예제 #1
def lla2enu(init_lla,point_lla):
    n_EA_E = nv.lat_lon2n_E(init_lla[0], init_lla[1])
    n_EB_E = nv.lat_lon2n_E(point_lla[0], point_lla[1])
    p_AB_E = nv.n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2p_AB_E(n_EA_E, n_EB_E, init_lla[2], point_lla[2])
    R_EN = nv.n_E2R_EN(n_EA_E)
    p_AB_N = np.dot(R_EN.T, p_AB_E).ravel()
    p_AB_N[0],p_AB_N[1] = p_AB_N[1],p_AB_N[0]
    return p_AB_N
예제 #2
    def test_n_E_and_wa2R_EL():
        n_E = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])
        R_EL = n_E_and_wa2R_EL(n_E, wander_azimuth=np.pi / 2)
        R_EL1 = [[0, 1.0, 0], [1.0, 0, 0], [0, 0, -1.0]]
        assert_array_almost_equal(R_EL, R_EL1)

        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_E)
        assert_array_almost_equal(R_EN, np.diag([-1, 1, -1]))

        n_E1 = R_EL2n_E(R_EN)
        n_E2 = R_EN2n_E(R_EN)
        assert_array_almost_equal(n_E, n_E1)
        assert_array_almost_equal(n_E, n_E2)
예제 #3
    def test_n_E_and_wa2R_EL():
        n_E = np.array([[0], [0], [1]])
        R_EL = n_E_and_wa2R_EL(n_E, wander_azimuth=np.pi/2)
        R_EL1 = [[0, 1.0, 0],
                 [1.0, 0, 0],
                 [0,  0, -1.0]]
        assert_array_almost_equal(R_EL, R_EL1)

        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_E)
        assert_array_almost_equal(R_EN, np.diag([-1, 1, -1]))

        n_E1 = R_EL2n_E(R_EN)
        n_E2 = R_EN2n_E(R_EN)
        assert_array_almost_equal(n_E, n_E1)
        assert_array_almost_equal(n_E, n_E2)
예제 #4
    def test_Ex1_A_and_B_to_delta_in_frame_N():

        # Positions A and B are given in (decimal) degrees and depths:
        lat_EA, lon_EA, z_EA = rad(1), rad(2), 3
        lat_EB, lon_EB, z_EB = rad(4), rad(5), 6

        # Find the exact vector between the two positions, given in meters
        # north, east, and down, i.e. find p_AB_N.

        # SOLUTION:
        # Step1: Convert to n-vectors (rad() converts to radians):
        n_EA_E = lat_lon2n_E(lat_EA, lon_EA)
        n_EB_E = lat_lon2n_E(lat_EB, lon_EB)

        # Step2: Find p_AB_E (delta decomposed in E).
        # WGS-84 ellipsoid is default:
        p_AB_E = n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2p_AB_E(n_EA_E, n_EB_E, z_EA, z_EB)

        # Step3: Find R_EN for position A:
        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_EA_E)

        # Step4: Find p_AB_N
        p_AB_N = np.dot(R_EN.T, p_AB_E)
        # (Note the transpose of R_EN: The "closest-rule" says that when
        # decomposing, the frame in the subscript of the rotation matrix that
        # is closest to the vector, should equal the frame where the vector is
        # decomposed. Thus the calculation np.dot(R_NE, p_AB_E) is correct,
        # since the vector is decomposed in E, and E is closest to the vector.
        # In the example we only had R_EN, and thus we must transpose it:
        # R_EN'=R_NE)

        # Step5: Also find the direction (azimuth) to B, relative to north:
        azimuth = np.arctan2(p_AB_N[1], p_AB_N[0])
        # positive angle about down-axis

        print('Ex1, delta north, east, down = {0}, {1}, {2}'.format(p_AB_N[0],
        print('Ex1, azimuth = {0} deg'.format(deg(azimuth)))

        assert_array_almost_equal(p_AB_N[0], 331730.23478089)
        assert_array_almost_equal(p_AB_N[1], 332997.87498927)
        assert_array_almost_equal(p_AB_N[2], 17404.27136194)
        assert_array_almost_equal(deg(azimuth), 45.10926324)
예제 #5
    def test_Ex1_A_and_B_to_delta_in_frame_N():

        # Positions A and B are given in (decimal) degrees and depths:
        lat_EA, lon_EA, z_EA = rad(1), rad(2), 3
        lat_EB, lon_EB, z_EB = rad(4), rad(5), 6

        # Find the exact vector between the two positions, given in meters
        # north, east, and down, i.e. find p_AB_N.

        # SOLUTION:
        # Step1: Convert to n-vectors (rad() converts to radians):
        n_EA_E = lat_lon2n_E(lat_EA, lon_EA)
        n_EB_E = lat_lon2n_E(lat_EB, lon_EB)

        # Step2: Find p_AB_E (delta decomposed in E).
        # WGS-84 ellipsoid is default:
        p_AB_E = n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2p_AB_E(n_EA_E, n_EB_E, z_EA, z_EB)

        # Step3: Find R_EN for position A:
        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_EA_E)

        # Step4: Find p_AB_N
        p_AB_N = np.dot(R_EN.T, p_AB_E)
        # (Note the transpose of R_EN: The "closest-rule" says that when
        # decomposing, the frame in the subscript of the rotation matrix that
        # is closest to the vector, should equal the frame where the vector is
        # decomposed. Thus the calculation np.dot(R_NE, p_AB_E) is correct,
        # since the vector is decomposed in E, and E is closest to the vector.
        # In the example we only had R_EN, and thus we must transpose it:
        # R_EN'=R_NE)

        # Step5: Also find the direction (azimuth) to B, relative to north:
        azimuth = np.arctan2(p_AB_N[1], p_AB_N[0])
        # positive angle about down-axis

        print('Ex1, delta north, east, down = {0}, {1}, {2}'.format(
            p_AB_N[0], p_AB_N[1], p_AB_N[2]))
        print('Ex1, azimuth = {0} deg'.format(deg(azimuth)))

        assert_array_almost_equal(p_AB_N[0], 331730.23478089)
        assert_array_almost_equal(p_AB_N[1], 332997.87498927)
        assert_array_almost_equal(p_AB_N[2], 17404.27136194)
        assert_array_almost_equal(deg(azimuth), 45.10926324)
예제 #6
    def test_Ex2_B_and_delta_in_frame_B_to_C_in_frame_E():
        # delta vector from B to C, decomposed in B is given:
        p_BC_B = np.r_[3000, 2000, 100].reshape((-1, 1))

        # Position and orientation of B is given:
        n_EB_E = unit([[1], [2], [3]])  # unit to get unit length of vector
        z_EB = -400
        R_NB = zyx2R(rad(10), rad(20), rad(30))
        # the three angles are yaw, pitch, and roll

        # A custom reference ellipsoid is given (replacing WGS-84):
        a, f = 6378135, 1.0 / 298.26  # (WGS-72)

        # Find the position of C.
        # SOLUTION:
        # Step1: Find R_EN:
        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_EB_E)

        # Step2: Find R_EB, from R_EN and R_NB:
        R_EB = np.dot(R_EN, R_NB)  # Note: closest frames cancel

        # Step3: Decompose the delta vector in E:
        p_BC_E = np.dot(R_EB, p_BC_B)
        # no transpose of R_EB, since the vector is in B

        # Step4: Find the position of C, using the functions that goes from one
        # position and a delta, to a new position:
        n_EC_E, z_EC = n_EA_E_and_p_AB_E2n_EB_E(n_EB_E, p_BC_E, z_EB, a, f)

        # When displaying the resulting position for humans, it is more
        # convenient to see lat, long:
        lat_EC, long_EC = n_E2lat_lon(n_EC_E)
        # Here we also assume that the user wants output height (= - depth):
        msg = 'Ex2, Pos C: lat, long = {},{} deg,  height = {} m'
        print(msg.format(deg(lat_EC), deg(long_EC), -z_EC))

        assert_array_almost_equal(deg(lat_EC), 53.32637826)
        assert_array_almost_equal(deg(long_EC), 63.46812344)
        assert_array_almost_equal(z_EC, -406.00719607)
예제 #7
    def test_Ex2_B_and_delta_in_frame_B_to_C_in_frame_E():
        # delta vector from B to C, decomposed in B is given:
        p_BC_B = np.r_[3000, 2000, 100].reshape((-1, 1))

        # Position and orientation of B is given:
        n_EB_E = unit([[1], [2], [3]])  # unit to get unit length of vector
        z_EB = -400
        R_NB = zyx2R(rad(10), rad(20), rad(30))
        # the three angles are yaw, pitch, and roll

        # A custom reference ellipsoid is given (replacing WGS-84):
        a, f = 6378135, 1.0 / 298.26  # (WGS-72)

        # Find the position of C.
        # SOLUTION:
        # Step1: Find R_EN:
        R_EN = n_E2R_EN(n_EB_E)

        # Step2: Find R_EB, from R_EN and R_NB:
        R_EB = np.dot(R_EN, R_NB)  # Note: closest frames cancel

        # Step3: Decompose the delta vector in E:
        p_BC_E = np.dot(R_EB, p_BC_B)
        # no transpose of R_EB, since the vector is in B

        # Step4: Find the position of C, using the functions that goes from one
        # position and a delta, to a new position:
        n_EC_E, z_EC = n_EA_E_and_p_AB_E2n_EB_E(n_EB_E, p_BC_E, z_EB, a, f)

        # When displaying the resulting position for humans, it is more
        # convenient to see lat, long:
        lat_EC, long_EC = n_E2lat_lon(n_EC_E)
        # Here we also assume that the user wants output height (= - depth):
        msg = 'Ex2, Pos C: lat, long = {},{} deg,  height = {} m'
        print(msg.format(deg(lat_EC), deg(long_EC), -z_EC))

        assert_array_almost_equal(deg(lat_EC), 53.32637826)
        assert_array_almost_equal(deg(long_EC), 63.46812344)
        assert_array_almost_equal(z_EC, -406.00719607)
예제 #8
    def setNed(self, current, target):
        lat_C, lon_C = rad(current.lat), rad(current.lon)
        lat_T, lon_T = rad(target.lat), rad(target.lon)
        # create an n-vector for current and target
        nvecC = nv.lat_lon2n_E(lat_C, lon_C)
        nvecT = nv.lat_lon2n_E(lat_T, lon_T)
        # create a p-vec from C to T in the Earth's frame
        # the zeros are for the depth (depth = -1 * altitude)
        p_CT_E = nv.n_EA_E_and_n_EB_E2p_AB_E(nvecC, nvecT, 0, 0)
        # create a rotation matrix
        # this rotates points from the NED frame to the Earth's frame
        R_EN = nv.n_E2R_EN(nvecC)
        # rotate p_CT_E so it lines up with current's NED frame
        # we use the transpose so we can go from the Earth's frame to the NED frame
        n, e, d = np.dot(R_EN.T, p_CT_E).ravel()

        #Scale Nedvalues
        if n > e:
            scaleFactor = abs(1.00000 / n)
            scaleFactor = abs(1.00000 / e)

        return Nedvalues(n * scaleFactor, e * scaleFactor, d)
예제 #9
    def n_E2R_EN(self):
        n_E = self.to_nvector().get_xyz(shape=(3, 1))
        R_EN = nv.n_E2R_EN(n_E)

        return R_EN
예제 #10
def pvec_b_to_lla(forward, right, down, roll, pitch, yaw, lat, lon, alt):
    returns the lat lon and alt corresponding to a p-vec in the UAV's body frame

    forward: float
        The number of meters forward of the UAV
    right: float
        The number of meters to the right of the UAV
    down: float
        The number of meters below the UAV
    roll: float
        The UAV's roll angle in degrees
    pitch: float
        The UAV's pitch angle in degrees
    yaw: float
        The UAV's yaw angle in degrees
    lat: float
        The UAV's latitude in degrees
    lon: float
        The UAV's longitude in degrees
    alt: float
        The UAV's altitude in meters

        This list holds three floats representing the latitude in degrees, longitude in degrees and altitude in meters (in that order).

    # create a p-vector with the forward, right and down values
    p_B = np.array([forward, right, down])

    # this matrix can transform a pvec in the body frame to a pvec in the NED frame
    rot_NB = nv.zyx2R(radians(yaw), radians(pitch), radians(roll))

    # calculate the pvec in the NED frame
    p_N = rot_NB.dot(p_B)

    # create an n-vector for the UAV
    n_UAV = nv.lat_lon2n_E(radians(lat), radians(lon))

    # this creates a matrix that rotates pvecs from NED to ECEF
    rot_EN = nv.n_E2R_EN(n_UAV)

    # find the offset vector from the UAV to the point of interest in the ECEF frame
    p_delta_E = rot_EN.dot(p_N)

    # find the p-vector for the UAV in the ECEF frame
    p_EUAV_E = nv.n_EB_E2p_EB_E(n_UAV, -alt).reshape(1, 3)[0]

    # find the p-vector for the point of interest. This is the UAV + the offset in the ECEF frame.
    p_E = p_EUAV_E + p_delta_E

    # find the n-vector for the point of interest given the p-vector in the ECEF frame.
    n_result, z_result = nv.p_EB_E2n_EB_E(p_E.reshape(3, 1))

    # convert the n-vector to a lat and lon
    lat_result, lon_result = nv.n_E2lat_lon(n_result)
    lat_result, lon_result = degrees(lat_result), degrees(lon_result)

    # convert depth to alt
    alt_result = -z_result[0]

    return [lat_result, lon_result, alt_result]