예제 #1
    def dataless_resp(self):
        Function used in order to extract both instrument response and 
        instrument sensor make and model information from channel 

        sp = self.import_dataless()

        # get station information
        min_freq = 1e-4

        inventory = sp.getInventory()
        channels = inventory['channels']
        for channel in channels:
                code = channel["channel_id"]
                net, stat, loc, chan = code.split('.')
                # check for and resolve channel naming problems from IRIS
                if chan == 'MHE':
                    chan = 'LHE'
                if chan == 'MHZ':
                    chan = 'LHZ'
                if chan == 'MHN':
                    chan = 'LHN'

                sample_rate = channel['sampling_rate']
                data = sp.getPAZ(code)
                poles = data['poles']
                zeros = data['zeros']

                t_samp = 1.0 / sample_rate
                #nyquist = sampling_rate / 2.0
                nfft = sample_rate / min_freq

                cpx_resp, freqs = pazToFreqResp(poles,

                #print "cpx_resp before: ", cpx_resp
                #print "freqs before: ", freqs

                # reduce the number of values saved to database; factor of 100
                cpx_resp, freqs = (np.real(cpx_resp[::100]),
                cpx_resp, freqs = (np.abs(cpx_resp), np.abs(freqs))
                #print "cpx_resp after: ", cpx_resp
                #print "freqs after: ", freqs
                out_code = '{}_{}_{}'.format(net, stat, chan)
                #print out_code,

                self.output_SQL(out_code, cpx_resp, freqs)
                self.output_resp(out_code, cpx_resp, freqs)
                a = 5
예제 #2
    def dataless_resp(self):
        Function used in order to extract both instrument response and 
        instrument sensor make and model information from channel 
        sp = self.import_dataless()
        # get station information
        min_freq = 1e-4
        inventory = sp.getInventory()
        channels = inventory['channels']
        for channel in channels:
                code = channel["channel_id"]
                net, stat, loc, chan = code.split('.')
                # check for and resolve channel naming problems from IRIS
                if chan == 'MHE':
                    chan = 'LHE'
                if chan == 'MHZ':
                    chan = 'LHZ'                    
                if chan == 'MHN':
                    chan = 'LHN'                    
                sample_rate = channel['sampling_rate']
                data = sp.getPAZ(code)
                poles = data['poles']
                zeros = data['zeros']

                t_samp = 1.0 / sample_rate
                #nyquist = sampling_rate / 2.0
                nfft = sample_rate / min_freq
                cpx_resp, freqs = pazToFreqResp(poles, zeros, 1,
                                                t_samp, nfft, freq=True)
                #print "cpx_resp before: ", cpx_resp
                #print "freqs before: ", freqs
                # reduce the number of values saved to database; factor of 100
                cpx_resp, freqs  =(np.real(cpx_resp[::100]), 
                cpx_resp, freqs  =(np.abs(cpx_resp), 
                #print "cpx_resp after: ", cpx_resp
                #print "freqs after: ", freqs                       
                out_code = '{}_{}_{}'.format(net,stat,chan)
                #print out_code,

                self.output_SQL(out_code, cpx_resp, freqs)
                self.output_resp(out_code, cpx_resp, freqs)
                a = 5
예제 #3
    def dataless_resp(self):
        Function used in order to extract both instrument response and 
        instrument sensor make and model information from channel 

        sp = self.import_dataless()

        # get station information
        min_freq = 1e-4

        inventory = sp.getInventory()
        channels = inventory['channels']
        for channel in channels:
                code = channel["channel_id"]
                net, stat, loc, chan = code.split('.')
                sample_rate = channel['sampling_rate']
                data = sp.getPAZ(code)
                poles = data['poles']
                zeros = data['zeros']

                t_samp = 1.0 / sample_rate
                #nyquist = sampling_rate / 2.0
                nfft = sample_rate / min_freq

                cpx_resp, freqs = pazToFreqResp(poles,

                cpx_resp, freqs = cpx_resp[::100], freqs[::100]
                out_code = '{}_{}_{}'.format(net, stat, chan)
                print out_code,
                self.output_SQL(out_code, cpx_resp, freqs)

예제 #4
 def dataless_resp(self):
     Function used in order to extract both instrument response and 
     instrument sensor make and model information from channel 
     sp = self.import_dataless()
     # get station information
     min_freq = 1e-4
     inventory = sp.getInventory()
     channels = inventory['channels']
     for channel in channels:
             code = channel["channel_id"]
             net, stat, loc, chan = code.split('.')
             sample_rate = channel['sampling_rate']
             data = sp.getPAZ(code)
             poles = data['poles']
             zeros = data['zeros']
             t_samp = 1.0 / sample_rate
             #nyquist = sampling_rate / 2.0
             nfft = sample_rate / min_freq
             cpx_resp, freqs = pazToFreqResp(poles, zeros, 1,
                                             t_samp, nfft, freq=True)
             cpx_resp, freqs  = cpx_resp[::100], freqs[::100]                            
             out_code = '{}_{}_{}'.format(net,stat,chan)
             print out_code,
             self.output_SQL(out_code, cpx_resp, freqs)
예제 #5
def plot_response_curves(resp, freq_msu, amp_msu, best_freep, best_damp, best_scale, msu_freep,\
msu_damp, amp_average, amp_label, seismometer, sac_pz_file):

                             # build an array of zeros with same length as freq_msu

    amp_predicted = np.zeros_like(freq_msu)

                             # loop over the frequencies present in the msu data file one at a time
                             # to find the amplitudes predicted for a given frequency 
                             # based on the best resp file

    for i, freq in enumerate(freq_msu):
        amp_predicted[i] = sim.paz2AmpValueOfFreqResp(resp, freq) 

                             # this code taken straight from the Obspy webpage examples 
                             # numbers for obspy to create a resp curve, based on an fft of a time series
                             # with sample rate of 0.01

    samp_rate = 0.01
    npts = 16384

                             # obtain "continuous" amp and freq values from obsby function to display continuous response curve

    poles = resp['poles']
    zeros = resp['zeros']
    h, f = sim.pazToFreqResp(poles, zeros, best_scale, samp_rate, npts, freq=True)

                             # plotting amp vs freq


                             # plot the continuous response curve, and the msu data, 

    plt.loglog(f, abs(h), freq_msu, amp_msu, 'go', markersize=6 )

                             # plot the predicted amplitudes at the MSU frequencies

    plt.loglog(freq_msu, amp_predicted, 'ro', markersize=4 )

                             # labels

    plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')

                             # this str function is part of the standard Python, no need to "import" a special "package"

    plt.ylabel( str(amp_label) )
    plt.suptitle('Frequency vs Amplitude: Channel ' + str(seismometer) )

                             # plot over range from 2/3 * minimum frequency to 2.0 * maximum frequency  
                             # and over range from 2/3 * minimum amplitude to 2.0 * maximum amplitude  

    plx_min = 0.05 # freq_msu[0] * 0.66
    plx_max = 40.0 # freq_msu[len(freq_msu) - 1] * 2.00
    ply_min = 0.10 # amp_msu[0] * 0.66
    ply_max = 1000.0 # amp_msu[len(freq_msu) - 1] * 2.00
    plt.axis([plx_min, plx_max, ply_min, ply_max])

    freep_per = 100. * ( abs ( best_freep - msu_freep ) / msu_freep )
    damp_per = 100. * ( abs ( best_damp - msu_damp ) / msu_damp )
    scale_per = 100. * ( abs ( best_scale - amp_average ) / amp_average )
    rsp = ""
    cdt = "Calibration date = "+ (time.strftime("%d/%m/%Y %H:%M:%S"))
    tfp = "free period = %.3f Hz (%.2f%% MSU: %.3f)" % ( 1./best_freep, freep_per, 1./msu_freep )
    print ( "\n" )
    print tfp
    tdr = "damping = %.3f (%.2f%% MSU: %.3f)" % ( best_damp, damp_per, msu_damp )
    print tdr
    tsf = "scale = %.2f V.m/sec( Avg. amp: %.2f)" % ( best_scale, amp_average )
    print tsf
    spz = "File: %s" % ( sac_pz_file )
    #f.write("ZEROS {}\n".format(len(resp['zeros']) + 1 ))
    zzz = "ZEROS: {}".format(len(resp['zeros']) + 1 )
     #   f.write("POLES {}\n".format(len(resp['poles'])))
    ppp = "POLES {}\n".format(len(resp['poles']))
    for pole in resp['poles']:
      #      f.write("{:e} {:e}\n".format(pole.real, pole.imag))
        rsp = rsp+"real:  {:e} Imaginary:  {:e}\n".format(pole.real, pole.imag)
       # f.write("CONSTANT {:e}".format(resp['gain']))
    print "\nsensor gain constant {:e} V.m/sec".format(resp['gain'])

                             # post results as text lines on the plot

    xtext = plx_min * 7.
    ytext = ply_min * 60
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, cdt )
    ytext = ply_min * 40
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, tfp )
    ytext = ply_min * 30
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, tdr )
    ytext = ply_min * 20
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, tsf )
    ytext = ply_min * 10
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, zzz )
    ytext = ply_min * 5
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, ppp )
    ytext = ply_min * 2
    plt.text( xtext, ytext, rsp )

                             # post some symbols and text for a legend

    amp_symbol = np.zeros(1)
    amp_symbol[0] = best_scale * 1.0
    freq_symbol = np.zeros(1)
    freq_symbol[0] = freq_msu[0]
    plt.loglog(freq_symbol, amp_symbol, 'go', markersize=6 )
    plt.text( freq_symbol[0] * 1.1, amp_symbol[0], 'Measurement', va='center' )
    amp_symbol[0] = best_scale * 0.70
    freq_symbol[0] = freq_msu[0]
    plt.loglog(freq_symbol, amp_symbol, 'ro', markersize=4 )
    plt.text( freq_symbol[0] * 1.1, amp_symbol[0], 'Model Best Fit', va='center' )
    plt.grid(True, which='major')
    plt.grid(True, which='minor')

    fileopts = getoptions()           # Use the getoptions def to parse the command line options.
    wdir     = fileopts[0]            # working directory

    fig = wdir+"\\"+seismometer + '_freq_v_amp' + '.png' # Place it in current working directory - drb
    txt = "best-fit freq. vs ampl. plot: %s" % ( fig )
    print "\n"
    print txt
    plt.savefig( fig )

#    plt.close()

                             # plotting phase vs freq, not sure how much this can be trusted



                             #take negative of imaginary part

    phase = np.unwrap(np.arctan2(-h.imag, h.real))
    plt.semilogx(f, phase)
    plt.xlabel('Frequency [Hz]')

    plt.ylabel('Phase [radians]')

                             # title, centered above both subplots

    plt.suptitle('Frequency vs Phase: Seismometer ' + str(seismometer) )
    plt.axis([0.004, 100, -3.5, 0.5])

                             # make more room in between subplots for the ylabel of right plot

    plt.grid(True, which='major')
    plt.grid(True, which='minor')
    fig = wdir+"\\"+ seismometer + '_freq_v_phase' + '.png' # save in data directory
    txt = "plotted best-fit frequency vs phase results - saved in file: %s" % ( fig )
    print "\n"
    print txt
    plt.savefig( fig )
예제 #6
def correct_response(st, removeResp=False, removePAZ=False, simPAZ=False, pre_filt=None, cornFreq=0.0083):
    Correct the seismometer response.
    Seismometer response is given in either a dictionary ``removeResp''
    or a dictionary ``removePAZ''. ``removeResp has precedence. The
    dictionaries have the following structure

    removeResp: dictionary with Response information to be removed
        has the following keys:
        respfile: (str) filename of evalresp response file.
        units: (str) Units to return response in. Can be either DIS, VEL or ACC
        start_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of start stage (<0 causes
            default evalresp bahaviour).
        stop_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of stop stage
    removePAZ: dictionary with poles and zeros to be removed has the following
            poles: (list of complex numbers) location of poles
            zeros: (list of complex numbers) location of zeros
            gain: (float) gain
            sensitivity: (float) sensitivity
        It can easily be retrieved with obspy.arclink.client.Client.getPAZ

    if ``removeResp'' is given the response of each trace must be present in
    the respfile. If ``removePAZ'' is used the response is assumed to be the
    same for all traces in the stream.
    A filter specified in pre_filt can be applied in to avoid amplification of
    The instrument to be simulated is either described in the dictionary simPAZ
    or if simPAZ is False by the corner frequency ``cornFreq''. Response
    correction is done in place and original data is overwritten.
    The input stream ``st'' should be demeaned and tapered.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: data stream to be corrected
    :type removeResp: dict
    :param removeResp: Response information to be removed
    :type removePAZ: dict
    :param removePAZ: Response information to be removed
    :type simPAZ: dict
    :param simPAZ: Response information to be simulated
    :type cornFreq: float
    :param cornFreq: corner frequency of instrument to be simulated
    :type pre_filt: list
    :param pre_filt: 4 corners of the filter
    for tr in st:
        starttime = tr.stats['starttime']
        endtime = tr.stats['endtime']
        network = tr.stats['network']
        station = tr.stats['station']
        channel = tr.stats['channel']
        location = tr.stats['location']
        length = tr.stats['npts']
        sampling_rate = tr.stats['sampling_rate']
        np2l = nextpow2(2.*length)
        if not simPAZ:
            simPAZ = cornFreq2Paz(cornFreq, damp=0.70716)
        simresp, freqs = np.conj(pazToFreqResp(simPAZ['poles'], simPAZ['zeros'],
                          nfft=np2l, freq=True)) #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()
        if removeResp:
            freqresp, freqs = evalresp(1./sampling_rate,np2l,removeResp['respfile'],
                                starttime, network=network, station=station,
                                channel=channel, locid=location,
                                units=removeResp['units'], freq=True)
            freqresp, freqs = np.conj(pazToFreqResp(removePAZ['poles'], removePAZ['zeros'],
                          nfft=np2l, freq=True)) #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()
        ftr = np.fft.rfft(tr.data,n=np2l)
        ftr /= freqresp
        ftr[0] = 0.j  # correct the NaN in the DC component
        ftr *= simresp
        if pre_filt:
            ftr *= c_sac_taper(freqs, flimit=pre_filt)

        tr.data = np.fft.irfft(ftr)
예제 #7
def correct_response(st,
    Correct the seismometer response.
    Seismometer response is given in either a dictionary ``removeResp''
    or a dictionary ``removePAZ''. ``removeResp has precedence. The
    dictionaries have the following structure

    removeResp: dictionary with Response information to be removed
        has the following keys:
        respfile: (str) filename of evalresp response file.
        units: (str) Units to return response in. Can be either DIS, VEL or ACC
        start_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of start stage (<0 causes
            default evalresp bahaviour).
        stop_stage: (int) integer stage numbers of stop stage
    removePAZ: dictionary with poles and zeros to be removed has the following
            poles: (list of complex numbers) location of poles
            zeros: (list of complex numbers) location of zeros
            gain: (float) gain
            sensitivity: (float) sensitivity
        It can easily be retrieved with obspy.arclink.client.Client.getPAZ

    if ``removeResp'' is given the response of each trace must be present in
    the respfile. If ``removePAZ'' is used the response is assumed to be the
    same for all traces in the stream.
    A filter specified in pre_filt can be applied in to avoid amplification of
    The instrument to be simulated is either described in the dictionary simPAZ
    or if simPAZ is False by the corner frequency ``cornFreq''. Response
    correction is done in place and original data is overwritten.
    The input stream ``st'' should be demeaned and tapered.
    :type st: obspy.core.stream.Stream
    :param st: data stream to be corrected
    :type removeResp: dict
    :param removeResp: Response information to be removed
    :type removePAZ: dict
    :param removePAZ: Response information to be removed
    :type simPAZ: dict
    :param simPAZ: Response information to be simulated
    :type cornFreq: float
    :param cornFreq: corner frequency of instrument to be simulated
    :type pre_filt: list
    :param pre_filt: 4 corners of the filter

    for tr in st:
        starttime = tr.stats['starttime']
        endtime = tr.stats['endtime']
        network = tr.stats['network']
        station = tr.stats['station']
        channel = tr.stats['channel']
        location = tr.stats['location']
        length = tr.stats['npts']
        sampling_rate = tr.stats['sampling_rate']
        np2l = nextpow2(2. * length)

        if not simPAZ:
            simPAZ = cornFreq2Paz(cornFreq, damp=0.70716)
        simresp, freqs = np.conj(
                scale_fac=simPAZ['gain'] * simPAZ['sensitivity'],
                t_samp=1. / sampling_rate,
                freq=True))  #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()

        if removeResp:
            freqresp, freqs = evalresp(1. / sampling_rate,
            freqresp, freqs = np.conj(
                    scale_fac=removePAZ['gain'] * removePAZ['sensitivity'],
                    t_samp=1. / sampling_rate,
                    freq=True))  #see Doc of pazToFreqResp for reason of conj()

        ftr = np.fft.rfft(tr.data, n=np2l)
        ftr /= freqresp
        ftr[0] = 0.j  # correct the NaN in the DC component
        ftr *= simresp

        if pre_filt:
            ftr *= c_sac_taper(freqs, flimit=pre_filt)

        tr.data = np.fft.irfft(ftr)
        tr.trim(starttime, endtime)
