예제 #1
def hgs_to_hcc(heliogcoord, heliocframe):
    Convert from Heliographic Stonyhurst to Heliograpic Carrington.
    hglon = heliogcoord.lon
    hglat = heliogcoord.lat
    r = heliogcoord.radius.to(u.m)

    l0b0_pair = [heliocframe.L0, heliocframe.B0]

    l0_rad = l0b0_pair[0].to(u.rad)
    b0_deg = l0b0_pair[1]

    lon = np.deg2rad(hglon)
    lat = np.deg2rad(hglat)

    cosb = np.cos(b0_deg.to(u.rad))
    sinb = np.sin(b0_deg.to(u.rad))

    lon = lon - l0_rad

    cosx = np.cos(lon)
    sinx = np.sin(lon)
    cosy = np.cos(lat)
    siny = np.sin(lat)

    x = r * cosy * sinx
    y = r * (siny * cosb - cosy * cosx * sinb)
    zz = r * (siny * sinb + cosy * cosx * cosb)

    representation = CartesianRepresentation(x.to(u.km), y.to(u.km), zz.to(u.km))
    return heliocframe.realize_frame(representation)
예제 #2
def kdtree_fast(latvar,lonvar,lat0,lon0):
    :param latvar:
    :param lonvar:
    :param lat0:
    :param lon0:
    rad_factor = pi/180.0 # for trignometry, need angles in radians
    # Read latitude and longitude from file into numpy arrays
    latvals = latvar[:] * rad_factor
    lonvals = lonvar[:] * rad_factor
    ny,nx = latvals.shape
    clat,clon = cos(latvals),cos(lonvals)
    slat,slon = sin(latvals),sin(lonvals)
    # Build kd-tree from big arrays of 3D coordinates
    triples = list(zip(ravel(clat*clon), ravel(clat*slon), ravel(slat)))
    kdt = cKDTree(triples)
    lat0_rad = lat0 * rad_factor
    lon0_rad = lon0 * rad_factor
    clat0,clon0 = cos(lat0_rad),cos(lon0_rad)
    slat0,slon0 = sin(lat0_rad),sin(lon0_rad)
    dist_sq_min, minindex_1d = kdt.query([clat0*clon0, clat0*slon0, slat0])
    iy_min, ix_min = unravel_index(minindex_1d, latvals.shape)
    return iy_min,ix_min
    def to_SQL(self, RAname, DECname):

        if self.DECdeg != 90.0 and self.DECdeg != -90.0:
            RAmax = self.RAdeg + \
            360.0 * np.arcsin(np.sin(0.5*self.radius) / np.cos(self.DEC))/np.pi
            RAmin = self.RAdeg - \
            360.0 * np.arcsin(np.sin(0.5*self.radius) / np.cos(self.DEC))/np.pi
           #just in case, for some reason, we are looking at the poles
           RAmax = 360.0
           RAmin = 0.0

        DECmax = self.DECdeg + self.radiusdeg
        DECmin = self.DECdeg - self.radiusdeg

        #initially demand that all objects are within a box containing the circle
        #set from the DEC1=DEC2 and RA1=RA2 limits of the haversine function
        bound = ("%s between %f and %f and %s between %f and %f "
                     % (RAname, RAmin, RAmax, DECname, DECmin, DECmax))

        #then use the Haversine function to constrain the angular distance form boresite to be within
        #the desired radius.  See http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Haversine_formula
        bound = bound + ("and 2 * ASIN(SQRT( POWER(SIN(0.5*(%s - %s) * PI() / 180.0),2)" % (DECname,self.DECdeg))
        bound = bound + ("+ COS(%s * PI() / 180.0) * COS(%s * PI() / 180.0) " % (DECname, self.DECdeg))
        bound = bound + ("* POWER(SIN(0.5 * (%s - %s) * PI() / 180.0),2)))" % (RAname, self.RAdeg))
        bound = bound + (" < %s " % self.radius)

        return bound
예제 #4
def test_genz_oscillatory_exact_d4():
    exact = np.sin(29988 - 7*np.pi/34) * \
            np.sin(51)*np.sin(2601/2)*np.sin(6273/2)*np.sin(25500) / \
    calculated = ti.genz_oscillatory_exact(51, np.array([2, 123, 51, 1000]),
    assert np.allclose([exact], [calculated])
예제 #5
def spherical_to_cartesian(lons, lats, depths):
    Return the position vectors (in Cartesian coordinates) of list of spherical

    For equations see: http://mathworld.wolfram.com/SphericalCoordinates.html.

    Parameters are components of spherical coordinates in a form of scalars,
    lists or numpy arrays. ``depths`` can be ``None`` in which case it's
    considered zero for all points.

        ``numpy.array`` of 3d vectors representing points' coordinates in
        Cartesian space. The array has the same shape as parameter arrays.
        In particular it means that if ``lons`` and ``lats`` are scalars,
        the result is a single 3d vector. Vector of length ``1`` represents
        distance of 1 km.

    See also :func:`cartesian_to_spherical`.
    phi = numpy.radians(lons)
    theta = numpy.radians(lats)
    if depths is None:
        rr = EARTH_RADIUS
        rr = EARTH_RADIUS - numpy.array(depths)
    cos_theta_r = rr * numpy.cos(theta)
    xx = cos_theta_r * numpy.cos(phi)
    yy = cos_theta_r * numpy.sin(phi)
    zz = rr * numpy.sin(theta)
    vectors = numpy.array([xx.transpose(), yy.transpose(), zz.transpose()]) \
    return vectors
예제 #6
    def get_gabors(self, rf):
        lams =  float(rf[0])/self.sfs # lambda = 1./sf  #1./np.array([.1,.25,.4])
        sigma = rf[0]/2./np.pi
        # rf = [100,100]
        gabors = np.zeros(( len(oris),len(phases),len(lams), rf[0], rf[1] ))

        i = np.arange(-rf[0]/2+1,rf[0]/2+1)
        #print i
        j = np.arange(-rf[1]/2+1,rf[1]/2+1)
        ii,jj = np.meshgrid(i,j)
        for o, theta in enumerate(self.oris):
            x = ii*np.cos(theta) + jj*np.sin(theta)
            y = -ii*np.sin(theta) + jj*np.cos(theta)

            for p, phase in enumerate(self.phases):
                for s, lam in enumerate(lams):
                    fxx = np.cos(2*np.pi*x/lam + phase) * np.exp(-(x**2+y**2)/(2*sigma**2))
                    fxx -= np.mean(fxx)
                    fxx /= np.linalg.norm(fxx)

                    #if p==0:

                    gabors[o,p,s,:,:] = fxx
        return gabors
예제 #7
 def func1(self,i,theta,vtheta):
     if i==0:
         return (S*vtheta[1]**2+C*S*vtheta[0]**2+2*self.g*np.sin(theta[0])-self.g*C*np.sin(theta[1]))/(C**2-2)
     elif i==1:
         return (C*S*vtheta[1]**2+2*S*vtheta[0]**2+2*self.g*C*np.sin(theta[0])-2*self.g*np.sin(theta[1]))/(2-C**2)
예제 #8
def test_arclength_half_circle():
    """ Here we define the tests for the lenght computer of our ArcLengthParametrizer, we try it with a half a 
    circle and a fan. 
    We test it both in 2d and 3d."""

    # Number of interpolation points minus one
    n = 5
    toll = 1.e-6
    points = np.linspace(0, 1, (n+1) ) 
    R = 1
    P = 1
    control_points_2d = np.asmatrix(np.zeros([n+1,2]))#[np.array([R*np.cos(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), R*np.sin(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), P * i]) for i in range(0, n+1)]
    control_points_2d[:,0] = np.transpose(np.matrix([R*np.cos(1 * i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in range(n+1)]))
    control_points_2d[:,1] = np.transpose(np.matrix([R*np.sin(1 * i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in range(n+1)]))

    control_points_3d = np.asmatrix(np.zeros([n+1,3]))#[np.array([R*np.cos(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), R*np.sin(5*i * np.pi / (n + 1)), P * i]) for i in range(0, n+1)]
    control_points_3d[:,0] = np.transpose(np.matrix([R*np.cos(1 * i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in range(n+1)]))
    control_points_3d[:,1] = np.transpose(np.matrix([R*np.sin(1 * i * np.pi / (n + 1))for i in range(n+1)]))
    control_points_3d[:,2] = np.transpose(np.matrix([P*i for i in range(n+1)]))

    vsl = AffineVectorSpace(UniformLagrangeVectorSpace(n+1),0,1)
    dummy_arky_2d = ArcLengthParametrizer(vsl, control_points_2d)
    dummy_arky_3d = ArcLengthParametrizer(vsl, control_points_3d)
    length2d = dummy_arky_2d.compute_arclength()[-1,1]
    length3d = dummy_arky_3d.compute_arclength()[-1,1]
#    print (length2d)
#    print (n * np.sqrt(2))
    l2 = np.pi * R
    l3 = 2 * np.pi * np.sqrt(R * R + (P / (2 * np.pi)) * (P / (2 * np.pi)))
    print (length2d, l2)
    print (length3d, l3)
    assert (length2d - l2) < toll
    assert (length3d - l3) < toll
예제 #9
def rotate(data, interpArray, rotation_angle):
    for i in range(interpArray.shape[0]):
        for j in range(interpArray.shape[1]):

            i1 = i - (interpArray.shape[0] / 2. - 0.5)
            j1 = j - (interpArray.shape[1] / 2. - 0.5)
            x = i1 * numpy.cos(rotation_angle) - j1 * numpy.sin(rotation_angle)
            y = i1 * numpy.sin(rotation_angle) + j1 * numpy.cos(rotation_angle)

            x += data.shape[0] / 2. - 0.5
            y += data.shape[1] / 2. - 0.5

            if x >= data.shape[0] - 1:
                x = data.shape[0] - 1.1
            x1 = numpy.int32(x)

            if y >= data.shape[1] - 1:
                y = data.shape[1] - 1.1
            y1 = numpy.int32(y)

            xGrad1 = data[x1 + 1, y1] - data[x1, y1]
            a1 = data[x1, y1] + xGrad1 * (x - x1)

            xGrad2 = data[x1 + 1, y1 + 1] - data[x1, y1 + 1]
            a2 = data[x1, y1 + 1] + xGrad2 * (x - x1)

            yGrad = a2 - a1
            interpArray[i, j] = a1 + yGrad * (y - y1)
    return interpArray
예제 #10
def delta(phase,inc, ecc = 0, omega=0):
    Compute the distance center-to-center between planet and host star.


    phase: orbital phase in radian
    inc: inclination of the system in radian




    distance center-to-center, double-float number.

    phase = 2*np.pi*phase
    if ecc == 0 and omega == 0:
        delta = np.sqrt(1-(np.cos(phase)**2)*(np.sin(inc)**2))
        delta = (1.-ecc**2.)/(1.-ecc*np.sin(phase-omega))* np.sqrt((1.-(np.cos(phase))**2.*(np.sin(inc))**2))

    return delta
예제 #11
def rv_pqw(k, p, ecc, nu):
    """Returns r and v vectors in perifocal frame.

    r_pqw = (np.array([cos(nu), sin(nu), 0 * nu]) * p / (1 + ecc * cos(nu))).T
    v_pqw = (np.array([-sin(nu), (ecc + cos(nu)), 0]) * sqrt(k / p)).T
    return r_pqw, v_pqw
예제 #12
def createFringe(width, height, xFreq, xOffset, yFreq, yOffset):
    """Create a fringe frame.

    width, height : `int`
       Size of image.
    xFreq, yFreq : `float`
       Frequency of sinusoids in x and y.
    xOffset, yOffset : `float`
       Phase of sinusoids in x and y.

    exp : `lsst.afw.image.ExposureF`
       Fringe frame.
    image = afwImage.ImageF(width, height)
    array = image.getArray()
    x, y = np.indices(array.shape)
    array[x, y] = np.sin(xFreq*x + xOffset) + np.sin(yFreq*y + yOffset)
    mi = afwImage.makeMaskedImage(image)
    exp = afwImage.makeExposure(mi)
    return exp
예제 #13
    def get(self):
        """Build mesh from the tree of triangles created by reflections."""
        # get n
        n, k, a, b = self.pad(self.values)
        # adjust defaults based on n
        self.full[2:4] = self.shape[n]
        # get all parameters
        n, k, a, b = self.pad(self.values)
        if n == -1:
            self.vertices = self.bothvertices[k]
            tree = self.trees[(n, k)]
            self.triangles = []
            # angles are 2pi/a, 2pi/b
            side = np.sin(2 * pi / b) / np.sin(pi - 2 * pi / a - 2 * pi / b)
            self.vertices = [
                np.array([0.0, 0.0]), np.array([1.0, 0.0]), np.array(
                    [side * np.cos(2 * pi / a), side * np.sin(2 * pi / a)])]
            self.generate(tree, [0, 1, 2])

        mesh = Mesh()
        editor = MeshEditor()
        editor.open(mesh, 2, 2)
        for i, v in enumerate(self.vertices):
            editor.add_vertex(i, *v)
        for i, t in enumerate(self.triangles):
            editor.add_cell(i, *t)
        return mesh
예제 #14
def axis_rotation_matrix( theta, u_x, u_y, u_z ):
    ''' http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rotation_matrix '''
    return numpy.array( [
            [ cos(theta) + u_x**2 * ( 1 - cos(theta)) , u_x*u_y*(1-cos(theta)) - u_z*sin(theta) ,  u_x*u_z*(1-cos(theta)) + u_y*sin(theta) ] ,
            [ u_y*u_x*(1-cos(theta)) + u_z*sin(theta) , cos(theta) + u_y**2 * (1-cos(theta))    ,  u_y*u_z*(1-cos(theta)) - u_x*sin(theta )] ,
            [ u_z*u_x*(1-cos(theta)) - u_y*sin(theta) , u_z*u_y*(1-cos(theta)) + u_x*sin(theta) ,              cos(theta) + u_z**2*(1-cos(theta))   ]
예제 #15
def visualfeatures_to_world(a):
    alpha = a[0]
    dist_A = a[1]
    dist_B = a[2]
    vant_A = np.array([a[3], a[4], a[5]])
    vant_A /= np.linalg.norm(vant_A)
    vant_B = np.array([a[6], a[7], a[8]])
    vant_B /= np.linalg.norm(vant_B)
    PA = np.array([a[9], a[10], a[11]])
    PB = np.array([a[12], a[13], a[14]])
    PAB = PA - PB

    # manifold surface generated by interpolated alpha ??
    # intersect manifold with vantage vectors
    # calculate distance
    dist_A_alpha = dist_A
    dist_B_alpha = dist_B
    # calculate lambda
    # sinusoid taking as input the angle between vantage and line AB (separating the two targets)
    line_AB = np3_to_vector3(PAB).perpendicular()
    angle_A = py_ang(vector3_to_np3(line_AB), vant_A) #line_AB.directedAngle(line_AB, np3_to_vector3(vant_A))
    angle_B = py_ang(vector3_to_np3(line_AB), vant_B)
    lambda_A = np.sin(angle_A)
    lambda_B = np.sin(angle_B)
    F = PA + PB
    F += (vant_A * (dist_A + dist_A_alpha * lambda_A) / (1 + lambda_A))
    F += (vant_B * (dist_B + dist_B_alpha * lambda_B) / (1 + lambda_B))
    F *= 0.5
    return F
예제 #16
    def test_cmac(self):
        input_train = np.reshape(np.linspace(0, 2 * np.pi, 100), (100, 1))
        input_train_before = input_train.copy()
        input_test = np.reshape(np.linspace(np.pi, 2 * np.pi, 50), (50, 1))
        input_test_before = input_test.copy()

        target_train = np.sin(input_train)
        target_train_before = target_train.copy()
        target_test = np.sin(input_test)

        cmac = algorithms.CMAC(
        cmac.train(input_train, target_train, epochs=100)

        predicted_test = cmac.predict(input_test)
        predicted_test = predicted_test.reshape((len(predicted_test), 1))
        error = metrics.mean_absolute_error(target_test, predicted_test)

        self.assertAlmostEqual(error, 0.0024, places=4)

        # Test that algorithm didn't modify data samples
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(input_train, input_train_before)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(input_train, input_train_before)
        np.testing.assert_array_equal(target_train, target_train_before)
예제 #17
def lomb(t, y, freq):
    r"""Calculates Lomb periodogram."""
    # Sets constants.
    nfreq = len(freq)
    fmax, fmin = freq[-1], freq[0]
    power = np.zeros(nfreq)
    f4pi = freq * 4 * np.pi
    pi2 = np.pi * 2.
    n = len(y)
    cosarg = np.zeros(n)
    sinarg = np.zeros(n)
    argu = np.zeros(n)
    var = np.cov(y)  # Variance.
    yn = y - y.mean()
    # Do one Lomb loop.
    for fi in range(nfreq):
        sinsum = np.sum(np.sin(f4pi[fi]) * t)
        cossum = np.sum(np.cos(f4pi[fi]) * t)

        tau = np.arctan2(sinsum, cossum)
        argu = pi2 * freq[fi] * (t - tau)

        cosarg = np.cos(argu)
        cfi = np.sum(yn * cosarg)
        cosnorm = np.sum(cosarg ** 2)

        sinarg = np.sin(argu)
        sfi = np.sum(yn * sinarg)
        sinnorm = np.sum(sinarg ** 2)

        power[fi] = (cfi ** 2 / cosnorm + sfi ** 2 / sinnorm) / 2 * var

    return power
예제 #18
def test_connected(Simulator):
    m = nengo.Network(label='test_connected', seed=123)
    with m:
        input = nengo.Node(output=lambda t: np.sin(t), label='input')
        output = nengo.Node(output=lambda t, x: np.square(x),
        nengo.Connection(input, output, synapse=None)  # Direct connection
        p_in = nengo.Probe(input, 'output')
        p_out = nengo.Probe(output, 'output')

    sim = Simulator(m)
    runtime = 0.5

    with Plotter(Simulator) as plt:
        t = sim.trange()
        plt.plot(t, sim.data[p_in], label='sin')
        plt.plot(t, sim.data[p_out], label='sin squared')
        plt.plot(t, np.sin(t), label='ideal sin')
        plt.plot(t, np.sin(t) ** 2, label='ideal squared')

    sim_t = sim.trange()
    sim_sin = sim.data[p_in].ravel()
    sim_sq = sim.data[p_out].ravel()
    t = 0.001 * np.arange(len(sim_t))

    assert np.allclose(sim_t, t)
    # 1-step delay
    assert np.allclose(sim_sin[1:], np.sin(t[:-1]))
    assert np.allclose(sim_sq[1:], sim_sin[:-1] ** 2)
예제 #19
파일: rotate.py 프로젝트: annis/desgw-cos
def rotate (x, y, angle) :
    angle = angle*2*np.pi/360.
    rotMatrix = np.array([[np.cos(angle), -np.sin(angle)], 
                       [np.sin(angle),  np.cos(angle)]], dtype=np.float64)
    newx = x*rotMatrix[0,0] + y*rotMatrix[0,1]
    newy = x*rotMatrix[1,0] + y*rotMatrix[1,1]
    return newx,newy
예제 #20
파일: rotate.py 프로젝트: annis/desgw-cos
def rotateAboutXaxis (x, y, z, alpha, verbose = 0) :
    if verbose : print "\t x axis rotation of ", alpha, "given  ", x[0], y[0], z[0]
    alpha = alpha*2*np.pi/360.
    xp = x
    yp = y*np.cos(alpha) - z*np.sin(alpha)
    zp = y*np.sin(alpha) + z*np.cos(alpha)
    return xp,yp,zp
예제 #21
파일: rotate.py 프로젝트: annis/desgw-cos
def rotateAboutZaxis (x, y, z, alpha, verbose = 0) :
    if verbose : print "\t z axis rotation of ", alpha, "given  ", x[0], y[0], z[0]
    alpha = alpha*2*np.pi/360.
    xp = x*np.cos(alpha) - y*np.sin(alpha)
    yp = x*np.sin(alpha) + y*np.cos(alpha)
    zp = z
    return xp,yp,zp
예제 #22
파일: rotate.py 프로젝트: annis/desgw-cos
def sphToCartesian(ra0, ra, dec, r=1) :
    ra = (ra-(ra0-90))*2*np.pi/360.
    dec = dec*2*np.pi/360.
    x = r * np.cos(ra)*np.cos(dec)
    y = r * np.sin(ra)*np.cos(dec)
    z = r * np.sin(dec)
    return x,y,z
예제 #23
    def __find_index(self, lat, lon, latvar, lonvar, n=1):
        if self._kdt.get(latvar.name) is None:
            latvals = latvar[:] * RAD_FACTOR
            lonvals = lonvar[:] * RAD_FACTOR
            clat, clon = np.cos(latvals), np.cos(lonvals)
            slat, slon = np.sin(latvals), np.sin(lonvals)
            triples = np.array(list(zip(np.ravel(clat * clon),
                                        np.ravel(clat * slon),
            self._kdt[latvar.name] = KDTree(triples)
            del clat, clon
            del slat, slon
            del triples

        if not hasattr(lat, "__len__"):
            lat = [lat]
            lon = [lon]

        lat = np.array(lat)
        lon = np.array(lon)

        lat_rad = lat * RAD_FACTOR
        lon_rad = lon * RAD_FACTOR
        clat, clon = np.cos(lat_rad), np.cos(lon_rad)
        slat, slon = np.sin(lat_rad), np.sin(lon_rad)
        q = np.array([clat * clon, clat * slon, slat]).transpose()

        dist_sq_min, minindex_1d = self._kdt[latvar.name].query(
        iy_min, ix_min = np.unravel_index(minindex_1d, latvar.shape)
        return iy_min, ix_min, dist_sq_min * EARTH_RADIUS
예제 #24
        def get_new_cell(self):
            """Returns new basis vectors"""
            a = np.sqrt(self.a)
            b = np.sqrt(self.b)
            c = np.sqrt(self.c)

            ad = self.atoms.cell[0] / np.linalg.norm(self.atoms.cell[0])

            Z = np.cross(self.atoms.cell[0], self.atoms.cell[1])
            Z /= np.linalg.norm(Z)
            X = ad - np.dot(ad, Z) * Z
            X /= np.linalg.norm(X)
            Y = np.cross(Z, X)

            alpha = np.arccos(self.x / (2 * b * c))
            beta = np.arccos(self.y / (2 * a * c))
            gamma = np.arccos(self.z / (2 * a * b))

            va = a * np.array([1, 0, 0])
            vb = b * np.array([np.cos(gamma), np.sin(gamma), 0])
            cx = np.cos(beta)
            cy = (np.cos(alpha) - np.cos(beta) * np.cos(gamma)) \
                / np.sin(gamma)
            cz = np.sqrt(1. - cx * cx - cy * cy)
            vc = c * np.array([cx, cy, cz])

            abc = np.vstack((va, vb, vc))
            T = np.vstack((X, Y, Z))
            return np.dot(abc, T)
예제 #25
def dist(lon1, lat1, lon2, lat2):
    R = 6371.004
    lon1, lat1 = angle_conversion(lon1), angle_conversion(lat1)
    lon2, lat2 = angle_conversion(lon2), angle_conversion(lat2)
    l = R*np.arccos(np.cos(lat1)*np.cos(lat2)*np.cos(lon1-lon2)+\
    return l
예제 #26
def test_SeedCoherenceAnalyzer():
    """ Test the SeedCoherenceAnalyzer """
    methods = (None,
           {"this_method": 'welch', "NFFT": 256},
           {"this_method": 'multi_taper_csd'},
           {"this_method": 'periodogram_csd', "NFFT": 256})

    Fs = np.pi
    t = np.arange(256)
    seed1 = np.sin(10 * t) + np.random.rand(t.shape[-1])
    seed2 = np.sin(10 * t) + np.random.rand(t.shape[-1])
    target = np.sin(10 * t) + np.random.rand(t.shape[-1])
    T = ts.TimeSeries(np.vstack([seed1, target]), sampling_rate=Fs)
    T_seed1 = ts.TimeSeries(seed1, sampling_rate=Fs)
    T_seed2 = ts.TimeSeries(np.vstack([seed1, seed2]), sampling_rate=Fs)
    T_target = ts.TimeSeries(np.vstack([seed1, target]), sampling_rate=Fs)
    for this_method in methods:
        if this_method is None or this_method['this_method']=='welch':
            C1 = nta.CoherenceAnalyzer(T, method=this_method)
            C2 = nta.SeedCoherenceAnalyzer(T_seed1, T_target,
            C3 = nta.SeedCoherenceAnalyzer(T_seed2, T_target,

            npt.assert_almost_equal(C1.coherence[0, 1], C2.coherence[1])
            npt.assert_almost_equal(C2.coherence[1], C3.coherence[0, 1])
            npt.assert_almost_equal(C1.phase[0, 1], C2.relative_phases[1])
            npt.assert_almost_equal(C1.delay[0, 1], C2.delay[1])

            npt.assert_raises(ValueError,nta.SeedCoherenceAnalyzer, T_seed1,
                              T_target, this_method)
예제 #27
def test_SparseCoherenceAnalyzer():
    Fs = np.pi
    t = np.arange(256)
    x = np.sin(10 * t) + np.random.rand(t.shape[-1])
    y = np.sin(10 * t) + np.random.rand(t.shape[-1])
    T = ts.TimeSeries(np.vstack([x, y]), sampling_rate=Fs)
    C1 = nta.SparseCoherenceAnalyzer(T, ij=((0, 1), (1, 0)))
    C2 = nta.CoherenceAnalyzer(T)

    # Coherence symmetry:
    npt.assert_equal(np.abs(C1.coherence[0, 1]), np.abs(C1.coherence[1, 0]))
    npt.assert_equal(np.abs(C1.coherency[0, 1]), np.abs(C1.coherency[1, 0]))

    # Make sure you get the same answers as you would from the standard
    # CoherenceAnalyzer:

    npt.assert_almost_equal(C2.coherence[0, 1], C1.coherence[0, 1])
    # This is the PSD (for the first time-series in the object):
    npt.assert_almost_equal(C2.spectrum[0, 0], C1.spectrum[0])
    # And the second (for good measure):
    npt.assert_almost_equal(C2.spectrum[1, 1], C1.spectrum[1])

    # The relative phases should be equal
    npt.assert_almost_equal(C2.phase[0, 1], C1.relative_phases[0, 1])
    # But not the absolute phases (which have the same shape):
    npt.assert_equal(C1.phases[0].shape, C1.relative_phases[0, 1].shape)

    # The delay is equal:
    npt.assert_almost_equal(C2.delay[0, 1], C1.delay[0, 1])
    # Make sure that you would get an error if you provided a method other than
    # 'welch':
    npt.assert_raises(ValueError, nta.SparseCoherenceAnalyzer, T,
예제 #28
    def array2raster(newRasterfn,rasterOrigin,pixelWidth,pixelHeight, data, variables, rotate=0):
        """Convert data dictionary (of arrays) into a multiband GeoTiff

        :param newRasterfn: filename to save to
        :param rasterOrigin: location of top left corner
        :param pixelWidth: e-w pixel size
        :param pixelHeight: n-s pixel size
        :param data: dictionary containing the data arrays
        :param variables: list of which keys from the dictionary to output
        :param rotate: Optional rotation angle (in radians)
        cols = len(data['longitude'])
        rows = len(data['latitude'])
        originX = rasterOrigin[0]
        originY = rasterOrigin[1]

        we_res = np.cos(rotate) * pixelWidth
        rotX = np.sin(rotate) * pixelWidth
        rotY = -np.sin(rotate) * pixelHeight
        ns_res = np.cos(rotate) * pixelHeight

        driver = gdal.GetDriverByName('GTiff')
        nbands = len(variables)
        outRaster = driver.Create(newRasterfn, cols, rows, nbands, gdal.GDT_Float32)
        outRaster.SetGeoTransform((originX, we_res, rotX, originY, rotY, ns_res))
        for band,key in enumerate(variables, 1):
            outband = outRaster.GetRasterBand(band)
        outRasterSRS = osr.SpatialReference()
예제 #29
def calc_Tb(thetak=np.pi/3., phik=np.pi/8., thetan=np.pi/3., phin=np.pi/4., 
            delta=0., Ts=11.1, Tg=57.23508, z=20, verbose=False,
            xalpha=34.247221, xc=0.004176, xB=0.365092, x1s=1.):
    """ Calculates brightness-temperature fluctuation T[K] from eq 1 of Paper II. 
    NOTE: Magnetic-field direction is along the z-axis!  It takes x's (all unitless), temperatures in [K], and angles in [rad]."""
    k_dot_n = np.cos(thetan)*np.cos(thetak) + np.sin(thetan)*np.sin(thetak)*np.cos(phin)*np.cos(phik) + np.sin(thetan)*np.sin(thetak)*np.sin(phin)*np.sin(phik)

    summ = 0.
    for i,m in enumerate( np.array([-2,-1,0,1,2]) ):
        summand = Y2( m,thetak,phik ) * np.conjugate( Y2( m,thetan,phin ) ) / (1. + xalpha + xc - 1j*m*xB)
        summ += summand.real

    first_term = 1 + delta + delta*k_dot_n**2
    second_term = 1 + 2.*delta + 2.*delta*k_dot_n**2 - delta*4.*np.pi/75.*summ
    res = x1s * ( 1 - Tg/Ts ) * np.sqrt( (1 + z)/10. ) * ( 26.4 * first_term - 0.128 * x1s * ( Tg/Ts ) * np.sqrt( (1 + z)/10. ) * second_term)
    if verbose:
        print '\n'
        print 'xalpha = %f' % xalpha
        print 'xc = %f' % xc
        print 'xB = %f' % xB
        print 'k_dot_n=%f' % k_dot_n
        print 'summ=%f' % summ
        print 'first=%f' % 26.4*first_term
        print 'second=%f' % second_term
    return res/1000. #this is to make it to K from mK.
예제 #30
파일: misc.py 프로젝트: glupyan/psychopy
def sph2cart(*args):
    """Convert from spherical coordinates (elevation, azimuth, radius)
    to cartesian (x,y,z)

        array3xN[x,y,z] = sph2cart(array3xN[el,az,rad])
        x,y,z = sph2cart(elev, azim, radius)
    if len(args)==1:    #received an Nx3 array
        elev = args[0][0,:]
        azim = args[0][1,:]
        radius = args[0][2,:]
        returnAsArray = True
    elif len(args)==3:
        elev = args[0]
        azim = args[1]
        radius = args[2]
        returnAsArray = False

    z = radius * numpy.sin(radians(elev))
    x = radius * numpy.cos(radians(elev))*numpy.cos(radians(azim))
    y = radius * numpy.cos(radians(elev))*numpy.sin(radians(azim))
    if returnAsArray:
        return numpy.asarray([x, y, z])
        return x, y, z
예제 #31
#    tlu=tlu-tlu[0]
#    ti=np.linspace(0, tlu[-1], resolution)
#    th=interpolate.interp1d(tlu,thsl,'slinear')
#    th = th(ti)
#    th=np.tan(th)
#    th=th-th[0]
#    th=th/np.max(th)
    han2 = np.vectorize(lambda ti:(1-lam3)*(1-cos(2*pi*ti))+lam2*(1-cos(4*pi*ti))+lam3*(1-cos(6*pi*ti)))
    han2 = han2(ti)
    tlu = np.cumsum(np.sin(thsl))*ti[1]
    ti=np.linspace(0, tlu[-1], resolution)
    th = th(ti)
    global H0
    N = 3
#    g = 0.004 * 2 * np.pi
    wq= np.array([5.00 , 4.62 ]) * 2 * np.pi
    eta_q=  np.array([-0.250 , -0.250]) * 2 * np.pi
예제 #32
def drop(qstart, color, pose, list_len, object_pose):
    This function plans a path to drop objects to a target location
    :param qstart:      initial pose of the robot (1x6).
    :param color:       string of color of the robot we are using (blue or red)
    :param pose:        position (3 dimensional) of the previously dropped object
    :param list_len:    Number of objects already on the dropping area
    :param object_pose: pose (4x4) of the current dropping object

            path - Nx6 path until the object is dropped

    # Compute transformation matrix of drop pose

    # Initialize FK and offsets between Gripper center and object center (currently grabbed by the gripper)
    FK = calculateFK()
    X_offset = 0
    Y_offset = 0

    # 3 drop points p1, p2, p3; (or drop "areas" since the object will not land at exactly the same x,y)
    # stack a max of 3 objects at p1, stack a max of 2 objects at p2, keep stacking onto p3 for the subsequent objects grabbed

    # Height and drop location
    # Case no object is present at the first drop point p1, drop to p1 area
    if (len(pose) == 0 or list_len == 0):
        height = 50.0
        d_drop0_blue = np.array([120., 520., height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))
        d_drop0_red = np.array([-120., -520., height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))

    # Case already 3 objects at p1, switch to the next drop point p2
    elif (list_len == 3):
        height = 50.0
        d_drop0_blue = np.array([70., 520., height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))
        d_drop0_red = np.array([-70., -520., height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))

    # Case already 2 objects at p2 (a total of 5 objects on the platform), drop to the 3rd location p3
    elif (list_len == 5):
        height = 50.0
        d_drop0_blue = np.array([120., 470., height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))
        d_drop0_red = np.array([-120., -470., height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))

    # else drop on top of the previously dropped object (the top object on the stack at drop point p_i)
        height = pose[-1] + 28.0
        d_drop0_blue = np.array([pose[0], pose[1], height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))
        d_drop0_red = np.array([pose[0], pose[1], height, 1]).reshape((4, 1))

    if (str(color).lower() == 'blue'):

        T01 = np.array([[-1, 0, 0, 200], [0, -1, 0, 200], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        d_drop1_blue = np.matmul(T01,
                                 d_drop0_blue)  #drop location in base frame

        d_drop1_blue = d_drop1_blue[0:3, :]

        # Angle btw X_base axis and drop location (vector)
        d_drop1_blue_xy = np.array([d_drop1_blue[0], d_drop1_blue[1], 0])
        cos_theta = ((np.array([1, 0, 0]).dot(d_drop1_blue_xy)) /
        theta = np.arccos(cos_theta)

        # Update Height and calculate x,y offset based on relative position of the grabbed object wrt the gripper
        if (len(object_pose)):
            obj_0 = np.matmul(T01, np.array(object_pose))
            Z_obj = obj_0[2, -1]
            X_obj = obj_0[0, -1]
            Y_obj = obj_0[1, -1]

            positions, _ = FK.forward(qstart)
            Z_e = positions[-1, 2]
            height += (Z_e - Z_obj)
            X_offset = positions[-1, 0] - X_obj
            Y_offset = positions[-1, 1] - Y_obj

        # Te1: drop off pose ; apply the offset to the desired gripper position for dropping the object at drop point p_i
        Te1 = np.array(
            [[np.sin(theta), 0, cos_theta, d_drop1_blue[0, 0] + X_offset],
             [cos_theta, 0, -np.sin(theta), d_drop1_blue[1, 0] - 3],
             [0, 1, 0, height], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

    # same implemenation as the 'blue'
    elif (str(color).lower() == 'red'):

        T01 = np.array([[1, 0, 0, 200], [0, 1, 0, 200], [0, 0, 1, 0],
                        [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        d_drop1_red = np.matmul(T01, d_drop0_red)  #drop location in base frame

        d_drop1_red = d_drop1_red[0:3, :]

        # Angle btw X_base axis and drop location
        d_drop1_red_xy = np.array([d_drop1_red[0], d_drop1_red[1], 0])
        cos_theta = ((np.array([1, 0, 0]).dot(d_drop1_red_xy)) /
        theta = np.arccos(cos_theta)

        # Update Height
        if (len(object_pose)):
            obj_0 = np.matmul(T01, np.array(object_pose))
            Z_obj = obj_0[2, -1]
            X_obj = obj_0[0, -1]
            Y_obj = obj_0[1, -1]

            positions, _ = FK.forward(qstart)
            Z_e = positions[-1, 2]
            height += (Z_e - Z_obj)
            X_offset = positions[-1, 0] - X_obj
            Y_offset = positions[-1, 1] - Y_obj

        Te1 = np.array(
            [[np.sin(theta), 0, cos_theta, d_drop1_red[0, 0] + X_offset],
             [cos_theta, 0, -np.sin(theta), d_drop1_red[1, 0] - 3],
             [0, 1, 0, height], [0, 0, 0, 1]])

        print("incorrect color input")

    # Compute IK for Drop off pose

    print(X_offset, Y_offset)

    IK = calculateIK()

    q_drop, isPos = IK.inverse(Te1)

    # Plan Path to Drop off pose

    path = []

    if (not isPos):
        print('Not feasible pose')
        return path

    # Define intermediate point
    Tinter1 = deepcopy(Te1)

            -1] = np.array([Te1[0, -1] - 30, Te1[1, -1] + 70, height + 70])

    q_inter, isPos = IK.inverse(Tinter1)

    # Add intermediate pose
    q_inter = np.append(np.ravel(q_inter)[range(5)], 0)
    q_inter[-2] = -np.pi / 2

    # Add drop pose
    q_drop = np.append(np.ravel(q_drop)[range(5)], 0)
    q_drop[-2] = -np.pi / 2

    # Release and return
    q_release = deepcopy(q_drop)

    release_count = 1
    while (q_release[-1] < 25):

        dq2 = [0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 5]
        dq2[-1] += release_count
        q_release = q_release + dq2
        release_count += 1

    for i in range(10):
        q_release[1] -= 0.03
        q_release[2] -= 0.01


    return path
예제 #33
def parametricCircle(t, center, radius, positive):
    x = center.x + radius*cos(t)
    y = center.y + radius*sin(t) if positive else center.y - radius*sin(t)
    return x, y
def psk_symbol(m,M):    
    theta = 2 * np.pi * (m-1) / M
    s = np.array([np.cos(theta), -np.sin(theta)])
예제 #35
 def setup(self):
     self.system = signal.lti(1.0, [1, 0, 1])
     self.t = np.arange(0, 100, 0.5)
     self.u = np.sin(2 * self.t)
예제 #36
                        if do_bootstrap:
                            cosmean, coserr = bootstrap(cosamp)
                            sinmean, sinerr = bootstrap(sinamp)
                            cosmean = np.mean(cosamp)
                            sinmean = np.mean(sinamp)
                        coserr = np.std(cosamp) / np.sqrt(ngood)
                        sinerr = np.std(sinamp) / np.sqrt(ngood)
                        cosamps[iline] = cosmean
                        sinamps[iline] = sinmean
                        coserrs[iline] = coserr
                        sinerrs[iline] = sinerr
                        ffac = 2 * np.pi * fline * t
                        template += cosmean*np.cos(ffac) + sinmean*np.sin(ffac)
                        iline += 1

                ind = np.argsort(linefreq)

                if col == '':
                    lw = 5
                    lw = 2

                plt.subplot(3, 1, 1)
                plt.errorbar(linefreq[ind], cosamps[ind]*scale, coserrs[ind]*scale,
                             fmt='-o', label=det+col, lw=lw)
                plt.subplot(3, 1, 2)
                plt.errorbar(linefreq[ind], sinamps[ind]*scale, sinerrs[ind]*scale,
                             fmt='-o', label=det+col, lw=lw)
예제 #37
def main(input_file, output_file, model_path, weight_path, plot_output,
         model_output, max_depth, use_distance_prior):
    input = read_input(input_file)

    tt_path = os.path.join(os.environ['SINGLESTATION'], 'data', 'bodywave',
    if not model_path:
        model_path = os.path.join(tt_path, '%s.models' % input['model_name'])
    if not weight_path:
        weight_path = os.path.join(tt_path, '%s.weights' % input['model_name'])
    files, weights, models_all, weights_all = read_model_list(
        model_path, weight_path)

    tt, dep, dis, tt_P = load_tt(files=files,

    # Total sigma is sigma of modelled travel time plus picking uncertainty
    sigma = np.sqrt(input['sigma_model']**2. + input['sigma']**2. +

    # depth prior
    depth_prior = np.exp(-(dep / max_depth)**2)

    # distance prior
    if use_distance_prior:
        distance_prior = np.sin(np.deg2rad(dis))
        distance_prior = None

    # Calculate probability
    p = calc_p(dep,

    if np.max(p, axis=None) < 1E-60:
        raise ValueError('Travel times are incompatible \n' +
                         '  highest p: %8.2e\n' % np.max(p, axis=None) +
                         '  threshold: %8.2e\n ' % 1e-30)

    if plot_output:
        plot_phases(tt, p, input['phase_list'], input['freqs'],
                    input['tt_meas'], input['sigma'])
예제 #38
    nodesfile.write("%5d %10e %10e %3d\n" %(counter+1,Lx,i*Ly/(np_right),0))
    if i<np_right-1:
       segmentfile.write("%5d %5d %5d %5d \n" %(counter_segment,counter,counter+1,0))

# object: 

if experiment==1 or experiment==2:

   for i in range (0,np_object):
       nodesfile.write("%5d %10e %10e %3d\n" %(counter+1,x,y,0))
       if i<np_object-1:
          segmentfile.write("%5d %5d %5d %5d \n" %(counter_segment,counter,counter+1,0))

if experiment==3:

   for i in range (0,n_p):
       nodesfile.write("%5d %10e %10e %3d\n" %(counter+1,x,y,0))
       if i<n_p-1:
예제 #39
def sind(x):
    return np.sin(np.deg2rad(x))
예제 #40
def gen_tone(amplitude, tone_duration, frequency):
    x = np.arange(44100)
    tone = amplitude * np.sin(2 * np.pi * frequency / 44100 * x)
    return tone
예제 #41
# Author B. Seignovert
# [email protected]
# V1.1 - 2016/04/29
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

import os,sys
import numpy as np

from fractals import DB, DRAW

n = 128
k = 1
r = 10

if len(sys.argv) > 1:
    n = int(sys.argv[1])
if len(sys.argv) > 2:
    k = int(sys.argv[2])
if len(sys.argv) > 3:
    r = int(sys.argv[3])

db  = DB('','fractals.db')

for rr in range(r):
    ang = np.radians(rr*360./r)
    agg = DRAW(n,k)
    for (x,y,z) in db.get(n,k):

    agg.save(width=750,height=750,zoom=750,fname='Fractal_%i-%i-rot-%.2i' % (n,k,rr))
예제 #42
    def __init__(self, xyz=None, channels=None, system='cartesian',
                 unit='degree', title=None, title_color='black',
                 title_size=20., line_color='black', line_width=4.,
                 chan_size=12., chan_offset=(0., 0., 0.),
                 chan_mark_color='white', chan_mark_symbol='disc',
                 chan_txt_color='black', bgcolor='white', cbar=True,
                 cb_txt_size=10., margin=.05, parent=None):
        # ======================== VARIABLES ========================
        self._bgcolor = color2vb(bgcolor)
        scale = 800.  # fix GL bugs for small plots
        pos = np.zeros((1, 3), dtype=np.float32)
        # Colors :
        title_color = color2vb(title_color)
        line_color = color2vb(line_color)
        chan_txt_color = color2vb(chan_txt_color)
        self._chan_mark_color = color2vb(chan_mark_color)
        self._chan_mark_symbol = chan_mark_symbol
        # Disc interpolation :
        self._interp = .1
        self._pix = 64
        csize = int(self._pix / self._interp) if self._interp else self._pix
        l = csize / 2

        # ======================== NODES ========================
        # Main topoplot node :
        self.node = scene.Node(name='Topoplot', parent=parent)
        self.node.transform = vist.STTransform(scale=[scale] * 3)
        # Headset + channels :
        self.node_headfull = scene.Node(name='HeadChan', parent=self.node)
        # Headset node :
        self.node_head = scene.Node(name='Headset', parent=self.node_headfull)
        # Channel node :
        self.node_chan = scene.Node(name='Channels', parent=self.node_headfull)
        self.node_chan.transform = vist.STTransform(translate=(0., 0., -10.))
        # Cbar node :
        self.node_cbar = scene.Node(name='Channels', parent=self.node)
        # Dictionaries :
        kw_line = {'width': line_width, 'color': line_color,
                   'parent': self.node_head}

        # ======================== PARENT VISUALS ========================
        # Main disc :
        self.disc = visuals.Image(pos=pos, name='Disc', parent=self.node_head,
        # Title :
        self.title = visuals.Text(text=title, pos=(0., .6, 0.), name='Title',
                                  parent=self.node, font_size=title_size,
                                  color=title_color, bold=True)
        self.title.font_size *= 1.1

        # ======================== HEAD / NOSE / EAR ========================
        # ------------------ HEAD ------------------
        # Head visual :
        self.head = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='Head', **kw_line)
        # Head circle :
        theta = np.arange(0, 2 * np.pi, 0.001)
        head = np.full((len(theta), 3), -1., dtype=np.float32)
        head[:, 0] = l * (1. + np.cos(theta))
        head[:, 1] = l * (1. + np.sin(theta))

        # ------------------ NOSE ------------------
        # Nose visual :
        self.nose = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='Nose', **kw_line)
        # Nose data :
        wn, hn = csize * 50. / 512., csize * 30. / 512.
        nose = np.array([[l - wn, 2 * l - wn, 2.],
                         [l, 2 * l + hn, 2.],
                         [l, 2 * l + hn, 2.],
                         [l + wn, 2 * l - wn, 2.]
        self.nose.set_data(pos=nose, connect='segments')

        # ------------------ EAR ------------------
        we, he = csize * 10. / 512., csize * 30. / 512.
        ye = l + he * np.sin(theta)
        # Ear left data :
        self.earL = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='EarLeft', **kw_line)
        # Ear left visual :
        ear_l = np.full((len(theta), 3), 3., dtype=np.float32)
        ear_l[:, 0] = 2 * l + we * np.cos(theta)
        ear_l[:, 1] = ye

        # Ear right visual :
        self.earR = visuals.Line(pos=pos, name='EarRight', **kw_line)
        # Ear right data :
        ear_r = np.full((len(theta), 3), 3., dtype=np.float32)
        ear_r[:, 0] = 0. + we * np.cos(theta)
        ear_r[:, 1] = ye

        # ================== CHANNELS ==================
        # Channel's markers :
        self.chanMarkers = visuals.Markers(pos=pos, name='ChanMarkers',
        # Channel's text :
        self.chanText = visuals.Text(pos=pos, name='ChanText',
                                     parent=self.node_chan, anchor_x='center',

        # ================== CAMERA ==================
        self.rect = ((-scale / 2) * (1 + margin),
                     (-scale / 2) * (1 + margin),
                     scale * (1. + cbar * .3 + margin),
                     scale * (1.11 + margin))

        # ================== CBAR ==================
        if cbar:
            self.cbar = CbarVisual(cbtxtsz=1.2 * cb_txt_size,
                                   txtsz=cb_txt_size, txtcolor=title_color,
                                   cbtxtsh=2., parent=self.node_cbar)
            self.node_cbar.transform = vist.STTransform(scale=(.6, .4, 1.),
                                                        translate=(.6, 0., 0.))

        # ================== COORDINATES ==================
        auto = self._get_channel_coordinates(xyz, channels, system, unit)
        if auto:
            eucl = np.sqrt(self._xyz[:, 0]**2 + self._xyz[:, 1]**2).max()
            self.node_head.transform = vpnormalize(head, dist=2 * eucl)
            # Rescale between (-1:1, -1:1) = circle :
            circle = vist.STTransform(scale=(.5 / eucl, .5 / eucl, 1.))
            self.node_headfull.transform = circle
            # Text translation :
            tr = np.array([0., .8, 0.]) + np.array(chan_offset)
            # Get coordinates of references along the x and y-axis :
            ref_x, ref_y = self._get_ref_coordinates()
            # Recenter the topoplot :
            t = vist.ChainTransform()
            # Rescale (-ref_x:ref_x, -ref_y:ref_y) (ref_x != ref_y => ellipse)
            coef_x = 2 * ref_x / head[:, 0].max()
            coef_y = 2 * ref_y / head[:, 1].max()
            t.prepend(vist.STTransform(scale=(coef_x, coef_y, 1.)))
            self.node_head.transform = t
            # Rescale between (-1:1, -1:1) = circle :
            circle = vist.STTransform(scale=(.5 / ref_x, .5 / ref_y, 1.))
            self.node_headfull.transform = circle
            # Text translation :
            tr = np.array([0., .04, 0.]) + np.array(chan_offset)
        self.chanText.transform = vist.STTransform(translate=tr)

        # ================== GRID INTERPOLATION ==================
        # Interpolation vectors :
        x = y = np.arange(0, self._pix, 1)
        xnew = ynew = np.arange(0, self._pix, self._interp)

        # Grid interpolation function :
        def _grid_interpolation(grid):
            f = interp2d(x, y, grid, kind='linear')
            return f(xnew, ynew)
        self._grid_interpolation = _grid_interpolation
pcm = ax[0].pcolor(X, Y, Z1,
                   norm=colors.LogNorm(vmin=Z1.min(), vmax=Z1.max()),
fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax[0], extend='max')

pcm = ax[1].pcolor(X, Y, Z1, cmap='PuBu_r')
fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax[1], extend='max')

PowerNorm: Here a power-law trend in X partially obscures a rectified
sine wave in Y. We can remove the power law using a PowerNorm.
X, Y = np.mgrid[0:3:complex(0, N), 0:2:complex(0, N)]
Z1 = (1 + np.sin(Y * 10.)) * X**(2.)

fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 1)

pcm = ax[0].pcolormesh(X, Y, Z1, norm=colors.PowerNorm(gamma=1./2.),
fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax[0], extend='max')

pcm = ax[1].pcolormesh(X, Y, Z1, cmap='PuBu_r')
fig.colorbar(pcm, ax=ax[1], extend='max')

SymLogNorm: two humps, one negative and one positive, The positive
with 5-times the amplitude. Linearly, you cannot see detail in the
negative hump.  Here we logarithmically scale the positive and
예제 #44
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 4
    V = np.arange(0, n, 1)
    E = [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0), (1, 2, 1.0), (3, 2, 1.0), (3, 1, 1.0)]

    G = nx.Graph()

    step_size = 0.1

    a_gamma = np.arange(0, np.pi, step_size)
    a_beta = np.arange(0, np.pi, step_size)
    a_gamma, a_beta = np.meshgrid(a_gamma, a_beta)

    F1 = 3 - (np.sin(2 * a_beta) ** 2 * np.sin(2 * a_gamma) ** 2 - 0.5 * np.sin(4 * a_beta) * np.sin(4 * a_gamma)) * (
                1 + np.cos(4 * a_gamma) ** 2)

    result = np.where(F1 == np.amax(F1))
    a = list(zip(result[0], result[1]))[0]

    gamma = a[0] * step_size
    beta = a[1] * step_size

    prog = make_circuit(4)
    sample_shot =3962
    writefile = open("../data/startQiskit_Class86.csv", "w")
    # prog.draw('mpl', filename=(kernel + '.png'))
    backend = BasicAer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')

    circuit1 = transpile(prog, FakeYorktown())
예제 #45
dtype = [("id", int), ("name", object), ('score', int)]

np_cources = np.array(cources, dtype=dtype)

print np_cources
print np_cources['id']

print np_cources['score'] == 150
print np_cources[np_cources['score'] == 150]  # 获取分数大于150的数据

print np_cources['id'][::-1]

a7 = np.array([[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [9, 10, 11, 12]])

print np.log(a7)
print np.sin(a7)
print np.cos(a7)

print a7
print np.diff(a7,axis=1)
print np.diff(a7,axis=0)

print  np.std(a7)
print  np.var(a7,axis=0)

r1 = np.random.rand(3, 4)
r2 = np.random.rand(4, 3)
print r1
print r2
예제 #46
def plotMixvMises1X2(res_vonMF, im_path, n_X):
    To plot the fitted mixture of von Mises distributions
    res_vonMF : array-like, shape=(n_clust,4), the results stored
    im_path   : string, the name of the image file
    n_X       : the normalized intensity
    fig_name : an image .png file
    from PIL import Image, ImageDraw
    #import os.path

    img_0 = Image.open(im_path)
    draw_0 = ImageDraw.Draw(img_0)

    temp_path, im_name = os.path.split(im_path)
    im_name_0 = os.path.splitext(im_name)[0]
    draw_0.text((-1, 0), text=im_name, fill=100)
    im_cen = img_0.size
    pYmax = im_cen[1]
    #cen_x = int(min(im_cen)/2)
    #cen_y = int(max(im_cen)/2)
    cen_x = int(im_cen[0] / 2)
    cen_y = int(im_cen[1] / 2)

    angles = n_X[:, 0]
    nvalls = n_X[:, 1]

    xlim_min = min(angles)
    xlim_max = max(angles)
    rlim_min = np.radians(xlim_min)
    rlim_max = np.radians(xlim_max)

    n_clus = len(res_vonMF)
    # plot the distributions:
    # x = np.linspace(-np.pi/2, np.pi/2, num=100)
    x = np.linspace(rlim_min, rlim_max, num=100)
    xdegs = np.degrees(x)
    fX_tot = np.zeros(len(x), )

    fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 3, figsize=(12, 6))
    #axes[2].imshow(np.asarray(img_0), cmap='gray');
    for i in range(n_clus):

        temp_r = res_vonMF[i, 0]
        # location in rads
        temp_d = np.round(res_vonMF[i, 1], decimals=2)
        # location in degrees
        temp_c = res_vonMF[i, 2]
        # concentration
        temp_w = res_vonMF[i, 3]
        # weights

        str_1 = 'von Mises for X_' + str(i + 1)
        fX_i = stats.vonmises(temp_c, temp_r)
        #fX_i = stats.vonmises(res_vonMF[i,2], res_vonMF[i,0])
        axes[0].plot(xdegs, fX_i.pdf(x), label=str_1)

        # str_2 = 'weighted von Mises for X_' + str(i+1)
        str_2 = 'von Mises X_' + str(i + 1)
        axes[1].plot(xdegs, temp_w * fX_i.pdf(x), '--', label=str_2)
        # sum individual distributions weighted to get total mixture von Mises:
        fX_tot += temp_w * fX_i.pdf(x)
        # annotate as text the locations of the individual von Mises:
        axes[1].annotate( temp_d, xy=(temp_d, temp_w*fX_i.pdf(temp_r)), \
            xytext=(temp_d, temp_w*fX_i.pdf(temp_r)), \
            arrowprops=dict(facecolor='black', shrink=0.5), )

        #tmpThe = temp_r - np.pi/2
        start_x = cen_x * (1 - np.cos(temp_r))
        start_y = cen_y * (1 - np.sin(temp_r))
        start_y = pYmax - start_y
        end_x = cen_x * (1 + np.cos(temp_r))
        end_y = cen_y * (1 + np.sin(temp_r))
        end_y = pYmax - end_y
        draw_0.line([(start_x, start_y), (end_x, end_y)],
                    fill=i + 1 + i * 50,
        axes[2].annotate( temp_d, xy=(end_x,end_y), xytext=(end_x,end_y), \

    axes[1].plot(xdegs, fX_tot, 'r', label="combined von Mises")
    axes[1].plot(angles, nvalls, 'k--', label="normalized data")
    # axes[1].legend(loc=1)
    # axes[1].legend(loc=9, bbox_to_anchor=(0.5, -0.1), ncol=3)
    axes[1].legend(bbox_to_anchor=(0.75, 0.99),

    axes[2].imshow(np.asarray(img_0), cmap='gray')

    # create a name for the output image file:
    #fig_name = 'Res_' + im_name.replace(".png","") + '_' + str(n_clus) + 'vM'
    fig_name = 'Res_' + im_name_0 + '_' + str(n_clus) + 'vM' + '_fit'
    fig_name_path = temp_path + '/' + fig_name
    # save the .png and .eps files:
    fig.savefig(fig_name_path + '.png')
    fig.savefig(fig_name_path + '.eps')

예제 #47
    def calculate_vector_components(self):
        """Calculate components of incident fields."""

        self.theta = np.deg2rad(self.theta)
        self.phi = np.deg2rad(self.phi)
        self.psi = np.deg2rad(self.psi)

        # Components of incident unit wavevector
        self.kx = np.sin(self.theta) * np.cos(self.phi)
        self.ky = np.sin(self.theta) * np.sin(self.phi)
        self.kz = np.cos(self.theta)

        # Components of incident field vectors
        self.Exinc = np.cos(self.psi) * np.sin(self.phi) - np.sin(self.psi) * np.cos(self.theta) * np.cos(self.phi)
        self.Eyinc = -np.cos(self.psi) * np.cos(self.phi) - np.sin(self.psi) * np.cos(self.theta) * np.sin(self.phi)
        self.Ezinc = np.sin(self.psi) * np.sin(self.theta)
        self.Hxinc = np.sin(self.psi) * np.sin(self.phi) + np.cos(self.psi) * np.cos(self.theta) * np.cos(self.phi)
        self.Hyinc = -np.sin(self.psi) * np.cos(self.phi) + np.cos(self.psi) * np.cos(self.theta) * np.sin(self.phi)
        self.Hzinc = -np.cos(self.psi) * np.sin(self.theta)
예제 #48
def drawRing(radius, number2, spot):
    #two images being created, the first will contain full spots, the second the corresponding centroids
    #the shape can be changed as desired
    blankImage = np.zeros(shape=(120,120), dtype=np.float32)
    blankImageCentroid = np.zeros(shape=(120,120), dtype=np.float32)
    #centre of image is determined
    (xCen, yCen) = getCentrePixel(blankImage)
    #this will place spots on image
    for i in range(spot):
        #some blurring introduced according to Gaussian distribution centered at radius with 1.5 pixel spread
        blurring = np.random.normal(radius, 1.5)
        ringRadius = blurring
        #setting up while loop which picks sin angles at random and checks if they are valid, once valid angle picked, loop is broken
        keepLoop = True
        while keepLoop:
            number = random.uniform(0, 1)
            sinAngle = (number*np.pi)
            if validAngle(number):
                keepLoop = False
        #phi angle picked randomly
        phiAngle = (random.uniform(0,1)*2*np.pi)
        #the x and y positions are calculated
        xPos = ringRadius * np.cos(sinAngle)
        yPos = ringRadius * np.sin(sinAngle) * np.cos(phiAngle)
        #shifted by the centre position
        xPos += xCen
        yPos += yCen
        #this picks a file out of the folderSpots based on a random number (range must be number of files in folder and
        #it is assumed that files are named according to convention (see line 9-10)), it will check that the file exists as well
        findFile = True
        while findFile:
            filenamePosition = random.randint(0, 5193)
            if os.path.exists(""):
                img = cv.imread("", 0)
                imgCentroid = cv.imread("", 0)
                findFile = False
        #the commented out lines do the same as the 7 lines above, without the need for picking a random number, however work significantly
        #slower, so if folderSpots contains a lot of files, the method above is much faster
        filename = random.choice(os.listdir(folderSpots))
        img = cv.imread(folderSpots + "/" + filename, 0)
        imgCentroid = cv.imread(folderCentroids + "/centroid" + filename, 0)
        #failsafe for testing type of image
        if type(img) == np.ndarray:
            rows, cols = img.shape
            #scanning across image
            for m in range(rows):
                for k in range(cols):
                    #finding centroid in the centroid image and shifting positions so that centroid will be placed in that pixel,
                    #while the rest of the spot intensity is shifted accordingly
                    if imgCentroid[m, k] != 0:
                        (y, x) = (m, k)
                        yPos -= y
                        xPos -= x
            #placing spot and centroid into their respective positions, note that intensity will cap at 255 for image containing full spots
            for j in range(rows):
                for f in range(cols):
                    blankImage[int(yPos+j),int(xPos+f)] += img[j,f]
                    if imgCentroid[j,f] != 0:
                        blankImageCentroid[int(yPos+j),int(xPos+f)] = 255
    #saves images to the respective folder, the folderCreatedImages also should contain folders with number of spots, followed by folders named
    #Image and centroidImage
    cv.imwrite("", blankImage)
    cv.imwrite("", blankImageCentroid)
예제 #49
if __name__ == '__main__':
    n = 4
    V = np.arange(0, n, 1)
    E = [(0, 1, 1.0), (0, 2, 1.0), (1, 2, 1.0), (3, 2, 1.0), (3, 1, 1.0)]

    G = nx.Graph()

    step_size = 0.1

    a_gamma = np.arange(0, np.pi, step_size)
    a_beta = np.arange(0, np.pi, step_size)
    a_gamma, a_beta = np.meshgrid(a_gamma, a_beta)

    F1 = 3 - (np.sin(2 * a_beta)**2 * np.sin(2 * a_gamma)**2 - 0.5 * np.sin(
        4 * a_beta) * np.sin(4 * a_gamma)) * (1 + np.cos(4 * a_gamma)**2)

    result = np.where(F1 == np.amax(F1))
    a = list(zip(result[0], result[1]))[0]

    gamma = a[0] * step_size
    beta = a[1] * step_size

    prog = make_circuit(4)
    sample_shot = 5600
    writefile = open("../data/startQiskit_Class621.csv", "w")
    # prog.draw('mpl', filename=(kernel + '.png'))
    backend = BasicAer.get_backend('statevector_simulator')

    circuit1 = transpile(prog, FakeYorktown())
예제 #50
def test_structural():
    # Clear warnings
    structural.__warningregistry__ = {}

    nobs = 100
    eps = np.random.normal(size=nobs)
    exog = np.random.normal(size=nobs)

    eps1 = np.zeros(nobs)
    eps2 = np.zeros(nobs)
    eps2[49] = 1
    eps3 = np.zeros(nobs)
    eps3[50:] = 1

    # AR(1)
    mod1 = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], autoregressive=1)
    mod2 = sarimax.SARIMAX([0], order=(1, 0, 0))
    actual = mod1.simulate([1, 0.5], nobs, state_shocks=eps,
    desired = mod2.simulate([0.5, 1], nobs, state_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # ARX(1)
    mod1 = structural.UnobservedComponents(np.zeros(nobs), exog=exog,
    mod2 = sarimax.SARIMAX(np.zeros(nobs), exog=exog, order=(1, 0, 0))
    actual = mod1.simulate([1, 0.5, 0.2], nobs, state_shocks=eps,
    desired = mod2.simulate([0.2, 0.5, 1], nobs, state_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Irregular
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'irregular')
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, eps)

    # Fixed intercept
    # (in practice this is a deterministic constant, because an irregular
    #  component must be added)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'fixed intercept')
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, 10 + eps)

    # Deterministic constant
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'deterministic constant')
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, 10 + eps)

    # Local level
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'local level')
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, eps + eps3)

    # Random walk
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'random walk')
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
    assert_allclose(actual, eps + eps3)

    # Fixed slope
    # (in practice this is a deterministic trend, because an irregular
    #  component must be added)
    with warnings.catch_warnings():
        mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'fixed slope')
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=eps2, initial_state=[0, 1])
    assert_allclose(actual, eps + np.arange(100))

    # Deterministic trend
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'deterministic trend')
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=eps2, initial_state=[0, 1])
    assert_allclose(actual, eps + np.arange(100))

    # Local linear deterministic trend
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents(
        [0], 'local linear deterministic trend')
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=eps2, initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = eps + np.r_[np.arange(50), 1 + np.arange(50, 100)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Random walk with drift
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'random walk with drift')
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, state_shocks=eps2,
                          initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = np.r_[np.arange(50), 1 + np.arange(50, 100)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Local linear trend
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'local linear trend')
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=np.c_[eps2, eps1], initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = eps + np.r_[np.arange(50), 1 + np.arange(50, 100)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=np.c_[eps1, eps2], initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = eps + np.r_[np.arange(50), np.arange(50, 150, 2)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Smooth trend
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'smooth trend')
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=eps1, initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = eps + np.r_[np.arange(100)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=eps2, initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = eps + np.r_[np.arange(50), np.arange(50, 150, 2)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Random trend
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'random trend')
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs,
                          state_shocks=eps1, initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = np.r_[np.arange(100)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs,
                          state_shocks=eps2, initial_state=[0, 1])
    desired = np.r_[np.arange(50), np.arange(50, 150, 2)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Seasonal (deterministic)
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'irregular', seasonal=2,
    actual = mod.simulate([1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
    desired = eps + np.tile([10, -10], 50)
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Seasonal (stochastic)
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'irregular', seasonal=2)
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=eps2, initial_state=[10])
    desired = eps + np.r_[np.tile([10, -10], 25), np.tile([11, -11], 25)]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Cycle (deterministic)
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'irregular', cycle=True)
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1.2], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          initial_state=[1, 0])
    x1 = [np.cos(1.2), np.sin(1.2)]
    x2 = [-np.sin(1.2), np.cos(1.2)]
    T = np.array([x1, x2])
    desired = eps
    states = [1, 0]
    for i in range(nobs):
        desired[i] += states[0]
        states = np.dot(T, states)
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)

    # Cycle (stochastic)
    mod = structural.UnobservedComponents([0], 'irregular', cycle=True,
    actual = mod.simulate([1., 1., 1.2], nobs, measurement_shocks=eps,
                          state_shocks=np.c_[eps2, eps2], initial_state=[1, 0])
    x1 = [np.cos(1.2), np.sin(1.2)]
    x2 = [-np.sin(1.2), np.cos(1.2)]
    T = np.array([x1, x2])
    desired = eps
    states = [1, 0]
    for i in range(nobs):
        desired[i] += states[0]
        states = np.dot(T, states) + eps2[i]
    assert_allclose(actual, desired)
예제 #51
 def target_func(self, x):
     return np.sin(5 * x)
예제 #52
def pos_estimate():
    global x_old,acc,omega,P_old,m9a_low_old,m9g_low_old,x_new
    start =time.time()

    s_phi = np.sin(x_old[6])
    c_phi = np.cos(x_old[6])
    s_the = np.sin(x_old[7])
    c_the = np.cos(x_old[7])
    t_the = np.tan(x_old[7])
    s_psi = np.sin(x_old[8])
    c_psi = np.cos(x_old[8])

    x_pre = np.array([[x_old[0]+x_old[3]*del_t],
                    [x_old[6] + omega[0]*del_t+s_phi*t_the*omega[1]*del_t + c_phi*t_the*omega[2]*del_t],
                    [x_old[7] + c_phi*omega[1]*del_t - s_phi*omega[2]*del_t],
                    [x_old[8] + s_phi/c_the*omega[1]*del_t + c_phi/c_the*omega[2]*del_t]
    #print x_old[3]+c_the*c_psi*acc[0]*del_t+(s_the*c_psi*s_phi-s_psi*c_phi)*acc[1]*del_t+(s_the*c_psi*c_phi+s_psi*s_phi)*acc[2]*del_t

    AA = np.array([[1,0,0,del_t,0,0,0,0,0],
                [0,0,0,1,0,0, (s_the*c_psi*c_phi+s_psi*s_phi)*acc[1]*del_t + (-s_the*c_psi*s_phi+s_psi*c_phi)*acc[2]*del_t,
                                -s_the*c_psi*acc[0]*del_t + c_the*c_psi*s_phi*acc[1]*del_t + c_the*c_psi*c_phi*acc[2]*del_t,
                                -c_the*s_psi*acc[0]*del_t + (-s_the*s_psi*s_phi-c_psi*c_phi)*acc[1]*del_t + (-s_the*s_psi*c_phi+c_psi*s_phi)*acc[2]*del_t],
                [0,0,0,0,1,0, (s_the*s_psi*c_phi-c_psi*s_phi)*acc[1]*del_t + (-s_the*s_psi*s_phi-c_psi*c_phi)*acc[2]*del_t,
                                -s_the*s_psi*acc[0]*del_t + c_the*s_psi*s_phi*acc[1]*del_t + c_the*s_psi*s_phi*acc[2]*del_t,
                                c_the*c_psi*acc[0]*del_t + (s_the*s_psi*s_phi-s_psi*c_phi)*acc[1]*del_t + (s_the*c_psi*c_phi+s_psi*s_phi)*acc[2]*del_t],
                [0,0,0,0,0,1, c_the*c_phi*acc[1]*del_t - c_the*s_phi*acc[2]*del_t, -c_the*acc[0]*del_t - s_the*s_phi*acc[1] - s_the*c_phi*acc[2]*del_t,0],
                [0,0,0,0,0,0, 1+c_phi*t_the*omega[1]*del_t-s_phi*t_the*omega[2]*del_t, s_phi/(c_the*c_the)*omega[1]*del_t+c_phi/(c_the*c_the)*omega[2]*del_t,0],
                [0,0,0,0,0,0, -s_phi*omega[1]*del_t-c_phi*omega[2]*del_t,1,0],
                [0,0,0,0,0,0, c_phi/c_the*omega[1]*del_t-s_phi/c_the*omega[2]*del_t, s_phi*t_the/c_the*omega[1]*del_t+c_phi*t_the/c_the*omega[2]*del_t,0]

    s_phi_pre = np.sin(x_pre[6])
    c_phi_pre = np.cos(x_pre[6])
    s_the_pre = np.sin(x_pre[7])
    c_the_pre = np.cos(x_pre[7])

    AA1 = np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor1[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor1[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor1[2] ,2))
    AA2 = np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor2[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor2[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor2[2] ,2))
    AA3 = np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor3[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor3[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor3[2] ,2))
    AA4 = np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor4[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor4[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor4[2] ,2))

    CC = np.array([[0,0,0,0,0,0,0,c_the_pre*g,0],
                [0,0,0,0,0,0, c_the_pre*s_phi_pre*g,s_the_pre*c_phi_pre*g,0],
                [(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor1[0])/AA1, (x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor1[1])/AA1, (x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor1[2])/AA1, 0,0,0,0,0,0],
                [(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor2[0])/AA2, (x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor2[1])/AA2, (x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor2[2])/AA2, 0,0,0,0,0,0],
                [(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor3[0])/AA3, (x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor3[1])/AA3, (x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor3[2])/AA3, 0,0,0,0,0,0],
                [(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor4[0])/AA4, (x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor4[1])/AA4, (x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor4[2])/AA4, 0,0,0,0,0,0],

    P_pre = AA.dot(P_old.dot(AA.T)) + QQ

    G1 = la.inv(CC.dot(P_pre.dot(CC.T)) + RR)
    GG = P_pre.dot((CC.T).dot(G1))
    h_pre = np.array([[s_the_pre*g],
                    [np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor1[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor1[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor1[2] ,2))],
                    [np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor2[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor2[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor2[2] ,2))],
                    [np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor3[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor3[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor3[2] ,2))],
                    [np.sqrt(pow(x_pre[:,0][0]-anchor4[0] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][1]-anchor4[1] ,2) + pow(x_pre[:,0][2]-anchor4[2] ,2))],
                    ], dtype=np.float)

    m9a, m9g, m9m = imu.getMotion9() #measure

    m9a_low = m9a_low_old * alfa + m9a * (1-alfa)
    m9g_low = m9g_low_old * alfa + m9g * (1-alfa)

    #print h_pre[5]

    m9a_low_old = m9a_low
    m9g_low_old = m9g_low

    acc = np.array([-m9a_low[0],-m9a_low[1],-m9a_low[2]])

    #results[5] = adc.read(5) #measure

    omega = np.array([(m9g[0]-bias_gyro_x),(m9g[1]-bias_gyro_y),m9g[2]-bias_gyro_z])

    DD[3]= DD[3].strip('\r\n')
    if (int(DD[0]) < 2000 and int(DD[1]) < 2000 and int(DD[2]) < 2000 and int(DD[3]) < 2000):
        dd1 = int(DD[0])*0.01
        dd2 = int(DD[1])*0.01
        dd3 = int(DD[2])*0.01
        dd4 = int(DD[3])*0.01

    height = float(hh*0.001)

    yy = np.array([[-m9a_low[0]],

    P_new = (I_9-GG.dot(CC)).dot(P_pre)
    x_new = x_pre + GG.dot(yy-h_pre)
    #print dd1,dd2,dd3
#    phi = np.arctan(-m9a[1]/m9a[2])*180/np.pi

    print "{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][0]),",","{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][1]),",","{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][2])
#    print "{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][3]),",","{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][4])

#    print "{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][8]*180/np.pi)#,",","{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][7]*180/np.pi),",","{:+7.3f}".format(x_new[:,0][6]*180/np.pi)#,",","{:+7.3f}".format(dd1),",","{:+7.3f}".format(dd2),",","{:+7.3f}".format(dd3)
#    print "{:+7.3f}".format(m9a[0]),",","{:+7.3f}".format(m9a[1]),",","{:+7.3f}".format(m9a[2])

    elapsed_time = time.time() - start

#    sleep_time = 0.01 - elapsed_time
#    time.sleep(sleep_time)

    if elapsed_time < 0.01:

        sleep_time = 0.01 - elapsed_time

    P_old = P_new#[:,0]
    x_old = x_new[:,0]

    return x_new[:,0][0],x_new[:,0][1],x_new[:,0][2],x_new[:,0][6],x_new[:,0][7],x_new[:,0][8]
예제 #53
def fixed_objective_function(x):
    target = np.sin(x * 50)
    t_max = np.max(target)
    t_min = np.min(target)
    return (target - t_min) / (t_max - t_min)
예제 #54
def radial_samples_reacting(case_path):
    # this one has to be correct and is different for inert and reacting
        scalarTail = '_f_BilgerMean_f_BilgerPrime2Mean_TMean_TPrime2Mean_CH4Mean_CH4Prime2Mean_H2OMean_H2OPrime2Mean_CO2Mean_CO2Prime2Mean_O2Mean_O2Prime2Mean_COMean_COPrime2Mean_H2Mean_H2Prime2Mean.xy'


        scalarTail = '_f_BilgerMean_f_BilgerPrime2Mean_TMean_TPrime2Mean_CH4Mean_' \


    print(scalarTail + '\n')

    # initialize arrays
    datapoints = 200
    noFiles = 40

    # represents the different locations you defined in the sample dict file
    nLocation = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4]
    location_dict = ['01', '03', '05', '10', '20']

    # get all time steps
    times = listdir(case_path + '/postProcessing/sampleDict/')
    # remove the .txt files in the times list as they are also stored in the sampleDict folder
    times = [f for f in times if f[-3:] != 'txt']

    # loop over the time steps for averaging

    for n in range(0, len(nLocation)):
        arrayT = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayTRMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayCH4 = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayCH4RMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayCO = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayCORMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayCO2 = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayCO2RMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayH2O = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayH2ORMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayH2 = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayH2RMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayO2 = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayO2RMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayf = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayfRMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayU = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayURMS = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayV = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayVRMS = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayW = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayWRMS = np.zeros((datapoints))

        arrayJ_r_sgs = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayJ_r_lam = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayJsgs_r = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayJlam_r = np.zeros((datapoints))
        arrayVol = np.zeros((datapoints))

        # Koordinate Position
        #arrayYPos = np.zeros((datapoints))
        #arrayZPos = np.zeros((datapoints))
        #arrayDist = np.zeros((datapoints))

        for time in times:
            for j in range(0, noFiles):
                    dataScalar = np.loadtxt(case_path +
                                            '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' +
                                            time + '/line_x' +
                                            str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' + str(j) +
                        'Check the file name and/or path of scalar fields! Something is wrong'
                    print(case_path + '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' + time +
                          '/line_x' + str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' + str(j) +

                # there is the position of the T column in your data set;
                # check for consistency! they are summed up for different j
                arrayf += dataScalar[:, 3]
                arrayfRMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 4])
                arrayT += dataScalar[:, 5]
                arrayTRMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 6])
                arrayCH4 += dataScalar[:, 7]
                arrayCH4RMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 8])
                arrayH2O += dataScalar[:, 9]
                arrayH2ORMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 10])
                arrayCO2 += dataScalar[:, 11]
                arrayCO2RMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 12])
                arrayO2 += dataScalar[:, 13]
                arrayO2RMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 14])
                arrayCO += dataScalar[:, 15]
                arrayCORMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 16])
                arrayH2 += dataScalar[:, 17]
                arrayH2RMS += np.sqrt(dataScalar[:, 18])

                # compute the radius only once at the beginning
                if j == 0 and time == times[0]:
                    arrayYPos = dataScalar[:, 1]  # m
                    arrayZPos = dataScalar[:, 2]  # m
                    arrayDist = np.sqrt(arrayYPos * arrayYPos +
                                        arrayZPos * arrayZPos)

                #READ IN U ONLY IF PRESENT
                    dataU = np.loadtxt(case_path +
                                       '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' + time +
                                       '/line_x' + str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' +
                                       str(j) + '_UMean.xy')

                    winkel = 2 * j / noFiles * 3.14

                    arrayU += dataU[:, 3]
                    arrayV += np.sin(winkel) * dataU[:, 4] + np.cos(
                        winkel) * dataU[:, 5]
                    arrayW += np.cos(winkel) * dataU[:, 4] + np.sin(
                        winkel) * dataU[:, 5]

                    print('Check the file name of U! Something is wrong')

                # RMS
                        dataURMS = np.loadtxt(case_path +
                                              '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' +
                                              time + '/line_x' +
                                              str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' +
                                              str(j) + '_UPrime2Mean.xy')
                        dataURMS = np.loadtxt(
                            case_path + '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' + time +
                            '/line_x' + str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' + str(j) +
                    print('Check the file name of U! Something is wrong')

                winkel = 2 * j / noFiles * 3.14

                arrayURMS += np.sqrt(dataURMS[:, 3])
                arrayVRMS += np.sqrt(
                    np.sin(winkel) * dataURMS[:, 4] +
                    np.cos(winkel) * dataURMS[:, 5])
                arrayWRMS += np.sqrt(
                    np.cos(winkel) * dataURMS[:, 4] +
                    np.sin(winkel) * dataURMS[:, 5])

                    dataJ = np.loadtxt(case_path +
                                       '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' + time +
                                       '/line_x' + str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' +
                                       str(j) +

                    winkel = 2 * j / noFiles * 3.14

                    # get the U data again, just in case dataU was not read in
                    arrayU += dataJ[:, 3]
                    arrayV += np.sin(winkel) * dataJ[:, 4] + np.cos(
                        winkel) * dataJ[:, 5]
                    arrayW += np.cos(winkel) * dataJ[:, 4] + np.sin(
                        winkel) * dataJ[:, 5]

                    #arrayJ_sgs += dataJ[:,6]
                    arrayJsgs_r += np.sqrt((np.sin(winkel) * dataJ[:, 7] +
                                            np.cos(winkel) * dataJ[:, 8])**2 +
                                           (np.cos(winkel) * dataJ[:, 7] +
                                            np.sin(winkel) * dataJ[:, 8])**2)

                    arrayJlam_r += np.sqrt((np.sin(winkel) * dataJ[:, 10] +
                                            np.cos(winkel) * dataJ[:, 11])**2 +
                                           (np.cos(winkel) * dataJ[:, 10] +
                                            np.sin(winkel) * dataJ[:, 11])**2)
                    print('NO J_SGS_MEAN AVAILABLE!')

                # try:
                #     dataScalar = np.loadtxt(case_path+'/postProcessing/sampleDict/' + time + '/line_x' +
                #                             str(nLocation[n]) + '-r' + str(j) + '_cellVolumes.xy')
                #     # there is the position of the T column in your data set; check for consistency! they are summed up for different j
                #     arrayVol += dataScalar[:, 3]
                # except:
                #     print('NO CELL VOLUME INFORMATION!')

            # loop 2 end

        # set up to write the output file!
        Output_np = np.array(
            (arrayDist, arrayf, arrayT, arrayCH4, arrayH2O, arrayCO2, arrayO2,
             arrayCO, arrayH2, arrayU, arrayV, arrayW, arrayfRMS, arrayTRMS,
             arrayCH4RMS, arrayH2ORMS, arrayCO2RMS, arrayO2RMS, arrayCORMS,
             arrayH2RMS, arrayURMS, arrayVRMS, arrayWRMS, arrayJsgs_r,
             arrayJlam_r, arrayVol))

        # Divide by the number of files and times and transpose
        Output_T = Output_np.T
        Output_T = Output_T / (noFiles * len(times))
        # set up dataframe to write as CSV
        Output_df = pd.DataFrame(Output_T)

        # Name correctly the output columns
        Output_df.columns = [
            'r_in_m', 'Z_mean', 'T_mean', 'CH4_mean', 'H2O_mean', 'CO2_mean',
            'O2_mean', 'CO_mean', 'H2_mean', 'U_axial_mean', 'U_radial_mean',
            'U_teta_mean', 'Z_rms', 'T_rms', 'CH4_rms', 'H2O_rms', 'CO2_rms',
            'O2_rms', 'CO_rms', 'H2_rms', 'U_axial_rms', 'U_radial_rms',
            'U_teta_rms', 'J_sgs_mean', 'J_lam_mean', 'cellVolume_mean'

        Output_df['r_in_m'] = arrayDist

        # remove the nan
        Output_df = Output_df.fillna(0)

        # write one output file for each position
        output_name = case_path + '/postProcessing/sampleDict/' + 'line_xD' + location_dict[
            n] + '_OxyFuel.txt'
        pd.DataFrame.to_csv(Output_df, output_name, index=False, sep='\t')
예제 #55
 def volume(t):
     theta = t * omega + IVC * np.pi / 180  #theta in radian; TDC corresponds to theta=0
     v = V_min * (1 + ((r_c - 1) / 2) *
                  (L / a + 1 - np.cos(theta) -
                   np.sqrt(pow(L / a, 2) - pow(np.sin(theta), 2))))
     return v
예제 #56
def rotate_coords(v, w, theta):
    v, w = np.asarray(v), np.asarray(w)
    return v * np.cos(theta) - w * np.sin(theta), v * np.sin(theta) + w * np.cos(theta)
예제 #57
import numpy as np
import pylab
import cv2

x1 = np.linspace(0, np.pi * 2.0, 60.0)
y1 = x1.copy()

x2 = x1 - np.pi / 4.0
y2 = x2.copy()

xy1 = np.meshgrid(x1, y1)[0]
xy2 = np.meshgrid(x2, y2)[0]

img1 = np.sin(xy1) + np.sin(xy1).T + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, xy1.shape)
img2 = np.sin(xy2) + np.sin(xy2).T + np.random.normal(0, 0.5, xy2.shape)

shift = lambda x: np.fft.fftshift(x)
ishift = lambda x: np.fft.ifftshift(x)

imgf1 = shift(cv2.dft(img1 - img1.mean(), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT))
imgf2 = shift(cv2.dft(img2 - img2.mean(), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT))

imgfi1 = cv2.idft(ishift(imgf1), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)
imgfi2 = cv2.idft(ishift(imgf2), flags=cv2.DFT_COMPLEX_OUTPUT)

pylab.figure(figsize=(16, 6))

pylab.subplot(1, 3, 1)
예제 #58
 def vel(t):  #Note - the only input to the passed through function is time
     theta = t * omega + IVC * np.pi / 180  #TDC corresponds to theta=0
     z = np.sqrt(pow(L / a, 2) - pow(np.sin(theta), 2))
     v = omega * (V_min / A_p) * (
         (r_c - 1) / 2) * np.sin(theta) * (1 + np.cos(theta) / z)
     return v
예제 #59
    def computeRiseSet(self, rsAlt=0.0):
        """Compute rise, transit and set times for the Sun, as well as their azimuths/altitude.
          rsAlt              (float):     Altitude to return rise/set data for (radians; optional, default=0.0 meaning actual rise/set).  Set rsAlt>pi/2 to compute transit only.
          - if rsAlt == 0.0, actual rise and set times are computed
          - if rsAlt != 0.0, the routine calculates when alt = rsAlt is reached
          - returns times, rise/set azimuth and transit altitude in the class riseSet
            - subroutine riset() in riset.f90 from libTheSky (libthesky.sf.net) for more info

        rsa = -0.8333 / self._R2D  # Standard altitude for the Sun in radians
        if (abs(rsAlt) > 1.e-9): rsa = rsAlt  # Use a user-specified altitude

        tmRad = np.zeros(3)
        azalt = np.zeros(3)
        alt = 0.0
        ha = 0.0
        h0 = 0.0

        # We need a local SolTrack instance for the same location (but in radians!), but with different settings
        # (radians, south=0, need equatorial coordinates but not the distance), and independent times and
        # positions:
        if (self.param._useDegrees):
            st = self.__class__(self.geoLongitude / self._R2D,
                                self.geoLatitude / self._R2D,
            st = self.__class__(self.geoLongitude,

        # Set date and time to midnight of the desired date:
        st.setDateAndTime(self.year, self.month, self.day, 0, 0, 0.0)

        # Compute the Sun's position:

        # Compute transit, rise and set times:
        agst0 = st._agst  # AGST for midnight

        evMax = 3  # Compute transit, rise and set times by default (1-3)
        cosH0 = (np.sin(rsa) -
                 np.sin(st.geoLatitude) * np.sin(st._declinationUncorr)) / (
                     np.cos(st.geoLatitude) * np.cos(st._declinationUncorr))

        if (abs(cosH0) > 1.0):  # Body never rises/sets
            evMax = 1  # Compute transit time and altitude only
            h0 = np.arccos(cosH0) % self._PI  # Should probably work without %

        tmRad[0] = (st._rightAscensionUncorr - st.geoLongitude - st._agst
                    ) % self._TWOPI  # Transit time in radians; lon0 > 0 for E
        if (evMax > 1):
            tmRad[1] = (tmRad[0] - h0) % self._TWOPI  # Rise time in radians
            tmRad[2] = (tmRad[0] + h0) % self._TWOPI  # Set time in radians

        accur = 1.0e-5  # Accuracy;  1e-5 rad ~ 0.14s. Don't make this smaller than 1e-16
        for evi in range(evMax):  # Loop over transit, rise, set
            iter = 0
            dTmRad = np.inf

            while (abs(dTmRad) > accur):
                th0 = agst0 + 1.002737909350795 * tmRad[
                    evi]  # Solar day in sidereal days in 2000

                st.second = tmRad[
                    evi] * self._R2H * 3600.0  # Radians -> seconds - w.r.t. midnight (h=0,m=0)

                ha = self._revPI(
                    th0 + st.geoLongitude -
                    st._rightAscensionUncorr)  # Hour angle: -PI - +PI
                alt = np.arcsin(
                    np.sin(st.geoLatitude) * np.sin(st._declinationUncorr) +
                    np.cos(st.geoLatitude) * np.cos(st._declinationUncorr) *
                    np.cos(ha))  # Altitude

                # Correction to transit/rise/set times:
                if (evi == 0):  # Transit
                    dTmRad = -self._revPI(ha)  # -PI - +PI
                else:  # Rise/set
                    dTmRad = (alt -
                              rsa) / (np.cos(st._declinationUncorr) *
                                      np.cos(st.geoLatitude) * np.sin(ha))

                tmRad[evi] = tmRad[evi] + dTmRad

                # Print debug output to stdOut:
                # print(" %4i %2i %2i  %2i %2i %9.3lf    " % (st.year,st.month,st.day, st.hour,st.minute,st.second))
                # print(" %3i %4i   %9.3lf %9.3lf %9.3lf \n" % (evi,iter, tmRad[evi]*24,abs(dTmRad)*24,accur*24))

                iter += 1
                if (iter > 30):
                    break  # The while loop doesn't seem to converge
            # while(abs(dTmRad) > accur)

            if (iter > 30):  # Convergence failed
                    '\n  *** WARNING:  riset():  Riset failed to converge: %i %9.3lf  ***\n'
                    % (evi, rsAlt))
                tmRad[evi] = -np.inf
                azalt[evi] = -np.inf
            else:  # Result converged, store it
                if (evi == 0):
                    azalt[evi] = alt  # Transit altitude
                    azalt[evi] = np.arctan2(
                        (np.cos(ha) * np.sin(st.geoLatitude) -
                         np.tan(st._declinationUncorr) * np.cos(st.geoLatitude)
                         ))  # Rise,set hour angle -> azimuth

            if (tmRad[evi] < 0.0 and abs(rsAlt) < 1.e-9):
                tmRad[evi] = -np.inf
                azalt[evi] = -np.inf

        # for-loop evi

        # Set north to zero radians for azimuth if desired (use the original parameters!):
        if (self.param._useNorthEqualsZero):
            azalt[1] = (azalt[1] + self._PI
                        ) % self._TWOPI  # Add PI and fold between 0 and 2pi
            azalt[2] = (azalt[2] + self._PI
                        ) % self._TWOPI  # Add PI and fold between 0 and 2pi

        # Convert resulting angles to degrees if desired (use the original parameters!):
        if (self.param._useDegrees):
            azalt[0] *= self._R2D  # Transit altitude
            azalt[1] *= self._R2D  # Rise azimuth
            azalt[2] *= self._R2D  # Set azimuth

        # Store results:
        self.transitTime = tmRad[
            0] * self._R2H  # Transit time - radians -> hours
        self.riseTime = tmRad[1] * self._R2H  # Rise time - radians -> hours
        self.setTime = tmRad[2] * self._R2H  # Set time - radians -> hours

        self.transitAltitude = azalt[0]  # Transit altitude
        self.riseAzimuth = azalt[1]  # Rise azimuth
        self.setAzimuth = azalt[2]  # Set azimuth

예제 #60
 def new_state(self, x_near, u, dt):
     nx = x_near[0] + np.cos(u) * dt
     ny = x_near[1] + np.sin(u) * dt
     return (nx, ny)