예제 #1
파일: utcdatetime.py 프로젝트: kduru/obspy
 def _operate(self, other, op_func):
     if isinstance(other, UTCDateTime):
         ndigits = min(self.precision, other.precision) - 9
         if self.precision != other.precision:
             msg = ('Comparing UTCDateTime objects of different precision'
                    ' is not defined and may lead to surpising behavior')
         a = py3_round(self._ns, ndigits)
         b = py3_round(other._ns, ndigits)
         return op_func(a, b)
             return self._operate(UTCDateTime(other), op_func)
         except TypeError:
             return False
예제 #2
 def _operate(self, other, op_func):
     if isinstance(other, UTCDateTime):
         ndigits = min(self.precision, other.precision) - 9
         if self.precision != other.precision:
             msg = ('Comparing UTCDateTime objects of different precision'
                    ' is not defined will raise an Exception in a future'
                    ' version of obspy')
             warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyDeprecationWarning)
         a = py3_round(self._ns, ndigits)
         b = py3_round(other._ns, ndigits)
         return op_func(a, b)
             return self._operate(UTCDateTime(other), op_func)
         except TypeError:
             return False
예제 #3
 def _operate(self, other, op_func):
     if isinstance(other, UTCDateTime):
         ndigits = min(self.precision, other.precision) - 9
         if self.precision != other.precision:
             msg = ('Comparing UTCDateTime objects of different precision'
                    ' is not defined will raise an Exception in a future'
                    ' version of obspy')
             warnings.warn(msg, ObsPyDeprecationWarning)
         a = py3_round(self._ns, ndigits)
         b = py3_round(other._ns, ndigits)
         return op_func(a, b)
             return self._operate(UTCDateTime(other), op_func)
         except TypeError:
             return False
예제 #4
 def test_py3_round(self):
     Ensure py3_round rounds correctly and returns expected data types.
     # list of tuples; (input, ndigits, expected, excpected type)
     test_list = [
         (.222, 2, .22, float),
         (1516047903968282880, -3, 1516047903968283000, int),
         (1.499999999, None, 1, int),
         (.0222, None, 0, int),
         (12, -1, 10, int),
         (15, -1, 20, int),
         (15, -2, 0, int),
     for number, ndigits, expected, expected_type in test_list:
         # this is a fix for py3.4 which cannot take None as ndigits
         if ndigits is not None:
             out = py3_round(number, ndigits)
             out = py3_round(number)
         self.assertEqual(out, expected)
         self.assertIsInstance(out, expected_type)
예제 #5
    def _get_microsecond(self):
        Returns microseconds as an integer.

        :rtype: int
        :return: Returns microseconds as an integer.

        .. rubric:: Example

        >>> dt = UTCDateTime(2012, 2, 11, 10, 11, 12, 345234)
        >>> dt.microsecond
        return int(py3_round(self._ns % 10**9, self.precision - 9) // 1000)
예제 #6
    def _get_microsecond(self):
        Returns microseconds as an integer.

        :rtype: int
        :return: Returns microseconds as an integer.

        .. rubric:: Example

        >>> dt = UTCDateTime(2012, 2, 11, 10, 11, 12, 345234)
        >>> dt.microsecond
        return int(py3_round(self._ns % 10**9, self.precision - 9) // 1000)
예제 #7
    def __str__(self):
        Returns ISO8601 string representation from current UTCDateTime object.

        :return: string

        .. rubric:: Example

        >>> dt = UTCDateTime(2008, 10, 1, 12, 30, 35, 45020)
        >>> str(dt)
        dt = self.datetime
        time_str = YMDHMS_FORMAT % tuple(getattr(dt, x) for x in YMDHMS)

        if self.precision > 0:
            ns = py3_round(self.ns, self.precision - 9)
            ns_str = ('%09d' % (ns % 10 ** 9))[:self.precision]
            time_str += ('.' + ns_str)
        return time_str + 'Z'
예제 #8
    def __str__(self):
        Returns ISO8601 string representation from current UTCDateTime object.

        :return: string

        .. rubric:: Example

        >>> dt = UTCDateTime(2008, 10, 1, 12, 30, 35, 45020)
        >>> str(dt)
        dt = self.datetime
        time_str = YMDHMS_FORMAT % tuple(getattr(dt, x) for x in YMDHMS)

        if self.precision > 0:
            ns = py3_round(self.ns, self.precision - 9)
            ns_str = ('%09d' % (ns % 10**9))[:self.precision]
            time_str += ('.' + ns_str)
        return time_str + 'Z'