def get_event_radius(minradius, maxradius, minmag): ''' Get all the events in time range Return: Event catalog ''' maxlatitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("maxlatitude") minlatitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("minlatitude") maxlongitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("maxlongitude") minlongitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("minlongitude") cat = client.get_events( starttime=para["Station Info"].get("starttime", "19900101T00:00:00"), endtime=para["Station Info"].get("endtime",, latitude=(maxlatitude+minlatitude) / 2, longitude=(maxlongitude+minlongitude) / 2, minradius=minradius, maxradius=maxradius, minmagnitude=minmag) for event in cat: extra = {"downloaded": {"value": "False", "namespace":""}} event.extra = extra if para["Save Data"].getboolean("eventcatlog"): cat.write(f'{para["DEFAULT"].get("projdir")}/evcatalog.xml', format="QUAKEML") return cat
def __init__(self, trace, time, name='', comments='', method=method_other, aic=None, n0_aic=None, *args, **kwargs): self.trace = trace if time < 0 or time >= len(self.trace.signal): raise ValueError("Event position must be a value between 0 and %d" % len(self.trace.signal)) self.stime = time = name self.method = method self.aic = aic self.n0_aic = n0_aic super(ApasvoEvent, self).__init__(time=self.time, method_id=ResourceIdentifier(method), creation_info=CreationInfo( author=kwargs.get('author', ''), agency_id=kwargs.get('agency', ''),, ), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID( network_code=self.trace.stats.get('network', ''), station_code=self.trace.stats.get('station', ''), location_code=self.trace.stats.get('location', ''), channel_code=self.trace.stats.get('channel', ''), ), *args, **kwargs) self.comments = comments
def get_station(): ''' Get the info of all available networks and stations satisfying requirements Return: station inventory ''' Netinv = client.get_stations( network = para["Station Info"].get("network", "*"), station = para["Station Info"].get("station", "*"), channel = para["Station Info"].get("channelpri", "*"), starttime = para["Station Info"].get("starttime", "19900101T00:00:00"), endtime = para["Station Info"].get("endtime",, maxlatitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("maxlatitude"), minlatitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("minlatitude"), maxlongitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("maxlongitude"), minlongitude = para["Map Info"].getfloat("minlongitude") ) filter_net = para["Station Info"].get("network_filter").split(",") for net in filter_net: Netinv = Netinv.remove(network=net) if para["Save Data"].getboolean("stationinfo"): Netinv.write(f'{para["DEFAULT"].get("projdir")}/station.txt', format="STATIONTXT", level='station') return Netinv
def _get_nettime(nw): ''' Calculate the time range of each network for downloading Return: starttime, endtime ''' nwbegin = min([sta.start_date for sta in nw.stations]) if None in [sta.end_date for sta in nw.stations]: nwend = else: nwend = max([sta.end_date for sta in nw.stations]) return max(nwbegin, UTCDateTime(para["Station Info"].get("starttime"))), min(nwend, UTCDateTime(para["Station Info"].get("endtime")))
def shakeview(request): DEFAULTSTATION = 'NE.ORNO.00.HHZ' try: if request.GET['sta'] == 'AM.R6A3B.00.EHZ': DEFAULTSTATION = request.GET['sta'] if request.GET['sta'] == 'AM.R35E7.00.SHZ': DEFAULTSTATION = request.GET['sta'] if request.GET['sta'] == 'AM.RCB43.00.SHZ': DEFAULTSTATION = request.GET['sta'] if request.GET['sta'] == 'AM.R4989.00.EHZ': DEFAULTSTATION = request.GET['sta'] if request.GET['sta'] == 'NE.ORNO.00.HHZ': DEFAULTSTATION = request.GET['sta'] except MultiValueDictKeyError as e: pass JULIANDATE ='%Y.%j') AVAIL = '/media/shakedown/avail/%s.png' % JULIANDATE HELI = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-heli.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) SPEC = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-spec.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) SPECBP = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-spec-band.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) HELIBP = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-heli-band.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) try: lmtime = os.path.getmtime('/var/www/nezsite/nezsite/nezsite/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-heli.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE)) except OSError: lmtime = 0 mtime = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(lmtime) context = { 'sta': DEFAULTSTATION, 'heli': HELI, 'spec': SPEC, 'helibp': HELIBP, 'specbp': SPECBP, 'avail': AVAIL, 'mtime': mtime, 'time':, 'page': 'Seismic Monitor', } return render(request, 'shake/shake.html', context)
def __init__(self, trace, time, name='', comments='', method=method_other, phase_hint=None, polarity='undecidable', aic=None, n0_aic=None, *args, **kwargs): self.trace = trace if time < 0 or time >= len(self.trace.signal): raise ValueError("Event position must be a value between 0 and %d" % len(self.trace.signal)) self.stime = time = name self.method = method self.aic = aic self.n0_aic = n0_aic phase_hint = phase_hint if phase_hint in PHASE_VALUES else PHASE_VALUES[0] super(ApasvoEvent, self).__init__(time=self.time, method_id=ResourceIdentifier(method), phase_hint=phase_hint, polarity=polarity, creation_info=CreationInfo( author=kwargs.get('author', ''), agency_id=kwargs.get('agency', ''),, ), waveform_id=WaveformStreamID( network_code=self.trace.stats.get('network', ''), station_code=self.trace.stats.get('station', ''), location_code=self.trace.stats.get('location', ''), channel_code=self.trace.stats.get('channel', ''), ), *args, **kwargs) self.comments = comments
def addStreams(self, event, streams, label=None): """Add a sequence of StationStream objects to an ASDF file. Args: event (Event): Obspy event object. streams (list): List of StationStream objects. label (str): Label to attach to stream sequence. Cannot contain an underscore. """ if label is not None: if '_' in label: raise ValueError( 'Stream label cannot contain an underscore.') # To allow for multiple processed versions of the same Stream # let's keep a dictionary of stations and sequence number. eventid = _get_id(event) if not self.hasEvent(eventid): self.addEvent(event) # Creating a new provenance document and filling in the software # information for every trace can be slow, so here we create a # base provenance document that will be copied and used as a template base_prov = prov.model.ProvDocument() base_prov.add_namespace(*NS_SEIS) base_prov = _get_person_agent(base_prov) base_prov = _get_software_agent(base_prov) logging.debug(streams) for stream in streams: station = stream[0].stats['station']'Adding waveforms for station %s' % station) # is this a raw file? Check the trace for provenance info. is_raw = not len(stream[0].getProvenanceKeys()) if label is None: tfmt = '%Y%m%d%H%M%S' tnow = label = 'processed%s' % tnow tag = '{}_{}'.format(eventid, label) if is_raw: level = 'raw' else: level = 'processed' self.dataset.add_waveforms(stream, tag=tag, event_id=event) # add processing provenance info from traces if level == 'processed': provdocs = stream.getProvenanceDocuments(base_prov) for provdoc, trace in zip(provdocs, stream): provname = format_nslct(trace.stats, tag) self.dataset.add_provenance_document( provdoc, name=provname ) # add processing parameters from streams jdict = {} for key in stream.getStreamParamKeys(): value = stream.getStreamParam(key) jdict[key] = value if len(jdict): # NOTE: We would store this dictionary just as # the parameters dictionary, but HDF cannot handle # nested dictionaries. # Also, this seems like a lot of effort # just to store a string in HDF, but other # approaches failed. Suggestions are welcome. jdict = _stringify_dict(jdict) jsonbytes = json.dumps(jdict).encode('utf-8') jsonarray = np.frombuffer(jsonbytes, dtype=np.uint8) dtype = 'StreamProcessingParameters' parampath = '/'.join([ format_netsta(stream[0].stats), format_nslit(stream[0].stats, stream.get_inst(), tag) ]) self.dataset.add_auxiliary_data( jsonarray, data_type=dtype, path=parampath, parameters={} ) # add processing parameters from traces for trace in stream: procname = '/'.join([format_netsta(trace.stats), format_nslct(trace.stats, tag), ]) jdict = {} for key in trace.getParameterKeys(): value = trace.getParameter(key) jdict[key] = value if len(jdict): # NOTE: We would store this dictionary just as # the parameters dictionary, but HDF cannot handle # nested dictionaries. # Also, this seems like a lot of effort # just to store a string in HDF, but other # approached failed. Suggestions are welcome. jdict = _stringify_dict(jdict) jsonbytes = json.dumps(jdict).encode('utf-8') jsonarray = np.frombuffer(jsonbytes, dtype=np.uint8) dtype = 'TraceProcessingParameters' self.dataset.add_auxiliary_data( jsonarray, data_type=dtype, path=procname, parameters={} ) # Some processing data is computationally intensive to # compute, so we store it in the 'Cache' group. for specname in trace.getCachedNames(): spectrum = trace.getCached(specname) # we expect many of these specnames to # be joined with underscores. name_parts = specname.split('_') base_dtype = ''.join([part.capitalize() for part in name_parts]) for array_name, array in spectrum.items(): path = base_dtype + array_name.capitalize() \ + "/" + procname try: self.dataset.add_auxiliary_data( array, data_type='Cache', path=path, parameters={} ) except BaseException: pass inventory = stream.getInventory() self.dataset.add_stationxml(inventory)
station_list=[] # here we collect station names but maybe ID is more appropriate in case of having the same station names # in different deployments for i in xrange(len(selected_stream)): station_list.append(selected_stream[i].stats.station) net = selected_stream[i] pdffile = net + '-' + rf_type.strip() + '-rf-vespagrams.pdf' exists = os.path.isfile(pdffile) if exists: # we add the time stamp to identify the file that can be read in linux command line as date -d @number (date -d @1542926631) pdffile = net + '-' + rf_type.strip() + '-' + str(int( + '-rf-vespagrams.pdf' pdf = PdfPages(pdffile) pdf.attach_note(rf_type+filter_type+' '+str(freqmin)+'-'+str(freqmax)+' Hz') d = pdf.infodict() d['Title'] = rf_type+'RF vespagrams of '+net+' network' d['Keywords'] = rf_type+filter_type+' '+str(freqmin)+'-'+str(freqmax)+' Hz' station_list=np.unique(np.array(station_list)) print("Gathered ",len(station_list)," stations") # Define layout of the page outer_grid columns=3 rows=2 frame=0 figure=1
import os import matplotlib matplotlib.use('Agg') import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import numpy as np from obspy import read from obspy.core.utcdatetime import UTCDateTime from datetime import datetime import pytz net = 'AM' # network. usually AM "amateur" sta = 'R0000' # station callsign. 5 uppercase alphanumeric characters beginning with R ch = 'SHZ' # channel. should be either SHZ or EHZ depending on the model loc = '00' # location. usually 00 now = yr = now.year day = now.strftime('%Y.%j') skip = 60 * 5 # the number of seconds to skip back short = now - (60*5) # datetime of analysis stary tz = int('America/New_York')).strftime('%z'))/100 fmin = 0.1 # min frequency fmax = 25 # max freq (should not exceed 25) fminbp = 0.7 # lower bandpass limit fmaxbp = 2 # upper bandpass limit # output locations and filenames outdir = '/opt/data/obs' heli = os.path.join(outdir, day + '.png') heliband = os.path.join(outdir, day + '-lowband.png') spec = os.path.join(outdir, 'spec.png')
station_list = [] # here we collect station names but maybe ID is more appropriate in case of having the same station names in different deployments for i in xrange(len(selected_stream)): station_list.append(selected_stream[i].stats.station.encode('utf-8')) net = selected_stream[i]'utf-8') pdffile = net + '-' + rf_type.strip() + '-rf-vespagrams.pdf' exists = os.path.isfile(pdffile) if exists: # we add the time stamp to identify the file that can be read in linux command line as date -d @number (date -d @1542926631) pdffile = net + '-' + rf_type.strip() + '-' + str( int( + '-rf-vespagrams.pdf' pdf = PdfPages(pdffile) pdf.attach_note(rf_type + filter_type + ' ' + str(freqmin) + '-' + str(freqmax) + ' Hz') d = pdf.infodict() d['Title'] = rf_type + 'RF vespagrams of ' + net + ' network' d['Keywords'] = rf_type + filter_type + ' ' + str(freqmin) + '-' + str( freqmax) + ' Hz' station_list = np.unique(np.array(station_list)) print "Gathered ", len(station_list), " stations" # Define layout of the page outer_grid columns = 3 rows = 2
def processor(sta, start, end, dbscale, filtmin, filtmax, inpath='/var/www/nezsite/nezsite/nezsite/media/seismic', OUTPATH='/var/www/nezsite/nezsite/nezsite/media/shakedown'): #global INPATH day = start.strftime('%Y.%j') yday = (start - timedelta(days=1)).strftime('%Y.%j') daystart = UTCDateTime(start.year, start.month, dayend = daystart + timedelta(days=1) if dayend > now = mins = 0 hourdelta = timedelta(hours=0) if 14 >= now.minute >= 0: mins = 15 elif 29 >= now.minute >= 15: mins = 30 elif 44 >= now.minute >= 30: mins = 45 else: mins = 0 hourdelta = timedelta(hours=1) now += hourdelta dayend = UTCDateTime(now.year, now.month,, now.hour, mins) daystart = dayend - timedelta(days=1) avail = day + '.png' avail = os.path.join(AVAILPATH, avail) if sta: stn = sta #sta = sta + '.D.' else: stn = str(STA_DEF[0:-2]) #sta = STA_DEF sta = stn stc = stn.split('.') net = stc[0] sta = stc[1] loc = stc[2] ch = stc[3] fn = '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' % (sta, net, loc, ch, day) yfn = '%s.%s.%s.%s.%s' % (sta, net, loc, ch, yday) inpath = os.path.join(inpath, stc[0], stc[1]) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(inpath, 'proc')): pass else: os.mkdir(os.path.join(inpath, 'proc')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(inpath, fn), os.path.join(inpath, 'proc')) shutil.copy2(os.path.join(inpath, yfn), os.path.join(inpath, 'proc')) ypath = inpath inpath = os.path.join(inpath, 'proc') tz = int('America/New_York')).strftime('%z'))/100 fmin = 0.1 fmax = 25 fminbp = filtmin fmaxbp = filtmax if 'ORNO' in sta: fminbp = 0.03 # 33.3 seconds fmaxbp = 0.1 # 10 seconds heli = os.path.join(OUTPATH, stn + '.' + day + '-heli.png') helibp = os.path.join(OUTPATH, stn + '.' + day + '-heli-band.png') dur, spec = '', '' st = read().clear() yst = st.copy() try: yst = read(os.path.join(ypath, yfn)) except: print("error reading yesterday's miniSEED file. may be further errors...") try: st = read(os.path.join(inpath, fn)) os.remove(os.path.join(inpath, fn)) except: print("error reading today's miniSEED file. may be further errors...") net = str(st[0] sta = str(st[0].stats.station) loc = str(st[0].stats.location) ch = str(st[0] startt = str(st[0].stats.starttime) sr = str(st[0].stats.sampling_rate) st = yst + st #st.merge() st = st.slice(starttime=daystart, endtime=dayend) sbp = st.copy() sbp = sbp.filter('bandpass', freqmin=fminbp, freqmax=fmaxbp, zerophase=True) spu = st.slice(starttime=start, endtime=end) sps = sbp.slice(starttime=start, endtime=end) # slice for bandpass spectrogram cat = Catalog() try: cat.extend(read_events(pathname_or_url='/var/www/nezsite/nezsite/nezsite/media/seismic/events/evtmajor30days.xml', format='QUAKEML')) except: pass try: cat.extend(read_events(pathname_or_url='/var/www/nezsite/nezsite/nezsite/media/seismic/events/evtlocal30days.xml', format='QUAKEML')) except: pass ''' # get events client = Client("USGS") cat = Catalog() try: cat += client.get_events(starttime=daystart, endtime=dayend, latitude=44.036114, longitude=-70.439856, maxradius=10) except FDSNException: pass try: cat += client.get_events(starttime=daystart, endtime=dayend, latitude=44.036114, longitude=-70.439856, minradius=10, maxradius=15, minmagnitude=2.5) except FDSNException: pass try: cat += client.get_events(starttime=daystart, endtime=dayend, minmagnitude=6.5) except FDSNException: pass ''' title = net + '.' + sta + '.' + loc + '.' + ch + ' - ' + startt + ' - rate: ' + sr st.plot(type="dayplot", size=(1600, 1200), title=title + 'Hz - band: 0-25Hz', vertical_scaling_range=2000, tick_format='%H:%M', outfile=heli, color=['k', 'r', 'b', 'g'], linewidth=0.3, time_offset=tz, events=cat) sbp.plot(type="dayplot", size=(1600, 1200), title=title + 'Hz - band: '+ str(fminbp) + '-' + str(fmaxbp) + 'Hz', vertical_scaling_range=200, tick_format='%H:%M', outfile=helibp, color=['k', 'r', 'b', 'g'], linewidth=0.3, time_offset=tz, events=cat) #st.plot(type="dayplot", title=net + '.' + sta + '.' + loc + '.' + ch + ' - ' + startt + ' - rate: ' + sr + 'Hz - band: 0-25Hz', vertical_scaling_range=8e3, outfile=heli, color=['k', 'r', 'b', 'g'], time_offset=tz, events={'min_magnitude': 6.5}) #sbp.plot(type="dayplot", title=net + '.' + sta + '.' + loc + '.' + ch + ' - ' + startt + ' - rate: ' + sr + 'Hz - band: '+ str(fminbp) + '-' + str(fmaxbp) + 'Hz', vertical_scaling_range=7e2, outfile=helibp, color=['k', 'r', 'b', 'g'], time_offset=tz, events={'min_magnitude': 6.5}) heli = WEBPATH + os.path.split(heli)[1] helibp = WEBPATH + os.path.split(helibp)[1] if end: dur = end - start sp = spu.detrend(type='constant') ss = sps.detrend(type='constant') startt = str(sp[0].stats.starttime) ## ------------------------- ## # make spectrogram figure 1 fig = plt.figure(figsize=(16,6), dpi=100) ax1 = fig.add_axes([0.068, 0.75, 0.85, 0.2]) #[left bottom width height] ax2 = fig.add_axes([0.068, 0.1, 0.85, 0.6], sharex=ax1) ax3 = fig.add_axes([0.931, 0.1, 0.03, 0.6]) # labels fig.suptitle(net + '.' + sta + '.' + loc + '.' + ch + ' - ' + startt + ' - samplerate: ' + sr + 'Hz - frequency band: 0-25 Hz') ax1.set_ylabel('Traces') ax2.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax2.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax3.set_ylabel('Energy density [dimensionless]') # doesn't work # make time vector t = np.arange(sp[0].stats.npts) / sp[0].stats.sampling_rate # plot waveform (top subfigure) ax1.plot(t, sp[0].data, 'k', linewidth=0.5) # plot spectrogram (bottom subfigure) fig = sp[0].spectrogram(show=False, axes=ax2, log=False, dbscale=dbscale, cmap='viridis') mappable = ax2.images[0] plt.colorbar(mappable=mappable, cax=ax3) ax2.set_ylim(fmin, fmax) if 'cronplots' in OUTPATH: spec = os.path.join(OUTPATH, stn + '.' + start.strftime('%Y.%j') + "-spec.png") else: spec = os.path.join(OUTPATH, stn + '.' + start.strftime('%Y.%j.%H%M%S-') + str(dur) + "-spec.png") plt.savefig(spec) spec = WEBPATH + os.path.split(spec)[1] ## ------------------------- ## # make spectrogram figure 2 sfig2 = plt.figure(figsize=(16,4), dpi=100) ax1 = sfig2.add_axes([0.068, 0.600, 0.85, 0.3]) #[left bottom width height] ax2 = sfig2.add_axes([0.068, 0.115, 0.85, 0.4], sharex=ax1) ax3 = sfig2.add_axes([0.932, 0.115, 0.03, 0.4]) # labels sfig2.suptitle(net + '.' + sta + '.' + loc + '.' + ch + ' - ' + startt + ' - samplerate: ' + sr + 'Hz - bandpass: '******'-' + str(fmaxbp) + ' Hz') ax1.set_ylabel('Counts') ax2.set_xlabel('Time [s]') ax2.set_ylabel('Frequency [Hz]') ax3.set_ylabel('Energy density [dimensionless]') # doesn't work # make time vector t = np.arange(ss[0].stats.npts) / ss[0].stats.sampling_rate # plot waveform (top subfigure) ax1.plot(t, ss[0].data, 'k', linewidth=0.5) # plot spectrogram (bottom subfigure) sfig2 = ss[0].spectrogram(show=False, axes=ax2, log=False, dbscale=dbscale, cmap='viridis') mappable = ax2.images[0] plt.colorbar(mappable=mappable, cax=ax3) ax2.set_ylim(fminbp, fmaxbp) if 'cronplots' in OUTPATH: specbp = os.path.join(OUTPATH, stn + '.' + start.strftime('%Y.%j') + "-spec-band.png") else: specbp = os.path.join(OUTPATH, stn + '.' + start.strftime('%Y.%j.%H%M%S-') + str(dur) + "-spec-band.png") plt.savefig(specbp) specbp = WEBPATH + os.path.split(specbp)[1] imgpaths = { 'avail': avail, 'filtmin': fminbp, 'filtmax': fmaxbp, 'heli': heli, 'helibp': helibp, 'spec': spec, 'specbp': specbp, } return imgpaths
def shakedown(request): DEFAULTSTATION = 'NE.ORNO.00.HHZ' JULIANDATE ='%Y.%j') AVAIL = '/media/shakedown/avail/%s.png' % JULIANDATE HELI = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-heli.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) SPEC = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-spec.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) SPECBP = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-spec-band.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) HELIBP = '/media/shakedown/cronplots/%s.%s-heli-band.png' % (DEFAULTSTATION, JULIANDATE) initialtime = ( - 90).strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') initialdur = 30 initialdbscale = '' r35e7, r4989, r6a3b, rcb43, orno = '', '', '', '', '' sta, start, dur, end, dbscale, logscale, status = False, False, False, False, False, False, False userstart, userdur = '', '' filtmin, filtmax = 0.7, 2 procimg = { 'heli': HELI, 'avail': AVAIL, 'spec': SPEC, 'helibp': HELIBP, 'specbp': SPECBP, 'filtmin': filtmin, 'filtmax': filtmax, } try: userstart = int(request.GET['start']) start = datetime.strptime(str(userstart), '%Y%m%d%H%M%S') initialtime = start.strftime('%Y%m%d%H%M%S') try: userdur = int(request.GET['dur']) except (ValueError, MultiValueDictKeyError) as e: status = e try: dbscale = request.GET['dbscale'] if dbscale == 'on': dbscale = True initialdbscale = 'checked' else: dbscale = False except (ValueError, MultiValueDictKeyError) as e: pass try: logscale = request.GET['logscale'] if logscale == 'on': logscale = True else: logscale = False except (ValueError, MultiValueDictKeyError) as e: pass try: sta = request.GET['sta'] if 'AM.R6A3B.00.EHZ' == sta: r6a3b = ' selected' if 'AM.RCB43.00.SHZ' == sta: rcb43 = ' selected' if 'AM.R35E7.00.SHZ' == sta: r4989 = ' selected' if 'AM.R4989.00.EHZ' == sta: r35e7z = ' selected' if 'AM.ORNO.00.HHZ' == sta: orno = ' selected' except (ValueError, MultiValueDictKeyError) as e: sta = False try: filtmin = float(request.GET['filtmin']) filtmax = float(request.GET['filtmax']) if filtmax < filtmin: tmp = filtmin filtmin = filtmax filtmax = tmp if filtmax >= 25: filtmax = 25 if filtmax < 0.1: filtmax = 0.1 if filtmin <= 0: filtmin = 0 if filtmin > 24.9: filtmin = 24.9 except (ValueError, MultiValueDictKeyError) as e: filtmin = 0.7 filtmax = 2 except ValueError as e: status = e except MultiValueDictKeyError as e: status = e if userstart and userdur: initialdur = userdur start = UTCDateTime(start) try: dur = timedelta(0, userdur) end = start + dur procimg = processor(sta, start, end, dbscale, filtmin, filtmax) except ValueError as e: pass elif userstart: try: end = start + timedelta(0, 60) procimg = processor(sta, start, end, dbscale, filtmin, filtmax) except: pass else: pass if procimg['spec']: SPEC = procimg['spec'] AVAIL = procimg['avail'] HELI = procimg['heli'] SPECBP = procimg['specbp'] HELIBP = procimg['helibp'] filtmin = procimg['filtmin'] filtmax = procimg['filtmax'] elif procimg['heli']: HELI = procimg['heli'] context = { 'sta': sta, 'r4989': r4989, 'r6a3b': r6a3b, 'rcb43': rcb43, 'r35e7': r35e7, 'orno': orno, 'filtmin': filtmin, 'filtmax': filtmax, 'status': status, 'form': ShakeForm, 'start': start, 'dur': dur, 'end': end, 'avail': AVAIL, 'heliimg': HELI, 'specimg': SPEC, 'helibpimg': HELIBP, 'specbpimg': SPECBP, 'initialtime': initialtime, 'initialdur': initialdur, 'initialdbscale': initialdbscale, 'time':, 'page': 'Shakedown - The Seismic Data Archive Browser', } return render(request, 'shake/shakedown.html', context)