예제 #1
    def addTempChannel(self, name):
        Add a temporary channel (like #spectator or #multiplayer), gets deleted when there's no one in the channel
        and it's hidden in channels list

        :param name: channel name
        :return: True if the channel was created, otherwise False
        if name in self.channels:
            return False
        self.channels[name] = channel.channel(name, "Chat", True, True, True, True)
        log.info("Created temp channel {}".format(name))
예제 #2
    def addHiddenChannel(self, name):
        Add a hidden channel. It's like a normal channel and must be deleted manually,
        but it's not shown in channels list.

        :param name: channel name
        :return: True if the channel was created, otherwise False
        if name in self.channels:
            return False
        self.channels[name] = channel.channel(name, "Chat", True, True, False, True)
        log.info("Created hidden channel {}".format(name))
예제 #3
    def addChannel(self, name, description, publicRead, publicWrite, temp = False, hidden = False):
        Add a channel to channels list

        :param name: channel name
        :param description: channel description
        :param publicRead: if True, this channel can be read by everyone. If False, it can be read only by mods/admins
        :param publicWrite: same as public read, but regards writing permissions
        :param temp: if True, this channel will be deleted when there's no one in this channel
        :param hidden: if True, thic channel won't be shown in channels list
        self.channels[name] = channel.channel(name, description, publicRead, publicWrite, temp, hidden)
        log.info("Created channel {}".format(name))