def read_input_spectra(fname, numbvals): # Read grid of model spectra from the <fname> file # # :rtype: list of tuples containing model spectra. # # :param fname: name of the file containing the grid of model spectra. # :param numbvals: list with total grid number of model parameters. d = np.loadtxt(fname) parameter_combinations = numspectra = len(d.T) - 1 # spectra in columns, 1st column is energy grid, skip it if numspectra != parameter_combinations: raise NameError( fname + ": No. of spectra " + np.str(numspectra) + ", different from declared param combinations " + np.str(parameter_combinations) + "\n" ) input_spectra = [] for i in range(len(d.T) - 1): # d[:-1] - match no. of energy bins; # T[1:] - skip the 1st column with energy vector input_spectra.append(tuple(d[:-1].T[1:][i])) return input_spectra
def main(): if len(sys.argv) < 4: print_usage("Not enough arguments!") alpha = numpy.float64(sys.argv[1]) filename= numpy.str(sys.argv[2]) k_limit = 12 species = [] for i, s in enumerate(sys.argv[3:]): species.append(numpy.str(s)) species.sort() print("species",str(species)) print("Reading %s" % filename) data = atpy_csv(filename) if species == 'Overall' or species == 'overall': data = filter_by_keyvalue(data, 'alpha', alpha) metrs = [] for s in species: print("Calculating %s at %s" % ('mean', s)) metrs.append(calc_metrics(data, k_limit, alpha, s)) print(metrs[-1]) all_metrics = dict(zip(species, metrs)) metr_fname = "./figures/%s-ALL-metrics-%d-%s.pdf" % (str(species).replace(']','').replace('[','').replace("'",""), k_limit, str(numpy.around(alpha, decimals=2))) plot_metrics_per_k(species, alpha, all_metrics, 'Algorithm: ' + filename.split('.')[0], metr_fname) pvr_fname = "./figures/%s-ALL-pvr-%d-%s.pdf" % (str(species).replace(']','').replace('[','').replace("'",""), k_limit, str(numpy.around(alpha, decimals=2))) print(pvr_fname) plot_precision_v_recall(species, alpha, all_metrics, 'Algorithm: ' + filename.split('.')[0], pvr_fname) return 0
def test_RTcoefs(self, kind_compress='Vinet', compress_order=3, compress_path_const='T', kind_RTpoly='V', RTpoly_order=5, natom=1): TOL = 1e-3 Nsamp = 10001 eos_mod = self.load_eos(kind_compress=kind_compress, compress_order=compress_order, compress_path_const=compress_path_const, kind_RTpoly=kind_RTpoly, RTpoly_order=RTpoly_order, natom=natom) V0, = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names='V0') Vmod_a = np.linspace(.5,1.2,Nsamp)*V0 dV = Vmod_a[1] - Vmod_a[0] acoef_a, bcoef_a = eos_mod.calc_RTcoefs(Vmod_a) acoef_deriv_a, bcoef_deriv_a = eos_mod.calc_RTcoefs_deriv(Vmod_a) a_abs_err, a_rel_err, a_range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Vmod_a, acoef_a, acoef_deriv_a, scale=1) b_abs_err, b_rel_err, b_range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Vmod_a, bcoef_a, bcoef_deriv_a, scale=1) assert a_range_err < TOL, 'range error in acoef, ' + \ np.str(a_range_err) + ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL) assert b_range_err < TOL, 'range error in bcoef, ' + \ np.str(b_range_err) + ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL)
def _calc_test_heat_capacity(self, kind_compress='Vinet', compress_path_const='T', kind_gamma='GammaFiniteStrain', kind_RTpoly='V', RTpoly_order=5, natom=1, kind_electronic='None', apply_electronic=False): TOL = 1e-3 Nsamp = 10001 eos_mod = self.load_eos(kind_compress=kind_compress, compress_path_const=compress_path_const, kind_gamma=kind_gamma, kind_RTpoly=kind_RTpoly, RTpoly_order=RTpoly_order, natom=natom, kind_electronic=kind_electronic, apply_electronic=apply_electronic) Tmod_a = np.linspace(3000.0, 8000.0, Nsamp) V0, = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['V0']) # Vmod = V0*(0.6+.5*np.random.rand(Nsamp)) Vmod = V0*0.7 thermal_energy_a = eos_mod.thermal_energy(Vmod, Tmod_a) heat_capacity_a = eos_mod.heat_capacity(Vmod, Tmod_a) abs_err, rel_err, range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Tmod_a, thermal_energy_a, heat_capacity_a, scale=1) Cvlimfac = eos_mod.calculators['thermal']._get_Cv_limit() assert rel_err < TOL, 'rel-error in Cv, ' + np.str(rel_err) + \ ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL)
def calc_test_RTcoefs(self, kind_compress='Vinet', compress_path_const='T', kind_gamma='GammaFiniteStrain', kind_RTpoly='V', RTpoly_order=5, natom=1, kind_electronic='None', apply_electronic=False): TOL = 1e-3 Nsamp = 10001 eos_mod = self.load_eos(kind_compress=kind_compress, compress_path_const=compress_path_const, kind_gamma=kind_gamma, kind_RTpoly=kind_RTpoly, RTpoly_order=RTpoly_order, natom=natom, kind_electronic=kind_electronic, apply_electronic=apply_electronic) V0, = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names='V0') Vmod_a = np.linspace(.5,1.2,Nsamp)*V0 dV = Vmod_a[1] - Vmod_a[0] bcoef_a = eos_mod.calc_RTcoefs(Vmod_a) bcoef_deriv_a = eos_mod.calc_RTcoefs_deriv(Vmod_a) b_abs_err, b_rel_err, b_range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Vmod_a, bcoef_a, bcoef_deriv_a, scale=1) assert b_range_err < TOL, 'range error in bcoef, ' + \ np.str(b_range_err) + ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL)
def test_press_simple(self, kind_compress='Vinet', compress_path_const='T', kind_gamma='GammaFiniteStrain', kind_RTpoly='V', RTpoly_order=5, natom=1, kind_electronic='CvPowLaw', apply_electronic=True): TOL = 1e-3 Nsamp = 10001 eos_mod = self.load_eos(kind_compress=kind_compress, compress_path_const=compress_path_const, kind_gamma=kind_gamma, kind_RTpoly=kind_RTpoly, RTpoly_order=RTpoly_order, natom=natom, kind_electronic=kind_electronic, apply_electronic=apply_electronic) refstate_calc = eos_mod.calculators['refstate'] T0 = refstate_calc.ref_temp() V0 = refstate_calc.ref_volume() S0 = refstate_calc.ref_entropy() # V0, T0, S0 = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['V0','T0','S0']) Vmod_a = np.linspace(.7,1.2,Nsamp)*V0 T = 8000 dV = Vmod_a[1] - Vmod_a[0] P_a =, T) F_a = eos_mod.helmholtz_energy(Vmod_a, T) abs_err, rel_err, range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Vmod_a, F_a, P_a, scale=-core.CONSTS['PV_ratio']) S_a = eos_mod.entropy(Vmod_a, T) assert abs_err < TOL, ('abs error in Press, ' + np.str(abs_err) + ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL))
def _calc_test_heat_capacity(self, kind_thermal='Debye', kind_gamma='GammaPowLaw', kind_compress='Vinet', compress_path_const='T', natom=1): TOL = 1e-3 Nsamp = 10001 eos_mod = self.load_eos(kind_thermal=kind_thermal, kind_gamma=kind_gamma, kind_compress=kind_compress, compress_path_const=compress_path_const, natom=natom) Tmod_a = np.linspace(300.0, 3000.0, Nsamp) V0, = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names=['V0']) # Vmod_a = V0*(0.6+.5*np.random.rand(Nsamp)) Vmod = V0*0.9 thermal_energy_a = eos_mod.thermal_energy(Vmod, Tmod_a) heat_capacity_a = eos_mod.heat_capacity(Vmod, Tmod_a) abs_err, rel_err, range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Tmod_a, thermal_energy_a, heat_capacity_a, scale=1) Cvlimfac = eos_mod.calculators['thermal']._get_Cv_limit() assert rel_err < TOL, 'rel-error in Cv, ' + np.str(rel_err) + \ ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL)
def update_task(self, filename): #set scheduled with open(filename) as f: d = dict(filter(None, csv.reader(f, delimiter=' ', skipinitialspace=True))) taskid = d['taskID'] AST= d['AST'] f.close() #update task status in emoncms h = httplib2.Http("/tmp/emoncms/.cache") minutes=minutes/60 request = "{'status':1,'AST':'"+np.str(hours)+":"+np.str(minutes)+"'}" h.request("http://localhost/emoncms/mas/update.json?id="+taskid+"&json="+request+"&apikey="+self.apikey, "GET") sys.stderr.write("http://localhost/emoncms/mas/update.json?id="+taskid+"&json="+request+"&apikey="+self.apikey) #delay should be not 20 but AST-Time.time now = midnight = now.replace(hour=0, minute=0, second=0, microsecond=0) seconds = (now - midnight).seconds countdown = #countdown =20 if(countdown > 0): t=Timer(countdown, self.taskexec, [taskid]) t.start() self.scheduled[taskid]=0
def wave_length(period,h): ''' Compute wave length using linear wave theory Parameters ---------- period : wave period [s] h : water depth [m] Results ------- wl_int : real wave length [m] Screen output ------------- wl_deep : deep water wave length [m] wl_sha : shallow water wave length [m] ''' wl_deep = 9.81 * period**2 / 2.0 / np.pi wl_sha = period * np.sqrt(9.81 * h) k = dispersion(period,h) wl_int = 9.81 / 2.0 / np.pi * period**2 * np.tanh(k*h) print(' ') print('---------------------------------------------------------') print('Wave Length deep water approx = ' + np.str(wl_deep) + ' m') print('Wave Length shallow water approx = ' + np.str(wl_sha) + ' m') print('Wave Length linear wave theory = ' + np.str(wl_int) + ' m') print('---------------------------------------------------------') print(' ') return wl_int
def load_fortranfile(T): if T < 100: file1 = '../outputs/psi1/psi1_0'+np.str(T)+'.bin' file2 = '../outputs/psi2/psi2_0'+np.str(T)+'.bin' else: file1 = '../outputs/psi1/psi1_'+np.str(T)+'.bin' file2 = '../outputs/psi2/psi2_'+np.str(T)+'.bin' PSI1 = fortranfiles.FortranFile(file1) PSI1 = PSI1.readReals() PSI2 = fortranfiles.FortranFile(file2) PSI2 = PSI2.readReals() # Redimensionalizing files PSI1 = PSI1.reshape((257,512)) PSI2 = PSI2.reshape((257,512)) return PSI1,PSI2
def wave_length(period, h, verbose=True): """ Compute wave length using linear wave theory Parameters ---------- period : wave period [s] h : water depth [m] Results ------- wl_int : real wave length [m] Screen output ------------- wl_deep : deep water wave length [m] wl_sha : shallow water wave length [m] """ wl_deep = 9.81 * period ** 2 / 2.0 / np.pi wl_sha = period * np.sqrt(9.81 * h) k = dispersion(period, h) wl_int = 9.81 / 2.0 / np.pi * period ** 2 * np.tanh(k * h) if verbose: print(" ") print("---------------------------------------------------------") print("Wave Length deep water approx = " + np.str(wl_deep) + " m") print("Wave Length shallow water approx = " + np.str(wl_sha) + " m") print("Wave Length linear wave theory = " + np.str(wl_int) + " m") print("---------------------------------------------------------") print(" ") return wl_int
def calc_test_press(self, path_const='T'): TOL = 1e-3 Nsamp = 10001 eos_mod = self.load_eos(path_const=path_const) V0, = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names='V0') V0 += -.137 eos_mod.set_param_values(V0,param_names='V0') V0get, = eos_mod.get_param_values(param_names='V0') assert V0 == V0get, 'Must be able to store and retrieve non-integer values' assert np.abs(<TOL/100,( 'pressure at V0 must be zero by definition' ) Vmod_a = np.linspace(.7,1.2,Nsamp)*V0 dV = Vmod_a[1] - Vmod_a[0] press_a = energy_a = abs_err, rel_err, range_err = self.numerical_deriv( Vmod_a, energy_a, press_a, scale=-core.CONSTS['PV_ratio']) assert range_err < TOL, 'range error in Press, ' + np.str(range_err) + \ ', must be less than TOL, ' + np.str(TOL)
def freq_spec_1d(eta,dt=1,verbose=True): """ Computes the frequency spectrum from a given time series. freq,spec = freq_spec_1d(eta,dt,verbose) PARAMETERS: ----------- eta : Time series of water surface elevation [m] dt : Time step [s] verbose : Display computed bulk parameters to the screen RETURNS: -------- freq : Frequency vector spec : Variance spectrum (Power spectrum) NOTES: ------ This is really a copy of gsignal.psdraw. If results differ, trust gsignal this code will not be updated. """ # Remove mean eta -= eta.mean() # Compute record length N = eta.shape[0] # Compute fourier frequencies fj = np.fft.fftfreq(N,dt) # Compute power spectral density (Cooley-Tukey Method) yf = np.fft.fft(eta)/N psd = N*dt*yf*np.conjugate(yf) # One sided psd from dft if np.mod(N,2) == 0: sf = np.concatenate((np.array([psd[0]]),2.0*psd[1:N/2], np.array([psd[N/2]]))) freq_amp = np.abs(np.concatenate((np.array([fj[0]]),fj[1:N/2], np.array([fj[N/2]])))) else: sf = np.concatenate((np.array([psd[0]]),2.0*psd[1:(N+1)/2])) freq_amp = np.abs(np.concatenate((np.array([fj[0]]),fj[1:(N+1)/2]))) sf = sf.real if verbose: print("===============================================") print("Bulk Wave Parameters:") print("Hs = " + np.str(4.004*np.sqrt(np.trapz(sf,freq_amp))) + "m") print("H1 = "+np.str(4.004*np.sqrt(np.trapz(sf,freq_amp))*2.0/3.0)+"m") print("Spectral Parameters:") print("Nyquist Frequency = " + np.str(1.0/(2.0*dt)) + "Hz") print("Frequency interval = " + np.str(1.0/(N*dt)) + "Hz") print("===============================================") # End of function return freq_amp,sf
def roms_to_swan_bathy_curv(hisfile,outfld): ''' Generate a SWAN bathymetry file from either a ROMS history or bathymetry input file. roms_to_swan_bathy_curv(hisfile,outfld) Parameters ---------- hisfile : ROMS history or bathymetry input netCDF file outfld : Folder to save the output files Returns ------- Two text files (, swan_coord.grd) that contain the bathymetry and coordinates of the grid for SWAN input. Notes ----- ''' # Load variables of interest from the file ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(hisfile,'r') h = ncfile.variables['h'][:] x_rho = ncfile.variables['x_rho'][:] y_rho = ncfile.variables['y_rho'][:] ncfile.close() # Print text file with extended and interpolated bathymetry fid = open(outfld+'/', 'w') for aa in range(h.shape[0]): for bb in range(h.shape[1]): fid.write('%12.4f' % h[aa,bb]) fid.write('\n') fid.close() # Print text file with extended and interpolated bathymetry fid = open(outfld+'/', 'w') for aa in range(x_rho.shape[0]): for bb in range(x_rho.shape[1]): fid.write('%12.6f' % x_rho[aa,bb]) fid.write('\n') for aa in range(y_rho.shape[0]): for bb in range(y_rho.shape[1]): fid.write('%12.6f' % y_rho[aa,bb]) fid.write('\n') fid.close() #---------------------------------------------------------- Output for print ' ' print "========================================================" print "Created swan_coord.grd and" print ('CGRID CURVILINEAR ' + np.str(h.shape[1]-1) + ' ' + np.str(h.shape[0]-1) + ' CIRCLE ...') print ('INPGRID BOTTTOM CURVILINEAR 0 0 ' + np.str(h.shape[1]-1) + ' ' + np.str(h.shape[0]-1) + ' EXC ...') print "========================================================"
def laserScan2D(width, height, delta, peakArea, fileName): # Scans an area with given width and height at a # step rate of delta. peakArea is int value for # the location of peak with a scale from 0 to 10,000 startTime = time.clock() h = 0 w = 0 n = 0 m = 0 x = np.arange(0, width + delta, delta) y = np.arange(0, height + delta, delta) Y, X = np.meshgrid(y, x) tValues = np.zeros((np.size(x), np.size(y))) vValues = np.zeros((np.size(x), np.size(y))) # set up scope scanRange = 1000 scope = vi.instrument("TCPIP::") sRead.setParam(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange) # get motor and zero location motor = mC.setupMotor() while w <= width: h = 0 m = 0 while h <= height: mC.moveTo(motor, w, h) time.sleep(0.5) x, y = sRead.getData(scope, peakArea - scanRange, peakArea + scanRange) t, v = findPeak(x, y) tValues[n, m] = t vValues[n, m] = v h = h + delta m = m + 1 w = w + delta n = n + 1 # Estimates Time Left timeLeft = (width - w) / w * (time.clock() - startTime) / 60 print "Est. Time Left " + np.str(timeLeft) + "min" mC.moveTo(motor, 0, 0) # Contour Plot of Time makePlot2D(X, Y, tValues, fileName + " Time") # Contour Plot of Voltage makePlot2D(X, Y, vValues, fileName + " Voltage") # File Output np.savez(fileName + ".npz", X=X, Y=Y, tValues=tValues, vValues=vValues) # Time Taken Calc timeTaken = (time.clock() - startTime) / 60 # in min print "Time Taken " + np.str(timeTaken) motor.close() scope.close() return timeTaken, tValues
def save_orbit( x, y, z, filename ): ff = open( filename + '.3d', 'w' ) for i in range(len(x)): ff.write( np.str(x[i]) + "," + np.str(y[i]) + "," + np.str(z[i]) + "\n" ) ff.close() return
def iter_to_str(iteration, maximum): """ Converts an iteration number to string. Uses the maximum as second input to guarantee equal length for all. """ cur_trial_len = len(np.str(iteration)) return ((len(np.str( * '0') + np.str(iteration)
def time_lag(eta,ot,lags=None): """ Function to compute average time lag between the wave staffs USAGE: ------ ot_lag = time_lag(eta,ot,lags) PARAMETERS: ----------- eta : Numpy array of water surface elevation and time eta.shape = (time,points) ot : Time vector (numpy array) lags : Number of lags to compute RETURNS: -------- ot_lag : Numpy array of the same dimensions as eta with the time lagged arrays. DEPENDENCIES: ------------- gsignal.cross_corr """ # Verify the requested lags if not lags: lags = np.floor(ot.shape[0]/2) # Cumulative lag time cum_lag_time = np.zeros((eta.shape[1],)) # Time interval dt = ot[2] - ot[1] # Loop over points for aa in range(1,cum_lag_time.shape[0]): # Find the time lagged cross-correlation to adjust the time series rho,stats = gsignal.cross_corr(eta[:,aa-1],eta[:,aa],lags) # Identify the maximum auto correlation if np.max(rho) < 0.8: print('Warning: Correlation is less than 0.8') print(' aa = ' + np.str(aa)) print(' r = ' + np.str(np.max(rho))) # Compute cumulative lag time cum_lag_time[aa] = cum_lag_time[aa-1] + stats[np.argmax(rho),0] * dt # Create output array based on lag time ot_lag = np.zeros_like(eta) for aa in range(cum_lag_time.shape[0]): ot_lag[:,aa] = ot - cum_lag_time[aa] # Exit function return ot_lag
def makerunfake(rundir, base, param_file, nstart, nruns): for i in range(nstart, nstart+nruns): fakeparam = param_file+".fake_"+np.str(i) outfile = "runfake"+np.str(i) f = open(outfile, 'w') f.write("cd " + rundir+"\n") f.write("dolphot " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+ " -p" + fakeparam + " >> fake.log_"+np.str(i)) f.close()"chmod +x " + outfile, shell=True)
def roms_to_swan_bathy_curv(hisfile, outfld): """ Generate a SWAN bathymetry file from either a ROMS history or bathymetry input file. roms_to_swan_bathy_curv(hisfile,outfld) Parameters ---------- hisfile : ROMS history or bathymetry input netCDF file outfld : Folder to save the output files Returns ------- Two text files (, swan_coord.grd) that contain the bathymetry and coordinates of the grid for SWAN input. Notes ----- """ # Load variables of interest from the file ncfile = netCDF4.Dataset(hisfile, "r") h = ncfile.variables["h"][:] x_rho = ncfile.variables["x_rho"][:] y_rho = ncfile.variables["y_rho"][:] ncfile.close() # Print text file with extended and interpolated bathymetry fid = open(outfld + "/", "w") for aa in range(h.shape[0]): for bb in range(h.shape[1]): fid.write("%12.4f" % h[aa, bb]) fid.write("\n") fid.close() # Print text file with extended and interpolated bathymetry fid = open(outfld + "/", "w") for aa in range(x_rho.shape[0]): for bb in range(x_rho.shape[1]): fid.write("%12.6f" % x_rho[aa, bb]) fid.write("\n") for aa in range(y_rho.shape[0]): for bb in range(y_rho.shape[1]): fid.write("%12.6f" % y_rho[aa, bb]) fid.write("\n") fid.close() # ---------------------------------------------------------- Output for print(" ") print("=====================================================================") print("Created swan_coord.grd and") print("CGRID CURVILINEAR " + np.str(h.shape[1] - 1) + " " + np.str(h.shape[0] - 1) + " CIRCLE ...") print("INPGRID BOTTTOM CURVILINEAR 0 0 " + np.str(h.shape[1] - 1) + " " + np.str(h.shape[0] - 1) + " EXC ...") print("=====================================================================")
def computeDFF(self,secsWindow=5,quantilMin=8,method='only_baseline',order='C'): """ compute the DFF of the movie or remove baseline In order to compute the baseline frames are binned according to the window length parameter and then the intermediate values are interpolated. Parameters ---------- secsWindow: length of the windows used to compute the quantile quantilMin : value of the quantile method='only_baseline','delta_f_over_f','delta_f_over_sqrt_f' Returns ----------- self: DF or DF/F or DF/sqrt(F) movies movBL=baseline movie """ print("computing minimum ..."); sys.stdout.flush() minmov=np.min(self) if np.min(self)<=0 and method != 'only_baseline': raise ValueError("All pixels must be positive") numFrames,linePerFrame,pixPerLine=np.shape(self) downsampfact=int(secsWindow*; elm_missing=int(np.ceil(numFrames*1.0/downsampfact)*downsampfact-numFrames) padbefore=int(np.floor(old_div(elm_missing,2.0))) padafter=int(np.ceil(old_div(elm_missing,2.0))) print(('Inizial Size Image:' + np.str(np.shape(self)))); sys.stdout.flush() self=movie(np.pad(self,((padbefore,padafter),(0,0),(0,0)),mode='reflect'),**self.__dict__) numFramesNew,linePerFrame,pixPerLine=np.shape(self) #% compute baseline quickly print("binning data ..."); sys.stdout.flush() # import pdb # pdb.set_trace() movBL=np.reshape(self,(downsampfact,int(old_div(numFramesNew,downsampfact)),linePerFrame,pixPerLine),order=order); movBL=np.percentile(movBL,quantilMin,axis=0); print("interpolating data ..."); sys.stdout.flush() print((movBL.shape)) movBL=scipy.ndimage.zoom(np.array(movBL,dtype=np.float32),[downsampfact ,1, 1],order=0, mode='constant', cval=0.0, prefilter=False) #% compute DF/F if method == 'delta_f_over_sqrt_f': self=old_div((self-movBL),np.sqrt(movBL)) elif method == 'delta_f_over_f': self=old_div((self-movBL),movBL) elif method =='only_baseline': self=(self-movBL) else: raise Exception('Unknown method') self=self[padbefore:len(movBL)-padafter,:,:]; print(('Final Size Movie:' + np.str(self.shape))) return self,movie(movBL,,start_time=self.start_time,meta_data=self.meta_data,file_name=self.file_name)
def get_histogram(peakstats,nbins=100,pplot=True,min_width=1,max_width=20,min_sn=3,min_diffchis=.5,sizecal=1.,plotfile=None,plotdiff=True,fignum=None, running=False): """ function to create histogram from fit statistics of peaks. Use several cuts. Returns histogram dictionary. If available, sizecal calibrates x axis to nM radius. if 'running' then use fignum to ovewrited histogram. to be used when plotting histogram while running the fits at the same time """ pkhist=None intotal=len(peakstats['pk_size']) pksizes=np.array(peakstats['pk_size'][(peakstats['pk_width']>min_width) & (peakstats['pk_width']<max_width) & (peakstats['pk_sn']>min_sn) & (peakstats['pk_diffchis']>min_diffchis)]) outtotal=len(pksizes) if outtotal>-1: pksizes=pksizes**0.333 if len(pksizes)>0: pkhist=np.histogram(pksizes,bins=nbins,range=[0,np.max(pksizes)]) histmin=np.min(pkhist[0]) histmax=np.max(pkhist[0]) pkhistraw=np.histogram((peakstats['pk_size'])**0.333,bins=nbins,range=[0,np.max(pksizes)]) if len(pksizes)==0: pkhistraw=np.histogram((peakstats['pk_size'])**0.333,bins=nbins) histmin=np.min(pkhistraw[0]) histmax=np.max(pkhistraw[0]) if pplot: if running==False: plt.figure(fignum) plt.hold(True)*pkhistraw[1][1:],(pkhistraw[0]),width=pkhistraw[1][2]-pkhistraw[1][1],label='Raw, n='+np.str(intotal),color='blue') if len(pksizes)>0:*pkhist[1][1:],(pkhist[0]),width=pkhist[1][2]-pkhist[1][1],label='Filtered, n='+np.str(outtotal),color='red') if plotdiff==True:*pkhistraw[1][1:],(pkhistraw[0]-pkhist[0]),width=pkhistraw[1][2]-pkhistraw[1][1],label='Difference',color='green') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Particle diameter (not normalized)') plt.ylabel('Number of particles') plt.title('Cuts: '+np.str(min_width)+'<width<'+np.str(max_width)+',s/n >'+np.str(min_sn)+',Chisqdiff>'+np.str(min_diffchis)) plt.draw() if running==True: plt.ion() if fignum==None: fignum=100 plt.figure(fignum) plt.close() plt.hold(False)*pkhistraw[1][1:],(pkhistraw[0]),width=pkhistraw[1][2]-pkhistraw[1][1],label='Raw, n='+np.str(intotal),color='blue') plt.hold(True) if len(pksizes)>0:*pkhist[1][1:],(pkhist[0]),width=pkhist[1][2]-pkhist[1][1],label='Filtered, n='+np.str(outtotal),color='red') plt.legend() plt.xlabel('Particle diameter (not normalized)') plt.ylabel('Number of particles') plt.title('Cuts: '+np.str(min_width)+'<width<'+np.str(max_width)+',s/n >'+np.str(min_sn)+',Chisqdiff>'+np.str(min_diffchis)) print 'did I plot?' if plotfile!=None: plt.savefig(plotfile) return pkhist
def makephotfiles(base, nstart, nruns, nimages): for i in range(nstart,nstart+nruns): for j in range(1, nimages+1):"ln -s "+base+"."+np.str(j)+".res.fits " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+"."+np.str(j)+".res.fits", shell=True)"ln -s "+base+"."+np.str(j)+".psf.fits " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+"."+np.str(j)+".psf.fits", shell=True)"ln -s "+base+".info " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+".info", shell=True)"ln -s "+base+".apcor " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+".apcor", shell=True)"ln -s "+base+".psfs " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+".psfs", shell=True)"ln -s "+base+".columns " + base+"_"+np.str(i)+".columns", shell=True)"ln -s "+base + " " + base+"_"+np.str(i), shell=True)
def plt_gains(vis, nu, img_name='out.png', bad_chans=[]): """ Plot grid of transit phases to check if both fringestop and the calibration worked. If most antennas end up with zero phase, then the calibration worked. Parameters ---------- vis : np.ndarray[nfreq, ncorr, ntimes] Visibility array nu : int Frequency index to plot up """ fig = plt.figure(figsize=(14, 14)) # Plot up 128 feeds correlated with antenna "ant" ant = 1 # Try and estimate the residual phase error # after calibration. Zero would be a perfect calibration. angle_err = 0 # Go through 128 feeds plotting up their phase during transit for i in range(128): fig.add_subplot(32, 4, i+1) if i==ant: # For autocorrelation plot the visibility rather # than the phase. This gives a sense for when # the source actually transits. plt.plot(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]) plt.xlim(0, len(vis[nu, 0])) else: angle_err += np.mean(abs(np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]))) / 127.0 plt.plot((np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]))) plt.axis('off') plt.axhline(0.0, color='black') oo = np.round(np.std(np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]) * 180 / np.pi)) plt.title(np.str(oo) + ',' + np.str(i)) if i in bad_chans: plt.plot(np.angle(vis[nu, misc.feed_map(ant, i+1, 128)]), color='red') plt.ylim(-np.pi, np.pi) plt.title(np.str(180 / np.pi * angle_err)) del vis print "\n Wrote to %s \n" % img_name fig.savefig(img_name) del fig
def plotRF(self): if True: return tic_plot = time.time() print 'Plot:' for t,i in zip(self.timeStamp,range(np.size(self.timeStamp))): # if np.mod(t*self.dt,int(self.trialDuration/50))==0: # j=int(t*self.dt/int(self.trialDuration/50)) # timeLeft = -1 # if j==0: timeStart = time.time() # else: timeLeft = (50-j)*(time.time()-timeStart)/j # sys.stdout.write('\r') # sys.stdout.write("[%-50s] %d%% done in: %d min %d sec" % ('='*j, 2*j, int((timeLeft)/60), int(np.mod((timeLeft),60)) )) # sys.stdout.flush() if np.mod(t,200) == 0: #plot color-coded map squareW = np.reshape(self.TC_RS_gTracker[:,i], (self.TC.size, self.RS.size)) plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) rootSize = np.sqrt(self.RS.size) ODC_mat = np.zeros(self.RS.size) alpha_mat = np.zeros(self.RS.size) #create white color map with transparency gradient cmap_trans = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_cmap',['black','black'],256) cmap_trans._init() alphas = np.linspace(1.0, 0, cmap_trans.N+3) cmap_trans._lut[:,-1] = alphas for RS in range(self.RS.size): prefPattern = [np.sum(squareW[[0,4,8,12],RS]),np.sum(squareW[[1,5,9,13],RS]),np.sum(squareW[[2,6,10,14],RS]),np.sum(squareW[[3,7,11,15],RS])] ODC_mat[RS] = np.argmax(prefPattern) alpha_mat[RS] = np.max(prefPattern)-(np.sum(prefPattern)-np.max(prefPattern))/self.numPattern # ODC_mat[RS] = np.mean(self.TC_RS.g[[0,5,10,15],RS]) - np.mean(self.TC_RS.g[[3,6,9,12],RS]) plt.imshow(np.reshape(ODC_mat, [rootSize, rootSize]),interpolation='nearest', cmap='Spectral', vmin=0,vmax=3) #color plt.imshow(np.reshape(alpha_mat, [rootSize, rootSize]),interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap_trans, vmin=-0.25,vmax=1.5) #transparency plt.title('Ocular Dominance at ' + np.str(t) + 'ms') plt.savefig('../output/current/' + 'codedMap/' + np.str(int(t)) + '.png') #plot detailed map plt.figure() rootSize = np.sqrt(self.TC.size) for RS in range(self.RS.size): plt.subplot(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(self.RS.size))),int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(self.RS.size))), RS+1) plt.imshow(np.reshape(squareW[:,RS],[rootSize, rootSize]), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=self.TC_RS.g_max, cmap='bwr') plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.075, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax) plt.suptitle('TC->RS Weights at ' + np.str(t) + 'ms') plt.savefig('../output/current/' + 'detailedMap/' + np.str(int(t)) + '.png') print "plot time:", int((time.time()-tic_plot)/60), 'min,', int(np.mod((time.time()-tic_plot),60)), 'sec'
def plot(): if traces: plt.figure() if g_excit: plt.plot(genParam['timeArray'], neurons['RS'].g_excit[0,:] , 'r') if g_inhib: plt.plot(genParam['timeArray'], neurons['RS'].g_inhib[0,:] , 'b') if OP: plt.plot(genParam['timeArray'], neurons['RS'].OP[0,:]*30 , 'r.') if OP: plt.plot(genParam['timeArray'], neurons['FS'].OP[0,:]*30 , 'b.') if BPAP: plt.plot(genParam['timeArray'], neurons['RS'].BPAP[0,:]*50 , 'k') plt.ylim(ylim) plt.savefig('../output/' + 'g_record_delay.png') #plot stimulus preference map if ODM: for t,i in zip(weights['time'],range(np.size(weights['time']))): if np.mod(t,1000) == 0: #color-coded map squareW = np.reshape(weights['w'][:,i], (neurons['TC'].size, neurons['RS'].size)) plt.figure(figsize=(7,7)) rootSize = np.sqrt(neurons['RS'].size) ODC_mat = np.zeros(neurons['RS'].size) alpha_mat = np.zeros(neurons['RS'].size) #create white color map with transparency gradient cmap_trans = mpl.colors.LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list('my_cmap',['black','black'],256) cmap_trans._init() alphas = np.linspace(1.0, 0, cmap_trans.N+3) cmap_trans._lut[:,-1] = alphas for RS in range(neurons['RS'].size): prefPattern = [np.sum(squareW[[0,4,8,12],RS]),np.sum(squareW[[1,5,9,13],RS]),np.sum(squareW[[2,6,10,14],RS]),np.sum(squareW[[3,7,11,15],RS])] ODC_mat[RS] = np.argmax(prefPattern) alpha_mat[RS] = np.max(prefPattern)-(np.sum(prefPattern)-np.max(prefPattern))/genParam['numPattern'] # ODC_mat[RS] = np.mean(self.TC_RS.g[[0,5,10,15],RS]) - np.mean(self.TC_RS.g[[3,6,9,12],RS]) plt.imshow(np.reshape(ODC_mat, [rootSize, rootSize]),interpolation='nearest', cmap='Spectral', vmin=0,vmax=3) #color plt.imshow(np.reshape(alpha_mat, [rootSize, rootSize]),interpolation='nearest', cmap=cmap_trans, vmin=-0.25,vmax=1.5) #transparency plt.title('Ocular Dominance at ' + np.str(t) + 'ms') plt.savefig('../output/' + 'OcularDominance_' + np.str(int(t)) + '.png') #full stimulus preference plt.figure() rootSize = np.sqrt(neurons['TC'].size) for RS in range(neurons['RS'].size): plt.subplot(int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(neurons['RS'].size))),int(np.ceil(np.sqrt(neurons['RS'].size))), RS+1) plt.imshow(np.reshape(squareW[:,RS],[rootSize, rootSize]), interpolation='nearest', vmin=0, vmax=synParam['TC_RS'].g_max, cmap='bwr') plt.gca().axes.get_xaxis().set_visible(False) plt.gca().axes.get_yaxis().set_visible(False) plt.subplots_adjust(bottom=0.1, right=0.8, top=0.9) cax = plt.axes([0.85, 0.1, 0.075, 0.8]) plt.colorbar(cax=cax) plt.suptitle('TC->RS Weights at ' + np.str(t) + 'ms') plt.savefig('../output/' + 'TC-RS_' + np.str(int(t)) + '.png')
def alk_field(alk_in,alk_drawdown,array_size,spacing): tmp = np.zeros([array_size[0],array_size[1]]) + alk_in tmp_1 = np.arange(tmp[:,0].size) counter = 0 for i in tmp_1[0:tmp[:,0].size:spacing]: for j in tmp_1[0:tmp[0,:].size:spacing]: counter += 1 value = alk_in-((alk_drawdown*(array_size[0]*array_size[1]))/counter) for i in tmp_1[0:tmp[:,0].size:spacing]: for j in tmp_1[0:tmp[0,:].size:spacing]: tmp[i,j] = value print 'point alk value = '+np.str(value) print 'mean alkalinity = '+np.str(np.mean(tmp)) return tmp
def _setParam(self, ch, strt, end): """ Function *_setParam()* sets transmission parameters. INTERNALLY USE ONLY! """ self._visaWrite("DATa:SOUrce CH" + np.str(ch)) # choose which Channel to get self._visaWrite("DATa:ENCdg ASCIi") # can be ASCIi/RIBinary/RPBinary/SRIbinary/SRPbinary self._visaWrite( "DATa:WIDth 2" ) # 1 byte give vertical range of -128 to 127 and 2 bytes gives range of -32768 to 32767 self._visaWrite("DATa:STARt " + np.str(strt)) # 1 is far left edge self._visaWrite("DATa:STOP " + np.str(end)) # 10,000 is far right edge return
def PlotResults(self,plotAll): plt.figure nLegs = len(self.Legs); plt.figure(nLegs+1); plt.plot(self.WPenu[0:len(self.WPenu[:,0])-1,0],self.WPenu[0:len(self.WPenu[:,0])-1,1],marker='*'); for i in range(len(self.Legs)): plt.figure(nLegs+1); plt.plot(self.Legs[i].enu[:,0],self.Legs[i].enu[:,1]); if(plotAll == 1): plt.figure(i+1); plt.plot(self.Legs[i].xTrack[:,1],self.Legs[i].xTrack[:,0]); plt.plot(np.matrix('0.0;0.0'),np.matrix([[0.0],[self.Legs[i].legDist]]),marker='*') plt.axis('equal'); plt.xlabel('Cross Track (m)'); plt.ylabel('Along Track (m)'); plt.figtext(0.6,0.86,"Leg #"+np.str(i+1)); plt.figtext(0.6,0.83,"XTrack Area = "+np.str(np.round(self.Legs[i].xTrackTot,decimals=3))+"m^2"); plt.figtext(0.6,0.80,"Leg Weight = "+np.str(np.round(self.Legs[i].legDist,decimals = 3))+"m"); plt.figtext(0.6,0.77,"Leg Time = " +np.str(np.round(self.Legs[i].legTimeMS/1000.0, decimals = 3))+"s"); plt.figure(nLegs+1); plt.axis('equal'); plt.xlabel('East(m)'); plt.ylabel('North(m)'); plt.figtext(0.65,0.86,"Team Goose") plt.figtext(0.65,0.83,"Number of Legs = "+np.str(nLegs)); plt.figtext(0.65,0.80,"Time Score = "+ np.str(np.round(self.timeScoreMS/1000.0,decimals=3)) + " s"); plt.figtext(0.65,0.77,"CrossTrack Score = "+np.str(np.round(self.xTrackScore,decimals=3))); plt.figtext(0.65,0.74,"Total Distance = "+np.str(np.round(self.totalDist,decimals=3))+" m");
def give_String_Number_For_VTK(num): #num: # of file to be printed if (num < 10): strNUM = '000' + np.str(num) elif (num < 100): strNUM = '00' + np.str(num) elif (num<1000): strNUM = '0' + np.str(num) else: strNUM = np.str(num) return strNUM
def get_boundary(x, y, q, xind, yind, vthresh, maxpnt, minarea, rcirc, verbose): ''' Usage: get_boundary(x,y,q,xind,yind,vthresh,maxpnt,minarea,rcirc,verbose) Parameters: ---------- x,y : 2D coordinate arrays of vorticity locations (psi points) q : Array of vorticity computed at x,y points xind,yind : x and y indices of the vorticity extrema to track vthresh : vorticity intensity to track maxpnt : Maximum number of points in the circumference of vortex Mainly used to avoid infinite loops minarea : Minimum area to accept the vortex rcirc : Circularity criterion {C/[2*(pi*area)**0.5]} verbose : Display output messages Output: ------- bound : Dictionary of closed boundary points surrounding a vortex. Returns None if the boundary does not meet specific criteria (see codes for details). ''' # Initialize variables out1 = [xind] # Temporary output parameter 1 (x index) out2 = [yind] # Temporary output parameter 2 (y index) out3 = [x[yind, xind]] # Temporary output parameter 3 (x coordinate) out4 = [y[yind, xind]] # Temporary output parameter 4 (y coordinate) exitflag = False # Flag for loop around contour bound = True # Output variable initialization counter = 0 # Counter variable searchord = [0, 3, 2, 1] # Search order (right,down,left,up) # Go to the right boundary closest to the velocity extrema point and update # output arrays tmpind = np.argmin(q[yind, (xind + 1):] >= vthresh) xind = xind + tmpind out1.append(xind) out2.append(yind) out3.append(x[yind, xind]) out4.append(y[yind, xind]) # Loop around the edge while exitflag is False: # Counter variable increase counter += 1 brkflag = False # Start searching for vorticity values counter-clockwise from the index # points of the vorticity extrema for aa in range(5): if aa == searchord[0]: # Search to the right # Returns the first false index value flagind = q[yind, xind + 1] >= vthresh if flagind: xind = xind + 1 brkflag = True elif aa == searchord[1]: # Search down flagind = q[yind - 1, xind] >= vthresh if flagind: yind = yind - 1 brkflag = True #searchord = [0,1,2,3] # right, down, left, up elif aa == searchord[2]: # Search to the left flagind = q[yind, xind - 1] >= vthresh if flagind: xind = xind - 1 brkflag = True elif aa == searchord[3]: # Search upwards flagind = q[yind + 1, xind] >= vthresh if flagind: yind = yind + 1 brkflag = True else: # No suitable vorticity contour is found around the point being # considered. if verbose: print("Isolated point found") exitflag = True bound = False # Debugging messages if verbose: print('counter ' + np.str(counter)) print('xind ' + np.str(xind)) print('yind ' + np.str(yind)) print('aa ' + np.str(aa)) print('flagind ' + np.str(flagind)) print('q[yind,xind] ' + np.str(q[yind, xind])) if brkflag: # Change search order if aa == 0: # Shift 90 degrees right searchord = [ searchord[3], searchord[0], searchord[1], searchord[2] ] elif aa == 2: # Shift 90 degrees left searchord = [ searchord[1], searchord[2], searchord[3], searchord[0] ] elif aa == 3: # Shift 180 degrees searchord = [ searchord[2], searchord[3], searchord[0], searchord[1] ] # Break loop break # Update the index dictionary if exitflag is False: # Update output list out1.append(xind) out2.append(yind) out3.append(x[yind, xind]) out4.append(y[yind, xind]) # Check for maximum number of iterations if counter > maxpnt: if verbose: print('Maximum number of boundary points (' + np.str(maxpnt) + ') have been exceeded') exitflag = True bound = False # Bug fixed v0.1.1 # Verify if the new indices correspond to the first boundary points elif xind == out1[1] and yind == out2[1]: if verbose: print('Back to the origin') # Remove initial (center) point out1 = out1[1:] out2 = out2[1:] out3 = out3[1:] out4 = out4[1:] exitflag = True # Employ area and shape checks --------------------------------------------- if bound: # Compute area of the vortex out1 = np.array(out1) out2 = np.array(out2) out3 = np.array(out3) out4 = np.array(out4) # Shoelace formula area = 0.5 * (np.sum(out3[0:-1] * out4[1:]) - np.sum(out3[1:] * out4[0:-1])) if area < minarea: if verbose: print('Vortex rejected on area criterion') print(' Vortex area = ' + np.str(area) + 'm2 and minimum area = ' + np.str(minarea) + 'm2\n') bound = False # Circumference test if bound: perimeter = np.sum( ((out3[1:] - out3[0:-1])**2 + (out4[1:] - out4[0:-1])**2)**0.5) rvort = perimeter / (2 * np.sqrt(np.pi * area)) if rvort > rcirc: if verbose: print('Vortex rejected based on circularity') print(' Rvortex = ' + np.str(rvort) + ' and Rmax = ' + np.str(rcirc) + '\n') bound = False # Compute centroid of the polygon (v0.1.1) if bound: cx = 1.0 / (6.0 * area) * np.sum( (out3[0:-1] + out3[1:]) * (out3[0:-1] * out4[1:] - out3[1:] * out4[0:-1])) cy = 1.0 / (6.0 * area) * np.sum( (out4[0:-1] + out4[1:]) * (out3[0:-1] * out4[1:] - out3[1:] * out4[0:-1])) # Wrap-up ------------------------------------------------------------------ if bound: bound = { 'xind': out1, 'yind': out2, 'x': out3, 'y': out4, 'area': area, 'rvort': rvort, 'cx': cx, 'cy': cy } return bound
#time = [1, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60] #time = [1] name = 'Truckdataminf' # runs from 001 to 299 #code = ['001', '002', '003', '004', '005'] #code = ['001'] for c in range(1, 299 + 1): nameHere = name + '{:03d}'.format(c) for cp in range(1): log = 'open d3plot "/home/ndv/stud/data/Truck/' + nameHere + '/d3plot"' + '\n' log += 'selectpart on ' + comp[cp] + '/0' + '\n' for i in range(1, 60 + 1): log += 'output "/home/mabbasloo/Documents/carCrashData/S2000001/f' + '{:03d}'.format( c) + '_' + comp[cp] + '_' + np.str(i) + '.stl" ' + np.str( i) + ' 7 0 0' + '\n' log += 'stop' file = open( '/home/mabbasloo/Documents/carCrashData/S2000001/Data.cfile', 'w') file.write(log) file.close() os.system( '/home/mabbasloo/Documents/lsprepost4.0_centos6/lspp4 Data.cfile') for i in range(1, 60 + 1): fname = '/home/mabbasloo/Documents/carCrashData/S2000001/f' + '{:03d}'.format( c) + '_' + comp[cp] + '_' + np.str(i) os.system('/home/mabbasloo/meshconv ' + fname + '.stl ' + '-c obj -o ' + fname) #os.system('/home/mabbasloo/simplify ' + fname + '.obj ' + fname + '.obj ' + np.str(ratio[cp])) os.system('/home/mabbasloo/meshconv ' + fname + '.obj ' +
def __str__(self): return np.str(self.q)
W_gt = np.zeros((H, D2, D2)) for i in xrange(D2): W_gt[i, i, :] = bar_value W_gt[D2 + i, :, i] = bar_value if neg_bars > 0.0: W_gt[sample(range(H), * neg_bars))] *= -1 W_gt = W_gt.reshape((H, D)) W_gt += np.random.normal(size=(H, D), scale=0.5) # Prepare model... model = BSC_ET(D, H, Hprime, gamma, to_learn) mparams = {'W': W_gt, 'pi': pi_gt, 'sigma': sigma_gt, 'mu': mu_gt} mparams = comm.bcast(mparams) pprint("Generating Model Parameters:") pprint("pi = " + np.str(mparams['pi']) + "; sigma = " + np.str(mparams['sigma'])) # Generate trainig data my_N = N // comm.size my_data = model.generate_data(mparams, my_N) dlog.append('y', my_data['y'][0:20]) # Choose annealing schedule anneal = LinearAnnealing(anneal_steps) anneal['T'] = [(15, start_temp), (-10, end_temp)] anneal['Ncut_factor'] = [(0, 0.), (2. / 3, 1.)] anneal['anneal_prior'] = anneal_prior anneal['W_noise'] = [(0., W_noise_intensity), (0.9, W_noise_intensity), (1., 0.)] anneal['pi_noise'] = [(0., pi_noise_intensity), (0.9, pi_noise_intensity),
ncfile.createDimension('eta_rho', size=Mp) ncfile.createDimension('eta_u', size=Mp) ncfile.createDimension('eta_v', size=M) ncfile.createDimension('s_rho', size=N) ncfile.createDimension('s_w', size=Np) ncfile.createDimension('tracer', size=2) ncfile.createDimension('time', size=1) ncfile.createDimension('one', size=1) # creating GLOBAL ATTRIBUTES setattr(ncfile, 'type', filetypestr) setattr(ncfile, 'title', run.ini_info) setattr(ncfile, 'out_file', run.run_name + filenamestr) setattr(ncfile, 'grd_file', run.run_name + '') now = setattr(ncfile, 'history', np.str(now)) # creating VARIABLES, ATTRIBUTES and ASSIGNING VALUES # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ncfile.createVariable('spherical', 'c') setattr(ncfile.variables['spherical'], 'long_name', 'grid type logical switch') setattr(ncfile.variables['spherical'], 'flag_values', 'T, F') setattr(ncfile.variables['spherical'], 'flag_meanings', 'spherical, cartesian') ncfile.variables['spherical'][:] = spherical # --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ncfile.createVariable('Vtransform', 'd', dimensions=('one')) setattr(ncfile.variables['Vtransform'], 'long_name', 'vertical terrain-following transformation equation') ncfile.variables['Vtransform'][:] = run.vtransform
# Test if unique code ucode is string or unicode, treat differently if so if isinstance(ucode[jai], str): l = ucode[jai] lorig = l if ' ' in l: l = l.replace(' ', '_') elif isinstance(ucode[jai], unicode): l = ucode[jai] lorig = l if ' ' in l: l = l.replace(' ', '_') else: l = ucode[jai] lorig = l l = np.str( # Output tiff name otiff1 = idir + '/rp5k130k90m_' + j + '_' + i + '_' + kk + '_ifl/cfinal/' + fluxdir + '/' + j + '_' + i + '_' + k + '_' + l + '_dflux.tif' # Get shapes cx = shpfile.loc[[s for s, n in enumerate(shpfile[field]) if n == lorig], ] # If at least one shape is returned, keep processing if cx.shape[0] > 0: # Get target column and geometry column cx = cx[[field, 'geometry']] # Dissolve if there are multiple shapes if cx.shape[0] > 1: cx = cx.dissolve(by=field, aggfunc='first') cx[field] = cx.index # Fix simple self intersections if necessary if cx.is_valid.bool() == False:
# 图像的模板匹配 img = cv2.imread('opencv-logo.png') target = cv2.imread('opencv-blue-logo.png') cv2.imshow('input', img) cv2.imshow('target', target) methods = [cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED, cv2.TM_CCORR_NORMED, cv2.TM_CCOEFF_NORMED] th, tw = target.shape[:2] for method in methods: result = cv2.matchTemplate(img, target, method) min_val, max_val, min_loc, max_loc = cv2.minMaxLoc(result) # 左上 if method == cv2.TM_SQDIFF_NORMED: tl = min_loc else: tl = max_loc # 右下 dr = (tl[0] + tw, tl[1] + th) cv2.rectangle(img, tl, dr, (0, 0, 255), 2) cv2.imshow('match' + np.str(method), img) cv2.waitKey(0) cv2.destroyAllWindows()
def uniqueness(coords, maxspeed, maxdt, verbose=False, maxiter=10000): ''' Usage: indices = uniqueness(coords,maxspeed,maxdt,verbose,maxiter) Parameters: ---------- coords : List of dictionaries containing the vortex boundary and center information maxspeed : Maximum speed allowed for vortices [m/s] maxdt : Maximum time between sucessive vortices [s] verbose : Display output messages (defaults to False) maxiter : Maximum number of iterations (defaults to 10000) Output: ------- indices : List of lists that contain temporal indices for unique vortices ''' # Extract time and coordinate values from the vorticity extrema point xe = [] ye = [] ot = [] for aa in range(len(coords)): xe.append(coords[aa]['xe']) ye.append(coords[aa]['ye']) ot.append(coords[aa]['ocean_time']) # Loop forward in time tracking each vortex in the order found counter = 0 # Vortex counter variable iter = 0 # Emergency maximum iteration vortexflag = False # Flag for considered vortices indices = [] # List of lists indexedvort = np.zeros_like(xe, dtype=bool) # Array of values to manipulate # counter variable tmpindices = [0] # Indices for current vortex indexedvort[0] = True # First one is indexed if verbose: print('\n') print('=' * 60) print('New vortex found') # Loop forward from the second vortex center while vortexflag is not True: # Parent loop counter iter += 1 samevort = True if verbose: print(' Iteration number ' + np.str(iter)) # Find vortex life and distance with respect to current evaluated # point. I should to filtering of the already considered vortex values. tmplife = ot[(counter + 1):] - ot[counter] tmpspeed = (((((xe[(counter + 1):] - xe[counter])**2) + (ye[(counter + 1):] - ye[counter])**2)**0.5) / tmplife) # Loop forward in time and space to find a vortex that satisfies the # life and speed limits. If this fails the counter variable will # increase and a new list will be generated to find the next vortex. for aa in range(len(tmplife)): # Verify vortex age and distance if (tmplife[aa] < maxdt) and (tmpspeed[aa] < maxspeed): # If true then this is the same vortex and the index will # be added to the temporary list counter += aa + 1 tmpindices.append(counter) indexedvort[counter] = True if verbose: print(' counter = ' + np.str(counter)) break elif aa == (len(tmplife) - 1): # This is a new vortex samevort = False # Check if current vortex reached end of file # Search for new vortex (current one has already been allocated) if counter == (len(xe) - 1): if verbose: print('End of file reached on current vortex') samevort = False # If the evaluated vortex is a new vortex then add the previous # vortex to the output list and reset the temporary list if samevort is not True: indices.append(list(tmpindices)) counter = np.argmin(indexedvort) tmpindices = [counter] indexedvort[counter] = True if verbose: print('\n') print('=' * 60) print('New vortex found') print(' counter = ' + np.str(counter)) # Check if all the vortices have been considered and allocate current # array if False not in indexedvort: if verbose: print('\n') print('=' * 60) print('All vortices have been indexed') vortexflag = True indices.append(list(tmpindices)) # Check for iteration limits elif iter > maxiter: if verbose: print('\n') print('=' * 60) print('Warning: Maximum number of iterations reached') vortexflag = True # Print summary to screen -------------------------------------------------- if verbose: print("A total of " + np.str(len(indices)) + " different vortices found") # End of uniqueness code return indices # End of module
euler_sz = (2*np.pi)*(np.pi)*(2*np.pi) inc = 6. """Retrieve Euler angle set""" euler, n_tot = euler_grid_center(inc, phi1max, phimax, phi2max) """Calculate X""" st = time.time() X = gsh.gsh_eval(euler, np.arange(N_L)) print "basis evaluation complete: %ss" % np.round(time.time()-st, 3) print "size of X: %sgb" % np.str(X.nbytes/(1E9)) """Perform the orthogonality check""" inner_mat = np.zeros((N_L, N_L), dtype='complex128') euler_frac = domain_sz/euler_sz print "integration domains per euler space: %s" % str(1./euler_frac) fzsz = 1./(euler_frac*8.*np.pi**2) bsz = domain_sz/n_tot print "bsz: %s" % bsz print "n_tot: %s" % n_tot for ii in xrange(N_L):
def vortex_tracking_main(x, y, q, ot, vthresh, maxpnt, stencil, boundary, minarea, rcirc, verbose): ''' Usage: coords = vortex_tracking(x,y,q,ot,vthresh,stencil,boundary,minarea, rcirc,verbose) Parameters ---------- x,y : 2D arrays of coordinates q : Array of vorticity computed at x,y points ot : Time vector vthresh : Tracking threshold maxpnt : Maximum number of points in a given vortex stencil : Initial area filtering stencil boundary : Width of the boundary (indices) minarea : Minimum area to accept a vortex rcirc : Circularity criterion {C/[2*(pi*area)**0.5]} verbose : Print messages to the screen Output: ------ coords : List of dictionaries with vortex boundaries Fields in coords: ----------------- ocean_time : time stamp [s] xind : x indices of vortex boundary yind : y indices of vortex boundary x : x location of vortex boundary [m] y : y location of vortex boundary [m] area : vortex area [m2] rvort : Vortex circularity {Circumference/[2*(pi*area)**0.5]} qe : Vorticity extrema [s-1] xeind : Vorticity extrema index in x direction yeind : Vorticity extrema index in y direction xe : x location of vorticity extrema [m] ye : y location of vorticity extrema [m] cx : x location of vorticity centroid [m] cy : y location of vorticity centroid [m] ''' # Initialize variables coords = [] # Loop over time for aa in range(len(ot)): # Identify vorticity extrema qi = q[aa, :, :] # Get 2d indices of values that exceed threshold yind, xind = np.where(qi > vthresh) xe = x[yind, xind] ye = y[yind, xind] qe = qi[yind, xind] # Sort from strongest to weakest sort_ind = np.flipud(np.argsort(qe)) xe = xe[sort_ind] ye = ye[sort_ind] qe = qe[sort_ind] xind = xind[sort_ind] yind = yind[sort_ind] # Area filtering (remove adjacent points that exceed threshold based on # the stencil size) indtmp = np.ones_like(xind, dtype=bool) for bb in range(len(indtmp)): if indtmp[bb]: xtmp = np.abs(xind - xind[bb]) > stencil ytmp = np.abs(yind - yind[bb]) > stencil xytmp = np.logical_and(xtmp, ytmp) indtmp[(bb + 1):] = xytmp[(bb + 1):] * indtmp[(bb + 1):] # Remove adjacent points xe = xe[indtmp] ye = ye[indtmp] qe = qe[indtmp] xind = xind[indtmp] yind = yind[indtmp] # Remove points adjacent to the boundaries indtmp = np.logical_and(xind >= boundary, xind < (qi.shape[1] - boundary)) xe = xe[indtmp] ye = ye[indtmp] qe = qe[indtmp] xind = xind[indtmp] yind = yind[indtmp] indtmp = np.logical_and(yind >= boundary, yind < (qi.shape[0] - boundary)) xe = xe[indtmp] ye = ye[indtmp] qe = qe[indtmp] xind = xind[indtmp] yind = yind[indtmp] # If there is at least a point over threshold if len(qe) > 1: # Find the boundaries of the vortex # From largest to smallest intensity # Counter clockwise search will be employed # Looping over vortex points for bb in range(len(qe)): # Check if the evaluated vortex lies within the boundaries of a # previously computed vortex # TO DO SOON!!! # Get boundary of vortex # Returns False if the vortex is not found or does not meet the # selected criteria. bndtmp = get_boundary(x, y, qi, xind[bb], yind[bb], vthresh, maxpnt, minarea, rcirc, verbose) # Prepare output list if bndtmp is not False: # Add fields to dictionary bndtmp['ocean_time'] = ot[aa] bndtmp['qe'] = qe[bb] bndtmp['xeind'] = xind[bb] bndtmp['yeind'] = yind[bb] bndtmp['xe'] = xe[bb] bndtmp['ye'] = ye[bb] # Add to output matrix coords.append(bndtmp) else: if verbose: print(" No vorticity values exceed the selected threshold " + "of " + np.str(vthresh) + "s^{-1}") print(" after the area and boundary filters are applied.") print(" Field " + np.str(aa + 1) + " of " + np.str(len(ot))) # End of function return coords
def get_pred(sn, el, ns, set_id, step, compl): """read the file for euler angle, total strain and plastic strain fields""" f = h5py.File("ref_%s%s_s%s.hdf5" % (ns, set_id, step), 'r') print f.get('euler').shape euler = f.get('euler')[sn, ...] euler = euler.swapaxes(0, 1) print euler.shape et = np.zeros((el**3, 6)) ep = np.zeros((el**3, 6)) for ii in xrange(6): comp = compl[ii] tmp = f.get('r%s_epsilon_t' % comp)[sn, ...] et[:, ii] = tmp.reshape(el**3) tmp = f.get('r%s_epsilon_p' % comp)[sn, ...] ep[:, ii] = tmp.reshape(el**3) f.close() """find the deviatoric strain tensor""" isdev = np.all(np.isclose(np.sum(et[:, 0:3]), np.zeros(el**3))) print "is trace(et) == 0?: %s" % isdev et_ = np.zeros(et.shape) et_[:, 0:3] = et[:, 0:3] - (1. / 3.) * np.expand_dims(np.sum(et[:, 0:3], 1), 1) et_[:, 3:] = et[:, 3:] isdev = np.all(np.isclose(np.sum(et_[:, 0:3]), np.zeros(el**3))) print "is trace(et_) == 0?: %s" % isdev """find the norm of the tensors""" en = tensnorm(et_) print "sn: %s" % sn print "min(en): %s" % en.min() print "max(en): %s" % en.max() """normalize the deviatoric strain tensor""" et_n = et_ / np.expand_dims(en, 1) isnorm = np.all(np.isclose(tensnorm(et_n), np.ones(el**3))) print "is norm(et_n) == 0?: %s" % isnorm """write the normalized deviatioric total strain and plastic strains in matrix form""" et_m = tens2mat(et_n) epn = tensnorm(ep) # epn_max = np.argmax(epn) orig = epn # print "max(norm(ep)): %s" % epn[epn_max] # print "euler @ max(norm(ep)): %s" % str(euler[epn_max, ...]) # print et[epn_max, ...] # print et_[epn_max, ...] # print et_n[epn_max, ...] """find the eigenvalues of the normalized tensor""" eigval_, g_p2s_ = LA.eigh(et_m) del et_m print "eigval_ example (before sort): %s" % str(eigval_[0, :]) print "g_p2s_ example (before sort):" print g_p2s_[0, ...] """sort the eigenvalues/vectors by highest to lowest magnitude eigenvalue""" esort = np.argsort(np.abs(eigval_))[:, ::-1] eigval = np.zeros(eigval_.shape) g_p2s = np.zeros(g_p2s_.shape) for ii in xrange(el**3): eigval[ii, :] = eigval_[ii, esort[ii, :]] for jj in xrange(3): g_p2s[ii, jj, :] = g_p2s_[ii, jj, esort[ii, :]] print "eigval example (after sort): %s" % str(eigval[0, :]) print "g_p2s example (after sort):" print g_p2s[0, ...] """find the deformation mode""" theta = np.arctan2(-2 * eigval[:, 0] - eigval[:, 2], np.sqrt(3) * eigval[:, 2]) theta += np.pi * (theta < 0) print "min(theta): %s" % np.str(theta.min() * 180. / np.pi) print "mean(theta): %s" % np.str(theta.mean() * 180. / np.pi) print "max(theta): %s" % np.str(theta.max() * 180. / np.pi) """find g_p2c = g_p2s*g_s2c""" g_s2c = ef.bunge2g(euler[:, 0], euler[:, 1], euler[:, 2]) """this application of einsum is validated vs loop with""" g_p2c = np.einsum('...ij,...jk', g_s2c, g_p2s) phi1, phi, phi2 = ef.g2bunge(g_p2c) X = np.vstack([phi1, phi, phi2]).T # X = np.array(ef.g2bunge(g_p2c)).T # X = np.array(ef.g2bunge(g_p2c.swapaxes(1, 2))).T # X = np.array(ef.g2bunge(g_p2s)).T # X = np.array(ef.g2bunge(g_p2s.swapaxes(1, 2))).T # X = np.array(ef.g2bunge(g_s2c)).T # X = np.array(ef.g2bunge(g_s2c.swapaxes(1, 2))).T del phi1, phi, phi2 pred = rr.eval_func(theta, X, en).real print "min(orig): %s" % orig.min() print "min(pred): %s" % pred.min() print "max(orig): %s" % orig.max() print "max(pred): %s" % pred.max() return orig, pred
# script to plot the MCMC steps, do contours and plot the PDFs import pylab as pl import numpy as np datan = '2' data = np.loadtxt('spec_mcmc_new_'+datan+'.out') print len(data[:,0]), 'steps:' + np.str(len(data[:,0])/60.0) x, y = data[:,0], data[:,1] nd = len(x) xmax, xmin = 20, 18 ymax, ymin = 100, 0 #xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax = x.min(), x.max(), y.min(), y.max() nbins = 50.0 xbsize = (xmax - xmin)/(nbins -1) ybsize = (ymax - ymin)/(nbins -1) xarr = np.linspace(xmin,xmax,nbins) yarr,step = np.linspace(ymin,ymax,nbins,retstep=True) print step,ybsize dgrid = np.zeros([nbins,nbins]) for j in range(nd): ix = int((x[j] - xmin) / xbsize) iy = int((y[j] - ymin) / ybsize)
def main(): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser() parser.add_argument('--kernel', type=str, default='random_forest', help='Kernel type to be used in the algorithm') parser.add_argument('--penalty', type=float, default=1.0, help='Penalty parameter of the error term') parser.add_argument('--credentail_path_arg', type=str, default='credentail_path', help='Google credentail path') parser.add_argument('--project_name_arg', type=str, default='project_name', help='Google project name') parser.add_argument('--bucket_name_arg', type=str, default='bucket_name', help='Bucket name') parser.add_argument('--file_path_arg', type=str, default='file_path', help='File path') args = parser.parse_args() run.log('Kernel type', np.str(args.kernel)) run.log('Penalty', np.float(args.penalty)) # data = load_breast_cancer() # loading the dataset os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS'] = args.credentail_path_arg project_name = args.project_name_arg bucket_name = args.bucket_name_arg file_path = args.file_path_arg fs = gcsfs.GCSFileSystem( project=project_name, token=os.environ['GOOGLE_APPLICATION_CREDENTIALS']) with, 'rb') as f: data = pd.read_csv(f) X = data.iloc[:, :-1] # 学習とテストデータ作成 y = data.iloc[:, -1] X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, random_state=seed) kfold = model_selection.KFold(n_splits=5) scores = {} rfc_clf = RandomForestClassifier(max_depth=5, random_state=seed) #ランダムフォレスト, y_train) results = model_selection.cross_val_score(rfc_clf, X_test, y_test, cv=kfold) # 結果作成 scores[('Random Forest', 'train_score')] = results.mean() scores[('Random Forest', 'test_score')] = rfc_clf.score(X_test, y_test) print(scores) os.makedirs('outputs', exist_ok=True) # モデル保存 joblib.dump(rfc_clf, 'outputs/model.joblib')
def main(): flag_adv_vel = True # read in advection velocity # path_data = '/Users/bettinameyer/Dropbox/ClimatePhysics/Code/Tracking/RadarData_Darwin/Radar_Tracking_Data' path_data = '/Users/bettinameyer/Dropbox/ClimatePhysics/Code/Tracking/RadarData_Darwin/Radar_Tracking_Data_test' # path_in = os.path.join(path_data, files_vel[0]) # rootgrp = nc.Dataset(path_in, 'r') # var = rootgrp.variables['radar_estimated_rain_rate'] # rootgrp.close() ''' (a) Advection Velocity Histogram''' # Data structure: # Variables: # - time: units = "day as %Y%m%d.%f" (time = 6) # - lev: axis = "Z"; (vertical level) (lev = 1) # - x, y: division of domain for advection vel computation in tracking algorithm # (x = y = 2) # - var1(time, lev, y, x); var2(time, lev, y, x); var3(time, lev, y, x); # >> dim(var1) = time * lev * y * x = 6 * 1 * 2 * 2 # >> var1 = (time, lev, y, x) = (6, 1, 2, 2) # # Generated Data: # dict_vel_norm_domain[date]: dictionary >> contains for each date a (6,1)-array for the domain averaged velocity norm in 4-hourly intervals # date_arr = [] # array with all data # (i) read in netcdf-file if flag_adv_vel: files_vel = [ name for name in os.listdir(path_data) if (name[4:13] == 'advection' and name[-3:] == '.nc') ] # files_vel = [name for name in os.listdir(path_data) if (name[4:24] == 'advection_field_it1_' and name[-3:] == '.nc')] n_files_vel = len(files_vel) print('# files vel: ' + np.str(n_files_vel)) # all files: 5250 print(files_vel) print('') # read in test file path_in = os.path.join(path_data, files_vel[0]) rootgrp = nc.Dataset(path_in, 'r') vel_x = rootgrp.variables['var1'] n_time = vel_x.shape[0] n_lev = vel_x.shape[1] n_y = vel_x.shape[2] n_x = vel_x.shape[3] # for histogram vel_norm_coll = [] vel_norm_domain_coll = [] vel_norm_domain_daily_coll = [] dict_vel_norm_domain = {} dict_vel_norm_domain_day = {} # print('dict:', type(dict_vel_norm_domain), dict_vel_norm_domain) # ''' (A) Collect data (general)''' # for path_in in glob.glob(os.path.join(path_data, '*.nc')): # data_name = ntpath.basename(path_in)[:-3] # date = data_name[-8:] # ''' (i) read in advection velocity components & compute norm ''' # if data_name[4:13] == 'advection': # pass # ''' (A) Test if velocity data different for all days''' # test_vel_data(files_vel, path_data, n_time, n_x, n_y) ''' (B) Collect velocity data ''' if flag_adv_vel: for data_name in files_vel: ''' (i) read in advection velocity components & compute norm ''' path_in = os.path.join(path_data, data_name) rootgrp = nc.Dataset(path_in, 'r') print('file: ', data_name, path_in) var = rootgrp.variables['var1'] if var.shape[0] < 12: print('PROBLEM WITH VAR SHAPE: ' + str(var.shape)) print('') continue print('var: ', var.shape) vel_adv = np.ndarray(shape=(np.append(3, var.shape))) vel_adv[0, :] = var[:] var = rootgrp.variables['var2'] vel_adv[1, :] = var[:] var = rootgrp.variables['var3'] vel_adv[2, :] = var[:] rootgrp.close() ''' (ii) compute velocity norms ''' vel_norm = np.linalg.norm(vel_adv, axis=0) # vel_norm = (6, 1, 2, 2) # collect for all data >> histogram vel_norm_coll = np.append(vel_norm_coll, np.ravel(vel_norm)) # average over domain & collect for all data >> histogram vel_norm_domain_coll = np.append( vel_norm_domain_coll, np.mean(np.mean(vel_norm[:, :, :, :], axis=3), axis=2)) # average over domain and day & collect for all data >> histogram vel_norm_domain_daily_coll = np.append(vel_norm_domain_daily_coll, np.mean(vel_norm)) ''' (iii) save all dates with complete data in array ''' date = data_name[-11:-3] date_arr = np.append(date_arr, date) # dictionary: contains for each date a (12,1)-array for the domain averaged velocity norm in 4-hourly intervals dict_vel_norm_domain[date] = np.mean(np.mean(vel_norm[:, :, :, :], axis=3), axis=2) dict_vel_norm_domain_day[date] = np.mean(vel_norm) print('') print('') print('vel norm: ', vel_norm.shape) print('vel norm coll: ', vel_norm_coll.shape) print('vel norm domain coll: ', vel_norm_domain_coll.shape) print('vel norm domain daily coll: ', vel_norm_domain_daily_coll.shape) print('') d = date_arr[0] print('dict vel norm domain: len: ', len(dict_vel_norm_domain), 'element shape: ', dict_vel_norm_domain[d].shape) print('dict vel norm daily domain: len: ', len(dict_vel_norm_domain_day), 'element shape: ', dict_vel_norm_domain_day[d].shape) print('') # ''' (B) plotting ''' # if flag_adv_vel: # ''' (i) plot velocity histogram ''' # plot_adv_vel_hist(vel_norm_coll, vel_norm_domain_coll, vel_norm_domain_daily_coll, n_time, path_data) ''' (C) filtering''' print('') print('dates: ', date_arr) print('') # print(dict_vel_norm_domain) # print('') # print(dict_vel_norm_domain_day) # print('') max_v_norm = 5. # threshold for 2-hourly mean advection velocity max_v_norm_daily = 2.5 # threshold for daily mean advection velocity dict_adv_small = {} dict_adv_small_daily = {} if flag_adv_vel: for d in date_arr: print('date', d) if dict_vel_norm_domain_day[d] > max_v_norm_daily: print('big (daily): ' + np.str(dict_vel_norm_domain_day[d])) else: print('small (daily): ' + np.str(dict_vel_norm_domain_day[d])) dict_adv_small_daily[d] = dict_vel_norm_domain_day[d] if np.any(dict_vel_norm_domain[d] > max_v_norm): print('big') else: print('small') dict_adv_small[d] = dict_vel_norm_domain[d] print('') print('small advection: ', dict_adv_small) print('') print('small advection daily: ', dict_adv_small_daily) return
def fit_hist(data_postselect_raw, numbins=100, plot_hist=True, logplot=True): numbins = numbins xmin = min(min(np.real(data_postselect_raw)), min(np.imag(data_postselect_raw))) xmax = max(max(np.real(data_postselect_raw)), max(np.imag(data_postselect_raw))) histi_re, bin_edges_re = np.histogram(np.real(data_postselect_raw), bins=numbins, density=True) histi_im, bin_edges_im = np.histogram(np.imag(data_postselect_raw), bins=numbins, density=True) hist2D, xedges, yedges = np.histogram2d( np.real(data_postselect_raw), np.imag(data_postselect_raw), [numbins - 1, numbins - 1]) #, range=[[xmin, xmax], [xmin, xmax]]) x = xedges y = histi_re gaussroots = [] Aroots = y.max() #dAroots=np.multiply(y.max(),0.2) while np.size(gaussroots) < 4: Aroots = Aroots / 2 yroots = y - Aroots spline = scipy.interpolate.splrep(x, yroots) gaussroots = scipy.interpolate.sproot(spline) gaussroots = np.sort(gaussroots) print gaussroots t01 = (gaussroots[1] + gaussroots[0]) / 2 t02 = (gaussroots[3] + gaussroots[2]) / 2 listforindex01 = abs(xedges - t01) index01 = listforindex01.argmin() listforindex02 = abs(xedges - t02) index02 = listforindex02.argmin() A1 = max(y[0:index01]) A2 = max(y[index02:-1]) sigma1 = max((gaussroots[3] - gaussroots[2]) / 2, (gaussroots[1] - gaussroots[0]) / 2) sigma2 = sigma1 popt, pcov = scipy.optimize.curve_fit(gaussian_sum, x, y, (A1, sigma1, t01, A2, sigma2, t02), maxfev=1000000) thresholdVec = [ np.abs(+math.erf((t - popt[2]) / (np.sqrt(2) * np.abs(popt[1]))) + math.erf((t - popt[5]) / (np.sqrt(2) * np.abs(popt[4])))) for t in xedges ] thresholdIdx = np.argmin(thresholdVec) threshold = xedges[thresholdIdx] #threshold=(popt[2]+popt[5])/2 if plot_hist: fs = 14 fsTicks = 14 gaussfit = gaussian_sum(xedges, *popt) Pgth = 0 for i in range(np.size(xedges) - 1): if xedges[i] < threshold: Pgth = Pgth + histi_re[i] * (xedges[1] - xedges[0]) Scurve = np.zeros((numbins)) for i in range(numbins - 1): Scurve[i + 1] = Scurve[i] + histi_re[i] Scurve = Scurve / Scurve[-1] Peg = 0.5 * (1 - math.erf( (threshold - popt[2]) / np.sqrt(2) / np.abs(popt[1]))) Pge = 0.5 * (1 + math.erf( (threshold - popt[5]) / np.sqrt(2) / np.abs(popt[4]))) data_string = r'${\rm P_{g|e}}=$' + str(round(Pge * 100, 3)) + r'%' data_string_0 = r'${\rm P_{e|g}}=$' + str(round(Peg * 100, 3)) + r'%' data_string2 = r'P$_{gth}$=' + np.str(np.round(Pgth, 3) * 100) + '%' data_string3 = r'1-P$_{gth}$=' + np.str(100 - np.round(Pgth, 3) * 100) + '%' data_string_01 = r'${\rm Threshold}=$' + str(round(threshold, 3)) fig, ax = plt.subplots(2, 2, figsize=(10, 10)) if logplot: ax[0][0].pcolor(xedges, yedges, np.transpose(np.log(1 + hist2D)), cmap='afmhot') else: ax[0][0].pcolor(xedges, yedges, np.transpose(hist2D), cmap='afmhot') ax[0][0].axis('equal') ax[0][0].axis('tight') ax[1][0].plot(xedges, histi_re, '.', xedges, gaussfit, '--', linewidth=2.0) ax[1][0].text(0.5, 0.4, data_string, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5), transform=ax[1][0].transAxes) ax[1][0].text(0.2, 0.4, data_string_0, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5), transform=ax[1][0].transAxes) ax[1][0].text(0.5, 0.2, data_string_01, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5), transform=ax[1][0].transAxes) ax[0][0].text(0.5, 0.7, data_string2, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5), transform=ax[0][0].transAxes) ax[0][0].text(0.5, 0.3, data_string3, bbox=dict(facecolor='red', alpha=0.5), transform=ax[0][0].transAxes) ax[1][0].axis('tight') ax[1][0].set_ylim([histi_re.max(), 0]) ax[0][1].plot(histi_im, yedges) ax[0][1].axis('tight') #ax[1][1].plot(xedges, Scurve) #ax[1][1].set_ylim([0,1]) #ax[1][1].axis('tight') return popt, threshold
def world_bank_wealth_account(cntry_iso, ref_year, variable_name="NW.PCA.TO", no_land=True): """ Download and unzip wealth accounting historical data (1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014) from World Bank ( Return requested variable for a country (cntry_iso) and a year (ref_year). Inputs: cntry_iso (str): ISO3-code of country, i.e. "CHN" for China ref_year (int): reference year - available in data: 1995, 2000, 2005, 2010, 2014 - other years between 1995 and 2014 are interpolated - for years outside range, indicator is scaled proportionally to GDP variable_name (str): select one variable, i.e.: 'NW.PCA.TO': Produced capital stock of country incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures and value of built-up urban land (24% mark-up) 'NW.PCA.PC': Produced capital stock per capita incl. manufactured or built assets such as machinery, equipment, and physical structures and value of built-up urban land (24% mark-up) 'NW.NCA.TO': Total natural capital of country. Natural capital includes the valuation of fossil fuel energy (oil, gas, hard and soft coal) and minerals (bauxite, copper, gold, iron ore, lead, nickel, phosphate, silver, tin, and zinc), agricultural land (cropland and pastureland), forests (timber and some nontimber forest products), and protected areas. 'NW.TOW.TO': Total wealth of country. Note: Values are measured at market exchange rates in constant 2014 US dollars, using a country-specific GDP deflator. no_land (boolean): If True, return produced capital without built-up land value (applies to 'NW.PCA.*' only). Default = True. """ try: fname = os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, FILE_WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC) if not os.path.isfile(fname): fname = os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, 'Wealth-Accounts_CSV', FILE_WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC) if not os.path.isfile(fname): if not os.path.isdir( os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, 'Wealth-Accounts_CSV')): os.mkdir(os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, 'Wealth-Accounts_CSV')) file_down = download_file(WORLD_BANK_WEALTH_ACC) zip_ref = zipfile.ZipFile(file_down, 'r') zip_ref.extractall(os.path.join(SYSTEM_DIR, 'Wealth-Accounts_CSV')) zip_ref.close() os.remove(file_down) LOGGER.debug('Download and unzip complete. Unzipping %s', str(fname)) data_wealth = pd.read_csv(fname, sep=',', index_col=None, header=0) except: LOGGER.error('Downloading World Bank Wealth Accounting Data failed.') raise data_wealth = data_wealth[ data_wealth['Country Code'].str.contains(cntry_iso) & data_wealth['Indicator Code'].str.contains( variable_name)].loc[:, '1995':'2014'] years = list(map(int, list(data_wealth))) if data_wealth.size == 0 and 'NW.PCA.TO' in variable_name: # if country is not found in data LOGGER.warning( 'No data available for country. Using non-financial wealth instead' ) gdp_year, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year) fac = wealth2gdp(cntry_iso)[1] return gdp_year, np.around((fac * gdp_val), 1), 0 if ref_year in years: # indicator for reference year is available directly result = data_wealth.loc[:, np.str(ref_year)].values[0] elif ref_year > np.min(years) and ref_year < np.max(years): # interpolate result = np.interp(ref_year, years, data_wealth.values[0, :]) elif ref_year < np.min(years): # scale proportionally to GDP gdp_year, gdp0_val = gdp(cntry_iso, np.min(years)) gdp_year, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year) result = data_wealth.values[0, 0] * gdp_val / gdp0_val ref_year = gdp_year else: gdp_year, gdp0_val = gdp(cntry_iso, np.max(years)) gdp_year, gdp_val = gdp(cntry_iso, ref_year) result = data_wealth.values[0, -1] * gdp_val / gdp0_val ref_year = gdp_year if 'NW.PCA.' in variable_name and no_land: # remove value of built-up land from produced capital result = result / 1.24 return ref_year, np.around(result, 1), 1
fileName = goFitsFile.split('/')[-1] ## if file not found, skip. A GO file was written, but no data was taken try: dataHdu ='/lustre/flag/' + projectSession + '/BF/' + fileName[:-5] + 'A.fits') except IOError: continue pass hdu = procNameList.append(hdu[0].header['PROCNAME']) objList.append(hdu[0].header['OBJECT']) obsTimeList.append(fileName[:-5]) intList.append(dataHdu[0].header['REQSTI']) modeList.append(dataHdu[0].header['MODENAME']) scanList.append(hdu[0].header['SCAN']) blockNameList.append(hdu[0].header['BLOCK']) seqSizeList.append(np.str(hdu[0].header['PROCSIZE'])) seqNumList.append(np.str(hdu[0].header['PROCSEQN'])) ## create dictionary that will write out as table data = {'Time':obsTimeList, 'ProcedureName': procNameList, 'Object': objList, 'ScanNumber':scanList, 'ScheduleBlock': blockNameList, 'SequenceNumber': seqNumList, 'TotalSequenceNumber': seqSizeList, 'IntLength': intList, 'Mode': modeList } ascii.write(data, output = projectSession + '_LOG.txt', names=['Time', 'ProcedureName', 'Object', 'ScanNumber', 'ScheduleBlock', 'SequenceNumber', 'TotalSequenceNumber', 'IntLength', 'Mode'])
refVel = hdu[0].header['CRVAL3']/1000. ## units of km/s refVelPix = hdu[0].header['CRPIX3'] ## compute initial velocity initVel = refVel - refVelPix*velRes lastVel = initVel + velRes * specSize ## get pixel size pixRes = np.abs(hdu[0].header['CDELT1']) # get beam resolution (major axis) angRes = hdu[0].header['BMAJ'] ## compute the velocity resolutions based on user provided bins totVel = np.abs(lastVel - initVel) deltaV = np.abs(lastVel - initVel) / (N_VCA - 1) print('The resolution of the spectral axis will be down-sampled from %.2f [km/s] to %.2f [km/s] in %s intervals of %.2f [km/s]' % (np.abs(velRes), totVel, np.str(N_VCA), deltaV)) channelWidthArr = np.linspace(np.abs(velRes), totVel, N_VCA) ## re-read input fits as a spectral-cube object hdu.close() origCube = ## specify global Gaussian factors fwhm_factor = np.sqrt(8 * np.log(2)) ## create lists to store the weighted average slope values finalSlopes = [] finalErrors = [] cnt = 0 ## Now, loop over each velocity resolution to down-sample the velocity axis and compute the SPS at each velocity resolution
alla = {} variance_svrg_data={} variance_sgd_data={} importance_weights_data={} rewards_snapshot_data={} rewards_subiter_data={} n_sub_iter_data={} ar_data = {} all_policy_param_data = {} parallel_sampler.initialize(4) for k in range(5): if (load_policy): # snap_policy.set_param_values(np.loadtxt('policy.txt'), trainable=True) # policy.set_param_values(np.loadtxt('policy.txt'), trainable=True) snap_policy.set_param_values(np.loadtxt('pcb' + np.str(k+1) + '.txt'), trainable=True) policy.set_param_values(np.loadtxt('pcb' + np.str(k+1) + '.txt'), trainable=True) else: policy.set_param_values(snap_policy.get_param_values(trainable=True), trainable=True) avg_return = np.zeros(s_tot) #np.savetxt("policy_novar.txt",snap_policy.get_param_values(trainable=True)) n_sub_iter=[] rewards_sub_iter=[] rewards_snapshot=[] importance_weights=[] variance_svrg = [] variance_sgd = [] all_rew = [] all_policy_param = [] j=0 while j<s_tot-N:
def main(args): # create the outputs folder os.makedirs('outputs', exist_ok=True) # datasett = pd.read_csv('Mydata.txt', sep=",", header=None) # print(datasett.head()) # datam = preprocessing.normalize(datatasett) # datasett.shape # datasett.head() # datasett.describe() # X = dataset.iloc[:, [2,3,4,5,6]].values # y = dataset.iloc[:, 8].values # X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=0) # regressor = LinearRegression() #, y_train) # print(regressor.intercept_) # print(regressor.coef_) # y_pred = regressor.predict(X_test) # df = pd.DataFrame({'Actual': y_test, 'Predicted': y_pred}) # df # print(df.head()) # print('Mean Absolute Error:', metrics.mean_absolute_error(y_test, y_pred)) # print('Mean Squared Error:', metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred)) # print('Root Mean Squared Error:', np.sqrt(metrics.mean_squared_error(y_test, y_pred))) # print("Training set {:.2f}".format(regressor.score(X_train, y_train))) # print("Test set {:.2f}".format(regressor.score(X_test, y_test))) # # Log arguments run.log('Kernel type', np.str(args.kernel)) run.log('Penalty', np.float(args.penalty)) # Load iris dataset X, y = datasets.load_iris(return_X_y=True) #dividing X,y into train and test data x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X, y, test_size=0.2, random_state=223) data = { 'train': { 'X': x_train, 'y': y_train }, 'test': { 'X': x_test, 'y': y_test } } # train a SVM classifier svm_model = SVC(kernel=args.kernel, C=args.penalty, gamma='scale').fit(data['train']['X'], data['train']['y']) svm_predictions = svm_model.predict(data['test']['X']) # accuracy for X_test accuracy = svm_model.score(data['test']['X'], data['test']['y']) print('Accuracy of SVM classifier on test set: {:.2f}'.format(accuracy)) run.log('Accuracy', np.float(accuracy)) # precision for X_test precision = precision_score(svm_predictions, data["test"]["y"], average='weighted') print('Precision of SVM classifier on test set: {:.2f}'.format(precision)) run.log('precision', precision) # recall for X_test recall = recall_score(svm_predictions, data["test"]["y"], average='weighted') print('Recall of SVM classifier on test set: {:.2f}'.format(recall)) run.log('recall', recall) # f1-score for X_test f1 = f1_score(svm_predictions, data["test"]["y"], average='weighted') print('F1-Score of SVM classifier on test set: {:.2f}'.format(f1)) run.log('f1-score', f1) # create a confusion matrix labels = ['Iris-setosa', 'Iris-versicolor', 'Iris-virginica'] labels_numbers = [0, 1, 2] cm = confusion_matrix(y_test, svm_predictions, labels_numbers) log_confusion_matrix(cm, labels) # files saved in the "outputs" folder are automatically uploaded into run history joblib.dump(svm_model, os.path.join('outputs', args.modelname)) run.log('Model Name', np.str(args.modelname))
rgb_files = np.array(sorted(glob.glob(images))) print("Loaded files: ", len(files)) if use_random_idx: val_idx = np.random.choice(np.arange(0, len(files), 1), size=int(num_val), replace=False) print("Chosen Files \n", val_idx) files = files[val_idx] else: num_val = len(files) data = {} iteration = 0 #===================== json_addr = json_path + scene + json_name + 'val_' + np.str(len(files)) + '.json' print("json_addr: ", json_addr) for idx, file in enumerate(files): str_num = file.split(data_path + folder_to_save)[1] img_number = str_num.split(image_ext)[0] label_addr = file print("label_addr: ", label_addr) print('Image: {}/{}'.format(iteration, len(files))) rgb_img = np.array([idx])) label_img = object_ids = np.unique(np.array(label_img)) print("GT Affordances:", object_ids)
def custom_axis_formater_inset(custom_title, custom_x_label, custom_y_label, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xprec, yprec): # get axes and tick from plot ax = plt.gca() # set the number of major and minor bins for x,y axes # prune='lower' --> remove lowest tick label from x axis xmajorLocator = MaxNLocator(6, prune='lower') xmajorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.' + np.str(xprec) + 'f') xminorLocator = MaxNLocator(12) ymajorLocator = MaxNLocator(6) ymajorFormatter = FormatStrFormatter('%.' + np.str(yprec) + 'f') yminorLocator = MaxNLocator(12) # format major and minor ticks width, length, direction ax.tick_params(which='both', width=1, direction='in', labelsize=20) ax.tick_params(which='major', length=6) ax.tick_params(which='minor', length=4) # set axes thickness ax.spines['top'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.spines['bottom'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.spines['right'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.spines['left'].set_linewidth(1.5) ax.xaxis.set_major_locator(xmajorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_major_locator(ymajorLocator) ax.xaxis.set_major_formatter(xmajorFormatter) ax.yaxis.set_major_formatter(ymajorFormatter) # for the minor ticks, use no labels; default NullFormatter ax.xaxis.set_minor_locator(xminorLocator) ax.yaxis.set_minor_locator(yminorLocator) # grid and axes are drawn below the data plot ax.set_axisbelow(True) # convert x axis units to radians #ax.convert_xunits(radians) # add x,y grids to plot area ax.xaxis.grid(True, zorder=0, color='gainsboro', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) ax.yaxis.grid(True, zorder=0, color='gainsboro', linestyle='-', linewidth=1) # set axis labels #ax.set_xlabel(custom_x_label, fontsize=20) #ax.set_ylabel(custom_y_label, fontsize=20) # set plot title #ax.set_title(custom_title, loc='right', fontsize=12) return
dataset, config, image_idx, use_mini_mask=False) visualize.display_instances(image, bbox, mask, class_ids, dataset.class_names, ax=ax[i // int(np.sqrt(limit)), i % int(np.sqrt(limit))], captions=captions[class_ids].tolist()) # log("molded_image", image) # log("mask", mask) # log("class_ids", class_ids) ### print("captions", np.array(dataset.class_names)[class_ids].tolist()) plt.savefig(os.getcwd() + save_to_folder + "gt_affordance_labels/gt_affordance_labels_" + np.str(idx_samples) + ".png", bbox_inches='tight') ################################## ### Image Size Stats ################################## print('\n --------------- Image Size ---------------') image_shape = np.array([s['shape'] for s in stats]) image_color = np.array([s['color'] for s in stats]) print("Height mean: {:.2f} median: {:.2f} min: {:.2f} max: {:.2f}". format(np.mean(image_shape[:, 0]), np.median(image_shape[:, 0]), np.min(image_shape[:, 0]), np.max(image_shape[:, 0]))) print("Width mean: {:.2f} median: {:.2f} min: {:.2f} max: {:.2f}". format(np.mean(image_shape[:, 1]), np.median(image_shape[:, 1]), np.min(image_shape[:, 1]), np.max(image_shape[:, 1])))
label=label_mdl) tx2, = plt.plot(FM_thickness_range, FM_thickness_range * slope_mdl + intercept_mdl, 'k-', mfc='lightgray', markersize=6, label=label_mdl) # display the legend for the defined labels plt.legend([tx1, tx2], [label_mdl, 'fit'], loc='upper left', fontsize=14, frameon=True) plt.figtext(0.05, 0.92, r'$MDL:$ ' + np.str(np.round(-1.0 * intercept_mdl / slope_mdl, 3)) + r'$\;nm$' + ' a: ' + np.str(slope_mdl) + ' b: ' + np.str(intercept_mdl) + '\n' + r'$R^2:$' + np.str(r_value_mdl * r_value_mdl) + ' S: ' + np.str(std_err_mdl), size=14) plt.xlim(xmin, xmax) plt.ylim(ymin, ymax) custom_axis_formater(plot_title, axis_label_nm, axis_label_msd, xmin, xmax, ymin, ymax, xprec, yprec) #----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- fig1 = plt.figure(figsize=(9, 9), dpi=72) fig1.canvas.set_window_title(version_name) spec1 = gridspec.GridSpec(ncols=1, nrows=1)
print "Unix time: %f" % RB.get_times(header)[1][0] if make_highres_plot is True:# and k==1: print "Making high res plot" arr_highres = RB.reorg_array(header, data)#, rbtime=625) nto = len(arr_highres) arr_highres = arr_highres[:nto//RB.nperpacket*RB.nperpacket] # arr_highres = arr_highres[:nto//25*25] arr_highres = np.abs(arr_highres.reshape(-1, RB.nperpacket, npol, nfreq))**2 # arr_highres = np.abs(arr_highres.reshape(-1, 25, npol, nfreq))**2 arr_highres = arr_highres.sum(1) # arr_highres = arr_highres.reshape(-1, 4, 512, 2).mean(-1)# arr_highres1d = r'dd' + np.str(k), arr_highres) # rbf.plot_waterfall(arr_highres.sum(1), outfile + np.str(k) + '.png') continue # rbf.plot_1d(arr_highres1d, outfile + '1d.png') times_o = RB.get_times(header, False) # print "RA: %d %f" % (times_o[0], eph.transit_RA(times_o[0])) # In case packets straddle multiple files, don't "correlate_and_fill" # until you have 3 files if accumulate == True: header_acc.append(header) data_acc.append(data)
def SEIR_model_publish_w_risk(metro_pop, school_calendar, beta0, phi, sigma, gamma, eta, mu, omega, tau, nu, pi, rho, n_age, n_risk, total_time, interval_per_day, shift_week, time_begin, time_begin_sim, initial_i, sd_date, sd_level, trigger_type, close_trigger, reopen_trigger, monitor_lag, report_rate, deterministic=True, print_vals=True, extra_params=None): """ :param metro_pop: np.array of shape (n_age, n_risk) :param school_calendar: np.array of shape(), school calendar from data :param beta0: np.array of shape (n_age, ), baseline beta :param phi: dict of 4 np.array of shape (n_age, n_age), contact matrix of all, school, work, home :param sigma: np.array of shape (n_age, ), rate of E to I :param gamma: np.array of shape (3, n_age), rate of I to R :param eta: old: np.array of shape (n_age, ), rate from I^y to I^H :param mu: np.array of shape (n_age, ), rate from I^H to D :param omega: np.array of shape (5, n_age), relative infectiousness of I / P :param tau: np.array of shape (n_age, ), symptomatic rate of I :param nu: np.array of shape (n_risk, n_age), case fatality rate in I^H :param pi: np.array of shape (n_risk, n_age), Pr[I^Y to I^H] :param rho: np.array of shape (2, n_age), rate P^A/P^I -> I^A/I^Y :param n_age: int, number of age groups :param n_risk: int, number of risk groups :param total_time: int, total length of simulation in (Days) :param interval_per_day: int, number of intervals within a day :param shift_week: int, shift week !! :param time_begin: datetime, time begin :param time_begin_sim: int, time to begin simulation :param initial_i: np.array of shape(n_age, n_risk), I0 :param sd_date: list of 2 int, time to start and end social distancing :param sd_level: float, % reduction in non-household contacts :param trigger_type: str, {'cml', 'current', 'new'} :param close_trigger: str, format: type_population_number; example: number_all_5 or ratio_school_1 or date__20200315 :param reopen_trigger: str, format: type_population_number, example: monitor_all_75 (75% reduction), no_na_12 (12 weeks) :param monitor_lag: int, time lag between surveillance and real time in days :param report_rate: float, proportion Y can seen :param deterministic: boolean, whether to remove poisson stochasticity :param extra_params: dictionary of extra parameters for subgroup if not None :return: compt_s, compt_e, compt_ia, compt_ih, compt_ih, compt_r, compt_d, compt_e2compt_iy """ date_begin = dt.datetime.strptime(np.str(time_begin_sim), '%Y%m%d') + \ dt.timedelta(weeks=shift_week) sd_begin_date = dt.datetime.strptime(np.str(sd_date[0]), '%Y%m%d') sd_end_date = dt.datetime.strptime(np.str(sd_date[1]), '%Y%m%d') sim_begin_idx = (date_begin - time_begin).days school_calendar = school_calendar[sim_begin_idx:] # Contact matrix for 5 or more age groups, adjusted to time-step #if subgroup in ['Grocery', 'Construction', 'Teachers']: # phi = matrices phi_all = phi['phi_all'] / interval_per_day phi_school = phi['phi_school'] / interval_per_day phi_work = phi['phi_work'] / interval_per_day phi_home = phi['phi_home'] / interval_per_day phi_other = phi[ 'phi_other'] / interval_per_day #phi_all - phi_school - phi_work - phi_home # Get extra parameters if any if extra_params is not None: # Subgroup name and parameter names/values subgroup = list(extra_params.keys())[0] extra_params_details = extra_params[subgroup] # Get extra parameters names and values extra_params_names = extra_params_details[0] extra_params_vals = list(extra_params_details[1]) if print_vals: print('Subgroup:', subgroup) print('Subgroup parameters', extra_params_names, extra_params_vals) if subgroup == 'Grocery': # Grocery store specific contacts and non g_store other contacts phi_g_store = phi['phi_g_store'] / interval_per_day phi_other_non_gs = phi_other - phi_g_store # Work contacts split for grocery workers: work on weekends phi_work_GW = phi_work.copy() * 0 phi_work_GW[-1, :] = phi_work[-1, :] phi_work[-1, :] = phi_work[-1, :] * 0 # Contact reduction at grocery store for shoppers due to SD g_shopper_sd_idx = extra_params_names.index('g_shopper_sd') g_shopper_sd = extra_params_vals[g_shopper_sd_idx] # Contact reduction at grocery store for workers due to SD g_worker_sd_idx = extra_params_names.index('g_worker_sd') g_worker_sd = extra_params_vals[g_worker_sd_idx] elif subgroup == 'Construction': # Social distancing on construction sites delta_CW_idx = extra_params_names.index('delta_CW') delta_CW = extra_params_vals[delta_CW_idx] # Proportion of construction workers allowed to work prop_CW_idx = extra_params_names.index('prop_CW') prop_CW = extra_params_vals[prop_CW_idx] # Work contacts split for construction workers phi_work_CW = phi_work.copy() * 0 phi_work_CW[-1, -1] = phi_work[-1, -1] phi_work[-1, -1] = 0 elif subgroup == 'Teachers': # get parameters - same as beta config # proportion of people in school (t, s, v) prop_school_sd_idx = extra_params_names.index('prop_school_sd') prop_school_sd = extra_params_vals[prop_school_sd_idx] # susceptibility suscep_param_idx = extra_params_names.index('suscep_param') suscep_param = extra_params_vals[suscep_param_idx] # infectiousness infect_param_idx = extra_params_names.index('infect_param') infect_param = extra_params_vals[infect_param_idx] if print_vals: print('Contact matrices\n\ All: {}\nSchool: {}\nWork: {}\nHome: {}\nOther places: {}'\ .format(phi_all * interval_per_day, phi_school * interval_per_day, phi_work * interval_per_day, phi_home * interval_per_day, phi_other * interval_per_day)) # Rate from symptom onset to hospitalized eta = eta / interval_per_day if print_vals: print('eta', eta) print('Duration from symptom onset to hospitalized', 1 / eta / \ interval_per_day) # Symptomatic rate if print_vals: print('Asymptomatic rate', 1 - tau) # Rate from hospitalized to death mu = mu / interval_per_day if print_vals: print('mu', mu) print('Duration from hospitalized to death', 1 / mu / interval_per_day) # Relative Infectiousness for Ia, Iy, It compartment omega_a, omega_y, omega_h, omega_pa, omega_py = omega # CHANGED if print_vals: print('Relative infectiousness for Ia, Iy, Ih, E is {0} {1} {2} {3}'\ .format(*omega)) # Incubation period sigma = sigma / interval_per_day if print_vals: print('sigma', sigma) print('Incubation period is {}'.format(1 / sigma / interval_per_day)) # Recovery rate gamma_a, gamma_y, gamma_h = gamma / interval_per_day if print_vals: print('gamma', gamma_a, gamma_y, gamma_h) print('Infectious period for Ia, Iy, Ih is {0} {1} {2}'\ .format(1 / gamma_a.mean() / interval_per_day, 1 / gamma_y.mean() / interval_per_day, 1 / gamma_h.mean() / interval_per_day)) # Rate from pre-symptomatic to symptomatic / asymptomatic rho_a, rho_y = rho / interval_per_day # NEW if print_vals: print('rho', rho_a, rho_y) print('Pre-(a)symptomatic period for Pa, Py, is {0} {1}'\ .format(1 / rho_a.mean() / interval_per_day, 1 / rho_y.mean() / interval_per_day)) # Case Fatality Rate nu_l, nu_h = nu if print_vals: print('Hosp fatality rate, low risk: {0}. high risk: {1}'.format(*nu)) # Probability symptomatic go to hospital pi_l, pi_h = pi if print_vals: print('Probability of symptomatic individuals go to hospital', pi) # Compartments, axes = (time, age, risk) compt_s = np.zeros(shape=(total_time * interval_per_day, n_age, n_risk)) compt_e, compt_pa, compt_py = compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy( ) compt_ia, compt_iy = compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy() compt_ih, compt_r, compt_d = compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy() # Transitions compt_e2compt_p, compt_e2compt_py = compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy() compt_p2compt_i = compt_s.copy() # sum of pa2ia and py2iy compt_pa2compt_ia, compt_py2compt_iy = compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy() compt_iy2compt_ih, compt_h2compt_d = compt_s.copy(), compt_s.copy() # Set initial value for S compartment compt_s[0] = metro_pop - initial_i compt_py[0] = initial_i # Placeholders for school_closed = False school_reopened = False school_close_date = 'NA' school_reopen_date = 'NA' # Iterate over intervals print("sd_all_contacts for loop") for t in range(1, total_time * interval_per_day): days_from_t0 = np.floor((t + 0.1) / interval_per_day) t_date = date_begin + dt.timedelta(days=days_from_t0) # Use appropriate contact matrix # Use different phi values on different days of the week if sd_begin_date <= t_date < sd_end_date: contact_reduction = sd_level sd_active = 1. else: contact_reduction = 0. sd_active = 0. # Different computations for subgroups if extra_params is not None: # applying params to reduce contacts # contact_reduction - in sd_list, reduces contacts if subgroup == 'Grocery': if sd_active > 0: GShopper_mult = 1 - g_shopper_sd GWorker_mult = 1 - g_worker_sd else: GShopper_mult = 1. GWorker_mult = 1. phi_weekday = (1 - contact_reduction) * \ (phi_home + phi_work + phi_school + phi_other_non_gs) + \ phi_work_GW * GWorker_mult + phi_g_store * GShopper_mult phi_weekend = (1 - contact_reduction) * (phi_home + \ phi_other_non_gs) + phi_work_GW * GWorker_mult + \ phi_g_store * GShopper_mult elif subgroup == 'Construction': # Contacts only adjusted when social distancing in place if sd_active > 0: CW_multiplier = delta_CW * prop_CW else: CW_multiplier = 1 # Construction workers' work contacts not impacted the same # when social distancing inplace phi_weekday = (1 - contact_reduction) * \ (phi_home + phi_work + phi_school + phi_other) + \ phi_work_CW * CW_multiplier phi_weekend = (1 - contact_reduction) * (phi_home + phi_other) elif subgroup == 'Teachers': # consistent reduction for groups # contact_reduction = ? if sd_active > 0: school_contact_reduction = prop_school_sd else: school_contact_reduction = 0 phi_weekday = (1 - contact_reduction) * \ (phi_home + phi_work + phi_other) + \ phi_school * (1 - school_contact_reduction) phi_weekend = (1 - contact_reduction) * (phi_home + phi_other) else: # No subgroup phi_weekday = (1 - contact_reduction) * phi_all phi_weekend = (1 - contact_reduction) * (phi_all - phi_school - \ phi_work) phi_weekday_holiday = phi_weekend phi_weekday_long_break = phi_weekday - (1 - contact_reduction) * \ phi_school if subgroup == 'Teachers': phi_weekday_long_break = phi_weekday - (1 - school_contact_reduction) * \ phi_school phi_open = [ phi_weekday, phi_weekend, phi_weekday_holiday, phi_weekday_long_break ] phi_close = [ phi_weekday - (1 - contact_reduction) * phi_school, phi_weekend, phi_weekday_holiday, phi_weekday_long_break ] # 1-weekday, 2-weekend, 3-weekday holiday, 4-weekday long break calendar_code = int(school_calendar[int(days_from_t0)]) if school_closed == school_reopened: phi = phi_open[calendar_code - 1] else: phi = phi_close[calendar_code - 1] temp_s = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_e = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_e2py = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_e2p = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_pa = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_py = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_pa2ia = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_py2iy = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_p2i = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_ia = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_iy = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_ih = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_r = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_d = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_iy2ih = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) temp_h2d = np.zeros(shape=(n_age, n_risk)) ## within nodes # for each age group for a in range(n_age): # for each risk group for r in range(n_risk): rate_s2e = 0. if r == 0: # p0 is low-risk group, 1 is high risk group temp_nu = nu_l temp_pi = pi_l else: temp_nu = nu_h temp_pi = pi_h # Calculate infection force (F) for a2 in range(n_age): for r2 in range(n_risk): # multiply omega_y by number - relative infectiousness per age group, each age group has a specific one rate_s2e += suscep_param[a] * infect_param[a2] * beta0[a2] * phi[a, a2] * \ compt_s[t - 1, a, r] * \ (omega_a[a2] * compt_ia[t - 1, a2, r2] + \ omega_y[a2] * compt_iy[t - 1, a2, r2] + \ omega_pa[a2] * compt_pa[t - 1, a2, r2] + \ omega_py[a2] * compt_py[t - 1, a2, r2]) / \ np.sum(metro_pop[a2]) if np.isnan(rate_s2e): rate_s2e = 0 # Rate change of each compartment # (besides S -> E calculated above) rate_e2p = sigma[a] * compt_e[t - 1, a, r] rate_pa2ia = rho_a[a] * compt_pa[t - 1, a, r] rate_py2iy = rho_y[a] * compt_py[t - 1, a, r] rate_ia2r = gamma_a[a] * compt_ia[t - 1, a, r] rate_iy2r = (1 - temp_pi[a]) * gamma_y[a] * \ compt_iy[t - 1, a, r] rate_ih2r = (1 - temp_nu[a]) * gamma_h[a] * \ compt_ih[t - 1, a, r] rate_iy2ih = temp_pi[a] * eta[a] * compt_iy[t - 1, a, r] rate_ih2d = temp_nu[a] * mu[a] * compt_ih[t - 1, a, r] # Stochastic rates if not deterministic: rate_s2e = np.random.poisson(rate_s2e) if np.isinf(rate_s2e): rate_s2e = 0 if not deterministic: rate_e2p = np.random.poisson(rate_e2p) if np.isinf(rate_e2p): rate_e2p = 0 if not deterministic: rate_pa2ia = np.random.poisson(rate_pa2ia) if np.isinf(rate_pa2ia): rate_pa2ia = 0 if not deterministic: rate_py2iy = np.random.poisson(rate_py2iy) if np.isinf(rate_py2iy): rate_py2iy = 0 # NEW if not deterministic: rate_ia2r = np.random.poisson(rate_ia2r) if np.isinf(rate_ia2r): rate_ia2r = 0 if not deterministic: rate_iy2r = np.random.poisson(rate_iy2r) if np.isinf(rate_iy2r): rate_iy2r = 0 if not deterministic: rate_ih2r = np.random.poisson(rate_ih2r) if np.isinf(rate_ih2r): rate_ih2r = 0 if not deterministic: rate_iy2ih = np.random.poisson(rate_iy2ih) if np.isinf(rate_iy2ih): rate_iy2ih = 0 if not (deterministic): rate_ih2d = np.random.poisson(rate_ih2d) if np.isinf(rate_ih2d): rate_ih2d = 0 # In the below block, calculate values + deltas of each category # in SEIR, for each age-risk category, at this timepoint d_s = -rate_s2e temp_s[a, r] = compt_s[t - 1, a, r] + d_s if temp_s[a, r] < 0: rate_s2e = compt_s[t - 1, a, r] temp_s[a, r] = 0 d_e = rate_s2e - rate_e2p temp_e[a, r] = compt_e[t - 1, a, r] + d_e if temp_e[a, r] < 0: rate_e2p = compt_e[t - 1, a, r] + rate_s2e temp_e[a, r] = 0 temp_e2p[a, r] = rate_e2p temp_e2py[a, r] = tau[a] * rate_e2p if temp_e2py[a, r] < 0: rate_e2p = 0 temp_e2p[a, r] = 0 temp_e2py[a, r] = 0 d_pa = (1 - tau[a]) * rate_e2p - rate_pa2ia temp_pa[a, r] = compt_pa[t - 1, a, r] + d_pa temp_pa2ia[a, r] = rate_pa2ia if temp_pa[a, r] < 0: rate_pa2ia = compt_pa[t - 1, a, r] + (1 - tau[a]) * rate_e2p temp_pa[a, r] = 0 temp_pa2ia[a, r] = rate_pa2ia d_py = tau[a] * rate_e2p - rate_py2iy temp_py[a, r] = compt_py[t - 1, a, r] + d_py temp_py2iy[a, r] = rate_py2iy if temp_py[a, r] < 0: rate_py2iy = compt_py[t - 1, a, r] + tau[a] * rate_e2p temp_py[a, r] = 0 temp_py2iy[a, r] = rate_py2iy d_ia = rate_pa2ia - rate_ia2r temp_ia[a, r] = compt_ia[t - 1, a, r] + d_ia if temp_ia[a, r] < 0: rate_ia2r = compt_ia[t - 1, a, r] + rate_pa2ia temp_ia[a, r] = 0 d_iy = rate_py2iy - rate_iy2r - rate_iy2ih temp_iy[a, r] = compt_iy[t - 1, a, r] + d_iy if temp_iy[a, r] < 0: rate_iy2r = (compt_iy[t - 1, a, r] + rate_py2iy) * \ rate_iy2r / (rate_iy2r + rate_iy2ih) rate_iy2ih = compt_iy[t - 1, a, r] + rate_py2iy - rate_iy2r temp_iy[a, r] = 0 temp_iy2ih[a, r] = rate_iy2ih if temp_iy2ih[a, r] < 0: temp_iy2ih[a, r] = 0 d_ih = rate_iy2ih - rate_ih2r - rate_ih2d temp_ih[a, r] = compt_ih[t - 1, a, r] + d_ih if temp_ih[a, r] < 0: rate_ih2r = (compt_ih[t - 1, a, r] + rate_iy2ih) * \ rate_ih2r / (rate_ih2r + rate_ih2d) rate_ih2d = compt_ih[t - 1, a, r] + rate_iy2ih - rate_ih2r temp_ih[a, r] = 0 d_r = rate_ia2r + rate_iy2r + rate_ih2r temp_r[a, r] = compt_r[t - 1, a, r] + d_r d_d = rate_ih2d temp_h2d[a, r] = rate_ih2d temp_d[a, r] = compt_d[t - 1, a, r] + d_d # We are now done calculating compartment values for each # age-risk category # Copy this vector array as a slice on time axis compt_s[t] = temp_s compt_e[t] = temp_e compt_pa[t] = temp_pa compt_py[t] = temp_py compt_ia[t] = temp_ia compt_iy[t] = temp_iy compt_ih[t] = temp_ih compt_r[t] = temp_r compt_d[t] = temp_d compt_e2compt_p[t] = temp_e2p compt_e2compt_py[t] = temp_e2py compt_pa2compt_ia[t] = temp_pa2ia compt_py2compt_iy[t] = temp_py2iy compt_p2compt_i[t] = temp_pa2ia + temp_py2iy compt_iy2compt_ih[t] = temp_iy2ih compt_h2compt_d[t] = temp_h2d # Check if school closure is triggered t_surveillance = np.maximum(t - monitor_lag * interval_per_day, 0) # Current number of infected current_iy = compt_iy[t_surveillance] new_iy = compt_py2compt_iy[t_surveillance] # NEW cml_iy = np.sum(compt_py2compt_iy[:(t_surveillance + 1)], axis=0) trigger_type_dict = { 'cml': cml_iy, 'current': current_iy, 'new': new_iy } trigger_iy = trigger_type_dict[trigger_type.lower()] if not school_closed: school_closed = school_closure.school_close( close_trigger, t_date, trigger_iy, metro_pop) if school_closed: school_close_time = t school_close_date = t_date school_close_iy = trigger_iy else: if not school_reopened: school_reopened = school_closure.school_reopen( reopen_trigger, school_close_iy, trigger_iy, school_close_time, t, t_date, interval_per_day) if school_reopened: school_reopen_date = t_date return compt_s, compt_e, compt_pa, compt_py, compt_ia, compt_iy, compt_ih, \ compt_r, compt_d, compt_e2compt_py,compt_e2compt_p, \ compt_pa2compt_ia, compt_py2compt_iy, compt_p2compt_i, \ compt_iy2compt_ih, compt_h2compt_d, school_close_date, \ school_reopen_date
i = 0 latr = np.array([-36]) while latr[i] <= -20: i = i + 1 tmp = latr[i - 1] + dl * np.cos(latr[i - 1] * np.pi / 180) latr = np.hstack([latr, tmp]) Lonr, Latr = np.meshgrid(lonr, latr) Lonu, Lonv, Lonp = rho2uvp(Lonr) Latu, Latv, Latp = rho2uvp(Latr) M, L = Latp.shape print(' \n' + '==> ' + ' COMPUTING METRICS ...\n' + ' ') print(' \n' + '==> ' + ' LLm = ' + np.str(L - 1) + ' ...\n' + ' ') print(' \n' + '==> ' + ' MMm = ' + np.str(M - 1) + ' ...\n' + ' ') # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ### CODE SOMETHING HERE TO WRITE THIS INFORMATION IN THE METADATA FILE # !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! pm, pn, dndx, dmde = get_metrics(Latu, Lonu, Latv, Lonv) xr = 0 * pm yr = xr.copy() for i in np.arange(0, L): xr[:, i + 1] = xr[:, i] + 2 / (pm[:, i + 1] + pm[:, i]) for j in np.arange(0, M): yr[j + 1, :] = yr[j, :] + 2 / (pn[j + 1, :] + pn[j, :])
def compute_EW(lam,flx,wrest,lmts,flx_err,plot=False,**kwargs): #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ # Function to compute the equivalent width within a given velocity limits lmts=[vmin,vmax] # [Only good for high resolution spectra] # Caveats:- Not automated, must not include other absorption troughs within the velocity range. # # Input:- # lam :- Observed Wavelength vector (units of Angstrom) # flx :- flux vector ( same length as wavelgnth vector, preferably continuum normalized) # wrest :- rest frame wavelength of the line [used to make velcity cuts] # lmts :- [vmin,vmax], the velocity window within which equivalent width is computed. # flx_err :- error spectrum [same length as the flux vector] # # OPTIONAL :- # f0=f0 :- fvalue of the transition # zabs=zabs :- absorber redshift # plot :- plot keyword, default = no plots plot=0 # plot=1 or anything else will plot the corresponding spectrum # and the apparent optical depth of absorption. # # # # Output:- In a Python dictionary format # output['ew_tot'] :- rest frame equivalent width of the absorpiton system [Angstrom] # output['err_ew_tot'] :- error on rest fram equivalent width # output['col'] :- AOD column denisty # output['colerr'] :- 1 sigma error on AOD column density # output['n'] :- AOD column density as a function of velocity # output['Tau_a'] :- AOD as a function of velocity # output['med_vel'] :- Median Optical Depth weighted velocity within lmts # # # Written :- Rongmon Bordoloi 2nd November 2016 #- I translated this from my matlab code compute_EW.m, which in turn is from Chris Thom's # This was tested with COS-Halos/Dwarfs data. # Edit: RB July 5 2017. Output is a dictionary. Edited minor dictionary arrangement # RB July 25 2019. Added med_vel #------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ defnorm=1.0; spl=2.9979e5; #speed of light if 'zabs' in kwargs: zabs=kwargs['zabs'] else: zabs=0. if 'sat_limit' in kwargs: sat_limit=kwargs['sat_limit'] else: sat_limit=0.10 # Limit for saturation (COS specific). Set to same as fluxcut for now. WHAT SHOULD THIS BE??? vel = (lam-wrest*(1.0 + zabs))*spl/(wrest*(1.0 + zabs)); lambda_r=lam/(1.+zabs); norm=defnorm norm_flx=flx/norm; flx_err=flx_err/norm; sq=np.isnan(norm_flx); tmp_flx=flx_err[sq] norm_flx[sq]=tmp_flx #clip the spectrum. If the flux is less than 0+N*sigma, then we're saturated. Clip the flux array(to avoid inifinite optical depth) and set the saturated flag q=np.where(norm_flx<=sat_limit); tmp_flx=flx_err[q] norm_flx[q]=tmp_flx q=np.where(norm_flx<=0.); tmp_flx=flx_err[q]+0.01 norm_flx[q]=tmp_flx; del_lam_j=np.diff(lambda_r); del_lam_j=np.append([del_lam_j[0]],del_lam_j); pix = np.where( (vel >= lmts[0]) & (vel <= lmts[1])); Dj=1.-norm_flx # Equivalent Width Per Pixel ew=del_lam_j[pix]*Dj[pix]; sig_dj_sq=(flx_err)**2.; err_ew=del_lam_j[pix]*np.sqrt(sig_dj_sq[pix]); err_ew_tot=np.sqrt(np.sum(err_ew**2.)); ew_tot=np.sum(ew); print('W_lambda = ' + np.str('%.3f' % ew_tot) + ' +/- ' + np.str('%.3f' % err_ew_tot) +' \AA over [' + np.str('%.1f' % np.round(lmts[0]))+' to ' +np.str('%.1f' % np.round(lmts[1])) + '] km/s') output={} output["ew_tot"]=ew_tot output["err_ew_tot"]=err_ew_tot if 'f0' in kwargs: f0=kwargs['f0'] #compute apparent optical depth Tau_a =np.log(1./norm_flx); #compute the median optical depth weighted velcity. Tau50=np.cumsum(Tau_a[pix])/np.max(Tau_a[pix]) vel50=np.interp(0.5,Tau50,vel[pix]) # REMEMBER WE ARE SWITCHING TO VELOCITY HERE del_vel_j=np.diff(vel); del_vel_j=np.append([del_vel_j[0]],del_vel_j) # Column density per pixel as a function of velocity nv = Tau_a/((2.654e-15)*f0*lambda_r);# in units cm^-2 / (km s^-1), SS91 n = nv* del_vel_j# column density per bin obtained by multiplying differential Nv by bin width tauerr = flx_err/norm_flx; nerr = (tauerr/((2.654e-15)*f0*lambda_r))*del_vel_j; col = np.sum(n[pix]); colerr = np.sum((nerr[pix])**2.)**0.5; print('Direct N = ' + np.str('%.3f' % np.log10(col)) +' +/- ' + np.str('%.3f' % (np.log10(col+colerr) - np.log10(col))) + ' cm^-2') output["col"]=col output["colerr"]=colerr output["Tau_a"]=Tau_a output["med_vel"]=vel50 # If plot keyword is set start plotting if plot is not False: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt fig = plt.figure() ax1=fig.add_subplot(211) ax1.step(vel,norm_flx) ax1.step(vel,flx_err,color='r') #plt.xlim([lmts[0]-2500,lmts[1]+2500]) plt.xlim([-600,600]) plt.ylim([-0.02,1.8]) ax1.plot([-2500,2500],[0,0],'k:') ax1.plot([-2500,2500],[1,1],'k:') plt.plot([lmts[0],lmts[0]],[1.5,1.5],'r+',markersize=15) plt.plot([lmts[1],lmts[1]],[1.5,1.5],'r+',markersize=15) plt.title(r' $W_{rest}$= ' + np.str('%.3f' % ew_tot) + ' $\pm$ ' + np.str('%.3f' % err_ew_tot) + ' $\AA$') ax1.set_xlabel('vel [km/s]') ax2=fig.add_subplot(212) ax2.step(vel,n) ax2.set_xlabel('vel [km/s]') ax2.plot([-2500,2500],[0,0],'k:') #plt.xlim([lmts[0]-2500,lmts[1]+2500]) plt.xlim([-600,600]) return output
plt.xlabel('Date') plt.legend() #Predictions Next 58 days future_days = np.arange(299, 337, 1) future_days = future_days.reshape(-1, 1) future_pred = [] for i in future_days: m = reg.predict(sc_x.transform(np.array([i]))) future = np.around(sc_y.inverse_transform(m)) future_pred.append(future) future_days = np.arange(1, np.size(future_days) + 1, 1) # Excel File SVR_IndiaDC_pred = pd.DataFrame({ 'Days since 11/23': future_days, 'Cases Prediction': future_pred }) SVR_December_DC = SVR_IndiaDC_pred.to_excel( "IndiaSupportVectorRegressionDecemberCases.xlsx", sheet_name='December Daily Cases Prediction') print('------------SVR EVALUATION-------------') print('RMSE Score: ' + np.str(rmse)) print('RMSLE Score: ' + np.str(rmsle)) print('R2 Score: ' + np.str(R2)) print(SVRfit_India_DC) print(SVR_IndiaDC_pred)
import pyroms import pyroms_toolbox from remap_clm import remap_clm from remap_clm_uv import remap_clm_uv lst_year = sys.argv[1:] data_dir = '/archive/u1/uaf/kate/HYCOM/Svalbard/Monthly_avg/' dst_dir = './clm/' lst_file = [] for year in lst_year: year = np.str(year) # lst = commands.getoutput('ls ' + data_dir + 'SODA_2.1.6_' + year + '_0*') lst = commands.getoutput('ls ' + data_dir + '*' + year + '*') lst = lst.split() lst_file = lst_file + lst print 'Build CLM file from the following file list:' print lst_file print ' ' src_grd = pyroms_toolbox.Grid_HYCOM.get_nc_Grid_HYCOM( '/archive/u1/uaf/kate/HYCOM/Svalbard/') dst_grd = pyroms.grid.get_ROMS_grid('ARCTIC2') for file in lst_file: # remap