def get_live_candles(instrument, params): """ @param instrument: @param params: @return: dataframe of live candles data """ client = API(access_token=access_token) r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) client.request(r) candles = r.response.get("candles") data = [] df1 = pd.DataFrame(candles)[['complete', 'volume', 'time']] df2 = pd.DataFrame(list(pd.DataFrame(candles)['mid'])) df = pd.concat([df1, df2], axis=1) df.rename(mapper={ 'o': 'open', 'h': 'high', 'l': 'low', 'c': 'close' }, inplace=True, axis=1) df['time'] = pd.to_datetime(df['time']) df[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']] = df[['open', 'high', 'low', 'close']].apply(pd.to_numeric, errors='coerce') return df
def get_data(count, gran, year, month, day, hour, minute, second, inst='USD_JPY'): fmt = '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:00.000000Z' _from = datetime.datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour, minute=minute, second=second).strftime(fmt) params = { "count": count, "granularity": gran, 'from': _from, } r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=inst, params=params) api.request(r) df = to_dataframe(r) return df
def calculate_qty(df, signal, pair): position_size = nav / max_trades * 20 print(f'position size: {position_size}') logging.error(f'position size: {position_size}') print(df.tail()) price = df['close'].iloc[-1] print(f'price: {price}') logging.error(f'price: {price}') if pair in pairs_usd: print('pair is in pairs_usd') logging.error('pair is in pairs_usd') qty = math.floor(position_size / price) print(f'qty: {qty}') logging.error(f'qty: {qty}') elif pair in usd_pairs: print('pair is in usd_pairs') logging.error('pair is in usd_pairs') qty = math.floor(position_size) print(f'qty: {qty}') logging.error(f'qty: {qty}') else: print('pair doesn\'t have usd') logging.error('pair doesn\'t have usd') conversion_pair = conversion_pairs[pair] print(f'conversion pair: {conversion_pair}') logging.error(f'conversion pair: {conversion_pair}') payload = { 'count': 1, 'granularity': 'M1', } r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=conversion_pair, params=payload) conversion_price = float(api.request(r)['candles'][-1]['mid']['c']) print(f'conversion price: {conversion_price}') logging.error(f'conversion price: {conversion_price}') if conversion_pair in pairs_usd: print('conversion pair in pairs_usd') logging.error('conversion pair in pairs_usd') price_currency_qty = position_size / conversion_price print(f'price currency qty: {price_currency_qty}') logging.error(f'price currency qty: {price_currency_qty}') qty = math.floor(price_currency_qty / price) print(f'qty: {qty}') logging.error(f'qty: {qty}') else: print('conversion pair not in pairs_usd') logging.error('conversion pair not in pairs_usd') price_currency_qty = position_size * conversion_price print(f'price currency qty: {price_currency_qty}') logging.error(f'price currency qty: {price_currency_qty}') qty = math.floor(price_currency_qty / price) print(f'qty: {qty}') logging.error(f'qty: {qty}') if signal == 'buy': return qty elif signal == 'sell': return -qty
def connection_historic_data(self, params): """ Makes a candle download request to Oanda. :params (dict) is a dictionary comprised by: 'granularity' : 'M1' 'financial_instrument' : 'EUR_USD' 'count': 5000 'price': 'B' (B for Bid, A for Ask, M for Mid) 'from': '2018-04-13T14:10:00Z' :return raw data from Oanda :rtype nested dictionaries follow structure below: dictionary nests list of dictionaries that nests a dictionary: 'instrument' 'granularity' 'candles' --> list of dictionaries 'complete' 'volume' 'time' 'bid' --> dictionary 'o' 'h' 'l' 'c' """ # For some reason Oanda (or oandapyV20) requests two instances of financial instrument as input? financial_instrument = params['financial instrument'] conn_params = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=financial_instrument, params=params) return self.api.request(conn_params)
def insert_table(base_time, instrument, con, table_type, count): if decideMarket(base_time): sql = "select insert_time from %s_%s_TABLE where insert_time = \'%s\'" % (instrument, table_type, base_time) response = con.select_sql(sql) if len(response) == 0: if table_type == "1m": granularity = "M1" elif table_type == "5m": granularity = "M5" elif table_type == "1h": granularity = "H1" elif table_type == "3h": granularity = "H3" elif table_type == "8h": granularity = "H8" elif table_type == "day": granularity = "D" start_time = (base_time - timedelta(hours=14)).strftime("%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S") params = { "from": start_time, "granularity": granularity, "price": "ABM", "count": count } req = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) client.request(req) response = req.response if len(response) == 0: pass else: for candle in response["candles"]: open_ask_price = candle["ask"]["o"] open_bid_price = candle["bid"]["o"] close_ask_price = candle["ask"]["c"] close_bid_price = candle["bid"]["c"] high_ask_price = candle["ask"]["h"] high_bid_price = candle["bid"]["h"] low_ask_price = candle["ask"]["l"] low_bid_price = candle["bid"]["l"] insert_time = candle["time"] insert_time = insert_time.split(".")[0] insert_time = insert_time + ".000000Z" #print(insert_time) insert_time = iso_jp(insert_time) insert_time = insert_time.strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S") sql = "select insert_time from %s_%s_TABLE where insert_time = \'%s\'" % (instrument, table_type, insert_time) response = con.select_sql(sql) if len(response) == 0: sql = "insert into %s_%s_TABLE(open_ask, open_bid, close_ask, close_bid, high_ask, high_bid, low_ask, low_bid, insert_time) values(%s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, %s, \'%s\')" % (instrument, table_type, open_ask_price, open_bid_price, close_ask_price, close_bid_price, high_ask_price, high_bid_price, low_ask_price, low_bid_price, insert_time) print(sql) try: con.insert_sql(sql) except Exception as e: print(traceback.format_exc())
def insert_new_into_table(trading_pair, time_frame): added_times = [] #request data from oanda params = {'granularity': time_frame} r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=trading_pair, params=params) requested_data = api.request(r) #prep data to push no_of_candles = len(requested_data['candles']) for i in range(no_of_candles): if requested_data['candles'][i]['complete'] == True: raw_time = requested_data['candles'][i]['time'] formatted_time = datetime.strptime(raw_time, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.000000000Z') formatted_time = formatted_time + timedelta(hours=3) temp = str(formatted_time)[:-3] formatted_time = temp.replace('-', '.') table_name = '{}_{}'.format(time_frame, trading_pair) #check if time needs to be added if time_query_check(table_name, formatted_time) == []: raw_data = requested_data['candles'][i]['mid'] o = raw_data['o'] h = raw_data['h'] l = raw_data['l'] c = raw_data['c'] insert_stuff(table_name, (formatted_time, o, h, l, c)) added_times.append(formatted_time) return added_times
def get_candles(self, _from, count, granularity, instrument): params = {"from": _from, "count": count, "granularity": granularity} r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) data = self.client.request(r) #print(data) return data
def get_price_data(pair, config_file, output, **kwargs): """Get data from Oanda and put in CSV. Parameters ---------- pair: str The instrument pair in which to fetch prices. config_file : str Location of configuration file. output: str Location and name of output .csv file. """ conf = get_config(config_file) kwargs['price'] = 'BA' r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=pair, params=kwargs) api = API(access_token=conf['token']) api.request(r) prices = [] for _ in r.response['candles']: prices.append([ _['time'], _['bid']['c'], _['ask']['c'], float(_['ask']['c']) - float(_['bid']['c']) ]) df = pd.DataFrame(prices) df.columns = ['time', 'bid', 'ask', 'spread'] df.to_csv(output, sep='\t', index=False)
def get_exrate_as_df(instrument='EUR_USD', granularity='D', from_=None, to='2019-03-01', count=100): if from_ is None: params = { 'granularity': granularity, 'to': to, 'count': count, } else: params = { 'granularity': granularity, 'from': from_, 'to': to, } api = API(access_token=ACCESS_TOKEN) r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) api.request(r) data = [] for row in r.response['candles']: data.append([ row['time'], row['mid']['o'], row['mid']['h'], row['mid']['l'], row['mid']['c'], row['volume'] ]) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.columns = ['time', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume'] df = df.set_index('time') df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) df = df.astype(float) return df
def candle_data(self, symbol, granularity, de, para): """ Candle data for symbols """ params = {"from": de, "granularity": granularity, "to": para, "alignmentTimezone": "Europe/Moscow", } r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=symbol, params=params) data = api.request(r) clean = [{'time':i['time'],"open":i['mid']['o'], "close":i['mid']['c'],'high':i['mid']['h'], 'low':i['mid']['l']} for i in data['candles']] df = pd.DataFrame(clean) df.set_index('time',inplace=True) df.index = [ parse(i).strftime('%Y-%m-%d') for i in df.index ] df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) df = df.convert_objects(convert_numeric=True) df['asset'] = symbol return df
def get_candles(self, instrument: str, date_from: datetime, date_to: datetime, granularity: str): timestamp_from = math.floor(date_from.timestamp()) timestamp_to = math.floor(date_to.timestamp()) granularity_s = self.__get_granularity_s(granularity) candles = [] while timestamp_to - timestamp_from > 0: _from = timestamp_from _to = timestamp_from + 5000 * granularity_s if _to > timestamp_to: _to = timestamp_to params = { "from": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_from).isoformat() + "Z", "to": datetime.utcfromtimestamp(_to).isoformat() + "Z", "granularity": granularity } r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument, params) resp = self.__api.request(r) candles += resp["candles"] timestamp_from = _to data = [] for candle in candles: data.append([ datetime.fromisoformat(candle["time"].split(".")[0]), candle["mid"]["o"], candle["mid"]["h"], candle["mid"]["l"], candle["mid"]["c"], candle["volume"] ]) df = pd.DataFrame(data) df.columns = ["DateTime", "Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"] df["Open"] = df["Open"].astype(float) df["High"] = df["High"].astype(float) df["Low"] = df["Low"].astype(float) df["Close"] = df["Close"].astype(float) return df
def candles(inst, granularity, count, From, to, price, nice, access_token): api = API(access_token=access_token) def check_date(s): dateFmt = "[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}T[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}Z" if not re.match(dateFmt, s): raise ValueError("Incorrect date format: ", s) return True if inst: params = {} if granularity: params.update({"granularity": granularity}) if count: params.update({"count": count}) if From and check_date(From): params.update({"from": From}) if to and check_date(to): params.update({"to": to}) if price: params.update({"price": price}) for i in inst: r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=i, params=params) rv = api.request(r) kw = {} if nice: kw = {"indent": nice} # print("{}".format(json.dumps(rv, **kw))) return rv
def show_candles(accountID, instrument, other_args: List[str]): parser = argparse.ArgumentParser( add_help=False, prog="candles", description="Display Candle Data", ) parser.add_argument( "-g", "--granularity", dest="granularity", action="store", type=str, default="D", required=False, help= "The timeframe to get for the candle chart (Seconds: S5, S10, S15, S30 " + "Minutes: M1, M2, M4, M5, M10, M15, M30 Hours: H1, H2, H3, H4, H6, H8, H12 " + "Day (default): D, Week: W Month: M", ) parser.add_argument( "-c", "--count", dest="candlecount", action="store", default=180, type=int, required=False, help="The number of candles to retrieve. Default:180 ", ) ns_parser = parse_known_args_and_warn(parser, other_args) if not ns_parser: return parameters = {} parameters["granularity"] = ns_parser.granularity parameters["count"] = ns_parser.candlecount try: instrument = format_instrument(instrument, "_") request = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument, params=parameters) response = client.request(request) process_candle_response(response) oanda_fix_date(".temp_candles.csv") df = pd.read_csv(".candles.csv", index_col=0) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) df.columns = ["Open", "High", "Low", "Close", "Volume"] if gtff.USE_ION: plt.ion() mpf.plot( df, type="candle", style="charles", volume=True, title=f"{instrument} {ns_parser.granularity}", ) print("") except V20Error as e: d_error = eval(e.msg) print(d_error["errorMessage"], "\n")
def get_candle(self, instrument='EUR_USD', count=2, granularity='M1'): r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params={ 'count': count, 'granularity': granularity }) candleprice = self.client.request(r) completed = False for count in candleprice["candles"]: if count['complete']: volume = float(count['volume']) high = float(count['mid']['h']) low = float(count['mid']['l']) close = float(count['mid']['c']) date = count['time'] times = self.reverse_format_func(date) if len(self.times) == 0: completed = True self.times = [times] self.last_close = close self.last_volume = volume elif times != self.times[-1]: completed = True self.times.append(times) self.liste_to_evol(high=high, low=low, close=close, volume=volume) return completed
def connect_to_api(): client = oandapyV20.API(access_token= ACCESS_TOKEN) params = {'accountId' : ACCOUNT_ID, 'instruments' : INSTRUMENTS, 'granularity': granularity} data_request = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument = INSTRUMENTS, params = params) client.request(data_request) response = data_request.response return response
def get_instruments_all(self, instruments_list, from_date, to_date='', granularity="D", price="MBA"): data = {} params = {} params['granularity'] = granularity params['price'] = price if from_date != '': params['from'] = from_date if to_date != '': params['to'] = to_date else: now = now = now.strftime('%Y-%m-%d') params['to'] = now client = oandapyV20.API(access_token=self.__token) for i in range(len(instruments_list)): try: r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles( instrument=instruments_list[i], params=params) json_response = client.request(r) data[instruments_list[i]] = self.get_tot_trade(json_response) except: continue return (data)
def main(self): def check_date(s): dateFmt = "[\d]{4}-[\d]{2}-[\d]{2}T[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}:[\d]{2}Z" if not re.match(dateFmt, s): raise ValueError("Incorrect date format: ", s) return True if self.clargs.instruments: params = {} if self.clargs.granularity: params.update({"granularity": self.clargs.granularity}) if self.clargs.count: params.update({"count": self.clargs.count}) if self.clargs.From and check_date(self.clargs.From): params.update({"from": self.clargs.From}) if and check_date( params.update({"to":}) if self.clargs.price: params.update({"price": self.clargs.price}) for i in self.clargs.instruments: r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=i, params=params) rv = self.api.request(r) kw = {} if self.clargs.nice: kw = {"indent": self.clargs.nice} print("{}".format(json.dumps(rv, **kw)))
def get_sequence_candles(instrument, granularity, count, da=daily_alignment): env = yaml.safe_load(open('/seq/seq5/configs/env.yaml', 'r')) client = oandapyV20.API(access_token=env['client']) params = { 'count': count, 'granularity': granularity, 'price': 'M', 'alignmentTimezone': 'UTC', #'America/Los_Angeles', 'dailyAlignment': da } r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) coll = client.request(r) # Remove last candle if not complete. if coll['candles'][-1]['complete'] == False: coll['candles'].pop() # Assemble Dataframe high = [] low = [] close = [] timestamp = [] for i in range(len(coll['candles'])): high.append(float(coll['candles'][i]['mid']['h'])) low.append(float(coll['candles'][i]['mid']['l'])) close.append(float(coll['candles'][i]['mid']['c'])) timestamp.append(coll['candles'][i]['time']) # Assemble DataFrame. Cast Values. df = pd.DataFrame(pd.to_datetime(timestamp)) df.columns = ['timestamp'] df['high'] = pd.to_numeric(high) df['low'] = pd.to_numeric(low) df['close'] = pd.to_numeric(close) return df
def f_descarga_precios(date, instrument): """ Parameters --------- instrument: str : instrumento del precio que se requiere date : date : fecha del dia del precio Returns --------- prices: : precios del activo descargado. Debuggin --------- instrument : str : cadena de texto con 'EUR_USD' date = pd.to_datetime("2019-07-06 00:00:00") """ # Inicializar api de OANDA api = API(environment="practice", access_token='107596e9d65c' + '1bbc9175953d917140' + '12-f975c6201dddad03ac1592232c0ea0ea',) # Convertir en string la fecha fecha = date.strftime('%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S') # Parametros para Oanda r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params={"count": 1, "granularity": 'S10', "price": "M", "dailyAlignment": 16, "from": fecha}) # Descargar response = api.request(r) # En fomato candles prices = response.get("candles") # Regresar el precio de apertura return prices
def __init__(self, instrument, granularity, units, clargs): self.accountID, token = authentication() self.client = API(access_token=token) self.units = units self.clargs = clargs = PriceTable(instrument, granularity) # fetch First Candle data params = {"count": 1, "from": self.clargs.Orbdate} r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) rv = self.client.request(r) if len(rv) == 0: logger.error( "No candle data available for specified date:{d}".format( d=self.clargs.Orbdate)) # and calculate indicators for crecord in rv['candles']: if crecord['complete'] is True: self.high = float(crecord['mid']['h']) self.low = float(crecord['mid']['l']) ORBdetails = ORB(, self.client, self.high, self.low)"onAddItem", ORBdetails.calculate) self.indicators = [ORBdetails] self.state = NEUTRAL # overall state based on calculated indicators self.unit_ordered = False self._botstate()
def __init__(self, instrument, granularity, units, clargs): self.accountID, token = exampleAuth() self.client = API(access_token=token) self.units = units self.clargs = clargs = PriceTable(instrument, granularity) mavgX = MAx(, clargs.shortMA, clargs.longMA, clargs.SOK, clargs.SOD, clargs.SOF)"onAddItem", mavgX.calculate) self.indicators = [mavgX] self.state = NEUTRAL # overall state based on calculated indicators # fetch initial historical data params = {"granularity": granularity, "count": self.clargs.longMA} r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) rv = self.client.request(r) # and calculate indicators for crecord in rv['candles']: if crecord['complete'] is True: # def addItem(self, dt, ao, ah, al, ac, av, bo, bh, bl, bc, bv):['time'], float(crecord['mid']['o']), float(crecord['mid']['h']), float(crecord['mid']['l']), float(crecord['mid']['c']), int(crecord['volume']), float(crecord['mid']['o']), float(crecord['mid']['h']), float(crecord['mid']['l']), float(crecord['mid']['c']), int(crecord['volume'])) self._botstate()
def get_candles(granularity, instrument="USD_CAD", count=100): ''' Returns candlestick information based on given parameters. Information is returned as a pandas df ''' params = {"count": count, "granularity": granularity} oanda, __ = connect_to_server() r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument, params=params) oanda.request(r) candles = r.response['candles'] for i in candles: i.pop('complete') olhc = i.pop('mid') i['Date'] = i.pop('time') i['Volume'] = i.pop('volume') i['Open'] = float(olhc['o']) i['High'] = float(olhc['h']) i['Low'] = float(olhc['l']) i['Close'] = float(olhc['c']) i['Volume'] = float(i['Volume']) df = pd.DataFrame(candles) df['Datetime'] = pd.DatetimeIndex(df['Date']) df = df.set_index('Datetime') df = df.drop(['Date'], axis=1) # csv_for_testing() return df
def get_last_hour(self, which=1): last_hour = pd.DataFrame() for j in range(0, len(self.instrument)): params = {} params.update({'granularity': 'M5'}) params.update({'count': 2}) params.update({'price': 'BA'}) r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=self.instrument[j], params=params) rv = self.api.request(r) dict = {} for i in range(2): df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(rv['candles'][:][i]) df = df.transpose() spread = float(df.loc['ask'].c) - float(df.loc['bid'].c) list = df.loc['ask'][['o', 'h', 'l', 'c', 'time']] date = df.loc['time'].c vol = df.loc['volume'].c dict[i] = { 'date': date, 'open': float(list.o), 'high': float(list.h), 'low': float(list.l), 'close': float(list.c), 'AskVol': float(vol), 'spread': spread, 'symbol': self.instrument[j] } df = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(dict) df = df.transpose() df = df.set_index(pd.to_datetime( df = df[[ 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'AskVol', 'spread', 'symbol' ]] last_hour = last_hour.append(df.iloc[which]) last_hour = last_hour[['close', 'symbol']] time = last_hour.index[0] values = last_hour.close.values symbols = last_hour.symbol.values append = pd.DataFrame(data=[values], columns=symbols, index=[time]) self.hist_data = self.hist_data.append(append) self.hist_data.to_csv('Data/Composite_Prices.csv')
def main(): access_token = "df36fd83bc0d3b33010ebbea7feb99d7-5849f313292879ab44e0a824de58e1ad" api = API(access_token=access_token, environment="practice") # count = 2000 count = 100 params = { "count": count, # 足3本取得 "granularity": "M5", # 1分足を取得 "price": "B", # Bidを取得 } instruments_candles = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument="GBP_USD", params=params) try: api.request(instruments_candles) response = instruments_candles.response df = pd.DataFrame([candle["bid"] for candle in response["candles"]], dtype=np.float64) df['v'] = [candle["volume"] for candle in response["candles"]] df.columns = ['Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume'] df['date'] = [candle["time"] for candle in response["candles"]] df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date']) df.set_index('date', inplace=True) # print(df) for i in range(int(count / 10)): mpf.plot(df[i * 10:(i + 1) * 10], type='candle', style='nightclouds', savefig=f'data/candles{i}.png') # except V20Error as e: print("Error: {}".format(e))
def candlestickinfo(candlecount, granularity): parameters = {"count": candlecount, "granularity": granularity} info = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument="EUR_USD", params=parameters) api.request(info) return info.response
def get_candles(instrument, params): _conf = PyOandaConfig() _api = API(access_token=_conf.access_token, environment="practice") _request = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=instrument, params=params) _api.request(_request) return _request.response
def historical_klines(self, forex_pair, num_of_candles, interval): import oandapyV20.endpoints.instruments as instruments parameters = {"count": num_of_candles, "granularity": interval} r = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=forex_pair, params=parameters) self.client.request(r) forex_pair_data_raw = r.response # OHLC flag_historical = True idx_historical = 0 while flag_historical: self.open_prices.append(float(forex_pair_data_raw["candles"][idx_historical]["mid"]["o"])) self.high_prices.append(float(forex_pair_data_raw["candles"][idx_historical]["mid"]["h"])) self.low_prices.append(float(forex_pair_data_raw["candles"][idx_historical]["mid"]["l"])) self.close_prices.append(float(forex_pair_data_raw["candles"][idx_historical]["mid"]["c"])) self.date_time.append(forex_pair_data_raw["candles"][idx_historical]["time"][: -11]) if idx_historical == num_of_candles - 1: flag_historical = False idx_historical += 1 self.red_green_candles = ["Green" if x[0] < x[1] else "Red" for x in zip(self.open_prices, self.close_prices)] self.candles_size = [round((((x[1] - x[0]) * 100) / x[0]), 3) for x in zip(self.open_prices, self.close_prices)]
def get_candles_dataframe(accountID, instrument, parameters): if not parameters: parameters = { "granularity": "D", "count": "1500", } try: request = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument, params=parameters) response = client.request(request) candles_data = [] for i in range(len(response["candles"])): candles_data.append({ "Date": response["candles"][i]["time"][:10] + " " + response["candles"][i]["time"][11:19], "Open": float(response["candles"][i]["mid"]["o"]), "High": float(response["candles"][i]["mid"]["h"]), "Low": float(response["candles"][i]["mid"]["l"]), "Close": float(response["candles"][i]["mid"]["c"]), "Volume": response["candles"][i]["volume"], }) df = pd.DataFrame(candles_data) df.set_index("Date", inplace=True) df.index = pd.to_datetime(df.index) return df except V20Error as e: # pylint: disable=W0123 d_error = eval(e.msg) print(d_error["errorMessage"], "\n")
def get_currency_bars(ticker, granularity, numBars=1): """ returns a dataframe object that has the specified currency's Current price,Open,High,Low,Close Values for the specified Granularity. Default number of bars is 1. """ #Set up Parameters inParams = {"count": numBars, "granularity": granularity} #retrieve data from network candle_get = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument=ticker, params=inParams) client.request(candle_get) #Flatten the data recived from network and set datetime index norm_data = json_normalize(candle_get.response['candles']) norm_data.set_index(norm_data['time'].apply(pd.to_datetime), inplace=True) #Create the dataframe you will return ret_df = pd.DataFrame( np.zeros((numBars, 6)), index=norm_data['time'].apply(pd.to_datetime), columns='Open High Low Close Volume Complete'.split()) #Assign corresponding Columns and return the dataframe! ret_df['Open'] = norm_data['mid.o'] ret_df['High'] = norm_data['mid.h'] ret_df['Low'] = norm_data['mid.l'] ret_df['Close'] = norm_data['mid.c'] ret_df['Volume'] = norm_data['volume'] ret_df['Complete'] = norm_data['complete'] return ret_df
def get_historical_ohlc(self, instrument=INSTRUMENT, granularity=GRANULARITY, count=5000): """ :param instrument: :param from_date: :param to_date: :return: """ # get historical price data from OANDA API params = { "granularity": granularity, "count": count } hist_data = instruments.InstrumentsCandles(instrument, params) hist_data = client.request(hist_data) # save the historical data collection = db['historical_ohlc'] collection.insert_one(hist_data) del hist_data['_id'] print(hist_data) print(type(hist_data)) return hist_data