예제 #1
def aggregate_vector_quantities(v_fine, fine_bds, coarse_bds, pyramid ):
    '''Aggregates an age-structured contact matrice to return the corresponding
    transmission matrix under a finer age structure.'''

    aggregator=make_aggregator(coarse_bds, fine_bds)

    # The Prem et al. estimates cut off at 80, so we all >75 year olds into one
    # class for consistency with these estimates:
    pyramid[len(fine_bds) - 1] = sum(pyramid[len(fine_bds)-1:])
    pyramid = pyramid[:len(fine_bds) - 1]
    # Normalise to give proportions
    pyramid = pyramid/nsum(pyramid)

    # sparse matrix defines here just splits pyramid into rows corresponding to
    # coarse boundaries, then summing each row gives aggregated pyramid
    row_cols = (aggregator, arange(len(aggregator)))
        sparse((pyramid, row_cols)),

    rel_weights = pyramid / agg_pop_pyramid[aggregator]

    # Now define contact matrix with age classes from Li et al data
    pop_weight_matrix = sparse((rel_weights, row_cols))

    return pop_weight_matrix * v_fine
예제 #2
    def test_mst_matrix_as_array(self):
        # Verifies MST matrix func returns array with dict/trees in each cell
        for i in self.ifgs[3:]:
            i.phase_data[0, 1] = 0  # partial stack of NODATA to one cell

        for i in self.ifgs:
            i.convert_to_nans()  # zeros to NaN/NODATA

        epochs = algorithm.get_epochs(self.ifgs)[0]
        res = mst._mst_matrix_as_array(self.ifgs)
        ys, xs = res.shape

        for y, x in product(range(ys), range(xs)):
            r = res[y, x]
            num_nodes = len(r)
            self.assertTrue(num_nodes < len(epochs.dates))

            stack = array([i.phase_data[y, x]
                           for i in self.ifgs])  # 17 ifg stack
                0 == nsum(stack == 0))  # all 0s should be converted
            nc = nsum(isnan(stack))
            exp_count = len(epochs.dates) - 1

            if nc == 0:
                self.assertEqual(num_nodes, exp_count)
            elif nc > 5:
                # rough test: too many nans must reduce the total tree size
                self.assertTrue(num_nodes <= (17 - nc))
예제 #3
    def grow(self):
        """Grow the population to carrying capacity
        The final population size is determined based on the proportion of
        producers present. This population is determined by drawing from a
        multinomial with the probability of each genotype proportional to its
        abundance times its fitness.

        if self.is_empty():

        if not self.diluted:

        landscape = self.metapopulation.fitness_landscape

        final_size = self.capacity_min + \
                (self.capacity_max - self.capacity_min) * \

        grow_probs = self.abundances * (landscape/nsum(landscape))

        if nsum(grow_probs) > 0:
            norm_grow_probs = grow_probs/nsum(grow_probs)
            self.abundances = multinomial(final_size, norm_grow_probs, 1)[0]
예제 #4
def get_pos_norm(pos):
    """ Translate positions so that centroid is in the origin and return mean
    norm of the translated positions. """
    pos = Positions.create(pos)
    assert (len(pos) == 1)
    n = len(pos[0])
    p = zeros((n, 2))
    for i, node in enumerate(pos[0]):
        p[i, :] = pos[0][node][:2]
    centroid = p.sum(axis=0) / n
    p -= tile(centroid, (n, 1))
    p_norm = nsum(sqrt(nsum(square(p), axis=1))) / n
    return p_norm
예제 #5
파일: helpers.py 프로젝트: vbeljan/pymote
def get_pos_norm(pos):
    """ Translate positions so that centroid is in the origin and return mean
    norm of the translated positions. """
    pos = Positions.create(pos)
    assert(len(pos) == 1)
    n = len(pos[0])
    p = zeros((n, 2))
    for i, node in enumerate(pos[0]):
        p[i, :] = pos[0][node]
    centroid = p.sum(axis=0)/n
    p -= tile(centroid, (n, 1))
    p_norm = nsum(sqrt(nsum(square(p), axis=1)))/n
    return p_norm
예제 #6
파일: lu.py 프로젝트: vishalbelsare/fastats
def lu_inplace(A, L, U):
    LU Decomposition

    Takes a square `numpy.array` A and decomposes
    it into the lower and upper matrices `L` and `U`.

    This scales as O(n^3).

    This is a special variant that takes the `L` and `U`
    arrays pre-initialised to zero. If you're iterating
    over a lot of matrices, this can save you from
    allocating new `L` and `U` matrices on each
    iteration. From profiling, this saves ~10-20%
    of the runtime for small matrices.

    This is the example from wikipedia:

    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> A = np.array([[4, 3], [6, 3]], dtype=np.float32)
    >>> L, U = np.zeros_like(A), np.zeros_like(A)
    >>> lu_inplace(A, L, U)
    >>> L
    array([[ 1. , -0. ],
           [ 1.5,  1. ]], dtype=float32)
    >>> U
    array([[ 4. ,  3. ],
           [ 0. , -1.5]], dtype=float32)
    assert A.shape[0] == A.shape[1]
    assert L.shape[0] == L.shape[1] == A.shape[0]
    assert U.shape[0] == U.shape[1] == A.shape[0]

    size = len(A)

    for i in range(size):
        for k in range(size):
            total = nsum(L[i, 0:i] * U[0:i, k])
            U[i, k] = A[i, k] - total

        for k in range(size):
            if i == k:
                L[i, i] = 1.0
                total = nsum(L[k, 0:i] * U[0:i, i])
                L[k, i] = (A[k, i] - total) / U[i, i]
예제 #7
def sig_q_e( e ):
    ''' Summation / integration  over the random domain '''
    q_e_grid = q( e, Theta_la[:, None, None, None, None], Theta_xi[None, :, None, None, None],
                   Theta_E[None, None, :, None, None], Theta_th[None, None, None, :, None],
                   Theta_A[None, None, None, None, :] )
    q_dG_grid = q_e_grid ** 2 * dG_grid
    return sqrt( nsum( q_dG_grid ) - mu_q_e( e ) ** 2 )
예제 #8
def mu_q_e( e ):
    ''' Summation / integration  over the random domain '''
    q_e_grid = q( e, Theta_la[:, None, None, None, None], Theta_xi[None, :, None, None, None],
                   Theta_E[None, None, :, None, None], Theta_th[None, None, None, :, None],
                   Theta_A[None, None, None, None, :] )
    q_dG_grid = q_e_grid * dG_grid # element by element product of two (m,m) arrays
    return nsum( q_dG_grid ) # nsum has been imported at line 3 from numpy 
예제 #9
def sig_q_e_LHS( e ):
    ''' Summation / integration  over the random domain '''
    q_e_grid = q( e, T_la[:, None, None, None, None], T_xi[None, :, None, None, None],
                   T_E[None, None, :, None, None], T_th[None, None, None, :, None],
                   T_A[None, None, None, None, :] )
    q_dG_grid = q_e_grid ** 2 / n_int ** n_k
    return sqrt( nsum( q_dG_grid ) - mu_q_e_LHS( e ) ** 2 )
예제 #10
 def update(self, Y, S, YY=None):
     mur.update(Y, S, YY=None)
     Y: data_dim x data_len
     S: n_states x data_len
     prior: NormalWishart
     post: NormalWishart
     sum_S = nsum(S, 1)
     # --- beta
     beta_h = self.prior.beta + sum_S
     # --- nu
     nu_h = self.prior.nu + sum_S
     # --- mu
     sum_SY = einsum('kt,dt->dk', S, Y)
     beta_m = einsum('k,dk->dk', self.prior.beta, self.prior.mu)
     mu_h = einsum('dk,k->dk', sum_SY + beta_m, 1.0 / beta_h)
     # --- W
     if YY is None:
         sum_SYY = einsum('kt,dt,et->dek', S, Y, Y)
         sum_SYY = einsum('kt,det->dek', S, YY)
     bmm = einsum('dk,ek->dek', beta_m, self.prior.mu)
     bmmh = einsum('k,dk,ek->dek', beta_h, mu_h, mu_h)
     inv_W_h = sum_SYY + bmm - bmmh + self.prior.inv_W
     self.post.set_params(beta=beta_h, nu=nu_h, mu=mu_h, inv_W=inv_W_h)
예제 #11
    def __init__(self, spec):
        self.spec = deepcopy(spec)
        self.trange = arange(0, spec['final_time'], spec['h'])

        self.prev = zeros_like(self.trange)
        self.pdi = zeros_like(self.trange)  # Person-days in isolation

        self.rep = 1.0 / spec['latent_period']
        self.rpi = 1.0 / spec['prodrome_period']
        self.rir = 1.0 / spec['infectious_period']
        self.beta_p = spec['RGp'] / spec['prodrome_period']
        self.beta_i = spec['RGi'] / spec['infectious_period']
        self.tau_p = (
            spec['SAPp'] * self.rpi * (2.0**self.spec['eta'])) \
            / (1.0 - spec['SAPp'])
        self.tau_i = (
            spec['SAPi'] * self.rir * (2.0**spec['eta'])) \
            / (1.0 - self.spec['SAPi'])

        self.weights = array(spec['pages']) / nsum(spec['pages'])
        self.nmax = len(self.weights)
        self.nbar = self.weights @ arange(1, self.nmax + 1)
        self.prav = zeros(
            self.nmax)  # Probability of avoiding by household size


        if 'doubling_time' in spec:
예제 #12
def _resample(data, xscale, yscale, thresh):
    Resamples/averages 'data' to return an array from the averaging of blocks
    of several tiles in 'data'. NB: Assumes incoherent cells are NaNs.

    :param data: source array to resample to different size
    :param xscale: number of cells to average along X axis
    :param yscale: number of Y axis cells to average
    :param thresh: minimum allowable
        proportion of NaN cells (range from 0.0-1.0), eg. 0.25 = 1/4 or
        more as NaNs results in a NaN value for the output cell.
    # TODO: make more efficient
    if thresh < 0 or thresh > 1:
        raise ValueError("threshold must be >= 0 and <= 1")

    xscale = int(xscale)
    yscale = int(yscale)
    ysize, xsize = data.shape
    xres, yres = int(xsize / xscale), int(ysize / yscale)
    dest = zeros((yres, xres), dtype=float32) * nan
    tile_cell_count = xscale * yscale

    # calc mean without nans (fractional threshold ignores tiles
    # with excess NaNs)
    for x in range(xres):
        for y in range(yres):
            tile = data[y * yscale:(y + 1) * yscale,
                        x * xscale:(x + 1) * xscale]
            nan_fraction = nsum(isnan(tile)) / float(tile_cell_count)
            if nan_fraction < thresh or (nan_fraction == 0 and thresh == 0):
                dest[y, x] = nanmean(tile)
    return dest
예제 #13
def calc_r2(y_hat, y):

        y_mean = y.mean()
            y_form = []
            for i in range(len(y)):
            y_mean = sum(y_form)/len(y_form)
            raise ValueError('Check input data format.')

    s_res = nsum(square(_get_diff(y_hat, y)))
    s_tot = nsum(square(_get_diff(y, y_mean)))
    return(1 - (s_res / s_tot))
예제 #14
파일: moc.py 프로젝트: davianlou/pyfd
    def RHS(
        self, N, t
        dNdt = zeros_like(N)

        if self.gamma is not None and self.betadxi is not None:
            # Death breakup term
            dNdt[1:] -= N[1:] * self.gamma[1:]
            dNdt[:-1] += self.nu * dot(
                self.betadxi[:-1, 1:], N[1:] * self.gamma[1:])

        if self.Q is not None:
            Cd = zeros_like(dNdt)
            for i in arange(self.number_of_classes / 2):
                ind = slice(i, self.number_of_classes - i - 1)
                Cb = self.Q[i, ind] * N[i] * N[ind]
                Cd[i] += nsum(Cb)
                Cd[(i + 1):(self.number_of_classes - i - 1)] += Cb[1:]
                Cb[0] = 0.5 * Cb[0]
                dNdt[(2 * i + 1):] += Cb

            dNdt -= Cd
        if self.theta is not None:
            dNdt += (self.n0 * self.A0 - N / self.theta)

        # print('Time = {0:g}'.format(t))
        return dNdt
예제 #15
def _ref_pixel_multi(g, half_patch_size, phase_data_or_ifg_paths,
                    thresh, params):
    Convenience function for ref pixel optimisation
    # pylint: disable=invalid-name
    # phase_data_or_ifg is list of ifgs
    y, x, = g
    if isinstance(phase_data_or_ifg_paths[0], str):
        # this consumes a lot less memory
        # one ifg.phase_data in memory at any time
        data = []
        output_dir = params[C.TMPDIR]
        for p in phase_data_or_ifg_paths:
            data_file = os.path.join(output_dir,
                                         y=y, x=x))
    else:  # phase_data_or_ifg is phase_data list
        data = [p[y - half_patch_size:y + half_patch_size + 1,
                  x - half_patch_size:x + half_patch_size + 1]
                for p in phase_data_or_ifg_paths]
    valid = [nsum(~isnan(d)) > thresh for d in data]
    if all(valid):  # ignore if 1+ ifgs have too many incoherent cells
        sd = [std(i[~isnan(i)]) for i in data]
        return mean(sd)
        return np.nan
예제 #16
 def __init__(self, hamiltonian, beta, mu, verbose = False):
     self.mu = mu
     CanonicalEnsemble.__init__(self, hamiltonian, beta, verbose)
     c = AnnihilationOperator(self.singleParticleBasis)
     muMatrix = mu * nsum([c[orb].H.dot(c[orb]) for orb in self.orderedSingleParticleStates], axis = 0)
     self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix - muMatrix
     self.filling = None
예제 #17
 def cosmic_count(self, data, la=True):
     if la:
         _, cos = self.lacosmic(data)
         _, cos = self.mecosmic(data)
예제 #18
def getGain(new, old, penalty=3):
	old = deepcopy(old)
	for item in new:
		old[arange(old.shape[0]), item] -= 1
	m = sum(old[0,:])/old.shape[1]
	old = old - m
	old == old**penalty
예제 #19
def getCorPerformance(scores, cutoff = 0.7):
	scores = pd.DataFrame(scores)
	cors = abs(scores.corr(method="spearman"))
	highs = sum(nsum(cors > cutoff))
	tiebreaker = nanmedian(cors[cors > cutoff])
	return([highs, tiebreaker])
예제 #20
파일: blocks.py 프로젝트: MHarland/EasyED
 def __init__(self, blocksizes, all_real = True):
     Blocks.__init__(self, blocksizes)
     for size in blocksizes:
         if all_real:
             self.datablocks.append(asmatrix(zeros([size, size])))
             self.datablocks.append(asmatrix(zeros([size, size], dtype=complex)))
     self.shape = [nsum(blocksizes)]*2
예제 #21
def getDisbalance(new, old, penalty=3, mod=1):
    old = deepcopy(old)
    for item in new:
        old[arange(old.shape[0]), item] += 1 * mod
    m = sum(old[0, :]) / old.shape[1]
    old = old - m
    old == old**penalty
    return (nsum(old))
예제 #22
파일: stencil.py 프로젝트: rkavenaghi/MECOM
def num_diff(fx, h, t=1, O=8):

    F = Stencil_points(O + 1, h, t)
    B = F * (-1)**t

    xf = fx[::-1][0:2 * O]

    FN = [f * fx[i:-O + i] for i, f in enumerate(F)]
    BN = [b * xf[i:-O + i] for i, b in enumerate(B)]

    FN[-1] = F[-1] * fx[O:]
    BN[-1] = B[-1] * xf[O:]

    BN = nsum(BN, axis=0)
    FN = nsum(FN, axis=0)

    return r_[FN, BN[::-1]] / h**t
예제 #23
def mst_matrix_networkx(ifgs):
    Generates MST network for a single pixel for the given ifgs using
    NetworkX-package algorithms.

    :param list ifgs: Sequence of interferogram objects

    :return: y: pixel y coordinate
    :rtype: int
    :return: x: pixel x coordinate
    :rtype: int
    :return: mst: list of tuples for edges in the minimum spanning tree
    :rtype: list
    # make default MST to optimise result when no Ifg cells in a stack are nans
    edges_with_weights = [(i.master, i.slave, i.nan_fraction) for i in ifgs]
    edges, g_nx = _minimum_spanning_edges_from_mst(edges_with_weights)
    # TODO: memory efficiencies can be achieved here with tiling

    list_of_phase_data = [i.phase_data for i in ifgs]
    log.debug("list_of_phase_data length: " + str(len(list_of_phase_data)))
    for row in list_of_phase_data:
        log.debug("row length in list_of_phase_data: " + str(len(row)))
        log.debug("row in list_of_phase_data: " + str(row))
    data_stack = array(list_of_phase_data, dtype=float32)

    # create MSTs for each pixel in the ifg data stack
    nifgs = len(ifgs)

    for y, x in product(range(ifgs[0].nrows), range(ifgs[0].ncols)):
        values = data_stack[:, y,
                            x]  # vertical stack of ifg values for a pixel
        nan_count = nsum(isnan(values))

        # optimisations: use pre-created results for all nans/no nans
        if nan_count == 0:
            yield y, x, edges
        elif nan_count == nifgs:
            yield y, x, nan

        # dynamically modify graph to reuse a single graph: this should avoid
        # repeatedly creating new graph objs & reduce RAM use
        ebunch_add = []
        ebunch_delete = []
        for value, edge in zip(values, edges_with_weights):
            if not isnan(value):
                if not g_nx.has_edge(edge[0], edge[1]):
                if g_nx.has_edge(edge[0], edge[1]):
        if ebunch_add:
        if ebunch_delete:
        yield y, x, nx.minimum_spanning_tree(g_nx).edges()
예제 #24
파일: rmt.py 프로젝트: asriniva/protein-rmt
def clean_correlation_matrix(evals, evecs, max_eig, phylogeny=True):
    """ Cleans the correlation matrix of noise, and provides an option to remove the largest eigenvector to clean the matrix of phylogeny.

    evals -- Eigenvalues of correlation matrix.
    evecs -- Eigenvectors of correlation matrix.
    max_eig -- Theoretical random maximum eigenvalue. We ignore anything below the minimum eigenvalue.
    return real(nsum((x*outer(y,y) for x,y in zip(evals, evecs))))
예제 #25
 def Bv_cartesian(self):
     from numpy import sum as nsum, array
     if self.coordsys[0].upper() != 'C':
         return [
             nsum([B[i] * self.lattice[i] * self.latpar for i in [0, 1, 2]],
                  axis=0) for B in self.basis
         return self.basis
예제 #26
 def contract_end(self):
     #sums over one leg of ADT/mps as indicated in figures by contraction with a 1 leg semi circle
     #first sum over south and east legs of end site then dot in to second last site and make
     #3d again by giving 1d dummy index wth expand_dims
         dot(self.sites[-2].m, nsum(self.sites[-1].m, (0, 2))), -1))
     #delete the useless end site and change N_sites accordingly
     del self.sites[-1]
     self.N_sites = self.N_sites - 1
예제 #27
파일: EM.py 프로젝트: sapphire008/Python
 def likelihood_func_deriv(theta, N, X, B, z_A, z_B, mutation):
     # derivative of the likelihood of the function for theta
     p_A, p_B, f_A, f_B = p_read(theta, N, X, B, mutation)
     p_A_deriv = B * (1.0-B) * ((1-theta+B*theta) **(-2.0))
     p_B_deriv = ((1.0-B*theta) * (-B) - (B-B*theta) * (-B))/ ((1.0-B*theta)**2)
     f_A_deriv = nchoosek(N,X) * X *(p_A_deriv) * ((1.0-p_A)**(N-X)) + nchoosek(N,X) * (p_A**X) * (N-X) * (-p_A_deriv)
     f_B_deriv = nchoosek(N,X) * X *(p_B_deriv) * ((1.0-p_B)**(N-X)) + nchoosek(N,X) * (p_B**X) * (N-X) * (-p_B_deriv)
     l_deriv = -1.0*nsum(1.0/(z_A*f_A + z_B*f_B) * (z_A * f_A_deriv + z_B * f_B_deriv))
     return l_deriv
예제 #28
 def getFockspaceNr(self, occupationOfSingleParticleStates = None, singleParticleStateNr = None, singleParticleState = None):
     """Fock state number."""
     if occupationOfSingleParticleStates != None:
         return nsum([int(occ)*2**i for i, occ in enumerate(occupationOfSingleParticleStates)])
     elif singleParticleStateNr != None:
         return 2**singleParticleStateNr
     elif singleParticleState != None:
         return 2**self.getSingleParticleStateNr(*singleParticleState)
         assert False, 'Need parameter.'
예제 #29
def setHubbardMatrix(t, u, spins, orbitals, siteSpaceTransformation = None): # TODO rm siteSTrafo
    spins = range(len(spins))
    c = AnnihilationOperator([spins, orbitals])
    no = len(orbitals)
    ns = len(spins)
    spininds = range(len(spins))
    uMatrix = zeros([no,no,no,no,ns,ns])
    for i, j, k, l, s1, s2 in product(orbitals,orbitals,orbitals,orbitals,spins,spins):
        if i == k and j == l and i == j and s1 != s2:
            uMatrix[i, j, k, l, s1, s2] = u * .5
    if siteSpaceTransformation != None:
        p = array(siteSpaceTransformation)
        t = p.transpose().dot(t).dot(p)
        temp = uMatrix.copy()
        for i, j, k, l, s1, s2 in product(orbitals,orbitals,orbitals,orbitals,spins,spins):
            uMatrix[i,j,k,l,s1,s2] = nsum([p[i,m] * p[j,n] * temp[m,n,o,q,s1,s2] * p.transpose()[o,l] * p.transpose()[q,k] for m,n,o,q in product(orbitals,orbitals,orbitals,orbitals)], axis = 0)
    ht = [t[i,j] * c[s,i].H.dot(c[s,j]) for s in spins for i,j in product(orbitals, orbitals) if t[i,j] != 0]
    hu = [uMatrix[i, j, k, l, s1, s2] * c[s1,i].H.dot(c[s2, j].H).dot(c[s2, l]).dot(c[s1, k]) for i,j,k,l in product(orbitals, orbitals, orbitals, orbitals) for s1, s2 in product(spins, spins) if s1 != s2 and uMatrix[i, j, k, l, s1, s2] != 0]
    return nsum(ht + hu, axis = 0)
예제 #30
        def combine(self, files, combine_method):
            """Combines (median, average, sum) given files"""
            self.logger.info("Combine for {} files with {} methdo".format(
                len(files), combine_method))
                if combine_method == "median":
                    if len(files) > 2:
                        arrays = []
                        for file in files:
                            data = self.data(file)
                            if data is not None:

                        arrays = ar(arrays)
                        medi = nmed(arrays, axis=0)
                        return medi

                        raise Exception('No enough file for median method')

                elif combine_method == "average":
                    if len(files) > 1:
                        arrays = []
                        for file in files:
                            data = self.data(file)
                            if data is not None:

                        arrays = ar(arrays)
                        mean = nmea(arrays, axis=0)
                        return mean

                        raise Exception('No enough file for average method')

                elif combine_method == "sum":
                    if len(files) > 1:
                        arrays = []
                        for file in files:
                            data = self.data(file)
                            if data is not None:

                        arrays = ar(arrays)
                        ssum = nsum(arrays, axis=0)
                        return ssum

                        raise Exception('No enough file for sum method')
                    raise Exception('Unknown method')

            except Exception as e:
                return False
예제 #31
 def setMu(self, mu):
     c = AnnihilationOperator(self.singleParticleBasis)
     nMatrix = nsum([c[orb].H.dot(c[orb]) for orb in self.orderedSingleParticleStates], axis = 0)
     self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix + self.mu * nMatrix
     self.mu = mu
     self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix - mu * nMatrix
     self.energyEigenvalues = None
     self.energyEigenstates = None
     self.partitionFunction = None
     self.occupation = dict()
     report('Chemical potential set to '+str(mu), self.verbose)
예제 #32
 def __getitem__(self, spState):
     """The single particle state is given by a tuple of quantum numbers. Returns scipy.sparse.coo_matrix"""
     instates = list()
     outstates = list()
     spStateOR = self.getOccupationRep(singleParticleState = spState)
     for fockStateNr in range(self.fockspaceSize):
         instateOR = self.getOccupationRep(fockStateNr)
         if instateOR[self.orderedSingleParticleStates.index(spState)] == '1':
             outstates.append(self.getFockspaceNr(annihilateOccRep(spStateOR, instateOR)))
     signs = [(-1)**nsum([1 for k in range(self.getSingleParticleStateNr(*spState)) if self.getOccupationRep(fockstateNr)[k] == '1']) for fockstateNr in instates]
     return coo_matrix((signs, (outstates, instates)), [self.fockspaceSize]*2)
예제 #33
def Point(R, ANG, h, frames):

    R = [
        r * ones((frames)) if isinstance(r, float) or isinstance(r, int) else r
        for r in R

    position = nsum([r * exp(1j * ang) for r, ang in zip(R, ANG)], axis=0)
    velocity = stencil.num_diff(position, h, 1)
    aceleration = stencil.num_diff(position, h, 2)

    return position, velocity, aceleration
예제 #34
파일: moc.py 프로젝트: davianlou/pyfd
    def __init__(
            self, number_of_classes, t, dxi, N0=None, xi0=None,
            beta=None, gamma=None, Q=None,
            theta=None, n0=None, A0=None):
        self.number_of_classes = number_of_classes
        if xi0 is None:
            self.xi0 = dxi
            self.xi0 = xi0
        self.n0 = n0
        self.theta = theta
        # Uniform grid
        self.xi = self.xi0 + dxi * arange(self.number_of_classes)
        if N0 is None:
            N0 = zeros_like(self.xi)
            N0 = array([
                quad(N0, self.xi[i] - dxi / 2., self.xi[i] + dxi / 2.)[0]
                for i in range(number_of_classes)])

        self.nu = 2.0  # Binary breakup
        # Kernels setup
        if gamma is not None:
            self.gamma = gamma(self.xi)
            self.betadxi = zeros(
                (self.number_of_classes, self.number_of_classes))
            for i in range(1, len(self.xi)):
                for j in range(i):
                    self.betadxi[j, i] = beta(self.xi[j], self.xi[i])
                self.betadxi[:, i] =\
                    self.betadxi[:, i] / nsum(self.betadxi[:, i])

            self.gamma = None
            self.betadxi = None

        if Q is not None:
            self.Q = zeros((self.number_of_classes, self.number_of_classes))
            for i in range(len(self.xi)):
                for j in range(len(self.xi)):
                    self.Q[i, j] = Q(self.xi[i], self.xi[j])  #
            self.Q = None

        if A0 is None:
            self.A0 = None
            self.A0 = array([
                quad(A0, self.xi[i] - dxi / 2., self.xi[i] + dxi / 2.)[0]
                for i in range(number_of_classes)])
        # Solve procedure
        self.N = odeint(lambda NN, t: self.RHS(NN, t), N0, t)
예제 #35
def lehmannSumDynamic(elementProducts, energyDifferences, partitionFunction, mesh, zeroFrequencyTerms, imaginaryOffset, nominatorCoefficients):
    if type(imaginaryOffset) != list:
        imaginaryOffset = [imaginaryOffset]*2
    result = dict()
    for statePair, nominators, denominators in zip(elementProducts.keys(), elementProducts.values(), energyDifferences.values()):
        data_p = list()
        for w in scatter_list(mesh):
            terms = [coeff * nom/(w + denom + complex(0, offset)) for noms, denom in zip(nominators, denominators) for nom, coeff, offset in zip(noms, nominatorCoefficients, imaginaryOffset)]
            if len(zeroFrequencyTerms.values()) > 0 and w == 0:
                terms += zeroFrequencyTerms[statePair]
        result.update({statePair: array(allgather_list(data_p))})
    return result
예제 #36
    def test_mst_matrix_as_ifgs(self):
        # ensure only ifgs are returned, not individual MST graphs
        ifgs = small5_mock_ifgs()
        nifgs = len(ifgs)
        ys, xs = ifgs[0].shape
        result = mst._mst_matrix_ifgs_only(ifgs)

        for coord in product(range(ys), range(xs)):
            stack = (i.phase_data[coord] for i in self.ifgs)
            nc = nsum([isnan(n) for n in stack])
            self.assertTrue(len(result[coord]) <= (nifgs - nc))

            # HACK: type testing here is a bit grubby
            self.assertTrue(all([isinstance(i, MockIfg) for i in ifgs]))
예제 #37
def do_pcoa(dists):
    'It does a Principal Coordinate Analysis on a distance matrix'
    # the code for this function is taken from pycogent metric_scaling.py
    # Principles of Multivariate analysis: A User's Perspective.
    # W.J. Krzanowski Oxford University Press, 2000. p106.

    dists = squareform(dists)

    e_matrix = (dists * dists) / -2.0
    f_matrix = _make_f_matrix(e_matrix)

    eigvals, eigvecs = eigh(f_matrix)
    eigvecs = eigvecs.transpose()
    # drop imaginary component, if we got one
    eigvals, eigvecs = eigvals.real, eigvecs.real

    # convert eigvals and eigvecs to point matrix
    # normalized eigenvectors with eigenvalues

    # get the coordinates of the n points on the jth axis of the Euclidean
    # representation as the elements of (sqrt(eigvalj))eigvecj
    # must take the absolute value of the eigvals since they can be negative
    pca_matrix = eigvecs * sqrt(abs(eigvals))[:, newaxis]

    # output
    # get order to output eigenvectors values. reports the eigvecs according
    # to their cooresponding eigvals from greatest to least
    vector_order = list(argsort(eigvals))

    eigvals = eigvals[vector_order]

    # eigenvalues
    pcnts = (eigvals / nsum(eigvals)) * 100.0

    # the outputs
    # eigenvectors in the original pycogent implementation, here we name them
    # princoords
    # I think that we're doing: if the eigenvectors are written as columns,
    # the rows of the resulting table are the coordinates of the objects in
    # PCO space
    projections = []
    for name_i in range(dists.shape[0]):
        eigvect = [pca_matrix[vec_i, name_i] for vec_i in vector_order]
    projections = array(projections)

    return {'projections': projections,
            'var_percentages': pcnts}
예제 #38
파일: EM.py 프로젝트: jonathanglima/Python
 def likelihood_func_deriv(theta, N, X, B, z_A, z_B, mutation):
     # derivative of the likelihood of the function for theta
     p_A, p_B, f_A, f_B = p_read(theta, N, X, B, mutation)
     p_A_deriv = B * (1.0 - B) * ((1 - theta + B * theta)**(-2.0))
     p_B_deriv = ((1.0 - B * theta) * (-B) - (B - B * theta) *
                  (-B)) / ((1.0 - B * theta)**2)
     f_A_deriv = nchoosek(N, X) * X * (p_A_deriv) * (
         (1.0 - p_A)**
         (N - X)) + nchoosek(N, X) * (p_A**X) * (N - X) * (-p_A_deriv)
     f_B_deriv = nchoosek(N, X) * X * (p_B_deriv) * (
         (1.0 - p_B)**
         (N - X)) + nchoosek(N, X) * (p_B**X) * (N - X) * (-p_B_deriv)
     l_deriv = -1.0 * nsum(1.0 / (z_A * f_A + z_B * f_B) *
                           (z_A * f_A_deriv + z_B * f_B_deriv))
     return l_deriv
예제 #39
 def update(self, dict_in):
     Expects a single value or array. If array, store the whole vector and stop.
     if self.data == []:
         self.x_f = np.ravel(self.fmetrics.x_f, order='F')
         self.x_f_shape = self.fmetrics.x_f.shape
     x_n_f = dict_in['x_n']
     if x_n_f.shape != self.x_f.shape:
         x_n_f = crop_center(x_n_f, self.x_f_shape)
     x_n_f = np.ravel(fftn(x_n_f), order='F')
     d_e_bar = self.x_f - x_n_f
     d_e_bar = conj(d_e_bar) * d_e_bar
     e_bar = conj(self.x_f) * self.x_f
     G = [
         nsum(np.take(e_bar, self.fmetrics.s_indices[k]))
         for k in xrange(self.fmetrics.K)
     value = tuple(np.real([(G[k] - nsum(np.take(d_e_bar,self.fmetrics.s_indices[k])))/G[k] \
                    for k in arange(self.fmetrics.K)]))
     super(RER, self).update()
예제 #40
파일: shared.py 프로젝트: wzmucas/PyRate
 def nan_fraction(self):
     Returns decimal fraction of NaN cells in the phase band.
     if (self._nodata_value is None) or (self.dataset is None):
         msg = 'nodata_value needs to be set for nan fraction calc.' \
               'Use ifg.nondata = NoDataValue to set nodata'
         raise RasterException(msg)
     # don't cache nan_count as client code may modify phase data
     nan_count = self.nan_count
     # handle datasets with no 0 -> NaN replacement
     if not self.nan_converted and (nan_count == 0):
         nan_count = nsum(np.isclose(self.phase_data,
                                     self._nodata_value, atol=1e-6))
     return nan_count / float(self.num_cells)
예제 #41
def mst_matrix_networkx(ifgs):
    Generates/emits MST trees on a pixel-by-pixel basis for the given interferograms.
    :param ifgs: Sequence of interferogram objects
    :return xxxxx

    # make default MST to optimise result when no Ifg cells in a stack are nans
    edges_with_weights = [(i.master, i.slave, i.nan_fraction) for i in ifgs]
    edges, g_nx = minimum_spanning_edges_from_mst(edges_with_weights)

    # TODO: memory efficiencies can be achieved here with tiling
    data_stack = array([i.phase_data for i in ifgs], dtype=float32)

    # create MSTs for each pixel in the ifg data stack
    nifgs = len(ifgs)

    for y, x in product(range(ifgs[0].nrows), range(ifgs[0].ncols)):
        values = data_stack[:, y,
                            x]  # vertical stack of ifg values for a pixel
        nan_count = nsum(isnan(values))

        # optimisations: use pre-created results for all nans/no nans
        if nan_count == 0:
            yield y, x, edges
        elif nan_count == nifgs:
            yield y, x, nan

        # dynamically modify graph to reuse a single graph: this should avoid
        # repeatedly creating new graph objs & reduce RAM use
        ebunch_add = []
        ebunch_delete = []
        for value, edge in zip(values, edges_with_weights):
            if not isnan(value):
                if not g_nx.has_edge(edge[0], edge[1]):
                if g_nx.has_edge(edge[0], edge[1]):
        if ebunch_add:
        if ebunch_delete:
        yield y, x, minimum_spanning_tree(g_nx).edges()
예제 #42
 def setMuByFilling(self, filling, muMin, muMax, muTol = .001, maxiter = 100):
     c = AnnihilationOperator(self.singleParticleBasis)
     nMatrix = nsum([c[orb].H.dot(c[orb]) for orb in self.orderedSingleParticleStates], axis = 0)
     self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix + self.mu * nMatrix
     def fillingFunction(muTrial):
         self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix - muTrial * nMatrix
         fillingTrial = self.getTotalOccupation()
         self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix + muTrial * nMatrix
         report('Filling(mu='+str(muTrial)+') = '+str(fillingTrial), self.verbose)
         self.filling = fillingTrial
         return fillingTrial - filling
     mu = bisect(fillingFunction, muMin, muMax, xtol = muTol, maxiter = maxiter)
     self.mu = mu
     self.hamiltonian.matrix = self.hamiltonian.matrix - mu * nMatrix
     report('Chemical potential set to '+str(mu), self.verbose)
예제 #43
 def update(self, Y, z, lamb):
     r.update(Y, z, lamba)
     Y: array(data_dim, data_len)
     z: <Z>, array(aug_dim, data_len)
     lamb: <lamb lamb'>, array(aug_dim, aug_dim, data_dim)
     data_len = Y.shape[-1]
     # --- a
     a = self.prior.a + 0.5 * data_len
     # --- b
     y2 = Y**2
     yz = einsum('dt,lt->dlt', Y, z.mu)
     yzl = einsum('dlt,ldk->dt', yz, lamb.post.mu)
     tr_z2l2 = einsum('ljt,jldk->dt', z.expt2, lamb.post.expt2)
     sum_y2_yzl_tr_z2l2 = 0.5 * nsum(y2 - 2 * yzl + tr_z2l2, 1)
     b = self.prior.b + sum_y2_yzl_tr_z2l2[:, newaxis]
     self.post.set_params(a=a, b=b)
예제 #44
    def readout(self):
        #contracts all but the 'present time' leg of ADT/mps and returns 1-leg reduced density matrix

        #for special case of rank-1 ADT just sum over 1d dummy legs and return
        if self.N_sites == 1: return nsum(nsum(self.sites[0].m, -1), -1)
        #other wise sum over all but 1-leg of last site, store as out, then successively
        #sum legs of new end sites to make matrices then multiply into vector 'out'
        out = nsum(nsum(self.sites[self.N_sites - 1].m, 0), -1)
        for jj in range(self.N_sites - 2):
            out = dot(nsum(self.sites[self.N_sites - 2 - jj].m, 0), out)
        out = dot(nsum(self.sites[0].m, 1), out)
        #after the last site, 'out' should now be the reduced density matrix
        return out
예제 #45
def embedV(subspaceVectors, blocksizes):
    fockspaceSize = nsum(blocksizes)
    assert fockspaceSize == len(subspaceVectors), 'embedding will fail'
    iBlock = 0
    iBlockOrigin = 0
    vectors = zeros([len(subspaceVectors), fockspaceSize])
    x = list()
    y = list()
    data = list()
    for i, v in enumerate(subspaceVectors):
        for j, vj in enumerate(v):
            if not equals(vj, 0):
                y.append(j + iBlockOrigin) # TODO understand row/col exchange
        if i == iBlockOrigin + blocksizes[iBlock] - 1:
            iBlockOrigin += blocksizes[iBlock]
            iBlock += 1
    return coo_matrix((data, (x,y)), [fockspaceSize]*2)
예제 #46
 def get_vcal_disto(self,
     cut = self.Cut(cut) + self.Cut.generate_masks(
         col, row, pix, exclude=False).Value + self.Cut.get_ncluster()
     n, v = self.get_nhits(cut), self.Calibration.get_vcals(
             ['col', 'row', 'adc'], cut + self.Cut.get_plane(), dtype='i2'))
     v = nsum(insert(v,
                     cumsum(n).astype('i').repeat(max(n) - n),
                     0).reshape(n.size, max(n)),
              )  # fill arrays with zeros where there are less than max hits
     v *= (1 if vcal else Bins.Vcal2El)
     return self.Draw.distribution(
         title='Pulse Height Distribution',
         x_tit=f'Pulse Height [{"VCAL" if vcal else "e"}]',
예제 #47
def _make_f_matrix(matrix):
    """It takes an E matrix and returns an F matrix

    The input is the output of make_E_matrix

    For each element in matrix subtract mean of corresponding row and
    column and add the mean of all elements in the matrix
    num_rows, num_cols = matrix.shape
    # make a vector of the means for each row and column
    # column_means = (add.reduce(E_matrix) / num_rows)
    column_means = (add.reduce(matrix) / num_rows)[:, newaxis]
    trans_matrix = transpose(matrix)
    row_sums = add.reduce(trans_matrix)
    row_means = row_sums / num_cols
    # calculate the mean of the whole matrix
    matrix_mean = nsum(row_sums) / (num_rows * num_cols)
    # adjust each element in the E matrix to make the F matrix

    matrix -= row_means
    matrix -= column_means
    matrix += matrix_mean

    return matrix
예제 #48
파일: EM.py 프로젝트: sapphire008/Python
 def likelihood_func(theta, N, X, B, z_A, z_B, mutation):
     # Likelihood function for theta
     _, _, f_A, f_B = p_read(theta, N, X, B, mutation)
     l = -1.0*nsum(log(z_A*f_A + z_B*f_B))
     return l
예제 #49
def convert_cartesian(lattice, directVec):
    from numpy import sum as nsum, array
    return nsum([directVec[i] * lattice[i] for i in [0, 1, 2]], axis=0)
예제 #50
    def resample(self):
        from sklearn.svm import SVC
        from sklearn.neighbors import NearestNeighbors

        svc = SVC()

        # Fit SVM and find the support vectors
        svc.fit(self.x, self.y)
        support_index = svc.support_[self.y[svc.support_] == self.minc]
        support_vetor = self.x[support_index]

        # Start with the minority class
        minx = self.x[self.y == self.minc]

        # First, find the NN of all the samples to identify samples in danger and noisy ones
        print("Finding the %i nearest neighbours..." % self.m, end = "")
        NN = NearestNeighbors(n_neighbors = self.m + 1)

        # Now, get rid of noisy support vectors

        # Boolean array with True for noisy support vectors
        noise_bool = asarray([is_noise(x, self.y, self.m, self.minc, NN) for x in support_vetor])

        # Remove noisy support vectors
        support_vetor = support_vetor[logical_not(noise_bool)]

        # Find support_vectors there are in danger (interpolation) or not (extrapolation)
        danger_bool = asarray([in_danger(x, self.y, self.m, self.minc, NN) for x in support_vetor])
        safety_bool = logical_not(danger_bool)

        print_stats = (len(support_vetor), nsum(noise_bool), nsum(danger_bool), nsum(safety_bool))
        print("Out of %i support vectors, %i are noisy, %i are in danger and %i are safe." % print_stats)

        # Proceed to find support vectors NNs among the minority class
        print("Finding the %i nearest neighbours..." % self.k, end = "")
        NN.set_params(**{'n_neighbors' : self.k + 1})

        print("Creating synthetic samples...", end = "")
        # Split the number of synthetic samples between interpolation and extrapolation
        fractions = min(max(gauss(0.5, 0.1), 0), 1)

        # Interpolate samples in danger
        nns = NN.kneighbors(support_vetor[danger_bool], return_distance=False)[:, 1:]

        sx1, sy1 = make_samples(support_vetor[danger_bool], minx, self.minc, nns,\
                                fractions * (int(self.ratio * len(minx)) + 1),\

        # Extrapolate safe samples
        nns = NN.kneighbors(support_vetor[safety_bool], return_distance=False)[:, 1:]

        sx2, sy2 = make_samples(support_vetor[safety_bool], minx, self.minc, nns,\
                                (1 - fractions) * int(self.ratio * len(minx)),\


        # Concatenate the newly generated samples to the original data set
        ret_x = concatenate((self.x, sx1, sx2), axis=0)
        ret_y = concatenate((self.y, sy1, sy2), axis=0)

        return ret_x, ret_y
예제 #51
from itertools import product
from numpy import sum as nsum, trace
from util import dot

from operators import SingleParticleBasis, AnnihilationOperator

inds = [['u', 'd'], [0, 1]]
basis =  SingleParticleBasis(inds)
print basis.getSingleParticleBasis()
print basis.orderedSingleParticleStates
print 'u0 d0 d1:'
print basis.getStateAlgebraically(13)
print basis.getFockspaceNr((1,0,1,1))
print basis.getOccupationRep(13)
print 'up1:'
print basis.getFockspaceNr((0,1,0,0))
print basis.getSingleParticleStateNr('u', 1)
print basis.getOccupationRep(2)
print 'all single particle states:'
for sps in basis.orderedSingleParticleStates:
    print basis.getFockspaceNr(singleParticleState = sps)

c = AnnihilationOperator([['u', 'd'], range(2)])
print c.orderedSingleParticleStates
print c['u', 1].toarray()
print c['u', 1].transpose().dot(c['u', 1]).toarray()
print nsum([c[s, i].transpose().dot(c[s, i]) for s, i in product(['u', 'd'], range(2))], axis = 0)

예제 #52
no_pergroup = 30
n_observed = no_pergroup * n_groups
n_group_predictors = 1
n_predictors = 3

group = concatenate([[i] * no_pergroup for i in range(n_groups)])
group_predictors = random.normal(
    size=(n_groups, n_group_predictors
          ))  # random.normal(size = (n_groups, n_group_predictors))
predictors = random.normal(size=(n_observed, n_predictors))

group_effects_a = random.normal(size=(n_group_predictors, n_predictors))
effects_a = random.normal(size=(n_groups, n_predictors)) + dot(
    group_predictors, group_effects_a)

y = nsum(effects_a[group, :] * predictors,
         1) + random.normal(size=(n_observed))

model = Model()
with model:

    # m_g ~ N(0, .1)
    group_effects = Normal("group_effects",
                           shape=(1, n_group_predictors, n_predictors))

    # sg ~ Uniform(.05, 10)
    sg = Uniform("sg", .05, 10, testval=2.)

    # m ~ N(mg * pg, sg)
    effects = Normal("effects",
예제 #53
파일: util.py 프로젝트: MHarland/EasyED
def sumScatteredLists(x):
    return nsum(allgather_list(x))
예제 #54
n_groups = 10
no_pergroup = 30
n_observed = no_pergroup * n_groups
n_group_predictors = 1
n_predictors = 3

group = concatenate([[i] * no_pergroup for i in range(n_groups)])
group_predictors = random.normal(size=(n_groups, n_group_predictors))  # random.normal(size = (n_groups, n_group_predictors))
predictors = random.normal(size=(n_observed, n_predictors))

group_effects_a = random.normal(size=(n_group_predictors, n_predictors))
effects_a = random.normal(
    size=(n_groups, n_predictors)) + dot(group_predictors, group_effects_a)

y = nsum(
    effects_a[group, :] * predictors, 1) + random.normal(size=(n_observed))

model = Model()
with model:

    # m_g ~ N(0, .1)
    group_effects = Normal(
        "group_effects", 0, .1, shape=(1, n_group_predictors, n_predictors))

    # sg ~ Uniform(.05, 10)
    sg = Uniform("sg", .05, 10, testval=2.)

    # m ~ N(mg * pg, sg)
    effects = Normal("effects",
예제 #55
 def getNEigenvalues(self):
     fockstates = arange(self.fockspaceSize)
     fockstates = self.transformation.dot(fockstates)
     nEigenvalues = [nsum([1 for digit in self.getOccupationRep(fockstate) if digit == '1']) for fockstate in fockstates]
     return nEigenvalues
def bilateral_filter(src,
    orig_shape = src.shape
    orig_size = src.size
    if len(orig_shape) == 2:
        # convert to mxnx1 array for ease of calculation
        src = numpy.reshape(src, (orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1], 1))

    dst = numpy.zeros(src.shape)
    # d = filter radius. If negative, must equal double the sigma d value. Use this value to adjust the array borders too.
    if d < 0:
        d = 2 * sigmaDistance
    d = int(d)
    # work on border modes
    npad = ((d, d), (d, d), (0, 0))
    if borderType == ipcv.BORDER_WRAP:
        src = numpy.pad(src, npad, mode='wrap')
    elif borderType == ipcv.BORDER_CONSTANT:
        src = numpy.pad(src, npad, mode='constant', constant_values=borderVal)
    elif borderType == ipcv.BORDER_REFLECT:
        src = numpy.pad(src, npad, mode='reflect')
            "Border mode not supported. Please use 'BORDER_WRAP', 'BORDER_CONSTANT',"
            " or 'BORDER_REFLECT'.")

    if len(orig_shape) == 3:
        # This is a color image. Perform CIELAB calculation to convert color space.

        if src.dtype == numpy.uint8:
            src = cv2.cvtColor(src, cv2.COLOR_RGB2LAB)
            print("Error: Must input 8-bit-image.")

    elif len(orig_shape) == 2:
        # This is a greyscale image. Values will represent luminance. Pass through
            "Error: source image passed is neither a color or greyscale image.\n 'src' should be either a 3D 3-channel\
        color image or a 2D greyscale image.")

    # Now that our arrays are padded appropriately, we can start the filtering process.

    closeness = numpy.zeros(
        (1 + (2 * d),
         1 + (2 * d)))  # Definitions for the size/shape of filter.
    similarity = numpy.zeros((1 + (2 * d), 1 + (2 * d)))
    bilateralfilter = numpy.zeros((1 + (2 * d), 1 + (2 * d)))

    center = numpy.array(find_center(bilateralfilter))

    # These two loops are the initiators for the entire image's filter. We now iterate pixel-by-pixel to calculate the
    # bilateral filter.

    #Create the closeness filter once to prevent re-iteration.
    for i in range(0, bilateralfilter.shape[0]):
        for j in range(0, bilateralfilter.shape[1]):
            distance = numpy.array((i, j))
                      j] = e**(-.5 *
                               ((norm(center - distance) / sigmaDistance)**2))

    count = 0
    if len(orig_shape) == 2:
        for columns in range(d, orig_shape[0] + d):
            startTime = time.time()
            for rows in range(d, orig_shape[1] + d):
                # These loops initiate the iterative process for creating the bilateral filter.
                for i in range(0, bilateralfilter.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(0, bilateralfilter.shape[1]):
                        similarity[i, j] = e**(-.5 * (
                            (abs(src[columns, rows, 0] - src[columns +
                                                             (i - d), rows +
                                                             (j - d), 0]) /
                bilateralfilter = matmul(closeness, similarity)
                bilateralfilter = bilateralfilter / nsum(nsum(bilateralfilter))
                srcrange = src[columns - d:columns + d + 1,
                               rows - d:rows + d + 1]
                dst[columns - d,
                    rows - d] = ndot(reshape(srcrange, (-1)),
                                     reshape(bilateralfilter, (-1)))
                count = count + 1
        # print('Row Completion Time: = {0} [s]'.format(time.time() - startTime))
        # print("Percentage Complete: ", 100 * (count / orig_size))

    # For Color Images
        luminance = numpy.zeros(dst[:, :, 0].shape)
        for columns in range(d, orig_shape[0] + d):
            startTime = time.time()
            for rows in range(d, orig_shape[1] + d):
                # These loops initiate the iterative process for creating the bilateral filter.
                for i in range(0, bilateralfilter.shape[0]):
                    for j in range(0, bilateralfilter.shape[1]):
                        similarity[i, j] = e**(-.5 * (
                            (abs(src[columns, rows, 0] - src[columns +
                                                             (i - d), rows +
                                                             (j - d), 0]) /
                bilateralfilter = matmul(closeness, similarity)
                bilateralfilter = bilateralfilter / nsum(nsum(bilateralfilter))
                srcrange = src[columns - d:columns + d + 1,
                               rows - d:rows + d + 1, 0]
                luminance[columns - d,
                          rows - d] = ndot(reshape(srcrange, (-1)),
                                           reshape(bilateralfilter, (-1)))
                count = count + 1
            #print('Row Completion Time: = {0} [s]'.format(time.time() - startTime))
            #print("Percentage Complete: \n {0}%".format(100 * (count*3 / orig_size)))

    # dst is created. Now we need to return to original image state. If 2D, simply is quantized and clipped. If 3D,
    # convert back to RGB colorspace.

    if len(orig_shape) == 2:
        dst = dst.astype(int)
        dst = numpy.reshape(
            numpy.clip(dst, 0, maxCount).astype(numpy.uint8),
            (orig_shape[0], orig_shape[1]))
        dst[:, :, 0] = luminance
        dst[:, :, 1] = src[d:orig_shape[0] + d, d:orig_shape[1] + d, 1]
        dst[:, :, 2] = src[d:orig_shape[0] + d, d:orig_shape[1] + d, 2]
        dst = dst.astype(numpy.uint8)
        dst = cv2.cvtColor(dst, cv2.COLOR_LAB2RGB)
        dst = numpy.clip(dst, 0, maxCount).astype(numpy.uint8)
    return dst
예제 #57
def mu_q_e( e ):
    ''' Summation / integration  over the random domain '''
    q_e_grid = q( e, c_arr[:, None], x_arr[None, :] )
    q_dG_grid = q_e_grid * dG_grid
    return nsum( q_dG_grid )
예제 #58
 def getNsEigenvalues(self):
     fockstates = arange(self.fockspaceSize)
     fockstates = self.transformation.dot(fockstates)
     nsEigenvalues = [nsum([1 for digit in self.getOccupationRep(fockstate)[:int(self.nrOfSingleParticleStates*.5)] if digit == '1']) for fockstate in fockstates]
     return nsEigenvalues
예제 #59
파일: EM.py 프로젝트: sapphire008/Python
def EM_Clonal_Abundance(N, X, B=0.5, mutation='DEL', theta_tol=1E-9, maxiter=1000, consecutive_convergence= 10, full_output = False, disp=False):
        N: a vector of total number of reads for each SNP
        X: a vector of total number of allele A reads, same length as N
        B: a vector of read bias, estimated by the number of reads of allele A 
           divided by the total number of reads in normal sample. Default is .5
        mutation: type of mutation ['DEL' | 'UPD' | {numeric}], chromosomal 
            deletion, uniparental disomy, or copy number (total number of 
            copies of the chromosomes) in the case of amplification. 
            Default 'DEL'.
        theta_tol (optional): tolerance of theta change for convergence, 
            default is 1E-9
        maxiter: maximum number of iterations to run, default is 1000
        consecutive_convergence: number of times that the change of theta has to be
            less than that of theta_tol, consecutively, to be deemed convergence
        full_output: flag to return additional outputs
        disp: display each iteration of EM
        theta: estimated proprotion of tumor cells (between 0 and 1)
    If full_output is set to True, the following can also be returned
        it_count: number of iterations used
    # Initialize / guess parameters
    theta = 0.5
    d_theta = 1.0
    it_count = 0
    d_theta_count = 0
    z_A = X/N # probability of z_A
    z_B = 1.0-z_A #probability of z_B
    # define objective functions for theta
    # Maximize theta so that the log likelihood is maximized
    # l(theta) = sum_i[sum_zi: Qi_zi*log(p(x_i, z_i; theta)/Qi_zi)]
    # l(theta) = sum_i[z_Ai*log(r_A) + z_Bi*log(r_B) + log(z_Ai*f_A + z_Bi*f_B)]
    def likelihood_func(theta, N, X, B, z_A, z_B, mutation):
        # Likelihood function for theta
        _, _, f_A, f_B = p_read(theta, N, X, B, mutation)
        l = -1.0*nsum(log(z_A*f_A + z_B*f_B))
        return l
    def likelihood_func_deriv(theta, N, X, B, z_A, z_B, mutation):
        # derivative of the likelihood of the function for theta
        p_A, p_B, f_A, f_B = p_read(theta, N, X, B, mutation)
        p_A_deriv = B * (1.0-B) * ((1-theta+B*theta) **(-2.0))
        p_B_deriv = ((1.0-B*theta) * (-B) - (B-B*theta) * (-B))/ ((1.0-B*theta)**2)
        f_A_deriv = nchoosek(N,X) * X *(p_A_deriv) * ((1.0-p_A)**(N-X)) + nchoosek(N,X) * (p_A**X) * (N-X) * (-p_A_deriv)
        f_B_deriv = nchoosek(N,X) * X *(p_B_deriv) * ((1.0-p_B)**(N-X)) + nchoosek(N,X) * (p_B**X) * (N-X) * (-p_B_deriv)
        l_deriv = -1.0*nsum(1.0/(z_A*f_A + z_B*f_B) * (z_A * f_A_deriv + z_B * f_B_deriv))
        return l_deriv
    while d_theta_count <= consecutive_convergence and it_count <= maxiter:
        it_count += 1
        # M-Step
        # r_A, r_B part
        # r_A = sum_i2K(z_Ai/N)
        r_A = nsum(z_A / np.size(z_A))
        r_B = nsum(z_B / np.size(z_B))

        # Maximize the log likelihood to estimate for theta, (minimize the 
        # negative of the log-likelihood)
        xopt, fval, ierr, numfunc =  fminbound(likelihood_func, 0.0, 1.0, args=(N, X, B, z_A, z_B, mutation), full_output=True)
        if disp:
            print("theta:%f, fval:%f, ierr:%d, numfunc:%d" %(xopt, fval, ierr, numfunc))
        # returns a new theta
        d_theta = np.abs(xopt - theta)
        theta = xopt
        if d_theta<theta_tol:
            d_theta_count += 1
        else:# if not consecutive convergence, set convergence count to zero
            d_theta_count = 0 
        # E-Step
        # Set Q_i(Z_i) = p(z_i =1 | x_i ; theta)
        # Recalculate probabilities        
        _, _, f_A, f_B = p_read(theta, N, X, B, mutation)
        f_X = r_A * f_A + r_B * f_B
        z_A = r_A * f_A / f_X
        z_B = 1.0 - z_A
        # end of while loop
    if it_count > maxiter and d_theta_count < 1:
        print("Theta not converged!")
    if full_output:
        return (theta, it_count)
        return theta
예제 #60
def moment(data, order=1):
    x_bar = nsum(data) / len(data)
    x_i = power(data - x_bar, order)
    return nsum(x_i) / len(data)