def diagnostics(): """ Run system diagnostics. """ response = '- Running diagnostics... ' # Processor Temperature. if hasattr(psutil, "sensors_temperatures"): temps = psutil.sensors_temperatures() if not temps: response += "Unable to read temperature.\n" else: for name, entries in temps.items(): for entry in entries: response += 'Proccessor temperature is currently %.0f degrees Centegrade...\n' % entry.current break break # Memory Free. response += 'System memory has %.0f Gigabytes free...\n' % oa.util.legacy.bytes2gb( oa.util.legacy.sys.free_memory()) # Drive Space Free. response += 'Internal hard drive has %.0f Gigabytes free...\n' % oa.util.legacy.bytes2gb( psutil.disk_usage('/').free) # Network Status. response += oa.util.legacy.switch( is_online(), True, 'Internet access is currently available.', 'We are offline.') say(response)
def calculate(): ret = expr2str() info(oa.util.legacy.op.sys.expr) info('expr=' + ret) try: say(eval(ret)) except: say('Error. Wrong expression. ' + ret) # Clear the expression. oa.util.legacy.sys.expr = []
def read_news_feed(news_feed, category): rss = feedparser.parse(news_feed) info(rss['feed']['title']) say('- Reading %s news.' % category) headline_count = 1 # Amount of headlines to read. headline_amount = 5 for post in rss.entries: if (headline_count == headline_amount): break else: headline = post.title exclude = set(string.punctuation) headline = ''.join(ch for ch in headline if ch not in exclude) say(headline) headline_count += 1
def read_forecast(): import forecastio """ Get the weather forecast from Dark Sky ( Get your API key and longitude / latitude at: Install 'forecastio' module with: `pip install python-forcastio` """ # Weather For Amberg, Germany. api_key = "e3f8667cb539171dc2f4b389d33648ce" lat = 49.44287 lng = 11.86267 forecast = forecastio.load_forecast(api_key, lat, lng, lang='en') byNow = forecast.currently() byHour = forecast.hourly() byDay = forecast.daily() weather_summary = """ - The weather is currently %s.\n The temperature is %d degrees Celsius.\n %s \n %s""" % ( byNow.summary, int(byNow.temperature), byHour.summary, byDay.summary) say(weather_summary)
def list_commands(): say('- The currently available voice commands are:\n{}'.format(',\n'.join( kws.keys())))
def hello_world(): say('- Hello world!')
def close(s): """ Close an application by a window or process name. A partial window name will work, for example: 'note*'. """ say('- Unable to close %s for now.' % s) pass
def say_last_command(string=''): say(string + ' ' + oa.util.legacy.oa.last_command)
def say_day(): """ Speak the current day. """ day = oa.util.legacy.sys.day_name() say('- Today is %s.' % day)
def say_time(): """ Speak the current time. """ time = oa.util.legacy.sys.time_text() say('- The time is %s.' % time)
def list_commands(): say('The currently available voice commands are..') [say(cmd) for cmd in kws.keys()]