예제 #1
def _path_or_event_bank(path):
    Return either a path (str) to a function, or an EventBank if path is a directory.
    if Path(path).is_dir():
        return obsplus.EventBank(path).update_index()
    return str(path)
예제 #2
def catalog_to_directory(
    cat: Union[str, Catalog, ev.Event, Path],
    path: Union[str, Path],
    file_format: str = "quakeml",
) -> None:
    Parse a catalog and save each event to a time-based directory structure.

    Saves each event based on preferred origin time. The format of the saved
    file and directory is:
    where RID is the last 5 digits of the event id. If another event is found
    with the same last 5 digits of the resource_id the event will be read into
    memory. If the complete resource IDs are the same the old path will be
    used. This helps avoid changing the path of the event when origin times
    change slightly.

        The obspy events, event or path to such.
        A path to the directory. If one does not exist it will be created.
        Any obspy event format that can be written.
        The extention to add to each file.
        If True, create an event bank index on the newly created directory.
        If True check other events that may have the same resource id and
        merge any duplicate events.
    if isinstance(cat, (str, Path)):
        cat = obspy.read_events(str(cat))
    # ensure events is iterable and ext has a dot before it
    cat = [cat] if not isinstance(cat, obspy.Catalog) else cat
    ext = "." + ext if not ext.startswith(".") else ext
    # make sure directory exists
    path = Path(path)
    path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
    # iterate each event, get a time and resource id and save to disk
    for event in cat:
        event_path = Path(get_event_path(event, str(path), ext=ext))
        path.parent.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
        # determine if another event exists with same id, if so use its path
        if check_duplicates:
            rid = str(event.resource_id)[-5:]
            possible_duplicate = list(event_path.parent.glob(f"*{rid}{ext}"))
            for duplicate_path in possible_duplicate or []:
                new_event = obspy.read_events(str(duplicate_path))[0]
                if new_event.resource_id == event.resource_id:
                    event_path = duplicate_path
        event.write(str(event_path), file_format)
    if event_bank_index:
예제 #3
 def test_future_version(self, ebank_high_version):
     """Ensure reading a bank with a future version issues warning."""
     path = ebank_high_version.bank_path
     with pytest.warns(UserWarning) as w:
     assert len(w) == 1
     message = w.list[0].message.args[0]
     assert "a newer version of ObsPlus" in message
예제 #4
 def test_issue_30(self, crandall_dataset):
     """ ensure eventid can accept a numpy array. see #30. """
     ds = crandall_dataset
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(ds.event_path)
     # get first two event_ids
     inds = ebank.read_index()["event_id"].values[0:2]
     # query with inds as np array
     assert len(ebank.get_events(eventid=np.array(inds))) == 2
예제 #5
 def test_from_path(self, tmpdir):
     """ catalog_to_directory should work with a path to a events. """
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     path = Path(tmpdir) / "events.xml"
     path_out1 = path.parent / "catalog_dir1"
     path_out2 = path.parent / "catalog_dir2"
     # a slightly invalid uri is used, just ignore
     with warnings.catch_warnings():
         cat.write(str(path), "quakeml")
     # test works with a Path instance
     catalog_to_directory(path, path_out1)
     assert path_out1.exists()
     assert not obsplus.EventBank(path_out1).read_index().empty
     # tests with a string
     catalog_to_directory(str(path), path_out2)
     assert path_out2.exists()
     assert not obsplus.EventBank(path_out2).read_index().empty
예제 #6
 def test_files_created(self, tmpdir):
     """ ensure a file is created for each event in default events,
      and the bank index as well. """
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     path = Path(tmpdir)
     catalog_to_directory(cat, tmpdir)
     qml_files = list(path.rglob("*.xml"))
     assert len(qml_files) == len(cat)
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(path)
     assert Path(ebank.index_path).exists()
예제 #7
def _catalog_to_client(path):
    Turn a str or directory into a client.

    If a single file, try to read as events, if directory init event bank.
    path = Path(path)  # ensure we are working with a path
    assert path.exists()
    if path.is_dir():
        return get_event_client(obsplus.EventBank(path))
        return get_event_client(obspy.read_events(str(path)))
예제 #8
 def test_init_with_banks(self, bingham_dataset):
     """ Ensure the fetcher can be init'ed with all bank inputs. """
     wbank = obsplus.WaveBank(bingham_dataset.waveform_path)
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(bingham_dataset.event_path)
     wbank.update_index(), ebank.update_index()
     sbank = bingham_dataset.station_client
     fetcher = Fetcher(waveforms=wbank, events=ebank, stations=sbank)
     edf = fetcher.event_df
     sdf = fetcher.station_df
     for df in [edf, sdf]:
         assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)
         assert not df.empty
예제 #9
 def test_init_with_banks(self, bingham_dataset):
     """Ensure the fetcher can be init'ed with all bank inputs."""
     wbank = obsplus.WaveBank(bingham_dataset.waveform_path).update_index()
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(bingham_dataset.event_path).update_index()
     sbank = bingham_dataset.station_client
     # ignore warnings (endtimes of inv are out of range)
     with suppress_warnings():
         fetcher = Fetcher(waveforms=wbank, events=ebank, stations=sbank)
     edf = fetcher.event_df
     sdf = fetcher.station_df
     for df in [edf, sdf]:
         assert isinstance(df, pd.DataFrame)
         assert not df.empty
예제 #10
 def ebank_high_version(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
     """return the default bank with a negative version number."""
     # monkey patch obsplus version so that a low version is saved to disk
     monkeypatch.setattr(obsplus, "__last_version__", self.high_version_str)
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(tmpdir).put_events(cat, update_index=False)
     # write index
     with suppress_warnings():
     assert ebank._index_version == self.high_version_str
     assert obsplus.__last_version__ != self.high_version_str
     return ebank
예제 #11
 def test_get_events_empty_bank(self, tmp_path):
     """ Calling get_waveforms on an empty bank should update index. """
     cat1 = obspy.read_events()
     catalog_to_directory(cat1, tmp_path, event_bank_index=False)
     cat1_dict = {str(x.resource_id): x for x in cat1}
     # get a bank, ensure it has no index and call get events
     bank = obsplus.EventBank(tmp_path)
     index = Path(bank.index_path)
     if index.exists():
     # now get events and assert equal to input (although order can change)
     cat2 = bank.get_events()
     cat2_dict = {str(x.resource_id): x for x in cat2}
     assert cat2_dict == cat1_dict
예제 #12
 def bar_ebank(self, tmpdir, monkeypatch):
     """ return an event bank specifically for testing ProgressBar. """
     # set the interval and min files to 1 to ensure bar gets called
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     path = Path(tmpdir)
     for event in cat:
         file_name = str(event.resource_id)[-5:] + ".xml"
         event.write(str(path / file_name), "quakeml")
     ebank = obsplus.EventBank(path)
     monkeypatch.setattr(ebank, "_bar_update_interval", 1)
     monkeypatch.setattr(ebank, "_min_files_for_bar", 1)
     # move the index to make sure there are files to update
     assert not Path(ebank.index_name).exists()
     return ebank
예제 #13
 def ebank_with_event_no_time(self, tmp_path_factory):
     """ Create an event bank which has one file with no time. """
     tmp_path = Path(tmp_path_factory.mktemp("basic"))
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     # clear origin from first event and add an empty one
     new_origin = ev.Origin()
     cat[0].preferred_origin_id = new_origin.resource_id
     # now save the events
     for num, event in enumerate(cat):
         path = tmp_path / f"{num}.xml"
         event.write(path, format="quakeml")
     # init, update, return bank
     return obsplus.EventBank(tmp_path).update_index()
예제 #14
 def test_events_different_time_same_id_not_duplicated(self, tmpdir):
     Events with different times but the same id should not be
     duplicated; the old path should be used when detected.
     cat = obspy.read_events()
     first_id = str(cat[0].resource_id)
     bank = obsplus.EventBank(Path(tmpdir)).put_events(cat)
     df = bank.read_index().set_index("event_id")
     # modify first event preferred origin time slightly
     event = cat[0]
     origin = get_preferred(event, "origin")
     origin.time += 10
     # save to disk again
     # ensure event count didnt change
     assert len(df) == len(bank.read_index())
     # read first path and make sure origin time was updated
     cat2 = bank.get_events(event_id=first_id)
     assert len(cat2) == 1
     assert get_preferred(cat2[0], "origin").time == origin.time
예제 #15
 def download_events(self):
     """ Simply copy events from base directory. """
     cat = obspy.read_events(str(self.source_path / "events.xml"))
예제 #16
 def download_events(self):
     """Just copy the events into a directory."""
     cat = obspy.read_events()
예제 #17
 def download_events(self):
     """Just copy the events into a directory."""
     cat = obspy.read_events(str(self.source_path / "events.xml"))