def test_traffic_directors(self, mock): provider = DynProvider('test', 'cust', 'user', 'pass', True) # short-circuit session checking provider._dyn_sess = True # no tds mock.side_effect = [{'data': []}] self.assertEquals({}, provider.traffic_directors) # a supported td and an ingored one response = { 'data': [{ 'active': 'Y', 'label': 'unit.tests.:A', 'nodes': [], 'notifiers': [], 'pending_change': '', 'rulesets': [], 'service_id': '2ERWXQNsb_IKG2YZgYqkPvk0PBM', 'ttl': '300' }, { 'active': 'Y', 'label': 'geo.unit.tests.:A', 'nodes': [], 'notifiers': [], 'pending_change': '', 'rulesets': [], 'service_id': '3ERWXQNsb_IKG2YZgYqkPvk0PBM', 'ttl': '300' }, { 'active': 'Y', 'label': 'something else', 'nodes': [], 'notifiers': [], 'pending_change': '', 'rulesets': [], 'service_id': '4ERWXQNsb_IKG2YZgYqkPvk0PBM', 'ttl': '300' }], 'job_id': 3376164583, 'status': 'success' } mock.side_effect = [response] # first make sure that we get the empty version from cache self.assertEquals({}, provider.traffic_directors) # reach in and bust the cache provider._traffic_directors = None tds = provider.traffic_directors self.assertEquals(set(['unit.tests.', 'geo.unit.tests.']), set(tds.keys())) self.assertEquals(['A'], tds['unit.tests.'].keys()) self.assertEquals(['A'], tds['geo.unit.tests.'].keys())
def test_traffic_director_monitor(self, mock): provider = DynProvider('test', 'cust', 'user', 'pass', True) # short-circuit session checking provider._dyn_sess = True # no monitors, will try and create geo_monitor_id = '42x' mock.side_effect = [ self.monitors_response, { 'data': { 'active': 'Y', 'dsf_monitor_id': geo_monitor_id, 'endpoints': [], 'label': 'geo.unit.tests.', 'notifier': '', 'options': { 'expected': '', 'header': 'User-Agent: Dyn Monitor', 'host': 'geo.unit.tests.', 'path': '/_dns', 'port': '443', 'timeout': '10' }, 'probe_interval': '60', 'protocol': 'HTTPS', 'response_count': '2', 'retries': '2' }, 'job_id': 3376259461, 'msgs': [{ 'ERR_CD': None, 'INFO': 'add: Here is the new monitor', 'LVL': 'INFO', 'SOURCE': 'BLL' }], 'status': 'success' } ] # ask for a monitor that doesn't exist monitor = provider._traffic_director_monitor('geo.unit.tests.') self.assertEquals(geo_monitor_id, monitor.dsf_monitor_id) # should see a request for the list and a create mock.assert_has_calls([ call('/DSFMonitor/', 'GET', {'detail': 'Y'}), call( '/DSFMonitor/', 'POST', { 'retries': 2, 'protocol': 'HTTPS', 'response_count': 2, 'label': 'geo.unit.tests.', 'probe_interval': 60, 'active': 'Y', 'options': { 'path': '/_dns', 'host': 'geo.unit.tests', 'header': 'User-Agent: Dyn Monitor', 'port': 443, 'timeout': 10 } }) ]) # created monitor is now cached self.assertTrue( 'geo.unit.tests.' in provider._traffic_director_monitors) # pre-existing one is there too self.assertTrue('unit.tests.' in provider._traffic_director_monitors) # now ask for a monitor that does exist mock.reset_mock() monitor = provider._traffic_director_monitor('unit.tests.') self.assertEquals(self.monitor_id, monitor.dsf_monitor_id) # should have resulted in no calls b/c exists & we've cached the list mock.assert_not_called()