예제 #1
def odo(U: np.array) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array]:
    # odo=orthogonal diagonal orthogonal
    # Given a  unitary matrix U, it finds special (det=1) orthogonal matrices L and R and a diagonal unitary matrix D
    # such that L * D * R' = U

    dim_U = np.shape(U)[0]
    if np.linalg.norm(U @ U.conjugate().transpose() -
                      np.eye(dim_U)) > abs_error:
        raise ValueError("input matrix for odo decomposition is not unitary")

    X = (U + U.conjugate()) / 2
    Y = (U - U.conjugate()) / 2j
    # print("\nX\n", X, "\nY\n", Y)
    [L, DX, DY, R] = simul_real_svd(X, Y)

    return L, DX, DY, R
예제 #2
def calc_intensity_up_down(
        sthovl: numpy.ndarray, wavelength: float, field_norm: float,
        u_matrix: numpy.ndarray, polarization: float,
        flipper_efficiency: float, f_nucl: numpy.array,
        fm_perp_loc: tuple, volume_unit_cell: float,
        model_extinction: str, radius: float, mosaicity: float):
    """Calculate integrated intensity up and down."""
    dder = {}

    p_u = polarization
    p_d = (2.*flipper_efficiency-1.)*polarization

    phi_d, chi_d, omega_d = 0., 0., 0.
    e_up_loc = calc_e_up_loc(phi_d, chi_d, omega_d, u_matrix)

    mag_p_1, mag_p_2, mag_p_3 = fm_perp_loc

    mag_p_sq = abs(mag_p_1*mag_p_1.conjugate() +
                   mag_p_2*mag_p_2.conjugate() +

    mag_p_e_u = mag_p_1*e_up_loc[0]+mag_p_2*e_up_loc[1]+mag_p_3*e_up_loc[2]

    f_nucl_sq = abs(f_nucl)**2
    mag_p_e_u_sq = abs(mag_p_e_u*mag_p_e_u.conjugate())
    fnp = (mag_p_e_u*f_nucl.conjugate()+mag_p_e_u.conjugate()*f_nucl).real
    fp_sq = f_nucl_sq + mag_p_sq + fnp
    fm_sq = f_nucl_sq + mag_p_sq - fnp
    fpm_sq = mag_p_sq - mag_p_e_u_sq

    l_model_extinction = ["gauss", "lorentz"]
    if model_extinction.lower() in l_model_extinction:
        yp, dder_yp = calc_extinction_2(
            radius, mosaicity, model_extinction, fp_sq, volume_unit_cell,
            sthovl, wavelength)

        ym, dder_ym = calc_extinction_2(
            radius, mosaicity, model_extinction, fm_sq, volume_unit_cell,
            sthovl, wavelength)

        ypm, dder_ypm = calc_extinction_2(
            radius, mosaicity, model_extinction, fpm_sq, volume_unit_cell,
            sthovl, wavelength)

        yp = 1. + 0.*f_nucl_sq
        ym = yp
        ypm = yp

    pppl = 0.5*((1+p_u)*yp+(1-p_u)*ym)
    ppmin = 0.5*((1-p_d)*yp+(1+p_d)*ym)
    pmpl = 0.5*((1+p_u)*yp-(1-p_u)*ym)
    pmmin = 0.5*((1-p_d)*yp-(1+p_d)*ym)

    # integral intensities and flipping ratios
    iint_u = (f_nucl_sq+mag_p_e_u_sq)*pppl + pmpl*fnp + ypm*fpm_sq
    iint_d = (f_nucl_sq+mag_p_e_u_sq)*ppmin + pmmin*fnp + ypm*fpm_sq

    return iint_u, iint_d, dder
예제 #3
def kak1(
        U: np.array
) -> Tuple[np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array, np.array]:
    # Calculates a special case (KAK1)
    # of Cartan's KAK Decomposition.
    # For an input 4d unitary matrix U,
    # it finds [A1, A0, class_vec, B1, B0]
    # such that U = kron(A1,A0)*exp(i*M)*kron(B1,B0)
    # where matrix M is a function of
    # class_vec(1:4)

    # If
    # k=class_vec
    # and
    # M=k(4)+sigxx*k(1)+sigyy*k(2)+sigzz*k(3)
    # then
    # kron(A1,A0)*exp(i*M)*kron(B1,B0) = U

    if np.shape(U)[0] != 4 or np.shape(U)[1] != 4:
        raise ValueError("input matrix for kak decomposition is not 4x4")
    if np.linalg.norm(U @ U.conjugate().transpose() - np.eye(4)) > 1e-8:
        raise ValueError("input matrix for kak decomposition is not unitary")

    # normalize U so that it has
    # unit determinant. Store
    # det(U)^(1/4) for later use

    root4th = pow(np.linalg.det(U), (1 / 4))

    if abs(root4th - 1) > 1e-8:
        U = U / root4th

    U_bell = magic.conjugate().transpose() @ U @ magic

    [L, D, R] = odo(U_bell)

    # print("L\n", L, "\nD\n", D, "\nR\n", R)

    class_vec = diag_to_class_vec(np.diagonal(D))
    class_vec[3] = class_vec[3] + np.angle(root4th)

    [A1, A0] = SO4_to_SU2xSU2(L)
    [B1, B0] = SO4_to_SU2xSU2(R.conjugate().transpose())

    return A1, A0, class_vec, B1, B0
예제 #4
def is_hermitian(matrix: np.array) -> bool:
    Checks if a matrix is Hermitian.
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> A = np.array([
    ... [2,    2+1j, 4],
    ... [2-1j,  3,  1j],
    ... [4,    -1j,  1]])
    >>> is_hermitian(A)
    >>> A = np.array([
    ... [2,    2+1j, 4+1j],
    ... [2-1j,  3,  1j],
    ... [4,    -1j,  1]])
    >>> is_hermitian(A)
    return np.array_equal(matrix, matrix.conjugate().T)
예제 #5
def rayleigh_quotient(A: np.array, v: np.array) -> float:
    Returns the Rayleigh quotient of a Hermitian matrix A and
    vector v.
    >>> import numpy as np
    >>> A = np.array([
    ... [1,  2, 4],
    ... [2,  3,  -1],
    ... [4, -1,  1]
    ... ])
    >>> v = np.array([
    ... [1],
    ... [2],
    ... [3]
    ... ])
    >>> rayleigh_quotient(A, v)
    v_star = v.conjugate().T
    return (v_star.dot(A).dot(v)) / (v_star.dot(v))