def generate_index_entry(args): index = {} # Generate title country_names = None if args[2] is not None: country_names = [c.name_en for c in args[2]] title = get_title( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None ) index["title"] = title # Generate url country_codes = None if args[2] is not None: country_codes = [c.name_3char.lower() for c in args[2]] url = params_to_url( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1][0], country_codes=country_codes, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None ) index["url"] = url regions = None if args[2] is not None: regions = [ for c in args[2]] # Add in params into elasticsearch in case we need them later kwargs = dict( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, country_codes=country_codes, regions=regions, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None, product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None, product_community=args[5] if args[5] is not None else None, ) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if v is not None} index.update(kwargs) return index
def generate_index_entry(args): index = {} # Generate title country_names = None if args[2] is not None: country_names = [c.name_en for c in args[2]] title = get_title( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None) index["title"] = title # Generate url country_codes = None if args[2] is not None: country_codes = [c.name_3char.lower() for c in args[2]] url = params_to_url( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1][0], country_codes=country_codes, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None) index["url"] = url regions = None if args[2] is not None: regions = [ for c in args[2]] # Add in params into elasticsearch in case we need them later kwargs = dict( api_name=args[0], app_name=args[1], country_names=country_names, country_codes=country_codes, regions=regions, trade_flow=args[3], years=args[4], product_name=args[5].name_en if args[5] is not None else None, product_code=args[5].code if args[5] is not None else None, product_community=args[5] if args[5] is not None else None, ) kwargs = {k: v for k, v in kwargs.iteritems() if v is not None} index.update(kwargs) return index
def api_search(request): query = request.GET.get("term", None) if query is None: return HttpResponse("[]") # For user experiment, run search version 1 or 2, 2 being more feature # rich and having parsed filters. See atlas-data#32 search_version = int(request.GET.get("search_var", 0)) # Parse search query query, query_type, kwargs = parse_search( query, strip_keywords=(search_version != 1)) # Resolve any synonyms. feasibility -> pie_scatter etc. if "app_name" in kwargs: given_app_name = kwargs["app_name"][0] kwargs["app_name"] = [ APP_NAME_SYNONYMS.get(given_app_name, given_app_name) ] # Viz params are not an elasticsearch filter so pop that off viz_params = kwargs.pop("viz_params", None) # Prepare elasticsearch filters if search_version == 2 or search_version == 0: filters = prepare_filters(kwargs) else: filters = {} es_query = {"query": {"filtered": {}}, "size": 8} # Add filters to the query if they were given. Filters are ANDed. if len(filters) > 0: es_filters = [{ "terms": { k: [x.lower() for x in v] } } for k, v in filters.iteritems()] es_filters = {"bool": {"must": es_filters}} es_query["query"]["filtered"]["filter"] = es_filters # Add fuzzy search for query string if any non-filter query string remains # after taking out the filters if query.strip() != "": es_query["query"]["filtered"]["query"] = { "fuzzy_like_this": { "like_text": query, "fields": ["title"], "max_query_terms": 15, "prefix_length": 3 } } # Do the query es = Elasticsearch() result ="questions", body=es_query) # Format the results in a way that complies with the OpenSearch standard's # suggestion extension labels = [] urls = [] for x in result['hits']['hits']: data = x['_source'] # Regenerate title and url so we can add stuff into it dynamically, # like the year being searched for, or forcing an app. years = kwargs.get('years', None) # Possible apps this title could be visualized as app_names = data['app_name'] # If the app the user requested is possible, use that. Otherwise, use # the first one as default. App names in the elasticsearch index are # sorted in a certain way for this to make sense so check out the # indexer script requested_app_name = filters.get("app_name", [None])[0] if requested_app_name in app_names: app_name = requested_app_name else: app_name = app_names[0] if years and len(years) == 2: if app_name in ["map", "tree_map"]: # If multiple years are specified and we can do a stacked # graph, do a stacked graph instead of a treemap or map app_name = "stacked" elif app_name in ["product_space", "pie_scatter"]: # Some apps can never have multiple years so just use the first # one specified years = [years[0]] # If no years specified, use default years if years is None: if app_name == "stacked": years = [settings.YEAR_MIN_HS4, settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] else: years = [settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] # You can't show a product space based on imports so ignore those if app_name == "product_space" and data["trade_flow"] == "import": continue title = get_title(api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_names=data.get('country_names', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_name=data.get('product_name', None)) url = params_to_url(api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_codes=data.get('country_codes', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_code=data.get('product_code', None)) if viz_params: if app_name == "pie_scatter": url += "?queryActivated=True" url += "&yaxis=%s" % viz_params[0] labels.append(title) urls.append(settings.HTTP_HOST + url) return HttpResponse(json.dumps([query, labels, [], urls]))
def api_search(request): query = request.GET.get("term", None) if query is None: return HttpResponse("[]") # For user experiment, run search version 1 or 2, 2 being more feature # rich and having parsed filters. See atlas-data#32 search_version = int(request.GET.get("search_var", 0)) # Parse search query query, query_type, kwargs = parse_search( query, strip_keywords=(search_version != 1)) # Resolve any synonyms. feasibility -> pie_scatter etc. if "app_name" in kwargs: given_app_name = kwargs["app_name"][0] kwargs["app_name"] = [APP_NAME_SYNONYMS.get(given_app_name, given_app_name)] # Viz params are not an elasticsearch filter so pop that off viz_params = kwargs.pop("viz_params", None) # Prepare elasticsearch filters if search_version == 2 or search_version == 0: filters = prepare_filters(kwargs) else: filters = {} es_query = { "query": { "filtered": {} }, "size": 8 } # Add filters to the query if they were given. Filters are ANDed. if len(filters) > 0: es_filters = [{"terms": {k: [x.lower() for x in v]}} for k, v in filters.iteritems()] es_filters = {"bool": {"must": es_filters}} es_query["query"]["filtered"]["filter"] = es_filters # Add fuzzy search for query string if any non-filter query string remains # after taking out the filters if query.strip() != "": es_query["query"]["filtered"]["query"] = { "fuzzy_like_this": { "like_text": query, "fields": ["title"], "max_query_terms": 15, "prefix_length": 3 } } # Do the query es = Elasticsearch() result ="questions", body=es_query) # Format the results in a way that complies with the OpenSearch standard's # suggestion extension labels = [] urls = [] for x in result['hits']['hits']: data = x['_source'] # Regenerate title and url so we can add stuff into it dynamically, # like the year being searched for, or forcing an app. years = kwargs.get('years', None) # Possible apps this title could be visualized as app_names = data['app_name'] # If the app the user requested is possible, use that. Otherwise, use # the first one as default. App names in the elasticsearch index are # sorted in a certain way for this to make sense so check out the # indexer script requested_app_name = filters.get("app_name", [None])[0] if requested_app_name in app_names: app_name = requested_app_name else: app_name = app_names[0] if years and len(years) == 2: if app_name in ["map", "tree_map"]: # If multiple years are specified and we can do a stacked # graph, do a stacked graph instead of a treemap or map app_name = "stacked" elif app_name in ["product_space", "pie_scatter"]: # Some apps can never have multiple years so just use the first # one specified years = [years[0]] # If no years specified, use default years if years is None: if app_name == "stacked": years = [settings.YEAR_MIN_HS4, settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] else: years = [settings.YEAR_MAX_HS4] # You can't show a product space based on imports so ignore those if app_name == "product_space" and data["trade_flow"] == "import": continue title = get_title( api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_names=data.get('country_names', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_name=data.get('product_name', None) ) url = params_to_url( api_name=data['api_name'], app_name=app_name, country_codes=data.get('country_codes', None), trade_flow=data['trade_flow'], years=years, product_code=data.get('product_code', None) ) if viz_params: if app_name == "pie_scatter": url += "?queryActivated=True" url += "&yaxis=%s" % viz_params[0] labels.append(title) urls.append(settings.HTTP_HOST + url) return HttpResponse(json.dumps([ query, labels, [], urls ]))