예제 #1
    def run(self):
        Main run function
        # Initialize the GBXML
        self.gbxml = gbXML(self.gbxml)
        # Get the materials list
        materials = self.gbxml.get_allMaterials(
        )  #looks for all material tags in gbxml from Revit AEC database
        remoteData = wsData(
        )  #creates a remoteData object that is a wsData type
        # Retrieve the spaces
        self.spaces = self.gbxml.get_spaces()
        self.shade_devices = self.gbxml.get_shades(
        )  # Shade surfaces defined separate from other surfaces

        area = Area()
        areaDict = area.getDictionary()
        areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary()

        # For each spaces, calculate Embodied Energy and Embodied Water for a given building
        EE_spaces = self.buildingEE(self.input_dir, self.shade_devices,
                                    areaDict, areaWinDict)  #accumulators
        return None
    def setUp(self):
        self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Single_model.xml'))
        #self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Two_Room_One_Floor_Model.xml'))

        area = Area()
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary()
        self.areaDict = area.getDictionary()

        #self.db = GreenScaleV1(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..\objects'))
        self.db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..\objects')

        #self.db.db_file = 'GreenScaleDBcsv.csv'
        self.EEspace = GreenscaleSpace()
        self.duplicates = list()  # This is going to have to be optimized for large buildings with many surfaces

        # Get the first surface to check:
        spaces = self.gbxml.get_spaces()
        # Space 1 info, surface "su-8" is [7] and is the interior shared wall here
        self.space1 = spaces[0]
        surfaces = spaces[0].surfaces
        self.surface1 = surfaces[0]  # Ext. Wall with window
        self.surface2 = surfaces[1]  # Ext. Wall no openings
        self.surface3 = surfaces[2]  # Ext. Wall with window
        self.surface4 = surfaces[3]  # Ext. Wall with Door
        self.surface5 = surfaces[4]  # Roof
        self.surface6 = surfaces[5]  # Floor
예제 #3
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = GreenScaleV1()
        self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Two_Room_One_Floor_Model.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Four_Room_Two_Floors_Model.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Fall2013RLMVCRevit_v2_MarcValidation.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Avon.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/L_ShapeFloor.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/FourRoom_with_Zones.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/FourRoomRoundColumn.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/FourRoomSquareColumn.xml')

        self.model.input_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        self.db = self.model.input_dir

        area = Area()
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary()
        self.areaDict = area.getDictionary()

        U = GSUtility()
        devflag = '1'

        # Get the surfaces in the space:
        spaces = self.model.gbxml.get_spaces()
        self.space1 = spaces[0]
        self.shade_surfaces = self.model.gbxml.get_shades()
        surfaces = spaces[0].surfaces
예제 #4
    def setUp(self):
        gbxml = gbXML(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Single_model.xml'))
        area = Area()
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary()
        self.areaDict = area.getDictionary()

        spaces = gbxml.get_spaces()
        surfaces = spaces[0].surfaces
        self.surface = Surface()

        self.surface1 = surfaces[0]
        self.surface2 = surfaces[1]
        self.surface3 = surfaces[2]
        self.surface4 = surfaces[3]
        self.surface5 = surfaces[4]
        self.surface6 = surfaces[5]

        # Create a fake weather
        self.weather = Weather('Washington',
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3),
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4))

        # And a timestep
        self.tstep2 = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep2 = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep2)

        # And another timestep
        self.tstep = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep)
예제 #5
    def setUp(self):
        #self.model = GreenScaleV1()
        #self.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/EDIT One Room Flat Roof with Materials.xml')
        self.gbxml = gbXML(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Single_model.xml'))
        #self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Two_Room_One_Floor_Model.xml'))
        #self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Four_Room_Two_Floors_Model.xml'))
        #self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Vet_Center_V2.xml'))

        #self.db = GreenScaleV1(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..\objects'))
        self.db = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '..\objects')

        #self.db.db_file = 'GreenScaleDBcsv.csv'
        self.EEtest = GreenscaleEE()

        # Get the first surface to check:
        spaces = self.gbxml.get_spaces()

        # This is for the Single_model.xml:
        # Space 1 info, surface "su-8" is [7] and is the interior shared wall here
        space1 = spaces[0]
        surfaces = spaces[0].surfaces
        self.surface1 = surfaces[0]  # Ext. Wall with window
        self.surface2 = surfaces[1]  # Ext. Wall no openings
        self.surface3 = surfaces[2]  # Ext. Wall with window
        self.surface4 = surfaces[3]  # Ext. Wall with Door
        self.surface5 = surfaces[4]  # Roof
        self.surface6 = surfaces[5]  # Floor

        area = Area()
        #print "test"
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary
        self.areaDict = area.getDictionary
    def setUp(self):
        self.gbxml = gbXML(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Single_model.xml'))

        # Get the first surface to check:
        spaces = self.gbxml.get_spaces()
        #space_boundaries = list()
        #space_boundaries = spaces[0].surfaces
        surfaces = spaces[0].surfaces
        self.surface1 = surfaces[0]

        self.solar = TransmittedSolar()

        area = Area()
        #print "test"
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary

        # Create a fake weather
        self.weather = Weather('Washington',
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3),
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4))

        # And a timestep
        self.tstep2 = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep2 = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep2)

        # And another timestep
        self.tstep = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep)
예제 #7
    def setUp(self):
        self.model = ModelV1()
        self.model.location = 'Washington'
        self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__),
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Two_Room_One_Floor_Model.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Two_Room_One_Floor_Model.xml')
        #self.model.gbxml = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Four_Room_Two_Floors_Model.xml')

        area = Area()
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary()
        self.areaDict = area.getDictionary()

        U = GSUtility()
        devflag = '1'

        self.model.Q_total = 0
        self.Q_total = self.model.Q_total
        # Set desired thermal capacitance multiplier, 0.45 for example
        self.model.Coeff = 1
        self.Coeff = self.model.Coeff
        # Set 0 to ignore shadow factors, set 1 if you do want to include calculations from shadows
        self.model.ShadowsFlag = 0  # 1 means calculate shadows, 0 means ignore shadows
        self.ShadowsFlag = self.model.ShadowsFlag
        self.model.terrain = "Flat or Open Countryside"  # User Input Terrain Type
        self.terrain = self.model.terrain
        self.model.timestep = 1
        self.timestep = self.model.timestep

        # Need to use version with the year=1997 to pass the Weather Test Cases
        #self.model.start_date = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3)
        #self.model.end_date = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4)

        #self.model.start_date = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
        #self.model.end_date = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=23)
        self.model.start_date = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
        self.model.end_date = datetime(year=1997, month=12, day=31, hour=23)

        spaces = self.model.gbxml.get_spaces()
        self.space1 = spaces[0]
        self.temp_record = self.model.gbxml.temp_record
        self.spaces_dict = self.model.gbxml.spaces_dict
        self.shgc_dictionary = self.model.gbxml.shgc_dictionary
        self.shadow_record = self.model.gbxml.shadow_record
        self.surfaces_dict = self.model.gbxml.surfaces_dict
        self.shade_surface_total = self.model.gbxml.shade_surface_total
        self.shade_surf_list = self.model.gbxml.get_shades()
예제 #8
    def setUp(self):
        self.gbxml = gbXML(
            os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Single_model.xml'))
        #self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Four_Room_Two_Floors_Model.xml')) # To test middle interior floor
        area = Area()
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary()
        self.areaDict = area.getDictionary()

        spaces = self.gbxml.get_spaces()
        surfaces = spaces[0].surfaces
        self.heat = HeatCalculation()
        self.temp_record = self.gbxml.temp_record
        self.spaces_dict = self.gbxml.spaces_dict
        self.shgc_dictionary = self.gbxml.shgc_dictionary
        self.shadow_record = self.gbxml.shadow_record
        self.shade_surf_list = self.gbxml.get_shades()
        self.surfaces_dict = self.gbxml.surfaces_dict

        self.space1 = spaces[0]
        #surfaces1 = spaces[0].surfaces
        #self.space2 = spaces[1]
        #surfaces2 = spaces[1].surfaces
        #self.surface6 = surfaces1[5]   # su-6
        #self.surface11 = surfaces2[5]  # su-11

        self.surface1 = surfaces[0]
        self.surface2 = surfaces[1]
        self.surface3 = surfaces[2]
        self.surface4 = surfaces[3]
        self.surface5 = surfaces[4]
        self.surface6 = surfaces[5]

        self.G_space_record = dict()
        self.G_space_record["sp-1-Room"] = 0

        # Create a fake weather
        self.weather = Weather('Washington',
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3),
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4))

        # And a timestep
        self.tstep2 = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep2 = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep2)

        # And another timestep
        self.tstep = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep)
예제 #9
 def get_A(self, surface, areaDict, areaWinDict):   #  These area calcualtions can eventually be done with the Area() class method but needs further testing
     # Calculates the total A of the surface.
     # Was: A = round(surface.height * surface.width * 0.3048 * 0.3048, 6)...took out the conversion to leave it feet
     area = Area()
     #A = area.surfaceArea(surface.cps, surface.azimuth, surface.tilt, surface)
     #A = round(surface.height * surface.width, 6)
     #A = area.getArea(surface.obj_id)
     #if areaDict is not None:
     #    print "areaDict = not None", areaDict
     #print "test here", surface.obj_id
     A = areaDict[surface.obj_id]
     A /= 0.09290304  # The Area() is calculating and storing metric so needs to be put back into imperial for EE
     #print "1", A
     return A
예제 #10
    def setUp(self):
        #self.gbxml = gbXML(os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'input/Single_model.xml'))
        self.gbxml = gbXML(
        self.temp = Temperature()
        self.shgc_dictionary = self.gbxml.shgc_dictionary
        self.temp_record = self.gbxml.temp_record
        self.spaces_dict = self.gbxml.spaces_dict
        self.shadow_record = self.gbxml.shadow_record
        self.shade_surf_list = self.gbxml.get_shades()
        self.surfaces_dict = self.gbxml.surfaces_dict
        # Get the first surface to check:
        spaces = self.gbxml.get_spaces()

        # Space 1 info, surface "su-8" is [7] and is the interior shared wall here
        space1 = spaces[0]
        surfaces_inspace1 = spaces[0].surfaces
        self.surface1_in_space1 = surfaces_inspace1[0]
        self.surface5_in_space1 = surfaces_inspace1[4]
        self.surface6_in_space1 = surfaces_inspace1[5]

        self.surface8_in_space1 = surfaces_inspace1[7]

        # Space 2 info, surface "su-8" is [7] and is the interior shared wall here
        #space2 = spaces[1]
        #surfaces_inspace2 = spaces[1].surfaces
        #self.surface8_in_space2 = surfaces_inspace1[7]

        # Create a fake weather
        self.weather = Weather('Washington',
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3),
                               datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4))

        area = Area()
        #print "test"
        self.areaWinDict = area.getWinDictionary

        # And a timestep
        self.tstep2 = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=4)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep2 = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep2)

        # And another timestep
        self.tstep = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=3)
        # get the weather at the tstep
        self.wtstep = self.weather.get_weather_step(self.tstep)
예제 #11
    def get_A_noWin(self, surface, A, areaDict, areaWinDict):
        # Calculates the area of the surface in cm2 minus all the window openings
        area = Area()
        #A = area.surfaceArea(surface.cps, surface.azimuth, surface.tilt, surface)
        #A = round(surface.height * surface.width, 6)

        # The remove the A of each of the openings
        for opening in surface.openings:
            # Only subtract if window
            if opening.obj_type == "OperableWindow" or opening.obj_type == "FixedWindow":
                #A -= area.surfaceArea(opening.ocps, surface.azimuth, surface.tilt, opening)
                #A -= (opening.height * opening.width)
                Ametric = areaDict[opening.obj_id]
                Ametric /= 0.09290304  # The Area() is calculating and storing metric so needs to be put back into imperial for EE
                A -= Ametric
        #print "3", A
        return A
예제 #12
 def get_A_effective(self, surface, A, areaDict, areaWinDict):
     # Calculates the total A of the surface.
     # Was: A = round(surface.height * surface.width * 0.3048 * 0.3048, 6)...took out the conversion to leave it feet
     area = Area()
     #A = area.surfaceArea(surface.cps, surface.azimuth, surface.tilt, surface)
     #A = round(surface.height * surface.width, 6)
     #print "A: total area: ", A
     # The remove the A of each of the openings
     for opening in surface.openings:
         # Only any opening type
         if opening.obj_type == "OperableWindow" or opening.obj_type == "FixedWindow" or opening.obj_type == "NonSlidingDoor" or opening.obj_type == "SlidingDoor" or opening.obj_type == "OperableSkylight" or opening.obj_type == "Air":
             #A -= area.surfaceArea(opening.ocps, surface.azimuth, surface.tilt, opening)
             #A -= (opening.height * opening.width)
             Ametric = areaWinDict[opening.obj_id]
             Ametric /= 0.09290304  # The Area() is calculating and storing metric so needs to be put back into imperial for EE
             A -= Ametric
         #print opening.height, opening.width
     #print "A is: ", A
     #print "2", A
     return A
예제 #13
def main(
    inputfile='D:/Users/Karen/Documents/Revit 2016/NIBS/GBXMLs/RC_FRAME.xml',
    outputpath='C:/Users/Karen/Desktop/GreenScale Project/GreenScale Project/Installer/GS/Output/',
    locationfile='C:/Users/Karen/Desktop/GreenScale Project/GreenScale Project/Installer/GS/Locations/USA_MO_St.Louis-Lambert.Intl.AP.724340_TMY3.epw'
    if len(sys.argv) == 8:
        inputfile = sys.argv[
            1]  #2 for python, 1 for .NET, due to indexing differences. Comment out to run with defaults.
        outputpath = sys.argv[
            2]  #3 for python, 2 for .NET, due to indexing differences. Comment out to run with defaults.
        modelflag = sys.argv[3]
        devflag = sys.argv[4]
        shadowflag = sys.argv[5]
        locationfile = sys.argv[6]

        # 2016 Version testing with Single Room Model

        # 2014 Single Room Model

    U = GSUtility()

    U.devPrint("Started the Python!")

    #print modelflag
    #print locationfile


    # Report writer (CSV)
    # We want to log error logging (verbosity 1 of 3), check-pointing (verbosity 2 of 3), etc.
    #DEBUG      Detailed information, typically of interest only when diagnosing problems.
    #INFO       Confirmation that things are working as expected.
    #WARNING    An indication that something unexpected happened, or indicative of some problem in the near future (e.g. disk space low). The software is still working as expected.
    #ERROR      Due to a more serious problem, the software has not been able to perform some function.
    #CRITICAL   A serious error, indicating that the program itself may be unable to continue running.
    with open(outputpath + 'TM_coder.log', 'w'):
    with open(outputpath + 'TM_user.log', 'w'):
    with open(outputpath + 'EE_coder.log', 'w'):
    with open(outputpath + 'EE_user.log', 'w'):
    with open(outputpath + 'aggr.log', 'w'):
    with open(outputpath + 'Assembly.log', 'w'):
    with open(outputpath + 'Coder.log', 'w'):

                        filename=outputpath + "aggr.log",
    aggr = logging.getLogger('aggr')
    # Create the logging file handler
    fh = logging.FileHandler(outputpath + "aggr.log")
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
    # Add handler to logger object

                        filename=outputpath + "Assembly.log",
    Assembly = logging.getLogger('Assembly_V1')
    # Create the logging file handler
    fh = logging.FileHandler(outputpath + "Assembly.log")
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
    # Add handler to logger object
    Assembly.info("Assembly Totals:")

                        filename=outputpath + "Coder.log",
    Coder = logging.getLogger('Coder_V1')
    # Create the logging file handler
    # C:\Users\hfergus2\Desktop\pygscale\TM_user.log
    fh = logging.FileHandler(outputpath + "Coder.log")
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
    # Add handler to logger object
    Coder.info("Data For Developers: Notes from gbxml.py")

                        filename=outputpath + "TM_user.log",
    TM_user = logging.getLogger('TMuser_V1')
    # Create the logging file handler
    # C:\Users\hfergus2\Desktop\pygscale\TM_user.log
    fh = logging.FileHandler(outputpath + "TM_user.log")
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
    # Add handler to logger object
    TM_user.info("Thermal Model User Program Started")

                        filename=outputpath + "EE_coder.log",
    EE_coder = logging.getLogger('EEcoder_V1')
    # Create the logging file handler
    fh = logging.FileHandler(outputpath + "EE_coder.log")
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
    # Add handler to logger object
    EE_coder.info("Embodied Energy Coder Program Started")

                        filename=outputpath + "EE_user.log",
    EE_user = logging.getLogger('EEuser_V1')
    # Create the logging file handler
    fh = logging.FileHandler(outputpath + "EE_user.log")
    formatter = logging.Formatter(
    # Add handler to logger object
    EE_user.info("Embodied Energy User Program Started")

    # Surface Area Dictionary
    area = Area()

    #Check if EE model should be run
    if (modelflag == '1' or modelflag == '3'):
        # Input parameters for Embodied Energy Model (EEM)
        EE_coder.info(" ")
            " ")  # Spacing for the excel to be more readable for the students
        EE_coder.info(" ")
        EE_coder.info("Missing Materials Data")

        EEstart = time.clock()
        EE_user.info("Embodied Energy Data:")
        pathStr = str(inputfile)
        EE_user.info("Model File Path:, %s" %
                     pathStr)  # Record Model Identifier or Path for Log
        EE_user.info("Location: " + locationfile)
        model2 = GreenScaleV1()
        model2.gbxml = inputfile
        model2.input_dir = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'objects')
        U.devPrint("Reaching EE_Model.run function...")
        EE_coder.info(" ")
            " ")  # Spacing for the excel to be more readable for the students
        EE_coder.info(" ")
        EEend = time.clock()
        U.devPrint("Time for EE Module: " + str(EEend - EEstart))

    print "==================================================================================="
    print "==================================================================================="
    print "==================================================================================="

    #Check if TM model should be run
    if (modelflag == '2' or modelflag == '3'):
        # Input parameters for Thermal Model (TM)
        TMstart = time.clock()
        TM_user.info("Thermal Model Data")
        pathStr = str(inputfile)
        TM_user.info("Model File Path:, %s" %
                     pathStr)  # Record Model Identifier or Path for Log
        TM_user.info("   ")
            "St.Louis,Hours 1-24,January 1-December 31,Coeff = 1,No Shadows")
        #TM_user.info("   ")
        model1 = ModelV1()
        model1.gbxml = inputfile
        model1.location = locationfile
        #print "check:  ", model1.location
        model1.start_date = datetime(year=1997, month=1, day=1, hour=0)
        model1.end_date = datetime(year=1997, month=12, day=31, hour=23)
        model1.Coeff = 1  # Currently using 0.25, 0.45, 1.00
        model1.ShadowsFlag = int(
        )  # 1 means calculate shadows, 0 means ignore shadow module
        model1.Q_total = 0
        # Zones are part of the gbxml.py but not sure at this point how to have them set from here...
        model1.terrain = 'Towns and City Scapes'  # Will be one of these from a list of options offered to the user:
        #   'Flat or Open Countryside'
        #   'Rough or Wooded Country'
        #   'Towns and City Scapes'
        #   'Ocean Front Areas'
        #   'Urban, Industrial, or Forest'
        # Using Na's formula for month totals instead of annual total only is currently giving an underestimation for the total heat flux
        model1.timestep = 1  # Will be set at 1 for every hour every day or 2 for every hour every other day
        U.devPrint("Reaching TM_Model.run function...")
        TMend = time.clock()
        U.devPrint("Time for TM Module: " + str(TMend - TMstart))

        opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hi:o:",
                                   ["inputfile=", "outputfile="])
    except getopt.GetoptError:
        #print 'test.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>'
    for opt, arg in opts:
        if opt == '-h':
            #print 'test.py -i <inputfile> -o <outputfile>'
        elif opt in ("-h", "--help"):
        elif opt == "-d":
            global _debug
            _debug = 1
        elif opt in ("-i", "--inputfile"):
            inputfile = arg
        elif opt in ("-o", "--outputfile"):
            outputfile = arg

    #logging.basicConfig(filename='output.log', level=logging.DEBUG)                # Appends new logging
    #logging.basicConfig(filename='output.log', filemode='w', level=logging.DEBUG)  # Replaces whole logging file with level
    #logging.debug('Tool is functional... ')
    #logging.warning('Check for correctness: ')
    #logging.warn('Check for correctness: ')
    #logging.error('Not passing... ')
    #logging.critical('Verify this number: ')

    #log = logging.getLogger('TM_V1')
    # This error will log the file and line number of errors
    #    raise RuntimeError
    #except Exception, err:
    #    log.exception("Error!")

    #print 'Input file is "', inputfile
    #print 'Output file is "', outputfile

    Assembly.info(" ")
    Assembly.info(" ")
    Assembly.info(" ")
    EE_coder.info("EE Coder Version Finished")
    EE_user.info("EE User Version Finished")
    Assembly.info("Assembly Finished")
    #TM_coder.info("TM Coder Version Finished")
    TM_user.info("TM User Version Finished")

    # Create the .csv reporter [model, KWatts, Joules, EETotal, EWTotal, Cost...][surface area reporting]
    # This worked before passing in from C#:
    #outputfile = open('output.csv', 'w')
    #with open("TM_user.log", 'r') as f:
    #    for line in f:
    #        outputfile.write(line)
    # This worked for passing in from C#:
    # Embodied Energy Model for Excel:
    outputfile = open(outputpath + 'ModelOutput.csv',
                      'w')  #C:\Users\hfergus2\Desktop\pygscale\output_EE.csv
    #outputfileTest.write("Is able to write to this file type...")
    with open(outputpath + "TM_user.log",
              'r') as f:  # TM Data by Month and Year Totals
        for line in f:
    with open(outputpath + "EE_coder.log", 'r') as f:  # EE Model Data
        for line in f:
    with open(outputpath + "EE_user.log",
              'r') as f:  # EE Missing Material Section, if any
        for line in f:
    with open(outputpath + "Assembly.log",
              'r') as f:  # EE Missing Material Section, if any
        for line in f:
    # This should be somewhere noted for a user, but is not necessary to be shown now in the Output file
    #with open(outputpath + "Coder.log", 'r') as f:  # Coder notes from gbxml missing data/tag handling, if any
    #    for line in f:
    #        outputfile.write(line)
    sys.stdout.write("Models Finished")