예제 #1
def filterPeaks(peaklist, snTreshold=0, relIntTreshold=0, absIntTreshold=0):
    """Remove peaks below treshold.
        peaklist: (mspy.peaklist) peaklist to be filtered
        snTreshold: (float) signal to noise treshold for picked peaks
        relIntTreshold: (float) relative basepeak intensity treshold for picked peaks in %/100
        absIntTreshold: (float) absolute intensity treshold for picked peaks
    # check peaklist
    if len(peaklist) == 0:
        return peaklist
    # get absolute treshold
    if relIntTreshold:
        maxInt = max([(peak.intensity - peak.baseline) for peak in peaklist])
        relIntTreshold = maxInt * relIntTreshold
    treshold = max(relIntTreshold, absIntTreshold)
    # check peaks
    buff = []
    for peak in peaklist:
        if (peak.intensity - peak.baseline) >= treshold \
            and (peak.sn==None or peak.sn >= snTreshold):
    return objects.peaklist(buff)
예제 #2
def findPeaks(points, pickingHeight, peakWidth, snTreshold=0, relIntTreshold=0, absIntTreshold=0, adaptiveNoise=False):
    """Find peaks.
        points: (numpy.array) spectrum points
        pickingHeight: (float) peak intensity height where the mass is picked in %/100
        peakWidth: (float) peak width approximation (peakWidth/2 for grouping, peakWidth*2 for centroides)
        snTreshold: (float) signal to noise treshold for picked peaks
        relIntTreshold: (float) relative basepeak intensity treshold for picked peaks in %/100
        absIntTreshold: (float) absolute intensity treshold for picked peaks
        adaptiveNoise: (bool) calculate noise level separately for each peak
    # get possible peaks by local maxima
    peaklist = getLocalMax(points, peakWidth/2, adaptiveNoise)
    # filter peaklist
    peaklist = filterPeaks(peaklist, snTreshold, relIntTreshold, absIntTreshold)
    # calculate masses by centroid model
    peaklist = getCentroids(points, peaklist, pickingHeight, peakWidth*2, adaptiveNoise)
    # filter peaklist
    peaklist = filterPeaks(peaklist, snTreshold, relIntTreshold, absIntTreshold)
    # return peaklist object
    return objects.peaklist(peaklist)
예제 #3
def getLocalMax(points, groupWidth, adaptiveNoise=False):
    """Get possible peaks from the points using local maxima.
        points: (numpy.array) spectrum points
        groupWidth: (float) peaks within this range will be grouped together
        adaptiveNoise: (bool) calculate noise level separately for each peak
    groupWidth /= 2
    buff = []
    previous = None
    localMax = points[0]
    growing = True
    # get local maxima
    for point in points[1:]:
        # remember last maximum
        if localMax[1] <= point[1]:
            localMax = point
            growing = True
        # store local maximum
        elif growing and localMax[1] > point[1]:
            # try to group with previous or add new peak
            if previous!=None and (localMax[0]-groupWidth)<previous[0]:
                if localMax[1] > previous[1]:
                    buff[-1] = (objects.peak(mz=localMax[0], intensity=localMax[1]))
                    previous = localMax
                buff.append(objects.peak(mz=localMax[0], intensity=localMax[1]))
                previous = localMax
            localMax = point
            growing = False
            localMax = point
    # get baseline and s/n ratio
    noiseLevel, noiseWidth = getNoise(points)
    for peak in buff:
        if adaptiveNoise:
            noiseLevel, noiseWidth = getNoise(points, mz=peak.mz)
        peak.baseline = noiseLevel
        if noiseWidth != 0:
            sn = (peak.intensity-noiseLevel) / noiseWidth
            peak.sn = round(sn,3)
    return objects.peaklist(buff)
예제 #4
def getCharges(peaklist, maxCharge, massTolerance, intTolerance):
    """Calculate charges for peaks of given peaklist by isotopes differences and averagine distribution.
        maxCharge: (int) maximu charge searched
        massTolerance: (float) m/z tolerance for the next isotope
        intTolerance: (float) intensity tolerance for the next isotope in %/100
    # check peaklist
    if not isinstance(peaklist, objects.peaklist):
        peaklist = objects.peaklist(peaklist)
    # get averagine distribution
    averagineKeys = averagine.averagineDist.keys()
    # clear previous results
    peaklist = deepcopy(peaklist)
    for x in range(len(peaklist)):
        peaklist[x].charge = None
        peaklist[x].isotope = None
    # precalc delta mass for each charge
    delta = {}
    for x in range(abs(maxCharge)):
        delta[x+1] = 1.00287/(x+1)
    charges = delta.keys()
    # set polarity
    polarity = 1
    if maxCharge < 0:
        polarity = -1
    # walk in peaklist
    for x in range(len(peaklist)):
        # skip identified peaks
        if peaklist[x].isotope != None:
            cluster = [peaklist[x]]
        # try all charges
        for z in charges:
            y = 1
            isotope = 0
            # get isotopic pattern
            pattern = None
            mass = basics.mz(peaklist[x].mz, 0, z*polarity)
            for key in averagineKeys:
                if key >= mass:
                    pattern = averagine.averagineDist[key]
            if not pattern:
                pattern = averagine.makeAveragineDist(config.averagineFormula, massRange=mass)
            # search for next isotope within tolerance
            while x+y < len(peaklist) and ((peaklist[x+y].mz - cluster[-1].mz) - delta[z]) <= massTolerance:
                if abs((peaklist[x+y].mz - cluster[-1].mz) - delta[z]) <= massTolerance:
                    # add peak to cluster
                    peaklist[x+y].charge = z*polarity
                    isotope += 1
                    # check number if isotopes
                    if not pattern or len(pattern)<=isotope:
                    # check isotope intensity to avoid skiping of overlaped peaks
                    calcIntens = ((cluster[-2].intensity-cluster[-2].baseline) / pattern[isotope-1][1]) * pattern[isotope][1]
                    if abs(peaklist[x+y].intensity - peaklist[x+y].baseline - calcIntens) < (calcIntens * intTolerance):
                        peaklist[x+y].isotope = isotope
                y += 1
            # skip other charges if one isotope at least was found
            if len(cluster) > 1:
                peaklist[x].charge = z*polarity
                peaklist[x].isotope = 0
    return peaklist
예제 #5
def getCentroids(points, peaklist, pickingHeight, maxWidth, adaptiveNoise=False):
    """Make centroided peaks for given peaklist.
        points: (numpy.array) spectrum points
        peaklist: (mspy.peaklist) peaklist
        pickingHeight: (float) peak intensity height where the mass is picked in %/100
        maxWidth: (float) maximum width allowed as peak
        adaptiveNoise: (bool) calculate noise level separately for each peak
    # check peaklist
    if not isinstance(peaklist, objects.peaklist):
        peaklist = objects.peaklist(peaklist)
    # get noise
    noiseLevel, noiseWidth = getNoise(points)
    # walk through peaklist
    buff = []
    previous = None
    for peak in peaklist:
        # get relevant sub-portion of the data
        i1 = _getIndex(points, peak.mz-maxWidth)
        i2 = _getIndex(points, peak.mz+maxWidth)
        selection = points[i1:i2]
        # get data points at specified picking height
        minY = (peak.intensity-peak.baseline) * pickingHeight + peak.baseline
        i1 = None
        i2 = None
        for x, point in enumerate(selection):
            if point[0] < peak.mz and point[1] < minY:
                i1 = x
            elif point[0] > peak.mz and point[1] < minY:
                i2 = x
        if not i1 or not i2:
            selection = selection[i1:i2+1]
        # get centroided mass
        leftX = _interpolateLine(selection[0], selection[1], y=minY)
        rightX = _interpolateLine(selection[-2], selection[-1], y=minY)
        mz = (leftX + rightX)/2
        peak.mz = mz
        # get intensity for centroided mass
        for x, point in enumerate(selection):
            if point[0] > mz:
        intensity = _interpolateLine(selection[x-1], selection[x], x=mz)
        peak.intensity = intensity
        # get base and s/n
        if adaptiveNoise:
            noiseLevel, noiseWidth = getNoise(points, mz=peak.mz)
        peak.baseline = noiseLevel
        if noiseWidth != 0:
            sn = (peak.intensity-noiseLevel) / noiseWidth
            peak.sn = round(sn,3)
        # check peak intensity
        if peak.intensity < noiseLevel:
        # try to group with previous peak
        if previous!=None and leftX < previous:
            if peak.intensity > buff[-1].intensity:
                buff[-1] = peak
                previous = rightX
            previous = rightX
    return objects.peaklist(buff)