예제 #1
    def fit(self, X, y):

        if self.__unsupervised_thresh is not None:

            # user can pass in a negative to let us decide
            if self.__unsupervised_thresh <= 0:
                self.__unsupervised_thresh = 20

            qb = dipy.segment.clustering.QuickBundles(
                threshold=self.__unsupervised_thresh, metric=dipy.segment.metric.AveragePointwiseEuclideanMetric())
            clusters = qb.cluster(numpy.vsplit(numpy.reshape(X, (-1, 3)), X.shape[0]))
            cluster_labels = list()
            for cluster in clusters:
                current_labels, current_label_counts = numpy.unique(y[cluster.indices], return_counts=True)
            self.__centroids = map(lambda cl: cl.centroid, clusters)
            self.__centroid_labels = numpy.array(cluster_labels)


            unique_labels = numpy.unique(y)
            centroids = numpy.full((len(unique_labels), X.shape[1]), numpy.nan)
            for index_label, unique_label in enumerate(unique_labels):
                centroids[index_label] = numpy.mean(X[y == unique_label], axis=0)
            self.__centroids = numpy.vsplit(centroids.reshape((-1, 3)), centroids.shape[0])
            self.__centroid_labels = unique_labels
예제 #2
def fun_find_pairwise_distances(x, y):
    A functional implementation of the same function
    return np.array([[np.linalg.norm(x_elem - y_elem)
                      for y_elem in np.vsplit(y, y.shape[0])]
                     for x_elem in np.vsplit(x, x.shape[0])])
예제 #3
파일: odds.py 프로젝트: snexus/ODDS
    def ChangeSize(self,n_nodes):
        #self.masses[0][-1] #bug in resize??

        if n_nodes>self.n_nodes:
            #Take care of 2D array manipulation
            # Take care of displacement and forces list
            print self.n_nodes,n_nodes
            for i in range(0,n_nodes-self.n_nodes):
                #print i
            #addArray=[0 for x in range(self.syst.n_nodes,n_nodes)]
        elif n_nodes<self.n_nodes:
예제 #4
def cross_validation(trndata, folds=3, **kwargs):
        kwargs are parameters for the model
    input = np.vsplit(trndata['input'], folds)
    target = np.vsplit(trndata['target'], folds)

    zipped = zip(input, target)

    accuracy_sum = 0
    for i in len(zipped):
        new_train = ClassificationDataSet(attributes, nb_classes=classes_number)
        new_test = ClassificationDataSet(attributes, nb_classes=classes_number)
        test_zipped = zipped[i]
        train_zipped = zipped[:i] + zipped[(i+1):]

        new_train.setField('input', np.vstack[train_zipped[0]])
        new_train.setField('target', np.vstack[train_zipped[1]])

        new_test.setField('input', test_zipped[0])
        new_test.setField('target', train_zipped[1])

        model = FNNClassifier()
        model.train(new_train, new_test, kwargs)
        out, targ = model.predict(new_test)
        accuracy_sum += accuracy(out, targ)

    return accuracy_sum / folds
예제 #5
def valid():
    rows = np.vsplit(puzzle, 9)
    cols = np.hsplit(puzzle, 9)
    grids = [grid for h in np.hsplit(puzzle, 3) for grid in np.vsplit(h, 3)]

    units = rows + cols + grids
    return all(np.max(np.bincount(unit[unit != 0])) == 1 for unit in units)
예제 #6
def test_validation_curve_cv_splits_consistency():
    n_samples = 100
    n_splits = 5
    X, y = make_classification(n_samples=100, random_state=0)

    scores1 = validation_curve(SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=0), X, y,
                               'C', [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
    # The OneTimeSplitter is a non-re-entrant cv splitter. Unless, the
    # `split` is called for each parameter, the following should produce
    # identical results for param setting 1 and param setting 2 as both have
    # the same C value.
    assert_array_almost_equal(*np.vsplit(np.hstack(scores1)[(0, 2, 1, 3), :],

    scores2 = validation_curve(SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=0), X, y,
                               'C', [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],
                               cv=KFold(n_splits=n_splits, shuffle=True))

    # For scores2, compare the 1st and 2nd parameter's scores
    # (Since the C value for 1st two param setting is 0.1, they must be
    # consistent unless the train test folds differ between the param settings)
    assert_array_almost_equal(*np.vsplit(np.hstack(scores2)[(0, 2, 1, 3), :],

    scores3 = validation_curve(SVC(kernel='linear', random_state=0), X, y,
                               'C', [0.1, 0.1, 0.2, 0.2],

    # OneTimeSplitter is basically unshuffled KFold(n_splits=5). Sanity check.
    assert_array_almost_equal(np.array(scores3), np.array(scores1))
예제 #7
    def create_batches(self):
        self.num_batches = self.tensor.size / (self.batch_size * self.seq_length)

        newline = self.vocab['\n']
        nextnew = np.where(self.tensor == newline)
        n_tunes = nextnew[0].size

        print "preparing chunks..."
        pos = 0
        n_tune = 0
        x_chunks = np.array([], dtype=int)
        y_chunks = np.array([], dtype=int)
        for nl in nextnew[0]:
            while (pos + self.seq_length < nl):
                x_chunks = np.append(x_chunks, self.tensor[pos : pos + self.seq_length])
                y_chunks = np.append(y_chunks, self.tensor[pos + 1 : pos + self.seq_length + 1])
                pos += 1
            n_tune += 1
            print "done tune ", n_tune, "/", n_tunes
            pos += self.seq_length

        print "reshaping to seq_length..."
        x_chunks = np.copy(np.reshape(x_chunks, (-1, self.seq_length)))
        y_chunks = np.copy(np.reshape(y_chunks, (-1, self.seq_length)))

        print "truncating to match batch_size"
        x, y = x_chunks.shape
        self.num_batches = x / self.batch_size
        print "%i batches" % self.num_batches
        x_chunks.resize((self.num_batches * self.batch_size, self.seq_length))
        y_chunks.resize((self.num_batches * self.batch_size, self.seq_length))

        self.x_batches = np.vsplit(x_chunks, self.num_batches)
        self.y_batches = np.vsplit(y_chunks, self.num_batches)
        print "batches ready!"
예제 #8
def mult_leave_out (random, percent):
    i = 1
    J = [[(5)]]
    for row in random:
        test,train = np.vsplit(random, np.array([i]))
        if i == 1:
            y_all, new_feature_number = ypred_leave_one_out(train, test, percent)
        if i != 1:
            if i < sample_n:
                train2,test = np.vsplit(test, np.array([i-1])) 
                train = np.vstack((train2,train))
                y_all, new_feature_number= ypred_leave_one_out(train, test, percent)
            if i > training_n:
                train,test = np.vsplit(random, np.array([training_n]))
                y_all, new_feature_number = ypred_leave_one_out(train, test, percent)
        J = np.append(J, np.array(y_all))
        i = i + 1
    J = np.delete(J,0,0)
    ground_truth = random[:,0]
    #print J, ground_truth
    slope, intercept, r_value, p_value, std_err = stats.linregress(ground_truth,J)
    #print r_value
    #print np.square(r_value)
    return r_value, std_err, p_value, slope, intercept, ground_truth, J, new_feature_number
예제 #9
파일: pyh2.py 프로젝트: slindal/ana
    def fold_eta(self):
        crap, self.ybins = np.split(self.ybins, 2)

        negeta, poseta = np.vsplit(self.Z, 2)
        negeta = negeta[::-1]
        self.Z = (negeta + poseta)/2

        negeta, poseta = np.vsplit(self.err2, 2)
        negeta = negeta[::-1]
        self.err2 = (negeta + poseta)/4
def kernelLDA(trainFile, validFile, labelsFile, gamma):

	trainData = np.loadtxt(open(trainFile))
	validationData = np.loadtxt(open(validFile))
	labels = np.loadtxt(open(labelsFile))

	print "Read training and validation data from files..."

	class1 = []
	class2 = []

	for i in range(len(labels)):
		if labels[i] == 1:

	class1 = np.vstack(tuple(class1))
	class2 = np.vstack(tuple(class2))

	data = np.concatenate((class1, class2))

	kernel_mat, kernelCentered_mat = getKernelMatrix(data, gamma)

	print "Kernel matrix obtained."

	K1 = np.vsplit(kernelCentered_mat, [class1.shape[0], data.shape[0]])[0]
	K2 = np.vsplit(kernelCentered_mat, [class1.shape[0], data.shape[0]])[1]

	mat_N1 = K1.T.dot( \
	 		(np.identity(K1.shape[0]) - (np.ones((K1.shape[0], K1.shape[0])) / K1.shape[0]))).dot( \

	mat_N2 = K2.T.dot( \
	 		(np.identity(K2.shape[0]) - (np.ones((K2.shape[0], K2.shape[0])) / K2.shape[0]))).dot( \

	N = mat_N1 + mat_N2

	M1 = np.average(K1, axis = 0)
	M2 = np.average(K2, axis = 0)

	#alpha = np.linalg.inv(N).dot(M2 - M1)
	alpha = (M2 - M1)

	getDimensionReducedData(alpha, kernelCentered_mat, 1, 'train', trainFile.split('_')[0])

	sq_distances_valid = cdist(data, validationData, 'sqeuclidean')
	kernel_mat_valid = np.exp(-1 * gamma * sq_distances_valid)

	getDimensionReducedData(alpha, kernel_mat_valid, 1, 'valid', trainFile.split('_')[0])

	print "Finished."
예제 #11
def get_batches(X, Y, batch_size):
    Return a random data sample of size n from data X
    and their respective labels from Y.
    n_data, m_data = X.shape
    shuffled_inds = np.random.permutation(n_data)
    shuffled_data = X[shuffled_inds]
    shuffled_targ = Y[shuffled_inds]
    partitioned_data = np.vsplit(shuffled_data, n_data//batch_size)
    partitioned_targ = np.vsplit(shuffled_targ, n_data//batch_size)
    return partitioned_data, partitioned_targ
예제 #12
def selectSubsample(matrixX, matrixY, splits):
    separateX = numpy.vsplit(matrixX, splits)
    separateY = numpy.vsplit(matrixY, splits)
    trainXFinal = []
    trainYFinal = []
    testXFinal = []
    testYFinal = []
    for i in range(len(separateX)):
        x_train, x_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(
            separateX[i], separateY[i], train_size=trainPercent, random_state=finalSeed)
    return [trainXFinal, trainYFinal, testXFinal, testYFinal]
예제 #13
def cross_validate_spam():
  spam_filename = data_dir + "spambase/spambase.data"
  data = read_csv_as_numpy_matrix(spam_filename)[:4600,:]

  num_crosses = 10
  crosses = np.vsplit(data, 10)
  total_error = 0

  for i in xrange(num_crosses):
    train = None
    for j in xrange(num_crosses):
      if i != j:
        if train == None:
          train = deepcopy(crosses[j])
          train = np.vstack((train, crosses[j]))

    test = crosses[i]

    features = train[:,:56]
    truth = train[:,57]
    regression = get_linear_reg_function(features, truth)

    features = test[:,:56]
    truth = test[:,57]
    error = least_squares_error(regression, features, truth)
    total_error += error / truth.size

    pprint("cv: " + str(i))
    pprint(error / truth.size)

  pprint("avg error")
  pprint(total_error / 10.0)
예제 #14
    def _process_annotations(self):
        # files from which annotations were extracted
        self._files = self._pd_annotations[0].as_matrix()
        self._n_files = len(self._files)

        # number of rectangles in each file
        self._n_objects = self._pd_annotations[1][0]
        rect_frame = self._pd_annotations.ix[:, 2:].as_matrix()
        rows = rect_frame.shape[0]
        rect_frame = np.vsplit(rect_frame, rows)

        # convert number-by-number columns into rectangles
        for row in rect_frame:
            row = row.reshape(-1)
            rects = np.array([], dtype=('i4, i4, i4, i4'))
            for i in range(0, self._n_objects):
                idx = i * 4
                # images are loaded by OpenCV with rows and columns mapped to y and x coordinates
                # rectangles are stored by annoations tool as x, y, dx, dy -> col, row, dcol, drow
                rect = row[idx + 1], row[idx], row[idx + 1] + row[idx + 3], row[idx] + row[idx + 2]
                if rects.size == 0:
                    rects = np.array(rect, dtype=('i4, i4, i4, i4'))
                    rects = np.append(rects, np.array(rect, dtype=('i4, i4, i4, i4')))
            self._rects = append_to_arr(self._rects, rects)                            
예제 #15
파일: xdawn.py 프로젝트: vwyart/mne-python
def _least_square_evoked(data, events, event_id, tmin, tmax, sfreq):
    """Least square estimation of evoked response from data.

    data : ndarray, shape (n_channels, n_times)
        The data to estimates evoked
    events : ndarray, shape (n_events, 3)
        The events typically returned by the read_events function.
        If some events don't match the events of interest as specified
        by event_id, they will be ignored.
    event_id : dict
        The id of the events to consider
    tmin : float
        Start time before event.
    tmax : float
        End time after event.
    sfreq : float
        Sampling frequency.

    evokeds_data : dict of ndarray
        A dict of evoked data for each event type in event_id.
    toeplitz : dict of ndarray
        A dict of toeplitz matrix for each event type in event_id.
    nmin = int(tmin * sfreq)
    nmax = int(tmax * sfreq)

    window = nmax - nmin
    n_samples = data.shape[1]
    toeplitz_mat = dict()
    full_toep = list()
    for eid in event_id:
        # select events by type
        ix_ev = events[:, -1] == event_id[eid]

        # build toeplitz matrix
        trig = np.zeros((n_samples, 1))
        ix_trig = (events[ix_ev, 0]) + nmin
        trig[ix_trig] = 1
        toep_mat = linalg.toeplitz(trig[0:window], trig)
        toeplitz_mat[eid] = toep_mat

    # Concatenate toeplitz
    full_toep = np.concatenate(full_toep)

    # least square estimation
    predictor = np.dot(linalg.pinv(np.dot(full_toep, full_toep.T)), full_toep)
    all_evokeds = np.dot(predictor, data.T)
    all_evokeds = np.vsplit(all_evokeds, len(event_id))

    # parse evoked response
    evoked_data = dict()
    for idx, eid in enumerate(event_id):
        evoked_data[eid] = all_evokeds[idx].T

    return evoked_data, toeplitz_mat
예제 #16
def R_z(x, y, z, alpha=0):
    Rotation matrix for rotation about the z axis

    x : `np.ndarray` with dims (1, N)
    y : `np.ndarray` with dims (1, N)
    z : `np.ndarray` with dims (1, N)
    alpha : float
        angle [radians] to rotate about the `z` axis counterclockwise

    x2 : `np.ndarray` with dims (1, N)
        Rotated x positions
    y2 : `np.ndarray` with dims (1, N)
        Rotated y positions
    z2 : `np.ndarray` with dims (1, N)
        Rotated z positions
    original_shape = x.shape
    xyz = np.vstack([x.ravel(), y.ravel(), z.ravel()])
    r_z = np.array([[np.cos(alpha), np.sin(alpha), 0],
                    [-np.sin(alpha), np.cos(alpha), 0],
                    [0, 0, 1]])
    new_xyz = np.dot(r_z, xyz)
    x2, y2, z2 = np.vsplit(new_xyz, 3)
    return x2, y2, z2
예제 #17
def measure_e1e2R2_cube(cube, sigma=None, xc_guess=None, yc_guess=None, info=False,
                        warn=False, tol=1.e-4, maxnits=100 ,skysub=True ,multi=False):
    """Apply measure_e1e2R2() to a cube of spot images.

    Outputs (e1, e2, R^2, xcentroid, ycentroid, dxcentroid, dycentroid), each as numpy arrays
    of length N where N is the number of spots in the cube.
    from functools import partial
    worker_func = partial(measure_e1e2R2, sigma=sigma, xc_guess=xc_guess, yc_guess=yc_guess,
                          info=info, warn=warn, tol=tol, maxnits=maxnits ,skysub=skysub)

    if multi:
        from multiprocessing import Pool
        p = Pool()
        mymap = p.map
        mymap = map

    output = np.array(mymap(worker_func, np.vsplit(cube, cube.shape[0])))

    e1, e2, R2, xc, yc, dxc, dyc = (output[:, 0], output[:, 1], output[:, 2], output[:, 3],
                                    output[:, 4], output[:, 5], output[:, 6])

    if multi:

    return e1, e2, R2, xc, yc, dxc, dyc
예제 #18
def predict_old(test):
    img = cv2.imread('digits.png')
    gray = cv2.cvtColor(img,cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

    # now we split the image to 5000 cells, each 20*20 size
    cells = [np.hsplit(row, 100) for row in np.vsplit(gray,50)]

    # Make it into a Numpy array. It size will be (50,100,20,20)
    x = np.array(cells)

    # now we prepare train_data and test_data
    train = x[:,:50].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32)     #Gives a new shape to an array without changing its data.
    if test==None: test = x[:, 50:100].reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32)
    # create labels for train and test data
    k = np.arange(10)

    train_labels = np.repeat(k,250)[:, np.newaxis]  # Repeat elements of an array.
    test_labels = train_labels.copy()

    #cv2.KNearest.find_nearest(samples, k[, results[, neighborResponses[, dists]]]) → retval, results, neighborResponses, dists
    ret,result,neighbours,dist = knn.findNearest(test.reshape(-1,400).astype(np.float32),k=5)
    print '2-----:',result

    # Now we check the accuracy of classification
    # For that, compare the result with test_labels and check which are wrong
    matches = result==test_labels
    correct = np.count_nonzero(matches) # Counts the number of non-zero values in the array a.

    accuracy = correct*100.0/result.size
    print 'accuracy:',accuracy

예제 #19
    def evaluate_local_remainder_at(self, grid, position, diagonal_component=None, entry=None):
        r"""Numerically evaluate the non-quadratic remainder :math:`W(x)` of the quadratic
        approximation :math:`U(x)` of the potential's eigenvalue :math:`\lambda(x)` at the
        given nodes :math:`\Gamma`.

        :param grid: The grid nodes :math:`\Gamma` the remainder :math:`W` gets evaluated at.
        :param position: The point :math:`q \in \mathbb{R}^D` where the Taylor series is computed.
        :param diagonal_component: Dummy parameter that has no effect here.
        :keyword entry: Dummy parameter that has no effect here.
        :return: A list with a single entry consisting of an ``ndarray`` containing the
                 values of :math:`W(\Gamma)`. The array is of shape :math:`(1,|\Gamma|)`.
        grid = self._grid_wrap(grid)
        position = numpy.atleast_2d(position)

        # Evaluate the remainder at the given nodes
        args = grid.get_nodes(split=True) + numpy.vsplit(position, position.shape[0])
        values = self._remainder_n[0](*args)

        # Test for potential being constant
        if numpy.atleast_1d(values).shape == (1,):
            values = values * numpy.ones(grid.get_number_nodes(), dtype=numpy.complexfloating)

        # Put the result in correct shape (1, #gridnodes)
        N = grid.get_number_nodes(overall=True)
        result = [ values.reshape((1,N)) ]

        # TODO: Consider unpacking single ndarray iff entry != None
        if entry is not None:
            result = result[0]

        return result
예제 #20
파일: clidt.py 프로젝트: KermMartian/TopoMC
    def genindices(self, arrayin):
        """Generate indices for splitting array."""
        retval = dict()
        # run the 'trim' program
        # need to split if it's too long!
        splitlist = tuple([x for x in xrange(CLIDT.indexmaxsize, arrayin.shape[0], CLIDT.indexmaxsize)])
        indexinc = 0
        for chunk in np.vsplit(arrayin, splitlist):
            chunkarr = cla.to_device(self.queue, np.asarray(chunk, dtype=np.int32))
            template = cla.empty_like(chunkarr)
            event = self.program.trim(
                self.queue, chunkarr.shape, None, chunkarr.data, template.data, np.int32(self.split)
            except cl.RuntimeError, inst:
                errstr = inst.__str__()
                if errstr == "clWaitForEvents failed: out of resources":
                    print "OpenCL timed out, probably due to the display manager."
                    print "Disable your display manager and try again!"
                    print "If that does not work, rerun with OpenCL disabled."
                    raise cl.RuntimeError, inst

            for index, elem in enumerate(template.get()):
                splitkey = tuple([x for x in elem])
                except KeyError:
                    retval[splitkey] = []
                retval[splitkey].append(index + indexinc)
            indexinc += CLIDT.indexmaxsize
예제 #21
파일: metricdata.py 프로젝트: andreubp/htmd
 def deconcatenate(self, array):
     sizes = [np.size(x, 0) for x in self.dat]
     indeces = np.cumsum(sizes)
     if np.ndim(array) == 1:
         return np.array(np.split(array, indeces[:-1]))
         return np.array(np.vsplit(array, indeces[:-1]))
예제 #22
 def reduceMean(self, factor=3, ceil=False):
  for a square matrix
  if self.shape[0] != self.shape[1]:
   print 'Warning: the matrix is not a square matrix'
   return self.matrix
   s = self.shape[0]/factor
   hs = numpy.hsplit(self.matrix, s)
   vhs = []
   for e in hs:
   means = []
   for m in vhs:
    for e in m:
     if ceil:
   rm = numpy.zeros((s,s))
   ii = itertools.cycle(range(s))
   ij = itertools.cycle(range(s))
   for e in means:
    i = ii.next()
    if i == 0:
     j = ij.next()
   return rm
예제 #23
파일: spm.py 프로젝트: schwarty/nignore
def get_intra_design(mat_file, n_scans, contrasts, memory=Memory(None)):
    mat = memory.cache(load_matfile)(mat_file)['SPM']
    doc = {}

    design_matrix = mat.xX.X.tolist()           # xX: model
    conditions = [str(i) for i in mat.xX.name]

    n_sessions = len(n_scans)
    design_matrices = np.vsplit(design_matrix, np.cumsum(n_scans[:-1]))
    conditions = np.array(conditions)

    sessions_dm = []
    sessions_contrast = {}
    for i, dm in zip(range(n_sessions), design_matrices):
        mask = np.array(
            [cond.startswith('Sn(%s)' % (i + 1)) for cond in conditions])
        sessions_dm.append(dm[:, mask][:, :-1].tolist())

        for contrast_id in contrasts:
            sessions_contrast.setdefault(contrast_id, []).append(

    doc['design_matrices'] = sessions_dm
    doc['contrasts'] = sessions_contrast
    return doc
예제 #24
	def __init__(self, name, paneSize, colsrows) :
		fullsize = [a*b for a,b in zip(paneSize,colsrows)]
#			pygame.DOUBLEBUF|
#			pygame.HWSURFACE|
#			pygame.FULLSCREEN|
#			pygame.OPENGL|
		self.screen = pygame.display.get_surface()
		self.colsrows = colsrows
		self.screenBuffer = pygame.surfarray.pixels2d(self.screen).swapaxes(0,1)
		self.splits = [np.hsplit(v,self.colsrows[0]) for v in np.vsplit(self.screenBuffer,self.colsrows[1])]
		self.videoSink = None
		self.letterR = np.array([[c!=" " for c in row] for row in [
			"******* ",
			"**    **",
			"**   ***",
			"******* ",
			"******  ",
			"**  *** ",
			"**   ***",
			"**    **",
			"**    **",
		]], dtype=bool)
		self.blink = 0
예제 #25
파일: viewOSC.py 프로젝트: GitEdit/pyphant1
def dumpMinima(recipe):
    worker = recipe.getWorker("ThicknessModeller")
    simulation = worker.plugCalcAbsorption.getResult()
    worker = recipe.getWorker("AddColumn")
    table = worker.plugCompute.getResult(subscriber=TextSubscriber("Add Column"))
    index = table[u"pixel"]
    xPos = table[u"x-position"]
    yPos = table[u"y-position"]
    thickness = table[u"thickness"]
    cols = [index, xPos, yPos, thickness]
    worker = recipe.getWorker("MRA Exp")
    minimaPos = worker.plugMra.getResult()[r'\lambda_{min}'].inUnitsOf(simulation.dimensions[1])
    import numpy
    data = numpy.vstack([ c.data for c in cols]
                        + numpy.vsplit(minimaPos.data, len(minimaPos.data))).transpose()
    import fmfile.fmfgen
    factory = fmfile.fmfgen.gen_factory(out_coding='cp1252', eol='\r\n')
    fc = factory.gen_fmf()
    fc.add_reference_item('author', "Kristian")
    tab = factory.gen_table(data)
    for c in cols:
        tab.add_column_def(c.longname, c.shortname, str(c.unit))
    for i in xrange(len(minimaPos.data)):
        tab.add_column_def("minimaPos%i"%i, "p_%i"%i)
    print str(fc)
예제 #26
 def __setitem__(self, indexes, change):
     pack = self.pack()
     pack.__setitem__(indexes, change)
     varstmp = np.vsplit(pack, pack.shape[0])
     for i in range(len(varstmp)):
         self.variables[i][:] = varstmp[i]
    def __init__(self):
        # box with note
        self.xbox = 100
        self.ybox = 100
        # number pattern and count
        self.xcount = 250   # max 250! (more => memory overflow, maybe more possible, but...)
        self.yvector = ['#', '1', '2', '4', '8', '16', 'b', 'k', 'o', 'p', 'p4', 'p8', 'p16', 'pnt', 't', 't2', 't3', 't4', 't6', 't8', 't22', 't24', 't34', 't44', 't68', 'tc', 'tnc']

        self.ycount = len(self.yvector)
        self.knn = cv2.KNearest()
        # train from knn_data.npz prepared file
        if os.path.exists('knn/knn_data.npz'):
            with np.load('knn/knn_data.npz') as data:
                train = data['train']
                train_labels = data['train_labels']
                self.knn.train(train, train_labels)
        elif os.path.exists('knn/dataset.png'):
            # train from image dataset.png
            gray = cv2.imread('knn/dataset.png', cv2.CV_LOAD_IMAGE_GRAYSCALE)
            cells = [np.hsplit(row, self.xcount) for row in np.vsplit(gray, self.ycount)]
            x = np.array(cells)
            train = x[:, :self.xcount].reshape(-1, self.xbox * self.ybox).astype(

            k = np.arange(self.ycount)
            train_labels = np.repeat(k,  self.xcount )[:, np.newaxis]

            self.knn.train(train, train_labels)

            print "ERROR: not found files knn_data.npz or dataset.png need for classifier!"
예제 #28
파일: other.py 프로젝트: jfhu/kamera
 def process_mirror(cls, img, mode):
     if mode == 'Vertical':
         org = numpy.asarray(img)
         flip = numpy.fliplr(org)
         data1 = numpy.hsplit(org, 2)
         data2 = numpy.hsplit(flip, 2)
         data = numpy.hstack((data1[0], data2[1]))
         img = Image.fromarray(data)
     elif mode == 'Horizontal':
         org = numpy.asarray(img)
         flip = numpy.flipud(org)
         data1 = numpy.vsplit(org, 2)
         data2 = numpy.vsplit(flip, 2)
         data = numpy.vstack((data1[0], data2[1]))
         img = Image.fromarray(data)
     return img
예제 #29
def validate_sentence(session, model, validation_batch, encoder_state, current_step):
    encoder_inputs, single_decoder_inputs, decoder_weights = validation_batch.next()
    # replicate to full batch size so we have multiple results agains the whole state
    encoder_inputs = [np.repeat(x, BATCH_SIZE, axis=0) for x in encoder_inputs]
    decoder_inputs = [np.repeat(x, BATCH_SIZE, axis=0) for x in single_decoder_inputs]
    decoder_weights = [np.repeat(x, BATCH_SIZE, axis=0) for x in decoder_weights]
    # _, eval_loss, prediction = model.step(sess, current_step - 1, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs,
    #                                      decoder_weights, enc_state[-1:], 1.0, True)
    _, eval_loss, prediction = model.step(session, current_step - 1, encoder_inputs, decoder_inputs,
                                          decoder_weights, encoder_state, 1.0, True)
    # split into 'no of batches' list then average across batches
    reshaped = np.reshape(prediction, (prediction.shape[0] / BATCH_SIZE, BATCH_SIZE, prediction.shape[1]))
    averaged = np.mean(reshaped, axis=1)
    # now roll as in case of single batch
    rolled = np.rollaxis(np.asarray([averaged]), 1, 0)
    splitted = np.vsplit(rolled, rolled.shape[0])
    squeezed = [np.squeeze(e,0) for e in splitted]
    # compute character to character perplexity
    val_perp = float(np.exp(BatchGenerator.logprob(np.concatenate(squeezed),
    print('--validation perp.: %.2f' % val_perp)
    return val_perp
예제 #30
def _least_square_evoked(epochs_data, events, tmin, sfreq):
    """Least square estimation of evoked response from epochs data.

    epochs_data : array, shape (n_channels, n_times)
        The epochs data to estimate evoked.
    events : array, shape (n_events, 3)
        The events typically returned by the read_events function.
        If some events don't match the events of interest as specified
        by event_id, they will be ignored.
    tmin : float
        Start time before event.
    sfreq : float
        Sampling frequency.

    evokeds : array, shape (n_class, n_components, n_times)
        An concatenated array of evoked data for each event type.
    toeplitz : array, shape (n_class * n_components, n_channels)
        An concatenated array of toeplitz matrix for each event type.

    n_epochs, n_channels, n_times = epochs_data.shape
    tmax = tmin + n_times / float(sfreq)

    # Deal with shuffled epochs
    events = events.copy()
    events[:, 0] -= events[0, 0] + int(tmin * sfreq)

    # Contruct raw signal
    raw = _construct_signal_from_epochs(epochs_data, events, sfreq, tmin)

    # Compute the independent evoked responses per condition, while correcting
    # for event overlaps.
    n_min, n_max = int(tmin * sfreq), int(tmax * sfreq)
    window = n_max - n_min
    n_samples = raw.shape[1]
    toeplitz = list()
    classes = np.unique(events[:, 2])
    for ii, this_class in enumerate(classes):
        # select events by type
        sel = events[:, 2] == this_class

        # build toeplitz matrix
        trig = np.zeros((n_samples, 1))
        ix_trig = (events[sel, 0]) + n_min
        trig[ix_trig] = 1
        toeplitz.append(linalg.toeplitz(trig[0:window], trig))

    # Concatenate toeplitz
    toeplitz = np.array(toeplitz)
    X = np.concatenate(toeplitz)

    # least square estimation
    predictor = np.dot(linalg.pinv(np.dot(X, X.T)), X)
    evokeds = np.dot(predictor, raw.T)
    evokeds = np.transpose(np.vsplit(evokeds, len(classes)), (0, 2, 1))
    return evokeds, toeplitz
예제 #31
    [6, 0, 0, 1, 9, 5, 0, 0, 0],
    [0, 9, 8, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0],
    [8, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 3],
    [4, 0, 0, 8, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1],
    [7, 0, 0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 6],
    [0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 2, 8, 0],
    [0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 9, 0, 0, 5],
    [0, 0, 0, 0, 8, 0, 0, 7, 9],

if __name__ == "__main__":
    p = np.array(puzzle)
    puzzle_groups = []

    for split_row_thirds in np.vsplit(p, 3):
        for split_col_thirds in np.hsplit(split_row_thirds, 3):


[array([5, 3, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 9, 8]),
array([0, 7, 0, 1, 9, 5, 0, 0, 0]),
array([0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 6, 0]),
array([8, 0, 0, 4, 0, 0, 7, 0, 0]),
array([0, 6, 0, 8, 0, 3, 0, 2, 0]),
array([0, 0, 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 6]),
array([0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0]),
array([0, 0, 0, 4, 1, 9, 0, 8, 0]),
array([2, 8, 0, 0, 0, 5, 0, 7, 9])]
예제 #32
c = [11, 12]

# stacking columns
print("\nColumn stacking:\n", np.column_stack((a, c)))

# concatenation method
print("\nConcatenating to 2nd axis:\n", np.concatenate((a, b), 1))

a = np.array([[1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11], [2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12]])

# horizontal splitting
print("Splitting along horizontal axis into 2 parts:\n", np.hsplit(a, 3))

# vertical splitting
print("\nSplitting along vertical axis into 2 parts:\n", np.vsplit(a, 2))

import numpy as np

a = np.array([1.0, 2.0, 3.0])

# Example 1
b = 2.0
print(a * b)

# Example 2
c = [2.0, 2.0, 2.0]
print(a * c)

a = np.array([0.0, 10.0, 20.0, 30.0])
b = np.array([0.0, 1.0, 2.0])
예제 #33
print('a平铺展开', a.flatten())

print('a,b横向拼接', np.hstack((a, b)))
print('a,b纵向拼接', np.vstack((a, b)))

c = np.array([[7, 8, 9], [4, 5, 6], [1, 2, 3]])
print('a,b,c横向拼接', np.concatenate((a, b, c), axis=1))
print('a,b,c纵向拼接', np.concatenate((a, b, c), axis=0))

print('a矩阵横向分隔', np.hsplit(a, 3))
print('a矩阵纵向分隔', np.vsplit(a, 3))

print('a矩阵横向不均匀分隔', np.array_split(a, 2, axis=1))
print('a矩阵纵向不均匀分隔', np.array_split(a, 2, axis=0))

c = a
a[1, :] = [0, 0, 0]
print('a改变后', a)
print('c', c)

import copy
c = copy.copy(a)
예제 #34
def run(params):
    "Business logic"
    input_shape = [
        int(k) for k in params.get('image_size', '300,300').split(',') if k
    model_name = params.get('model', 'resnet18')
    optimizer = params.get('optimizer', 'adam')
    epochs = int(params.get('epochs', 100))
    batch_size = int(params.get('batch_size', 32))
    fdir = params.get('fdir', os.getcwd())
    flabels = params.get('flabels', 'labels.csv')
    augmentation = params.get('augmentation', False)
    ext = params.get('image_ext', 'png')
    split = float(params.get('split', 0.7))
    mdir = params.get('mdir', '')
    quantize = params.get('quantize', False)

    lr_reducer = ReduceLROnPlateau(factor=np.sqrt(0.1),
    early_stopper = EarlyStopping(min_delta=0.001, patience=10)
    csv_logger = CSVLogger('%s_hep.csv' % model_name)

    # load data and split it into train/validataion/test samples
    x_data, y_data, nb_classes = load_data(fdir, flabels, ext)
    y_data = np_utils.to_categorical(y_data, nb_classes)

    # split input DF into train/test sets
    sval = int(round(split *
                     np.shape(x_data)[0]))  # take split percentage value
    x_train, x_rest = np.vsplit(
        x_data, [sval])  # split into x_train and rest to x_rest
    y_train = y_data[:sval]
    y_rest = y_data[sval:]
    # split input test DF into valid/test sets
    sval = int(round(0.5 * np.shape(x_rest)[0]))  # take split percentage value
    x_valid, x_test = np.vsplit(x_rest, [sval])  # split into two equal sets
    y_valid = y_rest[:sval]
    y_test = y_rest[sval:]

    ishape = (3, input_shape[0], input_shape[1])  # RGB image NxM size
    model = get_model(model_name, ishape, nb_classes)

    # useful printouts
    print("Input set: %s shape" % str(np.shape(x_data)))
    print("Train set: %s shape" % str(np.shape(x_train)))
    print("Test  set: %s shape" % str(np.shape(x_test)))
    print("Valid set: %s shape" % str(np.shape(x_valid)))
    print("# classes: %s" % nb_classes)
    print("y_train  : %s" % str(np.shape(y_train)))
    print("y_test   : %s" % str(np.shape(y_test)))
    print("y_valid  : %s" % str(np.shape(y_valid)))
    print("model    : %s" % model)
    for layer in model.layers:
        print("layer    : %s, %s" % (layer.name, layer.input_spec))
    if not augmentation:
        print('Not using data augmentation.')
                  validation_data=(x_valid, y_valid),
                  callbacks=[lr_reducer, early_stopper, csv_logger])
        print('Using real-time data augmentation.')
        # This will do preprocessing and realtime data augmentation:
        datagen = ImageDataGenerator(
            featurewise_center=False,  # set input mean to 0 over the dataset
            samplewise_center=False,  # set each sample mean to 0
            False,  # divide inputs by std of the dataset
            samplewise_std_normalization=False,  # divide each input by its std
            zca_whitening=False,  # apply ZCA whitening
            0,  # randomly rotate images in the range (degrees, 0 to 180)
            0.1,  # randomly shift images horizontally (fraction of total width)
            0.1,  # randomly shift images vertically (fraction of total height)
            horizontal_flip=True,  # randomly flip images
            vertical_flip=False)  # randomly flip images

        # Compute quantities required for featurewise normalization
        # (std, mean, and principal components if ZCA whitening is applied).

        # Fit the model on the batches generated by datagen.flow().
                            steps_per_epoch=x_train.shape[0] // batch_size,
                            validation_data=(x_valid, y_valid),
                            callbacks=[lr_reducer, early_stopper, csv_logger])
    if mdir:
        # save keras module
        tstamp = time.strftime('%Y%m%d', time.gmtime())
        kfile = os.path.join(mdir, 'keras_model_%s.h5' % tstamp)
            import h5py
            mfile = 'tf_model_%s.pb' % tstamp
            gfile = 'tf_graph_%s.pb' % tstamp
            save_tf_image(kfile, mdir, mfile, gfile, quantize)
        except ImportError:
예제 #35
print(matrix_1 < matrix_2)
print(matrix_1 == matrix_2)
print(matrix_1 > matrix_2)

# Verify if all/any of elements are true for the given predicate:
print(np.all(matrix_1 <= matrix_2))
print(np.any(matrix_1 <= matrix_2))

# Divide and concatenate matrices:
matrix_1 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
matrix_2 = np.array([[1, 2, 3], [4, 5, 6], [7, 8, 9]])
# Concatenate two matrices (add new rows):
print(np.concatenate((matrix_1, matrix_2)))
print(np.concatenate((matrix_1, matrix_2), axis=0))
# Concatenate two matrices (add new cols):
print(np.concatenate((matrix_1, matrix_2), axis=1))
# Concatenate vertically
print(np.vstack((matrix_1, matrix_2)))
# Concatenate horizontally
print(np.hstack((matrix_1, matrix_2)))
# Split matrix horizontally:
# Into 3 equal pieces
print(np.hsplit(matrix_1, 3))
# Over specified indexes: 0, n1, n2 ,..., nk, length-1
print(np.hsplit(matrix_1, [1, 3]))
# Split matrix vertically:
# Into 3 equal pieces
print(np.vsplit(matrix_1, 3))
# Over specified indexes: 0, n1, n2 ,..., nk, length-1
print(np.vsplit(matrix_1, [1, 3]))
예제 #36
# merge

a = np.array([1, 1, 1])
b = np.array([2, 2, 2])
c = np.vstack((a, b))
d = np.hstack((a, b))

a[np.newaxis, :].shape
a[:, np.newaxis].shape
e = np.concatenate((a, b, a, b), axis=0)
A = np.arange(1, 25).reshape((4, 6))
np.split(A, 2, axis=0)
np.array_split(A, 4, axis=1)
np.vsplit(A, 2)
np.hsplit(A, 3)

# 数组数据处理
points1 = np.arange(-5, 5, 1)
points2 = np.arange(0, 10, 1)
xs, ys = np.meshgrid(points1, points2)

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

z = np.sqrt(xs**2 + ys**2)
plt.imshow(z, cmap=plt.cm.gray)

arr = np.random.randn(4, 4)
예제 #37
    def simulateCallback(frame):
        global g_initFlag
        global forceShowFrame
        global forceApplyFrame
        global JsysPre
        global JsupPreL
        global JsupPreR
        global JsupPre
        global softConstPoint
        global stage


        Kt, Kk, Kl, Kh, Ksc, Bt, Bl, Bh, Bsc = viewer.GetParam()
        Dt = 2*(Kt**.5)
        Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)
        Dl = 2*(Kl**.5)
        Dh = 2*(Kh**.5)
        Dsc = 2*(Ksc**.5)
        if Bsc == 0.0 :
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('softConstraint', True)
            renderer1 = viewer.doc.getRenderer('softConstraint')
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        # tracking
        th_r = motion.getDOFPositions(frame)
        th = controlModel.getDOFPositions()
        dth_r = motion.getDOFVelocities(frame)
        dth = controlModel.getDOFVelocities()
        ddth_r = motion.getDOFAccelerations(frame)
        ddth_des = yct.getDesiredDOFAccelerations(th_r, th, dth_r, dth, ddth_r, Kt, Dt)
        ddth_c = controlModel.getDOFAccelerations()

        ype.flatten(ddth_des, ddth_des_flat)
        ype.flatten(dth, dth_flat)

        ype.flatten(ddth_c, ddth_c_flat)
        # jacobian 
        footCenterL = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)        
        footCenterR = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        refFootL = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supL)        
        refFootR = motionModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(supR)
        footCenter = footCenterL + (footCenterR - footCenterL)/2.0
        footCenter[1] = 0.     
        footCenter_ref = refFootL + (refFootR - refFootL)/2.0
        #footCenter_ref[1] = 0.      
        positionFootL = [None]*footPartNum
        positionFootR = [None]*footPartNum
        for i in range(footPartNum):
            positionFootL[i] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootL[i])
            positionFootR[i] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(indexFootR[i])
        linkPositions = controlModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        linkVelocities = controlModel.getBodyVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkAngVelocities = controlModel.getBodyAngVelocitiesGlobal()
        linkInertias = controlModel.getBodyInertiasGlobal()

        jointPositions = controlModel.getJointPositionsGlobal()
        jointAxeses = controlModel.getDOFAxeses()
        CM = yrp.getCM(linkPositions, linkMasses, totalMass)
        dCM = yrp.getCM(linkVelocities, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane = copy.copy(CM); CM_plane[1]=0.
        dCM_plane = copy.copy(dCM); dCM_plane[1]=0.
        linkPositions_ref = motionModel.getBodyPositionsGlobal()
        CM_ref = yrp.getCM(linkPositions_ref, linkMasses, totalMass)
        CM_plane_ref = copy.copy(CM_ref)
        CM_plane_ref[1] = 0.
        P = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrix(TO, linkMasses, linkPositions, CM, linkInertias)
        dP = ymt.getPureInertiaMatrixDerivative(dTO, linkMasses, linkVelocities, dCM, linkAngVelocities, linkInertias)

        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)       
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJsys, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, linkPositions, allLinkJointMasks)
        if g_initFlag == 0:
            softConstPoint = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
            softConstPoint[1] -= .3
            g_initFlag = 1

        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0])
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootL[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[0]], jointMasksFootL[0], False)
        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0])
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootR[0], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[0]], jointMasksFootR[0], False)
        bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
        CP = yrp.getCP(contactPositions, contactForces)

        for i in range(len(bodyIDsToCheck)) :
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDsToCheck[i], 0, 0, 0)

        contactFlagFootL = [0]*footPartNum
        contactFlagFootR = [0]*footPartNum

        for i in range(len(bodyIDs)) :
            controlModel.SetBodyColor(bodyIDs[i], 255, 105, 105)
            index = controlModel.id2index(bodyIDs[i])
            for j in range(len(indexFootL)):
                if index == indexFootL[j]:
                    contactFlagFootL[j] = 1
                    if j != 0:
                        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootL[j]], jointMasksFootL[j])
                        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootL[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootL[j]], jointMasksFootL[j], False)
            for j in range(len(indexFootR)):
                if index == indexFootR[j]:
                    contactFlagFootR[j] = 1
                    if j != 0:
                        yjc.computeJacobian2(jFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [positionFootR[j]], jointMasksFootR[j])
                        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJFootR[j], DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [positionFootR[j]], jointMasksFootR[j], False)

        if checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 and checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1:
            footCenter = footCenter
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootL, 0) == 1 :
            footCenter = footCenterR
        elif checkAll(contactFlagFootR, 0) == 1 :
            footCenter = footCenterL
        footCenter[1] = 0.  

        desForeSupLAcc = [0,0,0]
        desForeSupRAcc = [0,0,0]
        totalNormalForce = [0,0,0]
        for i in range(len(contactForces)):
            totalNormalForce[0] += contactForces[i][0]
            totalNormalForce[1] += contactForces[i][1]
            totalNormalForce[2] += contactForces[i][2]
        # linear momentum
        CM_ref_plane = footCenter
        dL_des_plane = Kl*totalMass*(CM_ref_plane - CM_plane) - Dl*totalMass*dCM_plane
        # angular momentum
        CP_ref = footCenter

        timeStep = 30.
        if CP_old[0]==None or CP==None:
            dCP = None
            dCP = (CP - CP_old[0])/(1/timeStep)
        CP_old[0] = CP            
        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            ddCP_des = Kh*(CP_ref - CP) - Dh*(dCP)
            CP_des = CP + dCP*(1/timeStep) + .5*ddCP_des*((1/timeStep)**2)
            dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))            
            #dH_des = np.cross((CP_des - CM_plane), (dL_des_plane + totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)))
            dH_des = None
        CMP = yrp.getCMP(contactForces, CM)
        r = [0,0,0]
        if CP!= None and np.any(np.isnan(CMP))!=True :
            r = CP - CMP

        # momentum matrix
        RS = np.dot(P, Jsys)
        R, S = np.vsplit(RS, 2)
        rs = np.dot((np.dot(dP, Jsys) + np.dot(P, dJsys)), dth_flat)
        r_bias, s_bias = np.hsplit(rs, 2)

        # soft point constraint
        P_des = softConstPoint
        P_cur = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)
        dP_des = [0, 0, 0]
        dP_cur = controlModel.getBodyVelocityGlobal(constBody)
        ddP_des1 = Ksc*(P_des - P_cur) - Dsc*(dP_cur - dP_des)

        r = P_des - P_cur
        I = np.vstack(([1,0,0],[0,1,0],[0,0,1]))
        Z = np.hstack((I, mm.getCrossMatrixForm(-r)))
        yjc.computeJacobian2(Jconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks)
        JL, JA = np.vsplit(Jconst, 2)
        Q1 = np.dot(Z, Jconst)
        q1 = np.dot(JA, dth_flat)
        q2 = np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), np.dot(mm.getCrossMatrixForm(q1), r))
        yjc.computeJacobianDerivative2(dJconst, DOFs, jointPositions, jointAxeses, linkAngVelocities, [softConstPoint], constJointMasks, False)
        q_bias1 = np.dot(np.dot(Z, dJconst), dth_flat) + q2
        flagContact = True
        if dH_des==None or np.any(np.isnan(dH_des)) == True:
            flagContact = False 
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', False)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
            viewer.doc.showRenderer('rd_grf_des', True)
            viewer.motionViewWnd.update(1, viewer.doc)
        0 : initial
        1 : contact
        2 : fly
        3 : landing

        if mit.MOTION == mit.FORWARD_JUMP :
            frame_index = [136, 100]
            #frame_index = [100000, 100000]
        elif mit.MOTION == mit.TAEKWONDO:
            #frame_index = [130, 100]
            frame_index = [100000, 100000]
        else :
            frame_index = [1000000, 1000000]
        #frame_index = [135, 100]

        if frame > 300 :
            if stage != DYNAMIC_BALANCING:
                print("#", frame,"-DYNAMIC_BALANCING")
            stage = DYNAMIC_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk*1
            Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)        
        if frame > frame_index[0] :
            if stage != POWERFUL_BALANCING:
                print("#", frame,"-POWERFUL_BALANCING")
            stage = POWERFUL_BALANCING
            Kk = Kk*2
            Dk = 2*(Kk**.5)            
        elif frame > frame_index[1]:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                print("#", frame,"-MOTION_TRACKING")
            stage = MOTION_TRACKING

        trackingW = w

        if stage == MOTION_TRACKING:
            trackingW = w2
            Bt = Bt*2

        # optimization
        mot.addTrackingTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bt, trackingW, ddth_des_flat)
        mot.addSoftPointConstraintTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bsc, ddP_des1, Q1, q_bias1)

        if flagContact == True:
            if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
                mot.addLinearTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bl, dL_des_plane, R, r_bias) 
                mot.addAngularTerms(problem, totalDOF, Bh, dH_des, S, s_bias)
        a_sup_2 = [None]
        Jsup_2 = [None]
        dJsup_2 = [None]
        # Hard constraint        
        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            Kk2 = Kk * 2.0
        else :
            Kk2 = Kk * 5.
        Dk2 = 2*(Kk2**.5)

        desLinearAccL, desPosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL, ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 
        desLinearAccR, desPosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR, ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 

        desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supL, Kk2, Dk2)
        desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, supR, Kk2, Dk2)
        a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)), np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR)) ))
        Jsup_2 = np.vstack((jFootL[0], jFootR[0]))
        dJsup_2 = np.vstack((dJFootL[0], dJFootR[0]))   
        rd_DesPosL[0] = desPosL.copy()
        rd_DesPosR[0] = desPosR.copy()

        # Additional constraint          

        if stage != MOTION_TRACKING:
            Kk2 = Kk * 1.5
            Dk2 = 2*(Kk2**.5)
            desForePosL = [0,0,0]
            desForePosR = [0,0,0]
            desRearPosL = [0,0,0]
            desRearPosR = [0,0,0]

            for i in range(1, footPartNum) :
                if contactFlagFootL[i] == 1:
                    desLinearAccL, desForePosL = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 
                    desAngularAccL = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootL[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                    a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccL, desAngularAccL)) ))
                    Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jFootL[i] ))
                    dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJFootL[i] ))                
                if contactFlagFootR[i] == 1:
                    desLinearAccR, desForePosR = getDesFootLinearAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], ModelOffset, CM_ref, CM, Kk2, Dk2) 
                    desAngularAccR = getDesFootAngularAcc(motionModel, controlModel, indexFootR[i], Kk2, Dk2)
                    a_sup_2 = np.hstack(( a_sup_2, np.hstack((desLinearAccR, desAngularAccR)) ))            
                    Jsup_2 = np.vstack(( Jsup_2, jFootR[i] ))
                    dJsup_2 = np.vstack(( dJsup_2, dJFootR[i] ))
            rd_DesForePosL[0] = desForePosL
            rd_DesForePosR[0] = desForePosR
            rd_DesRearPosL[0] = desRearPosL
            rd_DesRearPosR[0] = desRearPosR

        mot.setConstraint(problem, totalDOF, Jsup_2, dJsup_2, dth_flat, a_sup_2)

        r = problem.solve()
        ype.nested(r['x'], ddth_sol)
        rootPos[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(selectedBody)
        localPos = [[0, 0, 0]]   
        for i in range(stepsPerFrame):
            # apply penalty force
            bodyIDs, contactPositions, contactPositionLocals, contactForces = vpWorld.calcPenaltyForce(bodyIDsToCheck, mus, Ks, Ds)
            vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(bodyIDs, contactPositionLocals, contactForces)                      
            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0 or extraForce[0][2] != 0) :
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                #vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                controlModel.applyBodyForceGlobal(selectedBody, extraForce[0])
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]
            if forceApplyFrame*wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0            

            extraForce[0] = viewer.GetForce()
            if (extraForce[0][0] != 0 or extraForce[0][1] != 0 or extraForce[0][2] != 0) :
                forceApplyFrame += 1
                vpWorld.applyPenaltyForce(selectedBodyId, localPos, extraForce)
                applyedExtraForce[0] = extraForce[0]
            if forceApplyFrame*wcfg.timeStep > 0.1:
                forceApplyFrame = 0            
        # rendering
        rd_footCenter[0] = footCenter
        rd_CM[0] = CM.copy()
        rd_CM_plane[0] = CM_plane.copy()
        rd_footCenter_ref[0] = footCenter_ref
        rd_CM_plane_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref[0] = CM_ref.copy()
        rd_CM_ref_vec[0] = (CM_ref - footCenter_ref)*3.
        rd_CM_vec[0] = (CM - footCenter)*3

        #rd_CM_plane[0][1] = 0.
        if CP!=None and dCP!=None:
            rd_CP[0] = CP
            rd_CP_des[0] = CP_des
        rd_dL_des_plane[0] = dL_des_plane
        rd_dH_des[0] = dH_des
        rd_grf_des[0] = totalNormalForce - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)#dL_des_plane - totalMass*mm.s2v(wcfg.gravity)
        rd_exf_des[0] = applyedExtraForce[0]
        rd_root_des[0] = rootPos[0]

        rd_CMP[0] = softConstPoint

        rd_soft_const_vec[0] = controlModel.getBodyPositionGlobal(constBody)-softConstPoint
        if (forceApplyFrame == 0) :
            applyedExtraForce[0] = [0, 0, 0]
예제 #38
a = np.floor(10 * np.random.random((2, 2)))
b = np.floor(10 * np.random.random((2, 2)))
print(np.vstack((a, b)))  #按行拼接  4*2
print(np.hstack((a, b)))  #按列拼接  2*4

a = np.floor(10 * np.random.random((2, 12)))
print(np.hsplit(a, 3))  #列分3份
print(np.hsplit(a, (3, 4)))  #在第3列和第四列分别切开
a = np.floor(10 * np.random.random((12, 2)))
print(np.vsplit(a, 3))  #行分3份

data = np.sin(np.arange(20)).reshape(5, 4)
ind = data.argmax(axis=0)  #0是按列定义维度,argmax找最大的标签
data_max = data[ind, range(data.shape[1])]

a = np.array([[4, 3, 5], [1, 2, 1]])
b = np.sort(a, axis=1)  #按行排序
예제 #39
[array([1, 2, 3]), array([4, 5, 6]), array([7, 8, 9])]

a = np.arange(1, 13).reshape(6, 2)
[[ 1  2]
 [ 3  4]
 [ 5  6]
 [ 7  8]
 [ 9 10]
 [11 12]]
b = np.split(a, 2)
b = np.vsplit(a, 2)
[array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4],
       [5, 6]]), 
array([[ 7,  8],
       [ 9, 10],
       [11, 12]])]
b = np.split(a, 2, axis=1)
b = np.hsplit(a, 2)
[array([[ 1],
       [ 3],
예제 #40
    freq = [0.0]*10
    #print (bins)
    for idx in range(len(freq_list)):
        bins_ = bins_list[idx]
        freq_ = freq_list[idx]
        for i in range(len(bins_)):
            if ( bins_[i] <= bins [i+1] and  bins_[i] >= bins [i]):
                freq[i] += freq_[i]
    repr_bins = [] # 10 bins for plotting, take average of each period
    for i in range(len(bins) - 1):
        repr_bins.append((bins[i] + bins[i+1])/2.0)

    return repr_bins, freq

epochs_d_1_1 = np.array(np.vsplit(d_1_1, 25))
epochs_d_1_2 = np.array(np.vsplit(d_1_2, 25))
epochs_d_2_1 = np.array(np.vsplit(d_2_1, 25))
epochs_d_2_2 = np.array(np.vsplit(d_2_2, 25))
epochs_g_1_1 = np.array(np.vsplit(g_1_1, 25))
epochs_g_1_2 = np.array(np.vsplit(g_1_2, 25))
bins_d_1 = []
freq_d_1 =  []
bins_d_2 = []
freq_d_2 = []
bins_g_1 = []
freq_g_1 = []
for i in range(25):
    bins,freq = merg_hist(epochs_d_1_1[i], epochs_d_1_2[i] )
예제 #41
def _block_split(mat_in, n_v, n_h):
    Returns a 4D array of matrices, splitting mat_in into
    n_v * n_h square sub-arrays.
    return list(map(lambda x: hsplit(x, n_h), vsplit(mat_in, n_v)))
예제 #42
# This is implemented by the functions np.split, np.hsplit, and np.vsplit

# In[51]:

x = [1, 2, 3, 99, 99, 3, 2, 1]
x1, x2, x3 = np.split(x, [3, 5])
print(x1, x2, x3)

# ### Notice that N split points lead to N + 1 subarrays.
# The related functions np.hsplit and np.vsplit are similar:
# Similarly, np.dsplit will split arrays along the third axis.

# In[52]:

grid = np.arange(16).reshape((4, 4))
upper, lower = np.vsplit(
    grid, [2])  # Splits the array into two. (hsplit splits horizontally)

# ## Absolute value
# Just as NumPy understands Python’s built-in arithmetic operators, it also understands Python’s built-in absolute value function:

# In[59]:

x = np.array([-2, -1, 0, 1, 2])

# In[60]:

# This ufunc can also handle complex data, in which the absolute value returns the magnitude:
x = np.array([3 - 4j, 4 - 3j, 2 + 0j, 0 + 1j])
예제 #43
print( ar2*3
print( ar1*ar2   #普通乘法
print( np.dot(ar1,ar2)  #矩阵乘法
print( ar2.T    #转置
print( np.linalg.inv(ar2) #矩阵的逆
print( ar2.sum() #矩阵元素求和
print( ar2.max()    #矩阵最大的元素
print( ar3.cumsum(1)     #按行累计总和
print( "**************"
print( ar2
print( ar4
print( np.nonzero(ar4) #返回数组非零元素的位置
print( np.nonzero(ar5) #第二个数组返回非零元素的位置
print( "**************NumPy通用函数******************"
print( np.exp(ar1)
print( np.sin(ar1)   #弧度制
print( np.sqrt(ar1)  #开方函数
print( np.add(ar1,ar2)
print( "*************NumPy 矩阵的合并和分割***************"
ar7=np.vstack((ar1,ar2)) #纵向合并矩阵
print( ar7
print( ar8       #横向合并矩阵
print( "纵向分割"
print( np.vsplit(ar7,2)
print( "横向分割"
print( np.hsplit(ar8,2)
예제 #44
            cv::ml::StatModel Class Reference:https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.3/db/d7d/classcv_1_1ml_1_1StatModel.html
            cv::ml::DTrees Class Reference:https://docs.opencv.org/4.5.3/d8/d89/classcv_1_1ml_1_1DTrees.html

import cv2 as cv
import numpy as np

# 图像一行有100个数字图像,每个数有500个,并且按数字顺序排列,即前五行为0,后面依次1-9。
img = cv.imread("../data/datasets/digits/digits.png")
gray = cv.cvtColor(img, cv.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)

# 先将图像切分50行,再将每一行分别切成100列 # (50 x 100 x 20 x 20)
data = np.array([np.hsplit(row, 100) for row in np.vsplit(gray, 50)])

# 切分训练集以及测试集 8:2
train_data = data[:, :80].reshape((-1, 400)).astype(np.float32)  # (4000, 400)
test_data = data[:, 80:].reshape((-1, 400)).astype(np.float32)  # (1000, 400)
train_labels = np.vstack([np.full((400, 1), i)
                          for i in range(10)])  # (4000, 1)
test_labels = np.vstack([np.full((100, 1), i) for i in range(10)])  # (1000, 1)

# 创建随机森林(Random Trees)并保存训练结果
rt = cv.ml.RTrees_create()
rt.train(train_data, cv.ml.ROW_SAMPLE, train_labels)
# rt.save("../data/models/digit_rtrees.xml")
# 对测试集数据进行预测,计算正确率
# rt = cv.ml.RTrees_load("../data/models/digit_rtrees.xml")
ret, result = rt.predict(test_data)
    return img

def hog(img):
    gx = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_32F, 1, 0)
    gy = cv2.Sobel(img, cv2.CV_32F, 0, 1)
    mag, ang = cv2.cartToPolar(gx, gy)
    bins = np.int32(bin_n*ang/(2*np.pi))    # quantizing binvalues in (0...16)
    bin_cells = bins[:10,:10], bins[10:,:10], bins[:10,10:], bins[10:,10:]
    mag_cells = mag[:10,:10], mag[10:,:10], mag[:10,10:], mag[10:,10:]
    hists = [np.bincount(b.ravel(), m.ravel(), bin_n) for b, m in zip(bin_cells, mag_cells)]
    hist = np.hstack(hists)     # hist is a 64 bit vector
    return hist

img = cv2.imread('digits.png',0)

cells = [np.hsplit(row,100) for row in np.vsplit(img,50)]

# First half is trainData, remaining is testData
train_cells = [ i[:50] for i in cells ]
test_cells = [ i[50:] for i in cells]

######     Now training      ########################

deskewed = [map(deskew,row) for row in train_cells]
hogdata = [map(hog,row) for row in deskewed]
trainData = np.float32(hogdata).reshape(-1,64)
responses = np.float32(np.repeat(np.arange(10),250)[:,np.newaxis])

svm = cv2.SVM()
svm.train(trainData,responses, params=svm_params)
예제 #46
    def get_batch(self, split, batch_size=None, seq_per_img=None):
        batch_size = batch_size or self.batch_size
        seq_per_img = seq_per_img or self.seq_per_img

        fc_batch = [] # np.ndarray((batch_size * seq_per_img, self.opt.fc_feat_size), dtype = 'float32')
        att_batch = [] # np.ndarray((batch_size * seq_per_img, 14, 14, self.opt.att_feat_size), dtype = 'float32')
        label_batch = np.zeros([batch_size * seq_per_img, self.seq_length + 2], dtype = 'int')
        mask_batch = np.zeros([batch_size * seq_per_img, self.seq_length + 2], dtype = 'float32')

        wrapped = False

        infos = []
        gts = []

        for i in range(batch_size):
            # fetch image
            tmp_fc, tmp_att,\
                ix, tmp_wrapped = self._prefetch_process[split].get()
            label_batch[i * seq_per_img : (i + 1) * seq_per_img, 1 : self.seq_length + 1] = self.get_captions(ix, seq_per_img)

            if tmp_wrapped:
                wrapped = True

            # Used for reward evaluation
            gts.append(self.h5_label_file['labels'][self.label_start_ix[ix] - 1: self.label_end_ix[ix]])
            # record associated info as well
            info_dict = {}
            info_dict['ix'] = ix
            info_dict['id'] = self.info['images'][ix]['id']
            info_dict['file_path'] = self.info['images'][ix]['file_path']

        # #sort by att_feat length
        # fc_batch, att_batch, label_batch, gts, infos = \
        #     zip(*sorted(zip(fc_batch, att_batch, np.vsplit(label_batch, batch_size), gts, infos), key=lambda x: len(x[1]), reverse=True))
        fc_batch, att_batch, label_batch, gts, infos = \
            zip(*sorted(zip(fc_batch, att_batch, np.vsplit(label_batch, batch_size), gts, infos), key=lambda x: 0, reverse=True))
        data = {}
        data['fc_feats'] = np.stack(sum([[_]*seq_per_img for _ in fc_batch], []))
        # merge att_feats
        max_att_len = max([_.shape[0] for _ in att_batch])
        data['att_feats'] = np.zeros([len(att_batch)*seq_per_img, max_att_len, att_batch[0].shape[1]], dtype = 'float32')
        for i in range(len(att_batch)):
            data['att_feats'][i*seq_per_img:(i+1)*seq_per_img, :att_batch[i].shape[0]] = att_batch[i]
        data['att_masks'] = np.zeros(data['att_feats'].shape[:2], dtype='float32')
        for i in range(len(att_batch)):
            data['att_masks'][i*seq_per_img:(i+1)*seq_per_img, :att_batch[i].shape[0]] = 1
        # set att_masks to None if attention features have same length
        if data['att_masks'].sum() == data['att_masks'].size:
            data['att_masks'] = None

        data['labels'] = np.vstack(label_batch)
        # generate mask
        nonzeros = np.array(list(map(lambda x: (x != 0).sum()+2, data['labels'])))
        for ix, row in enumerate(mask_batch):
            row[:nonzeros[ix]] = 1
        data['masks'] = mask_batch

        data['gts'] = gts # all ground truth captions of each images
        data['bounds'] = {'it_pos_now': self.iterators[split], 'it_max': len(self.split_ix[split]), 'wrapped': wrapped}
        data['infos'] = infos

        return data
예제 #47
print(e, f, g, h)

#view and original object share same data, but create another way of viewing the data
x = a[:]
x.resize(3, 2)
np.concatenate((a, b), axis=0)
print(np.hsplit(a, 3))  # split at horizontal dimention into 3 parts
print(np.vsplit(a, 2))

np.savez('my_array.npz', a=a, b=b, c=c, d=d)
np.save('my_array1', a)
y = np.load("my_array.npz")

print(a, b)
    a, b))  # [[sum(a1i*b1i), sum(a2i*b1i)],[sum(a2i*b1i), sum(a2i*b2i)]]
print(np.outer(a, b))
예제 #48
        label = os.path.split(path)[1]
        for file in files:
            # if 'Accelerometer-2012-06-06-09-04-41-walk-m5.txt' in file or \
            #         'Accelerometer-2011-05-30-20-57-19-walk-f1.txt' in file:
            #     continue
            print(os.path.join(path, file))
            file_data = pd.read_csv(os.path.join(path, file),

            no_of_split = int(file_data.iloc[:, 0].shape[0] / split)
            remainder = file_data.iloc[:, 0].shape[0] % split
            clean_split_data = file_data.iloc[:file_data.shape[0] - remainder]
            split_all_data = np.vsplit(clean_split_data, no_of_split)
            # split_all_data.append(file_data.iloc[-32:])
            class_data = None
            for i in range(0, len(split_all_data)):
                data = pd.concat([
                    split_all_data[i].iloc[:, 0].T,
                    split_all_data[i].iloc[:, 1].T, split_all_data[i].iloc[:,
                if class_data is None:
                    class_data = data.to_frame().T
                    class_data.loc[i] = data.values
            class_file_data[(label, file)] = class_data
예제 #49
import cv2
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Load the data, converters convert the letter to a number
data = np.loadtxt(
    'C:\\Users\\Harshit\\Desktop\\Machine Learning\\Image Analysis\\letter-recognition.data',
    converters={0: lambda ch: ord(ch) - ord('A')})

# split the data to two, 10000 each for train and test
train, test = np.vsplit(data, 2)

# split trainData and testData to features and responses
responses, trainData = np.hsplit(train, [1])
labels, testData = np.hsplit(test, [1])

# Initiate the kNN, classify, measure accuracy.

knn = cv2.ml.KNearest_create()
knn.train(train, cv2.ml.ROW_SAMPLE, responses)
ret, result, neighbours, dist = knn.findNearest(test, k=5)
knn = cv2.KNearest()
knn.train(trainData, responses)
ret, result, neighbours, dist = knn.find_nearest(testData, k=5)

correct = np.count_nonzero(result == labels)
accuracy = correct * 100.0 / 10000
예제 #50
 def array_split():
     a = np.floor(10 * np.random.random((2, 12)))
     print(np.hsplit(a, 3))  # 沿水平轴进行分割
     print(np.vsplit(a, 2))  # 沿垂直轴进行分割

import numpy as np

ary01 = np.arange(1, 7).reshape(2, 3)
ary02 = np.arange(10, 16).reshape(2, 3)

# 垂直方向完成组合操作,生成新数组
ary03 = np.vstack((ary01, ary02))
print(ary03, ary03.shape)
# 垂直方向完成拆分操作,生成两个数组
a, b, c, d = np.vsplit(ary03, 4)
print(a, b, c, d)

# 水平方向完成组合操作,生成新数组
ary04 = np.hstack((ary01, ary02))
print(ary04, ary04.shape)
# 水平方向完成拆分操作,生成两个数组
e, f = np.hsplit(ary04, 2)
print(e, '\n', f)

a = np.arange(1, 7).reshape(2, 3)
b = np.arange(7, 13).reshape(2, 3)
# 深度方向(3维)完成组合操作,生成新数组
i = np.dstack((a, b))
# 深度方向(3维)完成拆分操作,生成两个数组
k, l = np.dsplit(i, 2)
예제 #52
HIDDEN_UNIT_SIZE3 = 45 # 隠れ層3のユニット数 45
TRAIN_DATA_SIZE = 70000 # 訓練データ 70000 + テストデータ 8000 = 78000 行_csvファイル
BATCH_SIZE = 100 # バッチサイズ 100
# 処理時間計測
import time
start = time.time()
# 入力データ形成
raw_input = np.loadtxt(open("input.csv"), delimiter=",")
# 列(縦)分割 (...299 300 || ここで分割 || 301 302...)
[log, label, wolf1, wolf2, wolf3]  = np.hsplit(raw_input, [300,315,330,345])
# 行(横)分割 (上から [TRAIN_DATA_SIZE] までを訓練データ、それ以下をテストデータとする)
[log_train, log_test] = np.vsplit(log, [TRAIN_DATA_SIZE])
[label_train, label_test] = np.vsplit(label, [TRAIN_DATA_SIZE])
[wolf1_train, wolf1_test] = np.vsplit(wolf1, [TRAIN_DATA_SIZE])
[wolf2_train, wolf2_test] = np.vsplit(wolf2, [TRAIN_DATA_SIZE])
[wolf3_train, wolf3_test] = np.vsplit(wolf3, [TRAIN_DATA_SIZE])
def inference(log_placeholder, dropout_rates):
# 隠れ層 1
  with tf.name_scope('hidden1') as scope:
    hidden1_weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([LOG_SIZE, HIDDEN_UNIT_SIZE1], stddev=0.1), name="hidden1_weight")
    hidden1_bias = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[HIDDEN_UNIT_SIZE1]), name="hidden1_bias")
    hidden1_output = tf.nn.relu(tf.matmul(log_placeholder, hidden1_weight) + hidden1_bias)
# 隠れ層 2
  with tf.name_scope('hidden2') as scope:
    hidden2_weight = tf.Variable(tf.truncated_normal([HIDDEN_UNIT_SIZE1, HIDDEN_UNIT_SIZE2], stddev=0.1), name="hidden2_weight")
    hidden2_bias = tf.Variable(tf.constant(0.1, shape=[HIDDEN_UNIT_SIZE2]), name="hidden2_bias")
예제 #53
c = np.hstack((a, b))

# you can separate them horizontally as well
a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
c = np.hsplit(a, 3)
for row in c:

# you can separate them vertically as well
a = np.arange(9).reshape(3, 3)
c = np.vsplit(a, 3)
for row in c:

# boolean array
a = np.arange(12).reshape(4, 3)
b = a < 6
)  # it will get index of where True is found in b, and it will return a for that matching index
a[b] = -1  # True element index are assigned -1 in a
y = np.array([[7],

### Splitting arrays ###

x = [1,2,3, 22, 23, 7, 8, 9]
x1, x2, x3 = np.split(x, [3, 5]) #split x with split points at indices 3 & 5 or ('4').
print(x1, x2, x3) #N splits => N+1 subarrays

#splits using np.hsplit and np.vsplit
grid = np.arange(16).reshape((4,4))
upper, lower = np.vsplit(grid,[2])
left, right = np.hsplit(grid,[2])

## Computation on NumPy Arrays: Universal Functions ##

# Key to making NumPy computations fast? Use VECTORIZED OPERATIONS. 
# (generally through Python's universal functions aka "ufuncs")

x = np.arange(9).reshape((3,3))
예제 #55
import numpy as np
import cv2
img = cv2.imread('dataset/digits.png')
gray = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2GRAY)
# Now we split the image to 5000 cells, each 20x20 size
cells = [np.hsplit(row, 100) for row in np.vsplit(gray, 50)]
# Make it into a Numpy array. It size will be (50,100,20,20)
x = np.array(cells)
# Now we prepare train_data and test_data.
train = x[:, :50].reshape(-1, 400).astype(np.float32)  # Size = (2500,400)
test = x[:, 50:100].reshape(-1, 400).astype(np.float32)  # Size = (2500,400)
# Create labels for train and test data
k = np.arange(10)
train_labels = np.repeat(k, 250)[:, np.newaxis]
test_labels = train_labels.copy()
# Initiate kNN, train the data, then test it with test data for k=1
knn = cv2.ml.KNearest_create()
knn.train(train, cv2.ml.ROW_SAMPLE, train_labels)
ret, result, neighbors, dist = knn.findNearest(test, k=5)
# Now we check the accuracy of classification
# For that, compare the result with test_labels and check which are wrong
matches = result == test_labels
correct = np.count_nonzero(matches)
accuracy = correct * 100.0 / result.size

#학습 데이터를 저장
np.savez('knn_data.npz', train=train, train_labels=train_labels)

#학습 데이터 로드
with np.load('knn_data.npz') as data:
예제 #56

# In[18]:


# ### 3.vsplit

# vsplit splits along the vertical axis

# In[15]:

p_1,p_2 = np.vsplit(y, 2)

# In[16]:


# In[17]:


# ### Array Unpacking
    def get_batch(self, split, batch_size=None, seq_per_img=None):
        batch_size = batch_size or self.batch_size
        seq_per_img = seq_per_img or self.seq_per_img

        fc_batch = [
        ]  # np.ndarray((batch_size * seq_per_img, self.opt.fc_feat_size), dtype = 'float32')
        att_batch = [
        ]  # np.ndarray((batch_size * seq_per_img, 14, 14, self.opt.att_feat_size), dtype = 'float32')
        isg_rela_batch = []
        isg_obj_batch = []
        isg_attr_batch = []

        ssg_rela_batch = []
        ssg_obj_batch = []
        ssg_attr_batch = []

        label_batch = np.zeros([batch_size * seq_per_img, self.seq_length + 2],
        mask_batch = np.zeros([batch_size * seq_per_img, self.seq_length + 2],

        wrapped = False

        infos = []
        gts = []

        for i in range(batch_size):
            # fetch image
            tmp_fc, tmp_att, tmp_isg, tmp_ssg, ix, tmp_wrapped = self._prefetch_process[
            # print('batch'+str(i))
            # print ('fc:')
            # print(tmp_fc.shape)
            # print(tmp_fc)
            # print ('att:')
            # print(tmp_att)
            # print ('isg:')
            # print (tmp_isg)
            # print ('ssg:')
            # print(tmp_ssg)
            # print ('wrapped:')
            # print (tmp_wrapped)



            # print('ssg_o')
            # print(tmp_ssg['ssg_obj'])
            # print('ssg_a')
            # print(tmp_ssg['ssg_attr'])
            # print('ssg_r')
            # print(tmp_ssg['ssg_rela_matrix'])

            label_batch[i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img,
                        1:self.seq_length + 1] = self.get_captions(
                            ix, seq_per_img)

            if tmp_wrapped:
                wrapped = True

            # Used for reward evaluation
            gts.append(self.h5_label_file['labels'][self.label_start_ix[ix] -

            # record associated info as well
            info_dict = {}
            info_dict['ix'] = ix
            info_dict['id'] = self.info['images'][ix]['id']
            # info_dict['file_path'] = ''
            info_dict['file_path'] = self.info['images'][ix]['file_path']

        fc_batch, att_batch, label_batch, gts, infos = zip(
            *sorted(zip(fc_batch, att_batch, np.vsplit(
                label_batch, batch_size), gts, infos),
                    key=lambda x: 0,
        data = {}
        data['fc_feats'] = np.stack(
            reduce(lambda x, y: x + y, [[_] * seq_per_img for _ in fc_batch]))
        max_att_len = max([_.shape[0] for _ in att_batch])

        # merge att_feats
        data['att_feats'] = np.zeros(
            [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_att_len, att_batch[0].shape[1]],
        for i in range(len(att_batch)):
                i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                seq_per_img, :att_batch[i].shape[0]] = att_batch[i]
        data['att_masks'] = np.zeros(data['att_feats'].shape[:2],
        for i in range(len(att_batch)):
            data['att_masks'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                              seq_per_img, :att_batch[i].shape[0]] = 1
        # set att_masks to None if attention features have same length
        # if data['att_masks'].sum() == data['att_masks'].size:
        #     data['att_masks'] = None

        if self.use_isg:
            max_rela_len = max([_.shape[0] for _ in isg_rela_batch])
            data['isg_rela_matrix'] = np.ones(
                [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_rela_len, 3]) * -1
            for i in range(len(isg_rela_batch)):
                data['isg_rela_matrix'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img, 0:len(isg_rela_batch[i]), :] = \
            data['isg_rela_masks'] = np.zeros(
                data['isg_rela_matrix'].shape[:2], dtype='float32')
            for i in range(len(isg_rela_batch)):
                    i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                    seq_per_img, :isg_rela_batch[i].shape[0]] = 1

            max_obj_len = max([_.shape[0] for _ in isg_obj_batch])
            data['isg_obj'] = np.ones(
                [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_obj_len]) * -1
            for i in range(len(isg_obj_batch)):
                data['isg_obj'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img,
                                0:len(isg_obj_batch[i])] = isg_obj_batch[i]
            data['isg_obj_masks'] = np.zeros(data['isg_obj'].shape,
            for i in range(len(isg_obj_batch)):
                    i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                    seq_per_img, :isg_obj_batch[i].shape[0]] = 1

            max_attr_len = max([_.shape[1] for _ in isg_attr_batch])
            data['isg_attr'] = np.ones(
                [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_obj_len, max_attr_len]) * -1
            for i in range(len(isg_obj_batch)):
                data['isg_attr'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img, 0:len(isg_obj_batch[i]),
                0:isg_attr_batch[i].shape[1]] = \
            data['isg_attr_masks'] = np.zeros(data['isg_attr'].shape,
            for i in range(len(isg_attr_batch)):
                for j in range(len(isg_attr_batch[i])):
                    N_attr_temp = np.sum(isg_attr_batch[i][j, :] >= 0)
                    data['isg_attr_masks'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                                           seq_per_img, j,
                                           0:int(N_attr_temp)] = 1

        if self.use_ssg:
            max_rela_len = max([_.shape[0] for _ in ssg_rela_batch])
            data['ssg_rela_matrix'] = np.ones(
                [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_rela_len, 3]) * -1
            for i in range(len(ssg_rela_batch)):
                    i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img,
                    0:len(ssg_rela_batch[i]), :] = ssg_rela_batch[i]
            data['ssg_rela_masks'] = np.zeros(
                data['ssg_rela_matrix'].shape[:2], dtype='float32')
            for i in range(len(ssg_rela_batch)):
                    i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                    seq_per_img, :ssg_rela_batch[i].shape[0]] = 1

            max_obj_len = max([_.shape[0] for _ in ssg_obj_batch])
            data['ssg_obj'] = np.ones(
                [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_obj_len]) * -1
            for i in range(len(ssg_obj_batch)):
                data['ssg_obj'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img,
                                0:len(ssg_obj_batch[i])] = ssg_obj_batch[i]
            data['ssg_obj_masks'] = np.zeros(data['ssg_obj'].shape,
            for i in range(len(ssg_obj_batch)):
                    i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                    seq_per_img, :ssg_obj_batch[i].shape[0]] = 1

            max_attr_len = max([_.shape[1] for _ in ssg_attr_batch])
            data['ssg_attr'] = np.ones(
                [len(att_batch) * seq_per_img, max_obj_len, max_attr_len]) * -1
            for i in range(len(ssg_obj_batch)):
                    i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) * seq_per_img,
                    0:ssg_attr_batch[i].shape[1]] = ssg_attr_batch[i]
            data['ssg_attr_masks'] = np.zeros(data['ssg_attr'].shape,
            for i in range(len(ssg_attr_batch)):
                for j in range(len(ssg_attr_batch[i])):
                    N_attr_temp = np.sum(ssg_attr_batch[i][j, :] >= 0)
                    data['ssg_attr_masks'][i * seq_per_img:(i + 1) *
                                           seq_per_img, j,
                                           0:int(N_attr_temp)] = 1

        data['labels'] = np.vstack(label_batch)
        # generate mask
        nonzeros = np.array(
            list(map(lambda x: (x != 0).sum() + 2, data['labels'])))
        for ix, row in enumerate(mask_batch):
            row[:nonzeros[ix]] = 1
        data['masks'] = mask_batch

        data['gts'] = gts  # all ground truth captions of each images
        data['bounds'] = {
            'it_pos_now': self.iterators[split],
            'it_max': len(self.split_ix[split]),
            'wrapped': wrapped
        data['infos'] = infos

        # print('ssg_o_m')
        # print(data['ssg_obj_masks'])
        # print('ssg_a_m')
        # print(data['ssg_attr_masks'])
        # print('ssg_r_m')
        # print(data['ssg_rela_masks'])
        # sents = utils.decode_sequence(self.get_vocab(), data['labels'] )
        # print(sents)

        return data
예제 #58
 tmpj = tmpj[:(tmpj.shape[0] / 256) * 256, :(tmpj.shape[1] / 256) * 256,
             1]  #Retain the green channel
 del (img)
 tmpm = cv2.medianBlur(tmp, 5)  #Median filtering with 5x5 kernel
 tmpg = cv2.GaussianBlur(
     tmp, (5, 5),
     0)  #Gaussian blur with default sigma=1.1 and kernel size 5x5
 awgn = 2.0 * np.random.randn(
     tmp.shape[1])  #Additive While Gaussian Noise with sigma=2
 tmpw = (tmp + awgn)
 tmpw = np.clip(tmpw, 0,
                255)  #Keep image pixel values within [0,255] range
 tmpw = tmpw.astype(np.uint8)
 vblocks = np.vsplit(tmp, tmp.shape[0] /
                     256)  #split image patch into vertical blocks
 vblocks = vblocks[:len(vblocks)]
 imcount = 0
 for v in vblocks:
     hblocks = np.hsplit(
         v, v.shape[1] /
         256)  #split each vertical block into horizantal blocks
     hblocks = hblocks[:len(hblocks)]
     for h in hblocks:
         X[count - 1] = h.reshape((1, 1, 256, 256))
         y[count - 1] = 0
         imcount += 1
         if count == 50000:
예제 #59
    def makePhiT(self, div):
        if (self.dDim == irisD
            ):  #this is the bcd delete the first row as its identifier
            phi = self.dataPd[['0', '1', '2', '3']].as_matrix()
            t1 = self.dataPd[['4']].as_matrix()
            t = np.ones([phi.shape[0], 1])
            for i in range(len(t)):
                if t1[i] == 'Iris-setosa':
                    t[i] = int(0)
                elif t1[i] == 'Iris-versicolor':
                    t[i] = int(1)
                    t[i] = int(2)
            #print("shape",t.shape,"phi shape",phi.shape)
            phi = self.dataPd[['0', '1']].as_matrix()
            t = self.dataPd[['2']].as_matrix()

        dataLen = t.shape[0]

        self.blockLen = t.shape[0] / self.tDiv
        delLen = t.shape[0] % self.tDiv



        if (self.dDim == irisD):  #delete 3 datapoints
            phiD = phi
            tD = t
            phiD = phi
            tD = t

        phiArr = np.vsplit(phiD, 5)
        tArr = np.vsplit(tD, 5)

        if div == 0:
            self.Phi = phiArr[1]
            self.T = tArr[1]
            self.PhiTest = phiArr[0]
            self.TTest = tArr[0]
            self.PhiArrS = phiArr[0]
            self.Phi = phiArr[0]
            self.T = tArr[0]
            self.PhiTest = phiArr[1]
            self.TTest = tArr[1]
            self.PhiArrS = phiArr[1]

        for i in range(2, 5):
            if div == i:
                self.PhiTest = phiArr[i]
                self.TTest = tArr[i]
                self.PhiArrS = phiArr[i]
                self.Phi = np.concatenate((self.Phi, phiArr[i]))
                self.T = np.concatenate((self.T, tArr[i]))


        ones = np.ones(self.Phi.shape[0])
        onesTest = np.ones(self.PhiTest.shape[0])
        a_2d = ones.reshape((self.Phi.shape[0], 1))
        a_2dTest = onesTest.reshape((self.PhiTest.shape[0], 1))
예제 #60
import numpy as np

# array分割

# 一、均匀分割
a = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
# 1、行分割
[m, n] = np.split(a, 2, axis=1)
# 2、列分割
[m, n, o] = np.split(a, 3, axis=0)

# 二、大概分割
a = np.arange(15).reshape((3, 5))
# 1、行分割
[m, n, o] = np.array_split(a, 3, axis=1)
# 2、列分割
[m, n] = np.array_split(a, 2, axis=0)

# 三、简单分割
a = np.arange(12).reshape((3, 4))
# 1、行分割
[m, n] = np.hsplit(a, 2)
# 2、列分割
[m, n, o] = np.vsplit(a, 3)