예제 #1
파일: aces.py 프로젝트: brehm/colour
def _aces_proxy_OECF(value, bit_depth='10 Bit'):
    Defines the *ACESproxy* colourspace opto-electronic conversion function.

    value : numeric or array_like
    bit_depth : unicode, optional
        **{'10 Bit', '12 Bit'}**,
        *ACESproxy* bit depth.

    numeric or ndarray
        Companded value.

    value = np.asarray(value)

    constants = ACES_PROXY_CONSTANTS.get(bit_depth)

    CV_min = np.resize(constants.CV_min, value.shape)
    CV_max = np.resize(constants.CV_max, value.shape)

    float_2_cv = lambda x: np.maximum(CV_min, np.minimum(CV_max, np.round(x)))

    output = np.where(value > 2 ** -9.72,
                      float_2_cv((np.log2(value) + constants.mid_log_offset) *
                                 constants.steps_per_stop +
                      np.resize(CV_min, value.shape))
    return output
def feature_normalization(train, test):
    """Rescale the data so that each feature in the training set is in
    the interval [0,1], and apply the same transformations to the test
    set, using the statistics computed on the training set.
        train - training set, a 2D numpy array of size (num_instances, num_features)
        test  - test set, a 2D numpy array of size (num_instances, num_features)
        train_normalized - training set after normalization
        test_normalized  - test set after normalization

    ## TODONE
    trainMin = np.resize(train.min(axis=0), (100, 48))
    trainMax = np.resize(train.max(axis=0), (100, 48))

    topTrain = train - trainMin
    bottomTrain = trainMax - trainMin
    outputTrain = topTrain / bottomTrain

    topTest = test - trainMin
    bottomTest = bottomTrain
    outputTest = topTest / bottomTest

    return outputTrain, outputTest
예제 #3
def get_spectral_magnitude(y_data,time_data, fs):
    tStep = np.max(time_data)/len(time_data)
    timeV = np.arange(0, np.max(time_data), tStep)
    numsamp = 512 #timeDomainVectorLength(timeV)
    if (len(y_data) < numsamp):
        y_data = np.resize(y_data, (numsamp,))
    window  = hann(numsamp)
    ## setup the fft spectrum arrays
    mag_spectrum = np.zeros([numsamp,int(np.ceil(float(len(timeV))/numsamp))])
    #print 'time.len= %d, numsamp=%d, loop:%d' % (len(timeV), numsamp, int(np.ceil(float(len(timeV))/numsamp)))
    for k in range(0,int(np.ceil(float(len(timeV))/numsamp))):
        slice_dat    = y_data[k*numsamp:numsamp*(k+1)]
        if (len(slice_dat) < numsamp):
            if (len(slice_dat) < numsamp/2): # WE DISCARDS LAST SLICE POINTS IF < NUMSAMP/2
            slice_dat = np.resize(slice_dat,(numsamp,))
        #multiply it with the window and transform it into frequency domain
        spectrum_dat = fft(slice_dat*window);
        #get the spectrum mag @ each of the 256 frequency points and store it
        #print 'k:',k,' spectrum_dat.len:',len(spectrum_dat)
        mag_spectrum[:,k]= 20 * np.log10(abs(spectrum_dat))
        mag_spectrum[:,k]= abs(spectrum_dat)
    #print "fs= %.4g, NFFT= %ld, y_data.shape= %d, mag_spectrum= %dx%d" % (fs, numsamp,np.shape(y_data)[0], np.shape(mag_spectrum)[0],np.shape(mag_spectrum)[1])
    avg_fft_foreach = np.mean(mag_spectrum, axis=1)
    #    print "np.shape(avg_fft_foreach):", np.shape(avg_fft_foreach)
    return avg_fft_foreach
예제 #4
    def genImg(self,xml,compressionLevel):
        xml = re.split('\n',xml)
        img_data = re.split('"',xml[1])

        type = img_data[1]
        size = [int(x) for x in img_data[3].split(',')]
        compressed = img_data[5]
        pixels = xml[2]

        pixels = base64.b64decode(pixels)       # decode base 64 encoding

        if compressed == 'True':
            pixels = zlib.decompress(pixels)    # if data was compressed, decompress it

        pixels = list(pixels)                   # converting byte data into a list, which will give us the actual numbers of ndarray(i.e. the image)

        if type == 'Gray':                      # Based on image type, reconstruct numpy.ndarray
            return numpy.resize(pixels,tuple(size))

            r = pixels[:size[0]*size[1]]
            g = pixels[size[0]*size[1]:2*size[0]*size[1]]
            b = pixels[2*size[0]*size[1]:3*size[0]*size[1]]
            image = []
            for i in range(size[0] * size[1]):

            return numpy.resize(image,tuple(size))
예제 #5
 def aabut (source, *args):
Like the |Stat abut command.  It concatenates two arrays column-wise
and returns the result.  CAUTION:  If one array is shorter, it will be
repeated until it is as long as the other.

Usage:   aabut (source, args)    where args=any # of arrays
Returns: an array as long as the LONGEST array past, source appearing on the
         'left', arrays in <args> attached on the 'right'.
    if len(source.shape)==1:
        width = 1
        source = N.resize(source,[source.shape[0],width])
        width = source.shape[1]
    for addon in args:
        if len(addon.shape)==1:
            width = 1
            addon = N.resize(addon,[source.shape[0],width])
            width = source.shape[1]
        if len(addon) < len(source):
            addon = N.resize(addon,[source.shape[0],addon.shape[1]])
        elif len(source) < len(addon):
            source = N.resize(source,[addon.shape[0],source.shape[1]])
        source = N.concatenate((source,addon),1)
    return source
예제 #6
def twopoint_spidx_bootstrap(freq, flux, flux_err, niter=10000):
    Quick bootstrap for spectral index calulcation
    freq: 2 array
    flux: 2 or 2xN array
    flux_err: 2 or 2xN array
    N is the number of sources
    # calculate spidx assuming [iter,source,freq_point] shapes
    def spidx(freq, flux):
        return np.log10(flux[:,:,0]/flux[:,:,1])/np.log10(freq[:,:,0]/freq[:,:,1])

    freq = np.array(freq).astype(float)
    flux = np.array(flux).astype(float)
    flux_err = np.array(flux_err).astype(float)
    # if only 1 source, add degenerate axis
    if flux.shape == (2,): flux = np.expand_dims(flux, axis=1)
    if flux_err.shape == (2,): flux_err = np.expand_dims(flux_err, axis=1)
    flux = flux.T
    flux_err = flux_err.T
    nsource = flux.shape[0]

    results = np.zeros(shape=(niter,nsource))
    random_flux = np.resize(flux, (niter, nsource, 2)) + np.resize(flux_err, (niter, nsource, 2)) * np.random.randn(niter, nsource, 2)
    random_flux[random_flux <= 0] = np.nan # remove negative, this create a bias
    freq = np.resize(freq, (niter, nsource, 2))
    results = spidx(freq, random_flux)

    mean = np.nanmean(results,axis=0)
    err = np.nanstd(results,axis=0)
    return mean, err
예제 #7
def batchsd(trace, batches=5):
    Calculates the simulation standard error, accounting for non-independent
    samples. The trace is divided into batches, and the standard deviation of
    the batch means is calculated.

    if len(np.shape(trace)) > 1:

        dims = np.shape(trace)
        # ttrace = np.transpose(np.reshape(trace, (dims[0], sum(dims[1:]))))
        ttrace = np.transpose([t.ravel() for t in trace])

        return np.reshape([batchsd(t, batches) for t in ttrace], dims[1:])

        if batches == 1:
            return np.std(trace) / np.sqrt(len(trace))

            batched_traces = np.resize(trace, (batches, len(trace) / batches))
        except ValueError:
            # If batches do not divide evenly, trim excess samples
            resid = len(trace) % batches
            batched_traces = np.resize(trace[:-resid], 
                (batches, len(trace[:-resid]) / batches))

        means = np.mean(batched_traces, 1)

        return np.std(means) / np.sqrt(batches)
예제 #8
def draw_imf_samples(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw samples for power-law model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

           The first mass
           The second mass

    alpha_salpeter = kwargs.get('alpha', -2.35)
    nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1)
    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.)
    max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass

    a = (max_mass/min_mass)**(alpha_salpeter + 1.0) - 1.0
    beta = 1.0 / (alpha_salpeter + 1.0)

    k = nsamples * int(1.5 + log(1 + 100./nsamples))
    aa = min_mass * (1.0 + a * np.random.random(k))**beta
    bb = np.random.uniform(min_mass, aa, k)

    idx = np.where(aa + bb < max_mtotal)
    m1, m2 = (np.maximum(aa, bb))[idx], (np.minimum(aa, bb))[idx]

    return np.resize(m1, nsamples), np.resize(m2, nsamples)
예제 #9
def draw_lnm_samples(**kwargs):
    ''' Draw samples for uniform-in-log model

        **kwargs: string
           Keyword arguments as model parameters and number of samples

           The first mass
           The second mass

    #PDF doesnt match with sampler
    nsamples = kwargs.get('nsamples', 1)
    min_mass = kwargs.get('min_mass', 5.)
    max_mass = kwargs.get('max_mass', 95.)
    max_mtotal = min_mass + max_mass
    lnmmin = log(min_mass)
    lnmmax = log(max_mass)

    k = nsamples * int(1.5 + log(1 + 100./nsamples))
    aa = np.exp(np.random.uniform(lnmmin, lnmmax, k))
    bb = np.exp(np.random.uniform(lnmmin, lnmmax, k))

    idx = np.where(aa + bb < max_mtotal)
    m1, m2 = (np.maximum(aa, bb))[idx], (np.minimum(aa, bb))[idx]

    return np.resize(m1, nsamples), np.resize(m2, nsamples)
예제 #10
def JacobiMatrix(F, x, h = 1e-05):
    J = np.matrix([[],[]])
    np.resize((len(F), len(F)))
    for i in range(0, len(F)):
        for j in range(0, len(F)):
            J[i][j] = derivative(F[i], x, j, h)
    return J
예제 #11
파일: stats.py 프로젝트: bkanuka/pymc
def mc_error(x, batches=5):
    Calculates the simulation standard error, accounting for non-independent
    samples. The trace is divided into batches, and the standard deviation of
    the batch means is calculated.

      x : Numpy array
          An array containing MCMC samples
      batches : integer
          Number of batchas

    if x.ndim > 1:

        dims = np.shape(x)
        #ttrace = np.transpose(np.reshape(trace, (dims[0], sum(dims[1:]))))
        trace = np.transpose([t.ravel() for t in x])

        return np.reshape([mc_error(t, batches) for t in trace], dims[1:])

        if batches == 1: return np.std(x)/np.sqrt(len(x))

            batched_traces = np.resize(x, (batches, len(x)/batches))
        except ValueError:
            # If batches do not divide evenly, trim excess samples
            resid = len(x) % batches
            batched_traces = np.resize(x[:-resid], (batches, len(x)/batches))

        means = np.mean(batched_traces, 1)

        return np.std(means)/np.sqrt(batches)
예제 #12
파일: expression.py 프로젝트: tainstr/veusz
    def _evaluatePart(self, expr, part):
        """Evaluate expression expr for part part.

        Returns True if succeeded
        # replace dataset names with calls
        newexpr = substituteDatasets(self.document.data, expr, part)[0]

        comp = self.document.evaluate.compileCheckedExpression(
            newexpr, origexpr=expr)
        if comp is None:
            return False

        # set up environment to evaluate expressions in
        environment = self.document.evaluate.context.copy()

        # create dataset using parametric expression
        if self.parametric:
            p = self.parametric
            if p[2] >= 2:
                deltat = (p[1]-p[0]) / (p[2]-1)
                t = N.arange(p[2])*deltat + p[0]
                t = N.array([p[0]])
            environment['t'] = t

        # this fn gets called to return the value of a dataset
        environment['_DS_'] = self.evaluateDataset

        # actually evaluate the expression
            result = eval(comp, environment)
            evalout = N.array(result, N.float64)

            if len(evalout.shape) > 1:
                raise RuntimeError("Number of dimensions is not 1")
        except Exception as ex:
                _("Error evaluating expression: %s\n"
                  "Error: %s") % (self.expr[part], cstr(ex)) )
            return False

        # make evaluated error expression have same shape as data
        if part != 'data':
            data = self.evaluated['data']
            if evalout.shape == ():
                # zero dimensional - expand to data shape
                evalout = N.resize(evalout, data.shape)
                # 1-dimensional - make it right size and trim
                oldsize = evalout.shape[0]
                evalout = N.resize(evalout, data.shape)
                evalout[oldsize:] = N.nan
            if evalout.shape == ():
                # zero dimensional - make a single point
                evalout = N.resize(evalout, 1)

        self.evaluated[part] = evalout
        return True
예제 #13
    def __init__(self, name, geometry, order, init_context=True):
        LagrangeSimplexPolySpace.__init__(self, name, geometry, order,

        nodes, nts, node_coors = self.nodes, self.nts, self.node_coors

        shape = [nts.shape[0] + 1, 2]
        nts = nm.resize(nts, shape)
        nts[-1,:] = [3, 0]

        shape = [nodes.shape[0] + 1, nodes.shape[1]]
        nodes = nm.resize(nodes, shape)
        # Make a 'hypercubic' (cubic in 2D) node.
        nodes[-1,:] = 1

        n_v = self.geometry.n_vertex
        tmp = nm.ones((n_v,), nm.int32)

        node_coors = nm.vstack((node_coors,
                                nm.dot(tmp, self.geometry.coors) / n_v))

        self.nodes, self.nts = nodes, nts
        self.node_coors = nm.ascontiguousarray(node_coors)

        self.bnode = nodes[-1:,:]

        self.n_nod = self.nodes.shape[0]

        if init_context:
            self.eval_ctx = self.create_context(None, 0, 1e-15, 100, 1e-8,
                                                tdim=n_v - 1)

            self.eval_ctx = None
예제 #14
def build_data_dict(data1, data2, match):

    """Build a dictionary of zeros like the union of the two data
    dictionaries, but with 'length' equal to the shorter dict.

    data = {}
    keys1 = [key for key in data1.keys() if key != match]
    keys2 = [key for key in data2.keys() if key != match]
    nfinal = min(np.shape(data1[match])[0],

    if nfinal == np.shape(data1[match])[0]:
        data[match] = np.zeros_like(data1[match])
        data[match] = np.zeros_like(data2[match])
    for k in keys1:
        data[k] = np.zeros_like(data1[k])
        shp = list(np.shape(data1[k]))
        shp[0] = nfinal
        data[k] = np.resize(data[k], tuple(shp))
    for k in keys2:
        data[k] = np.zeros_like(data2[k])
        shp = list(np.shape(data2[k]))
        shp[0] = nfinal
        data[k] = np.resize(data[k], tuple(shp))

    return data, keys1, keys2
예제 #15
파일: Gefit.py 프로젝트: PiRK/pymca
def test(npoints):
    xx = numpy.arange(npoints)
    #yy = 1000.0 * exp (- 0.5 * (xx * xx) /15)+ 2.0 * xx + 10.5
    yy = gauss([10.5,2,1000.0,20.,15],xx)
    sy = numpy.sqrt(abs(yy))
    data = numpy.concatenate((xx, yy, sy),1)
    parameters = [0.0,1.0,900.0, 25., 10]
    stime = time.time()
    if 0:
        #old fashion
        fittedpar, chisq, sigmapar = LeastSquaresFit(gauss,parameters,data)
        #easier to handle
        fittedpar, chisq, sigmapar = LeastSquaresFit(gauss,parameters,
    etime = time.time()
    print("Took ",etime - stime, "seconds")
    print("chi square  = ",chisq)
    print("Fitted pars = ",fittedpar)
    print("Sigma pars  = ",sigmapar)
예제 #16
파일: _support.py 프로젝트: 317070/scipy
def abut(source, *args):
    # comment: except for the repetition, this is equivalent to hstack.
    """\nLike the |Stat abut command.  It concatenates two arrays column-wise
    and returns the result.  CAUTION:  If one array is shorter, it will be
    repeated until it is as long as the other.

    Format:  abut (source, args)    where args=any # of arrays
    Returns: an array as long as the LONGEST array past, source appearing on the
    'left', arrays in <args> attached on the 'right'.\n"""

    source = asarray(source)
    if len(source.shape) == 1:
        width = 1
        source = np.resize(source,[source.shape[0],width])
        width = source.shape[1]
    for addon in args:
        if len(addon.shape) == 1:
            width = 1
            addon = np.resize(addon,[source.shape[0],width])
            width = source.shape[1]
        if len(addon) < len(source):
            addon = np.resize(addon,[source.shape[0],addon.shape[1]])
        elif len(source) < len(addon):
            source = np.resize(source,[addon.shape[0],source.shape[1]])
        source = np.concatenate((source,addon),1)
    return source
예제 #17
def _assignInitialPoints(cvmat,S):
    h,w,c = cvmat.shape
    # Compute the max grid assignment
    nx = w/S
    ny = h/S

    # Compute the super pixel x,y grid
    xgrid = np.arange(nx).reshape(1,nx)*np.ones(ny,dtype=np.int).reshape(ny,1)
    ygrid = np.arange(ny).reshape(ny,1)*np.ones(nx,dtype=np.int).reshape(1,nx)
    # compute an x,y lookup to a label look up
    label_map = nx*ygrid + xgrid    
    # Compute the x groups in pixel space
    tmp = np.arange(nx)
    tmp = np.resize(tmp,(w,))
    xgroups = tmp[tmp.argsort()]

    # Compute the y groups in pixel space
    tmp = np.arange(ny)
    tmp = np.resize(tmp,(h,))
    ygroups = tmp[tmp.argsort()]

    labels = np.zeros((h,w),dtype=np.int)
    for x in range(w):
        for y in range(h):
            labels[y,x] = label_map[ygroups[y],xgroups[x]]

    return label_map,xgroups,ygroups,labels
예제 #18
    def preprocessForTwoPhenotypeAsso(self, snpData, which_phenotype_ls, data_matrix_phen):
			refactored out of run(), easy for MpiAssociation.py to call
        if len(which_phenotype_ls) < 2:
            sys.stderr.write("Error: Require to specify 2 phenotypes in order to carry out this test type.\n")
        snpData.data_matrix = numpy.vstack((snpData.data_matrix, snpData.data_matrix))
        # stack the two phenotypes, fake a data_matrix_phen, which_phenotype_ls
        no_of_strains = len(strain_acc_list)
        which_phenotype1, which_phenotype2 = which_phenotype_ls[:2]
        phenotype1 = data_matrix_phen[:, which_phenotype1]
        phenotype1 = numpy.resize(
            phenotype1, [no_of_strains, 1]
        )  # phenotype1.resize([10,1]) doesn't work. ValueError: 'resize only works on single-segment arrays'
        phenotype2 = data_matrix_phen[:, which_phenotype2]
        phenotype2 = numpy.resize(phenotype2, [no_of_strains, 1])
        data_matrix_phen = numpy.vstack((phenotype1, phenotype2))
        which_phenotype_index_ls = [0]
        # stack the PC_matrix as well
        if PC_matrix is not None:
            PC_matrix = numpy.vstack((PC_matrix, PC_matrix))

            # create an environment variable
        a = numpy.zeros(no_of_strains)
        a.resize([no_of_strains, 1])
        b = numpy.ones(no_of_strains)
        b.resize([no_of_strains, 1])
        environment_matrix = numpy.vstack((a, b))
        return which_phenotype_index_ls, environment_matrix, data_matrix_phen
예제 #19
  def convert_to_batched_episodes(self, episodes, max_length=None):
    """Convert batch-major list of episodes to time-major batch of episodes."""
    lengths = [len(ep[-2]) for ep in episodes]
    max_length = max_length or max(lengths)

    new_episodes = []
    for ep, length in zip(episodes, lengths):
      initial, observations, actions, rewards, terminated = ep
      observations = [np.resize(obs, [max_length + 1] + list(obs.shape)[1:])
                      for obs in observations]
      actions = [np.resize(act, [max_length + 1] + list(act.shape)[1:])
                 for act in actions]
      pads = np.array([0] * length + [1] * (max_length - length))
      rewards = np.resize(rewards, [max_length]) * (1 - pads)
      new_episodes.append([initial, observations, actions, rewards,
                           terminated, pads])

    (initial, observations, actions, rewards,
     terminated, pads) = zip(*new_episodes)
    observations = [np.swapaxes(obs, 0, 1)
                    for obs in zip(*observations)]
    actions = [np.swapaxes(act, 0, 1)
               for act in zip(*actions)]
    rewards = np.transpose(rewards)
    pads = np.transpose(pads)

    return (initial, observations, actions, rewards, terminated, pads)
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, name, geometry, order):
        LagrangeSimplexPolySpace.__init__(self, name, geometry, order)

        nodes, nts, node_coors = self.nodes, self.nts, self.node_coors

        shape = [nts.shape[0] + 1, 2]
        nts = nm.resize(nts, shape)
        nts[-1,:] = [3, 0]

        shape = [nodes.shape[0] + 1, nodes.shape[1]]
        nodes = nm.resize(nodes, shape)
        # Make a 'hypercubic' (cubic in 2D) node.
        nodes[-1,:] = 1

        n_v = self.geometry.n_vertex
        tmp = nm.ones((n_v,), nm.int32)

        node_coors = nm.vstack((node_coors,
                                nm.dot(tmp, self.geometry.coors) / n_v))

        self.nodes, self.nts = nodes, nts
        self.node_coors = nm.ascontiguousarray(node_coors)

        self.bnode = nodes[-1:,:]

        self.n_nod = self.nodes.shape[0]
예제 #21
파일: filter.py 프로젝트: chyser/bin
def partial_autocorr(series, lag):
    """Partial autocorrelation function, using Durbin (1960) recursive algorithm

    # Initialize matrices of phi and rho
    phi = resize(0.0, (lag, lag))
    rho = resize(0.0, lag)

    if isinstance(series, list):
        series = numpy.array(series)

    # \phi_{1,1} = \rho_1
    phi[0, 0] = rho[0] = autocorr(series, 1)

    for k in range(1, lag):

        # Calculate autocorrelation for current lag
        rho[k] = autocorr(series, k + 1)

        for j in range(k - 1):

            # \phi_{k+1,j} = \phi_{k,j} - \phi_{k+1,k+1} * \phi_{k,k+1-j}
            phi[k - 1, j] = phi[k - 2, j] - phi[k - 1, k - 1] * phi[k - 2, k - 2 - j]

        # Numerator: \rho_{k+1} - \sum_{j=1}^k \phi_{k,j}\rho_j
        phi[k, k] = rho[k] - sum([phi[k - 1, j] * rho[k - 1 - j] for j in range(k)])

        # Denominator: 1 - \sum_{j=1}^k \phi_{k,j}\rho_j
        phi[k, k] /= 1 - sum([phi[k - 1, j] * rho[j] for j in range(k)])

    # Return partial autocorrelation value
    return phi[lag - 1, lag - 1]
예제 #22
def eulertrap(ode, vardict, soln, h, relerr):
    Implementation of the Euler-Trapezoidal method.
    eqnum = len(ode)
    dim = [eqnum, 3]
    dim = tuple(dim)
    if numpy.iscomplexobj(soln[0]):
        aux = numpy.resize([0. + 0j], dim)
        aux = numpy.resize([0.], dim)
    dim = soln[0][0].shape
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({'y_{}'.format(vari): soln[vari][-1]})
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        aux[vari][0] = numpy.resize(seval(ode[vari], **vardict), dim)
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        aux[vari][1] = numpy.resize(seval(ode[vari], **vardict) * h[0] + soln[vari][-1], dim)
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({'y_{}'.format(vari): aux[vari][1]})
    vardict.update({'t': vardict['t'] + h[0]})
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        aux[vari][2] = numpy.resize(seval(ode[vari], **vardict), dim)
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({"y_{}".format(vari): soln[vari][-1] + h[0] * (aux[vari][0] + aux[vari][2])})
        pt = soln[vari]
        kt = numpy.array([vardict['y_{}'.format(vari)]])
        soln[vari] = numpy.concatenate((pt, kt))
예제 #23
 def test_QuaternionClass(self):        
     v1 = np.array([0.2, 0.2, 0.4])
     v2 = np.array([1, 0, 0])         
     q1 = Quaternion.q_exp(v1)
     q2 = Quaternion.q_exp(v2)
     v=np.array([1, 2, 3])
     # Testing Mult and rotate
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_rotate(Quaternion.q_mult(q1,q2),v), Quaternion.q_rotate(q1,Quaternion.q_rotate(q2,v)), decimal=7)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_rotate(q1,v2), np.resize(Quaternion.q_toRotMat(q1),(3,3)).dot(v2), decimal=7)
     # Testing Boxplus, Boxminus, Log and Exp
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_boxPlus(q1,Quaternion.q_boxMinus(q2,q1)), q2, decimal=7)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_log(q1), v1, decimal=7)
     # Testing Lmat and Rmat
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_mult(q1,q2), Quaternion.q_Lmat(q1).dot(q2), decimal=7)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_mult(q1,q2), Quaternion.q_Rmat(q2).dot(q1), decimal=7)
     # Testing ypr and quat
     roll = 0.2
     pitch = -0.5
     yaw = 2.5
     q_test = Quaternion.q_mult(np.array([np.cos(0.5*pitch), 0, np.sin(0.5*pitch), 0]),np.array([np.cos(0.5*yaw), 0, 0, np.sin(0.5*yaw)]))
     q_test = Quaternion.q_mult(np.array([np.cos(0.5*roll), np.sin(0.5*roll), 0, 0]),q_test)
     np.testing.assert_almost_equal(Quaternion.q_toYpr(q_test), np.array([roll, pitch, yaw]), decimal=7)
     # Testing Jacobian of Ypr
     for i in np.arange(0,3):
         dv1 = np.array([0.0, 0.0, 0.0])
         dv1[i] = 1.0
         epsilon = 1e-6
         ypr1 = Quaternion.q_toYpr(q1)
         ypr1_dist = Quaternion.q_toYpr(Quaternion.q_boxPlus(q1,dv1*epsilon))
         dypr1_1 = (ypr1_dist-ypr1)/epsilon
         J = np.resize(Quaternion.q_toYprJac(q1),(3,3))
         dypr1_2 = J.dot(dv1)
         np.testing.assert_almost_equal(dypr1_1,dypr1_2, decimal=5)
예제 #24
파일: lib.py 프로젝트: avelo/Pythics
 def append(self, value):
     # convert the appended object to an array if it starts as something else
     if type(value) is not np.ndarray:
         value = np.array(value)
     # add the data
     if value.ndim == 1:
         # adding a single row of data
         n = self.__n
         if n + 1 > self.__N:
             # need to allocate more memory
             self.__N += self.__n_grow
             self.__data = np.resize(self.__data, (self.__N, self.__cols))
         self.__data[n] = value
         self.__n = n + 1
     elif value.ndim == 2:
         # adding multiple rows of data
         # avoid loops for appending large arrays
         n = self.__n
         L = value.shape[0]
         N_needed = n + L - self.__N
         if N_needed > 0:
             # need to allocate more memory
             self.__N += (N_needed / self.__n_grow + 1) * self.__n_grow
             self.__data = np.resize(self.__data, (self.__N, self.__cols))
         self.__data[n:n+L] = value
         self.__n += L
예제 #25
def initialize(dx, x_shore, eta_shore, eta_toe, S_d, S_b, S, Q_w, B0):
    """Initialize the variables for the simulation.


        eta_b : array of z-coordinate of the basement at every node. Has the
                same size as dx. [ L ] 

    # First thing we should do is specify our computational domain.
    N, dx_shore = nodes_in_domain(x_shore, dx)
    N_old = N.copy()
    dx = init_domain(N, dx_shore, dx)
    x_shore = x(dx)[-1]
    # Then we compute the basement elevation and the location of the delta toe.
    eta_b = np.resize(eta_toe, N)
    eta_b, x_toe = init_basement(dx, eta_shore, eta_toe, eta_b, S_d, S_b)
    # Next, we compute the initial fluvial profile
    eta, S = init_flumen(dx, eta_shore, S)
    # Instantiate a water-depth array for the domain.
    H = np.zeros_like(dx)
    # Compute unit flow rate
    qw = unit_flowrate(Q_w, B0) # [ L**2 / T ]
    # Compute critical depth for the section.
    Hc = critical_flow(qw)
    # Redefine B0 as a vector, to have that information on every node.    
    B0 = np.resize(B0, N)
    # Instantiate a sediment transport capacity array for the domain
    qt = np.zeros_like(dx)
    return (N, N_old, dx_shore, dx, x_shore, eta_b, x_toe, eta, S, H, Hc, qw,
            B0, qt)
예제 #26
def cube():
    Build vertices for a colored cube.

    V  is the vertices
    I1 is the indices for a filled cube (use with GL_TRIANGLES)
    I2 is the indices for an outline cube (use with GL_LINES)
    vtype = [('a_position', np.float32, 3),
             ('a_normal'  , np.float32, 3),
             ('a_color',    np.float32, 4)] 
    # Vertices positions
    v = [ [ 1, 1, 1],  [-1, 1, 1],  [-1,-1, 1], [ 1,-1, 1],
          [ 1,-1,-1],  [ 1, 1,-1],  [-1, 1,-1], [-1,-1,-1] ]
    # Face Normals
    n = [ [ 0, 0, 1],  [ 1, 0, 0],  [ 0, 1, 0] ,
          [-1, 0, 1],  [ 0,-1, 0],  [ 0, 0,-1] ]
    # Vertice colors
    c = [ [0, 1, 1, 1], [0, 0, 1, 1], [0, 0, 0, 1], [0, 1, 0, 1],
          [1, 1, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1, 1], [1, 0, 0, 1] ];

    V =  np.array([(v[0],n[0],c[0]), (v[1],n[0],c[1]), (v[2],n[0],c[2]), (v[3],n[0],c[3]),
                   (v[0],n[1],c[0]), (v[3],n[1],c[3]), (v[4],n[1],c[4]), (v[5],n[1],c[5]),
                   (v[0],n[2],c[0]), (v[5],n[2],c[5]), (v[6],n[2],c[6]), (v[1],n[2],c[1]),
                   (v[1],n[3],c[1]), (v[6],n[3],c[6]), (v[7],n[3],c[7]), (v[2],n[3],c[2]),
                   (v[7],n[4],c[7]), (v[4],n[4],c[4]), (v[3],n[4],c[3]), (v[2],n[4],c[2]),
                   (v[4],n[5],c[4]), (v[7],n[5],c[7]), (v[6],n[5],c[6]), (v[5],n[5],c[5]) ],
                  dtype = vtype)
    I1 = np.resize( np.array([0,1,2,0,2,3], dtype=np.uint32), 6*(2*3))
    I1 += np.repeat( 4*np.arange(2*3), 6)

    I2 = np.resize( np.array([0,1,1,2,2,3,3,0], dtype=np.uint32), 6*(2*4))
    I2 += np.repeat( 4*np.arange(6), 8)

    return V, I1, I2
예제 #27
def _wrap(vector, pad_tuple, iaxis, kwargs):
    Private function to calculate the before/after vectors for pad_wrap.

    vector : ndarray
        Input vector that already includes empty padded values.
    pad_tuple : tuple
        This tuple represents the (before, after) width of the padding
        along this particular iaxis.
    iaxis : int
        The axis currently being looped across.  Not used in _wrap.
    kwargs : keyword arguments
        Keyword arguments. Not used in _wrap.

    _wrap : ndarray
        Padded vector
    if pad_tuple[1] == 0:
        after_vector = vector[pad_tuple[0]:None]
        after_vector = vector[pad_tuple[0]:-pad_tuple[1]]

    before_vector = np.resize(after_vector[::-1], pad_tuple[0])[::-1]
    after_vector = np.resize(after_vector, pad_tuple[1])

    return _create_vector(vector, pad_tuple, before_vector, after_vector)
예제 #28
def explicitmidpoint(ode, vardict, soln, h, relerr):
    Implementation of the Explicit Midpoint method.
    eqnum = len(ode)
    dim = [eqnum, 2]
    dim = tuple(dim)
    if numpy.iscomplexobj(soln[0]):
        aux = numpy.resize([0. + 0j], dim)
        aux = numpy.resize([0.], dim)
    dim = soln[0][0].shape
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({'y_{}'.format(vari): soln[vari][-1]})
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        aux[vari][0] = numpy.resize([seval(ode[vari], **vardict) * h[0] + soln[vari][-1]], dim)
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({"y_{}".format(vari): aux[vari][0]})
    vardict.update({'t': vardict['t'] + 0.5 * h[0]})
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        aux[vari][0] = numpy.resize([seval(ode[vari], **vardict)], dim)
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({"y_{}".format(vari): numpy.array(soln[vari][-1] + h[0] * aux[vari][0])})
        pt = soln[vari]
        kt = numpy.array([vardict['y_{}'.format(vari)]])
        soln[vari] = numpy.concatenate((pt, kt))
    vardict.update({'t': vardict['t'] + 0.5 * h[0]})
예제 #29
    def plot_image(self, image, nb_repeat=40, show_plot=True):
        """Plot augmented variations of an image.

        This method takes an image and plots it by default in 40 differently
        augmented versions.

        This method is intended to visualize the strength of your chosen
        augmentations (so for debugging).

            image: The image to plot.
            nb_repeat: How often to plot the image. Each time it is plotted,
                the chosen augmentation will be different. (Default: 40).
            show_plot: Whether to show the plot. False makes sense if you
                don't have a graphical user interface on the machine.
                (Default: True)

            The figure of the plot.
            Use figure.savefig() to save the image.
        if len(image.shape) == 2:
            images = np.resize(image, (nb_repeat, image.shape[0], image.shape[1]))
            images = np.resize(image, (nb_repeat, image.shape[0], image.shape[1],
        return self.plot_images(images, True, show_plot=show_plot)
예제 #30
def sympforeuler(ode, vardict, soln, h, relerr):
    Implementation of the Symplectic Euler method.
    eqnum = len(ode)
    dim = [eqnum, 1]
    dim = tuple(dim)
    if numpy.iscomplexobj(soln[0]):
        aux = numpy.resize([0. + 0j], dim)
        aux = numpy.resize([0.], dim)
    dim = soln[0][0].shape
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({'y_{}'.format(vari): soln[vari][-1]})
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        aux[vari][0] = numpy.resize((seval(ode[vari], **vardict) * h[0] + soln[vari][-1]), dim)
        if vari % 2 == 0:
            vardict.update({"y_{}".format(vari): aux[vari][0]})
    for vari in range(eqnum):
        vardict.update({"y_{}".format(vari): aux[vari][0]})
        pt = soln[vari]
        kt = numpy.array([vardict['y_{}'.format(vari)]])
        soln[vari] = numpy.concatenate((pt, kt))
    vardict.update({'t': vardict['t'] + h[0]})
예제 #31
def main(argv):

    # --------------------- Initializations ----------------------- #
    now = datetime.datetime.now()
    date = str('{:04d}'.format(now.year)) + str('{:02d}'.format(
        now.month)) + str('{:02d}'.format(now.day))

    # -------- Flags ---------- #
    chunk_time = FLAGS.chunk_time
    db = FLAGS.use_database
    expID = FLAGS.expID
    patience = FLAGS.patience
    percentage_test = FLAGS.percentage_test
    percentage_validation = FLAGS.percentage_validation
    use_class_weights = FLAGS.use_class_weights
    target_id = FLAGS.ini_spk

    # ---------- NN ------------ #
    restart_ID_model = FLAGS.restart_ID_model
    filters = eval(FLAGS.num_filters)
    filter_sizes = eval(FLAGS.filter_sizes)

    # ---- Training options ---- #
    batch_size = FLAGS.batch_size
    earlystop = FLAGS.earlystop
    epochs = FLAGS.num_epochs
    ini_spk = FLAGS.ini_spk
    nusr_train = FLAGS.nusr_train
    n_spks = FLAGS.n_spks
    pool_factor = FLAGS.pool_factor
    random_shuffles = FLAGS.random_shuffles

    if not os.path.exists('../models'):

    # -------------------------- Main ----------------------------- #
    print(bcolors.OKBLUE + 'Chunk_Time:' + bcolors.ENDC, chunk_time)

    if db == 'PulseID':
        fs = 200
        path_df = './DataFrame_PulseID.pkl'
        signal = 'PPG_GDF'
        df, num_subjects, num_segments = split_db_pulseID(

    elif db == 'TROIKA':
        fs = 125
        signal = 'PPG'
        path_df = './DataFrame_TROIKA.pkl'
        df, num_subjects, num_segments = split_db_TROIKA(
    data_train, labels_train, data_validation, labels_validation, data_test, labels_test, data_testIDs, labels_testIDs, data_zscore = atomic_test(
    )  # data_train & labels_train are BALANCED
    data_train = data_train.reshape(data_train.shape[0],
                                    1)  # Reshaping necessary to train

    if restart_ID_model != True:
        model = get_model(filters=filters,
        print(bcolors.WARNING +
              'Keeping previous trained parameters from previous models' +

    for i in range(ini_spk,
                   n_spks + 1):  # round(num_subjects * percentage_test) + 1):
        # Different model for each subject ID
        if restart_ID_model == True:
            model = get_model(filters=filters,
                bcolors.WARNING + 'Reseting NN model per userID ' +
                bcolors.ENDC, i)
            sgd = SGD(lr=0.0001, momentum=0.0, decay=0.0, nesterov=True)
        print(bcolors.OKGREEN + 'ID:' + bcolors.ENDC, i)
        target_id = i
        labels_validation = []
        labels_test = []
        score_validation = []
        score_test = []

        # For the Circular Queue:
        buffer_auc = collections.deque(maxlen=patience +
                                       1)  #circular queue declaration
        buffer_models = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)
        buffer_score_validation = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)
        buffer_score_test = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)
        buffer_score_testIDs = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)
        buffer_labels_validation = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)
        buffer_labels_test = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)
        buffer_labels_testIDs = collections.deque(maxlen=patience + 1)

        for i in range(patience + 1):

        print(bcolors.WARNING + 'Entering at Random_Shuffle for' +
        for r in range(1, random_shuffles + 1):

            data_train, labels_train, data_validation, labels_validation, data_test, labels_test, data_testIDs, labels_testIDs, data_zscore = atomic_test(

            data_train = data_train.reshape(data_train.shape[0], 1, 1)
            data_test = data_test.reshape(data_test.shape[0], 1, 1)
            data_testIDs = data_testIDs.reshape(data_testIDs.shape[0], 1, 1)
            data_validation = data_validation.reshape(data_validation.shape[0],
                                                      1, 1)
            develop_weights = class_weight.compute_class_weight(
                "balanced", (np.unique(labels_validation)),
            develop_weights_vec = []
            for j in range(0, len(labels_validation)):
                if labels_validation[j] == 0:
                elif labels_validation[j] == 1:
            develop_weights_vec = np.array(develop_weights_vec)

            class_weights = {
                0: 1.,
                1: 150.
            }  # Weights in case of unbalanced validation data
            #  1 appearence of class 0 equals 150 appearences of class 1
            data_train = np.resize(data_train, (19, 19, 1))
            labels_train = labels_train[19:]
            data_validation = np.resize(data_validation, (2, 19, 1))
            labels_train = np.reshape(labels_train, (19, 1))
            if use_class_weights == True:
                history = model.fit(x=data_train,
                                    initial_epoch=0)  # default values
                """history = model.fit(x=data_train, y=labels_train, batch_size=batch_size, epochs=epochs, verbose=0,
                                    validation_data=(data_validation, labels_validation, develop_weights_vec),
                                    initial_epoch=0)"""  # default values

            data_test = np.resize(data_test, (7, 19, 1))
            data_testIDs = np.resize(data_testIDs, (7, 19, 1))
            score_validation = model.predict(x=data_validation,
            score_test = model.predict(x=data_test, batch_size=1, verbose=0)
            score_testIDs = model.predict(x=data_testIDs,

            score_validation = score_validation.reshape(
            score_test = score_test.reshape(score_test.shape[0])
            score_testIDs = score_testIDs.reshape(score_testIDs.shape[0])

            labels_validation = labels_validation.reshape(
            labels_test = labels_test.reshape(labels_test.shape[0])
            labels_testIDs = labels_testIDs.reshape(labels_testIDs.shape[0])

            roc_auc = roc_auc_score(labels_validation, score_validation)
            roc_auc_test = roc_auc_score(labels_test, score_test)
            print('random shuffle iteration: ', r, 'Validation AUC: ', roc_auc,
                  'Test AUC: ', roc_auc_test)
            model_copy = clone_model(
            )  # necesary to clone to create a copy of the whole model. If we do not do this,
            # the model is passed as pointer by default
                "\n---------------------------------------\nmodel_copy summary: \n"

            # Circular queue
            # If the AUC decreases 'patience' consecutive stop training and save the model & scores for the last 'best' model
            # (actual model -patience steps)
            buffer_auc.append(roc_auc)  #buffer_auc[0 --> patience]

            # Boundaries to set the maximum FPR value
            fprbound1 = 0.2  # more restrictive
            fprbound2 = 0.3  # "checkpoint" value

            if (buffer_auc.index(max(buffer_auc)) == 0
                    or r == random_shuffles) and earlystop == True:
                if buffer_auc.index(max(buffer_auc)) == 0:
                    index_modelok = 0
                elif r == random_shuffles:
                    index_modelok = -1

                if not os.path.exists('../models/' + db + '/' + date + '/'):
                    os.makedirs('../models/' + db + '/' + date + '/')

                buffer_models[index_modelok].save('../models/' + db + '/' +
                                                  date + '/model_' + db +
                                                  '_ES' + str(patience) + '_' +
                                                  expID + '.h5')

                if not os.path.exists('../results/' + db + '/' + 'scores_ES' +
                                      str(patience) + '_' + date + '/'):
                    os.makedirs('../results/' + db + '/' + 'scores_ES' +
                                str(patience) + '_' + date + '/')
                filename = '../results/' + db + '/' + 'scores_ES' + str(
                    patience) + '_' + date + '/' + expID + '_scores'

                # Computing the optimal threshold for a given scores
                validation_metrics, test_metrics, testIDs_metrics, threshold = optimal_threshold(
                    buffer_labels_testIDs[index_modelok], fprbound1, fprbound2)

                # Saving scores in a .json file
                scores = {

                with open(filename + '.json', 'w') as fp:
                    json.dump(scores, fp)

                # pickle.dump((buffer_score_validation[index_modelok], buffer_score_test[index_modelok], buffer_labels_validation[index_modelok],
                #              buffer_predict_labels_validation[index_modelok], buffer_labels_test[index_modelok]),open(filename,"wb"))


        if earlystop == False:
            if not os.path.exists('../models/' + db + '/' + date + '/'):
                os.makedirs('../models/' + db + '/' + date + '/')
            model.save('../models/' + db + '/' + date + '/model_' + db + '_' +
                       expID + '.h5')
            if not os.path.exists('../results/' + db + '/' + 'scores_' + date +
                os.makedirs('../results/' + db + '/' + 'scores_' + date + '/')
            filename = '../results/' + db + '/' + 'scores_' + date + '/' + expID + '_scores'

            # Computing the optimal threshold for a given scores
            validation_metrics, test_metrics, testIDs_metrics, threshold = optimal_threshold(
                score_validation, score_test, score_testIDs, labels_validation,
                labels_test, labels_testIDs, fprbound1, fprbound2)
            # Saving the scores in a .json file
            scores = {
                'score_validation': score_validation.tolist(),
                'score_test': score_test.tolist(),
                'score_testIDs': score_testIDs.tolist(),
                'labels_validation': labels_validation.tolist(),
                'labels_test': labels_test.tolist(),
                'labels_testIDs': labels_testIDs.tolist(),
                'threshold': threshold.tolist()

            with open(filename + '.json', 'w') as fp:
                json.dump(scores, fp)

        # Unpacking variables
        fpr_validation = validation_metrics[0]
        tpr_validation = validation_metrics[1]
        roc_auc = validation_metrics[2]
        report_validation = validation_metrics[3]
        cnf_matrix_validation = validation_metrics[4]

        fpr_test = test_metrics[0]
        tpr_test = test_metrics[1]
        roc_auc_test = test_metrics[2]
        report_test = test_metrics[3]
        cnf_matrix_test = test_metrics[4]

        fpr_testIDs = testIDs_metrics[0]
        tpr_testIDs = testIDs_metrics[1]
        roc_auc_testIDs = testIDs_metrics[2]
        report_testIDs = testIDs_metrics[3]
        cnf_matrix_testIDs = testIDs_metrics[4]

        print('FINAL ITERATION -> Validation AUC: ', roc_auc, 'Test AUC: ',
              roc_auc_test, 'TestIDs AUC: ', roc_auc_testIDs)

        plot_ROC_and_Report(db, expID, date, 'validation', False, filter_sizes,
                            filters, fpr_validation, tpr_validation, roc_auc,
                            report_validation, cnf_matrix_validation,

        plot_ROC_and_Report(db, expID, date, 'test', False, filter_sizes,
                            filters, fpr_test, tpr_test, roc_auc_test,
                            report_test, cnf_matrix_test, threshold)

        plot_ROC_and_Report(db, expID, date, 'testIDs', False, filter_sizes,
                            filters, fpr_testIDs, tpr_testIDs, roc_auc_testIDs,
                            report_testIDs, cnf_matrix_testIDs, threshold)
예제 #32
def saveToCenter(i, rList, jList, bufferArray, summaryLength, h_size, sess,
                 mainQN, time_per_step):
    with open('./Center/log.csv', 'a') as myfile:
        state_display = (np.zeros([1, h_size]), np.zeros([1, h_size]))
        imagesS = []
        for idx, z in enumerate(np.vstack(bufferArray[:, 0])):
            img, state_display = sess.run(
                [mainQN.salience, mainQN.rnn_state],
                    np.reshape(bufferArray[idx, 0], [1, 21168]) / 255.0,
        imagesS = (imagesS - np.main(imagesS)) / (np.max(imagesS) -
        imagesS = np.vstack(imagesS)
        imagesS = np.resize(imagesS, [len(imagesS), 84, 84, 3])
        luminance = np.max(imagesS, 3)
        imagesS = np.multiply(np.ones([len(imagesS), 84, 84, 3]),
                              np.reshape(luminance, [len(imagesS), 84, 84, 1]))
        make_gif(np.ones([len(imagesS), 84, 84, 3]),
                 './Center/frames/sal' + str(i) + '.gif',
                 duration=len(imagesS) * time_per_step,

        images = list(zip(bufferArray[:, 0]))
        images.append(bufferArray[-1, 3])
        images = np.vstack(images)
        images = np.resize(images, [len(images), 84, 84, 3])
                 './Center/frames/image' + str(i) + '.gif',
                 duration=len(images) * time_per_step,

        wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
            i, np,
            './frames/image' + str(i) + '.gif',
            './frames/log' + str(i) + '.csv', './frames/sal' + str(i) + '.gif'
    with open('./Center/frames/log' + str(i) + '.csv', 'w') as myfile:
        state_train = (np.zeros([1, h_size]), np.zeros([1, h_size]))
        wr = csv.writer(myfile, quoting=csv.QUOTE_ALL)
        wr.writerow(["ACTION", "REWARD", "A0", "A1", 'A2', 'A3', 'V'])
        a, v = sess.run(
            [mainQN.Advantage, mainQN.Value],
                mainQN.scalarInput: np.vstack(bufferArray[:, 0]) / 255.0,
                mainQN.trainLength: len(bufferArray),
                mainQN.state_in: state_train,
                mainQN.batch_size: 1
            zip(bufferArray[:, 1], bufferArray[:, 2], a[:, 0], a[:, 1],
                a[:, 2], a[:, 3], v[:, 0]))
예제 #33
def train_neural_network(x):
    prediction = neural_network_model(x)

    cost = tf.reduce_sum(tf.square(y - prediction))

    optimizer = tf.train.AdamOptimizer(learning_rate).minimize(cost)

    #wr.writerow([ "Run Number", "Training Accuracy", "Testing Accuracy" ])

    with tf.Session() as sess:


        # This loop will run of the number of total run required.
        for i in range(numOfRuns):
            accuracy = 0

            for epoch in range(hm_epochs):
                epoch_loss = 0
                accuracy = 0

                data_x = xy_dataTraining[0:trainingDataSize, 0:36]
                data_y = xy_dataTraining[0:trainingDataSize, 36:38]

                data_y = np.resize(data_y, (328, 2))

                for piece in range(len(data_x)):
                    input_x = [data_x[piece]]
                    expected_y = [data_y[piece]]
                    _, c, predict = sess.run(
                        [optimizer, cost, prediction],
                            x: input_x,
                            y: expected_y,
                            keep_probL1: dropOutRateL1,
                            keep_probL2: dropOutRateL2

                    epoch_loss += c

                    if np.argmax(predict[0]) == np.argmax(expected_y[0]):
                        accuracy += 1
                accuracyPercentage = (accuracy / len(data_x))
                print("Epoch: ", epoch, ", accuracy_standing: ",
            runLabel = "Accuracy for run " + str(i) + ":"

            # IMAGE TESTING BULK #

            accuracy = 0
            accuracyPercentage2 = 0

            data_x = xy_dataTesting[0:testingDataSize, 0:36]
            data_y = xy_dataTesting[0:testingDataSize, 36:38]

            for piece in range(len(data_x)):
                input_x = [data_x[piece]]
                expected_y = [data_y[piece]]
                predict = sess.run([prediction],
                                       x: input_x,
                                       y: expected_y,
                                       keep_probL1: 1.0,
                                       keep_probL2: 1.0

                if np.argmax(predict[0]) == np.argmax(expected_y[0]):
                    accuracy += 1
            accuracyPercentage2 = (accuracy / len(data_x))
            trialLabel = "Testing Accuracy on Entire Set:  "
            print(trialLabel, accuracyPercentage2)
            # wr.writerow([i, accuracyPercentage, accuracyPercentage2])

        # Play a sound to signal the numOfRuns complete
        winsound.PlaySound("SystemExit", winsound.SND_ALIAS)


        # Preload cmu
        dG = dataGenerator.dataScriptGenerator()

        continueProcessing = "Y"

        while (continueProcessing == "Y" or continueProcessing == "y"):

            # Call data script generator on new image and generate csv

            # Pass new csv data into network and print out prediction
            data_x = np.genfromtxt(sys.path[0] + '\\aClean.csv', delimiter=',')

            if data_x.ndim == 1:
                data_x = np.resize(data_x, (1, 36))

            data_x[data_x < 0] = 0

            if (len(data_x)) > 0:
                for piece in range(len(data_x)):

                    input_x = [data_x[piece]]
                    predict = sess.run([prediction],
                                           x: input_x,
                                           keep_probL1: 1.0,
                                           keep_probL2: 1.0

                    print("Network Output: ", predict[0])
                    if (np.argmax(predict[0]) == 0):
                    elif (np.argmax(predict[0]) == 1):

            continueProcessing = input("Continue processing? ('Y' or 'N'): ")
예제 #34
if args.cuda:

start_mask = torch.ones(3)
layer_id_in_cfg = 0
linear_number = 1
end_mask = cfg_mask[layer_id_in_cfg]
for [m0, m1] in zip(model.modules(), newmodel.modules()):

    if isinstance(m0, nn.Conv2d):
        idx0 = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(np.asarray(start_mask.cpu().numpy())))
        idx1 = np.squeeze(np.argwhere(np.asarray(end_mask.cpu().numpy())))
        print('In shape: {:d}, Out shape {:d}.'.format(idx0.size, idx1.size))
        if idx0.size == 1:
            idx0 = np.resize(idx0, (1, ))
        if idx1.size == 1:
            idx1 = np.resize(idx1, (1, ))
        w1 = m0.weight.data[:, idx0.tolist(), :, :].clone()
        w1 = w1[idx1.tolist(), :, :, :].clone()
        m1.weight.data = w1.clone()
    elif isinstance(m0, nn.Linear):
        if layer_id_in_cfg == len(cfg_mask):
            idx0 = np.squeeze(
            if idx0.size == 1:
                idx0 = np.resize(idx0, (1, ))
            m1.weight.data = m0.weight.data[:, idx0].clone()
            m1.bias.data = m0.bias.data.clone()
            layer_id_in_cfg += 1
예제 #35
cv2.imshow("Legend", legend)
time1 = time()
while True:
    ret, frame = cap.read()

    #input_image = cap.read(args.input_vedio, 1).astype(np.float32)
    input_image = frame
    input_image = cv2.resize(input_image, (input_shape[3], input_shape[2]))
    input_image = input_image.transpose((2, 0, 1))
    input_image = np.asarray([input_image])
    out = net.forward_all(**{net.inputs[0]: input_image})
    prediction = net.blobs['deconv6_0_0'].data[0].argmax(axis=0)
    prediction = np.squeeze(prediction)
    prediction = np.resize(prediction, (3, input_shape[2], input_shape[3]))
    prediction = prediction.transpose(1, 2, 0).astype(np.uint8)
    prediction_rgb = np.zeros(prediction.shape, dtype=np.uint8)
    label_colours_bgr = label_colours[..., ::-1]
    cv2.LUT(prediction, label_colours_bgr, prediction_rgb)
    frame = cv2.resize(frame, (1280, 720),
                       interpolation=cv2.INTER_CUBIC)  #修改大小
    prediction_rgb = cv2.resize(prediction_rgb, (1280, 720),
    output = ((0.3 * frame) + (0.7 * prediction_rgb)).astype("uint8")
    cv2.imshow("input", frame)
    #cv2.imshow("ENet", prediction_rgb)
    cv2.imshow("ENet", output)
    #        if writer is None:
    # initialize our video writer
    #-------		fourcc = cv2.VideoWriter_fourcc(*"MPEG")
예제 #36
# <b>resize() only works if no otehr references to array, else error</b>

# In[158]:

ar2 = ar

# In[159]:

ar.resize((8, ))

# <b>Workaround is to use numpy.ndarray.resize() instead</b>

# In[160]:

np.resize(ar, (8, ))

# In[161]:


# <h2>Adding a dimension</h2>

# In[162]:

ar = np.array([14, 15, 16])

# In[163]:

예제 #37
def test_check_different_dimensions():
    """ Ensure an error is raised if the dimensions are different. """
    XA = np.resize(np.arange(45), (5, 9))
    XB = np.resize(np.arange(32), (4, 8))
    assert_raises(ValueError, check_pairwise_arrays, XA, XB)
예제 #38
img = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR, PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGE))
image.imsave(os.path.join(PATH_TO_INPUT_IMAGE, '{}.png'.format(0)), img)

for i in range(conv1.shape[3]):
    # Get the 9x9x1 filter:
    extracted_filter = conv1[:, :, :, i]

    # Get rid of the last dimension (hence get 9x9):
    extracted_filter = np.squeeze(extracted_filter)

    image.imsave(os.path.join(PATH_TO_CONV1_KERNEL, '{}.png'.format(i)), extracted_filter, vmin=-0.6064218, vmax=0.24946211)

    img = Image.open(os.path.join(PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGES_DIR, PATH_TO_TEST_IMAGE))
    arr2 = np.array(img.getdata(), dtype=np.uint8)

    arr2 = np.resize(arr2, (img.size[1], img.size[0], 4))
    arr2 = arr2[:, :, 1]

    conv = signal.correlate2d(arr2, extracted_filter, 'valid')

    conv = conv + conv1_bias[i]

    conv = np.maximum(0, conv)
    output[:, :, i] = conv

    image.imsave(os.path.join(PATH_TO_RELU, '{}.png'.format(i)), conv, cmap=CMAP, vmin=0, vmax=255)

for i in range(primary_caps.shape[3]):
    # 9,9,256,256
    extracted_filter = primary_caps[:, :, :, i]
예제 #39
def _fit_phase_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights,
                      times, height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given phase values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of phase values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    logging.info('Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    real_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    real_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    imag_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    phase_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    # Change phase to real/imag
    rr_real = np.cos(rr)
    rr_imag = np.sin(rr)

    for k in range(N_times):
            D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
            D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
            D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
            C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
            pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
            U, S, V = svd(C)
            invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                               np.dot(weights[:, :, k], U[:, :order])),

            # Calculate real screen
            rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                         np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr_real[:, k]))
            real_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = real_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_real - np.dot(C, real_fit)[:, newaxis]
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate imag screen
            rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                         np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr_imag[:, k]))
            imag_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = imag_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr_imag - np.dot(C, imag_fit)[:, newaxis]
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))

            # Calculate phase screen
            phase_fit = np.dot(
                pinvC, np.arctan2(np.dot(C, imag_fit), np.dot(C, real_fit)))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = phase_fit.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            residual = rr - np.dot(C, phase_fit)[:, newaxis]
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape(
                (N_sources, N_stations))
            # Set screen to zero if fit did not work
            logging.debug('Screen fit failed for timeslot {}'.format(k))
            real_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            real_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            imag_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = np.zeros((N_sources, N_stations))
            phase_residual_all[k, :, :] = np.ones((N_sources, N_stations))

        real_fit_white_all, real_residual_all, imag_fit_white_all,
        imag_residual_all, phase_fit_white_all, phase_residual_all, times
예제 #40
    u_exact = x_grid**2
    u_pred_err = u_exact - u_pred
    #print X_star
    #np.savetxt('inp.out', X_star, delimiter=',')
    #print u_pred
    np.savetxt('uPred.out', u_pred, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt('uPredErr.out', u_pred_err, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt('uExact.out', u_pred_err, delimiter=',')
    np.savetxt('f_uPred.out', f_uPred, delimiter=',')

    error_u = (np.linalg.norm(u_exact - u_pred, 2) /
               np.linalg.norm(u_exact, 2))
    print('Relative error u: %e' % (error_u))

    #    #plot the solution u_comp
    u_pred = np.resize(u_pred, [nPred, nPred])
    CS = plt.contour(xPred, yPred, u_pred, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k')
    CS = plt.contourf(xPred, yPred, u_pred, 20, cmap=plt.cm.jet)
    plt.colorbar()  # draw colorbar

    #plot the error u_ex - u_comp
    u_pred_err = np.resize(u_pred_err, [nPred, nPred])
    CS2 = plt.contour(xPred, yPred, u_pred_err, 20, linewidths=0.5, colors='k')
    CS2 = plt.contourf(xPred, yPred, u_pred_err, 20, cmap=plt.cm.jet)
    plt.colorbar()  # draw colorbar
예제 #41
import numpy as np
from sys import argv
from keras.preprocessing import image
from keras.models import load_model

img = argv[1]

# Loads the image
test_image = image.load_img(img, target_size=(28, 28, 1))

# Transform the img into a array
test_image = image.img_to_array(test_image)
test_image = np.resize(test_image, (28, 28, 1))
test_image = np.expand_dims(test_image, axis=0)

test_image = test_image.astype('float32')

test_image /= 255

# Loads the classifier model
classifier = load_model('results/models/cnn_30e.h5')

# Predicts the label
res = classifier.predict_classes(test_image)

예제 #42
def _fit_tec_screen(station_names, source_names, pp, airmass, rr, weights,
                    times, height, order, r_0, beta, outQueue):
    Fits a screen to given TEC values using Karhunen-Lo`eve base vectors

    station_names: array
        Array of station names
    source_names: array
        Array of source names
    pp: array
        Array of piercepoint locations
    airmass: array
        Array of airmass values (note: not currently used)
    rr: array
        Array of TEC values to fit screen to
    weights: array
        Array of weights
    times: array
        Array of times
    height: float
        Height of screen (m)
    order: int
        Order of screen (i.e., number of KL base vectors to keep)
    r_0: float
        Scale size of phase fluctuations (m)
    beta: float
        Power-law index for phase structure function (5/3 => pure Kolmogorov

    import numpy as np
    from pylab import kron, concatenate, pinv, norm, newaxis, find, amin, svd, eye

    logging.info('Fitting screens...')

    # Initialize arrays
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations
    tec_fit_white_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))
    tec_residual_all = np.zeros((N_times, N_sources, N_stations))

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / r_0**2)**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        pinvC = pinv(C, rcond=1e-3)
        U, S, V = svd(C)
        invU = pinv(np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                           np.dot(weights[:, :, k], U[:, :order])),

        # Calculate screen
        rr1 = np.dot(np.transpose(U[:, :order]),
                     np.dot(weights[:, :, k], rr[:, k]))
        tec_fit = np.dot(pinvC, np.dot(U[:, :order], np.dot(invU, rr1)))
        tec_fit_white_all[k, :, :] = tec_fit.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))
        residual = rr - np.dot(C, tec_fit)[:, newaxis]
        tec_residual_all[k, :, :] = residual.reshape((N_sources, N_stations))

    outQueue.put([tec_fit_white_all, tec_residual_all, times])
예제 #43
                # Run optimization op (backprop) and cost op (to get loss value)
                _, c = sess.run([train_op, loss_op], {X: batch_x, Y: batch_y})

                # Compute average loss
                avg_cost += c / batch_size
            # Display logs per epoch s1tep
            if epoch % display_step == 0:
                print("Epoch:", '%04d' % (epoch + 1),
        saver.save(sess, './model/TensorFlow/model.ckpt')
        print("Optimization Finished!")

    print("Predicting sample from train set!")
    random_index = np.random.randint(0, 5000)
    sample_x = org_X[random_index]
    logits = np.argmax(predict(np.resize(sample_x, (1, 400))).eval()[0]) + 1
    print("Predicted X:", logits)
    print("True X:", org_y[random_index][0])
    print("Prediction finished!")

    p = []
    logits = predict(org_X)
    for i in logits.eval():
        p.append(np.argmax(i) + 1)
    p = np.asarray(p)
    c = 0
    for i in range(org_y.shape[0]):
        if p[i] == org_y[i][0]:
            c += 1
    print("Accuracy: %.6f" % (c / org_y.shape[0]))
예제 #44
"""""" """""" """""" """"""
""" INTEGRATOR       """
"""""" """""" """""" """"""
# Variable extraction
xAcc = DataSet["Denoised + Offset Removed X Accel. (g)"]
yAcc = DataSet["Denoised + Offset Removed Y Accel. (g)"]
zAcc = DataSet["Denoised + Offset Removed Z Accel. (g)"]
time = DataSet["Time (all)"]

# Integrating acceleration vectors, producing velocities
xVel = it.cumtrapz(xAcc, time)
yVel = it.cumtrapz(yAcc, time)
zVel = it.cumtrapz(zAcc, time)

# Plotting Velocities in X, Y, and Z
time = np.resize(time, time.size - 1)
plt.figure(figsize=(10, 6))
plt.plot(time, xVel, linewidth=2.25, alpha=0.6, label='x', color='r')
plt.plot(time, yVel, linewidth=2.25, alpha=0.6, label='y', color='g')
plt.plot(time, zVel, linewidth=2.25, alpha=0.6, label='z', color='b')
plt.title("Velocities in X, Y, and Z")
plt.xlabel("Time (s)")
plt.ylabel("Velocity (m/s)")
plt.legend(loc='upper left')

# Adding new dictionary entries
DataSet["X Velocity"] = xVel
예제 #45
def calculate_pattern(length, repeats):
    return np.resize(np.repeat(np.array((0, 1, 0, -1)), repeats),
                     length + 1)[1:length + 1]
예제 #46
def my_run_simulation(self, initial_run=False, update_plots=True):
    Runs the simulation.

        self(PyBERT): Reference to an instance of the *PyBERT* class.
        initial_run(Bool): If True, don't update the eye diagrams, since
            they haven't been created, yet. (Optional; default = False.)
        update_plots(Bool): If True, update the plots, after simulation
            completes. This option can be used by larger scripts, which
            import *pybert*, in order to avoid graphical back-end
            conflicts and speed up this function's execution time.
            (Optional; default = True.)

    num_sweeps = self.num_sweeps
    sweep_num  = self.sweep_num

    start_time = clock()
    self.status = 'Running channel...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)

    self.run_count += 1  # Force regeneration of bit stream.

    # Pull class variables into local storage, performing unit conversion where necessary.
    t               = self.t
    t_ns            = self.t_ns
    f               = self.f
    w               = self.w
    bits            = self.bits
    symbols         = self.symbols
    ffe             = self.ffe
    nbits           = self.nbits
    nui             = self.nui
    bit_rate        = self.bit_rate * 1.e9
    eye_bits        = self.eye_bits
    eye_uis         = self.eye_uis
    nspb            = self.nspb
    nspui           = self.nspui
    rn              = self.rn
    pn_mag          = self.pn_mag
    pn_freq         = self.pn_freq * 1.e6
    Vod             = self.vod
    Rs              = self.rs
    Cs              = self.cout * 1.e-12
    RL              = self.rin
    CL              = self.cac * 1.e-6
    Cp              = self.cin * 1.e-12
    R0              = self.R0
    w0              = self.w0
    Rdc             = self.Rdc
    Z0              = self.Z0
    v0              = self.v0 * 3.e8
    Theta0          = self.Theta0
    l_ch            = self.l_ch
    pattern_len     = self.pattern_len
    rx_bw           = self.rx_bw * 1.e9
    peak_freq       = self.peak_freq * 1.e9
    peak_mag        = self.peak_mag
    ctle_offset     = self.ctle_offset
    ctle_mode       = self.ctle_mode
    delta_t         = self.delta_t * 1.e-12
    alpha           = self.alpha
    ui              = self.ui
    n_taps          = self.n_taps
    gain            = self.gain
    n_ave           = self.n_ave
    decision_scaler = self.decision_scaler
    n_lock_ave      = self.n_lock_ave
    rel_lock_tol    = self.rel_lock_tol
    lock_sustain    = self.lock_sustain
    bandwidth       = self.sum_bw * 1.e9
    rel_thresh      = self.thresh
    mod_type        = self.mod_type[0]

        # Calculate misc. values.
        fs         = bit_rate * nspb
        Ts         = t[1]
        ts         = Ts

        # Generate the ideal over-sampled signal.
        # Duo-binary is problematic, in that it requires convolution with the ideal duobinary
        # impulse response, in order to produce the proper ideal signal.
        x = repeat(symbols, nspui)
        self.x = x
        if(mod_type == 1):  # Handle duo-binary case.
            duob_h = array(([0.5] + [0.] * (nspui - 1)) * 2)
            x = convolve(x, duob_h)[:len(t)]
        self.ideal_signal = x

        # Find the ideal crossing times, for subsequent jitter analysis of transmitted signal.
        ideal_xings = find_crossings(t, x, decision_scaler, min_delay=(ui / 2.), mod_type=mod_type)
        self.ideal_xings = ideal_xings

        # Calculate the channel output.
        # Note: We're not using 'self.ideal_signal', because we rely on the system response to
        #       create the duobinary waveform. We only create it explicitly, above,
        #       so that we'll have an ideal reference for comparison.
        chnl_h   = self.calc_chnl_h()
        chnl_out = convolve(self.x, chnl_h)[:len(x)]

        self.channel_perf = nbits * nspb / (clock() - start_time)
        split_time        = clock()
        self.status       = 'Running Tx...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: channel'

    self.chnl_out    = chnl_out
    self.chnl_out_H  = fft(chnl_out)

    # Generate the output from, and the incremental/cumulative impulse/step/frequency responses of, the Tx.
            # Note: Within the PyBERT computational environment, we use normalized impulse responses,
            #       which have units of (V/ts), where 'ts' is the sample interval. However, IBIS-AMI models expect
            #       units of (V/s). So, we have to scale accordingly, as we transit the boundary between these two worlds.
            tx_cfg = self._tx_cfg  # Grab the 'AMIParamConfigurator' instance for this model.
            # Get the model invoked and initialized, except for 'channel_response', which
            # we need to do several different ways, in order to gather all the data we need.
            tx_param_dict = tx_cfg.input_ami_params
            tx_model_init = AMIModelInitializer(tx_param_dict)
            tx_model_init.sample_interval = ts  # Must be set, before 'channel_response'!
            tx_model_init.channel_response = [1. / ts] + [0.] * (len(chnl_h) - 1)  # Start with a delta function, to capture the model's impulse response.
            tx_model_init.bit_time = ui
            tx_model = AMIModel(self.tx_dll_file)
            self.log("Tx IBIS-AMI model initialization results:\nInput parameters: {}\nOutput parameters: {}\nMessage: {}".format(
                tx_model.ami_params_in, tx_model.ami_params_out, tx_model.msg))
            if(tx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'Init_Returns_Impulse'])):
                tx_h = array(tx_model.initOut) * ts
            elif(not tx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'GetWave_Exists'])):
                error("ERROR: Both 'Init_Returns_Impulse' and 'GetWave_Exists' are False!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nThis condition is supposed to be caught sooner in the flow.")
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
            elif(not self.tx_use_getwave):
                error("ERROR: You have elected not to use GetWave for a model, which does not return an impulse response!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nPlease, select 'Use GetWave' and try again.", 'PyBERT Alert')
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
                # For GetWave, use a step to extract the model's native properties.
                # Position the input edge at the center of the vector, in
                # order to minimize high frequency artifactual energy
                # introduced by frequency domain processing in some models.
                half_len = len(chnl_h) // 2
                tx_s = tx_model.getWave(array([0.] * half_len + [1.] * half_len))
                # Shift the result back to the correct location, extending the last sample.
                tx_s = pad(tx_s[half_len:], (0, half_len), 'edge')
                tx_h = diff(concatenate((array([0.0]), tx_s)))  # Without the leading 0, we miss the pre-tap.
                tx_out = tx_model.getWave(self.x)
            else:  # Init()-only.
                tx_s = tx_h.cumsum()
                tx_out = convolve(tx_h, self.x)[:len(self.x)]
            # - Generate the ideal, post-preemphasis signal.
            # To consider: use 'scipy.interp()'. This is what Mark does, in order to induce jitter in the Tx output.
            ffe_out           = convolve(symbols, ffe)[:len(symbols)]
            self.rel_power    = mean(ffe_out ** 2)                    # Store the relative average power dissipated in the Tx.
            tx_out            = repeat(ffe_out, nspui)                # oversampled output

            # - Calculate the responses.
            # - (The Tx is unique in that the calculated responses aren't used to form the output.
            #    This is partly due to the out of order nature in which we combine the Tx and channel,
            #    and partly due to the fact that we're adding noise to the Tx output.)
            tx_h   = array(sum([[x] + list(zeros(nspui - 1)) for x in ffe], []))  # Using sum to concatenate.
            tx_s   = tx_h.cumsum()

        temp   = tx_h.copy()
        tx_H   = fft(temp)
        tx_H  *= tx_s[-1] / abs(tx_H[0])

        # - Generate the uncorrelated periodic noise. (Assume capacitive coupling.)
        #   - Generate the ideal rectangular aggressor waveform.
        pn_period          = 1. / pn_freq
        pn_samps           = int(pn_period / Ts + 0.5)
        pn                 = zeros(pn_samps)
        pn[pn_samps // 2:] = pn_mag
        pn                 = resize(pn, len(tx_out))
        #   - High pass filter it. (Simulating capacitive coupling.)
        (b, a) = iirfilter(2, gFc/(fs/2), btype='highpass')
        pn     = lfilter(b, a, pn)[:len(pn)]

        # - Add the uncorrelated periodic and random noise to the Tx output.
        tx_out += pn
        tx_out += normal(scale=rn, size=(len(tx_out),))

        # - Convolve w/ channel.
        tx_out_h   = convolve(tx_h, chnl_h)[:len(chnl_h)]
        temp       = tx_out_h.copy()
        tx_out_H   = fft(temp)
        rx_in      = convolve(tx_out, chnl_h)[:len(tx_out)]

        self.tx_s      = tx_s
        self.tx_out    = tx_out
        self.rx_in     = rx_in
        self.tx_out_s  = tx_out_h.cumsum()
        self.tx_out_p  = self.tx_out_s[nspui:] - self.tx_out_s[:-nspui] 
        self.tx_H      = tx_H
        self.tx_h      = tx_h
        self.tx_out_H  = tx_out_H
        self.tx_out_h  = tx_out_h

        self.tx_perf   = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        split_time     = clock()
        self.status    = 'Running CTLE...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: Tx'

    # Generate the output from, and the incremental/cumulative impulse/step/frequency responses of, the CTLE.
            rx_cfg = self._rx_cfg  # Grab the 'AMIParamConfigurator' instance for this model.
            # Get the model invoked and initialized, except for 'channel_response', which
            # we need to do several different ways, in order to gather all the data we need.
            rx_param_dict = rx_cfg.input_ami_params
            rx_model_init = AMIModelInitializer(rx_param_dict)
            rx_model_init.sample_interval = ts  # Must be set, before 'channel_response'!
            rx_model_init.channel_response = tx_out_h / ts
            rx_model_init.bit_time = ui
            rx_model = AMIModel(self.rx_dll_file)
            self.log("Rx IBIS-AMI model initialization results:\nInput parameters: {}\nMessage: {}\nOutput parameters: {}".format(
                rx_model.ami_params_in, rx_model.msg, rx_model.ami_params_out))
            if(rx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'Init_Returns_Impulse'])):
                ctle_out_h = array(rx_model.initOut) * ts
            elif(not rx_cfg.fetch_param_val(['Reserved_Parameters', 'GetWave_Exists'])):
                error("ERROR: Both 'Init_Returns_Impulse' and 'GetWave_Exists' are False!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nThis condition is supposed to be caught sooner in the flow.")
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
            elif(not self.rx_use_getwave):
                error("ERROR: You have elected not to use GetWave for a model, which does not return an impulse response!\n \
                        I cannot continue.\nPlease, select 'Use GetWave' and try again.", 'PyBERT Alert')
                self.status = "Simulation Error."
                    ctle_out, clock_times = rx_model.getWave(rx_in, 32)
                    ctle_out, clock_times = rx_model.getWave(rx_in, len(rx_in))

                ctle_H = fft(ctle_out * signal.hann(len(ctle_out))) / fft(rx_in * signal.hann(len(rx_in)))
                ctle_h = real(ifft(ctle_H)[:len(chnl_h)])
                ctle_out_h = convolve(ctle_h, tx_out_h)[:len(chnl_h)]
            else:  # Init() only.
                ctle_out_h_padded = pad(ctle_out_h, (nspb, len(rx_in) - nspb - len(ctle_out_h)),
                        'linear_ramp', end_values=(0., 0.))
                tx_out_h_padded = pad(tx_out_h, (nspb, len(rx_in) - nspb - len(tx_out_h)),
                        'linear_ramp', end_values=(0., 0.))
                ctle_H = fft(ctle_out_h_padded) / fft(tx_out_h_padded)
                ctle_h = real(ifft(ctle_H)[:len(chnl_h)])
                ctle_out = convolve(rx_in, ctle_h)[:len(tx_out)]
            ctle_s = ctle_h.cumsum()
                ctle_h           = import_channel(self.ctle_file, ts)
                if(max(abs(ctle_h)) < 100.):          # step response?
                    ctle_h       = diff(ctle_h)       # impulse response is derivative of step response.
                    ctle_h      *= ts                 # Normalize to (V/sample)
                ctle_H           = fft(ctle_h)
                ctle_H          *= sum(ctle_h) / ctle_H[0]
                w_dummy, ctle_H = make_ctle(rx_bw, peak_freq, peak_mag, w, ctle_mode, ctle_offset)
                ctle_h          = real(ifft(ctle_H))[:len(chnl_h)]
                ctle_h         *= abs(ctle_H[0]) / sum(ctle_h)
            ctle_out        = convolve(rx_in, ctle_h)[:len(tx_out)]
            ctle_out       -= mean(ctle_out)             # Force zero mean.
            if(self.ctle_mode == 'AGC'):                 # Automatic gain control engaged?
                ctle_out   *= 2. * decision_scaler / ctle_out.ptp()
            ctle_s = ctle_h.cumsum()
            ctle_out_h      = convolve(tx_out_h, ctle_h)[:len(tx_out_h)]
        self.ctle_s     = ctle_s
        ctle_out_h_main_lobe = where(ctle_out_h >= max(ctle_out_h) / 2.)[0]
            conv_dly_ix = ctle_out_h_main_lobe[0]
            conv_dly_ix = self.chnl_dly / Ts
        conv_dly        = t[conv_dly_ix]
        ctle_out_s      = ctle_out_h.cumsum()
        temp            = ctle_out_h.copy()
        ctle_out_H      = fft(temp)
        # - Store local variables to class instance.
        self.ctle_out_s = ctle_out_s
        # Consider changing this; it could be sensitive to insufficient "front porch" in the CTLE output step response.
        self.ctle_out_p = self.ctle_out_s[nspui:] - self.ctle_out_s[:-nspui] 
        self.ctle_H     = ctle_H
        self.ctle_h     = ctle_h
        self.ctle_out_H = ctle_out_H
        self.ctle_out_h = ctle_out_h
        self.ctle_out   = ctle_out
        self.conv_dly   = conv_dly
        self.conv_dly_ix = conv_dly_ix

        self.ctle_perf  = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        split_time      = clock()
        self.status     = 'Running DFE/CDR...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: Rx'

    # Generate the output from, and the incremental/cumulative impulse/step/frequency responses of, the DFE.
            dfe = DFE(n_taps, gain, delta_t, alpha, ui, nspui, decision_scaler, mod_type,
                        n_ave=n_ave, n_lock_ave=n_lock_ave, rel_lock_tol=rel_lock_tol, lock_sustain=lock_sustain,
                        bandwidth=bandwidth, ideal=self.sum_ideal)
            dfe = DFE(n_taps,   0., delta_t, alpha, ui, nspui, decision_scaler, mod_type,
                        n_ave=n_ave, n_lock_ave=n_lock_ave, rel_lock_tol=rel_lock_tol, lock_sustain=lock_sustain,
                        bandwidth=bandwidth, ideal=True)
        (dfe_out, tap_weights, ui_ests, clocks, lockeds, clock_times, bits_out) = dfe.run(t, ctle_out)
        bits_out = array(bits_out)
        auto_corr       = 1. * correlate(bits_out[(nbits - eye_bits):], bits[(nbits - eye_bits):], mode='same') \
                            / sum(bits[(nbits - eye_bits):])
        auto_corr       = auto_corr[len(auto_corr) // 2 :]
        self.auto_corr  = auto_corr
        bit_dly         = where(auto_corr == max(auto_corr))[0][0]
        bits_ref        = bits[(nbits - eye_bits) :]
        bits_tst        = bits_out[(nbits + bit_dly - eye_bits) :]
        if(len(bits_ref) > len(bits_tst)):
            bits_ref = bits_ref[: len(bits_tst)]
        elif(len(bits_tst) > len(bits_ref)):
            bits_tst = bits_tst[: len(bits_ref)]
        bit_errs        = where(bits_tst ^ bits_ref)[0]
        self.bit_errs   = len(bit_errs)

        dfe_h          = array([1.] + list(zeros(nspb - 1)) + sum([[-x] + list(zeros(nspb - 1)) for x in tap_weights[-1]], []))
        temp           = dfe_h.copy()
        dfe_H          = fft(temp)
        self.dfe_s     = dfe_h.cumsum()
        dfe_out_H      = ctle_out_H * dfe_H
        dfe_out_h      = convolve(ctle_out_h, dfe_h)[:len(ctle_out_h)]
        dfe_out_s      = dfe_out_h.cumsum()
        self.dfe_out_p = dfe_out_s - pad(dfe_out_s[:-nspui], (nspui,0), 'constant', constant_values=(0,0))
        self.dfe_H     = dfe_H
        self.dfe_h     = dfe_h
        self.dfe_out_H = dfe_out_H
        self.dfe_out_h = dfe_out_h
        self.dfe_out_s = dfe_out_s
        self.dfe_out   = dfe_out

        self.dfe_perf  = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        split_time     = clock()
        self.status    = 'Analyzing jitter...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: DFE'

    # Save local variables to class instance for state preservation, performing unit conversion where necessary.
    self.adaptation  = tap_weights
    self.ui_ests     = array(ui_ests) * 1.e12 # (ps)
    self.clocks      = clocks
    self.lockeds     = lockeds
    self.clock_times = clock_times

    # Analyze the jitter.
    self.thresh_tx              = array([])
    self.jitter_ext_tx          = array([])
    self.jitter_tx              = array([])
    self.jitter_spectrum_tx     = array([])
    self.jitter_ind_spectrum_tx = array([])
    self.thresh_ctle              = array([])
    self.jitter_ext_ctle          = array([])
    self.jitter_ctle              = array([])
    self.jitter_spectrum_ctle     = array([])
    self.jitter_ind_spectrum_ctle = array([])
    self.thresh_dfe              = array([])
    self.jitter_ext_dfe          = array([])
    self.jitter_dfe              = array([])
    self.jitter_spectrum_dfe     = array([])
    self.jitter_ind_spectrum_dfe = array([])
    self.f_MHz_dfe               = array([])
    self.jitter_rejection_ratio  = array([])

        if(mod_type == 1):  # Handle duo-binary case.
            pattern_len *= 2        # Because, the XOR pre-coding can invert every other pattern rep.
        if(mod_type == 2):  # Handle PAM-4 case.
            if(pattern_len % 2):
                pattern_len *= 2    # Because, the bits are taken in pairs, to form the symbols.

        # - channel output
        actual_xings = find_crossings(t, chnl_out, decision_scaler, mod_type=mod_type)
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, nui, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.t_jitter                 = t_jitter
        self.isi_chnl                 = isi
        self.dcd_chnl                 = dcd
        self.pj_chnl                  = pj
        self.rj_chnl                  = rj
        self.thresh_chnl              = thresh
        self.jitter_chnl              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_chnl          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_bins              = bin_centers
        self.jitter_spectrum_chnl     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_chnl = jitter_ind_spectrum
        self.f_MHz                    = array(spectrum_freqs) * 1.e-6

        # - Tx output
        actual_xings = find_crossings(t, rx_in, decision_scaler, mod_type=mod_type)
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, nui, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.isi_tx                 = isi
        self.dcd_tx                 = dcd
        self.pj_tx                  = pj
        self.rj_tx                  = rj
        self.thresh_tx              = thresh
        self.jitter_tx              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_tx          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_spectrum_tx     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_tx = jitter_ind_spectrum

        # - CTLE output
        actual_xings = find_crossings(t, ctle_out, decision_scaler, mod_type=mod_type)
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, nui, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.isi_ctle                 = isi
        self.dcd_ctle                 = dcd
        self.pj_ctle                  = pj
        self.rj_ctle                  = rj
        self.thresh_ctle              = thresh
        self.jitter_ctle              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_ctle          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_spectrum_ctle     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_ctle = jitter_ind_spectrum

        # - DFE output
        ignore_until  = (nui - eye_uis) * ui + 0.75 * ui  # 0.5 was causing an occasional misalignment.
        ideal_xings   = array(filter(lambda x: x > ignore_until, list(ideal_xings)))
        min_delay     = ignore_until + conv_dly
        actual_xings  = find_crossings(t, dfe_out, decision_scaler, min_delay=min_delay,
        (jitter, t_jitter, isi, dcd, pj, rj, jitter_ext, \
            thresh, jitter_spectrum, jitter_ind_spectrum, spectrum_freqs, \
            hist, hist_synth, bin_centers) = calc_jitter(ui, eye_uis, pattern_len, ideal_xings, actual_xings, rel_thresh)
        self.isi_dfe                 = isi
        self.dcd_dfe                 = dcd
        self.pj_dfe                  = pj
        self.rj_dfe                  = rj
        self.thresh_dfe              = thresh
        self.jitter_dfe              = hist
        self.jitter_ext_dfe          = hist_synth
        self.jitter_spectrum_dfe     = jitter_spectrum
        self.jitter_ind_spectrum_dfe = jitter_ind_spectrum
        self.f_MHz_dfe               = array(spectrum_freqs) * 1.e-6
        skip_factor                  = nbits / eye_bits
        ctle_spec                    = self.jitter_spectrum_ctle
        dfe_spec                     = self.jitter_spectrum_dfe
        self.jitter_rejection_ratio  = zeros(len(dfe_spec))

        self.jitter_perf = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        self.total_perf  = nbits * nspb / (clock() - start_time)
        split_time       = clock()
        self.status      = 'Updating plots...(sweep %d of %d)' % (sweep_num, num_sweeps)
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: jitter'
        # raise

    # Update plots.
            if(not initial_run):

        self.plotting_perf = nbits * nspb / (clock() - split_time)
        self.status = 'Ready.'
    except Exception:
        self.status       = 'Exception: plotting'
예제 #47
    def a_in_scan_read_numpy(self, samples_per_channel, timeout):
        # pylint: disable=too-many-locals
        Read scan status and data (as a NumPy array).

        This function is similar to :py:func:`a_in_scan_read` except that the
        *data* key in the returned namedtuple is a NumPy array of float64 values
        and may be used directly with NumPy functions.

            samples_per_channel (int): The number of samples per channel to read
                from the scan buffer.  Specify a negative number to read all
                available samples or 0 to only read the scan status and return
                no data.
            timeout (float): The amount of time in seconds to wait for the
                samples to be read.  Specify a negative number to wait
                indefinitely, or 0 to return immediately with the samples that
                are already in the scan buffer.  If the timeout is met and the
                specified number of samples have not been read, then the
                function will return with the amount that has been read and the
                timeout status set.

            namedtuple: a namedtuple containing the following field names:

            * **running** (bool): True if the scan is running, False if it has
              stopped or completed.
            * **hardware_overrun** (bool): True if the hardware could not
              acquire and unload samples fast enough and data was lost.
            * **buffer_overrun** (bool): True if the background scan buffer was
              not read fast enough and data was lost.
            * **triggered** (bool): True if the trigger conditions have been met
              and data acquisition started.
            * **timeout** (bool): True if the timeout time expired before the
              specified number of samples were read.
            * **data** (NumPy array of float64): The data that was read from the
              scan buffer.

            HatError: A scan is not active, the board is not initialized, does
                not respond, or responds incorrectly.
            ValueError: Incorrect argument.
            import numpy
            from numpy.ctypeslib import ndpointer
        except ImportError:

        if not self._initialized:
            raise HatError(self._address, "Not initialized.")

        self._lib.mcc118_a_in_scan_read.argtypes = [
            POINTER(c_ushort), c_long, c_double,
            ndpointer(c_double, flags="C_CONTIGUOUS"), c_ulong,

        num_channels = self._lib.mcc118_a_in_scan_channel_count(self._address)
        samples_read_per_channel = c_ulong()
        status = c_ushort()
        timed_out = False
        samples_to_read = 0

        if samples_per_channel < 0:
            # read all available data

            # first, get the number of available samples
            samples_available = c_ulong(0)
            result = self._lib.mcc118_a_in_scan_status(
                self._address, byref(status), byref(samples_available))

            if result != self._RESULT_SUCCESS:
                raise HatError(self._address,
                               "Incorrect response {}.".format(result))

            # allocate a buffer large enough for all the data
            samples_to_read = samples_available.value
            buffer_size = samples_available.value * num_channels
            data_buffer = numpy.empty(buffer_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
        elif samples_per_channel == 0:
            # only read the status
            samples_to_read = 0
            buffer_size = 0
            data_buffer = None
        elif samples_per_channel > 0:
            # read the specified number of samples
            samples_to_read = samples_per_channel
            # create a C buffer for the read
            buffer_size = samples_per_channel * num_channels
            data_buffer = numpy.empty(buffer_size, dtype=numpy.float64)
            # invalid samples_per_channel
            raise ValueError(
                "Invalid samples_per_channel {}.".format(samples_per_channel))

        result = self._lib.mcc118_a_in_scan_read(
            self._address, byref(status), samples_to_read, timeout,
            data_buffer, buffer_size, byref(samples_read_per_channel))

        if result == self._RESULT_BAD_PARAMETER:
            raise ValueError("Invalid parameter.")
        elif result == self._RESULT_RESOURCE_UNAVAIL:
            raise HatError(self._address, "Scan not active.")
        elif result == self._RESULT_TIMEOUT:
            timed_out = True
        elif result != self._RESULT_SUCCESS:
            raise HatError(self._address,
                           "Incorrect response {}.".format(result))

        total_read = samples_read_per_channel.value * num_channels

        if total_read < buffer_size:
            data_buffer = numpy.resize(data_buffer, (total_read, ))

        scan_status = namedtuple('MCC118ScanRead', [
            'running', 'hardware_overrun', 'buffer_overrun', 'triggered',
            'timeout', 'data'
        return scan_status(
            running=(status.value & self._STATUS_RUNNING) != 0,
            hardware_overrun=(status.value & self._STATUS_HW_OVERRUN) != 0,
            buffer_overrun=(status.value & self._STATUS_BUFFER_OVERRUN) != 0,
            triggered=(status.value & self._STATUS_TRIGGERED) != 0,
예제 #48
def intcode_program(state, max_size, n_read):
    output = []

    # Get state
    intcode_aux = state[0][:]
    inputs = state[1]
    pointer = state[2]
    relative_base = state[3]

    # Resize array (get more memory)
    intcode_aux = np.resize(intcode_aux, max_size)

    # Browse array by steps
    while pointer < len(intcode):
        # Get opcode and mode of parameters
        opcode_instruction = str(intcode_aux[pointer])
        while len(opcode_instruction) < 5:
            opcode_instruction = '0' + opcode_instruction

        opcode = int(opcode_instruction[-2:])
        mode_params = [

        # Get index of each parameter
        indexes = [-1, -1, -1]
        for i in range(len(indexes)):
            pos = pointer + 1 + i
            if pos < len(intcode_aux):
                if mode_params[i] == 0:
                    indexes[i] = intcode_aux[pos]
                elif mode_params[i] == 1:
                    indexes[i] = pos
                elif mode_params[i] == 2:
                    indexes[i] = relative_base + intcode_aux[pos]

        # Apply opcode operation
        # STOP
        if opcode == 99:

        # ADDITION
        elif opcode == 1:
            op1 = intcode_aux[indexes[0]]
            op2 = intcode_aux[indexes[1]]
            intcode_aux[indexes[2]] = op1 + op2
            pointer += 4

        elif opcode == 2:
            op1 = intcode_aux[indexes[0]]
            op2 = intcode_aux[indexes[1]]
            intcode_aux[indexes[2]] = op1 * op2
            pointer += 4

        # INPUT
        elif opcode == 3:
            intcode_aux[indexes[0]] = inputs.pop(0)
            pointer += 2

        # OUTPUT
        elif opcode == 4:
            #print('Output: '+intcode_aux[indexes[0]].__str__())
            pointer += 2
            if len(output) == n_read:

        # JUMP-IF-TRUE
        elif opcode == 5:
            if intcode_aux[indexes[0]] != 0:
                pointer = intcode_aux[indexes[1]]
                pointer += 3

        # JUMP-IF-FALSE
        elif opcode == 6:
            if intcode_aux[indexes[0]] == 0:
                pointer = intcode_aux[indexes[1]]
                pointer += 3

        # LESS-THAN
        elif opcode == 7:
            if intcode_aux[indexes[0]] < intcode_aux[indexes[1]]:
                intcode_aux[indexes[2]] = 1
                intcode_aux[indexes[2]] = 0
            pointer += 4

        # EQUAL-TO
        elif opcode == 8:
            if intcode_aux[indexes[0]] == intcode_aux[indexes[1]]:
                intcode_aux[indexes[2]] = 1
                intcode_aux[indexes[2]] = 0
            pointer += 4

        elif opcode == 9:
            relative_base += intcode_aux[indexes[0]]
            pointer += 2

    return [output, intcode_aux, pointer, relative_base]
예제 #49
# Call Option Pricing with Discrete Fourier Transforms (DFT/FFT)

import math
import numpy as np
from numpy.fft import fft, ifft
from convolution import revnp
from parameters import *

# Parameter Adjustments
M = 3  #numberoftimesteps
dt, df, u, d, q = get_binomial_parameters(M)

# Array Generation for Stock Prices
mu = np.arange(M + 1)
mu = np.resize(mu, (M + 1, M + 1))
md = np.transpose(mu)
mu = u**(mu - md)
md = d**md
S = S0 * mu * md

# Valuation by fft
CT = np.maximum(S[:, -1] - K, 0)
qv = np.zeros(M + 1, dtype=np.float)
qv[0] = q
qv[1] = 1 - q
C0_a = fft(math.exp(-r * T) * ifft(CT) * ((M + 1) * ifft(revnp(qv)))**M)
C0_b = fft(math.exp(-r * T) * ifft(CT) * fft(qv)**M)
C0_c = ifft(math.exp(-r * T) * fft(CT) * fft(revnp(qv))**M)

print("Value of European option is %8.3f" % np.real(C0_a[0]))
예제 #50
from PIL import Image
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import numpy as np
import Base_Utils as bu

number_iteractions =10

img = Image.open('/Users/Ashley/Desktop/test.tif')

mean_val=np.mean(out_line)                          #Select the mean value of the data and use it
selected_points = np.where(out_line > mean_val)     #to select the points above that value

selected_points_signal=np.zeros((N,1))              #Build empty array
selected_points_signal[selected_points]=True        #True means there is signal there
selected_points_noise = np.logical_not(selected_points_signal) #True means there is noise there

#pms  =1 x 2 double [signal max and signal widrh
#pmn =1 x 2 double [signal max and noise widrh
예제 #51
def makeTECparmdb(H, solset, TECsolTab, timewidths, freq, freqwidth):
    """Returns TEC screen parmdb parameters

    H - H5parm object
    solset - solution set with TEC screen parameters
    TECsolTab = solution table with tecscreen values
    timewidths - time widths of output parmdb
    freq - frequency of output parmdb
    freqwidth - frequency width of output parmdb
    global ipbar, pbar

    solset = H.getSolset(solset)

    station_dict = solset.getAnt()
    station_names = station_dict.keys()
    station_positions = station_dict.values()

    source_dict = solset.getSou()
    source_names = source_dict.keys()
    source_positions = source_dict.values()

    tec_sf = solset.getSoltab(TECsolTab)
    tec_screen, axis_vals = tec_sf.getValues()
    times = axis_vals['time']
    beta = TECsolTab._v_attrs['beta']
    r_0 = TECsolTab._v_attrs['r_0']
    height = TECsolTab._v_attrs['height']
    order = TECsolTab._v_attrs['order']
    pp = tec_sf.t.piercepoint

    N_sources = len(source_names)
    N_times = len(times)
    N_freqs = 1
    N_stations = len(station_names)
    N_piercepoints = N_sources * N_stations

    freqs = freq
    freqwidths = freqwidth
    parms = {}
    v = {}
    v['times'] = times
    v['timewidths'] = timewidths
    v['freqs'] = freqs
    v['freqwidths'] = freqwidths

    for station_name in station_names:
        for source_name in source_names:

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:X:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:Y:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'Piercepoint:Z:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:0:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

            v['values'] = np.zeros((N_times, N_freqs), dtype=np.double)
            parmname = 'TECfit_white:1:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
            parms[parmname] = v.copy()

    for k in range(N_times):
        D = np.resize(pp[k, :, :], (N_piercepoints, N_piercepoints, 3))
        D = np.transpose(D, (1, 0, 2)) - D
        D2 = np.sum(D**2, axis=2)
        C = -(D2 / (r_0**2))**(beta / 2.0) / 2.0
        tec_fit_white = np.dot(np.linalg.inv(C),
                               tec_screen[:, k, :].reshape(N_piercepoints))
        pp_idx = 0
        for src, source_name in enumerate(source_names):
            for sta, station_name in enumerate(station_names):

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:X:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 0]

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:Y:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 1]

                parmname = 'Piercepoint:Z:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = pp[k, pp_idx, 2]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:0:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                parmname = 'TECfit_white:1:%s:%s' % (station_name, source_name)
                parms[parmname]['values'][k, 0] = tec_fit_white[pp_idx]

                pp_idx += 1
        ipbar += 1

    time_start = times[0] - timewidths[0] / 2
    time_end = times[-1] + timewidths[-1] / 2

    v['times'] = np.array([(time_start + time_end) / 2])
    v['timewidths'] = np.array([time_end - time_start])

    v_r0 = v.copy()
    v_r0['values'] = np.array(r_0, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['r_0'] = v_r0

    v_beta = v.copy()
    v_beta['values'] = np.array(beta, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['beta'] = v_beta

    v_height = v.copy()
    v_height['values'] = np.array(height, dtype=np.double, ndmin=2)
    parms['height'] = v_height

    return parms
예제 #52
def process_chunk(start_id, end_id, raw_data):
    """This function extracts features and assigns labels from a good chunk of raw data
    Following step is taken:
        + determine aircon status from `power`
        + identify user actions (classification labels) from the aircon status
        + remove spurious actions (TURN ON, TURN OFF that are too close to each other)
        + fix aircon status to match with the user actions (after removing spurious ones)
        + sub-sample and extract data features (outlier samples will be removed)

    @:param raw_data the whole raw data array
    @:param start_id where the chunk starts
    @:param end_id where the chunk ends
    @:return a list of feature array, label vector and aircon status vector

    nrows = end_id - start_id
    saving_time = raw_data[start_id:end_id, 0]
    power = raw_data[start_id:end_id, 1]

    #prepare vectors to hold `user action` and `aircon status`
    action = np.empty(nrows, int)
    status = np.empty(nrows, int)

    #detect power ON status
    status[np.where(power > POWER_CUT)] = STATUS_ON

    #detect TURN ON, TURN OFF action
    action_id = []
    for i in range(1, nrows):
        status_diff = status[i] - status[i - 1]
        if status_diff == 1:
            action[i] = ACTION_TURN_ON
        elif status_diff == -1:
            action[i] = ACTION_TURN_OFF

    num_actions = len(action_id)  #total number of actions

    action_id = np.array(action_id)  #row index of actions

    #remove any (TURN_OFF, TURN_ON) tuple whose time interval is too short (less than 5, for example)
    min_diff = OFF_MIN_DURATION * 60  # define the minimum time interval, for example 5 minutes time 60 secs
    i = num_actions - 1
    while i > 0:
        if action[action_id[i]] == ACTION_TURN_ON:
            time_diff = saving_time[action_id[i]] - saving_time[action_id[i -

            if time_diff < min_diff:
                action[action_id[i]] = ACTION_NOTHING  # remove TURN ON
                action[action_id[i - 1]] = ACTION_NOTHING  # remove TURN OFF
            i -= 2
            i -= 1

    #remove any (TURN_ON, TURN_OFF) tuple whose time interval is too short (less than 5, for example)
    min_diff = ON_MIN_DURATION * 60  # define the minimum time interval, for example 5 minutes time 60 secs
    i = 0

    while i < num_actions - 1:
        if action[action_id[i]] == ACTION_TURN_ON:
            #find the next TURN OFF action
            j = i + 1
            while (j < num_actions
                   and action[action_id[j]] != ACTION_TURN_OFF):
                j += 1
            if j < num_actions:  # found TURN OFF action
                time_diff = saving_time[action_id[j]] - saving_time[
                if time_diff < min_diff:
                    action[action_id[i]] = ACTION_NOTHING  # remove TURN ON
                    action[action_id[j]] = ACTION_NOTHING  # remove TURN OFF
            i = j + 1
            i += 1

    #once actions are correctly recognized, now it's time to fix the aircon status

    prev_status = status[0]
    for i in range(1, nrows):
        if action[i] == ACTION_NOTHING:
            status[i] = prev_status
        elif action[i] == ACTION_TURN_ON:
            status[i] = STATUS_ON
            status[i] = STATUS_OFF
        prev_status = status[i]

    # sub-sampling (reduce the data size), but retain all data points having an action
    n_obs = SAMPLING_SIZE  #sampling every 10 timepoints (i.e. 5 minutes)
    nfrows = int(nrows / n_obs)  #number of data rows after sampling

    if nfrows <= 0:
        return None

    #allocate data arrays
    x = np.empty([nfrows, NUM_FEATURES], float)
    y = np.empty(nfrows, int)
    sampled_status = np.empty(nfrows, int)

    sampled_id = n_obs
    i = 0

    feat_period = PAST_DURATION * 60  #extract feature from previous 5 minutes

    #sub-sampling is happening in this loop
    while sampled_id < nrows:

        #find any near by actions. actions is precious, we must retain all actions
        for j in range(n_obs):
            new_id = sampled_id + j
            if new_id < nrows and action[new_id] != ACTION_NOTHING:
                sampled_id = new_id

        #collect samples which are obs_period seconds from sampled_id sample
        feature_ids = []
        cur_id = start_id + sampled_id - 1
        while (cur_id >= 0) and ((raw_data[start_id + sampled_id, 0] -
                                  raw_data[cur_id, 0]) < feat_period):
            #check if the sample at cur_id is an outlier
            bOutlier = False
            for j in range(2, NUM_CSV_COLS):
                if (raw_data[cur_id, j] < SENSOR_RANGES[j - 2][0]) or (
                        raw_data[cur_id, j] > SENSOR_RANGES[j - 2][1]):
                    bOutlier = True
            if not bOutlier:

            cur_id -= 1

        if len(feature_ids) > 0:
            #extract feature from these samples
            for j in range(2, NUM_CSV_COLS):
                x[i, j - 2] = np.mean(raw_data[feature_ids, j])
                #x[i, 2*j] = np.mean(raw_data[feature_ids, j])
                #x[i, 2*j+1] = np.std(raw_data[feature_ids, j])
            x[i, NUM_FEATURES - 2] = raw_data[sampled_id,
                                              NUM_CSV_COLS]  #week day
            x[i, NUM_FEATURES - 1] = raw_data[sampled_id,
                                              NUM_CSV_COLS + 1]  #hour
            sampled_status[i] = status[sampled_id - 1]
            y[i] = action[sampled_id]
            i += 1

        #move on to the next id for sampling
        sampled_id += n_obs

    nrows = i  #correct number of data rows
    if nrows <= 0:
        return None

    #resize arrays to their correct sizes
    x = np.resize(x, [nrows, NUM_FEATURES])
    y = np.resize(y, nrows)
    sampled_status = np.resize(sampled_status, nrows)
    return [x, y, sampled_status]
def KM2():
    matrix = numpy.loadtxt('D:/EE569_Assignment/4/C++/Kmeans2/x64/Debug/Weight_W.txt');
    temp = numpy.resize(matrix, (1, 5 * 5 * 6 * 16))
    temp = tf.convert_to_tensor(temp, tf.float32)
    initial = tflearn.layers.core.reshape(temp, [5, 5, 6, 16])
    return initial
예제 #54
def get_rgb(imgs,
    Given a list of images in the given bands, returns a scaled RGB

    *imgs*  a list of numpy arrays, all the same size, in nanomaggies
    *bands* a list of strings, eg, ['g','r','z']
    *mnmx*  = (min,max), values that will become black/white *after* scaling.
           Default is (-3,10)
    *arcsinh* use nonlinear scaling as in SDSS

    Returns a (H,W,3) numpy array with values between 0 and 1.
    bands = ''.join(bands)

    grzscales = dict(
        g=(2, 0.0066),
        r=(1, 0.01385),
        z=(0, 0.025),

    if scales is None:
        if bands == 'grz':
            scales = grzscales
        elif bands == 'urz':
            scales = dict(
                u=(2, 0.0066),
                r=(1, 0.01),
                z=(0, 0.025),
        elif bands == 'gri':
            # scales = dict(g = (2, 0.004),
            #               r = (1, 0.0066),
            #               i = (0, 0.01),
            #               )
            scales = dict(
                g=(2, 0.002),
                r=(1, 0.004),
                i=(0, 0.005),
            scales = grzscales

    h, w = imgs[0].shape
    rgb = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.float32)
    # Convert to ~ sigmas
    for im, band in zip(imgs, bands):
        plane, scale = scales[band]
        rgb[:, :, plane] = (im / scale).astype(np.float32)
        #print 'rgb: plane', plane, 'range', rgb[:,:,plane].min(), rgb[:,:,plane].max()

    if mnmx is None:
        mn, mx = -3, 10
        mn, mx = mnmx

    if arcsinh is not None:

        def nlmap(x):
            return np.arcsinh(x * arcsinh) / np.sqrt(arcsinh)

        rgb = nlmap(rgb)
        mn = nlmap(mn)
        mx = nlmap(mx)

    rgb = (rgb - mn) / (mx - mn)

    if desaturate:
        # optionally desaturate pixels that are dominated by a single
        # colour to avoid colourful speckled sky

        RGBim = np.array([rgb[:, :, 0], rgb[:, :, 1], rgb[:, :, 2]])
        a = RGBim.mean(axis=0)
        np.putmask(a, a == 0.0, 1.0)
        acube = np.resize(a, (3, h, w))
        bcube = (RGBim / acube) / 2.5
        mask = np.array(bcube)
        wt = np.max(mask, axis=0)
        np.putmask(wt, wt > 1.0, 1.0)
        wt = 1 - wt
        wt = np.sin(wt * np.pi / 2.0)
        temp = RGBim * wt + a * (1 - wt) + a * (1 - wt)**2 * RGBim
        rgb = np.zeros((h, w, 3), np.float32)
        for idx, im in enumerate(
            (temp[0, :, :], temp[1, :, :], temp[2, :, :])):
            rgb[:, :, idx] = im

    clipped = np.clip(rgb, 0., 1.)

    # Save hardcopy as JPG
    #out_jpg  = '%s/decals/imagetests/dstn/test.jpeg'  % gzpath
    out_jpg = '%s/decals/imagetests/sugata/%s.jpeg' % (gzpath, imgname)

    plt.imsave(out_jpg, clipped, origin='lower')

    return clipped
    def body1(self, num, object_num, loss, predict, labels, nilboy):
    calculate loss
      predict: 3-D tensor [cell_size, cell_size, 5 * boxes_per_cell]
      labels : [max_objects, 5]  (x_center, y_center, w, h, class)
        label = labels[num:num + 1, :]
        label = tf.reshape(label, [-1])

        #calculate objects  tensor [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE]
        min_x = (label[0] - label[2] / 2) / (self.image_size / self.cell_size)
        max_x = (label[0] + label[2] / 2) / (self.image_size / self.cell_size)

        min_y = (label[1] - label[3] / 2) / (self.image_size / self.cell_size)
        max_y = (label[1] + label[3] / 2) / (self.image_size / self.cell_size)

        min_x = tf.floor(min_x)
        min_y = tf.floor(min_y)

        max_x = tf.ceil(max_x)
        max_y = tf.ceil(max_y)

        temp = tf.cast(tf.stack([max_y - min_y, max_x - min_x]),
        objects = tf.ones(temp, tf.float32)

        temp = tf.cast(
                [min_y, self.cell_size - max_y, min_x,
                 self.cell_size - max_x]), tf.int32)
        temp = tf.reshape(temp, (2, 2))
        objects = tf.pad(objects, temp, "CONSTANT")

        #calculate objects  tensor [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE]
        #calculate responsible tensor [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE]
        center_x = label[0] / (self.image_size / self.cell_size)
        center_x = tf.floor(center_x)

        center_y = label[1] / (self.image_size / self.cell_size)
        center_y = tf.floor(center_y)

        response = tf.ones([1, 1], tf.float32)

        temp = tf.cast(
                center_y, self.cell_size - center_y - 1, center_x,
                self.cell_size - center_x - 1
            ]), tf.int32)
        temp = tf.reshape(temp, (2, 2))
        response = tf.pad(response, temp, "CONSTANT")
        #objects = response

        #calculate iou_predict_truth [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, BOXES_PER_CELL]
        predict_boxes = predict[:, :, self.num_classes + self.boxes_per_cell:]

        predict_boxes = tf.reshape(
            [self.cell_size, self.cell_size, self.boxes_per_cell, 4])

        predict_boxes = predict_boxes * [
            self.image_size / self.cell_size, self.image_size / self.cell_size,
            self.image_size, self.image_size

        base_boxes = np.zeros([self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 4])

        for y in range(self.cell_size):
            for x in range(self.cell_size):
                base_boxes[y, x, :] = [
                    self.image_size / self.cell_size * x,
                    self.image_size / self.cell_size * y, 0, 0
        base_boxes = np.tile(
            np.resize(base_boxes, [self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 1, 4]),
            [1, 1, self.boxes_per_cell, 1])

        predict_boxes = base_boxes + predict_boxes

        iou_predict_truth = self.iou(predict_boxes, label[0:4])
        #calculate C [cell_size, cell_size, boxes_per_cell]
        C = iou_predict_truth * tf.reshape(response,
                                           [self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 1])

        #calculate I tensor [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, BOXES_PER_CELL]
        I = iou_predict_truth * tf.reshape(response,
                                           (self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 1))

        max_I = tf.reduce_max(I, 2, keep_dims=True)

        I = tf.cast((I >= max_I), tf.float32) * tf.reshape(
            response, (self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 1))

        #calculate no_I tensor [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, BOXES_PER_CELL]
        no_I = tf.ones_like(I, dtype=tf.float32) - I

        p_C = predict[:, :,
                      self.num_classes:self.num_classes + self.boxes_per_cell]

        #calculate truth x,y,sqrt_w,sqrt_h 0-D
        x = label[0]
        y = label[1]

        sqrt_w = tf.sqrt(tf.abs(label[2]))
        sqrt_h = tf.sqrt(tf.abs(label[3]))
        #sqrt_w = tf.abs(label[2])
        #sqrt_h = tf.abs(label[3])

        #calculate predict p_x, p_y, p_sqrt_w, p_sqrt_h 3-D [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, BOXES_PER_CELL]
        p_x = predict_boxes[:, :, :, 0]
        p_y = predict_boxes[:, :, :, 1]

        #p_sqrt_w = tf.sqrt(tf.abs(predict_boxes[:, :, :, 2])) * ((tf.cast(predict_boxes[:, :, :, 2] > 0, tf.float32) * 2) - 1)
        #p_sqrt_h = tf.sqrt(tf.abs(predict_boxes[:, :, :, 3])) * ((tf.cast(predict_boxes[:, :, :, 3] > 0, tf.float32) * 2) - 1)
        #p_sqrt_w = tf.sqrt(tf.maximum(0.0, predict_boxes[:, :, :, 2]))
        #p_sqrt_h = tf.sqrt(tf.maximum(0.0, predict_boxes[:, :, :, 3]))
        #p_sqrt_w = predict_boxes[:, :, :, 2]
        #p_sqrt_h = predict_boxes[:, :, :, 3]
        p_sqrt_w = tf.sqrt(
            tf.minimum(self.image_size * 1.0,
                       tf.maximum(0.0, predict_boxes[:, :, :, 2])))
        p_sqrt_h = tf.sqrt(
            tf.minimum(self.image_size * 1.0,
                       tf.maximum(0.0, predict_boxes[:, :, :, 3])))
        #calculate truth p 1-D tensor [NUM_CLASSES]
        P = tf.one_hot(tf.cast(label[4], tf.int32),

        #calculate predict p_P 3-D tensor [CELL_SIZE, CELL_SIZE, NUM_CLASSES]
        p_P = predict[:, :, 0:self.num_classes]

        class_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(
            tf.reshape(objects, (self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 1)) *
            (p_P - P)) * self.class_scale
        #class_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(tf.reshape(response, (self.cell_size, self.cell_size, 1)) * (p_P - P)) * self.class_scale

        object_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(I * (p_C - C)) * self.object_scale
        #object_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(I * (p_C - (C + 1.0)/2.0)) * self.object_scale

        #noobject_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(no_I * (p_C - C)) * self.noobject_scale
        noobject_loss = tf.nn.l2_loss(no_I * (p_C)) * self.noobject_scale

        coord_loss = (tf.nn.l2_loss(I * (p_x - x) /
                                    (self.image_size / self.cell_size)) +
                      tf.nn.l2_loss(I * (p_y - y) /
                                    (self.image_size / self.cell_size)) +
                      tf.nn.l2_loss(I *
                                    (p_sqrt_w - sqrt_w)) / self.image_size +
                      tf.nn.l2_loss(I * (p_sqrt_h - sqrt_h)) /
                      self.image_size) * self.coord_scale

        nilboy = I

        return num + 1, object_num, [
            loss[0] + class_loss, loss[1] + object_loss,
            loss[2] + noobject_loss, loss[3] + coord_loss
        ], predict, labels, nilboy
def KM4():
    matrix = numpy.loadtxt('D:/EE569_Assignment/4/C++/Kmeans4/x64/Debug/Weight_W.txt');
    temp = numpy.resize(matrix, (1, 120 * 84))
    temp = tf.convert_to_tensor(temp, tf.float32)
    initial = tflearn.layers.core.reshape(temp, [120, 84])
    return initial
예제 #57
파일: aces.py 프로젝트: ajun73/Work_Code
def log_encoding_ACESproxy(lin_AP1,
    Defines the *ACESproxy* colourspace log encoding curve / opto-electronic
    transfer function.

    lin_AP1 : numeric or array_like
        *lin_AP1* value.
    bit_depth : int, optional
        **{10, 12}**,
        *ACESproxy* bit depth.
    out_int : bool, optional
        Whether to return value as integer code value or float equivalent of a
        code value at a given bit depth.
    constants : Structure, optional
        *ACESproxy* constants.

    numeric or ndarray
        *ACESproxy* non-linear value.


    | **Domain \\*** | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``lin_AP1``   | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    | **Range \\***  | **Scale - Reference** | **Scale - 1** |
    | ``ACESproxy`` | [0, 1]                | [0, 1]        |

    -   \\* This definition has an output integer switch, thus the domain-range
        scale information is only given for the floating point mode.


    >>> log_encoding_ACESproxy(0.18)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    >>> log_encoding_ACESproxy(0.18, out_int=True)

    lin_AP1 = to_domain_1(lin_AP1)

    constants = constants[bit_depth]

    CV_min = np.resize(constants.CV_min, lin_AP1.shape)
    CV_max = np.resize(constants.CV_max, lin_AP1.shape)

    def float_2_cv(x):
        Converts given numeric to code value.

        return np.maximum(CV_min, np.minimum(CV_max, np.round(x)))

    ACESproxy = np.where(
        lin_AP1 > 2**-9.72,
        float_2_cv((np.log2(lin_AP1) + constants.mid_log_offset) *
                   constants.steps_per_stop + constants.mid_CV_offset),
        np.resize(CV_min, lin_AP1.shape),

    if out_int:
        return as_int(np.round(ACESproxy))
        return as_float(from_range_1(ACESproxy / (2**bit_depth - 1)))
예제 #58
def _spectral_helper(x,
    Private helper implementing the common parts between the psd, csd,
    spectrogram and complex, magnitude, angle, and phase spectrums.
    if y is None:
        # if y is None use x for y
        same_data = True
        # The checks for if y is x are so that we can use the same function to
        # implement the core of psd(), csd(), and spectrogram() without doing
        # extra calculations.  We return the unaveraged Pxy, freqs, and t.
        same_data = y is x

    if Fs is None:
        Fs = 2
    if noverlap is None:
        noverlap = 0
    if detrend_func is None:
        detrend_func = detrend_none
    if window is None:
        window = window_hanning

    # if NFFT is set to None use the whole signal
    if NFFT is None:
        NFFT = 256

    if mode is None or mode == 'default':
        mode = 'psd'
        ['default', 'psd', 'complex', 'magnitude', 'angle', 'phase'],

    if not same_data and mode != 'psd':
        raise ValueError("x and y must be equal if mode is not 'psd'")

    # Make sure we're dealing with a numpy array. If y and x were the same
    # object to start with, keep them that way
    x = np.asarray(x)
    if not same_data:
        y = np.asarray(y)

    if sides is None or sides == 'default':
        if np.iscomplexobj(x):
            sides = 'twosided'
            sides = 'onesided'
    _api.check_in_list(['default', 'onesided', 'twosided'], sides=sides)

    # zero pad x and y up to NFFT if they are shorter than NFFT
    if len(x) < NFFT:
        n = len(x)
        x = np.resize(x, NFFT)
        x[n:] = 0

    if not same_data and len(y) < NFFT:
        n = len(y)
        y = np.resize(y, NFFT)
        y[n:] = 0

    if pad_to is None:
        pad_to = NFFT

    if mode != 'psd':
        scale_by_freq = False
    elif scale_by_freq is None:
        scale_by_freq = True

    # For real x, ignore the negative frequencies unless told otherwise
    if sides == 'twosided':
        numFreqs = pad_to
        if pad_to % 2:
            freqcenter = (pad_to - 1) // 2 + 1
            freqcenter = pad_to // 2
        scaling_factor = 1.
    elif sides == 'onesided':
        if pad_to % 2:
            numFreqs = (pad_to + 1) // 2
            numFreqs = pad_to // 2 + 1
        scaling_factor = 2.

    if not np.iterable(window):
        window = window(np.ones(NFFT, x.dtype))
    if len(window) != NFFT:
        raise ValueError(
            "The window length must match the data's first dimension")

    result = stride_windows(x, NFFT, noverlap, axis=0)
    result = detrend(result, detrend_func, axis=0)
    result = result * window.reshape((-1, 1))
    result = np.fft.fft(result, n=pad_to, axis=0)[:numFreqs, :]
    freqs = np.fft.fftfreq(pad_to, 1 / Fs)[:numFreqs]

    if not same_data:
        # if same_data is False, mode must be 'psd'
        resultY = stride_windows(y, NFFT, noverlap)
        resultY = detrend(resultY, detrend_func, axis=0)
        resultY = resultY * window.reshape((-1, 1))
        resultY = np.fft.fft(resultY, n=pad_to, axis=0)[:numFreqs, :]
        result = np.conj(result) * resultY
    elif mode == 'psd':
        result = np.conj(result) * result
    elif mode == 'magnitude':
        result = np.abs(result) / np.abs(window).sum()
    elif mode == 'angle' or mode == 'phase':
        # we unwrap the phase later to handle the onesided vs. twosided case
        result = np.angle(result)
    elif mode == 'complex':
        result /= np.abs(window).sum()

    if mode == 'psd':

        # Also include scaling factors for one-sided densities and dividing by
        # the sampling frequency, if desired. Scale everything, except the DC
        # component and the NFFT/2 component:

        # if we have a even number of frequencies, don't scale NFFT/2
        if not NFFT % 2:
            slc = slice(1, -1, None)
        # if we have an odd number, just don't scale DC
            slc = slice(1, None, None)

        result[slc] *= scaling_factor

        # MATLAB divides by the sampling frequency so that density function
        # has units of dB/Hz and can be integrated by the plotted frequency
        # values. Perform the same scaling here.
        if scale_by_freq:
            result /= Fs
            # Scale the spectrum by the norm of the window to compensate for
            # windowing loss; see Bendat & Piersol Sec 11.5.2.
            result /= (np.abs(window)**2).sum()
            # In this case, preserve power in the segment, not amplitude
            result /= np.abs(window).sum()**2

    t = np.arange(NFFT / 2, len(x) - NFFT / 2 + 1, NFFT - noverlap) / Fs

    if sides == 'twosided':
        # center the frequency range at zero
        freqs = np.roll(freqs, -freqcenter, axis=0)
        result = np.roll(result, -freqcenter, axis=0)
    elif not pad_to % 2:
        # get the last value correctly, it is negative otherwise
        freqs[-1] *= -1

    # we unwrap the phase here to handle the onesided vs. twosided case
    if mode == 'phase':
        result = np.unwrap(result, axis=0)

    return result, freqs, t
예제 #59
    output = 'datatype:{}, mean:{}, sd:{}, train time:{}s, explain time:{}s \n'.format(
        0,  #np.mean(median_ranks),
        0,  #np.std(median_ranks),
    print(scores_grp, "smaple_grp")
    print(scores, "samples")
    group_dir_name = 'img_groups_new'
    if not os.path.exists(group_dir_name):
    num_dir_name = 'img_numbers_new'
    print(x_val, "x_val")

    print(new_model_input4, "new 4")
    if not os.path.exists(num_dir_name):
    for num in tqdm(range(100)):
        visualize_group(scores[num], group_dir_name + '/group_%03d.png' % num,
        img = np.resize(
            np.squeeze(x_val[num] * 255.0).astype(np.uint8), (14, 14))
        imsave(num_dir_name + '/num_%03d.png' % num, img)
    pickle.dump(scores, open("./score.pkl", "wb"))
    pickle.dump(scores_grp, open("./score_grp.pkl", "wb"))
    pickle.dump(x_val, open("./x_val.pkl", "wb"))
    pickle.dump(y_val, open("./y_val.pkl", "wb"))
    pickle.dump(preds, open("./preds.pkl", "wb"))
예제 #60
    def getitem(self, global_index, crop=None):
        # select frame from sequence
        index = global_index

        # get data ids
        audio_id = self.audio_ids[index]
        image_id = self.image_ids[index]
        uv_id = self.uvs_ids[index]

        #print('GET ITEM: ', index)
        img_fname = os.path.join(self.image_dir,
                                 str(image_id).zfill(5) + '.png')
        img_numpy = np.asarray(Image.open(img_fname))
        TARGET = 2.0 * transforms.ToTensor()(img_numpy.astype(
            np.float32)) / 255.0 - 1.0

        uv_fname = os.path.join(self.uvs_dir, str(uv_id).zfill(5) + '.exr')
        uv_numpy = util.load_exr(uv_fname)
        UV = transforms.ToTensor()(uv_numpy.astype(np.float32))
        UV = torch.where(UV > 1.0, torch.zeros_like(UV), UV)
        UV = torch.where(UV < 0.0, torch.zeros_like(UV), UV)
        UV = 2.0 * UV - 1.0

        # intrinsics and extrinsics
        intrinsics = self.intrinsics
        extrinsics = self.extrinsics[uv_id]

        # expressions
        expressions = np.asarray(self.expressions[audio_id], dtype=np.float32)
        #print('expressions:', expressions.shape)
        expressions[32] *= 0.0  # remove eye brow movements
        expressions[41] *= 0.0  # remove eye brow movements
        expressions[71:75] *= 0.0  # remove eye brow movements
        expressions = torch.tensor(expressions)

        # identity
        identity = torch.tensor(self.identities[audio_id])

        # load deepspeech feature
        dsf_fname = os.path.join(self.audio_feature_dir,
                                 str(audio_id) + '.deepspeech.npy')
        feature_array = np.load(dsf_fname)
        dsf_np = np.resize(feature_array, (16, 29, 1))
        dsf = transforms.ToTensor()(dsf_np.astype(np.float32))

        # load sequence data if necessary
        if self.opt.look_ahead:  # use prev and following frame infos
            r = self.opt.seq_len // 2
            last_valid_idx = audio_id
            for i in range(1, r):  # prev frames
                index_seq = index - i
                if index_seq < 0: index_seq = 0
                audio_id_seq = self.audio_ids[index_seq]
                if audio_id_seq == audio_id - i: last_valid_idx = audio_id_seq
                else: audio_id_seq = last_valid_idx

                dsf_fname = os.path.join(self.audio_feature_dir,
                                         str(audio_id_seq) + '.deepspeech.npy')
                feature_array = np.load(dsf_fname)
                dsf_np = np.resize(feature_array, (16, 29, 1))
                dsf_seq = transforms.ToTensor()(dsf_np.astype(
                    np.float32))  # 1 x 16 x 29
                dsf = torch.cat([dsf_seq, dsf], 0)  # seq_len x 16 x 29
                # note the ordering [old ... current]

            last_valid_idx = audio_id
            for i in range(1, self.opt.seq_len - r + 1):  # following frames
                index_seq = index + i
                max_idx = len(self.audio_ids) - 1
                if index_seq > max_idx: index_seq = max_idx
                audio_id_seq = self.audio_ids[index_seq]
                if audio_id_seq == audio_id + i: last_valid_idx = audio_id_seq
                else: audio_id_seq = last_valid_idx

                dsf_fname = os.path.join(self.audio_feature_dir,
                                         str(audio_id_seq) + '.deepspeech.npy')
                feature_array = np.load(dsf_fname)
                dsf_np = np.resize(feature_array, (16, 29, 1))
                dsf_seq = transforms.ToTensor()(dsf_np.astype(
                    np.float32))  # 1 x 16 x 29
                dsf = torch.cat([dsf, dsf_seq], 0)  # seq_len x 16 x 29
                # note the ordering [old ... current ... future]
            last_valid_idx = audio_id
            for i in range(1, self.opt.seq_len):
                index_seq = index - i
                if index_seq < 0: index_seq = 0
                audio_id_seq = self.audio_ids[index_seq]
                if audio_id_seq == audio_id - i: last_valid_idx = audio_id_seq
                else: audio_id_seq = last_valid_idx

                dsf_fname = os.path.join(self.audio_feature_dir,
                                         str(audio_id_seq) + '.deepspeech.npy')
                feature_array = np.load(dsf_fname)
                dsf_np = np.resize(feature_array, (16, 29, 1))
                dsf_seq = transforms.ToTensor()(dsf_np.astype(
                    np.float32))  # 1 x 16 x 29
                dsf = torch.cat([dsf_seq, dsf], 0)  # seq_len x 16 x 29
                # note the ordering [old ... current]

        ####### apply augmentation ######

        if not self.opt.no_augmentation:
            if type(crop) == type(None):
                INVALID_UV = -1
                mask = ((UV[0:1, :, :] != INVALID_UV) |
                        (UV[1:2, :, :] != INVALID_UV))
                crop = self.computeCrop(
                    mask, MULTIPLE_OF=64
                )  # << dependent on the network structure !! 64 => 6 layers

            offset_x, offset_y, new_dim_x, new_dim_y = crop

            # select subwindow
            TARGET = TARGET[:, offset_y:offset_y + new_dim_y,
                            offset_x:offset_x + new_dim_x]
            UV = UV[:, offset_y:offset_y + new_dim_y,
                    offset_x:offset_x + new_dim_x]

            # compute new intrinsics
            # TODO: atm not needed but maybe later


        return {
            'TARGET': TARGET,
            'UV': UV,
            'paths': dsf_fname,  #img_path,
            'intrinsics': np.array(intrinsics),
            'extrinsics': np.array(extrinsics),
            'expressions': expressions,
            'identity': identity,
            'audio_deepspeech': dsf,  # deepspeech feature
            'crop': crop,
            'internal_id': 0