def update(request, user_app_id): """Update record""" data = request.DATA user = helpers.get_user(request) data = helpers.set_null_values_if_not_exist(data, get_fields()) try: item = get_application_model().objects.get(pk=user_app_id) except get_application_model().DoesNotExist: return {'code': 'user_app/not_found', 'values': [user_app_id]}, 404, False data['client_type'] = AbstractApplication.CLIENT_CONFIDENTIAL data['authorization_grant_type'] = AbstractApplication.GRANT_PASSWORD data['skip_authorization'] = True data['client_id'] = generate_client_id() data['client_secret'] = generate_client_secret() helpers.json_to_objects(item, data) item.user = user return {'code': 'ok', 'data': helpers.objects_to_json(request, [item])}, 200, item
def get_item_by_client_id(request, user_app_client_id): from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model try: item = get_application_model().objects.get(client_id=user_app_client_id) except get_application_model().DoesNotExist: return {'code': 'user_app/not_found', 'values': [user_app_client_id]}, 404, False return {'code': 'ok', 'data': helpers.objects_to_json(request, [item])}, 200, item
def delete(request, user_app_id): """Update record""" from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model try: item = get_application_model().objects.get(pk=user_app_id) except get_application_model().DoesNotExist: return {'code': 'user_app/not_found', 'values': [user_app_id]}, 404 item.delete() return {'code': 'ok'}, 200
def _set_token(self, request, response): if request.user and request.user.is_authenticated(): access_token = request.META.get('ACCESS_TOKEN', None) if access_token is None: Application = get_application_model() geoserver_app = Application.objects.get(name="GeoServer") token = generate_token() ttl = + datetime.timedelta(days=3) AccessToken.objects.get_or_create(user=request.user, application=geoserver_app, expires=ttl, token=token) access_token = token response.set_cookie( settings.ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME, access_token, max_age=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_AGE, domain=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN, path=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_PATH, secure=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_SECURE or None, httponly=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_HTTPONLY or None,) patch_vary_headers(response, ('Cookie',)) else: response.delete_cookie(settings.ACCESS_TOKEN_NAME, domain=settings.SESSION_COOKIE_DOMAIN)
def get_form_class(self): return forms.modelform_factory( get_application_model(), fields=( "name", "redirect_uris" ) )
def get(self, request, format=None): requester_app = request.auth.application target_app = request.query_params.get('target_app', '').strip() if target_app: qs = get_application_model().objects.all() target_app = generics.get_object_or_404(qs, client_id=target_app) try: AppToAppPermission.objects.get(requester=requester_app, target=target_app) except AppToAppPermission.DoesNotExist: raise PermissionDenied("no permissions for app %s" % target_app) else: target_app = requester_app secret = target_app.client_secret user = request.user payload = UserSerializer(user).data delete_fields = ['last_login', 'date_joined', 'uuid'] for field in delete_fields: if field in payload: del payload[field] if not target_app.include_ad_groups: del payload['ad_groups'] payload['iss'] = '' # FIXME: Make configurable payload['sub'] = str(user.uuid) payload['aud'] = target_app.client_id payload['exp'] = request.auth.expires encoded = jwt.encode(payload, secret, algorithm='HS256') ret = dict(token=encoded, expires_at=request.auth.expires) return Response(ret)
def form_valid(self, form): # Make sure registrants can't disable the authorization step. # Only site admins can do that. original_object = get_application_model().objects.get( form.instance.skip_authorization = original_object.skip_authorization return super(OAuthAppUpdate, self).form_valid(form)
def get_user_from_token(token): """ Return a User model record based on the token. :param token: token dictionary object :return: User Model record """ # retrieve our oauth2 application model. app = get_application_model().objects.get(name=settings.OAUTH2_APPLICATION_NAME) # Retrieve the access token and refresh token for the user. try: at = AccessToken.objects.get(application=app, token=token['access_token']) # Hit the db indexes. except: return None # Check to see if the access token has expired. if at.expires < now(): return None try: return get_user_model().objects.get(pk=at.user_id) except ObjectDoesNotExist: pass return None
def load_application(self, client_id, request): applications = oauth2_models.get_application_model() try: request.client = applications.objects.get(client_id=client_id) return request.client except applications.DoesNotExist: return None
def get_or_create_token(user, client="GeoServer"): if not user or user.is_anonymous: return None try: application = get_application_model() app = application.objects.get(name=client) # Let's create the new AUTH TOKEN existing_token = None try: existing_token = AccessToken.objects.filter(user=user, application=app).order_by('-expires').first() if existing_token and existing_token.is_expired(): existing_token.delete() existing_token = None except BaseException: existing_token = None tb = traceback.format_exc() if tb: logger.debug(tb) if not existing_token: token = create_auth_token(user, client) else: token = existing_token return token except BaseException: tb = traceback.format_exc() if tb: logger.debug(tb)
def get_list(request): from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model try: items = get_application_model().objects.all() except: items = [] return {'code': 'ok', 'data': helpers.objects_to_json(request, items)}, 200, items
def get_admin_token(): Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name="GeoServer") token = generate_token() AccessToken.objects.get_or_create( user=get_default_user(), application=app, + datetime.timedelta(days=3), token=token) return token
def create_auth_token(user, client="GeoServer"): expires = make_token_expiration() Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name=client) (access_token, created) = AccessToken.objects.get_or_create( user=user, application=app, expires=expires, token=generate_token()) return access_token
def apps(request): username = request.user.get_username() user = User.objects.get(username=username) thrift_apps = App.objects.filter(user=user) oauth_apps = get_application_model().objects.filter(user=request.user) c = { 'login': username, 'thrift_apps': thrift_apps, 'oauth_apps': oauth_apps} return render_to_response('apps.html', c)
def get_auth_token(user, client="GeoServer"): if not user or user.is_anonymous: return None try: Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name=client) access_token = AccessToken.objects.filter(user=user, application=app).order_by('-expires').first() return access_token except BaseException: tb = traceback.format_exc() if tb: logger.debug(tb)
def setUp(self): """ Create a superuser and standard user. Create an Oauth2 app for superuser. """ self.superuser = get_user_model().objects.create_superuser('admin', password='******', email='*****@*****.**') self.user = get_user_model().objects.create_user('test', password='******', email='*****@*****.**') = get_application_model().objects.create( name='app', client_type=get_application_model().CLIENT_CONFIDENTIAL, authorization_grant_type=get_application_model().GRANT_CLIENT_CREDENTIALS, user=self.superuser ) self.access_token = AccessToken.objects.create(user=self.superuser, token='token_monster',, expires=now() + timedelta(seconds=300)) self.auth_valid = self._gen_authorization_header(self.access_token.token) self.auth_invalid = self._gen_authorization_header("fake-token")
def delete_old_tokens(user, client='GeoServer'): application = get_application_model() app = application.objects.get(name=client) # Lets delete the old one try: old_tokens = AccessToken.objects.filter(user=user, application=app).order_by('-expires') for old in old_tokens: if old.is_expired(): old.delete() except BaseException: tb = traceback.format_exc() if tb: logger.debug(tb)
def authenticate_credentials(self, userid, password): """ Authenticate the userid and password against username and password. """ from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model Application = get_application_model() if self.client_ids and not userid in self.client_ids: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid client_id') try: app = Application.objects.get(client_id=userid) except ObjectDoesNotExist: raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid client_id') if userid==app.client_id and password==app.client_secret: #print 'did login',userid return (AnonymousUser, app) raise exceptions.AuthenticationFailed('Invalid username/password')
def create_access_token(user, scope): """ Takes a user instance and return an access_token as a JsonResponse instance. :param user: django user instance :param scope: should be valid oauth scope value :return: Token dictionary object """ # retrieve our oauth2 application model app = get_application_model().objects.get(name=settings.OAUTH2_APPLICATION_NAME) # Delete any existing access and refresh tokens. try: at = AccessToken.objects.get(user=user, application=app) RefreshToken.objects.get(user=user, access_token=at).delete() at.delete() except: pass # Generate new tokens atoken = generate_token() rtoken = generate_token() # Setup the access token expiration value. expires = now() + timedelta(seconds=oauth2_settings.ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE_SECONDS) # Create the access token model object. access_token = AccessToken.objects.\ create(user=user, application=app, expires=expires, token=atoken, scope=scope) # Create the refresh token model object. RefreshToken.objects.\ create(user=user, application=app, token=rtoken, access_token=access_token) # Return dictionary object with token information. return build_token_dict(access_token)
def create_auth_token(user, client="GeoServer"): if not user or user.is_anonymous: return None expires = make_token_expiration() try: Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name=client) (access_token, created) = AccessToken.objects.get_or_create( user=user, application=app, expires=expires, token=generate_token()) return access_token except BaseException: tb = traceback.format_exc() if tb: logger.debug(tb)
def do_login(sender, user, request, **kwargs): """ Take action on user login. Generate a new user access_token to be shared with GeoServer, and store it into the request.session """ if user and user.is_authenticated(): token = None try: Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name="GeoServer") # Lets create a new one token = generate_token() AccessToken.objects.get_or_create( user=user, application=app, + datetime.timedelta( days=1), token=token) except BaseException: u = uuid.uuid1() token = u.hex # Do GeoServer Login url = "%s%s?access_token=%s" % (settings.OGC_SERVER['default']['PUBLIC_LOCATION'], 'ows?service=wms&version=1.3.0&request=GetCapabilities', token) cj = cookielib.CookieJar() opener = urllib2.build_opener(urllib2.HTTPCookieProcessor(cj)) jsessionid = None try: for c in cj: if == "JSESSIONID": jsessionid = c.value except BaseException: u = uuid.uuid1() jsessionid = u.hex request.session['access_token'] = token request.session['JSESSIONID'] = jsessionid
def setUpClass(self): super(APITestBaseCase, self).setUpClass() Application = get_application_model() self.user_app = mommy.make( 'users.User', username="******", password="******", email="*****@*****.**" ) self.application = Application( name="Test Application", user=self.user_app, client_type=Application.CLIENT_CONFIDENTIAL, authorization_grant_type=Application.GRANT_PASSWORD, ) self.factory = APIRequestFactory() self.client = APIClient() oauth2_settings._SCOPES = ['read', 'write', 'groups']
def is_access_token_valid(token): """ Verify that the token information is valid and not expired :param token: token dictionary object :return: True is token is valid or False if invalid """ # retrieve our oauth2 application model. app = get_application_model().objects.get(name=settings.OAUTH2_APPLICATION_NAME) # Retrieve the access token and refresh token for the user. try: at = AccessToken.objects.get(application=app, token=token['access_token']) # Hit the db indexes. except: return False # Check to see if the access token has expired. if at.expires < now(): return False return True
def get_form_kwargs(self): kwargs = super(AuthorizationView, self).get_form_kwargs() # the application instance is needed by our custom AllowForm # to properly initialize choices for the scope field if self.request.method == 'GET': kwargs['application'] = self.oauth2_data['application'] else: # in case of a PUT or POST request we must load # the application instance from `client_id` param in # the POST dict because self.oauth2_data is empty. client_id = self.request.POST.get('client_id') Application = get_application_model() try: application = Application.objects.get(client_id=client_id) kwargs['application'] = application except Application.DoesNotExist: logger.warning("no application found with client_id '%s'", client_id) return kwargs
def fill_from_mock(apps, schema_editor): try: with open("mock/user_app/list.json") as f: content = f.close() except IOError: content = "[]" records = json.loads(content) from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model, AccessToken, RefreshToken for record in records: item, created = get_application_model().objects.get_or_create( client_id=record["client_id"], user_id=record["user_id"], redirect_uris=record["redirect_uris"], client_type=record["client_type"], authorization_grant_type=record["authorization_grant_type"], client_secret=record["client_secret"], name=record["name"], skip_authorization=record["skip_authorization"], ) tokens = record["tokens"] for token in tokens: item_token, created_token = AccessToken.objects.get_or_create( token=token["token"], scope=token["scope"], application=item, user_id=token["user_id"], expires=(now() + timedelta(days=365)), ) refresh_tokens = token["refresh_tokens"] for refresh_token in refresh_tokens: item_refresh_token, created_refresh_token = RefreshToken.objects.get_or_create( token=refresh_token["token"], access_token=item_token, application=item, user_id=refresh_token["user_id"], )
def create_console_app(apps, schema_editor): """ Create console application. If the application already exists, print an error """ username = OAUTH2_APP_OWNER user = User.objects.get(username=username) model = get_application_model() params = OAUTH2_APP_CLIENTS['console'] keys = ['name', 'client_id', 'redirect_uris', 'client_type', 'authorization_grant_type', 'skip_authorization'] # Raisees KeyError for missing key in params [params[k] for k in keys] try: # see if the model exists model.objects.get(user=user, name=params['name']) print_if_not_testing("...console app already registered. Skipping.") except model.DoesNotExist: # if it doesn't create it model(user=user, **params).save() print_if_not_testing('...success')
def create(request): data = request.DATA user = helpers.get_user(request) data = helpers.set_null_values_if_not_exist(data, get_fields()) data['client_type'] = AbstractApplication.CLIENT_CONFIDENTIAL data['authorization_grant_type'] = AbstractApplication.GRANT_PASSWORD data['skip_authorization'] = True data['client_id'] = generate_client_id() data['client_secret'] = generate_client_secret() item, created = get_application_model().objects.get_or_create(client_id=data['client_id'], user=user, redirect_uris=data['redirect_uris'], client_type=data['client_type'], authorization_grant_type=data[ 'authorization_grant_type'], client_secret=data['client_secret'], name=data['name'], skip_authorization=data['skip_authorization']) return {'code': 'ok', 'data': helpers.objects_to_json(request, [item])}, 200, item
def refresh_access_token(token): """ Refresh the access token from the refresh token, call is_access_token_valid() first. :param user: django user object :param token: token dictionary object :param scope: should be valid oauth scope value :return: token dictionary object or empty dictionary object """ # retrieve our oauth2 application model. app = get_application_model().objects.get(name=settings.OAUTH2_APPLICATION_NAME) # Retrieve the access token and refresh token for the user. # Make sure the AT and RT are connected and not stale for some reason try: at = AccessToken.objects.get(application=app, token=token['access_token']) # Hit the db indexes. rt = RefreshToken.objects.get(access_token=at, token=token['refresh_token']) # Hit the db indexes. except: return dict() if not rt.user.is_active: return dict() return create_access_token(rt.user, rt.user.profile.oauth_scope)
# -* encoding: utf-8 *- from argparse import _SubParsersAction import sys from typing import List from import BaseCommand, CommandParser from django.db import transaction from django.db.models.query_utils import Q from django.db.utils import DatabaseError from oauth2_provider import models as oauth2_models from typing import Any from import _handle_client_registration, _add_publishing_args appmodel = oauth2_models.get_application_model() # type: oauth2_models.Application class Command(BaseCommand): requires_migrations_checks = True def add_arguments(self, parser: CommandParser) -> None: class SubCommandParser(CommandParser): def __init__(self, **kwargs: Any) -> None: super().__init__(**kwargs) subparsers = parser.add_subparsers( dest='scmd', title="subcommands", parser_class=SubCommandParser ) # type: _SubParsersAction
class Meta: model = get_application_model() fields = ('scope', 'name', 'client_type', 'authorization_grant_type', 'redirect_uris')
from rest_framework.test import APIClient from test_plus.test import TestCase from django.core import mail from django.conf import settings from django.contrib.auth.models import Group from django.urls import reverse from accelerator_abstract.models.base_clearance import ( CLEARANCE_LEVEL_GLOBAL_MANAGER, CLEARANCE_LEVEL_STAFF) from impact.tests.factories import ( ClearanceFactory, UserFactory, ) OAuth_App = get_application_model() API_GROUPS = [settings.V0_API_GROUP, settings.V1_API_GROUP] DESCRIPTION_CONTENT = 'DESCRIPTION:Topics: {topics}' LOCATION_CONTENT = 'LOCATION:{location}\\;' LOCATION_INFO = 'LOCATION:{location}\\;{meeting_info}' class APITestCase(TestCase): SOME_SITE_NAME = "" _user_count = 0 client_class = APIClient user_factory = UserFactory @classmethod def setUpClass(cls): [Group.objects.get_or_create(name=name) for name in API_GROUPS]
class Meta: model = get_application_model() fields = ('name', 'client_type', 'authorization_grant_type', 'redirect_uris', 'logo_uri', 'policy_uri', 'tos_uri', 'contacts', 'agree')
def proxy(request, url=None, response_callback=None, sec_chk_hosts=True, sec_chk_rules=True, **kwargs): # Security rules and settings PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS = getattr(settings, 'PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS', ()) # Sanity url checks if 'url' not in request.GET and not url: return HttpResponse("The proxy service requires a URL-encoded URL as a parameter.", status=400, content_type="text/plain" ) raw_url = url or request.GET['url'] raw_url = urljoin( settings.SITEURL, raw_url) if raw_url.startswith("/") else raw_url url = urlsplit(raw_url) locator = str(url.path) if url.query != "": locator += '?' + url.query if url.fragment != "": locator += '#' + url.fragment # White-Black Listing Hosts if sec_chk_hosts and not settings.DEBUG: site_url = urlsplit(settings.SITEURL) if site_url.hostname not in PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS: PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS += (site_url.hostname, ) if check_ogc_backend(geoserver.BACKEND_PACKAGE): from geonode.geoserver.helpers import ogc_server_settings hostname = ( ogc_server_settings.hostname, ) if ogc_server_settings else () if hostname not in PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS: PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS += hostname if url.query and ows_regexp.match(url.query): ows_tokens = ows_regexp.match(url.query).groups() if len(ows_tokens) == 4 and 'version' == ows_tokens[0] and StrictVersion( ows_tokens[1]) >= StrictVersion("1.0.0") and StrictVersion( ows_tokens[1]) <= StrictVersion("3.0.0") and ows_tokens[2].lower() in ( 'getcapabilities') and ows_tokens[3].upper() in ('OWS', 'WCS', 'WFS', 'WMS', 'WPS', 'CSW'): if url.hostname not in PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS: PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS += (url.hostname, ) if not validate_host( url.hostname, PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS): return HttpResponse("DEBUG is set to False but the host of the path provided to the proxy service" " is not in the PROXY_ALLOWED_HOSTS setting.", status=403, content_type="text/plain" ) # Security checks based on rules; allow only specific requests if sec_chk_rules: # TODO: Not yet implemented pass # Collecting headers and cookies headers = {} cookies = None csrftoken = None if settings.SESSION_COOKIE_NAME in request.COOKIES and is_safe_url( url=raw_url, host=url.hostname): cookies = request.META["HTTP_COOKIE"] for cook in request.COOKIES: name = str(cook) value = request.COOKIES.get(name) if name == 'csrftoken': csrftoken = value cook = "%s=%s" % (name, value) cookies = cook if not cookies else (cookies + '; ' + cook) csrftoken = get_token(request) if not csrftoken else csrftoken if csrftoken: headers['X-Requested-With'] = "XMLHttpRequest" headers['X-CSRFToken'] = csrftoken cook = "%s=%s" % ('csrftoken', csrftoken) cookies = cook if not cookies else (cookies + '; ' + cook) if cookies: if 'JSESSIONID' in request.session and request.session['JSESSIONID']: cookies = cookies + '; JSESSIONID=' + \ request.session['JSESSIONID'] headers['Cookie'] = cookies if request.method in ("POST", "PUT") and "CONTENT_TYPE" in request.META: headers["Content-Type"] = request.META["CONTENT_TYPE"] access_token = None if request and 'access_token' in request.session: access_token = request.session['access_token'] if 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION' in request.META: auth = request.META.get( 'HTTP_AUTHORIZATION', request.META.get('HTTP_AUTHORIZATION2')) if auth: _user = user_from_basic_auth(auth) if not _user: if 'Bearer' in auth: access_token = auth.replace('Bearer ', '') headers['Authorization'] = auth else: try: from oauth2_provider.models import AccessToken, get_application_model Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name="GeoServer") access_token = AccessToken.objects.filter(user=_user, application=app).order_by('-expires').first() except BaseException: traceback.print_exc() logger.error("Could retrieve OAuth2 Access Token for user %s" % _user) if access_token and not headers.get('Authorization'): headers['Authorization'] = 'Bearer %s' % access_token site_url = urlsplit(settings.SITEURL) pragma = "no-cache" referer = request.META[ "HTTP_REFERER"] if "HTTP_REFERER" in request.META else \ "{scheme}://{netloc}/".format(scheme=site_url.scheme, netloc=site_url.netloc) encoding = request.META["HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING"] if "HTTP_ACCEPT_ENCODING" in request.META else "gzip" headers.update({"Pragma": pragma, "Referer": referer, "Accept-encoding": encoding, }) if url.scheme == 'https': conn = HTTPSConnection(url.hostname, url.port) else: conn = HTTPConnection(url.hostname, url.port) parsed = urlparse(raw_url) parsed._replace(path=locator.encode('utf8')) _url = parsed.geturl() if request.method == "GET" and access_token and 'access_token' not in _url: query_separator = '&' if '?' in _url else '?' _url = ('%s%saccess_token=%s' % (_url, query_separator, access_token)) conn.request(request.method, _url, request.body, headers) response = conn.getresponse() content = status = response.status content_type = response.getheader("Content-Type", "text/plain") # decompress GZipped responses if not enabled if content and response.getheader('Content-Encoding') == 'gzip': from StringIO import StringIO import gzip buf = StringIO(content) f = gzip.GzipFile(fileobj=buf) content = if response_callback: kwargs = {} if not kwargs else kwargs kwargs.update({ 'response': response, 'content': content, 'status': status, 'content_type': content_type }) return response_callback(**kwargs) else: # If we get a redirect, let's add a useful message. if status in (301, 302, 303, 307): _response = HttpResponse(('This proxy does not support redirects. The server in "%s" ' 'asked for a redirect to "%s"' % (url, response.getheader('Location'))), status=status, content_type=content_type ) _response['Location'] = response.getheader('Location') return _response else: return HttpResponse( content=content, status=status, content_type=content_type)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # noqa (too complex) next_url = request.GET.get('next') app = None oidc_client = None if next_url: # Determine application from the 'next' query argument. # FIXME: There should be a better way to get the app id. params = parse_qs(urlparse(next_url).query) client_id = params.get('client_id') if client_id and len(client_id): client_id = client_id[0].strip() if client_id: try: app = get_application_model().objects.get( client_id=client_id) except get_application_model().DoesNotExist: pass try: oidc_client = Client.objects.get(client_id=client_id) except Client.DoesNotExist: pass next_url = quote(next_url) allowed_methods = None if app: allowed_methods = app.login_methods.all() elif oidc_client: try: client_options = OidcClientOptions.objects.get( oidc_client=oidc_client) allowed_methods = client_options.login_methods.all() except OidcClientOptions.DoesNotExist: pass if allowed_methods is None: allowed_methods = LoginMethod.objects.all() methods = [] for m in allowed_methods: if m.provider_id == 'saml': continue # SAML support removed m.login_url = reverse('social:begin', kwargs={'backend': m.provider_id}) if next_url: m.login_url += '?next=' + next_url if m.provider_id in getattr(settings, 'SOCIAL_AUTH_SUOMIFI_ENABLED_IDPS'): # This check is used to exclude auth method when using non-compliant auth provider if next_url is None: continue if re.match( getattr(settings, 'SOCIAL_AUTH_SUOMIFI_CALLBACK_MATCH'), next_url) is None: continue m.login_url += '&idp=' + m.provider_id methods.append(m) if len(methods) == 1: return redirect(methods[0].login_url) self.login_methods = methods return super(LoginView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): next_url = request.GET.get('next') app = None oidc_client = None if next_url: # Determine application from the 'next' query argument. # FIXME: There should be a better way to get the app id. params = parse_qs(urlparse(next_url).query) client_id = params.get('client_id') if client_id and len(client_id): client_id = client_id[0].strip() if client_id: try: app = get_application_model().objects.get( client_id=client_id) except get_application_model().DoesNotExist: pass try: oidc_client = Client.objects.get(client_id=client_id) except Client.DoesNotExist: pass next_url = quote(next_url) allowed_methods = None if app: allowed_methods = app.login_methods.all() elif oidc_client: try: client_options = OidcClientOptions.objects.get( oidc_client=oidc_client) allowed_methods = client_options.login_methods.all() except OidcClientOptions.DoesNotExist: pass if allowed_methods is None: allowed_methods = LoginMethod.objects.all() provider_map = providers.registry.provider_map methods = [] for m in allowed_methods: assert isinstance(m, LoginMethod) if m.provider_id == 'saml': continue # SAML support removed else: try: provider_cls = provider_map[m.provider_id] except KeyError: continue provider = provider_cls(request) login_url = provider.get_login_url(request=self.request) if next_url: login_url += '?next=' + next_url m.login_url = login_url methods.append(m) if len(methods) == 1: return redirect(methods[0].login_url) self.login_methods = methods return super(LoginView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs)
def get_oauth2_app_by_client_id(self, client_id): Application = get_application_model() oauth_app = Application.objects.filter(client_id=client_id).first() return oauth_app
'get_user', ) @admin.register(MNApplicationPermission) class MNApplicationPermissionAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): search_fields = ('name', ) @admin.register(MNGroup) class MNGroupAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): search_fields = ('name', ) fieldsets = ( (None, { 'fields': ('name', ) }), ("Application permissions", { 'fields': ('group_permissions', ) }), ) # type: Tuple[Tuple[Union[str, None], Dict[str, Tuple[str, ...]]], ...] filter_horizontal = ('group_permissions', ) class MNApplicationAdmin(ApplicationAdmin): filter_horizontal = ('required_permissions', ) if get_application_model() == MNApplication:, MNApplicationAdmin)
def get_queryset(self): user = self.request.user return get_application_model().objects.filter(user=user)
def form_valid(self, form): client_id = form.cleaned_data["client_id"] application = get_application_model().objects.get(client_id=client_id) credentials = { "client_id": form.cleaned_data.get("client_id"), "redirect_uri": form.cleaned_data.get("redirect_uri"), "response_type": form.cleaned_data.get("response_type", None), "state": form.cleaned_data.get("state", None), "code_challenge": form.cleaned_data.get("code_challenge", None), "code_challenge_method": form.cleaned_data.get("code_challenge_method", None), } scopes = form.cleaned_data.get("scope") allow = form.cleaned_data.get("allow") # Get beneficiary demographic scopes sharing choice share_demographic_scopes = form.cleaned_data.get( "share_demographic_scopes") set_session_auth_flow_trace_value(self.request, 'auth_share_demographic_scopes', share_demographic_scopes) # Get scopes list available to the application application_available_scopes = CapabilitiesScopes( ).get_available_scopes(application=application) # Set scopes to those available to application and beneficiary demographic info choices scopes = ' '.join([ s for s in scopes.split(" ") if s in application_available_scopes ]) # Init deleted counts data_access_grant_delete_cnt = 0 access_token_delete_cnt = 0 refresh_token_delete_cnt = 0 try: uri, headers, body, status = self.create_authorization_response( request=self.request, scopes=scopes, credentials=credentials, allow=allow) except OAuthToolkitError as error: response = self.error_response(error, application) if allow is False: (data_access_grant_delete_cnt, access_token_delete_cnt, refresh_token_delete_cnt ) = remove_application_user_pair_tokens_data_access( application, self.request.user) beneficiary_authorized_application.send( sender=self, request=self.request, auth_status="FAIL", auth_status_code=response.status_code, user=self.request.user, application=application, share_demographic_scopes=share_demographic_scopes, scopes=scopes, allow=allow, access_token_delete_cnt=access_token_delete_cnt, refresh_token_delete_cnt=refresh_token_delete_cnt, data_access_grant_delete_cnt=data_access_grant_delete_cnt) return response # Did the beneficiary choose not to share demographic scopes, or the application does not require them? if share_demographic_scopes == "False" or ( allow is True and application.require_demographic_scopes is False): (data_access_grant_delete_cnt, access_token_delete_cnt, refresh_token_delete_cnt ) = remove_application_user_pair_tokens_data_access( application, self.request.user) beneficiary_authorized_application.send( sender=self, request=self.request, auth_status="OK", auth_status_code=None, user=self.request.user, application=application, share_demographic_scopes=share_demographic_scopes, scopes=scopes, allow=allow, access_token_delete_cnt=access_token_delete_cnt, refresh_token_delete_cnt=refresh_token_delete_cnt, data_access_grant_delete_cnt=data_access_grant_delete_cnt) self.success_url = uri log.debug("Success url for the request: {0}".format(self.success_url)) # Extract code from url url_query = parse_qs(urlparse(self.success_url).query) code = url_query.get('code', [None])[0] # Get auth flow trace session values dict. auth_dict = get_session_auth_flow_trace(self.request) # We are done using auth_uuid, clear it from the session. cleanup_session_auth_flow_trace(self.request) # Update AuthFlowUuid instance with code. update_instance_auth_flow_trace_with_code(auth_dict, code) return self.redirect(self.success_url, application)
from django.utils.timezone import now from django.test import Client, TestCase from django.contrib.auth.models import User from oauth2_provider.models import AccessToken, get_application_model import json from datetime import datetime, timedelta import numpy as np import pytz from datastore import models ApplicationModel = get_application_model() class OAuthTestCase(TestCase): @classmethod def setUpTestData(cls): """ Includes a client, a demo user/project_owner, an application model and an Oauth token. """ super(OAuthTestCase, cls).setUpTestData() cls.client = Client() cls.user = User.objects.create_user( "username", "*****@*****.**", "123456") cls.project_owner = cls.user.projectowner cls.project = models.Project.objects.create(
def create_application(): Application = get_application_model() Application.objects.get_or_create(name='GeoServer')
def get_queryset(self): Application = get_application_model() return Application.objects.filter(user=self.request.user)
def form_valid(self, form): app = get_application_model() form.instance.authorization_grant_type = app.GRANT_AUTHORIZATION_CODE return super(LimitedApplicationRegistration, self).form_valid(form)
def tearDown(self): super().tearDown() get_application_model().objects.all().delete()
import ddt from django.conf import settings from django.core.urlresolvers import reverse from django.test import TestCase from django.test.utils import override_settings from edx_oauth2_provider.tests.factories import ClientFactory import httpretty from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model from openedx.core.djangoapps.api_admin.models import ApiAccessRequest, ApiAccessConfig from openedx.core.djangoapps.api_admin.tests.factories import ( ApiAccessRequestFactory, ApplicationFactory, CatalogFactory) from openedx.core.djangoapps.api_admin.tests.utils import VALID_DATA from student.tests.factories import UserFactory Application = get_application_model() # pylint: disable=invalid-name MOCK_CATALOG_API_URL_ROOT = '' class ApiAdminTest(TestCase): def setUp(self): super(ApiAdminTest, self).setUp() ApiAccessConfig(enabled=True).save() @unittest.skipUnless(settings.ROOT_URLCONF == 'lms.urls', 'Test only valid in lms') class ApiRequestViewTest(ApiAdminTest): def setUp(self): super(ApiRequestViewTest, self).setUp()
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Copy/Pasta'd from oauth2_provider.views.BaseAuthorizationView.get try: scopes, credentials = self.validate_authorization_request(request) # all_scopes = get_scopes_backend().get_all_scopes() # kwargs["scopes"] = scopes # kwargs["scopes_descriptions"] = [all_scopes[scope] for scope in scopes] # at this point we know an Application instance with such client_id exists in the database # TODO: Cache this! application = get_application_model().objects.get( client_id=credentials["client_id"]) kwargs["client_id"] = credentials["client_id"] kwargs["redirect_uri"] = credentials["redirect_uri"] kwargs["response_type"] = credentials["response_type"] kwargs["state"] = credentials["state"] try: kwargs["application"] = { "name": application.applicationinfo.get_visible_name(), } if application.applicationinfo.icon: kwargs["application"][ 'image'] = application.applicationinfo.icon.url if application.applicationinfo.website_url: kwargs["application"][ "url"] = application.applicationinfo.website_url app_scopes = [ s for s in re.split( r'[\s\n]+', application.applicationinfo.allowed_scopes) if s ] except ApplicationInfo.DoesNotExist: app_scopes = ["r:profile"] kwargs["application"] = dict(, scopes=app_scopes) filtered_scopes = set(app_scopes) & set(scopes) kwargs['scopes'] = list(filtered_scopes) all_scopes = get_scopes_backend().get_all_scopes() kwargs['scopes_descriptions'] = { scope: all_scopes[scope] for scope in scopes } self.oauth2_data = kwargs # Check to see if the user has already granted access and return # a successful response depending on "approval_prompt" url parameter require_approval = request.GET.get( "approval_prompt", oauth2_settings.REQUEST_APPROVAL_PROMPT) # If skip_authorization field is True, skip the authorization screen even # if this is the first use of the application and there was no previous authorization. # This is useful for in-house applications-> assume an in-house applications # are already approved. if application.skip_authorization: success_url = self.get_authorization_redirect_url( " ".join(kwargs['scopes']), credentials) return Response({'success_url': success_url}) elif require_approval == "auto" and not request.user.is_anonymous: tokens = get_access_token_model().objects.filter( user=request.user, application=application, # check past authorizations regarded the same scopes as the current one for token in tokens: if token.allow_scopes(scopes): success_url = self.get_authorization_redirect_url( " ".join(kwargs['scopes']), credentials) return Response({'success_url': success_url}) return Response(kwargs) except OAuthToolkitError as error: return Response({'error': error.oauthlib_error.description}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST)
def get(self, request, *args, **kwargs): # Note: This code is copied from # Places that we have changed are noted with ***. application = None try: # *** Moved code to get the require_approval value earlier on so we can # circumvent our custom code in the case when auto_even_if_expired # isn't required. require_approval = request.GET.get( "approval_prompt", oauth2_settings.REQUEST_APPROVAL_PROMPT, ) if require_approval != 'auto_even_if_expired': return super(EdxOAuth2AuthorizationView, self).get(request, *args, **kwargs) scopes, credentials = self.validate_authorization_request(request) all_scopes = get_scopes_backend().get_all_scopes() kwargs["scopes_descriptions"] = [ all_scopes[scope] for scope in scopes ] kwargs['scopes'] = scopes # at this point we know an Application instance with such client_id exists in the database application = get_application_model().objects.get( client_id=credentials['client_id']) content_orgs = ApplicationOrganization.get_related_org_names( application, relation_type=ApplicationOrganization.RELATION_TYPE_CONTENT_ORG ) kwargs['application'] = application kwargs['content_orgs'] = content_orgs kwargs['client_id'] = credentials['client_id'] kwargs['redirect_uri'] = credentials['redirect_uri'] kwargs['response_type'] = credentials['response_type'] kwargs['state'] = credentials['state'] self.oauth2_data = kwargs # following two loc are here only because of form = self.get_form(self.get_form_class()) kwargs['form'] = form # If skip_authorization field is True, skip the authorization screen even # if this is the first use of the application and there was no previous authorization. # This is useful for in-house applications-> assume an in-house applications # are already approved. if application.skip_authorization: uri, headers, body, status = self.create_authorization_response( request=self.request, scopes=" ".join(scopes), credentials=credentials, allow=True) return HttpResponseUriRedirect( uri, application.get_allowed_schemes()) # *** Changed the if statement that checked for require_approval to an assert. assert require_approval == 'auto_even_if_expired' tokens = get_access_token_model().objects.filter( user=request.user, application=kwargs['application'], # *** Purposefully keeping this commented out code to highlight that # our version of the implementation does NOT filter by expiration date. #, ).all() # check past authorizations regarded the same scopes as the current one for token in tokens: if token.allow_scopes(scopes): uri, headers, body, status = self.create_authorization_response( request=self.request, scopes=" ".join(scopes), credentials=credentials, allow=True) return HttpResponseUriRedirect( uri, application.get_allowed_schemes()) # render an authorization prompt so the user can approve # the application's requested scopes return self.render_to_response(self.get_context_data(**kwargs)) except OAuthToolkitError as error: return self.error_response(error, application)
class Meta: model = get_application_model() fields = ('client_id', 'name', 'client_type', 'redirect_uris', 'created', 'updated')
def _get_client_data(client_index): app = get_application_model().objects.all()[client_index] return app.client_id, app.client_secret
def get_form_class(self): return modelform_factory(get_application_model(), fields=('name', 'redirect_uris', 'client_type'))
search_fields = [u'token', u'user__username', u'access_token__token'] @reregister(models.Grant) class DOTGrantAdmin(ModelAdmin): """ Custom Grant Admin """ date_hierarchy = u'expires' list_display = [u'code', u'user', u'application', u'expires'] list_filter = [u'application'] raw_id_fields = [u'user'] search_fields = [u'code', u'user__username'] @reregister(models.get_application_model()) class DOTApplicationAdmin(ModelAdmin): """ Custom Application Admin """ list_display = [u'name', u'user', u'client_type', u'authorization_grant_type', u'client_id'] list_filter = [u'client_type', u'authorization_grant_type', u'skip_authorization'] raw_id_fields = [u'user'] search_fields = [u'name', u'user__username', u'client_id'] class ApplicationAccessAdmin(ModelAdmin): """ ModelAdmin for ApplicationAccess """ list_display = ['application', 'scopes', 'filters']
def get_form_class(self): return forms.modelform_factory(get_application_model(), fields=("name", "redirect_uris"))
class IDTokenAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ("jti", "user", "application", "expires") raw_id_fields = ("user", ) search_fields = ("token", ) + (("user__email", ) if has_email else ()) list_filter = ("application", ) class RefreshTokenAdmin(admin.ModelAdmin): list_display = ("token", "user", "application") raw_id_fields = ("user", "access_token") search_fields = ("token", ) + (("user__email", ) if has_email else ()) list_filter = ("application", ) application_model = get_application_model() access_token_model = get_access_token_model() grant_model = get_grant_model() id_token_model = get_id_token_model() refresh_token_model = get_refresh_token_model() application_admin_class = get_application_admin_class() access_token_admin_class = get_access_token_admin_class() grant_admin_class = get_grant_admin_class() id_token_admin_class = get_id_token_admin_class() refresh_token_admin_class = get_refresh_token_admin_class(), application_admin_class), access_token_admin_class), grant_admin_class), id_token_admin_class)
class Meta: model = get_application_model() fields = ('url', 'name', 'description', 'client_id', 'scope', 'website') read_only_fields = ('url', 'client_id')
def migrate_oauth_tokens(self): from oauth2_provider import models as oa2_models from django.contrib.auth import get_user_model app_model = oa2_models.get_application_model() at_model = oa2_models.get_access_token_model() rt_model = oa2_models.get_refresh_token_model() user_model = get_user_model() # Old database: # +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ # | Field | Type | Null | Key | Default | Extra | # +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ # | id | int(11) | NO | PRI | NULL | auto_increment | # | client_id | varchar(40) | NO | MUL | NULL | | # | user_id | int(11) | NO | MUL | NULL | | # | token_type | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | | # | access_token | varchar(255) | YES | UNI | NULL | | # | refresh_token | varchar(255) | YES | UNI | NULL | | # | expires | datetime | YES | | NULL | | # | _scopes | text | YES | | NULL | | # | host_label | varchar(255) | YES | | NULL | | # | subclient | varchar(40) | YES | | NULL | | # +---------------+--------------+------+-----+---------+----------------+ migrated = 0 # Get an in-memory maping from client ID to application. apps = {app.client_id: app for app in app_model.objects.all()} # Some optimisation to only fetch a user when it's different than the previous one. last_user = None skip_user_id = None # noinspection PyProtectedMember sql = ( f"SELECT client_id, user_id, access_token, refresh_token, expires, " f"_scopes as scopes, host_label, subclient " f"FROM token " f"WHERE " f" expires > now() " f" and access_token not in (select token from {at_model._meta.db_table}) " f" and refresh_token not in (select token from {rt_model._meta.db_table}) " f"ORDER BY user_id") for result in query(sql): # Some optimisation to only fetch a user when it's different than the previous one. if skip_user_id is not None: if result.user_id == skip_user_id: continue # We've skipped that user, time to forget about it. skip_user_id = None if last_user is None or != result.user_id: try: user = user_model.objects.get(id=result.user_id) except user_model.DoesNotExist: self.stdout.write( f'User {result.user_id} does not exist, skipping tokens' )) skip_user_id = result.user_id continue last_user = user else: user = last_user app = apps[result.client_id] at = at_model( user=user, token=result.access_token, application=app, expires=localise_datetime(result.expires), scope=result.scopes or '', host_label=result.host_label or '', subclient=result.subclient or '', ) if result.refresh_token: rt = rt_model( user=user, token=result.refresh_token, application=app, access_token=at, ) migrated += 1 self.stdout.write('Migrated %d OAuth2 tokens' % migrated))
def get_auth_token(user, client="GeoServer"): Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name=client) access_token = AccessToken.objects.filter( user=user, application=app).order_by('-expires').first() return access_token
def post(self, request): serializer = RegistrationSerializer( serializer.is_valid(raise_exception=True) app_model = get_application_model() if ApplicationInfo.objects.filter('client_uri')).exists(): return Response({"error": "Client already registered"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) # All domains in URIs must be HTTPS and match uris = set() schemes = set() def parse_uri(uri): parsed = urlparse(uri) uris.add(parsed.netloc) schemes.add(parsed.scheme) parse_uri('client_uri')) parse_uri('logo_uri')) parse_uri('tos_uri')) parse_uri('policy_uri')) for redirect in'redirect_uris'): if app_model.objects.filter(redirect_uris__contains=redirect): return Response({"error": "Redirect URI already registered"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) parse_uri(redirect) if len(uris) > 1: return Response({"error": "URIs do not match"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) if len(schemes) > 1 or schemes.pop() != 'https': return Response({"error": "URI schemes must be HTTPS"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) if'scopes'): scopes ='scopes').split(' ') for scope in scopes: if scope not in BADGE_CONNECT_SCOPES: return Response({"error": "Invalid scope"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) else: # If no scopes provided, we assume they want all scopes scopes = BADGE_CONNECT_SCOPES if 'token_endpoint_auth_method') != 'client_secret_basic': return Response({"error": "Invalid token authentication method"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) if 'authorization_code' not in'grant_types'): return Response({"error": "Missing authorization_code grant type"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) for grant_type in'grant_types'): if grant_type not in ['authorization_code', 'refresh_token']: return Response({"error": "Invalid grant types"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) if'response_types') != ['code']: return Response({"error": "Invalid response type"}, status=HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST) app = app_model.objects.create() app_info = ApplicationInfo(application=app) ='client_name') app.redirect_uris = ' '.join('redirect_uris')) app.authorization_grant_type = app.GRANT_AUTHORIZATION_CODE app_info.website_url ='client_uri') app_info.logo_uri ='logo_uri') app_info.policy_uri ='policy_uri') app_info.software_id ='software_id') app_info.software_version ='software_version') app_info.allowed_scopes = ' '.join(scopes) app_info.issue_refresh_token = 'refresh_token' in 'grant_types') response = RegistrationResponseSerializer(instance=app_info) return Response(, status=HTTP_201_CREATED)
def has_permission(self, request, view): Application = get_application_model() return Application.objects.filter(
from oauth2_provider.models import get_application_model, AccessToken from oauth2_provider.tests.test_utils import TestCaseUtils from .models import Task from datetime import datetime try: import urllib.parse as urllib except ImportError: import urllib import json Application = get_application_model() class TaskModelTest(TestCase): """ Testeando el CRUD del modelo Task """ def setUp(self): self.user = User.objects.create_user('rulz', '*****@*****.**', '12345') self.user2 = User.objects.create_user('rulz2', '*****@*****.**', '12345') self.task = Task.objects.create( name='tarea', description='description tarea', owner=self.user ) #assigned_to, name, description, done, created, modified
def do_logout(sender, user, request, **kwargs): """ Take action on user logout. Cleanup user access_token and send logout request to GeoServer """ if 'access_token' in request.session: try: Application = get_application_model() app = Application.objects.get(name="GeoServer") # Lets delete the old one try: old = AccessToken.objects.get(user=user, application=app) except: pass else: old.delete() except: pass # Do GeoServer Logout if 'access_token' in request.session: access_token = request.session['access_token'] else: access_token = None if access_token: url = "%s%s?access_token=%s" % ( settings.OGC_SERVER['default']['PUBLIC_LOCATION'], settings.OGC_SERVER['default']['LOGOUT_ENDPOINT'], access_token) header_params = {"Authorization": ("Bearer %s" % access_token)} else: url = "%s%s" % (settings.OGC_SERVER['default']['PUBLIC_LOCATION'], settings.OGC_SERVER['default']['LOGOUT_ENDPOINT']) param = {} data = urllib.urlencode(param) cookies = None for cook in request.COOKIES: name = str(cook) value = request.COOKIES.get(name) if name == 'csrftoken': header_params['X-CSRFToken'] = value cook = "%s=%s" % (name, value) if not cookies: cookies = cook else: cookies = cookies + '; ' + cook if cookies: if 'JSESSIONID' in request.session and request.session[ 'JSESSIONID']: cookies = cookies + '; JSESSIONID=' + request.session[ 'JSESSIONID'] header_params['Cookie'] = cookies gs_request = urllib2.Request(url, data, header_params) try: urllib2.urlopen(gs_request) except: tb = traceback.format_exc() if tb: logger.debug(tb) if 'access_token' in request.session: del request.session['access_token'] request.session.modified = True