예제 #1
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: buu700/optic.io
def Move( gaze=None, newGaze=None ):
	position	= mouse.position()
	if( gaze is None ):
		mouse.move( position[0] + mouseMoveData[0], position[1] + mouseMoveData[1] )
		position	= mouse.position()
		if( position[0] <= 0 or position[1] <= 0 or position[0] >= mouseMoveData[2] or position[1] >= mouseMoveData[3] ):
			mouseMoveData	= None
		screenSize	= mouse.screen_size()
		shifts		= vector( gaze ) - vector( newGaze ) + 0.0 # x and y shifts as floats
		shifts[1]	= -shifts[1] # Due to coordinate style, both x and y must be inverse; x is already corrected by mirror image
		xDistance	= abs( float(position[0] - (0 if shifts[0] < 0 else screenSize[0])) )
		yDistance	= abs( float(position[1] - (0 if shifts[1] < 0 else screenSize[1])) )
		TICKS_TO_EDGE	= 10.0 # It will take 10 cycles of the event loop to hit the screen edge, or 1 second (10.0 * 0.1s)
		xMultiplier		= ( xDistance / abs(shifts[0]) ) / TICKS_TO_EDGE
		yMultiplier		= ( yDistance / abs(shifts[1]) ) / TICKS_TO_EDGE
		# Multiplier used is the smaller one, because it corresponds with the edge that will be hit first
		shifts	= shifts * (xMultiplier if xMultiplier < yMultiplier else yMultiplier)
		# Sets array with data needed to begin and continue mouse movement
		mouseMoveData	= [ shifts[0], shifts[1], screenSize[0] - 1, screenSize[1] - 1 ]
예제 #2
 def bounce(self, d=50):
     if d > self.position[0]:
         self.steer(vector((self.maxspeed, self.velocity[1])))
     if self.position[0] > WIDTH - d:
         self.steer(vector((-self.maxspeed, self.velocity[1])))
     if d > self.position[1]:
         self.steer(vector((self.velocity[1], self.maxspeed)))
     if self.position[1] > HEIGHT - d:
         self.steer(vector((self.velocity[1], -self.maxspeed)))
예제 #3
 def __init__(self, pos, size=5, speed=5):
     self.size = size
     self.maxspeed = speed
     self.maxforce = self.maxspeed / 10
     self.desired = vector((0, 0))
     self.theta = 0
     self.velocity = vector([
         uniform(-self.maxspeed / 2, self.maxspeed / 2),
         uniform(-self.maxspeed / 2, self.maxspeed / 2)
예제 #4
파일: grapher.py 프로젝트: whyoh/grapher
	def step(self):
		# apply physics to update velocities
		for n in self.graph.node:
			if self.graph.node[n]['actor'] is self.pin: continue
			force = vector([0., 0.])
			for m in self.graph.node:
				if m == n: continue
				direction = self.graph.node[n]['position'] - self.graph.node[m]['position']
				dist = norm(direction)
				if dist < self.mindist:
					if dist == 0.: direction = vector([uniform(-0.5, 0.5), uniform(-0.5, 0.5)])
					dist = self.mindist
					newdist = norm(direction)
					direction *= dist/newdist
				force += direction * self.graph.node[n]['charge'] * self.graph.node[m]['charge'] / dist ** 3.
				if m in self.graph[n]: force = force - direction * self.spring * (1. - self.naturallength / dist)

			massy = self.stepsize / self.graph.node[n]['mass']
			dampdv = - self.damping * self.graph.node[n]['velocity'] * norm(self.graph.node[n]['velocity']) * massy
			if norm(dampdv) > norm(self.graph.node[n]['velocity']):
				self.graph.node[n]['velocity'] = vector([0., 0.])
				self.graph.node[n]['actor'].props.fill_color_rgba = 0xcc333380
				self.graph.node[n]['velocity'] += dampdv
				self.graph.node[n]['actor'].props.fill_color_rgba = 0x33333380
			self.graph.node[n]['velocity'] += force * massy
		# update positions
		for n in self.graph.node:
			if self.graph.node[n]['actor'] is not self.pin:
				self.graph.node[n]['position'] += self.graph.node[n]['velocity'] * self.stepsize
		if not self.pin: self.align()
		bs = self.scale * self.blobsize / 2.

		for n in self.graph.node:
			self.graph.node[n]['actor'].props.x = self.scale * self.graph.node[n]['position'][0] - self.left - bs
			self.graph.node[n]['actor'].props.y = self.scale * self.graph.node[n]['position'][1] - self.top - bs
			for m in self.graph[n]:
				if m > n: continue
				# overwriting the 'data' property directly leaks memory (bgo 669661)
				self.graph[n][m]['actor'].set_property('data', " ".join([
					"M", str(self.graph.node[n]['actor'].props.x + bs), str(self.graph.node[n]['actor'].props.y + bs),
					"L", str(self.graph.node[m]['actor'].props.x + bs), str(self.graph.node[m]['actor'].props.y + bs)]))

		# reset every five hundred un-pinned frames
		self.frame += 1
		if not self.pin: self.unpinnedframe += 1
		if self.unpinnedframe == 500:
			elapsed = datetime.now() - self.last
			print self.frame / elapsed.total_seconds()
		return True
예제 #5
    def __init__(self,
                 convex_boundaries: list,
                 spawn_position: vector = None):
        # Randomly spawning the particle according to the problem's convex boundaries.
        if spawn_position is None:
            self._position: vector = vector([
                for vector_space_dimension in range(len(convex_boundaries))
        if isinstance(spawn_position, ndarray):
            self._position: vector = spawn_position
        # The particle's first personal best _position is the _position where it is spawned.
        self._personal_best_position: vector = self._position

        # TODO
        #  1)Verify whether the velocities will have boundaries or not.
        #  Will depend on algorithm used, e.g. Last-Eliminated Principle PSO.
        #  2) At which speeds is it a good idea to start the algorithm? With small initial speeds, the particles
        #  will have a larger velocity, tending at the global optimum
        # self.__velocity: vector = vector([particle_position_and_velocity_initializer(0, 1)
        #                                  for vector_space_dimension in range(len(spawn_boundaries))])
        self.__velocity: vector = zeros(
            len(convex_boundaries))  # Initialize the particles as being still.

        Particle.fitness_function = fitness_function
예제 #6
    def nearest(self, pos, radius=40):
        col = floor(pos[0] / self.resolution)
        row = floor(pos[1] / self.resolution)

        n = ceil(radius / self.resolution) + 1
        arr = vector(range(2 * n + 1)) - n

        res = []
        for i in arr:
            for j in arr:
                    app = self.grid[col + i][row + j]
                    res += app
                except IndexError:

        # print(len(res))
        res1 = []
        for other in res:
            if 0 < dist(pos, other.position) < radius:

        # print(len(res1))
        # print()
        return res1
예제 #7
    def wander(self, d=50, r=25, change=0.5):
        center = normalize(self.velocity) * d + self.position
        self.theta += random() * 2 * change - change
        randrad = vector((sin(self.theta), cos(self.theta))) * r
        desired = center + randrad

        self.steer(desired - self.position)
예제 #8
 def __init__(self, path, resolution=None):
     resolution = resolution or path.raduis / 1.5
     for i in range(self.cols):
         for j in range(self.rows):
             center = vector((int((i + 0.5) * self.resolution),
                              int((j + 0.5) * self.resolution)))
             self.field[i][j] = normalize(path.get_normal(center) -
                                          center)  # * 0.2
예제 #9
 def draw(self, scr):
     for i in range(self.cols):
         for j in range(self.rows):
             center = vector((int((i + 0.5) * self.resolution),
                              int((j + 0.5) * self.resolution)))
             pygame.draw.circle(scr, (230, 230, 0), center,
                                ceil(self.resolution / 5), 2)
             pygame.draw.line(scr, (230, 230, 0), center,
                              center + self.field[i][j] * 20, 2)
예제 #10
 def __init__(self, resolution=50):
     self.field = []
     self.resolution = resolution
     self.cols = int(WIDTH / self.resolution)
     self.rows = int(HEIGHT / self.resolution)
     for i in range(self.cols):
         row = []
         for j in range(self.rows):
             row.append(vector((10, 0)))
예제 #11
 def cohese(self, vehicles):
     radius = self.size * 2  #
     sum_vel = vector((0.0, 0.0))
     n = 0
     for other in vehicles:
         sum_vel += other.position
         n += 1
     if n > 0:
         sum_vel /= n
         # sum_vel = normalize(sum_vel) * self.maxspeed
         # self.steer(sum_vel)
예제 #12
 def align(self, vehicles):
     sum_vel = vector((0.0, 0.0))
     n = 0
     for other in vehicles:
         if other is not self:
             sum_vel += other.velocity
             n += 1
     if n > 0:
         sum_vel /= n
         sum_vel = normalize(sum_vel) * self.maxspeed
         # print(self.velocity, sum_vel)
 def __init__(self, pos):
     spread = 1.0
     self.position = pos
     self.velocity = np.array([random.uniform(-spread, spread),
                               random.uniform(-spread, spread)])
     self.acceleration = np.array([0.0, 0.0])
     self.mover = None
     self.mass = 1.0
     # self.mass = random.uniform(0.5, 2.0)
     self.radius = 5 * self.mass
     self.lifespan = 75
     self.size = vector([random.random() * 10 + 10, random.random() * 5 + 5])
예제 #14
 def separate(self, vehicles):
     radius = self.size * 2
     sum_vel = vector((0.0, 0.0))
     n = 0
     for other in vehicles:
         d = dist(self.position, other.position)
         if 0 < d < radius:
             n += 1
             diff = normalize(self.position - other.position) / d
             sum_vel += diff
     if n > 0:
         sum_vel /= n
         sum_vel = normalize(sum_vel) * self.maxspeed
예제 #15
파일: mix.py 프로젝트: molguin-qc/hotbit
def select_vector_mode(vec,mode):
    """ Change given vector into given mode (default or global)
    If mode is the same as vector, do nothing.
    from numpy import array as vector
    from numpy import mod
    listvec=( type(vec)==type([]) )
    if listvec and mode=='default':
        return vec
    elif not listvec and mode=='global':
        return vec
    elif listvec and mode=='global':
        for vec in vec[1:]:
        return vector(x)        
    elif not listvec and mode=='default':
        if mod(len(vec),3)!=0: 
            raise AssertionError
        for i in range(N):
            x.append( vector(vec[i*3:i*3+3]) )
        return x    
예제 #16
파일: mix.py 프로젝트: nateharms/hotbit
def select_vector_mode(vec, mode):
    """ Change given vector into given mode (default or global)
    If mode is the same as vector, do nothing.
    from numpy import array as vector
    from numpy import mod
    listvec = (type(vec) == type([]))
    if listvec and mode == 'default':
        return vec
    elif not listvec and mode == 'global':
        return vec
    elif listvec and mode == 'global':
        x = list(vec[0])
        for vec in vec[1:]:
            x = x + list(vec)
        return vector(x)
    elif not listvec and mode == 'default':
        if mod(len(vec), 3) != 0:
            raise AssertionError
        N = len(vec) / 3
        x = []
        for i in range(N):
            x.append(vector(vec[i * 3:i * 3 + 3]))
        return x
예제 #17
    def rhs(xx, uu):
        """ Right hand side of the vectorfield defining the system dynamics
        :param xx:       state
        :param uu:       input
        :param uuref:    reference input (not used)
        :param t:        time (not used)
        :param pp:       additionial free parameters  (not used)
        :return:        xdot
        if isinstance(xx, np.ndarray):
            # Function should be evaluated numerically
            from numpy import sin, cos
            from numpy import array as vector
            # Evaluate function symbolically
            from sympy import sin, cos
            from sympy import Matrix as vector

        x1, x2, x3, x4 = xx
        u1, = uu

        m = 1.0  # masses of the rods [m1 = m2 = m]
        l = 0.5  # lengths of the rods [l1 = l2 = l]

        I = 1 / 3.0 * m * l**2  # moments of inertia [I1 = I2 = I]
        g = 9.81  # gravitational acceleration

        lc = l / 2.0

        d11 = m * lc**2 + m * (l**2 + lc**2 + 2 * l * lc * cos(x1)) + 2 * I
        h1 = -m * l * lc * sin(x1) * (x2 * (x2 + 2 * x4))
        d12 = m * (lc**2 + l * lc * cos(x1)) + I
        phi1 = (m * lc + m * l) * g * cos(x3) + m * lc * g * cos(x1 + x3)

        ff = vector([x2, u1, x4, -1 / d11 * (h1 + phi1 + d12 * u1)])

        return ff
예제 #18
def estimate_x_and_u(F, N, m, E, d, v, u, z, y, x, spk_ids):
     F - matrix of first order statistics (not centered). The rows correspond
         to training segments. Number of columns is given by the supervector
         dimensionality. The first n collums correspond to the n dimensions
         of the first Gaussian component, the second n collums to second·
         component, and so on.
     N - matrix of zero order statistics (occupation counts of Gaussian
         components). The rows correspond to training segments. The collums
         correspond to Gaussian components.
     S - NOT USED by this function; reserved for second order statistics
     m - speaker and channel independent mean supervector (e.g. concatenated
         UBM mean vectors)
     E - speaker and channel independent variance supervector (e.g. concatenated
         UBM variance vectors)
     d - Row vector that is the diagonal from the diagonal matrix describing the
         remaining speaker variability (not described by eigenvoices). Number of
         columns is given by the supervector dimensionality.
     v - The rows of matrix v are 'eigenvoices'. (The number of rows must be the
         same as the number of columns of matrix y). Number of columns is given
         by the supervector dimensionality.
     u - The rows of matrix u are 'eigenchannels'. (The number of rows must be
         the same as the number of columns of matrix x) Number of columns is
         given by the supervector dimensionality.
     y - matrix of speaker factors corresponding to eigenvoices. The rows
         correspond to speakers (values in vector spk_ids are the indices of the
         rows, therfore the number of the rows must be (at least) the highest
         value in spk_ids). The columns correspond to eigenvoices (The number
         of columns must the same as the number of rows of matrix v).
     z - matrix of speaker factors corresponding to matrix d. The rows
         correspond to speakers (values in vector spk_ids are the indices of the
         rows, therfore the number of the rows must be (at least) the highest
         value in spk_ids). Number of columns is given by the supervector·
     x - NOT USED by this function; used by other JFA function as
         matrix of channel factors. The rows correspond to training
         segments. The columns correspond to eigenchannels (The number of columns
         must be the same as the number of rows of matrix u)
     spk_ids - column vector with rows corresponding to training segments and
         integer values identifying a speaker. Rows having same values identifies
         segments spoken by same speakers. The values are indices of rows in
         y and z matrices containing corresponding speaker factors.
    T, C = N.shape
    T, CD = F.shape

    assert CD % C == 0
    assert N.shape[0] == F.shape[0] == spk_ids.shape[0] == x.shape[0]
    assert m.shape[0] == F.shape[1] == E.shape[0] == d.shape[0] == v.shape[1] == u.shape[1] == z.shape[1]
    D = CD / C

    ru, _ = v.shape
    rv, _ = u.shape
    assert y.shape[1] == rv and x.shape[1] == ru
    assert y.shape[0] == z.shape[0]
    Nspk, _ = z.shape

    uEut = np.empty((C, ru, rv))
    # blitz::firstIndex i;
    # blitz::secondIndex j;
    tmp1 = np.empty((ru, D))

    # for(int c=0; c<C; ++c)
    for c in range(C):

        #   blitz::Array<double,2> uEuT_c = uEuT(c, blitz::Range::all(), blitz::Range::all());
        uEut_c = uEut[c]
    #   blitz::Array<double,2> u_elements = u(blitz::Range::all(), blitz::Range(c*D, (c+1)*D-1));
        u_elements = u[:, c*D: (c+1)*D-1 ]
    #   blitz::Array<double,1> e_elements = E(blitz::Range(c*D, (c+1)*D-1));
        e_elements = E[c*D: (c+1)*D-1]

    #   tmp1 = u_elements(i,j) / e_elements(j);
        for i in range(C):
            for j in range(ru):
                tmp1 = u_elements[i, j] / e_elements[j]
        # blitz::Array<double,2> u_transposed = u_elements.transpose(1,0);
        u_transposed = u_elements.transpose(1, 0)
        #  math::prod(tmp1, u_transposed, uEuT_c);
        np.prod(tmp1, u_transposed, uEut_c)

    # // 3/ Determine the vector of speaker ids
    # //    Assume that samples from the same speaker are consecutive

    # std::vector<uint32_t> ids;
    ids = np.vector(type=np.uint32_t)
    last_elem = 0
    for ind in range(T):
        if ids.empty():
            last_elem = spk_ids(ind)
        elif last_elem != spk_ids(ind):
            last_elem = spk_ids(ind)

    # // 4/ Main computation
    # // Allocate working arrays
    spk_shift = np.empty(CD, dtype='double')
    tmp2 = np.empty(CD, dtype='double')
    tmp3 = np.empty(ru, dtype='double')
    Fh = np.empty(CD, dtype='double')
    L = np.empty((ru, ru), dtype='double')
    Linv = np.empty((ru, ru), dtype='double')

    # std::vector<uint32_t>::iterator it;
    it = iter
    cur_start_ind = 0
    # int cur_end_ind;
  # for(it=ids.begin(); it<ids.end(); ++it)
    for id in enumerate(ids):
        # // a/ Determine speaker sessions
  #   uint32_t cur_elem=*it;
        cur_elem = id(iter)
        cur_start_ind = 0
        while spk_ids(cur_start_ind) != cur_elem:
            cur_start_ind += 1
            cur_end_ind = cur_start_ind
            for ind in range(cur_start_ind+1, T):
                cur_end_ind = ind
                if spk_ids(ind) != cur_elem:
                    cur_end_ind = ind - 1
        #   // b/ Compute speaker shift
        spk_shift = m
        y_ii = y[cur_elem]
        math.prod(y_ii, v, tmp2)
        spk_shift += tmp2
        z_ii = z[cur_elem]
        spk_shift += z_ii * d

        # // c/ Loop over speaker session
        #   for(int jj=cur_start_ind; jj<=cur_end_ind; ++jj)
        for jj in range(cur_start_ind, cur_end_ind):
            #     blitz::Array<double,1> Nhint = N(jj, blitz::Range::all());
            Nhint = N[jj]
            core.repelem(Nhint, tmp2)
            Fh = F[jj] - tmp2 * spk_shift
            # // L=Identity
            for k in range(ru):
                L[k, k] = 1.

            for c in range(C):
                uEuT_c = uEut[c]
                L += uEuT_c * N[jj, c]

            # // inverse L
            np.invert(L, Linv)

            # // update x
            x_jj = x[jj]
            Fh /= E
            print ("WTF IS the next line")
            uu = u[:, :]
            for i in range(10): print ("WTF happened")
            raise Exception("WTFFF")
            u_t = uu.transpose(1, 0)
            tmp3 = Fh * u_t
            x_jj = tmp3 * Linv
    return x, u
예제 #19
파일: seir.py 프로젝트: lude-ma/sars-cov2
 def f(t, x):
     S, E, I, R = x
     return vector([
         -beta * S * I, beta * S * I - a * E, a * E - gamma * I, gamma * I
예제 #20
파일: optic.py 프로젝트: buu700/optic.io
def Main():
	global FACE_CASCADE, EYE_CASCADE, MOUTH_CASCADE, NOSE_CASCADE, camera, blobMaker, mouse, facePresent, mouthWidth, nosePosition, distanceMouthNose, gaze, mouseMoveData, actionTriggered, clickRegistered
	# Event loop
	while True:
		time.sleep( 0.1 )
		image	= camera.getImage()
			face	= image.findHaarFeatures( FACE_CASCADE )[0]
			facePresent	= False
			# N.B. The enemy's gate is down (greater Y implies lower position on image)
			eye		= image.findHaarFeatures( EYE_CASCADE )[0]
			mouth	= image.findHaarFeatures( MOUTH_CASCADE )[0]
			nose	= image.findHaarFeatures( NOSE_CASCADE )[0]
			pupil	= Pupil( image )
			print pupil
			newMouthWidth			= mouth.width()
			newNosePosition			= nose.y
			newDistanceMouthNose	= mouth.maxY() - nose.minY()
			newGaze	= vector( eye.coordinates() ) - vector( pupil.coordinates()[0] )
			facePresent	= False
		if( facePresent is True ):
			print 'face.width: ' + str(face.width())
			print 'mouth.width: ' + str(mouth.width())
			print 'nose.y: ' + str(nose.y)
			print 'newMouthWidth: ' + str(newMouthWidth)
			print 'newNosePosition: ' + str(newNosePosition)
			print 'newDistanceMouthNose: ' + str(newDistanceMouthNose)
			# Enters mouse action decision tree if and only if mouth is puckered
			if( GreaterThan(mouthWidth, newMouthWidth, .01) is False ):
				mouseMoveData	= None
				actionTriggered	= False
				clickRegistered	= False
			elif( actionTriggered is False ):
				# Secondary calibration each time mouth puckers
				actionTriggered		= True
				nosePosition		= newNosePosition
				distanceMouthNose	= newDistanceMouthNose
				gaze				= newGaze
			print 'pucker'
			if( mouseMoveData is not None ):
				clickRegistered	= False
			elif( GreaterThan(nosePosition, newNosePosition, .10, image.height) is True ):
				clickRegistered	= False
			elif( GreaterThan(newNosePosition, nosePosition, .10, image.height) is True ):
				clickRegistered	= False
			elif( GreaterThan(distanceMouthNose, newDistanceMouthNose, .05) is True and clickRegistered is False ):
				clickRegistered	= True
			elif( GreaterThan(newDistanceMouthNose, distanceMouthNose, .05) is True and clickRegistered is False ):
				clickRegistered	= True
				Move( gaze, newGaze )
				clickRegistered	= False
			# Primary calibration each time face (re)appears
			facePresent		= True
			mouthWidth		= newMouthWidth
			mouseMoveData	= None
			actionTriggered	= False
			clickRegistered	= False

    def run(self, c):

    def apply(self, force):
        for particle in self.particles:

screen = pygame.display.set_mode((WIDTH, HEIGHT))
done = False
clock = pygame.time.Clock()

ps = ParticleSystem(vector([WIDTH / 2, 50]))

def main():
    global ps


    for system in pss:

    gravity = np.array([0, 0.1])
    for system in pss:
예제 #22
def SEIR_simulation(beta, gamma, a, E0, I0, days, step=0.1):
    x0 = vector([1.0 - E0 - I0, E0, I0, 0.0])
    return euler_method(SEIR_model(beta, gamma, a), 0, x0, days, step)
    def read_from_csv_file(self, filename):
        print("Parse data from CSV file " + filename + " ...")

        with open(filename, encoding='utf-8-sig') as csv_file:
            csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=";")
            nr_of_given_tracing_data = 0
            for row in csv_reader:
                if row[0] == "N_total":
                    N_total = int(float(row[1].replace(",", ".")))
                    assert (N_total > 0)
                elif row[0] == "K":
                    K = int(float(row[1].replace(",", ".")))
                    assert (K > 0)
                elif row[0] == "N":
                    N = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (sum(N) == N_total)
                    assert (len(N) == K)
                elif row[0] == "beta_asym":
                    beta_asym = matrix(vector(self._to_float(
                        row[1:1 + K * K]))).reshape((K, K))
                elif row[0] == "beta_sym":
                    beta_sym = matrix(vector(self._to_float(
                        row[1:1 + K * K]))).reshape((K, K))
                elif row[0] == "beta_sev":
                    beta_sev = matrix(vector(self._to_float(
                        row[1:1 + K * K]))).reshape((K, K))
                elif row[0] == "epsilon":
                    epsilon = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(epsilon) == K)
                elif row[0] == "eta":
                    eta = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(eta) == K)
                elif row[0] == "nu":
                    nu = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(nu) == K)
                elif row[0] == "sigma":
                    sigma = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(sigma) == K)
                elif row[0] == "gamma_asym":
                    gamma_asym = float(row[1].replace(",", "."))
                elif row[0] == "gamma_sym":
                    gamma_sym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(gamma_sym) == K)
                elif row[0] == "gamma_sev_d_hat":
                    gamma_sev_d_hat = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(gamma_sev_d_hat) == K)
                elif row[0] == "gamma_sev_r_hat":
                    gamma_sev_r_hat = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(gamma_sev_r_hat) == K)
                elif row[0] == "psi":
                    psi = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(psi) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "beds":
                    beds = float(row[1].replace(",", "."))
                    assert (beds > 0)
                elif row[0] == "S":
                    S = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(S) == K)
                elif row[0] == "E":
                    E = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(E) == K)
                elif row[0] == "E_T":
                    E_tracked = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(E_tracked) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "I_asym":
                    I_asym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(I_asym) == K)
                elif row[0] == "I_sym":
                    I_sym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(I_sym) == K)
                elif row[0] == "I_sev":
                    I_sev = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(I_sev) == K)
                elif row[0] == "Q_asym":
                    Q_asym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(Q_asym) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "Q_sym":
                    Q_sym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(Q_sym) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "Q_sev":
                    Q_sev = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(Q_sev) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "R":
                    R = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(R) == K)
                elif row[0] == "D":
                    D = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(D) == K)
                    print("Unknown data field: " + str(row[0]))
                    assert (False)

        tracing_data_given = (nr_of_given_tracing_data >= 1)
        if tracing_data_given:
            assert (nr_of_given_tracing_data == 5)
            x0_total = np.concatenate((S, E, E_tracked, I_asym, I_sym, I_sev,
                                       Q_asym, Q_sym, Q_sev, R, D))
            assert (sum(S) + sum(E) + sum(E_tracked) + sum(I_asym) +
                    sum(I_sym) + sum(I_sev) + sum(Q_asym) + sum(Q_sym) +
                    sum(Q_sev) + sum(R) + sum(D) == N_total)
            x0_share = vector([x / N_total for x in x0_total])
            assert (x0_total.shape[0] == 11 * K)
            assert (x0_share.shape[0] == 11 * K)
            packed_data = [
                tracing_data_given, K, N, beta_asym, beta_sym, beta_sev,
                epsilon, eta, nu, sigma, gamma_asym, gamma_sym,
                gamma_sev_d_hat, gamma_sev_r_hat, psi, beds, x0_total
            assert (nr_of_given_tracing_data == 0)
            x0_total = np.concatenate((S, E, I_asym, I_sym, I_sev, R, D))
            assert (sum(S) + sum(E) + sum(I_asym) + sum(I_sym) + sum(I_sev) +
                    sum(R) + sum(D) == N_total)
            x0_share = vector([x / N_total for x in x0_total])
            assert (x0_total.shape[0] == 7 * K)
            assert (x0_share.shape[0] == 7 * K)
            packed_data = [
                tracing_data_given, K, N, beta_asym, beta_sym, beta_sev,
                epsilon, eta, nu, sigma, gamma_asym, gamma_sym,
                gamma_sev_d_hat, gamma_sev_r_hat, beds, x0_total

        return packed_data
예제 #24
def coordinates_n_angstroms_away_from(atom: Atom, n: float) -> Optional[Tuple[float, float, float]]:
    if atom.coordinates is None:
        return None
        random_vector = uniform(-1, 1, 3)
        return tuple((vector(atom.coordinates) + random_vector / norm(random_vector) * n).tolist())
예제 #25
def createVector(x, y):
    ''' Return a new vector '''
    return vector([x, y], dtype=np.float64)
예제 #26
 def __init__(self, x, y):
     self.pos = vector([x, y])
     self.vel = vector([1, -1])
예제 #27
def createVector(x, y):
    ''' Return a new vector '''
    return vector([x, y])
예제 #28
파일: grapher.py 프로젝트: whyoh/grapher
	def centre(self):
		for n in self.graph.node:
			self.graph.node[n]['position'] = vector([0., 0.])
			self.graph.node[n]['velocity'] = vector([0., 0.])
예제 #29
    def read_from_csv_file(self, filename, print_data=False):
        print("Parse data from CSV file " + filename + " ...")

        with open(filename) as csv_file:
            csv_reader = csv.reader(csv_file, delimiter=";")
            nr_of_given_tracing_data = 0
            beta_asym_rows = []
            beta_sym_rows = []
            beta_sev_rows = []
            for row in csv_reader:
                if row[0] == "\ufeffN_total":  # todo What the heck?!
                    N_total = int(float(row[1].replace(",", ".")))
                    assert (N_total > 0)
                elif row[0] == "K":
                    K = int(float(row[1].replace(",", ".")))
                    assert (K > 0)
                elif row[0] == "Group_labels":
                    pass  # todo maybe use later for plots
                elif row[0] == "N":
                    N = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (sum(N) == N_total)
                    assert (len(N) == K)
                elif row[0] == "beta_asym":
                    beta_asym_rows.append(vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K])))
                elif row[0] == "beta_sym":
                    beta_sym_rows.append(vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K])))
                elif row[0] == "beta_sev":
                    beta_sev_rows.append(vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K])))
                elif row[0] == "epsilon":
                    epsilon = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(epsilon) == K)
                elif row[0] == "eta":
                    eta = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(eta) == K)
                elif row[0] == "nu":
                    nu = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(nu) == K)
                elif row[0] == "sigma":
                    sigma = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(sigma) == K)
                elif row[0] == "psi":
                    psi = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(psi) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "gamma_asym":
                    gamma_asym = float(row[1].replace(",", "."))
                elif row[0] == "gamma_sym":
                    gamma_sym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(gamma_sym) == K)
                elif row[0] == "gamma_sev_d_hat":
                    gamma_sev_d_hat = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(gamma_sev_d_hat) == K)
                elif row[0] == "gamma_sev_r_hat":
                    gamma_sev_r_hat = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(gamma_sev_r_hat) == K)
                elif row[0] == "beds":
                    beds = float(row[1].replace(",", "."))
                    assert (beds > 0)
                elif row[0] == "S":
                    S = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(S) == K)
                elif row[0] == "E":
                    E = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(E) == K)
                elif row[0] == "E_T":
                    E_tracked = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(E_tracked) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "I_asym":
                    I_asym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(I_asym) == K)
                elif row[0] == "I_sym":
                    I_sym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(I_sym) == K)
                elif row[0] == "I_sev":
                    I_sev = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(I_sev) == K)
                elif row[0] == "Q_asym":
                    Q_asym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(Q_asym) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "Q_sym":
                    Q_sym = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(Q_sym) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "Q_sev":
                    Q_sev = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(Q_sev) == K)
                    nr_of_given_tracing_data += 1
                elif row[0] == "R":
                    R = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(R) == K)
                elif row[0] == "D":
                    D = vector(self._to_float(row[1:1 + K]))
                    assert (len(D) == K)
                    print("Unknown data field: " + str(row[0]))
                    assert (False)

        beta_asym = self._parse_symmetric_matrix(beta_asym_rows, K)
        beta_sym = self._parse_symmetric_matrix(beta_sym_rows, K)
        beta_sev = self._parse_symmetric_matrix(beta_sev_rows, K)

        numerical_tolerance = 1e-12
        tracing_data_given = (nr_of_given_tracing_data >= 1)
        if tracing_data_given:
            assert (nr_of_given_tracing_data == 5)
            x0_total = np.concatenate((S, E, E_tracked, I_asym, I_sym, I_sev,
                                       Q_asym, Q_sym, Q_sev, R, D))
            assert (abs(sum(x0_total) - N_total) < numerical_tolerance)
            x0_share = vector([x / N_total for x in x0_total])
            assert (x0_total.shape[0] == 11 * K)
            assert (x0_share.shape[0] == 11 * K)
            if print_data:
                self._print_all_data(tracing_data_given, N_total, K, N,
                                     beta_asym, beta_sym, beta_sev, epsilon,
                                     eta, nu, sigma, gamma_asym, gamma_sym,
                                     gamma_sev_d_hat, gamma_sev_r_hat, psi,
                                     beds, x0_total)
            packed_data = [
                tracing_data_given, K, N, beta_asym, beta_sym, beta_sev,
                epsilon, eta, nu, sigma, gamma_asym, gamma_sym,
                gamma_sev_d_hat, gamma_sev_r_hat, psi, beds, x0_total
            assert (nr_of_given_tracing_data == 0)
            x0_total = np.concatenate((S, E, I_asym, I_sym, I_sev, R, D))
            x0_share = vector([x / N_total for x in x0_total])
            assert (abs(sum(x0_total) - N_total) < numerical_tolerance)
            assert (x0_total.shape[0] == 7 * K)
            assert (x0_share.shape[0] == 7 * K)
            packed_data = [
                tracing_data_given, K, N, beta_asym, beta_sym, beta_sev,
                epsilon, eta, nu, sigma, gamma_asym, gamma_sym,
                gamma_sev_d_hat, gamma_sev_r_hat, beds, x0_total

        return packed_data
예제 #30
 def add_point(self, x, y):
     self.points.append(vector((int(x), int(y))))
예제 #31
    Walker program to draw a path that moves in random directions
    using vectors

import random
import pyglet
from pyglet.shapes import Rectangle
from numpy import array as vector

window = pyglet.window.Window(1080, 768)
main_batch = pyglet.graphics.Batch()

pos = vector([window.width // 2, window.height // 2])

def update(dt):
    global pos
    pos[0] += (random.randrange(3) - 1)  # range -1 through 1
    pos[1] += (random.randrange(3) - 1)  # range -1 through 1

def on_draw():
    global pos
    rec = Rectangle(pos[0], pos[1], 1, 1)