예제 #1
def uvw2enz(st):
    if len(st) != 3:
       print('Stream does not contain 3 Traces')
       return st
    for trace in st:
        head = trace.stats
        channel = head.channel
        if channel == 'BHU': U = trace.data
        elif channel == 'BHV': V = trace.data
        elif channel == 'BHW': W = trace.data
            print('Trace.channel is not BHU, BHV, or BHW')
            return st

    d = np.radians(-30)
    aU = np.radians(135)
    aV = np.radians(15)
    aW = np.radians(255)

    A = np.array([[np.cos(d)*np.sin(aU),np.cos(d)*np.cos(aU),np.sin(d)],
                  [np.cos(d)*np.sin(aV), np.cos(d)*np.cos(aV), np.sin(d)],
                  [np.cos(d)*np.sin(aW), np.cos(d)*np.cos(aW), np.sin(d)]])

    B = np.linalg.inv(A)
    E,N,Z = np.dot(B,(U,V,W))

    head.channel = 'BHE'; trE = Trace(data=E, header=head)
    head.channel = 'BHN'; trN = Trace(data=N, header=head)
    head.channel = 'BHZ'; trZ = Trace(data=Z, header=head)
    stENZ = Stream(traces=[trE,trN,trZ])

    return stENZ
예제 #2
def readgeonet(geonetfile):
    Read strong motion data from a GeoNet data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid GeoNet data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(geonetfile,'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts']/10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0,numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.001 #convert to m/s^2
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    return (tracelist,headerlist)
예제 #3
def test_geometric_mean():
    trace1 = Trace(data=np.asarray([1, 2, 3]), header={'channel': 'H1'})
    trace2 = Trace(data=np.asarray([4, 5, 6]), header={'channel': 'H2'})
    trace3 = Trace(data=np.asarray([4, 5]), header={'channel': 'H2'})
    trace4 = Trace(data=np.asarray([4, 5, 6]), header={'channel': 'z'})
    valid_stream = Stream(traces=[trace1, trace2])
    one_horizontal = Stream(traces=[trace1, trace4])
    too_many_horizontals = Stream(traces=[trace1, trace2, trace3])
    uneven = Stream(traces=[trace1, trace3])

    # Test valid
    target = [np.sqrt(0.5*(1**2+4**2)), np.sqrt(0.5*(2**2+5**2)),
    gm_data = calculate_geometric_mean(valid_stream, return_combined=True)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(gm_data, target)
    gm_val = calculate_geometric_mean(valid_stream)
    np.testing.assert_array_equal(gm_val, np.max(target))

    # Test invalid
    for invalid in [one_horizontal, too_many_horizontals, uneven]:
        failed = False
            gm_data = calculate_geometric_mean(invalid)
            failed = True
        assert(failed == True)
예제 #4
def test_rotd():
    ddir = os.path.join('data', 'testdata', 'process')
    datadir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gmprocess', ddir)
    # Create a stream and station summary, convert from m/s^2 to cm/s^2 (GAL)
    osc1_data = np.genfromtxt(datadir + '/ALCTENE.UW..sac.acc.final.txt')
    osc2_data = np.genfromtxt(datadir + '/ALCTENN.UW..sac.acc.final.txt')
    osc1_data = osc1_data.T[1] * 100
    osc2_data = osc2_data.T[1] * 100
    tr1 = Trace(data=osc1_data, header={'channel': 'H1', 'delta': 0.01,
                                        'npts': 10400})
    tr2 = Trace(data=osc2_data, header={'channel': 'H2', 'delta': 0.01,
                                        'npts': 10400})
    st = Stream([tr1, tr2])

    target_pga50 = 4.12528265306
    target_sa1050 = 10.7362857143
    target_pgv50 = 6.239364
    target_sa0350 = 10.1434159021
    target_sa3050 = 1.12614169215
    station = StationSummary.from_stream(st, ['rotd50'],
                                         ['pga', 'pgv', 'sa0.3', 'sa1.0', 'sa3.0'])
    pgms = station.pgms
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pgms['PGA']['ROTD50.0'], target_pga50, atol=0.1)
        pgms['SA(1.0)']['ROTD50.0'], target_sa1050, atol=0.1)
    np.testing.assert_allclose(pgms['PGV']['ROTD50.0'], target_pgv50, atol=0.1)
        pgms['SA(0.3)']['ROTD50.0'], target_sa0350, atol=0.1)
        pgms['SA(3.0)']['ROTD50.0'], target_sa3050, atol=0.1)
예제 #5
def rot2enz(st, comp=False):
    if len(st) != 3:
       print('Stream does not contain 3 Traces')
       return st
    for trace in st:
        head = trace.stats
        channel = head.channel
        if channel == 'BH1': one = trace.data
        elif channel == 'BH2': two = trace.data
        elif channel == 'BHZ': Z = trace.data
        elif channel == 'BHN': N = trace.data
        elif channel == 'BHE': E = trace.data
            print('Trace.channel is not BH1, BH2, or BHZ')
            return st

    if comp==False:
        N,E = rotate(one, two, -14)

    elif comp==True:
        N,E = rotate(one, two, 23)

    head.channel = 'BHE'; trE = Trace(data=E, header=head)
    head.channel = 'BHN'; trN = Trace(data=N, header=head)
    head.channel = 'BHZ'; trZ = Trace(data=Z, header=head)
    stENZ = Stream(traces=[trE,trN,trZ])

    return stENZ
예제 #6
def stack(st, stats=None, kw_stack={}, kw_snr={}):
    Stack traces in stream.
    if st.count() == 0:
        logger.error('No traces!')
        return st
    elif st.count() == 1:
        return st

    # Find lap
    if kw_stack.get('sort', False):

    sk = Trace()
    data = _data_stack(st, **kw_stack, **kw_snr)
    if data is None:
        sk.data = data
        sk.stats = _hdr_stack(st, stats, **kw_stack, **kw_snr)

        key_snr = kw_stack.get('snr', 'user2')
        weight = kw_stack.get('weight', 'None').lower()
        if 'none' not in weight:
            sk.stats.sac[key_snr] = snr(sk, **kw_snr)

        return sk
예제 #7
def rand_stack(st, stats=None, kw_stack={}, kw_snr={}):
    nsub = kw_stack.get('nsub', 4)
    key_nsrc = kw_stack.get('key_nsrc', 'user0')

    ntr = st.count()
    if ntr < 2:
        return st

    sk = Trace()
    sk.stats = _hdr_stack(st, stats, **kw_stack, **kw_snr)

    if ntr <= nsub:
        for tr in st:
            yield tr
        ind = np.arange(ntr)
        for sub in np.array_split(ind, nsub):
            data = 0
            for i in sub:
                data += st[i].data
            n = sub.size
            data /= n
            sk.stats.sac[key_nsrc] = n
            sk.data = data
            yield sk

예제 #8
파일: sdi.py 프로젝트: sun031/SDI
def autocorrelate2(filelst):
    Autocorrelation in frequency domain.

    The implementation of AC is from SCIPY. The autocorrelograms is normalized.

    :param filelst:

    for file in filelst:

        print "AC: ", file

        tr = read(file)[0]
        x = tr.data

        stel = tr.stats.sac.stel
        stla = tr.stats.sac.stla
        stlo = tr.stats.sac.stlo

            # auto-correlation from SCIPY implemented in F domain, which is much faster than those in time domain
            ac = signal.fftconvolve(x, x[::-1], mode="full")
            ac = ac / max(abs(ac))

        tr1 = Trace(data=ac)
        tr1.stats.network = tr.stats.network
        tr1.stats.station = tr.stats.station
        tr1.stats.location = tr.stats.location
        tr1.stats.delta = tr.stats.delta
        tr1.stats.sampling_rate = tr.stats.sampling_rate
        tr1.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel

        tr1.stats._format = "SAC"
        tr1.stats.sac = {u'stla': stla, u'stlo': stlo, u'stel': stel}
        tr1.stats.sac.user1 = tr.stats.sac.user1
        tr1.stats.sac.user2 = tr.stats.sac.user2
        tr1.stats.sac.kuser1 = tr.stats.sac.kuser1
        tr1.stats.sac.kuser2 = tr.stats.sac.kuser2

        # tr1.stats.sac.stla = tr.stats.sac.stla
        # tr1.stats.sac.stlo = tr.stats.sac.stlo
        # tr1.stats.sac.stel = tr.stats.sac.stel

        path, fn = filen2(file)
        fullfn = "SDI/ac/" + path + "/" + fn

        # print fullfn
            os.makedirs("SDI/ac/" + path)

        tr1.write(fullfn, format="SAC")

예제 #9
def readgeonet(geonetfile):
    Read strong motion data from a GeoNet data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid GeoNet data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(geonetfile, 'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts'] / 10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0, numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data, header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats[
            'calib'] * 0.001  #convert to m/s^2
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    return (tracelist, headerlist)
예제 #10
def rot_cr(st):
    if len(st) != 3:
        print('Stream does not contain 3 Traces')
        return st
    for trace in st:
        head = trace.stats
        channel = head.channel
        if channel == 'LH1': one = trace.data
        elif channel == 'LH2': two = trace.data
        elif channel == 'LHZ': Z = trace.data
            print('Trace.channel is not BH1, BH2, or BHZ')
            return st

    E, N = rotate(two, one, 62)

    head.channel = 'LHE'
    trE = Trace(data=E, header=head)
    head.channel = 'LHN'
    trN = Trace(data=N, header=head)
    head.channel = 'LHZ'
    trZ = Trace(data=Z, header=head)
    stENZ = Stream(traces=[trE, trN, trZ])

    return stENZ
예제 #11
def readiran(iranfile, doRotation=True):
    Read strong motion data from a Iran data file
    @param iranfile: Path to a valid Iran data file.
    @keyword doRotation: Apply back-azimuth rotation of L & T channels to NS and EW.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(iranfile, 'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts'] / 10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0, numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data, header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats[
            'calib'] * 0.98  #convert to m/s^2 from g/10
        endblock = f.readline()
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)


    #data from Iran may be rotated so that one channel is aligned in the direction between the earthquake
    #epicenter and the station.  We want to rotate the data back so that we have what are presumably the
    #original NS and EW channels.  We presume that the "L" channel will rotate back to become NS, and
    #"T" will become EW.
    #First, find the channel called L*
    if doRotation:
        channels = [h['channel'][0:1] for h in headerlist]
        lidx = channels.index('L')
        tidx = channels.index('T')
        ldata = tracelist[lidx].data
        tdata = tracelist[tidx].data
        backaz = headerlist[0]['rotation']['L']
        ndata, edata = rotate.rotate_RT_NE(ldata, tdata, backaz)
        tracelist[lidx].data = ndata.copy()
            'channel'] = 'H1'  #most probably NS, but we're being cautious
        tracelist[tidx].data = edata.copy()
            'channel'] = 'H2'  #most probably EW, but we're being cautious

    return (tracelist, headerlist)
예제 #12
def readiran(iranfile,doRotation=True):
    Read strong motion data from a Iran data file
    @param iranfile: Path to a valid Iran data file.
    @keyword doRotation: Apply back-azimuth rotation of L & T channels to NS and EW.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(iranfile,'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts']/10.0))
        data = []
        for i in range(0,numlines):
            line = f.readline()
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata
        data = np.array(data)
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.98 #convert to m/s^2 from g/10
        endblock = f.readline()
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    #data from Iran may be rotated so that one channel is aligned in the direction between the earthquake
    #epicenter and the station.  We want to rotate the data back so that we have what are presumably the 
    #original NS and EW channels.  We presume that the "L" channel will rotate back to become NS, and
    #"T" will become EW.
    #First, find the channel called L*
    if doRotation:
        channels = [h['channel'][0:1] for h in headerlist]
        lidx = channels.index('L')
        tidx = channels.index('T')
        ldata = tracelist[lidx].data
        tdata = tracelist[tidx].data
        backaz = headerlist[0]['rotation']['L']
        ndata,edata = rotate.rotate_RT_NE(ldata,tdata,backaz)
        tracelist[lidx].data = ndata.copy()
        tracelist[lidx].stats['channel'] = 'H1' #most probably NS, but we're being cautious
        tracelist[tidx].data = edata.copy()
        tracelist[tidx].stats['channel'] = 'H2' #most probably EW, but we're being cautious
    return (tracelist,headerlist)
예제 #13
def getCatData(date, opt):

    Download data from IRIS or Earthworm waveserver with padding and filter it. This is
    a specialized version getData() for catalog events, pulling a smaller amount of time
    around a known event.

    date: UTCDateTime of known catalog event
    opt: Options object describing station/run parameters
    Returns ObsPy stream objects, one for cutting and the other for triggering
    nets = opt.network.split(',')
    stas = opt.station.split(',')
    locs = opt.location.split(',')
    chas = opt.channel.split(',')
    if opt.server == "IRIS":
        client = Client("IRIS")
        client = EWClient(opt.server, opt.port)
    st = Stream()
    for n in range(len(stas)):
            stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n],
                    date - opt.atrig, date + 3*opt.atrig)
            stmp = stmp.filter("bandpass", freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax,
                corners=2, zerophase=True)
            stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value='interpolate')
        except (obspy.fdsn.header.FDSNException):
            try: # try again
                stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n],
                        date - opt.atrig, date + 3*opt.atrig)
                stmp = stmp.filter("bandpass", freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax,
                    corners=2, zerophase=True)
                stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value='interpolate')
            except (obspy.fdsn.header.FDSNException):
                print('No data found for {0}.{1}'.format(stas[n],nets[n]))
                trtmp = Trace()
                trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate
                trtmp.stats.station = stas[n]
                stmp = Stream().extend([trtmp.copy()])
        # Resample to ensure all traces are same length
        if stmp[0].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate:
            stmp = stmp.resample(opt.samprate)
    st = st.trim(starttime=date-opt.atrig, endtime=date+3*opt.atrig, pad=True,
    stC = st.copy() 

    return st, stC
예제 #14
def test__set_metadata():
    # Call _set_metadata with 2 traces,  and make certain the stats get
    # set for both traces.
    trace1 = Trace()
    trace2 = Trace()
    stream = Stream(traces=[trace1, trace2])
    EdgeFactory()._set_metadata(stream, 'BOU', 'H', 'variation', 'minute')
    assert_equals(stream[0].stats['channel'], 'H')
    assert_equals(stream[1].stats['channel'], 'H')
예제 #15
파일: sdi.py 프로젝트: sun031/pyseismo
def autocorrelate(filelst):

    for file in  filelst:

        print "AC: ", file

        tr = read(file)[0]
        x = tr.data

        stel = tr.stats.sac.stel
        stla = tr.stats.sac.stla
        stlo = tr.stats.sac.stlo

            # auto-correlation from SCIPY implemented in F domain, which is much faster than those in time domain
            ac = signal.fftconvolve(x, x[::-1], mode="full")
            ac = ac/max(abs(ac))

        tr1 = Trace(data=ac)
        tr1.stats.network = tr.stats.network
        tr1.stats.station =tr.stats.station
        tr1.stats.location = tr.stats.location
        tr1.stats.delta = tr.stats.delta
        tr1.stats.sampling_rate = tr.stats.sampling_rate
        tr1.stats.channel = tr.stats.channel

        tr1.stats._format = "SAC"
        tr1.stats.sac = {u'stla': stla,  u'stlo': stlo, u'stel': stel}
        tr1.stats.sac.user1 = tr.stats.sac.user1
        tr1.stats.sac.user2 = tr.stats.sac.user2
        tr1.stats.sac.kuser1 = tr.stats.sac.kuser1
        tr1.stats.sac.kuser2 = tr.stats.sac.kuser2

        # tr1.stats.sac.stla = tr.stats.sac.stla
        # tr1.stats.sac.stlo = tr.stats.sac.stlo
        # tr1.stats.sac.stel = tr.stats.sac.stel

        path, fn = filen(file)
        fullfn = "SDI/ac/"+path+"/"+fn

        # print fullfn

        tr1.write(fullfn, format="SAC")

예제 #16
def read_cwb(filename, **kwargs):
    """Read Taiwan Central Weather Bureau strong motion file.

        filename (str): Path to possible CWB data file.
        kwargs (ref): Other arguments will be ignored.
        Stream: Obspy Stream containing three channels of acceleration data (cm/s**2).
    if not is_cwb(filename):
        raise ValueError('%s is not a valid CWB strong motion data file.')
    f = open(filename, 'rt')
    # according to the powers that defined the Network.Station.Channel.Location
    # "standard", Location is a two character field.  Most data providers,
    # including CWB here, don't provide this.  We'll flag it as "--".
    data = np.genfromtxt(filename,
                         delimiter=[COLWIDTH] * NCOLS)  # time, Z, NS, EW

    hdr = _get_header_info(f, data)

    hdr_z = hdr.copy()
    hdr_z['channel'] = get_channel_name(hdr['sampling_rate'],
    hdr_z['standard']['horizontal_orientation'] = np.nan

    hdr_h1 = hdr.copy()
    hdr_h1['channel'] = get_channel_name(hdr['sampling_rate'],
    hdr_h1['standard']['horizontal_orientation'] = np.nan

    hdr_h2 = hdr.copy()
    hdr_h2['channel'] = get_channel_name(hdr['sampling_rate'],
    hdr_h2['standard']['horizontal_orientation'] = np.nan

    stats_z = Stats(hdr_z)
    stats_h1 = Stats(hdr_h1)
    stats_h2 = Stats(hdr_h2)

    trace_z = Trace(data=data[:, 1], header=stats_z)
    trace_h1 = Trace(data=data[:, 2], header=stats_h1)
    trace_h2 = Trace(data=data[:, 3], header=stats_h2)
    stream = Stream([trace_z, trace_h1, trace_h2])
    return stream
예제 #17
    def filter(self, stream, time_at_rec, la_s, lo_s, depth, Rayleigh=True):
        env_stream = Stream()
        dist, az, baz = gps2dist_azimuth(lat1=la_s,
        if Rayleigh == True:
            phases = self.get_R_phases(time_at_rec)
            phases = self.get_L_phases(time_at_rec)
        for i, v in enumerate(stream.traces):
            npts = len(v.data)
            trace = stream.traces[i].copy()
                sampling_rate=10. / phases[i]['dt']
            )  # No method specified, so : 'weighted_average_slopes' is used
            trace.filter('highpass', freq=phases[i]['fmin'], zerophase=True)
            trace.filter('lowpass', freq=phases[i]['fmax'], zerophase=True)
            env = envelope(trace.data)

            zero_trace = Trace(np.zeros(npts),
                                   "starttime": phases[i]['starttime'](dist,
                                   'delta': trace.meta.delta,
                                   "station": trace.meta.station,
                                   "network": trace.meta.network,
                                   "location": trace.meta.location,
                                   "channel": trace.meta.channel,
                                   "instaseis": trace.meta.instaseis
            env_trace = Trace(env,
                                  "starttime": phases[i]['starttime'](dist,
                                  'delta': trace.meta.delta,
                                  "station": trace.meta.station,
                                  "network": trace.meta.network,
                                  "location": trace.meta.location,
                                  "channel": trace.meta.channel,
                                  "instaseis": trace.meta.instaseis


        return env_stream
예제 #18
def create_trace(sta, T1, T2):
    from obspy import Trace
    from numpy import zeros
    from numpy import empty, nan
    tr = Trace()
    tr.stats['station'] = sta.split('.')[0]
    tr.stats['channel'] = sta.split('.')[1]
    tr.stats['network'] = sta.split('.')[2]
    tr.stats['location'] = sta.split('.')[3]
    tr.stats['sampling_rate'] = 100
    tr.stats['starttime'] = T1
    tr.data = empty(int((T2 - T1) * tr.stats['sampling_rate']))
    tr.data[:] = nan
    return tr
예제 #19
def test_pphase_picker():
    # compare our results with a data file from E. Kalkan
    datapath = os.path.join("data", "testdata", "strong-motion.mat")
    datafile = pkg_resources.resource_filename("gmprocess", datapath)
    matlabfile = loadmat(datafile)
    x = np.squeeze(matlabfile["x"])

    dt = matlabfile["dt"][0][0]
    hdr = {
        "delta": dt,
        "sampling_rate": 1 / dt,
        "npts": len(x),
        "starttime": UTCDateTime("1970-01-01"),
        "standard": {
            "units_type": "acc"
    trace = Trace(data=x, header=hdr)
    stream = Stream(traces=[trace])
    period = 0.01
    damping = 0.6
    nbins = 200
    loc = pphase_pick(stream[0],
    assert loc == 26.035
예제 #20
def calculate_fas(stream, imcs, periods, smoothing, bandwidth):
    Calculate the fourier amplitude spectra.

    This process requires getting the fourier amplitude spectra, applying
    the geometric mean to the horizontal traces, smoothing and returning the
    smoothed value for each requested period.

        stream (obspy.core.stream.Stream): streams of strong ground motion.
            Traces in stream must be in units of g.
        imcs (list): list of imcs. (Currently only the geometric mean is
            supported and this is ignored. In the future it will account for
            channels and rotated channels.)

        dictionary: Dictionary of fas for the geometric mean.
            Units are in cm/s. The dictionary is structured as:
            fas_dict = {
                    <period> : <value,...
    fas_dict = {}
    sampling_rate = None
    # check units and add channel pga
    for trace in stream:
        if trace.stats['units'] != 'g' and trace.stats['units'] != 'cm/s/s':
            raise PGMException('Invalid units for sa: %r. '
                               'Units must be g (cm/s/s)' % trace.stats['units'])
        if 'Z' not in trace.stats['channel'].upper():
            sampling_rate = trace.stats.sampling_rate
    if sampling_rate is None:
        raise PGMException('No horizontal channels')

    spec_stream = Stream()
    for trace in stream:
        nfft = len(trace.data)
        # the fft scales so the factor of 1/nfft is applied
        spectra = abs(np.fft.rfft(trace.data, n=nfft)) / nfft
        spec_trace = Trace(data=spectra, header=trace.stats)

    ## The imc is always geometric mean. However, the combined stream is
    ## required rather than the single maximum value
    gm_trace = calculate_geometric_mean(spec_stream, return_combined=True)
    freqs = np.fft.rfftfreq(nfft, 1 / trace.stats.sampling_rate)

    fas_frequencies = 1 / np.asarray(list(periods))
    smoothed_values = np.empty_like(fas_frequencies)

    if smoothing.lower() == 'konno_ohmachi':
        konno_ohmachi_smooth(gm_trace.astype(np.double), freqs,
                fas_frequencies, smoothed_values, bandwidth)
        raise PGMException('Not a valid smoothing option: %r' % smoothing)

    for idx, freq in enumerate(fas_frequencies):
        fas_dict[1/freq] = smoothed_values[idx]

    return fas_dict
예제 #21
def test_exceptions():
    datafiles, _ = read_data_dir(
        'geonet', 'us1000778i', '20161113_110259_WTMC_20.V2A')
    datafile_v2 = datafiles[0]
    stream_v2 = read_geonet(datafile_v2)[0]
    stream1 = stream_v2.select(channel="HN1")
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream1, ['rotd50'], ['pga'])
        sucess = True
    except PGMException:
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False

    stream2 = Stream(
            Trace(data=np.asarray([]), header={"channel": "HN2"})])
                                   ['rotd50'], ['pga'])
        sucess = True
    except PGMException:
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False

    for trace in stream_v2:
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream1, ['rotd50'], ['pga'])
        sucess = True
    except PGMException:
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False
예제 #22
 def GetWaveData(self, staNo, chnNo, startTimeInt, endTimeInt):
     list_data = list()
     errorSecSum = 0
     for sec in range(startTimeInt, endTimeInt):
         # print ('sec:'+str(sec))
         wave_key_name = self.channel_list[staNo][chnNo]['network'] + '.' + self.channel_list[staNo][chnNo][
             'station'] + '.' + \
                         self.channel_list[staNo][chnNo]['channel'] + '.' + self.channel_list[staNo][chnNo][
                             'location'] + '.Data'
         res = self.r.hget(wave_key_name, sec)
         ddd = [
             for col in range(0, self.station_list[staNo]['sampling_rate'])
         if res is not None:
             fmt = ''
             for num in range(0, self.station_list[staNo]['sampling_rate']):
                 fmt = fmt + 'i'
             # print (struct.unpack(fmt,res))
             ddd = list(struct.unpack(fmt, res))
             print('the ' + str(sec) + ' second, data error')
             errorSecSum = errorSecSum + 1
         list_data = list_data + ddd
     print('Total ' + str(errorSecSum) + ' seconds data error')
     tr_data = np.array(list_data, )
     tr_Stat = self.channel_list[staNo][chnNo]
     tr_Stat['sampling_rate'] = self.station_list[staNo]['sampling_rate']
     tr_Stat['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(startTimeInt)
     tr_Stat['npts'] = len(tr_data)
     return Trace(tr_data, tr_Stat)
예제 #23
def test_exceptions():
    ddir = os.path.join('data', 'testdata')
    datadir = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gmprocess', ddir)
    data_file = os.path.join(datadir, 'arias_data.json')
    with open(data_file, 'rt') as f:
        jdict = json.load(f)

    time = np.array(jdict['time'])
    # input output is m/s/s
    acc = np.array(jdict['acc']) / 100
    delta = time[2] - time[1]
    sr = 1 / delta
    header = {
        'delta': delta,
        'sampling_rate': sr,
        'npts': len(acc),
        'units': 'm/s/s',
        'channel': 'H1'
    trace = Trace(data=acc, header=header)
    stream = Stream([trace])
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream, ['gmrotd50'], ['arias'])
        sucess = True
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False

        StationSummary.from_stream(stream, ['rotd50'], ['arias'])
        sucess = True
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False
예제 #24
def test_exceptions():
    homedir = os.path.dirname(
        os.path.abspath(__file__))  # where is this script?
    data_dir = os.path.join(homedir, '..', 'data',
    df = pd.read_excel(data_dir)
    time = df.iloc[:, 0].values
    # input output is m/s/s
    acc = df.iloc[:, 1].values / 100
    delta = time[2] - time[1]
    sr = 1 / delta
    header = {
        'delta': delta,
        'sampling_rate': sr,
        'npts': len(acc),
        'units': 'm/s/s',
        'channel': 'H1'
    trace = Trace(data=acc, header=header)
    stream = Stream([trace])
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream, ['gmrotd50'], ['arias'])
        sucess = True
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False

        StationSummary.from_stream(stream, ['rotd50'], ['arias'])
        sucess = True
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False
예제 #25
def test_stream():
    inventory = get_inventory()
    channels = ['HN1', 'HN2', 'HNZ']
    data = np.random.rand(1000)
    traces = []
    network = inventory.networks[0]
    station = network.stations[0]
    chlist = station.channels
    channelcodes = [ch.code for ch in chlist]
    for channel in channels:
        chidx = channelcodes.index(channel)
        channeldata = chlist[chidx]
        header = {
            'sampling_rate': channeldata.sample_rate,
            'npts': len(data),
            'network': network.code,
            'location': channeldata.location_code,
            'station': station.code,
            'channel': channel,
            'starttime': UTCDateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        trace = Trace(data=data, header=header)
    invstream = StationStream(traces=traces, inventory=inventory)
    inventory2 = invstream.getInventory()
    inv2_channel1 = inventory2.networks[0].stations[0].channels[0]
    inv_channel1 = inventory2.networks[0].stations[0].channels[0]
    assert inv_channel1.code == inv2_channel1.code

    # test the streamparam functionality
    statsdict = {'name': 'Fred', 'age': 34}
    invstream.setStreamParam('stats', statsdict)
    assert invstream.getStreamParamKeys() == ['stats']
    cmpdict = invstream.getStreamParam('stats')
    assert statsdict == cmpdict
예제 #26
def test_uneven_stream():
    inventory = get_inventory()
    channels = ['HN1', 'HN2', 'HNZ']
    data1 = np.random.rand(1000)
    data2 = np.random.rand(1001)
    data3 = np.random.rand(1002)
    data = [data1, data2, data3]
    traces = []
    network = inventory.networks[0]
    station = network.stations[0]
    chlist = station.channels
    channelcodes = [ch.code for ch in chlist]
    for datat, channel in zip(data, channels):
        chidx = channelcodes.index(channel)
        channeldata = chlist[chidx]
        header = {
            'sampling_rate': channeldata.sample_rate,
            'npts': len(datat),
            'network': network.code,
            'location': channeldata.location_code,
            'station': station.code,
            'channel': channel,
            'starttime': UTCDateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0)
        trace = Trace(data=datat, header=header)
    invstream = StationStream(traces=traces, inventory=inventory)
    x = 1
def test_exceptions():
    homedir = os.path.dirname(
        os.path.abspath(__file__))  # where is this script?
    datafile_v2 = os.path.join(homedir, '..', 'data', 'geonet',
    stream_v2 = read_geonet(datafile_v2)
    stream1 = stream_v2.select(channel="HN1")
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream1, ['gmrotd50'], ['pga'])
        sucess = True
    except PGMException:
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False

    for trace in stream_v2:
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream1, ['gmrotd50'], ['pga'])
        sucess = True
    except PGMException:
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False

    stream2 = Stream([
        Trace(data=np.asarray([]), header={"channel": "HN2"})
        StationSummary.from_stream(stream2, ['gmrotd50'], ['pga'])
        sucess = True
    except PGMException:
        sucess = False
    assert sucess == False
예제 #28
def test_pphase_picker():
    # compare our results with a data file from E. Kalkan
    datapath = os.path.join('data', 'testdata', 'strong-motion.mat')
    datafile = pkg_resources.resource_filename('gmprocess', datapath)
    matlabfile = loadmat(datafile)
    x = np.squeeze(matlabfile['x'])

    dt = matlabfile['dt'][0][0]
    hdr = {
        'delta': dt,
        'sampling_rate': 1 / dt,
        'npts': len(x),
        'starttime': UTCDateTime('1970-01-01'),
        'standard': {
            'units': 'acc'
    trace = Trace(data=x, header=hdr)
    stream = Stream(traces=[trace])
    period = 0.01
    damping = 0.6
    nbins = 200
    loc = pphase_pick(stream[0],
    assert loc == 26.035
예제 #29
def ascii_specfem2d_obspy(**kwargs):
    """ Reads seismic traces from text files
    from obspy.core.stream import Stream
    from obspy.core.trace import Trace

    filenames = glob(solver='specfem2d', **kwargs)

    t = _np.loadtxt(files[0])[:,0]
    nt = len(t)
    nr = len(filenames)

    d = Trace(data=np.zeros(nt, dtype='float32'))

    trace.stats.starttime = t[0]
    trace.stats.delta = _np.mean(_np.diff(t))
    trace.stats.nt = len(t)

    # read data
    stream = Stream(t)*nr

    for filename in filenames:
        stream.data = _np.loadtxt(filename)[:, 1]

    return stream
예제 #30
def test_stream():
    inventory = get_inventory()
    channels = ["HN1", "HN2", "HNZ"]
    data = np.random.rand(1000)
    traces = []
    network = inventory.networks[0]
    station = network.stations[0]
    chlist = station.channels
    channelcodes = [ch.code for ch in chlist]
    for channel in channels:
        chidx = channelcodes.index(channel)
        channeldata = chlist[chidx]
        header = {
            "sampling_rate": channeldata.sample_rate,
            "npts": len(data),
            "network": network.code,
            "location": channeldata.location_code,
            "station": station.code,
            "channel": channel,
            "starttime": UTCDateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
        trace = Trace(data=data, header=header)
    invstream = StationStream(traces=traces, inventory=inventory)
    inventory2 = invstream.getInventory()
    inv2_channel1 = inventory2.networks[0].stations[0].channels[0]
    inv_channel1 = inventory2.networks[0].stations[0].channels[0]
    assert inv_channel1.code == inv2_channel1.code

    # test the streamparam functionality
    statsdict = {"name": "Fred", "age": 34}
    invstream.setStreamParam("stats", statsdict)
    assert invstream.getStreamParamKeys() == ["stats"]
    cmpdict = invstream.getStreamParam("stats")
    assert statsdict == cmpdict
예제 #31
def sym_xc(xc, noeven=False):
    Symmetrize a cross-correlation.
    pair = f'{xc.stats.sac.kevnm.split()[0]}-{xc.stats.station}'
    if not _is_sym(xc):
        logger.debug(f'Asymmetric {pair}')
        end = min(abs(xc.stats.sac.b), xc.stats.sac.e)
        xc = sliced(xc, -end, end)
    if _even_npts(xc) and noeven:
        logger.error(f'Even npts to symmexcize {pair}')
        sym = Trace()
        sym.data = _data_sym(xc.data)
        sym.stats = _hd_sym(xc.stats, npts=sym.data.size)
        return sym
예제 #32
def test_uneven_stream():
    inventory = get_inventory()
    channels = ["HN1", "HN2", "HNZ"]
    data1 = np.random.rand(1000)
    data2 = np.random.rand(1001)
    data3 = np.random.rand(1002)
    data = [data1, data2, data3]
    traces = []
    network = inventory.networks[0]
    station = network.stations[0]
    chlist = station.channels
    channelcodes = [ch.code for ch in chlist]
    for datat, channel in zip(data, channels):
        chidx = channelcodes.index(channel)
        channeldata = chlist[chidx]
        header = {
            "sampling_rate": channeldata.sample_rate,
            "npts": len(datat),
            "network": network.code,
            "location": channeldata.location_code,
            "station": station.code,
            "channel": channel,
            "starttime": UTCDateTime(2010, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
        trace = Trace(data=datat, header=header)
    invstream = StationStream(traces=traces, inventory=inventory)
    x = 1
예제 #33
파일: iaga2hdf.py 프로젝트: mfkiwl/pyrsss
def df2stream(df,
    Build and return obspy :class:`Stream` from *header* information
    and the :class:`DataFrame` *df*. Use *dec_tenths_arcminute* (local
    magnetic declination in determining magnetic north and east or XYZ
    in units of tenths of arcminutes). If *radians*, angles in D are
    given in degrees and must be converted to radians. If the site
    elevation is not included in the header, use
    *default_elevation*. The *network* and *location* identifiers are
    used in forming the trace names in the resultant stream.
    glon = header['Geodetic Longitude']
    if glon < 0:
        glon += 360
    delta = (df.index[1] - df.index[0]).total_seconds()
    fs = 1 / delta
    d1 = df.index[0]
    d2 = df.index[-1]
    d1_obj = UTCDateTime('{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%H:%S}'.format(d1))
    d2_obj = UTCDateTime('{:%Y-%m-%d %H:%H:%S}'.format(d2))
    dec_tenths_arcminute = header.get(
        'decbas', get_dec_tenths_arcminute(header, d1.to_pydatetime()))
        'using declination baseline = {:.1f} (tenths of arcminutes)'.format(
    N = df.shape[0]
    stream_header = {
        'geodetic_latitude': header['Geodetic Latitude'],
        'geodetic_longitude': glon,
        'station': header['IAGA CODE'],
        'sampling_rate': fs,
        'starttime': d1_obj,
        'endtime': d2_obj,
        'declination_base': dec_tenths_arcminute,
        'npts': N
        stream_header['elevation'] = header['Elevation']
    except KeyError:
        stream_header['elevation'] = default_elevation
            'elevation is unknown --- inserting {}'.format(default_elevation))
    traces = []
    for column in df.columns:
        channel = column[-1]
        header_i = stream_header.copy()
        header_i['channel'] = channel.upper()
        header_i['network'] = network
        header_i['location'] = location
        vals = df[column].values
        if channel == 'D' and radians:
            vals = NP.radians(vals)
        traces.append(Trace(data=vals, header=header_i))
    return Stream(traces=traces)
예제 #34
def readknet(knetfilename):
    Read a KNet ASCII file, and return an ObsPy Trace object, plus a dictionary of header values.

    @param knetfilename: String path to valid KNet ASCII file, as described here: http://www.kyoshin.bosai.go.jp/kyoshin/man/knetform_en.html
    @return: ObsPy Trace object, and a dictionary of some of the header values found in the input file.
    data = []
    hdrdict = {}
    f = open(knetfilename,'rt')
    dataOn = False
    headerlines = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.startswith('Memo'):
            hdrdict = readheader(headerlines)
            dataOn = True
        if not dataOn:
        if dataOn:
            parts = line.strip().split()
            mdata = [float(p) for p in parts]
            data = data + mdata

    #fill in the values usually expected in Stats as best we can
    hdrdict['npts'] = len(data)
    elapsed = float(hdrdict['npts'])/float(hdrdict['sampling_rate'])
    hdrdict['endtime'] = hdrdict['starttime'] + elapsed
    hdrdict['network'] = 'NIED'
    hdrdict['location'] = ''

    #The Stats constructor appears to modify the fields in the input dictionary - let's save
    #a copy
    header = hdrdict.copy()
    data = np.array(data)
    stats = Stats(hdrdict)
    trace = Trace(data,header=stats)

    #apply the calibration and convert to m/s^2
    trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    return (trace,header)
예제 #35
def readgeonet(geonetfile):
    Read strong motion data from a GeoNet data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid GeoNet data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    #notes on implementation:
    # originally I had written code to read each line of data manually, just
    # as I was reading the header lines.  However, this became VERY slow for large
    # files.  I discovered that numpy's genfromtxt function was much faster.  However,
    # I could not get that function to work when I passed it a file object instead of a file name.
    # Consequently, the only way I could keep the genfromtxt() method and file pointer in sync was
    # to read and discard all of the lines of data that genfromtxt() parsed.  While annoying, the combination
    # of these two seems to still be at least an order of magnitude faster than manually reading the file.
    f = open(geonetfile,'rt')
    tracelist = []
    headerlist = []
    totlines = 0
    hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)
    while len(hdrlines[-1]):
        totlines += len(hdrlines)
        hdrdict = readheader(hdrlines)
        numlines = int(np.ceil(hdrdict['npts']/10.0))
        data = np.genfromtxt(geonetfile,skip_header=totlines,max_rows=numlines)
        totlines += numlines
        #now we need to set the file position to where we just ended
        for i in range(0,numlines):
        data = data.flatten()
        header = hdrdict.copy()
        stats = Stats(hdrdict)
        trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
        #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
        trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.001 #convert to m/s^2
        hdrlines = readheaderlines(f)

    return (tracelist,headerlist)
예제 #36
def readitaly(datafile):
    f = open(datafile,'rt')
    #header needs: station,channel,location,npts,starttime,sampling_rate,delta,calib,lat,lon,height,duration,endtime,maxacc,network
    data = []
    hdrdict = {}
    for line in f.readlines():
        if not len(line.strip()):
        if not line.find(':') > -1:

        key,value = line.split(':')
        key = key.strip()
        value = value.strip()
        if key not in list(HEADERS.keys()):
        hdrkey = HEADERS[key]
        if hdrkey == 'starttime':
            value = UTCDateTime(datetime.datetime.strptime(value,TIMEFMT))
        elif hdrkey not in ['station','channel','location','network']:
            value = float(value)
        hdrdict[hdrkey] = value
    hdrdict['sampling_rate'] = 1/hdrdict['delta']
    hdrdict['endtime'] = hdrdict['starttime'] + hdrdict['duration']
    hdrdict['npts'] = int(hdrdict['npts'])
    hdrdict['calib'] = 1.0
    hdrdict['units'] = 'acc'
    data = np.array(data)
    header = hdrdict.copy()
    stats = Stats(hdrdict)
    trace = Trace(data,header=stats)
    #apply the calibration and convert from mm/s^2 to m/s^2
    trace.data = trace.data * trace.stats['calib'] * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    return trace
예제 #37
def readturkey(turkeyfile):
    Read strong motion data from a Turkey data file
    @param geonetfile: Path to a valid Turkey data file.
    @return: List of ObsPy Trace objects, containing accelerometer data in m/s.
    f = open(turkeyfile,'rt')
    dataOn = False
    header = {}
    nschannel = []
    ewchannel = []
    udchannel = []
    for line in f.readlines():
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION ID'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['station'] = parts[1].strip()
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION COORD'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            cstr = parts[1].strip()
            parts = cstr.split('-')
            header['lat'] = float(parts[0][0:-1])
            header['lon'] = float(parts[1][0:-1])
        if line.strip().startswith('STATION ALT'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
                header['height'] = float(parts[1])
                header['height'] = 0.0
        if line.strip().startswith('RECORD TIME'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            timestr = ':'.join(parts[1:])
            timestr = timestr.strip().replace('(GMT)','').strip()
            dt = datetime.strptime(timestr[0:19],'%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S')
            dt = dt.replace(microsecond=int(timestr[20:]))
            header['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(dt)
        if line.strip().startswith('NUMBER OF DATA'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['npts'] = int(parts[1])
        if line.strip().startswith('SAMPLING INTERVAL'):
            parts = line.strip().split(':')
            header['delta'] = float(parts[1])
            header['sampling_rate'] = 1.0/header['delta']
        if line.strip().startswith('N-S'):
            dataOn = True
        if dataOn:
            parts = line.strip().split()
    nschannel = np.array(nschannel)
    ewchannel = np.array(ewchannel)
    udchannel = np.array(udchannel)
    header['network'] = 'TR'
    header['units'] = 'acc'
    nsheader = header.copy()
    nsheader['channel'] = 'NS'
    ewheader = header.copy()
    ewheader['channel'] = 'EW'
    udheader = header.copy()
    udheader['channel'] = 'UD'
    nsstats = Stats(nsheader)
    nstrace = Trace(nschannel,header=nsstats)
    ewstats = Stats(ewheader)
    ewtrace = Trace(ewchannel,header=ewstats)
    udstats = Stats(udheader)
    udtrace = Trace(udchannel,header=udstats)
    nstrace.data = nstrace.data * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    ewtrace.data = ewtrace.data * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    udtrace.data = udtrace.data * 0.01 #convert to m/s^2
    tracelist = [nstrace,ewtrace,udtrace]
    hdrlist = [nsheader,ewheader,udheader]
    return (tracelist,hdrlist)
예제 #38
파일: core.py 프로젝트: petrrr/obspy
def _read_y(filename, headonly=False, **kwargs):  # @UnusedVariable
    Reads a Nanometrics Y file and returns an ObsPy Stream object.

    .. warning::
        This function should NOT be called directly, it registers via the
        ObsPy :func:`~obspy.core.stream.read` function, call this instead.

    :type filename: str
    :param filename: Nanometrics Y file to be read.
    :type headonly: bool, optional
    :param headonly: If set to True, read only the head. This is most useful
        for scanning available data in huge (temporary) data sets.
    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.stream.Stream`
    :return: A ObsPy Stream object.

    .. rubric:: Example

    >>> from obspy import read
    >>> st = read("/path/to/YAYT_BHZ_20021223.124800")
    >>> st  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    <obspy.core.stream.Stream object at 0x...>
    >>> print(st)  # doctest: +ELLIPSIS
    1 Trace(s) in Stream:
    .AYT..BHZ | 2002-12-23T12:48:00.000100Z - ... | 100.0 Hz, 18000 samples
    # The first tag in a Y-file must be the TAG_Y_FILE (0) tag. This must be
    # followed by the following tags, in any order:
    #   TAG_STATION_INFO (1)
    #   TAG_SERIES_INFO (5)
    # The following tag is optional:
    # The last tag in the file must be a TAG_DATA_INT32 (7) tag. This tag must
    # be followed by an array of LONG's. The number of entries in the array
    # must agree with what was described in the TAG_SERIES_INFO data.
    with open(filename, "rb") as fh:
        trace = Trace()
        trace.stats.y = AttribDict()
        count = -1
        while True:
            endian, tag_type, next_tag, _next_same = __parse_tag(fh)
            if tag_type == 1:
                # TAG_STATION_INFO
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # UCHAR Station[5] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Station is the five letter SEED format station
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR Location[2] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Location Location is the two letter SEED format location
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR Channel[3] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Channel Channel is the three letter SEED format channel
                #   identification.
                # UCHAR NetworkID[51] (ASCIIZ)
                #   This is some descriptive text identifying the network.
                # UCHAR SiteName[61] (ASCIIZ)
                #   SiteName is some text identifying the site.
                # UCHAR Comment[31] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Comment is any comment for this station.
                # UCHAR SensorType[51] (ASCIIZ)
                #   SensorType is some text describing the type of sensor used
                #   at the station.
                # UCHAR DataFormat[7] (ASCIIZ)
                #   DataFormat is some text describing the data format recorded
                #   at the station.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(b"5s2s3s51z61z31z51z7z", data[8:])
                trace.stats.station = parts[0]
                trace.stats.location = parts[1]
                trace.stats.channel = parts[2]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.network_id = parts[3]
                params.side_name = parts[4]
                params.comment = parts[5]
                params.sensor_type = parts[6]
                params.data_format = parts[7]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_info = params
            elif tag_type == 2:
                # TAG_STATION_LOCATION
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # FLOAT Latitude
                #   Latitude in degrees of the location of the station. The
                #   latitude should be between -90 (South) and +90 (North).
                # FLOAT Longitude
                #   Longitude in degrees of the location of the station. The
                #   longitude should be between -180 (West) and +180 (East).
                # FLOAT Elevation
                #   Elevation in meters above sea level of the station.
                # FLOAT Depth
                #   Depth is the depth in meters of the sensor.
                # FLOAT Azimuth
                #   Azimuth of the sensor in degrees clockwise.
                # FLOAT Dip
                #   Dip is the dip of the sensor. 90 degrees is defined as
                #   vertical right way up.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"ffffff", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.latitude = parts[0]
                params.longitude = parts[1]
                params.elevation = parts[2]
                params.depth = parts[3]
                params.azimuth = parts[4]
                params.dip = parts[5]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_location = params
            elif tag_type == 3:
                # TAG_STATION_PARAMETERS
                # UCHAR Update[16]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME StartValidTime
                #   Time that the information in these records became valid.
                # REALTIME EndValidTime
                #   Time that the information in these records became invalid.
                # FLOAT Sensitivity
                #   Sensitivity of the sensor in nanometers per bit.
                # FLOAT SensFreq
                #   Frequency at which the sensitivity was measured.
                # FLOAT SampleRate
                #   This is the number of samples per second. This value can be
                #   less than 1.0. (i.e. 0.1)
                # FLOAT MaxClkDrift
                #   Maximum drift rate of the clock in seconds per sample.
                # UCHAR SensUnits[24] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Some text indicating the units in which the sensitivity was
                #   measured.
                # UCHAR CalibUnits[24] (ASCIIZ)
                #   Some text indicating the units in which calibration input
                #   was measured.
                # UCHAR ChanFlags[27] (BLANKPAD)
                #   Text indicating the channel flags according to the SEED
                #   definition.
                # UCHAR UpdateFlag
                #   This flag must be “N” or “U” according to the SEED
                #   definition.
                # UCHAR Filler[4]
                #   Filler Pads out the record to satisfy the alignment
                #   restrictions for reading data on a SPARC processor.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"ddffff24z24z27sc4s", data[16:])
                trace.stats.sampling_rate = parts[4]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.start_valid_time = parts[0]
                params.end_valid_time = parts[1]
                params.sensitivity = parts[2]
                params.sens_freq = parts[3]
                params.sample_rate = parts[4]
                params.max_clk_drift = parts[5]
                params.sens_units = parts[6]
                params.calib_units = parts[7]
                params.chan_flags = parts[8]
                params.update_flag = parts[9]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_parameters = params
            elif tag_type == 4:
                # TAG_STATION_DATABASE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME LoadDate
                #   Date the information was loaded into the database.
                # UCHAR Key[16]
                #   Unique key that identifies this record in the database.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"d16s", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.load_date = parts[0]
                params.key = parts[1]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_database = params
            elif tag_type == 5:
                # TAG_SERIES_INFO
                # UCHAR Update[16]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME StartTime
                #   This is start time of the data in this series.
                # REALTIME EndTime
                #   This is end time of the data in this series.
                # ULONG NumSamples
                #   This is the number of samples of data in this series.
                # LONG DCOffset
                #   DCOffset is the DC offset of the data.
                # LONG MaxAmplitude
                #   MaxAmplitude is the maximum amplitude of the data.
                # LONG MinAmplitude
                #   MinAmplitude is the minimum amplitude of the data.
                # UCHAR Format[8] (ASCIIZ)
                #   This is the format of the data. This should always be
                #   “YFILE”.
                # UCHAR FormatVersion[8] (ASCIIZ)
                #   FormatVersion is the version of the format of the data.
                #   This should always be “5.0”
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"ddLlll8z8z", data[16:])
                trace.stats.starttime = UTCDateTime(parts[0])
                count = parts[2]
                # extra
                params = AttribDict()
                params.endtime = UTCDateTime(parts[1])
                params.num_samples = parts[2]
                params.dc_offset = parts[3]
                params.max_amplitude = parts[4]
                params.min_amplitude = parts[5]
                params.format = parts[6]
                params.format_version = parts[7]
                trace.stats.y.tag_series_info = params
            elif tag_type == 6:
                # TAG_SERIES_DATABASE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # REALTIME LoadDate
                #   Date the information was loaded into the database.
                # UCHAR Key[16]
                #   Unique key that identifies this record in the database.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(endian + b"d16s", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.load_date = parts[0]
                params.key = parts[1]
                trace.stats.y.tag_series_database = params
            elif tag_type == 26:
                # TAG_STATION_RESPONSE
                # UCHAR Update[8]
                #   This field is only used internally for administrative
                #   purposes.  It should always be set to zeroes.
                # UCHAR PathName[260]
                #  PathName is the full name of the file which contains the
                #  response information for this station.
                data = fh.read(next_tag)
                parts = _unpack_with_asciiz_and_decode(b"260s", data[8:])
                params = AttribDict()
                params.path_name = parts[0]
                trace.stats.y.tag_station_response = params
            elif tag_type == 7:
                # TAG_DATA_INT32
                trace.data = from_buffer(fh.read(np.dtype(np.int32).itemsize * count), dtype=np.int32)
                # break loop as TAG_DATA_INT32 should be the last tag in file
                fh.seek(next_tag, 1)
    return Stream([trace])
예제 #39
파일: stream.py 프로젝트: ftilmann/miic
def _single_corr_trace_to_obspy_trace(trace):
    """ Convert a correlation trace dictionary to an obspy trace.

    Convert a single correlation trace in an
    :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace` object.

    :type corr_trace: dictionary of type correlation trace
    :param corr_trace: input date to be converted

    :rtype: :class:`~obspy.core.trace.Trace`
    :return: **tr**: the obspy object containing the data

    tr = Trace(data=np.squeeze(trace['corr_trace']))
    stats_keys = ['network', 'station', 'location',
                  'channel', 'npts', 'sampling_rate']

    sac_keys = ['baz', 'az', 'stla', 'stlo', 'stel',
                'evla', 'evlo', 'evel', 'dist']

    # copy stats
    for key in stats_keys:
            tr.stats[key] = trace['stats'][key]
            print 'Error copying key: %s' % key
    # special keys
    tr.stats['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(

    # test for presence of geo information
    flag = 0
    for key in sac_keys:
        if not key in trace['stats']:
            flag += 1
    if flag == 0:  # geo information present
        tr.stats['sac'] = {}
        for key in sac_keys:
            tr.stats['sac'][key] = trace['stats'][key]
    # copy stats_tr1
    if 'stats_tr1' in trace:
        tr.stats_tr1 = Stats()
        tr.stats_tr1['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(
        for key in stats_keys:
                tr.stats_tr1[key] = trace['stats_tr1'][key]
                print 'Error copying key: %s' % key
        for key in sac_keys:
                tr.stats_tr1[key] = trace['stats_tr1'][key]

    # copy stats_tr2
    if 'stats_tr2' in trace:
        tr.stats_tr2 = Stats()
        tr.stats_tr2['starttime'] = UTCDateTime(
        for key in stats_keys:
                tr.stats_tr2[key] = trace['stats_tr2'][key]
                print 'Error copying key: %s' % key
        for key in sac_keys:
                tr.stats_tr2[key] = trace['stats_tr2'][key]

    return tr
예제 #40
파일: trigger.py 프로젝트: ahotovec/REDPy
def getData(tstart, tend, opt):

    Download data from files in a folder, from IRIS, or a Earthworm waveserver
    A note on SAC/miniSEED files: as this makes no assumptions about the naming scheme of
    your data files, please ensure that your headers contain the correct SCNL information!

    tstart: UTCDateTime of beginning of period of interest
    tend: UTCDateTime of end of period of interest
    opt: Options object describing station/run parameters
    Returns ObsPy stream objects, one for cutting and the other for triggering
    nets = opt.network.split(',')
    stas = opt.station.split(',')
    locs = opt.location.split(',')
    chas = opt.channel.split(',')
    st = Stream()
    if opt.server == 'SAC' or opt.server == 'miniSEED':
        # Generate list of files
        if opt.server == 'SAC':
            flist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(os.path.join(
                root,'*.sac')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.sacdir)))+list(
                root,'*.SAC')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.sacdir)))
        elif opt.server == 'miniSEED':
            flist = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(glob.iglob(os.path.join(
                root,'*.mseed')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.mseeddir)))+list(
                root,'*.MSEED')) for root, dirs, files in os.walk(opt.mseeddir)))
        # Determine which subset of files to load based on start and end times and
        # station name; we'll fully deal with stations below
        flist_sub = []
        for f in flist:
            # Load header only
            stmp = obspy.read(f, headonly=True)
            # Check if station is contained in the stas list
            if stmp[0].stats.station in stas:
                # Check if contains either start or end time
                ststart = stmp[0].stats.starttime
                stend = stmp[0].stats.endtime
                if (ststart<=tstart and tstart<=stend) or (ststart<=tend and
                    tend<=stend) or (tstart<=stend and ststart<=tend):
        # Fully load data from file
        stmp = Stream()
        for f in flist_sub:
            tmp = obspy.read(f, starttime=tstart, endtime=tend+opt.maxdt)
            if len(tmp) > 0:
                stmp = stmp.extend(tmp)
        # Filter and merge
        stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax, corners=2,
        stmp = stmp.taper(0.05,type='hann',max_length=opt.mintrig)
        for m in range(len(stmp)):
            if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate:
                stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate)
        stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0)
        # Only grab stations/channels that we want and in order
        netlist = []
        stalist = []
        chalist = []
        loclist = []
        for s in stmp:
        # Find match of SCNL in header or fill empty
        for n in range(len(stas)):
            for m in range(len(stalist)):
                if (stas[n] in stalist[m] and chas[n] in chalist[m] and nets[n] in
                    netlist[m] and locs[n] in loclist[m]):
                    st = st.append(stmp[m])
            if len(st) == n:
                print("Couldn't find "+stas[n]+'.'+chas[n]+'.'+nets[n]+'.'+locs[n])
                trtmp = Trace()
                trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate
                trtmp.stats.station = stas[n]
                st = st.append(trtmp.copy())
        if '.' not in opt.server:
            client = Client(opt.server)
            client = EWClient(opt.server, opt.port)
        for n in range(len(stas)):
                stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n],
                        tstart, tend+opt.maxdt)
                stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax,
                    corners=2, zerophase=True)
                stmp = stmp.taper(0.05,type='hann',max_length=opt.mintrig)
                for m in range(len(stmp)):
                    if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate:
                        stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate)
                stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0)
            except (obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNException):
                try: # try again
                    stmp = client.get_waveforms(nets[n], stas[n], locs[n], chas[n],
                            tstart, tend+opt.maxdt)
                    stmp = stmp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=opt.fmin, freqmax=opt.fmax,
                        corners=2, zerophase=True)
                    stmp = stmp.taper(0.05,type='hann',max_length=opt.mintrig)
                    for m in range(len(stmp)):
                        if stmp[m].stats.sampling_rate != opt.samprate:
                            stmp[m] = stmp[m].resample(opt.samprate)
                    stmp = stmp.merge(method=1, fill_value=0)
                except (obspy.clients.fdsn.header.FDSNException):
                    print('No data found for {0}.{1}'.format(stas[n],nets[n]))
                    trtmp = Trace()
                    trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate
                    trtmp.stats.station = stas[n]
                    stmp = Stream().extend([trtmp.copy()])
            # Last check for length; catches problem with empty waveserver
            if len(stmp) != 1:
                print('No data found for {0}.{1}'.format(stas[n],nets[n]))
                trtmp = Trace()
                trtmp.stats.sampling_rate = opt.samprate
                trtmp.stats.station = stas[n]
                stmp = Stream().extend([trtmp.copy()])
    # Edit 'start' time if using offset option
    if opt.maxdt:
        dts = np.fromstring(opt.offset, sep=',')
        for n, tr in enumerate(st):
            tr.stats.starttime = tr.stats.starttime-dts[n]
    st = st.trim(starttime=tstart, endtime=tend, pad=True, fill_value=0)
    stC = st.copy()
    return st, stC