예제 #1
파일: h5_output.py 프로젝트: owqi/place
    def _init_header(self, path):
        config = _load_config(path)
        metadata = config['metadata']
        header = Stats()
        config_key = self._config['header_sampling_rate_key']
            header.sampling_rate = float(metadata[config_key])
        except KeyError:
            raise KeyError("The following key was not found in the metadata: " +
                           "{}. Did you set the correct ".format(config_key) +
                           "'sample rate metadata key' in PAL H5 Output module?")
        header.npts = int(metadata[self._config['header_samples_per_record_key']]) - 1
            if self._config['dd_300']:
                header.calib = metadata['dd_300_calibration']
            elif self._config['dd_900']:
                header.calib = metadata['dd_900_calibration']
            elif self._config['vd_08']:
                header.calib = metadata['vd_08_calibration']
            elif self._config['vd_09']:
                header.calib = metadata['vd_09_calibration']
        except KeyError:
        header.comments = str(config['comments'])
        header.place = metadata

        if self._config['header_extra1_name'] != '' and self._config['header_extra1_val'] != '':
            header[self._config['header_extra1_name']] = self._config['header_extra1_val']
        if self._config['header_extra2_name'] != '' and self._config['header_extra2_val'] != '':
            header[self._config['header_extra2_name']] = self._config['header_extra2_val']
        return header
예제 #2
    def _init_header(self, path):
        config = _load_config(path)
        metadata = config['metadata']
        header = Stats()

        if 'ATS9440' in config['plugins'].keys():
            ats_config = config['plugins']['ATS9440']['config']
        elif 'ATS660' in config['plugins'].keys():
            ats_config = config['plugins']['ATS660']['config']
            raise KeyError('Cannot locate trace config data')

        if 'Polytec' in config['plugins'].keys():
            polytec_config = config['plugins']['Polytec']['config']
            raise KeyError('Cannot locate vibrometer config data')

        header.sampling_rate = _calc_sampling_rate(ats_config['sample_rate'])
        header.npts = int(ats_config['pre_trigger_samples'] +
                          ats_config['post_trigger_samples']) - 1

        if polytec_config['dd_300']:
            header.calib = float(
                re.findall(_NUMBER, polytec_config['dd_300_range'])[0])
        elif polytec_config['dd_900']:
            header.calib = float(
                re.findall(_NUMBER, polytec_config['dd_900_range'])[0])
        elif polytec_config['vd_08']:
            header.calib = float(
                re.findall(_NUMBER, polytec_config['vd_08_range'])[0])
        elif polytec_config['vd_09']:
            header.calib = float(
                re.findall(_NUMBER, polytec_config['vd_09_range'])[0])
            raise KeyError('Cannot locate vibrometer calibration data')

        header.comments = str(config['comments'])
        header.place = metadata

        if self._config['header_extra1_name'] != '' and self._config[
                'header_extra1_val'] != '':
            header[self._config['header_extra1_name']] = self._config[
        if self._config['header_extra2_name'] != '' and self._config[
                'header_extra2_val'] != '':
            header[self._config['header_extra2_name']] = self._config[
        return header
예제 #3
파일: h5_output.py 프로젝트: PALab/PLACE
    def _init_header(self, path):
        config = _load_config(path)
        metadata = config['metadata']
        header = Stats()

        if 'ATS9440' in config['plugins'].keys():
            ats_config = config['plugins']['ATS9440']['config']
        elif 'ATS660' in config['plugins'].keys():
            ats_config = config['plugins']['ATS660']['config']
            raise KeyError('Cannot locate trace config data')

        if 'Polytec' in config['plugins'].keys():
            polytec_config = config['plugins']['Polytec']['config']
            raise KeyError('Cannot locate vibrometer config data')

        header.sampling_rate = _calc_sampling_rate(ats_config['sample_rate'])
        header.npts = int(ats_config['pre_trigger_samples'] +
                          ats_config['post_trigger_samples']) - 1

        if polytec_config['dd_300']:
            header.calib = float(re.findall(
                _NUMBER, polytec_config['dd_300_range'])[0])
        elif polytec_config['dd_900']:
            header.calib = float(re.findall(
                _NUMBER, polytec_config['dd_900_range'])[0])
        elif polytec_config['vd_08']:
            header.calib = float(re.findall(
                _NUMBER, polytec_config['vd_08_range'])[0])
        elif polytec_config['vd_09']:
            header.calib = float(re.findall(
                _NUMBER, polytec_config['vd_09_range'])[0])
            raise KeyError('Cannot locate vibrometer calibration data')

        header.comments = str(config['comments'])
        header.place = metadata

        if self._config['header_extra1_name'] != '' and self._config['header_extra1_val'] != '':
                   ] = self._config['header_extra1_val']
        if self._config['header_extra2_name'] != '' and self._config['header_extra2_val'] != '':
                   ] = self._config['header_extra2_val']
        return header
예제 #4
    def parseISF(self, isf_data, header_only=None, convert=None):
        Determine starting point of data.
        Header has something like 'CURVE #520000', where ascii '5' is the
        length of the length field '20000'.


            'CURVE #520000xxxx...'
              ^      ^^    ^
              |      ||    +---- data_loc:    location of first valid byte of data
              |      |+--------- len_loc:     location of first byte of data length field
              |      +---------- len_len_loc: location of length of length
              +----------------- tag_loc:     location of start tag
        start_tag = 'CURVE #'
        tag_loc = int(isf_data.find(start_tag))
        len_len_loc = tag_loc + len(start_tag)
        len_loc = len_len_loc + 1
        len_len = int(isf_data[len_len_loc]) # e.g. 5
        data_loc = len_loc + len_len
        data_len = int(isf_data[len_loc:len_loc+len_len]) # e.g. 20000

        # Extract and parse header
        header = isf_data[:tag_loc]
        # Reformat the header into a dictionary
        header_dict = {}
        items = header.replace(':WFMPRE:','').replace(':','').split(';') # list of "key value" pairs
        for item in items:
                key, value = item.split(' ', 1) # maxsplit 1 to ignore subsequent spaces in value
                value = value.replace('"', '')
                header_dict[key] = value

            return header_dict

        # Extract data and convert from string to integer value
        data = isf_data[data_loc:]

        stats = Stats()
        stats.npts = int(header_dict['NR_PT'])
        stats.calib = float(header_dict['YMULT'])
        byte_order = header_dict['BYT_OR'] # 'MSB' or 'LSB'

        if(byte_order == 'MSB'):
            byte_order = '>'
            byte_order = '<'
        points = []
        for i in range(0, stats.npts*2, 2):
            value = data[i:i+2] # as string
            converted = struct.unpack('%sh' % byte_order, value)[0]

        # Optionally convert points to engineering units
                points = np.array(points) * stats.calib  # requires numpy
            except NameError:
                # If numpy not available, use list instead.
                p = []
                for point in points:
                    p.append(point * stats.calib)
                points = p
        stats.time_offset = float(header_dict['XZERO'])
        stats.calib_unit = header_dict['YUNIT']
        stats.delta = float(header_dict['XINCR'])
        stats.amp_offset = float(header_dict['YOFF'])
        stats.comments = header_dict['WFID']
        stats.channel = header_dict['WFID'][0:3]

        return stats, points