mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles('[C:1][C:2]') (a, _, b, _) = edits_to_vectors((['1'], [], [('1', '2', 1.0)], []), mol, ORIGINAL_VERSION=True) F_atom = len(a[0]) F_bond = len(b[0]) # Silence warnings from rdkit import RDLogger lg = RDLogger.logger() lg.setLevel(4) # Load transformer from ochem_predict_nn.utils.database import collection_templates templates = collection_templates() Transformer = transformer.Transformer() Transformer.load(templates, mincount=int(args.mincount), get_retro=False, get_synth=True, lowe=True) print('Out of {} database templates,'.format(templates.count())) print('Loaded {} templates'.format(Transformer.num_templates)) Transformer.reorder() print('Sorted by count, descending') # Load models - must rebuild... with open(ARGS_FPATH, 'r') as fid: import json args_dict = json.load(fid)
import rdkit.Chem as Chem # molecule building from rdkit.Chem import AllChem from collections import defaultdict import rdkit.Chem.Draw as Draw from rdkit import RDLogger import datetime # for info files import json # for dumping import sys # for commanad line import os # for file paths import re import itertools from makeit.retro.draw import * # DATABASE from ochem_predict_nn.utils.database import collection_templates, collection_example_reactions_smilesonly TRANSFORM_DB = collection_templates() REACTION_DB = collection_example_reactions_smilesonly() reaction_smiles_field = 'reaction_smiles' def mols_from_smiles_list(all_smiles): '''Given a list of smiles strings, this function creates rdkit molecules''' mols = [] for smiles in all_smiles: if not smiles: continue mols.append(Chem.MolFromSmiles(smiles)) return mols def bond_to_label(bond): '''This function takes an RDKit bond and creates a label describing the most important attributes'''
def main(mincount=50, n_max=50, outfile='.', singleonly=True, log=False): from rdkit import RDLogger lg = RDLogger.logger() lg.setLevel(4) from ochem_predict_nn.utils.database import collection_example_reactions_details, collection_templates, collection_candidates reactions = collection_example_reactions_details() templates = collection_templates() candidates = collection_candidates() Transformer = transformer.Transformer() Transformer.load(templates, mincount=mincount, get_retro=False, get_synth=True, lowe=True) print('Out of {} database templates,'.format(templates.count())) print('Loaded {} templates'.format(Transformer.num_templates)) Transformer.reorder() print('Sorted by count, descending') done_ids = [] done_reactants = [] for doc in candidates.find({'found': True}, ['reaction_id', 'reactant_smiles']): done_ids.append(doc['reaction_id']) done_reactants.append(doc['reactant_smiles'].split()[0]) print('Checked completed entries') print('{} done IDs found'.format(len(done_ids))) print('{} unique reactant smiles found'.format(len(set(done_reactants)))) # Define generator class Randomizer(): def __init__(self, seed, done_ids=[], done_reactants=[]): self.done_ids = done_ids self.done_reactants = done_reactants np.random.seed(seed) if outfile: with open(os.path.join(outfile, 'randomizer_seed.txt'), 'w') as fid: fid.write('{}'.format(seed)) def get_rand(self): '''Random WITHOUT replacement''' while True: doc = reactions.find({ 'random': { '$gte': np.random.random() } }).sort('random', 1).limit(1)[0] # Check if it was done before this script ran if doc['_id'] in self.done_ids: continue if doc['reaction_smiles'].split()[0] in self.done_reactants: continue # Check if it has been done since (when running multiple instances in parallel) if candidates.count({ 'reaction_id': doc['_id'], 'reaction_collection': }) > 0: continue self.done_ids.append(doc['_id']) self.done_reactants.append(doc['reaction_smiles'].split()[0]) yield doc randomizer = Randomizer(0, done_ids=done_ids, done_reactants=done_reactants) generator = enumerate(randomizer.get_rand()) smilesfixer = SmilesFixer() # LOGGING if log: flog = open('GENERATE_CANDIDATES_LOG.txt', 'a') flog.write('mincount: {}\n'.format(mincount)) flog.write('number of templates: {}\n'.format( Transformer.num_templates)) try: for i, reaction in generator: # LOGGING start_time = time.time() if i == n_max: break print('#########') print('## RXN {}'.format(i)) print('#########') try: rxn_smiles = reaction['reaction_smiles'].split(' ')[0] all_smiles = [ smilesfixer.fix_smiles(x) for x in rxn_smiles.split('>')[0].split('.') ] mol = Chem.MolFromSmiles(rxn_smiles.split('>')[2]) # Define target (true) product smiles [x.ClearProp('molAtomMapNumber') for x in mol.GetAtoms() ] # remove atom mapping from target prod target_smiles = smilesfixer.fix_smiles( Chem.MolToSmiles(mol, isomericSmiles=USE_STEREOCHEMISTRY)) if singleonly: target_smiles = max(target_smiles.split('.'), key=len) # Load reactant molecules reactants = Chem.MolFromSmiles('.'.join(all_smiles)) n_reactant_atoms = len(reactants.GetAtoms()) print('Number of reactant atoms: {}'.format(n_reactant_atoms)) if n_reactant_atoms > 100: print( 'Skipping huge molecule! N_reactant_atoms = {}'.format( n_reactant_atoms)) continue # Report current reactant SMILES string print('Reactants w/o map: {}'.format( Chem.MolToSmiles(reactants))) # Add new atom map numbers [ a.SetProp('molAtomMapNumber', str(i + 1)) for (i, a) in enumerate(reactants.GetAtoms()) ] # Report new reactant SMILES string print('Reactants w/ map: {}'.format( Chem.MolToSmiles(reactants))) except KeyboardInterrupt: print('Breaking early') break except Exception as e: print('Error, {}'.format(e)) continue found_true = False candidate_edits = [ ] # list of tuples of (product smiles, edits required) for template in tqdm(Transformer.templates): # Perform transformation try: outcomes = template['rxn_f'].RunReactants([reactants]) except Exception as e: if v: print(e) continue if not outcomes: continue # no match for j, outcome in enumerate(outcomes): outcome = outcome[ 0] # all products represented as single mol by transforms try: outcome.UpdatePropertyCache() Chem.SanitizeMol(outcome) [a.SetProp('molAtomMapNumber', a.GetProp('old_molAtomMapNumber')) \ for (i, a) in enumerate(outcome.GetAtoms()) \ if 'old_molAtomMapNumber' in a.GetPropsAsDict()] except Exception as e: if v: print(e) continue if v: print('Outcome SMILES: {}'.format( Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome))) # Reduce to largest (longest) product only? candidate_smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles( outcome, isomericSmiles=USE_STEREOCHEMISTRY) if singleonly: candidate_smiles = max(candidate_smiles.split('.'), key=len) outcome = Chem.MolFromSmiles(candidate_smiles) # Find what edits were made edits = summarize_reaction_outcome(reactants, outcome) if v: print(edits) # Remove mapping before matching [ x.ClearProp('molAtomMapNumber') for x in outcome.GetAtoms() if x.HasProp('molAtomMapNumber') ] # remove atom mapping from outcome if Chem.MolToSmiles(outcome, isomericSmiles=USE_STEREOCHEMISTRY ) == target_smiles: if v: print('Matched true [{}]'.format(target_smiles)) found_true = True # Overwrite candidate_smiles without atom mapping numbers candidate_smiles = Chem.MolToSmiles( outcome, isomericSmiles=USE_STEREOCHEMISTRY) # Add to ongoing list if (candidate_smiles, edits) not in candidate_edits: candidate_edits.append((candidate_smiles, edits)) # Prepare doc and insert if found_true: print('Found true product') doc = { '_id': reaction['_id'], 'reaction_collection':, 'reaction_id': reaction['_id'], 'reactant_smiles': Chem.MolToSmiles(reactants, isomericSmiles=USE_STEREOCHEMISTRY), 'edit_candidates': candidate_edits, 'product_smiles_true': target_smiles, 'found': found_true, 'num_candidates': len(candidate_edits), } try: res = candidates.insert(doc) except Exception as e: print(e) continue # LOGGING end_time = time.time() print('time: {}'.format(end_time - start_time)) print('unique edit sets using longest prod: {}'.format( len(candidate_edits))) if log: flog.write('{}\t{}\t{}\t{}\n'.format(i, n_reactant_atoms, len(candidate_edits), end_time - start_time)) #raw_input('Pause') except Exception as e: print('Error! {}'.format(e)) if log: flog.close()