예제 #1
 def test_reading_and_writing_different_byteorders(self):
     Writing different byte orders should not change
     # This file is little endian.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, '1.su_first_trace')
     with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
         outfile = tf.name
         # The following should both work.
         su = _read_su(file)
         data = su.traces[0].data
         # Also read the original file.
         with open(file, 'rb') as f:
             org_data = f.read()
         self.assertEqual(su.endian, '<')
         # Write it little endian.
         su.write(outfile, endian='<')
         with open(outfile, 'rb') as f:
             new_data = f.read()
         self.assertEqual(org_data, new_data)
         su2 = _read_su(outfile)
         self.assertEqual(su2.endian, '<')
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, su2.traces[0].data)
         # Write it big endian.
         su.write(outfile, endian='>')
         with open(outfile, 'rb') as f:
             new_data = f.read()
         self.assertFalse(org_data == new_data)
         su3 = _read_su(outfile)
     self.assertEqual(su3.endian, '>')
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, su3.traces[0].data)
예제 #2
파일: test_su.py 프로젝트: jmfee-usgs/obspy
 def test_reading_and_writing_different_byteorders(self):
     Writing different byte orders should not change
     # This file is little endian.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, "1.su_first_trace")
     with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
         outfile = tf.name
         # The following should both work.
         su = _read_su(file)
         data = su.traces[0].data
         # Also read the original file.
         with open(file, "rb") as f:
             org_data = f.read()
         self.assertEqual(su.endian, "<")
         # Write it little endian.
         su.write(outfile, endian="<")
         with open(outfile, "rb") as f:
             new_data = f.read()
         self.assertEqual(org_data, new_data)
         su2 = _read_su(outfile)
         self.assertEqual(su2.endian, "<")
         np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, su2.traces[0].data)
         # Write it big endian.
         su.write(outfile, endian=">")
         with open(outfile, "rb") as f:
             new_data = f.read()
         self.assertFalse(org_data == new_data)
         su3 = _read_su(outfile)
     self.assertEqual(su3.endian, ">")
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(data, su3.traces[0].data)
예제 #3
def read_su2d(data):
    """Reads a Seismic Unix data file
		data: is a string with your data name
		sdata: matrix where each column represents a seismic trace
		header: a dictionary with header words"""

    st = _read_su(data)

    #Get information from traces
    ns = len(st.traces[0].data)
    tracl = len(st.traces)  #number of traces
    dt = (st.traces[0].header.sample_interval_in_ms_for_this_trace
          ) / 1000000  # sampling rate in seconds
    ft = (dt * ns) - dt  #final time in seconds

    header = {"dt": dt, "ns": ns, "tracl": tracl}

    #Write the data into a matrix

    dado = np.zeros((tracl, ns))  #empty matrix where I write the data
    i = 0

    while i < tracl:
        dado[i][:] = st.traces[i].data
        i = i + 1

    sdata = np.transpose(dado)

    return (sdata, header)
예제 #4
 def test_enforcing_byteorders_while_reading(self):
     Tests whether or not enforcing the byte order while reading and writing
     does something and works at all. Using the wrong byte order will most
     likely raise an Exception.
     # This file is little endian.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, '1.su_first_trace')
     # The following should both work.
     su = _read_su(file)
     self.assertEqual(su.endian, '<')
     su = _read_su(file, endian='<')
     self.assertEqual(su.endian, '<')
     # The following not because it will unpack the header and try to unpack
     # the number of data samples specified there which will of course not
     # correct.
     self.assertRaises(SEGYTraceReadingError, _read_su, file, endian='>')
예제 #5
파일: test_su.py 프로젝트: jmfee-usgs/obspy
 def test_enforcing_byteorders_while_reading(self):
     Tests whether or not enforcing the byte order while reading and writing
     does something and works at all. Using the wrong byte order will most
     likely raise an Exception.
     # This file is little endian.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, "1.su_first_trace")
     # The following should both work.
     su = _read_su(file)
     self.assertEqual(su.endian, "<")
     su = _read_su(file, endian="<")
     self.assertEqual(su.endian, "<")
     # The following not because it will unpack the header and try to unpack
     # the number of data samples specified there which will of course not
     # correct.
     self.assertRaises(SEGYTraceReadingError, _read_su, file, endian=">")
예제 #6
 def test_read_bytes_io(self):
     Tests reading from BytesIO instances.
     # 1
     filename = os.path.join(self.path, '1.su_first_trace')
     with open(filename, 'rb') as fp:
         data = fp.read()
     st = _read_su(io.BytesIO(data))
     self.assertEqual(len(st.traces[0].data), 8000)
예제 #7
파일: test_su.py 프로젝트: jmfee-usgs/obspy
 def test_read_bytes_io(self):
     Tests reading from BytesIO instances.
     # 1
     filename = os.path.join(self.path, "1.su_first_trace")
     with open(filename, "rb") as fp:
         data = fp.read()
     st = _read_su(io.BytesIO(data))
     self.assertEqual(len(st.traces[0].data), 8000)
예제 #8
 def test_unpacking_su_data(self):
     Unpacks data and compares them to data unpacked by Madagascar.
     # This file has the same data as 1.sgy_first_trace.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, '1.su_first_trace')
     data_file = os.path.join(self.path, '1.sgy_first_trace.npy')
     su = _read_su(file)
     data = su.traces[0].data
     # The data is written as integer so it is also converted to float32.
     correct_data = np.require(np.load(data_file).ravel(), np.float32)
     # Compare both.
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(correct_data, data)
예제 #9
파일: test_su.py 프로젝트: jmfee-usgs/obspy
 def test_unpacking_su_data(self):
     Unpacks data and compares them to data unpacked by Madagascar.
     # This file has the same data as 1.sgy_first_trace.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, "1.su_first_trace")
     data_file = os.path.join(self.path, "1.sgy_first_trace.npy")
     su = _read_su(file)
     data = su.traces[0].data
     # The data is written as integer so it is also converted to float32.
     correct_data = np.require(np.load(data_file).ravel(), np.float32)
     # Compare both.
     np.testing.assert_array_equal(correct_data, data)
예제 #10
 def test_read_and_write_su(self):
     Reading and writing a SU file should not change it.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, '1.su_first_trace')
     # Read the original file once.
     with open(file, 'rb') as f:
         org_data = f.read()
     with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
         outfile = tf.name
         # Read the SU file.
         su = _read_su(file)
         # Write it.
         with open(outfile, 'rb') as f:
             new_data = f.read()
     # Should be identical!
     self.assertEqual(org_data, new_data)
예제 #11
파일: test_su.py 프로젝트: jmfee-usgs/obspy
 def test_read_and_write_su(self):
     Reading and writing a SU file should not change it.
     file = os.path.join(self.path, "1.su_first_trace")
     # Read the original file once.
     with open(file, "rb") as f:
         org_data = f.read()
     with NamedTemporaryFile() as tf:
         outfile = tf.name
         # Read the SU file.
         su = _read_su(file)
         # Write it.
         with open(outfile, "rb") as f:
             new_data = f.read()
     # Should be identical!
     self.assertEqual(org_data, new_data)
예제 #12
def handleMsg(msgJ):
    """Process the message in msgJ.

    msgJ: dict
        Dictionary with command sent from client

        JSON string with command response

    Commands are of the form:
    {'cmd' : 'getCCC', 'param0': 'param0val', ...}

    Response is a string of the form (note that JSON is picky that keys
    and strings should be enclosed in double quotes:
    '{"cmd" : "getCmd", "cmd" : "<response>"}'

    {'cmd':'getHello'} -> {"cmd":"getHello", "hello": "world"}

    {'cmd':'getSegyHdrs', filename: f} ->
        {"cmd":"getSegyHdrs", "segyhdrs":
                              {ns:nsamps, dt:dt: hdrs:[hdr1, hdr2...]}}

    FIXME FIXME - this currently returns "segy", not "ensemble" as the key
    WARNING - you must call getSegyHdrs first
    flo and fhi are optional.  If they are not present, no filtering
    {'cmd':'getEnsemble', filename:f, ensemble:n, [flo:flo, fhi: fhi]} ->
        {"cmd":"getEnsemble", "segy":
                              {ns:nsamps, dt:dt: traces:[trc1, trc2...]}}
    print('msgJ: {}'.format(msgJ))
    if msgJ['cmd'].lower() == 'getsegyhdrs':
        filename = msgJ['filename']
        print('getting segyhdr >{}<, filename: {}'.format(msgJ, filename))

        t0 =datetime.now()
        if segy.filename != filename:
            # new file - open it
                s = _read_su(filename, endian='>', headonly=True)
                segy.filename = filename
                segy.segyfile = s
                ret = json.dumps({"cmd":"readSegy", "error": "Error reading file {}".format(filename)})
                return ret
            print("ntrcs = {}".format(len(segy.segyfile.traces)))

        hdrs = [segy.getTrc(i, headonly=True) for i in range(len(segy.segyfile.traces))]
        nsamps = segy.segyfile.traces[0].header.number_of_samples_in_this_trace
        dt = segy.segyfile.traces[0].header.sample_interval_in_ms_for_this_trace/(1000.*1000.)
        segy.nsamps = nsamps
        segy.dt = dt
        segy.hdrs = hdrs

        ret = json.dumps({"cmd": "getSegyHdrs",
                          "segyHdrs" : json.dumps({"dt":dt, "ns":nsamps,
                                               "filename": segy.filename,
        return ret

    if msgJ['cmd'].lower() == 'getnmo':
        # assumes getSegyHdrs called already.  needed?
        print('nmo getting ens', msgJ)

        if segy.segyfile is None:
            ret = json.dumps({"cmd":"getNMO", "error": "Error doing NMO: call getSegyHdrs first."})
            return ret

            vnmo = msgJ['vnmo']
            tnmo = msgJ['tnmo']
            print('got nmo', vnmo, tnmo)
            vnmo = 'vnmo=2000'
            tnmo = 'tnmo=0'

            ens = int(msgJ['ensemble'])
                # open a tmp file
                tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # output
                print('opened', tmpf.name)
                # and the segy input file
                with open(msgJ['filename'], 'rb') as sf: # input
                    # and do the nmo

                    p1 = sp.Popen(['suwind', 'key=cdp', 'min={}'.format(ens), 'max={}'.format(ens)], stdin=sf, stdout=sp.PIPE)
                    p2 = sp.Popen(['sugain', "tpow=1.5"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=sp.PIPE)
                    p3 = sp.Popen(['sunmo', vnmo, tnmo], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=tmpf)
                    print('p2 ok')
                    out,err = p3.communicate()
                    print('suwind/sugain/nmo', out, err)
                    #print('nmo call', ret)

                # nmo segy file
                nsegy = Segy()
                nsegy.filename = tmpf.name
                nsegy.segyfile = _read_su(tmpf.name, headonly=False)
                nmontrcs = len(nsegy.segyfile.traces)
                #print('nmo ntrcs', nmontrcs)
                nmotrcs = [nsegy.getTrc(i, headonly=False, trctype='seismic') for i in range(nmontrcs)]
                # delete the tmp file
                print('nmo trcs', len(nmotrcs))
                print('err nmo', ens)
                ret = json.dumps({"cmd":"getNMO", "error": "Error performing NMO"})
                return ret

            ntrc = len(nmotrcs)
            print('err ens', msgJ)
            ret = json.dumps({"cmd":"getNMO", "error": "Error reading ensemble number"})
            return ret
        print("ens = {} ntrc={}".format(ens, len(nmotrcs)))
        # dt/nsamps could change from the original due to decimation
        dt = nmotrcs[0]["dt"]
        nsamps = nmotrcs[0]["nsamps"]
        print('dt, nsamps', dt, nsamps)
        ret = json.dumps({"cmd": "getNMO",
                          "NMO" : json.dumps({"dt":dt, "ns":nsamps,
                                               "filename": nsegy.filename,
        return ret

    if msgJ['cmd'].lower() == 'getvelan':
        if segy.segyfile is None:
            ret = json.dumps({"cmd":"getEnsemble", "error": "Error reading ensemble"})
            return ret
            ens = int(msgJ['ensemble'])
            print('in velan', ens)
            print('no ens')
            return json.dumps({"cmd":"getVelan", "error": "Error reading ensemble number"})

            dv = msgJ['dv']
            fv = msgJ['fv']
            nv = msgJ['nv']

        dvstr = "dv={}".format(dv)
        fvstr = "fv={}".format(fv)
        nvstr = "nv={}".format(nv)

        tmpf = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) # output
        with open(segy.filename, 'rb') as sf:# input
            #tmpfname = tmpf.name
            p1 = sp.Popen(['suwind', 'key=cdp', 'min={}'.format(ens), 'max={}'.format(ens)], stdin=sf, stdout=sp.PIPE)
            p2 = sp.Popen(['sugain', "tpow=1.5"], stdin=p1.stdout, stdout=sp.PIPE)
            p3 = sp.Popen(['suvelan', dvstr, fvstr, nvstr], stdin=p2.stdout, stdout=tmpf)
            print('p3 ok')
            out,err = p3.communicate()
            print('suwind/sugain/velan', out, err)
            #ret = sp.call(['suvelan', dvstr, fvstr, nvstr], stdin=sf, stdout=tmpf)
            #print('wrote suvelan file', ret, tmpf.name)

        vsegy = Segy()
        vsegy.segyfile = _read_su(tmpf.name, headonly=False)
        vtrcs = [vsegy.getTrc(i, headonly=False, trctype='velocity', v0=fv, dv=dv) for i in range(len(vsegy.segyfile.traces)) if vsegy.segyfile.traces[i].header.ensemble_number == ens]
        print('nvel trcs', len(vtrcs))

        dt = vtrcs[0]["dt"]
        nsamps = vtrcs[0]["nsamps"]
        print('dt, nsamps', dt, nsamps)
        ret = json.dumps({"cmd": "getVelan",
                          "velan" : json.dumps({"dt":dt, "ns":nsamps, "fv":fv,
                            "dv":dv, "nv":nv,
                            "filename": vsegy.filename,
        #ret = json.dumps({"cmd": "velan", "velan": "test"})
        return ret

    if msgJ["cmd"].lower() == "gethello":
        ret = json.dumps({"cmd": "hello", "hello": "world"})
        return ret