예제 #1
def funbgh2(s, a, b, R, df):
    n = len(a)
    sqrt_df = np.sqrt(df)
    #np.power(s, df-1) * np_exp(-s*s*0.5)
    return np_exp((df-1)*np_log(s)-s*s*0.5) \
           * mvstdnormcdf(s*a/sqrt_df, s*b/sqrt_df, R[np.tril_indices(n, -1)],
                          maxpts=1000000, abseps=1e-4)
예제 #2
def funbgh2(s, a, b, R, df):
    n = len(a)
    sqrt_df = np.sqrt(df)
    #np.power(s, df-1) * np_exp(-s*s*0.5)
    return  np_exp((df-1)*np_log(s)-s*s*0.5) \
           * mvstdnormcdf(s*a/sqrt_df, s*b/sqrt_df, R[np.tril_indices(n, -1)],
                          maxpts=1000000, abseps=1e-4)
예제 #3
def funbgh(s, a, b, R, df):
    sqrt_df = np.sqrt(df+0.5)
    ret = chi_logpdf(s,df)
    ret += np_log(mvstdnormcdf(s*a/sqrt_df, s*b/sqrt_df, R,
                                         maxpts=1000000, abseps=1e-6))
    ret = np_exp(ret)
    return  ret
예제 #4
 def inner(start_time, end_time):
     mkv_data = pitcache_getter(mkvdata_name,
                                50).get_tsdata(start_time, end_time)
     mask = np_isclose(mkv_data, 0, 0.01)
     data = mkv_data.where(~mask)
     data = np_log(mkv_data)
     if not check_completeness(data.index, start_time, end_time):
         raise ValueError('Data missed!')
     return data
예제 #5
def funbgh(s, a, b, R, df):
    sqrt_df = np.sqrt(df + 0.5)
    ret = chi_logpdf(s, df)
    ret += np_log(
        mvstdnormcdf(s * a / sqrt_df,
                     s * b / sqrt_df,
    ret = np_exp(ret)
    return ret
예제 #6
def my_dist(a, b):
    if a[2] == b[2]:
        a_t = (a[0] + np_pi) / 2
        b_t = (b[0] + np_pi) / 2
        a_r = a[1]
        b_r = b[1]

        return 10 * ((1. - np_cos(np_abs(a_t - b_t))) +
                     np_log(np_abs(a_r - b_r) + 1.) / 5.)
        return 20.0
예제 #7
def precision(PE):
    """ Calculate precision as the inverse variance of the updated prediction error.

    return updated precision and updated average_free_energy
    with np.errstate(all='raise'):
            variance = np_var(PE)  # np_var(PE, ddof=1)  # mad(PE)
            variance = variance if variance > 0.00001 else 0.00001  # so log(var) should max at -5
            pi = np_log(1. / variance)  # should max at 5
            new_precision = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-(pi - 2.5))
                                 )  # should be about max. 1

            return new_precision  # , variance
        except Exception as e:
            raise Exception("RuntimeWarning in precision(PE):", str(e), "PE:",
                            PE) from e
예제 #8
    def inner(start_time, end_time):
        start_time, end_time = trans_date(start_time, end_time)
        cache_size = 100
        offset = major_mul * minor_mul
        threshold = 1e-5
        start_time_shifted = get_calendar('stock.sse').\
                             shift_tradingdays(start_time, -offset - 20)
        to_data = pitcache_getter('TO_RATE', cache_size).\
                  get_tsdata(start_time_shifted, end_time)

        data = to_data.rolling(offset,
        data[data <= threshold] = np_nan
        data = data / major_mul
        data = np_log(data)
        data = data.loc[(data.index >= start_time) & (data.index <= end_time)]
        if start_time > trans_date(DATA_START_DATE):
            if not check_completeness(data.index, start_time, end_time):
                raise ValueError('Data missed!')
        return data
예제 #9
    def rqa_entr(self, th, l_min):
        except AttributeError:
            return -1

            return self.entr[str(th)][str(l_min)]
        except KeyError:
            except KeyError:
                self.entr[str(th)] = {}

            l, p = self._rqa_lv_dist_min(th,
            pp = p / np_sum(p)
            self.entr[str(th)][str(l_min)] = -pp.dot(np_log(pp))

            return self.entr[str(th)][str(l_min)]
예제 #10
import torch
import torch.nn as nn
from torch.autograd import Variable
import torch.nn.functional as F

from convgru import ConvGRUCell
from gen_models import make_conv_net, make_fc_net, make_upconv_net

import rlkit.torch.pytorch_util as ptu

import numpy as np
from numpy import pi
from numpy import log as np_log
log_2pi = np_log(2*pi)


class MaskedNormalVAE(nn.Module):
    def __init__(

        in_ch = maze_dims[0]
        in_h = maze_dims[1]
예제 #11
def mk_sencircuit_2cplastic(task_info):
    Creates balanced network representing sensory circuit with 2c model in the excitatory neurons.

        groups, synapses, subgroups

    groups and synapses have to be added to the "Network" in order to run the simulation
    subgroups is used for establishing connections between the sensory and integration circuit;
    do not add subgroups to the "Network"

    psr following the published Brian1 code in DB model from Wimmer et al. 2015
    - brain2 code
    - two-compartmental model following Naud & Sprekeler 2018
    - implementation runs in cpp_standalone mode, compatible with SNEP
    from numpy import log as np_log

    # -------------------------------------
    # Sensory circuit parameters
    # -------------------------------------
    # populations
    N_E = task_info['sen']['populations']['N_E']  # total number of E neurons
    sub = task_info['sen']['populations']['sub']  # fraction corresponding to subpops 1,2
    N_E1 = int(N_E * sub)  # size of exc subpops that responds to the stimuli
    N_I = task_info['sen']['populations']['N_I']  # total number of I neurons
    N_X = task_info['sen']['populations']['N_X']  # size of external pop

    # local recurrent connections
    eps = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['eps']  # connection probability for EE, EI, IE and II
    w_p = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['w_p']  # relative synaptic strength within pop E1 and E2
    w_m = 2 - w_p  # relative synaptic strength across pop E1 and E2
    gEEs = task_info['sen']['2c']['gEEs']  # weight of EE synapses, prev: 0.7589*nS
    gEI = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['gEI']  # weight of EI synapses, prev: 1.5179*nS
    gIEs = task_info['sen']['2c']['gIEs']  # weight of IE synapses, prev: 12.6491*nS
    gII = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['gII']  # weight of II synapses
    gmax = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['gmax']  # maximum synaptic weight
    dE = '0.5*ms + rand()*1.0*ms'  # range of transmission delays of E synapses, (0.5:1.5)
    dI = '0.1*ms + rand()*0.8*ms'  # range of transmission delays of I synapses, (0.1:0.9)

    # external connections
    epsX = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['epsX']         # connection probability for ext synapses
    alphaX = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['alphaX']     # 0: global input, 1: local input
    gXEs = task_info['sen']['2c']['gXEs']                   # weight of ext to E synapses of soma
    gXI = task_info['sen']['connectivity']['gXI']           # weight of ext to I synapses
    dX = '0.5*ms + rand()*1.0*ms'  # range of transmission delays of X synapses, (0.5:1.5)

    # neuron model
    CmI = task_info['sen']['neuron']['CmI']  # membrane capacitance of I neurons
    gleakI = task_info['sen']['neuron']['gleakI']  # leak conductance of I neurons
    Vl = task_info['sen']['neuron']['Vl']  # reversal potential
    Vt = task_info['sen']['neuron']['Vt']  # threshold potential
    Vr = task_info['sen']['neuron']['Vr']  # reset potential, only for inh
    tau_refI = task_info['sen']['neuron']['tau_refI']  # absolute refractory period of I neurons
    nu_ext = task_info['sen']['neuron']['nu_ext']  # rate of external Poisson neurons, prev: 12.5*Hz

    # soma
    taus = task_info['sen']['2c']['taus']  # timescale of membrane potential
    Cms = task_info['sen']['2c']['Cms']  # capacitance
    gleakEs = Cms/taus
    tauws = task_info['sen']['2c']['tauws']  # timescale of recovery ("slow") variable
    bws = task_info['sen']['2c']['bws']  # strength of spike-triggered facilitation (bws < 0)
    gCas = task_info['sen']['2c']['gCas']  # strenght of forward calcium spike propagation
    tau_refE = task_info['sen']['2c']['tau_refE']  # refractory period

    # dendrite
    taud = task_info['sen']['2c']['taud']
    Cmd = task_info['sen']['2c']['Cmd']
    gleakEd = Cmd/taud
    tauwd = task_info['sen']['2c']['tauwd']  # timescale of recovery ("slow") variable
    awd = task_info['sen']['2c']['awd']  # stregth of subthreshold facilitations (awd < 0)
    gCad = task_info['sen']['2c']['gCad']  # strength of local regenerative activity
    bpA = task_info['sen']['2c']['bpA']  # strength of backpropagation activity (c variable)
    k1 = task_info['sen']['2c']['k1']  # rectangular kernel for backpropagating activity
    k2 = task_info['sen']['2c']['k2']  # if t in [0.5, 2.0] we'll have backpropagating current
    muOUs = task_info['sen']['2c']['muOUs']    # OU parameters for background noise of soma
    #muOUd = task_info['sen']['2c']['muOUd']    # OU parameters for background noise of dendrites
    sigmaOU = task_info['sen']['2c']['sigmaOU']
    tauOU = task_info['sen']['2c']['tauOU']

    # synapse models
    VrevE = task_info['sen']['synapse']['VrevE']  # reversal potential for E synapses
    VrevI = task_info['sen']['synapse']['VrevI']  # reversal potential for I synapses in inh
    tau_decay = task_info['sen']['synapse']['tau_decay']  # decay constant of AMPA, GABA
    tau_rise = task_info['sen']['synapse']['tau_rise']    # rise constant of AMPA, GABA  for inh
    VrevIsd = task_info['sen']['synapse']['VrevIsd'] # rev potential for I synapses in soma, dend

    # plasticity in dendrites
    eta0 = task_info['sen']['2c']['eta0']
    tauB = task_info['sen']['2c']['tauB']
    targetB = task_info['targetB']
    B0 = tauB*targetB
    tau_update = task_info['sen']['2c']['tau_update']
    eta = eta0 * tau_update / tauB
    validburst = task_info['sen']['2c']['validburst']      # if tau_burst = 4*ms, at 16 ms stopburst = 0.0183
    min_burst_stop = task_info['sen']['2c']['min_burst_stop']   # thus, we will set it at critrefburst = 0.02
    tau_burst = -validburst / np_log(min_burst_stop) * second

    param2c = {'gEE': gEEs, 'gEI': gEI, 'gIE': gIEs, 'gII': gII, 'gmax': gmax, 'gXEs': gXEs, 'gXI': gXI,
               'gleakEs': gleakEs, 'gleakEd': gleakEd, 'gleakI': gleakI, 'Cms': Cms, 'Cmd': Cmd, 'CmI': CmI,
               'Vl': Vl, 'Vt': Vt, 'Vr': Vr, 'VrevE': VrevE, 'VrevIsd': VrevIsd, 'VrevI': VrevI,
               'taus': taus, 'taud': taud, 'tau_refE': tau_refE, 'tau_refI': tau_refI,
               'tau_decay': tau_decay, 'tau_rise': tau_rise, 'tau_ws': tauws, 'tau_wd': tauwd,
               'bws': bws, 'awd': awd, 'gCas': gCas, 'gCad': gCad, 'bpA': bpA, 'k1': k1, 'k2': k2,
               'muOUs': muOUs, 'tauOU': tauOU, 'sigmaOU': sigmaOU,
               'w_p': w_p, 'w_m': w_m, 'sub': sub, 'eps': eps, 'epsX': epsX, 'alphaX': alphaX,
               'eta': eta, 'B0': B0, 'tauB': tauB, 'tau_burst': tau_burst, 'min_burst_stop': min_burst_stop}

    # numerical integration method
    nummethod = task_info['simulation']['nummethod']

    # -------------------------------------
    # Set up model and connections
    # -------------------------------------
    # neuron equations
    eqss = '''
        dV/dt = (-g_ea*(V-VrevE) -g_i*(V-VrevIsd) -(V-Vl))/tau + (gCas/(1+exp(-(V_d/mV + 38)/6)) + w_s + I)/Cm : volt (unless refractory)
        dg_ea/dt = (-g_ea + x_ea) / tau_decay   : 1
        dx_ea/dt  = -x_ea / tau_rise            : 1
        dg_i/dt  = (-g_i + x_i) / tau_decay     : 1
        dx_i/dt  = -x_i / tau_rise              : 1
        dw_s/dt = -w_s / tau_ws                 : amp
        tau = taus      : second
        Cm  = Cms       : farad
        I = Irec(t, i)  : amp
        V_d             : volt (linked)
        B               : 1 (linked)
        burst_start     : 1 (linked)
        burst_stop      : 1 (linked)
        muOUd           : amp (linked)
        # dIbg/dt = (muOUs - Ibg) / tauOU + (sigmaOU * xi) / sqrt(tauOU / 2)  : amp --> they have I_Ext

    eqsd = '''
        dV_d/dt = (-g_ea*(V_d-VrevE) -(V_d-Vl))/tau + (gCad/(1+exp(-(V_d/mV + 38)/6)) + w_d + K + Ibg)/Cm : volt
        dg_ea/dt = (-g_ea + x_ea) / tau_decay          : 1
        dx_ea/dt  = -x_ea / tau_rise                   : 1
        dw_d/dt = (-w_d + awd*(V_d - Vl))/tau_wd       : amp
        dIbg/dt = (muOUd - Ibg) / tauOU + (sigmaOU * xi) / sqrt(tauOU / 2)  : amp
        K = bpA * (((t-lastspike_soma) >= k1) * ((t-lastspike_soma) <= k2))   : amp
        dB/dt = -B / tauB                              : 1
        dburst_start/dt = -burst_start / tau_burst     : 1 (unless refractory)
        dburst_stop/dt = -burst_stop / tau_burst       : 1
        tau = taud      : second
        Cm  = Cmd       : farad
        muOUd           : amp
        lastspike_soma  : second (linked)

    eqsI = '''
        dV/dt = (-g_ea*(V-VrevE) -g_i*(V-VrevI) -(V-Vl))/tau  + I/Cm : volt (unless refractory)
        dg_ea/dt = (-g_ea + x_ea) / tau_decay   : 1
        dx_ea/dt = -x_ea / tau_rise             : 1
        dg_i/dt = (-g_i + x_i) / tau_decay      : 1
        dx_i/dt = -x_i / tau_rise               : 1
        tau = CmI/gleakI    : second
        Cm = CmI            : farad
        I : amp

    # neuron groups
    soma = NeuronGroup(N_E, model=eqss, method=nummethod, threshold='V>=Vt',
                       reset='''V = Vl
                                w_s += bws
                                burst_start += 1
                                burst_stop = 1''',
                       refractory=tau_refE, namespace=param2c, name='soma')
    dend = NeuronGroup(N_E, model=eqsd, method=nummethod, threshold='burst_start > 1 + min_burst_stop',
                       reset='''B += 1
                                burst_start = 0''',
                       refractory='burst_stop >= min_burst_stop',
                       namespace=param2c, name='dend')
    senI = NeuronGroup(N_I, model=eqsI, method=nummethod, threshold='V>=Vt', reset='V=Vr',
                       refractory=tau_refI, namespace=param2c, name='senI')

    # linked variables
    soma.V_d = linked_var(dend, 'V_d')
    soma.B = linked_var(dend, 'B')
    soma.burst_start = linked_var(dend, 'burst_start')
    soma.burst_stop = linked_var(dend, 'burst_stop')
    soma.muOUd = linked_var(dend, 'muOUd')
    dend.lastspike_soma = linked_var(soma, 'lastspike')

    # subgroups
    soma1 = soma[:N_E1]
    dend1 = dend[:N_E1]
    soma2 = soma[N_E1:]
    dend2 = dend[N_E1:]

    # update muOUd with plasticity rule
    dend1.muOUd = '-50*pA - rand()*100*pA'   # random initialisation of weights -50:-150 pA
    dend1.run_regularly('muOUd = clip(muOUd - eta * (B - B0), -100*amp, 0)', dt=tau_update)
    # TODO: check the target vs burst rate convergence
    # TODO: try tau_B = 50,000 sec, but mayb\e this is not the case because you do reach the target

    # synapses
    # weight according the different subgroups
    condsame = '(i<N_pre*sub and j<N_post*sub) or (i>=N_pre*sub and j>=N_post*sub)'
    conddiff = '(i<N_pre*sub and j>=N_post*sub) or (i>=N_pre*sub and j<N_post*sub)'

    # AMPA: exc --> exc
    synSESE = Synapses(soma, soma, model='w : 1', method=nummethod,
                       on_pre='''x_ea += w
                                 w = clip(w, 0, gmax)''',
                       namespace=param2c, name='synSESE')
    synSESE.w[condsame] = 'w_p * gEE/gleakEs * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSESE.w[conddiff] = 'w_m * gEE/gleakEs * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSESE.delay = dE

    # AMPA: exc --> inh
    synSESI = Synapses(soma, senI, model='w : 1', method=nummethod,
                       on_pre='''x_ea += w
                                 w = clip(w, 0, gmax)''',
                       namespace=param2c, name='synSESI')
    synSESI.w = 'gEI/gleakI * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSESI.delay = dE

    # GABA: inh --> exc
    synSISE = Synapses(senI, soma, model='w : 1', method=nummethod,
                       on_pre='''x_i += w
                                 w = clip(w, 0, gmax)''',
                       namespace=param2c, name='synSISE')
    synSISE.w = 'gIE/gleakEs * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSISE.delay = dI

    # GABA: inh --> inh
    synSISI = Synapses(senI, senI, model='w : 1', method=nummethod,
                       on_pre='''x_i += w
                                 w = clip(w, 0, gmax)''',
                       namespace=param2c, name='synSISI')
    synSISI.w = 'gII/gleakI * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSISI.delay = dI

    # external inputs and synapses
    extS = PoissonGroup(N_X, rates=nu_ext)

    synSXSEs = Synapses(extS, soma, model='w : 1', method=nummethod,
                       on_pre='''x_ea += w
                                 w = clip(w, 0, gmax)''',
                       namespace=param2c, name='synSXSEs')
    synSXSEs.connect(condition=condsame, p='epsX * (1 + alphaX)')
    synSXSEs.connect(condition=conddiff, p='epsX * (1 - alphaX)')
    synSXSEs.w = 'gXEs/gleakEs * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSXSEs.delay = dX

    synSXSI = Synapses(extS, senI, model='w : 1', method=nummethod,
                       on_pre='''x_ea += w
                                 w = clip(w, 0, gmax)''',
                       namespace=param2c, name='synSXSI')
    synSXSI.w = 'gXI/gleakI * (1 + randn()*0.5)'
    synSXSI.delay = dX

    # external inputs to dendrites mimicking decision circuit
    subDE = 240
    rateDE = 40*Hz   # TODO: lower rate --> 40 or 30
    d = 1*ms
    wDS = 0.06
    XDE = PoissonGroup(subDE, rates=rateDE)

    synXDEdend = Synapses(XDE, dend1, model='w : 1', method=nummethod, delay=d,
                          on_pre='x_ea += w',
                          namespace=param2c, name='synXDEdend')
    synXDEdend.w = 'wDS'

    # variables to return
    groups = {'soma': soma, 'dend': dend, 'SI': senI, 'SX': extS, 'XDE': XDE}
    subgroups = {'soma1': soma1, 'soma2': soma2,
                 'dend1': dend1, 'dend2': dend2}
    synapses = {'synSESE': synSESE, 'synSESI': synSESI,
                'synSISE': synSISE, 'synSISI': synSISI,
                'synSXSI': synSXSI, 'synSXSEs': synSXSEs,
                'synXDEdend': synXDEdend}

    return groups, synapses, subgroups
예제 #12
def chi_logpdf(x, df):
    tmp = (df-1.)*np_log(x) + (-x*x*0.5) - (df*0.5-1)*np_log(2.0) \
          - sps_gammaln(df*0.5)
    return tmp
예제 #13
def chi_logpdf(x, df):
    tmp = (df-1.)*np_log(x) + (-x*x*0.5) - (df*0.5-1)*np_log(2.0) \
          - sps_gammaln(df*0.5)
    return tmp
예제 #14
def kl_div(P, Q):
    # optimized KLD
    kld = np_sum(_p * np_log(_p / _q) for _p, _q in zip(P, Q) if _p != 0)
    return kld if kld != np.inf else 0.
예제 #15
def log_(n, base=3):
    return np_log(n) / np_log(base)
예제 #16
 def logarithmize(self):
     result_df = np_log(self._df)
     return Curve("", self._df.X, result_df.Y)