    matrix_too_few = np.array([[2,2,3,1],[2,2,3,1],[2,2,3,1],[2,2,3,1],[2,2,3,1],[0,0,0,2],[0,0,0,2],[0,0,0,2],[0,0,0,2],[0,0,0,2],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
    row_id = 10 --> row_id = 20
    matrix_too_many = np.array([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[4,4,5,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0]])
    row_id = 20 --> row_id = 30
    matrix_too_many = np.array([[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[0,0,0,0],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1],[1,1,7,1]])
        frame_width = context_window_size * 2 + 1

        tot_samps_speaker = len(indices)
        tot_samps_sets = tot_samps_speaker // frame_width
        tot_samps_possible = tot_samps_sets * frame_width

        if tot_samps_possible > len_samps_per_id:
            tot_samps_possible = len_samps_per_id
            indices = indices[:tot_samps_possible]

        #keep track of the samples put into the new matrix
        #don't want samples to exceed amount set by variable 'len_samps_per_id'
        samp_count = 0

        for index in indices:

            #samples only get added to matrix if fewer than max number
            if samp_count < len_samps_per_id and row_id < len(matrix2fill):
                new_row = np.append(data_supplied[index], speaker_label)
                matrix2fill[row_id] = new_row
                samp_count += 1
                row_id += 1
                if row_id >= len(matrix2fill):
                    raise TotalSamplesNotAlignedSpeakerSamples(
                        "Row id exceeds length of matrix to fill.")
            # if all user samples used, but fewer samples put in matrix than max amount, zero pad
            if samp_count < len_samps_per_id and samp_count == tot_samps_possible:
                zero_padded = len_samps_per_id - samp_count

                if np.modf(zero_padded / frame_width)[0] != 0.0:
                    raise TotalSamplesNotAlignedSpeakerSamples(
                        "Zero padded rows don't match window frame size")

                for row in range(zero_padded):
                    #leave zeros, just change label
                    matrix2fill[row_id][-1] = label_for_zeropadded_rows
                    row_id += 1
                    samp_count += 1

            #once all necessary samples put into matrix, leave loop and continue w next speaker
            elif samp_count == len_samps_per_id:

            #samp_count should not be greater than len_samps_per_id... if it is, something went wrong.
            elif samp_count > len_samps_per_id:
                raise TotalSamplesNotAlignedSpeakerSamples(
                    "More samples collected than max amount")

    except TotalSamplesNotAlignedSpeakerSamples as e:
        row_id = False

    return matrix2fill, row_id
예제 #33
    def create_parameter_files(self):
        # this functions retrieves all possible settable and gettable parameters from the device.
        # Additionally, iot gets all minimum and maximum values for the
        # parameters by trial and error

        s_node_pars = []
        d_node_pars = []
        # ["quex/iavg", "quex/wint"]
        patterns = [
            "awgs", "sigins", "sigouts", "quex", "dios", "system/extclk"
        # json.dump([, s_file, default=int)
        # json.dump([, d_file, default=int)
        for pattern in patterns:
            print("extracting parameters of type", pattern)
            all_nodes = set(self.find('*{}*'.format(pattern)))
            s_nodes = set(self.finds('*{}*'.format(pattern)))
            d_nodes = all_nodes.difference(s_nodes)
            # extracting info from the setting nodes
            s_nodes = list(s_nodes)
            default_values = self.getd(s_nodes)
            for s_node in s_nodes:
                self.setd(s_node, 1e12)
            max_values = self.getd(s_nodes)
            for s_node in s_nodes:
                self.setd(s_node, -1e12)
            min_values = self.getd(s_nodes)
            float_values = dict.fromkeys(s_nodes)
            for s_node in s_nodes:
                if np.pi > max_values[s_node]:
                    float_values[s_node] = max_values[s_node] / np.pi
                    float_values[s_node] = np.pi
                self.setd(s_node, float_values[s_node])
            actual_float_values = self.getd(s_nodes)

            node_types = dict.fromkeys(s_nodes)
            for s_node in sorted(s_nodes):
                # self.setd(node,default_values[s_node])
                fraction, integer = np.modf(actual_float_values[s_node])
                if fraction != 0:
                    node_types[s_node] = 'float'
                    if min_values[s_node] == max_values[s_node]:
                        node_types[s_node] = 'float_small'
                        min_values[s_node] = 0
                    elif abs(min_values[s_node]) < 0.01:
                        min_values[s_node] = 0
                    node_types[s_node] = 'int'
                    min_values[s_node] = 0
                    if max_values[s_node] == 3567587328:
                        node_types[s_node] = 'int_64'
                        max_values[s_node] = 4294967295
                    elif max_values[s_node] == 1:
                        node_types[s_node] = 'bool'
                    elif max_values[s_node] == 0:
                        max_values[s_node] = 255
                        node_types[s_node] = 'int_8bit'
                    elif max_values[s_node] > 4294967295:
                        node_types[s_node] = 'float'

                line = [
                    s_node.replace('/' + self._device + '/', ''),
                    node_types[s_node], min_values[s_node], max_values[s_node]
                #json.dump(line, s_file, indent=2, default=int)

            # extracting info from the data nodes
            d_nodes = list(d_nodes)
            # default_values=self.getd(d_nodes)
            default_values = np.zeros(len(d_nodes))
            node_types = [''] * len(d_nodes)

            for i, d_node in enumerate(d_nodes):
                    answer = self.getv(d_node)
                    if isinstance(answer, dict):
                        value = answer['value'][0]
                        node_types[i] = 'float'
                    elif isinstance(answer, list):
                            self.setv(d_node, np.array([0, 0, 0]))
                            node_types[i] = 'vector_gs'
                            value = answer[0]['vector']
                            node_types[i] = 'vector_g'
                        print("unknown type")
                    node_types[i] = 'vector_s'
                # , default_values[i]]
                line = [
                    d_node.replace('/' + self._device + '/', ''), node_types[i]
                #json.dump(line, d_file, indent=2, default=int)

        with open(self._s_file_name, 'w') as s_file:
            json.dump(s_node_pars, s_file, default=int, indent=2)

        with open(self._d_file_name, 'w') as d_file:
            json.dump(d_node_pars, d_file, default=int, indent=2)
예제 #34
    def fold(self,
        """Fold data into discrete phase, subintegration and subband bins. 
        :param period: period in seconds to fold with
        :type period: float

        :param dm: dispersion measure to dedisperse to
        :type dm: float

        :param accel: acceleration in m/s/s to fold with
        :type accel: float

        :param nbins: number of phase bins in output
        :type nbins: int

        :param nints: number of subintegrations in output
        :type nints: int

        :param nbands: number of subbands in output
        :type nbands: int

        :param gulp: number of samples in each read
        :type gulp: int

        :return: 3 dimensional data cube
        :rtype: :class:`~sigpyproc.FoldedData.FoldedData`
        .. note::

                If gulp < maximum dispersion delay, gulp is taken to be twice the maximum dispersion delay.      

        if np.modf(period / self.header.tsamp)[0] < 0.001:
                "WARNING: Foldng interval is an integer multiple of the sampling time"
        if nbins > period / self.header.tsamp:
                "WARNING: Number of phase bins is greater than period/sampling time"
        if (self.header.nsamples * self.header.nchans) // (nbands * nints *
                                                           nbins) < 10:
            raise ValueError("nbands x nints x nbins is too large.")
        nbands = min(nbands, self.header.nchans)
        chan_delays = self.header.getDMdelays(dm)
        chan_delays_c = as_c(chan_delays)
        max_delay = int(chan_delays.max())
        gulp = max(2 * max_delay, gulp)
        fold_ar = np.zeros(nbins * nints * nbands, dtype="float32")
        fold_ar_c = as_c(fold_ar)
        count_ar = np.zeros(nbins * nints * nbands, dtype="int32")
        count_ar_c = as_c(count_ar)
        for nsamps, ii, data in self.readPlan(gulp, skipback=max_delay):
            self.lib.foldFil(as_c(data), fold_ar_c, count_ar_c, chan_delays_c,
                             C.c_int(max_delay), C.c_double(self.header.tsamp),
                             C.c_double(period), C.c_double(accel),
                             C.c_int(self.header.nsamples), C.c_int(nsamps),
                             C.c_int(self.header.nchans), C.c_int(nbins),
                             C.c_int(nints), C.c_int(nbands),
                             C.c_int(ii * (gulp - max_delay)))
        fold_ar /= count_ar
        fold_ar = fold_ar.reshape(nints, nbands, nbins)
        return FoldedData(fold_ar, self.header.newHeader(), period, dm, accel)
예제 #35
# In[95]:

np.subtract(a1, a2)

# In[97]:

np.fmod(a1, a2)

# In[98]:

np.mod(a1, a2)

# In[99]:


# In[100]:

np.remainder(a1, a2)

# In[101]:

import numpy as np
a = np.arange(10)

# In[102]:

예제 #36
#parameters in simulation: frequence, timestep length etc.
dt = 1.5e-4
omega = 1.3963
pi = 3.141592653589793
T = 2 * pi / omega
phase_wanted = int(sys.argv[1])

logfile.write('dt = ' + str(dt))
logfile.write('omega = ' + str(omega))
logfile.write('T = ' + str(dt))
logfile.write('phase: ' + str(phase_wanted) + '/16')
#logfile.write('dt = '+ str(dt))

for timestep in range(5020000, 5471000, 500):
    phy_time = timestep * dt
    phase = np.modf(phy_time / T)[0]
    phase_index = int(np.modf(phase * 16.0)[1])
    if phase_index == phase_wanted:
        field_file = folder + 'sol_tec_' + str(
            timestep) + '_field_structure.dat'
        filename = folder2 + 'sol_tec_' + str(timestep) + '_structure.dat'
        #read instantanous data
            with open(filename) as test:
                print('Reading', filename)
                a = test.readline()
            index_equal = a.find('=')
            a = a[index_equal + 1:]
            a = a.split()
            del index_equal
예제 #37
C = (A + B) * (-A / 2)

# Extract the integer part of a random array using 5 different methods
Arr = np.random.uniform(2, 100, (3, 2))
#0. But this rounds up sometimes so it is not exactly what is asked
#equivalent but same pb: np.around(Arr)
#1. This is good
Res = np.modf(Arr)
print(Arr - (Arr % 1))

#Create a 5x5 matrix with row values ranging from 0 to 4
A = np.mgrid[0:5, 0:5]

#Another solution
x = np.zeros((5, 5))
print("Original array:")
예제 #38
# result:  [1.00000000e+00 2.71828183e+00 7.38905610e+00 2.00855369e+01 5.45981500e+01 1.48413159e+02 4.03428793e+02 1.09663316e+03 2.98095799e+03 8.10308393e+03]

x = randn(8)
y = randn(8)
# result: [-0.45319514 -0.33634081 -1.5487594   1.05024164  0.03497043 -0.39700642 -0.9009428   0.93696438]
# result: [-0.30578685 -1.41005898  1.55261228 -0.79217705  1.26768881  1.16863963  0.93794544  0.24048242]
print(np.maximum(x, y))  # 元素级最大值
# result: [-0.30578685 -0.33634081  1.55261228  1.05024164  1.26768881  1.16863963  0.93794544  0.93696438]

arr = randn(7) * 5
# result: [ 4.11697208  4.36766248  0.84191189 -5.90854028  4.29542469 -3.91484446  2.38288939]
# result: (array([ 0.11697208,  0.36766248,  0.84191189, -0.90854028,  0.29542469,  -0.91484446,  0.38288939]), array([ 4.,  4.,  0., -5.,  4., -3.,  2.]))

## 二、利用数组进行数据处理
points = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01)  # 1000 equally spaced points
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(points, points)
# result:
# array([[-5.  , -4.99, -4.98, ...,  4.97,  4.98,  4.99],
#        [-5.  , -4.99, -4.98, ...,  4.97,  4.98,  4.99],
#        [-5.  , -4.99, -4.98, ...,  4.97,  4.98,  4.99],
#        ...,
#        [-5.  , -4.99, -4.98, ...,  4.97,  4.98,  4.99],
#        [-5.  , -4.99, -4.98, ...,  4.97,  4.98,  4.99],
#        [-5.  , -4.99, -4.98, ...,  4.97,  4.98,  4.99]])
예제 #39
    lambda c1, c2: c1.cast(BooleanType()) & c2.cast(BooleanType()),
    lambda c1, c2: c1.cast(BooleanType()) | c2.cast(BooleanType()),
    lambda c1, c2: (
        # mimics xor by logical operators.
        (c1.cast(BooleanType()) | c2.cast(BooleanType()))
        & (~(c1.cast(BooleanType())) | ~(c2.cast(BooleanType())))),
    pandas_udf(  # type: ignore[call-overload]
        lambda s1, s2: np.modf(s1, s2), DoubleType()),
    pandas_udf(  # type: ignore[call-overload]
        lambda s1, s2: np.nextafter(s1, s2), DoubleType()),
    pandas_udf(  # type: ignore[call-overload]
        lambda s1, s2: np.right_shift(s1, s2), LongType()),

# Copied from pandas.
# See also https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.classes.html#standard-array-subclasses
def maybe_dispatch_ufunc_to_dunder_op(ser_or_index: IndexOpsMixin,
                                      ufunc: Callable, method: str,
                                      *inputs: Any,
                                      **kwargs: Any) -> IndexOpsMixin:
예제 #40
        else:  # executed if no exception is raised
            print(('f_low given in both input file and command line.'
                   ' Using command line argument: %r' % opts.flow))
        flow = [opts.flow for i in range(N)]

    # Populate structured array
    injections['waveform'] = [opts.approx for i in range(N)]
    injections['taper'] = [opts.taper for i in range(N)]
    injections['f_lower'] = flow
    injections['mchirp'] = mc
    injections['eta'] = eta
    injections['mass1'] = m1
    injections['mass2'] = m2
    injections['geocent_end_time'] = np.modf(samples['time'])[1]
    injections['geocent_end_time_ns'] = np.modf(samples['time'])[0] * 10**9
    injections['distance'] = samples['distance']
    injections['longitude'] = samples['longitude']
    injections['latitude'] = samples['latitude']
    injections['inclination'] = inclination
    injections['coa_phase'] = samples['phi_orb']
    injections['polarization'] = samples['polarization']
    injections['spin1x'] = s1x
    injections['spin1y'] = s1y
    injections['spin1z'] = s1z
    injections['spin2x'] = s2x
    injections['spin2y'] = s2y
    injections['spin2z'] = s2z
    injections['amp_order'] = [opts.amporder for i in range(N)]
    injections['numrel_data'] = ["" for _ in range(N)]
예제 #41
    def test_half_ufuncs(self):
        """Test the various ufuncs"""

        a = np.array([0, 1, 2, 4, 2], dtype=float16)
        b = np.array([-2, 5, 1, 4, 3], dtype=float16)
        c = np.array([0, -1, -np.inf, np.nan, 6], dtype=float16)

        assert_equal(np.add(a, b), [-2, 6, 3, 8, 5])
        assert_equal(np.subtract(a, b), [2, -4, 1, 0, -1])
        assert_equal(np.multiply(a, b), [0, 5, 2, 16, 6])
        assert_equal(np.divide(a, b), [0, 0.199951171875, 2, 1, 0.66650390625])

        assert_equal(np.equal(a, b), [False, False, False, True, False])
        assert_equal(np.not_equal(a, b), [True, True, True, False, True])
        assert_equal(np.less(a, b), [False, True, False, False, True])
        assert_equal(np.less_equal(a, b), [False, True, False, True, True])
        assert_equal(np.greater(a, b), [True, False, True, False, False])
        assert_equal(np.greater_equal(a, b), [True, False, True, True, False])
        assert_equal(np.logical_and(a, b), [False, True, True, True, True])
        assert_equal(np.logical_or(a, b), [True, True, True, True, True])
        assert_equal(np.logical_xor(a, b), [True, False, False, False, False])
        assert_equal(np.logical_not(a), [True, False, False, False, False])

        assert_equal(np.isnan(c), [False, False, False, True, False])
        assert_equal(np.isinf(c), [False, False, True, False, False])
        assert_equal(np.isfinite(c), [True, True, False, False, True])
        assert_equal(np.signbit(b), [True, False, False, False, False])

        assert_equal(np.copysign(b, a), [2, 5, 1, 4, 3])

        assert_equal(np.maximum(a, b), [0, 5, 2, 4, 3])

        x = np.maximum(b, c)
        x[3] = 0
        assert_equal(x, [0, 5, 1, 0, 6])

        assert_equal(np.minimum(a, b), [-2, 1, 1, 4, 2])

        x = np.minimum(b, c)
        x[3] = 0
        assert_equal(x, [-2, -1, -np.inf, 0, 3])

        assert_equal(np.fmax(a, b), [0, 5, 2, 4, 3])
        assert_equal(np.fmax(b, c), [0, 5, 1, 4, 6])
        assert_equal(np.fmin(a, b), [-2, 1, 1, 4, 2])
        assert_equal(np.fmin(b, c), [-2, -1, -np.inf, 4, 3])

        assert_equal(np.floor_divide(a, b), [0, 0, 2, 1, 0])
        assert_equal(np.remainder(a, b), [0, 1, 0, 0, 2])
        assert_equal(np.divmod(a, b), ([0, 0, 2, 1, 0], [0, 1, 0, 0, 2]))
        assert_equal(np.square(b), [4, 25, 1, 16, 9])
        assert_equal(np.reciprocal(b), [-0.5, 0.199951171875, 1, 0.25, 0.333251953125])
        assert_equal(np.ones_like(b), [1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
        assert_equal(np.conjugate(b), b)
        assert_equal(np.absolute(b), [2, 5, 1, 4, 3])
        assert_equal(np.negative(b), [2, -5, -1, -4, -3])
        assert_equal(np.positive(b), b)
        assert_equal(np.sign(b), [-1, 1, 1, 1, 1])
        assert_equal(np.modf(b), ([0, 0, 0, 0, 0], b))
        assert_equal(np.frexp(b), ([-0.5, 0.625, 0.5, 0.5, 0.75], [2, 3, 1, 3, 2]))
        assert_equal(np.ldexp(b, [0, 1, 2, 4, 2]), [-2, 10, 4, 64, 12])
예제 #42
        "logaddexp": pandas_udf(
            lambda s1, s2: np.logaddexp(s1, s2), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR
        "logaddexp2": pandas_udf(
            lambda s1, s2: np.logaddexp2(s1, s2), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR
        "logical_and": lambda c1, c2: c1.cast(BooleanType()) & c2.cast(BooleanType()),
        "logical_or": lambda c1, c2: c1.cast(BooleanType()) | c2.cast(BooleanType()),
        "logical_xor": lambda c1, c2: (
            # mimics xor by logical operators.
            (c1.cast(BooleanType()) | c2.cast(BooleanType()))
            & (~(c1.cast(BooleanType())) | ~(c2.cast(BooleanType())))
        "maximum": F.greatest,
        "minimum": F.least,
        "modf": pandas_udf(lambda s1, s2: np.modf(s1, s2), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR),
        "nextafter": pandas_udf(
            lambda s1, s2: np.nextafter(s1, s2), DoubleType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR
        "right_shift": pandas_udf(
            lambda s1, s2: np.right_shift(s1, s2), LongType(), PandasUDFType.SCALAR

# Copied from pandas.
# See also https://docs.scipy.org/doc/numpy/reference/arrays.classes.html#standard-array-subclasses
def maybe_dispatch_ufunc_to_dunder_op(
    ser_or_index: "IndexOpsMixin", ufunc: Callable, method: str, *inputs: Any, **kwargs: Any
) -> "IndexOpsMixin":
예제 #43
def radiation_parameters(ring, dp=None, params=None, **kwargs):
    """Compute ring parameters from the radiation integrals. Valid for
    uncoupled lattices with no RF cavity or radiating element.

        ring            Lattice object.

        params=None     RingParam object to be updated.
        dp=0.0          Ignored if radiation is ON. Momentum deviation.
        dct=None        Ignored if radiation is ON. Path lengthening.
                        If specified, dp is ignored and the off-momentum is
                        deduced from the path lengthening.
        method=linopt6  Method used for the analysis of the transfer matrix.
                        See get_optics.
                        linopt6: default
                        linopt2: faster if no longitudinal motion and
                                 no H/V coupling,

        params          RingParam object. The computed attributes are,

            tunes           (3,) fractional (H, V, Long.) tunes
            fulltunes       (3,) full tunes
            chromaticities  (2,) H, V Chromaticities
            alphac          Momentum compaction factor
            etac            Frequency slip factor
            E0              Energy [eV]
            U0              nergy loss / turn [eV]
            i1              Radiation integrals - I1 [m]
            i2                                    I2 [m^-1]
            i3                                    I3 [m^-2]
            i4                                    I4 [m^-1]
            i5                                    I5 [m^-1]
            emittances      (3,) Mode emittances
            J               (3,) Damping partition numbers
            Tau             (3,) Damping times [s]
            sigma_e         Energy spread
            sigma_l         Bunch length [m]
            voltage         Total accelerating voltage [V]
            phi_s           Synchrotron phase [rad]
            f_s             Synchrotron frequency [Hz]
    rp = RingParameters() if params is None else params
    _, ringdata, twiss = ring.get_optics(refpts=range(len(ring) + 1),
    rp.chromaticities = ringdata.chromaticity * ring.periodicity
    integs = ring.get_radiation_integrals(dp, twiss=twiss)
    rp.i1, rp.i2, rp.i3, rp.i4, rp.i5 = numpy.array(integs) * ring.periodicity
    circumference = ring.circumference
    voltage = ring.rf_voltage
    E0 = ring.energy
    gamma = ring.gamma
    gamma2 = gamma * gamma
    beta = sqrt(1.0 - 1.0 / gamma2)
    U0 = Cgamma / 2.0 / pi * E0**4 * rp.i2
    Jx = 1.0 - rp.i4 / rp.i2
    Jz = 1.0
    Je = 2.0 + rp.i4 / rp.i2
    damping_partition_numbers = numpy.array([Jx, Jz, Je])
    revolution_period = circumference / clight / beta
    ct = 2.0 * E0 / U0 * revolution_period
    rp.E0 = E0
    rp.U0 = U0
    emitx = Cq * gamma2 * rp.i5 / Jx / rp.i2
    rp.emittances = numpy.array([emitx, nan, nan])
    alphac = rp.i1 / circumference
    etac = 1.0 / gamma2 - alphac
    rp.phi_s = (pi - asin(U0 / voltage)) if U0 <= voltage else nan
    nus = sqrt(
        abs(etac * ring.harmonic_number * voltage * cos(rp.phi_s) / E0 / 2.0 /
            pi)) / beta
    rp.voltage = voltage
    rp.f_s = nus / revolution_period
    rp.Tau = ct / damping_partition_numbers
    rp.J = damping_partition_numbers
    rp.sigma_e = sqrt(Cq * gamma2 * rp.i3 / Je / rp.i2)
    rp.sigma_l = beta * abs(etac) * circumference / 2.0 / pi / nus * rp.sigma_e
    ringtunes, _ = numpy.modf(ring.periodicity * ringdata.tune)
    if len(ringtunes) < 3:
        rp.tunes = numpy.concatenate((ringtunes, (nus, )))
        rp.tunes6 = ringtunes
    rp.fulltunes = ring.periodicity * twiss[-1].mu / 2.0 / pi
    rp.alphac = alphac
    rp.etac = etac
    return rp
예제 #44
-------------------------------Universal function

arr = np.arange(10)

x = np.random.rand(8)
y = np.random.rand(8)
np.maximum(x, y)   #find max value and compose to a new matrix

arr = np.random.randn(7) * 5

remainder, whole_part = np.modf(arr)
remainder  #digital part
whole_part #the integer part

#Ufunction accept out argument that allows them to operate in-place on arrays:
np.sqrt(arr, arr)

points = np.arange(-5, 5, 0.01) #1000 equally spaced points
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(points, points)

#using natplotlib to create visualizations of this two-dimentional array
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt 
plt.imshow(z, cmap=plt.cm.gray); plt.colorbar()
예제 #45
print(a1.sum())  #หาผลรวม
print(a1.prod())  #หาผลคูณ

a2 = np.array([[0, -2], [3, -1], [3, -5]], float)


#modf Function

arr17 = np.random.randn(7) * 5


remainder = np.modf(arr17)


xR, yR = np.modf(arr17)

arr18 = np.array([5, 3, 9], float)

print(arr18.argmax())  # argmax() ฟังก์ชันสาหรับการหาตาแหน่งของค่าที่มากที่สุด
print(arr18.argmin())  # argmin() ฟังก์ชันสาหรับการหาตาแหน่งของค่าที่น้อยที่สุด
    def __getitem__(self, mixture_idx):
        Depending on the selected partition it returns accordingly
        the following objects:

        depending on the list of return items the caller function
        will be returned the items in the exact same order

        @throws If one of the desired objects cannot be loaded from
        disk then an IOError would be raised
        if self.random_draws is None:
            the_time = int(np.modf(time())[0] * 100000000)

        sources_wavs_l = []
        energies = []
        prev_indexes = []

        # Select with a prior probability between the list of datasets
        for source_idx in range(self.n_sources):
            dataset_idx = self.get_selected_dataset_index(
                mixture_idx, source_idx)

            # Avoid getting the same sound class inside the mixture
            not_equal_to = None
            if len(prev_indexes) > 0:
                prev_d_ind, prev_h_ind = prev_indexes[0]
                if prev_d_ind == dataset_idx:
                    not_equal_to = prev_h_ind
            hier_folder_idx = self.get_selected_hierarchical_folder_index(
            wav_idx = self.get_selected_sample_folder_index(
                mixture_idx, source_idx, dataset_idx, hier_folder_idx)

            prev_indexes.append([dataset_idx, hier_folder_idx])
            item_folder = self.sample_folders[dataset_idx][hier_folder_idx][
            source_tensor = self.load_item_file(
                os.path.join(item_folder, self.return_items[0]))

            # Random shifting of the source signals
            samples_delay = self.get_sample_delay(mixture_idx, source_idx,
            delayed_source_tensor = source_tensor[:,
                                                  samples_delay:samples_delay +

            if np.allclose(delayed_source_tensor, 0):
                delayed_source_tensor = source_tensor[:, :self.

            # Random SNR mixing

        snr_ratio = self.get_snr_ratio(mixture_idx, 0)
        new_energy_ratio = np.sqrt(np.power(10., snr_ratio / 10.))

        sources_wavs_l[0] = new_energy_ratio * sources_wavs_l[0] / (
            energies[0] + 10e-8)
        sources_wavs_l[1] = sources_wavs_l[1] / (energies[1] + 10e-8)

        clean_sources_tensor = torch.cat(sources_wavs_l)
        mixture_tensor = torch.sum(clean_sources_tensor, dim=0, keepdim=True)

        clean_sources_tensor -= torch.mean(clean_sources_tensor,
        mixture_tensor -= torch.mean(mixture_tensor, dim=1, keepdim=True)
        mixture_std = torch.std(mixture_tensor, dim=1)

        returning_mixture = (mixture_tensor / (mixture_std + 10e-8)).squeeze()
        returning_sources = clean_sources_tensor / (mixture_std + 10e-8)

        return returning_mixture, returning_sources
# In[39]:


# In[40]:


# In[41]:

arr1 = np.random.randn(5, 3)

# In[42]:


# #### Linear algebra using numpy

# In[43]:

A = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
B = np.array([[9, 8, 7], [6, 5, 4], [1, 2, 3]])

# In[44]:

A = np.arange(15).reshape(3, 5)

# In[45]:
# -*- coding:utf8 -*-
# @TIME     :2019/5/30 14:30
# @Author   : 洪松
# @File     : 通用函数.py

import numpy as np
arr = np.arange(10)
print('arr: ', arr, sep='\n')
print('arr_sqrt: ', np.sqrt(arr), sep='\n')
print('arr_exp: ', np.exp(arr), sep='\n')
x = np.random.randn(8)
y = np.random.randn(8)
print('x: ', x, sep='\n')
print('y: ', y, sep='\n')
print('np.maximum(x, y): ', np.maximum(x, y), sep='\n')  # 元素级最大值

arr_1 = np.random.randn(7)
print('np.modf(arr): ', np.modf(arr), sep='\n')
예제 #49
def daypick(frame, tables, day):

    #0 IS 4PM, 1440 is

    # print(frame)

    weib = tables[0]
    ati = tables[5]
    ita = tables[6]
    itl = tables[7]
    idx = tables[8]

    #determine school/work fixed params
    #????????????????? TODO FIX
    workstart = -1
    if (frame.empshift > -1):
        workstart = pickwork(frame.empshift)

    schoolstart = -1
    if (frame.schoollevel > -1):
        schoolstart = pickschool(frame.schoollevel)

    #pick a day type
    dayindex = 2 if (day in (1, 7)) else 1
    cdtable = tables[dayindex][frame.casetype]
    daytype = np.random.choice(len(cdtable), p=cdtable)
    avg = tables[3][daytype][0]
    prior = tables[3][daytype][1]
    locs = tables[3][daytype][2]
    eprior = tables[3][daytype][3]

    #determine dependent status and school needs

    #select activities and instances for this day, w/expected duration and locations
    actset = collections.Counter()
    for ind, i in enumerate(avg):
        act = ita[ind]
        prob = norm.rvs(loc=i[0], scale=i[1])
        if prob < 0.: prob = 0.0
        pf, pi = np.modf(prob)
        instances = int(pi + (np.random.rand() < pf))
        actset[act] = min(instances, 5)

    df = pd.DataFrame({'act': list(actset.elements())})
    df['actind'] = df['act'].apply(lambda x: ati[x])
    df = df[(df['act'] // 10000) != 18]
    if (frame.empshift == -1):
        df = df[(df['act'] // 10000) != 5]

    df['locp'] = df['act'].apply(
        lambda x: itl[np.random.choice(len(locs[ati[x]]), p=locs[ati[x]])])
    df['instance'] = df.groupby(['act']).cumcount()

    #df['assign'] = -1;

    #order activities by priority for each instance
    df['pickS'] = norm.cdf(np.random.randn(len(df)))
    df['startguess'] = df.apply(
        lambda x: np.argmax(prior[x.actind, x.instance] > x.pickS) * 5, axis=1)

    df = df.sort_values('startguess')

    df['prior'] = df.apply(lambda x: prior[x.actind, x.instance,
                                           int(np.floor(x.startguess / 5.))],

    df = df.sort_values(['startguess'])

    #df['tlength'] = 0;

    #reorder activity sequences w/location preferences

    # I: we know sleep most likely happens at the start and end of the day
    # II: we know that work type activities are likely done in a chunk, so group them
    # III: we know some events interject other events so it's okay if activities are split
    # t = 0.0;

    # df['glength'] = np.abs(df['startguess'].diff(-1).fillna(0.));

    # df['wlength1'] = np.abs(df['act'].apply(rollweibull,args=(weib,))-df['glength'])
    # df['wlength2'] = np.abs(df['act'].apply(rollweibull,args=(weib,))-df['glength'])
    # df['wlength3'] = np.abs(df['act'].apply(rollweibull,args=(weib,))-df['glength'])
    # df['pickL'] = norm.cdf(np.random.randn(len(df)));
    # df['plength'] = df.apply(lambda x: np.argmax(eprior[x.actind,x.instance] > x.pickL)*5,axis=1)
    # df['plength'] = np.abs( df['plength'].apply(lambda x: 0 if x > 600 else x) -df['glength'])

    # df['avglength'] = np.floor(( df['wlength1']+df['wlength2']+df['wlength3']+df['plength'] ) /4.0)

    # df['minl'] =  df.apply(lambda x: x.avglength if x.avglength < x.glength else x.glength, axis=1)
    # df['maxl'] =  df.apply(lambda x: x.avglength if x.avglength > x.glength else x.glength, axis=1)
    # df['length'] = df.apply(lambda x: np.random.randint(x.minl,x.maxl + 1), axis=1)

    df['wlength'] = df['act'].apply(rollweibull, args=(weib, ))
    df['cumlength'] = df['wlength'].cumsum()
    df['cumlength'] = np.floor(df['cumlength'] /
                               (df['cumlength'].max() / 1440.0))
    df['length'] = np.abs(df['cumlength'].diff(1).fillna(df['cumlength']))

    df['prevloc'] = df['locp'].shift(1).fillna(-1)

    df['locx'], df['locy'] = zip(*df.apply(locApply, args=(frame, ), axis=1))

    # 	indices = df['assign'] == -1
    # 	p = df[indices]['prior'].values
    # 	nextact = np.random.choice(df[indices].index.values, p=p/np.sum(p))
    # 	df['assign'].at[nextact] = i;
    # 	thresh = np.random.rand();
    # 	e = eprior[df.at[nextact,'actind'],df.at[nextact,'instance']]
    # 	pick = np.argmax(e > thresh)
    # 	df['end'].at[nextact] = pick*5.0;

    # 	t += df['end'].at[nextact]

    #if(np.random.rand() < 0.05): print(df)
    # print(df)

    #finalize activity times

    #build the actlist and apply locations
    #actlist += [(t,act,locx,locy)]
    #actlist = [];

    #actlist += [(10101, 1440, frame['addrx'],frame['addry'])]

    actlist = df[['length', 'act', 'locx', 'locy']].values


    return actlist
예제 #50
파일: fresnel.py 프로젝트: flmiot/syris-1
def main():
    """Main function."""
    args = parse_args()
    syris.init(loglevel=logging.INFO, device_index=-1)
    lam = energy_to_wavelength(args.energy * q.keV).simplified
    w = args.aperture / 2 * q.um
    # Width of the aperture is 2w, make the aperture half the image size
    fov = 4 * w
    ss = args.supersampling
    d = (w ** 2 / args.fn / lam).simplified
    ns, ps = compute_propagation_sampling(lam, d, fov, fresnel=True)
    # Convolution outlier
    ns *= 2
    ps /= ss
    fmt = 'n sampling: {}, ps: {}, FOV: {}, propagation distance: {}'
    LOG.info(fmt.format(ns, np.round(ps.rescale(q.nm), 2), fov, np.round(d.rescale(q.cm), 2)))

    res_a = propagate_analytically(ns * ss, w, ps, d, lam)

    # Power of two for FFT
    n = int(2 ** np.ceil(np.log2(ns)))
    # Supersampling of the pixel size requires supersampling^2 more data points because we enlarge
    # the FOV by changing the diffraction angle via changing the pixel size and this enlarged FOV is
    # then sampled by supersampling-smaller pixel size
    n_proper = n * ss ** 2
    numerical_results = {}
    for divisor in args.numerical_divisors:
        if np.modf(np.log2(divisor))[0] != 0:
            raise ValueError('All divisors must be power of two')
        n_current = n_proper / divisor
        if n_current < n * ss:
            raise ValueError('divisor too large, maximum is {}'.format(ss))
        numerical_results[n_current] = propagate_numerically(n_current, w, ps, d, lam)

    x_data = np.linspace(-2 * w.magnitude, 2 * w.magnitude, res_a.shape[0])
    aperture = np.zeros(res_a.shape[1])
    aperture[res_a.shape[1] / 4:3 * res_a.shape[1] / 4] = res_a[n / 4 / ss].max()

    if args.txt_output:
        txt_data = [x_data, aperture, res_a[n / 4 / ss]]
        txt_header = 'x\taperture\tanalytical'

    plt.plot(x_data, aperture, label='Aperture')
    for n_pixels, num_result in numerical_results.items():
        fraction = n_pixels / float(n_proper)
        if args.txt_output:
            txt_header += '\t{}'.format(fraction)
            txt_data.append(num_result[n / 4 / ss])
        plt.plot(x_data, num_result[n / 4 / ss], '--', label='Numerical {}'.format(fraction))
        LOG.info('MSE: {}'.format(np.mean((num_result - res_a) ** 2)))
    plt.plot(x_data, res_a[n / 4 / ss], '-.', label='Analytical')
    plt.title('Analytical vs. Numerical Diffraction Pattern')
    plt.xlabel(r'$\mu m$')

    if args.txt_output:
        txt_data = np.array(txt_data).T
        np.savetxt(args.txt_output, txt_data, fmt='%g', delimiter='\t', header=txt_header)

예제 #51
 def test_modf_scalar(self):
     q = np.modf(9. * u.m / (600. * u.cm))
     assert q == (0.5 * u.dimensionless_unscaled,
                  1. * u.dimensionless_unscaled)
예제 #52
    def fit(self, X, X_ids, X_weights, y_, n_epochs=None, show_progress=False):

        assert (len(X_ids) == len(X_weights))
        for m in range(len(X_ids)):
            assert (X_ids[m].shape[0] == X_weights[m].shape[0] == y_.shape[0]
                    == X.shape[0])

        if self.core.n_features is None:

        assert self.core.n_features == X.shape[
            1], 'Different num of features in initialized graph and input'

        if self.core.graph is None:

        used_y = self.preprocess_target(y_)

        if n_epochs is None:
            n_epochs = self.n_epochs

        # For reproducible results
        if self.seed:

        # Training cycle
        for epoch in tqdm(range(n_epochs),
                          disable=(not show_progress)):
            # generate permutation
            perm = np.random.permutation(X.shape[0])
            epoch_loss = []
            # iterate over batches

            for ret_x, ret_x_ids, ret_x_weights, ret_y in batcher(
                    X, X_ids, X_weights, y_, perm, batch_size=self.batch_size):

                fd = batch_to_feeddict(ret_x,
                ops_to_run = [
                    self.core.trainer, self.core.target, self.core.summary_op
                result = self.session.run(ops_to_run, feed_dict=fd)
                _, batch_target_value, summary_str = result

                # write percentage
                num_steps = int(
                    (np.modf(X.shape[0] / self.batch_size)[1] + 1) *
                    (epoch + 1))
                sys.stdout.write("\r\tstep {} / {}, loss {:g}".format(
                    self.steps, num_steps, batch_target_value))
                '''A,B,C,all_AB = self.session.run([self.core.A,self.core.part_1,self.core.part_2,self.core.all_AB], feed_dict=fd)

                #print(" ")
                #print("REGLARIZATION {}".format(regularization))
                #print(" ")

                # write stats
                if self.need_logs:
                    self.summary_writer.add_summary(summary_str, self.steps)

                self.steps += 1

            if (epoch != 0) and ((epoch % self.write_embedding_every) == 0):
                print('writing embeddings on file')
                with self.session.as_default():
                    embedding_path = self.log_dir + "/vectors_e" + str(
                        epoch) + ".txt"
                    embedding_file = open(embedding_path, 'w')
                    vectors = self.core.embeddings_2.eval()
                    i = 0
                    for vector in vectors:
                        embedding_file.write(str(self.words[i]) + " ")
                        for value in vector:
                            embedding_file.write(str(value) + " ")
                        i += 1

            if self.verbose > 1:

                print('[epoch {}]: mean target value: {}'.format(
                    epoch, np.mean(epoch_loss)))

                with self.session.as_default():

                    # print norms
                        meta_vector = self.core.meta.eval()
                        '''vectors_norm = self.core.vectors_norm_sqrt.eval()
                            for i in range(0,len(self.core.valid_examples)):
                                idx = self.core.valid_examples[i]
                                valid_word = self.words[idx]
                                valid_norm = vectors_norm[idx]
                                reweight = reweights[idx]
                                meta = meta_vector[idx]
                                print("{} - {} - {} - {} ".format(valid_word,valid_norm, reweight, meta))
                            print(" ")'''

                        # print similarity
                        print(' ')
                        sim = self.core.similarity.eval()
                        for i in range(0, len(self.core.valid_examples)):
                            valid_word = self.words[
                            top_k = 10  # number of nearest neighbors
                            upper_bound_top_k = 1000
                            nearest = (
                                -sim[i, :]).argsort()[1:upper_bound_top_k + 1]
                            log_str = "Nearest to %s:" % valid_word

                            k_words = 0
                            k = 0
                            while (k_words < top_k):
                                if (meta_vector[nearest[k]] == 0
                                    ):  # consider only words
                                    close_word = self.words[nearest[k]]
                                    log_str = "%s %s," % (log_str, close_word)
                                    k_words += 1
                                k += 1
                    '''tot_sim = 0.0     
                        valid_words = [ self.words[index] for index in self.core.valid_examples ]

                        print("  -  \t"+"\t".join(valid_words))
                        for i in range(0,len(self.core.valid_examples)):
                            word_i = self.words[self.core.valid_examples[i]]
                            log_str = str(word_i)+"\t"
                            for j in range(0,len(self.core.valid_examples)):
                                index_word_j = self.core.valid_examples[j]
                                word_j = self.words[index_word_j]                            
                                sim_i_j = sim[i, index_word_j]
                                log_str = "%s  %g" % (log_str, sim_i_j)
                                tot_sim += sim_i_j

                        print("tot_sim: "+str(tot_sim))

            if self.need_logs:
                with self.session.as_default():
                                         self.log_dir + "/model.ckpt")
                    #TensorBoard: Embedding Visualization
                    # Use the same LOG_DIR where you stored your checkpoint.
                    #summary_writer = tf.train.SummaryWriter(LOG_DIR)
                    # Format: tensorflow/contrib/tensorboard/plugins/projector/projector_config.proto
                    config = projector.ProjectorConfig()
                    # You can add multiple embeddings. Here we add only one.

                    embedding_2 = config.embeddings.add()
                    embedding_2.tensor_name = self.core.embeddings_2.name
                    embedding_2.metadata_path = "metadata.tsv"

                    # embedding_3 = config.embeddings.add()
                    # embedding_3.tensor_name = self.core.embeddings_3.name
                    # embedding_3.metadata_path = "log/metadata.tsv"

                    # Link this tensor to its metadata file (e.g. labels).

                    # Saves a configuration file that TensorBoard will read during startup.
                    projector.visualize_embeddings(self.summary_writer, config)

        # write embeddings on file
        print('writing embeddings on file')
        with self.session.as_default():
            embedding_path = self.log_dir + "/vectors.txt"
            embedding_file = open(embedding_path, 'w')
            vectors = self.core.embeddings_2.eval()
            i = 0
            for vector in vectors:
                embedding_file.write(str(self.words[i]) + " ")
                for value in vector:
                    embedding_file.write(str(value) + " ")
                i += 1
예제 #53
def rotate(im, ang, cx=-1, cy=-1, zoom=1.0):
    """Rotates an image of an angle "ang" (in DEGREES).

    The center of rotation is cx,cy.
    A zoom factor can be applied.

    (cx,cy) can be omitted :one will assume one rotates around the
    center of the image.
    If zoom is not specified, the default value of 1.0 is taken.


        im: (np.ndarray[ndim=3,dtype=np.float32_t]) : array to rotate

        ang: (float) : rotation angle (in degrees)

        cx: (float) : (optional) rotation center on x axis (default: image center)

        cy: (float) : (optional) rotation center on x axis (default: image center)

        zoom: (float) : (opional) zoom factor (default =1.0)
    # TODO merge it with rotate3d or see if there is any np.rotate or other...
    if (zoom == 0):
        zoom = 1.0
    if (zoom == 1.0 and ang == 0.):
        return im

    ang *= np.pi / 180
    nx = im.shape[1]
    ny = im.shape[2]

    if (cx < 0):
        cx = nx / 2 + 1
    if (cy < 0):
        cy = ny / 2 + 1

    x = np.tile(np.arange(nx) - cx + 1, (ny, 1)).T / zoom
    y = np.tile(np.arange(ny) - cy + 1, (nx, 1)) / zoom

    ind = np.zeros((nx, ny, ang.size))

    imr = np.zeros((im.shape[0], im.shape[1], im.shape[2])).\

    matrot = np.array([[np.cos(ang), -np.sin(ang)], [np.sin(ang),

    wx = x * matrot[0, 0] + y * matrot[1, 0] + cx
    wy = x * matrot[0, 1] + y * matrot[1, 1] + cy

    wx = np.clip(wx, 1., nx - 1)
    wy = np.clip(wy, 1., ny - 1)
    wx, rx = np.modf(wx)
    wy, ry = np.modf(wy)

    ind = rx + (ry - 1) * nx

    imr = (im[ind] * (1 - wx) + im[ind + 1] * wx) * (1 - wy) + \
        (im[ind + nx] * (1 - wx) + im[ind + nx + 1] * wx) * wy

    return imr
예제 #54
    def onInitializeOptions(self, is_first_run, ask_override):
        yn_str = {True:'y',False:'n'}

        default_resolution = 128
        default_archi = 'df'
        default_face_type = 'f'

        if is_first_run:
            resolution = io.input_int("Resolution ( 64-256 ?:help skip:128) : ", default_resolution, help_message="More resolution requires more VRAM and time to train. Value will be adjusted to multiple of 16.")
            resolution = np.clip (resolution, 64, 256)
            while np.modf(resolution / 16)[0] != 0.0:
                resolution -= 1
            self.options['resolution'] = resolution

            self.options['face_type'] = io.input_str ("Half or Full face? (h/f, ?:help skip:f) : ", default_face_type, ['h','f'], help_message="Half face has better resolution, but covers less area of cheeks.").lower()
            self.options['learn_mask'] = io.input_bool ("Learn mask? (y/n, ?:help skip:y) : ", True, help_message="Learning mask can help model to recognize face directions. Learn without mask can reduce model size, in this case converter forced to use 'not predicted mask' that is not smooth as predicted. Model with style values can be learned without mask and produce same quality result.")
            self.options['resolution'] = self.options.get('resolution', default_resolution)
            self.options['face_type'] = self.options.get('face_type', default_face_type)
            self.options['learn_mask'] = self.options.get('learn_mask', True)

        if (is_first_run or ask_override) and 'tensorflow' in self.device_config.backend:
            def_optimizer_mode = self.options.get('optimizer_mode', 1)
            self.options['optimizer_mode'] = io.input_int ("Optimizer mode? ( 1,2,3 ?:help skip:%d) : " % (def_optimizer_mode), def_optimizer_mode, help_message="1 - no changes. 2 - allows you to train x2 bigger network consuming RAM. 3 - allows you to train x3 bigger network consuming huge amount of RAM and slower, depends on CPU power.")
            self.options['optimizer_mode'] = self.options.get('optimizer_mode', 1)

        if is_first_run:
            self.options['archi'] = io.input_str ("AE architecture (df, liae ?:help skip:%s) : " % (default_archi) , default_archi, ['df','liae'], help_message="'df' keeps faces more natural. 'liae' can fix overly different face shapes.").lower()
            self.options['archi'] = self.options.get('archi', default_archi)

        default_ae_dims = 256 if self.options['archi'] == 'liae' else 512
        default_e_ch_dims = 42
        default_d_ch_dims = default_e_ch_dims // 2

        if is_first_run:
            self.options['ae_dims'] = np.clip ( io.input_int("AutoEncoder dims (32-1024 ?:help skip:%d) : " % (default_ae_dims) , default_ae_dims, help_message="All face information will packed to AE dims. If amount of AE dims are not enough, then for example closed eyes will not be recognized. More dims are better, but require more VRAM. You can fine-tune model size to fit your GPU." ), 32, 1024 )
            self.options['e_ch_dims'] = np.clip ( io.input_int("Encoder dims per channel (21-85 ?:help skip:%d) : " % (default_e_ch_dims) , default_e_ch_dims, help_message="More encoder dims help to recognize more facial features, but require more VRAM. You can fine-tune model size to fit your GPU." ), 21, 85 )
            default_d_ch_dims = self.options['e_ch_dims'] // 2
            self.options['d_ch_dims'] = np.clip ( io.input_int("Decoder dims per channel (10-85 ?:help skip:%d) : " % (default_d_ch_dims) , default_d_ch_dims, help_message="More decoder dims help to get better details, but require more VRAM. You can fine-tune model size to fit your GPU." ), 10, 85 )
            self.options['d_residual_blocks'] = io.input_bool ("Add residual blocks to decoder? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) : ", False, help_message="These blocks help to get better details, but require more computing time.")
            self.options['remove_gray_border'] = io.input_bool ("Remove gray border? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) : ", False, help_message="Removes gray border of predicted face, but requires more computing resources.")
            self.options['ae_dims'] = self.options.get('ae_dims', default_ae_dims)
            self.options['e_ch_dims'] = self.options.get('e_ch_dims', default_e_ch_dims)
            self.options['d_ch_dims'] = self.options.get('d_ch_dims', default_d_ch_dims)
            self.options['d_residual_blocks'] = self.options.get('d_residual_blocks', False)
            self.options['remove_gray_border'] = self.options.get('remove_gray_border', False)

        if is_first_run:
            self.options['lighter_encoder'] = io.input_bool ("Use lightweight encoder? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) : ", False, help_message="Lightweight encoder is 35% faster, requires less VRAM, but sacrificing overall quality.")

            self.options['multiscale_decoder'] = io.input_bool ("Use multiscale decoder? (y/n, ?:help skip:n) : ", False, help_message="Multiscale decoder helps to get better details.")
            self.options['lighter_encoder'] = self.options.get('lighter_encoder', False)

            self.options['multiscale_decoder'] = self.options.get('multiscale_decoder', False)

        default_face_style_power = 0.0
        default_bg_style_power = 0.0
        if is_first_run or ask_override:
            def_pixel_loss = self.options.get('pixel_loss', False)
            self.options['pixel_loss'] = io.input_bool ("Use pixel loss? (y/n, ?:help skip: %s ) : " % (yn_str[def_pixel_loss]), def_pixel_loss, help_message="Default DSSIM loss good for initial understanding structure of faces. Use pixel loss after 15-25k iters to enhance fine details and decrease face jitter.")

            default_face_style_power = default_face_style_power if is_first_run else self.options.get('face_style_power', default_face_style_power)
            self.options['face_style_power'] = np.clip ( io.input_number("Face style power ( 0.0 .. 100.0 ?:help skip:%.2f) : " % (default_face_style_power), default_face_style_power,
                                                                               help_message="Learn to transfer face style details such as light and color conditions. Warning: Enable it only after 10k iters, when predicted face is clear enough to start learn style. Start from 0.1 value and check history changes."), 0.0, 100.0 )

            default_bg_style_power = default_bg_style_power if is_first_run else self.options.get('bg_style_power', default_bg_style_power)
            self.options['bg_style_power'] = np.clip ( io.input_number("Background style power ( 0.0 .. 100.0 ?:help skip:%.2f) : " % (default_bg_style_power), default_bg_style_power,
                                                                               help_message="Learn to transfer image around face. This can make face more like dst."), 0.0, 100.0 )
            self.options['pixel_loss'] = self.options.get('pixel_loss', False)
            self.options['face_style_power'] = self.options.get('face_style_power', default_face_style_power)
            self.options['bg_style_power'] = self.options.get('bg_style_power', default_bg_style_power)
예제 #55
    def test_modf(self):
        size = ht.communication.MPI_WORLD.size
        start, end = -5.0, 5.0
        step = (end - start) / (2 * size)
        npArray = np.arange(start, end, step, dtype=np.float32)
        comparison = np.modf(npArray)

        # exponential of float32
        float32_tensor = ht.array(npArray, dtype=ht.float32)
        float32_modf = float32_tensor.modf()
        self.assertIsInstance(float32_modf[0], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(float32_modf[1], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertEqual(float32_modf[0].dtype, ht.float32)
        self.assertEqual(float32_modf[1].dtype, ht.float32)

        self.assert_array_equal(float32_modf[0], comparison[0])
        self.assert_array_equal(float32_modf[1], comparison[1])

        # exponential of float64
        npArray = np.arange(start, end, step, np.float64)
        comparison = np.modf(npArray)

        float64_tensor = ht.array(npArray, dtype=ht.float64)
        float64_modf = float64_tensor.modf()
        self.assertIsInstance(float64_modf[0], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(float64_modf[1], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertEqual(float64_modf[0].dtype, ht.float64)
        self.assertEqual(float64_modf[1].dtype, ht.float64)

        self.assert_array_equal(float64_modf[0], comparison[0])
        self.assert_array_equal(float64_modf[1], comparison[1])

        # check exceptions
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            ht.modf([0, 1, 2, 3])
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            ht.modf(float32_tensor, 1)
        with self.assertRaises(ValueError):
                    (float32_tensor, float32_tensor, float64_tensor))
        with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
            ht.modf(float32_tensor, (float32_tensor, 2))

        # with split tensors

        # exponential of float32
        npArray = np.arange(start, end, step, dtype=np.float32)
        comparison = np.modf(npArray)
        float32_tensor_distrbd = ht.array(npArray, split=0)
        float32_modf_distrbd = float32_tensor_distrbd.modf()

        self.assertIsInstance(float32_modf_distrbd[0], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(float32_modf_distrbd[1], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertEqual(float32_modf_distrbd[0].dtype, ht.float32)
        self.assertEqual(float32_modf_distrbd[1].dtype, ht.float32)

        self.assert_array_equal(float32_modf_distrbd[0], comparison[0])
        self.assert_array_equal(float32_modf_distrbd[1], comparison[1])

        # exponential of float64
        npArray = npArray = np.arange(start, end, step, np.float64)
        comparison = np.modf(npArray)

        float64_tensor_distrbd = ht.array(npArray, split=0)
        float64_modf_distrbd = (
        # float64_modf_distrbd = float64_tensor_distrbd.modf()
        self.assertIsInstance(float64_modf_distrbd[0], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertIsInstance(float64_modf_distrbd[1], ht.DNDarray)
        self.assertEqual(float64_modf_distrbd[0].dtype, ht.float64)
        self.assertEqual(float64_modf_distrbd[1].dtype, ht.float64)

        self.assert_array_equal(float64_modf_distrbd[0], comparison[0])
        self.assert_array_equal(float64_modf_distrbd[1], comparison[1])
import numpy as np

#arr = np.random.randn(6, 3)
#arr = np.arange(3,3)
arr = np.arange(9).reshape((3, 3))


# Matrizenmultiplikation
print(np.dot(arr, arr))


# Transpose Multiplication
print(np.dot(arr.T, arr))

# Ufunc
arr2 = np.random.randn(7) * 5