예제 #1
 def update_object(self):
     """ Es werden falls nicht vorhanden passende PowerUps auf dem Spielfeld plaziert
     # Es ist immer ein PowerUp des Typen PLUS_LENGTH auf dem Spielfeld und befindet sich immer in obj_arr[0]
     if self.obj_arr[0] == None: # Falls kein solches PowerUp vorhanden, wird sofort eins erzeugt
         self.obj_arr[0] = objects.Object(self.car_list, self.obj_arr, t.PLUS_LENGTH)
     if self.counter == 0:       # Jedes PowerUp, das in obj_arr[1] liegt, hat einen Timer, wenn dieser
         self.obj_arr[1] = None  # abgelaufen ist wird das PowerUp entfernt
       self.counter = self.counter - 1
     # In obj_arr[1] liegen die anderen PowerUps, jedoch muss nicht immer eins vorhanden sein
     if self.obj_arr[1] == None:
         if random() < 0.05: # mit einer Wahrscheinlichkeit von 5% wird ein neues PowerUp erzeugt, falls keines vorhanden ist
             r = random()
             if r < 0.35:                                        # 35%
                 type = t.MINUS_LENGTH
                 self.counter = TYPE_TIMER[t.MINUS_LENGTH]
             elif r < 0.70:                                      # 35%
                 type = t.DESTROY_TAIL
                 self.counter = TYPE_TIMER[t.DESTROY_TAIL]
             elif r < 0.82 and self.powerup_1 < 2:               # 12%, wird maximal zwei mal im Spiel gespawnt
                 type = t.SELFDMG_OF
                 self.counter = TYPE_TIMER[t.SELFDMG_OF]
                 self.powerup_1 = self.powerup_1 + 1
             elif r < 0.94 and r > 0.82 and self.powerup_2 < 2:   # 12%, wird maximal zwei mal im Spiel gespawnt
                 type = t.BORDERDMG_OF
                 self.counter = TYPE_TIMER[t.BORDERDMG_OF]
                 self.powerup_2 = self.powerup_2 + 1
             else:                                                # 6% (- 30%), erhöhte Wahrscheinlichkeit, falls SELFDMG_OF und/oder                                                    # BORDER
                 type = t.LOSE                                    # BORDERDMG_OF schon zwei mal gespawnt sind
                 self.counter = TYPE_TIMER[t.LOSE]
             self.obj_arr[1] = objects.Object(self.car_list, self.obj_arr, type)
예제 #2
def create_board():

    i = 1
    x = 10

    while x < global_var.mp.width - 250:

        no = random.randint(0, 3)
        y = random.randint(10, global_var.mp.height - 15)

        enemy = objects.Object(config.enemy[no], x, y)

        #dragon power up
        if i % 10 == 0:
            dg_pow_up = objects.Object(config.dg_pow_up, x + 15, y)

        elif i % 5 == 0:
            magnet = objects.Object(config.magnet, x + 10, y)

        i += 1
        x += random.randint(20, 30)
        if x > global_var.mp.width - 250:

        y = random.randint(10, global_var.mp.height - 15)

        coin = objects.Object(config.coins, x, y)

        x += random.randint(20, 30)
        y = random.randint(10, global_var.mp.height - 15)

        boost = objects.Object(config.boost, x, y)

        x += random.randint(20, 50)
예제 #3
    def getObject(self, objectNum):
        objectsStartAddress = self.header.objectTable + self.getPropertiesLength(
        objectAddress = objectsStartAddress + self.getObjectLength() * (
            objectNum - 1)

        return objects.Object(self, objectAddress, objectNum)
예제 #4
파일: player.py 프로젝트: top2topii/frenmud
    def loadPlayer(self, name):
        # get dict of settings in player's file
        settings = files.loadFromFile('players\\%s.plr' % self.name)

        # iterate through dict
        for k in settings.keys():
            if k == "Username":
                self.name = settings[k]
            elif k == "Password":
                self.password = settings[k]
            elif k == "Level":
                # store as int as required
                self.level = int(settings[k])
            elif k == "IsAdmin":
                # turns out I couldn't just go bool(settings[k]), it always
                # returned True (presumably because it contained _something_.
                if settings[k] == "True": self.isAdmin = True
                if settings[k] == "False": self.isAdmin = False
            elif k == "Room":
                # there may be a faster way to do this, rather than looping
                # through every single room until we find it.
                for r in self.server.world.rList:
                    if r.id == int(settings[k]):
                        self.room = int(settings[k])
            elif k == 'I':
                # this line creates an object and appends it to the player's
                # inventory.
                self.inventory.append(objects.Object(self, settings[k]))
        # set admin commands
        if self.isAdmin:
            self.cmds['dump'] = self.parse_dump
예제 #5
    def load(self):
        log.info(f"Loading area: {self.area_path}")
        with open(self.area_path, 'r') as thefile:
            data = thefile.read()

        # Load Header Data into this Area
        log.info(f"Loading area Header: {self.area_path}")
        for eachkey, eachvalue in json.loads(data).items():
            setattr(self, eachkey, eachvalue)

        # Load each Room into this Area
        log.info(f"{self.name} : Loading area Rooms")
        roomfilepath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, f"rooms/*.json")
        filenames = glob.glob(roomfilepath)
        for eachfile in filenames:
            with open(eachfile, 'r') as thefile:
                room.Room(self, thefile.read())

        # Load each Exit and attach it to a room
        log.info(f"{self.name} : Loading area Exits")
        exitfilepath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, f"exits/*.json")
        filenames = glob.glob(exitfilepath)
        for eachfile in filenames:
            with open(eachfile, 'r') as thefile:
                fullpath, direction_fn = eachfile.split('.')[0].split('-')
                roomvnum = fullpath.split('/')[-1:][0]
                attached_room = self.room_by_vnum(int(roomvnum))
                if attached_room is None:
                        f"room_by_vnum_global failed in exit load: {roomvnum}")
                    exits.Exit(attached_room, direction_fn, thefile.read())

        # Load each Mobile in to the Indexes.
        log.info(f"{self.name} : Loading area Mobiles")
        mobilefilepath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, f"mobiles/*.json")
        filenames = glob.glob(mobilefilepath)
        for eachfile in filenames:
            with open(eachfile, 'r') as thefile:
                mobile.Mobile(self, thefile.read())

        # Load each Object in to the Indexes.
        log.info(f"{self.name} : Loading area Objects")
        objectfilepath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, f"objects/*.json")
        filenames = glob.glob(objectfilepath)
        for eachfile in filenames:
            with open(eachfile, 'r') as thefile:
                objects.Object(self, thefile.read(), load_type="index")

        # Load the resets for this area.
        log.info(f"{self.name} : Loading area Resets")
        resetfilepath = os.path.join(self.folder_path, f"resets/resets.json")
        if os.path.exists(resetfilepath):
            with open(resetfilepath, 'r') as thefile:
                reset.Reset(self, thefile.read())

        # Add this area to the area list.
        log.info(f"{self.name} : Appending to arealist.")
예제 #6
파일: map.py 프로젝트: splaroche/Roguelike
 def create_stairs(self, x, y, upstairs=False):
     char = '<'
     name = 'stairs down'
     if upstairs:
         char = '>'
         name = 'stairs up'
     s = objects.Object(x, y, char, name, libtcod.white, always_visible=True)        
예제 #7
    def on_newobj_pressed(self):
        new_obj = objects.Object("New object", CaseInsensitiveDict({}),

        for i, x in enumerate(self.last_objects):
            if x is new_obj:
예제 #8
def new_game():
    global player, con

    # create object representing the player
    fighter_component = o.Fighter(hp=30,
    player = o.Object(0,
    player.level = 1

    # generate map (at this point it's not drawn to the screen)

    g.game_state = 'playing'
    g.inventory = []

    # create the list of game messages and their colors, starts empty
    g.game_msgs = []

    # initial equipment: a dagger
    equipment_component = o.Equipment(slot='right hand', power_bonus=2)
    obj = o.Object(0,
    obj.always_visible = True

    # a warm welcoming message!
    g.message('Welcome stranger! Prepare to die.', libtcod.red)
예제 #9
 def _parse_objects(self, s):
     l = []
     i = 0
     while i < len(s):	    
         kind = s[i]
         if kind == MARTIAN:
             l.append(objects.Martian( *map(float, s[i + 1:i + 5])))
             i += 5
         elif kind in (BOULDER, CRATER, HOME):
             l.append(objects.Object(kind, float(s[i + 1]), float(s[i + 2]), float(s[i + 3])))
             i += 4
     return l
예제 #10
    def handle_client(self, client):
        while self.tick > client.world.tick:
        obj_a = objects.Object(client.world, self.data)
        obj_b = objects.Object(client.drawer.world, self.data)

        for obj in (obj_a, obj_b):
            obj.pos = self.pos
            obj.vel = self.vel
            obj.rot = self.rot
            obj.rot_vel = self.rot_vel

        client.world.objects[self.id] = obj_a
        if 'add_object' in client.world.script:

        client.object_map[obj_a] = obj_b
예제 #11
def GenerateObject():

    if game.currentFrame_object == game.object_frameResult:
        game.object_spawnFrame = game.object_frameResult + \
            int(np.random.uniform(0.0, game.object_spawnDif) * game.cFrames)

    if game.object_spawnFrame == game.currentFrame_object:
        game.currentFrame_object = 0
            o.Object(0, game.Vel * (1.8), game.screenX, game.screenY))

        game.object_frameResult = int(game.cFrames * game.object_spawnRate)
        game.object_spawnFrame = 10000
    game.currentFrame_object += 1
예제 #12
    def update(self, world_obj:world.World\
        , x_offset = 1, y_offset = 1):
        bg = self._background.copy()
        _x = x_offset
        _y = y_offset
        game_info = world_obj._phys_pixels
        # self._updated_rects =[]
        for y in range(len(game_info)):
            for x in range(len(game_info[y])):
                spec_obj = objects.Object(i_x=x,i_y=y,\
                    ) if game_info[y][x] is None else game_info[y][x]

                _x += self.VISUAL_PER_PHYSICAL_PIXELS + x_offset
            _y += self.VISUAL_PER_PHYSICAL_PIXELS + y_offset
            _x = x_offset
        self._updated_rects = self._screen_surface.blit(bg, (0, 0))

예제 #13
    async def load(self):
        if os.path.exists(self.filename):
            with open(self.filename, "r") as thefile:
                player_file_dict = json.loads(thefile.read())
                for eachkey, eachvalue in player_file_dict.items():
                    setattr(self, eachkey, eachvalue)

            log.debug(f"Loading player: {self.name}")

            if self.contents:
                self.contents = {k: objects.Object(None, v, load_type="inventory")
                                 for k, v in self.contents.items()}

            self.race = races.racebyname(self.race)

            if not self.equipped:
                self.equipped = {k: None for k in self.race.wearlocations}

            self.location = area.room_by_vnum_global(self.location)
            await self.move(self.location)
예제 #14
 def run(self):
     query = Query(
         "SELECT deviceID,IP,port,device FROM Devices WHERE last IS NULL")
     response = yield query
     self.devices = []
     self.deviceid = {}
     self.objectid = {}
     for deviceID, IP, port, device in response:
         device = objects.Device(IP, port, device, deviceID)
         self.deviceid[deviceID] = device
     if debug: print "postgres.GetDevices>", self.devices
     for d in self.devices:
         query = Query(
             "SELECT objectID,type,instance,name FROM Objects WHERE deviceID=%s"
             % (d.id))
         response = yield query
         for objectID, otype, oinstance, name in response:
             o = objects.Object(d.id, objectID, otype, oinstance, name)
             self.objectid[objectID] = o
예제 #15
    def __init__(self, player):
        """ Create level 1. """

        # Call the parent constructor

        Level.__init__(self, player)
        self.background = pygame.image.load(
        self.level_limit = -6000

        # Array with type of platform, and x, y location of the platform.
        platform_array = [
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_FLAT, -450, 575],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_MIDDLE, 200, 430],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_MIDDLE, 280, 430],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_MIDDLE, 480, 310],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_MIDDLE, 560, 310],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_MIDDLE, 760, 430],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_MIDDLE, 840, 430],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_1, 1500, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_1, 2270, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_2, 1600, 440],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 2800, 450],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 2870, 450],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 3020, 350],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 3090, 350],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 3160, 350],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 3310, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 3380, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 3450, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 3520, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 3800, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 3870, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 4150, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 4220, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 4290, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 4360, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 4640, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 4710, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 4990, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 5060, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 5130, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 5200, 250],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 5350, 350],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 5420, 350],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 5490, 350],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 5640, 450],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 5710, 450],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_LEFT_3, 6600, 430],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_BOTTOM_MIDDLE_3, 6670, 430],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_TOP_RIGHT_3, 6740, 430],

        # Go through the array above and add platforms
        for platform in platform_array:
            block = platforms.Platform(platform[0])
            block.rect.x = platform[1]
            block.rect.y = platform[2]
            block.player = self.player

        # Array with type of enemy, and x, and distance of the enemy.
        enemy_array = [
            [enemies.JUNGLE_ENEMY, 600, 310, 120],
            [enemies.JUNGLE_ENEMY, 1060, 435, 200],
            [enemies.JUNGLE_ENEMY, 3020, 450, 500],
            [enemies.JUNGLE_ENEMY, 4220, 400, 400],
            [enemies.JUNGLE_ENEMY, 5060, 400, 400],

        # Go through the array above and add enemies
        for enemy in enemy_array:
            enem = enemies.Enemy(enemy[0], enemy[3])
            enem.rect.x = enemy[1]
            enem.rect.y = enemy[2]
            enem.player = self.player

        # Array with type x and y of good object.
        good_object_array = [
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 520, 80],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 530, 80],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1150, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1170, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1800, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1810, 290],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1820, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1900, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1910, 290],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1920, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 2000, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 2010, 290],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 2020, 280],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 3100, 320],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 3130, 320],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 3160, 320],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 3655, 30],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 3665, 40],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4005, 30],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4015, 40],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4495, 30],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4505, 40],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4845, 30],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4855, 40],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 3830, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 5060, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 5090, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 5110, 220],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 6915, 210],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 6925, 200],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 6935, 210],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 6945, 200],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 6955, 210],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 6670, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 6720, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_1, 6770, 540],

        # Go through the array above and add good object
        for good_object in good_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(good_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = good_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = good_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

            # Array with type x and y of bad object.

        bad_object_array = [
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1570, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1570, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1640, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1640, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1710, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1710, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1780, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1780, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1850, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1850, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1920, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1920, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 1990, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 1990, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 2060, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 2060, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 2130, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 2130, 570],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WAVES, 2200, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE_PLATFORM_WATER, 2200, 570],

        # Go through the array above and add bad object
        for bad_object in bad_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(bad_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = bad_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = bad_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Array with type x and y of standard object.
        standard_object_array = [
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 770, 400],
            [constants.JUNGLE_SIGN_2, 20, 500],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_1, 220, 390],
            [constants.JUNGLE_CRATE, 420, 490],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 480, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_3, 540, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_3, 570, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_3, 600, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_1, 1000, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_1, 1200, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_1, 1400, 540],
            [constants.JUNGLE_SIGN_1, 1510, 490],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 2400, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_3, 2410, 270],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_2, 2820, 410],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 3300, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_2, 3340, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 3380, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_2, 3400, 270],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_1, 5460, 320],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 5660, 410],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_3, 5680, 420],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_3, 6050, 270],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_3, 6100, 270],
            [constants.JUNGLE_TREE_3, 6150, 270],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_2, 6050, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 6100, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_2, 6150, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_1, 6670, 390],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 6690, 390],
            [constants.JUNGLE_BUSH_2, 6870, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 6880, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_STONE, 6920, 530],
            [constants.JUNGLE_SIGN_2, 6960, 490],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 3400, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 3430, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 3430, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 4220, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 4250, 220],
            [constants.JUNGLE_MUSHROOM_2, 5410, 320],

        # Go through the array above and add standard object
        for standard_object in standard_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(standard_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = standard_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = standard_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Add a custom moving platform

        block_1 = platforms.MovingPlatform(
        block_1.rect.x = 1950
        block_1.rect.y = 440
        block_1.boundary_left = 1900
        block_1.boundary_right = 2100
        block_1.change_x = -1
        block_1.player = self.player
        block_1.level = self

        block_2 = platforms.MovingPlatform(constants.JUNGLE_CRATE)
        block_2.rect.x = 3655
        block_2.rect.y = 200
        block_2.boundary_top = 30
        block_2.boundary_bottom = 560
        block_2.change_y = 2
        block_2.player = self.player
        block_2.level = self

        block_3 = platforms.MovingPlatform(constants.JUNGLE_CRATE)
        block_3.rect.x = 4005
        block_3.rect.y = 400
        block_3.boundary_top = 30
        block_3.boundary_bottom = 560
        block_3.change_y = 2
        block_3.player = self.player
        block_3.level = self

        block_4 = platforms.MovingPlatform(constants.JUNGLE_CRATE)
        block_4.rect.x = 4495
        block_4.rect.y = 200
        block_4.boundary_top = 30
        block_4.boundary_bottom = 560
        block_4.change_y = 2
        block_4.player = self.player
        block_4.level = self

        block_5 = platforms.MovingPlatform(constants.JUNGLE_CRATE)
        block_5.rect.x = 4845
        block_5.rect.y = 400
        block_5.boundary_top = 30
        block_5.boundary_bottom = 560
        block_5.change_y = 2
        block_5.player = self.player
        block_5.level = self
예제 #16
    eta = 0.25/1e5*5
    piter = 4
    titer = 4
    NITER = 512
    maxint = 3
    voxelsize = 1e-6
    energy = 5

    # Load a 3D object
    beta = dxchange.read_tiff(
        'data/test-beta-128.tiff').astype('float32')[::2, ::2, ::2]
    delta = dxchange.read_tiff(
        'data/test-delta-128.tiff').astype('float32')[::2, ::2, ::2]

    # Create object.
    obj = objects.Object(beta, delta, voxelsize)
    # Create probe
    prb = objects.Probe(objects.gaussian(15, rin=0.8, rout=1.0), maxint=maxint)
    # Detector parameters
    det = objects.Detector(63, 63)
    # Define rotation angles
    theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 400).astype('float32')
    # Scanner positions
    scanax, scanay = objects.scanner3(theta, beta.shape, 10, 10, margin=[
        prb.size, prb.size], offset=[0, 0], spiral=1)
    # tomography data shape
    tomoshape = [len(theta), obj.shape[0], obj.shape[2]]

    # Class solver
    slv = solver_gpu.Solver(prb, scanax, scanay,
                            theta, det, voxelsize, energy, tomoshape)
예제 #17
 def create_object(self, data):
     obj = objects.Object(self, actions.add_default_properties(data))
     return obj
예제 #18
def run():

    line = rendering.render_context.CreateLine(position=(0., 0.),
                                               size=(40, 40))

    # TODO: create objects that exist at start here
    object_list = [
            rendering.render_context.CreateSquare(position=(100., 100.),
                                                  size=(60, 60))),
            rendering.render_context.CreatePoint(position=(200., 200.))),
            rendering.render_context.CreateCircle(position=(300., 300.),
                                                  size=(60, 60))),
    global running
    running = True
    clicked = False
    click_point = None
    x_init = 200.
    x_post = 200.
    y_init = 200.
    y_post = 200.
    sel_index = 0
    friction = 1.0

    while running:
        result = input.handle_input()
        # execute on input
        if result == 'QUIT':
            running = False
        elif result == 'SQUARE':
                                                          size=(60, 60))))
        elif result == 'CIRCLE':
                                                          size=(60, 60))))
        elif result == 'POINT':
                                                         size=(60, 60))))
        elif result == 'RESTART':
        # render all objects
        [o.graphic.render(rendering.render_context) for o in object_list]
        # update all objects' positions and velocities
        for o in object_list:
            o.move_additive(o.vx, o.vy)
            if o.graphic.x < 0:
                o.vx = -abs(o.vx)
            if o.graphic.y < 0:
                o.vy = -abs(o.vy)
            avx, avy = abs(o.vx), abs(o.vy)
            if avx + avy == 0:
            friction_x = friction * avx / (avx + avy)
            friction_y = friction * avy / (avx + avy)
            if o.vx > 0:
                o.vx = max(o.vx - friction_x, 0.0)
                o.vx = min(o.vx + friction_x, 0.0)
            if o.vy > 0:
                o.vy = max(o.vy - friction_y, 0.0)
                o.vy = min(o.vy + friction_y, 0.0)
        if input.is_mouse_down:
            if not clicked:
                x_init = input.x
                y_init = input.y
                sel_index = update_selection(object_list, (x_init, y_init),
                line.move(input.x, input.y)
            if sel_index is not -1:
                object_list[sel_index].move(input.x, input.y)
            clicked = True
            click_point = (input.x, input.y)
            if object_list[sel_index].graphic.contains((input.x, input.y)):
                line.sx, line.sy = input.x - line.x, input.y - line.y
            if clicked:
                if sel_index is not -1:
                    object_list[sel_index].vx, object_list[
                        sel_index].vy = input.x - x_init, input.y - y_init
                clicked = False
                x_post = input.x
                y_post = input.y

    return 0
예제 #19
def make_map():
    global tile_map, objects, stairs

    # fill map with "blocked" tiles
    tile_map = [[Tile(True) for y in range(g.MAP_HEIGHT)]
                for x in range(g.MAP_WIDTH)]

    objects = [player]

    rooms = []
    num_rooms = 0
    new_x = 0
    new_y = 0

    for r in range(g.MAX_ROOMS):
        # random width and height
        w = libtcod.random_get_int(0, g.ROOM_MIN_SIZE, g.ROOM_MAX_SIZE)
        h = libtcod.random_get_int(0, g.ROOM_MIN_SIZE, g.ROOM_MAX_SIZE)
        # random position without going out of the boundaries of the map
        x = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, g.MAP_WIDTH - w - 1)
        y = libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, g.MAP_HEIGHT - h - 1)

        # "Rect" class makes rectangles easier to work with
        new_room = Rect(x, y, w, h)

        # run through the other rooms and see if they intersect with this one
        failed = False
        for other_room in rooms:
            if new_room.intersect(other_room):
                failed = True

        if not failed:
            # this means there are no intersections, so this room is valid

            # "paint" it to the map's tiles

            # center coordinates of new room, will be useful later
            (new_x, new_y) = new_room.center()

            if num_rooms == 0:
                # this is the first room, where the player starts at
                player.x = new_x
                player.y = new_y
                # all rooms after the first:
                # connect it to the previous room with a tunnel

                # center coordinates of previous room
                (prev_x, prev_y) = rooms[num_rooms - 1].center()

                # draw a coin (random number that is either 0 or 1)
                if libtcod.random_get_int(0, 0, 1) == 1:
                    # first move horizontally, then vertically
                    create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, prev_y)
                    create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, new_x)
                    # first move vertically, then horizontally
                    create_v_tunnel(prev_y, new_y, prev_x)
                    create_h_tunnel(prev_x, new_x, new_y)

            # finally, append the new room to the list
            num_rooms += 1

    # create stairs at the center of the last room
    stairs = o.Object(new_x,
    stairs.send_to_back(objects)  # so it's drawn below the monsters
예제 #20
    def __init__(self, player):
        """ Create level 2. """

        # Call the parent constructor
        Level.__init__(self, player)

        self.background = pygame.image.load(
        self.level_limit = -6000

        # Array with type of platform, and x, y location of the platform.
        platform_array = [
            [constants.DESERT_STONE_PLATFORM_FLAT, -450, 575],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 500, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 570, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 640, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 710, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 1580, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 1650, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 1720, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 1790, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 2150, 250],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2220, 250],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2290, 250],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2360, 250],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 2430, 250],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 2550, 350],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2620, 350],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2690, 350],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2760, 350],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 2830, 350],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 2950, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 3020, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 3090, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_CRATE, 3450, 520],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 3930, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4000, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4070, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4140, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4210, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4280, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 4350, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 4660, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4730, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4800, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 4870, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 4940, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 5200, 320],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5270, 320],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5340, 320],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 5410, 320],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 5500, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5570, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 5640, 200],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_LEFT, 6200, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6270, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6340, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6410, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6480, 425],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_RIGHT, 6550, 425],

        # Go through the array above and add platforms
        for platform in platform_array:
            block = platforms.Platform(platform[0])
            block.rect.x = platform[1]
            block.rect.y = platform[2]
            block.player = self.player

        # Array with type of enemy, and x, and patrol distance of the enemy.
        enemy_array = [[enemies.DESERT_ENEMY, 2300, 435, 245],
                       [enemies.DESERT_ENEMY, 4000, 435, 200]]

        # Go through the array above and add enemies
        for enemy in enemy_array:
            enem = enemies.Enemy(enemy[0], enemy[3])
            enem.rect.x = enemy[1]
            enem.rect.y = enemy[2]
            enem.player = self.player

        # Array with type x and y of good object.
        good_object_array = [
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 640, 285],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1150, 385],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 1800, 280],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 2290, 120],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 2620, 290],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 3400, 380],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 3700, 380],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 5550, 380],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4860, 130],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 4840, 130],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 5020, 405],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 5040, 405],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 5260, 265],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 5550, 130],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 5580, 130],
            [constants.BLACKBERRY, 6280, 350],

        # Array with type x and y of bad object.
        bad_object_array = [
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH_2, 1150, 550],
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH_2, 1170, 550],
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH_2, 5600, 550],
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH_2, 5620, 550],

        # Array with type x and y of standard object.
        standard_object_array = [
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 10, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 150, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 180, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 210, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 240, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 270, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS, 850, 490],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS_4, 900, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS, 970, 490],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS, 1350, 490],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS_4, 1400, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS, 1470, 490],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS_3, 1720, 400],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 2140, 210],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 2160, 210],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 2180, 210],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 2220, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 2220, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 2250, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 2270, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 2290, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 2300, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH, 2650, 470],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS_2, 3000, 350],
            [constants.DESERT_STONE, 3250, 540],
            [constants.DESERT_STONE, 3630, 540],
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH, 3730, 470],
            [constants.DESERT_BUSH, 4030, 330],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 4650, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 4800, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 4830, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 4850, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 4870, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 4890, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_SIGN, 4950, 140],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS, 5200, 490],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS_4, 5250, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_CACTUS, 5300, 490],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 5900, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 5950, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 6050, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_1, 6100, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_GRASS_2, 6150, 530],
            [constants.DESERT_SKELETON, 6370, 400],
            [constants.DESERT_SIGNARROW, 6700, 470],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 6800, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 7000, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 7100, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 7200, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 7300, 370],
            [constants.DESERT_TREE, 7400, 370],

        # Go through the array above and add good object
        for good_object in good_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(good_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = good_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = good_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Go through the array above and add bad object
        for bad_object in bad_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(bad_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = bad_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = bad_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Go through the array above and add standard object
        for standard_object in standard_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(standard_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = standard_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = standard_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Add a custom moving platform
        block = platforms.MovingPlatform(
        block.rect.x = 2000
        block.rect.y = 200
        block.boundary_top = 100
        block.boundary_bottom = 550
        block.change_y = -1
        block.player = self.player
        block.level = self

        block = platforms.MovingPlatform(
        block.rect.x = 4530
        block.rect.y = 300
        block.boundary_top = 100
        block.boundary_bottom = 550
        block.change_y = -1
        block.player = self.player
        block.level = self

        block = platforms.MovingPlatform(constants.DESERT_CRATE)
        block.rect.x = 6000
        block.rect.y = 300
        block.boundary_top = 100
        block.boundary_bottom = 550
        block.change_y = -1
        block.player = self.player
        block.level = self
예제 #21
    def __init__(self):
        """ Load world from files. """
        self.rList = []

        # open all files in directory world/rooms/
        fileList = os.listdir('world\\rooms\\')

        # find highest room number and create self.rList with that many slots
        highNum = 1
        for f in fileList:
            num = f.split('.')
            if int(num[0]) > highNum:
                highNum = int(num[0])
        self.rList = [0] * (highNum + 1)

        for f in fileList:
            settings = files.loadFromFile('world\\rooms\\%s' % f)
            id = None
            title = None
            desc = None
            exits = [None] * 10
            inventory = []
            mList = []
            for k in settings.keys():
                if k == 'ID':
                    id = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'Title':
                    title = settings[k]
                elif k == 'Desc':
                    desc = settings[k]
                elif k == 'N':
                    exits[0] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'NE':
                    exits[1] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'E':
                    exits[2] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'SE':
                    exits[3] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'S':
                    exits[4] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'SW':
                    exits[5] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'W':
                    exits[6] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'NW':
                    exits[7] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'U':
                    exits[8] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'D':
                    exits[9] = int(settings[k])
                elif k == 'I':
                    inventory.append(objects.Object(None, settings[k]))
                elif k == 'M':
            r = room.Room(id, title, desc, exits)
            r.inventory = inventory
            r.mList = mList
            # update mobs knowledge of their room
            for m in r.mList:
                m.room = r
            self.rList[id] = r

        # loop through rooms and turn exit ints into room links
        for r in self.rList:
            # loop through exits in room
            for e in range(len(r.exits)):
                # if room has an exit
                if r.exits[e] != None:
                    # loop through room list again
                    for t in self.rList:
                        # if current room id == exit int
                        if t.id == r.exits[e]:
                            # set exit to room object
                            r.exits[e] = t
예제 #22
 def timerEvent(self, e):
     if self.obj_arr[
             0] == None:  # immer wenn kein Ojekt auf dem Feld ist wird ein neues hinzugefügt
         self.obj_arr[0] = objects.Object(self.car_list, self.obj_arr, 0)
예제 #23
    def __init__(self, player):
        """ Create level 3. """

        # Call the parent constructor
        Level.__init__(self, player)

        self.background = pygame.image.load(
        self.level_limit = -6000

        # Array with type of platform, and x, y location of the platform.
        platform_array = [
            [constants.SNOW_STONE_PLATFORM_FLAT, -450, 575],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 630, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 700, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 770, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 840, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 1200, 200],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 1270, 200],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 1340, 200],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 1410, 200],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 2200, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2270, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2340, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2410, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 2480, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 2610, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2680, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2750, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 2820, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 2890, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 3010, 250],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 3080, 250],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 3150, 250],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 3220, 250],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 3290, 250],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 5000, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5070, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5140, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 5210, 425],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 5400, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5470, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5540, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 5610, 350],
            # 5700
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 5770, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5840, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5910, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 5980, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 6050, 350],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_LEFT, 6220, 220],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6290, 220],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6360, 220],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_MIDDLE, 6430, 220],
            [constants.SNOW_GRASS_RIGHT, 6500, 220],

        # Go through the array above and add platforms
        for platform in platform_array:
            block = platforms.Platform(platform[0])
            block.rect.x = platform[1]
            block.rect.y = platform[2]
            block.player = self.player

        # Array with type of enemy, and x, and patrol distance of the enemy.
        enemy_array = [
            [enemies.SNOW_ENEMY, 2610, 435, 245],
            [enemies.SNOW_ENEMY, 3110, 435, 245],
            [enemies.SNOW_ENEMY, 5000, 435, 245],

        # Go through the array above and add enemies
        for enemy in enemy_array:
            enem = enemies.Enemy(enemy[0], enemy[3])
            enem.rect.x = enemy[1]
            enem.rect.y = enemy[2]
            enem.player = self.player

        # Array with type x and y of good object.
        good_object_array = [
            [constants.NUT, 480, 345],
            [constants.NUT, 750, 250],
            [constants.NUT, 950, 80],
            [constants.NUT, 1500, 80],
            [constants.NUT, 1800, 320],
            [constants.NUT, 1910, 320],
            [constants.NUT, 1980, 320],
            [constants.NUT, 2670, 230],
            [constants.NUT, 3080, 170],
            [constants.NUT, 4180, 320],
            [constants.NUT, 4450, 400],
            [constants.NUT, 4690, 320],
            [constants.NUT, 6200, 80],
            [constants.NUT, 6250, 80],
            [constants.NUT, 6300, 80],

        # Array with type x and y of bad object.
        bad_object_array = [
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 1550, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 1580, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 1620, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 3400, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 3430, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 4050, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 4080, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 4550, 540],
            [constants.SNOW_CRYSTAL, 4590, 540],

        # Array with type x and y of standard object.
        standard_object_array = [
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 400, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_SNOWMAN, 100, 470],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 1240, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 1700, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_SIGN, 2340, 365],
            [constants.SNOW_IGLOO, 2670, 300],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 2800, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 2900, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_SNOWMAN, 3590, 470],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 3850, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 3750, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 4300, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 4340, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 4480, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 4700, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 4800, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_2, 5800, 400],
            [constants.SNOW_SNOWMAN, 6000, 470],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 6200, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_ICEBOX, 6550, 500],
            [constants.SNOW_SIGNARROW, 6700, 470],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 6900, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 7100, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 7300, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 7500, 280],
            [constants.SNOW_TREE_1, 7800, 280],

        # Go through the array above and add good object
        for good_object in good_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(good_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = good_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = good_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Go through the array above and add bad object
        for bad_object in bad_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(bad_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = bad_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = bad_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Go through the array above and add standard object
        for standard_object in standard_object_array:
            obj = objects.Object(standard_object[0])
            obj.rect.x = standard_object[1]
            obj.rect.y = standard_object[2]
            obj.player = self.player

        # Add a custom moving platform
        block = platforms.MovingPlatform(
        block.rect.x = 1000
        block.rect.y = 400
        block.boundary_top = 100
        block.boundary_bottom = 550
        block.change_y = -1
        block.player = self.player
        block.level = self
예제 #24
    titer = 1
    NITER = 257
    maxint = 10
    voxelsize = 1e-6
    energy = 5

    # Load a 3D object.
    beta = dxchange.read_tiff(
        'data/test-beta-128.tiff').astype('float32')[::2, ::2, ::2]
    delta = dxchange.read_tiff(
        'data/test-delta-128.tiff').astype('float32')[::2, ::2, ::2]

    # Create object.
    obj = objects.Object(beta, delta, voxelsize)
    # Create probe.
    prb = objects.Probe(gaussian(15, rin=0.8, rout=1.0), maxint=maxint)  
    # Detector parameters.
    det = objects.Detector(63, 63)
    # Define rotation angles.
    theta = np.linspace(0, 2*np.pi, 720).astype('float32')
    # Raster scan parameters for each rotation angle.
    scan, scanax, scanay = scanner3(theta, beta.shape, 6, 6, margin=[
                                    prb.size, prb.size], offset=[0, 0], spiral=1)
    tomoshape = [len(theta), obj.shape[1], obj.shape[2]]

    # class solver
    slv = solver_gpu.Solver(prb, scanax, scanay,
                            theta, det, voxelsize, energy, tomoshape)