# Put together keyword argument list for find_app_auth() kwargs = {'app_name': pgm, # name of this executable 'app_alias': alias, # --name alias 'app_auth': auth, # --app_auth file 'auth_envar': 'ODESK_AUTH'} # environment variable auth = find_app_auth(**kwargs) if not auth: stderr('No authorization file found.\n') exit(1) kwargs = {'app_auth_file': auth} if alias: kwargs['app_alias'] = alias try: api = oDeskAPI(config=config, **kwargs) except AppInitError, e: stderr(e) stderr("Failed to initialize oDeskAPI instance...\n") exit(1) if popts['debug']: api.debug = True init_logging(api, popts) # Authorize this process with odesk.com developer API if not api.authorize(): assert api.api_token == None log.error('failed to authorize client-- no api token') api.clean_exit(1) log.debug("app_main() returning {0!s}".format(argv2)) return (api, argv2)
(pgm, ext) = path.splitext(path.basename(sys.argv[0])) try: (popts, args) = parseargs(pgm, sys.argv[1:], usage) except AppInitError, e: stderr(e) exit(1) if not len(args) == 2: stderr ("\n ** Need reference_no and amount, in that order **.\n") exit(usage(pgm, 1)) auth = '/home/tsinclair/archive/auth/auth.txt' kwargs = {'app_auth_file': auth} try: api = oDeskAPI(config=None, **kwargs) except AppInitError, e: stderr("Failed to obtain oDeskAPI instance...\n") exit(1) if not api.authorize(): assert api.api_token == None log.error('failed to authorize client-- no api token') api.clean_exit(1) ref = args[0] bonus = args[1] notes = '{0:s}: ${1:s}'.format(ref, bonus) comment = 'Thank You!' print ref, bonus, notes #api.clean_exit(0)