def add_needresourcecategory(name):

        nysed = dbhelper()

        exists = nysed.check_needresourcecategory_exists(name)

        if exists == False:


                #print "\tAdded Need/Resource Category '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

        ret = nysed.get_needresourcecategory_by_name(name)

        return ret
예제 #2
def add_county(name):

    nysed = dbhelper()

    exists = nysed.check_county_exists(name)

    if exists == False:


        #print "\tAdded County '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

    ret = nysed.get_county_by_name(name)

    return ret
def add_district(name,countyid):

	nysed = dbhelper()

        exists = nysed.check_district_exists(name)

        if exists == False:


                #print "\tAdded District '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

        ret = nysed.get_district_by_name(name)

        return ret
def add_county(name):

	nysed = dbhelper()

	exists = nysed.check_county_exists(name)

	if exists == False:


		#print "\tAdded County '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)
	ret = nysed.get_county_by_name(name)

	return ret
def add_schooltype(name):

        nysed = dbhelper()

        exists = nysed.check_schooltype_exists(name)

        if exists == False:


                #print "\tAdded School Type '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

        ret = nysed.get_schooltype_by_name(name)

        return ret
예제 #6
def add_needresourcecategory(name):

    nysed = dbhelper()

    exists = nysed.check_needresourcecategory_exists(name)

    if exists == False:


        #print "\tAdded Need/Resource Category '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

    ret = nysed.get_needresourcecategory_by_name(name)

    return ret
예제 #7
def add_schooltype(name):

    nysed = dbhelper()

    exists = nysed.check_schooltype_exists(name)

    if exists == False:


        #print "\tAdded School Type '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

    ret = nysed.get_schooltype_by_name(name)

    return ret
예제 #8
def add_gradeorganization(name):

    nysed = dbhelper()

    exists = nysed.check_gradeorganization_exists(name)

    if exists == False:


        #print "\tAdded Grade Organization '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

    ret = nysed.get_gradeorganization_by_name(name)

    return ret
예제 #9
def add_district(name, countyid):

    nysed = dbhelper()

    exists = nysed.check_district_exists(name)

    if exists == False:

        nysed.create_district(name, countyid)

        #print "\tAdded District '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

    ret = nysed.get_district_by_name(name)

    return ret
def add_school(name, bedscode, enrollment, countyid, districtid, gradeorganizationid, needresourcecategoryid, schooltypeid):

        nysed = dbhelper()

        exists = nysed.check_school_exists(name, bedscode)

        if exists == False:

                nysed.create_school(name, bedscode, enrollment, countyid, districtid, gradeorganizationid, needresourcecategoryid, schooltypeid)

                #print "\tAdded School '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

        ret = nysed.get_school_by_name(name)

        return ret
def add_gradeorganization(name):

        nysed = dbhelper()

        exists = nysed.check_gradeorganization_exists(name)

        if exists == False:


                #print "\tAdded Grade Organization '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

        ret = nysed.get_gradeorganization_by_name(name)

        return ret
예제 #12
def add_school(name, bedscode, enrollment, countyid, districtid,
               gradeorganizationid, needresourcecategoryid, schooltypeid):

    nysed = dbhelper()

    exists = nysed.check_school_exists(name, bedscode)

    if exists == False:

        nysed.create_school(name, bedscode, enrollment, countyid, districtid,
                            gradeorganizationid, needresourcecategoryid,

        #print "\tAdded School '{0}' Successfully.".format(name)

    ret = nysed.get_school_by_name(name)

    return ret
예제 #13
def main(argv):

    if len(argv) != 2:
        print "Usage:\n\t\t{0} <poly_file.csv>".format(argv[0])

    print "Application Start."

    print "Loading poly file ..."

    csvfile = open(argv[1], "r")

    lines = csv.reader(csvfile, skipinitialspace=True)

    db = dbhelper()

    print "Getting all counties ..."

    counties = db.get_all_counties()

    print "Adding Geometry data to {0} counties ...".format(len(counties))

    for cells in lines:

        # pull out county name
        csvcountyname = cells[0]

        # pull out geometry
        csvgeometry = cells[4]

        if db.check_county_exists(csvcountyname) == True:

            countyid, countyname, geometry = db.get_county_by_name(

            db.update_county_geometry(countyid, csvgeometry)

            print "Geometry Updated Successfull for '{0}' County".format(


            print "ERROR: Unknown county name: '{0}'".format(csvcountyname)
def test_create_needresourcecatigory():

    nysdb = dbhelper()

    print "Testing create_needresourcecatigory() ..."

    rnd = randint(0, 10000)
    name = "__test_name_{0}__".format(rnd)


    exists = nysdb.check_needresourcecatigory_exists(name)
    if exists:
        print "PASSED\n"
        success = 1
        print "FAILED\n"
        success = 0

    return success
def test_create_gradeorganization():

    nysdb = dbhelper()

    print "Testing create_gradeorganization() ..."

    rnd = randint(0, 10000)
    name = "__test_name_{0}__".format(rnd)


    exists = nysdb.check_gradeorganization_exists(name)
    if exists:
        print "PASSED\n"
        success = 1
        print "FAILED\n"
        success = 0

    return success
def test_create_needresourcecatigory():

    nysdb = dbhelper()

    print "Testing create_needresourcecatigory() ..."

    rnd = randint(0, 10000)
    name = "__test_name_{0}__".format(rnd)


    exists = nysdb.check_needresourcecatigory_exists(name)
    if exists:
        print "PASSED\n"
        success = 1
        print "FAILED\n"
        success = 0

    return success
def test_create_gradeorganization():

    nysdb = dbhelper()

    print "Testing create_gradeorganization() ..."

    rnd = randint(0, 10000)
    name = "__test_name_{0}__".format(rnd)


    exists = nysdb.check_gradeorganization_exists(name)
    if exists:
        print "PASSED\n"
        success = 1
        print "FAILED\n"
        success = 0

    return success
def main(argv):

	if len(argv) != 2:
                print "Usage:\n\t\t{0} <poly_file.csv>".format(argv[0])

        print "Application Start."

	print "Loading poly file ..."

	csvfile = open(argv[1],"r")

        lines = csv.reader(csvfile,skipinitialspace=True)

        db = dbhelper()

	print "Getting all counties ..."

	counties = db.get_all_counties()

	print "Adding Geometry data to {0} counties ...".format(len(counties))

	for cells in lines:

		# pull out county name
		csvcountyname = cells[0]

		# pull out geometry
		csvgeometry = cells[4]

		if db.check_county_exists(csvcountyname) == True:

			countyid,countyname,geometry = db.get_county_by_name(csvcountyname)


			print "Geometry Updated Successfull for '{0}' County".format(countyname)


			print "ERROR: Unknown county name: '{0}'".format(csvcountyname)
def test_create_eventtype():

    nysdb = dbhelper()

    print "Testing create_eventtype() ..."

    rnd = randint(0, 10000)
    name = "__test_name_{0}__".format(rnd)

    # ... assume that there is an id #1 in each of these ...
    nysdb.create_eventtype(name, 1, 1)

    exists = nysdb.check_eventtype_exists(name)
    if exists:
        print "PASSED\n"
        success = 1
        print "FAILED\n"
        success = 0

    return success
def test_create_eventtype():

    nysdb = dbhelper()

    print "Testing create_eventtype() ..."

    rnd = randint(0, 10000)
    name = "__test_name_{0}__".format(rnd)

    # ... assume that there is an id #1 in each of these ...
    nysdb.create_eventtype(name, 1, 1)

    exists = nysdb.check_eventtype_exists(name)
    if exists:
        print "PASSED\n"
        success = 1
        print "FAILED\n"
        success = 0

    return success
def main(argv):

	if len(argv) != 4:
		print "Usage:\n\t\t{0} <file.csv> <startyear> <schoolyearname>".format(argv[0])

	print "Application Start."

	csvfile = open(argv[1],"r")

	lines = csv.reader(csvfile,skipinitialspace=True)

	db = dbhelper()

	# create a new school year if it doesn't already exists, and then get the id for use later
	startyear = argv[2]
	schoolyearname = argv[3]
	if db.check_schoolyear_exists(startyear) == False:
	schoolyearid,_start,_name = db.get_schoolyear_by_startyear(startyear)

	rowcount = 0
	startcolumn = 8

	for cells in lines:

		if rowcount < 4:

                        print "Ignoring line row."


			_schoolname = cells[2]
			_bedscode = cells[3]

			#print "School = {0}".format(_schoolname)

			if db.check_school_exists(_schoolname, _bedscode):

				# get school name
				schoolid,schoolname,bedscode,enrollment,countyid,districtid,gradeorganizationid,needresourcecategoryid,schooltypeid = db.get_school_by_name(_schoolname)

				# get all of the incidenss in the correct order from the db
				incidenttypes = db.get_all_incidenttypes()

				#print "Processing {0} incidenttypes ...".format(len(incidenttypes))

				# start at our column offset
				ccount = startcolumn

				# add all of the counts with their respective incidenttypes
				for i in range(0, len(incidenttypes)):

					# split tuple
					incidenttypeid,incidenttypename,weaponsrelated = incidenttypes[i]

					#print "\tCreating incident(s) for incident type '{0}'".format(incidenttypename)

					# if weapons related, we need to add the next two columns, else just the 1
					if weaponsrelated == 1:

						#print "\tSetting Value '{0}' for weapon involved incident type '{1}'".format(cells[ccount],incidenttypename)

						# add with the weapon 
						db.create_incident(cells[ccount], schoolyearid, 1, incidenttypeid, schoolid)
						# inc to next cell
						ccount += 1

						#print "\tSetting Value '{0}' for no weapon involved incident type '{1}'".format(cells[ccount],incidenttypename)

						# add without the weapon
						db.create_incident(cells[ccount], schoolyearid, 0, incidenttypeid, schoolid)

						#print "\tSetting Value '{0}' for weapon-independant incident type '{1}'".format(cells[ccount],incidenttypename)

						# add just without the weapon
						db.create_incident(cells[ccount], schoolyearid, 0, incidenttypeid, schoolid)

					# inc to next cell
					ccount += 1

				#print "Row Proccessed."

				print "ERROR: School did not exists within database, possible database corruption."

				print "\nSchool Name: \n\t'{0}'\nBEDS Code:\n\t'{1}'".format(_schoolname,_bedscode)


		rowcount += 1

		if rowcount % 100 == 0:
			print "Row {0} Processed.".format(rowcount)

	print "Application End."
예제 #22
def main(argv):

    if len(argv) != 2:
        print "Usage:\n\t\timport_simplespy <file.csv>\n"

    print "Application Start."

    print "Reading input file ..."

    # open the csv files
    csvfile = open(argv[1], "r")

    #filedata =

    print "Breaking file into rows ..."

    # break the file into rows
    #lines = filedata.split("\n"); # can't do this because they HAVE FREAKIN COMMA'S IN THE SCHOOL NAMES, OMG ...

    # pull lines from csv file
    lines = csv.reader(csvfile, skipinitialspace=True)

    # remove the first 4 rows, as these are not data

    #print "Iterating Through {0} Rows ...".format(len(lines))

    rowcount = 0

    helper = dbhelper()

    # see if the unknown category for these exists, and if it doesn't then create it
    if helper.check_gradeorganization_exists("UNKNOWN") == False:
    if helper.check_needresourcecategory_exists("UNKNOWN") == False:

    # pull the index of the unknowns for these two.  If the school is already known, these are ignored
    gradeorganizationid, _name = helper.get_gradeorganization_by_name(
    needresourcecategoryid, _name = helper.get_needresourcecategory_by_name(

    for cells in lines:

        if rowcount < 3:

            print "Ignoring line row."


            # split on commas to get each individual cell
            #cells = line.split(",")

            #print "Procesing cell data ..."

            # cell decode
            # data will only be valid for 2010 - 2011

            #print "Row {0}: {1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8}".format(rowcount,cells[0],cells[1],cells[2],cells[3],cells[4],cells[5],cells[6],cells[7])

            county = cells[0].replace('"', '')
            district = cells[2].replace('"', '')
            schoolname = cells[3].replace('"', '')
            bedscode = cells[1].replace('"', '')
            #gradeorg = cells[4].replace('"','')
            #resoucecat = cells[5].replace('"','')
            schooltype = cells[4].replace('"', '')
            cell5 = cells[5].replace('"', '')
            if cell5 != "":
                enrollment = long(float(cell5))
                enrollment = 0

            # add all the new data to the database
            countyid, _name, _geometry = add_county(county)
            districtid, _name, _countyid = add_district(district, countyid)
            #gradeorganizationid,_name = add_gradeorganization(gradeorg)
            #needresourcecategoryid,_name = add_needresourcecategory(resoucecat)
            schooltypeid, _name = add_schooltype(schooltype)

            # since county, gradeorg, or resourcecat aren't in the spreadsheet for this school year,
            # we need to query them from 'future' years where the data is available

            # make the assumption the distrct exists since this file should have already gone
            # through import_simples_<schoolyear>.py

            # get district and make sure it exists
            #if helper.check_district_exists(district) == False:

            #	print "District '{0}' is unknown, ".format(district)


            if True:

                districtid, _districtname, countyid = helper.get_district_by_name(

                # check to see if the school exists
                if helper.check_school_exists(schoolname, bedscode) == False:

                    print "New School Found, fudging grade organization and need/resource category"

                # set to invalid index's, if the school already exists these will be ignored
                #gradeorganizationid = invalidgradeorganizationindex;
                #needresourcecategoryid =

                # add the school with the database data
                schoolid, _schoolname, _bedscode, _enrollment, _countyid, _districtid, _gradeorganizationid, _needresourcecategoryid, _schooltypeid = add_school(
                    schoolname, bedscode, enrollment, countyid, districtid,
                    gradeorganizationid, needresourcecategoryid, schooltypeid)

                #print "Added School: Name = {0}, ID = {1}".format(_schoolname,schoolid)

        if rowcount % 100 == 0:
            print "Row {0} Processed.".format(rowcount)

        rowcount += 1

    print "\n{0} Rows processed successfully.\n".format(rowcount)

    print "Application End."
def main(argv):

	if len(argv) != 2:
		print "Usage:\n\t\timport_simplespy <file.csv>\n"

	print "Application Start."

	print "Reading input file ..."

	# open the csv files
	csvfile = open(argv[1],"r")

	#filedata =

	print "Breaking file into rows ..."

	# break the file into rows
	#lines = filedata.split("\n"); # can't do this because they HAVE FREAKIN COMMA'S IN THE SCHOOL NAMES, OMG ...

	# pull lines from csv file
	lines = csv.reader(csvfile,skipinitialspace=True)

	# remove the first 4 rows, as these are not data

	#print "Iterating Through {0} Rows ...".format(len(lines))

	rowcount = 0

	helper = dbhelper()

	# see if the unknown category for these exists, and if it doesn't then create it
	if helper.check_gradeorganization_exists("UNKNOWN") == False:
	if helper.check_needresourcecategory_exists("UNKNOWN") == False:

	# pull the index of the unknowns for these two.  If the school is already known, these are ignored
	gradeorganizationid,_name = helper.get_gradeorganization_by_name("UNKNOWN")
	needresourcecategoryid, _name = helper.get_needresourcecategory_by_name("UNKNOWN")

	for cells in lines:

		if rowcount < 3:

			print "Ignoring line row."


			# split on commas to get each individual cell
			#cells = line.split(",")

			#print "Procesing cell data ..."

			# cell decode
			# data will only be valid for 2010 - 2011
			#print "Row {0}: {1},{2},{3},{4},{5},{6},{7},{8}".format(rowcount,cells[0],cells[1],cells[2],cells[3],cells[4],cells[5],cells[6],cells[7])

			county = cells[0].replace('"','')
			district = cells[2].replace('"','')
			schoolname = cells[3].replace('"','')
			bedscode = cells[1].replace('"','')
			#gradeorg = cells[4].replace('"','')
			#resoucecat = cells[5].replace('"','')
			schooltype = cells[4].replace('"','')
			cell5 = cells[5].replace('"','')
			if cell5 != "":
				enrollment = long(float(cell5))
				enrollment = 0

			# add all the new data to the database
			countyid,_name,_geometry = add_county(county)
			districtid,_name,_countyid = add_district(district,countyid)
			#gradeorganizationid,_name = add_gradeorganization(gradeorg)
			#needresourcecategoryid,_name = add_needresourcecategory(resoucecat)
			schooltypeid,_name = add_schooltype(schooltype)

			# since county, gradeorg, or resourcecat aren't in the spreadsheet for this school year,
                        # we need to query them from 'future' years where the data is available
			# make the assumption the distrct exists since this file should have already gone
			# through import_simples_<schoolyear>.py
			# get district and make sure it exists
			#if helper.check_district_exists(district) == False:

			#	print "District '{0}' is unknown, ".format(district)


			if True:
				districtid,_districtname,countyid = helper.get_district_by_name(district)

				# check to see if the school exists
				if helper.check_school_exists(schoolname,bedscode) == False:
					print "New School Found, fudging grade organization and need/resource category"

				# set to invalid index's, if the school already exists these will be ignored
				#gradeorganizationid = invalidgradeorganizationindex;
				#needresourcecategoryid = 
				# add the school with the database data
				schoolid,_schoolname,_bedscode,_enrollment,_countyid,_districtid,_gradeorganizationid,_needresourcecategoryid,_schooltypeid = add_school(schoolname,bedscode, enrollment, countyid, districtid, gradeorganizationid, needresourcecategoryid, schooltypeid)

				#print "Added School: Name = {0}, ID = {1}".format(_schoolname,schoolid)

		if rowcount % 100 == 0:
			print "Row {0} Processed.".format(rowcount)

		rowcount += 1

	print "\n{0} Rows processed successfully.\n".format(rowcount)

	print "Application End."